Incredible survival stories: real stories about the strength of the spirit and desire to survive (Aron Ralston and others). Strong Personality: Examples Strong Spirit People Examples from History

Incredible survival stories: real stories about the strength of the spirit and desire to survive (Aron Ralston and others). Strong Personality: Examples Strong Spirit People Examples from History
Incredible survival stories: real stories about the strength of the spirit and desire to survive (Aron Ralston and others). Strong Personality: Examples Strong Spirit People Examples from History

The artist cannot be a loser;

be an artist Luck in itself.

Charles Horton Kuli.

This story about how the will to life and the strength of the Spirit can carry any obstacles on its path and help to fulfill the dream, whatever difficult it seems.

Fate is constantly experiencing a person on his life path. Some people, being healthy, leave in front of the slightest difficulties and complain about life. Others without complaints and justification overcome the most difficult tests and find their place in life.

The epigraph to this article was a quote, read by me on the social network, on the page of an amazing person, whose name is Ildar Apegeleev. In this tank, the phrase contains a deep meaning with which it is impossible to disagree.

Ildar - Self-taught artist from Kuibyshevsky district (Aul Bergul). Happy smile, rear view and sea of \u200b\u200benergy. And still faith in God, in itself and its limitless opportunities. So people see our hero. It is a volitional, talented and strong spirit of the young man, managed to achieve his goal, contrary to the existing difficulties in his life path ...

At birth, a young man received a generic injury, the functionality of the hands was completely disturbed. Ildar Pali, he is a disabled person of the group, because of his illness, his hands do not fully function, so their work is performed. Ildar everything has to make legs, or rather, fingers. He is very talented, sociable and kind young man who has many friends. The guy loves to play football and computer games. But the favorite occupation was and remains drawing. Despite the disease, Ildar tries to live fully. In everything he supports a loving family.

Initially, he looked filues from plasticine, created various crafts from paper, and even learned to embroider. Soon the amazing world of painting was opened in front of our hero ...

In 2013, Ildar Aucheleev received a diploma of the first degree and the electric stove of the "Dream" for his exhibition of paintings. With its participation in the festival of creative people with disabilities "Talent and the Will" and such a stunning success, Ildar produced real Furior in his native aul Bergule. Nobody expected the first participation in the regional competition will be the beginning of a new life for the young man.

The initiator of the guy's participation in the prestigious regional competition "Talent and the Will" was Dina Faizulin, the head of the center of the Tatar National Culture of the Kuibyshevsky district. Having learned that the young man wrote pictures with his fingers, Dina decided by anything to help him feel like the right society. Ildar's parents supported this idea. The cultural and leisure center of the Kuibyshevsky district has allocated funds and transport to travel. And here the six paintings of Mom and his son were lucky to Novosibirsk. By the way, the name of its drawings is coming up with itself - and they very accurately reveal the meaning and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. For example, the "corner of the ponday", "free in the steppe", "Native Edge", "Little Dream" ... Each painting radiates good, light, love, happiness and faith. Of course, there are always parents next to his son - their support and understanding helps him to achieve the results that he has today.

Savia Apcheneeva, Mom: " Very grateful to Dene and the rest, who helped our son to take part in the competition. He's as if the wings grew up behind his back. Draws and draws. Here the neighbors now ask him to write their portrait. One already order Ildar performed, I liked everything. It works over the second».

The happy is the person who is for what to fight, which is what to seek. It is necessary to cow yourself. If a person wants to achieve something in life He must assume goals and seek them. Life is overcoming. Overcoming your fear, laziness, weaknesses, external circumstances. We live if we persistently learn to win.

Recall the history of a person who inspires thousands of people does not give up, despite pain, despair and seeming hopelessness. For example, he instills faith and hope in the heart of millions of people around the world.

The power of the Spirit, the power of the will is a real force. Victory on themselves is real victories. The life of a strong person is a real life.

Ildar refers to the number of people who do not surrender in front of life tests, thanks to his persistence, talent and tremendous will, we have the opportunity to contemplate beautiful paintings and inspired by the creative success of the artist ...

Every person must remember that in every difficulty he is not one - with him the one who created it. The one who sees everything and hears, even what a person is silent, the one who knows his soul. Regardless of which grief we are experiencing and no matter how abandoned, you feel, with each - Most High.

The Quran says:

He replied: "Don't be afraid of you both! There is no doubt that I [Lord of Worlds] - Next to you, I hear and see. [I will not give you to offend you, at the right time help will be near you]. *

Corrected Quran, 20:46

Believer, taking into account the absolute "online" awareness of the Creator, and even more so - his control and power over everything and everything, should never despair and do everything in itself to achieve happiness and in the earth and in eternal!


Mahalla number 1

* With comments Sh. Alautdinova

In the history of each people there are separate individuals with which it is worth using an example. These are historical heroes, legendary commander, successful businessmen, saints, politicians and many others. The Russian history, probably, how no other is rich in the names of such people, if you list them all, the list will turn out to be huge. The life of such people is an example of real love, strong friendship, the iron power of the spirit, real and sincere kindness. Let's talk about some of them, the personalities of historical significance.

Prince Alexander Nevsky. To everyone who carefully studied history in school (and not even much carefully) is known to this person. Alexander was born in 1220, he was the son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. The princes Alexander began in a very young age, then he was distinguished by a high height, clear mind and loud voice. Kiev throne Alexander occupied in 1236. Then the Livonian knights went to Russia in order to conquer and introduce Catholicism. The legendary Nevsky battle took place at the famous Ladoga Lake, where the Russians defeated Livons. Everyone knows this battle as an ice side. At this time, Rus was under the Mongol-Tatar Ig. But Alexander managed to get a label to a great reign from the then Khan Batya. Even he bowed before the courage of Alexander. Now Alexander Nevsky is canonized and recognized as saints for the strong faith and the wise board of the country.

There were also a medium of prosperous Russian entrepreneurs. One of these is Innocent Sibiryakovwho became an orphan at the age of 14 and at the same time the heir is truly a huge state (he got four gold aparts, who gave more than three tons of gold in 1894). The strength of the spirit of this person is that he has not succumbed to the influence of wealth. Innocent graduated from private gymnasium and devoted all his life to charity. These were victims of educational institutions, hospitals, the creation of charitable societies, etc. Being already in the mature age of Innokentius adopted monastic tonsure with the name John.

Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanovna It is considered a real standard of mercy, cleanliness and real and sincere love among Russian women who lived in past times. Elizaveta was very beautiful - it was noted almost everything. She was born in England, in a rich family, and in childhood, terrible deprivations are comprehended - first a little brother, then - sister and mother. As a result of Ella (so it was called to baptism) gives the chastity. In 1884, Ella married Prince Sergei Alexandrovich, but here the tragic events did not leave her family. Already then in Rossi began to appear dissatisfied with the authorities that satisfied the riots. A bomb was laid in the carriage of the Grand Duke, as a result of her explosion, Sergei Alexandrovich's body was broken into pieces. After this terrible event of Elizabeth, a monasticism took and engaged in charity, leading immaculate life in prayers and help with suffering and disadvantaged.

The power of the Spirit is an active determination to go to the goal, overcoming any obstacles. Everyone would like to be strong, but not everyone succeeds. Examples of the strength (or weakness) of the Spirit are also in fiction, and in the surrounding reality.

Arguments from literature

  1. (56 words) in the comedy D.I.Fonvizin "Lady" sample of the spirit of the Spirit can serve as angrims. The hero meets a young officer who seems decent. However, they soon declared war, the friend of the main character was evaconed against the protection of the Motherland and succeeded in the rear. Elders went on the battlefield, was injured and coincided. But this incident was not broken and did not deprive faith in the truth truth.
  2. (48 words) Erast, Hero Tale N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa" turned out to be a weak person, could not match the love of the leisa peasant. The young man, seducing the girl and having received his, wins the state and decides to find a favorable party. Eraste deceived Lisa and married another, and she was drowned, so the powerlessness of the hero turned out to be punished with eternal torments of conscience.
  3. (54 words) Chatsky, Hero Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Mind" is a truly strong person, he had enough courage to go not only against one influential person, Famusov, but also against the crowd of his supporters. Chatsky preached the truth, freedom, opposed the kindness and lies. Everyone turned away from him, but Alexander still did not give up, is that not the power of the Spirit?
  4. (59 words) in the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin The strength of the Spirit is concentrated in Tatiana. Having loved Onegin, she was ready for everything for him. The girl was not frightened to even confess, but it was unacceptable in the XIX century. The power of the Spirit, the power of love overcame all obstacles, except for one - the absence of response feelings. Tatiana remained unhappy, but it has a rod and on her face the truth.
  5. (47 words) MTSYR, the protagonist of the poem of the poem M.Yu.Lermontov, all his life for the native Caucasus and freedom. The hero had a goal: at least for a moment to live truly outside the monastery. And Mcyri escaped, tried to return to his native places. He did not come out, but this thirst for freedom opens the power of the Spirit in the hero.
  6. (48 words) Pechorin, the main character of Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" - a strong spirit man. For example, when the Holynitsky started a dishonest duel against him, Gregory was not frightened, but I had a cool game to the end, punishing a scoundrel death. This act is not at all merciful, but strong, because otherwise the hero would die for himself.
  7. (52 words) The main hero of the story M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "Wombar Piskar" is completely deprived of any mental strength, he was afraid of hazards all his life, and therefore did not live, but only existed in the hole without friends, love, simple joys. Because of the weakness, everything passed by Piskary, even though his existence was long, but absolutely empty. Without the power of the Spirit there is no life.
  8. (36 words) in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Death of the Officer" Executor worms sneezed on the general splashing and so frightened the consequences of this chance that, in the end, died of horror. Fear deprived the hero of common sense, so what the weakness of the spirit leads to.
  9. (41 words) Andrei Sokolova, the main character of the story M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" can be called a strong personality. He went to war, because his homeland was dangerous, all her horrors passed, then captive, and the concentration camp. Sokolov is a real hero, although he never understood his strength.
  10. (60 words) in Vasily Terkina, the hero of the same name of the poem A.T. Tvardovsky, the power of the Spirit is combined with humor and ease, as if nothing is worth a fighter to make actions that few modern people will be able to repeat without fear and positiveness. For example, in the chapter "Fight" talks about the confrontation of the hero with German: the enemy fattened, better prepared, but Vasily won, and this victory occurred exclusively on moral and volitional qualities, because of the power of the Spirit.
  11. Examples of life, cinema and media

    1. (54 words) Plumber Dmitry, hero of the film "Fool" Y. Bykova, tried to go against the system for the sake of almost a thousand people who were just threw. In the building of the hostel, the hero noticed a huge crack, the house is about to collapse, people will die or will remain outside. He fights for strangers against power, fights to the end. He died, the system still won, but the power of the character of the hero causes respect.
    2. (46 words) Chuck Noland, the protagonist of the film "Exhaust" R. Zekekis, found himself in an extreme situation: the plane on which the hero traveled, falls, it turns out to be on a uninhabited island. In such a situation, if you give up - you will die. You need to make decisions here and now. Chuck strained his inner forces, survived and was able to rethink his life.
    3. (44 words) Eccentric captain Jack Sparrow from the film Mount Verbinski "Pirates of the Caribbean: On the edge of the world" personifies unprofitability. This hero came to the light and returned back, without blinking the eye. And all because he never gives up, and this quality makes him a strong person.
    4. (41 Word) A man of the huge strength of the Spirit is Nick Vuychich. Nika has no hands and legs, but he was able to get a diploma with two specialties, find love, travel and read lectures that help other people. Such heroes cause motivated to achieve the great things with their example.
    5. (46 words) Peter Dinkladij, known to many by the role of Tyrion Latcher from the series "The game of Thrones", overcame many obstacles. Dinklage was born with Ahondroplasia (a disease leading to dwarfs), he had a poor family, at the beginning career there was no success. Now this actor has tremendous popularity, the problems only hardened his character.
    6. (52 words) Stephen Hawking, which is a luminarison of modern science, from 20 years he struggles with lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. Now this disease is not amenable to treatment, the scientist is paralyzed, even speaks only with a speech synthesizer. However, Hawking does not give up: he continues scientific activities, inspires new accomplishments of young scientists, even appears in the comedy TV series "Theory of the Big Explosion".
    7. (67 words) One of my acquaintances found cancer. This is a young woman with a small child, and the disease was already in the last stage. The first thing that she thought - how to arrange a child in the best possible way. Second - how to live on. It would be possible to cry in anticipation of the end, but the woman began to help other patients, and also live a full life, not postponing some meetings, travel, dating. You need to have a huge inner rod to repeat its feat.
    8. (47 words) My friend survived the operation that was not entirely successful. The body has rejected the material that was sewn with surgery, inflammation began. She had a few more operations, a huge number of injections, in the hospital ward passed a whole year of life. However, this year harden her character, taught her not to give up and be strong.
    9. (62 words) In childhood, an incident happened to me, forced me to be strong under the fear of death. I just studied to swim, but accidentally got on a deep place where I did not give the bottom, I was afraid and began to sink. Before the shore was far enough. Then I realized that if I can't calm down and I would not be strong, I could not escape. And I swam, as I could, but I swam and survived.
    10. (57 words) Once, when I was still very small, my mother looked out of the apartment and saw that in the entrance costs smoke, and it was impossible to go out, especially with the child. But the Mom window saw the fire truck, so we went to the balcony, and my mother began to give fire signals. Those noticed us and pulled out. Mom was not confused, she had to become a strong sake of me.
    11. The power of the Spirit is not only to go into battle with a checker, often it is required in everyday life to fight all the problems and trouble. This quality needs to bring up in themselves, it is impossible without it, as the "Cinema" group sang: "You should be strong, otherwise why should you be?".

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Each person throughout his life is found with a large number of people who behave differently and turn out to be decent, infirm, weak, volitional and other personalities. And how should a man show himself, so that he could say that he is a strong person? This is a person who has certain features of character, such as self-confidence and its forces, purposefulness, optimism, the ability to really look at things, resistance, the ability to take responsibility for the decisions made, the ability to own the situation to be the leader and leading other people .

Outstanding people in history

Not about every person who lived in the past or currently currently, it can be said that he is truly a strong person. Examples of people who became famous for their increhensible power of will, the ability to lead entire nations, their fateful responsible decisions that changed the outcome of many of the most important events, captured the history of our state and the whole world. Such people can be called Prince Vladimir, Vasily II, Alexander Nevsky, Empress Catherine II, Emperor Peter I, Nicholas II and many others.

Specific example of a strong personality

You can still give examples of a strong personality in history, but I would like to consider one outstanding person as a sample to follow. Yuri Gagarin is deservedly considered to be deservedly - the first cosmonaut in the history of mankind. The personality strength of this person is not subject to doubt. He passed a lot of tests and difficulties while preparing for the flight into space and during the flight itself. Yuri Gagarin was a very purposeful, workable person who could mobilize in a difficult moment to make the right decision. He was able to keep inner calm absolutely in any situation and transmit this calm condition to others. It is this feature that the ability is not to succumb to a panic and make weighted solutions in a difficult situation, was the main characteristic of the cosmonaut for the first piloted flight into space.

Yuri Alekseevich was a man simple, open, helped in preparing for the flight to other astronauts, his colleagues. He knew how to organize people and tale them. Every morning, Gagarin took her family and inhabitants to the courtyard to the street into the courtyard in the yard, bypassing every apartment and calling the door. He did not allow anyone to lean and capricious. And no one even tried to refuse - all people gladly obeyed the councils and instructions of this outstanding person.

Becoming known, Yuri Gagarin passed the test of glory and was not sought. But the pressure of glory to withstand not everyone can be left to remain the same person, a sample of excerpts and self-control.

It is a pity that this great man went out of life early, died during a plane crash, the true cause of which still remains not clarified. If his fate was different, and he did not die, it would be confidently to say that he would have made many important cases, many people could lead to themselves and show them the right road in life. Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is a real example of a strong person in the history of mankind.

Strong Personality: Examples Was Last Modified: December 15th, 2015 by Elena Weather

On December 3, the International Day of Peers With Disability (International Day of Persons With Disability), proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1992 on the proposal of Russia. In 1981, the World Action Program was adopted against persons with disabilities - the first document in which the principles of attitude towards this category of citizens are formulated.

According to the UN, approximately 1 billion people with disabilities live in the world (about 15% of the population), 80% of which live in developing countries. Most of them are faced with physical, socio-economic and behavioral barriers that exclude them from equal participation in society. .

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in his message on the occasion of the day of disabled people called to promote effective integration into society of people with disabilities. "We must eliminate all barriers to the inclusion and involvement of persons with disabilities into the life of society, including changing such an attitude towards them, which leads to stigma and consolidate discrimination," the UN Secretary General said.

On the eve of the Paralympics in Sochi in 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the state should do more for disabled people and people with disabilities, should create conditions for a barrier-free environment. "It is important for us that people see it - unlimited possibilities of our athletes with disabilities. This raises society in the desired key. It pushes the administrative structures of all levels to create a barrier-free Wednesday. Not only in sports, but everywhere, "Putin said.

Among Russian politicians there are also people with disabilities. So a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the party of LDPR Valery Seleznev at a young age lost his right hand. Seleznev was created by the Interfaradment Deputy Association of the State Duma for Disabled Persons. State Duma deputy VI convocation from United Russia, Mikhail Terentyev - Paralympic champion, champion of the world among the stroller athletes, the owner of the three bronze medals of the European Athletics Championship among athletes with the defeat of the musculoskeletal system and the Secretary General of the Paralympic Committee of Russia. Deputy from "Fair Russia" Alexander Lomakin-Rumyantsev - Disabled I Groups and Chairman of the All-Russian Disabled Society. First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on the Education of the State Duma, the communist Oleg Smolin - blind from birth. He is the first vice-president of the Paralympic Committee of Russia, the Vice-President of the All-Russian Society of the Blind, an honorary member of the All-Russian Society of Disabled.

Stephen Hawking - English Physico theorist, Creator and Head of the Center for Theoretical Cosmology in Cambridge University. Most of the life, the scientist suffers scarmed sclerosis, which led to paralysis. Hawking communicates with speech synthesizer

Alessandro Dzanardi - the Italian Rontainer and the cyclist lost both legs after the accident in 2001. Is a two-time champion of the Paralympic Games of 2012
© AP Photo / Alastair Grant

The Russian national team on the XI Paralympic Games conquered silver. In the final, Russians lost to Americans, skipping the only puck. Evgeny Petrov became one of the best scorers of the tournament tournament

Esther Vergeer - Dutch tennis player. It is considered one of the greatest tennis player wheelchairs in history. At the age of nine, her legs were treated. Esther Vergeer - Remain Winner of the Tournaments of the Grand Slam, Seven World Championship, Four-Column Olympic Champion
© AP Photo / Alastair Grant

Skier Mikhalin Lysova and its leader on the highway Alexey Ivanov succeeded at Paralympicide in Sochi, winning gold medals at distances 6 and 10 km in the category "With violation of vision"

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© ITAR-TASS / Vladimir Smirnov

The Italian Francesca povelto participated in the six year old and three winter Paralympic games, including competitions in Sochi. Three-way winner of the Games: Twice won in 1988 in Seoul (in running 100 m and in the relay) and in 2010 in ski racing in the classic sprint
© ITAR-TASS / Artem Korotaev

A natives adopted in the United States of Ukraine Oksana Masters, having lost both legs, began to row. In the academic rowing, she won the bronze Paralympics 2012, and in winter games in Sochi - silver and bronze in ski racing
© AP Photo / Emilio Morenatti

Athlete from Russia Alexander Franzev won silver in Supergigant (with violation of vision) at mountain skiing competitions at the XI Winter Paralympic Games
© ITAR-TASS / Artem Korotaev

Jessica Long - Paralympic American Buncay of Russian Origin. Multiple champion Paralympiad, world championships, world record holder among athletes without legs
© EPA / Jonathan Brady

Eric Viyhenmayer is the first mountaineer in the world who reached the vertex of Everest, being blind. He conquered many mountain peaks, including Kilimanjaro and Elbrus. Lost vision at the age of 13, but he was able to become a secondary school teacher, then a coach for the struggle and a world-class athlete
© EPA / Francis R. Malasig

Despite the blindness, the Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelley became one of the most memorable votes. Modern opera and pop music