Sevastopol Biker noted New Year in Nigeria. How to celebrate New Year in Africa? Traditions How to celebrate New Year in Nigeria

Sevastopol Biker noted New Year in Nigeria. How to celebrate New Year in Africa? Traditions How to celebrate New Year in Nigeria

Biker from Sevastopol Victor Gubrienko, who went in October in a world-world single journey on a motorcycle, got to Africa and celebrated the New Year in Nigeria.

At the end of November, V.Gabrenko on the nicknamed "Romantic", which started on October 12, safely reached the African continent. Unlike a calm European stage of travel, a trip to Africa is full of dramatic adventures, which Biker tells in his Internet diary.

In Mauritania, he was almost burned alive. V.Gabrenko stopped overnight next to the police post in the desert and broke the tent. He practically fell asleep when unknown persons were pulled out of his tent, put a rag in his mouth impregnated with a powder and drove several tires on him. Biker Baycer, the attackers gathered to set fire to him, but it turned out that they had no matches! While they decided how to get the fire, polismen woke up who were driven by unknowns.

From the conversation with the police, it turned out that in the vicinity, "the robber on a motorcycle" was swung, in the dark of the traveler just confused with him.

At another police post, Biker was politely arrested. It turned out in the region where he is going to go, a religious war is going. The police authorities found out for a long time, which makes in their country V.Gabrenko, whether the neighbors are sparing. They believed after viewing the site and the map of the route, gave sign the paper that the traveler takes all responsibility to himself, brought to the border with Mali and let go.

In Benin, romance robbed ... Police.

"For me it was a surprise," writes V.Gabrenko. "When I drove up to a bunch of police posts and a bunch of local assistants, I started searching and checking documents. It seems that everything is fine, but "helpers" are trying to rummage in my baggage while the police are watching my documents. I drive the marauders, but the polismen block me and pull out everything from the pockets. Further more interesting, taking a wallet, the Polisman takes out all the cash out of him and all that was there and shoves himself in his pocket. He throws an empty wallet to me and requires dollars and euros for redeeming documents. In fact, there is a regular robbery. In the end, I took the passport and paper, although I could not leave immediately. "Assistants" demanded money for themselves and did not open the passage ... "

Finally, coping with the thieves of Beninsky polismen, V.Gabrenko joined Nigeria, where he met the New Year and Christmas. But the traveler will write a little later.

Where Victor is passing now, there is often no connection at all, so I live like on a volcano, constantly worried and worry about your husband. Still two years of separation. But nothing, he will succeed, "- I am sure the wife of the traveler Irina Gubrienko.


Europe: Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Italy, France, Andorra, Spain, Portugal, Spain.

Africa: Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togu, Benin, Nigeria.

Heat, palm trees and witchcraft - this is its main components. In each village, the wizards-professionals accelerate clouds and find out the spirits that wait from the coming year.

The correspondent of the first channel Igor Riskin met with Nigerian sorcerers.

Not every village was lucky as this, called the economy. In the dance, even on the occasion of Christian, European holidays, like Christmas and New Year, you can contact your African gods and good spirits asking for well-being. And in ecot there is a completely professional ensemble, which is dancing, i.e., asks much more convincing.

In the shade - plus 30, instead of the Christmas trees - palm trees, but here in Nigeria are also preparing to celebrate the New Year. We can only join us, because to wait for Santa Claus, it seems meaningless "

"Greetings to you, Comrades Masks!" - exclaimed one film hero in a completely different situation. Here masks, of course, personify the powerful spirits under the leadership of the EPO of NTOP itself - a patron of a rabbish dance. It is necessary to dance and beat the drums so that, firstly, the EPO of the NTC was not offended by dancers for negligence, and secondly, the whole district was playing.

And only one acts without a mask, proving that people, although not perfume, but can also something. At least John Udo, a soloist and, speaking to us with our language, artistic director of the ensemble, easily jumps two hours, without reducing the pace, and then a glass can be skipped on the thirty-permanent heat. True, drinking must be divided with spirits and dead ancestors.

John Udo, a soloist of the ensemble: "Let we meet the new year well, we will gather the whole family and how you should be having fun!"

Many Nigerians, adherents of traditional ancient beliefs, believe that the world of living, the world of the dead and the world of spirits coexist and influence each other. In Nigeria, this will explain to you any sorcerer. To them, on the eve of the new year they come often and in an important thing - to know the future.

Okiki sorcerer young, but already glad to be mighty. In his village they say that the Okiki can do, relieve people from misfortunes and treat diseases by spells. In addition, makes different magic little things - maybe stop the rain, and can cause. In general, a sorcerer professional. Okiki explains its abilities very convincingly: he is talking to the Holy Banana with the Spirit named Madoch. Helps the deceased father, also sorcerer. Those, and here it turned out "Father, Son and Spirit," just not holy, but cruel, although the disposable - African idea of \u200b\u200bstrength, "that he always wants evil and always makes benefit." The main thing is to thread and the mastery, and the pope of the dad. Mount to someone who will not do this.

Okchiki, sorcerer: "So one came to me here. I wanted to save the family from the troubles. But he refused to do what he asked the Madoha, and was missing on the way."

Trying to avoid the same fate, we found out that he loves the Madoha and that they prefer in the afterlife world. It turned out that in the living, the dead and the spirits really quite a lot of common preferences.

The sorcerer takes dollars, raises up and shouts: "Dad, everything is in order, we can work!" - This is how this exclamation is translated. Since the Madoch clearly softened, the sorcerer decided to prepare in the coming for the benefit of Russians.

Okiki, sorcerer: "Your country in the new year everything should be good. We will see it and help you with a mas."

How nice, having heard such a new year cooking! The preparations of these in Russia and in Nigeria are largely similar. Everywhere women for the holiday hurry to make a hairstyle. Hairdressers are working here on the air, confident hands of a gossip over the day hundreds of braids. Pigs, by the way, are different, including, for celebrations.

Stella, hairdresser: "We have such a christmas style. At this time we make mosters of fond, but they turn out more."

And we all managed to find, it seems the only thing in Nigeria Santa Claus, he is Santa Claus. Jack at the public basis was going to hang fellow citizens.

"Yes, I heard, this is such a good wizard. Gifts to children brings. So strange to be Nigerian Santa Claus. I'm so shocked now."

However, the Nigerians who fell on the way went to meet eagerly and patiently listened to the moral speeches of Jack Frost.

"I hope that you behaved well well and earned a good new year. On the way back, I'm not gifts for you. Chimneys are not in Nigeria, so I have gifts through the window."

Whether the Nigerian Santa Claus has restrained the word, unknown. But he wanted to believe, because it is this time when it's easy to believe in miracles. New Year, he and in Africa - new.

Nadezhda Ryshev

Abdullahi Yakubu is an extraordinary perceived by the residents of Udmurtia, a widely smiling Santa Claus. Ten years ago, he was bought to Snow Izhevsk, and then to the inferiority of the main storyter. How to celebrate the New Year in Nigeria and why people "fall" when he is near, Abdul told the "" correspondent.

- In fact, in Santa Claus costume, I feel amazingly yourself. It is difficult to explain - you need to experience on your "skull." When I am in this image, and in general, what is there to hide, go down the street in ordinary clothes, people react to me in different ways, but always emotionally. What pleases, at the sight of me, most first are in some shock, but then begin to smile all thirty-two teeth - they say, never have seen such tanned Santa ( laugh). And how are they surprised when I'm also talking to Russian with them! Exotic, in general. What to hide, and at first I at first from such a huge number of white women and men head went around ...

The most interesting question that I often ask me is: "Are you Santa Claus or Santa Claus?" I say: "Santa Claus in Santa Claus costume." In general, double surprise. Nigerian Santa Claus, by the way, is called Father Christmas, literally - Christmas Father.

Before the arrival in Russia, not something about fabulous characters, did not know anything about the country. When I saw next to Santa, another active face - a girl, was shocked! Who else is this? (Abdul's face at this moment expresses sincere bewilderment). Then they explained to me that in Russia Santa Claus traditionally comes to people with her granddaughter Snow Maiden. At first it was stranger for me (where did it come from?), Then you got used to it. I was shocked, but, you understand, everything is different in Russia.

- Santa Claus loves cold, which is obvious from his name. Are you agreeing with the addictions of the character, in the role of which you act?

- Snow? W-ah! Naturally, preparing for the arrival here, I morally prepared for strong frosts. But, as it turned out, not so thorough (laughs). It's really very cold here!

For me, frost is exotic. If the first 23 years I lived actually in constant summer, then the last 10 years - in the mode of sudden drops of temperatures. I like winter: first, there are no insects that rose to bite you; Secondly, if in the summer it is difficult to find a cold room, then winter is warm - at least that! Woven and go to yourself - rejoice in life.

- They say you are able to generate five jokes per minute. For money - seven.

- (after we laughed loudly) I would not say that I am funny. I'm just an energetic and positive person.In the past two years, it has been implemented as a leading in Prague, in different cities of Russia, in Izhevsk recently begun. How it turns out: as a lead I'm already extraordinary, my appearance itself causes a smile in humans. Meanwhile, during the preparation, I do not focus on your appearance, although it works too. Sometimes I'm just trying to express my thoughts, and people already "fall" from the chairs. Have time to pickle only (laughs).

Each laughter gives a certain promise. Vulgar jokes at the event (we, of course, not about the matinees) for me, as they encroach on the personal border of each. Immediately I say if you do not accept my condition, look for another. Each person has the principles for which he cannot cross, personally I perceive the vulgar jokes as a kind of humiliation.

Practice shows that it is impossible to think over everything before the smallest detail. The same scenario for the new year may be the same, but two events will be largely different from each other, because 80% depends on me, the remaining 20 from the public. And he can always go something wrong, so here you need to include improvisation in time.

Not in every city in Russia there are foreigners. But in the process of globalization, on the path of which there is a country, inevitable fluxes of migrants. In Europe, it lasts about 150 years, in Russia approximately 50. The state as a policy is ready for this, the state as a people is not sure. But I am an optimist.

If we talk about things that are unpleasant to me in Russia, then this is a relationship between children and parents. If I look from the point of view of Nigeria, where I come from, there is no respect for the older generation. Sometimes children can shout on their parents or, worse, raise your hand. I can't understand it.

I have no right to demand something from all over Russia, but I have the right to influence my family. My son is still small, but we bring it up in respect for the elders. Our culture is characterized by rigor, everything is somehow more liberal here.

Once I was Muslim, became a Christian.The ISIL organization (a terrorist organization is prohibited in Russia and a number of countries. - Approx. ""), Which is called Boko Haram, not today began their activities. At the end of the last century, I saw different atrocities from their side over women and realized that this was not my religion.

Want you do not want, you believe in any case. Even if you believe that God is not, it is also faith. I believe in Jesus and I have evidence that God is. Stone is not alive, but my God, your God is alive. With confidence I can say that faith does not affect the attitude towards a person. How can I know what my faith is the best and it is she needed to him? I listen, I understand, respect someone else's opinion on religious topics, but I never cease to believe.

Here you can especially not learn and get a diploma. If I did not pass the subject from the first time, three more attempts is given, then the commission will be collected several times for you. Well, even if you (Abdul knocks on the table four times, obviously, wanting to say "Oak Oak")You will pass in any way! Where I come from, the exam in a person who failed him, will take a year later. There are no bypass tracks.

On the exam here, one guy got up and says: "I'm not ready, I will come to re-study." I almost fell from the chair! What is not ready for the exam? How so? You know, I like this education system! Very comfortably (laughs).

In Nigeria, the new year is not so brightly noted, as in Russia. We value more and respect Christmas. Most of December 25 goes to church. Traditionally, on holidays, our mothers prepare a bunch of all sorts of different foods, which, returning after the service, we will get acquainted familiar. I remember somehow twenty different people distributed treats: friends, neighbors, business partners, etc. That is, imagine how much we are given in return. In our culture there is a good tradition - to be able to give and become happy.

Coronous dishes for Christmas - rice and stew. Stew - Meat in Tomato Sauce - Finger Losing! From December 26, powerful parties begin - right Wow! And in Nigeria, bright and spectacular masquerades are arranged. Priests in the villages sometimes call on spirits - it is also very interesting, but quite dangerous.

In addition to all in Nigeria, no holiday, including Christmas, does not work out without music. We are a very musical people, although most have no academic education. We do not know how to sing right, but we can do it (smiles). Maybe I'm wrong breathing, but I sing through the soul. This is the main thing, it is life. The usual text, not livenily by the soul, annoying and deceiving the listening. Melody must be skipped through the heart.

In the coming 2017 on behalf of Santa Claus, I want to wish Izhevchanas of a peaceful sky over head, health and faith. And still be optimists. It is sometimes easier to change their attitude towards a situation than the situation itself. Happy New Year!

d. e.

Always connected with the beginning of a new cycle, new life, new ideas. It feels like every person of our planet, but most brightly all appears on the background of traditions, which are still inextricably linked with nature. Such a phenomenon can be found in Africa, in the cradle of our humanity. How to celebrate the New Year in Africa and what is their celebration different from ours? What traditions are residents of various countries of the Black Continent? What is connected with these and many other questions, read the answers below.

How did this holiday appeared here?

The very first scenario of the new year in Africa appeared in ancient Egypt. It was here that the world's first calendar created, who allowed people to calculate the time not only for hours, but also months. The New Year comes at the end of September, when Neil poured out and blend the shore adjacent to him. On this day, the boat descended on his water. It was placed the statues of God Amon, his wife Mut and son Honsu. The boat furred was the expanses of the river for a whole month, and after the statue, they returned to their temples again. In the remaining tribes of Africa, who did not have a long time, the arrival of the new year nobody noted. After this continent has been turned into a European colony, European traditions moved here. Therefore, the new year in celebrate on January 1, and traditions have a lot in common with Catholic.

What is characterized by modern rites

Before telling detail about how the new year is celebrated in Africa, consider some aspects of the life of the people of this continent. Most of the populated area is located beyond the poverty line, therefore they don't get together. In addition, men most often live in cities, being on earnings, and women with children remain in the villages. For the new year, families are always reunited. Men bring home generous gifts, decorations. Children are dressing the house, decorate palm trees, juniper bushes, other plants (about how we are Christmas tree). A feast and a holiday is satisfied, where various meat delicacies are performed as the main dishes, and self-made black beer. The fact is that on champagne that is sold here only in the capitals, there are no funds from local residents.

Tanzania and Kenya: Features of the celebration

In these countries, the most standard on world standards and the new year is familiar to us in Africa. The traditions of the New Year's celebration here are almost completely borrowed from the Christian world. That is, the celebration takes place on January 1, many residents go to the christmas holidays (as many Catholics and even Orthodox live here. The difference is that not the Christmas tree, but tropical plants, mainly palm trees. In addition, during the calendar winter period, the highest temperature indicators are traced here. Therefore, in the new year, people bathe in the ocean are engaged in windsurfing.

Features of the celebration in South Africa

This country is considered the richest and most developed on the entire continent. But, no matter how cool, only tourists and visitors still live here. How to celebrate New Year in Africa, where there is such inequality between races? The main tradition of January 1 in South Africa is considered charity. Representatives of the government overlook the central streets of cities. They distribute gifts to everyone in need and arrange a celebration at their own expense.

West Africa and her tribal customs

In the western part of the continent you can see the most unusual New Year in Africa. Traditions here go their roots in the past millennium, and they are as follows. For example, locals run on all fours with an egg in the mouth. It is important not to break and do not connect it, and also not damage the shell. After the ritual dancing around the fire begins, where the tribes gave themselves to themselves with special knives. But their wounds are immediately tightened due to ointments made on the basis of local plants.

Newest traditions

We reviewed briefly, as the new year in Africa celebrate, and as the traditions of local peoples are intertwined with European customs. Now we will find out which New Year's holiday is traditional for all representatives of the Black Diaspora in the world. This is, of course, Kwanza, which lasts from December 26 to January 1. In these seven days, every evening is lit by seven candles - one black, three green and three red. With their light, the virtues and former rites, which allow Africans to preserve their originality are discussed.