In what city was n g chernyshevsky born. Nikolay Chernyshevsky interesting facts

In what city was n g chernyshevsky born. Nikolay Chernyshevsky interesting facts

    Chernyshevsky (Nikolai Gavrilovich) is a famous writer. Born on July 12, 1828 in Saratov. His father, Archpriest Gabriel Ivanovich (1795 1861), was a very remarkable man. Great mind, due to serious education and knowledge, not only ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (1828 89), Russian. writer, critic, esthetician, sociologist, revolutionary democrat. Already in his youth, Ch. Experienced a strong passion for the work of L.; in "Autobiography" (1863) recalled that "he knew almost all of Lermontov's lyric plays" (I, 634); Being in… … Lermontov Encyclopedia

    Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Gavrilovich- Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. CHERNYSHEVSKY Nikolay Gavrilovich (1828 89), publicist, literary critic, writer. In 1856 62 he was one of the directors of the Sovremennik magazine; in the field of literary criticism, he developed the traditions of V.G. Belinsky. Ideological ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian revolutionary and thinker, writer, economist, philosopher. Born into the family of a priest. He studied at the Saratov Theological Seminary (1842–45), graduated from the Department of History and Philology ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Chernyshevsky Nikolay Gavrilovich- (1828-1889), revolutionary democrat, writer, publicist, critic, philosopher. In St. Petersburg since 1846. In 1850 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. He lived in 1849-50 at 15 Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street (now the street ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

    - (1828 89) Russian writer, publicist, literary critic. In 1856 62 he was one of the directors of the Sovremennik magazine; in the field of literary criticism he developed the traditions of V.G.Belinsky. The ideological inspirer of the revolutionary movement of the 1860s. In 1862 ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (1828 1889), revolutionary democrat, writer, publicist, critic, philosopher. In St. Petersburg since 1846. In 1850 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. He lived in 1849 50 at 15 Bolshaya Konyushennaya Street (now Zhelyabov Street) ... Saint Petersburg (encyclopedia)

    - (1828 1889) Russian. philosopher, writer, publicist, literary critic. In 1846-1850 he studied at the historical-philological department of St. Petersburg University, in 1851-1853 he taught literature at the Saratov gymnasium. During these years, Ch. Materialistically ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - - the son of Gavriil Ivanovich Ch., Publicist and critic; genus. July 12, 1828 in Saratov. Naturally gifted with excellent abilities, the only son of his parents, N.G. was the subject of increased care and concern for the whole family. But… … Big biographical encyclopedia


  • Prologue
  • About writers and poets 2. Critical articles, Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) - Russian materialist philosopher of the 19th century, revolutionary democrat, theorist of critical utopian socialism, scientist, encyclopedist, literary ...

The parents of the future revolutionary were Evgenia Yegorovna Golubeva and Archpriest Gabriel Ivanovich Chernyshevsky.

Until the age of 14, he studied at home by his father, who possessed encyclopedic knowledge and was a very devout person. Nikolai Gavrilovich's cousin LN Pypin helped him. In childhood, a tutor from France was assigned to Chernyshevsky. As a child, young Kolya loved to read and spent most of his free time reading books.

Formation of attitudes

In 1843, Chernyshevsky made the first step in obtaining higher education, entering the theological seminary in the city of Saratov. After studying there for three years, Nikolai Gavrilovich decides to quit his studies.

In 1846 he passed exams and entered the history and philology faculty at the University of St. Petersburg. Here, absorbing the thoughts and scientific knowledge of ancient authors, studying the works of Isaac Newton, Pierre-Simon Laplace and leading Western materialists, the formation of the future revolutionary took place. According to the short biography of Chernyshevsky, it was in St. Petersburg that the transformation of Chernyshevsky, a subject, into Chernyshevsky, a revolutionary, took place.

The formation of the socio-political views of Nikolai Gavrilovich took place under the influence of II Vvedensky's circle, in which Chernyshevsky begins to comprehend the basics of writing.

In 1850, his studies at the university ended and the young graduate was assigned to the Saratov gymnasium. This educational institution, already in 1851, began to be used as a launching pad for cultivating advanced social revolutionary ideas in its students.

Petersburg period

In 1853, Chernyshevsky meets the daughter of a Saratov doctor, Olga Sokratovna Vasilyeva, with whom he married. She gave her husband three sons - Alexander, Victor and Mikhail. After the wedding, the family changed the district of Saratov to the capital of St. Petersburg, where the head of the family worked in the cadet corps for a very short time, but soon resigned from there due to a quarrel with an officer. Chernyshevsky worked in many literary journals, which we will reflect in a chronological table.

After the "Great Reforms" were carried out in Russia, Chernyshevsky acts as the ideological inspirer of populism and going to the people. In 1863, Vaughn published in Sovremennik the main novel of his life, What Is To Be Done?

". This is the most important work of Chernyshevsky.

Link and death

Chernyshevsky's biography is replete with difficult moments in life. In 1864, for his social revolutionary activities and involvement in the "Narodnaya Volya" Nikolai Gavrilovich was sent to a 14-year exile to work in hard labor. After a while, the sentence was halved thanks to the emperor's decree. After hard labor, Chernyshevsky was ordered to remain in Siberia for life. After serving hard labor, in 1871 he was ordered to live in the city of Vilyuisk.

In 1874 he was offered freedom and the cancellation of the sentence, but Chernyshevsky did not send his petition for clemency to the emperor.

His youngest son did a lot to bring his father back to his native Saratov, and only 15 years later Chernyshevsky still moved to live in his small homeland. Not having lived in Saratov for six months, the philosopher falls ill with malaria. Chernyshevsky's death occurred from a cerebral hemorrhage. The great philosopher was buried at the Resurrection cemetery.


Russian revolutionary, writer, journalist. He was born in Saratov in the family of a priest and, as his parents expected of him, studied for three years at a theological seminary. From 1846 to 1850 studied at the historical and philological department of St. Petersburg University. Particularly strong in becoming Chernyshevsky influenced by French socialist philosophers - Henri de Saint-Simon and Charles Fourier.

In 1853 he married Olga Sokratovna Vasilyeva. Chernyshevsky not only loved his young wife very much, but also considered their marriage to be a kind of "testing ground" for testing new ideas. The writer preached absolute equality of spouses in marriage - the idea for that time was truly revolutionary. Moreover, he believed that women, as one of the most oppressed groups in society at the time, should have been given maximum freedom to achieve real equality. Allowed his wife everything, including adultery, believing that he could not consider his wife as his property. Later, the writer's personal experience was reflected in the novel's love line. "What to do".

In 1853 he moved from Saratov to St. Petersburg, where he began his career as a publicist. The name of Chernyshevsky quickly became the banner of the Sovremennik magazine, where he began to work by invitation ON. Nekrasov... In 1855 g. Chernyshevsky defended his thesis "Aesthetic relations of art to reality", where he abandoned the search for beauty in the abstract, sublime spheres of "pure art", having formulated his thesis: "Beauty is life".

In the late 50s and early 60s, he was published a lot, using any pretext to openly or covertly express his views, expected a peasant uprising after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. For revolutionary agitation "Contemporary" was closed. Soon after, the authorities intercepted the letter. A.I. Herzen, already fifteen years in exile. Learning about the closure "Contemporary", he wrote to a journalist, N.L. Serno-Solovievich and offered to continue publishing abroad. The letter was used as an excuse, and on July 7, 1862 Chernyshevsky and Serno-Solovievich arrested and placed in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In May 1864 g. Chernyshevsky was found guilty, sentenced to seven years of hard labor and exile to Siberia until the end of his life, on May 19, 1864, a ceremony was publicly performed on him "Civil execution".

While the investigation was underway, Chernyshevsky wrote his main book in the fortress - a novel "What to do".

Only in 1883 Chernyshevsky received permission to settle in Astrakhan. By this time he was already an elderly and sick person. In 1889 he was transferred to Saratov, and soon after the move he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.


1862 - What to do? From stories about new people.
1863 - Stories in a Story (unfinished)
1867 - Prologue. A novel from the early sixties. (Unfinished)


1856 - Review of the historical development of the rural community in Russia Chicherin.
1856 - "Russian conversation" and its direction.
1857 - "Russian Conversation" and Slavophilism.
1857 - About land ownership.
1858 - Payoff system.
1858 - Cavaignac.
1858 - July Monarchy.
1859 - Materials for solving the peasant question.
1859 - Superstition and the rules of logic.
1859 - Capital and Labor.
1859-1862 - Politics. Monthly reviews of foreign political life.
1860 - History of civilization in Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.
1861 - Political and Economic Letters to GK Carey, President of the American United States.
1861 - On the reasons for the fall of Rome.
1861 - Count Cavour.
1861 - Disrespect for authorities. Regarding Tocqueville's Democracy in America.
1861 - to the landowners from their well-wishers.
1862 - Expression of gratitude Letter to Mr. Znu.
1862 - Letters without an address.
1878 - Letter to the sons of A. N. and M. N. Chernyshevsky.

Philosophy and aesthetics

1854 - A critical look at modern aesthetic concepts.
1855 - The aesthetic relationship of art to reality. Master's dissertation.
1855 - Sublime and Comic.
1855 - The nature of human knowledge.
1858 - Criticism of philosophical bias against communal ownership.
1860 - Anthropological principle in philosophy. "Essays on Questions of Practical Philosophy". Composition by P. L. Lavrov.
1888 - The origin of the theory of the wholesomeness of the struggle for life. Preface to some treatises on botany, zoology and human life sciences


1861 - N. A. Dobrolyubov. Obituary.
1883 - Memories of Nekrasov.
1884−1888 - Materials for the biography of N.A. Dobrolyubov, collected in 1861-1862.
1884-1888 - Memories of Turgenev's relationship to Dobrolyubov and the breakdown of friendship between Turgenev and Nekrasov.

1851-1853 - teaching at the Saratov gymnasium.
1853 - the beginning of work in the magazine "Contemporary".
1855, May 10 - defense of the dissertation "Aesthetic relations of art to reality".
1862, July 7 - arrest and imprisonment in the Alekseevsky pavelin of the Peter and Paul Fortress.
1862-1863 - creation of the novel "What is to be done?"
1864, May 19 - civil execution on Mytninskaya Square in St. Petersburg.
1864, May 20 - sent to Katopgy in Eastern Siberia.
1889, October 17 (29) - died in Saratov.

Sketch of life and work

Becoming a critic.

In his writings, he clearly formalized the positions of the revolutionary-democratic movement, which attracted the close attention of the Third Section. As predicted by N. G. Chernyshevsky, he was not only arrested, but also excluded from active political struggle for many years. Imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress, a civil execution, for many years in prison broke his health. In 1883, a man came from Yakutia to Astrakhan who was no longer
strength not only for this struggle, but also for creativity.

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2. Journalistic activities
3. Political ideology
4. Socio-economic views
5. Addresses in St. Petersburg
6. Reviews of descendants
7. Artworks


  • 1862-1863 - What to do? From stories about new people.
  • 1863 - Stories in a story
  • 1867-1870 - Prologue. A novel from the early sixties.


  • 1863 - Alferyev.
  • 1864 - Small stories.

Literary criticism

  • 1850 - About the "Brigadier" Fonvizin. PhD work.
  • 1854 - About sincerity in criticism.
  • 1854 - Songs of different peoples.
  • 1854 - Poverty is not a vice. Comedy by A. Ostrovsky.
  • 1855 - Works of Pushkin.
  • 1855-1856 - Essays on the Gogol period of Russian literature.
  • 1856 - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. His life and writings.
  • 1856 - Poems by Koltsov.
  • 1856 - Poems by N. Ogarev.
  • 1856 - Collection of poems by V. Benediktov.
  • 1856 - Childhood and adolescence. War stories of Count L. N. Tolstoy.
  • 1856 - Sketches from the peasant life of A.F. Pisemsky.
  • 1857 - Lessing. His time, his life and work.
  • 1857 - "Provincial Essays" by Shchedrin.
  • 1857 - Works by V. Zhukovsky.
  • 1857 - Poems by N. Shcherbina.
  • 1857 - "Letters about Spain" by VP Botkin.
  • 1858 - Russian man at rendez-vous. Reflections on reading the story of Mr. Turgenev "Asya".
  • 1860 - Collection of miracles, stories borrowed from mythology.
  • 1861 - Isn't it the beginning of a change? Stories by N.V. Uspensky. Two parts.


  • 1856 - Review of the historical development of the rural community in Russia Chicherin.
  • 1856 - "Russian conversation" and its direction.
  • 1857 - "Russian Conversation" and Slavophilism.
  • 1857 - About land ownership.
  • 1858 - Payoff system.
  • 1858 - Cavaignac.
  • 1858 - July Monarchy.
  • 1859 - Materials for solving the peasant question.
  • 1859 - Superstition and the rules of logic.
  • 1859 - Capital and Labor.
  • 1859-1862 - Politics. Monthly reviews of foreign political life.
  • 1860 - History of civilization in Europe from the fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution.
  • 1861 - Political and Economic Letters to GK Carey, President of the American United States.
  • 1861 - On the reasons for the fall of Rome.
  • 1861 - Count Cavour.
  • 1861 - Disrespect for authorities. Regarding Tocqueville's Democracy in America.
  • 1861 - to the peasants of the lords from their well-wishers.
  • 1862 - Expression of gratitude Letter to Mr. Z<ари>Well.
  • 1862 - Letters without an address.
  • 1878 - Letter to the sons of A. N. and M. N. Chernyshevsky.


  • 1861 - N. A. Dobrolyubov. Obituary.
  • 1883 - Memories of Nekrasov.
  • 1884−1888 - Materials for the biography of N.A. Dobrolyubov, collected in 1861-1862.
  • 1884-1888 - Memories of Turgenev's relationship to Dobrolyubov and the breakdown of friendship between Turgenev and Nekrasov.

Philosophy and aesthetics

  • 1854 - A critical look at modern aesthetic concepts.
  • 1855 - The aesthetic relationship of art to reality. Master's dissertation.
  • 1855 - Sublime and Comic.
  • 1855 - The nature of human knowledge.
  • 1858 - Criticism of philosophical bias against communal ownership.
  • 1860 - Anthropological principle in philosophy. "Essays on Questions of Practical Philosophy". Composition by P. L. Lavrov.
  • 1888 - The origin of the theory of the wholesomeness of the struggle for life. Preface to some treatises on botany, zoology and the sciences of human life.