Message about the country of Eastern Europe Belarus. Belarusian culture

Message about the country of Eastern Europe Belarus. Belarusian culture
Message about the country of Eastern Europe Belarus. Belarusian culture

Belarus. White Rus is a gentle and poetic name, as it is impossible to suit this country. White means bright, clean, innocent. Belarus is not peculiar to the bright paints of the Mediterranean. It does not possess the exoticity of Africa or the subtle density of the East. Belarus is a modest country, you can even say, integrate beauty. This is one of the few plates left on our planet, where you can see a striking miracle - a miracle of untouched nature. Amazing thing: It seems that here, in the very center of Europe, the time suddenly slowed down his run - around the raging XXI century, civilization moves forward with seven-year steps, and in Belarus, nature remains natural, people - humane, and values \u200b\u200b- eternal!

The Republic of Belarus as an independent sovereign state appeared on the geographical map recently - in 1991 and therefore for many is still a kind of terra incognita, although it is essentially in the center of the European continent. This is the edge of blue lakes and green forests, the sun openings and spacious fields, among which the quiet rivers carry their waters.


The Republic of Belarus (Belarus) is located in the eastern part of Europe, in the Central European Temporary Taste: GMT + 2 hours. The territory of the state is 207.6 thousand square meters. km, it is compact. The greatest length from the west to the east is 650 km, from north to south - 560 km. In the West, the country borders with Poland, in the north-west - with Lithuania and Latvia, in the North-East and East - with Russia, in the south - with Ukraine. The territory of Belarus is located at the intersection of Trans-European Transport and Communication Corridors "West-East" and "North-South". Belarus consists of 6 regions, 118 districts, more than 100 cities, 111 urban-type settlements, over 24 thousand villages. The capital is the city of Minsk, which occupies an area of \u200b\u200babout 200 square meters. km, with population approaching 2 million people. Distance from Minsk to the capitals of neighboring states: Vilnius - 215 km, Riga - 470, Warsaw - 550, Kiev - 580, Moscow - 700, Berlin - 1060 km. State languages \u200b\u200b- Belarusian and Russian, the monetary unit is the Belarusian ruble.


Located in the Central European Temporary Belt: GMT + 2 hours. There is no difference with the Kiev time. When in Belarus, noon, in Paris 11:00, in London 10:00, in New York, 5:00, in Los Angeles 2:00, in Moscow 13:00.


A moderately continental climate of Belarus, which is influenced by the air masses of the Atlantic, characterize rainy non-fit summer, soft winter with frequent thaws, unstable weather in autumn and winter. The average temperature varies depending on the regions of Belarus. In July, the average temperature ranges from + 17 ° C in the north to + 18.5 ° C in the south. The average temperature in January ranges from -4.5 ° C in the southwest to -8 ° C in the northeast. For summer holidays, a favorable time period with the average daily temperature above 15 ° C increases in the direction from the northeast to the south-west - from 70-89 days in a viewer, up to 90-95 days in Central Belarus and 96-114 days in Polesie. The average daily water temperature in summer in all reservoirs exceeds 17 ° C, and in July - 19-22 ° C.


State languages \u200b\u200b- Belarusian, Russian.


Major religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism.


About 80% of the population - Belarusians, 13.2% Russians, 4.1% - Poles, 2.9% -Ukrain. Urban population 71.1%. 70% of believers - Orthodox Christians, about 20% - Catholics, the rest are uniats and Judaists.

Emergency phones

Salvation service - 101
Ambulance - 103
Police - 102.


On the streets of the cities you can see the phones-machine with cabins of gray and blue colors. From the gray cabin, you can make a call within the country, and from the blue cabin - international. All telephones machines operate on the cards that can be purchased in the kiosks, in stores and in post offices. In order to call from Belarus to Russia, you must score 8 - 10 - 7 - the city code is the subscriber number. In order to call from Russia to Belarus, you must score 8 - 10 - 375 (Belarus code) - the city code is the number of the subscriber.

Currency exchange

Belarusian ruble (BYR or BR). In the circulation there are bills with a par value of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 and 100,000 rubles. Everywhere in the course of US dollars, euro and Russian rubles. Banks work from Monday to Friday from 9.00-9.30 to 17.00-17.30. You can exchange currency in banks and in exchange offices, and all exchange operations must be accompanied by a special form confirming the legality of the exchange (all exchange receipts must be maintained before departure from the country). Currency exchange on the street or privately changed confined with certain difficulties. Course Exchange: Belarusian ruble (BYR) / Ruble (RUB) 1 RUB \u003d 90.39 BYR.


For citizens of Russia, entry into Belarus is visa-free. It is enough to present a passport on the border.

Customs regulations

Citizens of Russia entering the Republic of Belarus temporarily or permanent residence, are not subjected to customs control. Those of them who pass to the transit through Belarus, when crossing its border, are obliged to make all the things transported to customs clearance. Without duties, you can import products for personal needs for up to $ 1000. If things are recognized as intended for commercial or production purposes, customs fees must be paid. Without custom duties, you can import up to 3 l alcoholic beverages and up to 600 pcs. cigarettes. Imported furniture is subject to a fee of a fee of 50% of its cost. When importing motor vehicles with a service life of more than 3 years, a tax of 0.3 ECU for 1 cube is charged. centimeter engine volume; For a car with a service life of up to 3 years old - 1 ECU.

It is forbidden to import weapons (without the permission of the relevant organs of RB), potent drugs and poisoning substances, gold in ingots, objects of antiquity and art (without special permits). It is allowed to export without the presentation of permissive documents, not exceeding $ 500 in equivalent. When exporting amounts over $ 500, but not exceeding $ 10,000, a document on the origin of the currency should be provided, in the amount of more than $ 10,000, it is necessary to have a document of authorized banks of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Holidays and non-working days

January 1 - New Year
January 7 - Orthodox Christmas
March 8 - International Women's Day
March 15 - Constitution Day
march-May - Easter
May 1 - Labor Day
May 9 - Victory Day
May 14 - Radunitsa
July 3 - Independence Day
November 2 - Catholic Day of Memory (Ancestors Day) "Diada"
November 7 - anniversary of the October Revolution
December 25 - Catholic Christmas

In January, the National Convention of Belarusian Composers (Minsk) and the International Festival of Classical Music "January Music Evenings" (Brest) under which many concerts are held. At the end of April, the whole country notes the Radunitsa - the Orthodox day of the commemoration of the ancestors, and the International Language Education Festival "Explains" is held in the capital. In June, the festival of poetry on Lake Svityaz and the National Festival "Belarus - My Song" is interesting.

July is the most saturated period in the Belarusian calendar. July 3 celebrate Independence Day. July 4 - Day of the city of Minsk, accompanied by the folklore holiday "Belarusian Padvorki" and a military-air holiday in honor of Independence Day. In mid-July, the holiday of Ivan Kupala, the International Festival of Arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk", and at the end of July - the Belarusian Rock Festival "Basovishche" (Grudge, Poland).

The festival of medieval culture "Sword of Lutsk Castle" is held in early September in Lyubart Castle (Lutsk). In October, the International Theater Festival is held (Minsk), and in November - the holiday of the Belarusian Music Autumn (Minsk) is the Festival of Folk and Classical Music and Dance. At the end of December, the Winter Festival of Arts "Christmas Fun" opens in the capital, and on December 21 - famous strides (caalids).


The National Airport Minsk is the main air port of the Republic of Belarus. According to specifications, it does not have equal in the republic. Belavia is a national carrier of the Republic of Belarus. You can get to the city in three ways: by bus that will cost you about 1 euro, for a taxi (about 20 euros) or on the schedule car. Buses depart every hour from 7 am to 10: 30 pm and arrive at the Minsk Central Bus Station, which is located next to the railway station building. Taxi is always at the exit from the airport. Car rental is in the arrival area. In Minsk there are several bus station. Most international transport is carried out from the Central Bus Station. The range of services offered by the central bus station is limited, which is explained by his neighborhood with the railway station. Railway communication exists between Minsk and almost all the largest capitals of Europe. Most Belarusian cities also have a railway communication. The new building of the Central Railway Station of the city of Minsk offers the full range of services for passengers, most of the services are carried out around the clock and without days off.


Classical phrase: Tips are not mandatory, but are welcome. Usually they make up 10% of the account sum. In some hotels in Minsk and other large cities, up to 5-15% of the cost of maintenance for maintenance is added to the score, while tips are usually brought into account with a separate string. If this is not done, it is recommended to give some amount (at your discretion) directly serving personnel. Swiss and porters usually expect tips in the amount of 1-2 USD, waiters willingly take "tea" 5-10% of the amount of the invoice.

The shops

Minsk residents practically do not use the word "shopping". For them, the purchase of new products is still a strictly planned shopping trip. Shopping in Minsk, like entertainment, can afford very few. The main centers where the Minsk residents go shopping are doused markets. The most popular among them: Dynamo, Zhdanovichi, Chervensky. For most Minsk population, this option for buying clothes and shoes is the most optimal. The range in the markets is quite monotonous and cheap. Clothes and shoes are usually Chinese or Russian production. Household appliances - famous global brands, among which Korean LG and Samsung prevail. Traditionally, purchases are also committed in the largest stores of the capital: Tsuma, GUM, department store Belarus and a shopping house on Nemig. Recently, large shopping pavilions in the center of Minsk were added to them: the Mirror Commercial Complex, Parking, the Underground Trading Hall "Kupalovsky". Most recently hypermarkets appeared in Minsk. It is assumed that they will make competing trade in markets. The organization of trade in Minsk hypermarkets is the same as in their Western counterparts.

Sokond Hand (Second-hand) - this option is cheap and relatively high-quality shopping is becoming increasingly popular in Minsk. If you try, then in specialized stores you can find a branded product of good quality for an acceptable price. Many do not bother that the thing lives the second life.

The most inaccessible and mysterious way of purchases for the inhabitants of Minsk is shopping in boutiques. In the capital of their order of twenty. It remains a secret, due to which they exist, as those who have money to buy expensive clothes of famous fashion designers, prefer to acquire a newer and fashionable abroad, in Moscow or in Europe.

Shopping day in Minsk is Saturday. On this day, the main mass of Minsk residents prefers to commit serious acquisitions. Most residents of Minsk have 70% of the family budget goes to food, so the acquisition of a pair of a boot or sweater is considered to be a significant purchase.

National cuisine

The basis of modern Belarusian cuisine - the cuisine of the rural population of the eastern and Western regions, which included the most common and long-term dishes of the urban population, which were mainly influenced by Polish cuisine, but received Belarusian processing. The main feature of the Belarusian cuisine is an abundance of potato dishes. Moreover, potatoes are used mainly in the ground. Whole potatoes are used only in two kinds - boiled in the uniform (in Belarusian it is called Soloniki, as it is eaten, dustly sprinkled with salt) and stew. Cathedral dishes are called stew or lubricants.

The mushrooms are only boiled and extinguished, and the dishes from fried mushrooms, Belarusian cuisine, does not know (just as she did not know the marinations and salting mushrooms before the beginning of the XX century.). As for dairy dishes, again, there is no purely dairy dishes in the Belarusian cuisine, but it is also a variety of milk derivatives (cottage cheese, sour cream, serum, oil) are used as mandatory additives - "Barrels", "Flood" and "Volga" - in many Dishes that include flour, potatoes, vegetables or mushrooms.

Solk meat and poultry (geese) is also characteristic of the old Belarusian cuisine - the preparation of Solonin and the Forces and the use of off-products, especially the dishes from the stomach, udder in the strained form. The use and cooking of meat in the Belarusian cuisine also have a number of features. Eating pork bale, pork rod Belarusian cuisine with Ukrainian. However, Salo in Belarus is eaten almost exclusively in winter, weakly salted, be sure to make a skin layer. Eating it with potatoes, in principle, it plays as if the role of meat.

Favoric culinary techniques of thermal treatment are baking, boiling, fat, quenching. The main thing in the traditional national Belarusian dishes is not a special composition of the products, and the processing process of these products, the use of some very simple, ordinary and more single product, such as oats, rye flour, potatoes, pretty complex, always long and often combined Cold and thermal processing.


Belovezhskaya Pushcha - One of the most unique arrays is not only in Europe, but also the world. Forest forests reached our days in primeval form. The border between Belarus and Poland passes through Belovezhskaya Pushcha, which divides the forest on equal parts. The forest massif is distinguished by the forest mucia and the perimeter of the district line is about 400 km. Forest forests are represented by highly age-treewood (80-200 years old), in some places - 250 - 350 years. Separate trees have been preserved, which have age 600 - 800 years. Forestability of the forest - 88%. Forests are represented by pine, deciduous marsh, wide breeds. From 1993 Belovezhskaya Pushcha acquired the status of the National Park. National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" It is one of the unique tourist facilities of the Republic of Belarus. This is the largest balance of flat relic primitive forest, which has previously grown throughout Europe. In 1992, the UNESCO decision, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, is included in the list of world heritage of mankind. In 1993, he was assigned the status of a biosphere reserve, and in 1997 he was awarded the Council of Europe Diploma.

Nesvizhsky palace the unaid kings of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Radziwillov - The monument of architecture of the XVI-XVIII centuries is the original and only, fully preserved in Europe, an example of the Magnation Residence. Throughout its history, the castle was completed and updated. As a result, the architectural complex has absorbed the features of the Renaissance, early and late Baroque, Rococo, Classicism, Neoeta and Modern.

In Grodno, many exquisite churches and churches. Here is the oldest church Belarus - Caullen, built in the 12th century. Exquisite Farry (former Jesuit) Church of 1705 amazes the magnitude of the facade and the sculptural wealth of the interior. The tour will continue to inspect the numerous monasteries of the city (Brigitt, Bernardinsky), Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, a visit to the rich Grodno museums and a stationary zoo. Excursion also introduces the activities of the Grodno reformer Anthony Tsengauz.

Mirsky Castle - Outstanding work of Belarusian architecture. In his architecture, there was a visible reflection of the era of feudalism: behind powerful towers capable of protecting the owner from the enemy, stood a rich palace - the residence of the magnate. Completed from the stone and brick, located away from the settlement, from three sides, surrounded by Rips and earth shafts with bastions, and with the fourth - covered with water, the castle with its monumentality and inaccessibility personified the power and unlimited power of feudal. Landmark of Castle - Towers. Their rich decor in the form of whitewashed niches and ornamental belts successfully contrasts with red brick walls and gives the castle greater artistic expressiveness.

Slonim arose at Razhra and for a long time he played an important role in the history of Belarus. Zhirovich monasteryWhich more than 500, has the miraculous image of the Mother of God by the Mother of God, is distinguished by expressive architecture and is famous for its rich historical past. You will be in the temples, you will be able to bow the miraculous icon ... The guide from the spiritual seminary will tell you about the monastery, the seminary, spends the holy source. Not far from Zhirovich, there is a unique monument of Gothic architecture - church-fortress of the 16th century in Synkovichi.

National Park "Braslav lakes" Belarus has long been called the lake edge: in the country there are 11 thousand lakes and more than 20 thousand rivers and streams! Lakes - the eyes of Belarus, which is therefore called Sinema. Precious of pearls in the natural crown of Belarus - the National Park "Braslavsky Lakes", which occupies an area of \u200b\u200b70,000 hectares. Local places are often compared with Switzerland or Finland, but they are absolutely distinctive. The edge charm gives constant change of landscapes - lakes, hills, forests and again numerous lakes.

National Park "Narochansky" - The edge of the roads and any heart of every Belarusian, even if he was not born in these parts. It is called the edge of poets and warriors, romantics and pure soul of people. In love with this edge at first sight and - for life. Tens of thousands of tourists and excursors annually enjoy the surrounding landscapes, rest in health resorts and tents, use the gifts of nature, roam the environmental trails, breathe healing air ...

National Park "Sandy". Polesie (South of Belarus) is an amazing land of lowland and plains, forests and swamps, penetrated by numerous rivers, rivers and streams, slowly carrying their waters in Pripyat and in the Dnipro, which flows into the Black Sea. In the middle of the river, the Pripyat is located Pripyatskaya Polesie. It is here, in the passing of Pripyat, svigi and harvest and is located the National Park "Pripyatsky".

Berezinsky biosphere reserve It was founded on January 31, 1925. Located in the north of the republic in the Belarusian Ladyerier, in the territory of the three administrative districts of Löletsky, Dokshitsky Vitebsk region and the Borisov district of the Minsk region. Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve - the oldest in the system of protected natural territories of Europe, is located 120 km from Minsk.

Rest in Belarus: HotelsBrest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev regions; sanatorium Gomel and Mogilev regions.


Minsk -the capital of the Republic of Belarus and the center of the same name and the area is located on the Minsk elevation on both shores of the Swisloch River. The area of \u200b\u200bMinsk is 256 sq. Km. The population is 1728.9 thousand people. Minsk is divided into 9 urban areas, includes 1 urban-type settlement. Minsk has the status of the capital of the state, its charter, coat of arms and anthem. Minsk is a city with a fairly ancient history. He is first mentioned in the annals in 1067. In 1974, Minsk was awarded the title of Hero City, to commemorate the merit of its inhabitants in the fight against fascism during World War II. At the moment, the executive committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Government and Parliament of the Republic of Belarus is located in Minsk. Minsk is known for its cultural component. There are 16 museums, including the National Art Museum, the Museum of History and Culture of Belarus, the Museum of History of the Great Patriotic War. 11 Theaters, including State Russian Drama and Belarusian Academic Theaters, National Opera and Ballet Theater. In addition, there are 20 cinemas in the city, 139 libraries.

Legendary city BobruiskThe center of the Bobrussian district of the Mogilev region, with a population of more than 200 thousand inhabitants is among the ten largest cities in Belarus. In modern Bobruisk, the historical development of the second half of the XIX and the beginning of the twentieth centuries has been preserved. But the famous fortress remains the main attraction of the city. Today, this fortification is decided to give a second life, the construction of the modern ice palace of the international level has begun on the territory of the fortress, which will be organically entered in the landscape of the architectural monument.

Gomel Located in the eastern part of the country 300 km from Minsk. This is the second largest city country and a large regional center. Gomel is included in the tourist route "Golden Ring Gomelshchina", which covers the most ancient cities of the region. At the end of the first millennium, the settlement arose in these places on the lands of the radios, however, Gomel was mentioned in the annals of 1142, as the ownership of the Chernihiv Prince. The unique cultural and historical monument of the XIX century -Dvetsevo-park ensemble, modern neighborhoods, the ancient river Gomeyuk, the will of the story, which became a swan pond in the old park, and luxurious coolant, carrying their full waters. Mighty Dnieper, the largest industrial enterprises and the green coolness of urban squares, a lace pedestrian bridge and the Golden Dome of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, announced by the bell tongue ringing about the birth of a new day. All this is Gorodigomel, one of the most beautiful regional centers of Belarus. Among his architectural and historical attractions - the extensive palace-park ensemble of Rumyantsevy - Paskevichi in the style of classicism, Wooden Ilinskaya Church of the end of the XVIII century, an interesting city building of the XIH - the beginning of the twentieth centuries (educational institutions, banks, city council, residential buildings, etc. ). Guests of the city will have a special pleasure to take a walk through an old park with shady alleys, where age-old trees will tell them their secrets, inspection of the chapel and tomb and the "hunting house".

Rogachev - Therapeutic resort located in the north of the Gomel region. The city is located at the merger of the Dnieper rivers and friends. Refers to the number of the most ancient settlements in the territory of modern Belarus. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Rogachevsky district is 2.1 thousand square meters. km. The population living in the area of \u200b\u200b65.8 thousand people, from them 35 thousand people live in Rogachev. For a long time, Rogachev and surroundings adjacent to it are considered to be a spa area. Many residents of the republic are well-known located 12 km east of the city of Sanatorium "Pridneprovsky". It is famous for its mineral springs, therapeutic drink, peat and sapropel mud. Sanatorium specializes in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and gynecological diseases.

Vitebsk - The cultural capital of Belarus and one of the oldest Belarusian cities. The administrative center of the Vitebsk region is located in the north-east of Belarus 280 km from Minsk, 360 km from Vilnius, 550 km from Moscow and Kiev and 800 km from Warsaw. Vitebsk arose at the confluence of two rivers - Western Dvina, flowing into the Baltic Sea, and Votables, which gave the name of the city. The official date of the founding of the city is considered to be 974 years. According to the "Chronicles of the city of Vitebsk M. Panzirny and S. Averski", the city was laid by the Kiev Princess Olga and in the Old Russian Chronicles mentioned from 1021. The city was located at the crossroads of the ancient trading path "from Varyag to Greeks", which contributed to its establishment by the end of the XII in. Crafts and Trade Center. The main attraction of the city is the town hall (1597), the recovered Annunciation Church, in which Alexander Nevsky was married by legend, and the standards of weight measures and the length used during trade operations were kept. In addition, the restored Pokrovsky Cathedral is interesting (1760), as well as the Museum-Manor Ilya Repin "Lubility" and the House-Museum of Mark Stegal.

Brestit is one of the important cultural and historical centers of Belarus. The main tourist object of Brest traditionally considered the memorial complex "Brest Fortress - Hero". Brest has been preserved a number of buildings, which are architectural monuments: Massive Nikolaev Cathedral (1856-1879), Railway Station (1886, heavily rebuilt), Nikolaev fraternal church (1904-1906), Cathedral of the Cathedoy Simon (1865-1868), Cross -genic Church ( 1856) and others.

Extremely diverse and richly architectural heritage Mogilev. A special value is a complex of the operating Orthodox St. Nicholas Women's Monastery: Nikolskaya Church (1669-1672), Onufrievsky Temple (1798) and a church residential building (XVII-XVII centuries). In addition, it is worth looking at the Palace of George Konissky (1762-1785), Boris-Gleb Church (1869), and the building of the former district court, the medical council and the archive of the Mogilev province (1770s.), Where is one now From the oldest local lore museums of the country.

Belarus (or Belarusian Belarus) is one of the nearest neighbors, from Moscow to its capital of Minsk only 700 km. This country is located in Eastern Europe, she has a common border with Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine and Poland, its area is 207.6 thousand square meters. km. The population is 10.3 million people (2003), mostly Belarusians, Russian, Poles, Ukrainians. Minsk is a large industrial and scientific and cultural center of the republic, in which more than 1.5 million people live.

The climate in Belarus is pretty soft, wet (from 500 to 700 mm precipitation per year), it is often overcast, foggy (about a third of days a year - cloud). The average temperature in January from -4.4 ° C in the south-west to -8 ° C in the northeast, in July from +17 to +19 ° C, respectively.

In the south, in Polesie, the swamps shouted for hundreds of kilometers. To the north of the tops, dense green forests begin, which occupy more than a third of the entire territory, moose, noble deer, bears, foxes, wolves, badgers and mn. Dr., In the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha live bison.

Belarusian rivers quiet and calm, most of them: Dnipro, Western Dvina, Neman.

In Belarus, produce powerful trucks, tractors, household appliances, mineral fertilizers, building materials; produce good knitwear, shoes, clothing; Grow bread, vegetables (Belarusian potatoes are especially famous). Potato dishes (Bulba in Belarusian) - the basis of national cuisine. The popular folk dance of Belarusians is called - "Bulba".

The history of Belarus begins with 10-12 centuries, when there existed several principalities on its territory. In the 13th and 14th centuries, Belarusian land became part of the Grand District of Lithuania, and in 1569 - to the composition of Poland. At the end of the 18th century, Belarus was attached to the Russian Empire, in 1922 he entered the Soviet Union. During the Great Patriotic War, Belarus was occupied by the Germans, each fourth resident died.

Since 1991, the Belarusian Republic - an independent state. In 1996, the Federal State Russia-Belarus was created, the process of their reunification began.

President of Belorussia - A. G. Lukashenko, elected in 1994. Official languages \u200b\u200b- Belarusian, Russian. The monetary unit is the Belarusian ruble.

Belarusian territories The first settlers began to master the late Paleolithic era, but the foundations of statehood here were laid only in the 9th century of our era. In the XI century, the Belarusian principalities tried to exit from under the influence of Kiev, who remained the main owner of these lands at that time. But since the "mother of the cities of the Russians" did not rush to peacefully with their own lands, and the Principality of Polotsk was achieved.

In the XIII century, part of the Belarusian territories entered the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian, which, tired of the claims of the Livonian Order, in the XVI century, concluded a strength with a responding speech. It is due to this union that the next two hundred years in the country was actively imposed by Polish traditions. In the XVIII century, Russia, Austria and Prussia were divided into compassionate. So for Belarus began a new stage of development - as part of the Russian Empire.

The XIX century has become for a country the time of transformations and the origin of the national movement. And although Poland was still trying to defend his own interests by rebellion, its influence on Belarus gradually sued. With the beginning of World War II, applicants were again found on Belarusian territories. First, the North-West of the country occupied Germany. After the October Revolution, the Poles tried to return here again. Ultimately, the USSR defeated, in which Belarus entered in 1922.

The most heroic and difficult period was waiting for the country in the times of the Great Patriotic War. Belarus took over the first blow to the German army and for several years turned into an occupation zone. In 1986, local residents had to postpone another tragedy. As a result of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP, some of the territories were contaminated with radioactive waste and became unsuitable for living. Own independence, Belarusians were celebrated in 1991, and in 1994, the state steering was the permanent president of the country - A. G. Lukashenko.

Population and language

About 9.5 million people live in Belarus, of which almost 2 million Mincters. The second largest city in the country after the capital is Gomel: 536 thousand inhabitants. By government languages \u200b\u200bin the republic, Belarusian, he also "Belarusian Mova", and Russian. Most often, you can hear the conversation on great mighties in Minsk and other major cities, however, the farther in the province, the more conversations on Move and Tursyanka (the hybrid of the Russian and Belarusian law).

The attitude of the Belarusians to tourists as a whole benevolent. True, recently more and more residents complain about the unreasonable snobbery of travelers from Russia. Accordingly, if you do not want to strengthen the local stereotype of the Russian task, lead yourself correctly and politely. And yet: Belarusians do not like themselves when their country is called the Soviet manner - "Belorussia". Keep this in mind and replace the usual word for a more politically correct - "Belarus".

Attractions of Belarus

Belarus is a country where it will have to constantly "break out" between man-made sights and protected natural landmarks. Both those and others are not inferior to each other in size and produce an equally unforgettable impression on everyone who decided on a tour tour in the republic.

Castles, Historical Monuments, Memorial Complexes

The castles of Belarus are not elegant to you, but absolutely useless from a defensive point of view Versailles. Local estates are primarily military bastions, in the second - product and armory caches and only to the third - the place of residence of the ruling surname and the cultural center of the principality. The most convenient proximity to the capital -, the architectural heritage of unforgettable Radziwilles and the UNESCO World Heritage Object. The story of the park-palace complex, just say, nonsense: From time to time, Nesvizh was fired on, then they were restored to leave again from the fortification of stone on the stone. Another "UNESKANCE" is located in the Grodno region. , He is the castle-park complex "Peace" - one of the most mysterious structures of the XVI century. So if you failed to "catch at home" a black Major Nesvizh, the spirit of which dwells in the same castle in the same name, in the world you can fix this omission and try to get acquainted with the Virgin White or, as the local guides, - Soncho.

Krevsky and Golzhansky castles, as well as the palace in Rujans were lucky slightly less than causing and the world in the sense that the desire to renovate them from the Belarusian authorities for some reason did not arise. Nevertheless, it is meaning to take a look at these majestic ruins, the benefit of the number of ancient legends and mystical baakeks and they are not inferior to their more successful fellow. The Golzhansky Castle, in addition to the "Traditions of antiquity of the old," can please the annual festival, as well as the most powerful energy. Tourists interested in knightly culture and medieval fesses will be interested in settlement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lida Castle. Well, the most sophisticated aesthemes will come excursion to the Cossal Castle. This is definitely not the most ancient facilities, but with the most interesting biography and in a completely atypical style for the country.

Polish domination left in the Belarusian land not only memories of the oppression of the local population, but also a number of invaluable architectural monuments. Basically, the Belarusians got the chokes from the Poles, from which the guidebooks mandatory to insperse unanimously consider the church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary in Pinsk, the Church of Francis Xavieri in Grodno and the Trinity Church in Wolchine. All three buildings were built in the interval between the XVII-XVIII centuries and were well preserved. There is enough in the country of Catholic temples and later periods, more fastened in terms of decoration and built mainly in non-neo-style.

Orthodox pilgrims will be interested to visit the Holy Boris-Gleb (Cleaner) Church in Grodno (XII century). Specialists argue that in the style of the church there are no analogues. Indeed, the construction looks nontrivially and mysteriously. Holy Assumption Zhirovichsky monastery and the exciting chronicle stories can also be told.

Permanent transitions of Belarusian territories from hand to hand either could not leave their mark in local architecture. Military fortifications and citades in the "country of Vasilkov" are no less than the princely castles. The main must-see in this niche is the Bobruisk and Brest Fortress. Both erected in the XIX century, but the worst and heroic moments of the biography have survived in the Great Patriotic. Another monument dedicated to the victims of the fascist occupation is the Memorial complex "Khatyn". This is a kind of architectural requiem in all Belarusian villages, burned punitives along with their inhabitants.

Reserves and national parks

Ecotourism in Belarus grows and flourishes. The most mainstream route is with its relict wood, bison and nominal oaks, which is 5000 years. By the way, the status of the reserve by local territories was granted another 600 years ago, Lithuanian prince Yagailo. Berezinsky biosphere reserve is good because his visit can be coincided with the tour of the capital of Belarus. The park is just 120 km from Minsk and get to him just a half hours.

Reserve "Braslav Lakes" - the attraction of other sense. Here you can catch a river fish, and romantic selfie squinting. Poaming Dubravians of the National Park "Pripyatsky" are often referred to as the "Belarusian Amazonia" and do not exagge into general ones. The similarity between the natural zones distant from each other is simply awesome. For the Narocian Reserve, Belarusians should be thanked the Valdai Glacier, who left 43 of the purest lake into a reminder of his own stay. Along with the ecopars of a certain mention, local forests deserve, about whose generosity you can tell infinitely. In the season, mushrooms and berries made of pine-fir fools are exported by tractor carts. Confirmation of this is amateur pictures, regularly laid out by Belarusian villagers and tourists in the social network.


Museums and Belarus more than one and a half hundred. Some of them are open in historical monuments like a worldly castle, the palace of the Rumyantsev and the Brest Fortress, and the part is classic urban expositions. The largest exhibition halls, of course, the metropolitan - national artistic and historical museums, the Museum of the Book on Independence Avenue.

Lyfhak for tourists: To save on the inspection of Minsk expositions, buy or order on the official website of the guest map, providing free visits to urban museums, as well as the function of travel in public transport.

Tourists note: All ski centers of Belarus are open year-round. Just with the beginning of the spring, they change the winter sports program on summer entertainment and hiking options, turning into classic recreation centers.

Belarusian cuisine

The national cuisine of the country is everything that has grown in native land and in the forest is generously flavored by Belarusian and Polish-Lithuanian culinary traditions. The local peasantry of the Izstari lived is not lived, so potato remains truly folk vegetable in Belarusians in various variations: from the danks and sorcerer to grandmother, poures and potato sausages.

But in the princely estates of vegetarianism were not carried away, so that in modern cafes you can find such national delicacies like a transparent (baked meat with potatoes), a vacuum (sauce-soup with ribs), sickly (dried ham), smubble (outdoor meat pie Stuffing) and Machanka (variation of meat-vegetable stew stew in a sauce of flour and water). By the way, of all kinds of meat in Belarus prefer pork. Eating listed yummy under the crambamboul (honey tincture) and the Krublik (strong alcohol on spices, honey and herbs), biting bread, which is stiffening on a barrier break and has a pleasant sour

To note: the main "chip" of Belarusian dishes - a long tomression in the furnace and a solid root, so no stacks "Medium Rare" in a cafe with national cuisine better not to demand.

River fish in Belarus also respect and know how to work with it, so boldly order in the callers of pike perch in Radzivilovsky and stuffed eel. In addition, the top leaf of the local Must Eat should include white mushrooms (pickled or fried in cream), Kulaga (thick jelly from forest berries), Jour (oatmeal chowder), Vantrobryanka (Saltison from offal).

You can enjoy truly Belarusian dishes in classic urban enemys with national cuisine, network restaurants "Vasilka", where it is allowed to take a meal for removal, as well as in the agricultural people, most of which have their own subsidiary farm and offers truly eco-friendly food.

Where to stay

Five- and four-star hotels in Belarus are deployed mainly in the capital and large regional centers, and these are both local species and representatives of international networks like "Hilton" and "Mariotta". The minimum cost of the double room in such places is 130 иN (approximately 4000 RUB). Usually with such discounts rent rooms with minor defects, for example, angular.

In the province, most hotels are either generally deprived of the category of star, or has a humble 2-3 stars. The most romantic and secured tourists can breathe in Radziwillovsky and book overnight in the worldly castle (page on (200 v.) Or the hotel "Palace", which is located in the walls of Nesvizhsky Castle - "Total" 490 иN per suite - Class.

If the account of a bank card allows only to look at the castle apartments, and atmospheric and national flavor, I want to be impossible, the agricultural agriculture will be helped. They are in Belarus more than two thousand. These are usually cute rural houses whose owners offer, in addition to the night and nutrition, also a cultural and entertainment program: fishing, hikes on mushroom and berry places, familiarity with rural life and folklore.

It does not lose the relevance and the usual Russian version - rent apartments from someone from the local (from 55 BYN per day). At the place in the hostel in the "country of storks and bison" you can claim if you are traveling within the capital. In Grodno, Gomel, Rogachev and Nesvizh, only one hostel, so you can not always catch free space in them. In other cities, ultraeconomic housing options are not at all, therefore, in the case of acute financial needs, it is better to find an overnight stay on the site of the caratsurfing.

Cellular communication and Internet

If you do not want to connect roaming options to your own SIM card, you can choose any of the three local - MTS, Velcom or Life :). Mobile Internet services in Belarus provide all three telecom operators, but 4G velocities are available only in the capital and regional centers. In the provincial cities will have to be content with the 3G standard.

Connect to Wi-Fi is easy in most urban cafes, as well as hotels. If the Internet was taken outside of the walls of these institutions, the prepaid Wi-Fi-Fi-Cards "Beltelecom" will be charged. They operate on the territory of most cities of the republic. The main thing is to find an affordable hot spot that any point "Byfly WiFi" and "BELTELECOM" can be. Standard Card Nominal: 60 minutes (1,1 BYN), 180 minutes (1,65 BYN), 600 minutes (2,25 BYN), 1 day (2,55 BYN), 3 days (3,4 BYN), 5 day (4,75 BYN).

It is useful to know: To call outside the Republic of Belarus, you must score 8 - 10 - the code of the country called and only then enter the number of the subscriber.


Assortment of Belarusian stores in the overwhelming majority of local production (calling "Bearetsea Belarus!" In action). Usually, on arrival in the country, the Russians are inhibited by products from natural flax, grown and assembled in Belarusian collective farms, and domestic knitwear, known since the Soviet times of the Factory "Svitanok", as well as its local competitors - Mark-Formuel brands, "Alesya", "Kupalinka". You can look at the work of Belarusian Couturiers. Clothing from Designer Brands Ivan Aiplatov, Sisters Parfenovich, Natasha Tsu Ran looks no worse than the creations of beginner European fashion designers.

Fans of inexpensive perfumery will also be able to break away in full: the products of the Belarusian company "Dilis Cosmetics" exactly copies the cult fragrances of perfume houses of France and Italy. If finance is allowed, you can look after something from jewelry: decorations of the Gomel Plant "Crystal" and the Minsk brand Zorka are waiting for you. A good gift to myself a loved one or someone from the loved ones will be the watch "Light" - yes, those of the USSR, but in the updated design and already with Swiss mechanisms.

Notice: The Tax Free system in Belarus is valid for all foreigners, except for EAEU residents. It's a shame, but these are the rules.

Schedule of the work of Belarusian shopping centers - from 9: 00-10: 00 to 21: 00-22: 00. Only food stalls and a variety of mini markets are open around the clock. By the way, about the products: if you managed to miss the Opt Hamon, Prostto and Parmesan, then in Belarus they are always in free sale. Discount hunters are better to organize a shopping tour for New Year holidays or on the eve of Black Friday, in which most large stores take part.

What to bring from Belarus

  • Souvenir products: dolls and hats made of straws, baskets and dishes from a vine, local ceramics.
  • Confectionery Factory "Red Food", "Communard", "Spartak". Commit to purchase: marshmallow, grazing and candy with filling from forest berries.
  • Bed linen set from natural flax.
  • Local vodka (haroril), as well as balms and herbal tinctures.
  • Belarusian cosmetics - such low prices for creams, carcasses and lipsticks you are unlikely to meet somewhere else.


Intercity transport in Belarus is represented by trains and buses. Both types are equally popular, but the railway trip is always cheaper: consider it if you move long. Along with the classic trains between the Minsk and other major cities run the composition of the business class, offering passengers a high level of comfort and tickets with 25% surcharge.

Street in Minsk

You can rent a car in Belarus and is necessary, especially if we have conceived a tour of the country with a check in provincial places. Rolling office offices are better in Minsk, as well as regional centers. The choice of companies is decent: there is both international firms (Avis Budget Europcar) and local offices. A set of documents for lease design Standard: passport and international sample rights, provided that you already have a couple of years of driver's experience.

The average cost of the daily rental of the economy class is about 100 BYN (about 3000 RUB). By payment, rental companies accept credit cards, and cash. Paid parking and tubes - phenomena characteristic mainly for Minsk. In the rest of the cities of Belarus difficulties with the movement of the transport flow, there is no place for parking for mostly free.


Stores and shopping centers of the country take only the Belarusian ruble (BYN). 1 BYN is $ 30.69. Money is better to change upon arrival: in the country there are full exchangers and banking offices, where Russian rubles, dollars and euros without problems "translate" into local currency. The banks are open 6 days a week, except Sunday, from 9:00 to 18:00. As for the exchange points, they are usually located at airports, in railway and bus stations, in hotels and on central city streets.

You can pay "plastic" Visa and MasterCard in any shopping center and the supermarket of Belarus. At the same time, going to the market or in a rural outback, it is better to keep cash with yourself. If at the end of the trip to spend the local currency to the end and failed, it is better to pass to the bank. Commission for exchange from the tourist will not take, but the passport will most likely require.


Belarus has repeatedly got into the top ten of the safest countries of the world, so you can go comfortably. Well, in particularly difficult situations, the local guards of the order will always come to the rescue, which can be caused by number 102. There are no specific rules for travelers in the country. The main thing, avoid smoking in public places or look for specially designated zones for this.

The idea of \u200b\u200bFix Local Authorities is the fight against individuals, currency exchanges. So, for the purpose of own security, "convert" Russian rubles to Belarusian in banks and official exchange points. With phototechnics, too, is also inactive: police departments, administrative buildings, metro stations are better not "clicking" so that the saboteurs do not suspect. And remember: the fines for violation of traffic rules in the republic are impressive, and "negotiate in place" local inspectors do not like. Moreover, offering a bribe to the Belarusian policeman, be prepared to pay the second fine or in the worst case - go for the bars.

Customs and visa information

For Russians in Belarus, there is a visa-free regime: when crossing the border, a fairly ordinary general passport. With you, every guest can be duty-free to carry up to 50 kg of hand-bag with a common value of up to 1500 EUR and an unlimited amount of foreign currency (the amount from 10,000 USD is required to declare). If the weight of baggage exceeded the permitted 50 kg, the excess will have to be supplemented at the rate of: 30% of the cost of extra bed (at least 4 EUR). Duty are not subject to: alcohol (up to 3 l), cigarettes (up to 200 pcs), tobacco (no more than 250 g).

Without a special permit, bring to Belarus and export from it is prohibited:

  • narcotic substances;
  • any firearm;
  • military equipment;
  • poison, radioactive and explosives.

To carry through the Russian-Belarusian border of animals and plants is permissible, but with the preliminary passage of phytosanitary and veterinary control.

How to get

The border between Russia and Belarus - the concept of blurred, so to get to the "Partizan Territory" on the personal car is simpler simple. The only thing, we will have to buy a "green card" in advance, which is an international alternative to the usual insurance policy. Insurance costs for 15 days stay - 840 RUB. Getting to Belarus is more convenient through the border Smolensk and Bryansk regions (the cities of Roslavl, Rudnya, Surar, Novozybkov).

You can get to Belarus on direct bus from neighboring Russian regions (Bryansk, Smolensk, Orlovskaya), as well as from Moscow Minsk. Usually the flight takes a little less than a year and a half.

  • Media
  • Belarus - general information

    Republic of Belarus

    Republic of Belarus is a state in Eastern Europe. The population at the beginning of 2016 is 9,498,700 people, the territory is 207,600 km². It takes a ninety-third place in the number of population and eighty fourth through the territory in the world. The capital and the largest city of the state is Minsk. State languages \u200b\u200bare the Belarusian and Russian. Entitful state, presidential republic. On July 20, 1994, the presidential post was taken by Alexander Lukashenko, later defeated the elections 2001, 2006, 2010 and 2015. It takes effect on 6 regions, the city of Minsk has a special status of the city of republican subordination.

    Geographical position

    The territory of Belarus is 207,600 km² (86th place in the area among the countries of the world). Located in Eastern Europe. Belarus is the world's largest European state (from the entirely located in Europe), which has no way out to the sea. Belarus borders (starting from the north-east, clockwise) with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.


    The climate of Belarus is moderate and continental, transitional from the marine to the continental, formed under the influence of the air masses of the Atlantic. In winter, frequently thaws. The average summer temperature ranges from + 17 ° C in the north (July), to + 18-19 ° C in the south. The sediments fall uniformly, with an increase from the south to the north - from 500 mm in the south, up to 800 mm in the north-west. The maximum amount of precipitation usually falls in the autumn-winter period. In forest areas, the thickness of the snow cover can be 1-1.2 m.


    The forests occupy about 2/5 of the country. However, on the territory of Belarus, relatively few large forest arrays (2 largest - Belovezhskaya and Naliboka forest), but there are no flavored areas.


    The animal world combines representatives of the deciduous forests, taiga and forest-steppe. Among the representatives of the fauna most often found wild boar, hare, elk, beaver. The most popular and dangerous inhabitants of the forest are wolf, bear, fox and lynx.

    Stork, Drozd, Heron, Crow, Sparrow, Tit, Oriolga, Bullfinch - Birds, which reflect the flavor of Belarus.

    There are many species of fish in the country, as the country is rich in water resources: rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The most common of them are: pike, roach, bream, crucian, perch.

    Under the protection of the state there are: bison, swamp turtle, lynx, river beaquer and forest cunnica. Insections are common.

    Bees, wasps, ladybugs, butterflies and rainworms - insects that are most common in the country.


    Agriculture is a historically important branch of the local economy, giving more than 7% of national GDP, ensures employment more than 9% of the population. The main agricultural industry is agriculture and dairy animal husbandry. Basic food crops: potatoes (6.9 million tons), sugar bumps (4.8 million tons), wheat (2.5 million tons) in the past Traditional forestry for the Republic plays a minor role Foreign trade - exported forest products and services in 2013 by $ 144.8 million (0.39% of the country's exports).

    Transport, Infrastructure, Communication

    Railways and road transport are the main types of transportation in the country. The railway network is focused on the main highway passing through Orsha, Minsk and Brest, which connects Belarus with Moscow to the East and Warsaw in the West. Operational length paths - 5512 km. In total, in Belarus, more than 83,000 km of public roads and about 200,000 km of departmental (agricultural, industrial enterprises, forestry, etc.), including 10,000 km in cities and settlements. At the same time, the density of country roads with a solid coating is still quite low - 337 km per 1000 km² of territory. A thousand inhabitants in Belarus account for 261 cars. The Merchant Fleet transports 1500 km of shipping waterways (mainly in the Dnieper basin). Air transport is relevant relatively weak; The country's largest airport is located near Minsk. In total, seven international airports in the country.

    Belarus is a country with excellent nature, a glorious history and culture. She is known all over the world as the land of churches, ancient castles, temples, churches and ancient estates. Belarus is located in the very center of Europe, at the intersection of the way from the Black Sea to the Baltic. She connects East and West. In this country, you can see a real wild nature. These are ancient forests, amazing landscapes, rare species of plants and animals. National parks and reserves are wealth of Belarus: Berezinsky Reserve, Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Surprisingly tender, as if watercolor artist, landscapes, ringing pine forests, filled with bird singing, crystal clear rivers and lakes, Belarus opens up its guests the last of the wonders of the world - a miracle of untouched nature.

    Taking the map of Belarus, you can make sure that 1/3 of the country's territory occupies forests, it is permeated with a thick network of rivers and lakes. Belarusian swamps became paradise for fishermen and birds. Numerous representatives of the Belarusian flora and fauna are listed in the Red Book, and directly swamps for a huge amount of oxygen produced by them, journalists of the whole world called "light Europe".

    Belarus is filled with the spirit of a centuries-old culture that left this land beautiful architectural monuments. In Belarus, the original original culture remains, the origins of which are in the distant pagan era, in those times when Belarus has not yet adopted Christianity. When these lands, populated by the Baltic and Finno-Ugric peoples, came Slavs, they gently retained what was created by these tribes. Slavs respectively reacted to the spiritual heritage of the local population and brought their culture into him. East Slavic tribes that settled this territory were pagans. This type of religious consciousness existed quite a long time and left a deep mark in the culture of the Belarusian people. Currently, scientists are confident that the Slavic-pagans had his own writing.

    The territory of Belarus began to settle on average Paleolite (100-35 thousand years ago). To the era of mesolite (9-6 thousand years ago) this land was completely populated by people. The culture of the eastern Slavs and the aborigines of local places - the Balts and Finno-Ugric peoples was mixed. Archaeological excavations on the territory of Belarus confirmed this guess. In 988, the Slavs who inhabited Belarus were baptized together with the entire Kievan Rus on the Byzantine rite. The adoption of Christianity led to the spread of literacy. Later, the culture of Belarus experienced many foreign influences on themselves, but retained its originality to the present day. The beautiful architects and artists lived on the territory of Belarus and artists, literary and musical works were created here. One of the brightest artists born in Belarus was Mark Chagall. Today, his paintings are stored in the largest and most famous museums of the world.

    The modern cultural life of Belarus is dynamic and diverse. There are many art exhibitions, musical, theater and cinematographic festivals in the country. Every year, the International Festival of Classical Music "January Music Evenings" (Brest) and the National Convention of Belarusian Composers (Minsk) and the National Convention are held in January. At the end of April, the International Language Science Festival "Explaining" is held in Minsk. In June, the National Festival "Belarus - My Song" is attracted in June, and the festival of poetry on Lake Svityaz. In July, there are many cultural events. July 3, Independence Day is celebrated, on July 4, the Day of Minsk is celebrated, which is accompanied by the folklore holiday "Belarusian Padvorki". In mid-July, an ancient holiday of Ivan Klapala is celebrated. In the same month, the International Festival of Arts "Slavic Bazaar in Vitebsk" and the Belarusian Rock Festival "Basovishche" is held.

    The beginning of September - the time of the festival of medieval culture "Sword of Lutsk Castle", which is held in the castle in Lutsk. In October, the International Theater Festival in Minsk is held, in November - the Holiday "Belarusian Music Autumn". This is a festival of classical and folk music and dance. At the end of December, the Winter Festival of Arts "Christmas Fun" traditionally opens, and on December 21, famous strides are celebrated.

    The Great Patriotic War had a strong influence on the culture of Belarus. Brest is the legendary city to which the defenders of the Brest Fortress brought the glory. In 1965, the Brest Fortress was awarded the title "Fortress hero" with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the medal "Golden Star". Many cultural events are carried out in places sacred for each Belarusian, for example, in Khatyn. This little village was burned with all its inhabitants. 149 people died in fire. Now on the territory of the village of Memorial. Here the "Cemetery of the villages", created in memory of 185 Belarusian villages, which destroyed the Nazis and the "wall of memory" with a memorial stove and eternal fire. This is a reminder of the Nazi concentration camps in Belarus.