Sportloto 6 of 49 Archive Editions Check. Soviet sportsloto

Sportloto 6 of 49 Archive Editions Check. Soviet sportsloto
Sportloto 6 of 49 Archive Editions Check. Soviet sportsloto

To participate in the circulation you need to fill the game coupon and pay the lottery receipt. In the gaming coupon 6 fields. The cost of the minimum bet (6 numbers in one game field) - 20 rubles.

Winning for 3 guessed numbers is 150 rubles. The winnings in other categories are distributed as a percentage ratio after the winnings of 3 guessed numbers are calculated.Super prize, which is paid for 6 guessing numbers, varies from the circulation to the circulation and can reach several million rubles.
The minimum guaranteed super prize is 10,000,000 rubles.
Draws are held daily. Bets for the nearest circulation are accepted until it starts.

Detailed rules of the game on the site

Recently, significant changes have occurred in state lotteries.
October 18, in Moscow (Volgograd prosp., 43, korp. 3) opened a lottery center "Stoloto".
In the lottery installed in the center, six lottery draws will be held:

All circulations are broadcast live on the site
Anyone can come to the center and see the process with its own eyes. Free admission.

No one knows for sure when to wait from the fate of gifts. One thing can be said for sure if you sit and do nothing at all, the white band in life may not appear.

Laziness to work and, there are no big money to become an investor or open a business? Everything is much easier, you can try to win in the lottery.

Sportloto 6 of 49, circulation, archive, winnings - about this we will now tell. This lottery was launched in 1970, and its organizer is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Play her millions of people with the help of the Internet disappeared the need to search for sales points, tickets are sold online.

Where to buy a ticket 6 of 49?

In order not to look for points in real life, go to the STOLOTO website, register and start buying tickets.

On this site, tickets for other Gosloto are sold, you can check the ticket 6 out of 49 in your personal account, get paid to the internal account and then translate it in any convenient way.

Lottery rules are extremely simple. Already by name it is clear what to do is to choose 6 numbers from 49 proposed. At the rates, this lotto is very much reminded, everything is done there:

As you can see, you can note up to 17 numbers, but in this case the cost of the ticket will increase. If you celebrate only 6 numbers, for a ticket you pay only 20 rubles.

For each added number to the ticket, you have to pay separately (if you wish, you can install a multiplier or buy several tickets at once):

Super prize is constantly changing, depending on how much tickets has gathered a circulation of 6 out of 49:

Tickets purchased through the site can be given. Payment is carried out by one of the available ways, the choice is wide:

The archive of 6 out of 49 players do not have to look. All bets are displayed in the Personal Account, it is displayed which ticket won and how much profit it brought. There you can also repeat the rate:

In Gosloto, not only those who guess all the numbers won. If at least 3 mysterious numbers falls out, 150 rubles are paid. More coincidences - more payment, amounts depend from the assembled funds for timetables:

  • 4 deposited numbers - 22%
  • 5 gifted numbers - 10%
  • 5 gifted numbers and bonus ball - 16%
  • 6 gifted numbers - 52% and super prize

If no one gave all the numbers, the accumulative prize transition to the next circulation is 6 out of 49. Winners in this sportsloto are not uncommon, you can see who became the winner lately:

State lotteries help collect funds for various purposes. For example, in 2010, the Winter Olympic Games financed using funds, and in 2014 the money was used to finance the Paralympic Winter Games.

How to check ticket 6 of 49?

Bought a ticket, but do not know how to check the data? You can do this in two ways, going to the archive of editions of 6 out of 49 or through the ticket verification tool. For this, it is not even necessary to register. Come on the stoloto and through the main page go on one of the links.

A little about lotteries

In numerical lotteries, a separate simple combination is equally considered, and is a "uniform indivisible essence." In other words, in the space of a complete array, all elements (mentally imagine "cubes"), have the same size, therefore, there are no priority combinations. It is impossible to allocate in the full array of "Universal Combinations", which will "always" play better than the rest, as the lottery or the circulation generator is equally possible! Most of all amazes that even many experienced players do not understand.

Equivalent distribution of playing combinations -
simple proof number 1

Let us turn to the most natural statistics in numeric lotteries - combinatorial. For this you need all the playful combinations, for example, in a lottery 5 of 36 - translate into their sequence number (index) in full array. Then you can construct a point schedule for the distribution of these combinations in the space of a complete array, while observing the interval and location in the history of circulation. Each point on this chart indicates a really played combination in the space of a full array. Since each individual combination is distributed equally throughout the massif, then we can divide this space to equal parts (sectors).

We divide the full array of 376992 combinations,
let's say - on 12 equal parts - sectors
- 31416 combinations.

All actually played combinations at the moment in Lottery 5 of 36
(equivalent distribution), selected sector - any

We calculate the number of matches of each sector for the 500 last camps.
On average, an approximately the same amount of combination in any sector is 41 times.
The chance of any sector on the coincidence is 376 992/31416 \u003d 1 time on 12 camiants (average)
For 500 camps, any sector will play 500/12 \u003d 41 times (average) or 4 times for 50 camps or 2 times in 25
If the combination play in the selected sector, then the chance on Jack Pot increases 12 times on one simple combination of this sector, and will be 1 to 31416. If we have 10 combinations in the game, then 1 to 3141.

What is a single combination?

Let's see what a separate combination is on the example of a lottery 5 of 36. Total combinations in this lottery 376,992 pieces. Each combination has its own serial number in full massif (index - cell).

The first combination (000001) \u003d 01-02-03-04-05 ...
Last combination (376992) \u003d 32-33-34-35-36 \u003d 376992

000001 _ 01-02-03-04-05
000002 _ 01-02-03-04-06
000003 _ 01-02-03-04-07
000004 _ 01-02-03-04-08
002024 _ 01-02-07-11-30
002025 _ 01-02-07-11-31
002026 _ 01-02-07-11-32
174078 _ 04-21-25-32-34
174079 _ 04-21-25-32-35
376992 _ 32-33-34-35-36

Absolutely any combination in full array is no different from others in terms of the probability of coincidence.
To better understand this, it is necessary to submit 376,992 separate lottery balls, on which all 376,992 combinations were designated.
Such a quantity is difficult to imagine and all the more fit into the picture, I will show only a few balls from 376992 pieces.

Let's draw a mental experiment - Let's place these balls into a huge lothotron, which throws out on every circulation only one ball with a combination designated on this ball. We should not forget that after each last circulation, the ball with the combination marked on it is thrown back to the same lottery. Thus, on the next circulation, all combinations will be on the spot, and when Lamotron starts, it is stirred on a par with everyone.

If it is difficult to submit an option with balls, I will try to present a huge roulette wheel, where each cell for the ball refers to a combination. There are 376,992 pieces of such cells, since such a rated wheel does not work either to fit into the picture, then for a general understanding, we only draw a meager part with combinations - allocated the initial and finite.

Take a look at the picture - "Wheel" is divided into equal cells (Equalious combinations), and a ball (a circulating generator) can get into any well (cell - index), it does not matter how we designated these cells (even by pictures). After the circulation (spin), the wheel does not decrease - all cells remain in place.

  • Note: I look again - I write about a whole simple single combination. For each individual combination (cells), the meaning is completely lost, in any other, odd, amounts, intervals between numbers, repetitions, consecutive numbers, and the other - since the combination is a single whole and denotes the cell (index) in full massif, and their huge quantity.

We can trace only separate areas of the array (sectors, ranges, groups of rooms) for the nearest games, therefore, will increase your chances of the main prize (in separate circulations) in dozens and even hundreds of times. It depends on which sector (array, range) we guess.

Equalized distribution
playing combinations - simple evidence number 2

Consider on example 24 numbers (lottery 6 of 45) selected by chance.

We calculate the likelihood of full and partial coincidence on the real history of circulation simplified (simple calculation, and quite accurate for the large number of circulation), then use a special hypergeomet function, which is present in Excel spreadsheets. It is a statistical function with which one can calculate the likelihood of a complete or partial coincidence.

(Click to enlarge)

Uploaded 2311 Lottery Circulations 6-45.

1. One coincidence showed in 128 essays
2311/128 \u003d 1 to 18.1.
Hypergeomet \u003d 1 to 16.6.

2. Two coincidences showed in 472 essays
2311/472 \u003d 1 to 4.9
Hypergeomet \u003d 1 to 4.9

3. Three coincidences showed in 754 essays.
2311/754 \u003d 1 to 3.1
Hypergeomet \u003d 1 to 3.02

4. Four coincidences showed in 659 essays.
2311/659 \u003d 1 to 3.5
Hypergeomet \u003d 1 to 3.6

5. Five coincidences showed in 249 essays.
2311/249 \u003d 1 to 9.3
Hypergeomet \u003d 1 to 9.12

6. Six coincidences showed in 37 essays.
2311/37 \u003d 1 to 62.5
Hypergeomet \u003d 1 to 60.51

As we see, the probability of complete and partial coincidence is almost completely coincided with the calculated values. It is evidenced by a lottery generator to mean a combination. When generating or manual marking of any markers, the values \u200b\u200bwill be slightly different, but they will be close to theoretical. The more the history of circulations will be downloaded, the closer the result. Due to the fact that the circulation in the archive is catastrophically, we use groups of sufficient length numbers.

From a uniform (equivalent) distribution, one more conclusion follows: No matter what numbers include a group of numbers - even, odorless, top of the game field or lower and so on. Only the number of numbers in the group, from which the probability directly depends directly depends on. We look at the screenshot - markers marked in the number of 18 numbers - by chance, the upper part, readiness.

(Click to enlarge)

Special differences in the intensity of coincidence 5 numbers are not observed.
In other words, a circulating generator pays attention to any marked markers evenly, at least "draw" on the playing field. It happens "advise" to play the so-called "figures" - this does not change anything in terms of the probability of the coincidence - any "figure" will play with the same periodicity as "not a figure" ...

Now we know exactly - any marked group of numbers, equal to quantity, has the same probability of coincidence. Why? Because it is coordinated from equally simple simple combinations. In this case, as it is generally understood which group may be more likely for the nearest games?

Strategic combinations for numerical lottery

When you realize that a separate combination is equally and
then some have a complete confusion - in relation to common statistics 🙂

For example, why "even something" play in the "majority" in a certain proportion, or why the "amount" plays an average range and other. It turns out that the combinations seems to be not evenly equal? It is easy to answer this question, it is after full aware that the combination is equally taken separately. So why is it still a combination like "love to play" in certain proportions, bands, amounts - if they are equal?

  • Because we "allocate" by this information arrays of equilibly single combinations. It is important to know here how many combinations It turns out in the selected sectors. Arrays combinationsallocated by statistical information - contain miscellaneous number Equative combinations, therefore, these arrays have different probability coincidence.

Consider on the example of statistics
sale, odd numbers

  • Let's try to understand one of the popular tips when choosing a combination:
    choose combinations that contain an equal number of parts and odd numbers.

Tell me why it happens. In the lottery 5 of the 36, the most commonly encountered odds will look like this: 2 even - 3 there is nothing to do, or 3 even - 2 nothing. We consider the number (even - odd) from all possible combinations in Lottery 5 of 36

To better understand why the lothotron or a circulant generator of random numbers tries to throw out such combinations of numbers in combination, refer to visibility to the roulette wheel, which is nothing other - as an equilibious generator of random numbers, if, of course, did not twist 🙂

I distribute all the combinations on the basis of even the case, together, and according to the table,
draw a circular schedule - imagine that these are marked sectors on the roulette wheel

Move mentally the largest sectors, which contain 124848 combinations together \u003d 124848 pieces (2 hours - 3 units) + 124848 pieces (3 units - 2 hours) \u003d 249696 combinations of 376992 possible, or 66.23%, or the chance of these two sectors equals 376992 / 249696 \u003d 1 to 1.5 for each spin (circulation) or about 33 rooms out of 36.

That is why, with each test (back of the roulette), a lototron or circuit generator, combinations from this sector will strive in most cases, to play in the proportion of readiness as 2-3 or 3-2.

  • In this example plays not a separate combination - Here it plays a dedicated "huge sector" with combinations, in other words, we noted about 33 rooms out of 36, naturally almost always such a number of numbers "hooked" all prizes!

Why exactly in combinations as 2-3 or 3-2? Everything is explained by the costs of the decimal system, which is encoded by a one-piece combination. Each separate one-piece (complete) combination simply denotes a cell out of 376992 pieces. Remember a mental experiment with ballswhere the combination is indicated entirely, or an example with a roulette wheel, where each combination simply denotes a cell, and indivisible. And how we highlight the array of combinations - it does not matter. Just it is convenient to keep track of these features (even-nothing) for a part of the array - sector.

If we generate any random combinations on the same number of combinations (2469696 pieces) in spite of these proportions in general, it will not change anything in terms of the probability of the coincidence of the resulting array (sector) (1 to 1.5). Any equivalent generator of random combinations will be as if to follow this advice by itself (without any filters) - what is interesting, no one specially programms it, laying into it instructions (algorithm), issue such a combination of numbers.

Do not believe? Check out!

1. Review the history of circulation - most combinations of even something will be 2-3, 3-2 (5 out of 36) and as 3-3 (6 out of 45).
2. Take any random number generator, combinations - generate and record the obtained combinations, then check.


  • Most likely, such tips are addressed to those who manually fill tickets, without any software, even a simple generator of random combinations will follow this advice by itself.
  • We have little sense from this advice, since the sector contains two thirds of all combinations - not in roulette, we play a dozen, where chance 1 to 3.
  • Such a board is suitable for lotteries that pass very rarely, although it will help little.
  • It is correct to try to guess sectors 1-4, 4-1, and with quite frequent circles 5-0, 0-5 (waiting for the average period)

In this distant in 1970, people saw the first circulation of the lottery. During this game, the little girl manually took 6 balls out of 49 available, and thus determined the winner. The number of balls, namely 49, was not chosen by chance. After all, each ball had its own sport, and they are 49, it is precisely why the game and rank the name "Sportloto 6 of 49". In the first circulation, all the rooms were gone and the winner received his supervigrass. It sowed a huge interest in such a presentation among people. And a few years later, more than 75% of the population was already played in the USSR, and more than 10 million tickets were sold to each game. The years and the popularity of this gambling lottery only grew. For decades, she managed to keep millions of their fans who do not miss a single circulation.

Rules of the game

Gosloto 6 out of 49 rules are very simple. That is exactly one more advantage on the way to popularity. You only need to select 6 numbers. This will be a player combination. But the interesting point in the rules there is something that 6 basic balls and one bonus falls during the circulation. It is this bonus number that can bring a breathtaking amount of winning, help defeat. So, the participant buys a ticket, selects 6 numbers from 49 and automatically becomes a player. The lottery circulations are held every day, and the result of the game is available immediately upon completion. In general, Gosloto 6 of 49 is:

Simple rules;

Ticket availability;

Fire game;

Payout super highlights.

Considered erases

It has gosloto 6 of 49 Archives of circulation can largely help while playing. A participant with experience uses it to determine its individual game strategy. The archive data has information about the balls for each circulation. And this makes it possible to analyze. Many strategists enjoy them and completely succeeded in their winnings. Also, you can also use the archive to check your ticket. If for some reason the participant missed the circulation, and it happens anything, it can easily check the winning combination and see the lottery result. Archive of circulation created specifically for the convenience of players.

Guarantee of receiving supervision

Gosloto 6 of 49 is a state lottery. It holds its act according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation. The organizer is the Ministry of Finance. 6 of 49 is a state lottery. And it is the state that is a guarantor of fabric payments. In the entire history of the Lottery's existence, all sought-after winnings were paid. There was no doubtful of the lottery in honestorer and decency.

The first edition of Sportloto took place on October 20, 1970, in the Central House of Journalist. The format was based on the game "Keno", one of the oldest numerical lotteries in the world. In the Soviet version, the formula "6 of 49" was involved. The game immediately became a mass, 1.5 million tiles was sold to the first circulation, and for the week. It is all the more surprising that only Muscovites took part in the first dying, the rest of the cities were plugged to the game gradually. In the future, each draw accounted for up to 10 million tickets.

The members of the Tirazh Commission decided to invite famous athletes, in the future it became a tradition. In the first grazing, the famous football player and hockey player Vsevolod Bobrov, the commentator Nikolai Ozerov and his colleague Nina Eremin, in the past Basketball player.

The winner of the first draw was the engineer-economist from Moscow Lidia Morozova, who got the main prize - 5000 rubles. For the country, the average salary in which at that time did not exceed 200 rubles, the amount was truly gigantic. You could buy a new car "Moskvich"

Sportlot Card, 7th Circulation 1970, part "A"

Subsequent circulations were conducted through. At that time, they reminded the circulation of the monetary lottery: the members of the commission circled a transparent drum and the balls with winning numbers took from it. First time tickets were sold in Moscow, the second city, in February became Baku

The reverse side of the Sportoto Card "6 of 49", 7 Circulation 1970

In 1971, the distribution network expanded: in March, Yerevan was added, then (we indicate in the same order, as connected) - Odessa. Lviv, Kiev, Tallinn, Zaporizhia, Sverdlovsk, Rostov-on-Don and Leningrad.

In the first 12 months, 70 million sports cards were realized, the participants received winnings by 10,265,670 rubles - half the amount reached from the sale of lottery tickets. The first year brought many major winnings. Despite the fact that 5,000 rubles paid for the gangway six (very large money for those times), almost 10 people.

Also, in the first year, it was possible to create 17 zonal administrations of Sportloto, and until the end of 1973 it was planned to cover all areas of the country


On October 20, 1973, the second game was appeared - Sportloto-2, whose circulation was passed after the main one. Card "Sportoto-2", cost 60 kopecks, as she took part in two editions held in one day, thereby rose and the chances of winning. And the draws began to carry out the lototron, which was constructed and built the chief engineer Vynaino Paasik and the Kalude Turkey's locksmith from the SCB of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR. Created by them mechanically mixed and automatically removed the winning balls.

From January 10, 1974, the Sportllo lottery circles began to be held in Moscow, at the Central Television Studio and to broadcast on the first program and systems "East" and "Orbit", and millions of lottery fans got the opportunity to see the conduct of circulation on TV. As a musical accompaniment, the Melody of Gershon Kingsley "Air Corn" performed by the ensemble under the control of Meshcherina.

Sportlot 5 of 36

On August 14, 1976, the first edition of the new sports and numeric lottery was held with the formula "5 of 36", called "Saturday Sportloto". The cards of this lottery took part in the circuit that consisted of two draws held weekly on Saturdays.

The announcement of the lottery 5 of 36 (the first name "Saturday Sportloto") in the newspaper "Soviet Sport"

New circuit apparatus were put into effect - airflows, in which the mixing of the balls was carried out with a jet of compressed air. "Saturday Sportloto" was intended to finance the XXIII Summer Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980. 36 Olympic sports assigned conditional sports numbers.

Card "Saturday Sports", part "A". 13 and 14 circulation, 1970

Extra ball and other innovations

In 1977, (with 37 editions), in order to increase the popularity of the "6 of 49" lottery in it, an additional preferential ball began to play, which promotes the likelihood of a lottery. In August 1978, all numeric lotteries were translated into the bustrial cards. The maximum winnings increased from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. Lottery "6 of 49" and "5 out of 36" (the former "Saturday Sportlovo") began to be held every Saturday, the draw was held with the help of a pneumon.

In January 1981 there was another change in the conditions of the game, the purpose of which is to make it more fascinating, to offer participants more options for filling tickets. The circulation of "Sportloto" began to be carried out from four, but from two draws - one for "6 out of 49", another for "5 out of 36". The ticket itself also changed, it added another field to be able to participate in two options (combinations)

form "Sportloto" 5 of 36, for 2 options

Given the numerous wishes of the players who asked to return to the previous mechanical method of mixing balls, from January 1, 1982, the circulation devices were replaced. The circulation began to spend on two new lototrons producing simultaneous extraction Five or six balls with winning numbers. In January 1985 they were improved, and began to extract balls not all together, but alternately.

Sportloto 6 of 45

Since January 1986, to increase the likelihood of winnings (by 30%), the "6 of 49" numerical lottery was replaced by the numeric lottery "6 of 45"

Archive of the trains of the lottery "6 of 49", 1970 - 1985

Archive of the trains of the lottery "5 out of 36", 1976 - 1992

Archive of the trains of the lottery "6 of 45", 1986 - 1992

(circulations 1-52) (circulations 1-52)
(circulations 1-52) (circulations 1-52)
(circulations 1-52) (circulations 1-52)
(circulation 1-53)

Data on the resources until all will be gradually entered

Records and interesting facts

Lottery "5 of 36" (1981-1992)

  • Maximum options that participated in the same lottery - 28 672 799 (1991, 15th grade)
  • Maximum winnings for 5 rooms in one circle "5 out of 36" - 414 (1990, 17th grade).
  • In the same circulation, the minimum winnings of 5 rooms was recorded - 1289 rubles. The fact is that in the 17th teary of 1990, the same combination fell (3, 5, 12, 16 and 30) as in the 28th teary of 1988. Then 5 rooms guess 22 options, the winnings amounted to 10 thousand rubles.
  • Number 9 dropped 5 times In a row from the 29th to the 33rd circulation of 1983.
  • Number 10 dropped 5 times In a row from the 31st to the 35th edition of 1985.
  • By 4 times In a row, numbers 32 (18-21 circulation of 1981), 29 (from the 37th to the 40th edition 1983), 26 (47-50, 1986), 18 (10-13, 1988) and again 29 (32- 35, 1989).
  • 4 rooms in a row Fallen in the 8th teary of 1982 (combination 9, 10, 11, 12, 32), in the 15th teary of 1984 (1, 14, 15, 16, 17) and in the 32nd teary of 1987 ( 4, 8, 9, 10, 11).

Lottery "6 of 49" (1970-1985)

  • Number 18 dropped 5 times In a row from the 51st Circulation of 1977 to the 3rd edition of 1978.
  • Number 41 dropped 5 times In a row from the 45th to the 49th edition of 1979.
  • Number 30 dropped 5 times In a row from the 3rd to the 7th edition of 1981.
  • 4 rooms in a row They fell out in the 8th teary "Sportloto-2" of 1975 (combination 18, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45), in the 47th teary "Sportloto-2" 1978 (12, 16, 34, 35, 36 , 37) and in the 16th teary of 1980 (15, 24, 34, 35, 36, 37).
  • Taking into account the preferential (seventh) ball 4 rooms in a row Passed in the 35th teary "Sportloto-2" 1979 (combination 2, 21, 23, 24, 38, 42 + 22).

Lottery "6 of 45" (1986-1992)

  • The greatest number of options that participated in the same-tirage of the Lottery "Sportoto - 6 of 45" - 3 million 449 thousand 315 (52nd Circulation 1991)!
  • The maximum amount of winnings for 5 rooms (for the price of 30 kopecks) - 9 416 rubles in the 34th teary of 1986. It is more than the win for all 6 guessed numbers in the 31st Tiras of 1990 ( 9 057 rubles)!
  • Number 12 dropped 5 times In a row from the 4th to the 8th edition of 1989.
  • By 4 times In a row dropped out numbers 7 (14-17 editions of 1986), 11 (from the 47th to the 50th edition 1987), again 7 (from the 48th to the 51st gravity of the same 1987), 33 (8-11 , 1989) and 8 (32-35, 1990).
  • 4 rooms in a row Passed in the 16th teary of 1987 (combination 18, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43), in the 20th teary of the same 1987 (27,28,29,30,37.44) and in the 44th teary 1992 (12, 21, 41, 42, 43, 44).

records collected Denis Denisenko ( [Email Protected]) In 2008-2010. The initial version of his page is no longer supported, the information remained in