In which countries are bashkirs. Bashkira

In which countries are bashkirs. Bashkira
In which countries are bashkirs. Bashkira

- The Turkic people talking on the Bashkir language. The total number of approximately 1.6 million people. One of the title peoples of Russia. The main population of the subject of the Russian Federation is Bashkortostan, which is located in the south of the Urals. The formation of the republic refers to 11.10.1990. Finally, the name - the Republic of Bashkortostan adopted 11.10.1992. The total area of \u200b\u200bland of the republic is 142.9 sq. Km, that 0.79% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bRussia. The population is 4 million 052 thousand people, a density of 28.4 people. on square. km. (With density in the country - 8, 31 people. in square. km). The capital of Ufa, the population of 1 ml. 99 thousand. According to the composition of the population of the Republic: Russians - 36.28%, Bashkirs -29.78%, Tatars -24.09%, as well as representatives of Chuvashia, Mari - Al, Ukraine, Mordovia, Germany.

Culture Bashkir

The Bashkir people are the indigenous population of the Southern Urals, which led a nomadic lifestyle, began to play one of the leading roles in the agricultural device of the Russian state. Neighborhood with Russia has provided an important role in the development of the people.

The Bashkir population did not move from other locations, and formed in a very complex historical self-development. In the 7th and 8th centuries BC Theanirov tribes lived in the mountains of the Urals, according to scientists, the direct ancestors of the Turkic peoples of which came out: comi-perumets, Udmurts, Mari, and the descendants of these nations are attributed to the origin of Chuvashia, Volga Tatars, Bashkir and many others. Tribes living in the Urals and Volga region.

Bashkir's families lived in yurts, which were transported to new pastures after the herds of animals. But the people lived not only by their cattle breeding, their passion was hunting, fisheries, combatants (honey collection). Until the XII century, the Bashkir people united generic communitieswho were going to the tribes. The tribes often knew each other for the territory of pastures, fishing, hunting. The feud among the tribes led to the isolation of marriages within the borders of the tribes and in some cases led to blood mixing. This was the reason for the decline of the generic system and significantly weakened the tribes than the Bulgarian khan used, subordinating the Bashkir tribes and forcibly imposing an Islamic religion. A nomadic lifestyle affected the originality of life, national costumes.

History of the people

Time of the Golden Horde.

In the 13th century, the countries of Eastern Europe were conquered by the Mongol-Tatar army. Bulgaria with Bashkir tribes fell under the rink of the horde. In the future, Bulgarians and Bashkirs were part of the Golden Horde under the leadership of Khan Batya with the mandatory payment of Yasak - tribute. This service included obligatory payment by fur skins, horses, wagons, concubines. This service was distributed to each family and included:
- Purchas - money collection from pastures and cattle heads;
- the skins of fur animals are at least 5 pieces;
- military, all young men since 12 years are obliged to undergo military fees;
- Underwater, delivery Supplies or kibilities for transportation of boosted in troops or transportation of chiefs.
Generic to know Bashkir was not subject to Yasakov, but it was supposed to supply an annual provisioning part of the Bashkir's military, which were in the campaigns of the Golden Horde. To know Bashkiria in gratitude for the benefits was loyal to power. In the 15th century, the Golden Horde finally broke up, but it was easier to Bashkir people. The territory of Bashkiria fell under the power of three Khanate to the Golden Horde and was divided into southern, Western and North-Western, who constantly knew each other demanding the payment of Yasaka all in large volumes.

Accession to Russia.

In the 16th century, Russia was completely freed from the Mongolian yoke and began to recruit its power. But Tataro - Mongols continued their raids and constantly ruined Russian lands capturing many captured. Only in Kazan there were more than 150 thousand Ruschi. Ivan the Terrible won Kazan, and the Khanation of the Golden Horde ceased to exist. After what Ivan Grozny appealing to the peoples of the conquered Golden Ord called them to go to Russian citizenship. They were promised protection and patronage from all external enemies, immunity of land, customs and religions. In 1557, the Bashkir lands adopted the citizenship of Russia.

Rebellion under the post of E. Pugacheva.

Further development of Bashkiria was closely related to the history of Russia. Endless attempts to capture Russia from european states They demanded a huge tension of human and state resources. It was associated with the excessive exploitation of workers and peasants. 17.09 1773. Running don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev declare himself to King Peter 3. read out the manifesto of the forpate of the Yaitsky garrison. With a detachment of 60 people. Captured G. Yaitsk. This was the beginning of the uprising. The Bashkir people exploited by local feudals and the worst of Yasaku joined the uprising. Salavat Yulaev Certaining Manifesto Pugacheva called on Bashkir peasants to join the uprising. Soon the entire Bashkir region was covered by flames of struggle. But the nailed peasants could not withstand the government troops who arrived from St. Petersburg. Soon the uprising was suppressed. Salavat Yulaev speaking at the Katorga for more than 25 years. E. Pugachev captured and executed and executed.

Bashkiria in the Great Patriotic War.

During the years V.O.V. Bashkortostan became one of the main territories of the USSR to which enterprises and the population were evacuated. The region provided the front with weapons, fuel and safety equipment. During the war years, the republic has placed about 109 factories, dozens of hospitals, many central states. and economic institutions, 279 thousand evacuated.
Despite the fact that the workable male population is recognized as a war agriculture The efforts of adolescents and women continued to supply the front with food and livestock products.

There are about two million Bashkir in the world, according to the last census of the population, 1,584,554 people live in Russia. Now the representatives of this people inhabit the territory of the Urals and parts of the Volga region, they speak Bashkir, relating to the Turkic language group, from the X century they are confessing Islam.

Among the ancestors, Bashkir ethnographers call the Turkic nomadic peoples, the nationality of the Finno ugric group, and ancient Iranians. And Oxford geneticists claim that the kinship of Bashkir with the residents of Great Britain was established.

But all scientists agree that the Bashkir Ethnic Science was formed as a result of the mixing of several mongoloid and europeous peoples. This explains the difference in appearance Representatives of the people: in the photo it is not always possible to guess what so different people belong to one ethnos. Among Bashkir can be found and classic "steppes" and people with eastern type Appearance, and Russola "Europeans". The most common type of appearance for Bashkir - medium height, dark hair and brown eyes, dark skin and characteristic eye cut: not so narrow, like the Mongoloids, only slightly diagonal.

The name "Bashkira" causes just as numerous disputes as their origin. Ethnographers offer a few very poetic options for its transfer: "Main Wolf", "Beekeeper", "Head of Urals", "The main tribe", "Children's heroes".

History bashkir people

Bashkirs are an incredibly ancient people, one of the first indigenous ethnic groups of the Urals. Some historians believe that Argeippea and Budins, referred to in the V century to our era in the works of Herodota, are Bashkira. Mentioned people and in Chinese historical sources VII century, like Bashukili, and in the "Armenian geography" of the same period like a bushca.

In 840, Life Bashkir described the Arab Traveler of Sallam At-Tarjun, he spoke of the people as an independent nation inhabiting both sides of the Ural Range. A little later, the Baghdad Ambassador Ibn Fadlan called Bashkir by militant and powerful nomads.

In the 9th century, part of the Bashkir birth was left the foothills of the Urals and moved to Hungary, by the way, the descendants of the Ural settlers live in the country still. The remaining Bashkir tribes held the onslaught of the Horde of Genghis Khan for a long time, not letting him get to Europe. The war of nomadic peoples lasted 14 years, in the end they were united, but the right to autonomy remained behind Bashkirs. True, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, independence was lost, the territory became part of the Nogai Horde, the Siberian and Kazan Khanate, and as a result, when Ivan Grozny became part of the Russian state.

In troubled times, under the leadership of Salavat Yulaeva, the Bashkir peasants took part in Bunte Emelyan Pugachev. In the period of the Russian and soviet history We used autonomy, and in 1990, Bashkiria received the status of the republic as part of the Russian Federation.

Myths and legends Bashkir

In the legends and fairy tales that came up to this day, fantastic plots are played, it tells about the origin of the Earth and the Sun, the appearance of stars and the moon, the origin of the Bashkir people. In addition to people and animals, spirits are described in the myths - the owners of the earth, mountains, water. Bashkirs are told not only about the earthly life, they interpret what is happening in space.

So, the stains on the moon are roeble, always running away from the wolf, a big bear - seven beauties who found salvation from King Devov in the sky.

Bashkirs considered the land flat lying on the back of a large bull and a giant pike. They believed that the earthquakes cause the movements of the bull.

Most of the Mythology Bashkir appeared in the housesulman period.

In myths, people are inextricably linked with animals - Bashkir tribes in legends took place from the wolf, horse, bear, swan, but also beasts, in turn, could occur from a person. For example, in Bashkiria, there is a belief that the bear is a man who has gone to live in the forest and gained wool.

Many mythological scenes comprehended and developed in heroic epos: "Ural-Batyr", "Akbuzat", "Zaleyulyak Menegn Huhuylu" and others.

Bashkirs or Bashkirts are the people of the Turkic tribe, they live mainly on the Western slopes and the foothills of the Urals and in the surrounding plains. But in the second half of the 16th century, they, in small exceptions, belonged to the whole earth between Kama and the Volga to Samara, Orenburg and Orsk (then not yet existing) and east on Miass, Heasi, Pyshma, Tobol and Irtysh to Ob.

Bashkir cannot be considered by the aborigines of this extensive country; There is no doubt that they are aliens who embalted some other people, of origin, maybe Finnish. This indicates the fossil monuments of the country, the names of rivers, mountains and a broken, which are usually preserved in the country, despite the change of tribes, in it inhabited; This is confirmed by the legends of the most Bashkir. In the names of rivers, lakes, mountains, a lot of words are found quite a lot of words of the Türki root, for example, Samara, Sakmar, Ufa, IR, Mis, Isior, Ilman and others. On the contrary, the rivers, lakes and arug of the southern Orenburg and Kyrgyz steppes often wear Tatar names or, for example, Ilec (sieve), YIK (from the yikmak - expand), Irtysh (IR - Husband, Tych - appearance), etc.

According to the legends of the Bashkir themselves, they moved into their present possessions for 16-17 generations, that is, for 1000 years old Territory, as at present, it is, on both sides of the Ural Range, between the Volga, Kama, Tobol and the Upper Tower (Urals).

A. Masidi, Writer of the beginning of the 19th century, speaking of European Bashkhara, mentions the tribe of this people living in Asia, that is, remaining at home. The question of the tribal origin Bashkir is very controversial in science. Some (Stallenberg, Humboldt, Uymfalvi) recognize them for the people of the Thro-Finnish tribe, only subsequently accepting the type; Kyrgyz call them to the Estay (Ostyak), of which also bring the conclusion about the Finnish origin; Some historians produce them from Bulgar. D. A. Wollynson produces Bashkir from the Vogulian tribe, which makes up a branch of the Ugric group of peoples or part of the Great Altai Family and considers them to be the Rodonarchists of Magyar.

Having taught the new edge, Bashkirs divided the land by childbirth. One got the mountains and forests, another driving steppes. Passionate hunters to horses, they kept and countless stadium cattle, and steppe - and camels. In addition, forest Bashkirs were engaged in hunting, and beatow. Dashing riders, they differed courage and limitless removal; Total above put personal freedom and independence, were proud and hot-tempered. They had princes, but with very limited power and meaning. All important things were decided not otherwise as in the People's Assembly (Gyin), where every Bashkir enjoyed the right to vote; In the event of war or a raid, Jijn did not force anyone, and everyone went on a good wax.

Such were Bashkirs to Batya, they were left after him. Finding in Bashkiria tribesmen, Baty gave them Tamga (signs) and various advantages. Soon with Khan Uzbek (1313-1326) in Bashkiria, Islam was approved, which was repeated here. Later, when the Golden Horde broke up into individual kingdoms, Bashkirs paid Yasak to various sickresses: Some who lived in the White and Iku rivers - the kings of Kazan, others, nomaded by r. Upper, - the kings of the Astrakhan, and the third, inhabitants of the mountains and forests of the Urals, - Khanam Siberian. Collecting one Yasaka and limited the relationship of the Ordans to Bashkirs; Internal life and self-government remained inviolable.

Mountain Bashkirs even more developed their strength and fully retained their independence; Steppes appealed to peaceful nomads: and those of them that have come across Bulgarians from the Tatar pogrom (Volzhsky), began to even get used to settle down. With Russian Bashkirs came to contact still long before the conquest of Kazan. There is no doubt that enterprising Novgorods have started trade relations with Bashkirs, since the neighboring Vyatka country began to settle down by Novgorod people back in the XII century, and the Vyatka Rivers, Kama and Belaya served the best natural way For intercourse between nations, on them inhabited. But that the Novgorodians had permanent settlements on the banks of Kama - it is doubtful.

Then there is news that in 1468, in the reign of John III, His governor, "Villachi Kazan Places", walked to fight and in white Volga, i.e. penetrated to p. White. After the campaign of 1468, there are no instructions so that the Russians invaded Bashkiria, and only in 1553, on the conquest of Kazan, the Russian rhe was pacified by the peoples who depended from the Kazan kingdom, and ruin the Tatar dwellings to the remote limits of Bashkir. Then, probably, Bashkirs, close raids of Kyrgyz Kaisakov, on the one hand, on the other hand, seeing the growing power of the Moscow king, voluntarily adopted Russian citizenship. But accurate historical data on the fact that they appear in Moscow with a petition, as did the Orsk people and the meadow Cheremis did not. Be that as it may, in 1557, Bashkirs have already paid Yasak, and John Grozny in the will, written in 1572, instructs the Son to his Kazan kingdom already "with Bashkirdo".
Shortly after the adoption of the Russian citizenship of Bashkira, finding the burdensome to deliver Yasak in and suffering from the raids of the neighboring tribes, asked the king to build a city on their land. In 1586, Ivan Nazhoy began the foundation of the city of Ufa, which was the first Russian settlement in Bashkiria, except for Elabugi, built on the very border of Bashkir lands. In the same 1586, despite opposition to Prince Urus, was built by Samara. In Voevodsky Agolase, 1645 is mentioned about Ostrogneck Menzelinsk; In 1658, the city for covering the Slobod, spread over the p. ISET; In 1663, earlier the existence of Birsk is being built to the fortified fort, which occupies the middle of the way from Kama to Ufa.

Bashkirs were separated on parish, which formed 4 roads (parts): Siberian, Kazan, Nogai and Osinskaya. According to the Volga, Kama and the Urals, there was a network of fortified places that we called the names of cities, sources, wintering. Some of these cities were made by the centers of county or regional governance, which were subordinated to the forefronts attributed to this ear. Bashkirs became part of the counties of the Kazan, Ufa, Kungur and Menzelinsky.

In 1662, an uprising broke out under the leadership of Seita. His ultimate goal was the revival of Muslim independence in the entire Kazan Territory and Siberia. In 1663, Governor Zelenin suppressed the uprising. Behind the assimilation should be strictly revealed to oppress Bashkir with the prescription "Keep with them affection and hello" and "their sovereign by the mercy of encouraging." Calm in the edge of Washworn, but not long. In 1705, the uprising flared up even more stubborn.

In 1699, the Nevyansky plant was launched, presented by Peter in 1702 by the enterprising Demidov; Then the factories of Uktussky, Kamensky, Alapaevsky, Sysertsky, Tagil, Isetsky, and others; Ekaterinburg arose - the place of the main management of mountain plants. By the end of the reign of Peter, with some kind of government factories there were 5422 male souls. All these plants lay outside the Bashkir lands, but they have already approached them. In 1724, Bashkirs were limited in the right of ownership of forests, which were divided into protected and unaffordants. In the construction of the city of Orenburg, they saw a further measure of imprisonment of their land ownership. They decided to resist.

In 1735, an uprising was broken under the leadership of Kilmäk-Abyza. On the first rumors about the uprising, Alexander Ivanovich Rumyantsev was appointed to go to pacify him. In June 1736, most of the Bashkiria was burned and ruined. By decree 1736, the Russian land was allowed to acquire Bashkir lands, and the Meshcheryakov, which remained faithful and in the riots did not participate, was granted the ownership of those lands that they were rented from Bashkir-Buntovshchikov.

In 1742, the Commander of the Orenburg Expedition, called the Orenburg Commission, was appointed IV. Yves. Nepnev statesman Petrovskaya school. First of all, it was not necessary for the development of military settlements, the importance of which Peter pointed to the uncertainment of the region. The center of these settlements was chosen by Orenburg, who was notple for p. Ural, where he is currently. According to his ideas, the Orenburg province was established in 1744, and all the lands were included in her, and the Orenburg Expedition was introduced, and in addition, the Ifima province with the Zararal Bashkirs, Ufa Province with all cases, as well as Stavropol County and Kyrgyz steppes.

By 1760, 28 factories had already operated in Bashkiria, including 15 copper and 13 iron, and their population reached up to 20,000 male shower. In total, by this time of the progress, there were 200,000 shower of both sexes in Bashkiria. The spread of factories, which had the inevitable consequences of the exercise of land, which Bashkirs considered their inalienable property, met the strong opposition on their part.

According to the position of February 19, 1861, Bashkirs in the rights and obligations are not different from the other rural population of the Empire. For business, Bashkira make up rural societies, which are owned by public land on the basis of communities, and for the nearest management and court are connected to the parish (yurt). Rural public administration consists of a rural gathering and rural headlights, and the volost (yurt) management is from a volost (yurt) gathering, a volost (yurt) senior with a volost board and a volost court. The volost board is formed: the volost ears, rural elders and collectors rural societiesin which they are available.

At the end of the 19th century, Bashkirs, among 575,000 people lived between 50-57 °. shir and 70-82 ° Vost. debt. In the provinces of Orenburg and Ufa, everywhere in the counties of the Bugulminsky and Buzuluk Samara Province, Shadrinsky, Krasnoufim, Perm and the Osinsky Perm lips. and the glazing and Sarapulsky Vyatka lips.

The beginning of the 20th century is characterized by lifting education, culture and ethnic self-consciousness. After February Revolution 1917 Bashkirs entered into an active struggle for creating their statehood. In 1919, the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed. By the end of 1926, the number of Bashkir was 714 thousand people. Negatively affected the number of Bashkir consequences of drought and 1932-33, repression of the 1930s, large losses in the Great Patriotic War 1941-45, as well as assimilation Bashkir Tatar and Russians.

The share of Bashkir, living outside Bashkiria, in 1926 was 18%, in 1959 - 25.4%, in 1989 -40.4%. Specific gravity Gorozhams among Bashkir amounted to 42.3% by 1989 (1.8% in 1926 and 5.8% in 1939). Urbanization is accompanied by an increase in the number of workers, engineering and technical workers, creative intelligentsia, enhancement of cultural interaction with other peoples, increasing the share interethnic marriages. In October 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the Bashkir ASSR. In February 1992, the Republic of Bashkortostan was proclaimed.

Currently, the main mass of Bashkir is resettleve in the valley of the r. White and in her tributaries: Ufa, rapid Tanypa - in the north; Deme, Ashkadar, Chermação, Karmação - in the south and south-west; Siema, Inzer, Zilima, Nuguha - in the East and Southeast, as well as in the upper reaches. Ural, by average river. Sakmara and her right tributaries and rivers Large and small dogwood, Tanalyk. The number in Russia is 1345.3 thousand people, incl. In Bashkiria, 863.8 thousand people.

2) The origin of the Bashkir people.

3) The first information about Bashkarah.

4) Saki, Scythians, Sarmati.

5) Ancient Turks.

6) Polovtsy.

7) Gengizhan.

8) Bashkortostan as part of the Golden Horde.

10) Ivan Grozny.

11) Joining Bashkir to the Russian state.

12) Bashkir uprisings.

13) Bashkir tribes.

14) beliefs ancient Bashkir.

16) Adoption of Islam.

17) Writing from Bashkir and the first schools.

17) the emergence of Bashkir Aules.

18) the emergence of cities.

19) Hunting and fisheries.

20) agriculture.

21) Bortfreaty.

22) Effect Civil War on economic I. public life Bashkiria

1) The origin of the Bashkir people. Formation, the formation of the people does not occur immediately, but gradually. In the eighth century BC, Ananyan tribes lived in the Southern Urals, which were gradually settled into other territories. Scientists believe that the Ananyan tribes are direct ancestors of Komi-Permyakov, Udmurts, Mari, and the descendants of Anagintsev took part in the origin of the Chuvash, volga Tatars, Bashkir and other peoples of the Urals and the Volga region.
Bashkirs like people did not move from somewhere, but was formed as a result of a very complex and long historical Development on the places of the indigenous tribes, in the process of contacts and crossing them with the arrivals of tribes turkic origin. These are savromates, Huns, ancient Turks, Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Mongolian tribes.
Fully the process of the formation of the Bashkir people is completed at the end of XV - in the first half of the XVI century.

2) The first information about Bashkarah.

The first written certificates about Bashkara are referring to the IX centuries. Especially important evidence of the Arab traveler Ibn-Fadlan is especially important. According to his description, the embassy drove a long time through the country of Oguzo-Kypchakov (Zaralya's steppes), and then in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current city of Uralsk, it crossed across the YiK River and immediately joined the "Bashkir country from among the Turuquer".
In it, the Arabs crossed themselves through such rivers as a kineel, current, sheds, and the Liberty of the State of the Volga Bulgaria began behind the river Big Chereman.
The closest neighbors Bashkir in the West were Bulgars, and in the south and east - the Grozny nomadic tribes of the puzzles and Kypchakov. Bashkirs led active trade With China, with the states of South Siberia, Central Asia And Iran. They sold their fur merchants, iron products, cattle and honey. In exchange, silk, silver and gold jewelry, dishes were obtained. Pursuits and diplomats left the stories about her through the country. These stories mention that the city of Bashkir consisted of terrestrial log houses. The Bashkir settlements arranged frequent raids of the neighbors of Bulgaria. But militant Bashkirs tried to meet enemies on the border and did not let them down close to their villages.

3) Saki, Scythians, Sarmati.

2800 - 2900 years ago, a strong powerful people appeared in the South Urals - Saki. The main riches were horses. The famous Sakskaya cavalry of rapid throws captured fertile pastures for their numerous herds. Gradually, steppes of Eastern Europe from the Southern Urals to the shores of the Caspian, Aral Seas and the South of Kazakhstan became Sakskim.
Among Sakov were especially rich families who had several thousand horses in herd. Rich families subordinate to themselves poor relatives and chose the king. So there was a Sakskaya state.

All Saki were considered the slaves of the king, and all their wealth was his property. It was believed that even after death, he becomes king, but only in another world. Koronyi kings in large deep graves. In the pit lowered the log cabins - at home, inside the weapons, dishes with food, dear clothes and other things. Everything was made of gold and silver, so that in the underground world nobody doubted the royal origin of the buried.
The whole millennium dominated Saki and their descendants on a wide steppe space. Then they divided into several separate groups Tribes and began to live separately.

Scythians were the nomadic people of steppes, immense pasture land, stretching through Asia from Manchuria to Russia. Scythians existed the separation of animals (sheep, cattle and horses) and partly engaged in hunting. The Chinese and the Greeks described the Scythians as ferocious warriors, which constituted a single integer with their rapidly eaves. Armed with onions and arrows Scythians fought riding. According to one of the descriptions, they were filmed with scalp enemies and stored them as a trophy.
Rich Scythians were covered with a complex tattoo. The tattoo was evidence of a person's belonging to a well-known genus, and her absence was a sign of commoner. The man with the patterns applied on the body turned into a "walking" work of art.
When the leader was dying, his wife and servants were killed and buried with him. Together with the leader Kononi and his horses. Many very beautiful products made of gold found in burials, talk about the wealth of Scythians.

Kochuya along the borders of the Zararal steppe of the forest-steppe, Saki come into contact with those who live there with half-blood tribes. According to many modern researchers, these were the Finno-Ugric tribes - the ancestors of Mariers, Udmurts, Komi-Permyakov and, possibly, Hungarian Magyar. The interaction of Sakov and Ugron ended in the IV century BC, the appearance on the historic arena of Sarmatov.
In the second century before our era, Sarmati won Scythia and devastated her. Part of the Scythians was exterminated or captured, others were subordinated and merged with sackets.
Famous historian N. M. Karamzin wrote about Sarmata. "Rome was not ashamed of gold to buy a friendship of Sarmatov."
Scythians, Saki and Sarmatians spoke in Iranian. In Bashkir language there are ancient Irani via, that is, the words included in the vocabulary of Bashkirov from Iranian language: kyyr (cucumber), a kamyr (dough), a clock (board), hung (glass), Bakt (wool - molting), hiking (nara) , Shishme (spring, stream).

4) Ancient Turks.

In VI - VII centuries from steppes Central Asia Gradually moved to the West new hordes of nomads. Turks created a huge empire from Pacific Ocean In the east to the North Caucasus in the West, from the forest-steppe areas of Siberia in the north to the borders of China and Central Asia in the south. In 558, the Southern Urals were already part of the Türkov state.

The Supreme Divine in the Turks was the sun (by other versions - heaven) he was called the Tenger. The Tenger was subject to the gods of water, wind, forests, mountains and other deities. The fire, as the ancient Turks considered, cleared a person from all sins and bad thoughts. Around the Khan Yurt and the day, and night bonfires were burning. No one dared to approach Khan until he passed through a fiery corridor.
Turks left a deep mark in the history of the peoples of the South Urals. Under their influence formed new tribal unionswho gradually moved to a settled lifestyle.

5) In the second half of the 9th century, through the steppes of the South Primea and the Volga region passes new wave Turkic-speaking nomads - Pechenegs. They were ousted out of Central Asia and the priaral of the victims defeat in wars for the possession of Syrdarya and Northern Priaral Oasisis. At the end of the IX century, Pechenegs and their tribes are becoming the actual owners of the steppes of Eastern Europe. Bashkir tribes included in the Pechenegs who lived in the steppes of the Volga region and the South Prijaria. Being an organic part of the Zavolzhsky Pechenegs of Bashkira IX - XI centuries, no way of life, nor culture, apparently, did not differ from Pechenegs.

Polovtsy are Turkic nomads, which appeared in the middle of the XI century in the Steppes of the Urals and Volga. The Polovtsy themselves called themselves with cripples. They approached the boundaries of Russia. Over time, their domination steppe became called cheap-kypchak, Polovtsaya steppe. On the days of the domination of the Polovtsy sculpture - the stone "women", standing in the steppe mounds. Although these statues are called "women", among them the images of the heroes of the heroes are dominated by the villains of the Polovtsy tribes.
Polovtsy acted as the Allies of Byzantium against Pechenegs, expelled them from the Black Sea region. Polovtsy were both allies and enemies of Russian tribes. Many of the Polovtsy became relatives of Russian princes. So, Andrei Bogolyub-sky was the son of the Polovchanka, the daughter of Khan Haepe. Prince Igor, the hero "Words about the regiment of Igor", before his campaign of 1185 he was invited to the Polovtsy himself to take part in military raids on Russia.
In XIII - XIV centuries The territory of the primeguard and the Zauralye was settled by Kypchak. They entered B. family ties With other tribes inhabited by this area.

6) Genghis Khan was the son of the Chief of a small Mongolian tribe. At eight years he remained orphan. When Father Genghis Khan saw a big baby's palm birthmarkHe considered it a sign that the Son will become a great warrior.
The real name of Genghis Khan - Temacign. His merit was that he united into one cross-banned Union little nomadic tribes with each other. He devoted his whole life to creating the empire. The war was the instrument of this construction. There were no walking warriors in the army: everyone had two horses, one for himself, the other - for booties. We lived, rummage due to the conquered population.

Cities, if their population resisted, mercilessly destroyed with all residents. True, if they gave away without struggle, they could wait for mercy. Genghis Khan and his army acquired such fame with their cruelty that many preferred to give up to him without a fight.
The troops of Genghis Khan overcame the Great Wall and captured all China soon. In 1215, Beijing was captured and all China became part of the Great Mongolian Empire.
In the 20s of the XIII century, Genghis Khan and Horde approached the outskirts of Rus. Although Russian cities were well fortified, they could not restrain the onslaught of the Mongols. After defeating the combined forces of Russian and Polovtsy princes in 1223 in the battle on Kalka, the Mongolian army devastated the territory between Don and Dnipro north of the Azov Sea.

In the thirteenth century, the numerous troops of Grozny Genghis Khan approached the Southern Urals. Forces were unequal, in several battles, Bashkirs were broken. In reconciliation, the Bashkir leader Muitan Khan, son Tuxob Khan arrived at the Mongolian Khan's bet. He brought with him expensive gifts, including thousands of cattle heads. Genghis Khan remained satisfied expensive gifts And he was awarded Hana by a diploma for the eternal possession of them and his descendants of the lands through which the White River proceeds. Extensive lands, given under the power of Muitan Khan, completely coincides with the territory of the settlement of the Bashkir tribes of the IX - XII centuries.
But Bashkir's wide masses were not reconciled with the loss of independence and repeatedly climbed the war against new owners. The topic of the struggle of Bashkir against Mongols is most fully reflected in the legend "The last of Sartayevo", telling about the tragic fate of the Bashkir Khan Jalak, who in war against Mongols lost his two sons, all his own, but to the end remained unoccupied.

The study of the existing literature on ethnogenesis Bashkir shows that three theories exist on the origin of the Bashkir people: Turkic, Ugorskaya, intermediate.
Defiscience Bashkir S. ugrian tribes - The ancestors of the modern Hungarian people - goes to the Epoch of the Middle Ages.
In science, the Hungarian legend recorded at the end of the XII century is known. It tells about the way of Magyar's movement from the east to Pannonia (modern Hungary): "In 884, it is written there, - from the incarnation of our Lord of our seven leaders called Hetu Moger, came out from the East, from the Earth of the Scytica. Of these, the Almus's leader, the son of Igeic, from the genus of King Magaog, came out of the country with his wife, the son of Arpad and with a great many allied peoples. After a multi-day procession in desert places, they overwhelmed the Etyl River (Volga) and, who has not been either rural roads, nor settlements, did not eat food, as a custom from them, but they found meat and fishes Suzdal (Russia). From Suzdal, they went to Kiev and then through the Carpathian Mountains in Pannonia to master the inheritance of Attila, the greatness of the Almus "(E.I. Goryunov. Ethnic history of the Volga-Oksky Meternrachia. // Materials and research on the Archeology of the USSR. 94. M., 1961. P. 149). The statement about the fact that Magyarsky tribes did not move to the West, but "with a great multitude of allied peoples", including some Bashkir tribes. It is not by chance that Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe notes that the Hungarian Union in Pannonia consisted of seven tribes, two of whom were called legal entity and Ene (E. Molnar. Problems of ethnogenesis and ancient history Hungarian people. Budapest, 1955. p.134). In the formation of the Bashkir people, along with numerous tribes ancient and large tribes of the legal entities and Enee participated. Naturally, the Magyarsky tribes that have settled in Pannonia have preserved legends about their ancient Pranodine and the feasible tribesmen. To find them and turn them into Christianity, risky travels to the east of Missionaries-monks Otto, Johannk Hungary and others who ended with failure were taken from Hungary. With the same purpose, a trip to the areas of the Volga region Hungarian monk Julian. After a long launch and torment, he managed to get into the Great Bulgaria. There, in one of the big cities, Julian met a Hungarian woman issued to marry this city "From the country he was looking for" (S.A.anninsky. News of Hungarian missionaries of the XIII-XIV centuries about Tatars and Eastern Europe. // Historical Archive . Iii. M.-L., 1940. P. 81). She also pointed him the road to tribesmen. Soon Julian found them near the large river Ethyl (ITIl, Idel, and ate, and € and ate), or Volga. "And everything that only he wanted to state them, and about faith, and about others, they have listened very closely, as they have a whole Hungarian language: and they understood him, and he" (S.A.anninsky. S. 81).
Carpini's plan, Ambassador Pope Innokenti IV to Mongolian Khan, in his essay "History of Mongols", telling about the Northern Bate-Khan campaign in 1242, writes: "Coming from Russia and a mound, Tatars led their army against Hungarians and Poles, where many Of these, they fell ... From there, Mordvanov went to the ground - idolaters and, defeating them, went to the country of the Bileelars, i.e. In the Great Bulgaria, which was completely broken. Then north against Bastarkov (Bashkir. - R.Ya.), i.e. Great Hungary and, won, moved to parabsites, and from there to the Samoyames "(travel in eastern countries Carpini and rubric plan. M., 1957. P. 48). In addition, he again calls the country Bashkir "Great Hungary" "(a trip to the eastern countries of the Carpini plan and Rubrukka. M., 1957. P. 57, 72).
Another Catholic missionary Gille de Rubruk visiting Golden Horde In 1253, reports: "Driving 12 days from ethia (Volga), we found large river, referred to as Yagak (Yaik. - R.Ya.); She flows from the north, from the land of Pascatir (Bashkir. - R.Ya.) ... The language of Pascatir and Hungarians - the same, these are the shepherds who do not have any city; Their country comes into contact with the West with the Great Bulgaria. From the Earth to the East, marked the north side, there is no more than the city. From this earth, the Pascatir came out Huns, subsequently Hungarians, and this, in fact, there is a great Bulgaria "(a trip to the eastern countries of Carpini's plan and regurgitation. P. 122-123).
Messages of Western European authors appeared in the future one of important arguments In favor of the Ugric theory of the origin of the Bashkir people. One of the first on the origin of Bashkir wrote Stallenberg Philipp-Johann (1676-1747), lieutenant colonel of the Swedish army. He accompanied Karl XII in the Northern War. During the Poltava battle (1709), he was captured and exiled to Siberia. Having received permission to travel in Siberia, amounted to E¨ map. After Naestead's world, 1721 returned to Sweden. In 1730, I published in Stockholm the book "Das Nord Und Ostliche Theil Von Europa Und Asia". Straighternberg called Bashkir by the ecassion, since they are red-haired and neighbors called sai-horstyaki (ssytya). Thus, Stallenberg first put forward the theory about ugric origin Bashkir people.
Outstanding historian V.Ntatishchev (1686-1750) in the "History of the Russian" (T.1. M.-l., 1962) The first in Russian historiography gives the historical and ethnographic description of Bashkir and expresses interesting look about their origin. The ethnonym "Bashkort" means "the main wolf" or "thief", "for their fishery name". Kazakhs call them "sary-otya". According to V.N. Tatishchev, Bashkirs are still mentioned by Ptolemy "Askathira." Bashkirs "The people were great," are descendants of ancient financial-speaking Sarmat - "Survival Sarmaty" (p. 252). This is also evidenced by Carpini and Rubruk. As for the language, "Further (Bashkirs. - R.Ya.), the law of Magomets from the Tatars accepted and the language of them to eat began, for the Tatars are already revered. However, in the language from other Tatars there is a lot of difference, which is not all kinds of Tatars can mean them "(p. 428).
V.N. Tatishchev reports some information about ethnic Story Bashkir. "Sami (Bashkirs. - R.Ya.) for legends about themselves they affect themselves that they are from the Bulgars of what happened" (p. 428). Here we are talking About Bashkhala Gaines, who preserved legends about the generality of origin with Bulgarians. He also testifies that the Tabyans are scattered in the Crimea, Bashkortostan and other areas.
N.M. Karamzin (1766-1829) In the I Tome of the Story of the Russian State, in Chapter II, "On the Slavs and other peoples who have compiled a Russian state, relying on the information of European travelers in the XIII century. Juliana, Carpini's plan and guilloma de Rubrock, writes that "Bashkirs live between the Urals and Volga. At the beginning, they had Hungarian. Then they pulled away. Bashkirts say now in Tatar language: it is necessary to think that they took it from their winners and forgot their own in a long-term hostel with Tatars "(M., 1989. P. 250).
In 1869, on the occasion of the fifty-year-old anniversary of the St. Petersburg University, the work of D.A.Hvolson "News of Hazar, Burutas, Bulgarians, Magyarakh, Slavs and Russa Abu-Ali Ahmed Ben Omar Ibn-Dasta, an unknown job of Arabic writer, was published. early X century. " In it, the author analyzes the compositions of medieval Arab geographers and travelers about Bashkara and Magyar. His findings are reduced to the following.
The initial homeland Magyar was both sides of the Ural Mountains, i.e. Territories between the Volga, Kama, Tobol and the Upper Tower of Jica. They were part of the Bashkir people. This is evidenced by travelers of the XIII century Julian, Carpini's plan and Gille de Rubruk, who wrote about the identity of the Bashkir language with Magyarsky. That is why they called the country Bashkir "Great Hungary".
Around 884, part of Magyar under the blows of Pechenegs left the Urals. Their leader was the almus. After long wanders, they settled next to the Khazari. Their new birthplace was called the swan by the name of their leader Lebedias. However, the Pechenegs oppressed reset to Europe again, Magyars went further to the southwest and settled in the Atel-Kuze. From there, they gradually moved to the territory of modern Hungary.
Based on the analysis of Ibn-Dasta, Ibn Fadlan, Masidi, Abu Zaid El-Balkhi, Idrisi, Yakut, Ibn-Said, Kazvini, Diemecia, Abulfred and Shukrallah about Bashkarah and Magyara, and based on the provisions that Magyars are part of Bashkir people, Villanson believes that the ancient form of the Bashkir was "Bajgard". This ethnonym gradually changes "doubly: in the east of" Bajgard "forms" Bashkhard "," Bashkard "," Bashkart ", etc.; In the West, the initial "b" passed into the "M", and the final "d" was discarded, so the form "Majar" appeared from Bajgard, "Majar" moved to Madzhar and this form finally moved to Magyar. Wollyson leads the Table of Transition of Ethnonym "Bajgard" in Magyar and Bashkir:

B a d g a r d

Bashkard Baggargar.
Bashkard Moggar.
Bashkart Mahgargar
Bashkt Madzhar
Bashkit Magyar

Samupport Bashkir "Bashkort". Therefore, it's more correct to talk here about the transition not to "Bashkir", but to "Bashkort", although it is logically at the tail and it turns out. Relying on the test of the tailing, it is believed that the UGOR theory of the origin of the Bashkir people received a logically clear design.
Approximately the same point of view was expressed by I.N. Berezin. In his opinion, "Bashkirs are a large Vogulsky tribe, the Ugric group" (Bashkirs. // Russian encyclopedic Dictionary. T. 3. Dep. 1. SPb., 1873).
In support of the hypothesis, the well-known researcher of the history of Siberia I. Fisher (Sibirische Geschichte. Petersburg, 1874. P. 78-79). He also believed that the ethnonym of Madchar Hungarians comes from the word "Baschart".
From Anthropologists, Ugric theory was supported by K.ufalfi. He was measured by a 16 soldier of the Orenburg Bashkir equestrian shelf and made a conclusion that according to the anthropological data of Bashkira - Finno-Ugry (Bashkirs, Meshcheryaki and Teatari. Letter to action. Member V.N.Mynov. // Russian news geographical society. T. 13. Vol. 2. 1877. P. 188-120).
A great contribution to the study of the origin of the Bashkir people was made an outstanding Bashkir enlightener M.I.Metbayev (1841-1907). The main ethnographic works of Umembaev, in which the coverage of the problem of ethnogenesis Bashkir was "from the translator of Umembaeva" and "Bashkira". They are published in the Bashkir language (M. Umebaev. Yadkar. Ufa, 1984. introductory article GS Kunafina). Full text Bashkirs published G.S. Kunafin in the collection "Questions of the textology of Bashkir literature" (Ufa, 1979. P.61-65).
Umembaev perfectly understood the meaning of six in the study of the ethnic history of the Bashkir people. In 1897, he published in Kazan the book "Yadkar", in which he published several Shecher of the Tabyan Bashkir (p.39-59). Every kind, writes Umembaev, has his bird, tree, Tamga and feedback. For example, the Yumran-Tabyant birds are a black hawk, a tree - larch, Taga - a rib and feedback - Salavat, which means prayer.
After studying oriental and western sources, historical literature In Russian and foreign languages \u200b\u200band, most importantly, Bashkir oral folk creativity and Bashkir history, the Imetbayev as follows represents the ethnogenesis of Bashkir. Bashkirs are the indigenous and original people of the South Urals. According to ethnicity - Ugra. They were the neighbors of Bulgarians and at the same time accepted Islam. In the Middle Ages, Kypchaki, Bryazyn, Turkmen, Sarta and other peoples, most of whom "belong to Mongolian or Jagatai tribe" began to move to Bashkortostan. (Bashkirs. P.62) Seeing this, Bashkirs began to call themselves Bash Ungar, i.e. Chief Ugor. Bash of Ungar gradually accepted the form of Bashkort. In this case, the метбеваев is solidized with the tail. Gradually and Bashkirs, and the fools began to speak Bashkir and all the people were gradually called Bashkir. Bashkir language is very similar to Chagatai of Central Asia.
In 1913-1914. The "Herald of the Orenburg Training District" was published by V.F. Filonenko "Bashkirs" (1913. Nono 2, 5-8; 1914. Nono 2,5,8). The author tried to outlines various questions. bashkir history and ethnography, but generally repeated the findings of previous authors. His point of view on the ethnonym "Bashkort" deserves attention. Filonenko cites the opinions of previous authors and concludes that "courage and unlimited courage and approved the name" Bashkhat "- the main wolf. The latter not only did not conclude anything shameful, offensive, but it was even considered Gleva, the pride of the people. "The main wolf" in the figurative sense, in the figurative language of the East meant "the main, brave robber". That was the time when the robbery and discourse were considered famous feats "(p.168-169).
Filonenko affects the problems of the ethnic history of Bashkir. According to the author, the geographical names of Bashkir rivers, lakes and locations say that Bashkirs "are not aborigued by their country, but aliens." True, Philonenko does not indicate which topographic materials they say about Bashkhakh, "aliens". In his opinion, "their (Bashkir. - R.Ya.) The Finnish origin is not subject to doubt, but during the settlement in the present place they settles, thanks to the crossing, have lost their Finnish character and no longer different from Turks" (C. 39).
Filonenko cites the information of the medieval Arab authors of Ibn-Dasta, Ibn-Fadlan, Masidi, El Balkhi, Idrisi, Yakut, Ibn Said, Kazvini, Diemsheski, as well as European travelers Guilloma de Rubrukka, Carpini and Julian plan and makes conclusions (p. 38):
1) at the beginning of the X century. Bashkirs were already in the places they do;
2) they were also known under the real name "Bashkort", Bashkhat, etc.;
3) Bashkirs and Hungarians - the same origin;
4) Bashkirs are currently turks.
In the mid-1950s, N. P.Shastin was performed in support of the Ugho theory. In the note to the "History of Mongols", the Carpini plan writes that "under the" Baskart "need to understand Bashkirov ... There is a tribal relationship between medieval Bashkirs and Hungarians. Under the pressure of nomadic peoples, the part of Bashkir left and asslaved in Hungary, the remaining Bashkirs mixed with Turks and Mongols, lost their tongue and eventually gave a completely new ethnic peopling, also called Bashkirs "(travel to the eastern countries of Carpini and Rubrukka plan. M., 1957. P. 211).
It should be noted that among the Hungarian scientists, Dr. D. Derfphi adheres to the Ugric hypothesis and believes that the main core of the Magyarsky tribes of legal entities and Eney were the main core in the folding of the Bashkir people.
An interesting opinion on Bashkiro-Hungarian ethnic relations was expressed by the outstanding Bashkir Language. Jalil Kiesekbayev. In early 1960, the President of the Academy of Sciences of Hungary Liosh Liggeti wrote a letter to J. Kiesekbayev and asked him to express his opinion on the Bashkir tribes of Jurmati and Jenai, since the Hungarians were tribes with similar names (yarm and Yeneoo).
To fulfill the request of Lyosha Liguei, J. Kiesekbayev conducts research and gives the following conclusions about Bashkiro-Hungarian ethnic communication (Magyar-Orsal-Wenger Ile. // Bashkortostanov Council. 1965. June 17).
The word yenei was used in the value big, i.e. marked a big tribe. And where there is a big tribe, there is a small tribe. In Hungary among the ancient Hungarian tribes there was a tribe of Cacy.
Words of Hungary and Wenger are formed from the Word of Wanugyre. Bashkir's vun is ten. Therefore, some nations are called Hungarian Ungar. This word is formed from the words Ungar. It is not surprising that there is a village Bish Ungar. And the word Bashkort is formed from Bashe Co., then changed to Bashgeur and Bashkirt, now Bashkort. The ancient Turkic word BASH in Bashkirski means Bish (five). So, the words Wenger (Ungar) and Bashkhart (Bashkort) are formed the same.
there is historical argumentsconfirming the kinship of Hungarians and Bashkir. In IV-V centuries. Hungarian tribes lived at rivers Ob and Irtysh. From there, the Hungarians moved to the West. Several centuries were nomaded in the southern Urals, at the rivers Idel, Yaik, Sakmar. At this time, they tightly communicated with the ancient Bashkir tribes. Therefore, it is not surprising that until the XVI century, some Bashkir tribes called themselves Estek, and the Kazakhs before the 20th century Bashkir called EXIS.
The ancient Hungarian tribes moved first from the Southern Urals on the Azov, and in the VIII-IX centuries. In Transcarpathia, and some remained in the southern Urals. Therefore, among the ancient Bashkir tribes, Yurmati tribes, Jenei, Cese, and in the Hungarian People, Yarmate, Yeneoo and Casi tribes.
A lot of general words in Bashkir and Hungarian. Many of them are generalwork. For example, Arpa, BU A, Kinder, to £ Bœ, Balta, Alma, from £ bos, borsa, ªomala, kees, ªor, etc. A lot of words are characteristic only for Bashkir and Hungarian languages.

In the works of J. Kiesebaeva, the kinship of the ancient Bashkir and Hungarian tribes is proved by new arguments. Undoubtedly, the views of the scientist should be reflected in the works on the origin of two peoples.
At one time, T.M. Garipov and R.G.Kuseev about the Ugric theory of origin of the Bashkir people wrote that today "existence in historical science A special "Bashkio Magyarskaya" problem, as a reflection of certain views, treating kinship and even the identity of these in reality of different nations, is deprived of scientific meaning and is a kind of anachronism "(Bashkiro-Magyar problem. // Archeology and ethnography of Bashkiria. Ti Ufa, 1962. P. 342-343). Is it really? Comprehensive studies on ethnography, linguistics, archeology, anthropology and other sciences prove that the Urokan theory of the origin of the Bashkir people has the right to exist.