Pictures of modern artists in the world. Modern Scientific Painting World

Pictures of modern artists in the world. Modern Scientific Painting World

Picture of the world

The most significant achievement of science of each historical period is the so-called picture of the world , Kwintessence of knowledge created by the best minds of this era, and adopted as the basis of its worldview with a significant number of contemporaries. The picture of the world existed already among the ancient Greeks, as historians assure us. In this picture, the Earth was the center of the Universe, they were located over it in various variations of heaven with the luminaires, an intangible ether, the abdication of the gods reigned over heaven. As part of this prehistoric picture of the world, scientists worked actually until the emergence of such powerful minds as Decartes, Galilee, Newton. Their works were created and gradually took possession of contemporaries a new picture of the world, in which the endless universe filled the omnipresent gas-like mechanical ether, and there were relatively rare celestial bodies in it. The land was no longer the center of the Universe, but only an ordinary celestial body. In this picture, the mechanistic perception of the world was dominated, the laws of mechanics were seen in everything and everything, and everything was revered by a conversion to mechanical processes and phenomena. Even the opening of the micromyr, the world of molecules and atoms only strengthened the position of the mechanistic picture of the world. The successes of thermodynamics sounded like a victorious fanfare of Newton's Genius, Galilee, Descartes. Oddly enough, but deep acquaintance of science with electrical The phenomena had little touched in the 19th century a mechanistic picture of the world. She simply tried to spread to these phenomena. In fact, the entire 19th century is the dramatic history of the mighty mental effort, which had a huge number of scientists, in order to preserve Newton's picture of the world, on it at the same time the total amount of electricity, electromagnetic waves, and then about the microscopic structure of the substance, elementary Particles. The flow of new facts was so rapid, and attempts to coordinate them with the old picture of the world as unsuccessful that by the beginning of the 20th century Newtonov's picture of the world with a crackling collapsed, almost instantly (on a historical scale) giving way to the newest, Einsteynian picture. In this picture of the world, the ether was no longer mentioned, but the space-time prevailed, the four-dimensional continuum, capable of himself in some incomprehensible way to "curly" under the influence of massive bodies and its "crusions" to change the movement of not only real bodies, but also electromagnetic waves, Fields, light.

At the same time, at the bottom of the picture, in the micrometer there were completely different, but no less fantastic ideas: there reigned the case, and the rule of uncertainty. There God played in the bone, and the objects could simultaneously be everywhere and nowhere else and moreover. Moreover, it turned out that the upper, cosmogonic part of the picture is simply incompatible with the bottom, microscopic. As if there would be a certain irresistible border between them, a certain wall of yellow fog. This disintegration of the scientific worldview had a huge influence on the entire science of the 20th century and to its end, as from the horns of abundance, they were not just those or other private alternative scientific theories, and already whole alternative pieces of the picture of the world. At the beginning of the 21st century, not only some scientists, but many people seemingly distant from science, ceased to arrange the strange, split, who turned away from common sense and normal logic, the scientific picture of the world, which we still have today, or which has us.

Here we offer to your attention the basics, the foundation on the one hand "supernova" physical picture of the world, and on the other hand, the paintings are very "old", the elements of which people develop in centuries and never ceased to develop, even during the times of undivided domination of completely alien views and concepts . In this picture of the world, the whole Universe is immersed in an electric ether, and consists of it, and this air itself is of an innocent character. Reality is manifested as perturbations of this ether, violations of its natural equilibrium. Speaking by philosophical language, there is nothing in this picture of the world, except for moving differently perturbed ether. The ether itself seems to be an ubiquitous, weightless, all-perch, unlimited mobile dielectric medium. On the internal device is only the fact that it is a dialectic unity of two opposites, two electrical continuums: positive and negative. By the way, if you call them Yin and Yang, then nothing will not change. Both the substance and the field of modern physics are only certain, the exactly described states of this electrical ether. In this sense, he plays with us even a wider role than a notorious single field, which are so many decades to find (create?) Modern physics to explain only one, rather narrow question: the nature of power interactions.

The first decade of the 21st century can be considered a decade of unrealized hopes. The grand plans and aspirations of great powers and regional entities failed. The US plans were not come true in building a unipolar world, the EU had hopes for the fact that the "soft" America in the face of Barack Obama will give Europe the opportunity to free themselves from American guardianship and go to the first roles in world politics. China has no desire, nor even the opportunity to comply with Den Xiaopin's call: "hide our potential" and "wait a convenient case." It seems that this "case" has come.

If at the end of the 20th century, Washington had some illusions about the sole global global administration, today the United States, as the state of the highest rank loses control over global processes, and his elite is alarming about the ways to survive American society. Interestingly, in such a situation, trace the evolution of the views of the geopolitical planner Z. Brzezinsky. This he painted in the "Great Chess Board" and other works and performances "Charms and the inevitability of the world order under the auspices of the United States.

In essence, Brzezinsky carried out geopolitical planning of the world for the interests of America, or rather the American elite. Let us recall him with regard to Russia type: the future world order will be built on the wreckage of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia. Mr. Brzezinsky paid special attention to Eurasia, because it is an apologist of the thesis of H. Makkider, that world domination is possible only in the event of domination in Eurasia, and the latter is impossible without domination over Russia. "America is interested to preserve and strengthen the existing pluralism on the map of Eurasia"; ... to ensure "Preventing the emergence of a hostile coalition, especially - the state capable of challenging ... In the medium term, said must give way to the emergence of increasingly important and strategic terms of compatible partners who under the guidance of America could help in creating a transparency security system" ( Brzezinsk ZB. Great Chess Board. The domination of America and its geostrategic imperatives. M., International Relations, 2002. p. 235). What kind of hostile US coalition and which power capable of challenging is speaking, I believe the reader is clear: Russia and China first.

But here's what the height is the same Brzezinsky on October 14, 2011 in Normandy at the presentation of the Award A. Tokville: "The current United States and the whole Western world, not at all that were before ... Western world is currently in decline due to There is no will to unity. " ("Military Review", Well, about the will to unity, as the main reason for the west decline, you can argue, but the decline of the United States and the West is a faithful fact. But the mouth of Brzezinsky says the design geopolitics of the West - not a statement of decline, but the updated geopolitical project of the American and European elites, primarily financial. And the essence of this project is the former - subordination of all mankind, through the creation of the global government and expand the Atlantic Union through Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Brzezinsky in his recent statements gives great geopolitical secrecy: the salvation of the West (as it was more than once in history) is impossible without the participation of Russia. And the second secret Zbignev: the world seeks bipolarity along the West axis (characteristic of its phrase: the power of the East is constantly growing against the background of the west decline). And Russia needs the West to confront the East. But the West is no longer a whole, these are two different civilizational entities that are in a state of geopolitical confrontation.

Chief Subject

And in this confrontation of the national elites, the Global Financial Oligarch is coming out to create a single world space with the global government under the rule of money. National states slowly, but steadily lose control over their space. International actors are the global financial oligarchy, based on closed clubs of super-traveled people and TNCs, in the hands of which are real power, as well as the civilizations of the East and the West. But it seems that the transnational community is the leading subject of world processes: with the help of money and network management, it dictates its will to sovereign states. Global proceeds managed by the World Financial structures have several levels. The highest level is the global financial center (MFC) - (today they are 16, there will be 22 in the coming years). Middle level - transnational banks (TNB) - (more than 1000). And the last level - national banks conjugate with transnational centers.

The most important question in the formation of the geopolitical structure of the future of the world is the knowledge of the global financial oligarchy (Fininterner), more than two centuries in powerfully affecting the formation of world historical processes. Today, under its control are: a significant part (more than 70 percent) of the monetary resources of peace, precious metals, hydrocarbon raw materials. Up to 80 percent. The leading global media are also controlled by the largest financial structures and TNCs.

The global network monitors the United States, Great Britain, Russia, the EU, through world banks are selected to the financial system of the PRC in order to establish control over its economies; It also has a system of global management bodies of economic and political processes (Davos Forum, Eight, Twenty, Bilderberg Club, World Bank, IMF, etc.), shadow armed and special forces (private military corporations, terrorist formations), global Drug addict with an annual turnover of about 1 trillion. dollars. At its disposal in fact there are NATO, OSCE, PACE, etc. Structures. The financial oligarchhat persistently implements the strategy of a monopolar (scattered) world order based on the omnipotent power of the money. The basic basis of the FinINTER is still the financial reserve system of the United States, the financial groups of Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Vatican.

How to behave this subject of global management in the process of cardinal reorganization of the world, to say difficult. One thing is clear: without a fight, he will not pass his position. The contours of his strategy are read by the world government, the movement of the financial infrastructure to East Asia, the creation of a planetary arc of instability, the establishment of a financial dictatorship. That is, the approval of the global financial fascism.

The elites and government governments become objects of management, the state colonization (financial colonization) occurs over financial control over them. In colonial states, the role of the national elite is to fulfill the will of the global elite and implement the goals and objectives set by them. Being a "national elite" today means not to associate itself with the native people, but to be part of the global establishment. Responsibility to the global elite significantly exceeds the responsibility to its own people. This means that all their rhetoric on democracy, fair elections, about the political sovereignty of the country is a bait for spaces.

This means the denial of democracy as such, because no one elected the world elite. It is cooped by one or another part of the national elite of any country. And then this "elite" is reported not before the people of this country, and in front of their brothers along the bed, before the global oligarchy. They have nothing to do with the people of the country where they live, their work has their own logic and morality. The "National ELITA" should abandon the entrepreneurial and any other productive activities for the benefit of its own state, and should provide free access to the global roving elite to the national riches of the habitat. The fulfillment of the will of world financial centers will provide a place in global financial structures to representatives of the "National oligarchic elites". And the global elite will ensure guaranteed profits and total control over the sovereignty of states. To achieve world domination, global financial centers in front of them are the following tasks and stages. first stage. - creation on the planet of the system crisis and instability. The second is the organization of hunger and natural disasters. The third is the formation of public opinion in favor of global anti-crisis management and education of the world government.

To expand and deepen the influence of world financial centers, formation in the eyes of the world community of the enemy's image is needed. In the past, this was the USSR, today is Islamic terrorism, Libya, Syria, Iran, and in the near future, China may well become. For this it will be necessary to create an aggressive anti-Chinese arc around the subway.

Civilizational centers of world power and their strategy

World ethno-cultural civilizations (regional - civilizational associations) of the East and West have played a secondary role in the formation of planetary processes. At the same time, there is an active formation of geopolitical centers of force on a cultural and civilizational basis. The first magnitude centers are North America, Europe, China. There is an acute competition between them not only for leadership, but also for survival. At the same time, North America and to a lesser extent, Europe serve as a "body" of the global financial oligarchy, but they also lead a "quiet" war for independence from the financial oligarchy and TNC (shares "Seek Wall Street", generation "Igarek" and Dr.) India, like world civilization, dictates power dynamically, but it is still the second echelon, like Japan, Russia, Brazil. The Islamic world is scattered and lagging behind in development, looking for its civilizational path. Latin America has only begun to civilization construction. Africa, with the destruction of M. Gaddafi, will no longer gain its identity and independence in development.

Such configuration of world forces, the multidirectionality of their actions create a system of difficult solvable contradictions for all mankind.

First Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Dr. Military Sciences K.V. Sivkov in his article "Assessment of the probability of world war" allocates 7 major contradictions and imbalances, which gave rise to a global systemic crisis of the XXI century:

Contradiction between the growth of consumption production and the available resources necessary for development, the possibilities of the Earth's ecosystem;

Disproportions in the distribution of industrial facilities and raw materials that have brewed the conflict of interest between industrialized countries and country suppliers of raw materials;

Contradiction between the "poor" developing countries and "rich" industrially developed;

Contradiction between nations, national elites and the transnational elite;

Contradiction between the global bubble concurrent and

Scale of the real sector of the global economy;

Contradiction between the huge global financial power of the transnational financial elite and the absence of its political subjectivity;

The contradiction between the confusion of the "free market", which generates the power of money, and the spiritual foundations of the existence of various civilizations that form civilizational differences that generate the power of ideas (to one degree or another). (Sivkov K.V. Assessment of the Probability of the World War // Megapolis Management. - M., 2009. No. 2).

How is these contradictions of the West (oligarchy + "national" elite trying to "resolve"?

First: Transfer for the so-called. International monitoring of essential natural resources and strategic communications. In the case of resistance from sovereign states, "color" revolutions are launched in their territories, "democratic" coups, crises, etc., are organized, but if the peaceful option does not work, then the power method is launched, (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya ).

Second: the official design of the global structures. Who, for example, created the "eight", "twenty", Davos forum? Who emphasized the United States to introduce matrieval sanctions, implement international "justice"? However, solutions to these and similar "bodies" are actually mandatory for the world community of states.

Other options are also being implemented, such as imparting the global functions of NATO.

In the strategic concept of organizing the North Atlantic contract, adopted by the heads of state and government in Lisbon (November 2010), NATO is assigned to the right: "deploying the reliable armed forces there and where necessary for our security, and promoting common security in cooperation with our partners worldwide. While the world is changing, the NATO key task will remain the same: to ensure that the alliance does not have any equal community of freedom, peace, security and common values. "

But if you discard empty words, then NATO declares the right to control the whole world by military force. Based on the generally accepted postulates on the protection of human rights, the fight against terrorism, nuclear distribution, drugs, and so on, but in fact, after the adoption of such a concept in the face of NATO, the power instrument was legitimized to maintain the power of money, the power of a transnational oligarch. . But their power will be strong until the dollar is. While most countries of the world are willing to keep their money resources in dollars and pay each other American currency, the United States and the financial oligarchy will live and rule. The reduction in the "Dollar territory" will inevitably lead to its weakening and reducing the influence of its manufacturers to world processes. Changes in the philosophy of human life (more spirituality, morality, intellect - less consumption), careful attitude towards nature (harmony with nature) will lead to the collapse of the power of money.

The main objects of geopolitical confrontation becomes: key (strategically important) areas of the world, strategic communications, global resources. The possession of these objects will largely determine the geopolitical status of civilizations and groups of states, the dynamics of their development, the degree of external and internal security, the level of sovereignty.

The main sphere of the geopolitical struggle in the XX1 century becomes a cultural - civilization environment and spiritual sphere. The destruction or absorption of world civilizations, the change in their essence, one of the main tasks of the West and financial elites. For controlled world space, universal world religion is necessary and this is formed in the face of Judeo-Christianity.

The dynamics of civilizational processes makes some predictions and conclusions. Thus, the inability of states is to withstand global mafia structures, gives rise to the arrangement of larger socio-political players - civilizations and civilizational unions. And in this situation, Russia appears a historical chance to make its Messianic contribution to the construction of a new fair world order.

Geopolitical project of Russia

The most dynamically develops and gain leading positions in world processes Eastern civilizations, first of all, China and India. But can they offer humanity a solid global project? It is unlikely that they themselves compete with each other for resources, for the territory of influence. With such a project, Russia should speak with confidence that it will be supported by the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world. Because it will be a project expected by mankind: Messianic in essence, global scale, aimed at survival and the development of all peoples of the world - in content. Draft geopolitical intelligence and mind of humanity. It is the mind, not animal pragmatism. Active member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems I.N. Solver writes: "Intellect, endowed with the properties of the mind, is able to create construction, the likelihood of which in the framework of a purely stochastic process is almost equal to zero ... only the mind, once arising, cannot die due to the fact that it is able to improve the forms of its existence ... so An absolutely necessary condition for development is an increase in the intellectual part of humanity. " (Ostans I. Introduction to the philosophy of non-violent development. M., 2009, p. 57, 61). For Russia itself, it will be a project for the restoration of civilizational essence and transformation, based not on bare pragmatism, but at the reasonable principles and geopolitical potential of the Fatherland. Otherwise, we, Russia, become a third-term Asian country (in Brzezinsky), or at all we will leave the historical process.

To develop and promote the Russian project, first of all, it is necessary to concentrate the scientific potential of the country and master the method of geopolitical analysis, geopolitical forecast, geopolitical planning of the world. This methodology was mastered many years ago, Anglo-Saxons, Stalin, Rothschilds and Vatican. Today, the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (Russia) in the Commonwealth with other socio-scientific organizations has this methodology. The project is proposed to put a geopolitical doctrine of Russia, in which:

Give an objective analysis of global processes, prove the impractix and catastrophicity for humanity, both Western and mondialist (transnational) projects;

Identify the positive potential of human civilization capable of maintaining all the peoples of the world with its reasonable implementation, give impetus to their comprehensive development;

Reflect the type, civilization device, geopolitical configuration of the world and the system of the principles of the world community;

To declare the claims of Russia to the role of the Eurasian geopolitical center and about the geopolitical allies of Russia, without calling specific countries and civilization, but limited to the principles of determining the allied forces and ideological and religious systems;

Suggest the world community with its own vision of the content and meaning of human being, the role and functions of the economy and finance, as the means of developing culture, science, education, social communications, and not the means of profit and super-engraving;

Suggest the World System of International Security, based on the principles of the intersevizational balance of the forces laid out in the Updated UN Charter, which encourages the development of collective security systems, the elimination of hostilities, as a means of resolving disputes and conflicts.

Offering humanity, a geopolitical project, Russia is obliged to change its essential strategy, again on the basis of intelligence and mind. In particular:

Develop their own geopolitical theory of the XX1 century (Russian specialists are ready to develop it), where the main subjects of world processes will not be separate states, but civilizations;

Initiate the formation of an intercivorization community in the composition of civilizations that disagree with the world order of the "Golden Billion" (Russia, CIS countries, China, Islamic world, Latin America, a number of Western European countries and Africa).

Promote the development of such international organizations as SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, the establishment of interaction with the OIC, Lag, Latin America;

Start the formation of a new international financial system (at the first stage closed for the dollar) on the basis of Yuan, Ruble, Dinara, Aku.

Promote the creation of an integrated collective security system in the SCO interaction format, BRICS, CSTO, ASEAN.
- accelerate the design of membership in the SCO of India, Iran, Mongolia, invitation as candidates of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan; and other countries;

Develop and implement the draft fourth geopolitical space as part of: Russia (CIS), India, Iran, Afghanistan, possibly Japan and other countries;

Suggest the modernization of the UN and its Security Council, the translation of their activities on the civilization principle. (UN Security Council, permanent representatives from Russia (CIS), China, India, countries of Islam, Latin America, Africa, Japan, Europe, North America).

Intensify the combination of efforts within the CIS (Eurasian Union) SCO, BRICS, to work out breakthrough innovative technologies, especially in nuclear, nano-molecular and other areas, to develop new security systems.

The first decade of the 21st century can be considered a decade of unrealized hopes. The grand plans and aspirations of great powers and regional entities failed. The US plans were not come true in building a unipolar world, the EU had hopes for the fact that the "soft" America in the face of Barack Obama will give Europe the opportunity to free themselves from American guardianship and go to the first roles in world politics. China has no desire, nor even the opportunity to comply with Den Xiaopin's call: "hide our potential" and "wait a convenient case." It seems that this "case" has come.

If at the end of the 20th century, Washington had some illusions about the sole global global administration, today the United States, as the state of the highest rank loses control over global processes, and his elite is alarming about the ways to survive American society. Interestingly, in such a situation, trace the evolution of the views of the geopolitical planner Z. Brzezinsky. This he painted in the "Great Chess Board" and other works and performances "Charms and the inevitability of the world order under the auspices of the United States. In essence, Brzezinsky carried out geopolitical planning of the world for the interests of America, or rather the American elite. Let us recall him with regard to Russia type: the future world order will be built on the wreckage of Russia, at the expense of Russia and against Russia. Mr. Brzezinsky paid special attention to Eurasia, because it is an apologist of the thesis of H. Makkider, that world domination is possible only in the event of domination in Eurasia, and the latter is impossible without domination over Russia. "America is interested to preserve and strengthen the existing pluralism on the map of Eurasia"; ... to ensure "Preventing the emergence of a hostile coalition, especially - the state capable of challenging ... In the medium term, said must give way to the emergence of increasingly important and strategic terms of compatible partners who under the guidance of America could help in creating a transparency security system" ( Brzezinsk ZB. Great Chess Board. The domination of America and its geostrategic imperatives. M., International Relations, 2002. p. 235). What kind of hostile US coalition and which power capable of challenging is speaking, I believe the reader is clear: Russia and China first.

But here's what the height is the same Brzezinsky on October 14, 2011 in Normandy at the presentation of the Award A. Tokville: "The current United States and the whole Western world, not at all that were before ... Western world is currently in decline due to There is no will to unity. " ("Military Review", Well, about the will to unity, as the main reason for the west decline, you can argue, but the decline of the United States and the West is a faithful fact. But the mouth of Brzezinsky says the design geopolitics of the West - not a statement of decline, but the updated geopolitical project of the American and European elites, primarily financial. And the essence of this project is the former - subordination of all mankind, through the creation of the global government and expand the Atlantic Union through Russia, Ukraine and Turkey. Brzezinsky in his recent statements gives great geopolitical secrecy: the salvation of the West (as it was more than once in history) is impossible without the participation of Russia. And the second secret Zbignev: the world seeks bipolarity along the West axis (characteristic of its phrase: the power of the East is constantly growing against the background of the west decline). And Russia needs the West to confront the East. But the West is no longer a whole, these are two different civilizational entities that are in a state of geopolitical confrontation.

Chief Subject

And in this confrontation of the national elites, the Global Financial Oligarch is coming out to create a single world space with the global government under the rule of money. National states slowly, but steadily lose control over their space. International actors are the global financial oligarchy, based on closed clubs of super-traveled people and TNCs, in the hands of which are real power, as well as the civilizations of the East and the West. But it seems that the transnational community is the leading subject of world processes: with the help of money and network management, it dictates its will to sovereign states. Global proceeds managed by the World Financial structures have several levels. The highest level is the global financial center (MFC) - (today they are 16, there will be 22 in the coming years). Middle level - transnational banks (TNB) - (more than 1000). And the last level - national banks conjugate with transnational centers.

The most important question in the formation of the geopolitical structure of the future of the world is the knowledge of the global financial oligarchy (Fininterner), more than two centuries in powerfully affecting the formation of world historical processes. Today, under its control are: a significant part (more than 70 percent) of the monetary resources of peace, precious metals, hydrocarbon raw materials. Up to 80 percent. The leading global media are also controlled by the largest financial structures and TNCs.

The global network monitors the United States, Great Britain, Russia, the EU, through world banks are selected to the financial system of the PRC in order to establish control over its economies; It also has a system of global management bodies of economic and political processes (Davos Forum, Eight, Twenty, Bilderberg Club, World Bank, IMF, etc.), shadow armed and special forces (private military corporations, terrorist formations), global Drug addict with an annual turnover of about 1 trillion. dollars. At its disposal in fact there are NATO, OSCE, PACE, etc. Structures. The financial oligarchhat persistently implements the strategy of a monopolar (scattered) world order based on the omnipotent power of the money. The basic basis of the FinINTER is still the financial reserve system of the United States, the financial groups of Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Vatican.

How to behave this subject of global management in the process of cardinal reorganization of the world, to say difficult. One thing is clear: without a fight, he will not pass his position. The contours of his strategy are read by the world government, the movement of the financial infrastructure to East Asia, the creation of a planetary arc of instability, the establishment of a financial dictatorship. That is, the approval of the global financial fascism.

The elites and government governments become objects of management, the state colonization (financial colonization) occurs over financial control over them. In colonial states, the role of the national elite is to fulfill the will of the global elite and implement the goals and objectives set by them. Being a "national elite" today means not to associate itself with the native people, but to be part of the global establishment. Responsibility to the global elite significantly exceeds the responsibility to its own people. This means that all their rhetoric on democracy, fair elections, about the political sovereignty of the country is a bait for spaces.

This means the denial of democracy as such, because no one elected the world elite. It is cooped by one or another part of the national elite of any country. And then this "elite" is reported not before the people of this country, and in front of their brothers along the bed, before the global oligarchy. They have nothing to do with the people of the country where they live, their work has their own logic and morality. The "National ELITA" should abandon the entrepreneurial and any other productive activities for the benefit of its own state, and should provide free access to the global roving elite to the national riches of the habitat. The fulfillment of the will of world financial centers will provide a place in global financial structures to representatives of the "National oligarchic elites". And the global elite will ensure guaranteed profits and total control over the sovereignty of states. To achieve world domination, global financial centers in front of them are the following tasks and stages. first stage. - creation on the planet of the system crisis and instability. The second is the organization of hunger and natural disasters. The third is the formation of public opinion in favor of global anti-crisis management and education of the world government.

To expand and deepen the influence of world financial centers, formation in the eyes of the world community of the enemy's image is needed. In the past, this was the USSR, today is Islamic terrorism, Libya, Syria, Iran, and in the near future, China may well become. For this it will be necessary to create an aggressive anti-Chinese arc around the subway.

Civilizational centers of world power and their strategy

World ethno-cultural civilizations (regional - civilizational associations) of the East and West have played a secondary role in the formation of planetary processes. At the same time, there is an active formation of geopolitical centers of force on a cultural and civilizational basis. The first magnitude centers are North America, Europe, China. There is an acute competition between them not only for leadership, but also for survival. At the same time, North America and to a lesser extent, Europe serve as a "body" of the global financial oligarchy, but they also lead a "quiet" war for independence from the financial oligarchy and TNC (shares "Seek Wall Street", generation "Igarek" and Dr.) India, like world civilization, dictates power dynamically, but it is still the second echelon, like Japan, Russia, Brazil. The Islamic world is scattered and lagging behind in development, looking for its civilizational path. Latin America has only begun to civilization construction. Africa, with the destruction of M. Gaddafi, will no longer gain its identity and independence in development.

Such configuration of world forces, the multidirectionality of their actions create a system of difficult solvable contradictions for all mankind.

First Vice President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Dr. Military Sciences K.V. Sivkov in his article "Assessment of the probability of world war" allocates 7 major contradictions and imbalances, which gave rise to a global systemic crisis of the XXI century:

Contradiction between the growth of consumption production and the available resources necessary for development, the possibilities of the Earth's ecosystem;

Disproportions in the distribution of industrial facilities and raw materials that have brewed the conflict of interest between industrialized countries and country suppliers of raw materials;

Contradiction between the "poor" developing countries and "rich" industrially developed;

Contradiction between nations, national elites and the transnational elite;

Contradiction between the global bubble concurrent and

Scale of the real sector of the global economy;

Contradiction between the huge global financial power of the transnational financial elite and the absence of its political subjectivity;

The contradiction between the confusion of the "free market", which generates the power of money, and the spiritual foundations of the existence of various civilizations that form civilizational differences that generate the power of ideas (to one degree or another). (Sivkov K.V. Assessment of the Probability of the World War // Megapolis Management. - M., 2009. No. 2).

How is these contradictions of the West (oligarchy + "national" elite trying to "resolve"?

First: Transfer for the so-called. International monitoring of essential natural resources and strategic communications. In the case of resistance from sovereign states, "color" revolutions are launched in their territories, "democratic" coups, crises, etc., are organized, but if the peaceful option does not work, then the power method is launched, (Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya ).

Second: the official design of the global structures. Who, for example, created the "eight", "twenty", Davos forum? Who emphasized the United States to introduce matrieval sanctions, implement international "justice"? However, solutions to these and similar "bodies" are actually mandatory for the world community of states.

Other options are also being implemented, such as imparting the global functions of NATO.

In the strategic concept of organizing the North Atlantic contract, adopted by the heads of state and government in Lisbon (November 2010), NATO is assigned to the right: "deploying the reliable armed forces there and where necessary for our security, and promoting common security in cooperation with our partners worldwide. While the world is changing, the NATO key task will remain the same: to ensure that the alliance does not have any equal community of freedom, peace, security and common values. "

But if you discard empty words, then NATO declares the right to control the whole world by military force. Based on the generally accepted postulates on the protection of human rights, the fight against terrorism, nuclear distribution, drugs, and so on, but in fact, after the adoption of such a concept in the face of NATO, the power instrument was legitimized to maintain the power of money, the power of a transnational oligarch. . But their power will be strong until the dollar is. While most countries of the world are willing to keep their money resources in dollars and pay each other American currency, the United States and the financial oligarchy will live and rule. The reduction in the "Dollar territory" will inevitably lead to its weakening and reducing the influence of its manufacturers to world processes. Changes in the philosophy of human life (more spirituality, morality, intellect - less consumption), careful attitude towards nature (harmony with nature) will lead to the collapse of the power of money.

The main objects of geopolitical confrontation becomes: key (strategically important) areas of the world, strategic communications, global resources. The possession of these objects will largely determine the geopolitical status of civilizations and groups of states, the dynamics of their development, the degree of external and internal security, the level of sovereignty.

The main sphere of the geopolitical struggle in the XX1 century becomes a cultural - civilization environment and spiritual sphere. The destruction or absorption of world civilizations, the change in their essence, one of the main tasks of the West and financial elites. For controlled world space, universal world religion is necessary and this is formed in the face of Judeo-Christianity.

The dynamics of civilizational processes makes some predictions and conclusions. Thus, the inability of states is to withstand global mafia structures, gives rise to the arrangement of larger socio-political players - civilizations and civilizational unions. And in this situation, Russia appears a historical chance to make its Messianic contribution to the construction of a new fair world order.

Geopolitical project of Russia

The most dynamically develops and gain leading positions in world processes Eastern civilizations, first of all, China and India. But can they offer humanity a solid global project? It is unlikely that they themselves compete with each other for resources, for the territory of influence. With such a project, Russia should speak with confidence that it will be supported by the overwhelming majority of the peoples of the world. Because it will be a project expected by mankind: Messianic in essence, global scale, aimed at survival and the development of all peoples of the world - in content. Draft geopolitical intelligence and mind of humanity. It is the mind, not animal pragmatism. Active member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems I.N. Solver writes: "Intellect, endowed with the properties of the mind, is able to create construction, the likelihood of which in the framework of a purely stochastic process is almost equal to zero ... only the mind, once arising, cannot die due to the fact that it is able to improve the forms of its existence ... so An absolutely necessary condition for development is an increase in the intellectual part of humanity. " (Ostans I. Introduction to the philosophy of non-violent development. M., 2009, p. 57, 61). For Russia itself, it will be a project for the restoration of civilizational essence and transformation, based not on bare pragmatism, but at the reasonable principles and geopolitical potential of the Fatherland. Otherwise, we, Russia, become a third-term Asian country (in Brzezinsky), or at all we will leave the historical process.

To develop and promote the Russian project, first of all, it is necessary to concentrate the scientific potential of the country and master the method of geopolitical analysis, geopolitical forecast, geopolitical planning of the world. This methodology was mastered many years ago, Anglo-Saxons, Stalin, Rothschilds and Vatican. Today, the Academy of Geopolitical Problems (Russia) in the Commonwealth with other socio-scientific organizations has this methodology. The project is proposed to put a geopolitical doctrine of Russia, in which:

Give an objective analysis of global processes, prove the impractix and catastrophicity for humanity, both Western and mondialist (transnational) projects;

Identify the positive potential of human civilization capable of maintaining all the peoples of the world with its reasonable implementation, give impetus to their comprehensive development;

Reflect the type, civilization device, geopolitical configuration of the world and the system of the principles of the world community;

To declare the claims of Russia to the role of the Eurasian geopolitical center and about the geopolitical allies of Russia, without calling specific countries and civilization, but limited to the principles of determining the allied forces and ideological and religious systems;

Suggest the world community with its own vision of the content and meaning of human being, the role and functions of the economy and finance, as the means of developing culture, science, education, social communications, and not the means of profit and super-engraving;

Suggest the World System of International Security, based on the principles of the intersevizational balance of the forces laid out in the Updated UN Charter, which encourages the development of collective security systems, the elimination of hostilities, as a means of resolving disputes and conflicts.

Offering humanity, a geopolitical project, Russia is obliged to change its essential strategy, again on the basis of intelligence and mind. In particular:

Develop their own geopolitical theory of the XX1 century (Russian specialists are ready to develop it), where the main subjects of world processes will not be separate states, but civilizations;

Initiate the formation of an intercivorization community in the composition of civilizations that disagree with the world order of the "Golden Billion" (Russia, CIS countries, China, Islamic world, Latin America, a number of Western European countries and Africa).

Promote the development of such international organizations as SCO, BRICS, ASEAN, the establishment of interaction with the OIC, Lag, Latin America;

Start the formation of a new international financial system (at the first stage closed for the dollar) on the basis of Yuan, Ruble, Dinara, Aku.

Promote the creation of an integrated collective security system in the SCO interaction format, BRICS, CSTO, ASEAN.
- accelerate the design of membership in the SCO of India, Iran, Mongolia, invitation as candidates of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Pakistan; and other countries;

Develop and implement the draft fourth geopolitical space as part of: Russia (CIS), India, Iran, Afghanistan, possibly Japan and other countries;

Suggest the modernization of the UN and its Security Council, the translation of their activities on the civilization principle. (UN Security Council, permanent representatives from Russia (CIS), China, India, countries of Islam, Latin America, Africa, Japan, Europe, North America).

Intensify the combination of efforts within the CIS (Eurasian Union) SCO, BRICS, to work out breakthrough innovative technologies, especially in nuclear, nano-molecular and other areas, to develop new security systems.

At the turn of 20 and 21 centuries, the world has undergone significant changes. New actors and new factors began to influence the global balance of forces, and therefore the new geopolitical picture of the world was in the state of permanent transformation. With all the diversity of geopolitical processes unfolding in the world, and the diversity of actors of world geopolitics, it is advisable to focus on the main subjects of modern geopolitics and leading geopolitical processes.

The United States takes leading positions that are crucial for world geopolitical power:

  • 1. Financial;
  • 2. Global deployment of the armed forces;
  • 3. Communication networks and information technology;
  • 4. Leadership in the field of mass culture.

In the US, there is a difference in the approaches of globalization and understanding the borders of the American expansion. Republicans were insolationists, Democrats distributed the US missionary role to the whole world.

The US strategic goal is to consolidate the role of the superpower for a longer period. An important feature of American domination is the new scheme of world domination, in building the scheme of which the United States belongs to the main role.

American global superiority is based on the following elements:

  • 1. Military element (NATO, American-Japanese Treaty);
  • 2. Economic element (WTO, IMF, World Bank);
  • 3. Legal element (international court).

Another US domination model in the world is the political and economic association of new light under the auspices of the United States.

2. Basic opening of the 20th century in the field of natural science


1. General characteristics of the modern natural science picture of the world

Scientific picture of the world - This is a holistic system of ideas about the general properties and patterns of nature, resulting from the generalization of the main natural science concepts and principles.

The most important elements of the structure of the scientific picture of the world are interdisciplinary concepts that form its frame. The concepts underlying the scientific painting of the world are answers to the essential fundamental questions about the world. These answers change over time, as the painting of the world evolve, they are specified and expanded, but the "questionnaire" itself remains almost unchanged at least since the time of thinkers of classical ancient Greece.

Each scientific picture of the world necessarily includes the following views:

about matter (substance);

about movement;

about space and time;

about interaction;

about causality and patterns;

cosmological views.

Each of the listed elements varies as the historical change of scientific paintings of the world.

Modern natural science picturewhich is also called and evolutionary picture of the world It is the result of the synthesis of world systems of antiquity, antiquity, geo-and heliocentrism, mechanistic, electromagnetic paintings of the world and relies on scientific achievements of modern natural science.

In its development, the natural-scientific picture of the world has passed a number of stages (Table 1).

Table 1

The main stages of the formation of a modern natural science picture of the world

Stage history Scientific picture of the world
4000 years BC, BC, BC BC. VIII BC. BC. BC. BC. BC. BC MXVII V.XIX VXX century. Scientific guesses of the Egyptian priests, the compilation of a sun calendar. Sunny and lunar eclipses representation by Chinese thinkers. Development of the seven-day week and lunar calendar in Babylon. The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe uniform natural science picture of the world in the ancient period. The emergence of ideas about the material primacy of all things. Creation of the mathematical program of Pythagora-Plato.Atomatic physical program of democrita-epicura.Continualistic physical program of Anaksagora-Aristotle. The appearance of the Geocentric system of the world K. Ptolemyem in the composition of the Almagest. Copernicus. Installation of the mechanistic picture of the world on the basis of laws of mechanics I. Keller and I. Newton. Treat of the electromagnetic picture of the world on the basis of works by M. Faraday and D. Maxwell. The world's natural science picture.

Modern natural science represents the surrounding material world by our universe homogeneous, isotropic and expanding. Matter in the world is in the form of a substance and field. According to the structural distribution of the substance, the surrounding world is divided into three large areas: microworld, macromir and megamir. There are four fundamental types of interactions between the structures: strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational, which are transmitted by means of appropriate fields. There are quanta of all fundamental interactions.

If earlier the latest indivisible particles of matter, peculiar bricks, of which the nature consists, considered atoms, then the electrons included in the atoms were discovered. Later, the structure of the nuclei of atoms consisting of protons (positively charged particles) and neutrons was established.

In the modern natural-scientific picture of the world, there is a close connection between all the natural sciences, here the time and space act as a single space-time continium, mass and energy are interrelated, wave and corpuscular movement, in a certain sense, are combined, characterizing the same object, Finally, the substance and the field are mutually adverse. Therefore, persistent attempts are being made to create a single theory of all interactions.

Both mechanistic and electromagnetic paintings of the world were built on dynamic, unambiguous patterns. In the modern picture of the world, probabilistic patterns are fundamental, not reduced to dynamic. Accident has become a fundamentally important attribute. It serves here in a dialectical relationship with necessity, which predetermines the fundamentality of probabilistic patterns.

The scientific and technical revolution, which unfolded in recent decades, has made a lot in our ideas about the natural science picture of the world. The emergence of a systemic approach made it possible to take a look at the world around the world as a single, holistic education consisting of a huge set of systems interacting with each other. On the other hand, the emergence of such interdisciplinary areas of research as synergetics, or the doctrine of self-organization, made it possible not only to disclose the internal mechanisms of all evolutionary processes that occur in nature, but also to submit the whole world as a world of self-organizing processes.

To the greatest extent, new ideological approaches to the study of the natural science picture of the world and his knowledge touched the sciences studying live nature, such as biology.

Revolutionary transformations in natural science means indigenous, qualitative changes in the conceptual content of its theories, teachings and scientific disciplines while maintaining continuity in the development of science and, above all, a previously accumulated and verified empirical material. Among them, each specific period, the most common or fundamental theory is put forward, which serves as a paradigm, or a model, to explain the facts of known and predictions of the facts of unknown. Such a paradigm at one time served the theory of the movement of earthly and celestial bodies, built by Newton, since all scientists learned on it, studied specific mechanical processes. Similarly, all researchers who studied electrical, magnetic, optical and radio wave processes were based on the paradigm of the electromagnetic theory, which DK built Maxwell. The concept of the paradigm for analyzing scientific revolutions emphasizes their particular feature - the change of the former paradigm new, the transition to a more general and deep theory of the processes under study.

All previous paintings of the world were created as if from the outside - the researcher studied the world around the world removed, out of contact with him, in full confidence that it was possible to explore phenomena without disturbing their flows. Such was the centuries fixed naturally scientific tradition. Now the scientific picture of the world is already created outside, and from the inside, the researcher himself becomes an integral part of the painting created by him. Very much is still unclear and hidden from our gaze. Nevertheless, now we have revealed a grandiose hypothetical picture of the process of self-organization of matter from a large explosion to the modern stage, when Matter knows himself when it is inherent to the mind capable of providing its purposeful development.

The most characteristic feature of the modern natural-scientific picture of the world is her evolutionaryness. Evolution occurs in all regions of the material world in inanimate nature, wildlife and social society.

The modern natural-scientific picture of the world is unusually complex and simple at the same time. It is difficult because it is capable of putting a person who is accustomed to a considerable classical scientific idea to a considerable sense. The ideas of the start of time, the corpuscular-wave dualism of quantum objects, the internal structure of the vacuum capable of breeding virtual particles - these and other similar innovations give the current picture of the world a little "insane" appearance, which however, is the transient (somewhere and the idea of also looked completely "crazy").

But at the same time, this picture is majestically simple and slight. These qualities give her presenters principlesbuilding and organizing modern scientific knowledge:


global Evolutionism,



These principles of constructing a modern scientific picture of the world as a whole correspond to the fundamental laws of the existence and development of nature itself.

Systemability means reproducing the science of the fact that the observed universe appears as the largest of all systems known to us, consisting of a huge set of elements (subsystems) of a different level of complexity and orderliness.

The system method of combining elements expresses their fundamental unity: due to the hierarchical inclusion of systems of different levels in each other, any element of the system is associated with all the elements of all possible systems. (For example: Man - Biosphere - Planet Earth - Solar System - Galaxy, etc.). It is such a fundamentally unity that demonstrates us the world around us. In the same way, the scientific picture of the world is organized accordingly, and creating it natural science. All of its parts are now closely interconnected - now there is almost no "clean" science, everything is permeated and transformed by physics and chemistry.

Global Evolutionism - This is the recognition of the impossibility of the existence of the Universe and all generate less large-scale systems outside the development, evolution. The evolving nature of the Universe also testifies to the principal unity of the world, each component of which is the historical consequence of the global evolutionary process started by a large explosion.

Self-organizing - This is the observed ability of matter to self-compliance and creating more and more ordered structures during evolution. The mechanism of the transition of material systems into a more complex and ordered state, apparently, is similar to the systems of all levels.