Children's musical journey into the past countries. Journey to musical Europe Plan-abstract on music on the topic

Children's musical journey into the past countries. Journey to musical Europe Plan-abstract on music on the topic
Children's musical journey into the past countries. Journey to musical Europe Plan-abstract on music on the topic

Objectives: to acquaint students with European composers, their works, as well as with folk music.

I. Educational:

Acquaintance with the work of composers of different countries

Acquaintance with folk music


Improve speech skills

Improving the ability to analyze the musical work and means of musical expressiveness.

III. Value:

Educate curiosity, interest in music



State budgetary educational institution Secondary school № 591

Nevsky District of St. Petersburg

Abstract on the topic:

"Journey to Music Europe"

The abstract has developed

primary school teacher

Monakov Ekaterina Glebovna

Objectives: Introduce students with composers of Europe, their works, as well as with folk music.


  1. Educational:
  • Acquaintance with the work of composers of different countries
  • Acquaintance with folk music
  1. Developing:
  • Improve speech skills
  • Improving the ability to analyze the musical work and means of musical expressiveness.
  1. Educational:
  • Educate curiosity, interest in music

Funds: Computer, projector, presentation for the lesson

Landing: Traditional

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time
  2. Actualization of knowledge
  3. Work on new material. Listening to music.
  4. The outcome of the lesson. Reflection

During the classes:

I. Organization moment.

Teacher: Hello! All are ready for a lesson?

II. Totalization of knowledge.

Teacher: Today we will go on a journey through musical Europe. We will get acquainted with countries, composers and their works. What do you think, without which you can not go on a journey?

Students: Suggest. (Luggage, ticket.)

Teacher: To go on the journey, we need a ticket. To purchase a ticket, you must solve the crossword. (See Appendix)

Students: Sleep the crossword.

Teacher: Well done! Here's your ticket. Now we have a ticket, and we go on the journey.

III. Work on new material.

Teacher: And so in the first country where do we go to Austria.Do you know whose portrait?

Students: Answer whose portrait is.

Teacher: Mozart was born in Salzburg. Mozart's musical abilities manifested itself at a very early age when he was about three years old. His fatherLeopold Mozart. It was one of the leading European music teachers. Father trained Wolfgang the basics of the game onclavesis , violin and organ . His music is fabulously beautiful and elegant, it reflected the character of the composer, which, despite the life tests, always remained a light man. Today we will get acquainted with Symphony No. 40, which is written in the flourishing of its dating. Symphony - music. The work for a symphony orchestra consisting of 3-4 parts of the combined common theme, but different in sound.

Students: Listen to 1 part of Symphony No. 40.

TEACHER : - Guys, listening to music, tell me what the character of symphony

Used: (Answers: sincere, stray, excited, lyrical)

Teacher: In which country did we visit, and with what composer got acquainted?

Students: Austria. V.M. Motsart.

Teacher : Well done. And now we go. In the capital of Poland-Warsaw.Warsaw is fairly called the "Chopin City". He spent almost 20 years here.own life. It was the city of his youth, here he graduated from school, he studied music here, his first works were written here, and his first works were written here.created first masterpieces.About his waltz №7 Lion of Ozerov wrote this poem:

Still sounds in my ears
Seventh Waltz Easy Step,
Like sighted breeze
Like flutter bird wings,
As the world I opened
In the plexus of music lines.

I still sound the waltz in me,
As a cloud in blueness,
As a springs in the grass,
As a dream that I see that
How to mean about what i live
With nature in kinship

TEACHER: - I propose now to listen to Waltz No. 7 F.Shopen, to determine his character. We listen to Waltz №7 Chopin

Students: Waltz Hearing No. 7 F. Chopin

Teacher: What is the character of the Waltz?

Students: (Romantic, good-natured, friendly, singing)

Teacher: So another city remained behind my shoulders and here we are in Italy. Italy is famous for its composers, but we will get acquainted with the People's Music of Italy. The lyrics describes the colorful coastal place of Santa Lucia on the shore of the Naples Bay. Let's listen.

Pupils: listen to music.

Teacher: So we visited the bay and I suggest to go to Germany, to meet with Johan Sebastian Bach. German composer, organist virtuoso, music teacher. Baha's father died suddenly when Johann Sebastian was nine years old. The boy was given to the upbringing of the eldest brother, an organist - Johann Christof Bahu. Christopa had a collection of works of the composers famous then. This collection of "fashionable" music is a senior brother locked into a crucible wardrobe, but at night, the young Bach managed to pick up and pull out a tiny collection from behind the lattice and rewritten it for himself. All the difficulty was that it was impossible to get candles, and had to use only lunar light. For six months, a ten-year-old Johann Sebastian at night rewritten notes, but - alas! When heroic work was nearing completion, Johann Christoph found a younger brother at the crime scene and selected the original original, and a copy. Mount Bach did not know the limits, he cried in tears: - If so, I will write the same music myself, I will write even better! The brother laughed in response and said: - Go to sleep, Boltun. But Johann Sebastian did not throw words to the wind and fulfilled his children's promise.

Let's listen to one of the works of this talented composer. Toccata Re Minor.

Abstract music lesson for grade 4 using ICT, technologies of creativity and educational training

Theme lesson : "Music travel in Italy"Type of lesson : learning lesson with new material

The purpose of the lesson : To introduce children with the music history of Italy, the main musical genres and phenomena characteristic of the musical culture of this country.


    give the concept "bell Canto. ", Barcarol, Tarantella.

    master some of the elements of the notebook on the example of Tarantella.

    to introduce the popular People's Italian Song of Santa Lucia, with Taratellay J. Rossini, Barcarole from the "Seasons" and "Tarattella" from the ballet "Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky, with paintings by Artists A. Bogolyubova , I.Ayvazovsky, S.F. Sharedrina, A.N. Mokritsky,

    to learn the song "Makarona" I. Boyko.

Equipment for lesson : smart. - Multimedia equipment, computer, piano or synthesizer, music center.

Materials for lesson : "Santa Lucia", "Taraton" J. Thresini, "Barcarol" from the "Seasons" cycle P.I. Tharanki, Tarattella from the ballet "Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky, Reproduction of paintings A. Bogolyubova "View Sorrento ", I. Ayvazovsky" Coast in Amalfi ", S.F., Shchedrin" Santa Lucia embankment in Naples ", A.N.Mokritsky" Italian on the terrace ", reproductions of paintings by Italian artists on the topic, and by Makarona.

During the classes.

Teacher : - Hello guys! Today we will go to the music journey in Italy, you will learn what the musical culture of this country is famous and interesting.

The Italian people have long been famous for their musicality, and the roots of this musical culture go to the ancient Rome. Already then the first singing schools were created. And later, the Italian monk Guido d'Israzzo invented a tight diploma.

Italy was born the first opera. And it is not surprising, because in Italy everyone loves to sing: both children, and adults, and people of different professions, ranging from a buncock and ending with the minister.

What do you think, why?

Children : - Italy is very beautiful, and I wanted to sing from the beauty of nature.

Teacher : - Indeed, this promotes unusually beautiful nature, a soft marine climate and, probably, Italian himself. He is very singeling, melodic, there are many vowels in it, which are well vocalized. Italian is recognized by the musicians by the international language of music.
Look, do you know these Italian words?

What do they mean? (Children remember the terms: "loud" and "quiet ") What else can you call the Italian words-terms? (Children call familiar words-terms: legato. , staccato. , dolce. , crescendo. , diminuendo. )

Teacher: - Listen to the famous Italian song "Santa Lucia" performed by Robertino Loretti (this is an Italian boy, in his time struck the public with an excellent voicebell Canto. ). He sang as an adult musician. Listen to the melon of the language, singered vowels, penetrate the beauty of the melody. And the picture of S.F. Steedrina "Embankment Santa Lucia in Naples" will help to imbuild the atmosphere of Italy "

Hearing a fragment of the song.

Teacher : - Did you feel the beauty of the melody of this folk song and the singer of the Italian language? What do you think, not knowing Italian, can you understand in general terms, what happens in this song?

Children : - Probably about nature, a person expresses his love for someone or something.

Teacher : - quite right. The lyrics describes the colorful coastal place of Santa Lucia on the shore of the Naples Bay. Let's sing a small fragment of the song first in Russian, then in Italian.

The teacher learns the melody and lyrics with children.

Teacher: - What language do you like to sing this song more?

Children : - In Russian, the content is clearer, but the melody goes better and sounds more beautiful on Italian.

Teacher : - Yes, Italian is an extraordinarily vocal. Santa Lucia song written in the genrebarcarol , that is, songs on the water, the songs of the boatman. "Barka" - in the Italian language means "boat".

Pay attention to the picture of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, artist-MarinistXIX. century. By the way, P.I. Tchaikovsky, our Russian composerXIX. A century, which, as you know, traveled a lot in different countries, was in Italy. And there he carefully listened to the sound of folk melodies and songs. And he expressed his impressions in a musical work, a poeze for piano, which is called "Barcarol".

I will now fulfill the fragment of this play, and you listen and tell me why the composer called the work so: "Barcarol"?

Children listen fragment of the play in the execution of the teacher.

Teacher : - So why P. Tchaikovsky called the play "Barcarol", why the song on the water? How did the melody move? What was the escort? (Children note the title, the length, the smoothness of the melodic line and the soft shaking of the accompaniment, resembling the splash of the waves.)

Teacher : - But in Italy not only sing. There are Italian dances that have become a kind of symbol of the country and are known to the whole world. Such dancetarantella.

There is a version that the name of this dance occurred from the terrible spider Tarantula, whose bite is fatal. And a person can avoid death, dancing in a mad pace temperamental and passionate dance Tarantel. It is usually accompanied by this dance game on flute and beam blows. Melody one very famous for the whole world of Tarantella wrote an Italian composerXIX. century Joakkino Rossini.

Listen to Tarantella and catch the rhythmic basis of this dance.

Children listen to Tarantella Joakkino Rossini.

Teacher : - What is the musical size, the account of Tarantella?

Children they celebrate the three-headed dance, some - the disadvantage.

Teacher : - Musical size of dance 6/8, that is, in the musical tact six share of the eighth. It can be considered for six accounts or in a two-column size of three.

P.I. Tchaikovsky used Tarantel in the ballet "Swan Lake". There is a fragment when guests from different countries come to the prince to Prince Siegfried and dance their national dances. And the Italian guests dance Tarantel.

Listen to the tarantel from the ballet and tell me if you know the melody of this dance?

Children listen to a fragment from the ballet "Swan Lake" P.I. Tchaikovsky (scene on the ball)

Teacher : - Did you know the melody?(Kids remember the play from the piano cycle "Children's Album" ) This is a melody of "Neapolitan Songs". Tchaikovsky once witnessed one scene in Naples, when a young woman in loved to sing Serenad under the window of his beloved. The melody of this song was so liked by the composer that he turned it on the "children's album", and then she sounded in the ballet "Swan Lake".

But it also happened, guys that the Italian children had earned their lives.

About this tells us the song "Makarona". By the way, the paste or pasta are also a gastronomic symbol of Italy. Listen to the song and tell me, the rhythm of what already familiar to you dance lies in her basis?

The teacher performs 1 versus song and chorus songs. Children recognize the rhythm of Tarantella .

Vocal-choral work on the song . The teacher carries out with children. Playing on the challenges of the songs of the song. Further, work on phrases, singing out loud, to ourselves, groups, etc.

The outcome of the lesson.

Teacher: - Guys, did you like our musical journey in Italy? What genres of Italian music today did you meet today?(Barcarole, Tarantella). Music What composers sounded in the lesson? (Rossini, Tchaikovsky ) What artists did the paintings help us to feel the beauty of Italy? (Bogolyubova, Aivazovsky, Shchedrin). I think you will share your impressions with your friends and relatives. To new meetings!

Bright pages in the lives of many outstanding composers were traveling in different countries of the world. The impressions received from trips inspired great masters to create new musical masterpieces.

Large trip F. Sheet.

The famous cycle of piano pieces F. Sheet is called "Years of Wanders". The composer united in it a lot of works inspired by visiting famous historical and glorified cultural places. The beauty of Switzerland was reflected in the Municipal lines of the plays "near the Rodnik", "on the Wallenstadt Lake", "Thunderstorm", "Oberman Valley", "Geneva Bells" and others. During his stay with his family in Italy, the sheet met Rome, Florence, Naples.

F. Sheet. Fountains Villa D. East (with species of the villa)

Piano works written by the impression of this wandering are inspired by the Italian art of the Renaissance. These plays confirm the belief of the sheet that all kinds of arts are in close relationship. Seeing the picture of Raphael "Observation", the list writes a musical play with the same name, and the Save Sculpture of L. Medici Michelangelo inspired the Thinker's thumbnail.

The image of the Great Dante is embodied in the Fantasy Sonate "By reading Dante". Several plays are combined by the title "Venice and Naples". They are brilliant transcription of popular Venetian melodies, there are amongst Italian tarantells among them.

In Italy, the composer's imagination struck the beauty of the legendary villa d. Este XVI century, whose architectural complex included the palace and lush gardens with fountains. The sheet creates a virtuoso, romantic play "Fountains of Villa D. Este", in which the thrill and flickering of water jets are heard.

Russian composers-travelers.

The founder of Russian classical music M. I. Glinka managed to visit different countries, including in Spain. The composer went to a lot of riding in the villages of the country, studying local customs, morals, Spanish musical culture. As a result, brilliant "Spanish Overtures" were written.

M. I. Glinka. Aragon Hot.

The magnificent "Aragon Hot" is based on the genuine dance melodies of the province of Aragon. Music of this product is characterized by the brightness of paints, juit of contrasts. Especially spectacularly sound in the orchestra Kastagnets - so typical for Spanish folklore.

The cheerful graceful topic of wants is bursting into a musical context, after slow important entry, with glitter, like the "fountain jet" (according to the observation of one of the classics of music science B. Asafyev), gradually turning into a jealous flow of unrestrained folk fun.

M. I. Glinka Aragon Khota (with dance)

MA Balakirev was admired by the Caucasus Witchcraft, his legends, mountain music. He creates the piano fantasy "Islamey" on the theme of the Kabardian People's Dance, the Romance "Georgian Song", the Symphony Poem "Tamara" on the well-known poem of M. Yu. Lermontov, which turned out to be consonant with composer's plans. At the heart of the poetic creation of Lermontov lies the legend about the beautiful and insidious queen Tamara, who's calling the knights in the tower and who circumsides them to death.

M. A. Balakirev "Tamara".

The entry of the poem draws a gloomy picture of Darialya gorge, and in the central part of the work they sound bright, complete passions of melodies in oriental style, revealing the image of the legendary queen. The poem has restrained dramatic music, pointing to the tragic fate of fans of Luka Tamar Tamara.

The world became crazy.

Exotic East entails K. Saint-Sansa travels, and he visits Egypt, Algeria, South America, Asia. The fruit of acquaintance of the composer with the culture of these countries was writings: the orchestral "Algerian Suite", the fantasy "Africa" \u200b\u200bfor the piano and the orchestra, "Persian melodies" for vote with piano.

Composers XX century. It was not necessary to shake the shock on the road to see the beauty of distant countries. English Classic B. Britten in 1956 went on a great trip and visited India, Indonesia, Japan, on Ceylon.

Ballet - the fairy tale "Prince Podgoda" was born under the impression of this grandiose voyage. The story of how the evil daughter of Emperor Ellin takes away from his father to the crown, and the sister roses is trying to take away the groom, worn out of many European fairy tales, put there and plots of eastern legends. The charming and noble princess Rose is a cunning jester in the mythical kingdom of pagodas, where it is encountered by the prince enchanted in Crank-Salamantera.

Kiss Princess shoots spells. Ballet ends with a return to the throne of the Emperor's father and a wedding of roses with a prince. The orchestral part of the scene of a date of roses and salamander is saturated with exotic sounds resembling Balinese Gamelan.

B. Britten Prince Podg (Princess Rosa, Salamanander and Jester).