Moral conflicts in the novel pride and prejudice. Women's images in the novel Jane Osten 'Pride and Prejudice'

Moral conflicts in the novel pride and prejudice. Women's images in the novel Jane Osten'Гордость и предубеждение'
Moral conflicts in the novel pride and prejudice. Women's images in the novel Jane Osten 'Pride and Prejudice'

Jane Austin is one of the most popular writers of the late 18 and early 19th century. Most are known thanks to their novel "Pride and Prejudice", but this is not the only successful work. All her works are impregnated with real emotions and filled with interesting thoughts. In each story, the moral thin thread worst any action of heroes, indicating the loyalty and infidelity of their solutions and actions.

This story Jane Austin began to write at the age of 21. Having finished working on it, the writer gave the manuscript to the publishing house, but it was refused. I had to postpone the publication of the book for a long 15 years. Before trying to print this novel again, Austin tried well, completely edited and improved the material.

Initially, the novel was called the "first impression", that's the way she called him in a letter to her sister. Then in 1811 or 1812 (there is no accurate data) the writer renames the book in "Pride and Prejudice". Presumably the name was changed in order to avoid travelers with other versions of the same name. There is a hypothesis that until the manuscript is completely edited, the "first impression" was a novel in letters.

Jane Austin sold "pride and prejudice" to the publisher of Thomas Eggirtan. In turn, he published the first edition in three volumes on January 27, 1813. The second edition was published in November of the same year. The third edition was published in 1817. In the publishing book, the book was not written by Jane Austin, in the line "Author" was indicated: "Written by the author of the meaning and sensitivity" ("Mind and feelings").

Genre, direction

Work is written in the novel genre. For all works Austin is characterized by the direction of realism. All situations in her work are associated with marriage for the calculation, with love between people from different levels of society - a characteristic feature of that time. It was relevant then, and relevant so far.

All the narration of the novel comes from the face Elizabeth. The reader takes the point of the vision of the heroine. Feels peace with her eyes, her thoughts. This feature is characteristic of almost all works of the author. We will learn about the feelings of other characters through letters. They also contribute to the further disclosure of the characters of certain actors. So, in one of the letters we will learn about the essence of Mr. Wickham. Through it, the inner world of Mr. Darcy itself is revealed.


At that time, married was calculated. Roughly speaking, if the party is beneficial for the future and for the family, then nothing to talk about. Wedding will be. Get married, marry love - rarity for people of that time. The book is devoted to this problem: the heroine is stubbornly defended its right to dispose of his feelings. Perhaps this work the writer wanted to show that to defend his desire to marry love is not so bad. Yes, there will be a misunderstanding from society, but on the other hand there will be no difficulty of living in the company not a particularly beloved person.

Despite the surrounding pressure, as the example of a heroine proves to us, it is worth being faithful to themselves. If you feel that you do it right, that your feelings are not deceived, and you understand that otherwise you will be worse, it means that you need to continue to be confident in this and do not succumb to the provocations of other people. Only so you can stay happy and watch a hard man who cannot be broken with other people's opinions.

Main characters and their characteristics

  1. The main heroine of the novel is Elizabeth Bennet - A judicious girl who knows exactly what she wants. Lizzy, as gentlely calls her father, is not able to adapt to whose desires. She is ready to go against the views of the majority, if she is sure that the decision proposed by them will not bring her happiness. Despite the sound mind, it is not devoid of light and cheerful lava. He loves to swear and laugh, favorably refers to the whims of their family. It is not so perceptive, but this is her charm. Over time, she will be able to see the true face of people near. She judges them on the basis of the first impression, but also can easily change his opinion when it will understand what was mistaken in man.
  2. Mr. Darcy - Another main character. Its image is complicated from the main features of a rich and decent man. It combines nobility with arrogance, a big mind with negligence, closed behavior with a big heart. For Mr. Darcy is characterized by a different education, rather than for Elizabeth Bennet. He is a man of noble blood, belongs to another level of society. It honors all restrained, neat and clear. He does not understand the life of a small town. Initially, it seems as if this hero is a negative character, but during the narrative its image is revealed. It becomes clear that despite the betrayal of a friend, who was like a brother, despite the fact that he was difficult to take his feelings for Elizabeth, he showed his nobility, he helped Miss Lydia Bennet without any personal gain. He is the ideal of many girls.
  3. Topics and problems

    1. Obviously, it affects problem pridewhich becomes a barrier between lovers or close people. She destroys the feelings, makes resist and feel the absolute "ram" from the fact that you stand in a dead end and you do not want to move from a place at least per millimeter. You see only the wall in front of you, but if you strain and look aside, you can see that this wall is easy to get around, it is only worth understanding that pride does not mean when it turns into pride and arrogance focused by prejudice.
    2. The problem of social inequality and, as a result, prejudice. Jane Austin has quite successfully changed the name of the book. After all, in essence, it makes you think, who is proud of them, and who is prejudiced. Mr. Darcy took the pride of Elizabeth, saying that she was not so beautiful, and smart to be able to make him a company in dance. Mr. Darcy is just prejudified on Lizzy because of her family and the first impression. It seems to him that the woman who is below him by origin and having such "strange" relatives cannot be next to him. But all this can be turned in the opposite direction. Mr. Darcy is too proud to notice Elizabeth at all and show at least a drop of condescension to her, and Elizabeth is too prejudiced about his behavior in society, because he behaved very arrogant and arrogant. She had a certain opinion on his account, therefore, she was already prejudiced and could not see something more serious and other in it.
    3. Again and again the author affects the topic of the influence of other people on the opinion and action of a person. So, Mr. Bingley was seriously affected by Mr. Darcy. He himself, who did not make sure of his own arguments, assured the poor beloved that Jane was not particularly interested in it as in the future his beloved spouse, rather, she simply worries the desire to marry, to quickly satisfy the inquiries of her mother and leave their native home. But at the same time, Jane was a thinner in kind, which thoroughly hid his feelings so as not to seem like a frivolous one.
    4. From this one can withdraw another small problem disclosed in this work - character closed problem. Hide your feelings so much that the beloved either a drop does not recognize about reciprocity - it is not always good. But this is the personal matter of everyone. Too individually.
    5. Also to some extent affected theme of family and upbringing. Relations between Jane and Lizzy are excellent propaganda for modern society. Friendship between sisters, respectful attitude towards parents, love between parents, Share of humor - all this combination of ideal components that form a strong communication in the family. Although their middle sister Mary was very different in character from the other two, she was loved. The family is multicracter and so good. In addition, children were brought up independently Mrs. Bennet, without governess. For higher society, this is an indicator of the recklessness, but, nevertheless, she coped and raised decent daughters. Although Miss Lydi and did not quite disagree the waiting of the mother. Perhaps indeed because of not enough education, it has grown so frivolous.
    6. Meaning

      The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is that all our people prejudices do not matter when it comes to love. A man desperately scores the head with these viruses, poisoning any feelings. If you understand all this, then only emotions remain. And this is the most important thing. Mr. Darcy, like Elizabeth Bennet, was entangled in his own pride and prejudices, but, loying them to overcome them, became absolutely happy.

      In addition, the writer invested in his heroine volitional traits, showing the ladies of his age example. Elizabeth knows the price, despite the poverty of the family. She is not going to trade by himself at the bride fair, just to get a coacter. She drives the dignity of which she does not forget about for a minute. This woman is free from greed and influence from the side. Posing such a virtuous and independent heroine, the author taught a lesson to his contemporaries, which is not a sin to repeat today, because the mercantile and slave girls are sometimes surrounded by all for the sake of promotion on the social staircase.


      Jane Austin's novels are always heard. Even at the present time, her books are recognized by the benchmark of English prose around the world. "Pride and Prejudice" takes the second line in the top of the "200 best books according to BBC". In 2013, the 200th anniversary of the work was noted around the world. Even famous editions like The Huffington Post, The New York Times and The Daily Telegraph took part in the celebration.

      The first edition of the book was successful among the public and critics. Lord Bairon's wife, Anna Isabella Byron, called this work "fashionable novel." George Henry Lewis, a famous critic and a reviewer, also spoke with a positive criticism of this work.

      But, nevertheless, there were those who fully criticized this novel. So, Charlotte Bronte in a letter to Lewis, compared Roman Austin with a cultivated garden with neat borders, delicate flowers, where there is no hill, open area. In other words, the writer did not have enough of something burning and refreshing in work. Charlotte Bronte believed that the novel did not deserve a drop of laudatory feedback and admirations. She reproached Austin in the inability to see the life of his people, what it is. There are some more negative reviews about the work from famous people, but perhaps it is better to have their own opinion about the book. After reading it, you can love or hate this novel, but you must admit that this is a classic in the literature that you need to know and be able to understand.

      Jane Austin herself in a letter to his sister said that he was greatly worried that the novel went too "sunny and sparkling," she wanted to make it stricter and more correct.

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"Pride and Prejudice" (Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice") about the life of the English nobility and the relationship between the various layers of the highest society.

Brief content of the novel "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austin
Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice" describes the life of the English nobility in the outback about two hundred years ago. Not far from the estate of the Bennets family, a new neighbor Mr. Bingli is settled. Bingly young, good and rich - it makes it a welcome fiance for unmarried ladies in the surrounding area. Together with Mr. Bingli, Mr. Darcy came to his friend, too young, well-educated and rich man.

Mrs. Bennets passionately wishes to marry Bingli his daughter Jane, well educated, honest and innobile girl. Young people are very quickly soaked with sincere sympathy to each other. But between Mr. Darcy and his sister, Jane Elizabeth surrounds the spark of mutual rejection: Mr. Darcy carelessly declares that Bennets are people not his circle, and Elizabeth considers it inflated and excessively important.

Mr. Bingley's sister and her friends adopted Jane very well, considering her the only decent attention to the daughter of Bennets. They began to provide her signs of attention and invite to themselves. Once, Jane went to Bingly and fell under the rain. She fell ill and selfless Elizabeth came to Bingly and cared for a few days for his sister. Elizabeth saw that only one Mr. Bingley takes sincere participation in Jane. Elizabeth became the factor of Mr. Darcy's close attention, which began to find it charming, but did not show it. Elizabeth was increasingly approved in the opinion that Darcy belongs to her badly. Lizzy's opinion about Darcy becomes even worse when she meets Mr. Weekem, who grew up with Darcy. Weekem said that Darcy broke the will of his father and deprived his church arrival, which was promised to Wickham by the father of Darcy.

At the same time, their relatives Mister Collins arrive at the Bennets. It was he who should get the estate of Bennetov after Mr. Bennett's death, since Collins is the only relative of the male. Mr. Collins is a decent, well-educated, but completely stupid and not far away. He came to bennetes in order to wipe on one of the daughters of Bennet. His choice falls on Lizzy and he makes her an offer. Lizzy categorically refuses to great displeasure Mrs. Bennet. Collins after a few days makes a suggestion of the best friend Lizzy Charlotte Lucas. That proposal takes to the great surprise of Lizzy. Soon the wedding played and the newlyweds leave the Collins House.

Bingly goes to London on affairs, but does not return. Soon of the estate and his sister with a friend is leaving. It breaks the plans by Mrs. Bennet on the marriage of Jane and inflicts a deep heart wound Jane, who sincerely fifth the tendency to Bingly. Jane rides to visit relatives to London to disperse a bit. And Lizzy goes to Collins, where Catherine de Bour, Aunt Mr. Darcy takes them. She is sure that Darcy should marry her daughter. Soon, Mr. Darcy arrives in the estate of Catherine de Bour, with his cousin Mr. Fitsuilyam. In communicating with Fitsuiliam Lizzi, he learns that Darcy took part in the fate of Bingley in order to protect him from an unequal marriage. Lizzy realized that it was about her sister and even stronger began to hate Darcy. Darcy does not avoid the Lizzy society at all and once is to her and admits in his big love for her and arrogantly asks her hands. Stunned Lizzy categorically rejects his proposal of the hand and hearts, accusing him in interference in the affairs of her sister and a dishonest act in relation to the weekem.

Darcy takes a negative answer of Lizzy, but transfers his explanations in the letter. In it, he writes that Jane and Bingli will upset about the fact that he was not convinced of the sincere affection by Jane to his friend. He also draws Lizzy's attention to completely tactless behavior in the society Mrs. Bennet and three younger sisters Jane and Lizzy (Lydia, Kitty and Mary). He explains the situation with the weekem, which, it turns out, refused the church coming in exchange for a large amount of money, which he used to entertain, bush and idle lifestyle. Elizabeth raised a direct and honest letter of Darcy, but for the first time she forced to agree with Darcy and looked at him for the first time without prejudice.

Elizabeth returns home, and a little later leaves to London to relatives in order to take part in their journey in England. They attend many places and once cause a visit to the estate Darcy. They are sure that it is not there. They spend a lot of time there and get the most flattering reviews about Darcy. Soon he himself appears unexpectedly. Young people are very surprised. Both are feeling together, but both are not shown. Darcy behaves completely different: he is very trapped, kind, responsive, spends a lot of time in the society of relatives Elizabeth, who previously considered people below herself. Darcy introduces Elizabeth with his sister Georgiana, and they quickly converge. The renewal of Darcy relations and Elizabeth is forced to break the news that Sister Elizabeth Lydia runs away with the weekem. Elizabeth is confident that Darcy will not be able to communicate with Elizabeth after such a family shame.

Mr. Bennet goes to look for Lidia. Uncle Elizabeth is connected to the search, but unsuccessfully. Mr. Bennet returns home and soon receives news that Weekem is ready to marry Lydia in exchange for the selection of her inheritance. After the wedding, the young people come to the house of Bennets to say goodbye to another place, where the Wickham service passes. Elizabeth finds out that it was Darcy who found fugitives and forced weekem to marry, paying him a significant amount of money. Elizabeth understands that she is in love with Darcy, but she understands that the preservation of his feelings towards her is very unlikely.

Suddenly, Bingly returns to the village and makes Jane's proposal, it turned out that young people retain gentle feelings to each other. Elizabeth understands that he did not cost without Darcy. She gazes how he belongs to it, but does not come to unequivocal conclusions. Suddenly, Catherine de Bourg comes to the bennetes and arranges Elizabeth interrogation with regard to Darcy. Elizabeth refuses to promise that Darcy's proposal will not accept, what leads Mrs. de Bour to rage. Soon after, Darcy arrives to Bennis and makes Lizzy's re-proposal. He says that Lizzy's first refusal changed him. Lizzy also says that she revised her opinion on Darcy and with joy takes his proposal. Thus was destroyed by the prejudice of Lizzy and Darcy crossed through his pride.

Roman "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austin ends with a description of how the further life of the main characters was set up: Jane and Bingley are happy, no less happy and Lizzy with Darcy. Marriage Lydia and Weekem did not learn to something good.

Roman "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austin, as follows from the name, about pride and prejudice that prevented the happiness of people. The true love of the main characters overcomes the different position in society, and the negative attitude of relatives and friends, and different financial capabilities, and many different conventions.

In addition to the main characters, I was interested in the character of Mr. Benneta, a smart person, everything is correctly understood and interpreting. His incorrect selection of his wife and lifestyle led to the fact that his potential wasted wasted: he did not profit of wealth, did not make careers, he does not like his wife and perfectly understands that his younger three daughters are stupid and ignorant.

The novel also describes quite detail the social foundations of the time.

Very nice book. I read in one breath. Roman "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austin from those books, when you can't stop, until you read, but, after reading, you feel sorry that everything ended. I highly recommend reading the novel "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austin. In the short list of the best books of 2014 for my own version.

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As in other novels, the life of the province's life is in the spotlight. Osten narrows the circle of acting persons, while paying more attention to the problem of nature formation under the influence of circumstances. Visits, balls, walks, travel are the main circle of characters. Special importance writer takes the value of class and property interests. Attention to a person from others is not connected with his mind, appearance, but with the news of 10 thousand annual income (Darcy) or a message about the house in London, the fourth of horses and 5 thousand annual income (Bingli). Family calculations, very detailed, there is in this novel, as in all the other. Bingley with contempt relate to Jane and Elizabeth due to low origin. The characters of the heroes of multifaces. But sometimes she uses satirical generalizations, sharpens the dominant traction of character. Mrs. Bennet has a manic passion, attach to daughters. She deprives her common sense. She is delighted even marriage Lydia. At the same time, it does not think about the circumstances of the conclusion of marriage, or about the moral qualities of their tight.

For Osten, the narrow world of its novels is a miniature image of English society. Osten believes that the well-being of others depends on each personality, the person is responsible in his behavior in front of other people. Therefore, the writer attaches great importance to the problem of compliance with generally accepted moral and ethical norms. It is not by chance that Darcy admits Elizabeth that her words about what he behaved wrong, "as he likes a noble man," the pain caused him and forced him to change his behavior. Having learned about the shoot of Lydia with Weekem, Darcy considers himself guilty of what happened, since "false pride" prevented him to expose the weekem to the time. The meaning of the name is associated with the images of ch. Lizi and Darcy images. It is they who are in power pride and prejudice towards each other. Both heroes rise over their medium. They are smart, formed, insightful. Elizabeth is aware of the lack of mother, younger sisters. But her pride vulne the arrogance of Darcy towards her and her family. Darcy feels his excellency over the environment. Love for Elizabeth makes his pride suffer. The images of ch. Heroev are due to the author's ideal personality. The writer does not take a complete abandonment of common sense, as it is characteristic of Lydia, neither dry rationalism, as is peculiar to Mary Bennet. By Osten, the feeling and mind should be in harmony. And pride and prejudice are a retreat from a reasonable norm. Darcy does not correctly behave behaves in the relationship of Jane, it seems to him that it is indifferent to Bingle. Influenced by the circumstances are the complex evolution. An important role is played by the non-resident of Wickham, who seduced Lidia. The awareness of their own delusions leads heroes to mutual understanding and love. The novel ends with weddings. This is traditionally a happy end, for a coherent marriage - a definite completion. Of particular importance to the problems of upbringing. She believes that the person can change under the influence of the environment and circumstances. This happens to Darcy.

Brightly manifested features of artistic manner D.OSEN

1. Laconism and restraint. There are no detailed descriptions, deployed characteristics, rare are landscape sketches. Outside the heroes can be judged only on the basis of comments around.

2. The events of the novel appear through the perception of Elizabeth or become news from letters and dialogues. Reception of incomprehensive - direct speech contributes to the disclosure of the inner world Elizabeth.

3. The writer identifies the essence of the characters of the spouses of Bennet, the features of their relationship. At the same time, it creates an atmosphere of the English. Provinces. In a conversation with her husband, the limitations of Mrs. Bennet is revealed. Its speech is straightforward, frank. From the replica Mr. Benneta, a conseciously dismissible attitude towards the spouse is seen. The presence of the author is manifested only in remarks, interconnecting characters, in brief remarks at the beginning and at the end of the chapter. But both Osten is hidden for generally accepted judgments. The author's voice sounds in this phrase "No matter how few of the intentions and views of such a person have been known after he settled in a new place, this truth is so firmly mastered by the minds nearby living families that they immediately begin to look at the legitimate production of that Idrug neighbor daughter. "

22. "Mystery of the Bronte family" "Gen Air"

Creative fate of sisters Bronte, their tragically painted brief life, pronounced talent and to this day worry the minds of readers and critics. The central theme of their creativity has always been a person in the process of her self-discharge. In terms of spiritual and intellectual, the strongest was the influence of the Father, Patrick Bronte, who survived all his children (there were 6 Maria and Elizabeth died from Chakhotka) All children died early in 30 or 30 years of life. Father was a priest. Their house was in the cemetery, in the winds. Patrick was formed, but was closed and harsh. Mother died from tuberculosis. Charlotte did not live to 40.) By tradition, the whole family was going on a family table, where the events of modern political, literary and cultural life were discussed in the presence of children. Newspapers, magazines were discharged annually. The children joined poetry, were very proud of the modest collections, who published their father. Drawing lessons gave an artist-professional, and the earned work testify to talent especially Patrick Jr. The influence on the sisters was - 1. Bible.2. Shakespeare's drama, 3. Arab fairy tales, V. Scott's novels in the preface to his first novel "Teacher" Charlotte strongly emphasized that he is dedicated to real life. The book was written more on autobiagrikic material and in it reflected creative manners of writer heroes belonging to it To a specific social settlement, theme motives.

The features of romanticism are traced in the novel, the influence of which affects not only in the interest of the writer to fatal human passions, but also in the language, its characteristic romantic picture, in the landscape, invariably accompanying events and experiences of heroes

Jane Air "is a social and psychological romance of upbringing. A consistently revealing spiritual evolution of the heroine, a narrative of the formation of a one-piece, proud and strong character of Jane. The novel is often called autobiographical, although facial and events depicted in it are not directly related to the author's life. The history of life Jen Eir is the fruit of artistic fiction, but the world of her inner experiences is definitely close to Sh. Bront. "Jane Eir" is built on the compositional laws "Roman Education". Everything that happens to Jane Eyre, - episodes in the life evolution of the heroine, coming through the struggle, suffering and difficulties to comprehend the debt, and from this comprehension to happiness. The first stage of the world's education of Jane's stay in the house of the aunt Miss Reed is a rich aristocratic paint on aristocratic traditions, but above all the loving money, the first stage of the education of Jane ends with the placement of the heroine in Lockwood - guesthouse for orphans of poor priests. This episode also ends with a rebellion: Jane leaves school-prison and finds the place of governess. From the moment of arrival, Jane in Rochester's castle begins the third - and the main one for the author's episode - a thornfilmous image of the madman rochester and the mysterious incidents in his castle resemble the Gothic novels of the XVIII century, which Bronte's sisters were read. In the work of Sh. Bronte, a special mobility of the ideological and aesthetic face between romanticism and realism was manifested. This feature manifested itself in those artistic and stylistic means she used in portrait images of their characters. The specificity of the verbal portrait, like a portrait in painting, is determined primarily by direct handling to the individuality of a certain person. Accuracy, or how to say portrait similarity is an integral accessory of the genre.

genre "Jane Eyre" combines the features of an autobiographical and socio-psychological novel. Combined here and the realistic and romantic principles of the letter. All connected in the novel with the image of the birth and development of the feeling of Jane to the Rochester, as well as the wreck of hopes for the exercise of the heroine with his beloved, has great emotional potential and executed by the author under the obvious impact of the romantic poems of Bairon and the "Gothic" novel, the feeling of Jane to the Rochester passes through Scary tests, but gets happy completion. Hence the replacement in the final of the Jewish desired, and this should have pushed the armor to appeal to romantic samples. She could not write the history of Love Jane to the Rochester, especially the love of Rochester to Jane, without changing the realistic method and realistic letters. The second topic was created by Bronte-realist, which admired Tekkrey as a master of realism and sought him to imitate. The real people of England in the middle of the XIX century and the characters typical of various seats of society, tear into the "Jane Air" romantic from realistic impossible: the book is perceived in her artistic unity, and in this unity its power. But it is very important to figure out the formation of a bizarre alloy of two pathos, two very different trends in the book. Most of the novel, almost entirely fit into the picture of the romantic novel, partly even "Gothic". His allegorical accompaniment is romantic: Djane's dreams, broken up with lightning tree and the like. Thus, it can be said that in the work of Sh. Bronte, a special movement of the ideological and aesthetic face between romanticism and realism was manifested. This feature manifested itself in those artistic and stylistic means she used in portrait images of their characters.

Today name Jane Austen Familiar, at least for rumor, the absolute majority of people from developed countries. And not forcing themselves to wait for the association offering the phrase "female novels". And although traditionally women are read more often and more, in a Russian-speaking, in any case, society has formed a purely male, a bit arrogant, a position, the rank of works of this subgenar to the literature of the second grade. Although almost certainly, about the frivolism of "pride and prejudices", you will hear from lazy people who will find a hundred exclusiveness so as not to take any book. Personally, I always openly and with interest, proceed to the iconic works of literature in order to compare the current opinion and your own beliefs. Before you go to the analysis of the read, I will think it seems to me, an important remark. In order not to get confused, you need to remember that in domestic publications you can meet the following commodity transfer options: " Pride and pride"And" Pride and prejudice" In addition, it is not worth confused by an affair with another product of the author, a similar character, "feeling and sensitivity" ("Mind and feeling") - in university years I, then did not have copies, Putul.

What does your expressive remark mean, madam? He asked with surprise. - Do you think a nonsense custom, according to which, before dealing with an unfamiliar person, should he be presented to you? Or do you not like the existing order of such a presentation?

If we talk about the sensations accompanying reading PRIDE & PREJUDICE, then they can be commemmed with the easiest reader abstraction from the outside world, outside the pages of the book. Someone this comparison will seem strange, but as if they get acquainted with a fantastic work. Not in the sense that the rolled history appeals to boldly fiction - just with each decade creative Universe Jane Austin And the society that live in it becomes something expressive, acquire the most romantic notes, often alien to modern globalization and information dependence in which we are accustomed to live. The heroine of the novel lives, guided by the concepts that most people who have taken the book. And although family Bennet. It feels an indulgent attitude from the rich aristocracy of the province, they are also noble people. Thus, throughout those hours that we will check with the characters of the novel, we touch the life english aristocracy early XIX in Her literary diversity. Moreover, the author did not have to go far for inspiration - she surrounded the fictional history of concrete people, quite real attributes that were well acquainted.

If you pronounce a well-known rhetorical question: what a book can teach us, then "pride and pride" is one of the highest quality works, which is at the heart of the history of which lies such a concept as morality. A young girl can whole life compromise himself and become an object for contempt and ridicule, if you go to a horseback walk with an unfamiliar young man, or agree to communicate with him in the house, without the presence of parents. Gentleman is obliged to provide attention and location to the participants of the score, so that none of them finds itself on the side of attention this evening. Family that can lose the right to their property, due to bureaucratic conventions, does not consider intrigue, incitement and deception. Someone, such a social chastity will seem excessive and alien, but we are just so accustomed to liberalism, you used to close your eyes for immorality, debauchery, which can work a protective response of our own beliefs. I am not about biblical sins and superstitions of the Bronze Age, but about self-esteem.

When she reached the place where he was severely and at the same time, the shortcomings of her relatives were deservedly convicted, the feeling of shame became more acute. She understood the justice of the reproach expressed in the letter to try to refute them.

The storyline affects the well-being of the Bennet family living in hartfordshire countythat gives a good sense of the reality of the happened. In the house where five young girls live, naturally, the main headache of the mother and, to a lesser degree of his father, is the device of their future life. Roman presented us at once a few fascinating images and Elizabeth Bennet It is considered an example of a strong female image in world literature. She is really a rebellion, without inflection rejecting pressure on the outside, including the denial of public censure. We will spend most of the work in its campaign, although the scale of events covers other sisters and persons involved in their fate. For example, the older sister Jane causes just attacks of sympathy and empathy, as an incredibly light and open, vulnerable image. Performs one of the faces of eternal rivalry between good and evil.

A separate meaningful mention deserves the main male character who became title. In case of Mr. DarcyAs the hero of the novel "Pride and Prejudice", his glory, as they say, is ahead of him. The young man shows the prudence and composure of the mind that does not pecrately characteristic of him. Throughout the whole part of the work, where Darcy is present, his actions and behavior, sharply contrasting even with the best friend, Charles Bingly, cause a mixture of emotions - from the censure to admiration. A small volume of the Austin book provides a certain saturation of what is happening and here frankly I do not want to skip some separate parts.


1 Electronic Scientific Journal "Apriori. SERIA: Humanitarian sciences »Copyright features Jane Austin in the novel" Pride and Prejudice "Lopukhova Elena Borisovna Student Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky Arzamas Abstract. The article presents the results of the study of the specifics of the copyright style Jane Austin, manifested in the novel "Pride and Prejudice". The text of the article covers the theme and problematic of the novel, the image of the Victorian England illustrated by the writer is analyzed. Also in the material of the study presents cases of the most interesting stylistic solutions Jane Austin in the process of creating a special pattern of the work. Keywords: literary analysis, subject, problems, shaped work system, stylistic reception. Features of Author s Style of Jane Austen in the novel "Pride and Prejudice" Lopukhova Elena Borisovna Student Nizhny Novgorod State University Of N.I. Lobachevsky Arzamas Abstract. RESULTS OF THE RESERCH OF JANE AUSTEN AUTHOR S STYLE SPECIFICS SHOWN IN THE NOVEL "PRIDE AND PREJUDICE" ARE PRESENTED IN ARTICLE. The Subject And A Perspective of The Novel Are Covered in The Text of the Article; The Image of The Victorian England Illustrated by The Writer Is Analyzed. Also The Cases of The Most Interesting Jane Austen S Stylistic Decisions in the Process of Creation A Special Figusentive in Material of the We Resench. Keywords: Literary Analysis, Subject, Perspective, Figurative System of The Novel, Stylistic Device. one

2 To date, it is difficult to find an area that would remain unemployed with the Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice". This novel is the most famous work of the writer, and one of the most famous literature in the entire history. The popularity of the novel is due to a variety of factors: it reveals the actual problems of society, they are addressed to interesting topics. And, of course, all this is written in an interesting language, which determines the author's style of Jane Austin. Despite the large number of works dedicated to the novel "Pride and Prejudice", some aspects remained unexplored to this day. In this regard, there is a need for a deeper research. Roman "Pride and Prejudice has a thematic manifold." It is closely intertwined by different problems and the interests of society. In the novel, considerable attention is paid to the social customs and nuts of the highest class of England began the beginning of the XIX century. So, to one of the most common social customs drawn Lady Catherine: "Young Women Should Always Be Properly Guarded and Attended, According to their Situation in Life." "Pride and Prejudice" contains one of the most cherished love stories in English literature: Criting Darcy for Elizabeth. The theme of love between the main heroes of the leitmotif is passing through the novel. The emergence between Darcy and Elizabeth mutual and tender love, apparently, implies that Austin considers it as something independent of social forces as something that can be caught if only an individual can avoid distorting effects of a hierarchical society. Along with the theme of love, it is also advisable to allocate the topic of marriage. The work is clearly covered by the idea that marriage and love do not always go there. The first one who became famous, the phrase of the novel sounds 2

3 As follows: "IT IS A Truth Universally Acknowledged Than A Single Man in Possession of a Good Fortune Must Be in Want Of A Wife." It is thanks to this phrase that the reader understands the importance of marriage, which he endowed with the structure of the Society of Victorian England. In a society that demonstrates Austin, the reputation determines a person: the way out of social norms makes the personality vulnerable to Ostrakism. The situation that occurred with one of the heroines of Roman Lidia demonstrates the importance of reputation most brightly. Thus, the reputation is another theme of the novel. Jane Austin comprehensively illuminated the problem of the classiness of Victorian England. The writer appeals to satire when describing class consciousness, especially in the Collins character most of his time, a man spends on to worship his high-ranking patron, Lady Catherine de Burg. One of the most striking markers pointing to class consciousness can be traced in the following words: "Lady Catherine Is Far from Requiring That Elegance of Dress In Us Which Becomers Herself and Her Daughter. I Could Advise You Merely To Put On Whatever Of Your Clothes IS Superior to the Rest There Is No Occasion for Anything More. Lady Catherine Will Not Think The Worse of You for Being Simply Dressed. She Likes to Have the Distinction of Rank Preserve. " Lady Catherine, which is the personification of the "Higher Society" in the novel, pays special attention to the appearance of people, she likes the social difference, and it would be so clear that they would be expressed even in clothes. Jane Austin Through the set of images and actions of heroes demonstrated the hierarchical construction of society, the inequality of its members, the presence of a large number of prejudice. One of the most common prejudices meant that not every marriage could be concluded. The position of the woman was insignificant they had a small power in making independent decisions. 3.

4 It is quite obvious that Jane Austin considers such a society unproductive, and therefore it is invisibly ridiculed throughout the work. The content of the novel is of interest to the reader not only because of the saturation of the events, but also due to the truthful presentation of the problems of society. However, as already noted earlier, not only the content, but also the stylistic design of the work is very specific and interesting for literary research. An analysis of the composition of the product demonstrates its canonism. The hook occurs from the very first line of the novel; The first action demonstrates characters and features of their relationship. With the first point of the plot, the recipient is faced when after the ball in the park Nifefield, Darcy and Caroline convince Bingli to return to London and forget about his growing love for Jane. The deviation of the motives and character reactions completely changes the situation of history, since several well-known characters with which Bennet interact is no longer in the neighborhood. The prompting event is undoubtedly becoming the arrival of Bingley and Darcy in Meriton. The central point of the plot can be called the moment when Darcy makes the proposal of the main heroine, which, in turn, rejects it. The third story point can be marked at the event when Lydia runs away with Mr. Wickham. The climax of the work comes when two main characters are finally united and recognized their love to each other. After the climax, Jane Austin binds all the free ends in several neat scenes, which include the reaction of the Benneta on their engagement: "Her Father Was Walking ABOUT THE ROOM, Looking Grave and Anxious. "Lizzy, Said He, What Are You Doing? Are you out of your senses, to be accepting this man? Haven't You Always HATED HIM? ". This moment can be called resolution. Despite the well-standard composite design, 4

5 Jane Austin still brings some specifics in the novel, as, for example, a fairly fast disclosure of each character. All events in the novel "Pride and Prejudice" are related and consistent, which allows the most effectively not only to reveal the plot and character characters, but also the problem of the work. Jane Austin managed to create an ambiguous pattern of characters in the work. In the process of reading the recipient faces different personalities, their characters, habits, advantages and disadvantages. Elizabeth Bennet is the main character, and it is represented as a beautiful, intelligent and noble girl. Darcy is a peculiar men's copy of Elizabeth. The remaining characters can be called secondary, but none of them repeats: the writer managed to create a specific image for each of them. There is some symbolism in the novel, expressed through the estate. When Lizzy gets to the estate of Rozhings, it is definitely impressed: "Handsome, Modern Building With A Nice Park<...> Enumeration of the Windows In Front Of The Glazing Altogether Had Cost Sir Lewis de Bourgh. After visiting Pemberly Elizabeth demonstrates a completely different reaction: "It Was a Large, Handsome Stone Building, standing Well on Rising Ground, and Backdown by A Ridge of High Woody Hills; And in Front, A Stream Of Some Natural Importance Was Swelled Into Greater, Butat Any Artificial Appearance<...>. THEY WERE ALL OF THEM WARM IN THEIR ADMIRATION; AND AT THAT MOMENT SHE FELT THAT TO BE MISTRESS OF PERBERLEY MIGHT BE SOMETHING! " . The magnificence of the Manor Pemberrly is combined with its naturalness, and therefore it is the symbol of Darcy itself in the novel. At first glance, Lady Catherine and Darcy look pretty similar: they are both arrogant, cold and proud. But, thanks to their estates, the reader understands that inside they are completely different people. Also, the symbol of the work are letters. In the novel, where oral word 5

6 manages everything, and where personal thoughts do not have a significant reflection on the page, letters are peculiar "reserves" for the inner life of characters. Ball is a kind of allegory in the novel. It is at such events in Victorian England a satellite of life was carried out. Ballas is a way of forming, strengthening and verifying community links. The stylistic intake of irony is filled with all the work. As a rule, it is used to rinse the characters and their narrow views. For example, the writer uses Irony to describe Mrs. Bennet in an even more ridiculous light when she says with Elizabeth about her unstable hopes regarding Jane: "Well, My Comfort Is, I Am Sure Jane Will Die of a Broken Heart, and then he Will Be Sorry for What He Has Done. This ironic application demonstrates inappropriate values \u200b\u200bthat Mrs. Bennet possesses. Jane Austin also uses Satira to emphasize the ridiculous norms of society. So, for example, in the next scene, Austin demonstrates the surprise of the appearance of Elizabeth, whose robe is contrary to the subtle society's ideas: "With Weary Ankles, Dirty Stockings, and a face glowing with the warmth of exercise. She Was Shown Into The Breakfast-Parlour, Where All But Jane Were Assembled, And Whereer Her Appearance Created A Great Deal Of Surprise ». The metaphor and the figurative comparison are found almost on each page of the work: "... If You Lament Over Him Much Longer, My Heart Will Be AS Light As a Feather." In this example, a comparison of the Elizabeth of his heart is detected with a feature. The hyperbole is also quite often found in the text of the work. So, for example, through the hyperbole, the narrator explains how much 6

7 Strong Mr. Bennet misses her daughter: "HIS Affection for Her Drew Him Oftener from Home Than Anything Else Could Do". The use of contrast allows Jane Austin to solve a number of communicative tasks, one of which is to create a figurative system: "Bingley Was Sure of Being Liked Wherever He Appeared, Darcy Was Continually Giving Offense". From the mention of the "offensive" qualities of Darcy, the positive qualities of the second character, bingli, only increase. It provokes the reader to build its own images of these characters, as well as on understanding why people like Bingli much more than Darcy, as demonstrated at the beginning of the novel. With the help of alliteration, Jane Austin enhances the importance of thoughts and actions of characters, which allows the recipient to remember the most significant moments of the narrative: "From the Farther Disadvantage of Lydia S Society She Was of Course Carefully Kept". Antiposis details new circumstances, which should be known to each family: "I Wish I Could Say, for the Sake of Her Family." A dictionary that Jane Austin uses in his work is archaic, which is quite natural for the spelling period. It should also be noted that the writer alternates the supply of different lengths: the first short, the second is longer. This alternation of proposals creates the necessary structure, as if short proposals are used excessively, the text becomes "wave-like", difficult to understand. The length of the offer allows the reader to smoothly read the novel. The style selected Jane Austin was defined to create templates and values \u200b\u200bfrom the structure of supply and use of vocabulary. The study allows you to highlight the main features of the copyright style Jane Austin, among which the special place takes 7

8 humorous, criticizing class society, and significant symbolism that can be called a specific literary strategy of the writer. A combination of objective logical and expressive-stylistic information that the writer was supposed to determine its specificity, allocating among the number of other novels and making it one of the most significant in world literature. List of used sources 1. AUSTEN J. PIDE AND PREJUDICE. San-Francisco: Ignatus Press, p. 2. Toolan M. Language in Literature: An Introduction to Stylistics. London: Hodder Arnold, p. 3. Macdonagh O. Jane Austen: Real and Imagined Worlds. New Haven: Yale University Press, p. 4. Filipenko S.A. The difficulties of philological analysis of text. Voronezh: aspect, p. 5. Galperin I.R. Experiments of stylistic analysis (in English). M.: Higher School, p. 6. Galperin I.R. Text as an object of a linguistic study. M.: Science, p. Apriori. SERIA: Humanitarian sciences Mass media EFS ISSN

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