Wild and middle tribes in the modern world (49 photos). Life of wild African tribes

Wild and middle tribes in the modern world (49 photos). Life of wild African tribes
Wild and middle tribes in the modern world (49 photos). Life of wild African tribes

Dream to visit National Parks Africa, see wild animals in their natural habitat and enjoy the latest intact corners of our planet? Safari in Tanzania - an unforgettable trip to African savannah!

The main part of Africa's nation includes groups consisting of several thousand, and sometimes hundreds of people, but at the same time - does not exceed 10% of the total population of this continent. As a rule, such small ethnic groups are the wildest tribes.

It is to such a group that refers, for example, the Mursi tribe.

Ethiopian tribe Mursi - the most aggressive ethnic group

Ethiopia is ancient country in the world. It is Ethiopia that considers the ancestor of mankind, it was here that the remains of our ancestor, modestly named Lucy, found.
More than 80 ethnic groups live in the country.

Residing in the southwestern Ethiopia, on the border with Kenia and Sudan, who settled in Mago Park, the Mursi tribe is distinguished by unusually tough customs. They are rightfully nominated by the title of the most aggressive ethnic group.

Affected to frequent alcohol consumption and uncontrolled weapons. In everyday life, the main weapon of men tribe is Kalashnikov's automaton, which they buy in Sudan.

In fights, they often can score each other almost to a suicide state, trying to prove their primacy in the tribe.

Scientists refer to this tribe to a mutating disorder, with distinctive features in the form of low growth, wide bones and curves, low and strongly compressed LBs, flattened noses and pumped short necks.

Women's bodies in Mursi often look with flabby and painful, stomachs and chest barks, and the backs are stunned. There is practically no hair, which was often hidden under intricate headquarters of a very fantasy type, with the use of everything as a material that you can pick up or catch nearby: coarse leather, branches, dried fruits, marsh mollusks, someone's tails, dead insects and even incomprehensible smelly fell.

The most famous feature of the Mursi tribe is a tradition to insert plates on the lips to girls.

In more public coming in contact with civilization, Mursi can not always see all these characteristic attributes, but the exotic appearance of their lower lip is a business card of the tribe.

Plates are made of different sizes from wood or clay, the shape can be round or trapezoid, sometimes with a hole in the middle. For beauty, plates are covered with a pattern.

The lower lip is cut back in childhood, the woods insert there, gradually increasing their diameter.

Mursi girls begin to wear plates aged 20 per six months before marriage. The lower lip is pierced and a small disk is inserted into it, after the lip stretches, the disk is replaced with a larger and so until the bottom of the desired diameter (up to 30 centimeters !!).

The size of the plate is important: the greater the diameter, the more the girl is appreciated and the more cattle will pay for her groom. Girls should wear these plates. Continuing the time of sleep and feeding, they can also take them out if there are no men's men.

When the plate is pulled out, the lip will unscrew the long circular harness. Almost all Mursi lacks front teeth, tongue-cracked before blood.

The second strange and frightening decoration of Women Mursi are Monista, which are scored from human phaling fingers (NEC). One person has only 28 such bones in their hands. Each necklace usually consists of the phalange of the five-six brushes, some of the jewelry of "jewelry" are wrapped in a few rows.

Gently glitters and makes a sweetly rotting smell of funeral human fat, every bone is rubbed daily. The source for the bead never dedicates: a priestess of the tribe for almost every misconduct is ready to deprive the hands of a man's hands who violated the law.

This tribe is made to make scarification (applying scars).

Men can afford only after the first murder of someone from their enemies or ill-wishers. If they kill a man, they decorate the right hand, if a woman, then left.

Their religion - animism, deserves a longer and shocking story.
Short: women are dresses of death, so they give their husbands daily to their husbands and poisons.

Antidote distributes the Supreme Priestess, but sometimes salvation comes not to all. In such cases, a white cross is drawn on a plate of widows, and it becomes a very distinguished member of the tribe, which is not eaten after death, and bury in the trunks of special ritual trees. The honor is made in such a priest due to the fulfillment of the main mission - the will of the death of the death of the Yamda, which they were able to fulfill, destroying the physical body and freed the highest spiritual essence from their man.

The rest of the dead is waiting for collective eating to the whole tribe. Soft fabrics are welded in the boiler, the bones are used for amples-amulets and thrown on the tops, to indicate dangerous places.

What seems very wild for Europeans for Mursi is commonplace and tradition.

Bushmen tribe

African bushmen are the most ancient representatives of the human race. And this is not at all assumptions, but a scientifically proven fact. Who are these ancient people?

Bushmen are called a group of South Africa hunting tribes. Now it is already remnants from the numerous ancient African population. Bushmen are distinguished by low growth, wide cheekbones, narrow eye cut and much swelling centuries. It is difficult to determine the real color of the skin, because in Calahari, it is not allowed to spend water on washing. But it can be noted that they are much brighter their neighbors. The shade of their skin is a bit yellowish, which is more characteristic of residents of South Asia.

Young buds are considered the most beautiful among the female population of Africa.

But as soon as they reach sexual maturity and become moms, these beauties just do not know. In women, buds, thighs and buttocks are excessively developed, and the stomach will constantly break. This is a consequence of improper nutrition.

To distinguish the pregnant bud from the rest of the women of the tribe, it is deprived of ashes or okra, since it is very difficult to do it in appearance. Bushmen men already by 35 years old become similar on eighty-year-old, due to the fact that their skin saves and the body is covered with deep wrinkles.

Life in Kalahara is very Surov, but even here there are their laws and rules. The most important wealth in the desert is water. There are old men in the tribe that can find water. At the place that they will indicate representatives of the tribe or root wells or bring water using plants stalks.

Each Bushmen tribe has a secret well, which is thoroughly laid by stones or covered with sand. In the season, the drought Bushmen dig a hole at the bottom of a dry well, take the stalk of the plant, through it the water, dialing into the mouth, and then spin it in the shell of an ostrich egg

The South African tribe of Bushmen is the only people on Earth, in whose men there is a constant erection, this phenomenon does not cause any unpleasant sensations or inconvenience, excluding the fact that during the walk of hunting men have to attach a penis to the belt to not cling to them for branches.

Bushmen do not know what private property is. All animals and plants growing on their territory are considered common. Therefore, they hunt both wild animals and farm cows. For this, they are very often punishable and destroyed with whole tribes. No one wants such neighbors.

Among Bushmen tribes is very popular with shamanism. They have no leaders, but there are elders and a signs that are not only treated, but also communicate with spirits. Bushmen are very afraid of the dead, and they believe in the afterlife. They pray for the sun, the moon, the stars. But they ask not health or happiness, but success in hunting.

Bushmen tribes speak Koisan's languages, which are very difficult for Europeans. The characteristic feature of these languages \u200b\u200bis clicking consonants. They say the representatives of the tribe among themselves very quietly. This is the old habit of hunters - so as not to scare the game.

There are confirmed data that another hundred years ago they were drawing. The caves still find rock paintings depicting people and different animals: buffaloes, gazelles, birds, ostriches, antelope, crocodiles.

In their drawings there are unusual fabulous characters: Monkey people, eared snakes, people with crocodile muzzle. In the desert there is a whole gallery in an open-air, which presents these amazing drawings of unknown artists.

But now Bushmen are not engaged in painting, they are gorgeous in dance music, pantomime and legends.

Video: Shamanic ritual rite of healing the Bushmen tribe. Part 1

Shaman's ritual rite of the healing of the Bushmen tribe. Part 2

It seems to us that we are all competent, smart people, we use all the benefits of civilization. And it is hard to imagine that there are still tribes on our planet, not far from the Stone Age.

Papua New Guinea and Barneo tribes. It still lives according to the rules taken by 5 thousand years ago: men go bare, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes still engaged in cannibalism, it is Yali, Vanuatu and Kapaffa. . These tribes with great pleasure eaten both their enemies and tourists, as well as their own old men and deceased relatives.

In the highland regions of the Congo lives a tribe of Pygmeys. They call themselves Mong. Amazing is that they have cold blood like reptile. And under cold weather, they were able to fall in anabiosis as lizards.

On the shore of the Amazon River, the Mikeka lives small (300 individuals) Tribe Pirach.

The inhabitants of this tribe there is no time. They have neither calendars, no watches, no past and tomorrow. They have no leaders, everyone decide together. There is no concept of "mine" or "yours", all over: husbands, wives, children. Their language is very simple, only 3 vowels and 8 consonants, there is also no account, they cannot count even up to 3.

Sapadi tribe (ostrich tribe).

They have an amazing property: only two fingers, and both are big! This is a disease (but is it possible to call this unusual structure of the foot?) It is referred to as the progress syndrome and caused, according to physicians, in the influence. It is possible that the reason for him is some kind of unknown virus.

Sinta Larga. Live in the Amazon Valley (Brazil).

Family (husband with several wives and children) usually have their own home, which is thrown when the land in the village becomes less fertile and from the forests goes to game. Then they are filmed and looking for a new area for home. When moving, Sinta Larga change their names, but the "true" name every member of the tribe holds in the secret (only a mother and father know). Sinta Larga has always been famous for its aggressiveness. They are constantly fighting both with neighboring tribes and with "strangers" - white settlers. Battles and murders - an integral trait of their traditional lifestyle.

In the western part of the Amazon Valley, coar live.

In this tribe, in the literal sense of the word, survives the strongest. If a child is born with any defect, or ills in an infectious disease, it is simply killed. They do not know bows or copies. Armed with batons and wind tubes shooting poisoned arrows. Corrupts are directly like small children. You should smile to smile, how they begin to laugh. If you notice your face on your face, you begin to wander around. This is almost a primitive tribe that civilization did not touch. But it is impossible to feel calm in their surroundings, as they can come into rage at any time.

There are approximately 100 more tribes that do not know how to read and write, do not know what television, cars, moreover, still practiced cannibalism. Remove them from the air, and then celebrate these places on the map. Not in order to study them or enlighten, but in order for anyone if you do not let them. Contact with them is not desirable not only because of their aggressiveness, and for the reasons that the wild tribes may not be immunity from contemporary diseases.

It is believed that there are no little about a hundred "isolated tribes" in the world, still living in the farthest corners of the world. Members of these tribes that retained traditions long left behind the rest of the world give anthropologists an excellent opportunity to study in detail the way of the development of various cultures over the centuries.

10. People People (The Surma People)

The Ethiopian tribe of Surma avoided contacts with the Western World over the years. Nevertheless, they are pretty known to the world due to their huge plates they put on the lips. However, they did not want to hear any government. While the colonization, world wars and the struggle for independence, the people of Surma lived in groups of them in full swing, and the people of Surma lived in each hundred and continued to engage in livestock.

The first people who managed to establish contact with the people of Surma were several Russian doctors. They became acquainted with the tribe in 1980. Due to the fact that the doctors were white-skinned, the members of the tribe at first thought they were the living dead. One of the few items that adapted the members of the Surma people to their lives are AK-47, which they use to protect their livestock.

9. Peruvian tribe found by tourists

Wandering in the jungle of Peru, a group of tourists suddenly faced members of an unknown tribe. The whole incident was filmed on the film: the tribe tried to communicate with tourists, but because of the fact that the members of the tribe did not know either Spanish, nor English, they soon desperately establish contact and left puzzled tourists where they found them.

After studying the film, recorded by tourists, the Peruvian authorities soon realized that a group of tourists faced one of those few tribes that were still not discovered by anthropologists. Scientists knew about their existence and unsuccessfully sought them for many years, and tourists found them, not even looking for.

8. Lonely Brazilot

The magazine "Slate" called it "the most isolated man on the planet." Somewhere in the thickets of Amazon there is a tribe, consisting only of one person. As well as a snowy man, this mysterious person disappears when scientists must find it.

Why does he take such popularity, and why not leave him alone? It turns out that, according to scientists, he is the latest representative of the Isolated Mamazonian tribe. He is the only person in the world who retained the customs and language of his people. Communication with him will be equivalent to finding a precious clade of information, part of which is the answer to the question of how he managed to live alone so many decades.

7. Ramapogh Mountain Indians or The Jackson Whites)

During the 1700s, the European settlers completed their colonization of the Eastern Coast of North America. By this moment, each tribe between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River was added to the catalog of famous peoples. As it turned out, everything except one was listed in the catalog.

In the 1790s, no one before that, the famous tribe of the Indians came out of the forest just 56 kilometers from New York. They somehow managed to avoid contacts with the settlers, despite some of the largest battles, such as seven-year-old war and the war for independence, which actually passed from them on the backyards. They began to call "White Jackson" (Jackson Whites) due to the fact that they had a light skin color, and also due to what it was believed that they had occurred from "Jacks" (a slang word denoting the British).

6. Vietnamese RUC Tribe (Vietnamese RUC)

During the Vietnamese war, unprecedented bombings were isolated at that time regions. After one of the particularly powerful American bombings, the soldiers of the Northern Vietnam were shocked, seeing a group of the members of the tribe, leaving the jungle.

It was the first contact of the hand tribe with people with developed technology. Due to the fact that their home in the jungle was badly damaged, they decided to stay in modern Vietnam and not return to their traditional dwellings. However, the values \u200b\u200band traditions of the tribe transmitted from generation to generation for many centuries did not like the Vietnamese government, which led to mutual hostility.

5. The last of the indigenous Americans

In 1911, the last Native American, untouched by civilization, quietly left the forest in California, in full tribal attire - and was immediately arrested by a shocked police. His name was Ichi (ISHI), and he was a member of the Yahia tribe (YAHIA).

After the interrogation of the police spent, which was able to find a translator from the local college, it turned out that Ishi was the only surviving representative of his tribe, after his tribe was destroyed by settlers in three years earlier. After he tried to survive alone, taking advantage of only the gifts of nature, he finally decided to turn to other people for help.

Ishi took a research researcher from the University of Berkeley (Berkeley University) under his custody. There, Ishi told the teaching staff all the secrets of his tribal life, and showed them a lot of survival techniques, using only what nature gave. Many of these techniques were either forgotten forgotten, or are generally unknown by scientists.

4. Brazilian tribes

The Brazilian government tried to find out how many people live in isolated areas of Amazonian lowland in order to contribute them to the register of population. Therefore, the government aircraft equipped with photographic equipment regularly flew over the jungle, trying to detect and calculate people under it. Surverent flights really gave the result, although very unexpected.

In 2007, the plane, which carried out the routine low flight, in order to get photos, unexpectedly fell under the whole rain of arrows, which previously unknown tribe fired a plane from the onions. Then, in 2011, satellite scans registered a few specks in the corner of the jungle, in which the presence of people did not even be assumed: as it turned out, there were still people with specks.

3. New Guinea tribes

Somewhere in New Guinea, most likely there are dozens of languages, cultures and tribal customs, which are still unknown to a modern person. However, due to the fact that this terrain is almost not joined, as well as due to the fact that the nature and intentions of these tribes are uncertain, with often slipping messages about cannibalism, the wild part of New Guinea is very rarely investigated. Despite the fact that new tribes are often revealed, many expeditions that make their goal of tracking such tribes, and do not reach them, or sometimes just disappear.

For example, in 1961, Michael Rockefeller (Michael Rockefeller) was set to find some of the lost tribes. Rockefeller, the American heir of one of the most vast states in the world was separated from his group and, apparently, captives and eaten by the members of the flame.

2. Pintupi Nine (The Pintupi Nine)

In 1984, an unknown group of Aborigines was discovered at the settlement in Western Australia. After they ran away, the Pinupian nine, as they later called, Dressed those who spoke in their language, and told them that there is a place where water runs out of the pipes and always have a sufficient stock of food. Most of them decided to stay in a modern city, several of them became artists working in the style of traditional art. However, one person out of nine, named Yari Yari (Yari Yari), returned to the Gibson Desert desert, where he lives to this day.

1. Sentinelse (The Sentinese)

Sentinelts is a tribe, consisting of about 250 people who live on the island of North Sentella (North Sentinel Island), located between India and Thailand. There is almost nothing about this tribe, because as soon as the Stennicians see that someone sailed to them, they meet arrived by a hail of arrows.

Several peace meetings with this tribe that occurred in 1960 gave us almost everything we know about their culture. Coconuts delivered to the island as a gift were eaten, and not planted. Living pigs were shot by arrows and buried, without eating them. The most popular items in the Stennaletsev had red vendors who quickly disassembled members of the tribe - however, the exact same green veserves remained in place.

Anyone who wanted to land on their island was to first write his own testament. The "National Geographic" team (National Geographic) was forced to turn around, after the team leader received an arrow in the thigh, and two local guides were killed.

The Steninelians won their reputation to their ability to experience natural cataclysms - unlike many modern people living in similar conditions. For example, it is a tribe living on the shore, successfully avoided the effects of tsunami caused by an earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004, which chaos sown and horror in Sri Lanka and Indonesia.

Photos from open sources

There were still untouched places on the planet, where the lifestyle is the same as a couple of millennia ago.

Today there are about a hundred tribes that are hostile to modern society and do not want to establish civilization in their lives.

At the shores of India on one of the Andaman Islands - the North Sentelinel island - such a tribe lives.

They are so nicknamed - Seninets. They violently resist all possible contacts from the outside.

The first testimony of the tribe, inhabiting the Northern Sentellensky Island of the Andaman Archipelago, belongs to the XVIII century: navigators, being nearby, left records of strange "primitive" people who do not allow to go to their land.

With the development of seaworthy and aviation, the possibilities of observing the islanders increased, but all the information known to date is assembled remotely.

Until now, no strangers could have been in the circle of the Seninetse tribe, without having lost his life. This unclean tribe submissulates the stranger is not closer than the distance shot from the bow. They even throw stones in helicopters flying too low. The last brands, trying to get to the island, were fishermen poachers in 2006. Their families still can't pick up the body: the Steninelians killed the uninvited guests, buried them in shallow graves.

However, interest in this isolated culture does not decrease: the researchers are constantly looking for the possibilities of contact and study of the Steninelts. At various times, coconuts, dishes, pigs and much more were tied up, which could improve their habitat conditions on a small island. It is known that they liked the coconuts, but the representatives of the tribe did not guessed that they could be planted, but simply ate all the fruits. Pork Islanders betrayed the earth, making it with the honors and without having traveled to their meat.

Interesting turned out to be an experiment with kitchen utensils. The metallic dishes of the Stennalets adopted favorably, and the plastic was divided into flowers: the green buckets were thrown, and they came up with the red. There is no explanation for this, as there are no answers and many other questions. Their language is among the most unique and completely unrepresented to anyone on the planet. They lead the lifestyle of hunters-collectors, extracting themselves to feed the hunting, fishing and collecting wild plants, while during the millennium they have never mastered agricultural activities.

It is believed that they don't even know how to breed the fire: using random fires, they then carefully keep smashes and coals. Even the exact number of the tribe remains unknown: the numbers range from 40 to 500 people; Such a scatter is also explained by observations only on the part and assumptions that part of the islanders at this moment can hide in more often.

Despite the fact that the Stennicians are not affected by the rest of the world, they have advocates on the big earth. Organizations advocating the rights of tribal peoples call the inhabitants of the Northern Sentellin Island "The most vulnerable society on the planet" and reminds that they have no immunity to anyone common infection in the world. For this reason, their policy to drive strangers can be considered as self-defense from the right death.

These people are unknown what electricity is and how to manage cars, they live as their ancestors lived for centuries, getting food in the hunt and catching fish. They do not know how to read and write, and die can from ordinary cold or scratch. All this is about wild tribes that still exist on our planet.

There are not many such communities closed from civilization, they live mainly in warm countries, in Africa, South America, Asia and Australia. To date, it is believed that such tribes are preserved no more than 100 on the entire planet. Sometimes examine their life and culture is almost impossible, as they live too isolated and do not want to have contacts with the outside world, or their immune system is not ready for a "meeting" with modern bacteria, and any disease, the current of which a modern person may not even notice For the savage will be fatal. Unfortunately, civilization still "comes", almost everywhere there is an uncontrolled cutting down of trees, people still master new lands, and wild tribes are forced to leave their lands, and sometimes even go to the "big" world.


This people live in New Guinea, occurs in Melanesia, on the islands of Halmahra, Timor and Alor.

According to the anthropogenic type of Papuans closest to Melanezians, however, with a completely different language and culture. Some tribes speak completely in different languages, which are not even relative. To date, their nationwide is Creole-Pisin.

In general, there are approximately 3.7 million Papuans, while some wild tribes have no more than 100 people. Among them there are many nations: Boncina, Gimb, Ekary, Chimba and others. It is believed that these people settled Oceania another 20-25 thousand years ago.

Each community has a public house, called Bulbramb. This is a kind of cultural and spiritual center of the entire village. In some villages, you can see a huge house in which everyone live together, its length is capable of reaching 200 meters.

Papuats are farmers, the main cultural cultures - tarot, banana, yams and coconut. The harvest is necessarily stored on the root, that is, it is collected only for meals. Dikari also dilute pigs, engage in hunting.


These are wild tribes of Africa. Even the ancient Egyptians were known about their existence. They are mentioned in Homer and Herodota. However, the first time to confirm the existence of Pygmeys was managed only in the XIX century, when they were found in the river basin of the Node and Ituri. To date, it is known about the existence of these people in Rwanda, the Central African Republic, in Cameroon, Zaire and in the forests of Gabon. You can even meet Pygmeys in South Asia, in the Philippines, in Thailand and Malaysia.

A distinctive feature of pygmeys - low growth, from 144 to 150 centimeters. Their hair is curly, leather light brown. The body is usually large enough, and the legs and hands are short. Pygmeys are allocated in a separate race. Of course, these nations have a special language, they communicate on those adverbs whose peoples live nearby: ACSU, Kimbochi and others.

Another peculiarity of this people is a short life path. In some settlements, people live only up to 16 years. The girls give birth, being still very small. In other settlements, there were women who occur the period of menopause for 28 years. A meager diet puts at risk their health, pygmy die even from chickenpox and measles.

To date, the total number of this people is not established, according to some calculations, there are about 40 thousand them, according to others - 200.

For a long time, Pygmy did not even know how to mine fire, the hearth was transferred with them. They are engaged in collecting and hunting.


These wild tribes live in Namibia, are also found on the territory of Angola, South Africa and Botswana, Tanzania.

These people belong to the capoid race, with brighter skin than the blacks. In the language a lot of clicking sounds.

Bushmen lead a practically a vagabond lifestyle, permanently semi-wild. The system of constructing a society does not imply the presence of leaders, but there are elders who are selected among the smartest and authoritative personalities of the community. It does not exist in this people's cult of ancestors, but they are very afraid of the dead, so they spend a unique burial rite. In the diet of food there are larvae of ants, the so-called "Bushmen rice".

To date, most bushmen work on farms and are little adhered to the same lifestyle.


These are wild tribes of Africa (southern part). It is believed that Zulus is about 10 million. They speak the language of Zulu, the most common in the territory of South Africa.

Many representatives of this nationality became adherents of Christianity, but many of them observe their own faith. According to the canons of the Zulus religion, death is the result of witchcraft, and all living on the planet created the Creator. This people have retained many traditions, in particular believers can make a rite of ablution about 3 times a day.

Zulusi is organized enough, they have even the king, today it is goodwill Zvelantini. Each tribe consists of clans, which includes even smaller community. In each of them there is a leader, and the husband plays this role in the family.

The most expensive rite of wild tribes is married. To take a wife, a man will have to give it to parents at 100 kilograms of sugar, corn and 11 cows. For such gifts, you can rent apartments in the suburbs of Durban, with a gorgeous view of the ocean. Therefore, there are a lot of bachelors in tribes.


Perhaps this is the most brutal tribe around the world. Detect this people managed only in the 90s of the last century.

The life of the wild tribe is very harsh, they still use the teeth and animal tails as weapons and tools. Ears and noses These people pierce the teeth of predators and live in the impassable forests of Papua - New Guinea. Sleep on trees, in shala, very similar to those that many built in childhood. And forests here are so thick and impassable that neighboring villages do not even know about another settlement, located a few kilometers.

The holy animal is considered a pig, the meat of which cows eaten only after the boar will be up. Animal is used as a ride pony. Often the piglet is selected from the mother and grown from childhood.

Wild tribe women are common, but sexual contacts occur only once a year, the remaining 364 days is not allowed to touch them.

Cowaev flourishes the cult of warrior. This is a very hardy people, several days in a row they can eat only larvae and worms. It is believed that they are cannibals, but the first travelers who managed to walk to the settlement, just ate.

Now that cows learned about the existence of another society, they do not seek to leave the forests, and everyone who falls here tells the legend that if they retreat from their traditions, there will be a terrible earthquake and the whole planet will die. They scare the cows of the unnecessary guests by the bikes about their bloodthity, although no confirmation of this was not.


These are real noble warriors of the African continent. Engaged in cattle breeding, but never steal livestock in neighbors and lower tribes. These people are able to protect themselves from Lviv and European conquerors, although in the 21st century too large a civilization pressure, which increasingly occurs, led to the fact that the tribes are rapidly decreasing in quantities. Now children graze living creatures with almost 3 more age, women lies all the economy, and the remaining men are mostly resting or sustaining unwanted guests.

It is from this people in the traditions to delay the mossy of the ears and insert rounded items in the lower lip with a good saucer.


The most bloodthirsty tribes of New Zealand and Cook Islands. In these places, Maori are indigenous people.

These people are cannibals that were horrified not on one traveler. The path of development of the company Maori went in another direction - from man to the animal. The tribes have always been located on the territory protected by the very nature, additionally, conducting strengthening work, creating multi-metering rs and installing the frequency on which the dried heads of enemies were mounted. They are prepared carefully, purified from the brain, strengthen the nasal and eye depressions and bulges with special skins and smoke on a slow fire about 30 hours.

Wild tribes of Australia

In this country, a sufficiently large number of tribes living away from civilization and have interesting customs have been preserved. For example, the men of the Arunta tribe in an interesting way show respect for each other, giving their wife a comrade for a short time. If a gifted man refuses, a host begins between families.

And in one of the tribes of Australia, in childhood, boys caught with extreme flesh and pull out the urinary channel, thus two genital organs.

Amazon Indians

In tropical forests, according to the most modest estimates, there are about 50 of the most different wild tribes of the Indians.

Pirah. This is one of the most undeveloped peoples of the planet. There are about 200 people in the settlement, they live in Brazilian jungle. Aborigines use the most primitive language on the planet, they have no history and myths, there is no calculus system.

The pirah does not have the right to tell the stories that did not happen to them. It is impossible to introduce new words and heard from other people. There is no animal and vegetation designation in the language, colors.

This people have never been seen in aggression, lives on trees, in the slashes. Often act as conductors, but do not accept any items of civilization.

Kayapo tribe. This is one of the wild tribes of the world, which lives in the eastern part of the river basin. Their number is about 3 thousand people. They believe that they are managed by a person who descended from heaven. Some objects of life of Kayapo are really reminded by astronauts. Despite the fact that the entire village goes downstream, though God appears in the robe and even with the headdress.

Corrupt. This people, perhaps, the most unexplored from all the tribes of the world, who live remotely from civilization. All residents are quite aggressively tuned to any guests. They are engaged in collecting and hunting, often attack the neighboring tribes. Even women participate in the battles. A distinctive feature of this tribe, that they do not deact oneself and do not make tattoos, unlike most aborigines.

The life of wild tribes is sufficient. If a child is born with a wolf mouth, he is immediately killed, and this happens quite often. The child is often killed and after he grows, if suddenly sick.

A tribe in characteristic of the Indians has long rooms with several inputs. In such houses there are several families at once. Men of this tribe can have several wives.

The most basic problem of all wild tribes is an inexorable expansion of the habitats of a civilized person. This is a huge risk that these practically primitive people will soon disappear, not to withstand the onslaught of the modern world.