Sumerian civilization is the most highly developed from all existing. Sumerians: the most mysterious people of world history that they created the Sumerians

Sumerian civilization is the most highly developed from all existing. Sumerians: the most mysterious people of world history that they created the Sumerians
Sumerian civilization is the most highly developed from all existing. Sumerians: the most mysterious people of world history that they created the Sumerians

It has already been proven that the most ancient civilization on Earth is Sumerian. Their first civilization is based at all in the breathtaking on modern counting time: at least 445,000 years ago. Many scientists are looking for a raystery of the mystery of the most ancient people of the planet, but in most cases the riddles still remain.

In the area of \u200b\u200bMesopotamia, the unique civilization of the Sumerians appeared more than 6 thousand years and had all the signs of highly developed. It is worth mentioning that Suchmers in the calculations were used by the Tropic Account System and were familiar with Fibonacci numbers. The Sumerian legends contain information and a description of the origin, development and structure of the solar system.

The section of the Solar System is kept in the Berlin State Museum in the Berlin State Museum, which was made by ancient suneer. However, in their map of the Solar System there is a difference from the location known to all and the number of planets. On an ancient map between Mars and Jupiter, the 12th planet is located, which has the name of Nibiru, which means "crossing the planet" translated from the Sumerian language. The fact that modern people do not see this planet associated with its orbit, which is an elongated ellipse and the solar system it crosses once every 3,600 years. If you believe the ancient calendar, the next entry of the mysterious planet in the solar system is expected from 2100 to 2160.

Suchmers in their legends say that Planet Nibiru was settled with developed creatures - Anunaki. According to the description, these were the most real gigids, the growth of which reached women up to 4 meters, and in men 5 meters. The average life expectancy in Nibirians was equated with 360,000 Earth years.

It should be noted here that, for example, in ancient Egypt, the ruler Ehnaton had an increase over four meters, and the beauties of Nefertiti had an increase over three meters. Already in modern times in the city of the ruler of Ehnaton Tel-El-Amarne, the researchers discovered two mysterious coffins. In one of them, an engraved image of a flower of life was directly over the head of the mummy. In the second, the remains of the bones of a seven-year-old boy were found, with an increase of about 2.5 meters. At the moment, this coffin with the remains is exhibited for Furnishing in the Cairo Museum.

In the stories of Socmers related to space, there is a mention of an event called "Heavenly Battle". According to this story, 4 billion years ago there was a catastrophe, which changed the general view of the solar system. Modern research of astronomers confirm the data on the possibility of this catastrophe! The main discovery in this direction was the discovery of a large totality of fragments remaining from an unknown celestial body. These fragments are moving in orbit with Nibiru's planet as described by the ancient Sumeres.

But in the ancient Sumerian manuscripts, the available information about the origin on the land of a reasonable life is also affected. According to this data, the modern genus Homo Sapirens was created by an artificial way as a result of the use of knowledge in genetic engineering over 300 thousand years ago. If this is really so modern humanity is nothing more than the civilization of biorobot.

After deciphering records in Sumerian tables, it becomes clear that the civilization of the Sumerians had a number of modern knowledge. They knew chemistry perfectly well, astronomy, mathematics, phytotherapy. The most shocking is that the ancient Sumers used a three-way calculus system, which in the modern world is used to create an computer, and operated on Fibonacci numbers! Ancient Suchmers were highly civilized people about this testifies to the organization of public administration. They had elected bodies and jury and much more corresponding to the state arrangement in a modern sense.

Planet Nibiru played a special role in building the mysterious Civilization of Sumerians. According to the legends, the Sumerians had the opportunity to contact with the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru and, according to their approval from this planet, Anunaki came to Earth. In favor of this statement, records in the Bible also testify. In the sixth chapter of Genesis, you can read the mention of the Nifilima, which "come out of heaven." Inunaki, for the Sumerian and other sources were called - "Nifilima", they often took them for the "gods", and they, in turn, were taken to the wives of earthly girls. "

Perhaps this is evidence that there was an assimilation of immigrants with Nibiru. After all, if you believe legends, which are very many in various cultures, the aliens or humanoids not only belong to the protein form of life, but also compatible with earthlings, which suggests the general offspring. About such assimilation you can find evidence in biblical sources. So, according to the records in religious books, there are references that heavenly gods converged with beautiful earthly women.

About how humanity appeared in detail in detail on the clay signs of the Sumerian chronicles. They depict the entire process of creating a modern person, including the process of mixing earth and divine components, which resembles the process of fertilization in the tube. The information obtained literally stolen modern geneticists.

The Jewish Bible - Torah, was born on the ruins of Sumer and in it the act of creating a person is attributed to Elohim. This name is indicated in the plural and may be translated as gods. The goal of creating a person in the torus is definite enough: "... And there was no man necessary for the cultivation of the Earth." In the Sumerian records there is information, the ruler Niberi Anu called to himself the main scientist Anunakov Enki and together they created "Adam". The word Adam comes from the ancient Sumerian "adamah" (land) and, accordingly, means "earthlings".

After discovering that Pluto, Uranus and Neptune "lie on the side", and the accompanying planets satellites lie in an absolutely different plane, it became obvious that the collisions of huge celestial bodies changed the silence of the solar system. It is clear that some incredible devastating force object met with these planets, the impact strength was so powerful that they turned around the axis. According to estimates made by modern scientists, this catastrophe, which ancient Sumerians dubbed the "heavenly battle", occurred more than 4 billion years ago.

Thus, it can be argued that the history of 4 - billion presses is described in Sumerian texts!

Setting up in the mouths of the rivers, the Sumerians captured the city of Ereda. It was their first city. Later they began to consider him a cradle of their statehood. After a number of years, Sumerians moved deep into the Mesopotama Plain, removing or conquering new cities. For the most remote times, the Sumerian tradition is so legendary that it does not have almost no historical meaning. Already from these Beros, it was known that the Babylonian priests divided the history of their country for two periods: "Before the flood" and "after the Flood". Beros in his historical work marks the 10 kings of the rules "to the Flood" and brings fantastic figures of their board. The same data also leads the Sumerian text of the 21st century to n. e., the so-called "royal list". In addition to the Ereda, as "to the floppy" centers of Sumerians, the "royal list" calls Bad Tibira, Larara (later insignificant settlements), as well as Sipparpar in the North and Screwpack in the center. This elusive people submitted to themselves, not supplanted - this was simply not - the local population, and in front of them perceived many achievements of local culture. The identity of material culture, religious beliefs, the socio-political organization of various Sumerian cities of states does not prove their political community. On the contrary, it is rather assumed that from the very beginning of the expansion of the Sumerians, in the depths of Mesopotamia, there was a rivalry between individual cities, both newly founded and conquered.

I stage of the early one (approx. 2750-2615 BC. E.)

At the beginning of the 3rd militant to n. e. There were about one and a half dozen states-states in the two-range. The surrounding, small villages submitted to the center, at the head of which the ruler was standing, who was sometimes both a warlord and supreme priest. These minor states are currently called the Greek term "Noma". The following numbers who existed to the beginning of the early early period were known:

Ancient interfluid

  • 1. Eshnunna. Located was Mr. Eshnunna in the Valley of the Dialya River.
  • 2. Sippar. Located above the divorce of the Euphrates on the actual Euphrates and Inina.
  • 3. Unnamed on the Inin Canal, who later had a center in the city of Kuta. The initial centers of NOMA were cities located under the modern settlements of the Jejet-Nasre and TV-dock. These cities have ceased their existence to the beginning of the 3rd milk. BC. e.
  • 4. Kish. Located on Euphrate, above it is connected to Inino.
  • 5. Kesh. Located on Eufrat, below its connection with Inino.
  • 6. Nippur. Located in the Eufrat, below the department of Intherunil.
  • 7. Screwpack. Located on Euphrates below Nippur. Screwpacker, apparently, always depended on neighboring nomov.
  • 8. Uruk. Located on the Eufrat, below the screwpice.
  • 9. Ur. Located in the mouth of Euphrat.
  • 10. Adab. Located on the upper segment of the intubor.
  • 11. Umma. Located on Intherjal, in the place of separation from it the channel and Nina-gene.
  • 12. Larara. Located in the channel channel, between the actual tigrome and the channel and Nina-gene.
  • 13. Lagash. Mr. Lagash included a number of cities and settlements located on the channel and Nina-gene and the canals adjacent to it.
  • 14. Akshak. The location of this nom is not entirely clear. It is usually identified with later description and placed on a tiger, against the sign of the River Dialy.

From the cities of the Sumero-Eastness culture, who were outside the bottom Mesopotamia, it is important to celebrate Marie on the middle Euphrate, Ashhur on average tigre and der, located east of the tiger, on the way to Elam.

The cult center of Sumero-East Selfish cities was Nippur. It is possible that initially it is precisely Nippur called the Sumer. In Nippure, there was e-chickens - the temple of the communion God of Enlil. Enlil was revered as the Supreme God for the Millennium with all the Sumeris and Eastern Semites (by the Acquadges), although Nippur never picked up a political center in any historical, nor, judging by the Sumerian myths and legends, in prehistoric time.

Analysis of both the "royal list" and archaeological data show that the two main centers of the bottom Mesopotamia from the beginning of the early earlynastic period were: in the north - kish, dominating the network of channels of the Euphrates-Irnina group, in the south - alternately and Urupet. Out of the influence of both the northern and southern centers, there were usual and other cities of the Valley of the Dialya River, on the one hand and Mr. Lagash on the channel and Nina Gena, on the other.

II stage of the early one (approx. 2615-2500 BC. E.)

In the south parallel to the Avan dynasty continued to carry out hegemony I of the Uruk Dynasty, the ruler of whom Gilgameshu and his receivers managed, as evidenced by documents from the archive of the city of the Screwpacker, to rally around them a number of state cities in the military union. This union united states located in the southern part of the bottom Mesopotamia, according to the Eufrat below Nippura, in ITUTDHNY and I-Nina-Gene: Uruk, Adab, Nippur, Lagash, Screwpacker, Umma, etc. If you take into account the territory covered by this union, you can probably , Take the time of its existence to the reign of Mesalima, because it is known that at the interselium, the channels of Itudngal and I-Nina-Men were already under his hegemony. That was the military union of small states, and not a unified state, because in the archive documents there is no data on the intervention of Uruk rulers in the case of a screwpoint or about the payment of Dani.

The rulers of the "Nomova" of the states included in the military union, the title "En" (the cult head of the NOM), unlike the rulers of Uruk, did not wear themselves, and they usually called themselves ENCEC or Encia [K] (Akkad. Ishshchkum, Ishchakum). This term apparently meant "Mr. (or priest) bookmarking structures". In fact, however, Enci had both cult, and even military functions, so he led a squad from temple people. Some rulers of Nomov sought to assign themselves the title of military leader - Lugael. This often reflected the claim of this ruler to independence. However, not every title "Lugal" testified to Hegemony over the country. Military leader-hegemon called himself not just "Lugaem of his Noma", and either "Lugaelem Kish" if he claimed hegemony in northern Germans, or the Lugal Country (Lugal Kalam), it was necessary to obtain such titles that the military supremacy of this ruler in Nippure, as the center of the community cult union. The rest of the meadows in their functions practically did not differ from Enhi. In some nahnah there were only ENSI (for example, in Nippure, Screwpacker, Kisur), in others only Lugali (for example in ure), in third and those and others in different periods (for example in Kishe) or even, can be at the same time in a number of cases ( In Uruk, in Lagasha), the ruler temporarily received the title of Lugal along with special authority - military or others.

III stage of the early one (approx. 2500-2315 BC. E.)

The III stage of the early-winning period is characterized by the raw growth of wealth and property bundle, the exacerbation of social contradictions and the relentless war of all nomes of two-frequencies and Elama against each other with an attempt by the rulers of each of them to capture hegemony over all the others.

During this period, the irrigation network is expanding. From Euphrates in the southwestern direction there were stroy new channels Aracht, Apkallat and Me-Enlil, some of which reached the bands of Western swamps, and the part completely gave their waters with irrigation. In the south-east direction from Euphrat, in parallel, Irning was a breakthrough to the Zubi channel, the beginning of the beginning of the Euphrates above Irnina and thereby weakening the value of Nomov Kish and Kut. New numbers formed on these channels:

  • Babylon (now a number of town at the city of Hill) on the Canal Arachte. The community god of Babylon was Amarut (Marduk).
  • Dilbat (now Ski Daem) on the Canal of Apkallat. Community God Uraz.
  • Mararad (now the town of Bath Va-As-Sadong) on \u200b\u200bthe Canal of Me-Enlil. Community God Lugal Marat and Mr.
  • Casal (exact location is unknown). Community God Nimushda.
  • Push on the Zubi canal, in its lower part.

New channels were allocated from Ithtungal, as well as the processes within the lagash. Accordingly, new cities arose. On Euphrates below Nippura, probably based on the breakthrough channels, the city also grew up the city claimed independent existence and fought for the sources of water. It is possible to note such a city as Kisura (for the Sumerian "border", most likely the border of the zones of the Northern and South Hegemony, now the fortune of Abu Khatab) some nomes and cities mentioned by the inscriptions of the 3 phases of the early-finistical period are not amenable to localization.

By the time the 3rd stage of the early-finistal period refers to the ribbed of the southern districts of the two-frequenses taken from the city of Marie. A raid from Marie approximately coincided with the end of the hegemony of Elam Avan in the north of the lower Mesopotamia and I of the Uruk dynasty in the south of the country. Was there a causal connection to say difficult. After the north of the country began to compete two local dynasties, as can be seen in Eufrat, the other on Tiger and Irning. These were the II Dynasty of Kish and Akshak Dynasty. Half saved by the "royal list" of the names of the rules there Lugali - Eastnemost (Akkada). Probably both dynasties were Akkadi in the language, and the fact that the part of the kings wore Sumerian names is explained by the power of cultural tradition. Steppe nomads - the Acquadges who came, apparently, from Arabia, settled in Mesopotamia almost simultaneously with Sumerians. They penetrated the central part of the tiger and Euphrates, where they were rapidly dreamed and moved to farming. From about the middle of the 3rd thies. Accidians were established in two major centers of North Sumer - Kishic and Acche cities. But both of these dynasties had little value compared to the new Gegemon south - Lugali Hur.


Klinox sign

Sumer is one of the oldest civilizations known to us. Suchumens are attributed to a variety of inventions, such as the wheel, writing, irrigation system, agricultural instruments, a potterior circle, and even brewing.


There are few trees and stone in the interfluchia, so the first building material was raw bricks from clay, sand and straw mixture. The basis of the intercontracy architecture is secular (palaces) and religious (zikkurats) monumental buildings and buildings. The first of the churches that have reached us are among the IV-III millenniums BC. e. These powerful cult towers, called zigkrats (Zigguat-Holy Mountain), were square and resembled a stepped pyramid. The steps were connected by stairs, along the edge of the wall she went leading to the temple a ramp. The walls were painted in black (asphalt), white (lime) and red (brick) colors. A constructive feature of monumental architecture was coming from 4 millennia BC. e. The use of artificially erected platforms, which is due, perhaps the need to isolate the building from dampness, moistened to spills, and at the same time, is probably the desire to make the building visible from all sides. Another characteristic feature based on the same ancient tradition was the broken line of the wall formed by the protrusions. The windows, when they were made, were placed in the top of the wall and had the kind of narrow slots. The buildings were also covered through the doorway and the hole in the roof. The coatings were mostly flat, but the arch was known. Detected by excavations in the south Sumer residential buildings had an inner open courtyard, around which covered indoors were grouped. This planning, which corresponded to the country's climatic conditions, was based on both the palace buildings of southern two-frequencies. In the northern part of Sumer, houses were found, which instead of an open courtyard had a central room with overlapping.

Where could the first civilization be born? Some consider the land of Sennar (Sumer, Akkad, Babylonia), which is located in the valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates. In antiquity and called this land "House of two rivers" - Bit-Nakhrein, Greeks - Mesopotamia, other peoples - Mezhdrachy or Twire. The Tiger River originates in the Armenian Mountains, south of the Van Lake, the origins of Euphrates lie east of Erzemum, at an altitude of 2,000 meters above sea level. Tiger and Euphrates tied Mesopotamia with Urartua (Armenia), Iran, Malaya Asia, Syria. Residents of Southern Mesopotamia called themselves the "people of Sumer". It was found that the Sumer was located in the south of the twoness (south of today's Baghdad), Akkad occupied the middle part of the country. The border between Sumer and Akkad took place just above the city of Nippura.

According to the climatic conditions of Akkad closer to Assyria. The climate was more severe. Suchmers appeared in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates - around the IV Millennium BC. e. Who they were so and from where they came, despite the many years of stubborn searches, it is difficult to say exactly. "A place of the appearance of mankind, Sumerians considered the country Dilmun, corresponding to our time of Bahrain's Islands in the Persian Gulf, writes I.Kanaeva. - Archaeological data make it possible to trace the connection of the Sumerians with the territory of the ancient Elama, as well as with the cultures of the northern two-frequencies. "

Antique authors often talked about Egypt, but about Sumer, Sumera and Sumerian civilization there are no information. Sumerian language is peculiar and completely unlike the Semitic languages, which during his appearance was not at all. He is far from developed Indo-European languages. Sumerians are not seven. Their writing and language (the name of writing in 1700 gave Professor Oxford University T.Khaid) is not related to the seven-Khamita ethno-speaking group. After the decryption of the Sumerian language at the end of the XIX century, the Scumer's country traditionally began to bind the name in the Bible the name of this country - SIN, AR.

To this day it is unclear what the reason for the appearance in those areas of the Sumerians is a global flood or anything else ... Science recognizes that Sumerians are most likely not the first settlers of the central and southern two-frequencies. On the territory of the southern two-frequencies, the Sumerians appeared not later than the IV millennium BC. e. However, from where they appeared here, unknown. There are a number of hypotheses regarding places from where they could appear. Some believe that it could be the Iranian Highlands, distant mountains of Central Asia () or India. Others see the Caucasian people in Sumera (S. Fisten). Third believe that they are the original residents of the two frequencies (Prankfort). Fourth talked about two waves of the migration of Sumerians from Central Asia or from the Middle East through Central Asia.

Sumerians were developed the very first writing - cylinder. For a very short period of time, she received in their people to such an extent widespread that almost the entire population was competent. Over time, subsequent civilizations used this writing. In the chronicles, Sumerian civilization describes what happened on Earth 400-500 thousand years ago.

Sumerians - were skillful builders. Their architects invented the arch. The material was covered from other countries - the cedar were delivered from Aman, stones for statues from Arabia. They created their letter, an agrotechnical calendar, the world's first fishing, first forest plantation, library catalog, first medical recipes. There are those who believe that their ancient treatises were used by the Bible compilers when writing texts.

Patriarch of modern "world history" V. Maknil believed that the Sumerian written tradition is consistent with the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the founders of this civilization came from the south of the sea. They were conquered by the indigenous population, "Chernogolovye people", who were previously lived in the Tiger Valley and Euphrates. They learned how to dry out the swamp and irrigate the earth, because the words of L. TVly are hardly accurate that the two-frequenses used to live in the setting of the Golden Age: "It was a blessed mounted earth. She called, and many responded on her call. "

Although how the legend says here once was Eden. The Book of Genesis indicates its location. Some of the scientists assure that the Gardens of Eden could be in Egypt. In Mesopotam's literature, there is no indication of the traces of the earthly paradise. Others saw him at the origin of the four rivers (Tiger and Euphrates, Fison and Geon). Anti-accesses believed that Paradise is somewhere in the east, maybe somewhere where the Earth converges with heaven. According to Efrem Sirin, Paradise was supposed to be on the island - in the ocean. The ancient Greeks represented the finding "paradise", that is, the posthumous monastery of the righteous, on the islands in the ocean (the so-called islands of blissful).

Plutarchs in life writing Code described them: "They are separated from each other very narrow strait, are in 10,000 stages from the African coast." Here is a favorable climate due to the temperature and lack of sudden changes at all times of the year. Paradise was an earth covered by an evergreen garden. It was so that the image of the land promised, where people are fed and happy, fell in the shade of gardens and cool streams.

Studies of scientists gave food for new guesses and hypotheses. In the 1950s, the expedition of the Danes headed by J. Bibby found on the island of Bahrain traces of the fact that the Pranodina Sumerian civilization was immediately called. Many considered that it was here that the legendary dilmun was located. In fact, after all, such ancient sources as the poem about the adventures of the gods, rewritten in the IV millennium BC. e. With an even more ancient source, it already mentions a certain Arabian country Dilmun.

This "sacred and immaculate country", as can be seen, once was on the island of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, as well as on the nearby lands of the Arabian coast. There is no doubt that it was famous for its riches, developed trade, luxury palaces. In the Sumerian poem "Enki and the Universe" also noted as well-known fact that Dilmun's ships were brought to the forest, gold and silver from Melluha (India). It is also said about the mysterious country Magan. Dilmunitsy traded copper, iron, bronze, silver and gold, ivory, pearl, etc. Truly it was a paradise for the rich. Let's say, in the second century BC. e. Greek traveler described Bahrain as a country where "doors, walls and roofs of houses were inlaid by ivory, gold, silver and precious stones." The memory of the amazing world of Arabia remained very long.

As can be seen, this circumstance was caused by the expedition of J. Bibby, who described his Odyssey in the book "In Search of Dilmuna". He found the remains of ancient buildings on the site of the Portuguese fortress. Nearby discovered the sacred well, in which there was a mysterious "throne of God". Then the memory of the sacred throne of Dilmuna passed from the people to the people and from the era to the epoch, finding a reflection in the Bible: "And the Lord gave the Lord Paradise in Eman in the East; And placed the man there, which was created. " So there was a fairy tale of this magic country, where the human expulsion was and, if it took place, of course.

Looking at the lifeless and dead space of two-frequencies, where sandy storms are raging, the bright sun is mercilessly, somehow it is difficult to relate it with a paradise that you should please the gaze of people. Indeed, as I wrote M. Nikolasky, it is not easy to find a more unwriting country (although the climate could be different). For the usual greenery of the Russian and European gaze here, there is nothing to delay the eyes - some deserts, hills, dunes and swamps. Rains are rare. In the spring and summer, the appearance of the bottom Mesopotamia is especially pecked and gloomy, because everyone is tested from the heat. As in the fall and in winter, this region is a sandy desert, but in the spring and summer it turns into a water desert. In early March, the tiger spreads, and in mid-March the Euphrates begins to break. The waters of the flooded rivers are connected, and the country is mostly turning into one solid lake. In the myths of Sumer and Babylonia, this eternal struggle of the elements was reflected.

Many believed that Sumerian culture is a culture of the derivative. Englishman L. Delly, explorer of royal burials in ure, for example, expressed such a hypothesis: "There is no doubt that the Schumerian civilization appeared from the elements of three cultures: El Obeid, Uruk and Gemadded, and finally took shape only after their merger. And from this point on, the inhabitants of the bottom Mesopotamia can be called supervision. Therefore, I think, "wrote L. Delly - that under the name" Summerians "we need to mean the people whose ancestors, each in its own way, was created by the shift, but by the beginning of the dynastic period, individual features merged into one civilization."

At least the origin of the Sumer ("Chernogolov") today remains a mystery in many ways, it is known that in the middle of the IV millennium BC. e. There were settlements - Principality Cities Eredu, Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Nippur, Eshnunna, Nineve, Babylon, Ur.

Sumerians were able to create an extensive state with the capital in ure (2112-2015 BC). The kings of the third dynasty did everything possible to lose the gods. The founder of the dynasty, urnamma, participated in the creation of the first codes of ancient two-frequencies. No wonder S. Kramer called him the first "Moses". He became famous for both a wonderful builder, erecting a number of temples and zikkurats. "In the glory of the lords of their Ningal, urnamma, a mighty husband, king Hurray, King Sumer and Akkada, erect this magnificent Gypar." The tower completed sons. In the capital there was a sacred quarter dedicated to the God of the Nanna Luna and his wife Ningal. An ancient city, of course, did not resemble modern cities.

Ur represented an incorrect oval length of just about a kilometer and a width of up to 700 meters. He was surrounded by a wall with a slope of raw bricks (something like a medieval castle), which water was observed from three sides. Inside this space, zigkurat were erected, the tower with the temple. She was called the "heavenly hill" or "the mountain of God". The height of the "Mountain of God", at the top of which there was a temple of Nanna, was 53 meters. By the way, Zikkurat in Babylon ("Babylonian Tower") - a copy of zikkurat in ure. Probably, from all such zigkurats in Iraq, the one that in ure was in the best condition. (The Babylonian tower was destroyed by warriors.) Urine zikcurate represented a temple-observatory. It took 30 million bricks on its manufacture. A little survived from the ancient cheers, the tombs and temples of Ashchura, Assyrian palaces. The fragility of structures is explained by the fact that they were created from clay (in Babylon, two buildings were built from stone).

Externally, the shortcomers differed from the Semitic peoples: there were befelling and insane, and the semites wore long curly beards and hair to the shoulders. Anthropologically, Sumerians refer to a large European divided race with elements of a small Mediterranean race. Part of them came from Scythia (on Rosilson), from the Peninsula of Industan (according to I. Dyakonov, etc.), part of the same - from the island of Dilmun, the current Bahrain, the Caucasus, etc. It is also argued that because the Sumerian legend tells about mixing Languages \u200b\u200band that "In the good old days, they were all in one people and spoke in the same language," it is possible that all nations came out of one historian (superethnos).

Sumer was the first of the three great civilizations of antiquity. He arose on the plain between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates in 3800 BC. e.

Sumerians invented the wheel, the first began to build schools and created a two-chamber parliament.

It was here that the first historians appeared. Here received the first money - silver shekels in the form of ingots, cosmogony and cosmology arose, for the first time taxes began to introduce, medicine and a number of institutes that "lived" were introduced to this day. Various disciplines were taught in Sumerian hotels, and the legislative system of this state was similar to our. There were laws that defended working and unemployed, weak and helpless, existed a system of judges and jury.

In the area discovered in 1850, 30,000 clay plates containing a lot of information were found in the territory of Mesopotamia, a significant part of which remains not decrypted to this day.

Meanwhile, clay signs with recordings were found before the library discovery, and then, and in many of them, in particular, in Akkadian texts, it is indicated that they are copied from earlier Sumerian originals.

In Sumer, the construction case was well established, and the first kiln for burning bricks also created here. The same furnaces were used to smell metals from ore - this process became necessary already in the early stages, as soon as the reserve of natural native copper was exhausted.

The researchers of the ancient metallurgy extremely surprised how rapidly Sumerians were learned by the methods of ore enrichment, melting of metal and casting. They mastered these technologies in just a few centuries after the occurrence of civilization.

It looks even more striking that the Sumerians mastered the methods of producing alloys. They were the first to learn to produce bronze - solid, but well-teeted alloy, which changed the entire course of human history.

The ability to fuse copper with the tin was the greatest achievement. First, because it was necessary to choose their exact ratio, and the Sumerians found the optimal: 85% copper by 15% tin.

Secondly, there was no tin in Mesopotamia, in general, rarely occurring in nature, he should have been found somewhere and bring. And thirdly, the extraction of tin from ore - tin stone is a rather complicated process that could not open by chance.

Unlike scientists of later centuries, Sumerians knew that the Earth revolves around the Sun, the planet moves, and the stars were still.

They knew all the planets of the solar system, and after all, uranium, for example, was opened only in 1781. Moreover, in clay signs, a catastrophe that happened to the Planet Tiamat, which in the scientific and science fiction literature today it is customary to call the banner, and the existence of which indirectly confirmed American spacecraft "Pioneer" and "Voyager" in 1980, aimed at borders Solar system.

All the knowledge of the Sumeris relative to the movement of the Sun and the Earth was united in the calendar first created in the world.

This sunny lunar calendar entered into force in 3760 BC. e.

Sumerians are the first civilization on Earth.

in the city of Nippure. And was the most accurate and difficult of all subsequent. A sixteen number system created by the Sumerum made it possible to calculate the fractions and multiply the numbers to millions, extract the roots and raise into a degree.

The division of an hour for 60 minutes, and the minutes for 60 seconds was based on a six-month system. Echoes of the Sumerian number system are preserved and in dividing the day for 24 hours, for 12 months, a feet is 12 inches and in the existence of a dozen as a measure of quantity

This civilization existed only 2 thousand years, but how much discoveries were made!

That can not be!

And yet, this impossible Sumer existed and enriched humanity by such a number of knowledge that did not give him any other civilization.

Moreover, the civilization of the Sumer, which was mysterious, mysteriously in the way of a year ago and mysteriously disappeared. At this expense, orthodox scientists have several versions. But the causes of the death of the Sumerian kingdom called them are also unconvincing, as well as the versions that they try to explain its occurrence and truly fantastic, nothing is comparable.

Sumerian civilization died as a result of invasion from the west of warlike semitic nomadic tribes.

In the 24th century BC, Tsar Akkad Sargon Ancient defeated the King Lugalzaggisi, the ruler of Sumer, uniting the Northern Mesopotamia in his authority. Babylon-Assyrian civilization was born on the shoulders of Sumer.

Architecture Sumerov

The most clearly traced the development of the architectural thought of the Sumerians on how the appearance of the temples changes.

In the Sumerian language, the word "house" and "temple" sounds the same, so the ancient Suchmers did not share the concepts of "build a house" and "build a temple". God is the owner of all the riches of the city, his owner, the deaths only unworthy of his servants. The temple is the dwelling of God, he should be evidence of his power, forces, military valor. In the center of the city on a high platform, a monumental and majestic building was erected - the house, the dwelling of the gods - the temple, the stairs or ramps were held on both sides.

Unfortunately, only ruins have been preserved from the temples of the most ancient buildings for which it is almost impossible to restore the internal device and the decoration of cult facilities.

The reason for this is wet, raw climate of two-frequencies and the absence of any long-term construction material except clay.

In ancient Mesopotamia, all structures were erected from bricks, which was formed from raw clay with an admixture of reed. Such buildings demanded an annual restoration and repair and were extremely short-lived. Only from the ancient Sumerian texts we learn that in the temples of the early construction, the sanctuary was shifted to the edge of the platform, on which the temple was erected.

The center of the sanctuary, his sacred place where the sacraments and rites were committed, was the throne of God. He demanded special care and care. The statue of the Divine, in honor of which the temple erected, was in the depths of the sanctuary. It also required to care carefully. Probably, the inner premises of the temple were covered with paintings, but they destroyed the wet climate of the two frequencies.

At the beginning of the III century BC. In the sanctuary and his open courtyard stopped let the uninitiated. At the end of the III, ton of our era, another type of temple building appears in ancient Sumere - zigkurat.

It is a multistage tower, the "floors" of which have the form of the pressering pyramids or parallelepiped, the number could reach the seven. At the site of the ancient city, the archaeologists discovered the temple complex, built by the king of Ur-Namma from the III Dynasty of Hurray.

This is the most preserved zikkurat Sumerov, which has come down to this day.

It is a monumental three-storey structure of bricks, more than 20m high.

Sumerians built temples carefully and thoughtful, but residential buildings for people did not differ in special architectural research. These were mainly rectangular buildings all of the same raw bricks. The houses were erected without windows, the only source of light was a doorway.

But in most buildings there were sewage. There were no planning of the attacks, there was no reason at home, therefore, often the narrow curves of the streets ended with dead end. Each residential building was usually surrounded by a global wall. The same wall, but much more thickness, was erected around the settlement. According to the very first settlement, surrounded by the wall, thereby assigned to themselves the status of the "city", was an ancient Urupet.

The ancient city forever remained in the Akkada epic "Uruko Fengled".


By the time of formation of the first Sumerian cities-states, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe anthropomorphic divine was formed.

Divities - the patrons of the community were primarily the personification of creative and producing the forces of nature, with which the ideas about the power of the military leader of the community tribe combined with the functions of the supreme priest.

Of the first written sources, the names (or symbols) of the gods of Inanany, Enlil and others are known, and since T.

n. The period of Abu-Salayabiha (settlements near Nippura) and headlights (screw) of 27-26 centuries. - Theofor names and the most ancient list of gods. The earliest actually mythological literary texts are the hymns of the gods, the lists of proverbs, the presentation of some myths also take place by the headlight period and originate from the side of the headlight and Abu Salaabiha. But the main mass of the Sumerian texts of mythological content refers to the end of the 3rd - the beginning of the 2nd millennium, to the so-called Starovalon period - the time when Sumerian language has already died out, but the Babylonian tradition has also retained the teaching system on it.

Thus, by the time of appearance of writing in the two-range (con.

4th thousand to n. e.) A certain system of mythological representations is recorded here. But in every city of the state, their deities and heroes, the cycles of the myths and their own priest tradition remained.

Until the end of the 3rd thousand

bC e. There was no single systematized Pantheon, although there were several generalumery deities: Enlil, "Lord of the Air", "King of Gods and People", the God of the city of Nippur, the Center for the Ancient Sumerian Tribal Union; Enki, Lord of Underground Freshwater and World Ocean (later and the Deity of Wisdom), the head of the city of Eredu, the Ancient Cultural Center of Sumer; An, God Keba, and Inanna, the Goddess of War and the Plot's love, the deities of the city of Oruk, who took place at the end of the 4th - early 3rd thousand.

bC e.; Naina, Lunar God, revered in ure; God-Warrier Ningirsh, who has faded in Lagash (this God later identified with Lagasy Ninurta), etc. The oldest list of gods from headlights (approx. 26 V. BC. E.) Highlights the Six Supreme Gods of the Ranneshumer Pantheon: Enlil, An, Innana , Enki, Nanna and Sunny God Utu.

Valery Glyaev

Shumer. Babylon. Assyria: 5000 years of history

Where did the Sumerians come from?

Even if we consider that the Sumerians were already carriers of the guardian culture, it still remains unanswered the question from where these shemers-defenders came from. "Where did the Sumerians come from, - MM. Dyakonov, - still remains completely unclear.

32. Printing of cylindrical seals Gemdet-Nasre: a) Printing with the image of the sacred rook;

b) Seal from the temple of Inanna in Uruk.

Nach III thousand BC. e.

Their own legends make you think about the eastern or southeastern origin: they considered an ancient settlement to the ancient settlement - at the Sumerian "Ere-Doo" - "Good City", the most southern cities of two-frets, now Ibu Shahrain The place of occurrence of mankind and its cultural achievements of the Sumerians attributed to Dilmun Island (possibly Bahrain in the Persian Gulf); The cults associated with the mountain played an important role in their religion.

From an archaeological point of view, the connection of the oldest Sumerians with the territory of Elama (South-West Iran) is likely. "

On the anthropological type of Sumerians, it is possible to judge the bone residues to a certain extent, but not by their sculpture, as scientists believed in the past, since it, apparently, is strongly stylized and underscounted by some features of the person (big ears, big eyes, nose) is explained not to physical features of the people, and the requirements of the cult.

The study of skeletons allows you to conclude that Sumerians IV-III thousand BC. e. belonged to anthropological type, which always dominated Mesopotamia, that is, to the Mediterranean small group of a European-like large race. If the Sumerians in the southern two-frequenses existed predecessors, then obviously they belonged to the same anthropological type. This is not surprising: in history it is very rare that new aliens will fully exterminate old residents; Much more often they took wives from the local population.

Aliens could be less than local residents. Therefore, even if the Sumerians actually came from afar and from afar they brought their tongue, it could not affect the anthropological type of the ancient population of the lower Mesopotamia.

As for the Language of Sumerians, he continues to remain a mystery, although there are few languages \u200b\u200bin the world, with whom they did not try to establish his relationship: here and Sudanese, Indo-European, and Caucasian, and Malaysian-Polynesian, and Hungarian, and many others.

For a long time, the theory was distributed, which belonged to the number of Turkic-Mongolian languages, but rather numerous caused comparisons (for example, the Turk. tangri "Sky, God" and Sumerisk. dINGIR "God") were in the end rejected as casual coincidences. Also was not accepted by science and a long list of suicide Sumero Georgian comparisons.

There is no kinship between the Sumerian and his peers in ancient ancient Asia - Elam, Hurritsky, etc.

Who are such Sumers - the people who firmly occupied the arena of Mesopotamian history to a good thousand years (3000-2000.

bC er)? Do they really represent a very ancient reservoir of the prehistoric population of Iraq, or did they come from some other country? And if it is so, then where exactly and when the fate brought in Mesopotamia "Chernogolov" (Self-timber sang-Ngig, "Blackhead")? This important problem is already over 150 years old exhibited in scientific circles, but so far it is still very far from its final decision. Most scientists nevertheless believes that the ancestors of the Sumerians first appeared in the southern two-range in the defendian times and, thus, the Sumerians are the people succeed.

33. Stone vessel with colored inlays. Uruk (Cooking).

Con. IV thousand BC.

civilization Suchmers Briefly

"One thing is undoubtedly," writes the Polish historian M. Belitsky, "it was the people, ethnically, in the language and culture of alien to the Semitic tribes that settled the Northern Mesopotamia at about the same time ... Talking about the origin of the Sumerians, should not be forgotten about this circumstance.

Perennial searches of a more or less significant language group, the related language of the Sumerians, did not lead to anything, although they were looking for everywhere - from Central Asia to Oceania Islands. "

Evidence that the Sumerians came in a two-range from some mountainous country, is their way of building the temples that were built on artificial mounds or on the terraces folded from raw bricks. Hardly such a way could arise at the inhabitants of the plain.

His, along with beliefs, had to bring Highlanders from their ancestors, rewarded to the gods of honors on the mountain peaks. Moreover, in the Sumerian language, the word "country" and "mountain" is written in the same way.

The Sumerians themselves are not talking about their origin. The most ancient myths begin the history of the creation of the world from individual cities, "and always this city, - notes by the Russian historian V.V. Emelyanov, where the text (Lagash) was created, or the sacred cult centers of the Sumerians (Nippur, Eredo). "

The texts of the beginning of the II thousand are called Dilmun Island's birth of the island, but they are drawn up in the era of active trade and political contacts with Dilmun, therefore, they should not be perceived as a historical evidence.

Where more serious information contained in the ancient epic is "Enmermar and Vladyka Aratty." It refers to the dispute of two rulers for the settlement in the city of Goddess Inanna. Both ruler is equally honored to Inannu, but one lives in the south of two-frets, in Sumerian Uruk, and the other - in the east, in the country of Aratta, famous for his skillful masters. With that, both ruler are shoe names - Enmermar and Ensuchkeeper.

Do these facts do not speak about Eastern, Iranian Indian (of course, doaria) the origin of the Sumerians?

Ill. 34. Vessel with an image of animals. Suz. Con. IV thousand BC. e.

Another evidence of the epic. Nippursky God Ninurta, fighting on the Iranian Highlands with some kinds seeking to usurp the Sumerian throne, calls them "Children Ana", and meanwhile it is well known that the most respectable and old God of Suchmers, and, to be Ninurta consists with his opponents in kinship.

Thus, the epic texts allow you to determine if the area of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the Sumerians is not the origin of the origin, then, at least the Eastern, Iranian-Indian direction of the migration of the Sumerians in the southern two-range. Where do you ask, in this case, the word "Sumer" took, and what right do we know the people of Sumera?

Like most questions of Sumerology, and this question is still open.

The unsecite people of Mesopotamia - Sumerians - was named as their primary retainer Y.

Opet on the basis of Assyrian royal inscriptions, in which the northern part of the country is called "Akkad", and the Southern "Sumer". Oppert knew that in the north they lived mostly semites, and their center was the city of Akkad, "means people of non-careful origin should have been known in the south, and they should be called Sumera.

And he identified the name of the territory with the self-breaking of the people. As it turned out later, this hypothesis was incorrect. As for the word "Sumer", then there are several versions of his origin. According to the hypothesis of Assiiriologist A. Falkenstein, the word is a phonetically modified term Ki-en-gi (p) - The name of the terrain in which the temple of the generalumerian God enlille was located. Subsequently, this name has spread to the southern and central part of the two-frequencies and already in the era of Akkad in the lips of the country's semitting rulers distorted to Shu-me-ru. Danish Suchumerologist A.

Westovenholz proposes to understand "Sumer" as a distortion of phrases ki-Eme-Gir - "The Earth of the Noble Language" (the Sumerians themselves called their language). There are other, less convincing hypothesis. Nevertheless, the term "Sumer" has long received citizenship rights and in a special, and in popular literature, and no one is going to change it.

And this is all that can be said now about the sources of Sumerian civilization.

As one of the mastted Assyriologists put it, "the more we discuss the problem of the origin of the Sumerians, the stronger it turns into a chimera."

So, by the beginning of the III thousand.

bC e. South Mesopotamia (from the breadth of Baghdad to the Persian Gulf) was the birthplace of about two dozen autonomous states-states, or "nomov". Since their appearance, they have already been a fierce struggle for domination in this region. In the northern part of the Mesopotamian Plain (two-frequencies), the most influential power were the rulers of the city of Kish, in the south, the leadership alternately captured that Urupet, then the UR.

Nevertheless, "despite the absence of complete cultural unity (which manifests itself in the existence of local cults, local mythological cycles, local and often highly different schools in sculpture, glipetics, artistic craft, etc.) There are features of the cultural community of the whole country ... The features belong to the general self-supply - "Chernogol" ( saigpGIG) ... The total two-frequency cult of the Supreme God of Enlil in Nippure, with which all local community cults and all the genealogies of deities were gradually correlated; mutual language; distribution of carved cylindrical seals with realistic images of hunting, religious processes, killing prisoners, etc.

p.; Famous common features in glipetics in general, as well as in sculpture. It is most interesting that the Sumerian writing system, with all its complexity and in the disunity of individual political centers, is practically identical throughout the Mesopotamia. The used tutorials are identified - lists of signs, without change rewriting up to the second half of the III millennium to n.

e. It seems that writing was invented at the same time, in one center, and from there, in the ready and unchanged form, it was distributed over a separate "nomam" two-frequencies. "

The center of the cult union of all Sumerians was Nippur (Sumer. Niburu, Sovr. Niveffer). Here was an e-chicken - the temple of the communion God of Enlil. Enliel was honored as the Supreme God for another Millennium with all the Sumeris and Eastern Acquadging Semites.

And although Nippur never posed an important political and administrative center, but he was always the "sacred" capital of all "blackheads". No ruler of the city-state ("NOMA") was considered legitimate if he did not receive blessings to power in the main church of Enlil in Nippure.

Who ruled Sumeres at the dawn of their history?

What was the name of their kings and leaders? What was their social status? What matters did they do? The inhabitants of the ancient Mesopotamia, as well as the Greeks, Germans, Hindus, Slavs, had their own "heroic age" - the time of the existence of demigods, semi-heroev, brave warriors and powerful kings who stood almost in the gods and committed extraordinary feats, proving their delets And greatness. And only now we begin to understand that at least some of these heroes are not mythical characters from old fairy tales, but quite real historical faces.

Sumerians enjoyed a six-year-old number system. For the image of numbers, only two signs were used: "Wedge" indicated 1; 60; 3600 and further degrees of 60; "Hook" - 10; 60 x 10; 3600 x 10, etc.

Sumerian civilization

The digital record was based on the positional principle, but if you, based on the basics of the number, you think that the numbers in the Sumer were displayed as a degree of 60, then mistaken.

For the base in the Sumerian system, not 10, but 60, but then this base is strangely replaced by the number 10, then, 6, and then again by 10, etc. And thus, the positional numbers are built in the following row:

1, 10, 60, 600, 3600, 36 000, 216 000, 2 160 000, 12 960 000.

This cumbersome six-month meter system allowed the Sumerum to calculate the fractions and multiply the numbers to millions, extract the roots and erect into a degree.

In many ways, this system even surpasses the decimal system currently using us. First, the number 60 has ten simple dividers, while 100 is only 7. Secondly, it is the only system, ideally suitable for geometric calculations, and this is exactly what it continues to apply and in our time from here, For example, the division of the circle is 360 degrees.

We rarely realize that not only our geometry, but also the modern method of calculating time, we are obliged to the Sumerian surge system with a six-month base.

The division of an hour for 60 seconds was not completely arbitrary - it is based on a six-month system. The echoes of the Sumerian number system are preserved and in dividing the day for 24 hours, for 12 months, a feet is 12 inches, and in the existence of a dozen as quantity measures.

They are also detected in the modern account system, in which the numbers are separated separately from 1 to 12, and then follows the numbers of type 10 + 3, 10 + 4, etc.

Now we should no longer be surprised that Zodiac was also another invention of the Sumerians, the invention, which was further assimilated by other civilizations. But the Sumerians did not use the zodiac signs, tie them to every month, as we do now in horoscopes. They used them in a purely astronomical sense - in the sense of the deviation of the earth's axis, the movement of which divides the full cycle of precession at 25,920 years for 12 periods of 2160 years.

At the twelve-month-old movement of the Earth in orbit around the Sun, the picture of the starry sky, forming a large sphere of 360 degrees, changes. The concept of the zodiac arose by separating this circle to 12 equal segments (spheres of the zodiac) of 30 degrees each. Then the stars in each group were combined into constellations, and each of them received its name corresponding to their modern names. Thus, there is no doubt that for the first time the concept of the zodiac was used in Sumer.

The signs of the zodiac signs (representing the imaginary pictures of the starry sky), as well as the arbitrary division of them by 12 spheres prove that the corresponding signs of the zodiac applied in other, later cultures could not appear as a result of independent development.

The studies of the Sumerian mathematics, to the great surprise of scientists, showed that their number system is closely related to the precession cycle. The unusual rolling principle of the Sumerian sixteumaric number system focuses on the number of 12,960,000, which exactly equals 500 large precession cycles committed in 25,920 years.

The absence of any other, except astronomical, possible applications for the works of Numbers 25 920 and 2160 may mean only one - this system is designed specifically for astronomical purposes.

It seems that scientists shy away from the answer to an uncomfortable question, which is as follows: how did the Sumerians, whose civilization lasted only 2 thousand years old, could notice and fix the cycle of celestial movements, ongoing 25,920 years?

And why is the beginning of their civilization refers to the middle of the period between the zodiac shifts? Does this not evidence that they inherited astronomy from the gods?

"According to the majority of modern scientists, it is the Sumerian civilization that is the oldest culture of mankind. This discovery was made only in the mid-19th century. The main share in the study of ancient civilization belongs not to archaeologists, anthropologists and ethnographers, and linguists who opened the oldest culture of the interfluchus, whose legacy and the Babylonian and Assyrian empires adopted. For many centuries, "Chernogolovaya", the Sumerians have practically rushed into oblivion. They are not described even in the records of the ancient kingdom of Egypt. The Bible reports about the city of Ur. However, nothing is mentioned about this mysterious and unique people. "

Many riddles of the oldest civilization of Mesopotamia are not yet solved and subject to study, but the decoded samples of the clinopy and the archaeological excavations that followed them prove that the people living in the territory between rivers Tiger and EtherFor their epoch had a fairly developed culture. Their knowledge and scientific discoveries have become a cultural heritage for the following hosts of this territory.

Some scientists argue that sumerians settled on the territory Mesopotamia (more precisely, in the south) at the end of IV thousand BC. The rest of the archaeologist and ethnographers date the first appearance of this people in the south of Meternrachia at the beginning of the III milk. BC. It is known that to their arrival on Two-frequency Little tribes have already lived here ubeyd culture. It is even believed that the Sumerians settled the interfluve after World Floodwhich is approximately dating from 2900 BC. (Start III thousand BC). However, there is a version that "black-headed" (self-samples of the Sumerians) could settle in South Mesopotamia and before flooding. Settling at the mouth of the rivers, the Sumerians founded their first city called Erida (now the archaeological town of Abu-Shahlain in the south of Iraq) and where the birth of the Great Civilization began on the legend. It is known that the local population who lived in the south was Semitic origin. " Chernogolovye»Have not had anthropological, nor linguistic similarities with autochthonous residents. These were absolutely alien to each other. By the beginning of the III thousand BC. Sumerians, conquering the whole valley Mesopotamia, founded their first cities: Uruk, Ur, Lagash, Lars, Umma, Kish, Marie, Screwpack, Nippur. In its development, this civilization has passed several historical periods. The first stage of the development of civilization was the name of the Urakic period. The first city of Sumerov Uruk, built allegedly before the flood, in the XXVIII -XXVII centuries. BC, during the reign of Enmekra, Lugalband and Gilgamesh Subjudal almost the entire south of interferes under their power. In the middle of the 3th thousand BC, the Tribes of the Akkadsev - representatives of the eastern branch of the semites are located on the territory of southern two-frequencies. Not far from Kish, they build the city of Akkad. The aliens begin to adopt their culture from developed cities, without forgetting and fighting with their neighbors. As the struggle is expanded between the Sumerian rulers for hegemony, the role of Akkada, as a new center for the merger of all transrachia, increased. In 2316 BC. , Sargon Ancient (2316-2261 BC), taking advantage of the seizure of the ruler of Uruk Lugalzahagsey Kisce, founded in Top Mesopotamia His kingdom. During his reign, all interfluchus turned out to be united under the rule of one king. By 2200 BC. The Akkadian kingdom weakens and turns out to be powerless before the invasion of nomads from the north - Gutiyev (Kutiyev). Conquerors retain the internal independence of the Sumerian cities-states. The era of intermediaries begins. The primacy passes the III Dynasty of Hurray. From 2112 to 2003 to. AD The heyday of the Sumerian civilization lasts. In 2003 BC Elam, located in the south-west of modern Iran and an old rival of Mesopotamian cities, invaded the territory of Meternrachia and captured the last ruler of the URA. After that, the era of anarchy begins. Amorea received full control over two-stand. In the XIX century BC E Elamites are based on new cities in the interfluia. In the place of the ancient cadingirr, the foundations were laid Babylon, the center of the future of the same name Kingdom, the founder of which was the Amorean leader of the Sumuabum. His greatest power Babylonian kingdom reached at the king Hammurapy (1792 - 1750 BC). At the same time, the ruler of the border of the state was significantly expanded. The main opponents in the struggle for hegemony were Lars and Elam. In 1787 BC. Osin and Uruk were captured. In 1764 BC. The army of the Babylonian kingdom won the Allied Forces Eshnunny, Malgumum and Elama. In 1763 BC. Lars was conquered by Hammurapi's troops, and in 1761 BC The Babylonian king recognized the rulers of Malgum and Marie. The conquest of Babylon was completed by accession in 1757-1756. BC. Assyrian cities Ashura and Ninevei, as well as the kingdom of Eshnunna. All southern Mesopotamia and part of Northern Mesopotamia were under the rule of the Babylonian kingdom. In the future, several dynasties changed in Babylon, the state survived several crises and capture of Assyria. Even during the invasion of Elamites, seven, by origin, the ethnic balance was broken. Sumerian language in written documents is displaced by the Akkadian language, consumed only in religious rites and as a language of science. Sumerians Become a cult people who left behind only rich knowledge baggage for the following civilizations.

The first nations of this region was the first to be religion. IN Sumer There was a big pantheon of the deities, their customs and rites. Initially, the Supreme Divine was considered heavenly God. Then his place was taken by his son Enlil - God of Wind. The wife of the main god was Ninglil, who made a moon patron god - Nanna. Pantheon of the deities complemented Ninurta-Bog of the War, Nergal - the Lord of the Morbon Peace, Narter - the Deity of Fate, Enki - the owner of the World Ocean and the Symbol of Wisdom, Inanna - Patronizer of Agriculture, UTU - The God of the Sun and other deities. The main spiritual center of Sumerov was the city of Nippur. Extremely high faith in perfumes, both evil and good, incarnations of disease and adversity. The kings were considered the earthly personification of the gods. No less significant role in the Sumerian cities - states played priests. They were not only performers of the Will Deities and Kings, but also participated in the rites of the sacrifice. From their environment, doctors, astronomers and oracles came out. The caste of priests possessed hereditary status. The Supreme Priest of the city was elected by a peculiar contest. In the early Babylonian kingdom, the chief god was considered Marduk. Another supreme god was Shamash - Sun God. There is a cult of worship deceased kings.

The main role in the emergence and development civilization He played writing, without which it was impossible to make calculations and celebrate memorable moments in the history of the people. Sumerians, as an ethnos differed significantly from the autochthonous population of Mesopotamia. Northern part Meternrech It was populated by semites. The language of the local population was called in honor of the moved on Double-frequency The eastern branch of Semites Akkadsky. Suchmers, due to the complexity of determining their anthropological type and the complete absence of kinship, their language with other language groups cause many questions. However, the creation of clinical writing is attributed to the Sumerum. Their letter consisted of hundreds of icons-pictograms, which were neatly applied to clay, which was the only material for the letter. A reed stick served to write a gun, the tip of which had a trigger sharpening (the form of the wedge). Then they burned down, which attached strength to them. Moreover, each sign could designate a few words at the same time. Ancient written samples were a kind of form of rebris. As you perfect pictogramsHow duplicated and recorded at some distance from each other. AccidiansSupported from the historical Arena Sumerov, due to the differences in languages, could not fully interpret the writing of their territorial neighbors. However, most elements served as the basis for Akkada writing. Most of the historical material about Suchumens, Accidians and their historical successors in the face of Babylonian and Assyrians were obtained after the sensational discovery in 1849 by the British archaeologist O. Laarde the remains of the famous library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. There were more than 30 thousand clay books with a clinical writing. On them, both folk products of different historical eras and scientific calculations of priests. The most famous discovery was the Akkada "Epos about Gilgamesh", which reports the period of the King Board Uruk, explains the essence of the human life and the meaning of immortality. Another product found in the famous library is the ancient non-television " Poem about Atrakhis", Informing the famous flood and the creation of the human race. Many plates with astrological records have been preserved. Most of the clay books were rewritten copies of the ancient Sumerian, Akkadian and oldenvilian legends. The fire did not destroy the ancient works. However, some clay plates were broken. The key for deciphering a clinical writing was the Behistunsk inscription, found in 1835 by the English officer Henry Roblinson in the territory IranClose up Hamadan. The inscription was carved on a rock in honor of the military victories of the Persian Tsar Darius I and refer to approximately 516 BC. This historical monument consists of a relief image of the scene with the king, and under it a long inscription and its copies in other ancient languages. For 14 years of decryption, it was determined that this is the same entry in 3 languages. The first group of signs in the ancient Persian language, the second on Elam language, and the third - Babylonian language containing elements older Languageborrowed from the Akkadians. Thus, it becomes clear that the Sumerians created their unique writing for future civilizations, and they themselves disappeared from the historical scene.

The main occupation of the population of the state-states Sumer was agriculture. There was a fairly developed irrigation system. The Agricultural Document of Sumerian Literature "Agricultural Almanac" contained advice on improving the fertility of the soil and breeding crops. In the Sumerian cities no less developed was the breeding of large and small horned cattle. Sumerians Also manufactured various metal bronze products. They were familiar with a pottery and wheels. The first burning oven bricks also relates to the inventions of this people. They invented the first state seal. Sumerians He was excellent doctors, astrologers and mathematicians. In library Ashurbanipal Clay plates were found containing medical basic knowledge of body hygiene, wound disinfection and about simple operations. Astronomical calculations were mainly carried out in Nippure. The movements of the sun, the moon and the planets were studied. They found their own calendar, where the year was 354 days. The cycle consisted of 12 lunar months, and for the approach to a sunny year added an additional 11 days. Sumerians were familiar with the planets of the Milky Way. Already then they, the center of the system is the sun, around which planets are located. The mathematical knowledge of the Sumerians was based on a six-month calculus system and closer to modern geometry than to classical geometry.

No less developed was the architecture of the Sumerian cities-states. Sumerians did not have the concept of stone buildings. Therefore, raw brick served the main material for the construction. Due to the fact that most of the territories inhabited by superiments were swamps, architectural structures were built on artificial platforms. When built, arches and vaults were used. Archaeological excavations on the territory of modern Iraq revealed many monuments of Sumerian civilization. 2 temples (white and red) found in the territory of the ancient city are of the greatest interest. Uuk and built in honor of the goddesses of ana and Inanna. Another monument to the Sumerian era - the temple of the Goddess Ningursag in the city of Ur. The entrance to the temple is guarded by two lion sculptures made of wood. The most famous form of architectural buildings were zigkurats - small stepped tower of rectangular shape with a small platform superstructure from above, considered the homeland of the deities. The sculptural business was also developed in the cities of Sumer. In 1877 in the area Bullet A miniature stintuette of the priest was found Lagasha. Similar figures of rulers and priests were found throughout the archaeological complex in Iraq.

Sumerian civilization He was the source of all the cultures of Mesopotamia. She shared his cultural heritage with heirs in her face Babylon and AssyriaAt the same time, remaining mysterious and legendary for subsequent generations. Despite the decoding of some records, still unknown anthropological type, tongue and historical pranodine sumerians remain unknown.