How to pay on the maps to desire. Simple fortune telling at a desire: it will come true or not

How to pay on the maps to desire. Simple fortune telling at a desire: it will come true or not
How to pay on the maps to desire. Simple fortune telling at a desire: it will come true or not

The divination at a desire can answer all the exciting questions about the intended matter. Will your desire come true? How soon? If it does not come true, why? Maps can answer all these questions.

To wish to wishIt will take a deck of 36 cards. Take the cards in your hands, drag them and make a desire. After removing the left hand part of the cards and shift to the bottom of the deck. Now you can proceed to fortune.

Start laying up shirts up in a row of 9 cards. When the cards are run out, open the top cards of the resulting stack and remove the coincidences. Maps that lie under them need to open and also see if there are matching cards in a row. It is necessary to clean the same card to remove the same card. If all the maps were removed in pairs, and nothing remains in the unfolded deel, it means that the desire will come true. If the cards remained, then the conceived to come true is not destined.

If you did not give the outcome of the first divination, or you want to get a more detailed answer, you can use the following fortune telling.

Take the cards and start moving them. In the process, think about your desire. Your intuition should suggest when you need to stop. Pull out any card from the deck, its meaning will tell whether the desire will come true or not.

The value of the cards in this fortune investigation:

  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - there is a high probability that your desire will come true.
  • Valts, lady, king - a desire will come true, expect help from the side.
  • Ace - a desire will come true and very soon.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - a desire will come true, but you need to make an effort for this.
  • Valts, lady, the king - the desire will come true, but problems may arise in the process of achieving conceived.
  • Ace - a desire will come true, but not immediately. Be patient.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 is the likelihood that the desire will be very small.
  • Valet, lady, the king is almost no chance.
  • Ace - the desire will not come true.
  • 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 - the desire will not come true because of your incorrect actions.
  • Valts, the lady, the king - the desire will not turn, because on the way you will have many rivals and ill-wishers.
  • Ace - a desire will never come true.

there is another quick way to find outwhether the conceived. To do this, take your card. It is very easy to determine it. If you are not married (not married), then your card is the lady of Tuben (King Buben), if you are married (married), your map is a lady of worms (king of worms), if you are a man of age, then the lady Tref ( King Tref). Take a deck, mix it thoroughly, make a desire and start to lay out three cards in front of you. When your card falls in one of the trips, see what two cards came out with her. If black suites - a desire will not come true if the red - it will come true if both bright and dark, then the probability of the performance of your desire is, but for this you need to make certain efforts.

Exists another simple fortune telling. Take a deck of cards, thoroughly pull it out and put 15 cards in a row. If there are aces among them, they need to be put aside. After that, prevent all the cards again, mix them and decompose again 15 cards. Set all the aces. For the third time you need to do the same. If after three layouts all aces came out, then the desire will turn, if not, then it is not destined to come true.

All these fortune tells are not recommended to use too often, otherwise the card will start to lie. It is also necessary to remember that the deck should be used only for divination. If she was at least once used in the game, then truth would never say. In addition, if you like to guess on the maps, you should be sure to know that no other other than you should be told to the fortuneal maps. Only so you can get an accurate prediction. Useful article? Then be sure to put and

03.12.2013 14:07

To learn the truth about his beloved and fortune telling about the cards. Simple and ...

This method is best suited for beginners, since the interpretation system is much simplified here.

Experienced predictors pay attention to any little things. If with stirring the card decks constantly fall out of the hands, the experienced Oracle refuses to continue the ritual, and wait for the next day. The prediction on fate will be more accurate if a young month climbed in the sky.

Variants of fortune telling

Methods of divination on playing cards are extremely diverse. Used as a deck of 36 and out of 52 ordinary maps. In the second version, the jokers from the deck are pulled out. Some argue that even the time of the day and the month in which the ritual is carried out.

For the simplest way of divination, it is not necessary to know the interpretation of each picture. It matters only the suit of the dropped card.

Before making the alignment, make a color and pull the map at random, if the color coincides with the mandated, the ritual can be carried out. If not - the truth will not open you.

For example: "Will my desire go?". Take out one card and look at her suit, depends on it and depends on the response:

  • The worm suit means that the desire will be fulfilled;
  • Bubnovaya - there will be difficulties, but small;
  • Trephic - spend a lot of effort, and the result will not satisfy;
  • Peak - in order to avoid troubles, it is better to revise your desire.

Such a split is called express fortune. If you want to know your fate or how the relationship with one or another person is being collapsed, more complex folds should be used, the decoding of which will take much longer.

Combination of cards and their meaning

Each experienced oracle knows that when you fortunate on ordinary maps, a combination of cards is of great importance. For example, a combination of four aces means incredible success soon, the combination of four currencies does not promise anything good. Four ladies means gossip and intrigue, the combination of kings predicts fame and success.

Fortune telling every day

There are special layouts that allow you to find out what the person expects for today.

The easiest lifting day is as follows. 6 arbitrary cards should be postponed in two rows. Interpretation occurs as follows:

  • The first card means thoughts that do not give you peace;
  • The second is your feelings;
  • Third - events that may occur during the day;
  • Fourth - dreams;
  • Fifth - your plans;
  • Six - what should be avoided or, on the contrary, reach during this day.

An important meaning in this scenario has a combination of dropped pictures. The lady and a dozen worm-master do mean that relations with a person who have not seen you have long been resumed. Dozens of Bubnova and Chervoy MASTA means receiving profits. The combination of worm currencies and a bubne nine warned against any travel. The combination of King Peak and the ace of the same suit is possible betrayal from a close friend, and the coincidence of the same king with the lady of worms symbolizes joyful news.

Divination on the relationship

Love occupies one of the first places in the life of any person. And it is not surprising that everyone wants to know how further relationships with the object of attention will be collapsed and whether it will take place at all. An ordinary playing deck can help figure out this difficult question.
Consider the alignment on the relationship called "Three Maps".

To begin with, you should decide on the two main cards, symbolizing a man and a woman. For girls and women, the lady of the appropriate suit is chosen, for men, the currencies or king are chosen. Stirring a deck, you should repeat the name of the beloved.

Decoding Scented

Maps are laid out horizontally, three pieces until the desired portraits fall out. The interpretation process matters both the location of the portraits relative to each other and the cards surrounding them. The perfect option is when the main cards are located one under the other, which means harmonious and mutual relations.

If portraits are far from each other, the value of the defold in this case is quite sad - the relationship is unlikely to have the future. The cards in the left column symbolize past relations, in the central - real, in the right - future.
Minds and cards that are between the main. Their decoding is quite simple. The presence of a lady or king means the "third extra", the peak ten symbolizes the collapse of the relationship, any eight means gossip and intrigue.

Divination in the name

The divination in the name does not require special effort and time, and the value of the defold is quite simple, so this method is great for beginners. You do not need an experienced Oracle for this ritual. The divination on the name will allow you to understand how the object of your attention relates to you.

The deck is unfolded on the columns, the number of which corresponds to the number of letters in the name of the person who is guessing. That is, if the name is Ivan, then there will be four columns. Further, the last stack is decomposed on the previous ones and so until you have two rows.

These two rows should post pictures up two cards, laying towards pair cards, the value of which and will give an answer to the question of interest. When the deck is decomposed completely, the decoding begins.

Two valves mean that the thoughts of your chosen one are busy with you, two kings - only friendship is possible between you, the aces mean sincere love for you, the ladies - his heart belongs to another, dozens - he is in love, but it is unknown to whom, nines - he sympathizes you, The eights are a frank conversation, seven - a meeting, six - a joint trip is possible.

Fortune telling at wish

After spending a simple ritual for which a long-lasting decoding is not needed, you can find out whether the cherished desire will come true. Stirring a deck, make a desire. Spread up the first 15 pictures with shirts, aligning in the ace. You should repeat the procedure two more times. If at the end of four aces will lie separately, the desire will certainly be fulfilled.

Do not feel fate, guessing for the same desire several times - you can bring serious trouble.

Fortune telling for a month

In order to find out with the help of cards, which prepares for you the current month, you need to carry out the following procedure. In any order, pull nine cards, which will open you your near future.

If all the cards are peak suit - this month will bring you grief, the Cherry means idyll in relations, Trephists - Care, Bubnes - Profit. Deciphering the same cards is made as follows:

  • Four aces - trouble;
  • Kings - benefit;
  • Ladies - gossip;
  • Vnets - cash loss;
  • Dozens - execution of conceived;
  • Nine - surprise;
  • Eight - boring routine;
  • Seven - parting;
  • Six - danger.

Dolphic oracle

You can learn your destiny with the help of the most ancient method of predictions, which is the Delphian Oracle. But the Tarot cards will be needed for such a ritual. The Delphic Oracle originated in ancient Greece, and is popular until now.

There is a significant way of this ritual, but with any of them, the decoding and the correct interpretation requires a certain experience. If you decide to learn the future with the defold "Delphic Oracle", it is best to turn to professionals.

Would you like not only to know the future, but also influence him? Then this article will be interesting to you! We bring to your attention the ways of divination on maps that will help not only know what will happen in the future, but also to fulfill all your desires!

Previously, we considered many ways, in the same article we will pay special attention gadania on maps to desire.

What could be more pleasant when all your desires are executed? Would you like to find your love? Simple human happiness? Put in love with a specific person? All this is possible to do with a simple deck of cards. Remember that all this will only give push if you really want to achieve goals, then everyone will have to do! But it's more pleasant to go on a straight road and know where to move. It is in this that the ways of fortune telling on the maps to desire will help you.

Simple fortune telling at a desire or question

This simple way does not require special skills and does not take much time. You will need only a specific desire or question.

Stir the deck by simultaneously thinking about the question or desire. When you feel that it is enough to interfere with, get one card from above the deck. This card will give you the answer.

  • If ace or king fell, then the desire will come true, and the answer to the question will be yes.
  • If the lady and the curren falls out, then efforts should be made to fulfill the desire or positive response.
  • If 6-10 fell out, then nothing foreshadows the fulfillment of the desire, perhaps everything will have to achieve from scratch.

Fortune telling three cards to desire

Switch to a more complex way of divination. To do this, we will need all the same deck of cards.

Mix the deck of cards thoroughly. After that, slide (the Card term, divide the deck in a random place in half and put the upper part under the bottom) to yourself some of the cards. Take 11 upper cards. Of these, leave only 5, 9 and 11 cards, which will help us figure out. The fifth card will tell that it interferes with the execution of desire, the nine - what is hidden on the way to the cherished goal, the fact that you did not take into account, the 11th card will tell you why you are alone on this path and who in reality can help you.

We will deal with the value of cards

    • Ace - illness, bad news, blow of fate.
    • The king is a strong and dangerous man, a competitor.
    • Lady is an unknown ill-wisher, jealous or evil woman.
    • Valts - despair, lowered hands, bitterness failures
    • Dozen - leisure, incorrect path, useless activity.
    • Nine - unhappy love, taking strength.
    • Eight - unwanted communication, inevitable conversation.
    • Seven - tears, sadness, despondency.
    • Six - unsuccessful journey.
  • Cross
    • Ace - not your home, destroyed.
    • The king is a busy or married man.
    • The lady is a pleasant surprise.
    • Valts - your actions will not remain without remuneration.
    • Ten - manifestation of interest from a good man.
    • Nine - Mutual love.
    • Eight - Your is waiting for an interesting and productive conversation.
    • Seven - big income and winnings.
    • Six - cases will end unsuccessfully.
  • Diamonds
    • Ace - Letter, Message, Message, Meet
    • The king is dishonest, false and cunning man.
    • Lady - Mother, Teacher
    • Valts - unpleasant news that can affect the confluence of circumstances
    • Dozen - you are waiting for luck in everything you do.
    • Nine - an unexpected and stormy novel with a beautiful man.
    • The eight - you are waiting for a conversation that you have been waiting for so long.
    • Seven - surprise, an unexpected guest, what you could not and hope.
    • Six - an unexpected meeting with old friends
  • Worms
    • Ace - native home, parents' house.
    • The king is love close.
    • The lady is the closest and best friend.
    • Valts - troubles with money.
    • Dozen - Adventures, Love Games, Love.
    • Nine - you have to confess something.
    • Eight - Communication with strangers, familiarity with the unknown.
    • Seven - a date, reconciliation with your beloved, the beginning of a new relationship.
    • Six - favorable completion.

Each man cherishes in his soul of this or that desire. It happens that it comes true when this is not waiting at all, and sometimes it has a property at all do not come true.

Playing cards - a magic attribute that allows you to find out the desire or not

If waiting tires and urgently requires a hint or sign, you can seek help to the cards. For many centuries, people used fortune-telling to receive answers to their questions, so why not do the same thing now?

Features of card divination at the desire

The fortune telling on the maps to fulfill the desire can open the veil of the uncharted for everyone who wants to learn the truth.

Those who wish to pay should be remembered that the Card alignment to a desire has a number of rules. The exact following ensures that the magic attribute will be completely honest with gadgets.

Important to remember:

  • the fortune telling is carried out in full moon;
  • the layout is done before sunset;
  • the process should occur in complete solitude;
  • the deck should be purely personal;
  • it is impossible to tell anyone about despusting and its results.

Another important point is that it is not recommended to guess the fun for the sake of and disturbing pronigions with stupid issues. The alignment can be done no more than four times a day. In subsequent times, you will not answer anything connected and truthful to you.

What days you can guess the desire

Divination on the playing cards can be held on certain days of the week, namely:

  • monday - any desire;
  • tuesday and Friday - the desires associated with the love sphere, the resolution of complex issues and everyday situations;
  • wednesday - answers to questions related to work;
  • thursday - payouts for money and other material values.

Easy way to desire

For divination, you will need a new deck of 36 lanes or a deck that the hands of an outsider. Such a deck is considered incomplete, and it is actively used not only in games, but also in the task. This method of prediction is the easiest and takes quite a bit of time.

It should be fully focused on the process, and begin to put a deck, thinking about the specified desire. The concentration of attention is very important. Thus, the highest strength hear the call and begin to speak with gadgets through the cards. Next, the first nine cards are filmed and put down a shirt down.

If there are aces in this nine, then they are postponed, and the deck is taped again with the remaining cards. The procedure is repeated again. If ace appeared in this scenario, it is postponed to the previous one. After the maps were decomposed three times, you need to look at how many aces were removed from the deck:

  • all 4 Aces - the desire will come true;
  • not one - the desire will not fulfill;
  • another number - do not know the answer.

More accurate ways to desire

This divination is widely used to receive answers to questions. Doubting, as in the first formation begins with the tasin of the deck. At this time, it is necessary to focus on the desire and its wording.

Further, from the decks in turn get the lasies fold on the table before gadgetting. At this point, you need to pronounce the names in ascending order: "Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, currencies, lady, king, ace." You need to repeat until the whole deck is over.

If the dignity of the removed card coincides with the spoken word, then this number is deposited to the side and the process continues. Selected sheets and will answer, a desire will come true or not.

Interpretation of the scenario at desire to desire:

Chervoy Six? Congratulations - the desire will come true!

  • six Cherva - the fulfillment of desire;
  • six tambourine - change for the better;
  • six treph - sudden changes;
  • six peaks - do not try to get the desired any possible ways;
  • seven worms - caution needed in action and decisions;
  • seven tambourines - change for the better;
  • seven Treft - the approval of people;
  • seven peak - failure;
  • eight worms - nothing depends on you;
  • eight Bubne - Pleasant News;
  • eight treph - health problems with a relative;
  • eight peak - danger;
  • nine worms - support from a loved one;
  • nine tambourine - the offensive of a light strip in life;
  • nine treph - bad news;
  • nine peak - the mystery that needs to be stored;
  • ten Cherva - Repeated defoding is required, the cards cannot tell the truth;
  • ten Bubne - need a positive attitude;
  • ten treph - dangerous dating;
  • ten peak - joyful events;
  • cherva's curren - meeting;
  • bubne currency - unreasonable jealousy;
  • valnet Tref - Bad news about the beloved;
  • pick currency - efforts are doomed to failure;
  • lady Cherva - someone observes;
  • lady Bubne - insults, disrespect;
  • tref's lady - you will be deserved (both in good and in a bad sense);
  • pick lady - a quick fulfillment of desire;
  • king Cherva - all the desires are feasible;
  • bubne king - deception, treason;
  • king Tref - the fulfillment of the desired requires direct participation;
  • the king of the peak is bad news;
  • ace Cherva - Support from the outside;
  • ace of Bubne - the desired will not work;
  • ace Treph - a rock mistake, because of which everything will go collapse;
  • ace of Pick - help from faithful friends.

Peak Ace promises help from loyal friends in a difficult moment

It is necessary to watch not only on the interpretation of layouts separately, but also to the fallen combinations:

  • the king and lady nearby is the loyalty of the beloved and strong family bonds;
  • king, currency and lady together - probably the desire will come true;
  • all 4 aces - the mandated will be 100%;
  • 4 king - pressure on you, do not give in;
  • 4 ladies - someone breaks intrigue and gossip for your back;
  • 4 currencies - minor troubles and problems;
  • 4 dozen - unexpected news;
  • 4 nines - important metamorphosis in life;
  • 4 eights - pleasant meetings and unexpected dating;
  • 4 seven - problems in personal life;
  • 4 Sisters - a distant trip, journey.

Divination at the desire "Black Rose"

Another of the most commonly used version of the card scenario on the desire is the divination "Black Rose". Gypsies are actively used by this way, responding to questions you are interested in.

"Black Rose" remains one of the simplest options how to desire.

Before the beginning of fortune telling, a man is having a deck, thinking at this time about his desire. Map is taken from the deck at random. Interpretation is limited by one sheet, as it is able to tell the truth. This consists of simplicity of this card scenario compared to the rest.

But for a favorable outcome you need to stay in peace and do not make sharp movements. Maps will not give a response if a person is excited, excited or is in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication.

Interpretation of cards in gadania "Black Rose"

Peaks - unfavorable forecast

  • ace - conceived exactly will not come true;
  • figure - the chances are very small;
  • a simple figure is unlikely.

Trephs - unfavorable forecast

  • ace is an insignificant chance that the desire will embody into reality;
  • figure - There will be serious obstacles;
  • simple figure - there is a minimum chance.

Bubnes - a favorable forecast

  • ace - will be fulfilled, but not soon;
  • figure - There will be big problems on the way, but the conceived will come true;
  • a simple figure - a desire to come true, but for this you need to try.

CHERS - A favorable forecast

  • ace - everything will happen very soon;
  • the figure is chances of 50 to 50;
  • a simple figure will come true with a lot of probability.

Division at the desire "Pyramid"

Before fortunate, all the seisters are cleaned. They are not needed in that defold. Next, the deck is taped and pull four cards arbitrarily. They need to remember. It is also necessary to make another one, which is not in the extended earlier, it will play an important role in the interpretation of the card scenario.

All sheets, except for the six, are collected together, they are taped and decomposed by rows in this way:

  • the first row is 6;
  • second row - 5;
  • third row - 4;
  • fourth row - 3;
  • fifth row - 2;
  • sixth row - 1.

The alignment is reached upwards, so that the pyramid is. Now you need to pay attention to whether there is one among the unfolded cards, the one of the most mounted earlier. If there is, the probability of making a desire depends on which row is this map:

  • 1 row - the desire will not come true;
  • 2 row - chances of negligible;
  • 3 row - possibly;
  • 4 row - chances of 50 to 50;
  • 5 is probability;
  • 6 row - yes, it will come true.

How to spread solitaires to desire

Among the huge variety of fortunes at the desire on the maps, the solitaires are popular. Despite the fact that many consider this alignment of the usual card game, it is a rather effective way of divination at a desire. Solitaire "Drunky" is one of the most popular, as simple. It produces a fortuneful deck of 36 cards or 52 cards.

As in other sobs, the cards are taped before fortune track, and the desire is made. Further, maps are folded into two columns. If simultaneously in both columns come across the cards of the same dignity, they are postponed.

When the deck is over, the cards are collected and no tasuza is repeated. So continues until the alignment leaves all paired cards. In this case, the desire will come true. If the solitaire did not come together, and the paired cards remained in the deck, the answer is negative.

In addition to the "drunkard", you can also use solitaire "Grid", this is also a simple and primitive divination on the maps. The default principle is also based on the exclusion of paired cards. The difference lies only in the method of layouting cards and their quantity. For this solitaire uses a deck of 36 cards.

Solitaire "Grid" is distributed in this way:

  • maps are taped;
  • the desire or question is thinking, so that the answer was "yes" or "no";
  • maps are laid out in 9 rows four cards in each;
  • the ranks are located one over the other;
  • the alignment is done from top to bottom;
  • cards folded shirts down.

After the maps are laid out on the table, you need to look at it carefully. You will have to search for one dignity, which are diagonally from each other. The same cards are located on top and bottom can not be touched. After all couples are removed.

Maps are assembled and not tasuya lay out again by rows of 4 cards. The process is repeated until the maps are ended in the situation with the same dignity. If the solitaire came down, the answer to the question is positive, if not, then the desire will not come true.

Desire will come true if the solitaire fell

Divination "Red and Black"

There is another way to find out whether the desire will come true.

The fortune telling "Red and Black" is different from the rest of what gives an expulsion answer to the questions.

In the course of the scenario, wondering can ask questions that will help to understand what awaits him in the future.

For fortune telling you will need a deck out of 52 cards. Maps are laid out around on the table, and in the center the red wax candle is lit. Paraffin candles will not suit, so it is necessary to find that waxy. After the cards are on the table, it is necessary to make a desire and mentally ask the cards will come true. Next, two cards are taken from the circle. If a:

  • both red suit - the answer "yes";
  • both black suit - the answer "no";
  • one card is black, and the other red suit is the answer "I do not know."

If the cards do not know the answer, then you should not continue the fortune telling. Better to repeat attempt through time or another day.


In addition to the main question, the cards can also ask and lead questions: "Soon the conceived fulfillment?", "Will it take the troubles?", "Will I be happy after the desire?" etc.

The fortune telling at a desire is not a simple entertainment or a way to pass time, it is a serious magical rite, and it is worth it for it. It is impossible to make layouts simply and borrow with the maps with stupid questions, otherwise you can stick to yourself.

If the alignment is made for another person, then it should be the taper, because during this process the card is filled with its energy, which may affect the result.

For divination, ordinary playing cards are used for divination.

So that they say the truth, a new deck of cards must be reported. To do this, take a linen bag, pour into it a little salt from the new pack and put a card there. Then put the bag in the eastern angle of the room and say: "Solitz-sister, you are salted, you are strong, cleaning and champions, will tell my cards to say the truth, and the prostrok, tomorrow, and deceive the Moto Cellos. My word is firm! True! True! True! "

1. For this method of divination, you need to take a deck of 36 cards.

2. To make a desire, mentally focused on it, and mix the cards.

3. Then one by one lay out the cards on the table. If paired cards fall out (for example, 2 dozen or 2 ladies of any suit) in a row or through one, or through 2 cards, they need to be put aside. Other cards remain in place.

4. Continue to lay out 1 card on 1 card, observing whether each single-deck map is paired by the previous cards. If a couple of cards are formed again, it should be removed to the side.

5. Lay out the cards thus and remove the pairs until cards remain in the deck.

After that, we can conclude whether the conceived desire will be fulfilled: if no map remains in the row (i.e., all maps were postponed aside as part of the pairs), it means that your desire will come true; If the cards remained in the row, your desire is not destined to come true.

If the dropped answer does not suit you, you should not feel fate and spend a divination for the same desire several times, trying to get the answer that you like more.

1. To take advantage of this way of divination, you need to take a deck of 36 cards and shook them well.

2. Then, at random deposit from the deck of 6 cards, see them and postpone aside, and then make a desire to any map that remained in the deck, which to mix again, focusing on its desire.

3. Next, you should take from the deck on the 1st card and lay them on a stack of a look at: put 2 cards in a row in the first pile, in the second - 3 cards in a row, in the third - 4 cards, in the fourth - 5 cards and in the fifth - 6 cards . At the same time, pay attention to the fact that you will be spent on the map you will be: it is for this that you can judge whether your desire will come true.

If the migrant card turned out to be:
1) in the first stack - your desire is impracticable;
2) in the second stack - the likelihood that your desire will be very small;
3) in the third stack - your desire may come true, but there are significant obstacles to its execution, which will need to be overcome;
4) in the fourth stack - your desire is most likely to be implemented;
5) In the fifth stack - your desire will be fulfilled.

4. If the card you made did not get into any stack, you should take the remaining 10 cards, add to them those 6 cards that were stretched out of the deck at the very beginning of divination and postponed, and mix them.

5. Then lay out on the desk on the 1st card with the words: "Wait-terpi, likui, firmly angry, Mahni hand," - paying attention to what the planned map will fall out. So, if the card will correspond to the words "wait-terp", your desire will be fulfilled, but we must be patient, as it happens not soon. If the map falls on the word "Likui", your desire will certainly be fulfilled. If the molded card falls on the "cock-shattered", your desire, unfortunately, is most likely not destined to come true. And if the map fell in words "Mahni Hand", you should accept the fact that your desire does not have the slightest chance to come into reality.

1. For this divination, you must take a deck of 36 cards, well shuffle and rapidly pull out 15 cards from it that should be postponed. In the deck, thus remained 21 card.

2. For one of the cards remaining in the deck, you need to make a desire and, mentally concentrating on it, mix the cards thoroughly.

3. Then, holding a deck in his right hand, with your left hand, you need to remove some of the cards, shifting them under the bottom of the decks.

4. Next, these cards decompose one on one to the stack of the MASTY Up: in the first pile put 6 contracts in a row, in the second - 5 cards in a row, in the third - 4 cards, in the fourth - 3 cards, in the fifth - 2 and in the sixth pile put 1 Card. Depending on which card you will have the map you think, you can assume whether your desire will be fulfilled.

So, if the migrant card turned out to be:
1) in the first pile - your desire will surely come true in the near future;
2) in the second stack - you need to patience, because the desire will be fulfilled after some time or will have to make significant efforts to implement it;
3) in the third stack - your desire is impracticable;
4) in the fourth stack - a desire can be realized only on the condition that another person will assist you from which one should not refuse;
5) In the fifth stack - your desire will soon come true, and your feelings for your loved one will help in this;
6) In the sixth stack - cards are silent, today should be discharged.

This method of divination is very simple, and it should be applied only in cases where small questions relating to the closest future are solved. In order to make more responsible solutions, it is necessary to take advantage of more complex, solid scenaries.

1. To use this way of divination, you need to take a deck consisting of 36 cards.

2. Cards should be shuffled, while focusing your thoughts on a particular desire.

3. Then you need to raw with any card from the deck. By what the map will be in your hands, and it will be possible to judge whether the likelihood of your desire is. If when stirring the deck accidentally dropped out the card, you should pay special attention to it - it is in it that will be the answer to your question.

Values \u200b\u200bof fallen cards.

Ace peak - there is not the slightest chance that your desire will come true.

King Peak, Lady Peak or Curlee Peak - The likelihood that your desire will be very small.

The rest of the peaks - you need to accept the fact that your desire can hardly come true.

TUZ TREF, King Tref, Lady Tref, Valnet Tref - The desire is hardly done, perhaps you should refuse it to avoid further disappointment.

The remaining trephists - the implementation of the desire is quite possible, but for this will have to make significant efforts.

Ace Tuben, King Buben, Lady Tuben or Curlea Tuben - a desire can come true, but on the way to goal there are certain difficulties.

The rest of the tambourines are most likely your desire will come true, especially if we take active actions by seeking its execution.

Ace worms - your desire will be fulfilled, and the result can surpass your expectations.

The king of worms, the lady of worms, currency worms - there is a high probability that your desire will come true, should be discarded doubts and take the initiative into your hands.

The rest of the worms - a desire will certainly be fulfilled thanks to your efforts.

In case of an unpleasant result for you, you should not feel fate and try to get another answer, continuing to guess. On one desire, you need to guess only 1 time. And even if the answer does not suit you, it is necessary to accept it and comprehend.

For divination, you will need a deck consisting of 36 cards.

1. Maps need to be well shuffled, make a desire, move the top of the deck with your left hand towards yourself and put these cards under the deck.

2. After that, decompose on the table the upper 15 cards shirt down and see if there are aces among them.

3. Found the aces to postpone aside, maps to collect and mix again, then again lay out the top 15 cards on the table and postpone the aces among them.

4. In this way, maps should be laid 3 times, choosing all the fading aces from them, by the number of which at the end of the divination and it will be possible to judge whether the wish can be performed.

If after three layouts aside will be deferred all four aces, your desire will be fulfilled. If you managed to collect a smaller number of aces, you migrated something impracticable.

1. For this divination you need a deck of 36 cards, from which you need to remove all the six.

2. Then at random to pull out 4 cards from the deck, postpone them aside and make a desire to any map from those that remained in the deck.

4. Removing 1 card on top of the deck, lay out them in the form of a pyramid according to the scheme: at the top of the pyramid - 1 card, in the second row below - 2 cards, in the third row are even lower - 3 cards, in the fourth row - 4 cards, in the fifth - 5 cards and in the last sixth row - 6 cards. If the migrant card was in any of the six rows, it can already be assumed whether your desire will be fulfilled.

So, if the migrant card lies:

1) in the first row - your desire will never come true;
2) in the second row - there is a very small probability that your desire can come true;
3) in the third row - it is possible that your desire will come true, but this outcome is sufficiently dubious;
4) in the fourth row - probably your desire can be fulfilled, although it is impossible to be in this completely confident;
5) in the fifth row - your desire will most likely come true;
6) In the sixth row - your desire will certainly come true.

5. If the card you did not have in any row, you should take the remaining unpaved cards and, laying out one on the table, signed on each map: "Wait, Trypi, Rejoice, Fight, beten, Mahni hand." You can judge the possibility of fulfilling your desire, it will be possible on what word the map you will fall out on. So, if the map fell on the word "wait", your desire is likely to be fulfilled; If on the word "Terep", your desire will be, but not so soon, as I would like; If on the word "Radui-Xia" ^ your desire will come true in the near future; If on the word "firm", your desire is not destined to be fulfilled; And if the specified map fell out on the words "Mahni Hand", you need to accept the fact that the desire is impracticable.

1. In order to take advantage of this way of divination, you need to take a deck of 36 cards and thoroughly shook it.

2. Then left hand to remove part of the deck in the direction of itself and put it under the bottom of the deck.

4. Repeat this action follows until there are 7 cards in each stack, and you will not have 1 card in your hands.

5. Now you need to look at this card, and make a desire exactly on this suit.

6. Then open 1 card from the first pile, while paying attention to the suitable card opened: if it does not match the mandated, the map needs to be postponed to the side; If the map of the mandated suit, starting with dozens and above (i.e., dozen, currencies, lady, king or ace), should be left this stack with a madden match from above and go to the next one.

7. If there are no senior cards in the stack at all, all the stack should be pulled away.

8. After all five stacks are viewed in this way, the cards must be folded together with a shirt, while the fifth stack should be below, and the first stack is on top.

9. Now the cards are decomposed on four stacks, and so that the top card of the first pile is in the same position.

10. These stacks need to go through, laying out maps with inappropriate masters. Such actions should be carried out until one stack remains in the end. If there will be only senior maps of planted suit in the last stack (dozen, currencies, lady, king, ace), your desire must certainly come true. If one more cards are likely to be in the stack, it is likely that the desire is not fulfilled.

1. To divine, you need to take a deck of 36 cards, make a desire and thoroughly shook them.

2. Then take from the deck on the 1st card and lay them on four stacks to the magician up.

3. When all the cards are decomposed, from the first stack you need to shoot and postpone 1 card as long as the ace is met by any suit. It needs to be in hand and see which card follows it: if the next card is again a ace, it needs to be connected to the first, if it is any other card, it should be postponed to other cards. Thus, only those aces that go in a row are taken into account, or the first ace in each stack if he goes one.

4. If between, the first and second ace will get at least 1 card, the second Ace must be postponed to the side. So you need to go through all four stacks. As a result, you may be on hand 1, 2, 3 or 4 aces.

By the number of these aces, it is possible to make an assumption that it is possible to fulfill your desire: if you have only 1 ace in your hand, your desire will not fulfill; If 2 Aces, your desire can come true, but if it happens, it is very soon; If you have 3 aces left, your desire will turn and wait for this event for long; If you have all 4 aces in your hands, your desire is necessarily implemented in the very near future.

Using this fortune telling, you can find out if your desire will be fulfilled; And also get an answer to the question of interest to you, if the answer to it can be expressed by the words "yes" or "no".

The fortune telling should be carried out in two stages: by spending the first stage - "Revelation", you can find out whether your desire will come true, the second stage will come true - can show which circumstances will contribute to the execution of desire or, on the contrary, to interfere with its implementation.


1. For divination, you need to take a deck consisting of 36 cards, mix it.

2. To make a question or the question of interest to you, again to drag the cards and, removing the left hand part of the cards towards yourself, put them under the bottom of the decks.

3. Decay the masty card down on nine stacks, 4 cards should be in each stack.

4. Open the top cards of each stack (turn them over with a look at the top). If there are paired pairs among these cards (for example, 2 seven or 2 king), these pairs should be put aside and open cards under them.

5. Thus, you need to open and discard cards until it remains among open cards, or all maps will not be postponed as part of the pair.

6. In the event that all maps will be put down aside, your desire will be (if you asked a question, the answer to it will be positive). If some cards remain closed, your desire cannot be implemented (the answer to the given question is negative).


1. To continue divination, you need to take all the deck and mix the cards.

2. Lay on the table on 1 map of the MASTUY Up, sentenced: "Ace, six, seven, eight, ..." - and then to the king, and then - re-starting from the ace, until it is forgiven whole deck. If at the same time the advantage of some maps will coincide with what you say, these cards should be postponed to the side. As a result, these cards will indicate you to those factors that will help your desire to be fulfilled or, on the contrary, will prevent its implementation.

Card values.

Ace worms - a letter or a pleasant news.
The king of worms is a loved one.
Lady worms - pleasant sensations.
Camnet worms - sadness, despondency.
A dozen worms are frankness.
Nine worms - unexpected profits.
Eight worms - an unexpected love.
Seven worms - success.
Six worms - sincerity and openness.
Tuz Tref - friend.
King Tref is a close person, a friend - necessarily brunette.
The lady Tref is a woman who wants you evil.
Valts Tref is a sly, insincere person.
Ten of Treph - double, treason.
Nine Tref - Wedding.
Eight Tref - Death.
Seven Tref - Unrecoverable attitude.
Six Tref - despondency, longing.
Ace Peak - Sad news.
King Peak is a fair honest man.
Lady Peak - Fair Fair Woman.
Rates Peak - Clear Assistant.
Dozen Peak - Decoration, trick.
Nine peak - mystery.
G8 peak - tenderness.
Seven peak - news from the past.
Six peak - prudence, caution.
Ace Tuben - well-being, material wealth.
King Buben - rival.
Lady Tuben - rival.
Buben's currency is a chatty unrestrained man.
A dozen tambourine is wealth.
Nine tambourine is an unpleasant person.
Eight tambourine - unpleasant meeting or conversation.
Seven Tuben - Far Road.
Six tambourine - the exercise of cherished desire.

1. To fortune telling you need a deck consisting of 36 cards. This deck must be in hand, make a desire and mix cards thoroughly, which mentally concentrated on the fact that you have conceived.

2. Then left hand to shifted on top of the cards to himself and put these cards under the deck.

3. After that, you must alternately take from the deck on the 1st card and lay them on the table in a row.

4. If you succeed, 2 cards have fallen 1 cards (no matter what kind of), they should be put aside. The remaining cards remain in place.

5. Thus, continue to spread 1 card from the deck, carefully observing whether the newly posted card does not match with the one that goes in front of it through 1 card. If the suites coincides, these cards also need to postpone.

6. So it is necessary to come until the cards remain in the deck. If at the end of the divination in a row will be only 1 card of each suit, it means there is a high probability that your desire will be implemented. If you have more than 4 cards, it means that the desire will most likely come true.

If you did not satisfy you, which you received, in no case should not be guessing again on the same desire, as you can show that you do not trust the result obtained.