Are the Finno-Ugric tribes of Russian ancestors? Finno-Ugry. Finno-Ugric peoples (tribes) in the history of Russia Religion Finno Ugric Group

Are the Finno-Ugric tribes of Russian ancestors? Finno-Ugry. Finno-Ugric peoples (tribes) in the history of Russia Religion Finno Ugric Group
Are the Finno-Ugric tribes of Russian ancestors? Finno-Ugry. Finno-Ugric peoples (tribes) in the history of Russia Religion Finno Ugric Group

The Finno-Pervory ethno-speaking community of peoples includes over 20 million people. Their alerts lived in the territories of the Urals and Eastern Europe in ancient times, starting with the era of Neolith. Finno -igras are indigenous peoples for their territories. The huge spaces that belonged to Finno-Fangorsky and self-made (close to them) tribes, take the beginning of the Baltic Sea, forest-steppe of the Russian plain, and end in Western Siberia and the Ice Ocean, respectively. The modern European part of Russia occupied Finno-vatra, which could not not contribute to the genetic and cultural heritage of these lands.

Decision of Finno-Master in language affiliation

There are several subgroups of Finno -ugres separated by language affiliation. There is a so-called Volga-Fin group, which included Mari, Erizan and Mokshan (Mordva). The Permsko-Fin group includes weatherless, Komi and Udmurts. Finna-Ingermanlanders, Setu, Finns, Izhorsians, Veps, descendants of Mary and other peoples belong to the group of Baltto-Finnov. Separately allocate the so-called Ugric group, which includes such peoples like Hungarians, Khanty and Mansi. Some scientists belong to the Volga Finns into a separate group, which included peoples that are descendants of Moruma and medieval vesnets.

Inhomogeneity of Anthropology Finno-Master

Some researchers believe that along with the Mongoloid and Caucasoid, there is a so-called Ural Race, the peoples of which are characteristic of the signs of representatives of both the first and second race. Mansi, Khanthars, Mordve and Mariers are more inherent in the traits of the Mongoloids. The rest of the peoples dominate the signs of the Europeanid race, or they are divided evenly. However, Finno-vanya does not have the features of the Indo-European Group.

Cultural features

All Finno-Fangian tribes are characterized by identical material and spiritual cultural values. They always sought harmony with the outside world, nature bordering with them nations. Only they were able to preserve their culture and traditions, including the Russians, to the present day. It is easily explained by the fact that Finno-Hydra has always been honored not only their traditions and customs, and those they borrowed from neighboring peoples.

Most of the ancient Russian legends, fairy tales and epic that make up the epic folklore are attributed to Vepsam and Karelam - the descendants of the Finno-Maughnes in the Arkhangelsk province. From the land occupied by these peoples, and many monuments of the Old Russian wooden architecture also switched to us.

Communication between Finno -Grams and Russians

Undoubtedly, Finno-Hydra had a considerable impact on the formation of the Russian people. The whole territory of the Russian plain, which Russians now occupy, previously belonged to these tribes. The material and spiritual culture of the latter, and not Turks or South Slavs, was largely borrowed by the Russians.

It is easy to notice the common features of the national character and the psychological characteristics of Russian and Finno-vybras. This is especially true of that part of the population, which lives in the northeast, northern and north-western part of European Russia, which is fundamentally fundamental to the Russian people.

The famous academician O. B. Tkachenko, who devoted his life to the study of the people of Mary, said that representatives of the Russian people in the father's line are connected with the Finns, but only on the maternal - with Slavic Pranodina. This opinion is confirmed by multiple cultural signs characteristic of the Russian nation. Novgorod and Moscow Rus arose and began their development in those territories that the Finno-vygra occupied.

Various opinions of scientists

According to the historian N. A. Polevoy, who in his writings touched upon the problem of ethnogenesis of Higherosov, the Russian people genetically and in culturally is purely Slavic. Finno-Master's tribes did not have any influence on its formation. The opposite view expressed F. G. Dukhinsky, who also lived in the 19th century. The Polish historian believed that the Russian people had formed on the basis of Turks and Finno-vyshrov, and only language features were borrowed from Slavs.

Lomonosov and Ushinsky, context, defended an intermediate point of view. They believed that Finno-Hydra and Slavs were exchanged by cultural values \u200b\u200bwith each other. Over time, Murom, Chud and Meret, entered the Russian people, making their contribution to only the Russian ethnos at that time. Slavs, in turn, influenced the threat-Hungarian peoples, as evidenced by the presence of Slavic vocabulary in Hungarian. In the veins of the Russians, blood flows both Slavic and Finno-vsk, and there is nothing galloping, according to Ushinsky.

Many peoples living on the shores of the Baltic Pomerania, as well as the Danes, Swedes and even Russians originate with the inexplicably silent disappearance of Finno-Master. These tribes that lived mainly in Europe were formed so long ago that they were impossible to call the peoples who moved from other lands. Perhaps earlier they lived throughout the northern part of Asia and Europe, and even occupied the territory of Central Europe. Thus, Finno-vatra actually laid a solid foundation for the formation of most of the northern and European powers, which can be attributed to Russia.

The Komi language is part of the Finno - Ugor Language Family, and with the closest Udmurt language forms the Perm group of Finno-Ugric languages. In total, 16 languages \u200b\u200bare among the Finno-Ugric family, which in deep antiquity developed from a single language - the Basics: Hungarian, Mansi Autonomous, Khanty (Ugric Languages \u200b\u200bGroup); Komi, Udmurt (Perm Group); Mariy, Mordovian Languages \u200b\u200b- Erzya and Moksha: Baltic - Finnish Languages \u200b\u200b- Finnish, Karelian, Izhora, Vepssky, Wip, Estonian, Liv Languages. A special place in the Finno-Ugric family of languages \u200b\u200bis occupied by Sami, which is very different from other related languages.

Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200band self-language languages \u200b\u200bform the Ural family of languages. The Amodian languages \u200b\u200binclude Nenets, Enetsky, Nganasansky, Selkup, Kamasinian languages. Peoples speaking in self-found languages \u200b\u200blive in Western Siberia, except for nonsense, living also in the north of Europe.

Hungarians more than a thousand years ago moved to the territory, surrounded by the Carpathians. The self-sizing of Hungarians Modor is known to V c. n. e. Writing in Hungarian appeared at the end of the XII century, Hungarians have a rich literature. The total number of Hungarians about 17 million people. In addition to Hungary, they live in Czechoslovakia, Romania, Austria, Ukraine, Yugoslavia.

Mansi (Vogulu) live in the Khanty-Mansiysk District of the Tyumen region. In Russian chronicles, they were called the Ugra together with Khantam. Mansi enjoy writing in a Russian graphic basis, have their own schools. The total number of Mansi is over 7,000 people, but only half of them consider the Mansius native language.

Khanty (Ostya) live on the Peninsula Yamal, Lower and Middle Ob. Writing in the Khanty language appeared in the 1930s of our century, however, the dialects of the Khanty language are so different that communication is often difficult between representatives of different dialects. Many lexical borrowings from Komi language have penetrated into the Khanty and Mansiysk Languages

The Baltic-Finnish languages \u200b\u200band peoples are so close that the speakers in these languages \u200b\u200bcan be expressed with each other without a translator. Among the languages \u200b\u200bof the Baltic-Finnish group, the most common - Finnish, about 5 million people speak to it, self-sizing Suomi Finns. In addition to Finland, Finns live in the Leningrad region of Russia. Writing originated in the XVI century, since 1870 the period of the modern Finnish language begins. In Finnish, the Epos "Kalevala" sounds, a rich original literature has been created. About 77 thousand Finns live in Russia.

Estonians live on the east coast of the Baltic Sea, the number of Estonians in 1989 was 1,027,255 people. Writing exists from the XVI century, until the XIX century. Two literary languages \u200b\u200bdeveloped: South and Northestone. In the XIX century These literary languages \u200b\u200bhave become close to the middle-edge dialects.

Karelia live in Karelia and the Tver region of Russia. Karelov has 138,429 people (1989), his native language owns a little more than half. Karelian language consists of many dialects. Karelia is studied in Karelia and enjoy a Finnish literary language. The most ancient monuments of Karelian writing belong to the XIII century, in Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bin antiquity it is the second writing (after Hungarian).

Izhora is safe, it says about 1,500 people. Izhorstsev live on the southeastern coast of the Gulf of Finland, on the river. Izhore, the influx of the Neva. Although the hezhors themselves are called Kareli, it is customary to allocate independent Izhorsky in science.

Veps live on the territory of three administrative-territorial units: Vologda, Leningrad regions of Russia, Karelia. In the 1930s, there were about 30,000 people, in 1970, 8,300 people. Due to the strong influence of the Russian language, the Veps is noticeably different from other Baltic-Finnish languages.

Water language is on the verge of extinction, since no more than 30 people remained in this language. The water lives in several villages located between the northeastern part of Estonia and the Leningrad region. Water language is safe.

Liva live in several seaside fishing villages in the north of Latvia. Their number during history due to devastation during World War II declined sharply. Now the number of speaking in Liv language is only about 150 people. Writing is evolving from the XIX century, but at present, Livy go to Latvian.

The Sami language forms a separate group of Finno-Ugric languages, since there is a lot of specific features in its grammar and vocabulary. Saama lives in the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and on the Kola Peninsula in Russia. They are only about 40 thousand people, including about 2000 in Russia. Sami has a lot in common with the Baltic and Finnish languages. SAMA writing is developing on the basis of various dialects in Latin and Russian graphic systems.

Modern Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bso moved away from each other, which at first glance it seems not completely connected with each other. However, a deeper study of sound composition, grammar and vocabulary shows that there are many common features in these languages, which prove the former single origin of Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bfrom one ancient defense.

Turkic languages

Turkic languages \u200b\u200bare included in the Altai Language Family. Turkic languages: about 30 languages, and with dead languages \u200b\u200band local varieties, the status of which as languages \u200b\u200bis not always indisputable - more than 50; The largest - Turkish, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, Kazakh, Uygur, Tatar; The total number of speaking Turkic languages \u200b\u200bis about 120 million people. The center of the Turkic range is Central Asia, from where they have been spreading during historical migrations, on the one hand, to South Russia, the Caucasus and Malaya Asia, and on the other - to the northeast, to the eastern Siberia, right up to Yakutia. The relatively historical study of Altai languages \u200b\u200bbegan in 19th. Nevertheless, there is no generally recognized reconstruction of the Altai Pri-language, one of the reasons is the intensive contacts of the Altai languages \u200b\u200band numerous mutual borrowings that make it difficult to apply standard comparative methods.

See also:

AVITO Notebook VKontakte Group in VKontakte
II. Hydroxyl group - He (alcohols, phenols)
III. Carbonyl group
A. Social group as a fundamental determinant of living space.
B. Eastern Group: Nakho-Dagestan languages
Effect of personality on a group. Leadership in small groups.
Question 19Tipological (morphological) classification of languages.
Question 26 Language in space. Territorial variation and interaction of languages.
Question 30 Indo-European Languages \u200b\u200bFamily. General characteristics.
Question 39 The role of translation in the formation and improvement of new languages.

See also:

There was one and Veenemainenen,
Vekk, -
Virgin is treated fine,
He was born from Ilmatar ...
Old faithful Vynyamyarden
In the womb wanders,
Thirty years he spends there,
Winters spend exactly so much
On the waters, dundas full,
On the waves of marine foggy ...
In the sea, he fell blue,
She grasped the waves.
Got a husband for the grace of the sea,
Bogatyr Medium waves stayed.
Ran five years old in the sea
In it five years and six swung
And seven years and eight.
Finally floats on land,
On an unknown shallow
On the brass shore float.
That rose Vynynyameinen,
Became the coastal legs,
On the washed sea island,
On the plain without trees.


The ethnogenesis of the Finnish race.

In modern science, it is customary to consider the Finnish tribes together with Ugrian, uniting them into a single threat-Finnish group. However, the studies of the Russian professor Artamonov, dedicated to the origin of the Ugric peoples, show that their ethnogene was held in the area, covering the ridges of the Ob River and the northern coast of the Aral Sea. It should be noted that the role of one of the ethnic substrates both for Ugric and Finnish tribes was the ancient Paleosian tribes, related to the ancient population of Tibet and Sumer. This relationship discovered Ernst Muldashev with the help of a special ophthalmological study (3). This fact allows us to talk about the Ubro-Finnish nationality as a single ethnic. However, the main difference between the Ugra and Finns is that various tribes performed in both cases as the second ethnic component. So the Ugric peoples were formed due to the mixing of the ancient paleasians with Turks of Central Asia, while Finnish peoples were formed due to the mixing of the first with the ancient Mediterranean (atlantic tribes) allegedly related miners. As a result of this mixing, the Finns inherited a megalithic culture from the Mildines, who had risen in the middle of the second millennium BC. Due to the death of her metropolis on the island of Santorin in the XVII century BC.

In the future, the resettlement of the Ugric tribes occurred in two directions: downstream Ob and to Europe. However, due to the low passionarity of the Ugric tribes, they are only in the 3rd century AD. Volga reached, going through the Ural ridge in two places: in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Yekaterinburg and in the lower reaches of the Great River. As a result of the territory of the Baltic States, the Ugric tribes reached only 5-6 centies AD, i.e. Just a few centuries before the arrival of Slavs on the mid-Russian elevation. While Finnish tribes lived on the territory of the Baltic States, at least starting from the IV-thm. BC.

Currently, there is every reason to assume that the Finnish tribes were carriers of an ancient culture, which archaeologists are conventionally called the "culture of funnelized cups". This name arose due to the fact that the characteristic feature of this archaeological culture is special ceramic cups that are not found in other parallel cultures. Judging by the archaeological data, these tribes were engaged in mainly hunting, fishing and small horned cattle. The main hunting tool was onions, the arrows of which were equipped with bone tips. These tribes lived in the floodplains of major European rivers and occupied during their greatest distribution, northern European lowlands, which were completely freed from the glacial shield in about the V-M to AD. The famous archaeologist Boris Rybakov describes the tribes of this culture (4, p. 143):

In addition to the above-mentioned agricultural tribes that went to the territory of the future "Praodina of Slavs" from the Danube south, because of the carpathians, the foreign tribes from the North Sea and Baltic penetrated here. This is the "culture of the Trust Cups" (TRB), associated with megalithic structures. She is known in South England and Jutland. The richest and concentrated findings are focused outside the Pranodina, between her and the sea, but individual settlements are often found throughout the Elbe, Oder and Vistula. This culture is almost synchronous and stabbed, and Lendelskaya, and Tripolskaya, coexisting with them more than a thousand years. A peculiar and fairly high culture of crystal cups is considered the result of the development of local mesolitic tribes and, in all likelihood, non-invo-European, although there are supporters of assigning it to Indo-European community. One of the development centers of this megalithic culture lay, probably in Jutland.

Judging by the linguistic analysis of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Finnish group, they do not belong to the group of Aryan (Indo-European). Famous philologist and writer, Professor Oxford University D.R. Tolkien dedicated a long time to study this ancient language and concluded that he belongs to a special language group. It turned out to be so separate that the professor was constructed on the basis of Finnish language, the language of the mythological people - elves, whose mythical stories he described in his fantasy novels. So, for example, the name of the Supreme God in the Mythology of the English professor sounds like Alvuvart, while in Finnish and Karelian language it is Ilmarienne.

In terms of its origin, Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bare not associated with Aryan, owned with a completely different language family - Indo-European. Therefore, numerous lexical convergences between Finno-Ugric and Indoran languages \u200b\u200btestify not to their genetic relationship, but about deep, diverse and long contacts of Finno-Ugric and Aryan tribes. These links began in the praaria period and continued in a furnace-auction era, and then, after the separation of Arievs on the "Indian" and "Iranian" branches, the contacts were carried out between Finno-Uranian and Iranian-speaking tribes.

The circle of words borrowed by Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bfrom Indoran is very diverse. These include numeral, terms of kinship, animal names, etc. Particularly characteristic of the words and terms associated with the economy, the names of labor instruments, metals (for example, "Gold": Udmurtsk. And Komi - "Zarni", Hantk. And Mansi - "Sorsi", Mordovsk. "Sirne", Iransk. "Chief ", Sovr. Ossetian. -" Zerin "). A number of correspondences in the field of agricultural terminology ("grain", "barley") were noted; From Indoiran languages \u200b\u200bare borrowed in various Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bwords to designate cows, chicks, goats, sheep, lamb, sheep skins, wool, felt, milk and rows of others.

Such compliance indicates, as a rule, the effect of more economically developed steppe tribes into the population of the northern forest areas. Examples of borrowing in Finno-Ugrics from Indo-European terms of terms associated with horse breeding ("foal", "saddle", etc.). Finno-Ugrations got acquainted with a home horse, obviously as a result of ties with the population of the steppe south. (2, 73 p.).

The study of basic mythological scenes shows that the core of Finnish mythology is significantly different from the oversair. The most complete statement of these plots is contained in Kalevale - the collection of Finnish epic. The main hero of the epic, in contrast to the heroes of the Aryan epic, is endowed not only and not so much physical, how much magical power, allowing him to build, for example, with the help of a song. The Bogatyr Duel is reduced again to competitions in magic and poems. (5, p. 35)

He sings - and Yyukhainen
The thigh went to the swamp,
To the belt to the bog
And to the shoulders in the sand is bulk.
Then that is Yökajainen
Could comprehend his mind
That went not that expensive
And took the way in vain
Compete in sight
With Vynyamyonen Mighty.

The Scandinavian "Saga about Halfdan Estaisnsone" (6, 40) also reports about the prominent witchcraft abilities of Finns.

In this saga, Vikings are found in battle with leaders of Finns and Biarmov - terrible shorts.

One of the leaders of the Finns, the konung flocks, could shoot at the same time with three arrows and got into three people immediately. Halfdan cut off his hand so that she flew into the air. But Flocks substitute her cult, and the hand increased to it. Another conn of Finns, meanwhile, turned into a giant walrus, which simultaneously crushed fifteen people. Kharm Kharov's conken turned into a frightening dragon. Vikings with great difficulty managed to deal with the monsters and master the Magic Biaromia country.

All these and many other elements indicate that Finnish tribes belong to some very ancient race. It is antiquity of this race that the "slowness" of its modern representatives is explained. After all, than an ancient people, the more life experience has been accumulated by him, and the less he suited.

The elements of the culture of the Finnish race are mainly found among the peoples living on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Therefore, otherwise the Finnish race can be called the Baltic Rass. It is characteristic that the Roman historian Tacitis in the 1st century AD Indicated that the people of Estiye living on the shore of the Baltic Sea had many similar features with the Celts. This is a very important remark, since it was through the Celtic culture that the ancient Finnish nation managed to preserve his historical heritage. In this sense, the greatest interest, from the point of view of studying the ancient Finnish history, is a tribal tribe. In antiquity, this people lived in the territory of modern Denmark. The descendants of this tribe still live in this area, although they have long lost their language and culture. However, the Frisian chronicle of Linda Brooke was preserved to this day, in which the ancestors of froms sailed to the territory of modern Denmark after a terrible catastrophe - a flood destroyed Platonovsky Atlantis. This chronicle often quotes Atlantologists as confirming the fact of the existence of the legendary civilization. As a result, the version of the antiquity of the Baltic race receives another confirmation.

Also, each nation can be identified by the nature of its burials. The main firm ritual of the ancient balts is the bodymark of the body of the dead stones. This rite has been preserved in Ireland and in Scotland. Over time, he was modified and was reduced to the installation on the grave of the tombstone.

A similar rite indicates a direct cultural connection between the Finnish / Baltic racial and megalithic facilities, which are mainly in the Baltic Sea basin and in the surrounding territories. The only place falling out of this range is the North Caucasus, however, there is an explanation that, however, cannot be given under this work.

As a result, it is possible to state such a fact that one of the essential elements of the ethnic substrate of modern Baltic peoples is the ancient Finnish race, whose origin is lost in the depths of the Millennium. This race has passed its, distinguished from the Aryan, history of development, as a result of which formed unique language and culture, which are part of the genetic heritage of modern Balts and Finns.

Separate tribes.

The overwhelming number of ethnographers converge on the fact that the tribes that inhabited northeastern Europe and adjacent territories immediately before the start of the Slavic and German colonization of this region, according to its ethnic composition, were threatening finns, i.e. To the X-MU VE AD. Finnish and ugro elements in local tribes were mixed quite strongly. The most famous tribe that lived in modern Estonia, named Lake, located on the border of Slavic and German colonization zones, is chud. According to the legends of the Chudins possessed various witchcraft abilities. In particular, they could suddenly disappear into the forest, could be under water under water. It was believed that Chok-white kneads with the spirits of the elements. During the Mongolian invasion, Chok went into the forest and forever disappeared from the chronicle history of Russia. It is believed that it is she inhabited by the legendary kite-hail, located on the bottom of the Beloozer. However, in Russian legends, the more ancient dwarf people also lived, who lived in prehistoric times, and lived in some places as a relic to the Middle Ages. The legends of the dwarf people are usually common in areas where the accumulations of megalithic structures are located.

In the legends of Komi, this low-spirited and blacks, for whom the grass seems to be a forest, sometimes becomes animal features - it is covered with wool, miracles - piggy feet. Miracles lived in the fabulous world of abundance, when the sky was so low above the ground, that miracles could get his hand, but they are doing wrong - on a lot of pits, cattle is fed into the hives, the hay slam the bites, the bread climbs a seer, the grain is stored in Stockings, interpretuously tolten in the hole. The Woman Crank is insulted by Ena, because the low sky is a low sky or hurts his rocker. Then Yen (God-Demiurg at Komi) raises the sky, the high trees grow on Earth, and white high people come to the shifts: miracles leave them in their holes underground, because the agricultural tools - sickle are frightened ...

... There is a belief that miracles turned into evil spirits, which are hiding in dark places, abandoned dwellings, baths, even under water. They are invisible, leave behind the tracks of bird paws or children's feet, harm people and can replace their children with their ...

According to other legends, Chud is, on the contrary, the ancient hectors, to which the pen and Kuda-Osh are. They also go under the ground or turn into stones, or are sharpened in the Urals after Russian missionaries distribute a new Christian religion. Ancient settlements (karas) remained from Cui, the chunks of the giants could be moved by axes or landfills from the settlement on the settlement; Sometimes they are also attributed to the origin of the lakes, the base of the villages, etc. (6, 209-211)

The next numerous tribe was "water". Semenov-Tianzhansky in the book "Russia. Full geographical description of our Fatherland. The lake area "1903 wrote about this tribe as follows:

"In the east of the mind, there was no time to live. This tribe in ethnographic relations is considered transitional from Western (Estonian) finnov branches to other Finnish tribes. Settlements - as far as possible to judge the prevalence of water names, occupied an extensive area ranging from r. Narov and to r. Musto, reaching in the north to the Gulf of Finland, in the south, heading for Ilmen. The water participated in the Union of the tribes, who called on the Varangian princes. For the first time, it is mentioned in the "Charter about Bridges" attributed to Yaroslav Mudrom. The colonization of the Slavs moved this tribe to the coast of the Gulf of Finland. With Novgorod, the water lived in a friendly, participating in the campaigns of Novgorod, and even in the Novgorod army, a special regiment consisted of "Vozhan". Subsequently, the terrain inhabited by water, became part of one of the five Novgorod regions under the name "Vaskaya Pyatina". From half of the XII century, the Crusades of the Swedes are beginning to the country called "Watland". There is a number of papal bulls to encourage the Christian sermon here, and a special bishop is appointed for Watland in 1255. Robing with Novgorod, however, was stronger, the water gradually merged with Russian and strongly. The balance of the "Vatyalayiset" tribe, living in Peterhof and Yamburg counties, is considered to be the remnants of the water.

It is also necessary to mention the unique "Setu" tribe. Currently, it lives in the Pskov region. Scientists believe that it is an ethnic relic of an ancient Finnish race, which first began to settle these lands as the glacier melts. Some national features of this tribe allow you to count.

The most complete collection of Finnish myths managed to keep the Karel tribe. So the basis of the famous Kalevala (4) is the Finnish epic - mostly Karelian legends and myths are put on. Karelian language is the most ancient of Finnish languages \u200b\u200bcontaining the minimum number of borrowing from languages \u200b\u200brelating to other cultures.

Finally, the most famous Finnish tribe, maintaining its language and culture to date, are "Livi". Representatives of this tribe live in the territory of modern Latvia and Estonia. It is this tribe in the initial period of the formation of Estonian and Latvian ethnic groups was the most civilized. Taking the territory along the coast of the Baltic Sea, representatives of this tribe used to otherwise entered the contacts with the outside world. For several centuries, the territory of modern Estonia and Latvia was called the Livonia, on the estimation of this tribe.


It can be assumed that the description of this ethnic contact that occurred in distant antiquity has been preserved in Kalelala in the second rune. (1), where it is indicated that the hero of Vänyamyonenenenene from the sea came out of the sea, the hero of a small growth in copper armor came out, which then wonderfully turned into a giant and quit a huge oak, who closed the sky and the sun.


  1. Tolkien John, Silmarilion;
  2. Bongard-Levin G.E., Grantovsky E. A., "From Scythia to India" M. "Thought", 1974
  3. Muldashev Ernst. "From whom we prohibected."
  4. Fishermen Boris. "The paganism of the ancient Slavs." - M. Sofia, Helios, 2002
  5. Kalevala. Translation from Finnish Belsky. - SPb.: Publishing House "Azbuka Classic", 2007
  6. Petrukhin V.Ya. "Myths of Finno-Ugrov", m, Astrel Ast Transitkniga, 2005

Finno-Ugric peoples

Finno-Ugric peoples: history and culture. Finno-Ugors

  • Komi.

    The people of VRF are 307 thousand people. (2002 census), in the former USSR - 345 thousand (1989), a fundamental, state, title people of the Komi Republic (the capital - Syktyvkar, the former Ust-Sysolsk). A small number of Komi lives in the lower reaches of Pechora and Obi, in some other places of Siberia, on the Karelian Peninsula (in the Murmansk region of the Russian Federation) and in Finland.

  • Komi-Permyaki

    People in the Russian Federation with a number of 125 thousand. person. (2002), 147.3 thousand (1989). Until the XX century called perm. The term "Perm" ("Permian"), apparently, of Vepsian origin (Pere Maa - "Land lying abroad"). In ancient Russian sources, the name "Perm" is first mentioned in 1187

  • Do you

    Along the Scaling - "Fishermen", Randalist - "Cash inhabitants"), ethnic community of Latvia, the indigenous population of the seaside part of Talsinsky and Ventspils, the so-called shore of Livov - the northern coast of Kurland.

  • Mans

    the people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of Khanty-Mansiysk (from 1930 to 1940 - Ostyako-Vogulsky) Autonomous Okrug of the Tyumen region (district center - Khanty-Mansiysk). The number in the Russian Federation - 12 thousand (2002), 8.5 thousand (1989). Mansius, constituting together with the Khanty and Hungarian Ugric Group (branch) of the Finno-Ugric Language Family.

  • Mariyza

    The people of VRF with a number of 605 thousand people. (2002), fundamental, state-forming and title people of the Republic of Mari El (Capital - Yoshkar-Ola). A significant part of Mariers lives in neighboring republics and regions. In Tsarist Russia, they were officially called Cheremis, they appear under this ethnony and in Western European (Jordan, VI.) And ancient Russian written sources, including in the "Tale of Bygone Years" (XII century).

  • Mordva

    The people in the Russian Federation, in numbers the largest of its Finno-Ugric peoples (845 thousand people in 2002), not only the root, but also the state, the title people of the Republic of Mordovia (the capital - Saransk). Currently, in Mordovia, a third of the total appearance of the Mordva lives, the remaining two-thirds - in other subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Estonia, etc.

  • Nganasana

    The people of VRF, in the pre-revolutionary literature - "Samoyed Tavgiys" or simply "TAVGYTS" (from the Nenets name of Nganasan - "Tabus"). The number in 2002 - 100 people, in 1989 - 1.3 thousand, in 1959 - 748. Live in the advantage of the Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

  • Nenets

    People in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of the European North and the North of Western Siberia. Their number in 2002 - 41 thousand people, in 1989 - 35 thousand, in 1959 - 23 thousand, in 1926 - 18 thousand northern borders of the Nenets settlement is the coast of the Northern Ocean, South - border Forests, Eastern - the lower course of the Yenisei, Western - East Coast of the White Sea.

  • Saama

    The people of Othorvegia (40 thousand), Sweden (18 thousand), Finland (4 thousand), the Russian Federation (at the Kola Peninsula, according to the 2002 census, 2 thousand). The Sami language, which decides to a number of strongly separated dialects, constitutes a separate group of Finno-Ugric Language Family. In anthropological terms, the laponoid type, which formed as a result of the contact of the European and mongoloid large races prevails among all the Sami.

  • Sellock

    People in the Russian Federation with a number of 400 people. (2002), 3.6 thousand (1989), 3.8 thousand (1959). Live in the Krasnoselkup district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District of the Tyumen Region, in some other areas of the same and Tomsk region, in the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, mainly in the interflussment of the middle flow of Ob and Yenisei and the tributaries of these rivers.

  • Udmurt

    The people of VRF are 637 thousand people. (2002), fundamental, state-forming and title people of the Udmurt Republic (the capital - Izhevsk, Um. Iv.). Part of the Udmurt lives in the neighboring and some other republics and regions of the Russian Federation. 46.6% of Udmurts - Citizens. Udmurt language belongs to the Perm Group of Finno-Ugric Languages \u200b\u200band includes two adverbs.

  • Finns

    The people, the indigenous population of Finland (4.7 million people), also live in Sweden (310 thousand), USA (305 thousand), Canada (53 thousand), the Russian Federation (34 thousand, according to the 2002 census ), Norway (22 thousand) and other countries. They speak the Finnish language of the Baltic-Finnish group of Finno-Uralsky (Ural) language family. Finnish writing was created during the reformation (XVI century) based on Latin.

  • Khanty.

    The people of VRF are 29 thousand people. (2002), lives in northwestern Siberia, on the average and lower flow of p. Obi, in the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk (from 1930 to 1940 - Ostyako-Vogulsky) and Yamalo-Nenets National (since 1977 - autonomous) districts of the Tyumen region.

  • Entse

    The people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of the Taimyr (Dolgan-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug, the number of 300 people. (2002). Dudinka Dudinka. The native language of Entsev is the Enets, which is part of the Self-Language group of the Ural language family. Ence has no writtenness.

  • Estonians

    The people, the indigenous population of Estonia (963 thousand). Also live in the Russian Federation (28 thousand - according to the 2002 census), Sweden, USA, Canada (25 thousand). Australia (6 thousand) and other countries. The total number is 1.1 million. They speak the Estonian language of the Baltic-Finnish Group of Finno-Ugric Language Family.

  • Go to the map

    Peoples of Finno-Ugric Language Group

    The Finno-Ugric language group is part of the Ural-Yukagir language family and include peoples: Saama, Weps, Izhhorians, Karelia, Nenets, Khanty and Mansi.

    Saama They live mainly in the territory of the Murmansk region. Apparently, Saama is the descendants of the most ancient population of Northern Europe, although there is an opinion about their relocation from the east. For researchers, the largest riddle represents the origin of the Saami, since the Sami and Baltic-Finnish languages \u200b\u200brise to the general language, but anthropologically, Saami belongs to another type (Ural type) than the Baltic-Finnish peoples speaking in the closest languages kinship, but mostly having the Baltic type. To resolve this contradiction from the XIX century a lot of hypotheses has been put forward.

    The Sami people are most likely due to the Finno-Ugric population. Presumably in 1500-1000s. BC e. The branch of Protosaams begins against the unified community of native of the base language, when the ancestors of the Baltic Finns under the Baltic and later German influence began to move to a settled lifestyle of farmers and cattle breeders, while the ancestors of the Saami on the territory of Karelia assimilated the autochthonous population of Fennoscandia.

    The Sami people, in all likelihood, was formed by the merger of many ethnic groups. This is indicated by anthropological and genetically differences between the ethnic groups of Saamov in various territories. Genetic studies of recent years have revealed general features with the descendants of the ancient population of the Atlantic coast of the glacial period in modern Saami - modern Baskivi Berberov. Such genetic signs were not found in the more southern groups of the North of Europe. From Karelia, Saama migrated further to the north, fleeing from the propagating Karelian colonization and, presumably, from crushing. Following the migrating flocks of the wild northern deer, the ancestors of the Saami, the latest during the I thousand n. E., Gradually came to the coast of the Northern Ocean and got to the territories of their current residence. At the same time, they began to move to the dilution of domesticated reindeers, but a significant extent this process reaches only the XVI century.

    Their history for the last one and a half thousand years is, on the one hand, a slow retreat under the onslaught of other peoples, and on the other hand, their history is an integral part of the history of nations and peoples that have their statehood in which an important role is assigned to the taxation of the Saamov Tan. A prerequisite for reindeer herding was that Saami nomocated from place to place, distilling herds of deer from winter pastures on summer. Almost a transition through state boundaries, nothing obstructed. The basis of the Saami society was the community of families who united on the principles of joint ownership of the land, which gave them means to existence. Earth has highlighted in families or by childbirth.

    Figure 2.1 Dynamics of the number of people of Saamov 1897 - 2010. (Compiled by the author on materials).

    Izhorts. The first mention of Ijor is found in the second half of the XII century, where the pagans say, which the constellations later were already recognized in Europe with a strong and even dangerous people. It is from the XIII century that the first mentions of Ijore appear in Russian chronicles. In the same age, the Izhora land under the first time mentioned in the Livonian chronicle. At the dawn of the July day of 1240, the elder of the Izhora Land, being in the dosor, discovered the Swedish flotilla and hurriedly sent to report to all Alexander, the future Nevsky.

    Obviously, at this time, Izhhorians were still very close to ethnically and culturally with Kareli living on the Karelian Isthmus and in the northern lounge, north of the arole of the presumptive distribution of Izhorts, and this similarity was maintained until the XVI century. Quite accurate data on the approximate population of the Izhora Land was first recorded in the wristbook of 1500, but the ethnicity of residents at the census did not show. Traditionally, it is believed that residents of Karelian and Orekhovetsky counties, most of those who had Russian names and nicknames of Russian and Karelian sound, were Orthodox hezhors and Kareli. Obviously, the border between these ethnic groups passed somewhere on the Karelian Isthmus, and may coincide with the border of the Orekhovetsky and Karelian counties.

    In 1611, Sweden took possession of this territory. For 100 years of entry of this territory, many of the hezhors have left their villages. Only in 1721, Peter I after the victory over Sweden included this edge into the St. Petersburg province of the Russian state. In the late XVIII, early XIX centuries, Russian scientists begin to record the ethno-confessional composition of the population of Izhora lands, then already included in the St. Petersburg province. In particular, to the north and south of St. Petersburg, the presence of Orthodox residents, ethnically close to Finn, Lutherans - the main population of this territory is recorded.

    Veps. Currently, scientists cannot finally solve the issue of the genesis of the Weping Ethnic Sheet. It is believed that on the origin of Vepses are associated with the formation of other Baltic-Finnish peoples and that they addressed them, probably in the 2nd floor. 1 thousand n. er, and by the end of this thousand settled in the southeast lounge. Kursted grains of the X-XIII centuries can be defined as ancient. It is believed that the earliest mention of vegetes belong to the VI century n. e. Russian chronicles from the XI century are called this people all. Russian tube books, the lives of saints and other sources more often know the ancient veps under the name of Chud. In the intercreene between Onega and Ladoga lakes, Vepses lived since the end of 1 millennia, gradually moving to the east. Some groups of Episses left the interchange and merged with other ethnic groups.

    In the 1920s and 30s, Vep's national regions were created in the compact residence of the people, as well as the Weping rural councils and collective farms.

    In the early 1930s, the introduction of teaching of the VEP language and a number of training items in this language in elementary school began, textbooks of the Veps language based on Latin schedule appeared. In 1938, Vepskoy-language books were burned, and teachers and other public figures were arrested and sent from native places. Since the 1950s, as a result of strengthening migration processes and the associated spread of exogamous marriages, the process of assimilation of vepsis acted. About half of the vegetices settled in the cities.

    Nenets. The story of Nenets in the XVII-XIX centuries. rich in military conflicts. In 1761, the census was conducted by the yasual foreigners, and in 1822, "Charter on the management of foreigners" was enacted.

    Excessive monthly defeats, the self-government of the Russian administration has repeatedly led to the riots accompanied by the defeat of Russian fortifications, the most well-known rebellion of Nenets in 1825-1839. As a result of military victories over the Nenets in the XVIII century. The first half of the XIX century The region of resettlement of the tundra nonsense has expanded significantly. By the end of the XIX century. The territory of Nenets settlement has stabilized, and their number has increased compared to the end of the XVII century. Approximately twice. During the entire Soviet period, the total number of nonsense, according to the censuses, also steadily increased.

    Today, Nenets are the largest of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North. The share of the Nenets, who consider the language of their nationality to relatives, is gradually decreasing, but still remains higher than most of the other peoples of the North.

    Figure 2.2 Number of peoples of Nenets 1989, 2002, 2010. (compiled by the author on materials).

    In 1989, 18.1% of the Nenets recognized Russian by their native language, and in general were fluent in Russian, 79.8% of the Nenets - Thus, there is still a fairly noticeable part of the language team, adequate communication with which only knowing the Nenets language can provide. It is typical of the preservation of strong nonsense speech skills in young people, although for a significant part of it, the main means of communication has become Russian (as in other peoples of the North). A certain positive role is played by the teaching of the Nenets language at school, promoting national culture in the media, the activities of nonsense writers. But first of all, a relatively favorable language is related to the fact that reindeer herding - the economic basis of Nenets culture - in general, could continue in a traditional form, despite all the destructive trends of the Soviet era. This type of production activities remained entirely in the indigenous population.

    Khanty.- The indigenous minority people living in the north of Western Siberia.

    Volga Center for Finno-Ugric Peoples

    Three ethnographic groups of Khanty are distinguished: the northern, southern and eastern, and the South Khanty mixed with the Russian and Tatar population. The ancestors of the Khantah penetrated the south in the lowering of the Obi and settled the territories of modern Khanty-Mansiysk and the southern regions of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, and since the end of the end of the Millennium, the ethnogenesis of Khantah began on the basis of the mixing of the Aborigines and the Acquisition of Ugric Tribes. Khanty called themselves more by rivers, for example, "People of Konde," Ob people ".

    Northern Khanty. The genesis of their culture Archaeologists associate the Ust-Poliah culture localized in the river basin. Ob from Intya Irtysh to the Ob Lip. This is the northern, taiga fishing culture, many traditions of which are not followed by modern Northern Khanty.
    From the middle of the II thousand AD. Northern Khanty experienced a strong influence of the Nenetsian reindeer herbal culture. In the zone of direct territorial contacts, Khanta partially underwent assimilation from the tundra nonsense.

    Southern Khanty. Mail up from the mouth of Irtysh. It is the territory of southern taiga, forest-steppe and steppe and in culturally more than the south. In their formation and subsequent ethnocultural development, a significant role was played by the southern forest-steppe population, layering on the communal basis. Russians had a significant influence on the southern Khanty.

    Eastern Khanty. Move on average Priobye and in the tributaries: Salym, Pim, Agan, Yugan, Vasyugan. This group is more than others, retains the Northcombian traits of culture, ascending to the Urals population - heavy dog \u200b\u200bbreeding, dangling boats, the predominance of swing clothing, barking utensils, fishing economy. Within the modern territory of the List, Eastern Khanty interacted quite actively with Ketami and Selkups, which contributed to one economic and cultural type.
    Thus, in the presence of common features of the culture characteristic of the Khanty Ethnicity, which is associated with the early stages of their ethnogenesis and the formation of the Ural community, in which, along with the morning, there were ancestors of Ketov and the Sophical peoples, the subsequent cultural "discrepancy", the formation of ethnographic groups, to a greater extent Determined by the processes of ethnocultural interaction with neighboring peoples. Mans- The small people in Russia are the indigenous population of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Nearest relatives of Khantov. They speak the mansion language, but due to active assimilation, about 60% is used in everyday life. As an ethnos Manci developed as a result of the merger of local tribes of the Ural culture and the Ugric tribes, moving from the south through the steppes and forest-steppes of Western Siberia and Northern Kazakhstan. Two-component (combination of cultures of the Tayrh hunters and fishermen and steppe nomads-cattle breeders) in the culture of the people remains and understood. Initially, Mansi lived in the Urals and its Western slopes, but the Komi and Russians in the XI-XIV have been hung them in the Urals. The earliest contacts with the Russians, primarily by Snovgorod, belong to the XI century. With the addition of Siberia to the Russian state at the end of the century, Russian colonization increased, and in the late XVII century the number of Russians exceeded the number of indigenous population. Manci gradually opposed north and east, partly assimilated, in the XVIII century were addressed to Christianity. The ethnic formation of Mansi influenced various peoples.

    In the Vogulian cave, located near the village of Vsevolodo-Vilva in the Perm Territory, traces of Vogulov's stay were discovered. According to local historians, the cave was the chapter (the pagan sanctuary) Manci, where ritual rites were carried out. In the cave, bearish skulls were found with footprints of stone axes and copies, shards of ceramic vessels, bone and iron tips, bronze plaques of a perm animal style with an image of a moose man standing on a lizard, silver and bronze ornaments.

    Finno-Ugry or ugro-Finns - A group of peoples with related language features and were formed from the tribes of Northeastern Europe since the times of Neolithic, Western Siberia, Trans-Urals, Northern and secondary pryurally, territory north of the upper Volga, Volgoksky Meternrech and the Middle Volga region until the midnight of the modern Saratov region in Russia.

    1. Title

    In Russian chronicles are known under unifying names chud and self-seeding somail).

    2. The resettlement of Finno-Ugric ethnic groups in Russia

    26,87,000 people belonging to Finno-Ugric Ethniches live in Russia. In Russia, the Finno-Ugric peoples live in Karelia, Komi, Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia. According to chronicles and language analysis of toponyms, Chud united several tribes in themselves: Mordva, Murom, Merya, Vesznes (All, Veps.) and etc..

    The thro-Finns were the autochthonous population of the transractions of Oki and Volga, their tribes of Estaurants, all, Merida, Mordva, Cherems were part of the Gothic Kingdom of Germanic in the IV century. The chronicler Nestor in the Ipatiev Chronicle indicates about twenty tribes of the Ural Group (threatening): Chud, Liva, Water, Yami (I), the whole (the same, ѿvo ѿ of them on the basis of ѡzer ѡzero ), Cheremis, casting, wintergola, cousin, Nerver, Mordva, Merry (and on Rostovѣ ѡzer ѡzero and mѣrѧ and ѡzer ѡzero (and ѡ ѣ РѣЦѣ Кда печать в волтой ӕSyk my Murom) and Meshres. Muscovites All local tribes called miracle from a rooted chudion, and accompanied this name of the irony, explaining it through Moscow candank, strange. Now these nations are completely assimilated by Russians, they disappeared from the ethnic map of modern Russia forever, addressed the number of Russians and leaving except a wide range of their ethnic geographical names.

    Such are all the names of the rivers with graduation:Moscow, Protvan, Merval, Silva, Socheva, Rywie and more .. River Kama has about 20 tributaries, the names of which end on Finnish means "water". Muscovite tribes from the very beginning felt their superiority over local threats-Finnish peoples. However, the Finno-Ugric toponyms are found not only where these peoples today make up a significant part of the population, form autonomous republics and national districts. The arole of their distribution is much more, for example, Moscow.

    According to archaeological data, the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the mission tribes in Eastern Europe remained unchanged for 2 thousand years. Starting from the 9th century, the Finno-Ugric tribes of the European part of the current Russia were gradually assimilated by Slavic colonists, from Kievan Rus. This process was the basis of the formation of modern russian nation.

    Finno-Ugric tribes belong to the Ural-Altai Group and a thousand years ago were close to Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Khazar, but were at a much lower than the rest, the level of social development, in fact, the ancestors of the Russians were the same pechenegs, only forest. At that time, these were primitive and the most retribution of the European tribes. Not only in the distant past, but at the turn of 1 and 2 millennia they were cannibals. Greek historian Herodotus (5th century BC) called their Android (eaters of people), and Nestor-chronicle was already in the period of the Russian state - Samoyed (Self).

    Finno-Ugric tribes of primitive collecting-hunting cultures were the ancestors of the Russians. Scientists argue that the Moscow people received the greatest admixture of the Mongoloid race through the assimilation of the threaters who came to Europe from Asia and partly absorbed the European-like impurity before the arrival of Slavs. The mixture of Finno-Ugric, Mongolian and Tatar ethnic components was seen to the ethnogenesis of the Russians, which was formed with the participation of the Slavic tribes of radar and nodgy. As a result of ethnic mixing from the thresholds, and later by Tatars and partly with Mongols, the Russians have an anthropological type, other than Kiev-Russian (Ukrainian). Ukrainian diaspora is joking on this: "Eye is narrow, the nose Plucie - Sovop Russian." Under the influence of the Finno-Ugric Language medium, the formation of a phonetic system of Russians (Akane, Gakanya, Tikanny) occurred. Year of the "Ural" features are inherent in one degree or another to all the peoples of Russia: an average height, a wide face, a nose, referred to as "Kurban", a nursing beard. The Mari and Udmurts often meet the eyes of the so-called Mongolian fold - Epicantus, they have very wide cheekbones, a liquid beard. But at the same time bright and red hair, blue and gray eyes. Mongolian fold is sometimes found in Estonians and Karel. Komi are different: in those places where there are mixed marriages with growing, they are dark-haired and disclosures, others are rather reminiscent of Scandinavians, but with a slightly wider face.

    According to the research of Merianist or West Tkachenko, "in the Russian people, on the mother line associated with Slavic Pranodina, the Father was Finn. In the father's line, the Russians originated from Finno-Ugroms." It should be noted that, according to modern studies, halotyping Y-chromosomes actually the situation was the reverse - men Slavs married women of the local Finno-Ugric population. According to Mikhail Pokrovsky, the Russians are an ethnic mixture, in which the Finnam owns 4/5, and Slavs -1 / 5. Resellers of Finno-Ugric culture in the Russian culture are traced in such features that are not found among other Slavic peoples: Women's Kokoshnik and Sarafan , Men's shirt-space, lapties (lapties) in the national costume, dumplings in dishes, folk architecture style (tent buildings, porch), Russian Bath, Sacred Animal - Bear, 5 Tone Ramma singing, a-touch and reduction of vowels, paired words like stitches walkways, hands-legs, alive, so-sly, Turnover i have (instead i, Characteristic for other Slavs) The fabulous zinch "lived-was", the lack of a split cycle, carol, the cult of Perun, the presence of a cult of birch, and not oak.

    Not everyone knows that in the names of Shukshin, Vedenyapina, NO Slavyakovsky, but they are taking place from the name of the Shuksha tribe, the name of the Goddess of the war is to Alla, the pre-Christian named Piash. So much of the finno-thieves was assimilated by the Slavs, and some, adopting Muslim, mixed with Turks. Therefore, today the thresholds do not constitute the majority of the population, even in the republics who gave their name. But, dissolved in the mass of Russians (Rus. russian), Thredes have retained their anthropological type, which is now perceived as typical Russian (Rus. russian) .

    According to the overwhelming majority of historians, the Finnish tribes had an extremely peaceful and meek temper. This is the Muscovites themselves explain the peaceful nature of the colonization, stating that military clashes were not, because the written sources do not remember anything like that. However, as the same V.O. Klechevsky notes, "some vague memories of the struggle who broke out in some places in some places survived.

    3. Toponymika

    Toponyms of Meriano-Yerzyansky origin in the Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vologda, Tver, Vladimir, Moscow regions are 70-80% (Veksovenga, Elonga, Kovong, Beokes, Cook, Leht, Mells, Nadoksa, Nero (Inero), Nuks, Nuksha, Peng, Bellgen, Bellda, Prakeke, Puzzle, Pulucht, Sarah, Selek, Sonokhta, Tolgobol, Otherwise Sheekschy, Shekhroma, Shyle, Shoksha, Shop, Yakhreng, Yahrobol (Yaroslavl region, 70-80%), Andoba, Vandoga, Humanmar, Worthog, Vorsoks, Lynger, Mesend, Mershem, Monza, Nerekhta (flicker), Nee, Notele, Hanga, List, Purecher, Powder, Pong, Simong, Schung, Toyht, Urma, Shung, Yakshanga (Kostroma region, 90-100%), Vazopol, Vichuga, Kineshma, Kistega, Kochma, Custa, Landeh, Nodoga, Paks, Palh, Parsh, Pshankha, Skim, Sroacht, Ukhtohm, Shach, Cheils, Shuya, Yukhma et al. (Ivanovo region), Worthog, Selma, Single, Solokta, Sweat, Stamps, Shuya and more. et al. (Tver region), ARSEMAKA, VELGA, WINNIGA, MOSH, INEKSHA, KRZER, KLAZZMA, KOLESH, MSER, MOKSHOV, MOTRA, NERL, PECSH, PIECHINO, SOYMU, SHOVKOV, SUZDAL, TONMIGA, UNOL et al. (Vladimir region), Vereya, Troy, Volgush, Lama, Moscow, Nudol, Pahra, Taldom, Shukhroma, Yakhroma and more. (Moscow region)

    3.1. List of Finno-Ugric Peoples


    Finno-Ugric peoples


    The threoughfields by origin were the Patriarch Nikon and Protopop Avvakum - both Mordva, Udmurts - Physiologist V. M. Bekhterev, Komi - Sociologist Pitirim Sorokin, Mordvin - Sculptor S. Nefedov-Erzya, who accepted the name of the people with his pseudonym; Pugovkin Mikhail Ivanovich - Durable Merya, his real surname sounds in Mryynova - Pupgukkin, composer A.Ya.ESpat - Mariec, and many others:

    See also



    Map of approximate resettlement of Finno-Ugric tribes in 9 tbsp.

    Stone grinding plate with the image of a warrior. Ananinsky grave (near Elabugi). VI-IV centuries. BC.

    The history of Russian tribes, inhabited by the Volga-Oksky and Kamsky Pools in the first millennium BC. e., there is a significant originality. According to Herodotus, boudins, tesageties and Iarks lived in this part of the forest strip. Noting the difference between these tribes from Scythians and Savromatov, it indicates that their main occupation was the hunt, which delivered not only food, but also fur for clothes. Especially notes Herodot the horse hunt of the Iirs with dogs. The information of an ancient historian is confirmed by archaeological sources indicating that in the life of the tribes studied hunting really occupied a great place.

    However, the population of the Volga-Oksky and Kama pools was not limited to those tribes that Herodotus mentions. The names cited by him can only be attributed to the southern tribes of this group - the immediate neighbors of Scythians and Savromat. More detailed information about these tribes began to penetrate the antique historiography only at the turn of our era. They probably relied on Tacitus when described the life of the tribes under consideration, calling them with hair dryers (Finns).

    The main occupation of the Finno-Ugric tribes on the extensive territory of their settlement should be consistent with cattle breeding and hunting. The housing agriculture played a minor role. The characteristic feature of the production of these tribes was that along with iron implements that were used approximately from the VII century. BC e., there was still a very long time tools from the bone. These features are typical for the so-called Dyakovsky (Oki and Volga interference), Gorodetskaya (southeast of Oak) and Ananyan (Prikamye) archaeological crops.

    South-Western neighbors of Finno-Ugric tribes, Slavs, during the I millennium. e. Significantly advanced to the region of the resettlement of the Finnish tribes. This movement caused the movement of part of the Finno-Ugric tribes, as the analysis of the numerous Finnish names of rivers in the middle of European Russia shows. The processes under consideration occurred slowly and did not violate the cultural traditions of the Finnish tribes. This allows you to tie a number of local archaeological crops with Finno-Ugric tribes, already known in Russian annals and other written sources. The descendants of the tribes of the Dyakovsky archaeological culture were probably the tribes of the Merey, Murom, the descendants of the tribe of Gorodetskoy culture - Mordva, and the origin of the chronicle of the Cheremis and Schui dates back to the tribes that created Ananin archaeological culture.

    Many of the interesting features of life of the Finnish tribes were investigated in detail archaeologists. Indicatively ancient way to produce iron in the Volga-Basin: Iron Ruda melted in clay vessels, stood in the middle of open fires. This process, marked in settlements of the IX-VIII centuries, is characteristic of the initial stage of the development of metallurgy; Further there appeared furnaces. Numerous bronze and iron products and the quality of their manufacturing make it possible to assume that already in the first half of the first one millennium BC. e. The Finno-Ugric tribes of Eastern Europe began to turn the branches of home production in the craft, for example, foundry and blacksmith. From other productions it should be noted the high development of weaving. The development of cattle breeding and starting selection of crafts, primarily metallurgy and metalworking, led to an increase in labor productivity, which in turn contributed to the birth of the property inequality. Nevertheless, the accumulation of property within the generic communities of the Volga-Oksky basin took place pretty slowly; Because of this, until the middle of the I millennium BC. e. Generic villages were reinforced relatively weakly. Only in the next century, the settlement of the Dyakovsky culture is strengthened with powerful shafts and Rips.

    A more complex picture of the social building of the inhabitants of the Kama region. The burial inventory clearly indicates the presence of property bundle among local residents. Some burials dated to the end of the I Millennium allowed the archaeologists to express the assumption about the emergence of some incomplete population category, possibly slaves from the prisoners of war.

    Territory of settlement

    On the position of the tribal aristocracy in the middle of the 13th millennium BC. e. Specifies one of the bright monuments of the Ananyinsky Mogilnik (near Elabuga) - the tombstone from the stone with the relief image of a warrior, armed with a dagger and a combat hammer and decorated hrying. A rich inventory in the grave under this slab contained a dagger and hammer made of iron, and silver hryvnia. The buried warrior was undoubtedly one of the generic chiefs. Separation of labor nobility was particularly intensified by the II-I centuries. BC e. However, it should be noted that at this time the generic knee was probably relatively small, since the low productivity of labor has even strongly limited the number of members who lived at the expense of someone else's work.

    The population of the Volga-Oksky and Kama pools was associated with the Northern Baltic States, Western Siberia, the Caucasus, Scyfia. Many items came from Scythians and Sarmatov, sometimes even from very remote places, such as the Egyptian statuette of the Amon God, found in the settlement, excavated on the Arrow of the Chusovoy River and Kama. The forms of some iron knives, bone tips of arrows and a number of vessels from Finns are very similar to similar Scythian and Sarmatian products. The connections of the Upper and Middle Volga Region with the Scythian and Sarmatian world are already traced from the VI-IV centuries, and by the end of the I millennium BC. e. Made permanent.

    Komi language is included in f and n o - y, and with a language family, and with the closest Udmurt language, the Perm group of Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bis facing. In total, 16 languages \u200b\u200bare among the Finno-Ugric family, which in deep antiquity developed from a single language - the Basics: Hungarian, Mansiysky, Khanty (Y G O R S K a group of languages); Komi, Udmurtsky (n e r m s k a group); Mariy, Mordovian languages \u200b\u200b- Erzya and Moksha: PRI and B A L T I S K O - F and N with K and E Languages \u200b\u200b- Finnish, Karelian, Izhora, Vepssky, Water, Estonian, Liv Languages. A special place in the Finno-Ugric family of languages \u200b\u200bis occupied by Sami, which is very different from other related languages.

    Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200band self-deeded languages \u200b\u200bform in the family of languages. C and m Languages \u200b\u200binclude Nenets, Enetsky, Nganasansky, Selkup, Kamasinsky Languages. Peoples speaking in self-found languages \u200b\u200blive in Western Siberia, except for nonsense, living also in the north of Europe.

    The question of the question of the ancient Finno-Thies has long been interested in scientists. Ancient Pranodina was looking for both Altai and Yenisei and Yenisei district, and on the shores of the Northern Ocean. Modern scientists based on the study of the vocabulary of Flora Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bcame to the conclusion that Praodin Finno-Thieves was located in the Volgo-Kamya area on both sides of the Ural Mountains. Then the Finno-Ugric tribes and languages \u200b\u200bwere divided, altered, and the ancestors of the current Finno-Ugric peoples left the ancient Pranodin. The first chronicles mentioning the Finno-Ugric peoples will already find these nations on the places of their current residence.

    Hungary More than millennium back moved to the territory, surrounded by the Carpathians. The self-sizing of Hungarians Modor is known to V c. n. e. Writing in Hungarian appeared at the end of the XII century, Hungarians have a rich literature. The total number of Hungarians about 17 million people. In addition to Hungary, they live in Czechoslovakia, Romania, Austria, Ukraine, Yugoslavia.

    Mansi (Vogulu) They live in the Khanty-Mansiysk District of the Tyumen region. In Russian chronicles, they were called the Ugra together with Khantam. Mansi enjoy writing in a Russian graphic basis, have their own schools. The total number of Mansi is over 7,000 people, but only half of them consider the Mansius native language.

    Khanty (Osya) Live on the Peninsula Yamal, Lower and Middle Ob. Writing in the Khanty language appeared in the 1930s of our century, however, the dialects of the Khanty language are so different that communication is often difficult between representatives of different dialects. Many lexical borrowings from Komi language have penetrated into the Khanty and Mansiysk Languages. The total number of kantov 21,000 people. Traditional occupation of Obzhrov - reindeer herding, hunting, fisheries.

    Udmurt The least advanced from the territory of Finno-Ugric Pranodina; They live in the lower course of the Kama rivers and Vyatka, except for the Udmurt Republic, live in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mari El, Vyatka region. Udmurts in 1989 there were 713,696 people, writing appeared in the XVIII century. The capital of Udmurtia is Izhevsk.

    Mariyza live in the territory of the Volga Levobasya. In the Republic of Mari El lives about half of Mariers, the rest live in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Udmurtia. Writing in the Mari language arose in the XVIII century, there are two options for the literary language - meadow and mountain, they have a major difference in phonetics. The total number of Mariers 621,961 people (1989). Capital Mari El - G. Yoshkar-Ola.

    Among the Finno-Ugric peoples in numbers 3 place occupiesmordva. Their more than 1,200 thousand people, but Mordva lives very wide and fragmented. Their more compact groups can be found in the basins of the Moksha rivers and sura (Mordovia), in Penza, Samara, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod regions. There are two nearby Mordovian languages \u200b\u200bof Erzya and Moksha, however, the carriers of these languages \u200b\u200bare explained in Russian. Writing in Mordovian languages \u200b\u200bappeared in the XIX century. The capital of Mordovia - Saransk.

    Baltic-Finnish Languages \u200b\u200band peoples are so close that the speakers in these languages \u200b\u200bcan be expressed with each other without a translator. Among the languages \u200b\u200bof the Baltic-Finnish group are the most common -finnish, they say about 5 million people, self-configuration of the Finnssuomi. In addition to Finland, Finns live in the Leningrad region of Russia. Writing originated in the XVI century, since 1870 the period of the modern Finnish language begins. In Finnish, the Epos "Kalevala" sounds, a rich original literature has been created. About 77 thousand Finns live in Russia.

    Estonians They live on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea, the number of Estonians in 1989 was 1,027,255 people. Writing exists from the XVI century, until the XIX century. Two literary languages \u200b\u200bdeveloped: South and Northstones shot. In the XIX century These literary languages \u200b\u200bhave become close to the middle-edge dialects.

    Karelia Live in Karelia and the Tver region of Russia. Karelov has 138,429 people (1989), his native language owns a little more than half. Karelian language consists of many dialects. Karelia is studied in Karelia and enjoy a Finnish literary language. The most ancient monuments of Karelian writing belong to the XIII century, in Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bin antiquity it is the second writing (after Hungarian).

    Izhora The language is safe, it says about 1,500 people. Izhorstsev live on the southeastern coast of the Gulf of Finland, on the river. Izhore, the influx of the Neva. Although the hezhors themselves are called Kareli, it is customary to allocate independent Izhorsky in science.

    Veps. They live on the territory of three administrative-territorial units: the Vologda, Leningrad regions of Russia, Karelia. In the 1930s, there were about 30,000 people, in 1970, 8,300 people. Due to the strong influence of the Russian language, the Veps is noticeably different from other Baltic-Finnish languages.

    Wasky The language is on the verge of extinction, since no more than 30 people remained on this language. The water lives in several villages located between the northeastern part of Estonia and the Leningrad region. Water language is safe.

    Do you They live in several seaside fishing villages in the north of Latvia. Their number during history due to devastation during World War II declined sharply. Now the number of speaking in Liv language is only about 150 people. Writing is evolving from the XIX century, but at present, Livy go to Latvian.

    SAMA The language forms a separate group of Finno-Ugric languages, since there is a lot of specific features in its grammar and vocabulary. Saama lives in the northern regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and on the Kola Peninsula in Russia. They are only about 40 thousand people, including about 2000 in Russia. Sami has a lot in common with the Baltic and Finnish languages. SAMA writing is developing on the basis of various dialects in Latin and Russian graphic systems.

    Modern Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bso moved away from each other, which at first glance it seems not completely connected with each other. However, a deeper study of sound composition, grammar and vocabulary shows that there are many common features in these languages, which prove the former single origin of Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bfrom one ancient defense.

    On the concept of "comi language"

    Traditionally, a tongue is traditionally understood by all three Komi Nashias: Komi-Zyryansky, Komi-Permytsky and Skin-Yazvinsky. Many foreign finno-thyroids do not distinguish between Komi-Zyryansky and Comi-Permytsky languages. However, in Soviet ethnography, two ethnos - Komi-Zyryan and Komi-Perm, and in linguistics, respectively, two languages \u200b\u200bare distinguished. Komi-Zyryan and Komi-Permyaki among themselves freely communicate in their languages, without resorting to Russian. Thus, Komi-Zyryansky and Komi-Permytsky literary languages \u200b\u200bare very close.

    This proximity is clearly visible when comparing the following two proposals:

    1) Komi-Zyryansky literary language -Rule Vocodliz Gogorbok and Ydzhyd Goats Floy Addpisis Uros, Code Tov Kezlo Dasytes Tshak .

    2) Komi-Permytsky literary language -Ruch Vizoti Gogor and Ydzhyt Goats Yyli Kazyliis Uroccos, Code Tov Kezho Poppis Tshakkes .

    "Fox looked around and at the top of a high spruce saw a squirrel, which in the winter pointed mushrooms".

    The study of Komi-Zyryan literary language in principle makes it possible to read everything written in Komi-Perm, as well as freely communicate with Komi-Perm.

    Residence and number of Komi

    A special ethnographic group of Komi are Komi-Yazvinians whose language is very different from modern Komi-Zyryan and Comi-Permytsky dialects. Komi-Yazviny residents live in the Krasnovishera district of the Perm region in the middle and upper flow of p. Yazvy, left tributary r. Vishera flowing into kama. The total number of about 4,000 people, but currently there is a rapid division of Komi-Yazvinsev.

    In the Afanasyevsky district of the Kirov region, the so-called "Zyuzdy" Komi, a dialect of which stands as it were between Komi-Zyryansky and Komi-Permytsky naschayi. In the 50s of Zyuzdintsev, there were over 5,000 people, but then their number began to decrease.

    Komi-Zyryan They live in the Komi Republic in the pools of the rivers of the Luba, the exhaust and her tributaries of Sysol, by vyi, in the pools of the Izhma rivers and Pechora, flowing into the White Sea r. Men and her influx you. Accordingly, according to rivers and are divided by ethnographic groups of Komi - Luzsky Komi, Sysolsky, Vychychorski, Vynovskie, Udory, Izhemskie, Verkhnepeche Komi, etc. About 10% of Komi-Zyryan lives outside of the republic: in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Arkhangelsk region, in the north of Tyumen The areas, in many villages of the Lower Ob and its tributaries, on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region in the Omsk, Novosibirsk and other areas of Siberia.

    Komi-Permyaki Live in the detachment from Komi-Zyryan, south, in the Perm region, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper kama, on the tributaries of her spit, An Inin. The capital of the Komi-Perm autonomous region - Kudymkar.

    The total number of Komi people (Komi-Zyryan and Komi-Permyakov), according to the data of the population, was constantly increased: 1897 - 254,000; 1970 - 475,000; 1926 - 364,000; 1979 - 478 000; 1959 - 431,000; 1989 - 497 081.

    Demographers noticed the tendency of a sharp reduction in the coma of the population in recent decades. If for 1959-1970 The increase was 44,000 people, then for 1970-1979. - Total 3,000 people. At 1979 r. In the USSR there were 326,700 Komi-Zyryan and 150,768 Komi-Permyakov. 280,797 people of Komi-Zyryan lived in Komi SSR, which amounted to 25.3% of the population of the republic.

    In 1989, among the population, Komi SSR Komi amounted to 23%. According to the population of 1989, 345,007 Komi-Zyryan and 152,074 Komi-Permyans lived in the USSR. However, the number of people who own Komi language decreases. Thus, in 1970, the Komi language was named by a native of 82.7% of Komi-Zyryan and 85.8% of Komi-Permyakov. In 1979, Komi language called the native already 76.2% of Komi-Zyryan and 77.1% of Komi-Permyakov. For 10 years, the Komi language team decreased by 33,000 people. Reducing the number of speakers in the Komi language continues. According to the census of the population of 1989, among all Komi in the USSR, a native language was called Komi tongue 70%, that is, now every third komi no longer owns the maternal language.

    From the book "Komi Kyv: Tutorial Komi Language" E A Tsypanov 1992 (Syktyvkar, Komi Book Publishing)

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    The beginning of the classification of Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bwas laid in the XVII century, when the German scientist Martin Fogel proved the relationship of Finnish, Sami and Hungarian languages. More fully and thoroughly, this classification was justified in the XVIII century. In the works of Swedish scientist Philip Johanna, the background of Stallenberg, the former Poltava Prisoner officer.

    Describing in detail the peoples known in Western Europe for a number of writings under the general name "Tatars", F. Stallenberg showed that some of them living in Eastern Europe and North Asia are wrong to be considered by Tatars. To the book, he put the table, having grouped on all these peoples in it by a linguistic principle, including Tatar, in six language classes: 1) Finno-Ugors; 2) Turkic; 3) Samoyed; 4) Kalmyk, Manchurian and Tangutsky; 5) Tungusky; 6) Caucasian. To the class of Finno-Ugric languages, Strenelberg took the Finnish, Hungarian, Mordovsky, Mariy, Permytsky, Udmurt, Khanty and Mansiysky, noting that the ancestors of the peoples speaking in these languages \u200b\u200band living part in Europe, part in Asia (in Siberia), in antiquity They dwell in one place and accounted for one people.

    The conclusions of M. Fogel and F. Stallenberg on the relationship of Finno-Ugric languages, their origin from the "Universal Beginning", "One Begin" were supported and developed further in the works of Russian scientists of the XVIII century. V.N. Tatishchev, P. I. Richkov, M. V. Lomonosova, etc.

    A very interesting conclusion about the origin of the Finno-Ugric peoples was made by Professor of Helsingfors University I.R. Aspeline based on the results of expeditions of the Finnish Archaeological Society in Orkhon. Below I bring a brief overview of these studies.

    In Chinese sources, the people of Highlands (they are also Turks) are known - synglase (green-eyed) chickens of the country of Turks, similar to life and blood with Khana (Hums, Huns).

    Turk and Ugor means "Highlander" in a modern understanding.

    These are the Aryan cattle peoples of Afanasyevsky culture. At the same time, the "Turk" should be considered derived from the branch of the Aryan people Turan, referred to in the Avesta (academic history considers Turanans less cultural than the original branch of the race, the mongol actually from the chatelli).

    Academicians from history also talk about the mainstream of the Turks of the 61st (6) century from China to Byzantium.

    After the care of Khanov (Gunnov) in the skitimation during a warm period of 6023-6323 (515-815), in the summer 6060 (552), Turkic kaganat (state) was created.

    In the summer of 6253 (745), Uroksky kaganat was formed.

    After 25 years from the north, the Blond-haired Sineglase Kyrgyz came to Orhon and settled.

    Kyrgyz is the Slavic-Aryan militarized class of cattle breeders, and there is a settled, which diluted predominantly cows and pigs /. It is, like Cossacks - who were a militant estate of landpashers, which were actually asami - they are khana (Gunns), they are Rusichi ...

    With the arrival of Kyrgyz in summer 6348 (840g.) Turks (UGOR) those who lived in the field of Orhon due to overpopulation began to move:

    * south, to the Chinese wall (they were completely destroyed in 71-72 (16-17) for centuries Kalmyks who came from China);

    * on the southwest (they were ethnically destroyed - partially in 71-72 (16-17) centuries who came from Kalmyks because of the Chinese walls created by Djungary from Myanmar to modern Kalmykia, and finally after the occupation by the Chinese in the summer 7225-7266 (1717-1758 .), immediately after climate warming);

    * Non-West, on the Kola Peninsula, those Ugrons were gone, who was preserved today in their birthright - these Ugors today call themselves Finns.

    Official story tells about wild khanakh (Huns), tormented by Vienna (Europe.)

    In fact, on the contrary, immigrants in Vienna - Assa (from Asia, Asia) gave Europe a modern culture based on "odinism" (God Odin).

    It is possible to conclude about ethnic roots on the example of the most numerous Finno-Ugric people - Hungarians.

    According to legends, Hungarians are the Union of Seven tribes, of which two were Ugkorsi, and the rest of the Turks and Indoirans.

    Despite the fact that the Hungarian language belongs to the Finno-Ugric group of the Ural language family, the Hungarians themselves consider themselves Magyars, and their country is preferred to call Magyaristan. That is, the Hungarians believe that in culture they are closer to the ancient Gunno -Turki tribes of Central Asia. And since both Sarmatians and Gunns, Magyars, and Kipchak - people from the Kazakh steppes, the Hungarians are called themselves the most western Kazakhs, and the Kazakhs are the most east of the Hungarians. From here and Magyar's craving for all nomads, to the Turkic in particular, and to its Praodin - Kazakhstan. Regularly the Public Organization "Turan-Hungary" suits the traditional Kurultai of the Gunno-Turkic peoples in the mill:

    Modern linguists pay attention to the fact that in Hungarian a lot of ancient-time borrowing. This is evidenced by the phonetic and morphological similarities of these languages. Languages \u200b\u200bbelieve that Turkic influence on the Hungarian language goes back to deep antiquity, when at the beginning of our era, Hungarian ancestors lived in the vicinity of the average volgage and kama.

    In IV century n. e. Part of the Ugric tribes moved to the south of Eastern Europe, part of the same western tribes remained and gradually dissolved in the Turkic tribes. At the end of the ih in. n. e. Thro-Hungars entered the territory of its current homeland employed mainly by the Slavs and the remnants of the Avar tribes, where they managed to firmly settle.

    Hungarian ethnologist Andrasha Biro, engaged in the study of Bashkiro-Hungarian and Turkic-Hungarian ties, argues that the ancient Magyars and Bashkirs lived together in the southern Urals. More than a thousand years ago, Magyars left to the West, to Central Europe, but they still unite the ancient culture of nomads of grammar languages \u200b\u200band even national cuisine.

    Many researchers are affected by the similarity of the Northetsev with Finns. So, in the signs of the traveler G.P. Background Gelmersen, who visited Altai in 1834, we read about the similarity of Kumandintsev with Finns. The appearance and culture of which are so close that the author of the notes sometimes forgot, in which Lake is - Teleto or Ladyzhsky. In Kumandinsky clothes, he saw the similarity of Mordovian and Cheremis costumes, and in appearance -Ostness with Chukhonians: Beppingless Skulastic faces with straight blond hair and semi-terrible eyes.

    It is very interesting that it comes to the same conclusions and famous scientific-onomastics Nikonov V. A., but already on the basis of ... Cosmonyms. "Cosmonyms, he writes, - the names of space objects ... They can tell a lot about the former movements of the peoples and their connections.

    As different peoples were seen in different ways, the same space object show the names of the Milky Way. For some, it is a ski trail, for others - a silver river ... With such a variety of names (even within one language is called differently), the random coincidence of its names in neighboring peoples is incredible.

    And in the Volga region not in two and not three, but in most native neighbors the name of the Milky Way semantically homogeneous.

    Turkic: Tatar Kisek Kaz Yula 'wild geese path', Bashkir Kaz Yula and Chuvash Houkainak Sul - with the same etymological meaning; Finno-Ugors; Mary Kaiykcombo Corno - The same, Erzyanskoye and Mokshanskaya Kargon ki 'Crane path', Moksha also Narmond Ki 'Bird Way'.

    It is easy to assume that the neighbors took the cosmonis from each other.

    To determine who one of them is invoking, it is necessary to figure out how the Milky Way is called in their own languages. There is a surprise here. In Finnov-Suomi Linnunurata, the Estonians LinnuNree have also mean a "bird way"; It has been preserved at the Komi and in the dialects of the Mansius language; Hungary after their resettlement on the Danube, it was still holding a few centuries.

    In Turkic languages, the names with the same meaning are known among the Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Turkmen. A striking unity from Finns Baltic to Kyrgyz Tien Shan, which did not touch anywhere. Therefore, the distant ancestors and the Turkic, and the Finno-Ugric peoples either have occurred from one source, or in closely long-term contact there are nearby. "

    The point on the issue of the origin of the Finno-Ugric peoples is to be tested today by scientists of modern science DNA genealogy, the findings of which confirm the studies of other scientists given above.

    The fact is that human DNA has an ancient kind mark, called the "SNiP", which determines the haplogroup, which is the definition of an ancient kind.

    Moreover, in contrast to the nationality recorded in the passport, and which can always be changed, in contrast to the language, which over time adapts to the environment, in contrast to ethnographic factors subject to rather rapid changes, the haplogroup is not assimilated. It is determined by the "pattern" of mutations in the male Y-chromosome of DNA, which is transmitted from the father to his son with hundreds and thousands of generations.

    As a result of fairly simple and reliable tests, you can determine which kind of any person belongs to. So: the genus of all the Finno-Ugric and Slavic peoples is one, but the tribes are different.

    Finno-Ugry, who came from Siberia into Russian North-West 3500 - 2700 D.N.

    (?? Here archaeological dating is given earlier than the dating of genetics)

    Unfortunately, to accurately establish the age of the general rule-ethnos of Finno-Ugrations and Slavic tribes, scientists are hampered. Presumably, this age should be about 10-12 thousand years or more. He takes us far beyond the borders of written history.

    But more accurately it turned out to be possible to determine that the Slavic Persecution of the Eastern Slavs, lived 5,000 ± 200 years ago, and the overall ancestor of Slavic Thro-Finnish haplotypes lived about 3,700 ± 200 years ago (a thousand years later). In the future, other genealogical lines (Finns, Estonians, Hungarians, Komi, Marie, Mordva, Udmurt, Chuvashi) went from him.

    What are the genetic differences between these tribes?

    Today's genetics can, without much difficulty, determine the history of the descendants of one chromosome - the one in which rare dotted mutation occurred. So, in Finnon - the closest relatives of some ethnic groups of the Urals - a high frequency of Y-chromosomes containing the replacement of thymidine (T-allel) on cytosine (C-allel) was found in a certain place of chromosome. This replacement is not found in other countries of Western Europe, nor in North America, nor in Australia.

    But chromosome with C-Allelem are found in some other Asian ethnic groups, for example, Buryat. The total y-chromosome, occurring at a noticeable frequency of both peoples, indicates obvious genetic relationship. Is it possible? It turns out that there is a lot of confirmation of this that we find in cultural and territorial factors. For example, between Finland and Buryatia, it is possible to detect the territories inhabited by various peoples, relatives of the Finns and Buryats.

    The presence of a significant share of Y-chromosomes carriers of the C-allel showed a genetic study of the Ural populations relating to the Finno-Ugric Ethnic Groups. But, perhaps, the most unexpected fact was that the proportion of this chromosome was unusually high in Yakuts - about 80 percent!

    And this means that somewhere in the base of the branch of the Finno-Ugric peoples were not only Slavs, but also the ancestors of Yakuts and Buryat, whose roots stretch into Southeast Asia.

    Genetic scientists have established the path of the movement of the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes to their common place of settlement - to the Central Russian Plain: Slavs moved from the West - with the Danube, from the Balkans, from the Carpathians, and the Finno-Urals, they are the Urals, they are Altai, Moved in their arc from the northeast, and earlier - from the south of Siberia.

    Thus, coming in the northeast, in the area of \u200b\u200bfuture Novgorod-Ivanovo-Vologda, these Pléplan formed a union that became a threatening Slavic, and then by the Russian (Russian-definition, meaning belonging to one kind of rusions, that is, light), in The first half of the first millennium of our era, and possibly much earlier.

    It is estimated that at that time the Eastern Slavs were four more than the threatening finns.

    One way or another, there was no special hostility between them, there was a peaceful assimilation. Peaceful existence.

    The origin and early history of Finno-Ugric peoples to now remain the subject of scientific discussions. Among the researchers, the most common is the opinion that in ancient times there was a single grouping of people who spoke on the general Finno-Ugric defense. The ancestors of the current Finno-Ugro until the end of the Third Millennium BC. e. Saved relative unity. They were resettled in the Urals and West Ural, and perhaps also in some areas adjacent to them.

    In that epoch, called Finno-Ugorsk, their tribes were contacted with Indoirans, which was reflected in myths and languages. Between the third and second millennia BC. e. Separated from each other uGORSKAY and finno-Permskaya branches. Among the peoples of the last, settled in the Western direction, independent subgroups of languages \u200b\u200bwere gradually separated and aligned:

    • baltic-Finnish,
    • volzhsky-Finnish,
    • permian.

    As a result of the transition of the population of the Far North, Saama formed on one of the Finno-Ugric Union. The Ugragic group of languages \u200b\u200bbroke out by the middle of the I millennium BC. e. The separation of the Baltic-Finnish occurred at the beginning of our era. Perm has existed somewhat longer - until the eighth century.

    The contacts of Finno-Ugric tribes with Baltic, Iranian, Slavic, Turkish, German peoples played a major role in the separate development of these languages.

    Territory of settlement

    Finno-Ugric peoples in our day predominantly live in North-West Europe. Geographically, they are resets in a huge territory from Scandinavia to the Urals, Volga-Kamya, the lower and middle tritobol.

    Hungarians are the only people of the Finno-Ugric ethno-speaking group, who formed their state aside from other tribal related to them - in the Carpathian-Danube region.

    The total number of peoples talking in the Ural languages \u200b\u200b(they include Finno-Ugors, together with the self-ideas), is 23-24 million people. The most numerous representatives are Hungarians. Their world has more than 15 million people. They are followed by Finns and Estonians (5 and 1 million people, respectively). Most of the other Finno-Ugric ethnic groups live in modern Russia.

    Finno-Ugric ethnic groups in Russia

    Russian migrants massively rushed to the lands of Finno-Ugrov in the XVI-XVIII centuries. Most often, the resettlement process in these parts occurred peacefully, but some indigenous peoples (for example, Mari) have long and fiercely resisted their importance to the Russian state.

    Christian religion, writing, urban culture, brought by Russians, began to push local beliefs and adverbs. People moved to cities, moved to the Siberian and Altai lands - there, where the main and general was Russian. However, he (especially his northern dialect) absorbed a lot of Finno-Ugric words - is more visible in the field of toponyms and names of nature phenomena.

    In places, the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia were mixed with Turks, adopting Muslims. However, a significant part of them was still assimilated by the Russians. Therefore, these peoples do not care anywhere - even in those republics that are their name. Nevertheless, according to the census in 2002, in Russia there are very significant in numbers of Finno-Ugric groups.

    • mordva (843 thousand people),
    • udmurts (almost 637 thousand),
    • markets (604 thousand),
    • komi-Zyryan (293 thousand),
    • komi-Perm (125 thousand),
    • karelia (93 thousand).

    The number of some nations does not exceed thirty thousand people: Khanty, Mansi, Veps. Izhorstsy have 327 people, and the people are water - only 73 people. Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, Saama live in Russia.

    Development of Finno-Ugric Culture in Russia

    In total, sixteen Finno-Ugric peoples live in Russia. Five of them have their own national publications, and two are nationally territorial. Other resets dispersed throughout the country. On the national and local level, programs are being developed, with the support of which the culture of Finno-Ugric peoples, their customs and dialects are being studied. Thus, Sami, Khanty, Mansiysky teach in primary classes, and Komi, Mari, Udmurt, Mordovsky - in secondary schools of those regions where large groups of relevant ethnic groups live.

    There are special laws on culture, languages \u200b\u200b(Mari El, Komi). Thus, in the Republic of Karelia, the law on education that enshrines the right of Episses and Karelov to study in its native language. The priority of the development of cultural traditions of these peoples is determined by the law on culture. Also in the republics of Mari El, Udmurtia, Komi, Mordovia, in the Khanty-Mansiysk JSC there are their own concepts and programs of national development. The fund of development of the cultures of Finno-Ugric peoples (in the territory of the Republic of Mari El) has been created and operates.

    Finno-Ugric peoples: appearance

    The ancestors of the current finno-thief occurred as a result of the mixing of Paleoevurine and Paleoisian tribes. Therefore, in the appearance of all peoples of this group, both European and mongoloid features are present. Some scientists even advanced the theory about the existence of an independent race - the Ural, which is "intermediate" between Europeans and Asians, but this version has little supporters.

    Finno-eel is heterogeneous in anthropological terms. However, any representative of the Finno-Ugric People has characteristic "Urals" features in one way or another. This is usually medium height, very light hair color, "smoky" nose, a wide face, a nursing beard. But these features appear in different ways.

    So, Mordvinka-Erzya - the tall, winners of light hair and blue eyes. Mordviny Moksha - on the contrary, below the growth, wiping, with longer hair. Udmurts and Mariers often meet the characteristic "Mongolian" eyes with a special fold in the inner corner of the eye - Epicatus, very wide faces, a liquid beard. But at the same time, their hair is usually blonde and red, and the eyes are blue or gray, which is typical for Europeans, but not the Mongoloids. "Mongolian fold" is also found at Izhorts, Rod, Karel, and even Estonians. Komi look different. Where there are mixed marriages with nonsense, representatives of this people are disclosure and drafts. Other Komi, on the contrary, are more likely to go to Scandinavians, but more broadcasters.

    Religion and language

    Finno-horses living in the European part of Russia are predominantly Orthodox Christians. However, the Udmurts and Marietsians managed to preserve the ancient (animistic) religion, and the self-foundations and residents of Siberia - Shamanism.

    Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bare related modern Finnish and Hungarian. The peoples speaking them make up the Finno-Ugric ethno-speaking group. Their origin, the territory of the settlement, the community and the difference in external features, culture, religion and traditions is the objects of global research in the field of history, anthropology, geography, linguistics and a number of other sciences. Briefly highlight this topic will try this review article.

    Peoples included in the Finno-Ugric Ethnic Summer Group

    Based on the degree of proximity of languages, researchers share Finno-Ugric peoples by five subgroups. The basis of the first, Baltines-Finnish, make up Finns and Estonians - peoples with their own states. They also live in Russia. Setu is a small group of Estonians - resettle in the Pskov region. The most numerous of the Baltic-Finnish peoples of Russia is Karelia. In everyday life they use three autochthon dialects, while the literary language is considered to be Finnish. In addition, the same subgroup includes Veps and Izhorstsi - small peoples who have preserved their languages, as well as water (there are less than a hundred people left, their own language is lost) and Liva.

    Second - Samskaya (or Lopar) subgroup. The main part of the peoples who gave her the name is reset in Scandinavia. In Russia, Saama live on the Kola Peninsula. Researchers suggest that in ancient times these nations occupied a more significant territory, but subsequently they were pushed north. At the same time, their own language was replaced by one of the Finnish laws.

    Third The subgroup constituting the Finno-Ugric peoples is the Volga-Finnish - enter Mari and Mordva. Markets are the main part of the population of the Republic of Mari El, they also live in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia and a number of Russian regions. They allocate two literary languages \u200b\u200b(with which, however, not all researchers agree). Mordva - Autochthonous population of the Republic of Mordovia; At the same time, a significant part of Morderov is resettled throughout Russia. The composition of this nation is two ethnographic groups, each with their literary written language.

    Fourth The subgroup is called Perm. It includes Komi, Comi-Perm, as well as Udmurts. Even before October 1917, in terms of literacy (though, in Russian), Komi were approaching the most educated peoples of Russia - Jews and Russian Germans. As for the UDMurts, their dialect is preserved for the most part in the villages of the Udmurt Republic. Residents of the same cities, as a rule, forget the indigenous language, and customs.

    TO fifth, Ugor, the subgroup includes Hungarians, Khanty and Mansi. Although the dense of Obi and the Northern Ural separates from the Hungarian state on the Danube many kilometers, these peoples are actually the most closest relatives. Khanty and Mansi belong to the small peoples of the North.

    Disappeared Finno-Ugric Tribes

    The tribes were also treated to Finno-Ugric peoples, mentions of which are currently preserved only in the chronicles. So, people Merya In the middle of the Volga and Oka in the first millennium of our era in the first millennium - there is a theory that he subsequently merged with the eastern Slavs.

    The same happened with muromoy. These are even more ancient people of the Finno-Ugric ethno-language group, the once inhabited Oka Pool. For a long time disappeared Finnish tribes, who lived along the rivers of Onega and Northern Dvina, researchers call miracle (According to one of the hypotheses, they were the ancestors of modern Estonians).

    Community of languages \u200b\u200band culture

    Announces Finno-Ugric Languages \u200b\u200bby a single group, researchers emphasize this community as the main factor that unites the peoples speaking them. However, the Ural ethnic groups, despite the similarities in the structure of their languages, still understand each other far from always. So, Finn will definitely be able to explain to Estonian, Erianian - with Mokshanin, and Udmurt - from Komi. However, the peoples of this group, geographically removed from each other, should attach a lot of effort to identify common features in their languages \u200b\u200bthat would help them talk.

    The linguistic relationship of Finno-Ugro is primarily traced in the similarity of linguistic structures. This significantly affects the formation of the thinking and worldview of peoples. Despite the difference in crops, this circumstance contributes to the emergence between these ethnic groups of mutual understanding. At the same time, a peculiar psychology due to the mental process in these languages \u200b\u200benriches the unique culture of their unique vision of the world.

    So, unlike Indo-Europee, the representative of the Finno-Ugric people is inclined to treat nature with exceptional respect. Finno-Ugric culture largely contributed to the desire of these peoples peacefully adapt to the neighbors - as a rule, they preferred not to fight, but to migrate, while maintaining their identity. Also, the characteristic feature of the peoples of this group is openness to ethnocultural interchange. In finding ways to strengthen relationships with related peoples, they support cultural contacts with all those who surround them.

    Mostly Finno-Ugrics managed to maintain their languages, the main cultural elements. Communication with ethnic traditions in this area can be traced in their national songs, dancing, music, traditional dishes, clothes. Also, many elements of their vintage rituals reached this day: wedding, funeral, remembered.