Labor colony A.S. Makarenko. Labor communes

Labor colony A.S. Makarenko. Labor communes
Labor colony A.S. Makarenko. Labor communes

Choosing you with your chief, we were not guided by simple desire Wear the name of the world famous to the world, and some deep relatives between you and us.
We see this relativeness and feel not only that your childhood is similar to the childhood of our guys, and not only that many types in your works are our types, but most of all are that your exceptional faith in a person, Something the only thing in all world literature helps us believe in it.
From the letter A. Makarenko - M.Gorkom.

My Gorkhoves also grew up, felt all over the Soviet Light, for me it is difficult to collect them even in imagination.
A.S. Makarenko.

A.S. Makarenko was the founder labor colony named after M. Gorky and worked in it from 1920 to 1928. Until May 15, 1926, the colony was located near Poltava, in Trebach and Kovalevka, and from mid-May she moved into smoking, under Kharkov. Therefore, the pupils who lived only in smoking were often called themselves with smokers, and 120 colonists who came from Kovylevka loved to call themselves as colonists Gorkkov. But the so-called "wins of smoke" led to the rapid formation of a single team. At the end of 1927, Anton Semenovich took part-time leadership of the Community name F. Dzerzhinsky, where 60 Gorkovtsev's colonists who were the core of the commune were translated.
A.S. Makarenko in the "Pedagogical Poem" wrote: "Not so much moral beliefs and anger, as this interesting and real business struggle gave the first sprouts of a good collective tone. In the evenings, we argued, and laughed, and fantasized on topics about our adventures, they robbed in separate grasp cases, they were knocked into a single whole, which the name is Gorky Colony. "
An unforgettable for all colonists remained in mind the meeting with Maxim Gorky - their friend, his chief and teacher who gave each particle of his heart.
In front of A.S. Makarenko, the task of creating a strong able-bodied team from pupils, which he himself would be a raising force. A.S. Makarenko came to the conclusion that the team can be created only on the basis of socially useful productive work in the process of which new public relations should be formed.
Educational work in the colony Anton Semenovich began with the organization of the asset. Step by step, attracting colonists to socially useful work, by setting tasks in front of the team as a whole and its individual members, conquering authority and respect with a personal example, he created a team. The colonists worked on the fields and in the garden, guarded the road from the robbers, the state forest from the wheel. Practical actions brought tangible results in moral rehabilitation and raising former homeless children.
From the first days in the colony was created by the library, equipped with Anton Semenovich. The love of colonists for reading, as well as evening collective readings had a large educational effect. The works of A.M. Gorky "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities" used special love.
There were several detachments in the colony, at the head of each of them there were commanders who made the Council of Commanders. Makarenko relied on him in the whole educational work, In the organisation labor activity Colonists. The Commander Council discussed and solved the issues of organizing the life and educational process, cultural and educational work, the management of the economy of the colony, the reception of new members and others.
The success of the colony in educational work was highly marked by the People's Commissariat of Ukraine: in honor of the five years from the day of the founding of the colony, A.S. Makarenko assigned the title of "Red Hero Labor", and employees awarded valuable gifts.
1926 Colony met considerable success. Greeting the farm, with the fields got a good bread harvest. By that time, the colony was a livestock farm, garden, workshops. More attention was paid to study. A.S. Makarenko took care of obtaining durable knowledge by pupils, believing that it determines the path of man in life. Rasp and collective educators. By that time, he could already solve any tasks demanding organizedness, strong discipline. It was especially important before moving to the Kurazhsky colony, where 400 children lived in the premises of the former monastery.
Harmony of individual and collective feelings can be observed in the situation arising from the colony before the "conquest of smoking". The colonists felt the need to give everything to the team. And it was not at all a victim. Responding to doubts about the pupil Mark Shengauza, who was afraid that the good life of Gorkhoves could become bad in smokers, Anton Semenovich said: "But they go to the struggle. It is Mark, great happiness when you can go to fight for best life».
A.M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponded with A.S. Makarenko, pupils, highly appreciating the results of their labor. Already in the first year of the colony, in 1921, she was assigned the name A.M. Gorky. The name "Gorkhovets" acquired for colonists great importance. Makarenko said that they supported and helped them Gorky Vera in a person. Just relying on the best in man, you can make it more beautiful and higher.
Pupils of the colony named after M. Gorky understood that the life of the team created by Anton Semenovich was aimed at the formation of a new person, whose features we visible in the affairs of graduates of this team. For whatever posts they work, everywhere they argued the spirit of optimism, humanism, partnership, confidence in their strength and tomorrow. Through the trust and respect, connected demanding, A.S. Makarenko brought up their readiness for labor and defense.
An outstanding teacher demanded such a relationship to work when it becomes organic necessity. Further fate Pupils proved great power productive work connected to mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education. By expression, A.S. Makarenko, in the colony and the commune half of the affairs was carried out with a smile. Spirit have a good mood and a sense of responsibility pupils kept constantly.

A.S. Makarenko was the founder of the working colony named after M. Gorky and worked in it from 1920 to 1928. Until May 15, 1926, the colony was located near Poltava, in the Trebach and Kovalevka, and from mid-May she moved into smoking, near Kharkov. Therefore, the pupils who lived only in smoking are often called themselves with smokers, and 120 colonists who came from Kovylevka loved to call themselves as colonists-Gorky. But the so-called "wins of smoke" led to the rapid formation of a single team. At the end of 1927, Anton Semenovich accepted the leadership of the Community name F. Dzerzhinsky, which was translated 60 of the Khorikovtsev who were translated by the core of the commune.

A.S. Makarenko in the "Pedagogical Poem" wrote: "Not so much moral beliefs and anger, as this interesting and real business struggle gave the first sprouts of a good collective tone. In the evenings, we argued, and laughed, and fantasized on topics about our adventures, they robbed in separate grasp cases, they were knocked into a single whole, which the name is Gorky Colony. "

An unforgettable for all colonists remained in mind the meeting with Maxim Gorky - their friend, his chief and teacher who gave each particle of his heart.

In front of A.S. Makarenko, the task of creating a strong able-bodied team from the pupils, which he himself would raise force. A.S. Makarenko came to the conclusion that the team can be created only on the basis of socially useful productive labor, in the process of which new public relations should be formed.

Educational work in the colony Anton Semenovich began with the organization of the asset. Step by step, attracting colonists to socially useful work, by setting tasks in front of the team as a whole and its individual members, conquering authority and respect with a personal example, he created a team. The colonists worked on the fields and in the garden, guarded the road from the robbers, the state forest from the wheel. Practical actions brought tangible results in moral rehabilitation and raising former homeless children.

From the first days in the colony was created by the library, equipped with Anton Semenovich. The love of colonists for reading, as well as evening collective readings had a large educational effect. The works of A.M. Gorky "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities" used special love.

There were several detachments in the colony, at the head of each of them there were commanders who made the Council of Commanders. Makarenko relied on him in all educational work, in organizing the work of colonists. The Commander's Council discussed and solved the issues of organizing the life and educational process, cultural and educational work, the management of the colony, reception of new members and others.

The success of the colony in educational work was highly marked by the drug addict of Ukraine: in honor of the five years from the day the colony foundation, A.S. Makarenko appropriated the title of "Red Hero Labor", and employees awarded valuable gifts. 1926 Colony met considerable success. Greeting the farm, with the fields got a good bread harvest. By that time, the colony was a livestock farm, garden, workshops. More attention was paid to study. A.S. Makarenko took care of obtaining durable knowledge by pupils, believing that it determines the path of man in life. Rasp and collective educators. By that time, he could already solve any tasks demanding organizedness, strong discipline. It was especially important before moving to the Kurazhsky colony, where 400 children lived in the premises of the former monastery.

Harmony of individual and collective feelings can be observed in the situation arising from the colony before the "conquest of smoking". The colonists felt the need to give everything to the team. And it was not at all a victim. Responding to doubts about the pupil Mark Shengauza, who was afraid that the good life of Gorkhoves could become bad in smokers, Anton Semenovich said: "But they go to the struggle. This, Mark, great happiness, when you can go on the struggle for the best life. "

A.M. Gorky was interested in the life of the colony, corresponded with A.S. Makarenko, pupils, highly appreciating the results of their labor. Already in the first year of the colony, in 1921, she was assigned the name A.M. Gorky. The name "Gorkhovets" acquired great importance for colonists. Makarenko said that they supported and helped them Gorky Vera in a person. Just relying on the best in man, you can make it more beautiful and higher.

Pupils of the colony named after M. Gorky understood that the life of the team created by Anton Semenovich was aimed at the formation of a new person, whose features we visible in the affairs of graduates of this team.

For whatever posts they work, everywhere they argued the spirit of optimism, humanism, partnership, confidence in their strength and tomorrow. Through the trust and respect, connected demanding, A.S. Makarenko brought up their readiness for labor and defense.

An outstanding teacher demanded such a relationship to work when it becomes organic necessity. Further fates of pupils proved the great power of productive work, connected to mental, moral, physical and aesthetic education. By expression, A.S. Makarenko, in the colony and the commune half of the affairs was carried out with a smile. The spirit of a good mood and a sense of responsibility pupils kept constantly.

The Commune named Dzerzhinsky - a children's educational institution - was established in the village of New Kharkov (suburb of Kharkov) in the system of GPU agencies to combat children's carelessness on voluntary deductions from the salaries of Chekists of Ukraine. On December 29, 1927, the colony was opened, headed by her teacher Anton Makarenko,. The commune received both street children and children from families. Communards received wide general education. One of the basic principles of education in the commune was a combination of training with productive labor. At the beginning of its path, she was a very small children's team that passed from the colony named after M. Gorky. This team had only one house, a small semi-pedars workshop, in which even the first 60 pupils could not accommodate. For five years, the Commune has become a powerful educational institution, the pupils of which not only studied, but also worked on the plants built by them plants and cameras.

Hundreds of communations daily 4 hours studied at school or on a slavery, and four hours worked, releasing power tools and cameras "FED", from the implementation of which the team of Communar had a means for its content, expansion of production. The introduced commercials helped to see the fruits of their work, they had a sense of owner.

The Commune named F.E. Dzerzhinsky was an excellent example of the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba combination of training, with productive labor, moral, physical and aesthetic education. They had a real tender self-government that had boring responsible dependence. Communard education gave the country of cultural worker, able to be not only a commander in any industry, but also capable of submitting to the comrades. Commanders, as elected uni-chairs, who have great power, "hand and feet were associated in cases where they began to oppose the narrowly beginning to public.

In the Commune, as in the colonies, there were properly organized relationships between primary teams (detachments) and the general team. The overall team of the commune was a link between a person and society. At each moment of impact on the Communar, an impact took place on the team. At the same time, the impact on the team was also an impact on the identity.

The system of organization of the team in the commune was the same as in the colony. The highest governing body was the general meeting of communations. Big role Played the Council of Commanders of Production Details. At the head of the Council of Commanders stood the secretary. Important role Komsomolskaya and Pioneer organizations played in the life of the commune.

The commune never received money from the state, at first she lived on the means of deductions from the earnings of Chekists. Last years: Commune them. Dzerzhinsky was at the expense of ... This is a very important circumstance: since 1930, all expenses paid fled: on a salary to teachers, equipment of the cabinets at school, on the content of pupils, in addition, to carry out summer campaigns, visits to theaters, buying buses, etc. . Commune gave several million rubles net profit state.

Consishes helped to prepare pupils for life: work in production ensured them the possibility of acquiring various working qualifications. Communards worked at the enterprise 4 hours a day, studied in high SchoolMany after school came to study in universities. Education in the Commune was based on the principles developed by Makarenko in previous years, a well-organized production work, he considered one of the main links of the educational system. Labor at the factory created a great base for deploying educational work.

In the commune and in the colony to practical cases included elements of the game with youthful hinds, with a sense of joy. Study was mandatory for all. Duty, economic work, outfits did not exempt pupils from school sessions.

The commune had the opportunity to engage in various circles: artistic amateur, technical, subject, sports. There were clubs, cinema, library. The theater of performances were raised by pupils. Communards often visited Kharkov theaters. Much attention was paid physical Education Communards.

During summer holidays Together with teachers, led by Anton Semenovich, went to the tourist hikes: were in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Moscow, Donbas, traveled along the Volga.

A.S. Makarenko considered the campaign to be a powerful factor patriotic education, social growth and physical hardening of children, increase their cultural level. Every year, the results of educational work were summed up, production and art exhibitions. A.S. Makarenko sought the labor figures to accompany learning and upbringing. The team is constantly growing and rich. Have become thinner, problems are more in-depth spiritual development pupils, forming active civilian position. Anton Semenovich himself was a model and urged educators to work with faith in a person, with a heart, with real humanism, as it is possible to raise a real person only when you see a person in every pupil. The title of Communar Pupils proudly carried through life.

In 1935, Makarenko left the job in the commune. Dzerzhinsky and, moving to Moscow, engaged in the advice of bitter literary activities.

Fate more than three thousand students of A.S. Makarenko -- the best testimony of his pedagogical success and the best monument to him. From the former colonists and communations, qualified workers and engineers, major manufacturers of production, outstanding teachers and educators, military doctors, artists, artists, lawyers and journalists were published. A lot of former pupils heroically died during the Great Patriotic War. Honesty, dedication in labor, a wonderful feeling of collectivism, sensitivity and readiness to come to the aid to the other carried many of them throughout their life. And in the heart - the bright image of his teacher Anton Semenovich. "Amazing you are humane and just from those in which Russia needs," - So wisely described Makarenko in one of the letters to him A. M. Gorky.

In the recent post about cross progress The sad fate of the Kuryazhsky Monastery, destroyed in the first years already noted with Ozeria Icon soviet power. The children's labor colony was posted on its territory, which turned the former monastery in the "Robbing Nest" and in the "Gangster Chicken", which began to see the recent holy place Residents of surrounding villages. Their attitude to the colonists, it must be believed to change when the pupils of the name of Gorky headed by the head of A.S. Makarenko, translated into the coquoise from Poltava, joined the column. It happened in 1926. The following information about the life of the Kurezhsky Colony is taken from the article published in the journal "Vesvіt" in 1927, photos from the material about the colony named after Gorky, posted on the website of the Ukrainian news Internet publication.

What was the Kuraza Colony of the name of Gorky in those years? All pupils for the manufacturing principle were distributed in 25 units. Every detachment had his bedroom, his place in the dining room, his farm.

Summer working day began at 5 o'clock: rise, cleaning the premises, feeding livestock.

After breakfast - work in workshops and in the field. At 12 o'clock - lunch and afternoon rest for an hour, after which work again - up to 4 hours. Next - the time of rest and cultural and educational work in the club.

In smoking, A. S. Makarenko worked until 1928. Over the years of his work in children's labor colonies, more than three thousand Pupils that have received education and profession.

Instead of pre-school - About the monument to A.S. Makarenko in Kharkov.

Message "Mediaport":
Monument to Makarenko dismantled .
Today, October 24, 2011, the workers disassemble the monument to the teacher and public figure Anton Makarenko. The bust on the pedestal, stood more than forty years opposite the main entrance to the Gorky Park, was dismantled.

The monument to Anton Makarenko was established in 1968 on the initiative of the workers of the plant opposite the main entrance to the park. Gorky on Sumskaya Street.
This morning the monument was "demolished." The workers saw it on the seams and immersed the stones on the truck.
At the beginning of the year, the mayor's office voiced his idea: to equip Square opposite the park them. Gorky, the tram's circle "move aside" Fad ", and a monument to Makarenko to send or the plant" FED ", or" Communar ".
To transfer the monument to the territory of the plant offered the management of the state-owned enterprise, told Media Port Assistant Director Vladimir Derluk.
"This monument was built on the initiative of our factory, and we at Anton Semenovich Makarenko are directly historical attitude. This monument is defined beautiful, worthy, visited place, "said Derluk. And to the objection that the monument will hide behind the factory fence, Derluk replied: "The one who wants, he can [see]. Because there are applications from schools, from organizations to visit our museum. We often do this, so that they knew the history of our factory and founder. " Put bust between the administrative corps and the assembly shop.
By the way, workers of the Kuryazh correctional colony In the spring of this year, they turned to the city authorities with a request to give a monument to them: they say, Makarenko worked in the colony, and put his monument on the territory would be correct. But the answer to my appeal did not receive.

Letter mayor Kharkov

Gennady Adolfovich!

I sincerely enjoy the fact that the leadership of our city came, finally smart and energetic people who literally change his appearance in their eyes. I fully support all the events you spent, which caused discussions among Kharkiv. However, yesterday I heard and saw the sortiest that the city authorities were removed from the central street a monument to A.S. Makarenko and decided to transfer it to the territory of the plant. I assure you that this is a rough mistake, which will get unfavorable for the city of world resonance. This question is convinced, prepared incompetent people who do not understand what place the teacher is occupied by a writer cultural world.
Today it is not in the history of Kharkov named after a better and more attractive for the world community than Makarenko. There is a World Makarenkovsk Association, in all large countries There are special laboratories to study his heritage, worldwide fame acquired a "pedagogical poem." G. Marburg (Germany) became the world center of Makarekov, in which the laboratory of MAKNKO-REFERAT headed by Dr. Hilligom is working since 1968. There are laboratories in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Volgograd, Poltava and other cities of the former USSR.
The final verdict of the science of it is such: Makarenko the great teacher of the 20th century, his pedagogical theory corresponds to universal humanistic, including Christian values.
I have been studying Makarenko all my life, for more than 20 years collaborated with the German laboratory, which was able to collect and publish unique documents, and I know how well the attitude towards Makarenko in the world. Believe me, there is absolutely no exaggerations. I's offensively for Makarenko and for our city with whom the brightest period is connected pedagogical activity. Chronologically his life looks like this:
1920-1926 - Poltava
1926-1935 - Kharkov
1935-1937 -Kyev
1937-1939 - Moscow
The offer is mine. The monument was dismantled and no sense to return it to the old place. Hold it to the territory of the plant in the light of what is said is absurd. His place is on the territory of the park, where the sculpture of Gorky was stood. IN soviet times All city parks were called in the Moscow sample - the name of Gorky. Many Ukrainian cities refused this tradition and did the right thing. It's time for us to truly perpetuate the name of the Great Teacher: Call the Park of Culture and Rest with the name Makarenko and establish his monument at the entrance.
Dear Gennady Adolfovich! I am ready to make an appropriate commission to justify your proposal.
Getman M. F., Dr. Philologist. Sciences, professor

After the collapse of the USSR, the processes of destruction of culture and education in our country went so rapidly that now, having a deal with young people, you can not be guessed that they read the "three musketeers" in Dumas. But it is only part of the problem. Reducing the cultural level, the narrowing of the circle of interest, the lack of skills joint activity They lead to the fact that at first people cannot build teams, and then simply elementary to communicate with the neighbor.

How to solve the problem of building a collective? Yes, in conditions, when this construction should not turn into a long definition? In the USSR, in the 20s of the 20th, the XX century, this question was solved. Immediately after graduation Civil War In Russia, an important social experiment began - several children's communities were created: communes for adolescents who came to correctional institutions (Bolshevsk Commune), and the Communes for Storgeons (Colony of the name of M. Gorky and the Commune named Dzerzhinsky). The creation of special institutions for benfishers was caused by the presence in the USSR big number Children left after the First World War and After the Civil War without parents: In 1922, there were about seven million juvenile vagrants in the country.

The first commune was created in 1921 in a labor colony for minor offenders. The colony was located in the village not far from Poltava and was named after Maxim Gorky, who became one of the initiators of fighting care. The colony of the name of Gorky existed until 1926. For five years, the efforts of her chapter, Anton Semenovich Makarenko, in the colony were developed by the principles of existence, forever who pulled out children from the nomadic staya protodeocial environment, in which they were thrown by the horrors of nonsense.

What principles did the life in the Gorky commune cost?

Children in the commune not only studied, but also worked. Both studies and work were mandatory for everyone. First, the commune took up agriculture. Having achieved wheat harvest, and in the commune also engaged in animal husbandry. And the theater was built on revenues, in which the performances delivered by communites for villagers were located every week.

One of the main internal principles of the existence of the commune was the principle of self-government. All members of the commune were divided into squads. These detachments were not formed not on the production and non-educational principle - it was done in order not to give the members of the detachment to concentrate on only one, interesting aspect of the life of the commune. In addition, the detachment included children of different agesThat gave the opportunity to elder to teach the younger and ensured the continuity of generations.

Makarenko believed that the optimal number of people in the detachment was from 7 to 15 people. Each detachment had its place in the dining room and his sleeping place. Commanders of the detachments collected once a week to solve economic and organizational issues. In addition, the Commune regularly held meetings of all its members.

In 1926, Makarenko makes the decision to postpone the Commune of Gorky in the Kryazhi colony under Kharkov. This was due to the fact that members of the Commune wanted to develop work specialties, and the location of the commune - the absence of nearby factories - imposed a restriction on her further development. Smoking was good because it was a power station, a lot of land around, ready-made workshops (a colony was located in the monastery building).

But the decision of Makarenko about the move was still unexpected for the colonists, since the Kuraza Colony was in a dilapidated state. Plus, her tutors actually lost control over their pupils, and there were about three hundred people.

Local authorities offered Makarenko to follow the way of gradual integration of one team in another. But Makarenko did not recognize any graduality. He confessed his method - "Blind Method". Its essence was that a strong one-time impact was obtained on a person, designed to cause decisive changes in it. With the help of this method, the teacher managed not just to bring the order in the Kurazhsky colony - he managed to do this in a record short time. Already a few months later, the colony was visited by foreign delegations, who studied the experience of its device and wondered by a well-established farm.

To clarify what this is speechWhen it is said about the "explosive" impact, it is necessary to clarify the Makarenko itself. "I call the conflict to bring the conflict to the last limit, to such a condition, when there is no opportunity for any evolution for any such evolution, when the question is raised - or be a member of society, or leave it".

"Rebr" in the method of Makarenko question the team itself puts the team. Therefore, it is very important that the team is. And not just was, but was ready to rebuild the world And people falling into his orbit in accordance with their principles.

Makarenko has the backbone of such a collective in the first settlement. And this backbone was able to influence the change in the situation in a new place - in smoking, and then followed Makarenko to a new place - in the Commune of the Dzerzhinsky communion formed in 1927.

In the Commune of the Dzerzhinsky, the "explosion" method was used, in particular, at the moment when it was necessary to gain new members to the commune. A small detachment from the Communards put forward on the railway stations. Communards collected street trains who traveled on trains, and directly offered them to go to work in the commune. If the interferes agreed (and they, as a rule, agreed), the rite of their adoption took place immediately. The rite whose purpose was to surprise, shake, that is, to use the "explosion method".

As soon as the unworker agreed to enter the community, the whole squad of the Communards was suitable for him: weedly dressed guys, with a banner and orchestra. In honor of the newly arrived member of the team, they ranked in a rank, played on musical instruments And all together a solemn march went to the commune.

The commune of new members was waiting for another shock. Their soaps, dressed in new, clean clothes, and the old clothes were burned. What is this not the initiation rite? For a new member of the team, another life began, old life Symbolically burned on fire.

This is how Ivan Tokarev, one of the pupils of Makarenko, describes his impressions of Ivan Tokarev. "On the territory of a circle of flower beds with flowers, paths from asphalt, cleanliness and beauty. We were tonsured under the machine, washed, the old clothes were burned and gave a new, clean: hammashi, semi-flame, and a row. I look in the mirror - myself like me! It was not necessary to escape from such a beautiful and well-fledged life. But in order to live so beautifully, it was necessary to learn and work ... All who older than thirteen years worked, the youngest - no, they were from the elders on the parcels ".

Makarenko attached great importance to the order, cleanliness and aesthetic side of life in the commune. In his opinion, exterior appearance, details, little things - all this created common style. And the collective, considered Makarenko, must be style. This is one of its inalienable properties.

One of the "little things", on which special attention paid special attention to the commune. In school lessons, teachers and students went in good clothes. Makarenko noted: "I would not stop before, I would give every school very beautiful shape. This is a very good glue for the team. ". In addition, Makarenko said: "The desire for beauty, tightly laid out by nature in every person, is the best lever that can be rotated a person to culture".

But the team appeared not only because of the care of appearance And due to the improvement of the surrounding space. The initiation rite has assumed internal changes. First of all, the new member of the team left all his bad habits outside: to fool, drink, spit, swear and so on. But it was only the most elementary things. And it was necessary to study more complex things: strict rules of behavior were adopted in the commune, and the discipline was approached by the military.

According to Makarenko, the discipline was an integral quality of a well-educated person. The rules of discipline in the commune existed the same for all: both for teachers, and for their pupils. Even the most minor deviations from general rules and requirements.

Members of the team, strictly implemented all the rules, as well as supporting the observance of these rules by other members of the team, became the kernel of the team, the core, which was based on teachers, the core, which was able to painlessly integrate into the team of new members, introduce the principles of self-organization in the team. Since self-organization was based on the fact that a strong team established the norms of behavior and followed how they are executed.

In the commune there was a situation in which the commune members were asked for misconduct much more stricter than with its ordinary members. Moreover, such a tough demand was in the Commune is not a burden, but desirable recognition of his role, proof that they treat you as a responsible, conscious member of the team, as a person who is part of the collective core. As an extreme measure of impact in the commune, there was an exception practice. But exception cases were very rare.

Pupils Makarenko showed that they are able to bother in almost any time in the shortest possible time. Created in December 1927, under Kharkov, the new commune of Makarenko - Commune named after Felix Dzerzhinsky - just thought only the first months. There were not enough funds for existence - voluntary contributions of OGPA workers - lacked. All members of the commune (60 people) were postponed in the same house. Already during the first year of life, the Commune organized agricultural production, which allowed to first feed themselves, then - to kill some money and start thinking about production.

In 1928, deciding which production should be organized in the commune, Makarenko focused on the fact that it is necessary to produce goods that are not in the Soviet market. Plus it should be a production that will allow Communam to master complex professions.

As a result, in the Commune named Dzerzhinsky Communes, the first in the USSR plant of power tools was built, and a little later created the production of cameras. The commune not only provided all their needs, but also gave the state of the state four and a half million rubles a year.

Unfortunately, in July 1935, Makarenko was forced to leave this commune, as he left the communion in smoking. He moved to Moscow and devoted a lot of time writing books. In 1938, the Commune named Dzerzhinsky was reorganized into the industrial complex - the Kharkov Combine of the NKVD of the USSR named after Dzerzhinsky. And in April 1939, Makarenko died suddenly from a heart attack.

The work of Makarenko with children called in Russia and in the world and criticism, and admiration. M. Gorky supported great support for Makarenko, positively wrote about his experience with children L. Aragon, A. Barbus and others. Critical statements Regarding the militarized system of upbringing, Makarenko sounded from Lunacharsky, Krupskaya.

One of his important conquests of Makarenko considered the fact that people who are accustomed to work out of his communes. Makarenko noted: "My Gorkkovs also grew up, ran away throughout the Soviet Light, for me it is difficult to collect them even in imagination. In no way you will not catch the engineer Zadorov, who rubbed in one of the grand stations of Turkmenistan, will not call a doctor of a special Far Eastern Veshneva or a doctor in Yaroslavl Buruna. Even Nisinov and Zerana, to which already boys, and they flew away from me, tremble with wings, only the wings they now have no old, not tender wings of my pedagogical sympathy, and the steel wings of Soviet airplanes ... "

The same important fact notes and the pupil of Makarenko Tokarev: "Director of Museum of Macarenko in Kremenchug Peter Lysenko Special research conducted - collected information about 241 graduates of the commune. They all became good people. You see, in the Commune it was impossible to be bad student or employee. Because of your "Two" suffered the whole detachment. In the evenings, the results of the day were summed up in a "loud club", for your "Two" or marriage in working with you could ask your comrades. Will be said: because of you we will earn less money and now we will not go to rest ... That's why everyone tried to learn and work well ".

But it was, of course, not only in promotions: in a salary or trips to rest. From the commune good peoplebecause Makarenko managed to raise them in the culture of labor in the culture of respect for their work profession, in the culture of internal collens. In some sense, he managed to create labor collectiveswhich Owen and Fourier dreamed of at one time.

The founder of the labor colony named after Maxim Gorky was A.S. Makarenko. He worked in a colony from 1920 to 1928.

The colony of Maxim Gorky was located near Poltava, in Tresibach and Kovalevka until May 15, 1926. But from May 15, she changes its location and moves under Kharkov, in smoking. That is why they called themselves the pupils of the colony who lived in smoking. However, the pupils of the colony, which moved from Kovalevka (there were 120 people) called themselves colonists - Gorky.

But the creation of a single team contributed to the "conquest of smoking". At the end of 1927, Anton Semenovich accepted the leadership of the Compection name Fyodor Dzerzhinsky. There were about sixty colonists - Gorkkovs. They were the so-called core of the commune.

Meeting with Maxim Gorky became a wonderful and unforgettable meeting for all colonists. M. Gorky was not only their friend, but also a respected teacher.

A. S. Makarenko set itself the following task: to create a strong, indispensable, able-bodied and responsible team from the pupils of the commune. It was this collective that was to become raising power. But, according to Anton Semenovich, such a able-bodied and unbreakable team could be created only with the help of social and useful work. It was working that A. S. Makarenko considered, new social relations between people are formed.

Therefore, its educational work in the colony A. S. Makarenko began with the creation of this very team.

Educational work

Gradually, Anton Semenovich attracted pupils of the colony to socially useful work. So, he put a variety of tasks in front of each pupil separately and the group of pupils, before the asset as a whole, filed a personal example, won the respect of pupils. The colonists worked not only in the gardens and in the fields, but also guarded the road from the robbers, they defended the state forest from cutting down. These works undoubtedly brought excellent results in the formation of morality in pupils. So former unworkers were raised.

Anton Semenovich staffed the library in the colony from the very first days of her life. Books, individual and collective reading has become an indispensable means of upbringing colonists. It took an important place in their lives and, of course, had a big educational effect. In particular, the colonists loved to read the works of Maxim Gorky "In People", "My Universities", "Childhood".

There were several detachments in the colony. At the head of each of the notaders were the commanders who constituted the Council of Commanders. It was on him that A. S. Makarenko was relied in his educational work, as well as in the organization of the labor of the pupils of the colony.

The Commander Council decided, discussed the issues of organizing the life and educational process, as well as cultural and educational work, the management of the economy of the colony, the reception of new members and much, much more.

The drug addict of Ukraine was noted the success of the educational work of the colony. And in honor of the five years from the birth of a colony, A. S. Makarenko assigned the title of "Red Hero of Labor", well, and employees and workers colonies were awarded with gifts.

Training activities

A. S. Makarenko great importance paid studies of pupils. He cared for the fact that the colonists get strong knowledge, as it believed that knowledge determine the path of a person in life. But the team of educators did not lag behind in its development. The team could already solve the tasks set in front of him who demanded disciplines and organizations. It has suffered a special importance before moving to the Kryuzhskaya colony, as there were about four children in the premises.

In 1921, the colony was assigned the name M. Gorkykov. M. Gorky was interested in the life of a colony, rewriting with Anton Semenovich, as well as with pupils, at the same time appreciating the results of their labor.

The colonists appreciated their lives and clearly understood that the life of the team, which was created by A. S. Makarenko, was aimed at the formation of a new person. And he was undoubtedly possible. This could be verified by looking at graduates of this team. They were filled with the Spirit of Optimism, Partnership, Humanism, respect for each other. It was through respect and confidence that Anton Semenovich brought up his pupils to defense and labor.

In connection with large number satisfiers (from 4.5 to 7 million people), who appeared after the First World War, the October coup and the civil war following him in Russia, the state and the public was adopted a number of measures to eliminate this phenomenon not only by criminal prosecution, but also to resocialization ( return to the culture of society), including by creating colonies to re-educate juvenile offenders.

However, these colonies had a weak government. Lacked organizational and methodological support, material and food and food. This led to the malnutrition of pupils and educators. However, it had and plus: since there was not enough methodical and organizational control, the most gifted leaders of this colony had greater freedom Educational and pedagogical creativity.

An example of such freedom can be the transformation of a colony to the communes, in other words, the conversion of settlements in the community of people who are associated with a common matter in the community.

The most famous of them were the Commune "Red Zori" I.V.Ionin near Leningrad, Bolshevskaya Labor Commune (1924-1937) M. S. Pogrebinsky. Essentially, the activities and many finds S. T. Shatsky (the colony was called "Cheerful Life") echoes best experience and the achievements of the colonial communes mentioned (although this institution was not created by the state and for the "cheerful life" of ordinary children, and not nonsense).

Colony under Poltava was created on behalf of Anton Semenovich Makarenko Poltava Makarenko in 1920.

However, the most diverse assessments and responses caused Anton Semenovich's activities and innovations. So, there were positive (the colony's experience was named the best of all the colonies, which was visited by the author, in the brochure M. I. Litvinina), and negative responses (for example, in the "pedagogical poem" it was said that the system of teaching A. with . Makarenko is not Soviet system).

The Chief Makarenkovyd professor of the city of Halling, who lived in Germany, gathered a number of evidence that the continuation of Makarenko's activities under these conditions until 1928. The head of the NKVD of Ukraine Vsevolod Apollonovich Balitsky (1893 - 1937) contributed very significantly.

However, after sharp-critical accusations of Makarenko's approaches from N. K. Krupskaya from the stands of the next congress of the Komsomol in May 1928, pedagogical officials put Makarenko before the choice: to abandon a number of their principles in educational work or leave the colony. He chooses will leave the colony and fully goes to the previously created (in 1927) in the NKVD system of the commune. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, where before he worked part-time.

New chief of colony them. Gorky made efforts to ensure that the Makarenko approaches are no longer applied. A number of the closest associates Makarenko either left him to the commune (for example, V.N.Thestsky), or returned to the previous activities (so, N.E.Ferie took up agricultural science: first went to the scientific expedition, later defended the candy on the dissertation S / x Machinery, worked by the teacher, was appointed head. Department of operation of the machine-tractor fleet of the Moscow State Agroenterminarian University. V. P. Goryachkin.

Colony them. Gorky from that time as a sample of education in scientific literature not mentioned, and after some time (including due to the general reduction in the number of benchesters), it was also redirected to work with minor criminals, acquired a high fence with barbed wire, changed the name and so on.