Bright representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Formation of historical memory of creative intelligentsia and journalists covered by the Nuremberg process

Bright representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Formation of historical memory of creative intelligentsia and journalists covered by the Nuremberg process
Bright representatives of the creative intelligentsia. Formation of historical memory of creative intelligentsia and journalists covered by the Nuremberg process

Maxim Kantor: the law of flocks. On the ruthless totalitarianism "of its circle"

I have a long-time friend: it makes it difficult to determine his profession, because he knows little and does not know how, but for many years he has been working as a curator in the center of contemporary art, prepares exhibitions, participates in round tables. Probably he art historian. When he says, he always utters the same set of words, simply rearranges the words in places. He read little, secular teaching ate all the time, but the necessary minimum knows: Derrida, Warhol, Boys, Groys, Chubais, Prokhorov, and Putin. He is an intellectual.

In general, he is for good. This man suspects that something is wrong with him. After all, he is sane, he has long noticed that he does not read anything and thinks the same thoughts, or wildlife For many years in a row. After all, he has a person with some, let him sleep, the ability to reflect: he sees that the projectors say long words with a claim to express a rich meaning - but where does it come from? They lead a life that excludes meaning at all: they read only short articles in short magazines and spend time on the venissions, and most often they drink or swear money from dishonest rich.

My friend noticed this for a long time. And the fact that everyone lives a moral circle, although the existence of a privileged mug is immoral in principle - it also knows. The fact that artistic education is no longer, and knowledge replaced information about market successes, he knows excellent. Details of small geacherafts He knows better than others: how to pass a trip to Venice, to arrange a grant, washed into the curators of the exhibition - these are all the small tricks of everyday life, which the capital lives. My friend is brewing in this boiler every day, and he (being initially a good person) is a little shame his dexterity.

Our relationship is not easy. The fact is that I have already said many years ago that the so-called "second avant-garde" is a scam and service of a rich thieves, and the so-called "Moscow conceptualism" has no uniform concept, and the participants in the process - protracted and urgent. Many people offended me and found the obscurantist, a supporter of stagnant times. My friend perfectly understands that I am not a supporter of stagnant times, but simply do not consider the environment in which it is cooked, interesting and smart. And he's a shame: after all, he, too, in the depths of the soul (in the far-minded depth of the soul), represents that the intellectual level of his friends is very low - but every day he should be shaking in front of the boobs.

And so we stopped communicating, it happens. However, for some time, this friend has become me to call and even come to the workshop. And before that, he did not call twenty years old. Once I called and says: "As I was ashamed for all these years, you already sorry, the old man, but you understand ... Sorry that we excluded you everywhere ... Well, to be honest, you yourself are guilty, put yourself out of society ... but I Yes, I understand that the truth is for you. No, you're right, of course ... "So straight and said, pronounced bitter words, very touching. I consciously do not bring the surnames of this man, so that he does not flee from his influential friends, - after all, he risked, going with me to contact.

So sometimes the scout risks when he unexpectedly want to reveal - let at least a single moment. No you can not! Never reveal! It is necessary to repeat until the death of death that the mediocre poet of prichi is a genius, and painting died. Circular deflectiveness in fashion is necessary; Moreover, it was exactly how it was arranged in Soviet times, when social realism figures were obliged to convince each other that Gray Mazne Salakhov was an art.

So, a familiar came to visit me several times, and then stopped coming. More precisely, I stopped inviting it, and he does not ask for more. The fact is that such in touching words, he seems to have fulfilled the debt to his conscience, cleared - but nothing has changed in his life. And how can change? He continued to deal with the device of small cases, uttering empty phrases, and never, never once! - He did not dare to elevate his subtle voice and say something against what is happening.

Well, how to go against the director of the GCSI Bazhanova, an ambitious man and very stupid? Or against the deputy director of the GSSI MINDLINA, corrupt to the ralk in the footwear? How to object to a program that supports the overall level of serness? They go on Biennale, and Triennale, sit with potholes in commissions and subcommises - and stupid, stupid, stupid. If we consider that the level of knowledge was extremely low at the start - today it is lower than the level of asphalt. But champagne bouffals, but the installations are shiny!

He knows perfectly, this my friend is that everything that happens today in art is even worse than the Soviet Ministry of Culture. But he needs to live, soon a pension. And not even a pension. He told me very sad and very simple: "You will go away, and I will stay here. And I will have to meet with them, say, greet. Much depends on them - this is my life, you know? " And I stopped inviting him to look at these torments no strength.

Now that we meet at exhibitions (recently met in the Pushkin Museum), he turns away. He knows that I think he is a coward and nothingness, and I know that he already hates me for the fact that once rearranged himself and came to me with recognition. Suddenly I understood and the reason for His arrival to me - and the reason for the new turn of dislike: in a moment he imagined that there was some force behind me, a certain mafia-grouping. Maybe already agreed to change everything? It can not be that I am such a cheeky - by myself, one? But when he was convinced that I was alone, just like this inadequate, - he was very offended.

And I know such offended people. Former friends are a special category: they all remained faithful to a certain feature, and then something fatal and the relationship ceased. Being an adequate environment is very recommended. It happened that I was waiting for the most sacred - and the corporate law no longer allowed to be friends with me: they still endured when I brave Tatcher and Liberal Democracy, but if I said that oppositionists on marsh fools and vouchers or that the idea of \u200b\u200bdemocracy is subject to corrosion And worn out, it was already unbearable. So in the Brezhnev years: they were friends with me, while I scolded socialism, but when I moved to the personality of the secretaries of the Commands or said that all members of the Politburo need to send to Mars, "here it was noted with me.

I must say that in Russia a democratic is still stricter. One of my kind friend was invited to the interview (in former times they would say: they called on a party, but it was not a party, but a collection of liberal intelligentsia) and at the interview offered him to choose: he is friends with me or with liberal society. And my past comrade called me on the phone, apologized, said: Well, you yourself understand, you have to choose.

My former friend perfectly knows that I spoke against Stalin and camps, against the Politburo and Soviet power in those years when today's liberals diligently went to Komsomol meetings. However, the point is not in me and not in my views - the fact is that it is impossible to disturb the comfortable installations of your circle. The circle is not that it's a shame that I do not consider democracy of the crown of public thought, is unbearable that I do not consider Rubinstein by the poet, Grois - a philosopher, and Bulatova - an artist. Public system never was the main thing, the main thing is the nomenclature. A modern liberal circle is comfortable to call me an anti-liberal on the grounds that I consider them as crooks - well, so called.

Yesterday I wrote a cute, in essence, a person: "I would gladly send your article further, according to my acquaintances, but I want to laugh with some acute points in advance. You say too dramatically there, but I would not want. " The same person (he is not quite a coward, only his corporation is afraid) It is not afraid to oppose the abstract corrupt government of Russia - it is not afraid because these abstract claims are non-taped; But he describes ten times, before he publicly says that Bakshtein is not a thinker and never wrote a single line and did not think a single thought. So you can't talk, well, what are you! So impossible to say!

I was reported (and reported in secret, begging not to disclose the secret) that my articles send to each other with secret, fearing to admit to His surrounding that the Cantor read, "you can spoil the relationship in your mug." "Is it possible to read the cloth!" - So the participants of the circles say to each other, and those who are secretly read by secretly sick. And at that moment they speak: "After all, Maxim Cantor does not like them, well, they do not like him - everything is right, it's honestly."

Among other past friends were a friend who worried that I don't like that he was friends with bribers and people from a secular corrupt circle - Gelmans, Hormshalov, and the like. He said so: "Well, what will you prove that they are dishonest?" No one, a clear thing, did not catch these unusek by the hand, but everyone represents how things are done, "and my friend also knew all this. But there is a presumption of innocence, isn't it? My friend was performed by personal dignity, he was ready to be friends with me despite the fact that I am against capitalism, and all his surroundings - for capitalism. He asked me an equal service: he will close his eyes to the fact that I have a socialist and a Christian, and I must not notice what he serves the villains. My friend wanted to arrange everything so much to be friends with me, and to get along with a progressive banker company - it could well go parallel. He came to me, and we talked about high, and then he went to the society of progressive representatives of contemporary art and talked about the innovation market. Some confusion occurred the other day. But you can celebrate the holiday twice in a row: one table is covered for handshakes, and the other - for neuropahite friends.

During the existence of the Soviet Union with a set of guests, difficulties also arose: the intelligent homes were not accepted to invite pokcs and directors of the studio, the heads of meat departments, too, were also not called to visit. And today, when the feast is completely from the directors of the grocelers - including the grocelers of intellectual, - an awkwardness arises when you need to call someone who in this grocery grocery. Here it is necessary to register times and forever register the rules of behavior of the circle, otherwise in no way.

One bold young man wrote me that he was in his "Tusovka" there was a lot of bending for what he thinks not like everything, and he even asked for me as a friend, although his entourage and against me, and if he inferred me behind his back, So it is from situational shyness. And he wrote it in a desperate personal letter, without giving himself a report that he writes very cowardly. And you will not explain that it is necessary to learn the courage in alone with you - and when you learn to be a man, then and come to adults. It's late to explain, life has developed.

Generally speaking, this is what: Moral Mafia emerged, which is opposed by the morality of the hatred total state. Mafia as the Institute of Freedom originated yesterday, and the term "handshake" completely corresponds to the term "people of honor", which is used in Sicily. Fear that drinks society, he is not before Putin: Well, what will Putin do you? You do not need him at all. And not before the patriarch: you can not be excused from the church to which you do not belong. And not in front of Stalin, which sixty years as dead. And not before the Soviet government, which is not, and there is nothing to lie, that she returned.

Fear - fall out of his mug, stand out from your little mafia, from a warm puddle, where you will be understood and warm. It is terrible to stop talking on the general jargon. It is terrible to see that your circle is engaged in rubbish. It is terrible to stay alone with a large world - and with honest ideals. This is truly scary.

But just do not deceive yourself - you are not a democrats at all. It must be understood that to control many mafias for the total state is much easier than to control society with a single morality, a clear goal and the ideal of a public contract. Such an ideal can be distorted. But if society lives a common thing, it is impossible to perversion for a long time. You can deceive a few long, but you can not deceive everyone for a long time. But if the deception is developing corporately, it is collapsed under the laws of the growth of cancer cells, then the deception absorbs the body imperceptibly - and eats a public contract forever. As long as there is a soap discourse of the Arthronik magazine and separately there is a bold discourse of Moscow conceptualism, with the country you can do anything.

And what about? What - again believe in common ideals? Dismiss us from ideals! As soon as they say the word "ideals", the source glitters the eye: he found how to prove his right thing, how to regain comfort in the shower. Oh, ideals? Maybe you are for communism? Do you like progress and capitalism? Do you know that the market is the Father of Civilization? You are out of the market - it means outside progress. We know you, Communay, soon in the camp all the corporate. And in general, these are the Communists, if you figure it out, the war began. No, we are for discourse, for installations, for reasonable corruption, for the billionaire Prokhorov and his blaspiement sister. Prokhorov Our president! Just do not touch anything in my little mafia honest "handshaking"!

Going to the rally to hold the hands of the same intimidant. On this day, they are all bold. They opposed abstract tyrant (which in the IMF has already agreed to pour, therefore you can go to the demonstrations). They opposed Tirana and then went to their workplaces - to serve the hand ingoing, to substitute the brushes for kisses to the thieves, to flatter prostitutes.

Who joined you so, citizens? Officials did not even do anything special to bring you to such a panic flawed state. You are not afraid of your officials - you are afraid of each other. You are afraid of your media, your human insolvency. Surrounded by such insignificance, your inconsistency is not as noticeable. You no longer dare to say to nothingness that he / it / she is nothing.

Why, why are you all afraid of each other? Why are you all panties?

I am often talking now: again you are about negative! Well, as you can! After all, for the negative, a special day of the calendar is allocated: the 31st, we dissent! There is a real public case - protest against totalitarianism! Gone, with acquaintances talked. And then - home, and at home is only good: the magazine "Mezoninchik", installation in the GSCI, a booze in the Venetian Biennale, the goodness promised to go. Life is going ...

In 1946, Stalin has repeatedly reported that representatives of the creative intelligentsia are convincingly asking him to accept for conversation about the paths of further development of Soviet literature and art. Stalin, to the limit overloaded by the work on the restoration of the country's economy, several times postponed this meeting. However, he perfectly understood that the development of literature and art takes place in the conditions of ideological struggle against the influence of the Soviet people of bourgeois culture, against the suspended ideas and views, in the name of the approval of new, socialist ideals.

Soviet intelligence worked to the highest degree effectively, and Stalin accurately knew about the content of secret documents on American politics regarding the Soviet Union. They traced one of the basic thoughts that the main goal was to destroy or serious weakening the USSR - two ways are leading: war and subversive activities. In addition to the purely military, other completely specific tasks were determined: to persistently seek a better understanding of the United States among the influential sections of the Soviet society and counteract the anti-American propaganda of the Kremlin. In the widest scale, what the Soviet government will suffer, it is necessary to deliver books, newspapers, magazines and movies to the country, lead radio broadcasts to the USSR.

Finally I.V.Stalin chose the time to meet. The most prominent representatives of the Soviet creative intelligentsia gathered in the Small Hall of the Kremlin. The appearance of the leader they met standing, long applause.

Having stopped opposite Alexander Fadeev, who then headed the Soviet Union of Writers, he asked:

What do I want to tell me, Comrade Fadeev?

Having coped with the excitement, which covered almost everyone without exception, at meetings with Stalin (see the footnote below), Fadeev spoke:

Comrade Stalin, we came to you for advice. Many believe that our literature and art as if visited deadlock. We do not know how to develop them further. Today you come to one cinema - shoot, you come to another - shoot: the movies are going throughout, in which heroes are fighting with enemies without end, where the river pours human blood. Everywhere show some shortcomings and difficulties. The people are tired of struggle and blood. (!)

We want to ask your advice - how to show another life in our works: the life of the future, in which there will be no blood and violence, where there will be no more incredible difficulties that our country experiences today. In a word, there was a need to tell about the happy and cloudless of our future life.

Fadeev fell silent.

Stalin began to slowly fly from one end of the presidium table to another. Those who are attending breathing, expected what he would say.

Again staying around standing Fadeev, Stalin spoke:

In your reasoning, comrade Fadeev, there is no main thing, there is no Marxist-Leninist analysis of the tasks, which now life puts forward in literary workers, before artists.

Once Peter I burned the window to Europe. But after 1917, the imperialists thoroughly shook him and for a long time, fearing the spread of socialism on their countries, before the Great Patriotic War, they represented us to the world through their radio, cinema, newspapers and magazines as some northern barbarians - murderers with a bloody knife in the teeth. So they painted the dictatorship of the proletariat. Our own people were portrayed in lapties, in shirts, spidered by the rope and sawing vodka from Samovar. And suddenly the backward "lapot" Russia, these cave people-misunderstandings, as we portrayed the world bourgeoisie, defeated the head of two powerful forces in the world - fascist Germany and imperialist Japan, in front of the whole world trembled.

Today, the world wants to know what kind of people who committed such a great feat who saved humanity.

And humanity was saved by simple Soviet people who, without noise and cod, in the most difficult conditions, carried out industrialization, conducted collectivization, fundamentally strengthened the country's defense capability and the price of their lives, headed by the Communists, defeated the enemy. After all, only in the first six months of war on the fronts in the fights, more than 500 thousand communists died, and in total during the war - more than three million. These were the best of us, noble and crystal clear, dedicated and disinterested fighters for socialism, for the happiness of the people. They are not enough for us so much ... if they were alive, many of our studies would have been behind. Here is today's task of our creative Soviet intelligentsia and is to comprehensively show this simple, excellent Soviet person, to reveal and show the best features of his character. This is today and consists of a general line in the development of literature and art.

How did the literary hero, created in one time, created at one time, the Nikolai Ostrovsky in the book "How did Steel hardened" Pavel Korchagin?

It is the roads of us primarily with its limitless devotion of the revolution, the people, the case of socialism, with their unfortunate.

The artistic image in the movie of the Great Pilot of Our Time Valery Chkalova contributed to the upbringing of tens of thousands of fearless Soviet Sokolov - the pilots who covered themselves during the Great Patriotic War I have a disadvantageous glory, and the nice hero of the film "Guy from our city" Colonel-tanker Sergey Lukonin - hundreds of thousands of heroes Tankists.

It is necessary to continue this existing tradition - to create such literary heroes - wrestlers for communism, on which Soviet people would like to be equal to the way to imitate.

Watching the applause of those present, Stalin continued:

I have a list of questions that the Soviet creative intelligentsia is interested today are interested. If there is no objection, I will answer them.

Choons from the Hall: "Very please, Comrade Stalin! Answer please!"

Stalin read the first question:

- What are the main disadvantages, in your opinion, will they send in the work of modern Soviet writers, playwrights and film directories?

Stalin: "Unfortunately, very significant. Recently, in many literary works, hazardous tendencies are clearly visible in the intellective influence of the decaying West, as well as caused by the subversive activities of foreign intelligence. Most often on the pages of Soviet literary journals appear works in which Soviet people - the builders of communism are depicted in a pitiful caricature form. The positive hero is ridiculed, low-alphabones in front of a foreigner are promoted, cosmopolitanism is praised, inherent in the political garbage of society.

In the repertoires of theaters, the Soviet plays are displaced by the vicious plays of foreign bourgeois authors.

The movies appeared in the movies, distortion of the heroic history of the Russian people. "

Slowly passing the leaflets lying in front of him, Stalin read the following question:

- how dangerous in ideologically avant-garde direction in music and abstractionism In the works of artists and sculptors?

Stalin: "Today, under the guise of innovation in music art, it is trying to break through the formalistic direction in Soviet music, and in artistic work - abstract painting. Sometimes you can hear the question: "Does you need such great people like Lenin Bolsheviks, deal with trifles - spend time on criticizing abstract painting and formalistic music. Let the psychiatrists are engaged in this. "

In this kind, the roles of roles in ideological diversions against our country and especially young people playing these phenomena play. After all, with their help, they are trying to oppose the principles of socialist realism in literature and art. It is not possible to make it impossible to do it, therefore they are undercover. In the so-called abstract paintings there are no real images of people who would like to imitate in the struggle for the happiness of the people, in the struggle for communism, on the path of which would like to go. This image is replaced by an abstract mysticism that shakes the class struggle of socialism against capitalism. How many people came during the war to inspire on the feats to the monument to minin and Pozharsky on Red Square! And what can inspire a pile of rusty iron, issued by "innovators" from the sculpture for the work of art? What can inspire abstract paintings by artists?

This is the reason that modern American financial magnates, promoting modernism, pay for this kind of "works" the fabulous fees, which have not dreamed of great masters of realistic art.

There is class background and so-called Western popular music, the so-called formalistic direction. This kind, with the permission to say, the music is created on the rhythms borrowed from the "Tsolokov" sect, the "dances" of which, bringing people to ecstasy, turn them into uncontrollable animals capable of wildest actions. This kind of rhythm is created with the participation of psychiatrists, they are built in such a way as to influence the brain subcortex, on the human psyche. This is a kind of musical addiction, hitting the influence of which a person has not been able to think about any bright ideals, turns into cattle, it is useless to call for a revolution, to build communism. As you can see, the music is fighting too. (Already, in 50 he, Stalin clearly seen and realized the scale of future sabotage, see)

- What exactly is the subversive activities of the foreign intelligence agents in the field of literature and art?

Stalin: "Speaking about the further development of Soviet literature and art, it is impossible not to take into account that they are developing in the conditions of unprecedented in the history of the wake of a secret war, which world imperialist circles have been deployed today against our country, including in the field of literature and art. In front of the foreign agent in our country, the task of penetrating the Soviet bodies of culture, to capture the editorial board of newspapers and magazines, to provide a decisive impact on the repertoire policy of theater and cinema, to the publication of fiction. In every way to prevent the exit to the light of revolutionary works raising patriotism and raising the Soviet people to communist construction, maintain and promote the work of works in which the disbelief is preached to the victory of communist construction, is promoted and praised the capitalist method of production and bourgeois lifestyle.

At the same time, in front of the foreign agent, the task is to seek in the works of literature and the art of propaganda of pessimism, all sort of falling and moral decomposition ..

One regulatory American senator said: "If we were able to show our horror movies in the Bolshevik Russia, we would surely aroused them the communist construction." No wonder Lion Tolstoy said that literature and art is the strongest forms of suggestion.

We must seriously think who and what we will inspire today with the help of literature and art, put an end to ideological sabotage in this area, until the end it's time, in my opinion, to understand and assimilate that culture, being an important part of the dominant ideology dominating in society, always Class and is used to protect the interests of the dominant class, we have to protect the interests of workers - the state of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

There is no art for the sake of art, there is no and cannot be some "free", independent of society, as if standing on this society artists, writers, poets, playwrights, directories, journalists. They just do not need anyone. Yes, there are no such people, it cannot exist.

The same one who cannot or does not want, in the sieve of the remnants, the traditions of the old counter-revolutionary bourgeois intelligentsia, due to the rejection and even hostility towards the power of the working class, to serve to the Soviet people, will receive permission to leave for permanent residence abroad. Let them convince them there, which means in the matter of approval about the notorious bourgeois "freedom of creativity", in society, where everything is sold and bought, and representatives of the creative intelligentsia are completely in their work depend on the money bag of financial magnates.

Unfortunately, comrades, because of the acute shortage of time, I have to finish our conversation.

I want to hope that to some extent I still answered questions you are interested in. I think that the position of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) and the Soviet government on the further development of Soviet literature and art are clear to you. "


Representatives of the creative intelligentsia welcomed Stalin by applause and exclamations: "Long live a great and wise Stalin!"

Stalin stood for some time, looked at the applauding and screaming, waved his hand and got out of the hall.

Soon there were four decisions of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on literature and art issues:
"On the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ", published on August 14, 1946;
"On the repertoire of dramatic theaters and measures for its improvement", published on August 28, 1946;
"On the movie" Great Life ", published on September 4, 1946
On February 10, 1948, the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "about the opera" Great Friendship "V.Muradel" was made public.

Here are the most characteristic provisions from these decrees that set the task of eliminating the shortcomings and the main path of the further development of Soviet literature and art.

About the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad"

"Works" appeared, in which Soviet people are presented in the ugly caricature form, primitive, small-cultivated, stupid, with solar flavors and the nravami.

A poems appeared, imbued with the spirit of pessimismism and decline, expressing the tastes of the old salon poetry, frozen on the positions of bourgeois-aristocratic aesthethy and decadence - "art for art". This kind, with the permission to say, poets do not want to keep up with their people and make great harm for the creation of the right upbringing of young people. In the literary journals, works that cultivate the unusual Soviet people in the spirit of low-stones in front of the bourgeois culture of the West were imbued with the spirit of lowlands in relation to the whole foreign one. The desire is clearly visible to spread the anti-Soviet ideas of cosmopolitanism.

Magazine management workers have forgotten the position of Leninism that our magazines are whether they are scientific or artistic, cannot be apolitical. They forgot that our magazines are a powerful tool of the Soviet state in the education of Soviet people and especially young people and therefore should be guided by what is the life foundation of the Soviet system - its policies.

The Soviet system cannot tolerate the upbringing of young people in the spirit of indifference to Soviet politics, in the spirit of sleep and excitement. The power of Soviet literature, the most advanced literature in the world, is that it is the literature, which does not have and cannot be other interests, the crown of the interests of the people, the interests of the state. The task of Soviet literature is to help the state correctly raise young people, to respond to her requests, to raise a new generation of vigorous, who believes in their business, who are not afraid of obstacles, ready to overcome all sorts of obstacles.

On the repertoire of dramatic theaters and measures to improve it

After analyzing the repertoire of dramatic theaters, it is noted that after the war of the Soviet authors' war on modern topics turned out to be actually displaced from the repertoire of the largest drama theaters of the country. They were replaced by plays of the base and vulgar foreign drama, openly preaching bourgeois views and morality. The layout of the theaters of the Pieces of bourgeois foreign authors was essentially the provision of the Soviet scene to promote the reactionary bourgeois ideology and morality, an attempt to poison the consciousness of Soviet people to the worldview, hostile to Soviet society, revitalize the remnants of capitalism in consciousness and everyday life. Many Soviet playwrights stand aside from the indigenous issues of our time, do not know the lives and requests of the people, do not know how to portray the best features and qualities of the Soviet person. The Soviet Art and the theater magazine, designed to help the playwrights and theaters and artistically full-fledged plays and performances and artistically complete plays and performances and artistically complete plays and performances are underway at a completely unsatisfactory. Nice plays are easily supported on their pages, at the same time, mediocre and even ideologically vicious performances are increasingly captured.

The Central Committee of VKP (b) puts the task before playwrights and employees of theaters - to create bright, full-fledged work on the work of the Soviet society, about the Soviet man. To facilitate the further development of the best parties to the nature of the Soviet person, with a special force of revealed during the Great Patriotic War. Answer the high cultural demands of Soviet people, bring up Soviet youth in the spirit of communism.

The unsatisfactory state of the repertoire of dramatic theaters is due to the lack of fundamental Bolshevik theater criticism.

Reviews for plays and performances are often written in a distinct language illustrous for readers. The newspapers "Pravda", "Izvestia", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "labor" underestimate the enormous educational value of theatrical productions and disassemble the art of extremely insignificant place.

The Central Committee of the WCP (b) ordered the Committee on Arts and the Board of the Union of Soviet Writers to focus on creating a modern Soviet repertoire, to hold a meeting of drama and theatrical artists on the repertoire and joint creative work of playwrights with theaters.

About the movie "Great Life" (Second Series)

The recovery of Donbass occupies a minor place in the film, and the main attention is paid to the primitive image of all kinds of personal experiences and household scenes. In view of this, the content of the film does not correspond to its name. Moreover, the name of the film "Great Life" sounds mock over Soviet reality.

Two different epochs in the development of our industry are clearly mixed in the film. In terms of technology and culture of the production shown in the film "Great Life", Kinokartina reflects the period of recovery of Donbass after the end of the Civil War, and not modern Donbass with its advanced technology and culture created over the years of five years.

In the film fake, party workers are depicted. Film's leaders depict the case in such a way as if the party could exclude people from their ranks showing care for the restoration of the economy. The film "Great Life" preaches backwardness, blessing and ignorance. Completely unmotivated and incorrectly shown by film leads. Mass advancement on leadership posts of technically illiterate workers with backward views and sentiments. The director and screenwriter of the film did not understand that in our country, cultural, modern, well-known people who know their work are highly appreciated and boldly, and not people back and uncultured, and that now, when the Soviet government has created its own intelligentsia, ridiculous and wildly represented as A positive phenomenon is the advancement of backward and non-cultural people on leadership posts. The film "Great Life" is given a false, distorted image of Soviet people. Workers and engineers restoring Donbass are shown by backward and low-cultural people, with very low moral qualities. Most of his time the heroes of the film are idle, engaged in empty chatter and drunkenness. The best on the plan of the film people are incombused drinks. The artistic level of the film also does not withstand critics. Separate film frames are scattered and not related to the overall concept. For the connection of individual episodes in the film, multiple drinking, vulgar romances, love adventures, night ranting in bed are served.

The songs entered into the film are penetrated by Kabatskaya Melancholy and Alien to Soviet people.

All of these base productions, designed for the most divergent tastes, and especially the tastes of backward people, move to the background the main theme of the film - the recovery of the Donbass.

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) establishes that the Ministry of Cinematography (T. Bolshakov) has recently prepared, except for the vicious painting "great life", a number of other unsuccessful and erroneous films.

So, in the second series of the film "Ivan Grozny" there is a distortion in the image of historical facts. The progressive army of Ochrichnikov Ivan Grozny is presented in the form of a gang of degenerates, like the American ku-kloms-clan.

Ivan the same formidable, a man with strong will and character, contrary to the historical truth, is represented by the audience a weakly accrastric and frantic, something like Hamlet.

In ignorance of the subject, in a frivolous attitude of the scriptwriters and directors to their work is one of the reasons for the issue of unfamilies.

The Ministry of Cinematography irresponsible refers to the case entrusted and manifests the carelessness and carelessness regarding the ideological and political content and artistic advantages of films. The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) believes that the work of the artistic council under the Ministry of Cinematography is organized incorrectly and the Council does not provide impartial and business criticism prepared for the release of films.

The art council often shows apolitical in their judgments about the paintings, little pays attention to their ideological content.

Art workers should understand that those of them who continue will irresponsibly and lightly treat their work, can easily be overboard of advanced Soviet art and go out into circulation, because the Soviet spectator has grown, its cultural requests and demands increased, and the party and The state will continue to educate good tastes and high demands for artworks.

About opera "Great Friendship" V.Muradel

The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) believes that the Opera "Great Friendship", supplied by the Big Theater of the SSR Union on the days of the 30th anniversary of the October Revolution, is vicious both in the music and a storyline, anti-grade work.

The main disadvantages of the opera are rooted primarily in the music of the Opera. Music Opera is inexpressive, poor. It does not have a single memorable melody or aria. It is mesh and disharmonic, built on solid dissonances, on cutting rumors of sounding. Separate lines and scenes applying for melodiousness are suddenly interrupted by non-stroke noise, completely alien for normal human hearing and acting in oppressing.

In pursuit of the false "originality" of music, the composer of Muradel neglected the best traditions and experience of the classic opera in general, the Russian classical opera in particular, the internal content, the richness of the melodies and the latitude of the range, humor, an elegant, beautiful, clear musical form that made the Russian opera best opera In the world, loved and affordable wide wealth of the people with a genre of music.

Historically, false and artificial is the Fabul Opera, claiming an image of the struggle for the establishment of the Soviet power and friendship of peoples in the North Caucasus in 1918-1920. From the opera, an incorrect idea is created, as if such Caucasian peoples, as Georgians and Ossetians, were in that era in hostility with the Russian people, which is historically fake, as an interference to establish the friendship of peoples during that period in the North Caucasus was Ingush and Chechens.

The Central Committee of VKP (b) believes that the failure of the Muradel Opera is the result of the false and destructive for the work of the Soviet composer of the formalistic path, which he stood up. Muradel.

As the meeting showed the Soviet music figures held in the Central Committee of the WCP (b), the failure of Muradis operas is not a special case, and is closely connected with the disadvantaged state of modern Soviet music, with the distribution among the Soviet composers of the formalistic direction.

The characteristic signs of such music is the denial of the basic principles of classical music, the preaching of attacks, dissonance and disharmony, which are allegedly the expression of "progress" and "innovation" in the development of the musical form, the refusal of such the most important foundations of the musical work, which is a melody, passion for messy, neuropathic combinations , transforming music into a cacophony, in a chaotic journey of sounds. This music greatly gives the spirit of modern modernist bourgeois music of Europe and America, which reflects the injection of bourgeois culture, a complete denial of musical art, his deadlock.

Pouring the best traditions of Russian and Western classical music, rejecting these traditions, as allegedly "outdated", "old-fashioned", "conservative", arrogantly speaking composers who are trying to conscientiously master and develop techniques of classical music, as supporters of "primitive traditionalism" and "epigoney ", Many Soviet composers, in pursuit of falsely understood innovation, broke away in their music from requests and artistic tastes of the Soviet people, were closed in a narrow circle of specialists and musical gourmets, reduced the high public role of music and narrowed its importance, limiting it with the satisfaction of the perverted tastes of acentistic individualists.

All this inevitably leads to the fact that the basics of vocal culture and dramaturgical skills are lost and composers are learned to write for the people, the evidence of which is not a single Soviet opera standing at the level of Russian opera classics.

The gap of some figures of Soviet music from the people reached the fact that in their environment, the rotten "theory" received the spread, due to which the lack of understanding of the music of many modern Soviet composers people are explained by the fact that the people allegedly "did not dozor" before understanding their complex music that He will understand it through the century and that it is not necessary to confuse if some musical works do not find listeners. This is an individualistic, in the root of antigenic theory to even more contributed to some composers and musicologists to exhaust themselves from the people, from the criticism of the Soviet community and wrapped in their shell.

The cultivation of all these and their similar views is caused by the greatest harm to Soviet musical art. The tolerant attitude towards these views means the spread among the leaders of the Soviet musical culture alien to her trends leading to a dead end in the development of music, to the elimination of musical art.

The vicious, anti-people, formalistic direction in Soviet music also has a detrimental effect on the preparation and education of young composers in our conservatory, and, in the first place, at the Moscow Conservatory (director, t. Schebalin), where the formalistic direction is dominant. Students do not instill respect for the best traditions of Russian and Western classical music, do not bring up love for folk creativity in them, to democratic musical forms.

The Central Committee of CPS (b) states the completely intolerable state of Soviet musical criticism. The leading position among critics occupy opponents of Russian realistic music, supporters of decadent, formalistic music.

Instead of breaking the harmful, alien principles of socialist realism of views and theories, the musical criticism itself contributes to their spread, praising and announcing the "advanced" composers who share false creative installations in their work.

Music criticism ceased to express the opinion of the Soviet public, the opinion of the people and turned into the root of individual composers.

All this means that among the part of the Soviet composers, the relics of bourgeois ideology are not yet located, powered by the influence of modern decadent Western European and American music.

The Committee on Arts at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (T. Khrapchenko) and the Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet Composers (T. Khachaturian) instead of developing a realistic direction in Soviet music, the foundations of which are the recognition of the enormous progressive role of classical inheritance, especially the traditions of the Russian music school , the use of this inheritance and its further development, a combination of high meaning with the artistic perfection of the musical form, the truthfulness and realism of the music, its deep organic connection with the people and his musical and song creativity, high professional skills with simultaneous simplicity and accessibility of musical works, The essence of the case encouraged the formalistic direction, alien to the Soviet people.

The Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet composers has become an instrument of a group of composers-formalists, has become the main plant for formalistic perversions. The heads of the organizing committee and grouping around them the musicologists capture antirealistic, modernist works that do not deserve support, and work that differ in its realistic character, the desire to continue and develop a classical inheritance, are declared secondary, remain unnoticed and crack.

Soviet composers have an audience that no composer has never knew in the past. It would be uncomprisingly not to use all these richest opportunities and not to direct their creative efforts on the right realistic path.

The decision of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) called on the Soviet composers to penetrate the consciousness of high requests, which presents the Soviet people to musical creativity, and, threading everything that weakens our music and prevents its development, ensure such a rise in creative work, which will move forward Soviet Musical culture will lead to the creation in all areas of musical creativity of full-fledged, high-quality works worthy of the Soviet people.

Meeting I.V. Stalina with representatives of the creative intelligentsia and decisions of the Central Committee of the CSP (b) reliably paralyzed ideological sabotage in the fields of literature and art from the American-English imperialism agent, at the same time helped the mistakes to correct the mistakes.

Cosmopolitans were defeated, the correct development of Soviet literature and art was provided.

Stalin's meeting with representatives of the creative intelligentsia and written by them of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on literature and art issues show how much his mind was his mind, as Stalin far, for many decades, saw ahead. He understood that in the future, after he won't be, active attempts would begin to restore capitalism in the USSR and that there were ideological sabotage in literature and art that was stopped by him, will play far from a latter role.

Subsequently, it turned out.

1. In his memoirs, Winston Churchill wrote that when Stalin, busy with the operations on the fronts, was somehow late for one of the meetings of the Yalta Conference, they agreed with Roosevelt that as the leaders of the great powers would not get up when it appeared in the hall.

When Stalin entered, then to his huge surprise, Churchill discovered that he was welcomed by standing with everyone. Raised on his hands on his stroller and Roosevelt.

Persecution on B. Pasternak for publishing in the west of his novel "Dr. Zhivago" and awarded the Nobel Prize

Aggressive criticism of a number of literature and art leaders from the party leadership during regular meetings

Persecution of artists

(B. Zhutovsky,

E. Unknown, etc.)

In 1962, it was announced the "temporary" increase in meat prices.

(30%) and oil (25%)

The reasons for the increase in discontent in society Activities of N.S. Khrushchev in the early 60s

Fight state with subsidiary farms of collective farmers

New noisy antireligious campaign. Sharp reduction in the number of existing temples

Cutting reduction of the armed forces, meaning for hundreds of thousands of officers, loss of work and deterioration of the material situation

Ill-conceived reorganization and permanent personnel

Loss of N.S. Khrushchev support from the bureaucratic apparatus

Offset organizers:

L.I.Beshnev, M.A.Suselov, A.N. Schelepin, N.V. Vodgore, V.A. Ampatient and others.

Offset N.S. Khrushchev from all posts on the Oktyabrsky plenum of the CPSU Central Committee in 1964.

!!! Reformed efforts by N.S. Khrushchev, as well as activities in general, let inconsistent and contradictory, and sometimes they are simply destructive, contributed to the promotion of society on the path of approval of universal values, began democratization, publicity.

The political development of the USSR in the mid-1960s - mid-1980s.

1964-1982- L.I. Brezhnev at the head of the CPSU and the USSR.

!!!The 18-year-old Board of L.I.Besnev became the "golden age" for the party and state nomenclature, which was happily supported the main slogan L.I.Besnev "Ensure personnel stability." In fact, it meant not only the conservation of political structures, but also the life of the exercise of the nomenclature


Constitution of the USSR 1977

Concept of developed Socialism

Legislative consolidation of the steering role of the CPSU in society

(Article 6 of the Constitution)

The actual substitution of the party apparatus of the Soviet state authorities

Political system

Strengthening the bureaucratization of the State Machine

Checker party-state structures

Crisis of interethnic relationships


(elder power)

Tightening repression against dissenters

Strengthening contradictions in the socio-class structure of society

Economic reforms of 1965.

Reform in industry

!!! Originally reforms gave a certain positive result. However, they did not affect the foundations of the economic basis of the Soviet system. In the early 1970s, the country's leadership decided to return to a tough administrative structure in detailed product planning and other indicators with restriction of enterprises' rights.

The consequences of coagulation of reform 1965.

1966-1970 1981 - 1985

National income growth rates

Growth rates of labor

The main indicators of the development of the economy in 1965 - 1985 (in %)

A. P. Chekhov entered the literature of the 1980s of the XIX century immediately as an innovator, in many respects not similar to the preceding, nor in the surrounding writers. The innovation was, first of all, in the choice of genre: Chekhov was a master of "small forms", a short story. Also unconventional was the manner of narrative, brevity, laconicism; The theme of the stories is unusual and the very topic. So, one of the leading the mature period of Czech's creativity becomes an image of the life of the Russian intelligentsia. Using a variety of artistic agents, the author created a number of bright, typical images of representatives of labor and creative intelligentsia, and also reflected the problems and conflicts that arose in its environment.

In the stories, the whole intelligentsia as a social layer, a certain combination of people united by professional sign and personal qualities, can be divided into labor (doctors, teachers) and creative (artists, artists, musicians), and division it sometimes even develops into an antithesis, for example In the story "Pumping". Here, representatives of creative intelligentsia are clearly described Satirically: the author with neglect refers to the artist Ryabovsky, as well as all artists, musicians and writers who are in the house of Olga Ivanovna, the main character. It is emphasized by the narrowness, unnaturalness of words and actions, monotony and vulgarity, reigning in the "creative" environment. The image of Ryabovsky is reduced: Chekhov is ironic over the eternal tired species and the phrase "I'm tired", the hero uttered several times with the same theatrical intonation. Actually, the course of events, the development of the plot is exposed in the inner essence, hidden for the pleasant appearance of the flavors of Ryabovsky, who believes, as it turned out, any of their actions, even immoral, justified by the "creative" warehouse of the nature, inconstancy, a tendency to change. In the story of "Pumping" of the creative intelligentsia, representatives of labor, Dr. Smoke, Korostelev, Shrek are opposed. Perhaps they can be called the closest to the author's ideal: these are labor people, people of science, selfless and imperceptible at the same time. Smoke dies tragically, by chance, ridiculous; Only after his death, the wife, Olga Ivanovna, understands what he was in life for science, friends and patients. Smoke could not resist public relations, in the family; However, it turns out to be morally incomparably higher than Olga Ivanovna and her friends, and after his death Korostelev, there is a sentence of everyday vulgarity, vulgarity, actually accusing Olga Ivanoving the death of a talented, meek, irreplaceable person.

Chekhov despised and ridiculed vulgarity in all its manifestations, including in creativity. In the story "Ionch" at the evening intelligent in the family in the city of the family, the hostess reads a novel, starting with the words: "Frost attacked ..." Here the Chekhov demonstratively rises literary stamps, the banality, lack of new, fresh ideas and forms. Problems of searching for a new in art, creativity will receive development in Pieces Chekhov.

No less critical and strictly depicts a writer and labor intelligentsia. These are mainly doctors, which is probably due to the profession of Chekhov, as well as teachers as the most educated part of the intelligentsia, on which the future depends on. These heroes, as a rule, the author puts before the choice: to join the gray mass of vulgar, uninteresting people, allow themselves to pull themselves into the swamp of the Meshchansky life with his petty and commonness or to remain personality, to preserve human dignity, interest in people and to everything new. The stories show the whole range of possible solutions to the problem. Perhaps the extreme case is Belikov, the hero of the story "Man in a case". The image is typical with all the grotescia; Belikov is a limited person living in his small, deaf, frightened world with one thought: "No matter what happens." Chekhov uses an interesting artistic technique: transfer of the properties of a person, indirectly and allegorically shown, on his things, right and specifically: "And he had an umbrella in a case, and the clock in a sulfur suede case, and when removed the pericoing knife to clean the pencil, That and his knife was in the cover. " These details (like many others, for example, the subject itself, who taught Belikov, is the Greek language, the dead, also helping the hero to get away from reality in his world) strokes throw a clear image of a person living in the "Case", which prevents life and others. Teachers about whom a colleague says: "I confess, to bury such people like Belikov, this is great pleasure." Belikov is shown in the story static, frozen.

In another story, "Ionch", Chekhov depicts a change in the inner world, the degradation of a person who has not been overgrown with the surrounding vulgarity. Initially, the hero is called Dr. Elders, in the final - Ionch. Chekhov uses again the item for the image of changes in the shower, in principles, beliefs, behavior, the lifestyle of Dr. Startsev. For example, at the beginning of the story, the hero prefers walking on foot, leads an active lifestyle ("Having passed to nine miles and then goes to bed, he did not feel the slightest fatigue, and on the contrary, it seemed to him that he would have passed the vert twenty"); In the second part, he already has "his own pair of horses and kucher"; In the third - Troika with Bubenchiki; The composition of the story, the parallelism of scenes in the garden, the relationship with Katerina Ivanovna detect the main features of character, emphasize the irreversibility of the degradation process, so logical and natural in the conditions of universal intellectual and spiritual stagnation.

In his stories, Chekhov shows how the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia die. Such is the story "Ionch". The story of the story "Ionch" is simple - this is the story of the failed marriage of Dmitry Ionchcha Startsev. In fact, the story is the history of the Hero's life, liveless. This is a story about how a good man with good deposits turns into an indifferent man in the street. This is a young man, full of unclear, but light hopes, with ideals and desires of something high. But the love failure turned him out of aspirations to clean, reasonable life. He succumbed to the vulgarity surrounding it from all sides. He lost all spiritual interests and aspirations. From his consciousness disappeared the time when he was characterized by ordinary human feelings: joy, suffering, love. We see how a man, intelligent, progressively thinking, hardworking, turns into a man in the "Living Dead". We see its moral degradation.

Such heroes of Chekhov, like heon, lose her human than their nature entered. But they themselves are satisfied with themselves and do not notice that they lost the main thing - the living soul.

In his works, Chekhov shows how the mindless joy of everyday existence can imperceptibly lead even a person of living and susceptible to full spiritual devastation.

Chekhov-Novelist's skill is that in short sketches from life, he managed to reflect the types typical for his time, images, relations, managed to snatch the main thing, essential, the main one of what was happening around. The image of the Russian intelligentsia of the 90s of the XIX century, for which the author used a skillful detail, comparison, composition of stories, various ways of narration, represents not only literary, but also historical value, helps to penetrate the world of Russian society, of that time, shed light on The eternal problem of the role of intelligentsia in Russia.


Themes and poetics of Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov".

"The Karamazov Brothers" (1879 - 1880) is the last and greatest Roman Dostoevsky, who has gained almost all types of his heroes, all the collisions and all the techniques of their images.

In the novel, from the very beginning there is a living story orientation. This concerns the storylines associated with the older Zosima, the Karamazov family: Alesh, Milda, Fedor Pavlovich and Ivan. The manner and the principles of the presentation of events are also focused on the ancient Russian tradition: installation on the undisguised impartiality, the edge of the passage, the inclusion of religious and philosophical reasoning and moralistic mines, etc. Again, as in "Beams", the storyteller-chronicler (fictional narrator) stands as a chronicler and agiographer. Gives the accuracy of the narration. Story: Some places are hurriedly (full of contradictions and even vulgarisms), places stretched (full of solemnity and patties, but always excited and deprived of an underlined fearlessness. Costs - Aguiographer, he is not impassive.

In the artist of writing, the events deployed in the town with the speaking name of a scotoponevevsk, where (compared to the capital) obviously contradictions, tearing Russian nature and the National Spirit. Family of the Karamazov, option of the "random family", the art model of the All-Russian Antinomy. This, on the one hand, the destruction of patriarchal principles, the loss of the Orthodox basis of life, spiritual nihilism and immoralism, on the other, - Christian motorcycling, centripetal spiritual forces, which cause the strength of the blood and religious fraternity, is finally a cat.

Each of the Karamazov is the type of Russian man. In the psychological aspect of the image of the personality, the heroes are implementing the aesthetic installation of Dostoevsky on hyperbolization of passions and suffering.

Family Chapter - Provincial Nobleman Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov - "Insect", which has come down in an unbridled awkwardness to the edge. Pozerskoe disorder is combined in it with unacted cynicism. Denies the meaning of life, indifferent death making as absolute non-existence. The most important feature of the scenery "B K" - adventureness. Typical phaance situations like a series of "adventure" in the past, the fatal love clash, mysterious murder.

Each of the four brothers embodies and checks his "truth". All together they, as if mirrors, reflect each other, repeat something in something, is opposed to each other. The poles of this confrontation are Lakia Mehdhakov - the Son of Karamazov from the insane lizarweets of a fading, hateful not only the Father, brothers, but also Russia in general (he is the extreme version of the "underground person") - and the younger of the Alyas Karamazov brothers. Alyosha is the type of righteous to the world. At his account more good words. Alyosha with the elder brother Dmitry unites Natural Lifebye. Mitty of Karamazov represents the type of "Russian ugrelims". The man temperamental, unbridled in desires, he is unable to curb his bad gusts. It is not by chance that his name also carries a "transparent" semantic load: Demeter is the Greek goddess of the Earth, fertility. And Dmitry we rule in earth passions, full of unbridled natural strength. (Note that the surname of Karamazov literally means "Black Earth".) He is Eastovo believes in God, but at the time of the ugliness, Christian values \u200b\u200blose their strength to him. But realizing it, takes a boat with humility

With Ivan, a nihylist-intellectual, Alyosha, unexpectedly, for him, the Bunarian impulse of ignition by those who ruins innocents. "Shoot!" - he exclaims after the story of Ivan about the inhuman violence over the child.

Ivan Karamazov - a hero ideologist. Chapter "Pro and Contra" - the culmination of the conflict of ideas in the novel. Ivan in the Tavern (Tavern - the most important point of the Dostoevsky point of artistic space) arose with Alesh about the "recent issues" of being: existential meanings are checked by an universal scale, the problem of freedom is directly closed with religious faith. Ivan applies a criminal idea - mercies carries it. Both equal degree of fatherhoot.

It has long been noticed that the fatherland in the novel is the metaphor of the rearness. The hidden Roman Myth about the Edipe actualized the political topionality and prophetic impulse of the novel: A few months after the publication, Alexander II was killed.

Subject: Family theme - All public cataclysms are shown through the family. The father did not at all in the children at all, almost threw on the arbitrary of fate. Perverted Rev-I: Father and son of any one vir

The philosophical theme is the foundations of the world order, the ability of the human spirit.

throughout the creativity of Dostoevsky, the religious and philosophical problem of the theodice in the artistic world "B K" allegorically closes on the name of Old Testament Ieow. This biblical character is estimated in different ways in the theological and philosophical (existential) traditions: as an expressant of the long-suffering and desperate question of God, Ivan emphasizes the "dispute" of Job with God, his sharp questions, his daring. In one, it reflects about Josema's elder. He takes not as an external force, but as an internal basis of man.

Religious topic is the topic of the embodiment of biblical peacekeeping and imagery. Zosima, who understands the strength of religious doubts, is a conscious preacher of Christian principles and the ideology of self-sacrifice, and also - the preacher of the monocities in the Russian world. Aleche, to think to the monastery, he wars the concentration of life through himself, being in the world - in an ordinary human hostel.

The theme of the fatherland (Merdhakov kills not only from revenge, but everything is allowed from the theory, the cat came up with Ivan - if there is God and immortality, that is, and virtue; if there is no immortality - there is no virtue \u003d everything is allowed) and false accusations, the topic of good and fraternal Love, the theme of death

The topic of Job, the theme of human weakness before the earthly gifts, the topic of long-suffering - the sufferers of the Balc, not a separate person, namely the family in which, it seems, all misfortunes of family properties agreed: the death of a child (Ilyushechka), weakness (mommy), weave (Ninochka), alienation of children from parents (Varvara), overall for all poverty.

Poetics: Genre variety - Roman-tragedy, ideological, socio-philosophical novel. Polyphonic novel, for the author of the author here sounds in the choir of the equal votes of heroes, each of which has its own "word about the world", its own truth. (For Smerdivakov, the murder of Fedor Pavlovich Revenge for the desecrated and humiliated mother, for the shame of his own existence of the Son - Lacey).

Tie: the arrival of Mitya (suspicion of the father in deception in the division of property), the meeting of FP and Mitya in the monastery, their rivalry because of the pear. Establishment: Recognition of Mechikov Ivan during the last date. Mitya court. Culmination: head of pro and contra. See above.

The most important motive: the tragic and dark end of the FP.

The action is developing extremely rapidly. 3 days before the "catastrophe" and 3 days after, with small intervals.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba crime (Smerdhakov, Mitya - Miracle Curl him from the murder of the Father)

The novel is built on a sharp opposition of persons and events: on one pole moral freaks - Fyodor Pavlovich, Mehdhakov, on the other - "Angels", Alyosha and Zosima. Scotopagoniaevsk is opposed by the monastery, the desecrault is Russian ink.

Topics and poetics Test L.N. Tolstoy "Death of Ivan Ilyich".

The impression of the hero, moral, spiritual transformation on the threshold of death - the plot of the death of Ivan Ilyich (published in 1886). The deadly sick major official Ivan Ilyich is convinced how empty was his life in which he followed the same rules and habits as other people of his circle. The story is built on the contrast of new ideas of Ivan Ilyich about life and opinions peculiar to his family and colleagues.

In the face of death, L. Tolstoy claims, a person is aware of the meaninglessness of activity only for himself, and he is looking for a new meaning of life. Before the death of Ivan Ilyich, comes to aware of the contradictions of his actions, his life with the "conscience" and "reason", to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for moral revival, "enlightenment", which he finds in self-improvement. Great exposing, satirical strength of thoughts and images of this story.

During the creation of the "death of Ivan Ilyich", Tolstoy believed that "enlightenment" is possible for all people, including those that are subjected to exposure. Here is the limit of satirical strength of the story, which is inferior in this regard "Resurrection". The strongest side of the "death of Ivan Ilyich" in the ingenious penetration of the artist into the spiritual life of a dying person, in the disclosure of "Dialectics of the Soul" before death.

Member of the Judicial Chamber Ivan Ilyich Golovin, married at one time without love, but very beneficial for his own position, makes a very important step in life - moving. Its affairs in service go well, and, on the joy of his wife, they move to a more decent and prestigious apartment.

All the troubles and experiences about buying furniture, the furnishings of the apartment occupy the first place in the miseles of the family: "so that it is no worse than others." What are the chairs in the dining room, to cut a living room with a pink kreton, but all this should be certainly "at the level", and in other words, it's exactly to repeat hundreds of the same apartments.

Feeling a burden, Ivan Ilyich was even more annoying and capricious, but finally the death-relief approached him. After a long agony, a miracle happened, I never thought about the very "great", Ivan Ilyich felt an unknown feeling of comprehensive love and happiness for him.

He was no longer offended by the involvement of his relatives, on the contrary, he felt tenderness and gladly rushed with them. He was happy to go to the wonderful, sparkling world, where, he knew, he loved and meet. Only now he gained freedom.

The position of "Middle Son" and its role in the disclosure of the author's plan.

I.I.Golovin was the middle son of the official who made the usual career, a person average in all respects: in character, behavior, mind. Cheerful and sociable, I.I. The difference was emphasized by an honest, scrupulous attitude towards his official duties, the ability to dwell to the light, where he intuitively stretched to the society of people at a higher level of social staircase.

L. Tolstoy seeks to emphasize not so much the individual features of the person's personality as the typical features of people of a certain environment and classes. For example, describing the apartment that Ivan Ilyich sat with such a thoroughness, L. Tolstoy writes: "In essence, it was the very thing that happens to all not quite rich people, but those who want to be like rich, and therefore only resemble on friend. "

Things expose the reigning coldness and false.

In Tolstoy, there is no one thing about themselves, and the attitude towards them characterizes his mental state. The poverty of the inner world of Ivan Ilich's wife is emphasized by her story about the suffering of her husband. According to her, he, "not by passing the voice," shouted three days. But not his flour, but how his cry acted on her nerves, took Praskovoy Fedorovna.

Poetics: Death of Ivan Ilyich - the rod, on which all the narration is risen. The main problems set in it are the most important issues of human being. This is an analysis of the mental state of a person, the head of Ivan Ilyich, who lives without meaning and without consciousness of his life and the sickness of the disease and the waiting for death face to face with the eternal question about the secret of life.

Tie: The story begins with the report of the death of Ivan Ilyich Golovin. Thus, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe death of a person accompanies, according to the plan of Tolstoy, everything that is told about his life. So, each of the colleagues Ivan Ilyich thinks not about the death of a friend, and immediately begins to think how this death will reflect on it and on his loved ones (relocation by position, receiving a higher salary).

The story "Death of Ivan Ilyich" - "Description of the simple death of a simple person"; It is based on the story of the disease and death of the former prosecutor of the Tula Court of Ivan Ilyich Mechnikov. Hero Tale - Ivan Ilyich Golovin - the middle Son of the official who made a common career, the average in all respectively a person who deliberately laid the ideal of "pleasant and decency", the desire to always focus on the society of people at a higher level of social staircase. These principles never changed the hero, supporting in all life circumstances, until he was overtaken by a sudden incurable disease. Under the influence of the developing illness and the lack of understanding of the loved ones Ivan Ilyich, devoid of any significant interests, deep and sincere feelings and a real goal in life, with horror aware of the void of their former existence, the deceased life of the people around him, understands that his whole life is except Childhood, was "not that" that there is the main issue of life and death, at the time of which he is exempt from fear and sees the light.

If the hero is experiencing an acute conflict in the lead "Death of Ivan Ilich", in which moral and societary and social reasons are woven, then the writer returns, at first glance, to the private topic of family and marriage, which has already been the subject of the image in the novel "Anna Karenina. However, Tolstoy deepens this topic, putting forward the impairment of the modern institution of marriage as a purchase and sale relationship. The story is to confess her the main character of Living, from jealousy who killed his wife and under the impression of this act of rethinking last life. A moral coup happens to the hero. Remembering the youth and history of family life, Lantchyshev recognizes the main guilty that he did not see and did not want to see in his man's wife, did not know her soul, but looked at her only as a "gun enjoyment". In this story, the thought of Tolstoy present in the late works is particularly clearly sounds that all living things have left the relationship between people, and human, that they have become false and material calculation. Under the influence of such circumstances in the Consciousness of Living, for example, the "beast" of jealousy, taking start in animal sensuality, with this "Zverem" he cannot cope with this, and he leads the hero to the tragic final.


In the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov" central place occupies a legend about the great inquisitor. This is a lengthy retelling by Ivan Karamazov brother Alyoshe content of his allegedly composed poem. Here is one of the culmination points of the composition of the novel - the focus of ideological disputes of the heroes of the novel.

The value of the legend for Dostoevsky: "Improve the ideal of beauty in the soul."

Purpose: "The image of the extreme blasphemy and grains of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe destruction of that time in Russia, in the medium that broke away from the reality of young people", which Ivan Karamazov represents in the novel. Dostoevsky believed that human nature cannot be reduced to the amount of rational grounds. At the heart of its plot - the fictional coming of Christ in the medieval Italy, where the Catholic Inquisition was raging. (+ Dr. TZR. The basis is the plot of 3 temptations of Christ the devil in the desert - bread, power, ideal knowledge about the world. The growing power of temptations. Taking their person turns into a trembling creature). The Sicilian Inquisitor is ready to recapture the Son of God, the teacher to the fire, if only he did not interfere with the preaching of humanism and freedom to carry out the teaching methods of the Inquisitor (incompatible). Methods of the Inquisitor repeat the arguments of Raskolnikov and Schugalale: people, insignificant by their nature, do not cope with freedom. \u003d\u003e gave freedom for bread, freedom is taken away from people for their happiness. The inquisitor is confident in this, so he takes care of humanity in his own way. He is a man of ideas. Christ has a different person's understanding - high. He kisses the mouth of the Inquisitor, seeing the most lost sheep from his herd.

Alyosha feels the disgrace of the Inquisitor, the cat is the name of Christ to achieve its goals. Ivan, comparing 2 lines of view, wanted to the Inquisitor. He does not believe in people, he denies the world itself, created by God. Ivan on the side of those who rebellious against the Creator. Ivan's arguments: if God admits suffering from any no obey, absolutely sinless creatures, it means that God is unfair, unkolenient or not omnipotent. And from the highest harmony installed in the world finals, he refuses: "It is not worth the tears of at least one only ... tortured child." But, "Returning Ticket" in the kingdom of Heaven, disappointed in higher justice, Ivan makes fatal, the alogichic is essentially able to: "Everything is allowed."

** Great Inquisitor contrasts: spiritual values \u200b\u200bof VS Primitive power of instincts, the ideal of the heroic personality VS harsh element of human masses, the internal freedom of VS needs every day to extract the urgent bread, the ideal of beauty VS the bloody horror of historical reality. The image of the Inquisitor helps Dostoevsky to debunk two of the most important theses of supporters of the predominance of material over spiritual. The first one is that people are slaves, "although they are created by ruffers" that they are weaker and below the divine fishery that they do not need and even harmful freedom. The second - as if the overwhelming majority of people are weak and cannot suffer in the name of God for the sake of the redemption of sins, and, therefore, Christ came to the world not for everyone for the first time, but "only to the elected and favorite". The writer disproves these ones very folding reasoning inquisitor. And in the legend, the final, in addition to the will of the author of the poem, Ivan Karamazov, testifies to the celebration of the ideas of Christ, and not the Great Inquisitor. Final: Inquisitor is fallen, he wanted him to answer him anything, but he only kissed him on his lips. The kiss turns out to be the strongest objection to all ingenious and seemingly logical theories of the builders of the kingdom of God on Earth. Clean love for humanity begins only when they like not bodily, external beauty, and the soul. To the soul, the Great Inquisitor ultimately remains indifferent.

Dostoevsky draws us a picture of the struggle of good and evil in the soul of human. At the same time, the carrier of an evil began to be endowed with many attractive features, common with Christ himself: love for people, the desire to universal, and not personal happiness. However, all the good intentions immediately shame as soon as it turns out that the Great Inquisitor is forced to resort to deception. The writer was convinced that a lie and deception are not allowed on the way to happiness. The pride of the Great Inquisitor, dreaming of replacing God, is straightforwards his soul to hell. Christ, which, as the writer shows, at the second coming, would be prepared by the bunth of the Inquisition and the bonfire, remains the winner in the dispute. The executioner of the Inquisitor has nothing to oppose his silence and the last long-sighting kiss.

His nihilistic philosophy, ideas of "permissiveness" Ivan pushes Lacey Smerdakov for a crime - the murder of Fyodor Karamazov.

Trilogy L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth". Plan. The image of the main character and its evolution. Features of psychologist.

Living in the Caucasus, L.h. Tolstoy conceived a big work - a novel, consisting of four stakeholders, called "Four Epochs of Development". The content of the conceived novel was to be a description of the gradual formation of the personality of a young man in childhood, adolescence, of youth and youth. Tolstoy several times adjusted the plan of his work, in one of the options plan, he defined his main task: "Abruptly designate the characteristic features of each era of life: in childhood the warmth and loyalty of the feeling; In adolescence, skepticism, solventure, self-confidence, inexperience and (beginning of vanity) pride; In his youth, the beauty of feelings, the development of vanity and uncertainty in itself; In his youth - eclecticism in feelings, the place of pride and vanity occupies a pride, knowledge of its price and destination, versatility, frankness. " This plan reveals that the focus of the young writer is addressed to the inner life of his hero, to the age characteristics of the psychological state of a young man. Of the intentional tetralogy, only the "Childhood" trilogy (1854), "Youth" (1856) with an unfinished last story was carried out.

All three stories have undergone not one edition before the author has achieved the desired result - the story is not so much about the events of the life of his hero, how much about the wealth and complexity of changes coming out in the inner world of man. Such a task could be solved only by the writer, deeply penetrating his hero into the inner world. The hero of the Tolstoy Nicolin's Hero is many autobiographies, to understand his young writer helped the richest experience of self-observation and self-analysis, supported by constant reference to the maintenance of diary records. Based on his own experience, the knowledge of the Human Soul Towns allowed the writer to endow his heroes with autobiographical features, which manifested not so much in the similarity of events and actions, as in the similarity of the state of the author's inner world and his heroes. That is why his heroes, their thoughts and aspirations changed with the maturity and maturity of the most thickness.

Nicholenka Irtenyev occupies a special place in a number of the main characters of Tolstovsky works: it opens up this gallery, without it it is impossible to correctly understand the characters of subsequent characters or the author himself. The initial of the story was also the entire way of the noble manor life of the Tolstovsky Childhood Age, the family environment of the writer and literary and domestic traditions kept by the noble intelligentsia of the first half of the XIX century. From their number, the epistolary culture of its circle and the widespread custom of diaries, notes that are literary forms, one way or another related to memoiristics were the most important for Tolstoy. It was in the circle of these literary and domestic forms that the writer felt the most familiar and confident that he could psychologically supported him at the beginning of the creative path.

The first edition of the "Childhood" was written in the traditional memoir form, departing from which Tolstoy as it were to combine two views on the past: the sensitive susceptibility and observation of small Nicolin and intelligence, the tendency to the analysis, the thought and feeling of an adult "author". The time and events described in the first story, barely get to the story with a vigorously developing plot, but readers have the impression that they witnessed a few years of the Hero's life. The mystery of such perception of artistic time "is that Tolstoy correctly describes the features of children's perception, when all the impressions are bright and volume, and most of the described actions of the hero belongs to the number of daily repetitive: awakening, morning tea, classes. In "Childhood", we unfold the living pictures of the life of the nobility family of the Pushkin era. The hero is surrounded by loving him and their loved ones, among which parents, brother, sister, teacher Karl Ivanovich, the housekeeper Natalia Savishna and others. This is a surroundings, the order of classes with rare memorable events of the hunt or the arrival of the octive grissets make up the stream of life, covering Nikolek and allowing him a lot of time after exclaimed: "Happy, happy, irrevocable time for childhood! How not to love, do not cherish memories about her? " The happiness of childhood is replaced by the "fruitless desert" of adolescence, spreading the world's border for the hero and who set up difficult-time issues that caused a painful disorder with the surrounding and disharmony of the inner world. "Thousands of new, unclear thoughts" led to the coup in the consciousness of Nikolya, who felt the complexity of the surrounding life and their loneliness in it. In adolescence, under the influence of Dmitry Nehhludov, the hero digested and "his direction" - "the enthusiastic adoration of the ideal of the virtues and the conviction in the appointment of a person is constantly improving." At this time, "it is very easy and just seemed to fix myself, learning all virtues and be happy ...". So ends the thick second story of the trilogy. At the time of youth, Irtenyev is trying to find his way, gain the truth. So in the work of Tolstoy for the first time, the type of hero seeker, aspiring to self-improvement, is determined. In his youth for IRTENEV, there is a lot of friendship, communication with people of a different social circle. Many of his aristocratic prejudices do not withstand life checks. No wonder the story ends the chapter with the significant title "I get up." All experienced in adolescence is perceived by the hero as the most important moral lesson for him.

"Observation and subtlety of psychological analysis", poetry, clarity and elegance of narration. Frightful other critics turned out to be N.G. Chernyshevsky, who has noticed that from "different directions" of psychological analysis of Tolstoy more attracts "the mental process itself, his form, his laws, dialectics of the soul". The last words became the classic definition of the peculiarities of the Tolstsky psychologism.



Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Genre specificity. Leading topics. Image system.

"War and Peace" - Roman-epic: This is a story not one specific person or family, this is a history of integer to the history of the era - the era of Napoleonic Wars. The effect of the novel begins in 1805, and ends in 1825. In the center of the novel, the chronicle of the life of several families: Bolkonsky, Rostic, Kuragic + Pierre Duchev. The protagonist is not one, there are several of them - Natasha Rostov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Duhov, Marya Bolkonskaya - these heroes are embodying the best for the thick feature of character.

Tolstoy studies the history of the country through the prism of ordinary fate of the citizens of the country, dividing common fate with their people. + among the characters of the novel a lot of real historical persons (emperor, Kutuzov, Napoleon)

Kutuzov and Napoleon - 2 types of war: 1) Napoleon - gripful, aggressive; 2) Kutuzov - "The question of the life and death of the Fatherland was solved."

Spiritual merger with the Russian people concentrated in the image of Kutuzov. Tolstoy believed that the true greatness of Kutuzov as a commander and a person was that his personal interest of the liberation of the Motherland from the enemy completely coincided with the interest of the people. By force, determining the success of any battle of Tolstoy, he considered the spirit of troops and its willpower.

Tolstoy does not accept the image of Napoleon with his desire of power over the world, egoism, cruelty, he notes the futility of his proud aspirations. Herd egoism, lie, sacrifice, readiness for achieving their low goals to sacrifice other people's lives, not even counting them - these are the features of this hero . He is also deprived of the way, for his image-limit of spiritual degradation.

The leading role in the history of Tolstoy leaves the people, considering it the main driving force of all events. + Tolstoy shows representatives of all classes of that time, exploring the nature of the Russian people at a turning point of history.

From the point of view of the image system, the heroes of the novel can be divided into "alive" and "dead", that is, in developing, changing over time, deeply feeling and experienced and - in contrast to them - frozen, not evolving, and static ..

In the center of the novel, three families: Bolkonoe, Rostov, Kuragin. A large author's sympathy describes the growth of growth. The atmosphere of good, benevolence, mental generosity, love, concern for each other was created in the house of the growth mutual efforts of the old Graph Ilya Andreevich, the Countess and their children. The soul of this family is undoubtedly Natasha.

Bolkon's family is based on traditions, order, logic. To this taught his children Strik Bolkonsky. He manifests cruelty towards his children, believing that it will benefit them. The former Yekaterini Welject holds his children and everyone who surrounds him.

Kuragin is a type of family, where meanness, lies and hypocrisy show themselves to the greatest extent. Inheriting these qualities from the Father, Anatol and Helen are ready to go to everything just to achieve their own, not believing with the feelings and opinions of other people.

In Tolstoy, the novel has favorite heroes and unloved. Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy, unlike unloved, usually ugly appearance, but endowed with internal beauty. They are capable of self-improvement, to moral, spiritual quest. They are characterized by self-analysis. The real heroes for Tolstoy Those, in whose appearance it is emphasized by all the non-negotective, who in the misses blame themselves, and not others who are modest and honest.

The theme of beauty and family theme: Natasha, Marya, Helen. Natasha and Marya Nekrasiva externally, but possess the beauty of the soul. They evolve, morally towers. Natasha's epilogue is represented as a loving mother and wife, not thinking at all about her appearance. She, like Princess Mary, devoted himself to her husband and children. Conclusion: a woman in this world to give birth to children (the position of thick). Antipode Natasha and Marya - Beauty Helen. The novel constantly emphasizes the attractive appearance of the heroine. However, Helen could not create a family, she had no children. With her character, she could hardly be able to become children and her husband support.

The topic of philosophical quest: Pierre, Andrei. Andrei Bolkonsky first the novel dreams only about glory, the pregnant wife will oppress him. His hero is Napoleon, but being wounded in the battle under Austerlitz, he is disappointed in his idol, he sees only the sky over his head - at this moment there is a regeneration of the hero's soul. He understands what is really important - family happiness, regrets his previous mistakes in relation to his wife. However, he cannot find the family happiness that he dreamed of. Lisa's wife died at birth. This period becomes a period of spiritual increase of the hero. He begins to live not for himself, but for others. Under the impression of a meeting with Natasha's growth and feelings that arose, the prince returns to active life, but Treason Natasha again made it cold. By participating in the Patriotic War, Bolkonsky acquires a common goal with the people. Having received a difficult wound in the Borodino battle, the prince begins to understand people, forgive their weaknesses, it discovers that the true relations between people are being built on the love of the neighbor (forgives their enemy - Anatoly Kuragin). When reconciled with Natasha, he acquires peace of mind.

Pierre Dupils after the death of the Father inherit his condition and title, and this turns into the first serious test of the hero. Unhappy marriage and tendency to philosophizing lead it to the ranks of Masons, but in this Pierre is disappointed. Even an attempt to improve the life of the peasants brought him only a failure. 1812 - there is a revaluation of his idol - Napoleon - he sees the usurper and killer in it. The key moment in his life is a meeting with Plato Karataev (for Tolstoy, this is the ideal of a Russian person). Pierre penetrates the idea of \u200b\u200bself-sacrifice and internally changing. Then: Natasha, wedding, children ... ..Dekabrist ideas.