How Tajiks are believed to girls. Interethnic marriages: History of Tajik Stirlitz and Russian Women

How Tajiks are believed to girls. Interethnic marriages: History of Tajik Stirlitz and Russian Women
How Tajiks are believed to girls. Interethnic marriages: History of Tajik Stirlitz and Russian Women

Aindjon Abdurahimov was born in Tajikistan. On the this moment For 4 years now studying in St. Petersburg. He entered the Tajik presidential quota and studying in St. Petersburg at the expense of his state. Now finishes 4 course, then it plans to continue studying in the magistracy. Ru_Open told about the impressions of arrival in Russia:

First day in Russia
We flew to St. Petersburg with the guys with whom they entered the university. They did not know where to go what to do, they understood independently. Quickly oriented.

We looked at people, and people did not pay any attention to us, as if you didn't exist and no one had any business before you. It is even good to some extent, they do not look at you, perceiving as an ordinary person.

I did not experience cultural shock, because I knew a lot about Russia, Russia was not a discovery for me.

As a result, Russia has become the second home for me: I speak Russian, I think in Russian, not forgetting my native Takjik (Persian) language.

First impressions about Peter
They were amazing. These rivers in the middle of the city, this architecture, every house is so unique, not repeated among themselves, and all this architecture and history that are in these walls, patterns on houses ... I was crazy about all this!

About the stereotype about tajiks who do not know how and come to work in Russia with handymen
This is a stereotype, it is incorrect. Our people can do everything. If they were not able to all, they would not come here with handymen. The bottom line is that the bulk of the population that comes to Russia to earn is the people who live in villages for which there is not enough workplace in the city.

Our economy does not yet allow all our families. And we are very loved by our family. IN big families Not a single one, one of them comes here and works for their family. The fact that our people appreciates their family, in whatever difficult situation it is, I am proud of it.

I try to break the current stereotypes in my public activities. Our people know how much, but not everyone has the opportunity to show themselves here. They can work with some managers, architects and so on. But here they do not allow them.

Russian girls
If I had a Russian girl, I would have treated it normal. Russian and Russian. Russian girls are also beautiful.

Cultural Communication with Russia
We have general story, we have a common past, I always remember this and try to remind my surrounding, friends, junior brothers And sisters, so that they also knew about it. Our countries are friends with Russia very well.

How to Russia and Russian are in Tajikistan
Russian treats very well. In each of our yard there is one or two aunt, uncle, grandmothers, grandfathers who are Russians. They stayed since the times of the USSR. They always gave us some sweets, then something else: we loved to play near their yard, a little to be joked. No separations.

The Russian teachers are grateful. I communicate with them so far. Thank you for education, they spoke to me at school time that you need to learn, although then I did not understand.

Also in school times The guys with the children with the school participated in one very wonderful program, which we had on television every month. She was called "Tajikistan and Russia - two halves of one soul." It was a quizzine on the topics of the Second World War, on the history of Russia and Tajikistan, the overall architecture, culture and other, which is associated with our countries.

We participated in this every month and were pleased that we contribute to general culture Russia and Tajikistan.

Russian cuisine in Tajikistan
We all eat borsch, eat dumplings. Not a lot eating soup only, it rare it.

And in Russia, on the contrary, everyone loves pilaf, by the way.

The difference in culture and household life between Russia and Tajikistan
There is no big difference. We also have many in European clothes. The people who live in the capital and big cities speak Russian. Russian is a second language for us, so many Tajiks know Russian, and very good. Once in our big cities, you will be very surprised. You can safely come from the airport and start talking in Russian.

Anyone can meet you, talk in Russian, reply, show the way. If necessary, lending you. If hungry and no place to stop, they will be offered to stay with them, drink tea, dinner together. And only then they let you go. We have such a custom culture. You can try, you will not regret.

For that I am grateful to Russia
The first, for which I am grateful to Russia and St. Petersburg - they gave me new opportunities for self-realization, in order to show themselves. There are a lot of those things here, where you can show yourself, to show, because it was here that I was able to show my leadership qualities. Here I was able to develop my creative talents, which in the future I helped me very much. Well, and, of course, education.

Education in Russia
Education in Russia is a little better than in Tajikistan. We also have good universitiesBut I wanted a little new. The further you become from our homeland, the more I want to return.

Aindjon Abdurahimov is very active in terms of public Life, and today has a considerable " achievement list": Heads the youth society of students of Tajikistan in St. Petersburg. Member of the AIS of Russia. One of the leaders of the All-Russian Interethnic Union of Youth of the Russian Federation, President of the Council of Foreign Students in his university. Winner of the Competition among universities" Golden autumn"Past in Ivanovo in November 2016, where he became" the best foreign student Russia. In St. Petersburg received the title "Student of the Year 2016" in connection with active activity on interethnic relationships. The winner of the interethnic contest "Multifaceted Petersburg".

It was a witness to the ugly (in my opinion) scene, when at the stop under the canopy sat, breaking out, on the chairs of 4 young Tajik (work at the construction site), and in the rain there were 2 older women. None of those sitting even made attempts to give them a place. What traditions are modern Tajiks bring up? It seems that, moving the border of Russia, at visitors from Central Asia Stay alone instincts?

  • Who can protect us - women from such a Khamsky relations of migrants?

Because they arrived from another culture. Really approach them with our standards, it would be strange with our traditions. Of course, women need to give way. Of course, it is impossible to sit when a woman stands nearby. And ten more different others "of course". Only after all the thing is that it is only for us, Europeans, These things and in general, all this behavior is granted. Granted. And the usual rules of courtesy - they us familiar because it is european regulations. In the countries of Central Asia, completely different traditions. Start although B with the fact that they are raised, from childhood, in Islam, and not in Christianity. A woman in Islam is a creature of a second grade and often dysfect. Yes, it seems to us wild, - well, it is us it seems so. And they grew on it, and they seem to be strange our attitude our traditions, our moral standards. We are considered indecent to grow up at the table and lick your fingers - and in the east, do not flame after the meal and do not lick your fingers will be a sign of disrespect for the owner: bad, nestlessly fed guests. And what tradition is "more correct"? Yes, no, both have the right to exist. In one culture, one tradition, in the other, is another. Returning to the Tajiks mentioned: the fact that they did not give way to a woman does not at all mean some conscious neglect, conscious disrespect or something like that. They just did not come to mind. This is not rudeness at all - this is ignorance. They have in Tazhikistan, like a lot where else, that's how they live. Instantly rebuilt on someone else's culture - despite the fact that the initial level of education of those who go to Russia to earn money on not, agree, prestigious workAlso low, it is impossible. Moreover, no one is specially engaged in such a "libez" - neither of them or our part. So what do you want from yesterday's Dekhan?

To judge all the people of 4 people seems to be completely wrong. Is it possible to talk about all the people if you met only those representatives who did not find the use of their mind, knowledge, skills in their homeland and went to work into another country? And even they are all different, not to mention all the people. If there is so reasoning, then foreigners have the right to judge negatively about the whole Russian people, seeing tourists from the Nakhalyavka in Turkey, or judge, meeting criminal actors, or judge all the women of Russia on a separate priest of love, which just flooded some countries. You should never generalize. Well, now essentially the question - these 4 people of Eastern nationality, which could well be tajiks, most likely did not give way to women because they did not receive proper upbringing in their family. By the way, I was here in Russia here, so no man gave me a place and did not help with a heavy suitcase.)

How Tajiks belong to Russian girls

Owned is found with Tajik. The guy is very brought up and delicate. But the Russian girl is given doubts: what if Tajik's relationship is not so correct?

From the first lines of this publication, I have to remind you that you do not have any right to disperse an interethnic distribution.

Let's already learn not to put offensive stamps at all who are not Russian.

Tajiks are excessively hardworking fellow who are characterized by cheerful good nature.

With the greatest hard work I managed to connect a girl to the discussion, which, as well as owned, is found with Tajik.

She agreed to answer the question.

I - Margot. 24- by passport. 25- on a psychologist.

People are so tired of the sermost of everyday life that they give a sensation, gossip and a stupid conversation.

That's exactly what we now and lead.

Tajiks belong to Russian girls in the measure of their upbringing, and not biased perception of personality.

Many of them are called "rarants".

And how do you call yourself how?

My Tajik guy builds our relationship without embarrassment in the fact that I am a Russian lady.

I do not feel any difference between the bouquet of flowers and the invitation in the cafe- if there was a brought up Russian young man in his place.

And again "dried up" the question: what do you miss that, Russians are missing?

Or Margo loves "darkening"?

No, ghoul, our acquaintance took absolutely by chance, when my Tajik just returned from the stall.

White-standing smile, no hints for breastfare, drunkenness and rudeness.

Yes, I had to get used to his accent a little. Probably, he also got used to.

The relations of Tajikov, not focused on the nation, are built on the conviction that a Russian woman is standing in front of him, which is no different from the humble Tajichek.

Of course, among any diaspora there are garde people.

And I do not want to blame anyone now.

So because we are so hostile and live that we do not see the prospects for serious and clean relationships with those who speak Loman Russian.

Please love good people - no matter what nationality.

And let's finish this conversation.

Margo from Moscow.

The material was prepared by Ya Eyrivsky.

How do Tajiks attribute, Chechens to Russian girls?

Russian girls for marriage are not very suitable, as not enough culturally brought up, it I repeat the words of one of the familiar, from one of the fraternal southern republics. I happened to work at construction sites with fraternal peoples, Countrymen Rakhmonov, Karimov and Petrosyan. It happens and marry a civil marriage, and then it turns out that his house already has a family. Therefore, advice to girls if love appeared - check documents. From Chechnya did not meet at construction, they are now on physical work It seems not to be found. With the USSR I remember a lot was the builders of the Chechens, they had a barbers on the farm. The local was once, did not sleep, with the USSR everything worked, here they hired them. They worked well, and treated well. I remember with them even played in volleyball, at school sportsport. However, at that time and the upbringing was another, the Communists promoted friendship and fraternity. Now I can't say anything about Chechens, about the attitude towards women. Everything has changed, and has grown a new generation. A kindness along with the USSR remained far behind, more and more plunge into the laws of the jungle and capitalism, "eat-otherwise will eat you."

Every reasonable parents must explain to their daughters that should not deal with representatives of these nationalities. The example given by the Gudroni is quite real, I heard about cases and faster. But even if Muslim marries Russian, over time he will still throw it, and there will be war because of children. Another familiar woman has a Caucasian husband waited when the son turns 7 years old, and escaped to his homeland. In essence, I stole a child. And with the ends. Could not find. And only when the guy was 16 years old, he himself escaped from his father to Mother to Russia. Father arrived behind him with fraternity, mother had a riot police. But even if they live with Russian wives to old age, then all the same, these wives under the pink and marry their own. To dying with an innovative, the Quran does not allow. And besides all this there are many different nuances. They use Russian women and they themselves laugh at their stupidity. For any Caucasian spoil Russian blood - valor. Let at least one Russian tries to spoil their blood, contacting their woman, caress immediately.

Travel to Tajikistan: attitude to Russian

Attitude to the Russians in Tajikistan is very ambiguous. While you are in the status of a guest, you can count on a friendly and respectful attitude, especially if you look more respectable.

But the attitude of the other attitude towards living there is another Russian people. No guest status - no security guarantees. Russian old men, women and children are often subjected to humiliation and even beatings from local youth.

Traveling in Tajikistan, you should be ready to morally and logistically elevated attention From the authorities of the authorities of all stripes. Money extort frankly and brazenly.

Russian language is well understood by residents of Dushanbe of the older and middle age, but the youth is significantly less. On the market, our group often faced the language problem, and to negotiate the purchase was literally on the fingers.

In the villages, the situation is much worse, there is even more difficult to find a Russian-speaking interlocutor. But I will tell about the villages in a separate post, it is already a completely different story.

Sad. And in the photo at all some oddities - wedding Dress Next to hot dog! This is a type - buying a dress - hot dog as a gift)))

Yes, really right bad attitude To nonetitular nations of Tajikistan? At the expense of the language - I will say so .. the reason for nationalization. The CIS countries almost 20 years ago came out of the USSR and go to nationalization. It `s naturally.

I do not know whether the status of state in Tajikistan has Russian? In Uzbekistan, for example, he never had. Cause - Mono Ethnic State. That is, it has the status of the language of "interethnic" communication. But not state. I know that in Kyrgyzstan and in Kazakhstan he has the status of state.

As for the oppression of the Russians, it is true. Even Tajik women do not miss the opportunity to prick more Russian women. Again I repeat that we are talking about permanently living there. In Dushanbe, it is rarely found, but in the villages and small towns often. This information was obtained by me from first hand.

Just they can also be understood. They probably hurt the TV show "Our Rasha". There, after all, frankly mock Tajiks. I heard that they have. This program is prohibited. Although the simple people of the Nettaile people are not guilty of this. This time is now unfortunately.

I was very surprised at this unexpected neighborhood, and I was very surprised :)

And the gallery "Didor"? Such a loud name! Well done owner - called the future for the future!

In Tajikistan, the state language is Tajik. I understand that this is a multi-ethnic state at all, it is not over all that all Tajiks taught Russian. I did it accent because for us as for tourists it was important.

They can be understood - the attitude towards Tajiks in Russia is difficult to call respectful and it's not only in the scandalous television show. Maybe their women and children in Russia offend, so I do not judge them. Just write as it is.

of course in the family not without a freak. Well, what to do

if the Caucasian is normal, the relationship depends on how the girl will put

if Caucasian Dolbab, then he is dolbaeb

Blog entries: 1

and in general, you are already sucking by Ebana America already, the instructions they distributed the foundation of the whole country there will be 911 to recruit and screaming a set of standard matual phrases in the wave when your America will cover a huge punitive pussy

Well, it's all depends on the girl itself.

Only among dagi, such freaks are unwanted many!

But still normal people there is also there? who respectfully relate to girls among these nations?

Schokhobyddin Ibodulloev, a 23-year-old citizen of Tajikistan, is detained and gives testimony. This shocking crime occurred on July 1, 30 kilometers from Tolyatti in the picturesque village of Tashel.

Sochi :: Cava Caucasians, for fun, brutally beat resting military personnel and their wives

Several Sochi Family Officers russian army Returned home, they had a completely attack of the crowd of Caucasians. The head of Caucasian gangsters took the baseball bat out of the car, which began to strike. In the police station, the attendant of Grigoryan V. reported that the attacker was Bogosyan, the investigator of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of Sochi, Senior Lieutenant of Justice. The statement from the victims of Grigoryan was refused. The prosecutor's office of the city has not yet taken anything. And this is not the first case of such a lawlessness arranged in Sochi Caucasians. In August last year, the gangsters of the Caucasian nationality beat the baseball bits of peaceful rest. Among the victims of Sochi and their guests were women and children. And so far the guilty did not suffer a deserved penalty.

Moscow :: 40% of all crimes in Moscow are committed by foreigners, reported on July 14 at a meeting of the Inter-National Consultative Council, the head of the metropolitan police department Vladimir Pronin.

Moscow :: Caucasians continue to cut indigenous people. This is already Rutin

On the night of Friday on Saturday, in the Rauschaya Embankment (opposite Kremlin), the Caucasian Nationality Persons were committed by the murder of the 23-year-old Russian Youth, a graduate of the Economic Faculty of Moscow State University

Leningrad Region :: Uzbek found guilty of rape of seven-year-old girls

The urban court of St. Petersburg was delivered by the city court of St. Petersburg, a citizen of Uzbekistan, who was convicted of rape of a seven-year-old girl and sentenced to 9 years in prison.

Irkutsk Region :: c. Moscow. Tajik workers hung Russian children on shoelaces

Tolerance in action. Two teenagers were killed, one survived and managed to identify the killers.

Moscow :: Moscow overlap the wave of immigrants from Asia and the Caucasus

According to MK in the Moscow City Hall, last years The number of people living here grew in 35 (!) times. In second place in "Survival" in the metropolis, there are Tajiks, the number of which increased 12.2 times. The capital of Chechens became more active (6.9 times), Ingush (5.9 times), Moldovans (5.2 times) and Azerbaijanis (4.6 times).

Moscow :: Azerbaijanie raped and killed a 18-year-old Russian girl, a student of Moscow State University

Immigrants continue to rape and kill the indigenous people of Russia. The 26-year-old Azerbaijanian Zaur Sadygov was detained and already confessed to the murder of Anna Borisovoy, an 18-year-old Female MSU. Perhaps it is he who is - "Moscow Decorator", accused of a series of killings in the summer of 2003. It is from 4 to 7 murders and rape.

Moscow :: In Moscow, the share of Russians rapidly decreases

Tyumen region :: Gastarbaiter was prevented to rape 10-year-old orphan

On Sunday, about ten o'clock, the Wathershest bushes heard a weak cry: "Not!" And rushed into the Debrist. The woman noticed the Tajik, launched on the undressed 10-year-old pupil of the shelter

Khabarovsk Territory :: Uninvited guests

The number of illegal immigrants in the Far East in 2005 increased by 2 times in comparison by last year.

Moscow :: Case Alexandra Ivannikova. News from the Moscow City Court

Today, the Moscow City Court considered the business of the Russian girl who, defending against the Armenian rapist, killed him.

Moscow :: Caucasians threaten massively killing Russians in Moscow itself

Statement of Caucasian gangsters: "We will arrive at you to Russia and get you in your same own homes! If necessary, we will attack you and destroy you with your children and wives! "


Recent studies of metropolitan scientists have shown: the northern, oriental and southern outskirts of the capital will turn into the Caucasian and Asian quarters

Moscow Region :: Egoryevsk. Tajik Gastarbaiter raped a 6-year-old girl.

Shock, caused by the rape of a 6-year-old girl Tajika Begmurodovy E. G., can not be described in words.

Moscow :: Moroccan detained in Moscow for rape

The girl said that an unknown attack on her in the Ekaterini Park. According to the victim, the man raped her and disappeared. Police officers began investigating and after some time, Moroccan detained on suspicion of committing a crime, 1971, Interfax reported.

Moscow :: A murderer and a rapist from Azerbaijan issued a mobile victim

The insistered body was found in the bushes on Trofimov Street. Anna raped and strangled the belt from her own handbag. The 26-year-old native of Azerbaijan Zaur Sadyigov did not touch the money bag of Ani money, but he shook at the phone.

Moscow Region :: Tajik killed a 9-year-old schoolchild because of the Ranger

Police officers are looking for a citizen of Tajikistan suspected of killing a 9-year-old schoolboy.

MOSCOW :: Wannik-Tajik detained for rape of a 7-year-old girl in Moscow

On the next detaining of the Tajik-rapist "Tolerant Journalists" are silent. The criminal scum continues to carry drugs, rape our children, women across the country. Ask yourself - "Do I do anything to protect my fatherland, my people, your loved ones?". Ask and think about it.

Moscow :: Losses from illegal migrants - 8 billion dollars a year

The head of the FMS told the press that "the scale of economic losses of Russia from illegal migrants, according to experts, they reach about 8 billion dollars annually."

St. Petersburg :: In St. Petersburg, every fifth schoolboy has already met drugs

Half drug addicts - adolescents up to 17 years old, and in high schools they are consumed to a third of students. Think about this message!

Sverdlovsk region :: Cold 11 Tajiks. Isyato 200 kg (!) Heroine

The smugglers hid drugs in the trailer "Kamaz", loaded with watermelons ... It's time to stop the flow of death - Russia is extremely necessary visa regime with Tajikistan!

Republic of Sakha / Yakutia / :: Ranges from the south and in Yakutsk

On the evening of May 28, a man who lives in the area of \u200b\u200bPokichenko Street, he stated that about 21 hours near the Yantar shop on his 16-year-old daughter, an unknown Caucasian was attacked and raped.

Moscow :: Moldova Citizen sat for life for the murder of four women in Moscow

The Moscow City Court on the basis of the Verdict of the jury sentenced to the life of the Moldavia to the lifelong conclusion from Moldova, who committed the murder of four women in the Russian capital.

Tula region :: Immigrants held Russian slaves

R. Ahmedov and A. Akhmedov for a number of years used the slave labor of several residents of Arsenyevsky district. A criminal case under Art. 127.2 of the Criminal Code "The use of slave labor".

Moscow :: Two Caucasians are wanted

In Moscow, a raped pregnant woman, expired by blood, spent 40 minutes on the asphalt at the gate of the departmental medical and sanitary part No. 1 ILO "ZIL" and died, without waiting for help.

Khabarovsk Territory :: Chinese killed an eighth grader for a mobile phone

In the apartment on Parkova Street in the village of Michurinskaya Khabarovsk Territory with multiple knife wounds different parts Body discovered a student corpse of 8 class of local school.

Volgograd region :: Frolovsky district. At the occasion, residents of the village are demanding to evict uninvited guests

Gypsy lawlessness brought residents of the area to the verge. Police purchased, officials do not care. Selyan are ready to take axes and independently deal with the "Gypsies - drug dealers, robbers and robberry."

Russia :: In total, in Russia, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, about 4 million adolescent-drug addicts and 700,000 orphans. The number of adolescents dying from drugs has increased 42 times over the past 20 years.

Kurgan Oblast :: The hustarery bus was styling heroin

More than 10 kg of heroin was found in the Kurgan when inspection of the Ikarus bus arriving on Saturday from Tajikistan, Interfax-Urals was told in the press service of the Drug Control Department in the Kurgan region.

Sverdlovsk Region :: Tajik raped a young Russian girl

The prosecutor's office of Nizhny Tagil charged the rape of a 10-year-old girl to a citizen of Tajikistan, the Deputy Prosecutor of the Dzerzhinsky District of the city of Yevgeny Martenov told Interfax-Ural.

Tajiks attitude to Russian women

Why should you visit Tajikistan

95% of the country are mountains. And this is the reason number one, according to tourists in Tajikistan. Tajikistan is Mecca for climbers. Therefore, in times Soviet Union Behind this went here from all over the country. Now, however, the situation has changed somewhat. The number of tourists from CIS countries has decreased due to an unstable situation in recent years. Now among few tourists are citizens of Europe. At least, in the main mining tourist of Artech, I did not meet any Russian. Only a group of well-equipped French and Czechs have fallen.

This is one of the good reasons why it is also worth visiting Tajikistan. Everything rushes into the eyes, everything is not like

In short, exotic. It was the second reason why I was choosing a trip to Tajikistan. And my expectations were fully justified and even moreover.

In the first days of staying in the country, I went with wide eyes.

People and relations

Before the trip, I read the articles of travelers who already visited Tajikistan. All noted very much good relationship To Russian. This has become the third cause of my choice. Expectations were also fully justified. Moreover, I did not expect such attention and care about me. Maybe this is because the Russians are practically left there, and I was in the wonder, and maybe because connections with Russia are close.

The urgent relationship with Tajiks became a surprise for me. In short, they are based on some closeness, relatives to each other, unlike the Russians who can help you in difficult momentBut will be suspicious before any stranger.

Why not attend Tajikistan

If comfort is important for you, if you appreciate the arrangement in everything, then you should not go to Tajikistan. The country is about to move away from the former military-political internal conflicts. And people have no desire to quit all the forces on the rise of the country. Some apathy feels. At the same time, most of the working-age population works for the benefit of Russia, and not their homeland.

The country is as if on the backyards of civilization, economic life seemed to froze. It seems that time stopped, and you fell in the times of atorating socialism - everywhere there are nobles. Business very timidly penetrates the country. Most well-known companies are practically presented here. The exception may be Beeline. Shopping centers There is practically no, only small shops and markets. Roads are most in the disgusting state, with the exception of the center of Dushanbe, or are not at all. There are, of course, the signs of a new life: the Chinese began to equip the crucial artery of the country - the mountain road to the north of the country, new hotels were built, but it is a drop in the sea.

On the other hand, Extreme Lovers, I relate myself to yourself and I will, all this will be very like.

My travel route

Riding Tajikistan is better, unambiguously, on the plane, since the trip by train can overshadow the trip

My travel route assumed to visit if not the whole country, then at least its main part. However, in reality it turned out less than half, but this completely enough for me. It was possible to visit Dushanbe, Dzhilikul - Cent and South of the country, Fan Mountains, a chain of seven beautiful lakes, also Penjikent, Khujant - North of the country. She planned, but did not visit Nurk (there is the largest hydroelectric station), Khorog. So there is still a reason to return.

It happened that I was able to see Tajikistan in terms of life ordinary peoplethat created the most complete impression of the country. My advice - wherever you travel, it is always better to talk and live with simple peopleAnd not be locked in your hotels and look at the lives of people through the windows of a tourist bus.

There was also a desire to complete the trip by a trip to Samarkand (Uzbekistan), as it is close to Penjikent, but I did not have a passport. According to rumors without it, they are not allowed to Uzbekistan unlike Tajikistan of Russian citizens.

Since my journey ended somewhat prematurely, and I also wanted impressions, I decided to drastically change the route to more gentle. - Black Sea, Sochi.

Than amazing country

So, now I would like to dwell on the peculiarities of this amazing country. I'll start with, in my opinion, the main one - features national Character.

Features of national character

Immediately, which distinguishes Tajiks among other peoples, if they are near, these are their hot southern temperament. It is expressed in constant bustle (especially noticeable in the plane and in the market), they cannot stop in one place. Also, temperament is expressed in more active than the gesticulation Europeans and in what is customary to speak loudly. In captivity itself, after some time, you also begin to speak loudly.

In a word, impulsive people.

At the same time, like other peoples of the Muslim East, no one hurry anywhere (the only exception is a bazaar: here life just hits with a mad key - just some kind of hellish anthill). Time does not have such a great value as in european culture. Churchill somehow said that he would lose his hour to russian - nothing to lose. And the farther east, the more this expression is enhanced. With regard to Tajiks, you can say: Tajik lose three hours - nothing to lose. Therefore, it becomes not surprising that in Tajikistan, there are popularity of tea-type fabrications, various eaters with sun beds instead of a table with chairs.

The presence of two mutually exclusive imprints of a national character affects how efficient Tajiks work. On the one hand, the increased pulse multiplied to the tremendous patience developed as a result of residence in complex natural and climatic conditions (heat and mountains), makes Tajikov with energetic workers. And on the other hand, some apathy makes the Tajiks with full breaking. Products. Present everywhere:

They do not have much job before how comfortably equipped with their accommodation. Arrangement of housing features simplicity. Everywhere (watched in Dushanbe) on the streets of srach (the garbage lies, as it seemed to me, for years and gradually processed from the street itself, there are practically no urics). The car movement resembles a chaotic movement of particles of atoms. At the same time, I have not seen a single accident, which says, oddly enough, about the art of driving Tajiks. Be such a chaotic movement in Moscow, in an hour Moscow would have turned into piles of fascinated metal with the stream of victims.

The distance between people in Tajiks is reduced to Manya. Therefore, they easily come into relations with each other, even if each other did not know at all. At the same time, it seems from the side that they are familiar almost all

1. For me, it became a habit, every time I met with strangers to me, stretching automatically my hand for a handshake, especially when I traveled with the Tajiks already familiar to me. Russia also adopted a handshake, but still it applies to already familiar to mostly people.

2. A sign of a special hospitality was that, for example, that the taxi driver, whom my familiar Tajik hired for a trip to his south's affairs, after the trip suggested temporarily to settle in his private house on the outskirts of Dushanbe. In addition, he showed great patience when the waiting time has long been expired, although I personally expressed discontent on this, but only me.

3. Visiting wherever I was, everywhere I was treated if possible. So the first week I practically spent nothing.

And if I turned out to be the mountains, I was immediately called to my tea with a pellet. There was even a case when the old woman called me on tea, but at the same time she did not speak Russian at all, and I did not immediately realize that she wanted to tell me. I was very nice and unusual.

4. When my Tajik and I drove at night from Dushanbe to Penjikent on his Volga, have never stopped to help motorists stuck in one way or another. To one even specially helped to refuel, leaving for this gas station, since he ended in gasoline.

And such examples could be further listed. For me, it was all very surprising to see. But it was particularly struck by the fact that drivers (for example, Abdusalas) in the event of a dangerous situation on the road created by another driver accidentally, not to knead on each other, like in Moscow.

The negative side of the close relationship in Tajikistan, as perhaps, and everywhere in the East, is the courtyard, lot and bribery. Special role playing if you have friends on the most important postswhich in the case of which will always come to your aid, mainly bypassing the law. But Tajiks consider it not evil, and well, since it becomes much easier to live, and any question can always be set as small blood. Such is the eastern mentality. I will give examples:

1. When we were driving somewhere, and we were stopped by Tajiki traffic cops, the Tajik driver took first of all, getting out of the car, not the driver's license, but the money, but at the same time this amount was usually insignificant. There was an impression that I gave money to traffic cops, even if you did not commit any offense, is a kind of tribute to the confession of traffic cops: guys, thank you that you exist, you do not touch us, drivers, and we will behave well, and For this, here is our gratitude. As a result, none of the drivers are indignant, but even opposite thanks the traffic cop. Something like gratitude for the roof.

2. When I did not have time to register at the local police, my Tajik quickly settled this Delz. By law, I had to pay a rather big amount in the form of a fine, but it cost much less.

Russia also has a lot and bribes, but now the situation changes. Blost no longer plays such a large role when appliance, for example, to work. With bribes (that is, with corruption), they intend to fight at the highest level.

In short, the situation looks like this: the farther east of the West you fall, the less the legality and more attributive to the relationship.

Relationships to women

But most of all rush to the "special" relationships to women. It seems that the struggle for rights

And besides, Tajiks as Muslims are still allowed polygamy. The number of wives depends on your financial capabilities. It is too positive momentwhich would be worth being taken over to us by Russians. so that there is no divorce on the soil of betrayal.

Attitude towards money

Attitude towards money in our understanding is some irrational. Money in relationships, of course, have the price among Tajiks. However, their size, again, is determined by mutual relations.

This means that you can always agree on a comfortable price for you. The discount size will depend on how much you do an influential position in society, and your opportunity to "sell" the seller to your claimed price. As for me, I seemed unusual for me, and expressing the readiness to pay the stated amount, I showed my consistency.

When money gets up between closer people, they are already playing indirect value. That is, if I, for example, something already has to my friend Tajik, I will return it not now and, most likely, not money, but with something else.

As a result, it turns out some circular linga: Everyone is striving to help each other in order to be sooner or later and they helped you. Great - Isn't it?

Relationship between nations

Interest primarily the attitude towards Russians and to their closest neighbors - Uzbeks.

The attitude to the Russian is extremely positive. All absolutely tajiks are set up pro-Russian. Consequently

The pro-Russian mood was expressed in the fact that all the Tajiks are found in most russian televisionAlthough there is also your own, which is extremely primitive.

Attitude towards Uzbeks is directly opposite to Russian relations. Tajiks hate Uzbeks. Between them there is a mutual feud, the roots of which are far away joint history. Tajiks consider themselves more ancient ethnos than Uzbeks. Therefore, a part of the territory belonging to Uzbekistan, Tajiks consider their own, and the city of Samarkand is a purely Tajik city. A feud is also expressed in a low degree of economic integration, and in some oppression of Tajiks by Uzbeks, and in the installation of artificial barriers in movement between the two countries. Tajiks themselves compare their relationship with Uzbeks with Russian relations with Western Ukrainians: General historical fate, but the memory of the resentment for the fact that someone was once under someone. In my opinion, it is a complete nonsense that interferes with both peoples joint prosperity. Uzbekistan needs Tajik water, and Tajikistan needs Uzbek gas. It is necessary to forget everything as the Japanese "Forgotten" about Hiroshima, and successfully began to deepen relations with America.

I will give only the features known to me, since other areas (for example, the East of the country), as mentioned above, did not visit.

The most ancient areas are districts in the north of the country. Here, even at one time, Alexander Macedonian was visited with his army. In the VIII century, our era, a developed trading civilization existed in Penjikent. Currently, the north of the country is considered to have more civilized Tajiks. There are no such tough traditional orders, and people are more civilized. All intelligentsia also lives in the north of the country. The largest city In the north is Khujant (during the Soviet Union - Leninabad). I liked the city - everything is clean and well maintained. It is felt by some resort spirit. Especially in the suburbs, where I lived in Chkalovsk.

The center of the country with the capital of Dushanbe, as it seemed to me, more archaic than the north. And Dushanbe himself is generally a young city that was formed at the beginning of the 20th century by merging the three villages, one of which was called Dushanbe. Therefore, there is still a spirit of some kind of village. People seem to do not yet understand what they live in the capital, and not on the sever. For example, the usual situation, when a woman breed a bonfire near a residential five-storey building and puts a brass for making a pilaf for the whole family (see photo).

Features of the political situation

Tajikistan is officially a democratic state. However, democracy does not smell there and in risen. Yes, there are multiparty. But essentially ruled only the current party, or it would be better to say the clan.

The lack of democracy is expressed in the absence of public criticism towards the president and the absence of opposition as such.

President of the country is Rakhmonov. Among people special love does not use, since there are few positive changes in the country. His only his merit is that he at one time became a uniform of the nation, when the country was torn to civil war.

In the country, as in other countries of the East, the soft cult of personality flourishes. The president's posters are awesome everywhere.

It is believed that in the north of the country lives mainly intellectual eliteAnd in the south there are only half-educated people. For a long time in power were northerners. But this was an end to the coming to power Rahmonov-Yuzhanin, who was before the chairman of the collective farm. Thus, dissatisfaction with the existing authority is also preserved among the part of the intelligentsia.

In addition, it is believed that after civil War Only representatives of the winning side were on all key posts. And representatives of other political flows were infringed in their position.

So external calm is very and very conditional. If it were not for the labor migration of the main part of the male population to Russia, the internal crisis would not have come to wait.

In Tajikistan is hot, very hot. But the heat here is some kind of special. At first you do not notice her. Well, bake, well, and what is tolerant, since the climate is dry. But after a while the heat makes itself felt unprepared by Europeans. On the third day of stay in Tajikistan, I happened to me sunstroke. It was in Dushanbe: I went to see the city on my own, left the minibus and realized that I could not move further. He really wanted to return back. That I am with great difficulty and did. When I came out in the suburbs, where my house was located, I forgot where it is located. And I was worth a big torment to wait for the heat until I found my friend Tajik. I almost died there in the heat. The most damned is that there is no mercy from the heat anywhere, even in the shade. And returning to the house down the house, and the next day was launched in bed. Soon the situation was changed - we went to the north, and in the north is not so bake, as in the south. In the mountains, the climate is at all gentle - right, as in Moscow: the sun shines, and then the tuchka will break and rain will go. So definitely going on a trip to Tajikistan, it is necessary to take with you sunscreen. I took a cream with high defense, and as a result, there was no tan on me at all.

Features of the kitchen of Tajiks are as follows:

- Mostly everything is natural and bought on the market, although you can also buy the same sausage, but there is no one in everyday food.

- The menu is not distinguished by a special variety, although the sites are written about the unthinkable number of national dishes (maybe they are simply not used). So, for example, on the first of the Tajiks, it is customary to serve a shurpa (very fat soup of lamb with vegetables) - and this is all of the soups (among the Russian dozens of soup species).

- All food is very saturated and fat.

- Eating Tajiks often and for a long time, despite economic difficulties in the country.

- Dishes, though simple, but very tasty.

At first, the absorption of other national food even gives pleasure, but after a long use, such food becomes simply unbearable. So I want something more diverse and less fat. It is worth being careful and know the measure.

At the same time, there are also ordinary cafes and dining rooms, where you will be consistent with our dishes, but still the eaters are dominated with traditional food.

- Pellet. They are bought if not tons, then dozens for sure. In Tajikistan, just a culp of pellek (see photo). Each

- Fatty meat with greens in various versions.

- Salad of cucumbers and tomatoes (with raw - without sunflower oil).

- Pilaf, which is pretty tasty.

- Shurpa - bold soup with meat and potatoes.

- Dairy dishes (chakks - sour and thick cottage cheese, kefir + cottage cheese - liquid drink that is often treated).

- Tea drink only green (brewed in teapots, and not in glasses, like with us, and drink from the pile) without sugar. At first, it's nice, and then it gets so annoying that I just want wild black tea from bags.

Potatoes are not very popular as the Russians that I delivered a special pleasure when fried potatoes turned out to be unclaimed in Tajiks when I bought it on the market.

In the house it is accepted to eat, sitting on the floor, lighted carpets. In the eatery with traditional food, eat on topchains, although there are tables with chairs. In a cafe with European food only tables with chairs.

Everywhere listened mainly to national oriental music, which is extremely melodic and with an incendiary pace. These are Tajik performers, and performers of other countries of the Middle East (Turks, Arabs). Although also listen to our pop musicians, as well as Western, mainly in the north, where there are more European orders.

I especially liked their music because I always loved any national musicIf it is very temperament and incended (for example, Latin American music).

Features of the automotive economy

Driving on the road

As mentioned above, the roads are mainly in Tajikistan all bribed. In Russia compared to

Road marking is absent. Movement chaotic, especially in Dushanbe. Therefore, in order not to knock down anything with nonsense, all drivers will signal for any reason, approaching some obstacle (another car or child from which you can expect anything in last moment). And when everyone starts to feed the signal, it turns into some kind of common madhouse. It seems that Tajiks are very dashing drivers, but at the same time they are very skillful in driving, trying to prevent accidents. It can be assumed that the circumstances are used skillful - you have to most Time to ride the steep mountain roads. Although I read somehow in one post, that allegedly not as they are also skillful - it happens and fall into the abyss. I, honestly, when we traveled around mountain roads, gave a drift in some places, since the distance to the cliff was reduced to almost zero.

rules road Conditional, you can not be fastened with a seat belt, traffic cops, though there are a place, but rare, and those that are, perform the role of collecting Dani without reason, but the size of Dani is small.

Here, perhaps, all the features of this an interesting country. I hope my story will interest someone, and someone else will dare to go to this country for acute impressions.

Reverse side of migration

In Germany, a lot of Russians in prisons, in the departments of psychiatry, in rehabilitation centers. Many are treated from drug addiction. Quite a lot of prostitutes, because of what the attitude to compatriots here can be very peculiar here. She did not see, but they say that in the centers for issuing methadone there are a lot of Russian youths, Russian guys. Germany is not a panacea from all troubles, there are its difficulties here. To begin with, it is very difficult to adapt if you do not know the language. Language is better to start learning back in Russia, it will be more time to go to the full possession of them. Refusal to citizenship to persons with conviction is practically guaranteed.

Employment of Russians in Germany

In general, the process is not particularly fast. Regarding job search - work should be searched very hard. The more you have plus, the better. Everything is simple: according to the law, if a citizen of Germany, and the one, who has no citizenship, is still presented, even if there is already a residence permit, then the first must be given preference. Therefore, you must have your advantages, for example, European work experience, if in German itself, is completely good, several higher education, knowledge of several languages. And the Germans do not appreciate the crusts for the sake of crusts or polyglotov in the sphere where it is not useful. You must completely clearly know why you need the second higher thanks to your future employer than your knowledge of Turkish and so on. If the company does not work with Turkey, she does not care what you know this language. She does not need your knowledge for Knowledge. It is good for you, since you know more, you have a wider outlook. But it gives little company itself.

Attitude to the Russians in Germany

I would say that initially the attitude towards each new Russian (not in terms of oligarchs, but just to a new person from Russia) is very wary. And it can be understood, since a lot of Germans came across our former citizens who came here with a position: the abroad will help us, in this case - will solve all the problems. Social help Unemployed and simply not wanting to work - these are taxes from the same German working. And what more people He lives on social, the higher the taxes, the worst fines with those who shy away from their payments, the stricter check. It can not configure people positively in relation to those who go to Germany.

Tajikistan / Society / Seven habits of Tajik wives who like any man

To be real eastern woman little to be born in this side of light and enjoy characteristic appearance; To comply with this definition, the woman should be followed by strict rules of behavior.

The partner of Asia Plus "Open Asia Online" gathered some habits of Tajik women who traditionally have oriental wives in our region.

Appeals to her husband on "you"

Almost all Tajik women, with rare exceptions, appeal to their spouse on "you", and call your husbands not by name, but the "master", "father of my children", etc. However, in the north of Tajikistan and men, and women turn to "you" to all without exception, even to their little children.

Any Tajik can cook well

Tajik woman who does not know how to cook, and not just cook, but to create real culinary masterpieces, it is nonsense. Any Tajik perfectly copes with the dough and can prepare a delicious pilaf. Mother since childhood is vaccinated by their daughters to cooking, because if a young girl comes to her house to her husband without these skills, then shame will fall for her entire family.

By the way, also virtuoso tajiks cope with other domestic duties, whether it is ironing linen or cleaning at home.

Bride's family buys clothes for the groom

Purchase of the groom on wedding ceremony - This is the responsibility of the family of the bride. Moreover, all necessary for family life Home Skarb, including furniture, is also purchased at the expense of the bride's parents; The groom requires only accommodation. Therefore, often before the wedding, relatives of the girl, inviting guests to the ceremony, order them gifts. For example: Iskandarov family family - carpet, Ismoil family - food processor, etc.

Never stays with another man alone

Even if this man is a relative. The Tajik wife will put a man into the house only if it is not alone. Otherwise, even native Brata Husband entrance to the apartment is ordered: "Wait for the owner." And so far, at any event, women and men in Tajikistan are traditionally sitting at different Dastarkhans, in different rooms. And the maintenance of male dastarhana (serve dishes on the table, remove dirty dishes) are engaged in men.

After the birth of a child 40 days lives at the mother

From the hospital, the Tajik wife goes home to his mother, especially if the firstborn was born. Here it will live exactly 40 days, during which the mother will teach the daughter to all the wisdom of handling the kid; In addition, everything you need for the firstborn will acquire a woman's family. After such a master class, the husband will never see the helplessness of his wife in communicating with the baby, because to follow the child - the direct duty of a woman.

Does nothing without coordination with her husband

Aindjon Abdurahimov was born in Tajikistan. At the moment, for 4 years he studies in St. Petersburg. He entered the Tajik presidential quota and studying in St. Petersburg at the expense of his state. Now finishes 4 course, then it plans to continue studying in the magistracy.

First day in Russia

We flew to St. Petersburg with the guys with whom they entered the university. They did not know where to go what to do, they understood independently. Quickly oriented.

We looked at people, and people did not pay any attention to us, as if you didn't exist and no one had any business before you. It is even good to some extent, they do not look at you, perceiving as an ordinary person.

I did not experience cultural shock, because I knew a lot about Russia, Russia was not a discovery for me.

As a result, Russia has become the second home for me: I speak Russian, I think in Russian, not forgetting my native Takjik (Persian) language.

First impressions about Peter

They were amazing. These rivers in the middle of the city, this architecture, every house is so unique, not repeated among themselves, and all this architecture and history that are in these walls, patterns on houses ... I was crazy about all this!

About the stereotype about tajiks who do not know how and come to work in Russia with handymen

This is a stereotype, it is incorrect. Our people can do everything. If they were not able to all, they would not come here with handymen. The bottom line is that the bulk of the population that comes to Russia to earn is the people who live in villages for which there is not enough workplace in the city.

Our economy does not yet allow all our families. And we are very loved by our family. In large families, not a single one, one of them comes here and works for their family. The fact that our people appreciates their family, in whatever difficult situation it is, I am proud of it.

I try to break the current stereotypes in my social activity. Our people know how much, but not everyone has the opportunity to show themselves here. They can work with some managers, architects and so on. But here they do not allow them.

Russian girls

If I had a Russian girl, I would have treated it normal. Russian and Russian. Russian girls are also beautiful.

Cultural Communication with Russia

We have a common story, we have a common past, I always remember this and try to remind my surrounding, friends, younger brothers and sisters, so that they also knew about it. Our countries are friends with Russia very well.

How to Russia and Russian are in Tajikistan

Russian treats very well. In each of our yard there is one or two aunt, uncle, grandmothers, grandfathers who are Russians. They stayed since the times of the USSR. They always gave us some sweets, then something else: we loved to play near their yard, a little to be joked. No separations.

The Russian teachers are grateful. I communicate with them so far. Thank you for education, they spoke to me at school time that you need to learn, although then I did not understand.

Back in school times, with the guys from school participated in one very wonderful program, which we had every month on television. She was called "Tajikistan and Russia - two halves of one soul." It was a quizzine on the topics of the Second World War, on the history of Russia and Tajikistan, the overall architecture, culture and other, which is associated with our countries.

We participated in this every month and were pleased that we contribute to the total culture of Russia and Tajikistan.

Russian cuisine in Tajikistan

We all eat borsch, eat dumplings. Not a lot eating soup only, it rare it.

And in Russia, on the contrary, everyone loves pilaf, by the way.

The difference in culture and household life between Russia and Tajikistan

There is no big difference. We also have many in European clothes. The people who live in the capital and big cities speak Russian. Russian is a second language for us, so many Tajiks know Russian, and very good. Once in our big cities, you will be very surprised. You can safely come from the airport and start talking in Russian.

Anyone can meet you, talk in Russian, reply, show the way. If necessary, lending you. If hungry and no place to stop, they will be offered to stay with them, drink tea, dinner together. And only then they let you go. We have such a custom culture. You can try, you will not regret.

For that I am grateful to Russia

The first, for which I am grateful to Russia and St. Petersburg - they gave me new opportunities for self-realization, in order to show themselves. There are a lot of those things here, where you can show yourself, to show, because it was here that I was able to show my leadership qualities. Here I was able to develop my creative talents, which in the future I helped me very much. Well, and, of course, education.

Education in Russia

Education in Russia is a little better than in Tajikistan. We also have good universities, but I wanted a little new. The further you become from our homeland, the more I want to return.

Aindjon Abdurahimov is very active in terms of public life, and today has a considerable "track record": the youth society of students of Tajikistan is headed in St. Petersburg. Member of the AIS of Russia. One of the leaders of the All-Russian Interethnic Union of Youth of the Russian Federation, President of the Council of Foreign Students in his university. The winner of the competition among universities "Golden Autumn", held in Ivanovo in November 2016, where he became the "Best Foreign Student of Russia." In St. Petersburg, he received the title "Student of the Year 2016" in connection with active activities on interethnic relations. The winner of the interethnic contest "Multifaceted Petersburg".

Tajikistan / Society / Seven habits of Tajik wives who like any man

To be a real Eastern woman to be born in this side of the world and have a characteristic appearance; To comply with this definition, the woman should be followed by strict rules of behavior.

The partner of Asia Plus "Open Asia Online" gathered some habits of Tajik women who traditionally have oriental wives in our region.

Appeals to her husband on "you"

Almost all Tajik women, with rare exceptions, appeal to their spouse on "you", and call your husbands not by name, but the "master", "father of my children", etc. However, in the north of Tajikistan and men, and women turn to "you" to all without exception, even to their little children.

Any Tajik can cook well

Tajik woman who does not know how to cook, and not just cook, but to create real culinary masterpieces, it is nonsense. Any Tajik perfectly copes with the dough and can prepare a delicious pilaf. Mother since childhood is vaccinated by their daughters to cooking, because if a young girl comes to her house to her husband without these skills, then shame will fall for her entire family.

By the way, also virtuoso tajiks cope with other domestic duties, whether it is ironing linen or cleaning at home.

Bride's family buys clothes for the groom

Purchase of the groom's groom on the wedding ceremony is the responsibility of the family of the bride. Moreover, home Skarb, including furniture necessary for family life, is also purchased at the expense of the bride's parents; The groom requires only accommodation. Therefore, often before the wedding, relatives of the girl, inviting guests to the ceremony, order them gifts. For example: Iskandarov family family - carpet, Ismoil family - food processor, etc.

Never stays with another man alone

Even if this man is a relative. The Tajik wife will put a man into the house only if it is not alone. Otherwise, even his native brother of her husband is ordered: "Wait for the owner." And so far, at any event, women and men in Tajikistan are traditionally sitting at different Dastarkhans, in different rooms. And the maintenance of male dastarhana (serve dishes on the table, remove dirty dishes) are engaged in men.

After the birth of a child 40 days lives at the mother

From the hospital, the Tajik wife goes home to his mother, especially if the firstborn was born. Here it will live exactly 40 days, during which the mother will teach the daughter to all the wisdom of handling the kid; In addition, everything you need for the firstborn will acquire a woman's family. After such a master class, the husband will never see the helplessness of his wife in communicating with the baby, because to follow the child - the direct duty of a woman.

Does nothing without coordination with her husband