Message about the cultural monument of the Roman Empire. Eternal Rome

Message about the cultural monument of the Roman Empire. Eternal Rome
Message about the cultural monument of the Roman Empire. Eternal Rome

Features of the development of the culture of ancient Rome

Roman culture was under the influence of cultures of many nations - from Etruscans and Greeks to peoples conquered by ancient Rome, In which the Romans learned a lot. In turn, Roman culture had a huge impact on the neighboring-barbans and the subsequent development of Europe. This manifested itself one of the features of the civilizational development of ancient Rome (753 BC- 476, AD).

As part of the ancient building, the transition from autonomous states to large centralized states empires was undoubted progress. Pragmatism Rome made it possible to use the benefits of the polis system of the "ancient production method" not in the policy system.

In the Mediterranean, two processes were observed: Hellenistic centers flourished in the eastern part, in Western, the military power of Rome increased. The small republic on the banks of the tiber, over time, became the owner of the entire Apennine Peninsula, turned into I c. BC. In a huge empire, which absorbed all the Mediterranean and the entire antique world. To the world domination of Rome in its development, the stage was held from the royal power (VII-VI centuries. BC), the republic (VI - I centuries. BC) to the empire (I c. BC 476 N.EE). The origins of the ancient Roman civilization stood Etruscan culture, Written monuments of which have not yet been read.

The opening of archaeologists suggest that the first settlements of the Etruscans belong to 1500 BC. According to Herodota, they came from Malaya Asia, agriculture and construction knew well. Archaeological monuments on the Apennine Peninsula relate to Etruscan civilization (I thousand - V-III centuries. BC), preceding Roman. At the end of the VII century. BC. The tribes of Etruscov united in the Union of 12 cities - states, but in the V-III centuries. BC. Rome were conquered. In Etruscan cities, there was a city building system - stone walls and buildings, streets with a clear layout.

However, these structures could not be called works by architecture - they were too utilitative and served as the needs of the city. And only after the conquest of Greece, the Romans began to build buildings in Greek samples, but without copying them, and making their own originality.

In the VIII century BC. The Greeks settled on the Apenninsky Peninsula. Therefore, it is not by chance that the ancient Greek and the ancient Roman part of the ancient civilization developed in parallel in time. As I wrote in the "Aneida" Publi Virgil Maron, by the will of the gods "in Italy, the first of the Troy - Rocky Ruccuets - to the shores sailed Lavinsky" (to the West Bank of the Apennine Peninsula):

Long and war he led - before the city builds,

In Lati, the gods suffered where the Latinang tribe arose,

Alba Cities] Fathers and Walls of High Rome 2.

Before Rome becomes the capital of a huge empire, a lot of centuries will pass. Carthage will be conquered, Elda's conquered and, according to the Roman Poet of Quinta, Horace Flacca, Greece, defeated by wild tribes, will bring art in "Lias". Horace rightly noted that the harsh and proud Rome in the struggle for the world domination bowed his head before the Great Greek culture. It did not mean that the Romans did not have their own artistic traditions, but they were poorer compared to Greek. Rome borrowed and adapted not to

Alba Long - Itali City, according to legends, was considered the progenitor of Rome.

Vergili. Bulb. Georgiki. Aneida // BVL. M., 1971. T. 6. P. 123.

to Greek, but also eastern culture, having done this in commercially profitable. And this is another feature of the development of the culture of ancient Rome.

Having done the largest economic and political center, Rome attracted merchants, artisans, builders, artists, sculptors, writers, scientists to himself. Greek language in Rome heard the language of the highest society and part of the aristocracy. The first Roman chronicles historians created their works in Greek, the Roman youth with delight listened to the lectures of Greek philosophers.

The largest representative of the Greek literature of polybium (approximately 203-120. BC), becoming a sincere fan of the Roman state system, at the same time actively preached by Greek educational ideas in Roman society. In the World History, he told about how the Romans for a little more than half a century (from 220 to 146 BC) managed to destroy Carthage and Corinth and subordinate to their power almost all the world known at the time due to the pragmaticity of the state system Rome. Based on the theory of Aristotle about the three best types of state, he believed that the Rome had a happy connection of the monarchy in the form of a magistracy, aristocracy in the Senate and Democracy in the Comicies (People's Assembly).

About pragmatism of Rome At the end of the XIX century. wrote Russian historian of arts P.P. Glotich: "If we compare Ellad with a young, fondant artist-poet, then Rome can be compared with a patron with a huge taste, conscious of their world greatness. He does not bring himself to art himself, he is an art implicit to her needs. The complete absence of artistic fantasy did not prevent him from applying art to everyday life, practical sides of life. He spread the small, low temples and the Palaishes of Greece to the colossal buildings, elements of ancient art knitted to the real needs of their country, submitted to the mind and reason what the inner feeling and fantasy worked on Eldead. In Greece there is no tendency and trace. Rome is an embodied trend. But the rationality developed him with such a greatness, with such a completeness that it can be delivered by a wonderful historical type and can serve as a matter of sincere surprise for offspring. "

One of the greatest achievements of antiquity - roman law.Rome developed flexible, legal and civilized legal relations between individuals and individuals with the state in which the interests of a person dominated. Back in V c. BC. On copper boards, the laws of XII tables were recorded - the Roman law arch approximately from 451-450. BC, some of the articles of which are preserved. However, the flourishing of Roman jurisprudence accounted for II-I centuries. BC, whose legal regulations in the VI century. AD We were systematized in Byzantium and are known as the codification of Justinian. Legal standards were regulated by even accounting technique. The Romans fully understood the management of property, including private estates that were in strict legal framework.

In Rome, a tax system was createdbased on the value. Inventory (centers) of the population and its property were introduced by legend, we are serving Tullia in 550 BC. According to the property situation, the population was divided into estates (classes). Assessment was subject to charged in home accounting books Property by type: Real Estate, Earth, Inventory, Jewelry, Clothing. The values \u200b\u200bwas a solemn event, accompanied by religious ceremonies and passed on the Marsfield under the oath, which was given by the heads of families.

The state budget of ancient Rome was first formed at the expense of natural filters, and with the advent of coins - in monetary terms. The tax system existed in the income, land and population. Taxes were charged not only from property. For example, they were paid by the owners of gladiator schools for vacation slaves to freedom. There were trade and transport duties, and from 403 BC - Even the tax on bachelors. The source of treasury replenishment was extraordinary incomes - interest on state loans, fines, amounts from confiscations of property for naval. By the time of the formation of the Roman Empire, a rigid tax collection system has developed, not bended to use any forms of taxation and their challenge. According to Roman law, the slave could convey on his master if he deceived the tax office. In Rome, the winged phrase "Money does not smell".

A budget for many directions ", On the construction of public buildings, the content of the apparatus of officials, religious ceremonies, benefits for the maintenance of children, the payment of military worship. There was even a fund for preferential lending to landowners.

From the middle of the city. BC. In Rome, the coins were minted - Assa and others. In 268 BC Roman silver coins appeared - Denaria (10 Assov), and then sternations that had a exchange rate for Greek oblats (Denarium - 8 Oboli, Sterns - 2 Oolas). The cost of coins was determined by weight and quality of metal. The coin chasing was considered an important state case, and the Senate and the Special Collegium were made.

Banks have grown from changeable offices, whose activities were regulated by Roman law. The movement of money in the bank (consumption - arrival) was recorded at the acquisition of which the banker answered. The book did not have to be corrections. The property of the debtor or the guarantor acted as a deposit when issuing a loan.

Rome perceived and assimilated the entire Pantheon of Greek deities,giving them other names: Zeus became Jupiter, Aphrodite - Venusa, Ares - Mars, Artemis - Diana, Demeter - Cerema, Athena - Minerva. Having created his literature, Rome took a lot from the Greek literary heritage, continuing his tradition. In plastic arts, the identity of Roman scabels manifested itself less: they did not continue the Greek traditions so much, and the Greek samples reproduced and copied.

In art in the period of the late republic and the early End of August (end I c. BC. - Start I. AD), i.e. In the zenith of power and glory, there was more external effect than genuine greatness. The greatness of Rome was maintained by the power of weaponsAnd no power may not be strong enough on it. Firstly, The slave-owned Rome was the last act of a slave-owned society, when his contradictions reached threatening acute. The state was shaken by the Terrible rise in slaves, starting with the famous speech of Spartacus. SecondlyRome felt on the outer borders head of the barbaric tribes. At the same time, dissatisfied slaves were supported by the barbarians, and the barbarians are at slaves. Thirdly, The depravity of the Roman top, the crime of emperors, the horrors of the terrorist regime under the julios - Claudia, the palace conspiracies and intrigues achieved such crisis forms that the fall of Rome was inevitable. "The decomposition of the decomposing Rome" became a symbol of public decomposition and rotting.

The Agony of the Imperial Rome lasted for a long time. The current state system has delayed the inevitability of decay and death, But at the same time disused and doned outwardly lush Roman culture, Which survived the adaptation of some part of its representatives to the specific historical conditions. Heroed statues of Roman senior officials appeared, including emperors. Thus, the sculpture of Augustus Octavian, the grandee nephew Caesar, depicted it in the form of a republican commander, theatrically stretching hand to the troops. Although in reality it was already princep (i.e. stood first in the list of senators), which actually belonged all power. Augustus only retained the appearance and the name of the Republican forms of the Board, being, in fact, Caesar, i.e. The living God, in honor of which the temples were built and sacrifices were sacrificed. The emperor Commod, who pursued senators and demanded honors for himself, as for God, was depicted in the form of Hercules, with a closet and a lion's skin on his shoulders.

Prestige power supported not only with military force, but and with the assistance of professional champions and lepts. Plastic art was attracted to these glorification, but at the same time it half fake, half said the truth. If the heroed portrait of Caesar Nerves in the appearance of Jupiter to mentally free from the divine attributes (poses, idealized semi-nimble torso, wreath on the head), then there was a wrinkled, tough and pretty unpleasant face of an old man. In this sense, the Roman sculptural portrait gave the harsh and sober characteristics of the face depicted, making a peculiar contribution to the formation psychological portrait. In this psychologist, the sculptural portrait was reflected in the public consciousness the depth of the crisis experienced.

The conquest of Greece and Hellenistic states was accompanied by a robberry of new Roman provinces, from where the works of prominent Greek sculptors were exported. The massive influx of Greek masterpieces and their massive copying was hampered by the development of their own creativity. The exception was only work in the field of realistic portrait plastics.

In addition to creating a sculptural portrait, Roman art made a significant contribution to world architecture. The Roman architecture experienced a strong influence of Etruscan and especially Greek culture. And at the same time, she could not be compared in artistic charm with Greek architecture, in many respects exceeding its grandeur, the effectiveness and solving engineering and technical tasks.

From the simple beam design of the Greek Temple, Romans switched to the design of archs, domes, arches. Along with the columns, columns were used, pilasters appeared. In the II-I centuries. BC. The Romans began to use concrete widely, vaulted structures. Types of Roman iconic and secular buildings have been preserved in world architecture, by going to the Romano-German and Russian-Orthodox civilization. This is I. basilica with vaulted overlaps, subsequently laid as the basis of the architecture of Christian churches, powerful aqueducts (Multi-tiered stone bridges with water), lush triumphal arches, established in honor of the military victories amphitheaters and Circuswhere there were gladiator fights and other mass spectacles, terms - Complex complexes that combined bathrooms, libraries, places for games and walks. Under August, Rome was replenished with excellent marble buildings, and the emperor could say with full right: "I received the city brick, leave it marble."

From the surviving monuments of architecture, built in I c. BC. AD, interest is of interest to the Colosseum, Pantheon, the terms of Karakalla and Diocletian, the triumphal column of Mark Aureliya, the Triumphal Arch of Konstantin, the Bridge Adrian, the aqueduct of Claudia. The famous Colosseum built in 75-80. AD, included the elliptical arena and the four tiers of seats for viewers (about 50 thousand) and were intended for the fighting of gladiators, the animals and other spectacles. The grand constructions were built from tuff, the outer walls were separated by travertine, and the stands were covered with marble. In the construction of the Colosseum, brick and concrete were widely used.

No less majestic building of the Roman Pantheon, the "temple of all gods", built by about 125 AD. and representing a majestic rotunda, overlapped by a hemispherical dome (over 43 m diameter) with a hole in the center (diameter of about 9 m), through which the interior is illuminated. The entrance to the Pantheon will emphasize the portico from 16 smooth Corinth columns (8 along the frontoth and the rest in depth). In the Middle Ages, he was turned into a church, and now is a national mausoleum, where the outstanding figures of Italian art are buried (Rafael, B. Peruszi).

One of the achievements of Roman culture is peculiar literature, On the formation and development of which Greek literature and folk Italic creativity had a strong influence. By the period of entry into the Hellenistic period, i.e. By the beginning of the III century. BC, ancient Greek poetry confused many of his literary advantages. Nevertheless, compared to the Old Roman, the level of it remained quite high. Roman artistic literature to III century. BC. was presented mainly ritual songs (prayer, wedding, funeral), eposom ("Feasting songs" on the exploits of Roman heroes), drama (musical ideas, developed from choral songs, and farce scenes), prose (oratorical speeches, texts of laws, priestly chronicles). The first step from oral literature to written literature at the turn of the IV-III centuries. BC. Made Consul Appia Claudius, who recorded his speeches and in verses a copyright collection of paintings of moral character.

During the flourishing period and crisis of the Republic (III-II centuries BC) roman literature gradually learned all the main genres of Greek literature: "Foregorime Poet", Greek freedman Libya Andronic, Translated to the Latin language "Odyssey", Greek tragedies and comedies; poets of National Epos Neva and Annie Created a "Puney War" (about the struggle of Rome with the Carthage from mythological antiquity until his time) and the "chronicle" - Annala in 18 books (the presentation of the history of Rome from Romulus to modern times); Comedographers poets Titus Makcuction Plavt. and Publists Terentia Created a Roman comedy itself.

However, playwrights, like actors, did not complain in Rome and treated them with contempt. Neva, who has tried, according to him, speak "free language" from the scene, pleased to be imprisoned. The largest Roman comedographers by virtue of their profession and origin (Nevi-Plem, Float - from the acting family, terency - the freedness, a former slave) occupied a low social situation in society.

During the fall of the republic (first half of I century BC) greek culture was finally mastered by Rome and became the basis of the highest flourishing of Roman literature. A feature of the development of the culture of this period is its exit beyond the limits of aristocratic circles and distribution in the middle layers of society, which facilitated ritics schools 1, popular philosophical treatises and dialogues.

To popularize Greek philosophy, a roman politician, speaker, classic of Latin art and philosophical prose Mark Tully Cicero. He substantiated the humane essence and the high social importance of philosophical science, defended the principle of unity of philosophical theory and practical activity. In the political theory, Cicero considered the best form of state reign of the one that combined the elements of the monarchy, aristocracy and democracy. Such a relation he saw in the State Device of the Republic of Roman Republic. In its views, Cicero came close to the idea of \u200b\u200bnatural law, which was developed in the works of European thinkers in the Middle Ages, and especially during the Renaissance and in the Epoch of Enlightenment.

Development in the situation of public contradictions and civil wars rhetoric as the main means of public struggle and poetry As a means of care from public problems in a personal life. At the same time, the Epos and Drama lost their meaning. As for poetry, it was represented by the didactic poem of Tita Lucreta Kara "On the nature of things", which can be considered the only fully preserved systematic presentation of the materialistic philosophy of antiquity, lyrics of a number of poets. Among them, Gaya Valery Katulla can be distinguished, whose work is distinguished by the immediacy and power of feelings.

In the period of the formation of the empire (second half i c. BC) the first Roman Caesar Augustus paid special attention to the formation of public opinion that strengthened his power. To this end, he sought to bring to his side of the writers known in Rome - Vergil, Horace, Sex Propultation and others united in the so-called "Circle of the Macenate", which were seen in the new era of the atonement of sins of the ancestors and the revival of the Ancient Republic. Therefore, their praise to August and its political events rather characterize this time as the era of coagulation of republican ideals.

Ritio school (with III century BC. In ancient Greece and from the I c. BC in Rome) - Higher Humanitarian School, in which youth prepared for state-political activities. The school studied rhetoric, lawwork, history, literature, philosophy.

The most significant figure of the era of the formation of the empire - versagil. In his "buculates", longing for the last "golden age", the utopian theme of which merges with the shepherd theme of a happy Arkady: "All the inspections that the upcoming century is having fun." In the paintings of the shepherd life, the poet is looking for peace of mind from the peculiar time of that time. In the Poem "Georgiki" he chances the work as the basis of universal harmony, and in the "Aneida" glorifies the historical mission of Rome, the fair power of which has been packed by the whole world.

I-CVD. AD - the flourishing period and the crisis of the Empire, When Roman culture developed in parallel with Greek, competing with it, spreading its influence in the provinces. In the literature, two tendencies were determined - oppositionity and official cheelectricity. The last great poet of the era of August public Ovid, who belonged to the ancient rider family, was exiled in the Black Sea region (modern Constanta in Romania) for the income emperor the apolitism of his love elegions and poems. After the luxurious Rome, Ovid got into a unquilized place at the time, where "Dicks around the tribes: Sarmati, yes cares, and Geets ... Kunt the body into fur, in a hodgepiece from the skins, when Lyutu for the soul of the soul takes ... Barbarian Kone predatory raid raid ... Everything that the enemy to carry ie can't sobally, he ruins: and devours the fire modest huts of the village "1.

At that time, there was a lot of talented poets and prosaikov. But the fate of some of them turned out to be more tragic than the fate of the exchanger of Ovid. Seneca poets, Lucan and Petronius died from the repression of Emperor Nero. Seneca, accused of involvement in the opened plot, by order of Nero opened his veins. Seneca wrote:

I'm not looking for honors; To be part of the people of a simple ID of the last day with their own two days.

In I-II centuries. AD Rome turned out to be the most powerful state of the Mediterranean. A developed ancient Roman economy is the result of the gaining policies and the use of resources of conquered countries. The management of the empire was strictly centralized, And for controlling such an extensive farm there was a comprehensive state apparatus. The financial sphere and its legal regulation was seriously engaged. Not by chance

Antique lyrics // BVL. T. 4. P. 447, 448. Ibid. P. 460.

in Rome, for several centuries, the principle was dominant: "Let Rome perish, but the law triumph".

Considering the features of the development of the culture of ancient Rome, in no case should not forget that in one of the remote provinces of the empire - in Palestine in I B. AD There was one of the three world religions - Christianity. On the issue on the origin of Christianity There is no single point of view. One part of scientists adheres to the traditional theological position on the basis of Christianity Bogochlovecom Jesus Christwho lived in Palestine during the reign of the Roman emperors of August and Tiberius (the beginning of the I century. AD) and preaching his teachings. Another part of the Christianity researchers, leading their beginning since the time of educational literature of the XVIII century, all images of the gods and heroes of Christianity considered astralism-mythological personification, and the image of Jesus Christ is a sunny God.

Scientists in the middle of the XIX century. disceived in Christianity numerous coincidences with ancient eastern cults. They concluded that the image of Jesus Christ was partly formed from the features of the Ancient Eastern Gods, Osiris, Mitra, Dionysus, and others, and partly from the Hebrew prophecies, which also seen astral and mythological motives. The historical identity of Jesus Christ researchers of this area denied generally. Close to them the position of the researchers of Christianity, who believe that early christianity is a kind of synthetic oriental (Judaist) and Western (Hellen-Roman) religious and philosophical ideas. This marked a new stage in the development of religion and made a step forward compared to the ancient cults.

Gospel from Matthew. GL 19. Poems 23, 30.

Christianity gave the opportunity to rally the input masses of people with a common idea of \u200b\u200bequality, although understood abstractly. The early Christian communities scattered throughout the empire felt their unity as members of one church. The central idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity about sinfulness and salvation was the most important, and the image of Jesus Christ, God-Savior, turned into a central figure of the Christian cult.

Arising like religion of slaves and oppressed, christianity embodied the elemental protest of the masses against the unfair social system. Therefore, it is not by chance that the Roman administration has long considered him as a denial of official ideology, which brought the repression on Christians. Persons who were subjected to their commitment to Christianity execution, were considered by the "holy martyrs" and revered as "saints".

True, there is a point of view that the scale of the persecution and persecution of Christian communities of the Roman power is exaggerated by Christians themselves, The leaders of whom were proud of victims who defended faith, showing persistence and heroism. Church history has 10 great persecutions that were carried out for political reasons. The Roman emperors saw in the face of the Christian church not only the carrier of protest, but also a dangerous competitor.

However, the persecution did not exclude the attempts of the Roman authorities to rely on Christian communities and their clergy (Charismatics, Deacons, Bishops, later - Metropolitans and Patriarchs). Periodic attempts of emperors and provincial managers to rely on the Christian church led to the emergence of a solid Union of the Empire with Christianity. Milan Edict 313 was put an end to persecution and christianity gained the status of state religion. The Union of States and Christianity received consolidation in the politics of Roman emperors who systematically supported the Church in its fight against the Hergy.

So, to all the bishops on behalf of Emperor Konstantin were sent invitations either in the form of a decree, or in the form of a private letter compiled in respectful and even a suitable tone, to gather in the nicer in the middle of 325 g. The state took on all the costs of the path in Nikia and Back, as well as costs of content during the Cathedral of both the bishops themselves and accompanying their spiritual and worldly people. This meeting was issued as the first universal cathedral. For the appointed date, more than 300 bishops arrived in Nice to the Cathedral, who condemned Heres of Aria, who questioned the idea of \u200b\u200bthe help of all the persons of the Holy Trinity, and adopted 20 orders of a canonical nature and a symbol of faith.

If you believe the ancient Orthodox church historians, then Aria and his supporters were immediately unanimously convicted by the cathedral. Nevertheless, he felt two more weeks, which sets doubt on the point of view of the unanimous condemnation of the Arianism. The cathedral in writing outlined the symbol of faith - in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, established by Jesus Christ in appealing to the disciples before His ascension to the sky: "So, go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching They comply with everything that I commanded you; And this, I am with you all the days before the protrusion of the century. " The Cathedral decided on the time of the celebration of Easter (it was determined that Easter is celebrated by Christians certainly from Jews and on the first Sunday day following the first full moon after the spring equinox).

At the end of the work of the Cathedral, Emperor Konstantin issued a grambula in which she urged unanimously to confess the faith established at the Cathedral "as the thought of God, declared the Holy Spirit through the consent of so many and so great bishops." From the first universal cathedral, Christianity began to recognize the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Operating in the empire centrifugal forces led in 395 to its division to the Western center in Rome and East with the center in

Constantinople. The Western Roman Empire existed to 476 and fell under the strikes of the barbarians, East - until 1453. The destruction of the Varvars of the Western Roman Empire did not mean the disappearance of economic relations and Roman culture. Her role was so significant that cultural, economic and legal traditions have become the basis for the emergence and development of Romano-German (Western Christian) and Russian-Orthodox civilizations.

The phenomenon of "Greek Miracle"

Ancient Greeks managed to achieve unprecedented heights almost simultaneously in many areas of culture. The borrowed source material was finalized or recycled, brought to classic heights and perfection.

Monuments of the architecture of ancient Greece

Acropolis in Athens Reconstruction

Dionysis Theater in Athens Reconstruction

Architectural monuments of ancient Rome

Roman Forum Times of the Empire

Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. 432-440 gg Incision

The emergence of European civilizations (IV-XVIII century)

  • Master (from Lat. Magistrates - the boss) - in ancient Rome, high-state positions, as well as a set of persons who occupied them (dictator, consul, preterior, censor, etc.).
  • The principle of Arianism: the denial of the Divine Essence of Christ as the identical essence of the god-father. Christ is a man born from the death, deceased and ascended.
  • Gospel from Matthew. GL 28. Poems 19-20.

The Roman Empire is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. Her story begins more than three thousand years ago, and flourishing falls on the first centuries of our era. The collapse of the ancient Roman civilization is associated with the raids of barbarians, which also marked the beginning and destruction of the immense number of architectural structures of that time. Almost some of them lived to this day, but this is enough to enjoy the greatness and beauty of the ancient objects of culture.

The tenth among the most popular architectural attractions of Rome can be safely given by this unique structure. The reason for the construction of a triumphal arch In 81, our era was given to the decade earlier Jerusalem Emperor Titet.

The arch has one span and is located on the sacred road Via Sacra. A distinctive feature of the construction is an amazing bas-relief inside the arch, which shows the procession of warriors, demonstrating their trophies mined in Jerusalem.

The arch almost completely retained its primary appearance, except for the lack of a monument of the statue of the title itself, which is fused from bronze.

Due to its unique structure, this monument rises among others to 9 line rating. The column is devoted to the Emperor Triana, a led from ordinary legionnaires, who strengthened and enhancing the power of the Roman Empire during the years of his reign.

The monument was erected in 113 of our era. Inside it is a spiral staircase, leading to the viewing pad of the capitals, and outside the column is decorated with relief episodes of battles of the time of war of Dakia and Rome.

The base of the monument, within which the urns were placed with ashes, is the tomb of the Emperor Trajan, who died in 117 by our era, and his companions of life.

Trevi Fountain

Rome survived a large number of excellent fountains, among which the Trevi Fountain is the most popular, for which he received the eighth place in the list of attractions.

This building has an amazing story. Back in the 20 years of our era, Emperor Octavian Augustus established the water supply of residents with clean water, fed from the source remote 12 km from the city. Up to 18th century, the construction was a modest species, and only in 1762, after the thirty-year construction period, gained his unique appearance.

The fountain is a stone sculpture of the Marine God of Neptune, surrounded by a variety of characters affecting the accuracy of details, and facial expressions.

Terms of Caracalla

The seventh place goes, the so-called "bath complexes" of Rome. They were created with the brand of Away, the emperor on nicknamed Karakalla, in the third century of our era.

The structure had many compartments designed not only to wash, but also fully relax, get pleasure and relax the soul. The buildings included the baths themselves (terms), libraries, places for theatrical ideas, gymnastic halls.

The purpose of this structure was to attract people, the popularization of the term, in connection with which the emperors sought not only to decorate the walls and floors of the structure with a unique mosaic, marble, but also harvested numerous sculptures in it, and other values \u200b\u200bof art.


Numerous underground labyrinths of Rome fall into the sixth line, which are antique places of burials for people ranked as saints.

The burial lasted from i to the V century AD. During this period in the tomb, the number of which is more than sixty, about 750 thousand people were buried.

Since the catacombs are located all over the perimeter of the city in different areas, there is no one particular entry in them. You can get into underground labyrinths by studying the official sites of the tomb.

Mausoleum Adriana

Another unique structure of an ancient Rome is the Castle of the Holy Angel, - hits the fifth place ranking. For his history, this place had time to be a tomb, a prison, a residence of Pap and the repository of their values, a castle, and is currently a museum and an architectural monument.

The mausoleum was built in 139 of our era on the order of the Emperor Adrian himself, which was honored with art and architecture, for his own burial.

The structure is a twenty-meter height building having a cylindrical shape and installed on a large square base. Initially, the tip of the structure was decorated with the adrian statue, presented in the form of the Helios governor of the chariot. A wonderful bridge decorated with a large number of antique sculptures to the castle.

Saint Paul's Cathedral

Thanks to its status of the main Catholic Church Cathedral, this structure rises to the fourth stage in the ranking of the famous architectural structures of Rome.

The construction of the cathedral lasted for more than forty years and became the result of the work of many famous sculptors and architects, such as Michelangelo Buonotti, Garlo Maderna.

The building has a stunning facade with a cornese, crowned sculptures of the eleven apostles (except Peter), John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. And in front of the Cathedral itself, the statues of Peter, holding the key from the kingdom of heaven, and the Apostle Paul, solemnly holding the sword in his hand.

The height of the dome installed on the columns of the Cathedral is to this day remains the highest in the world, and is equal to 138 meters.

The cathedral amazes with its scales and a huge number of departments, tested by sculptures, paintings, stucco. His exemption costs were so huge that Pope Lev X was forced to sell Albrecht Branderburg's right to exercise indulgences on German lands, due to the mercy of which the European split occurred in the future.

The top three opens the temple built by order of Emperor Adrian in the second century of our era, and dedicated to all the gods.

Like many other buildings of ancient Rome, Pantheon is a tomb for the burial of many famous people (Umberto I, Rafael buried here).

The most popular and unique feature of the structure is a round hole located on the roof of the dome through which a bright wide beam of light penetrates into the building.

The temple is famous for its rich internal decoration with colored marble, beautiful frescoes and a majestic decoration. And, despite the presence of thick walls and a massive dome, a feeling of lightness and integrity of all structures is created inside.

The second level of the rankis gets the center of the public life of Rome - Square built on the site of once a swampy terrain used under the cemetery, and drained with the help of sewer systems, in a few centuries to our era.

At the Roman Forum, such magnificent architectural structures, as the Temple of Vespasian, the Temple of Saturn and the Vesta Temple were erected.

Deeds to God Saturn Temple, built in the 5th centuries BC, has undergone many changes related to constant destruction and recovery, and reached our time only in the form of several columns.

Approximately the same fate touched the temple of Vespasian, built in 79 of our era, from which only three high columns, towering 15 meters above the Earth remained.

I came to our time entirely, erected in honor of the goddess of the home of the hearth, the temple of Vesta. After numerous fires arising in the building, it was customary to close, and therefore the structure was declining and severely dilapidated.

This construction is rightfully occupied by the first place list, since it has long been not just a majestic building, but an indisputable symbol of ancient and modern Rome.

The amphitheater is a multi-tiered building of an oval shape, with many arches located around the perimeter of different sizes. 8 years left for the construction of this construction. Each tier strengthens the columns erected in different architectural styles (Corinthian, Ionian, Doric Order).

The decoration of the Colosseum outside was performed in marble, and the perimeter decorated stunning sculptures.

The most important Persons of Rome and the emperor himself sat in the lower beds for privileged persons.

Despite the fact that only one third of the building survived, the Roman Colosseum remains one of the most striking architectural structures around the world.

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Topic: "The famous architectural monuments of ancient Rome"

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Chapter 1. Early or Tsarsky Rome (VIII-VI centuries. BC)

1 Characteristics of the architecture of the period of the VIII-VI centuries. BC

2 Temple Saturn

3 Roman Forum

Chapter 2. Epoch of the Republic of Roman Republic (V-i centuries. BC)

1 Characteristics of the Architecture of the V-i century period. BC

2 Construction Features

Chapter 3. The Epoch of the Roman Empire (I B. BC - V. N.E.)

1 Characteristics of the Architecture of the I B Period. BC. -V in. AD

2 Colosseum is an architectural masterpiece. 70-80 n. E.

3 Pantheon - the temple of all the gods 125 g e



The history of the culture of ancient Rome is the history of the formation, development and decline of a huge state, spreading on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and included in the sphere of its influence Europe, North Africa and the front east.

One of the most important types of art in ancient Rome was architecture. Vitruvius is probably the most significant ancient Roman architect. It was he who formulated three basic principles of the ancient Roman architecture: benefits, strength, beauty.

In the Roman art of the heyday, the leading role was played by architecture, whose monuments and now, even in ruins conquer their power. The Romans laid the beginning of the new epoch of world architecture, in which the main place belonged to the facilities with public, embodying the ideas of state power and designed for huge number of people. In the whole ancient world, Roman architecture has no equal in the height of engineering art, the diversity of types of structures, the richness of composite forms, the scale of construction.

The history of the architecture of ancient Rome is divided into three stages. The first is the early or royal era, which began the VIII-VI centuries. BC. The second stage of the epic of the republic, coming at the end of the VI century. BC, when the Etruscian kings were expelled from Rome, and launched to the middle of I century. BC. The third stage of the imperorsky - began the Board of Octavian Augustus, which passed to one-chisty, and lasted to V c. AD

The purpose of this work is to study the originality of the architecture of ancient Rome

The objective of the study: consider the features of the architecture of ancient Rome and its characteristic features.

Chapter 1. Early or Tsarsky Rome (VIII-VI centuries. BC)

1 Characteristics of the architecture of the period of the VIII-VI centuries. BC

The center of the future Great Power - the city of Rome - originated in Lati, in Central Italy, in the lower flow of the Tiber River. The early story of Rome is enveloped by legends and fog legends. There are several versions of its occurrence, but the most common is the legend of Romulule and Rememe, they were the sons of the god of the war of Mars and Vestniki Rii Silvia, the daughter of the king of the city of Alba-Long. The cunning brother of the king, wanting to take possession of the throne, concluded him to prison, and the twins put it in the basket and threw in Tiber. However, the basket with the twins nailed to the Capitol - the Holy Hill, where the babies fought with her milk wolf. When the boys grew up, they returned the throne grandfather, and they themselves decided to establish a new city. His main temple they erected on the Capitol Hill. Delaimating the borders of the city, the brothers quarreled, and Romulus killed the Rem, becoming a united ruler of the city and giving him his name. It is believed that Rome was founded in 753 BC. e.

The development of Rome occurred under the Etruscan influence. Many Etruscan achievements were borrowed, for example, in the field of construction, various crafts. Rome borrowed writing, Roman numbers, ways of interpretation and gadas and much more.

According to legend, in Rome in the VIII-VI centuries. 7 kings ruled: Romulus, Numa Pomble Tull Hotel, Ank Maria, Tarkv Ancient, servi Tully, Tarquim proud. Of particular importance in the history of the early Rome and his culture occupies the time of the reign of the last Roman kings, which, as scientists believed, took place from Etruscans, but unlike the rest of the kings, were real historical persons.

The art of etrues who lived in the first millennium BC. e. End of VIII - i centuries. BC e. On the territory of the Apennine Peninsula, left a significant mark in the history of world culture and greatly affected the ancient Roman artistic activity. Conquer Etruscov, the Romans perceived their achievements and in their architecture, plastic and painting continued to be started by Etruscia.

Under the Etruscan dynasty, Rome began to transform. Works were made to drain the once marsh forum, trading rows and portico were built there. On the Capitol Hill was erected by masters from Etruria Temple of Jupiter with a fronton decorated with quadriga. Rome turned into a large crowded city with powerful fortress walls, beautiful temples and houses on a stone foundation. With the last king - Tarquinia, Gorde, the main underground sewer pipe was built in Rome - the Great Cloaca, which serves the "eternal city" and so on.

The works of Etruscan art were created mainly in the area limited from the North of the Arno River, and from the south of Tiber, but there were significant art workshops in Etruscan cities to the north of these borders of Marshabotto, the back and south of Prenste, Velletri, Satrick.

Etruscans are known to the modern person, perhaps, more with its own art than any other forms of activity, as much in their history, religion, culture, including and not yet quite understandable writing, remains mysterious.

Etruscan culture testifies to their significant artistic gifting. The art of their originality, although in it you can distinguish tracks of low-immiginous, later Greek influences. He is typical of his desire for realism, so noticeable in the painting of the tomb of Etruscan nobility. Etruscan artists do not care about the transfer of details, but pay all attention to the most significant features of the depicted. If the Roman portrait reached an unprecedented first artistic perfection, then he was obliged to assimilate the Roman masters of the Etruscan heritage. The so-called false dome, gradually converging within the rows of stone beams or bricks, was used in the architecture already in the Minoan and Mycken periods, but only the Etrusks began to erect vaults from wedge-shaped beams, thus creating a dome in his own sense of the word. The largest number of preserved monuments of Etruscan art refers to the VI - the beginning of the V c. BC e. At this time, Etrury was experiencing a strong impact of Greek culture, and in the same period Etruscan art experienced his flourishing.

An important place in Etruscan art was occupied by sculpture, the flourishing of which belongs to the VI century. BC e. The most famous Etruscane sculptor was in the Master Valka, the Master Valka, he owns the monumental terracotta statue of Apollo from Wei.

One of these works VI in. BC e. It is the famous statue of Capitol Wolf. The wolf is depicted nursing Romulus and Rem. In this sculpture of the viewer affects not only observation in reproduction of nature. No wonder the statue of the Capitol Wolf in the subsequent epochs was perceived as a bright symbol of harsh and cruel Rome.

Artisans of Etruria were famous for their works of gold, bronze and clay. Etruscan potters used the special technique of the so-called bucklero - black earth: clay was pumped by purchasing black color.

After molding and firing, the product was suspended with friction polishing. This technique was caused by the desire to give the clay vessels similarity with more expensive metal vessels. Their walls were usually decorated with embossed images, and on the lids were sometimes placed roosters or other figures.

The main symbol of the power of Rome is the forum. Even before the invasion of Etruscov, the terrain between the Capitolian and Palatine hills was a kind of center of culture and civilization, which is geographically, and spiritually united Latin tribes who lived at the foot of seven hills.

Restoring the Etruscan Temple of the Castor and Polluks in accordance with the canons of Hellenistic architecture, the Republicans built the Basilica Emilia and Tabulory, where their activities were launched, respectively, the Tribunal and the State Archive, tooling the entire forum space with travertine plates. The restructuring of the Roman Forum, started by Julia Caesar and continued by August, contributed to the streamlining of a rather chaotic ensemble.

In accordance with the geometric planning of urban areas surrounded by columns adopted in the Hellenistic cities, the new development plan proceeded from the axial principle and rationalized Dotole free drawing of the Republican Forum ensemble. Temples and basilica, built in accordance with the new design, glorified the power of Rome to the whole world.

2 Temple Saturn

The most ancient part of the Roman Forum is the Temple of Saturn. The Saturn Temma was preceded by a very ancient altar, which legend refers to the mythical city, based on the Saturn itself on the Capitol. The possibility of the existence of a village on the hill is still from prehistoric times and the antiquity of the very religious cult confirmed this legend to some extent. Construction of the Saturn Temple was a tribute to God Saturn, whom the Romans were identified with the Greek god Kronosom and worshiped his ability to deliver the city from disasters.

The construction of the temple may have begun already in the royal period. The opening of it was carried out only in the early years of the Republic, it was possible in 498 BC. e.

The building was completely rebuilt, starting from 42 g. e., Munacians, and restored after a fire that arose during the Karina rule 283 N. e. It is probably that this restoration includes the preserved part - eight columns six columns of gray granite on the facade and two of the red on the sides and the main frontoth largely built from the restored material. The inscription, which is still visible on the frieze, recalls that this restoration was made due to the fire of Senatus Populusque Romanus Incendio Consumptum RESTITUIT - the Senate and the people of Rome destroyed by fire restored.

It was the only temple in Rome, where believers could enter the open head, and the first temple in which the wax candles began to burn. The statue of God Saturn was kept here, which was worn during processions on the occasion of triumphant celebrations.

3 Roman Forum

One of the main attractions of Rome. With deep ancient times, the Roman Forum was the place where people came to learn political news, exchange impressions, conclude a successful trade transaction.

The Roman Forum arose during the days of the first Roman kings, approximately in the VII century BC, when the locals began to be gathered on the space between the hills of the Capitol, Palatine and Quirinal.

The forum, located in the valley between the three hills - Palatin, Capitol and Esquilin, in ancient times was a deserted swampy terrain, which was drained during the reign of the king of the Tarquinity of the ancient thanks to the large-scale work on the construction of waste ducts and laying a stone large cloaca connected to the drainage system. After draining the area, the construction of the forum began, one part of which was intended for shops, the other was for public ceremonies, religious holidays, holding elections in the office and magistrates, for the spectacular tribune and sentencing sentences.

In the center of the forum, there is a high memorial column-column of Foki, which is a Corinth column, erected in front of Rujrah in the Roman Forum and in 608 dedicated to the Byzantine Emperor Foka.

The column is 13.6 m height, was installed on a four-grade pedestal of white marble, originally used in the monument in honor of Diocletian. At the top of the column used to be the statue of the emperor of gilded bronze - until in 610, the Foke was not overthrown, after which the slow launch of this place began.

Chapter 2. Epoch of the Republic of Roman Republic (V-i centuries BC)

1 Characteristics of the Architecture of the V-i century period. BC

From the republican period of the history of ancient Rome, only a few architectural monuments were preserved. In the construction of the Romans used mainly four architectural orders: Tuscan, borrowed from Etruscov, Doric, Ionian and Corinthian. The Roman temples resemble the Greek architecture with its rectangular shape and the use of porticors, but, unlike Greek, were amusing and, as a rule, they were erected at high podiums. In the V-IV centuries. BC. In Roman construction, a mainly soft volcanic tuff was used. Later in the republican period, the burned brick and marble was widely used. In II century BC. Roman builders were invented concrete, which caused the widespread spread of arous and vaulted structures, transforming all the ancient architecture.

In addition to the peripteer, the type of rotunda was also used in Roman temple architecture, that is, a round temple. So there was one of the most ancient Roman temples - the temple of Vesta or Hercules, which was on the forum.

A variety of arches and arched structures were a characteristic element of Roman architecture. But the Romans did not refuse and the columns were decorated with public buildings, for example, a huge Pompey Theater, the first stone theater in Rome I B. BC. Very popular in Roman architecture were separate columns, erected, for example, in honor of military victories.

A very characteristic type of Roman facilities were arcades - a number of arches resting on the poles or columns.

Arcade was used in the device of open galleries, walking along the wall of the building, such as theater, as well as in the aquedels - multi-tiered stone bridges, inside which lead and clay pipes that feed water in the city were hidden. A specific Roman type of construction was a triumphal arch, which was most widely distributed in the Epoch of the Empire as a monument of military and imperial glory.

In the middle of the i century BC. The first majestic marble buildings appeared in Rome. Julius Caesar ordered to build a new forum in Rome, a decent capital of the Great Power. Caesar's Basilica was built there - a rectangular building, intended for court sessions, trading operations and folk assembly, Christian churches were built in the type of Roman basilica in the Middle Ages. The forum was also erected the temple in honor of Venus, the patroness of the genus Yuliyev.

The main streets and squares of the city of Rome later in the republican period were decorated with magnificent marble statues, mostly copies of Greek masters. Thanks to this, the works of famous Greek sculptors reached us: Mirone, Polyklet, Praxitel, Lisippa.

The central trading and public area of \u200b\u200bthe city is landscaped - the Roman Forum, where the people's assets were held, the fair, the court was checked. It expands, new public buildings and temples are being built around it, its porticoes are brown with tiles. Here was the center of political life of the capital of the world, decorated for centuries with basilica for meetings, temples and memorial structures.

To the II century BC e. There was an development on the plain, limited three hills (Capitol, Palatin and Quirinal). Subsequently, five more forums joined the Roman Forum: Caesar, August, Vespasian, nerves and trajan. Now is the field of ruins of a huge complex of Roman forums of the Republics of the Republic and the early Empire.

As a result of Roman conquests of various types of wealth, Rome and Italian cities flew. It caused the rise of Roman architecture. The Romans sought to emphasize in their buildings and architectural structures the idea of \u200b\u200bpower, power and grandeur who suppress a person. From here, the love of Roman architects was born to the monumentality and the scale of their structures that hit the imagination with their sizes. Another feature of the Roman architecture is the desire for a magnificent decoration of buildings, rich in decorative decoration, to a variety of decorations, greater interest in the utilitarian parties of architecture, to the creation of predominantly non-temple complexes, and buildings and structures for practical needs - Mysteries, Aqueducts, Theaters, Amphithera .

2 Construction Features

From public buildings, the most important in ancient Rome was the Basilica, where the court came out and trade transactions were concluded. Rectangular volumes The basil of the republican period on the forum in Pompeiy and the Imperial on the Gariaan forum in Rome consisted of five passes separated by columns: a very wide central and four narrower, who carried the gallery of the second tier. The Tribunal, where the court was nearing, had the shape of a huge semicircle, whose diameter occupied one of the narrow sides and was separated from the rest of the Basilica Basilica. The entrance was a passage, probably did not have overlap, while remaining open. In Basilica, it was always crowded and lively: the court came out, speakers appeared, trade transactions were. About the atmosphere, which has reigned, testifies, for example, such an inscription, preserved on the wall of Pompeary Basilica.

Circus was built according to the sample, which was a grand Roman circus Massimo, built in the era of the republic. Stone tribunes located by tiers had the form of an ellipse. The entrance was on its rounding and was noted by massive triumphal arches. The center of the field along the length occupied a high podium, decorated with statues, obelisks and columns. Stone pillars standing on the ends - Meta - served as a guide for the cat.

Amphithers were round in terms of construction. Massive semi-curvous arches made of peeling stone, the so-called Roman cells, compiled in two or three tiers, surrounded the open arena.

Stone seats rose from the Arena tiers. The exceptional place among the facilities of this kind was held by the four-storey Amphitheater of Flaviev in Rome (Colosseum), the construction of which began in 75 N. e. Under the emperor Vespasiana from the Flaviev dynasty. The presentation in the Colossey could watch 50 thousand spectators at the same time. Through the open arcade of the first floor, they evenly penetrated inside and 60 stairs fell into place. The seats in the first, the lower tier were intended for a privileged class - senators, priests, vatals and judges, the emperor's tribune was also located here; in the second - for citizens; in the third - for the plebs; The fourth floor was given to standing places for slaves. In the dungeon, under the shares, cameras for gladiators, animal cells, premises, where the corpses of the dead were demolished. For the combat of gladiators, the arena fell asleep with sand, for the sea battle filled with water with the help of a use of the aqueduct sleeve. Inside the building was lined with marble, outside - a lime tuff and decorated with columns - one on the wall plane between arched openings. On the first floor, these are columns of a Tus Ordera, squat and massive. The second floor is sisted with elegant, slender columns of an ionic order, the third is even higher Corinthian, the fourth - the pilasters of the Corinthian order. This arrangement of columns provides a visual effect in which the building, the massive bottom, seems less heavy and higher. Arch enlightements once filled out the majestic marble statues of Roman gods and senators. Pompous kind of silk awning, tensioned over the arena in hot or rainy days.

3 Famous Monuments of the Republican

ancient Roman architecture monument road

From most Republican temples, and there were several dozen in Rome, even the ruins were preserved. The most famous - grand structures, ancient defensive walls of Rome, arising in the VIII century. BC. On the three hills: Capitol, Palatine and Cvripale, laid out of the early stone - VI century. BC. and the so-called service wall - 378-352. BC.

Roman roads had important strategic importance, they united various parts of the country. Leading to Rome Appieiyev road VI - III centuries. BC. For the movement, the cohort and mesbon was the first of the roads covered by the whole Italy. Near the Aricci Valley, the road, a thick layer of concrete, rubble, stoves of lava and tuff, was due to the terrain of the terrain along a massive wall 197 m long, 11 m height, dismembered at the bottom of the three cross-cutting spans for mountain waters.

Gradually, in the following centuries, Rome becomes the richest water in the city of the world. Powerful bridges and aqueducts Aqueduct Appia Claudius, 311 BC, Aqueduct Marcy, 144 BC, Running tens of kilometers, took a prominent place in the architecture of the city, in the appearance of his picturesque surroundings, entering an integral part in Landscape of the Roman Campaigny.

The ancient vaulted structures include the sewage channel of Maxim Cloaca in Rome, preserved to this day. Social life proceeded on a market square. Romans had a forum. All major urban events took place here: meetings, tips, important decisions were announced here, they trained children, they were trading, she served the shared of political activities, folk assembly, military triumphs.

The architectural ensemble included temples, basilica, shops of merchants, markets. Square decorated with statues of famous citizens, political figures and were surrounded by columns, portica.

Ancient Forum in Rome - Republican Forum Romanum VI Century BC. To which all the roads came out. Now from the forum, only foundations of buildings remain from the forum; His initial view represents reconstruction.

In the last centuries of the Republic, the Forum acquired the completed architectural appearance. On the one hand, the impressive building of the state archive is adjacent to it - tabulary, which stood on the vaulted underground floors. It was a completely new type of public building, and the fact that he appeared for the first time at the Romans, speaks of their exceptional respect for history.

Outside, the tabulary was decorated with a Greek warrant, he consisted of a system of vaulted premises. From the forum on the capitol, the long staircase of Tabularia from 67 steps was led. Such corridors and stairs are often found in republican buildings. They create the impression of the nims of the architecture of space. But at the same time, all forms are clearly visible in their promising reduction: the smallest army or step is perfectly visible, the most distant goal is achievable.

The temples were smoked at the square, among them the temple of Vesta, the goddess-Virgin, in which the restless fire was burning, symbolizing the life of the Roman people. Here the columns were tested to which Rostra was attached - the noses of the defeated enemy ships from here and the name is the Rostral Column, and the "Sacred Road" was held, along which Tabernye was standing - jewelery shops and gold masters. In the era of the republic, especially in the V-II centuries. BC, the temple is the main type of public building. It has developed gradually as a result of crossing the prevailing local Italy-Etruscan traditions with Greek, adapted to local conditions. Round and quadrangular pseudopheripters with an entrance only from the main facade were built. The round temple - the monopuit consisted of a cylindrical basis, surrounded by colonnade. The entrance was on Etruscan custom from one, end, side.

Round Temple of Sille or Vesti in Tivoli I B. BC, under Rome, surrounded by Corinthian columns. Frisie is decorated with reliefs with the image of a traditional Roman motive - bullish skulls, "reputing", from which heavy garlands hang. It was a symbol of sacrifice and memory. The order in such temples was distinguished by the rigidity of the drawing and dryness: the columns lost plasticity inherent in Greece.

Greek round peripter usually had a stepped base and was designed for a circular review. The Church of Sibilla in Tivoli, as well as Etruscular Temples, combines the frontal strictly symmetric longitudinal axial composition and round. The axis of the temple is emphasized by the front entrance with the steps, door and windows located in front of it. The massive, with vaulted spans, the base of the temple in Tivoli creates a transition from the stone cliff cliff, which it is picturesquely completes, to the elegant round Rotunde of the Corinthian warrant with a light frieze of garland. Raised on a high base, harmonious by proportions, with slender and strict colonnade, filled with light, the temple dominates in the landscape. Its calm harmonious forms contrast with a stormy cascade of the waterfall.

Rectangular Roman temples also differed from Greek warrant, as the well-preserved temple of Fortune Virilis on a bullish forum in Rome (I c. BC) is a unique sample of the early completed Roman church of the pseudoperipher type with a closed front axial composition. Greek peripter in it is disseminated on the deep front portico and cellated from all sides, surrounded by semi-colonids that merge with the wall. Computing the main facade of portico with free-standing columns and the entrance staircase, the architect united him with a closed-eyed ionic order. He also has an entrance to only one hand, the ionic columns are completed by the capitals of a modest pattern. FRONTON is completely "coherent", without sculptures inside his tympana and with rich, strictly drawn profiles.

Gorgeous Roman bridges I centuries. BC. So, Moli Bridge besides his practical advantages (he stood more than two thousand years, it differs expressiveness of the image. The bridge is visually as if resting on the water by the semicircles of the archer, the supports between which are cut to high and narrow overlooking weight. On the arches on top there is a cornice that gives the bridge a special Finished. The bridge seems from the shore to the shore of continuously walking arches: it is dynamic and simultaneously stable.

The originality of the Roman architecture has affected the creation of a new type of private residential house of rich landowners, merchants, artisans. Roman mansions are mostly one-story houses, in which the family of family life was combined with adaptability to business life.

Partially appearance of the Roman city can be submitted by the example of Pompeii - Italian city, which died in 79 AD. As a result of the eruption of Vesuvius volcano.

The city buried under the ashes was accidentally discovered in the construction of a water supply system in the XVII century. From 1748, its excavations continue to our days. The city had a regular layout. Straight streets were framed by the facades of the houses, at the bottom of which the shops-Tabern were arranged. The extensive forum was enjoyed by an excellent two-story colonnade. There were the sanctuary of Isis, the Temple of Apollo, the Temple of Jupiter, a large amphitheater, built, as well as in the Greeks, in natural deepening. Calculated for twenty thousand spectators, he significantly exceeded the needs of residents of the city and was also intended for visitors. There were two theater in the city.

Wonderful pompiana houses - "Domuses". These were rectangular structures, which stretched along the courtyard, and went out the street with deaf end walls. The main premises was an atrium from Lat. ATRIUM - "wiggy", "black", i.e. The room, blackened from the soot, which performed the sacred function. Rome at the base had in the very center of the cult pit - "Mundus", where all the inhabitants threw the fruits and the handful of earth with their old homeland. It opened only once a year - on the day of the underground goddess or did not open at all. Each house repeated this model: in the atrium often there was a hole in the center of the roof - complusion. Under it was a swimming pool for collecting water, child mundus, - implugue.

In general, the atrium performed the function of the "world pillar", which binding every Roman house with heaven and the underground world. It was not by chance that in the atrium stood all the most important things: a heavy chest with family values, a table of type of altar and a wardrobe for the storage of wax masks of ancestors and images of good spirits-patrons - lars and foams.

Chapter 3. The Epoch of the Roman Empire (I B. BC - V. N.E.)

1 Characteristics of the Architecture of the I B Period. BC. -V in. AD

The imperial period came at the end of I c. BC If, when the Roman state from the aristocratic republic turned into the Roman Empire. The development of architecture in the imperial period can be divided into three stages.

Architecture of the first stage of the imperial period (I century. BC. E. - I century. N. U), for which the strengthening of the imperial power is characterized, was characterized by simplicity of composite decisions. The sample for her served the works of Greek classical architecture. Among the main monuments are the August forum with the temple of Mars Ultor (Avenger). Corinth columns of the temple are placed closely, with intercumion (distance between columns) in 1.5 diameters of the column. The constructive system based on combination in the walls and overlaps of burnt bricks with the so-called Roman lime concrete is widely distributed. The brick was introduced in the form of an archer or layers alternating with concrete layers, which made it possible to erect the vaults and domes of a large span. Outside, the building was lined with travertine or marble, inside the wall was placed and painted.

The second stage of the imperial period (II century n. E.) Is called the Golden Age of the Roman Empire. During this period, the architect Apollodor Damassk was built the largest architectural ensemble of ancient Rome - the Forum of the Roman Emperor Trajan, who was different not only by its size and a variety of composite solutions, but also the wealth of finishing. Five-foot Basilica Ulping stretched parallel to the transverse axis of the forum. A huge 38-meter column is wrapped by a continuous ribbon reliefs depicting victorious hiking trayan.

There was a new type of public building for the court, trade transactions - Bins Basilica. Basilike - royal house. The building of the rectangular shape in the plan was divided into three - five naves with rows of columns, and the middle oil was higher than the side of the Other Outstanding Work of Apollodore Damascus - Pantheon (125 N. e.) - "Temple of all Gods", rebuilt from a round pool: Giant cylindrical giant Volume overlapped with a spherical dome with a diameter of 43.2 m with a lighting hole in the center. Interior is trimmed with polychrome marble

At the third stage of the imperial period (III century, E.) for architecture is characterized by an increased interest in the decorative beginning, a grand scale. Thus, the terms of Caracalla were built - a complex complex of public bathhouse for 1800 people, including pools, bathtubs, libraries, shops, etc., Diocletian's grand termes are a huge rectangular building with rooms, overlapped domes.

In the Alpine and Sudenay provinces with I c. n. e. Many cities in Roman type have grown - with arches, temples, amphitheaters. In II century n. e. The Syrian town of Palmyra becomes great importance. Its architectural structures were distinguished by the ancient decorative pomp of the decorative elements. Not far from Palmyra was located a cultural center of Baalbek - the sanctuary of the Roman local gods (I - III centuries. N. E.) - colossal in its size. So, the height of the Corinthian columns of the Temple of Jupiter is about 20 m.

It should be noted that in the principles of building a partfenon plan, which are identified by architecture historians, there are not only the features of ancient traditions, but also some innovations that can be considered the origin of new traditions. The Greeks used the ancient methods of proputioning, but they gave them proportion to them. The square, laid as the basis of the Parfenon Plan, had absolute dimensions calculated in the Greek lengths of length. This is a hundred Greek feet that translated into modern measures is 30.86 m. This fact has a special, truly state value. From this time until the end of the period of antiquity, all the main structures of their time and their state system were built on the basis of a square with a side of the Attic feet. This proportionality can be revealed in the construction of the composition of the plans of Pantheon in Rome and the temple of St. Sophia Konstantinople.

Roman Pantheon (118-128) - the construction of the period when the Roman Empire moved to the apogue of its development. He wondered and built as a unique, the only one of his kind buildings. The Emperor Adrian itself was directly related to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe construction of Pantheon (this information is legendary and, of course, not evidence, but also in this form it is very eloquent). Pantheon became the architectural embodiment of the rod religious idea of \u200b\u200bthe imperial Rome on the combination of the rings and the deities of various nations. The volume-spatial composition of the Pantheon building is very simple. The volume is extremely close to a simple geometric form, or, one can say consists of simple geometric elements.

The main volume of the temple can be imagined as a thick-walled cylinder with an inner diameter of 43.2 m with a thickness of walls about six meters.

The cylindrical volume is blocked by a hemispherical dome. The hemispherical outline of the dome has only in the interior, it looks completely different from the outside. The height of the cylindrical part is calculated so that if you extend the resulting hemispheres of the dome down, it will have to touch the Earth. The pantheon dome halffe symbolizes the sky, and the whole interior is the universe, because the pagan deities exist not only in the sky, but also on Earth. The impression produced by this construction on the viewer, truly stalking. Of course, the geometric construction, and the effect of impact on a person, all this did not happen by chance, but was initially laid in the ideological and artistic "program" of the temple by architect Apollodor Damassk. The ideological poversion is read in the application of some architectural techniques. As you know, the Supreme God Song of the Latin Gods is Jupiter, an analogue of the Greek Zeus. But in the ideas about the Supreme Divine, the Greeks and Romans existed serious differences. At the view, the Romans had its influence the legacy of the Etruscans, in which the deities did not have an anthropomorphic image. Jupiter was identified with the light of the sky. Therefore, the main element of the dome was the opayon - a round hole in the zenith dome. When on a sunny day in the twilight of the temple, a post of dazzling light was broken, believers seemed to be that this was Jupiter who was entering the temple. The image of the internal space of the Pantheon created by Roman architects is one of the strongest in world architecture for its existence.

Strictly speaking, round in terms of temples (foloses) were built and earlier, already in classical Greece. Round Temples dedicated to all the gods were created in an Hellenistic era, and in Rome, the first cylindrical pantheon was built at the end of I c. By order of the Agrips.

All these structures were not so impressive in size, and, apparently, not so impressive in their architectural decision. However, the fact that the idea itself is already twisted in the air, should be remembered. The fact that the pantheon plan is based on the Stream Square, the internal circumference of the Pantheon Plan is described around this square, also not accidental

This is a continuation of the tradition, a declaration of inseparable ties with the culture of the preceding era. We should not forget that until the early period of the Empire, Rome was not the leader in the field of culture and art, following the paths that paved the Etruscans, the Hellenized peoples of the Italian Peninsula (for example, the Samnets, whose cities of Romans rebuilt over time and turned into their own). In fact, the proportions of the Pantheon are not limited to one square one hundred feet. The entire pantheon is strictly propized, almost all of its elements can be calculated and constructed by a geometric method. However, these proportional patterns are less important to us, as they are minor, auxiliary.

Roman Pantheon wondered and built as a unique temple. In Rome there were other unique structures: the Colosseum, Tabulory, the Giant Terms of Diocletian, Karakalla. But all these structures are unique in a completely different way. The Colosseum functional scheme differs little from those used in other large circuses. At the heart of the volume-spatial structure of all amphitheators lay a typical element - an army-orchers. From such cells, as from the designer, "Many Roman public structures of circus, theaters, some administrative buildings as tabulary. In other words, the uniqueness of the Colosseum, only in its extraordinary sizes.

The Colosseum is the largest among many large amphitheators, the first among equal comparable with him.

High flourishing worried province. The Roman Empire has become an empire of the Mediterranean slave owners. Rome himself acquired the appearance of world powers. End I and NE. II century n. e. The period of the Board of Flaviev and the Traian-time creation of grand architectural complexes, buildings of a large spatial scope.

Until now, they are striking the ruins of the Giant Palaces of Caessees on Palatine (I century. N. E.).

The embodiment of the power and historical significance of the Imperial Rome was the triumphal structures that glorify the military victories of Rome. The triumphal arches and columns were erected not only in Italy, but also in the provinces to the glory of Rome. Roman structures were there active conductors of Roman culture, ideology.

The arches were built in different reasons - and in honor of victories, and as a sign of sanctifying new cities. However, their primary meaning is associated with the triumph - a solemn procession in honor of the victory over the enemy. Passing through the arch, the emperor returned to his native city already in the new capacity. Arch was the border of her and someone else's peace. At the entrance to the Roman Forum in memory of the victory, the Romans in the Jewish war was erected by a marble triumphal arch of Titus (81 N. E.), who suppressed the uprising in Judea. Titis, considered to be a sensible and fulfilled nobility by the emperor, rules relatively long (79-81). Perfect in shape, glittering a white-sparing arc 15.4 m of height, 5.33 M width served as the basis of the sculptural group of the emperor on the chariot.

2 Colosseum is an architectural masterpiece. 70-80 n. E.

The Colosseum is the largest of the ancient Roman amphitheators, the famous monument of ancient Rome and one of the most remarkable structures in the world. For a long time, the Colosseum was for residents of Rome and visitors to the main place of entertainment spectacles, such as gladiator fights, animal trauma, sea battles (Naumakhi). Located in a hollow between Esquilinsky, the Palatinsky and the Kolelyvsky hills, on the place where the pond was tried to the Gold House of Nero. The Colosseum was originally called the Amphitheater of Flaviev, because he was a collective structure of emperors of the Flaviev dynasty.

Like other Roman amphitheathers, the Amphitheater Flaviev is in terms of Ellipse, the middle of which is busy with the arena and the surrounding concentric rings places for viewers. From all structures of this kind of Colosseum differ in its magnitude. This is the most grandiose antique amphitheater: the length of its outer ellipse is equal to 524 m, the length of the arena is 85.75 m., Its width is 53.62 m., The height of its walls is from 48 to 50 meters. With such sizes, he could accommodate about 50 thousand spectators.

The wines of the Colosseum are erected from large pieces or blocks from travertine stone or travertine marble, which was mined in the nearby town of Tivoli. The blocks were combined with each other with steel bonds with a total weight of about 300 tons, and local tuff and brick were also used for the internal parts. Flaviev's amphitheater was built on a concrete foundation with a thickness of 13 meters.

The architectural and logistics solution applied in the Coliseum and the named Vomitoria from the lat. Vomere "spout", it is used in the construction of stadiums so far: the set of inputs are uniformly throughout the perimeter of the building.

Thanks to this, the audience could fill the Colosseum in 15 minutes and leave for 5. The Colosseum in Rome had 80 entrances, of which 4 were intended for the highest nobility. These places were located around the whole arena in the form of rows of stone benches, rising one above the other. The lower row, or the submission, was appointed exclusively for the emperor, his family, senators and vadigas, and the emperor had a special, elevated sedator.

The submission was separated from the parapet arena, high enough to protect the audience from attacking animals released on her. This was followed by places for the public forming three tiers, respectively, tiers of the facade of the building. In the first tier, which consisted of 20 rows of the bench, was sitting the city authorities and persons belonging to the class of riders, the second tier, consisting of 16 rows of the bench, was intended for people with the rights of Roman citizenship. The wall, separating the second tier from the third, was quite high, the benches of the third tier were located on the cooler inclined surface, this device was aimed at giving the third tier to visitors the opportunity to better see the arena and everything that happens on it. The audience of the third tier belonged to the lower estates.

On the roof of the Colosseum, during the submits, a sailor of the imperial fleet was placed, commoded to pull over the amphitheater of a huge awning to protect the audience from the scorching rays of the sun or from bad weather. This awning was attached using ropes to masts, placed on the top edge of the wall. All arched spans of the second and third floors were decorated with statues noticed to this day. At the site in front of the amphitheater stood the thirty-meter bronze statue of Nero, called Colossus. It is assumed that the name of the Colosseum is a colossal - happened just from this colossus. The embezzlement of the Amphitheater was launched by Emperor Vespasian after his victories in Judea. Construction was completed in 80 emperor Titis.

The Colosseum since sincerely was considered a symbol of the grandeur of Rome. The Colosseum was the theater of lush spectacles, where, many animals were killed. But already in 405, the emperor Honorius banned the gladiatorial battles, and the animals were also banned later. The Colosseum ceased to be the main arena of Rome. At the end of the XIII century, the Colosseum in Rome was turned into a quarry. From it were built at home, churches, in 1495, from the Material of the Colosseum, they built the Office of the Roman Pope, and in the XVI century, bridges were built from quadrov "Giant".

Subsequently, the arena of the legendary Roman amphitheater tied for quite a long time with the torment of early Christians. So, in 1744, the Colosseum was consecrated in memory of the Christian martyrs who died here in battle with wild animals in front of the rapid Roman crowd. In the center of the Colosseum still towers the cross. In the XXI century, the Colosseum in Rome was among the applicants for the title of one of the seven new miracles of the world, and according to the results of the voting, which were announced on July 7, 2007, was recognized as one of the 7 new miracles of the world.

3 Pantheon - the temple of all the gods 125 g e

The outstanding structure, which had a centric circular plan, is the Roman, "Temple of all the gods" of the Roman Empire Pantheon (125 G.N.) - the most beautiful and best preserved monument of ancient Rome. This most perfect sample of the Grand Church-Rotonda under the Emperor Adriana was rebuilt from the Round Basin by Apollodor Damasskim, the author of the largest architectural ensemble of ancient Rome - Forum Trajan. Pantheon accommodates more than two thousand people.

Its space is blocked by a dome of the bold design with a diameter of 43 m, which remained unsurpassed to the 2nd half of the XIX century. And served as a sample of the dome build for all subsequent centuries.

The design of the Pantheon indicates a flourishing of architectural thought in ancient Rome. Its beauty in a harmonious combination of clear volumes: the cylinder of the rotunda, the dome hemispheres and the parallelepiped portico.

The walls of the rotunda rest on a concrete foundation with a depth of 4.5 m and a thickness of 7.3 m. The wall thickness is 6.3 m. The rotunda wall consists of eight supports - pylons connected by arches. A portico with two rows of columns on eight looks like the tribe of the temple - Pronaos. The impressive monolithic columns without flute are carved from the Red Egyptian granite, and their capitals and bases are from Greek marble. With its magnificence, the portico masks a heavy cylinder of the temple. Strongly speaking on a small area in front of the Pantheon, it seems especially big and hides behind a colossal massive rotunda of the temple.

The basis of the artistic image of the pantheon is strict calculation. The diameter of the rotunda is equal to the overall height of the inner space of the temple 43 m. So, if in its space to enter the ball, half of it forms a dome.

In perfect harmonious forms of the circle and a bowl, the architect embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bfull rest, creates the impression of a special, elevated greatness. The inner decoration of the temple is marble cladding and knocking jewelry - unusually solemnly. Outside the first Rotunda Tier is lined with marble, two top tiers are plastered.

The dome of the Pantheon reaches in diameter of 43 m, and its thickness is about 1 m, it did not exceed the domes of the Middle Ages, revival, the new time, until the end of the XIX century. The top zone of the dome is created from pexobetone to reduce the weight of the dome. For lighting in the center of the dome, a round hole with a diameter of 9 m is left. The building is extremely solid outside. Solid fifty six-meter in diameter Ring of deaf wall closes it. The dome seems indulged in these walls, turning to them with rows of flat lesions. The structure forms a monolithic block, under the severity of which the earth seems to be rushed. Deep portico does not at all soften this powerful gravity effect. His columns are raised almost a fifteen meter altitude. Their whole stems are outps from the dark-red Egyptian granite. Their Corinth Marble Capitals handled from time to time, giving the line to the line several gloomy pomp.

The inner space of an ancient temple is a huge, solemn, but filled with soft, peaceful light. The diameter of the round hall is slightly more than forty-meters. The walls lined with a marble cut into deep niches, then rectangular, then semicircular. Cutting them from the main part of the colonnade hall form openwork curtains, allowing this space to save perfectly rounding borders, but at the same time not to be geometrically closed.

The annular invoice of the antablem and the fillets dismembered by the Cartoon tier above it smoothly describe the circle of the hall, interrupted, however, the input arch and the horse main exces in depth.

Vertical columns, a pilaster, fililenies attract gaze to the hemispherical dome who turns the hall, in which the entire space of the temple is brought to unprecedented harmonious unity.

The dome of the Pantheon is a genuine miracle of engineering and fine artistic taste. This is a regular semisfer with a diameter of 43.2 meters, the sizes of its span were exceeded only in the XX century. Its height is equal to the height of the walls to which it relies. Heavy and massive outside, it is in resting on the supporting walls with extraordinary tranquility and ease. Speakingly facilitating his five rows running up the bessons are collected in their deepends soft dusk, and you can imagine that once decorated their gold-plated outlet flashed like stars

Pantheon has long remained a sample for many architects, he bribed the simplicity and integrity of the plan. Repeatedly famous architects tried to design and build a building, superior to Pantheon in size and perfection of incarnation. However, he as a true masterpiece remained unique. Pantheon and Ponyna stands in the center of Rome. This is the only monument of the ancient Roman architecture, not destroyed and not rebuilt in the Middle Ages. Many Christian temples were erected in imitation of Pantheon. The most famous of them is Paris Pantheon.

The architecture of ancient Rome left humanity a huge heritage, the significance of which is difficult to overestimate. The great organizer and the creator of modern norms of civilized life, the ancient Rome strongly transformed the cultural appearance of a huge part of the world. The art of Roman time left many wonderful monuments in various fields. Each Ancient Roman monument embodies the compressed time and communicated to the logical end. It carries information on faith and rituals, sense of life and creative skills of the people to whom he belonged to the place which people occupied in the Grand Empire. The Roman state is very difficult. To him the only mission of farewell to the millennial world of paganism and the creation of those principles that have formed the basis of the Christian art of the New Time.

The Romans learned how to build arches from stone, simple arches and dome for overlapping buildings, they also began to use a lime solution to fasten the stones. It was a huge step forward in construction machinery. Now it was possible to build more diverse structures and overlapping large interior facilities. For example, a round interior of the Roman Pantheon - the temple of all gods - had 40 meters in the diameter. It was blocked by a giant dome, which was then a model for the centuries for architects and builders.

The Romans adopted the Greek columns. They preferred Corinthian style as the most magnificent. In Roman buildings, the columns began to lose their original purpose to be support for any part of the construction. They turned into a decoration, because the arches and the arches kept and without them. Semi-column and rectangular pilasters were very often used.

List of used literature

1.Alferova MA The history and legends of the ancient Rome M., 2006.

.Blavatsky V.D. Architecture of ancient Rome M., 1938.

.Golovashin V.A. Culturology M., 2004

.Rain D. V. Roman private law. Uch. For universities. -M., 1996

.Kirillin V.A. Ancient Rome M., 1986

.Kolpinsky YuD Monuments of World Arts M., 1970

.Kuzishchen V.I., Govnieva I. A. History of ancient Rome M., 2008

.Mironov VB Ancient Rome M., 2007

.Nikolaev D.V. Culture of the ancient world. - St. Petersburg, 2010

.Yarkho V.N. Antique culture - M., 1995.

One of the most ancient world civilizations is the Sacred Roman Empire - gave humanity the greatest culture, which included not only the richest literary heritage, but also a stone chronicle. For a long time there is no people who inhabited this power, but thanks to the preserved architectural monuments, you can recreate the lifestyle lifestyle. April 21, on the day of the founding of the city on seven hills, I suggest look at 10 sights of ancient Rome.

Roman forum

The area located in the valley between Palatin and Velia from the south side, the Capitol with Western, Esquilin and the slopes of the Quinala and the Vimentary, the Dorim period was a wetland. Until the middle of the 6th century BC e. This territory was used for burials, and settlements were located on nearby hills. The place was dying during the reign of the king Tarquicia of the ancient, who stopped him in the center of the political, religious and cultural life of citizens. It was here that the famous truce between the Romans and Sabines occurred, the elections took place in the Senate, and the judges were held and worships were committed.

From the West to the East through the entire Roman Forum, the sacred road of the Empire - Via Appia, or Appia Road, along which there are many monuments of both ancient and medieval times. At the Roman Forum are the Temple of Saturn, the temple of Vespasian and the Vesta Temple.

The temple in honor of God Saturn was erected around 489 BC, symbolized victory over the Etruscian kings from the genus Tarquines. Several times he died during fires, but revived. The inscription on the frieze confirms that the "Senate and the people of Rome destroyed by fire restored." It was a majestic building, which decorated the statue of Saturn, it included the premises of the state treasury, Erairies, where documents on state income and debts were kept. However, only a few columns of an ionic order came to this day.

The construction of the temple of Vespasian began by the decision of the Senate in 79 N. e. After the death of the emperor. This holy building was dedicated to Flaviam: Vespasian and his son tit. It was 33 m length, and in the width he stretched 22 m. To this day, three 15-meter columns of the Corinthian order reached.

The temple of Vesta is dedicated to the goddess of a homemade focus and in ancient times connected with the house of Vestnok. In the interior was constantly supported by the sacred fire. Initially, he was guarded by the daughter of the king, then they were replaced by the priests-Vestniki, who also conducted worship in honor of Vesta. This temple was a cache with the symbols of the Empire. The building was a rounded form, the territory of which the 20 Corinthian columns focused. Despite the fact that there was a way out in the roof, fires often arose in the temple. He was saved several times, reconstructed, but in the 394th emperor Feodosius ordered to close it. Gradually, the building is windy and declined.

Column Trachana

Monument of the ancient Roman architecture, erected in 113 AD. Architect Apollodor Damasci in honor of the victories of Emperor Trajan over Daki. The marble column, hollow inside, rises above the ground by 38 m. In the "body" of the structure there is a spiral staircase with 185 steps leading to the sightseeing site to the capitals.

The barrel of the column is 23 times with a spiral of a ribbon of 190 m long with reliefs depicting the episodes of the war of Rome and Dakia. Initially, the monument walked an eagle, later - the statue of Trajan. And in the Middle Ages, the column began to decorate the statue of the Apostle Peter. At the base of the column there is a door leading to the hall where gold urns were placed with the ashes of Trianta and his wife Pompeii Dam. The relief tells about the two Wars of Trachan with Daks, and the period 101-102. AD Separated from the battles of 105-106, the figure of the winned Victoria, writing on a shield surrounded by trophies, the name of the winner. It also depicts the movement of the Romans, the construction of fortifications, crossing the rivers, battle, the details of the weapons, armor of both troops are drawn in very detailed. A total of about 2,500 human figures on a 40-ton column. Traian appears on it 59 times. In addition to the victory in the relief there are other allegorical figures: Danube in the form of a majestic elder, night - a woman with a closed bedspread face, and more ..


The temple of all the gods was built in 126 by N. e. Under the emperor Adrian on the site of the previous Pantheon, erected in two centuries before the bracket of Vipsania Agrippa. Latin inscription on the frontman says: "M. AGRIPPA L F COS TERTIUM FECIT "-" Mark Agrippa, Son Luce, elected by the consul for the third time, erect it. " Located on Piazza-della Rotonda Square. Pantheon is distinguished by the classic clarity and integrity of the composition of the inner space, the magty of the artistic image. Lained exterior decorations of a cylindrical shape building crowds dome covered by negligent carvings. The height from the floor to the hole in the vaults exactly corresponds to the diameter of the base of the dome, presenting an amazing proportionality. The weight of the dome is distributed over eight sections that make up the wall monolith, between which niches are located that give the massive building a sensation of airiness. Thanks to the illusion of open space, it seems that the walls are not so thick, and the dome is much easier than in reality. The round hole in the arch of the temple skips the light, illuminating the rich finish of the inner space. Before this day everything came to almost unchanged.


One of the most significant structures of ancient Rome. A huge amphitheater was built for eight years. He was an oval building, on the perimeter of the Arena of which were located 80 large arches, are smaller on them. The arena surrounds the wall in 3 tiers, and the total number of large and small arches was 240. Each tier decorated columns made in different styles. The first - doric order, the second - in the ionic, and the third - Corinthian. In addition, sculptures performed by the best Roman masters were installed on the first two tiers.

The amphitheater building included galleries intended for the recreation of spectators, there were cryptic merchants in the same way. Outside, the Colosseum was decorated with marble, on its perimeter there were beautiful statues. The room was conducted by 64 entrances, which were located from different aspects of the amphitheater.

Below were privileged places for the noble venoms of Rome and the throne of the emperor. Paul Arena, where not only gladiatorial battles occurred, but also the real sea battles, was wooden.

Nowadays, the Colosseum has lost two thirds of its original mass, but today he is a majestic structure, being a symbol of Rome. No wonder the saying says: "While the Colosseum stands, it will stand and Rome, the disappearance of the Colosseum - Rome will disappear and with him the whole world."

Triumphal Arch Tita

A single-span marble arch, located on the road Via Sacra, was built after the death of the emperor of Tita in honor of the capture of Jerusalem in the 81st G. N.E. Its height is 15.4 m, the width is 13.5 m, the depth of the span is 4.75 m, the width of the span - 5.33 m. The arch is decorated with semi-colonse Procession with trophies, among which the main shrine of the Jewish temple - Menorah.

Terms of Caracalla

The terms were built at the beginning of the III century AD. With the brand of Aureli on the nicknamed Karakalla. The luxurious building was intended not only for the wetting process, but also for a variety of leisure, which included both sports and intellectual. In the "Ban Corps" led four entrances; Through two centrals included in the covered halls. On both parties there were rooms for meetings, recitations, etc. Among the many all sorts of premises that were on the right and left of the rooms were washed, two large open symmetrical, surrounded by three sides of the head of the courtyard, whose floors were decorated with a famous mosaic with athletes. The emperors not only faced the walls of marble, covered the floors with mosaics and put magnificent columns: they systematically collected articles of art here. In the terms of Caracalla, there was no time for the Farnese bull, the statues of Flora and Hercules, torso Apollo Belvederersky.

The visitor found here and the club, and the stadium, and the garden of the rest, and the House of Culture. Everyone could choose what was to taste him: Some, washing out, sat down to chat with friends, went to look at the struggle and gymnastic exercises, could themselves themselves; Others wandered in the park, admired statues, were sitting in the library. People went with the reserve of new forces, rested and updated not only physically, but also morally. Despite such a gift, fate, the thermows were destroyed.

Temples Portuna and Hercules

These temples are located on the left bank of the tiber on another ancient city forum - bull. In early republican times, vessels moored here and walked in cattle, hence the name.

Portuna Temple is built in honor of god ports. The building has a rectangular shape decorated with columns of an ionic order. The temple has been well preserved, as about 872 years old. It was turned into the Christian Church of Santa Maria-In-Great, in the V century, consecrated to the Church of Santa Maria-Egizian.

The church of Hercules has a monoprat design - a round building without inner partitions. The structure dates back to the second century BC. The temple has a diameter of 14.8 m, decorated with twelve Corinthian columns with a height of 10.6 m. The design is based on the foundation from the tuff. Earlier, the temple had an architecture and a roof that were not preserved to our times. In 1132, N.E. The temple has become a place of Christian worship. Initially, the church was called Santo Stefano al-Caroz. In the XVII century, the newly sanctified temple became called Santa Maria del Sol.

Marso Field

"Marso Field" - so called part of Rome, located on the left bank of the Tiber, originally intended for military and gymnastic exercises. In the center of the field there was an altar in honor of the war of war. This part of the field remained and subsequently free, while the rest of the parts were built up.

Mausoleum Adriana

The architectural monument was conceived as the tomb of the emperor and his family. The mausoleum was a square base (the length of the parties is 84 m), in which the cylinder was installed (diameter - 64 m, the height of about 20 m), topped with a bulk hill, whose vertex was decorated with a sculptural composition: the emperor in the form of the Sun controlling the Svadriga. Subsequently, this gigantic structure has become used in military and strategic purposes. The century was modified by its initial appearance. The structure has acquired an angel courtyard, medieval halls, including the junior hall, apartments of Pope, Prison, Library, Treasure Hall and secret archive. From the terrace of the castle, over which the figure of the angel rises, offers a magnificent view of the city.


The catacombs of Rome are a network of antique buildings used as a place of burials, for the most part during early Christianity. In total, Rome has more than 60 different catacombs (150-170 km long, about 750,000 burials), most of which are located underground along the appieiye road. The labyrinths of underground strokes, by one version, originated on the site of the ancient Kamenolomen, on the other, were formed in private land. In the Middle Ages, the custom to bury in the catacombs disappeared, and they remained as evidence of the culture of ancient Rome.

My first association, which arises which occupied the art of ancient Rome. And so it happened that the eternal city does not think for me without the Colosseum, forum, Pantheon and other ancient monuments.
Rome is a city built on seven hills, has a centuries-old history, the secrets of which keeps a silent violent Tiber, dividing the city into two parts. Antiquity monuments constitute a rather large formation in the heritage of Rome and now almost all of them are focused on the left bank of the Tiber, in the historic center of Rome. Surprisingly, but built almost two thousand years ago, they may not be safe, but in certain preservation they reached our time. Ancient stones standing under the southern sun allow you literally to touch the story. Probably, therefore, the tourist flow does not stop in Rome.

Some of the very first antique buildings of Rome were temples on a bullish forum. The forum was located between the three hills - Palatin, Auntin and the Capitol, and was named so because of the active trade in cattle that happened here. The temples of Hercules and Portuna are preserved, but it is familiar to me to call them simple - round and square temples on a bullish forum. Temples are not available for visiting, but without that, combined with a typical Roman scenery, they are quite impressive.

Roman forum

In addition to the Bull Forum, the Romanum Forum or the Roman Forum, which emerged in the republican period received great popularity in Rome. Over time, he became a key cultural, political and religious center. For me, he, being an integral part of the city, perhaps, was the first attractions in my list. The forum appeared first as the usual market, and only a little later, the first significant buildings began to appear here - the temple of Vesta, the Temple of Castor and Polluks, Tabulry.

In the imperial period, the rulers, wanting to perpetuate the memory of themselves, tried to build magnificent, monumental structures, so the largest ever existed construction on the forum - Basilica Maxénia. Of course, today from these once majestic works of ancient art, only ruins have been preserved, but they also impress something significant and great.

The forum is located next to the Coliseum, opposite the Colesseum metro station of the same name in the historic center of the city. A walk through the forum I advise you to combine with a visit to the Palatine, which is slightly higher. Previously, the magnificent palaces of emperors were placed here, and now, in addition to the ancient ruins, there is an observation deck overlooking the city and the museum of archaeological antiquities. In addition, the forum, the Palatine and the Colosseum operates a single ticket for 12 EUR.

Imperial forums. Forums Trajana

In general, it seems to me that the forum is one of the key values \u200b\u200bfor ancient Roman urban planning. They were raised quite often, especially in the imperial period, when each subsequent ruler wanted to create a forum better than the previous emperor was. - Forum August, Nerves, Vespasian, but the most famous and well-preserved among them - the Forum of Trajan, located on the right side of the Roman Forum. It was one of the last architectural structures of a similar type in ancient Rome, even the name of the architect - they were popular at the time the architect Apollodor Damascus.

Traian built himself a unique, different from the other forum. First, unlike other forums, the covered colonnades were the foundation here. Secondly, the forum had semi-curvous niche-exeders on the sides, which on the one hand, allowed to accommodate a larger number of people, and on the other - to make the best overview for all architectural structures. In the very center of the forum on the square, the so-called Tracan Column was towers, seized reliefs on the theme of the military campaigns of the emperor. By the way, this column and today decorates the area.

Triumphal arches

Another important, in my opinion, the achievement of Roman antique architecture was the Arches. In the city there were three - Arch Tita, Arch Septimia of the North and Arch Konstantin.

Through the first two, located in the Roman Forum, the Sacred Appieue Road is held - the main road of ancient Rome. Arch Konstantin is a little advance - behind the Coliseum. At first glance, all the arches are similar to among themselves - monumental with decorative decorations, they are dedicated to these or other merits of vain emperors. Meanwhile, if you look closely, you can find the differences - the arch of tit - one-time, with rich, but strict bas-relief images, Arch Constantine, on the contrary, graceful and decorative.

Probably the most famous monument not only of antiquity, but also the entire history of the art of Rome is the Colosseum. Even distant from history and art, people heard about him at least from the famous song of the Russian Rock Group. The Colosseum was built under the Imperial Flaviev dynasty of the 1st century.

It was the most amphitheater of antiquity, which accommodate up to fifty thousand spectators and the most spectacular place of ancient Rome - Gladiator's battles were held here, theatrical performances, trample of animals. As in any time, the people in ancient Rome needed emotions, entertainment. Adrenaline his name amphitheater received from the word colossal, probably that was exactly the way he was at that time. The Colosseum seemed to me not so ambitious, as I imagined him, but knowledgeable people say that they just need to come to him with the "right" side. As I have already written a ticket in the Colosseum one with a forum and Palatin, and in the box office you can purchase it for 12 euros.

Circus Massimo and Marcello Theater

Spectacle loved in ancient Rome, so the construction of theaters was quite common. From the antiquity, the Marcello Theater and the Massimo Circus are also preserved. The latter was used as a hippodrome, where the contests on the chariots took place. They say, at first it was just a hillside, and people sat down right on the grass to watch races. But over time, stone tribunes began to appear here, and an oval Arena was formed in the center. Now there is a large recreation area, a favorite place of the Romans, and the ruins around allowing even on vacation not to forget about the glorious past of the city.
Marcello Theater is one of the stone theaters of Rome, it can be considered the precursor of the Colosseum, since there are many in their architectural look. This is the only theater erected before our era and preserved well to this day. It was built under the emperors of Caesar and August on Money Uncle Octavian Augustus - Mark Claudia Marcello, in honor of which theater itself was named. The theater of small sizes is located between the bullish and the Roman forum almost n on the Tiber. I heard that now in the first tier of the theater often hosts concerts and holidays.


Pantheon or the temple of all the gods The most preserved temple of antiquity, built in the 1st century the same architect Apololidal Damascus. Me Pantheon always seemed rather unusual for that time a monument. The temple of the impressive size for antiquity of the size, now involved in the surrounding building, looks more modest outside, but no less grand is inside.

I was always fascinated by a unique architectural design of the temple. It seems like the pantheon is blocked by a dome. But in fact, the Romans used for this very interesting technique - the temple is blocked by spherical rings that are closed to the top. In the center of the ceiling there is a round hole - the only source of light. And the "dome" himself from the inside is cut by caisson - square deepening. All this gives the interior of Pantheon some unreal, fascinating appearance.

Pantheon Although it is located in the center, but somewhat away from the main ancient monuments. Its "neighbors" are the Trevi Fountain and the Navona Area. By the way, before May 2018, the entrance to the temple, as in all the churches of Rome, was free, but heard that the Roman authorities had already decided to charge the entrance fees.

Terms of Caracalla

Another popular kind of facilities in the ancient Rome were their. Only the "lazy" emperor did not build them - the terms of Trajan, the terms of Diocletian, the terms of Karacallah, everything is so immediately and not remember. Of course, it was due to the development of the living standard of the ancient Romans - first there was a plumbing, then the fountains, and now the baths are finally. Of course, the terms were intended solely for rich people, because such baths not only fulfilled their main "cleansing" function, but also there were important audiences, meetings.
Today, as the majority of antiquity monuments are stored in the ruined state. But this is the special charm and charm of Rome. The most impressive among all, perhaps, were the terms of Karakalla. It was a grand complex, all the buildings of which were lined with marble and richly decorated with a bright picturesque mosaic. In these terms, the quality and strength of masonry, the scale and scope of construction seems to be for such a trivial institution in our understanding. Today here are the framework of the city opera. And once before the term, along with the Egyptian pyramids, were considered one of the miracles of the world.
The terms of Karakalla are easy to find in Rome, they are between Aventin and Ciliem, not far from the Appia Road. In general, it turns out - almost all the sights are somewhere between the hills. Therefore, for me, Rome appeared the city of the hills with the ruins lost between them.

Appeiyeva Road

In all times, trading tracks played an important role, roads connected among themselves various settlements. In Rome, this role was assigned appiyev or a sacred road, built back in the 6th century BC and the functioning still! What to say, then to build unequivocally been able to. The construction was launched on the order of the censor of the Appia Cecium and not surprisingly, in the end, in honor of him roads and was named. Appeiyeva Road, being the main thing in the entire Roman Empire, had the most important trade, political, cultural significance. The road joined Rome with ancient Greece, the emperors and commander went to the military campaigns, the beginning began to start important trading paths with the East. Later, along the road, the tomb of outstanding figures of Rome began to be located - for example, the tomb of Methela Tsizilia. In the early Christian period outside the city, the first Christian catacombs began to appear.
In modern Rome, the part of the Appia Road was filled with asphalt, it moves every day a large stream of all kinds of vehicles moves, and on the outskirts of the ancient sacred "real" appiyev road, which, in combination with growing typical South Tytalian "pines", give this place incredible atmospheric .

For me, the Castle of the Holy Angel, standing on the right bank of the Tiber, Hour was one of the visiting, recognizable Rome cards. This monumental impregnable cylindrical structure was conceived by Emperor Andrian as the Mausoleum of his family, later the castle became a tomb for other rulers of Rome, and Caracalla was the last buried emperor in here.

The castle, topped with a sculptural group with a quadriga, was considered the highest buildings of ancient Rome. In the future, thanks to his inaccessibility, he began to be used as a defensive structure. Now this is a special place in Rome, inside the castle is one of the many museums of the city, and there is a relaxed festive atmosphere around the castle: tourists are slowly walking, the sellers of ice cream are standing on the sideline, street musicians play their uncomplicated melodies.

Rome is a special city with its indescribable energy and atmosphere. And, of course, the main tone is asked by his witnesses of the glorious past - the monuments of an ancient heritage.