Views and names of mushrooms with pictures. How to draw mushrooms for children how to draw edible mushrooms in a phased pencil

Views and names of mushrooms with pictures. How to draw mushrooms for children how to draw edible mushrooms in a phased pencil
Views and names of mushrooms with pictures. How to draw mushrooms for children how to draw edible mushrooms in a phased pencil

White mushrooms ... This is only a small part of their variety. If you decide to tell children about mushrooms, we recommend to portray the mushroom with them, telling everything that you know about this natural creation. Believe me, this type of information feed is much more efficient and more interesting than the usual story. If you follow our updates, then some types of mushrooms with you have already painted. Today I present step-by-step instructions, how to draw edible white mushroom. This is one of the most delicious (if you make it right) and beautiful mushrooms. Therefore, prepare all the necessary tools, and proceed to drawing.

You will need:

As usual, to simplify the drawing process as much as possible, we will show two cross-lines in the center of the sheet. Draw a straight line with long and smooth ruler. They will help evenly draw the details of the fungus, and denote its location on the sheet.

The feet of the size of the size is large and bulky. The bottom is rounded, gradually narrowing to the top. Show it with two parts.

Rates, approximately 2 cm from the edge of the bottom line, draw an arc that should cross the left part of the horizontal auxiliary line, but do not attach it to the vertical. Follow as shown in the picture.
The same pencil manipulations are repeated on the right side. Another part of the feet of the fungus should turn out in the mirror image.

White mushroom cap has an oval, slightly rounded shape. To easier to portray it, draw a curved line, denoting the lower part of the hat.
Starting from the edge of the line, tighten the arc by attaching it to the top of the vertical auxiliary line.
The same action is repeated in the mirror image. Two arcs must be connected at one point, and together form a round mushroom white hat.

Auxiliary lines performed their purpose. All the details of the fungus are in the picture. It's time to remove straight. Make it gently with the eraser.

In order for the drawing to look full, it needs to be painted. But, because, the leg and the hat are round, it is necessary to draw shadows. Only, we will give a visually shape. Following the instructions, mark the places in the figure where the colors will change.

To paint, you will need only a few shades, ranging from light beige, ending with dark brown.

This is the average lesson. To repeat this lesson can be difficult and adults, so I do not recommend drawing a mushroom on this lesson to small children, but if there is a big desire - then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What do you need

In order to draw a mushroom, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Food or still life will draw much easier if you see it alive. No photo will not give that light that real objects give. Draw a mushroom will be much easier if you can see and penetrate the essence itself ... If there is no possibility to draw from nature - try to search for pictures in Google or Yandex.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric items: circles, squares and tracks. They create a form, it is them that the artist needs to see them in the surrounding items. No at home, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. So build complex items are much easier.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

If you not only like to collect mushrooms, but also love to draw, let's try to draw mushrooms together, more precisely will draw a white mushroom. Figure mushroom will perform in stages, first a simple pencil. In the last step, you can paint the mushroom pattern with paints or colored pencils, and if you draw near and grass, the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

1. Let's mark the feet of the mushroom

First draw only two circles for the legs of the fungus. Circles will help you further withstand the correct proportions of the fungus pattern.

2. Add a mushroom with a leg

Draw next to the leg of the mushroom here two "ear", like Cheburashka. They will help you draw the mushroom hat. At the base of the leg, add "the reversed" oval. After all, the mushrooms are not perfectly even, their legs are curved, the hats are cast, so to draw realistic fungus, you need to take these "little things."

3. How to draw a common mushroom outline

Here you see how it is easy to draw the shape of the fungus when there are guidelines. It is enough for you to break the pencil, almost an arbitrary line, these "circles" and will get the most real white mushroom.

4. Figure mushroom in detail

Before drawing a mushroom in more detail, delete unnecessary contours from the picture. Fully complement the mushroom hat and the "edge" of the caps do two lines. All beauty of a white mushroom in his contrasting hat. Inside it is white, and on top of Korooner. Luxury on the edge of the mushroom cap will emphasize this effect.

5. How to draw a mushroom. Finishing stage

You see how it is easy and simply draw mushrooms, if you draw in stages. Just as far as simple steps and you are already preparing to paint the mushroom with paints or pencils. Figure mushroom looks very effectively in a simple pencil technique. If you think so too, you can simply sharpen a mushroom with a soft simple pencil, like on my drawing.

6. Figure mushroom. Surrounding

Drawn around the mushroom small growing mushrooms. Yellowed leaves, grass, branches will give a drawing of greater attractiveness and realism. If you were able to draw a mushroom beautifully and right, try to continue the drawing and draw the surrounding landscape. You can even draw, next to the mushrooms. These animals love to collect mushrooms, harvesting them on.

Now you know how to draw a mushroom. If you make efforts, I believe that you will achieve everything I wanted. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Well, the buttons of social networks here is not just so \u003d)

Collect mushrooms fascinating occupation. Chanterelles, oil, boosal, freight. What fungi does not happen, but the king of all mushrooms is considered a white mushroom, with a thick white leg and a wide brown hat. If you love not only to collect mushrooms, but also draw, let's try together draw mushroomsMore precisely, we will draw a white mushroom. Figure Mushroom Let's perform a stages of a simple pencil, but at the last step you can paint the mushroom pattern with paints or colored pencils. And if you draw a number of leaves and grass, then the picture of the mushroom will be very beautiful and attractive.

1. Let's mark the feet of the mushroom

First draw only two circles for the legs of the fungus. Circles will help you further withstand the correct proportions in the picture of a white mushroom.

2. Add a hat to the leg

Draw next to the leg of these two "ear", like Cheburashka. They will help you draw the mushroom hat. At the base of the leg, add "the reversed" oval. Mushrooms are not perfectly even, their legs are curved, the hats are cast, so to draw realistic mushroom, you need to consider these "little things."

3. How to draw a common mushroom outline

You see how it is easy to draw the shape of the fungus when there are geometric guidelines. You have enough to circle a pencil, almost an arbitrary line, these "circles" and will get the most real white mushroom.

4. Picture of a white mushroom in detail

Before draw mushroom More details, remove the extra contours from the pattern. Fully place the hat and two lines draw the edge of the hat. All beauty of a white mushroom in his contrasting hat. Inside it is white, and on top of brown. Luxury on the edge of the hat only will emphasize this effect.

5. How to draw a mushroom. Finishing stage

Here you see how easy it is easy and simply draw mushrooms, if you draw in stages. Just as far as simple steps and you are already preparing to paint with paints or pencils. The pattern of the mushroom looks very impressive in the technique of applying shadows with a pencil. If you think so too, you can simply sharpen a mushroom with a soft simple pencil, like on my drawing.

6. Figure mushroom. Surrounding landscape

Drawn around small growing mushrooms, yellowed leaves, grass, twigs. They will give a drawing of greater attractiveness and realism. If you were able to draw a mushroom beautifully and right, try to continue the drawing and draw the surrounding landscape. You can even draw the hedgehog next to the mushrooms. These animals love to collect mushrooms, harvesting them for the winter.

Many mushrooms grow in birch forests, you can draw next to the mushrooms such a birch.

Not only people collect mushrooms, but some animals too. Protein harvested a whole warehouse of dried mushrooms for winter.

Next to mushrooms you can draw fallen leaves of trees, hedgehogs or a squirrel. The pattern of the fungus will become more picturesque and realistic.

Mushrooms grow in shady places, but not under any tree. Even the name of the mushroom often indicates this: a boletus, a boletus. A lot of mushrooms grows in spruce.

Having brewed food reserves for winter, the hedgehog sticks mushrooms and apples to his needles and tolerates them in this way. Good plot if you gathered draw mushrooms.

For greater attractiveness of the mushroom drawing, draw a bowtie with a mushroom hat. True, usually butterflies instead of mushrooms prefer flowers, but a small inaccuracy can be allowed for the sake of a beautiful pattern.

This Christmas tree drawing is designed for a New Year's picture or postcard. But it can be used for the pattern of mushrooms, because many mushrooms, especially white mushrooms, "love" growing in a pine forest, forming some fungal glasses.

Classification in shape: Boroviki - Obabki - Ozlyat - Groove - Syroezhka - Walkers - Westerns - Corals - Smorchki - Chanterelles - Raincoats

The conditional division of mushrooms by type Made by me for the convenience of searching and comparing mushrooms as in appearance and in taste qualities. Decisive culinary suitability for various types of cooking and blank mushrooms.
Of the variety of forms of species and colors, I decided to allocate individual groups in our own understanding. Maybe it will seem not very convenient for you, but encyclopedic search is always at your service.

What types of mushrooms I allocated first of all:
Boroviki - To this view, I relate all mushrooms with a chunky thick leg and a tubular hat.
Obabqi - white mushrooms, boosions, boletins and them like large mushrooms including royal obabok (Obabok Far Eastern).
Oil - small tubular mushrooms and them like, as a rule with a thin leg and a soft hat.
Groove - here I put the plastic mushrooms of whitening, Ryzhiki, Porks of all the masters and of course freak.
Syrozhka - In addition to the Red, Blue and Green Sreeks, here you will find Valius, Caesari and similar lamellar mushrooms fragile and not so dense as freak.
Love - In my understanding, all these wood mushrooms and them are similar toes, but if you wish, they can also be collected and cook.
Weighs are wood mushrooms of a very different form growing on live trees, Ilmaki, a mushroom noodle and their like.
Corals - starting with deer rozk and mushroom cabbage, here you will see the horns and them like fungi.
Smorchchki - strange mushrooms of the jelly-like species growing on the wood and their relatives lines growing on the soil.
Chanterelles - Jowgrass and several types of chanterelles here together because of the similarity of taste and cooking methods.
Raincoats - Strange White Balls, Picherry, Champignons, Truffle and ... And - All this is collected here.

Decision on the appearance of mushrooms

White - all tubular mushrooms resembling a view of Boroviki and Obabki.
Groove - all the lamellar mushrooms of the classic species such as the waves, freight, raw, and their similar look.
Mushrooms - Mushrooms of all sorts of shapes and colors. Corals, oyster, cabbage, noodles, horns, curls and the like.
Dangerous similarities - all poisonous and conditionally edible mushrooms, including not tasty.
The grouping of mushrooms is made for convenience and has no scientific explanation.

Division by type of culinary suitability.

Delicious - mushrooms that recognize the absolute majority of mushrooms and mushroom cooking lovers.
Edible - Mushrooms are suitable for traditional cooking dishes without special sings.
Not delicious - these mushrooms can be possible if there are simply no other mushrooms.
Conditionally edible - mushrooms that are prepared for food or other use of units. At the same time, the risk of getting poisoning remains.
Poisonous - mushrooms that just do not have it.
Dangerous - these mushrooms are dangerous in that they are easy to confuse with good edible mushrooms in appearance. It is such a pair of edible-poisonous, I think it is worth paying special attention. This knowledge can cost anyone who is neglecting them.

Its ownAs I mentioned, I was not developed for science or mushroom edition, my brief and complete classification is based only on my own views on mushrooms and their similarity. So, for example, I do not share the shape of the waves, Valuev and the cheesegles, but relative to them (in the form of a mushroom body) to the girbs.
Agree with my classification or criticize it. This is your personal matter as right as it is or not mushrooms.
I use my classifier and it is convenient for me, it's not interesting to argue, but if you offer your classifier, it will be interesting.

The best way to learn how to recognize edible and inedible mushrooms is to familiarize yourself with their names, descriptions and photos. Of course, it is better if you walk on the forest with an experienced mushroom, or show your prey at home, but learn to distinguish real and false mushrooms to everyone.

The names of the fungi alphabetically, their descriptions and photos can be found in this article, which in the future can be used as a manual for mushrooms.

Types of mushrooms

The species diversity of mushrooms is very wide, so there is a strict classification of these forest inhabitants (Figure 1).

So, by edacy they are divided into:

  • Edible (white, boletus, champignon, chanterelle, etc.);
  • Conditional and edible (Dubovik, green, cheerking, grudge, line);
  • Poisonous (Satanian, pale custody, amanita).

In addition, they are accepted to divide the cap Niza. According to this classification, they are tubular (externally resembles a porous sponge) and lamellar (on the inside of the cap, the plates are well noticeable). The first group includes oil, white, boomes and booms. To the second - Ryzhiki, freight, chanterelles, hassle and cheerful. An individual group is considered curry, to which crumbs and truffles belong.

Figure 1. Classification of edible grades

It is also accepted to divide them on food value. According to this classification, they are four types:

Since species there is a lot, we give the name of the most popular with their pictures. The best edible mushrooms with photos and names are given in the video.

Edible mushrooms: photo and titles

Edible varieties include those that can be freely eaten in fresh, dried and boiled form. They have high taste, and to distinguish an edible copy from the inedible in the forest can be in the color and shape of the fruit body, smell and some characteristic features.

Figure 2. Popular Edible Species: 1 - White, 2 - Veshinka, 3 - Waves, 4 - chanterelles

We offer a list of the most popular edible mushrooms with photos and names. (Figure 2 and 3):

  • White Mushroom (Borovik) - the most valuable find for the mushroom. He has a massive light leg, and the color of the hat may differ from cream to dark brown, depending on the growing region. At the breakfast, the pulp does not change the color, and has a light walnut aroma. It happens a few species: birch, pine and oak. All of them are similar to external characteristics and fit into food.
  • Oyshemka: Royal, pulmonary, horned and lemon, grows mainly on the trees. Moreover, it is possible to collect it not only in the forest, but also at home, seating mycelium on logs or stumps.
  • Waves, White and pink, have a cap depressed in the center, the diameter of which can reach 8 cm. The wave is a sweet pleasant smell, and on a breakfast, the fruit body begins to distinguish sticky adhesive juice. They can be found not only in the forest, but also in open places.
  • Lisuki - It is more often with bright yellow, but there are light views (chanterelle white). They have a cylindrical leg that expands upwards, and the wrong shape hat is slightly embedded in the middle.
  • Maslenok It also happens a few species (real, cedar, deciduous, grainy, white, yellow-brown, painted, red-red, red, gray, etc.). The most common is the real oilbox, which grows on sandy soils in deciduous forests. A hat is flat, with a small tuberculk in the middle, and the characteristic sign is a skin mucosa that is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Wood, meadow, autumn, summer and winter, belong to edible varieties that are very easy to collect, as they grow large colonies on trees trunks and stumps. The color of the open may differ depending on the growth region and the species, but, as a rule, its shade varies from cream to light brown. The characteristic feature of edibles is assessed - the presence of a ring on the leg, which is not in false twins.
  • Boosynoviki belong to tubular: they have a thick leg and a proper shape hat, the color of which is different depending on the type of cream to yellow and dark brown.
  • Ryzhiks - Bright, beautiful and delicious, which can be found in coniferous forests. Hat of the right shape, flat or funnel. The leg is cylindrical and dense, the color coincides with the hat. The flesh is orange, but in the air quickly greashes and begins to highlight juice with a pronounced smell of coniferous resin. The smell is pleasant, and the taste of his flesh is slightly sharp.

Figure 3. Best edible mushrooms: 1 - Maslenok, 2 - Owls, 3 - Boosynoviki, 4 - Ryzhiki

Edible varieties also include champignons, shiitakes, raw materials, truffles and many other species that are not so much interested in mushrooms. However, it should be remembered that almost every edible grade is a poisonous twin, titles and features of which we will look at below.

Conditionally edible

Conditionally edible varieties are slightly smaller, and they are suitable for eating only after special thermal processing. Depending on the variety, it needs either for a long time to boil, periodically changing water, or just soak in clean water, squeeze and cook.

The most popular conditionally edible varieties include (Figure 4):

  1. Grup - A variety with a dense pulp, which is quite suitable for eating, although in the countries of the West, the freight is considered inedible. They are accepted to soak to remove bitterness, and then plant and marine.
  2. Rogging green (green) It differs from the other pronounced green-color legs and a hat, which is saved even after thermal processing.
  3. Smoldchchi - Conditionally edible specimens with an unusual shape of a hat and a thick leg. Eating them is recommended only after thorough heat treatment.

Figure 4. Conditional grades: 1 - Gruzdery, 2 - Green, 3 - Mock

Calculative and edible also include some types of truffles, cheese makers and amansorov. But there is one important rule that should be followed by collecting any fungi, including conditionally edible: if you have at least small doubts about edible, it is better to leave prey in the forest.

Inedible mushrooms: photo and titles

Salads include species that are not eaten due to health hazard, bad taste and too solid pulp. Many representatives of this category are completely poisonous (fatal) for humans, others can cause hallucinations or easy indisposition.

It is worthwhile to bypass such inedible copies. (with photos and names in Figure 5):

  1. Death cap - The most dangerous resident of the forest, as even a small part of it can cause a fatal outcome. Despite the fact that it grows in almost all forests, it is quite difficult to meet it. Externally, it is absolutely proportional and very attractive: young copies of a ball with a slight greenish tint, with age, she whites and pulls out. Pale ultrasounds are often confused with young floats (conditionally edible mushrooms), champignons and raw materials, and since one major copy can easily poison several adults, with the slightest doubts, a suspicious or dubious copy is better not to put in a basket.
  2. Red Moon, I know, perhaps, everyone. It is very beautiful, with a bright red hat, covered with white spots. It can grow both aimed and groups.
  3. Satanic - One of the most common twins of a white mushroom. It is easy to distinguish it on a light hat and a brightly colored leg, uncharacteristic for Borovikov.

Figure 5. Hazardous Inedible Grade: 1 - Pale Relochades, 2 - Moomer Red, 3 - Satanic Mushroom

In fact, each edible double has a false twin, which is masked for a real and can get into the basket of an inexperienced lover of a quiet hunting. But, in fact, the greatest fatal danger represents the pale refining.

Note: But not only the fruit bodies of pale refunds themselves are considered to be poisonous, but even their mycelium and disputes, so it is strictly forbidden to even put them in the basket.

Most of the inedible varieties cause abdominal pain and symptoms of strong poisoning, and a person has enough medical care. In addition, many inedible varieties are distinguished by an unattractive appearance and low taste, so you can eat them only by chance. Nevertheless, you must always remember the danger of poisoning, and carefully revise all the extraction that you brought from the forest.

The most dangerous inedible mushrooms are described in detail in the video.

The main difference between hallucinogenic from other species is that they have a psychotropic effect. Their action is largely similar to narcotic substances, so their intentional collection and consumption is punishable by criminal liability.

Common hallucinogenic varieties include (Figure 6):

  1. Amanita red - Ordinary inhabitant of deciduous forests. In antiquity, tincture and decoctions from it were used as an antiseptic, immunomodulatory agent and intoxicating substances for various rituals among the peoples of Siberia. However, it is not recommended to eat it in food because of the effect of hallucinations, as for the cause of strong poisoning.
  2. Sprintry shit Received its name due to the fact that it grows directly on the piles of feces. Representatives of varieties are small, with brown hats, sometimes with a shiny and sticky surface.
  3. Panelous Bellol (Bell Slash) It also grows mainly on the soil fertilized soils, but can occur and simply on wetlands. Color Hats and legs - from white to gray, grinding gray.
  4. Stroofaria blue-green Prefers the stumps of coniferous trees, growing on them alone or groups. It will not happen to eat it, because he has a very unpleasant taste. In Europe, such a strange is considered edible and even bred on farms, whereas in the US, it is considered to be poisonous due to several deaths.

Figure 6. Common Hallucinogenic varieties: 1 - red amanita, 2 - shit Stroofaria, 3 - Panelous Bellol, 4 - Stroofry blue-green

Most hallucinogenic species grow in those places where edibles simply do not come together (too wetlands, completely rotten stumps and piles of manure). In addition, they are small, mostly on thin legs, so it is difficult to confuse them with edibles.

Poisonous mushrooms: photo and titles

All poisonous varieties are somehow similar to edible (Figure 7). Even fatally dangerous pale toading, especially young specimens, can be confused with a raw.

For example, there are several twins of Borovik - Borovik Le Gal, beautiful and purple, which differ from the present legs too bright color or hats, as well as an unpleasant smell of pulp. There are also varieties that are easy to confuse with opens or raw materials (for example, a fiber and govirushka). The bile looks like white, but his pulp is very bitter taste.

Figure 7. Poisonous twins: 1 - Borovik Purple, 2 - bile, 3 - Royal Amanita, 4 - Zholkoli champignon

There are also poisonous twins, which differ from the present absence of a lean skirt on the leg. To poisonous varieties include agricultural machines: ibinamide, panther, red, royal, smelly and white. Cointers are easy to disguise under raw materials, rhymes or boosal.

There are several types of poisonous champignons. For example, yellowing is easy to confuse with a conventional edible copy, but during heat treatment it highlights a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Unusual Mushrooms World: Names

Despite the fact that Russia is a truly fungal country, very unusual specimens can be found not only here, but also around the world.

We offer you several options for unusual edible and poisonous varieties with photos and names. (Figure 8):

  1. Blue - Bright azure color. Meets in India and New Zealand. Despite the fact that his toxicity is not very studied, it is not recommended to use it.
  2. Bleeding tooth - A very bitter grade, which is theoretically edible, but an unattractive appearance and a bad taste make it unsuitable. It is found in North America, Iran, Korea and some European countries.
  3. bird's Nest - An unusual New Zealand grade, which in shape really resembles a nest of birds. Inside the fruit body are disputes, which under the action of rainwater spread around.
  4. Blackberry comb Meets in Russia. Its taste is similar to the meat of shrimp, and externally resembles a shaggy bunch. Unfortunately, it is rare and listed in the "Red Book", so it is grown mainly by artificially.
  5. Giant head - Far relative of the champignon. He is also edible, but only young copies with a white flesh. It occurs throughout the deciduous forests, in the fields and meadows.
  6. Cigar devil - Not only very beautiful, but also a rare variety, which is found only in Texas and several regions of Japan.

Figure 8. The most unusual mushrooms of the world: 1 - blue, 2 - bleeding tooth, 3 - Bird's nest, 4 - blackberry comb, 5 - Giant head, 6 - Devil cigar

Another unusual representative is considered a shroud of brain, which is found primarily in a temperate climate. There is it impossible, since he is deadly poisonous. We led a far from a complete list of unusual varieties, since all over the world there are copies of a strange form and color. Unfortunately, most of them are inedible.

An overview of unusual mushrooms of the world is given in the video.

Plate and tubular: titles

All mushrooms are divided into lamellar and tubular, depending on the type of pulp on the hat. If it resembles a sponge - it is tubular, and if the bands are visible under the hat - then the plate.

The most famous representative of the tubular is considered white, but this group also includes oils, boletins and boomines. The plate, perhaps, saw everything: this is the most ordinary champignon, but it is among the lamellar varieties most of all poisonous. Among edible representatives, you can highlight crops, rhyge, whale and chanterelles.

The number of types of mushrooms on earth