Causes of natural cataclysms. Natural catastrophes and cataclysms are always applied to man Huge damage

Causes of natural cataclysms. Natural catastrophes and cataclysms are always applied to man Huge damage
Causes of natural cataclysms. Natural catastrophes and cataclysms are always applied to man Huge damage

Natural cataclysms and their influence on the change

physico-geographical position

The physico-geographical location is the spatial location of any locality in relation to physico-geographical data (equator, initial meridian, mountain systems, seas and oceans, etc.).

The physico-geographical position is determined by geographic coordinates (latitude, longitude), absolute height in relation to the sea level, proximity (or remote) to the sea, rivers, lakes, mountains, etc., the position in the composition (location) of natural (climatic, Soil and vegetable, zoogeographic) zones. This is so-called. Elements or factors of physico-geographical position.

The physico-geographical position of any terrain is purely individually, unique. The place that occupies every territorial education is not only individually in itself (in the geographical coordinate system), but also in its spatial environment, that is, in its location in relation to elements of the physico-geographical position. Consequently, the change in the physico-geographical position of any terrain leads, as a rule, to a change in the physico-geographical position of neighboring locations.

The rapid change in the physico-geographical position may be due only to natural cataclysm or human activity.

Dangerous natural phenomena includes all those that deflect the state of the natural environment from the range, optimal for human life and for the farm leading. Catastrophic natural cataclysms include those that change the appearance of the Earth.

These are the catastrophic processes of endogenous and exogenous origin: earthquakes, eruption of volcanoes, tsunami, floods, avalanches, landslides, landslides, sedimentation of soils, sudden sea offensive, global climate change on earth, etc.

In this paper, we will consider the physico-geographical changes that have ever or taking place in our time under the influence of natural cataclysms.

Characteristic of natural cataclysms


The main source of physico-geographical changes are earthquakes.

An earthquake is called the concussion of the earth's crust, underground blows and oscillations of the Earth's surface caused mainly by tectonic processes. They manifest themselves in the form of underground jokes are often accompanied by an underground hum, wavy soil oscillations, the formation of cracks, the destruction of buildings, roads and, most sad, human victims. Earthquakes play a prominent role in the life of the planet. Every year more than 1 million underground jokes are registered on Earth, which is an average of about 120 jolts per hour or two jolts per minute. It can be said that the Earth is in a state of permanent shudders. Fortunately, few of them are devastating and catastrophic. A year occurs on average one catastrophic earthquake and 100 destructive.

The earthquakes occur as a result of the pulsation-oscillatory development of the lithosphere - its compression in some regions and expansion in others. At the same time, tectonic breaks, displacements and raising are observed.

Currently, the earthquake zones of different activity are allocated on the globe. The zones of strong earthquakes include the territories of Pacific and Mediterranean belts. In our country, more than 20% of the territory are subject to earthquakes.

Catastrophic earthquakes (9 points and more) cover the areas of Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Pamirs, Transbaikalia, Transcaucasia and a number of other mountain areas.

Strong (from 7 to 9 points) earthquakes are in the territory extending a wide strip from Kamchatka to the Carpathians, including Sakhalin, Baikal, Sayan, Crimea, Moldova, etc.

As a result of catastrophic earthquakes in the earth's crust, large disjunctive dislocations occur. Thus, during a catastrophic earthquake on December 4, 1957, in Mongolian Altai, there was a break of Bogmo about 270 km long, and the total length of the fears reached 850 km.

Earthquakes are caused by sudden, fast shifts of the wings of existing or newly formed tectonic faults; Voltages that occur at the same time are capable of transmitting long distances. The occurrence of earthquakes on large faults occurs when the long-term displacement in opposite sides of the tectonic blocks or plates in contact with the spindle. At the same time, the clutch forces hold the wings of faults from slipping, and the ripple zone is experiencing gradually increasing shear deformation. Upon reaching some limit, the "swelling" of the fault and the displacement of its wings occurs. Earthquakes on the newly formed faults are considered as a result of the natural development of systems of interacting cracks, combining the zone of increased concentration of breaks, in which a trunk gap is formed, accompanied by an earthquake. The volume of the medium where the part of the tectonic stresses is removed and some fraction of the accumulated potential deformation energy is released, called an earthquake focus. The amount of energy released during one earthquake depends mainly on the size of the resulting fault surface. The maximum known length of faults plowing during the earthquake is in the range of 500-1000 km (Kamchatka - 1952, Chilean - 1960, etc.), the fears of faults shifted to 10 m. Spatial fracture orientation and displacement direction His wings received the name of the mechanism of the earthquake focus.

Earthquakes can change the appearance of the Earth are catastrophic earthquakes by the force of X-XII points. Geological consequences of earthquakes leading to physical and geographical changes: cracks appear on the ground, sometimes gaping;

aerial, water, mud or sand fountains occur, while clay or sand piles are formed;

some springs and geasers are stopped or changed; new;

groundwater becomes muddy (draw up);

landslides, mud and villages, collaps;

soil and sandy-clay rocks occurs;

underwater foaming occurs, and torment (turbiditis) streams are formed;

coastal rocks, river banks, bulk plots are collapsed;

seismic sea waves arise (tsunami);

snow avalanches are broken;

icebergs come off from the shelf glaciers;

zones of rift disorders with internal ridges and luced lakes are formed;

the soil becomes uneven with the sediment and swelling areas;

on the lakes there are sewers (standing waves and blurring waves off the coast);

violates the mode of tides and sings;

volcanic and hydrothermal activity is activated.

Volcanoes, tsunami and meteorites

Vulcanism is a combination of processes and phenomena associated with the movement of magma in the upper mantle, earthly crust and on the surface of the Earth. As a result of the eruption of volcanoes, volcanic mountains are formed, volcanic lava plateaus and plains, crater and hubs, mud streams, volcanic tuffs, slags, breccias, bombs, ash, volcanic dust and gases are thrown into the atmosphere.

Volcanoes are located in seismic belts, especially in Pacific. In Indonesia, Japan, Central America has several dozen active volcanoes - just on land from 450 to 600 and about 1000 "sleeping" volcanoes. In dangerous intimacy from active volcanoes there is about 7% of the population of the Earth. There are at least several dozen large underwater volcanoes on median and oceanic ridges.

In Russia, the dangers of volcanic eruptions and tsunami are subjected to Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Sakhalin. Extluous volcanoes are in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

The most active volcanoes are erupted on average once a few years, all currently active - on average 1 time in 10-15 years. The activities of each volcano are available, apparently, periods of relative decrease and increase in activity, measured by thousands of years.

With eruptions of island and submarine volcanoes often arise with tsunami. Tsunami is a Japanese term denoting an unusually large sea wave. These are the waves of high height and destructive strength arising in the zones of earthquakes and the volcanic activity of the oceanic bottom. The speed of promotion of such a wave can range from 50 to 1000 km / h, the height in the area of \u200b\u200boccurrence from 0.1 to 5 m, and the coast is from 10 to 50 m or more. Tsunami often cause destruction on the coast - in some cases, catastrophic: lead to the erosion of the shores, the formation of mudflows. Another cause of ocean tsunami is underwater landslides, and avalanches that flow into the sea.

In the past 50 years, there are about 70 seismogenic tsunami dangerous sizes, of which 4% in the Mediterranean Sea, 8% in the Atlantic, the rest in the Pacific Ocean. The most tsunamas shores of Japan, Hawaiian and Aleutian islands, Kamchatka, Kuril, Alaska, Canada, Solomon Islands, Philippines, Indonesia, Chile, Peru, New Zealand, Aegean, Adriatic and Ionian seas. In the Hawaiian Tsunami Tsunami, the intensity of 3-4 points are on average 1 time in 4 years, in the Pacific Coast of South America - once every 10 years.

Flood is a significant flooding of the terrain as a result of climbing the water level in the river, the lake or the sea. Floods are caused by the abundant lingering rain rain, melting of snow, ice, hurricanes and storms that contribute to the destruction of bulk structures, dams, dam. Floods can be river (floodplain), hugging (on coasts of the seas), plane (flooding of vast territories of the catchment), etc.

Large catastrophic floods are accompanied by a rapid and high rise in the water level, a sharp increase in the flow rate, their destructive power. Destructive floods occur almost annually in various regions of the Earth. In Russia, they are most frequent in the south of the Far East.

Flooding in the Far East in 2013

Equally important is the catastrophe of cosmic origin. The Earth is constantly bombarding cosmic bodies with dimensions from a millimeter to several meters. The greater the body size, the less it falls on the planet. The bodies whose diameter is more than 10 m, as a rule, invade the atmosphere of the Earth, only weakly interacting with the latter. The bulk of the substance reaches the planet. Speed \u200b\u200bspace bodies - huge: from about 10 to 70 km / s. Their collision with the planet leads to the strongest earthquakes, body explosion. At the same time, the mass of the destroyed substance of the planet is hundreds of times the mass of the fallen body. The atmosphere raises huge masses of dust, shielding planet from solar radiation. The earth is cooled. There is a so-called "asteroid" or "cometary" winter.

According to one of the hypotheses, one of these bodies fell in the Caribbean area of \u200b\u200bhundreds of millions of years ago led to significant physico-geographical changes in the area, the formation of new islands and water bodies, and in the extinction of most of the animals inhabited by land, in particular dinosaurs .

Some cosmic bodies could fall into the sea in historical times (5-10 thousand years ago). According to one version, the World Flood, set forth in the legends of different nations, could be caused by the tsunami as a result of falling in the sea (ocean) of the cosmic body. The body could fall into the Mediterranean, and in the Black Sea. Their coasts traditionally settled with nations.

To our happiness, the collisions of land with large cosmic bodies occur very rarely.

Natural cataclysms in the history of the earth

Natural cataclysms of antiquity

According to one of the hypotheses, natural cataclysms could cause physico-geographical changes in the hypothetical supercontinent of the Gondwans of the existing approximately 200 million years ago in the southern hemisphere of the Earth.

Southern continents have a common history of the development of natural conditions - all of them were part of the Gondwana. Scientists believe that the internal forces of the Earth (the movement of the substance of the mantle) led to a split and southerness of a single mainland. There is a hypothesis and the cosmic causes of changes in the appearance of our planet. It is assumed that the collision of an extraterrestrial body with our planet could cause a split of the giant sushi. Anyway, the Indian and Atlantic Oceans were gradually formed in spaces between individual parts of Gondwans, and the continents occupied their current position.

When trying to "assemble", the fragments of Gondwana can come to the conclusion that some sections of sushi are clearly not enough. This suggests that other continents that have disappeared as a result of any natural cataclysms could be. Until now, disputes on the possible existence of Atlantis, Lemuria and other mysterious lands are not stopped.

For a long time it was believed that Atlantis was a huge island (or mainland?) Sunken in the Atlantic Ocean. Currently, the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is well examined and it has been established that there is no island, sunken 10-20 thousand years ago. Does this mean that Atlantis did not exist? It is possible that there is no. It began to look for in the Mediterranean and the Aegean seas. Most likely, Atlantis was in the Aegean Sea and was part of the Santorian archipelago.


The death of Atlantis is first described in Plato's writings, myths about her death reach us from the ancient Greeks (the Greeks themselves could not describe this, due to lack of writing). Historical information suggests that the natural disaster that destroyed the island of Atlantis was the explosion of the Santorian volcano in the XV century. BC e.

All that is aware of the structure and geological history of the Santorian archipelago, is very similar to the legends of Plato. As shown by geological and geophysical studies, as a result of the explosion of Santorian, not less than 28 km3 pumices and ashes were thrown. Emission products covered the neighborhood, the thickness of their layer reached 30-60 m. The ash spread not only within the Aegean Sea, but also in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. The eruption continued from several months to two years. At the last phase of eruption, the inner part of the volcano collapsed and sank for hundreds of meters under the water of the Aegean Sea.

Another type of natural cataclysm, which changed the appearance of the Earth in ancient times is an earthquake. As a rule, earthquakes cause tremendous damage and lead to victims, but do not change the physico-geographical position of the regions. Such changes are given by the so-called. SUPERMINEMENT. Apparently, one of these supermented was in prehistoric times. At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, a crack is detected up to 10,000 km long, up to 1000 km width. This crack could be formed as a result of super-earthmake. At the depth of the focus of about 300 km, its energy reached 1.5 · 1021 J. And this is 100 times more than the energy of the strongest earthquake. It should have led to significant changes in the physico-geographical position of nearby territories.

Another equally dangerous elements are floods.

One of the global floods could have already mentioned above the Bible World Flood. As a result, the highest mountain of Eurasia Ararat was under water, and on it some expeditions are still looking for the remains of Noeva Ark.

global flood

Noev Ark

During the entire plywood (560 million years), eevstatic oscillations did not cease, and in certain periods, the level of the waters of the World Ocean increased by 300-350 m with respect to its modern position. At the same time, significant areas of sushi (up to 60% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe continents) turned out to be flooded.

Changed the appearance of the Earth in antiquity and cosmic bodies. The fact that in prehistoric times in the ocean fell asteroids testify Craters at the Day of the World Ocean:

crater Mufille in the Barents Sea. Its diameter was about 40 km. It appeared as a result of a drop in an asteroid with a diameter of 1-3 km in the sea in depth of 300-500 m. It happened 142 million years ago. The asteroid at a distance of 1 thousand km caused tsunami with a height of 100-200 m;

crater Loan in Sweden. It has been formed about 450 million years ago with a drop of an asteroid with a diameter of about 600 m in the sea depth of 0.5-1 km. The cosmic body caused a wave height at 40-50 m at a distance of about 1 thousand km;

crater Eltanin. Located at a depth of 4-5 km. It appeared as a result of a fall of 2.2 million years ago an asteroid with a diameter of 0.5-2 km, which led to the formation of tsunami with a height of about 200 m at a distance of 1 thousand km from the epicenter.

Naturally, the height of the wave tsunami near the shore was significantly greater.

In total, about 20 craters were found in the World Ocean.

Natural cataclysms of our time

Now there is no doubt that the past century was marked by a rapid increase in the number of natural disasters and the volume of material losses associated with them and physico-geographical changes in the territories. In less than half a century, the number of natural disasters has increased. The increase in the number of disasters takes place mainly due to atmospheric hydrosphere hazards, which include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, storms, etc. The average tsunami remains almost unchanged - about 30 per year. Apparently, these events are associated with a number of objective reasons: increasing population, the increase in the production of energy and its allocation, environmental changes, weather and climate. It has been proven that the air temperature over the past few decades has increased by about 0.5 degrees Celsius. This led to an increase in the internal energy of the atmosphere about 2.6 · 1021 J, which is in tens and hundreds of times more than the energy of the strongest cyclones, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions and thousands and hundreds of thousands of times the energy of earthquakes and their consequences - tsunami. It is possible that the inner energy increase of the atmosphere destabilizes the metastable system of the ocean - land - the atmosphere (OSA) responsible for the weather and climate on the planet. If so, then quite possibly many natural disasters are related to each other.

The idea that the growing of natural anomalies is generated by a complex anthropogenic effect on the biosphere was put forward in the first half of the twentieth century by the Russian researcher Vladimir Vernadsky. He believed that physico-geographical conditions on Earth in general terms are unchanged and are obliged to functioning living. However, human economic activity violates the equilibrium of the biosphere. As a result of the deforestation of forests, sprinkles of the territories, drying the swamp, the urbanization is changing the surface of the Earth, its reflective ability, the natural environment is contaminated. This leads to a change in the trajectories of heat transfer and moisture in the biosphere and ultimately - to the emergence of unwanted natural anomalies. Such complex degradation of the natural environment is the cause of natural cataclysms leading to global geophysical changes.

The historical genesis of the Earth civilization is organized organically in the global context of the evolution of nature, which has a cyclical character. It has been established that there are plans on planet geographical, historical and social phenomena occur, not sporadically and arbitrarily, they are in organic unity with certain physical phenomena of the surrounding world.

From a metaphysical point of view, the nature and content of the evolution of all living on Earth is determined by the regular change in the historical and metric cycles of the stagning activity of the Sun. At the same time, the change of cycle is accompanied by all sorts of cataclysms - geophysical, biological, social and others.

Thus, the metaphysical measurement of the fundamental qualities of space and time allows you to track and identify the most serious threats and hazards for the existence of an earthly civilization in different periods of development of world history. Based on the fact that the safe ways of the evolution of the earth civilization are organically related to the resistance of the Biosphere of the Planet as a whole and the mutual conditionality of the existence of all biological species in it, it is important not only to understand the nature of the natural climatic anomalies and cataclysms, but also to see the ways to save and survive humanity .

According to existing forecasts, the next show of the global historical and metric cycle will occur in the foreseeable future. As a result, humanity will face radical geophysical changes on the planet Earth. According to experts, natural climatic cataclysms will lead to a change in the geographical configuration of individual countries, movements in a state of habitat and ethnochamatory landscapes. In conventional phenomena, the flooding of extensive areas, an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bmarine aquatorium, soil erosion, an increase in the number of lifeless spaces (deserts, etc.). Changes in the conditions of habitat, in particular the duration of the light day, the characteristics of precipitation, the state of the ethnic stroke landscape, etc., will actively influence the features of the biochemical exchange, the formation of the subconscious and mentality of people.

Analysis of the likely physico-geographical reasons for powerful floods in Europe in recent years (in Germany, as well as in Switzerland, Austria and Romania) conducted by a number of scientists, shows - the root cause of destructive cataclysms is most likely the liberation of the ice of the Arctic Ocean.

In other words, due to the incorrect climate warming, it is possible that floods are just beginning. The number of open blue water in the sheds between the Arctic Islands of the Great Canadian Archipelago has increased. There were gigantic wormwings even between the northern of them - the island of Elsmir and Greenland.

Exemption from perennial, heavy gap ice, which was previously literally clogged with the above-mentioned straits between these islands, can lead to a sharp increase in the so-called Western flow into the Atlantic of cold Arctic water (with a temperature of minus 1.8 degrees Celsius) from the west side of Greenland. And this, in turn, sharply reduce the cold with this water flowing down so far in the mass from the eastern side of Greenland, going to meet Golphustrum. Gulf Stream in the future can cool this drain on 8 degrees Celsius. At the same time, American scientists predicted a catastrophe if the water temperature in the Arctic rises at least one degree Celsius. Well, if it rises a few degrees - then ice covering the ocean, melted not after 70-80 years, as American scientists predict, and, less than ten.

According to experts, already in the foreseeable future, coastal countries, whose territories are directly adjacent to the waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Northern Oceans are directly adjacent. Members of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change believe that due to the active melting of Antarctic glaciers and Greenland, the World Ocean level can increase by 60 cm, which will lead to the flooding of some island states and coastal cities. The speech, first of all, is about the territories of North and Latin America, Western Europe, Southeast Asia.

This kind of evaluation is contained not only in open scientific articles, but also closed studies of the Special State Structures of the United States and the UK. In particular, according to the Pentagon estimates, if in the next 20 years there will be problems with the temperature regime of the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic, it will inevitably change the physico-geographical position of the continents, the global crisis of the global economy will come, which will lead to new wars and conflicts in the world.

According to research, on the planet the greatest resistance to natural cataclysms and anomalies, due to their physico-geographical data, continent will continue to maintain the continent of Eurasia, the post-Soviet space and, above all, the modern territory of the Russian Federation.

The speech here is about what is happening, according to scientists, the movement of the energy center of the Sun on the "greater physico-geographical zone" from the Carpathians to the Urals. In geographical terms, it coincides with the lands of "historical Russia", to which it is customary to the modern territories of Belarus and Ukraine, the European part of Russia. The effect of such phenomena of cosmic origin means the point concentration of solar and other energy at the fauna and the flora of the "large physico-geographical zone". The metaphysical context arises a situation in which the area of \u200b\u200bthe resettlement of the peoples of this territory will be the most important role in world community processes.

not so long ago there was a sea

At the same time, according to the existing geological estimates, the physico-geographical position of Russia, not as an example of many other countries, to a lesser extent will suffer from the catastrophic consequences of natural changes on Earth. It is expected that the general warming of climate will contribute to the regeneration of the natural-climatic habitat, an increase in the diversity of fauna and flora in the individual territories of Russia. Global changes will have a beneficial effect on the fertility of the Urals and Siberia lands. At the same time, experts suggest that the territory of Russia is unlikely to avoid large and small floods, the growth of steppe zones and semi-deserts.


Throughout the history of the Earth, the physico-geographical position of all elements of sushi, changed under the influence of natural cataclysms.

The change in the factors of the physico-geographical position may occur as a rule, only under the influence of natural cataclysms.

The largest geophysical catastrophes associated with numerous victims and destruction, changes in the physico-geographical data of the territories are caused as a result of the seismic activity of the lithosphere, which is most often manifested in the form of earthquakes. Earthquakes provoke other natural disasters: volcanic activity, tsunami, floods. Real Megatsunov arose when falling into the ocean or a sea of \u200b\u200bcosmic bodies with dimensions from tens of meters to tens of kilometers. Such events in the history of the Earth happened many times.

Many specialists of our time recognize an obvious tendency to increase the number of natural anomalies and disasters, the number of natural disasters per unit of time continues to grow. Perhaps this is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation on the planet, with increasing gas temperature in the atmosphere.

According to experts, as a result of the melting of the Arctic glaciers, the new strongest floods expect northern continents in the most discovered future.

Proof of the reliability of geological forecasts are all sorts of natural disasters that have occurred lately. Today, natural anomalous phenomena, temporary climatic disproportions, sharp fluctuations in temperatures become permanent satellites of our life. They increasingly destabilize the situation and make substantial adjustments to the daily life of the states and peoples of the world.

The situation is complicated by the increased influence of the anthropogenic factor on the state of the environment.

In general, the coming natural-climatic and geophysical changes that carry a serious danger of the very existence of the peoples of the world, they demand from states and governments today to be ready for action in crisis conditions. In the world, gradually begin to realize that the problems of the vulnerability of the current ecological system of the Earth and the Sun, have gained the rank of global threats and require immediate permission. According to scientists, humanity is still able to cope with the consequences of natural climatic changes.

A person has long considered himself "the crown of nature", vaguely believing in his superiority and addressing the environment, respectively, his status, which he himself and assigned. However, nature every time proves that human judgments are erroneous, and thousands of victims of natural cataclysms are forced to think about the actual place of Homo Sapiens on the planet Earth.
1st place. Earthquake

Earthquake is an underground shock and oscillations of the surface of the Earth occurring during the shift of the tectonic plates. Daily in the world there are dozens of earthquakes, however, fortunately, only some of them cause large-scale destruction. The earthquake destructive in the entire history occurred in 1556 in the Chinese province of Xi'an. Then 830 thousand people died. For comparison: 12.5 thousand people became victims of the earthquake of 9.0 points in Japan in 2011.

2nd place. Tsunami

Tsunami is a Japanese term denoting an unusually high ocean wave. Tsunami most often arise in areas of increased seismic activity. According to statistics, it is the tsunami leading to the greatest number of human victims. The highest wave was recorded in 1971 in Japan near Isigak Island: it reached 85 meters at a speed of 700 km / h. And the tsunami caused by the earthquake from the coast of Indonesia, passed 250 thousand people.

3rd place. Drought

Drought - a long lack of precipitation, most often at elevated temperature and reduced air humidity. One of the most detrients was drought in Sachel (Africa) - semi-desert separating sugar from fertile lands. The drought continued there from 1968 to 1973 and claimed about 250 thousand people.

4th place. Flood

Flood is a significant rise in the water level in rivers or lakes as a result of storm rains, melting ice, etc. One of the most destructive floods occurred in Pakistan in 2010. Then more than 800 people died, suffered from the elements of more than 20 million inhabitants of the country remaining without bed and food.

5th place. Landslides

The landslide is the streams of water, dirt, stones, trees and other debris, arising mainly in mountainous areas due to long rains. The largest number of victims are registered with landslus in China in 1920, which carried out the lives of 180 thousand people.

6th place. Eruption

Vulcanism is a combination of processes associated with the movement of magma in the mantle, the upper layers of the earth's crust and on the surface of the Earth. Currently there are about 500 existing volcanoes, and about 1000 "sleeping". The biggest eruption occurred in 1815. Then awkward vulcan of the tag was heard at a distance of 1250 km. Directly from the eruption, and then 92 thousand people died of hunger. Two days at a distance of 600 km. Due to volcanic dust, there was a pitch darkness, and 1816 was called Europe and America "Year without Summer".

7th place. Avalanche

Avalanche - Looping a snow mass with a mountain slopes, caused most often with long snowfall and growing a snow cap. Most people died of avalante during the First World War. Then, about 80 thousand people died from the salvines of artillery guns causing avalanche.

8th place. Hurricane

Hurricane (tropical cyclone, typhoon) is an atmospheric phenomenon characterized by reduced pressure and strong wind. The most destructive is the hurricane "Katrina", which collapsed on the US coast in August 2005. The states of New Orleans and Louisiana were most affected, where 80% of the territory were flooded. 1836 people died, the damage was 125 billion dollars.

9th place. Tornado

Tornado is an atmospheric whirlwind, which stretches from the maternal thunderstorm cloud to the earth in the form of a long sleeve. The speed inside it can reach up to 1,300 km / h. Mostly tumorly threaten the central part of North America. So, in the spring of 2011, a series of devastating tornadoes took place on this country, which were named among the most catastrophic in the history of the United States. The greatest number of dead was recorded in Alabama - 238 people. In total, the element challenged 329 people.

10th place. Sandstorm

The sandstone is a strong wind, capable of lifting the upper layer of earth and sand in the air (up to 25 cm) and carry it over long distances in the form of dust particles. There are cases of death of people from this short: in 525 BC In Sahara, a fifty-thousandths of the Persian king Cambiza died due to the sandy storms.

What is earthquake?

Earthquake is underground oscillations or shocks that arise as a result of the displacement of the earth's crust or the top of the mantle. The elastic oscillations of the earthquake can be transmitted to very long distances, which sometimes reach hundreds of kilometers. Here, as we understand, it all depends on the force of the earthquake. Earthquakes may hardly be felt by a person, can destroy cities, can cause other natural disasters

What to do?

  • do not panic
  • stay calm
  • bounty
  • do not use elevator
  • do not hide near dams, river valleys, on sea beaches and lakes
  • the main danger is a crowd

The consequences of earthquakes

The natural consequences include cracks in the soil, concussion and vibration of the soil, repeated shocks, the failures of the earth's surface and the ocean bottom, the activation of the activities of volcanoes, the occurrence of ladies, landslides, collens, stonepads. Waves rose on aqueous expanses, a tsunami-giant wave tsunami can form up to 40 meters high, sweeping all the buildings in the coastal zone.

The infrastructure of settlements in the destructive earthquakes is seriously violated.

The most severe consequences of earthquakes are with the collapsions of buildings in settlements.

Forest fires

Forest fires represent unmanaged burning of vegetation, spreading through the territory of the forest. Depending on what heights the fire spreads, forest fires are divided into lower, underground and rigid.

Low forest fires are developing as a result of combustion of undergrowth of coniferous rocks, a capped layer of potholes (fallen needles, leaves, bark, trees, stumps) and living vegetation. Low forest fires apply at a speed of up to 1 km / h, with a height of 1.5-2 m. Low fires can be vehicles and ordinary. High forest fires are the combustion of the pre-cover and biomass of the stand. The speed of their distribution is 25 km / h. Soil forest fires are stages of the development of grassroots fires. Peat fires are the result of the fire of peat layers at different depths. They cover large areas. Peat burns slowly, on the depth of the occurrence. The burnt places are dangerous, as they fall into their areas of roads, technique, people, at home. Steppe fires occur in open areas with dry vegetation. With a strong wind, the speed of the spread of fire is 25 km / h.

Fire safety measures in the forest, are unacceptable:

  • use open fire;
  • slice the grass under the trees, on the forest glades, rogs, as well as stump in the fields, in the forest;
  • breed fires in coniferous youngs, on peatlands, forest-shops, in places with dry grass, under the crowns of trees, as well as on areas of damaged forest;
  • leave the material walked or impregnated with combustible substances;
  • leave bottles or glass fragments, as they are able to work as incendiary lenses.


Flooding is significant flooding of terrain as a result of lifting water level in the river, lake, reservoir caused by various reasons. Floods arise, as a rule, due to heavy precipitation. River and marine floods differ. River flood-spill rivers occurring periodically, as a result of snow melting in spring or long rainfall, or episodically, as a result of the head of water from the sea, and marine floods are the consequences of hurricanes.

Safety measures when flooding.

  • disable electricity and gas,
  • close all doors and windows,
  • try to protect yourself by climbing the top of the floor,
  • it is necessary to have everything you need for the first hours: blankets, boots, warm and practical clothes, energetically valuable food, documents, money


Avalanche is a snowy mass, quickly sliding from the slope of the mountain. The snow falling in the mountains during the year, it does not stay motionless: it slowly, imperceptibly for the eye, slides down under the weight of its own weight or collapsed by avalanches and ice rods. Avalanche can be caused by the most various reasons: the movement of climbers, the fall of the collapsed cornice, various atmospheric phenomena.

The occurrence of avalanche depends on the number and condition of snow, from the base on which snow lies from various atmospheric conditions, from the effects of external force on the snow cover (push from the fallen eaves, stonepad, the movement of the climbers group).

Avalanches have many varieties, but we will indicate only on the main. The most frequent avalanches from the freshly buried snow. They divide in turn on dry and wet.

Wet avalanches are formed from snow, dropped at high temperatures, or from snow lying on the slop highly lit by the sun. The decrease in the temperature, the decrease in temperature turns unstable wet snow into a firm snow mass, which reduces and even eliminates the danger of avalanche.

Signs of avalanche danger:

  • Cool, open slopes, especially convex.
  • A large number of fresh snow (all that is more than 20 cm).
  • Strong winds, especially at night.
  • Eaves and other evidence of recent windshop activity.
  • Signs of the passage of avalanche on the nearest tracks.
  • Signs of recent avalanches on other, similar slopes.
  • Cracks in snow cover.
  • Sripping sounds, drum-type sounds from voids under snow covered

The best way to blame with avalanches never be caught in one of them. Get to avalanche is always serious. The lucky plays a big role here, but there are several rules that need to quickly and clearly perform.

  • Try to avoid avalanche, avoiding a landslide or leaves to the side.
  • Try to stay for any fixed object that you can find, such as a rock or tree.
  • If you are in danger to be buried under the snow, blow the lungs and turn around the "cutter". Protect your mouth and nose with your hands, put on the hood, if you have it. Keep your hands in this position, and you will have a chance to open your breath space when avalanche stops.
  • First of all, keep silence and calm, keep your air and power. Scream only if you hear someone near. Snow absorbs sound, and you can only consume oxygen, having very little chances to be heard.


Tornado (Tornado, Trombus) is a strong rotating air whirlwind with horizontal dimensions less than 50 km and a height of less than 10 km. The tornado rushes over the surface at a speed of 30-60 km / h and about 30 km loses its destructive power. True, there are cases when the tornadoes retain the survivability throughout

Salvation is possible if ...

  • close Doors and windows
  • avoid being on the top floor
  • turn off gas and electricity
  • help in the basement

Unusual opening

One researcher Tornado leads cases when two burnt and charred wooden boards merged with each other during the elements, despite the fact that they crumble at the slightest touch. Pebbles passed through the glass and did not break it down; The straws passed through the window and stuck in it, without breaking it.

Landslides, villages

The displacement landslide down the slope of the mass of the loose rock is influenced by gravity, especially when saturating a loose material with water.

Sel-suddenly formed in the gorges flow with a large content of solid material (rock destruction products). The villages arise as a result of intense and prolonged rainstorms, stormy melting of glaciers or seasonal snow cover, also due to collapse in the river river rods of a large number of loose-chummers.

The landslides arise on the slopes of the valleys or river banks, in the mountains, on the shores of the seas. Most often landslides arise on slopes folded alternating waterproof and aquifers. The landslides can carry different destruction as strong and weak.

Preventive action:

Examine information about possible places and approximate limits of landslides, remember the alert signals about the threat of a landslide, as well as the order of action when this signal is applied. Signs of the impending landslide are the jamming of doors and windows of buildings, leakage of water on landslide slopes. When signs of the approaching landslide appear, report this to the nearest post of the landslide station, wait for information from there, and act depending on the situation.

How to act in case of landslide

When receiving signals about the threat of a landslide, turn off the electrical appliances, gas appliances and a plumbing network, prepare for immediate evacuation according to previously developed plans. Depending on the detected landslide station of the dissemination rate of the landslide, proceed with the threat. At a weak offset rate (meters per month), apply depending on your capabilities (transfer the structure to a predetermined place, export furniture, things, etc.). With a dissemination rate of a landslide more than 0.5-1.0 m per day, evacuate in accordance with a predetermined plan. When evacuations, take with you documents, values, and depending on the situation and instructions of the administration, warm things and products. Urgently evacuate into a safe place and, if necessary, help rescuers in the padding, extracting from the collapse of victims and assist them.

Hurricanes, Tsunami

Hurricanes are cyclones that occur in tropical latitudes, while the strength of the wind reaches 64 nodes (74 miles per hour).

Hurricane is one of the atmospheric monsters of our planet, which by destructive power can be compared with the earthquake. It destroys the building, empties the field, pulls the trees with roots, blows the lungs, breaks the wires, damages bridges and roads. He can raise a person into the air or chip on him slate, tiles, glasses, bricks, various items.

Hurricane's most terrible in the memory of mankind was held on November 12-13, 1970 over the islands in Delta Ganges, Bangladesh. He took about a million lives.

Natural disasters are unexpected violations of natural processes, which are characterized by terrible consequences for a person. The data of the study of natural processes show that the geophysical process does not exclude a special kind of deviation. The result of the surprise of the emergence of natural disasters is a lack of information and poor nature studies.

Natural catastrophes are the reaction of nature to events occurring at a certain period of time. They have nothing unusual, as they always happened. The time erased from memory, the most ancient turned into myths and legends. On earth and earlier, merciless catastrophes were collapsed, which denoted the transition from one period to another. There are stories telling about the destruction by water and the fire of ancient mainland Lemuria and Atlantis. What caused this catastrophe? Where did the glaciation, entrusted to the death of animals and plants? Anthropologists found icy ancient animals with traces of non-checked grass. What happened to the ancient civilizations erased from the face of the earth? The history of these events reached us from the ancient Scriptures. Maybe this is a kind of caution of our ancestors?

Modern natural catastrophes people perceives as something unique. For the occurrence of natural catastrophe, the following conditions are needed: the presence of an extreme geophysical situation affecting factors and an unfavorable socio-economic situation.
The extremal geophysical situation consists of the patterns of geophysical processes, as a result of which deviations from the middle state with the participation of random factors are formed. For example, abundant precipitation, rapid melting of ice.

Agrowing factors are a consequence of an extreme geophysical situation. They are expressed by the rapid movement of particles of water, air, soil.
When the striking factors begin to operate on humans and material values, an adverse socio-economic disaster arises.
Natural disasters occur at different points of the world, their consequences are most noticeable and difficult to eliminate in countries with a low socio-economic level. The process of restoring these regions is very slow.
Despite the differences, natural disasters are subject to general laws. For each type of catastrophe is characterized by spatial derganism. Geophysical reasons determine their preferential appearance in certain points of the Earth. Earthquakes, landslides, avalanche, volcanic eruptions occur in areas with active tectonics. Opened coastline ocean are areas of tsunami. Floods associated with melting ice, as well as catastrophic livne, resulting in flooding, arise in areas with poorly regulated flat and mountain rivers.

Natural disasters are characterized by significant power and affecting the ability. Natural disaster, making his destructive action, spends energy. In transitive and destructive catastrophes, there is a transition from a high level to low. The released excess energy turns into heat and is spent on the creation of affecting factors: earthquakes, fires.
The source of the energy of the structuring disasters is thermal energy. From the laws of physics, it is known that without noticeable losses, heat can not be turned back to electromagnetic or mechanical energy. For this process, a device is needed, called the "heat machine". Interestingly, the natural disasters themselves are created by such devices, due to the self-organization of the medium. For example, typhoons are able to take the heat energy of the ocean and turn it into mechanical energy. Tornado, as a thermal electrostatic generator, stabilizes the process of forming the vortex at the expense of the emerged electrical charges. The formation of inkjet flow in the atmosphere or shaft of the tsunami occurs in a simpler way, but also the energy that is consumed inside the natural phenomenon on the formation of the structure, and then stands out during the work of this structure. According to the statistics of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the twentieth century, over eleven million people died from natural catastrophes.

In order to measure the energy of natural disasters, the magnitude is used - magnitude. The higher the intensity of the natural phenomenon, the less often it will repeat with the same destructive force. Initially, the concept of "magnitude" was used to evaluate the magnitude of the earthquake, but later this concept became applied to the assessment of the tsunami, the eruption of volcanoes, landslides and avalanche.
Natural disasters can be foreseen. I analyze the dependence of the natural disaster from the scope, duration and intensity of hydrometeorological and geological processes, there is an opportunity to assume its possible manifestation. For example, excessive precipitates provoke landslides.
Natural disasters are able to be born when interacting with each other. Entering the poeming phenomena, the natural phenomena, occur more often and with greater destructive power. An example of such a catastrophe can be an earthquake in Tajikistan, which occurred on July 10 in 1949. As a result of the earthquake by force of 9-10 points, landslide and bulk processes occurred on the slopes of the takhti ridge. According to the gorge, with a speed of 30 m / s, trampled avalanches and villages swept. The village of Hatch was completely buried under the stone avalanche. The main destruction was caused by not an earthquake, but by earthquakes and avalanches, landslides and collaps.

It is impossible to deny the impact of a person on natural disasters. Anthropogenic human activity is able to slow down or intensify those phenomena that were not characteristic of this territory. Thus, it can affect the degree of activity of natural processes. Anthropogenic activity affects natural processes directly or indirectly, with different intervals. For example, the result of anthropogenic activity can be the destruction of forests, which are a regulator of water drain. If the forest cut out without taking into account their water-regulating function, a situation may occur that will result in a catastrophic flood.
Natural catastrophes cause serious harm to the economy. For example, in 1927, an earthquake occurred in Nicaragua, which caused damage exceeding the value of all production produced in the country by 209%.

The main increase in the number of natural disasters, specialists are seen in the increasing human population. The number of people increases annually on ninety million. In this regard, it begins to master new territories that are not always suitable for life. The person is forced to settle in dangerous geological zones, for example, in the floodplains of rivers or on the slopes of the mountains. A modern man has lost knowledge of "Sacred Geography". The construction is carried out, where it fell and as it fell. Many houses do not comply with security standards. What then talk about shacks? Many people live behind a poverty line and such buildings are the only roof over his head.
Parquarsky man invades the environment and the geological work carried out by them is total. The results of such actions may be soil failures and flooding. Every year, the area of \u200b\u200btropical forests decreases by 1%. In Europe, 70% of the swamps have already been drained and 50% of forests are cut. Since the regulation of wastewater is broken - this leads to an increase in the number of flooding in this territory.

Natural disasters are directly related to global warming. The strength of tropical cyclones increases due to elevated air temperature, and this leads to the formation of hurricanes and storm rains.
A person has means of struggling and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters. However, it is most important to learn to prevent natural phenomena. Scientists all are developing "risk cards", because the costs of forecasting and recovery are not comparable. These cards show the risk of a certain catastrophe in a particular area, thereby analyzing the possibility of natural disasters on a more extensive territory.

Not all natural phenomena is subject to person. Perhaps in the near future with the help of scientific knowledge, we will be able to prevent and monitor natural disasters. Humanity must learn to communicate with nature and not only take her gifts to satisfy their ambitions, but also to penetrate her intimate essence.

Statistics of cataclysm allows you to track the amount of occurring in the world, the severity of their consequences and causes of occurrence. The main motives for collecting statistical data: search for efficient disaster prevention methods, disaster prevention, prediction and preparation timely to them.

Types of cataclysms

Cataclysms (natural disasters) are phenomena and processes occurring on Earth (or in space) that carry the environmental destruction, the destruction of material values, threaten their lives and health. They may occur for various reasons. Many of them may form as a result of a person. Natural cataclysms and disasters can be short-term (from a few seconds) and long-term (several days and even months).

Catastrophes are divided into local and global cataclysms. The first acts destructive to the terrain where it happened. Global - influence the biosphere leading to the disappearance of any types of plants or. They can threaten the earth with climate change, large-scale relocation, death, and humanity is complete or partial extinction.

On our planet, global cataclysms, which led to changes in climate change and the development of civilization happened more than once. The table below shows various types of cataclysms.

Views What imagine
Environmental cataclysms Ozone holes, air pollution and water bodies, mutations, epidemic
Natural disasters Tornado, flood, flood,
Weather cataclysm Abnormal heat, thaw in winter, snow in summer, shower
Tectonic cataclysms Earthquakes, village streams, shift of the nucleus of the Earth
Political cataclysms Interstate conflicts, coups, crisis
Climatic cataclysms Global warming, ice age
Historical cataclysms and other events that changed the history of this or that state
Space cataclysm The collision of the planets, meteorite rains, the fall of asteroids, the explosions in the sun. Some space catastrophes are able to destroy the planet

The most destructive cataclysms for the history of mankind

According to the statistics of cataclysms, which changed the course of history during the existence of humanity, many times took place. Some of them are still considered the most terrible. Top 5 destructive cataclysms:

  • flood in China of 1931 (a catastrophe of the 20th century claimed the life of 4 million people);
  • eruption Krakataau in 1883 (40 thousand people died.and about three hundred cities destroyed);
  • earthquake in Shaanxi 1556 in 11 points (about 1 thousand people died, the province was destroyed and lowered for many years);
  • last day Pompeii in 79 BC (The eruption of the Vesuvius volcano lasted about a day, led to the death of several cities and thousands of people);
  • and santorin volcanic animation in 1645-1600. BC. (led to the death of a whole civilization).

World indicators

Statistics of cataclysms in the world over the past 20 years has more than 7 thousand cases. Milled as a result of these elements more than a million people. Damage that was applied is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. The picture clearly shows which of the cataclysms that occurred from 1996 to 2016. Steel the most deadly.

In the news of the planet regularly suggest that the amount of natural disasters around the world steadily increases. For 50 years, the number of disasters has increased several times. Only tsunami occurs about 30 times a year.

The graph shows which continents most often become epicenters of natural disasters. The most susceptible to cataclysms asia. In second place is the United States. According to geologists, the northern part of America will soon disappear from the face of the earth because.

Natural disasters

Statistics of cataclysms of natural origin over the past 5 years shows their 3-fold increase. According to the estimates of disaster scholars during this time, more than 2 billion people suffered. This is every third resident of our planet. On Earth, tsunami, hurricanes, floods, droughts, epidemics, hunger and other disasters are increasingly happening. Scientists call the following reasons for natural cataclysms:

  • impact of man;
  • conflicts of military, social and political nature;
  • emission energy into geological layers.

Often the cause of disasters are the consequences of the cataclysms that happened before. For example, after a large-scale flood, hunger may occur or the epidemic. Types of natural cataclysms:

  • geological (landslides, dust storms, satieces);
  • meteorological (cold, drought, heat, hail);
  • lithospheric (eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes);
  • atmospheric (tornadoes, hurricanes, storms);
  • hydrospheric (typhoons, cyclones, floods);

Natural cataclysm statistics the hydrosphere (namely flooding) today in the world shows the highest rates:

The diagram below provides data on how many cataclysms occur, and how many people from each of them suffered or died lately.

On average, about 50 thousand people per year die due to natural disasters. In 2010, the figure exceeded the threshold of 300 thousand people.

In 2016, the following natural disasters occurred:

date A place Cataclysm Victims Died
06.02 Taiwan Earthquake 422 166
14–17.04 Japan Earthquake 1100 148
16.04 Ecuador Earthquake 50 000 692
14–20.05 Sri Lanka Flooding, landslides, rains 450 000 200
18.06 Karelia Storm 14 14
June China Flood 32 000 000 186
23.06 America Flood 24 24
6–7.08 Macedonia Flooding and landslide Dozens of people 20
24.08 Italy Earthquake n / D. 295

The Air Force, the Air Force constantly creates a documentary about a catastrophes of a natural nature. They are colorfully and clearly demonstrated what is happening in the world, which catastrophes threaten humanity and planet.

If the government of each country will take measures to provide the population and prevent certain disasters that can be predicted in advance, then the cataclysms will happen less often. At the very least, the number of negative consequences, human victims and material losses will be much smaller.

Data in Russia and Ukraine

Cataclysms occurred in Russia often. As a rule, they marked the end of the previous era and the beginning of the new one.

For example, in the 17th century, large disasters occurred, after which a new era began, more cruel. Then there were raids of locusts, destroying crops, the great eclipse of the sun, the winter was very soft - the river did not cover the ice because of which in the spring they came out of the banks and floods occurred. Also, summer was cold, and autumn is hot, as a result, in mid-December, the steppe and meadows were covered with greens. All this led to the fact that the prophecies appeared about the upcoming end of the world.

As stats for cataclysms shows, thousands of people are dying from them every year. Disasters bring losses in the country of up to 60 billion rubles. in year. Most of all cataclysms make up floods. Second place is occupied by tornadoes and hurricanes. For the period from 2010 to 2015, the number of natural disasters in Russia increased by 6%.

Most of the catastrophe in Ukraine make up landslides, floods and villages. Since the country has a huge number of rivers. In second place for destructiveness - fires of forests and steppes, strong winds.

In April 2017, the last cataclysm occurred in the country. Snowy cyclone passed from Kharkov to Odessa. Because of him, more than three hundred settlements were de-energized.

In the world, recently increases. Some disasters are impossible to predict. But there are those that can be predicted and prevented. It is only that the leadership of each country takes adequate measures in time.