What is a birthmark? Roda stains and their meanings.

What is a birthmark? Roda stains and their meanings.
What is a birthmark? Roda stains and their meanings.

Many people already know the reasons for the appearance of moles and how to deal with them, if it is really necessary. We also talked about how harm to the body can cause moles and what to pay attention to to prevent the development of diseases related to moles and their unnatural behavior. All this, of course, is very interesting, especially for those people whose skin has a lot of pigment specks, but no less interesting will learn about what kinds of moles exist in nature, which they can be colors and forms.

What are there?

Let's look at all kinds of moles that may appear on the body, both an adult and baby, immediately after his birth:

  • Hemangioma. Vascular moles that are formed on the surface of the skin in the form of small nodules or. The moles of inconsistent, in turn, are very often similar to small warts or ordinary pigment spots.
  • Flat moles. The most common type of moles on the human body. They are formed in the upper layers of the skin at the expense of melanocytes, practically do not react to the sun's rays and do not grow in quantity.

  • Convex moles. It may look like the formation of a smooth or bug-in type, is formed in deep layers of the skin. Often such a mole is not more than 1 centimeter in diameter and has growing hairs.

  • Blue Moles. There are different sizes and different colors, from bluish, to dark blue, tower over the surface of the skin in the form of small hemispheres, most often dense and smooth.

  • Huge, pigmented stains. It often happens that these moles are congenital and constantly increasing, together with the cultivation of the human body. As a rule, these are brown or gray moles, which can even be painted with time.

The appearance of the moles. Moles in the form of various figures.

Not only are the moles have a different structure and nature of the appearance, they can also take a variety of forms that are very attracted not only to the chirromants, fortune-tales and people associated with magic, but also ordinary ordinary people.

What do translations mean moles?

  • Moles in the form of a triangle. It is said that they bring people a lot of happiness. A person who has similar moles is morally stable, Silen in spirit and believes its principles.
  • Moles in the form of constellations. Such moles carry certain fatality, fateful marks that determine the most important events of your life. It is said that the life of such a person is very interesting and filled with a mass of high-profile missions and tasks.
  • Moles in the form of a cross can mean very many. On the chest - unhappy love, which can leave a mark on the whole of a person's life, on the back - a possible betrayal in life, on the stomach - serious dangers in life, on foot - persecution and distrust of a person - frequent mistakes in life, incorrect solutions in work , on the left - the rock mole of marriage, it can be either very good or catastrophically unhappy.
  • Mind in the form of a heart or a mole in the form of a heart can mean two opposites at once. Some specialists say that the owner of this mole is a loving man and, at the same time, loved by many, others say that this sign of love curse and the owner of the mole will never have to know the taste of the most warm feeling on Earth.
  • Moles in the form of a bucket means the same thing as their moles in the form of a large bear, it is almost the same thing. Such marks can be found in a person who has a huge vital energy, will to victory and will of the will, which cannot be compared with anything. This person in life is waiting for many bright achievements, but they will not come themselves, you need to work much and only then the result will fully justify all the hopes.
  • Three moles in the form of a triangle mean rock, only good or angry, experts have not yet decided, or rather, each of them moved to his camp and from there, with a high bell tower, proves his opinion. The positive side is the highest purpose in his life, and maybe in the lives of surrounding people, a person with the purpose of good and positive actions. Negative side - the fatal person with which it is not necessary to deal. It can be tied to unidentified religions or sects, has a bad effect.
  • Moles in the form of rhombus. Such moles, in the form of geometric figures, and even in even quantities, always mean the high potential of a person, his desire to learn and achieve something in life, the goals of such a person are predetermined by fate.

What else are moles ...

This is not the entire list of moles that may arise on the human body. There are cases of moles in the form of numbers, pieces of a geographic map, in the form of birds and animals.

Symbol of happiness - Mole

Moles are on the body of each person. And if men give them values, then women, always critical inspiring themselves, know every speck and every mole. But not even the fair sex representatives are aware of what information is hiding in themselves these notices located at different parts of the body.

Moleosophy - Special Science

It is believed that on the human body arbitrarily. When the baby is born, it can have several marks that can be almost invisible. During the life of Moles can disappear, appear and change their outlines. Ordinary people do not bind these phenomena among themselves and do not give them much importance. Many are even unknown that for many years there is a science that studies the influence of moles on the nature and fate of a person.

Moleosophy is based on the hypotheses of a close connection between the location of the mole, its size and color and events that a person is destined to survive in the future. Also, according to this science, the emergence of new moles warns about new turns in fate or symbolizes the already happening serious changes. Molosophia has been forgotten for many years and has been associated with fortune tells, but in recent years, interest in learning moles has increased, and these scientists have become very in demand not only among the people who are interested in mystics, but among doctors.

The special curiosity of the Moles is caused by women, especially since it is considered that it is not a great influence on them. Almost every daughter Eve wishes to know what mole means his chest or cheek. Some ladies convince that the opening of their talents, to recognize who helped the knowledge of some moles, fully changed their lives.

What are the moles talking about?

Not everyone can be considered sign and fateful. Specialists advise paying attention to large marks of a light shade. They significantly affect fate. If for some time the color of education changes, it means that it is worth preparing for serious change in the future. Warns about problems and troubles, up to a deadly outcome. Conversely, a brighter promises the emergence of new prospects, wealth and success in all endeavors.

Focusing on large in the size of moles, you should not forget about the average size noted. They also affect the nature and fate of their owner, although to a lesser extent. For example, a large mole on the chest will affect a woman stronger than a couple of small marks. Moreover, large nevies can enter into a resonance with other moles, and in this case the strength of their influence becomes unpredictable.

Is the form of the mole affect the fate of a person?

Moleosophy claims that little to take into account the size and color of the mole. The form of noting is important. Some of them are considered positive, while others extremely negatively affect the fate of their owners.

Moles in the form of a star or bird are particularly happy. They characterize people talented, which is destined to a great future. Success they can achieve in any field of activity, besides, fate will always take these lucky ones from serious problems and diseases.

Mountain, reminiscent of the shape of the cross, promises man a lot of trouble. She warns that the life of its owner will not be easy. Depending on the place on the body, where the molest is located, the nature of the problems will depend. Conducting Necessian head promises trouble with mutual understanding, its owner will always be in conflict with other people. But the birthplace on the chest of the same form warns that a person will be difficult to meet love. It is programmed to be rejected opposite sex.

Scary pages from the history of the study of moles

In the Middle Ages, they attached special importance to the body. The priests believed that any mole was a label of unclean strength, which means that such people with suspicion should be treated. Especially feared big moles that have a convex form. Worst of all, if a similar "sign" was found on the body of a woman.

At the time of witch hunt, the Inquisitors even wrote a special treatise offering to identify sorcerer, seeing the skin "three witch marked". Moles in this case should have a special form and place in special places. Such women were accused of witchcraft and enjoyed on a fire. Additional proofs of the guilt were freckles, red hair and beauty of the alleged witch. Sometimes during the trial was carried out during which the mole was pierced by Kalena Needle. Bleeding was proof of the innocence of a woman, otherwise it was unambiguously considered the sorcerer and endured a death sentence. Thinks of thousands of young women were killed in Europe through such vessels in Europe, whose wines were only in beauty and rare celebrations on the body.

"Three Witch Mark": Moles that can change life

Scientists engaged in learning and moles do not refute the findings of the Inquisitors. Modern research confirms that they are noted in certain places on the body, I can testify the abilities of a woman to magic and witchcraft. It is said that such ladies easily predict fate, and can also read thoughts.

Moled value is of great importance on the temple. It defines the ability to read the future and lies to recognize. It is almost impossible to deceive such a woman, she intuitively knows how to separate a lie from the truth. A telepaths and fortune -akers are often born with a similar mole, which have the ability to "scan" any person.

Inquisitors were particularly afraid of women with a homeland level rounded form, located on the inside of the knee, slightly above the bend. In the Middle Ages, this notice was called Lunoid, and it was the most good proof of communication with unclean power. Moleosophy confirms that such a mole indicates the serious paranormal abilities of its owner. A woman with these abilities has a close relationship with the world of the dead, can receive information from them and ask for the discharges. Dead relatives always take care of the well-being and success of a woman with a louncing birthmark, they are her custodians.

On the abilities for hypnosis tells the Moles over the upper lip. Such a woman can damage and bless with just one word, it has a huge gift of conviction. Its charm is especially strongly exposed to men, they simply cannot resist magnetic charm and charisma.

I would like to add that only major moles are matters that are clearly highlighted on the body. The appearance or disappearance of such a sign promises big changes in the life of a woman.

Men and women: who are more affected by the moles?

Moleosophy says that people of both sexes are equally affected by the moles. But the values \u200b\u200bof the marks for men and women will differ. Moreover, scientists argue that we are all capable of intuitively recognize their moles and classify them. For example, a mole on the breast of a woman is always perceived by men as something sexual and attractive. According to scientific research, this is true, that is, subconsciously every person can determine some character traits in moles.

Although the nurses equally affect men and women, the latter are still more susceptible to their notes. This is explained by the fact that the French representatives are more emotional and sensitive people capable of perceiving information from the world of subtle matters.

On breasts

Many moles remain unnoticed because of their location, but here are hands and chest always cause many questions. Particularly often attracted the attention of the opposite sex of the birthplace on the breast in women. Is such close attention to their owners?

Mixed on the chest can tell a lot about the woman, no wonder the men look so closely in the cutting of the dresses. In general, the birthplace of the breast symbolizes the passion and sexuality of the woman, such nature will gladly have new novels and easily change partners. But a considerable value is half of the body, on which Nesus is located.

Mountain on the left chest issues sincere and gentle nature. Such girls always dream of a prince and are unable to play with partners, deceiving them. Molenia on the right chest will tell that the girl is very determined and knows what he wants. Women with such celebrations can fight for their love with all available ways and ultimately always get the desired.

If the Mountain of Large Size is under the breast, you can be sure that you met the perfect future mother. She will be extremely attentive and caring for their children.

Mixed on the chest in men

For men, Mountain on the chest can be decisive. It is believed that it characterizes romantic nature. Such men love to do surprises, give gifts and always guess the desires of their chosen. Experts in the field of studying Moles advise people to choose people with such moles. They are distinguished by loyalty and for many years retain toastic feelings for their second half.

Do not underestimate the moles and consider Masaosophy heresy. Perhaps finding a new one on the body, you can learn about the trouble threatening you in time and you will be more careful or feel unprecedented abilities. After all, nothing in life is meaningless.

In the book of Culmate "Russian folk signs and beliefs", you can read about the birthmarks as follows: - "The birthmark on the head - many Mr. will be, if from the noble genus, and from the thin - will serve himself; - Between the eyebrows - he marries pious; - on the chin - to move from place to place; - on the abdomen - it will be a drunkard and an womb; - on hand - there will be a lot of children; - Above the heart - that industry will be; - On the chest - that poor will be.

If the child has a birthmark on the body, then this is a sign that the baby's mother stole something during pregnancy. "

It is possible that such categorical statements are sometimes fair, but in my opinion, it is impossible to read the fate only by the presence of a godded spot or mole. At the same time, it is impossible to reject certain characteristics, characteristic of the presence on the body notes.

Form of the gathering stain

The birthmark in the form of a cross always talks about severe trials in a person's life, on what part of the body it is not located. If the stain is on the head - you have to go through the alienation band, overcoming the misunderstanding of other people, and sometimes frank hostility on their part. The cross on the chest is a rejected love that it can become the tragedy of the entire life of the owner of such a tag. On the back - you should wait for betrayal from the closest and expensive people. The owner of the cross on the stomach should be feared for his life: it can seriously suffer in a car accident, to become a victim of an accident at the production of one's own fault.

The birthmark in the form of a star is an extremely rare and very happy sign. Do not look for the ideal similarity with a five-pointed star. A little harm can resemble a little man and a figure of a strongly deformed star. It is important for the presence of five ends in such a stain. It is believed that a person will always keep fate where he would not go, what would not be engaged.

The birthmark in the form of a geographic map is found very often, and he can find a lot of interpretations. It can be in the form of continent, island, can resemble the sea, a small lake. Explanations can be the most unexpected. endowed with unbridled in the field of feelings. Such stains talk about the evilness, contempt for other, contiguity, inability to take themselves in hand during disputes.

The birthmark, reminiscent of the bird - a good sign, especially if the bird with open wings. A person with such a stain can achieve a lot in life thanks to personal efforts. He is the "High Flight Bird". It is characterized by a kindness, indulgence to people, their weaknesses.

A bortal spot, resembling a fire or flame - a sign of complexity and complication in everything. A person with a "fire" sign on the body is waiting for a difficult fate. It is very impulsive, terrible in anger, does not know how to restrain his emotions. He can only cope with this only under the influence of a loved one.

The birthmark in the form of celestial luminaries (sun) makes many additional features in the character of a person. The sun must necessarily have rays - light glare around the main stain. As a rule, people with such familiar be born in the morning, during the day or early evening - at the light of the sun. They are distinguished by enviable temperament, energetic and much better feel in the afternoon.

The birthmark in the form of a properly outlined circumference, in shape resembling a full moon, gives its owner with amazing intuition, the ability to foresee, witchcraft. But only if such a right spot is on the right side of the body. Moles are no less important in the fate of people: convex in the form of warts, separate dark points, more or less bright small specks, they can appear in the course of life in the same way as being given from birth. Different people moles may differ significantly. For dark-skinned, black moles are important, for ceiling - convex. The emergence of new moles or an increase in the size of innate signs reflects the actions performed by us in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm, wrinkles on the forehead and seeds.

In different interpretations, there are more than one hundred different areas of the person, according to which the nature and fate of a person are determined. The main zones are located on the axis of the symmetry of the face and capture parts of the face to the right and left from the axis. The presence of moles on this vertical line in the upper part of the forehead speaks of the difficulties that will have to survive a person in childhood and youth, in the middle of the forehead and in its lower part - about any difficulties in relations with other people - relatives, friends, colleagues. Mountain on the nose is one of the signs of fate. It is worth thinking about it. Mountain in the middle of the nose - possible failures on the love front. People with moles at the tip of the nose, according to Japanese physiognomy, can become chronic losers. Mountain located on the upper lip (immediately under the nose) may indicate serious hereditary diseases. Mountain under the bottom lip and on the chin speaks about the power of the will and the hard character of its owner.

Moles located below the ribs. In a woman, let's say this is the waist area. Operations with such signs cannot be controlled. They are often banal hystericals with low intelligence. Live with such a woman - solid torment. It can roll the scandal for any occasion, for example, if it seems that someone looked at her on her bus and put on the bus specially, and the husband did not put "naha" in place. Moles on the waist for men are in cowardly people. If a man, besides, a big belly and waist is simply absent, many of its shortcomings are thereby protruding. A man with a relay below the ribs often turns out to be a big egoist. He is concerned with only their own desires, as well as fear of losing some benefits. They are susceptible to hysterical panic during natural disasters.

Mountain on the neck of a man speaks of his impassiveness, numerous weaknesses, the absence of willpower. His mood is often changing, in childhood it can be very fusing. A woman with a birthmark on the neck can be very volatile at the apparent conservatism. She changes her tastes, addiction, life credo. Under certain circumstances, it can change her husband, but for nothing will hide it and immediately in all he admits. At the same time, it can be very gentle, love without regardless and even completely devote himself to one-sole man.

Moles on the chest are of greater importance for women than for men. Women can have moles (for example, on the bottom of the left), which are able to influence fate in different ways - either to cause love and worship, or create a substantial and short-lived passion from a woman.

Molenia under the breast indicates the cunning nature of the owner. The speck on the left says that the woman is capable of intrigue because of love. It does not happen any means in achieving your goal: can bring "damage" to the opponent, send unhappiness on her children. Such a person will always choose a person in the potential husbands of a non-free, burdened family. Men with a mole under the right nipple are very noble. Of these, faithful husbands and caring fathers are obtained.

The birthmark on the thigh in a woman (the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee is above the knee) and on the right - a man, speaks of hermit. Especially if it is located on the leg of the back. Such a stain indicates a strong dependence on the mother. The owner of a similar spot can early may lose his father or will be brought up without a father. However, for men it can also be faithful. In childhood, such children stand out among the peers. They are considered "White Raves", in what kind of society were not. It should be noted that the quality of the stains are brighter than brighter than the brighter itself. The presence of such a sign also talks about a positive aspect: a person will enjoy outstanding abilities that will be able to implement anyway. In his fate there will be many discoveries, as a rule, relating to their own personality.

Hidden Knowledge

Few people know that the study of moles and other marks on the body, for example, scars, warts, scars and other skin changes, is engaged in the science of Mulosophia. In antiquity, by the location of the Moles predicted fate, at present, Masosophy has become one of the ways of non-traditional diagnosis of certain diseases. And for the prediction of fate, and to determine the character, and for diagnostics it matters not only the location of nonsense, but also their form.

The most favorable is the small uniformly colored rings of a rounded form. Interestingly, such moles are the most secure from a medical point of view - they are rarely reborn in malignant tumors.

Of course, it is unlikely that a modern man will seriously focus on the moles when making one or another solution. Rather, in our time, fortune telling For moles - it is nothing more than a way to spend time. And yet, perhaps, you should not neglect the information obtained during a half-way study of your moles. How to know maybe the birthmarks Do it really carry some important information? The opposite is not proved by anyone.

What will tell moles on the face

According to statistics, most often the moles appear on the face and neck. Such moles cannot be hidden, and they can tell a lot about their owner. Many interpreters believe that the moles in the upper part of the person are especially important in young years, the moles near the eyes and on the cheeks - in adulthood, and the moles in the field of lips and chin are closer to old age.

For example, Mountain in the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows will lead about outstanding abilities to occult sciences, a pull to knowledge and uncommon intuition. But if Molenia is located on the temples, it testifies to the increased sensitivity and vulnerability of its owner. The life of such people can not be called light, but permanent spiritual growth allows the owners of moles on the temples to reach harmony.

Moles in the middle part of the face

Often, moles are located on centuries. If Nesus is closer to an external corner of the left eye, it speaks of certain psychological problems of its owner. Often such people are tormented by a sense of guilt, as a rule - completely unreasonable. Mountain in the upper eyelid is a much more favorable sign. Such a mole tells about the wonderful memory of his master and about his ability to benefit from any situation. But the mole on the lower left century will lead about increased sensitivity. Such people tend to exaggerate their problems, "blow out an elephant fly." As a rule, they are rather jealous.

Moles in the field of right eye have their interpretation. If Nesus is located closer to an external corner - this is a sign of explosive, choleric temperament. Mountain in the upper eyelid is peculiar to realistic people who look at the world without pink glasses. Molenia under the right eye foreshadows a happy family life if it is closer to the outer corner of the eye. If the mole is located under the right eye near the nose, then happiness in personal life is problematic: such people are prone to numerous confusing love relations that do not bring satisfaction.

Holders of moles on the nose live an interesting life, their biggest enemy - boredom. If moles are located on the wings of the nose, it can foreshadow scandalous love stories. Moles at the tip of the nose - a sign of traction to the whole forbidden.

If the Molenia is located on the left cheek, its value is unfavorable, most likely the owner of such notlaries will not be happy. If the mole is located on the right - this is a sign of passionate nature. Such people are given to their feelings without a balance, but not always think about what consequences will have their solutions. If the mole is located just below, on the cheek, she will tell about the hot spirits of its owner. Moles on the left cheek - a sign of a frivolous person.

Moles in the field of lips and chin

Frequently often moles are located in the lip area. If Nesus is located in the center of the upper lip, he will tell that the person is freedoming and independent. Mountain on the upper lip on the left, on the contrary, testifies to the softness of the character and the desire to create a family. But the mole on the upper lip right is a sign of a special fate. What will this fate be, the interpreter will tell other nevi.

Mountain in the right corner of the mouth speaks of the sexuality and sensuality of its owner. But the meaning of the mole In the left corner of the mouth gives out less pleasant secrets: those who have a mole located in such a place, often consumer belong to their partner. Such people are usually insidious and prone to marital treason.

At the same time, the mole on the chin on the right is a sign of exclusively decent nature. People with a mole in the central part of the chin - conservatives by nature. They are focused on family and traditional values. If the mole is on the chin on the left side, it indicates a desire for spiritual growth.

Moles on the neck

A woman with a mole on her neck is usually very charming. It's never boring with her, although it can hardly be called a reliable person. Often women with moles on the neck repeat the fate of their mothers. Men with moles on the neck - philosophers by nature. They are calm and reasonable, but the struggle is not their element. Probably, therefore, they rarely achieve financial well-being.

Molenia on the neck of the rear foreshadows financial difficulties throughout life. Those people are strictly contraindicated by any risk, they categorically impose money into dubious enterprises, as well as play gambling. They should be careful and refer to the money is reasonable. But the mole on the neck in front is a sign of wealth. To such people, money, which is called, "go in hand." However, it is impossible to fully rely on luck, so the owners of the mole on the front surface of the neck specialists are still not to silent money, but it is profitable to invest.

Moles on the body

The smaller the Molenia is noticeable, the less important it has. Therefore, moles on the body affect the fate less than moles on the face.

And yet do not neglect their interpretation. For example, moles on shoulders promise life, complete difficulties and adversity. If moles are located with a favorable side, their negative importance is weakening. Serious warning - moles on the back. Multiple nevys in the top of the back mean the need to take care of their health carefully. Moles in the middle of the back warn about the possibility of betrayal from the closest people. Owners of such moles need to develop such qualities as independence and self-sufficiency.

Moles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe back are more favorable. They will bring happiness to those who are ready to work honestly and in good faith in the name of their goal. Such people should not be chased behind "fast" money, they will achieve success only thanks to hardworking and persistence.

Moles on the back of the thigh talk about the impairment. Such people are quite self-sufficient, it does not need friends. The birthmark on the right of the thigh of a woman often warns about the difficulties with the creation of the family and the birth of children.

Moles on the knees - a sign of impatience. Such people often make mistakes due to insufficient care. The speech on the knee with a favorable side foreshadows a happy marriage.

Frequently often moles are located on the genitals. Such moles are a sign of sexuality and lovingness. As a rule, they bring good luck in love affairs.

In the book of Culmate "Russian folk signs and beliefs", you can read about the birthmarks as follows: - "The birthmark on the head - many Mr. will be, if from the noble genus, and from the thin - will serve himself; - Between the eyebrows - he marries pious; - on the chin - to move from place to place; - on the abdomen - it will be a drunkard and an womb; - on hand - there will be a lot of children; - Above the heart - that industry will be; - On the chest - that poor will be.

If the child has a birthmark on the body, then this is a sign that the baby's mother stole something during pregnancy. "

It is possible that such categorical statements are sometimes fair, but in my opinion, it is impossible to read the fate only by the presence of a godded spot or mole. At the same time, it is impossible to reject certain characteristics, characteristic of the presence on the body notes.

Form of the gathering stain

The birthmark in the form of a cross always talks about severe trials in a person's life, on what part of the body it is not located. If the stain is on the head - you have to go through the alienation band, overcoming the misunderstanding of other people, and sometimes frank hostility on their part. The cross on the chest is a rejected love that it can become the tragedy of the entire life of the owner of such a tag. On the back - you should wait for betrayal from the closest and expensive people. The owner of the cross on the stomach should be feared for his life: it can seriously suffer in a car accident, to become a victim of an accident at the production of one's own fault.

The birthmark in the form of a star is an extremely rare and very happy sign. Do not look for the ideal similarity with a five-pointed star. A little harm can resemble a little man and a figure of a strongly deformed star. It is important for the presence of five ends in such a stain. It is believed that a person will always keep fate where he would not go, what would not be engaged.

The birthmark in the form of a geographic map is found very often, and he can find a lot of interpretations. It can be in the form of continent, island, can resemble the sea, a small lake. Explanations can be the most unexpected. Such people are endowed with feelings. Such stains talk about the evilness, contempt for other, contiguity, inability to take themselves in hand during disputes.

The birthmark, reminiscent of the bird - a good sign, especially if the bird with open wings. A person with such a stain can achieve a lot in life thanks to personal efforts. He is the "High Flight Bird". It is characterized by a kindness, indulgence to people, their weaknesses.

A bortal spot, resembling a fire or flame - a sign of complexity and complication in everything. A person with a "fire" sign on the body is waiting for a difficult fate. It is very impulsive, terrible in anger, does not know how to restrain his emotions. He can only cope with this only under the influence of a loved one.

The birthmark in the form of celestial luminaries (sun) makes many additional features in the character of a person. The sun must necessarily have rays - light glare around the main stain. As a rule, people with such familiar be born in the morning, during the day or early evening - at the light of the sun. They are distinguished by enviable temperament, energetic and much better feel in the afternoon.

The birthmark in the form of a properly outlined circumference, in shape resembling a full moon, gives its owner with amazing intuition, the ability to foresee, witchcraft. But only if such a right spot is on the right side of the body. Moles are no less important in the fate of people: convex in the form of warts, separate dark points, more or less bright small specks, they can appear in the course of life in the same way as being given from birth. Different people moles may differ significantly. For dark-skinned, black moles are important, for ceiling - convex. The emergence of new moles or an increase in the size of innate signs reflects the actions performed by us in the same way as the appearance of new lines on the palm, wrinkles on the forehead and seeds.

In different interpretations, there are more than one hundred different areas of the person, according to which the nature and fate of a person are determined. The main zones are located on the axis of the symmetry of the face and capture parts of the face to the right and left from the axis. The presence of moles on this vertical line in the upper part of the forehead speaks of the difficulties that will have to survive a person in childhood and youth, in the middle of the forehead and in its lower part - about any difficulties in relations with other people - relatives, friends, colleagues. Mountain on the nose is one of the signs of fate. It is worth thinking about it. Mountain in the middle of the nose - possible failures on the love front. People with moles at the tip of the nose, according to Japanese physiognomy, can become chronic losers. Mountain located on the upper lip (immediately under the nose) may indicate serious hereditary diseases. Mountain under the bottom lip and on the chin speaks about the power of the will and the hard character of its owner.

Moles located below the ribs. In a woman, let's say this is the waist area. Operations with such signs cannot be controlled. They are often banal hystericals with low intelligence. Live with such a woman - solid torment. It can roll the scandal for any occasion, for example, if it seems that someone looked at her on her bus and put on the bus specially, and the husband did not put "naha" in place. Moles on the waist for men are in cowardly people. If a man, besides, a big belly and waist is simply absent, many of its shortcomings are thereby protruding. A man with a relay below the ribs often turns out to be a big egoist. He is concerned with only their own desires, as well as fear of losing some benefits. They are susceptible to hysterical panic during natural disasters.

Mountain on the neck of a man speaks of his impassiveness, numerous weaknesses, the absence of willpower. His mood is often changing, in childhood it can be very fusing. A woman with a birthmark on the neck can be very volatile at the apparent conservatism. She changes her tastes, addiction, life credo. Under certain circumstances, it can change her husband, but for nothing will hide it and immediately in all he admits. At the same time, it can be very gentle, love without regardless and even completely devote himself to one-sole man.

Moles on the chest are of greater importance for women than for men. Women can have moles (for example, on the bottom of the left), which are able to influence fate in different ways - either to cause love and worship, or create a substantial and short-lived passion from a woman.

Molenia under the breast indicates the cunning nature of the owner. The speck on the left says that the woman is capable of intrigue because of love. It does not happen any means in achieving your goal: can bring "damage" to the opponent, send unhappiness on her children. Such a person will always choose a person in the potential husbands of a non-free, burdened family. Men with a mole under the right nipple are very noble. Of these, faithful husbands and caring fathers are obtained.

The birthmark on the thigh in a woman (the area of \u200b\u200bthe knee is above the knee) and on the right - a man, speaks of hermit. Especially if it is located on the leg of the back. Such a stain indicates a strong dependence on the mother. The owner of a similar spot can early may lose his father or will be brought up without a father. However, for men it can also be faithful. In childhood, such children stand out among the peers. They are considered "White Raves", in what kind of society were not. It should be noted that the quality of the stains are brighter than brighter than the brighter itself. The presence of such a sign also talks about a positive aspect: a person will enjoy outstanding abilities that will be able to implement anyway. In his fate there will be many discoveries, as a rule, relating to their own personality.