What to read from the classics? Top classic prose - top books.

What to read from the classics? Top classic prose - top books.
What to read from the classics? Top classic prose - top books.

(Russian) is a widespread concept, and everyone invests its meaning. If you ask readers, what kind of associations it causes them, then the answers will be different. For someone, this is the basis of the library foundation, someone will say that the works of classical Russian literature is a kind of sample with high artistic dignity. For schoolchildren, this is all what is learning in school. And they will all in their own way absolutely right. So what is it - classic literature? Russian literature, today we will talk only about her. We will talk about foreign classics in another article.

Russian literature

There is a generally accepted periodization of the formation and development of domestic literature. Her story is divided into the following temporary segments:

What works are called classic?

Many readers are confident that classical literature (Russian) is Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy - that is, the works of those writers who lived in the XIX century. It's not like that at all. Classic can be the era of the Middle Ages, and the XX century. By what canons and principles determine whether the classic is a novel or story? First, the classic work should have a high artistic value, to be a sample for others. Secondly, he must have worldwide recognition, it should be included in the World Culture Foundation.

And you need to be able to distinguish the concepts of classical and popular literature. The classic is something that is tested by time, and the popular work can quickly forget enough. If the relevance of it will be maintained not one dozen years, perhaps it will eventually go into the category of classics.

The origins of Russian classical literature

At the end of the XVIII century, only the current nobility of Russia split into two opposing camps: conservatives and reformers. Such a split was due to a different attitude towards the changes that occurred in life: Petrovsky reforms, an understanding of the tasks of education, a painful peasant question, attitude to power. This struggle of extremes led to the rise of spirituality, self-consciousness, which also gave rise to Russian classics. It can be said that it was forced during dramatic processes in the country.

Classical literature (Russian), born in a complex and controversial of the XVIII century, finally formed in the XIX century. Its main features: national identity, maturity, self-awareness.

Russian classical 19th century literature

A large role in the development of the culture of that time was played by the growth of national consciousness. More and more educational institutions are opened, public importance of literature increases, writers are much attention to paying a native language. Even more forced to think about what is happening in the country.

Influence of Karamzin on the development of the 19th century literature

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, the largest Russian historian, writer and journalist, was the most influential figure of Russian culture of the XVIII-XIX centuries. His historical stories and monumental "history of the Russian state" had a huge impact on the work of subsequent writers and poets: Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Griboedov. He is one of the great reformers of the Russian language. Karamzin introduced a large number of new words into use, without which we cannot submit today to modern speech.

Russian Classic Literature: List of the best works

Choose and make a list of the best literary works - the task is complicated, because each reader has its own addictions and tastes. The novel, which for one will be a masterpiece, will be revealed by boring and uninteresting. How to make a list of classic Russian literature that would satisfy most readers? One way is to conduct surveys. On their basis, it is possible to draw conclusions, what product the readers themselves consider the best of the proposed options. Such methods for collecting information are carried out regularly, although the data can change slightly with time.

The list of the best creations of Russian classics, according to the versions of literary magazines and Internet portals, looks like this:

In no case should not consider this list of reference. In some ratings and surveys in the first place may not stand Bulgakov, but Lion Tolstoy or Alexander Pushkin, and someone from the listed writers may not be. Ratings - the thing is extremely subjective. It is better to make a list of favorite classics for yourself and focus on him.

The meaning of Russian classical literature

The Creators of Russian Classics have always possessed a large public responsibility. They never opposed the moralizers, did not give ready-made answers in their works. Writers put a difficult task before the reader and made him think about her decision. They raised serious social and public problems in their works, which now have great importance to us. Therefore, the Russian classic and today remains as relevant.

Closer to mid-February it seems that even in the air is the love fluids. And if you have not yet felt this mood, gray sky and cold wind spoil all romance - You will come to the rescue Best Classic About Love!

Antoine Francois Preview "History of Cavaller de Grier and Manon Lesko" (1731)

This story takes place in the scenery of France of the Regency Epoch after the death of Louis XIV. The story is conducted on behalf of the seventeen-year-old young man, graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy in the north of France. Successfully powered exams, he is going to return to his father's house, but accidentally meets an attractive and mysterious girl. This is Manon Lesko, which parents brought to the city to give to the monastery. Arrow Amur pierces the heart of a young cavalier and he, forgetting everything, persuades Manon to run with him. So begins the eternal and beautiful history of the love of Kavalera de Grier and Manon Lesko, which will inspire entire generations of readers, writers, artists, musicians, directories.

The author of the love story - Abbot Preview, whose life rushed between monastic solitude and secular society. His fate is a difficult, interesting, his love for the girl of another faith is forbidden and passionate - the basis for the fascinating and scandalous (for his era) of the book.

"Manon Lesko" is the first novel, where against the background of reliable images of material and domestic realities, a subtle and heartfelt psychological portrait of heroes is drawn. Fresh, the winged prose of Abbot Abbot is not similar to the entire previous French literature.

This story telling about several years from the life of De Grier, for which the impulsive, sensitive, thirsty of love and freedom of the young man has time to turn into a man with extensive experience and difficult fate. Mattails and beautiful Manon: its immediacy and frivolity is replaced by the depth of feelings and a wise look at life.

"Throughout the most severe fate, I made my happiness in her eyes and in solid confidence in her feeling. Truly, I lost everything that other people honored and cherished; But I owned the heart of Manon, the only blessing that I was honored. "

Roman about clean and eternal love that arises from the air, but the strength and purity of this feeling is enough to change the heroes and their fate. But is enough of this power to change the life around?

Emily Bronte "Thunderstorm Pass" (1847)

Debuting in the same year, each of the sisters Bronte presented his novel on the world: Charlotte - "Jane Eyre", Emily - "Thunderstorm Pass", Ann - Agnes Gray. Roman Charlotte made a sensation (he, like any books of the most famous from Bronte, could be in this top), but after the death of the sister was recognized that the "thunderstorm pass" is one of the best works of that time.

The most mystical and closed of sisters, Emily Bronte, created a shrill novel about madness and hatred, about strength and love. Contemporaries considered it too rude, however, could not not get under his magical influence.

The history of generations of two families, unfolds on a picturesque background of Yorkshire fields, where the distraught wind ruins and inhuman passions. Central heroes are freedom-loving Catherine and impulsive heathcliff, obsessed with each other. Their complex characters, various social status, exceptional fate - all together forms the canon of the love novel. But this book is more than just a Rannevictorian novel about love. According to the modernist Virginia Wulf, "The idea that at the heart of the manifestations of human nature lie forces, towering it and raising the novels, and puts the novel Emily Bronte on a special, outstanding place in a series of similar novels."

Thanks to the "thunderstorm pass", the beautiful fields of Yorkshire became a reserve, and we were left in the inheritance, for example, such masterpieces, as the eponymous film with Juliets Binos, the popular Ballad "IT" Selin Dion, as well as Topping quotes:

"What is not reminded of her? I can't take a look at my feet so that it did not arise here on the floor plates her face! It is in every cloud, in each tree - at night fills the air, the day it occurs in the outlines of items - everywhere around me is its image! The most ordinary faces, male and female, my own features - everything teases me like. The whole world is a terrible palanch, where everything reminds that it existed and that I lost it. "

Lion Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1877)

There is a well-known legend about how in the circle of writers was discussed that there is no good novels about love in the literature. Tolstoy on these words was fixed and took a challenge, saying that he would write a good novel about love for three months. And wrote. True, in four years.

But this, as they say, history. And "Anna Karenina" - a novel who is included in the school curriculum. Such school reading. And here, every decent graduate at the exit is assimilating that "All happy families are similar to each other ...", and in the house of the Oblon "Everything was mixed ...".

Meanwhile, "Anna Karenina" is a valid great book about great love. Today it is considered (thanks, including the cinema) that this is a novel about the pure and passionate love of the Karenina and Vronsky, which became the salvation of Anna from boring husband-tyrana and her own death.

But for the author himself, it is, first of all, a family romance, a novel about love, which, connecting two halves, develops into something more: in family, children. In this, in Tolstoy, the main purpose of the woman. Because there is nothing more important, and most importantly, it is more difficult to grow a child, save a real strong family. This idea in the novel personifies the Union of Levin and Kitty. This family, which, in many ways, has written off from his union with Sofia Andreevna, becomes a reflection of the perfect connection of a man and a woman.

The kartines are "unhappy family", and analyzing the reasons for this misfortune Tolstoy and dedicated his book. However, the author is not started into the morality, accusing the sinful Anna in the fact that she destroyed a decent family. Lion Tolstoy, "Expert of Human Shower", creates a complex work where there is no rightful and guilty. There is a society that affects the heroes, there are heroes who choose their path, and there are feelings that heroes do not always understand, but which are given in full.

On this, I wrap my literary analysis, for this is already written a lot and better. I just express my thought: Be sure to reread texts from the school program. And not only from school.

Schedule Nuri Guntkein "Korolev - Poultry Poultry" (1922)

The question of which works from the Turkish literature became global classics, can put in a dead end. The novel "Bird Pevcha" deserves such recognition. The decades of Nuri Guntkein wrote this book at 33, she became one of his first novels. These circumstances are forced to be even more surprised by the skill with whom the writer depicted the psychology of the young woman, the social problems of provincial Turkey.

The fragrant and original book captures from the first rows. This is a lovery record of an excellent Feride, which recalls your life and your love. When this book first got to me (and it was at the time of my puberty period), on a bombing cover, "Chalykusha - the bird's bird" was concerned. I now seem to this translation name more colorful and lying. Chaliakusha is a nicknamed restless Feride. As the heroine writes in his diary: "... My genuine name, Ferida, has become official and used very rarely, just a festive outfit. I liked the name of Chaliakusha, it even got out of me. It was worth someone to complain about my tricks, I just shrugged, as if saying: "I have nothing to do with it ... What do you want from Chaliakush? ..".

Chaliakusu has lost her parents early. She is sent to raising to relatives, where she falls in love with the girl's son - Kamrana. Their relationship is not easy, but young people pull each other. Suddenly Ferida learns that its chosen one is in love with another. In the feelings, impulsive Chalykuchu twisted from the family nest to towards the real life, which met her hurricane events ...

I remember how, after reading the book, took the quotes in my diary, realizing every word. Interestingly, you are changing over time, and the book remains all the same piercing, touching and naive. But, it seems, in our 21st century, independent women, gadgets and social networks do not prevent a little naivety:

"A person lives and is tied by invisible threads to people who surround it. There comes separation, the threads are tensioning and rush as the strings of the violin, making dull sounds. And every time the threads are broken by the heart, man is experiencing the most acute pain. "

David Herbert Lawrence "Lady Lady Chatterley" (1928)

Provocative, scandalous, frank. Forbidden for more than thirty years after the first publication. The short-circuited English bourgeoisie did not suffer descriptions of sexual scenes and the "immoral" behavior of the main heroine. In 1960, a loud lawsuit took place, during which the novel "Lady Lady Chatterley" was rehabilitated and allowed to print when the author was no longer alive.

Today, the novel and his storyline hardly seem to us so much provocative. The young constant marries the chatterlee baronet. After their marriage, Clifford Chatterlery is sent to Flanders, where multiple injuries receive during the battle. He is forever paralyzed below the belt. Married life Connie (as affectionately calling her husband) changed, but she continues to love her husband, causing him. However, Clifford understands that the young girl is hard to spend all nights alone. He permits to make her lover, the main thing is that the candidacy is worth.

"If a man has no brains, he is a fool, if there is no heart - the villain, if there is no bile - rag. If a man is not able to explode, as a tight stretched spring - there is no male nature in it. This is not a man, and Pai-boy. "

During one of the walks in the forest, Connie gets acquainted with the new Events. It was he who will teach the girl not only the art of love, but also will awaken in it real deep feelings.

David Herbert Lawrence is a classic of English literature, the author of at least famous books "Sons and Lovers", "Women Loves", "Rainbow", also wrote an essay, poems, play, ways to prose. He created three versions of the novel "Lady Lady Chatterley". The last option, satisfied the author, and was printed. This novel brought him glory, but Liberenis's liberalism and the proclamation of the freedom of moral choice of a person, who came across in the novel, were able to appreciate only many years later.

Margaret Mitchell "Gone by Wind" (1936)

Aphorism "When a woman cannot cry, it's scary"Yes, and the image of a strong woman belongs to Peru American writer Margaret Mitchell, who became famous thanks to the only novel. Hardly there is a man who did not hear about the bestseller "Gone by the Wind".

"Gone by the Wind" - the history of the civil war between the Northern and Southern States of America of the 60s, during which cities and fate collapsed, but could not be born something new and beautiful. This is the story of growing young Scarlett O'Hara, who is forced to take responsibility for the family, learn how to manage their feelings and achieve simple female happiness.

This is the successful novel about love, when, besides the main and quite superficial theme, he gives something else. The book grows together with the reader: open at different times, it will be perceived every time in a new way. One thing in it remains unchanged: the hymn of love, life and humanity. And the unexpected and open finals inspired several writers to create a continuation of love story, the most famous of which are "Scarlett" Alexander Ripley or "People of Rett Batler" Donald McCaiga.

Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" (1957)

A complex symbolist novel Pasternak, written in an equally complex and rich language. A number of researchers indicate the autobiographicity of the work, but the described events or heroes weakly resemble the real life of the author. Nevertheless, it is a kind of "spiritual autobiography", which Pasternak characterized like this: "I am writing a big novel in prose about a person who is some relaxing between the block and me (and Mayakovsky, and Yesenin, perhaps). He will die in 1929. It will remain a book of poems, which is one of the chapters of the second part. Roman embracing is 1903-1945. "

The main theme of the novel becomes reflections on the future of the country and the fate of the generation to which the author belonged. Historical events play an important role for the heroes of the novel, it is the whirlpool of a complex political situation determines their lives.

The main actors of the book are the Doctor and Poet Yuri Zhivago and Lara Antipova, the beloved Hero. Throughout the novel, the paths were accidentally crossed and divided, it would seem forever. What really conquers in this novel is inexplicable and immentable as a sea love that heroes carried through their whole life.

The culmination of this history of love is becoming several winter days in the snow-lined estate Varykino. It is here that the main explanations of the heroes are taking place, here Zhivago writes its best poems dedicated to Lara. But even in this abandoned house, they do not hide from the noise of war. Larisa is forced to leave to save life to itself and children. And Zhivago, going crazy from loss, writes in the notebook:

A man looks from the threshold

Without recognizing at home.

Her departure was like escape

Everywhere traces of defeat.

Everywhere in the rooms chaos.

He is ruin measures

Does not notice because of tears

And the attack of migraine.

In the ears in the morning there is some kind of noise.

Is he in memory of Ile dreams?

And why his mind

All the thought of the sea climbs? ..

"Dr. Zhivago" - Roman marked by the Nobel Prize, a novel, the fate of which, as well as the author's fate, turned out to be tragic, the novel, who is alive today, as well as the memory of Boris Pasternak - is obligatory to read.

John Falez "Lover of French Lieutenant" (1969)

One of the masterpieces of Faulza, which is a spawning interlacing of postmodernism, realism, Victorian novel, psychology, alluzi on Dickens, Hardy and other contemporaries. The novel, which is the central product of English literature of the 20th century, is considered to be one of the main books about love.

Kanva history, like any plot of a love novel, looks simple and predictable. But FAulz is a postmodernist who experienced the influence of existentialism and enthusiastic historical sciences created a mystical and deep love romance from this story.

Aristocrat, a wealthy young man named Charles Smithson, together with his chief meeting on the shore of Sarah Woodraff - sometime "Love of French Lieutenant"And now - the maid, which will keep away people. Sarah looks unlike, but Charles gets contact with it. During one of Sara's walks, heothes a hero, telling about his life.

"Even your own past does not seem to you with something real - you are dressing it, you are trying to roll or fly it, you edit it, somehow Latase ... In a word, turn it into artistic fiction and remove the shelf - this is your book, your novelnized autobiography. We are all running from real reality. This is the main distinguishing feature of Homo Sapiens. "

There are difficult, but special relationships that will grow into a strong and fatal feeling are established between heroes.

The variability of the endings of the novel is not only one of the main techniques of postmodern literature, but also reflects the idea that in love, as in life, everything is possible.

And for lovers of the acting game, Meril Streep: In 1981, the director of director Carla Reisha came out, where the role of the main characters was performed by Jeremy Irons and Meryl Streep. The film, which received several kinonagrad, became a classic. But watch him, like any film based on the literary work, is better after reading the book itself.

Colin Maccalo "singing in the thorns" (1977)

Colin Maccalo for his life wrote more than ten novels, the historical cycle of "Vladyka Rome", a series of detectives. But she was able to take a prominent place in the Australian literature and thanks to only one novel - "singing in a thorns."

Seven pieces of fascinating history of a large family. Several generations of Clan Cleari, who are moving to Australia to settle here and from simple poor farmers to become a prominent and successful family. The central heroes of this saga - Maggie Clery and Ralph de Bricalsar. Their story, uniting all the heads of the novel, tells about the eternal struggle of debt and feelings, mind and passion. What will heroe choose? Or do they have to get up on different sides and defend their choice?

Each of the parts of the novel is dedicated to one of the members of the Clery family and subsequent generations. For fifty years, during which the novel occurs, not only the surrounding reality, but also the vital ideals. So daughter Maggie - FIA, whose history opens in the last part of the book, no longer seeks to create a family, continueing a kind. So the fate of the Cliri family turns out to be threatened.

"Singing in the thorns" - subtly made, filigree work about life itself. Colin McCalow managed to reflect the complex overflows of the human soul, thirst for love that lives in every woman, passionate nature and the inner power of a man. Perfect reading by long winter evenings under the plaid or hot days on the summer veranda.

"There is such a legend - about the bird, which sings only once for all his life, but it is more beautiful in the world. One day she leaves his nest and flies to look for a black bush and will not calm down until it finds. Among the prickly branches, she sinks a song and rushes his chest on the longest, most acute spike. And, towering over the unspeakable flour, she sings, dying that the larks and nightingale would envy this journal song. The only, incomparable song, and it gets the price of life. But the whole world freezes, listening, and God himself smiles in heaven. For all the best is bought only by the price of the great suffering ... at least, so says the legend. "

Gabriel Garcia Marquez "Love during the Plague" (1985)

Interestingly, when a famous expression appeared, that love is a disease? Nevertheless, it is this truth that becomes a push in understanding the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which proclaims that "... Love symptoms and the same plague". And the most important idea of \u200b\u200bthis novel is enclosed in another quote: "If you meet your true love, then it will not go anywhere from you - after a week, no in a month, no one after a year."

It happened to the heroes of the novel "Love during the Plague", the plot of which unfolds around the girl named Fermin Dasa. In her youth, Florentino Arisa was in love with her, but, having considered his love only temporary hobbies, she marries Hoenal Urbino. The profession of Urbino is a doctor, and the matter of life is the fight against cholera. However, Fermina and Florentino are destined to be together. When urbino dies, the feelings of long-stayed lovers flashes with a new force, painted into more mature and deep tones.

If you decide to engage in self-education and fill your gaps in the literature, then you should turn to reading masterpieces of world classical literature. What to consider masterpieces, and what not? Every question everyone will answer himself. Many people are lost in a huge number of books and do not know how to choose something really worth. They come to the library or in the bookstore with a question: What to read interesting from the classics? We will facilitate your choice and in the article will imagine a list of recognized works that have been checking the time and gained love of readers around the world. In the list you will see the names of both domestic writers and foreign ones. Read these books, and the magical world of literature opens.

It is possible to start reading in chronological order, that is, starting from ancient literature, mythology, works of ancient authors. But keep in mind that this literature is quite difficult to perceive, and without a certain preparation, it is quite difficult to read it. Therefore, you can start with later works that are closer to our time and easier to understand the modern reader. The list contains both poetry and prose. Works of various genres: tragedies, comedies, historical, philosophical, love novels TDD. In short, there will be works on the most demanding taste.

  • Mythological Poles and Epos: Senior and Junior Edda, Beowulf, Word about the regiment of Igor, Kalevala, Song of Nibelungha, Epos about Gilgamesh
  • Antique Literature: Homer Odyssey and Illiade, Esphil Agamemnon, Sofokl Myth About Epidey, Evripide Medea, Aristophane Birds, Aristotle Poetics, Herodotus Stories
  • Bible
  • Fairy tales of the peoples of the world:, Russian folk fairy tales, tales of a thousand and one night sod.
  • Dante Aligiery: Divine Comedy
  • Giovanni Boccaccio: Decameron
  • William Shakespeare: Sonnets, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Richard III
  • Thomas Mor: Utopia
  • Nikolo Makiavelli: Sovereign
  • Charles Dickens: Oliver Twist
  • Jean Batist Moliere: Heaster Insecurity, Misanthrop, Tartuf, Don Juan
  • Victor Hugo: Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady
  • Gustav Flaubert: Madame Story
  • Johann Goethe: Faust
  • Miguel Servantes: Don Quixote
  • Onor de Balzac: Shagreen Leather, Human Comedy
  • Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre
  • Fedor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment, Karamazov Brothers
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin: Eugene Onegin, fairy tales, poems
  • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: fathers and children
  • Arthur Conan Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov: the hero of our time, MTSI, poems
  • Mark Twain: Adventures of Hekkelbury Finn
  • Margaret Mitchell: Gone
  • Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy: Anna Karenina, War and Peace
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol: Dead Souls, Auditor
  • Oscar Wald: Portrait of Dorian Gray
  • Mikhail Bulgakov: Master and Margarita
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery: Little Prince
  • Erich M. Remarque: Three Comrades
  • Garcia Marquez: one hundred years of loneliness
  • Alexander Green: Scarlet Sails
  • Jane Austin: Pride and Prejudice
  • Daniel Defo: Robinson Cruzo

Here is an exemplary list of what to read from the classics. Of course, there are still many wonderful works and talented authors in this short list, but nevertheless, you can start your enlightenment today by choosing the work you believed from the list. We wish you a pleasant reading!

Photo - Pixabay.com.

1. Recall the pillar of Russian literature

Pushkin and Lermontov? Fi, trite! We finally grow up when we forget school resentment and reread "War and World" Lion Tolstoy - incredibly large-scale and deep reflection on hidden springs of history, Napoleon, Kutuzov, as well as about love and motifs of human actions.

+1 : Continue with " Anna Karenina" The confusion of feelings, a scandal in a noble family and the opportunity to understand whether the lion was a thick woman-naughty.

2. look at people who do not change over time

IN Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov Satyric scenes of Satan's adventures with a retinue in Soviet Moscow are interspersed with the history of the arrest and execution of Christ. There is a place for love of the capital masters and margaritas. Roman raises so that then I want to reread it again and again.

+1 : « dog's heart"- The story of Bulgakov on how Professor Preobrazhensky puts experiment on the yard ball and turns it into a person. In the post-revolutionary Moscow, the resulting semicrimony element is a migom.

Frame from the film "Anna Karenina" (2012)

3. To get into the deep debris of psychology

"Crime and Punishment" of Fedor Dostoevsky It is considered a classic psychological novel. Okolniki student kills the older agent to prove that he is "superholes". Flour conscience break his life and others.

+1 : Roman Oscar Wilde « The Picture of Dorian Grey"Shows how it is easy to ride the inclined, giving my own soul. The main character falls under the charm of a vicious friend, and his entire nasty essence is reflected in the portrait, keeping his youth.

4. Terrify perverted personalities

"Perfume" Patrick Zyuskinda Talks about the young man who, without having his own smell, decides to take it away from others. A frightening, but attractive combination of beautiful and disgusting in an excellent written text.

+1 : IN Lolita Vladimir Nabokova The hero does everything to seduce a 12-year-old girl. The magnificent language of the book did not make it less controversial - the novel was trying to ban many times due to obscene content.

Frame from the film "Perfume: History of one killer" (2006)

5. Believe in love with a happy end

In the book Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice" Elizabeth Bennett and Mark Darcy will be able to cope with their negative gusts and look at each other in unbiased. Cute old england, thin irony, interesting characters and topical topics for all times.

+1 : "Jane Eyre" Charlotte Bronte It shows a strong female character and a bright confrontation of independent personalities who cannot decide on love. Touching, sad, heartfelt and unpleasant mystery in the attic of the family house.

6. Understand the moral history

Tale Parable "Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupery He will teach many important things about friendship and love, loyalty and debt, beauty and intolerance to evil. "We are responsible for those who have tamed", remember?

+1 : Book Richard Bach "Seagull named Jonathan Livingston" About the seagull, learning life and art of flight, is read as hymn self-improvement and self-sacrifice, manifesto of limitless spiritual freedom.

Frame from the series "Jane Eyre" (2006)

7. Take war and its consequences

"Three Comrades" Erich Mary Remarika Talking about the friendship of three men and about the tragic love of one of them. Pleasant characters, richness of events and the ideal completion of history with the mood, which is very similar to the bestseller "to blame the stars" John Green.

+1 : Dirt and inhumanity of the war are greatly shown in the novel. Ernest Hemingway "The command calls the bell". All life as a combination of love, courage, self-sacrifice, moral debt and values \u200b\u200bof someone else's existence.

8. Immerse yourself in antiutopia

In the book Ray Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Firefighters burn books so that the government can keep society under control. Terrible world, interesting thoughts, intriguing history and strong finals.

+1 : U. George Orwell We will recommend " Barnyard"(After all, you still could not read it" 1984 "?). In the humorous parable, the modest farm gradually turns into a totalitarian society. Watching these pigs creepy.

Conduct the list wait tomorrow.

To new books!

Ancient Greece

Homer "Odyssey" and "Iliad"

Is Homer really wrote these poems? Was it blind? And existed in principle? These and other issues still remain unanswered, but flashed in the face of eternity and the values \u200b\u200bof the texts themselves. Epic "Iliad", telling about the Trojan War, was more known for a long time than "Odyssey," and more influenced European literature. But the sides of Odyssey, written by a simple language, is almost a novel, perhaps the first of those who have reached to us.

Great Britain

Charles Dickens "Adventures Oliver Twist"

An innovative novel showing real life without embellishment, Dickens composed aged 26 years. He did not have to strain a strong imagination: the main character who lived in a poverty is the author himself, whose family raised when the future writer was a completely child. And even the name of the main villain Faigina Dickens took from life, borrowing, however, at the best friend.

The output of the "Oliver Twist" produced in England the effect of a broken bomb: society, in particular, was discussing - and condemned - child labor. Thanks to the novel, readers learned that the literature can perform the functions of the mirror.

Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice"

The cornerstone for British literature text, as classical as "Eugene Onegin" in Russia. The quiet homemade young lady Austin wrote a "pride" at all, but published only 15 years later, after the success of the book "Mind and feelings." Austin's phenomenon, among other things, is that almost all of her novels are a classic, but "pride and prejudice" stand out on a general background, the presence of one of the most amazing couples in world literature - Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Darcy and the name of the nominal name, without him, Britain is not Britain. In general, "pride and prejudice" is the very case when the sign "Women's Roman" causes no smirk, but admiration.


Johann Wolfgang Background Goethe "Faust"

The last, second part of the "Faust" 82-year-old Goethe finished six months before death. Began to work on the text when he was twenty-five. All the scrupulsiness, workability and attention to the details of Goethe invested in this ambitious work. Life, death, world order, good, evil - "Faust", like "War and Peace", in its own way is an exhaustive book in which everyone will find answers to any answers.

Erich Maria Relock "Triumphal Arch"

"One of the two always throws another. The whole question is who will be ahead of whom "," love does not tolerate explanations. She needs actions "- Roman remark from those books that diverge on quotes. The history of love in the besieged Germans Paris turned his head not to one generation of readers, and the author of the author with Marlene Dietrich, and sustainable rumors that Dietrich became a prototype to Joan Mada, only add the charm of this wonderful book.


Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote this novel forced, because of the needs in money: Card debts, the death of Brother Mikhail, who left him a family without funds. The plot of "crimes and punishment" was "inspired by Pierre Francois Lasier, the French intellectual killer, who considered that society was guilty of his acts. I composed Dostoevsky parts, each of which was printed in the magazine "Russian Bulletin". Later, the novel came out with a separate volume, in a new, abbreviated by the author of the editors, and began an independent life. Today, "Crime and Punishment" is part of the world classics, one of the symbols of Russian literature and culture as a whole, translated into many languages \u200b\u200band repeatedly filmmed (up to the comic manga).

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The epic fourtomy masterpiece, wrote from several goals, eventually took from a thick short six years. "War and Peace" inhabit 559 heroes, the names of the main ones, - Duhov, Natasha Rostov, Bolkonsky, became nominal. This novel is large-scale (many believe that there is at all comprehensive) a statement about everything in the world - war, love, state, etc. The author himself rather quickly cooled to the "war and the world", a few years later, calling the book "Verft", and at the end of life, just "nonsense."


Gabriel Garcia Marquez "One hundred years of solitude"

The saga of the BEENDIA family is the second most popular text in Spanish all over the world (the first - Don Quixote Servantes). A sample of the magic realism genre, which became a kind of brand, uniting completely different authors, such as Borges, Coelho and Carlos Ruis Safon. "One hundred years of loneliness" was written by 38-year-old Marquez for a year and a half; To write this book, the father of two children threw the work and sold the car. Roman came out in 1967, first sold somehow, but eventually found world fame. The total circulation of "one hundred years" today - 30 million, Marquez - Classic, the laureate of everything in the world, including the Nobel Prize, the writer-symbol, who made more than anyone for Native Columbia. It is thanks to Marquez, the world knows that there are not only drug bands in Colombia, but also