Business plan for dilution of ducks. Business plan for dilution of ducks: We consider the cost, pure profit and profitability of the farm

Business plan for dilution of ducks. Business plan for dilution of ducks: We consider the cost, pure profit and profitability of the farm
Business plan for dilution of ducks. Business plan for dilution of ducks: We consider the cost, pure profit and profitability of the farm

Dlooping is the main component of agriculture. Duck breeding as a business - a profitable case, requiring large labor from the entrepreneur. The profitability of the idea is determined by creating a detailed business plan.


Farm Description and Products

Duck breeding as a business is one of the first successful ideas that has received high profitability in Europe. In Russia, drunk - weakly mastered niche. Duck meat allows an entrepreneur to get high profits and grow an indefinite number of birds.

The main way of earning - sale of duck meat


The relevance of the farm:

  • the ability to sell duck meat at low cost retailers;
  • increasing demand for meat in Russia due to sanctions by Europe;
  • high profits after 2 years of uninterrupted work of the farm;
  • the cultivation of the bird takes less time compared to another type of meat.

Market Description and Analysis

In the Russian market, the production of duck meat is about 125 thousand tons. Compared with 2017, the amount of duck extracted meat increased by 19% (according to the annual report of the Ministry of Agriculture). The proposal of this type of meat on average and small segments increased to 40.7 thousand tons according to the report of BusinesStat.

According to forecasts, for 2020, it is planned to increase the amount of duck meat sold to 80.9 thousand tons.

The share of companies in the burden market:

The company Donstar LLC is the leader in the production of duck meat - they own 5% of the share of the total market.

The market share by sectors:

  • industrial processing of meat - 15%;
  • hospitality and catering industry - 50%;
  • the rest of the market share belongs to retailers.

The capital market accounts for about 60% of all the production of duck meat. Accordingly, competition in Moscow is extremely high.

Analysis of small enterprises:

  1. In total, Russia has over 3,000 bird breeding enterprises. Of these, only 12% are completely paid off in 2 years. Almost 60% of companies have an organizational and legal form of LLC. The rest - IP.
  2. 4.5% of enterprises purchased franchise to quickly launch projects. About 70% of small enterprises use the poultry houses (equipment for storing ducks) up to 25 square meters. m. The remaining part of the companies invest in large poultry houses, leased or purchased to property.
  3. The cost of cultivation of ducks consists of combined feed. As a rule, this is the main article of the expenditure of all small companies. Then the delivery of ducks and storage room.

On average, for fattening one duck requires approximately 40-50 days.

Small industrial enterprises spend 75% of the allocated funds to create their own combined feed shop. Such a solution reduces the cost of feed by 6.5%. Only 3% of enterprises hire experienced farmers to control the production and process of growing ducks.

The almost overwhelming majority of enterprises are purchased only two types of ducks:

  • young individuals requiring careful refill;
  • tribal ducks accustomed to live together with relatives.

Main breeds ducks:

  • peking;
  • ordinary krakawa;
  • domesticated western;
  • musky American.

The target audience

The main buyer is a retail consumer in the agrarian sphere (less often - managers of enterprises). This means that sales will be carried out directly with the seller.

Other buyers:

  • industrial processing companies;
  • small retailers;
  • buyers from the restaurant business.

Portrait of a potential buyer:

  • private buyer aged 40 years;
  • average earnings;
  • entrepreneur in the field of hotel and restaurant business.

Competitive advantages

For good positions in the market, it will be necessary:

  • found in regional regions (Moscow region);
  • offer services through online stores;
  • provide discounts to constant consumers;
  • sale of the Beijing Duck at low cost.

Advertising campaign

  • third-party online stores for the sale of bird meat;
  • social networks dealing with the cultivation of ducks and other birds;
  • appeal to famous restaurants and cafes;
  • publications on the pages of famous bloggers;
  • advertising from manufacturing companies;
  • participation in agricultural fairs and exhibitions;
  • cold calls for retailers.

Step-by-step instruction opening

To properly organize a business, you need a check instruction.

Action plan:

  1. Collection of documentation for the opening of the enterprise.
  2. Purchase and delivery of ducks.
  3. Repair of the premises and purchase of equipment.
  4. Order feeding products birds.
  5. Hiring staff.
  6. Start of activity

Do you need documents?

First you need to register ooo if it is planned to get a decent amount of ducks. Otherwise, you will have to limit ourselves to the creation of PI. In case of lack of funds, it is recommended to open the peasant farming. Then, the head of the business is a farmer, can take advantage of investments from the state or a separate municipal authority.

List of documents for opening IP:

  • applicant passport;
  • filled form form p21001;
  • settlement account in the bank;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

Place of Appeal: Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

If funds are limited, then you can grow at home. Then the sale of products is allowed only to familiar or friends without paperwork.

Choosing taxation is a simplified tax system (income minus expenses). Code of activity according to classification: OKVED 01.47.1 - Growing and breeding birds.

Additional documents:

  • sanitary book for staff;
  • certificates from the vet and vaccinations for birds;
  • conclusion of laboratory examination for sales permits;
  • technical documents for transport carrying animals.

Place of treatment: Veterinary center at the place of registration of the enterprise.

Total time for registration of IP and allowing documents - 1.5 months.

Buying ducks

Acquisition Places:

  • verified online shopping;
  • agrarian and industrial enterprises;
  • bulletin boards from financial funds;
  • free Sales Platforms (AVITO).

The number of ducks is at least 30 pieces for each type. It is recommended to purchase from three breeds and more.

Breed selection

The best selling breeds of ducks:

  • peking;
  • moscow White;
  • muscan;
  • rouan;
  • gray Ukrainian;
  • black hammering;
  • Star 53.

Requirements for tribal ducks:

  • choose only one farthering factory;
  • the individual should be large, but not fat;
  • the plumage of the smooth type (gloss from feathers is the performance indicator).

White Moscow Muscovy duck Gray Ukrainian


Prices for main breeds of ducks.

Ducklings of each breed are 5% lower from the specified prices.


Characteristics for cell registration for ducks:

  • the norm of the area for one individual is 0.33 square meters. m;
  • lases with a height of up to 10 cm;
  • total height of no more than 2 meters;
  • the width is 1.5 meters;
  • the area for walking at least 30 square meters. m.

Optional equipment

  • fence for fencing zone walking;
  • canopy up to 10 square meters. m;
  • artificial reservoirs.

Standard room Closed room Temporary poultry house

Poultry for fattening ducklings

For the cultivation of young people should build small poultry houses with feeders.

Characteristics of the poultry house for ducklings:

  • the height of the front wall is 1.8 m;
  • the height of the rear wall is 1 m;
  • installation of a forced ventilation system for supplying warm air;
  • special floor litter in winter.

An approximate amount of ducklings, placed in a size of 20 square meters. m. - 40-50 pieces.

Birdhouse for tribal birds

Feature Waire for tribal ducks:

  • 1 sq. m. - 1 duck;
  • content, at least 2 marital couples;
  • 1 spleen falls on 4 ducks;
  • lases with a size of 35x45 cm;
  • the total size of the poultry house is 50 square meters. m;
  • box for arrangement of nests with a size of 40x50 cm.

Total to contain up to 10 splens.

Wolter for walking

The rule has been established - for two individuals of 1 square. m. For example, for a content of 1500 ducks, 800 square meters are needed. m. Also should not forget about the fence of the enclosure fence and the imposition from above the grid for protection.


Purchased farm creation equipment:

NameQuantity (pcs.)Price in rubles (for 1 pc.)Total for the equipment (in rubles)
Poultry house for young man1 200 000 200 000
Birdhouse for tribal ducks1 500 000 500 000
Lighting20 5 300 106 000
Warming box5 9 200 46 000
Ventilation system1 150 000 150 000
Forced hot air supply system1 100 000 100 000
Drinkers for drinking15 3 000 45 000
Box faces20 2 500 50 000
Machine for pumping feathers2 15 000 30 000
Freezer (for storing finished products)2 45 000 90 000


Specification for feeding ducks:

Total need for feeding:

  • 15 tons of feed;
  • up to 3 months before the full cultivation of ducks;
  • the total cost is 150,000 rubles.

The diet of the duck consists of three types of feed:

  • a mixture of vegetables and herbs (wet food);
  • dry feed;
  • mineral additives for growth.

Breeding of ducks

Basic rules for the conduct of livestock business:

  1. Purchase.
  2. Purchase ducks.
  3. After the first month, you must order a new batch of ducks.
  4. Re-order raw materials for feed.
  5. Sare party.

If you breed 1500 ducks, you will need:

  • 8-10 sprayers;
  • no more than 50 females.

For one calendar year, the farm brings about 8,000 ducklings.

The general rule - 1 spleen is necessary for fertilization of 5 females.

The peak of sexual activity lasts 2 months. Maturity is achieved on the 6th month.

Video footage by secure tribal ducks.

Financial plan

To form a financial plan, you must calculate:

  • starting attachments;
  • regular expenses;
  • revenues.

Starting attachments

Exchange articles for the first year.

Regular costs

Monthly expenses:


Formation of income for one calendar year:

Calendar plan

Action plan.

Product implementation planning.

Risks and payback

Basic business risks.

Playback of the project - 1.5 years at a farm of size of 1500 ducks. Small farms - no more than 100 ducks pay off in 2.5 years. The average farms (up to 500 ducks), as a rule, reimburse all costs in just one year.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

350 000 ₽

Minimal starting capital

6 months




100 000₽

Net profit

Business for the cultivation of waterfowl is highly profitable and promising. For the organization of a small household economy, serious investments and high labor costs are not required, although ducks and need good conditions of detention. The format of a mini-farm is most popular among beginner entrepreneurs, which can be placed on an area of \u200b\u200bnot more than 100 square meters. meters.

Technical and material base of the duck farm

Conditionally, the entire territory under the farm can be divided into three separate segments: a poultry with an aviary for growing and fattening birds for sale, a poultry house with a tribal bird, a shopping room with all the necessary equipment and inventory.

In general, the poultry house for ducks is not much different from the usual chicken coop. The standard requirements are presented to it. It must be dry, clean and light, have electrical lighting, well ventilated, but at the same time the occurrence of drafts are unacceptable. Often, novice farmers prefer a cheaper version of the supply and exhaust ventilation.

However, experienced poultry farms believe that it is just that the expense article on which it is not necessary to save. In their opinion, ventilation is better suitable with forced with warm air. These costs will quickly pay off, especially if in the warm season you will contain ducks not in the poultry house, but in the aviary outdoors. Accordingly, ventilation will work solely during the cold season when the walk is impossible.

For the construction of the poultry house, the cheapest building materials are used. The main thing is that there are no cracks in the walls and in the ceiling. There are no strict requirements for the size of the poultry house, however, in order to save experienced poultry farms, they advise to make the front wall of the poultry house for ducks up to two meters high, and the rear underestimate to the meter.

Unlike chickens, ducks do not need pesters - they all spend on the floor all the time, so high ceilings them are irrelevant. Reducing the height of the poultry house You, on the one hand, reduce the number of building materials necessary for its construction, and on the other, save on the heating of the poultry house in the cold season (and this is a very significant cost of expenses).

The poultry area is determined by the number of heads. The norm is 18-20 square meters. meters on three birds accounts for a minimum of 1 square. meter. Thus, one such a poultry is suitable for the content of approximately fifty ducks. It is not necessary to increase the livestock on a limited area - ducks do not tolerate crowding.

From the south side of the poultry house, they make a LAZ at an altitude of 5 to 10 cm from the floor 35 cm wide and up to 45 cm high and high. LAZ leads to walking, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is about 30 square meters. meters (at the rate of two birds per 1 square meter. meter), with a spawn of about 7 square meters. meters. Walking must necessarily disappear so that the bird does not differ in the site.

Many novice poultry farms are equipped with artificial reservoirs for ducks. But even taking into account the fact that ducks are waterfowl and love to splash in the water, it's not worth it. On such a small area, the reservoir will not be spacious. He quickly turn into a waste pit, and birds will begin to fight water, which will inevitably lead to stress.

Ready ideas for your business

Inside the poultry house, nests, drinkers and feeders are installed. All this equipment must be made of durable material, as it will need to be regularly cleaned and disinfect. The feeders for ducks are made in the form of a born, which is convenient to use for dry feed and for wet mixes. It is recommended to fill the feeders feed for no more than one third Their depths, as with full feeders during the food, most of the feed is scattered and spars, increasing its flow rate sometimes.

The size of the feeder depends on the age of the bird. For duck up to two months, experts advise you to prepare three sets of feeders from the boards with a thickness of 1.5 to 2.5 cm. The bar is fixed on top on the trough. On the one hand, this plank does not give a bird to climb into the feeder and scatter food. On the other, it is used as a handle for more convenient transportation of the feeder. The brush for mineral feeds is made with three compartments - for chalk, shells and gravel and attached on the wall at a height of 20 cm from the floor.

Ducklings duck under duck-zoom

For ducks under 15 days, it is best to use an autopochka, which also consists of three parts: a plastic or glass cylinder with a capacity of up to 4.5 liters, a rectangular pallet and a removable duct cover. The autopalider is preferable to usual, as it does not give ducks to wet and retains freshness and purity of water for a long time. Drinkers for adult ducks are usually made of wood. In length, they range from one to one and a half meters, in width - 25 cm, and in depth - 15-20 cm. So that the tree does not breed and did not let the water, it is necessary to smoke and paint. If a water pipe is supplied to your bunch, then you can use flower drinkers from a pipe, cut into two equal parts. Also equipped with a drainage in the waste pit. And ideally, it is best to use as fermenters including for adult birds not open containers, but a drip or nipple of the watering system.

In addition, it will be necessary to prepare nests for masonry. They are made of boards. In the width of the nest is 40 cm, in depth - 50 cm, and in height - 25-30 cm. The number of nests is determined by the livestock of your ducks. One nest of such sizes is intended for five females. For the convenience of birds, the nest make the threshings with a height of about 7 cm. In the spring and summer, several nests are installed outdoors - in a place intended for bird walking.

The bottom of the nest must be causing straw, sawdust or moss. Sawdust before use dried. The total flow rate of the underlining material under the outdoor content of ducks is 6 kg per bird. If you are planning and in the summer to contain birds in the room, and not on the walking in the aviary, the consumption will be higher. It is necessary to follow the cleanliness of the litter, especially during the period of the egg layout, since the ducks are often carrying eggs right on the litter. Fresh sawdust or straw is recommended to add in the evening, without forgetting to disinite them. In the summer months, a dry coarse sand, pumped by a layer of up to 20 cm, can be used as a litter.

The poultry house and walking for tribal birds are equipped in the same way. Only landing density is different. For tribal ducks, it is 1 square. meter on a bird. Thus, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe second poultry house will be about 20-30 square meters. meters. From the additional equipment you will need an incubator of the required volume. Specialists advise you to choose universal models. Consider that duck eggs are larger than chicken, so in an incubator, designed for hundred chicken eggs, will fit no more than seventy duck.

Ready ideas for your business

In addition, it is desirable to immediately buy a car for plugging feathers from carcasses and freezing chamber. This is quite expensive equipment. The minimum cost of the progressive car is 12000-15000 rubles. But these investments will quickly pay off. The payback periods can be calculated independently taking into account the fact that the cost of the hand-held duck outlet is from 250 rubles per person!

Features of breeding ducks

If you are considering your (albeit a small) farm as a hobby or a subsidiary farming, but, first of all, as the main source of income, you will need to constantly increase the livestock of the ducks and seeks to maximize the cost of product costs. On one small farm for the year you can grow up to 270 birds.

But in this case you will need to regularly acquire 50-60 chicks. And this will require additional, sometimes very tangible costs. For example, one daily duckling of a musk duck (indoant) costs about 100 p. And the same amount will be required to grow it to the "commercial" state. Obviously, it is much more profitable to maintain breeding birds and ducklings themselves, rather than regularly acquire them on the poultry farms.

What kind of breed ducks for breeding? Duck breeds differ on the main productivity. Based on this criterion, meat, ryaznoskiy and input types are isolated. Meat ducks are characterized by a lot of weight and relatively more rapidly than other species. With proper nutrition, young people at the age of two months can reach a mass of 2.5 kg. From one duck of meat type, you can withdraw 35-40 ducks in the year. The meat type includes the following duck breeds: Beijing, White Moscow, Ruan, Gray Ukrainian, Black Belogruda. The duck of an egg-type type weighs less than meat and most used.

But on the eggs, they can compare with chickens. The ducks of a common services are characterized by good egg production (which is still somewhat lower than the "specialized" breeds) and beautiful meat qualities. Although they gain weight slower than meat ducks. By two months, the mass of a dying of a common services reaches 1.5 kg. The best representatives are left for cultivation for breeding, and others take into meat. The most common rocks of this species include Orpington and Khaki-Kemmplall.

Muscal and Beijing ducks are of great interest to maintain and breed. Depending on the color of the plumage, several types of muscular breed of ducks are distinguished. These include blue blonde, black blonde, blue blonde, blue, black, black and white, white, blue-white. The spleen and duck of the musk breed have a rather similar color. White species is distinguished by the snow-white color of the plumage, red beak and black marigold, orange-yellow legs, as well as red growths. Mass of adult ducks reaches 3 kg, and sprayes - twice as much.

Ready ideas for your business

They carry up to 120 eggs per year. The duration of the incubation period is an average of 35 days. Music ducks are gentle and low-fat, resembling wild duck meat. Due to low eggs, musk ducks are used mainly to remove hybrids (so-called mullords). The best fertilizes hybrids, derived by crossing musky sprayes with ducks Ruan, Orpinton and a number of others, as well as with their first. Such mullareds have been gaining about 5 kg of weight to two months at relatively small feed costs.

Beijing ducks are the most popular. These birds have large wide heads, orange beeres, low legs, white plumage, long, slightly raised torso, wide, deep chest. The prevalence of Beijing ducks is due to the fact that the cycle of eggs of the ducks of this species has a lot in common with chicken. Ducks of other breeds per year are put up to 80 eggs. Moreover, the masonry is carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn 35-40 eggs for each period. The Beijing Ducks carry about 170 eggs per year, thanks to which the masonry period increases to nine months with proper care, good nutrition and the desired light mode.

If you plan for a year to withdraw 230-250 ducks, you will need at least two families. Duck family includes one separation for 3-5 ducks. Thus, for mini farm, it will be necessary to purchase at least ten adult individuals. Ducks are used for 6-8 days. In order to receive meat throughout the year, new ducklings acquire every two months. The number of "parties" of birds that you can grow directly depends on the region (or rather, on the duration of the light day).

For example, in the middle lane of our country, the season is quite realistic to grow up to four parties. If you give preference not to meat, but an eggpart or in common services, then take into account the fact that the egg production of the second-year birds will be much higher, the weeks of younger ducks. When replacing the old livestock, it is recommended to acquire young, derived in the spring. Moreover, new birds should not be older than six months. Birds are selected by external features (exterior indicators), taking into account age and live weight, which must correspond to breed standards. The plumage in ducks should be smooth and brilliant. Birds should have a strong physique.

We choose the organizational and legal form for the farm business

If the planned volumes of your production will exceed five tons of meat per year and you are going to implement your products through stores, trading networks, as well as supplying its catering establishments (and therefore will have to certify the farm and the meat produced on it), then you will need to register as Individual entrepreneur or organize a private agricultural enterprise. In the latter case, you will receive the right to certain tax benefits, but keep in mind that in practice, to achieve many of them will not be so simple.

The state registration of peasant farms (CFC) is carried out in the same manner that was established for state registration of individuals as individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, only the head of the farm is registered. To do this, he must submit the following documents to the registering authority:

    registration application (established by law form);

    agreement on the creation of the peasant (farmer) economy (if it is needed);

    a copy of the main document certifying the personality of the head of the farm (passport);

    document on the payment of state duty (original);

    copies of documents confirming the relationship / property of members of the peasant economy.

Please note: the application for the transition to a special tax regime (USN or tax for agricultural producers) is submitted simultaneously when the documents for the registration of the farm. Then the selected mode can be applied from the moment of registration of KFC.

The farming is registered by the authorized body at the place of permanent registration (registration) of the head of the economy. Its deadlines are on average five working days from the date of submission of documents. As a result, you will receive a certificate of state registration of the head of the peasant farm, certificate of registration with the territorial tax authority, an extract from a single state register of individual entrepreneurs and an informational letter of the State Statistics Committee with OKVED codes.

If you open a mini-farm at first and you will not be able to produce two tons of meat per year, then in this case it is more expedient to create a personal subsidiary farm (LPH). The order of its organization is extremely simple. You will need to take in the local self-government body (in our case, this is the administration of a rural settlement or a country partnership) a certificate of the presence of land in the property or lease. In the case of the LDC, you do not need to pay taxes and engage in paperwork. But, strictly speaking, doing business to fully, you also have no right. In fact, LPH can only sell excess products produced by him for personal needs.

Poultry is implemented, as a rule, through markets and direct restaurants. The first option is suitable if you have the opportunity to stand on the market or have familiar sellers who will implement meat on the outlet. Sale of meat through the markets is more profitable for small wholesale, as the difference in price for 1 kg in the first and in the second case can sometimes differ at times.

As for restaurants, the duck represents the greatest interest for them. Unlike other types of poultry, dyeing dishes are considered a delicacy and are in great demand. However, it is advisable to negotiate the supply not with one catering establishment, but with several at once. It will be much more profitable, although more difficult. It will take a lot of time. And, in addition, most cafes and restaurants prefer to buy products from wholesale suppliers, and not directly from manufacturers.

In order to sell the meat of his bird, you need to get a number of documents. First of all, before the taste, you must agree with the local veterinary doctor about the clinical inspection of animals and get a certificate of holding such. Then, after slaughter, the veterinarian issues another certificate that the bird was healthy, and slaughter was made with regard to all the requirements.

Then at the district vetertainment will need to get a veterinary certificate for the carriage of goods to the market, make a veterinary and sanitary examination of the party. After her passage on the carcasses, an oval stamp is set (experts advise him to put it on their paws, and not on the stew itself, so as not to spoil the freight form). Then, on the market, the State Laboratory of Veterinary Examination issues permission to trade. In some cases, it may require re-examination. Keep in mind that this list of necessary documents and the procedure for obtaining them may vary, depending on the region.

Costs and revenues of farm for cultivation of ducks

Well, if you already have your own farm with the necessary buildings or you take it for rent. If you have to build poultry houses from scratch, then the payback period will increase at least 6-10 months.

To count the costs of feeding for the cultivation of ducks, take into account that for the growth of one kilogram of body weight, the duck is required 3.5 kg of the feed. Accordingly, for 230-250 ducks will require at least two tons of feed.

As a rule, ducks are grown to two months old, and then, when the weight of the young will exceed 2.5 kg, clogged. Contain birds longer than this period becomes unprofitable. Thus, one bird requires 10 kg of feed. The average cost of the feed is 10 rubles per kilogram. Additional costs for the cultivation of ducks make up 20 rubles per person (transportation costs, coverage costs). Based on this, it is possible to determine the cost of one duck in 90-100 rubles. The costs of growing 230 ducks are in the amount of 23,000 rubles.

The average market value of duck meat is about 200 rubles per kilogram. Depending on the region and other factors, it can fluctuate in a large or smaller side. The average weight of one carcass of a young duck is 2.5 kg. It is possible to sell it for 500 rubles, and the net profit from the sale of the party will be 100 thousand rubles. The profitability of such a business ranges from 65% and higher. However, joy somewhat darkens the fact that 230-250 birds you can grow throughout the year. And in this case, the profit of 100 thousand rubles does not seem to do not at all (less than 10 thousand rubles per month).

So, we can conclude that business for breeding and growing ducks will become profitable only with an increase in the length of the herd of at least ten times. Starting capital in this case will be from 350 thousand rubles. Additional profits will bring sale tribal birds and young to other farms. The payback period for this business is from six months.

206 people studies this business today.

For 30 days, this business was interested in 67713 times.

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salary + utilities, etc. rub.

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According to experts, breeding ducks as a business for subsequent implementation has great prospects. To organize a small farm does not always require a lot of finance. Build a poultry house, to equip it, make an aviary for walking, buy young and feed, to calculate profitability, arrange documents that is easy. But for successful doing this is not enough. Tips that are in this article will help those who decide to do business at the breeding of ducks.


In order for the breeding of ducks to turn into a business that will become the main source of income, take care of the constant increase in the ducks of ducks. If the farm has small sizes on it you can grow 250-270 birds. To support birds of birds in such quantities, you will have to constantly buy young 50-60 pieces. To reduce the cost of production in a business plan. Provide conditions for the content of breeding ducks. It is more profitable to update the composition of the ducks with derived ducklings than to buy them.

How successful this business will be directly dependent on the selection of the breed. For sale duck meat keep meat breeds. These ducks quickly gain a lot of weight, which reduces the time for their content.

If the young man feeds correctly, in two months it will get the weight of up to 2.5 kg. Ducks of meat breeds can be demolished up to 30-40 eggs every period. Several tribal individuals are enough to regularly change and replenish birds of birds.

Ducks of egg stands weight gain less than meat, but they carry much more eggs. Conventional breeds are characterized by good meat quality, although eggs carry less. For breeding, the best representatives of the bird are selected, and the rest are used on meat.

In order for the cultivation of ducks as a business successful, dilute the ducks of the Beijing breed. They can demolish a year to 170 eggs. To maintain the livestock you need two duck families. There are two spiens and about 10 ducks.

Poultry house for young man

For cultivation, the ducks do not necessarily build large rooms. The front wall of the poultry house is made by 1.8 m high, and the rear - 1 m. Such dimensions are applied during construction not for the sake of saving materials, although this is also important.

The cultivation of ducks occurs in five periods, each of which lasts two months. The initial cycle comes from the beginning of winter, and the last on its end. It is at this cold time that the room needs constant heating, but as it has small sizes, the consumption of electricity is reduced.

Duck breeding premises need permanent ventilation. In order not to ventilate the room by opening the door, it is better to make a forced air supply, preferably warm. This will bring some costs for electricity, but only in winter. In the warm season, the bird is most of the day in the aviary. For the floor requires a litter. In the summer it is practically not used, and in winter it will take 6 kg per duck.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room can be calculated rather accurately. For the content of three ducks you need at least 1 square meters. m. It turns out that in the poultry house for 20 square meters. m. You can grow 50 individuals. Further count on the intended number of livestock.

Wake-up business plan for dilution of ducks must be taken into account the organization of the place where birds walking. If there is, for example, 100 ducks, it is enough to make a fence on an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters. m, on 2 ducks of 1 square. I do not need to do the reservoir on the plot of walk, otherwise the designated place will turn into a dirty puddle.

Premises for the content of tribal ducks

If the farm is designed for the cultivation of 250 ducks, it means that each period of replenishment of the bird's livestock will need 50 ducklings. Where to take them? It's easier to buy them faster. But it costs extra expenses. At the initial period of cultivation for business in ducks is noticeable. There are no profits yet, and the cost increases. While Peking Duckling will grow, the amount equal to its purchase will be spent. It is economically more profitable to contain tribal ducks.

For example, take Peking ducks. This is the breed of an eggsay, and its young is guaranteed. The productivity is very affected by the duration of the light mode. Than it is longer, the better. When building a birdhouse for breeding birds, this will have to be considered.

The plan of building the premises is the same for both young people and tribal individuals. They differ only in the area, as for adult ducks you need more space than for ducklings. For two married couples, each of which consists of a spray and 2-3 ducks need 4 square meters. m. two families are enough to get 250 ducklings.

Equipment and inventory

After the construction of the premises for the content and breeding of the bird, in it and in the aviary, install the inventory. Support feeders and drinkers. Young people set the feed capacity for several compartments. While ducklings are small, they will need an autopline, which can be made independently. It is enough to use the water tank and the pallet to be installed. For an adult bird in the summer in the aviary, it is possible to install a segment from the segment of a plastic sewer tube, with oval holes at the top. Do not forget about the nests.

Extra equipment for doing this business will also need. If you plan to withdraw the young on the farm, get the incubator. Perhaps you will need two, since the eggs of the ducks are more chicken and in the incubator they are placed less.

To accelerate the processing of a scoring bird, a prudence machine will be required. The cost of its purchase is smaller than to hang out. Requires a refrigerator or freezer. Carcasses can be immediately not implemented, the poet needs to be stored somewhere.

Business registration

The form of business registration is chosen depending on the number of birds, the size of the farm and what volume of products is planned to be implemented. For large volumes of production, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. If you arrange documents for an agricultural enterprise, it will be possible to obtain additional benefits for the payment of tax. But keep in mind that getting them difficult.

If the business plan for the cultivation of ducks is provided for breeding birds in small quantities, it is better to create a utility farm (LPH). Although special benefits in this case are not foreseen, but the design of documents is cheaper, and it is easier to do it. It is enough to get a certificate that there is in possession or rent a plot of land. In the design of LPH there are both pros and cons: although taxes do not have to pay, but it is prohibited from selling meat in large volumes. You can sell meat like surplus what was raised for our own use.

Documents for implementation

When breeding ducks as a business, it is advisable in advance to take care of the documents that are allowed to engage in trade so that there are no problems with the realization of poultry meat.

With bastard, the presence of a veterinary doctor is necessary. He must inspect the bird and issue the appropriate certificate. Another reference is issued after the slaughter, which indicates that all the necessary activities for the taste are observed.

If the meat party needs to be transported somewhere, get a certificate from the district veterinary doctor and put the stigma on a carcass. The final check of meat takes place on the market where permission for sale is issued. If a doctor has any doubts about the quality of meat, he can offer to pass the examination again. It happens extremely rare.

Here is a non-configuration description of the necessary documents, since in some regions, the procedure for their extradition may differ.

How to implement products

The meat of the duck because of its qualities uses consumers in great demand. There are several sales options. A good option is to agree with the restaurant or café administrator. In such establishments, the meat of the bird is always in demand. Plus also in the fact that money can be obtained immediately. If there are no good quality products, there should be no problems with the sale. Over time, when you have regular buyers, you can more accurately glorify the required number of birds.

The market is also suitable for selling ducks. But the market is convenient to trade those who have free time, or the opportunity to hire a permanent seller. With this embodiment, the profit is larger, since the price of the meat price is higher than in a cafe or restaurant. The only inconvenience is that they will have to pass an examination every time, and, accordingly, to pay it.

Consumables and profitable business, counting profitability

Give a general assessment of expenses for the initial business stage is difficult. In stores prices for building materials can be very different in different cities. At approximately count which initial capital should be enough to open a business for dilution of ducks. First, find out what price is sold ducklings in a given area, and decide how many young people are necessary for the farm. Knowing the number of future livestock can be determined which area will occupy the poultry house and that for its construction you need to purchase.

The acquisition and installation of equipment will also have to include in a business plan for dilution of ducks. Here is a little simpler. The price of the incubator, the refrigerator and the typewriter can be found immediately. Consumption for feeders and drinkers can be included in the article of building materials. Also consider how much money will need for the purchase of the first batch of feed.

When the number of ducks on the farm will be known, you can plan what current costs are expected. The bulk of the funds will go to the purchase of feed, payment of electricity, water and equipment repair. It will take 3.5 kg of food to ensure that the duck has added in weight 1 kg. Approximately two months, the flow rate of one duck will be 10 kg of feed. Knowing the concentrate price, the number of birds, you can have an idea of \u200b\u200bfuture current costs.

If we talk about income, then you can find them on the basis of what price of meat for one kilogram. Duck on average achieves weight in two kilograms. Knowing the price of one kilogram, we consider how much one duck will cost, multiply on the number of livestock, we will find out what amount can be obtained from the sale of the whole bird. From the amount extended from the sale of meat, take current expenses and learn net profit. The amount should be decent, since the profitability of one small farm reaches 70%.

If you correctly organize the content of the bird, care for it, to find the sales market, you can get a good profit. Many experienced farmers argue that if you build a farm from new materials, even in this case it will pay for itself in a year. And if you use undergraduate building materials, perform some work without attracting foreign workers, for example, to make drinkers and feeders yourself, then the payback period of the duck farm will be significantly reduced. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of breed of ducks, since the final result depends on this.

The cultivation of ducks as a business attracts many entrepreneurs today, especially those who are just starting their own self-career. Such an interest is explained by the large number of positive moments - you do not need serious care for these birds, they are unpretentious in food and content, besides quickly multiply. The effect is enhanced by high demand for duck meat, which makes such a kind of entrepreneurship profitable. But without studying the nuances of this business, do not do, business in ducks requires certain knowledge, financial investments. All this will be discussed.

Situation in the industry

Poultry farming is one of the main formats of farms. Almost all entrepreneurs who have the livestock of pets are engaged in dilution of ducks. Even in the village, this type of business is able to generate income.

Duck meat is popular among Russians, even if not so big as chicken and turkey. It is easy to establish supply products. Meat can be sold on the following channels:

  • shops, supermarkets;
  • city \u200b\u200bmarkets;
  • cafes and restaurants;
  • production manufacturing semi-finished products.

You can open your own trading point to sell meat yourself. You can engage in retail, and wholesale sale. But meat is not the only product to be sold. Pooh and feathers can also be sold. Of them make down pillows, clothes. It is only necessary to find an enterprise that will be ready to bother this product. An even more favorable option is to establish independent production of products.

Despite the existence of competition in the industry, it is impossible to call the entrance to the market. The entrepreneur will be able to grow up the cultivation of ducks and quickly find sales channels. Optional to establish wholesale trade. At first, you can sell the livestock to individuals.

Is it profitable to engage in breeding ducks?

Many entrepreneurs are thinking, the dilution of the ducks is profitable or not? This business format is rightfully considered to be very profitable. The advantages of its maintenance include the following factors:

  1. it is not necessary a lot of time to care for the livestock;
  2. for the equipment of the premises, expensive equipment will not be required;
  3. you can establish almost waste-free production (people are ready to buy meat, including liver, feathers and fluff);
  4. low cost of content (ducks eat everything, so you do not have to spend a lot of money for feeding);
  5. high speed increase in the livestock (allows you to quickly start making a profit, not by purchasing new individuals).

But ducks require a lot of space. They cannot be contained only in a closed room, a spacious place for walking is required.

The selection of the land plot is one of the most important actions. You can buy or take it for rent. Be sure to relationship with the landlord must be official. Property certificate can be obtained in the authority of self-government.

But the cultivation of ducks on meat involves a careful selection of the appropriate territory. It should be located below the city - bad ecology will adversely affect the health of the livestock and the quality of the future meat.

The ideal option is to find such land, in the territory of which or next to which there is a reservoir. For ducks, he will be the second home. If there is no reservoir, then you need to take care of creating an artificial pond, but it should not be too small, otherwise it quickly clogs and becomes a source of diseases for birds.

  1. With walking. When the ducks can go outside for walking out of closed rooms. In this case, no less than 10m 2 land should be allocated for each individual.
  2. Partially calculated. In this case, the ducks contain in the fenced pod. 2m 2 stands out for each bird.
  3. Closed. In this case, all ducks live in specially equipped cells, and 1 individual accounts for 1 / 3m 2.

The use of a closed type leads to an increase in the fat mass in the livestock. Ultimately, it makes meat animals less high-quality. The most preferred method is the flowering. It is as close as possible to the natural conditions of the detention of ducks. Birds will not experience discomfort.

Creating places for accommodation

The choice of the content method is not the only step that will have to do. To equip accommodation will need in any case. To do this, you can create a poultry house whose walls should be with insulation, because the temperature differences do not affect the ducks. To eliminate this negative factor, it is necessary to establish artificial ventilation in the room, with which it will be possible to supply warm air during the cold times.

Do not do it without insulating floors. For the winter they can close the grass, removing it with the onset of summer. It should not be directly on the ground - to position the bottom of the facilities at an altitude of 25 centimeters from the ground surface. This not only will not allow the floors to cool very much, but will also act as the protection of the livestock from all sorts of rodents.

The poultry area needs to be calculated on their own. Even before it, it should be decided how many ducks wants to keep a businessman. Indoors need to organize different zones - young individuals must be separated from adult ducks. Several non-masters must be contained with 1 male.

Ducks - light-loving animals. In winter, the duration of the daylight is shortened. To grow birds in the same active, as in the summer, you need to use artificial lighting, not forgetting about systematic ventilation.

Buying equipment

To ensure the normal content of ducks in captivity and their subsequent sales, will have to purchase the following equipment:

  • incubator;
  • nests for individuals with special threshings;
  • freezers;
  • feeders;
  • specialized machine for plugging.

All this will simplify the content, breeding and marketing of the livestock.

It is impossible to lead legitimate activities without preliminary registration of your own business. In the event of dilution of ducks, you can choose one of the following business formats:

  1. LTD. This form of entrepreneurship is suitable for large farms, at the head of which there are several businessmen at once. It will be necessary to collect a lot of documents, it will not do without the authorized capital (its minimum size is 10,000 rubles).
  2. IP. Suitable for a small farm, the owner of which is one person. There will be no restrictions on sales of ducks. You can use different forms of taxation by reducing your burden before the state budget. The minus can be considered that the entrepreneur carries personal, including property, responsibility.
  3. LPH. This is the easiest option. He is suitable for those who are just begins to breed ducks on its summer cottage. But here the land must be owned by businessman. Such an entrepreneur will be able to breed ducks and sell their meat, but in a certain amount. In this case, we are talking about the so-called excessive excessions, that is, about the number of products that the owner itself cannot use.

Do not do without a number of mandatory documents. The following paper will need an entrepreneur:

  • permits from SES, GKN and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of well-being conditions;
  • quality certificate.

It will be possible to score ducks only with veterinarian, and before that, he must give the owner of the livestock about the health of birds. After the calculation procedure, another document is issued, indicating that the bottomhole passed through all existing standards. It is even better to ask the doctor to put the press on the adhesive of each animal, which will allow you to carry meat not only within the region, but also beyond.

If a businessman wants to independently sell products in the markets, he will have to contact the windbathorry to obtain such permission.

When the entrepreneur understand with all technical and legislative aspects, he can start directly breeding birds. But not any breed of ducks can bring big profits. Most often are engaged in breeding the following breeds:

Where to buy, how to breed and care

At the initial stage will have to buy the population of ducks. You can do it in special poultry farms. It should be checked all the documents of the enterprise in advance. Personal visit will help to understand what birds look like, what size do they have, as far as they are productive.

No help is needed for reproduction. The main thing is to make special nests for nurses. After sitting, the egg will need to be sent to a special incubator. There in a month will fall ducklings.

This birds do not require much care. The room must be kept clean. Be sure to have the ducks should always be fresh water and food. As a meal, you can use the feed and greens (the ducks are very loved by a row). It is necessary to take care of the presence of the following products in the diet:

  • cereals (including bran);
  • shells (they must be pre-crushed);
  • fat (we are talking about technical);
  • peas;
  • milk (in the feeds, a dry mixture should be used);
  • salt;
  • various additives.

Caring for health

Diseases are a serious danger not only for the health of the ducks, but also the profitability of the business as a whole. On the health of the livestock affects their diet most. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of diseases all the time. One individual can infect everyone else. The most defenseless in this case is the younger generation. To avoid disease, such recommendations should be followed:

  • miscellaneous ducks must be in different premises;
  • onions and garlic as a dietary supplement will help protect animals from infection with such serious diseases as typhus, hepatitis, cholera;
  • as part of food must be vitamins, especially many of them should be in the feed for young individuals;
  • hygiene premises - the basis of a healthy livestock;
  • it is necessary to clean the room systematically, it is better to make an appropriate schedule, and the manganese and lime should be used when cleaning;
  • inventory needs to be disinfected with special solutions.

All this will protect the livestock from diseases and will allow maintaining their health.

Financial indicators

Very many businessmen engaged in breeding birds, are interested in the answer to the question, what is the profitability of dilution of ducks. Immediately it should be noted that large initial investments do not need to be in this business - 200,000 rubles will be enough to buy livestock, equipment equipment and purchasing equipment.

The profitability of this business format is high. It is about 70%. And this is provided that the entrepreneur will contain 1 small farm with a number of 250 ducks. The more individuals will be in the farm, the higher the profitability of their cultivation and subsequent sales will be.

Even at first, you can count on a profit of 75,000 rubles for 2 months. But it will not be possible to recoup your business quickly, because the ducks should be grown at least 2 months before the reason, and you need to wait for the appearance of eggs and the appearance of the offspring of them.

Let's summarize

Duck breeding is a profitable business. Without special knowledge and careful bird care to get high profits will not work. Over time, you can build a livestock, opening new farms.