The origin of a man is reasonable. Who are they, ancestors of people? The main stages of the evolution of man

The origin of a man is reasonable. Who are they, ancestors of people? The main stages of the evolution of man
The origin of a man is reasonable. Who are they, ancestors of people? The main stages of the evolution of man

The phylogenetic man of a sensible man is built only in general terms. The main stages of the evolution of a person are characterized in the table:

The main stages of the evolution of man
Anthropoids Gominids
Dryoitek Australophec (Australopita) Man skillful Ancient people (Peteitront, Sinantrophop) Ancient people (Neanderthals) New people (Cryanonets, man)
Age, years
18 million 5 million 2-3 million 2 million - 200 thousand 250-35 thousand 50-40 thousand
Small animals with a rounded skull, binocular vision, well-developed brain; may be vertical Weight up to 50 kg, height up to 150 cm, hands are free, straight Falangie fingers are flattened, the first finger of the foot is not assigned to the side Growth of about 160 cm, massive bony, hematic body position Height 155-165 cm, County people, went somewhat bent Growth of about 180 cm, physical type of modern man
Brain volume, see 3
550-650 750 700-1200 Up to 1400. About 1400.
Skull is close in structure to the skull of man-shaped monkeys Massive jaws, small cutters and fangs Teeth of the human type Skull bones massive, forehead sloping, Absorbral rollers are expressed Beveled forehead and headings, a large superlord roller, the chin protod is poorly developed The brain skull prevails above the facial, the solid superlordable roller is absent, the chin protod is well developed
Manipulation with surrounding objects Systematic use of natural items Making primitive labor instruments Production of well-selected stone tools of labor Making a variety of stone workers of labor Production of complex tools of labor and mechanisms
Studied lifestyle Study Lifestyle, Hunting, Gathering Cooperation during hunting and group protection Public Lifestyle, Maintaining Fire, Primitive Speech Collective activities, care for neighbors, developed speech True speech, abstract thinking, development of rural and industrial economy, technology, science, art

According to modern data of paleontology, the predecessors of man are the ancient primitive insectivorous mammals, which have granted parapichecans.

Parappitecia Around about 35 million years ago. These were wood monkeys from which modern gibbons, Orangutans and Driopiteki occurred.

Dryoitek Around about 18 million years ago. These were half impess, midnight monkeys who gave the beginning of modern gorillas, chimpanzees and Australopithecks.

Australopitetse There were about 5 million years ago in the flanned steppes of Africa. These were highly developed monkeys that moved on two hind limbs in a half-woven position. Their growth was 120-150 cm, the mass of the body is 20-50 kg, the volume of the brain is about 600 cm 3. They could take sticks, stones, other items and use them for hunting and protection against enemies. Manufacturing tools of labor Australopithekami is not installed. They lived with groups, used both plant and animal food. Australopitets may have gave rise to a person skillful. This question remains discussion.

Man skillful Formed 2-3 million years ago. Morphologically, he was very different from Australopites, but it was at this stage that the monkey was turned into a person, since the man skillful made the first primitive workers of the labor. From that moment on, the conditions for the existence of man's ancestors have changed, as a result of which the advantages in survival received individuals with signs that contribute to directly, ability to work, improving the upper limbs and cognitive activity of the brain. The person skillful is considered the ancestor of Archantropov.

Ancient people (archangets)

These include, in particular, Peteitroantropra and Synantroprop, belonging to in one species - Strong man. Remains peteitrop were discovered in 1891 on the island of Java; remains sinantropropa - In 1927 in the cave near Beijing. Peteitrocks and synanthops were more similar to Australopitek than with modern people. They had an increase of up to 160 cm, the brain volume is 700-1200 cm 3. They lived 2 million - 200 thousand years ago, mainly in the caves and were a herd lifestyle. The tools manufactured by them were more diverse and perfect than the person skillful. They believe that they had a rush of speech. They used fire, which made food easier to be digested, defended from predators and cold, contributed to the expansion of the range.

Ancient people (Paleoanthropes)

Related to them neanderthasev. For the first time, their remains were found in the valley of the river. Neandertal in Germany in 1856 Neanderthals were widely resets in Europe, Africa and Asia in the ice era of 250-35 thousand years ago. The volume of their brain reached 1400 cm 3. They still survived the abnormal rollers, a relatively low forehead, a massive lower jaw with the desire of a chiffer protrusion. They lived in the caves groups of 50-100 people, kneel how to extract and maintain fire, fed on plant and animal food, made a variety of stone, bone and wooden tools (knives, scrapers, chop, stick, etc.). They had a division of labor: men hunted, made tools of labor, women treated animal carcasses, gathered edible plants.

Modern people (Neoantropips)

Neanderthals changed the people of modern physical type - cryanonians - The first representatives of the species are reasonable. They appeared about 50-40 thousand years ago. For some time, Paleoanthropes and Neoantropips existed together, but then the Neanderthals were ousted by Cryanonians. Cryanonians possessed all physical characteristics of the living people: high growth (up to 180 cm), a large brain volume (about 1400 cm 3), a high forehead, smoothed outbreak rollers, a developed chin. The latter indicates a developed self-partition. Kroanonians built dwellings, made clothes from the skins, cross-bone needles, made products from horns, bones, silica and decorated them with carvings. Cryanonians learned to grind, drill, knew a pottery. They lived by the genital communities, tamed animals, engaged in agriculture. They had the primitives of religion and culture.

Tutorial A. Kondrashova "Evolution of Life" (Chapter 1.4). Transfer. With additions from the report "Origin and the Evolution of Man" (http: // www. / Markov_Anthropogenes. HTM).


The nearest relatives of primates are helm (they survived two types to this day) and Tupayia (20 species). The evolutionary line of primates was excreted in the chalome period (90-65 million years ago). Relative antiquity of primates explains their wide geographical distribution. About 20 types of primates are under threat of extermination.

The most ancient group of primates - lemurs and their relatives - includes about 140 species living in Madagascar, in Southeast Asia and in the southern part of Africa. New World Monkeys - about 130 species - live in Central and North America. The monkeys of the old world (the number of species is approximately the same) inhabit the southern part of Africa and Southeast Asia. All 20 species of modern human monkeys (gibbon and hominids families) have no tail. Gibbon (gibbons and one species of Siamangs) live in rain tropical forests of Southeast Asia.

The history of the fossil residues of primates begins 65 million years ago from the ancestral group of primates - semi-erection (Plesiadapiformes) found in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. Semolobesyans are similar to those existing primates by the presence of nails, not claws, as well as some details of the structure of the teeth.

Fossil remains of the ancestral view of the monkeys of the old world ( Aegyptopithecus. zeuxis.) Aged 30-29 million years was found in Egypt. The well-preserved skull of females testifies to the developed sexual dimorphism.

The likely ancestor of man-like monkeys - representatives of the kind of proconsul, which appeared 23 million years ago. These were wood inhabitants of raindrops African forests. Proconsules moved on four limbs, the tail did not have. The ratio of the masses of the brain to the mass of the body they had a little higher than the modern monkeys of the old world (if not to take into account humanlike). Proconsules existed for a long time (at least up to 9.5 million years ago). Starting from 17-14 million years ago, many types of human monkeys were known. For example, fossil kind Giganthopithecus. (Close to modern gorillas) is just 300,000 years ago. One of the species of this kind ( G.. blacki.) - The largest man-like monkey from the known (up to 3 m in growth and weighing up to 540 kg).

Manoid monkeys

Nowadays, human-like monkeys are 4 kinds with 7 species, although there is no single opinion about the number of types of Orangutan and Gorilla. We describe our closest relatives.

Orangutans (Pongo.) - The only modern people who live in Asia (in rainy tropical forests). Both types ( P.. pygmaeus. with Borneo I. P.. aBelii. With Sumatra) are on the verge of extinction. These are the largest of the living animals living now, growth of 1.2-1.5 m and weighing 32-82 kg. The males are significantly larger than females. Females reach half-capacity in 12 years. Orangutans in vivo can live up to 50 years. The brushes of their hands are similar to human: with four long fingers and opposing her thumb (the feet are arranged in the same way). These are single animals that protect their territory. Fruits make up to 65-90% of the total diet, which can also include up to 300 other names of food facilities (young leaves, shoots, bark, insects, honey, bird eggs). Orangutans are able to use primitive guns. Young remains with the mother, until they reach the age of 8-9 years.

Gorilla (Gorilla.) - The largest of the now living primates. Both types ( G.. gorilla. and G.. beringei.) are under threat of disappearance, mainly due to poaching. They inhabit the forests of central Africa, live on Earth, moving on four limbs with a bone of compressed fists. Adult males have an increase of up to 1.75 m and weight up to 200 kg, adult females are about 1.4 m and 100 kg, respectively. Gorillas feed only vegetable food and most of the day are carried out for food. They are able to use primitive tools. Females reach half-breeding in 10-12 years (in captivity before), males - in 11-13. Cubs remain with the mother until 3-4 years. Life expectancy in vivo - 30-50 years. Gorillas usually live in groups of 5-30 individuals under the leadership of the dominant male.

Chimpanzees (Pan.) Inhabit the tropical forests and wet savannaments of Western and Central Africa. Both types (ordinary chimpanzees P.. troglodytes. And Bonobo P.. Paniscus.) are under threat of disappearance. The male of ordinary chimpanzees has a height of up to 1.7 m and the weight of up to 70 kg (the females are somewhat smaller). Chimpanzee climbs on trees with their long strong hands. On the ground, chimpanzees are usually moving with a support for knuckles of fingers, but they can only walk on their feet if their hands are busy. Chimpanzees reach half-capacity in 8-10 years and rarely live longer than 40 years in vivo. Common chimpanzees are omnivores, they are characterized by a very complex social structure. They hunt with flocks consisting of a second rank males, under the leadership of the dominant male. Bonobo is mainly powered by fruit, the social structure of their groups is characterized by equality and matriarchy. In favor of the "spirituality" of chimpanzee, they show the feelings of sadness, "romantic love", dancing in the rain, the ability to contemplate the beauty of nature (for example, a sunset over the lake), curiosity to other animals (for example, to Python, which is neither prey, nor The victim for chimpanzees), concern for other animals (for example, feeding turtles), as well as emphasis on the features of living inanimate objects in games (dummy and grooming sticks and stones).

The discrepancy between the evolution lines of man and chimpanzees

The exact time of the discrepancy between the evolution of human lines and chimpanzees is unknown. Probably, it happened 6-8 million years ago. Although the relative differences between human and chimpanzees genomes are very low (1.2%), they still make up about 30 million nucleotides. These are mainly single-deactive substitutions, but there are both inserts-removal of fairly long sequences sections. Many of these differences are likely to have a noticeable impact on the phenotype, but we still do not know how many mutations should occur in the chimpanzee genome, so that there is any person. So our understanding of the morphological evolution of a person mainly relies on fossil remains. Fortunately, we have a sufficiently large number of fossil findings, which relate to the evolutionary line of a person (which cannot be said about the evolutionary line of chimpanzees).

Comparative analysis of the genome of a person and other primates (chimpanzees, macaque of the resusa) showed that during anthropogenesis, protein-coding genes changed quite small.

As one of the few examples of protein-coding genes, which changed significantly during the evolution of the hominid, the gene associated with the speech is of particular interest. The human protein encoded by this genome differs from the chimpanzine analogue with two amino acids (which is quite a lot), and at the same time it is known that mutations in this gene can lead to serious voice disorders. This made it possible to assume that the replacement of two amino acids is somehow connected with the development of the ability to pronounce self-partition sounds.

Along with this, anthropogenesis occurred notable changes in the level of activity of many genes, especially those responsible for the synthesis of special proteins (transcription factors), which regulate the activity of other genes.

Apparently, in the evolution of a person, an increase in the activity of gean-regulators was played a key role. This fact illustrates the overall pattern - in progressive evolutionary transformations, changes are often important not so many genes themselves as their activity. The genes of any body are interconnected by a network of complex interactions. Even a small change in the nucleotide sequence of one genet-regulator can lead to noticeable changes in the activity of many other genes, which can cause radical changes in the structure of the body.

The evolutionary line of man over the past 7 million years

In the time of Darwin, the data of Paleoanthropology was practically absent. At that time, the bones of the Neanderthals were already found, but outside the context, without other reliable finds, they were very difficult to interpret correctly. In the XX century, the situation radically changed. A lot of magnificent finds were made, on the basis of which there was a rather slim picture of the linear evolution of man. However, in the past 15 years, a real "breakthrough" in Paleoanthropology occurred. A number of new branches of the evolutionary tree of a person, which turned out to be much more branched than previously thought was discovered. The number of species described has doubled. New data in many cases forced to abandon the previous views. It became clear that the evolution of man was not linear at all, she was rather corrupt. In many cases, simultaneously existed three, four species and, maybe even more, including on the same territory. The current situation when there is only one species Homo not typical.

The separation of the evolutionary line of a person for temporary segments and the assignment of various generic and species epithets is largely arbitrarily. A large number of births and species described for the evolutionary line of a person is not justified from a biological point of view, but simply reflects the desire to give each well-known find of their own name. We will adhere to the "unifying" approach, dividing the entire evolutionary line of a person for three time segments (kind): Ardipitec - Ardipithecus. (from ardi., Earth or Paul on one of the African Narschih: 7 - 4.3 million years ago), Australopithek - Australopithecus. ("Southern Monkeys", 4.3 - 2.4 million years ago) and man - Homo. (from 2.4 million years ago to this day). Inside these clans, we will adhere to the generally accepted species titles to designate different important finds. All the oldest finds of the hominid are made on the African continent, mainly in its eastern part.

The initial scope of the skull in this evolution line was about 350 cm3 (a little less than that of modern chimpanzees). In the early stages of evolution, the volume increases slowly, reaching about 450 cm3 only 2.5 million years ago. After that, the volume of the brain began to grow rapidly, achieving in the end its current value in 1,400 cm3. Two-way, on the contrary, appeared pretty quickly (earlier than 5 million years ago), 4 million years ago, the feet of our ancestors lost the ability to capture objects. The teeth and jaws were first not large, but their size rose in the period 4.4 - 2.5 million years ago, to decrease again. Probably, this decrease was associated with the advent of primitive stone weapons (2.5 million years ago). Starting from 1.5 million years ago, the guns became more perfect. Fossil residues that have less than 300 thousand years old can be with confidence attributed to the person reasonable.


Early history of fossil residues (up to 4.4 million years ago) includes few poorly preserved finds. The first of them - Ardipitiate Chadsky (initially described called the Sahelanprop), represented by almost completely preserved skull and fragments of the jaws of several individuals. These findings with an approximate age of 7 million years have been made in the Republic of Chad (hence the species name) in 2001. The volume of the brain and the presence of powerful abnormal arcs bring it closer to the structure with chimpanzees, but there are also a number of significant differences. It is assumed that this creature was already spinning (a large occipital hole shifted forward compared to monkeys, that is, the spine was attached to the skull not from behind, and below), however, to verify this assumption of one skull. Interestingly, Ardipitika Chadsky lived not in an open savanna, but in a mixed landscape, where open areas alternated with forests.

The next "at the seniority" of the find (about 6 million years old) was made in Kenya in 2000 - this is Ardipitenensky (he orroin): the teeth and bones of the limbs are preserved. He had already moved right away on two legs and also lived in a wooded area. In general, today it became clear that the two-bones was peculiar to representatives of the human evolutionary line initially. This is partly contrary to the old ideas that the transition to the walking on two legs was associated with adaptation to life on open spaces.

More complete finds age 4.4 million were described as Ardipithecus. ramidus. (ramid - "Root" at the local adverium). The skull of this creature on the structure was similar to the Skull of Ardipic Chadsky, the volume of the brain was small (300-500 cm3), the jaws were no longer forward. Judging by the structure of the teeth, AR. ramidus. were omnivorous. They were capable of how to walk on the ground on two legs without a support in the hands, and to climb on the trees (their feet could bite the branches), they probably lived in the forest area.


Finds of the most ancient type of Australopites ( AU.. anaMensis, anam - Lake on the local adverium) numerous and have age 4.2 - 3.9 million years. The chewing apparatus of this Australopithek was much more powerful as A.. ramidus.. These the most ancient Australopiteks lived, apparently, in Savannes and were ancestors of Australopiteka AFAR.

Fossil remnants of Australopitheka AFARSKY have age 3.8 - 3.0 million years old and include the well-known Women's skeleton, named Lucy (age 3.2 million years, found in 1974). Lucy's growth was 1.3 m, men were somewhat higher. The brain volume of this species was relatively small (400-450 cm3), the chewing apparatus is powerful, adapted to grinding coarse food. Australopites were omnivorous creatures, but the basis of their diet was vegetable food. The structure of the sublard bone is characteristic of chimpanzees and gorillas, and not for people. So Australopita Affarms almost certainly did not possess a self-parting speech. Thus, the upper part of the body of this species was typical of man-like monkeys, but the lower is already characteristic of people. In particular, the stop lost the ability to capture the items, so that the strain became the main way of movement. However, it was not clear whether an Australopita was a significant part of the time on the trees, since the possibility of this is evidenced by the structure of hands, similar to the forefinder of the gorilla. This kind of Australopithekov met in forest areas, herbal biomes and on the shores of the rivers.

The latest view of Australopitheka (African Australopita) is represented by fossil residues of 3.0 - 2.5 million years found in South Africa. This kind of Australopithek was similar to the previous one, but was distinguished from it a little larger size and more close to human features. This species apparently dwell in open places.

In general, these paleoanthropology show that in the period from about 6 to 1 million backwards, that is, for five million years in Africa, there lived a rather large and diverse group of two-legged monkeys, which their manner movement on two legs was very different from all other monkeys. However, on the size of the brain, these two-legged monkeys did not differ from the modern chimpanzee. And there is no reason to assume that they exceeded chimpanzees in their intellectual abilities.

Rank Homo.

The third and the last stage of the evolution of man began 2.4 million years ago. In one of the lines of the group of two-legged monkeys, a new evolutionary tendency was outlined - namely began increase brain. Starting from this time, fossil residues attributable to mind are known. man skillful (Homo. habilis.), with a skull volume of 500-750 cm3 and with smaller than that of Australopites, teeth (but larger than modern people). The proportions of the person in a person skillful are still similar to those of Australopites, the hands are rather long (in relation to the body). The height of a person skilled was about 1.3 m, the weight is 30-40 kg. Representatives of this species apparently have already been capable of primitive speech (the protrusion of the brain is visible on the brain cast, the presence of which is necessary for the formation of speech). In addition, the person skilled was the first view for which it was characteristic making stone guns. Modern monkeys are not capable of making such guns; Even the most talented of them achieved only very modest success in this, although the experimenters tried to teach them.

Man skilled began to include in his diet meat of large dead animals, And he may have used their stone tools to cut the carcass or scraper meat with bones. These ancient people were padelvers, this is evidenced, in particular, the fact that traces from stone guns on the bones of large herbivores go over the traces of the teeth of large predators. That is, predators, of course, first traveled to the victim, and people used the remnants of their trapes.

Olduva tools (named so at the location of the location - Alday gorge) - the most ancient type of stone weapons. They are represented by stones, from which plates chopped with other stones. The most ancient tools of Olduva type have an age of 2.6 million, which allows some scientists to argue that they were still made by Australopitek. Such simple guns were made to 0.5 million years ago, when methods of making a much more perfect guns were known.

Second period of brain growth(and body sizes) coincides with increasing the share of meat food in the diet. Fossil remains that carried more features characteristic of modern people relate to man spinningHomo. erectus. (and sometimes to several other species). They appeared in the paleontological chronicles of 1.8 million years ago. The volume of the brain of the man of the spinner was CM3, the jaws were speakers, the indigenous teeth are large, the abnormal arcs are well pronounced, there was no chin. The structure of the pelvis in women has already allowed them to give birth to children with a large head.

The person speaker was capable of making pretty complex stone guns (the so-called Ashhelsky type) and used fire (including cooking). Ashhelsky type tools are 1.5-0.2 million years old. The most characteristic of them for its multifunctionality is called the "Swiss-knife of a prehistoric man." They could cut, chop, dig up the roots and kill animals.

For molecular data, a reasonable person occurred from a small population of a person spinning, living in East Africa about 200 thousand years ago. The most ancient fossil remains of anatomically modern people were discovered just in the area and have just about such age (195 thousand years). Based on genetic and archaeological data, managed to restore the route Homo Sapiens. and approximate chronology of events. The first yield of people from Africa took place around 135-115 thousand years ago, but on the front of Asia they did not advance; 90-85 thousand years ago there was a second yield of people from Africa. And from this small group of emigrants subsequently happened all out-African humanity. People spread first along the southern coast of Asia. The lathe of the back has occurred a grand eruption of Toba volcano on Sumatra, which led to a nuclear winter and a sharp cooling, which lasted several centuries. The population of people has declined sharply. About 60 thousand years ago, people penetrated Australia, and about 15 thousand years ago - to North and South America. The number of people who began the beginning of new populations in the process of resettlement, was often small, which led to a decrease in genetic diversity as it removed from Africa (the effect of the "bottle neck"). Genetic differences between the races of modern people are smaller than between different chimpanzees from one population.

Stuffed branches of the evolutionary line of a person


In a period of 2.5 - 1.4 million years ago, two-legged human-like creatures with powerful skulls and large teeth (especially indigenous) lived in Africa. They are related to several types of Parantrop ( Paranthropus. - "In addition to a person"). Australopita Atharch almost certainly was a general ancestor (not necessarily the last) of a person and Parantrop. The volume of the brain of the latter was equal to about 550 cm3, the face was flat, devoid of forehead and with powerful abnormal arcs. The growth of paranthropes was 1.3-1.4 m at a weight of 40-50 kg. They had thick bones and powerful muscles and consumed gross vegetative food.

Non-African populations of man spinning

Many populations of a person spinning 1.8 million years ago became the first representatives of the evolutionary line of a person who settled outside Africa - to South Eurasia and Indonesia. However, they did not contribute to the genotype of modern people and extinct about 12,000 years ago.

The most ancient finds of this evolutionary branch of the man of the splashing were made on Java and on the territory of modern Georgia. According to the morphology, these individuals occupied an intermediate position between a person skillful and man on its open. For example, the volume of the brain they accounted for 600-800 cm3, but the legs were well adapted for long-range transitions. The Chinese population of the person spinning (1.3 - 0.4 million years ago) the volume of the brain was already 1000-1225 cm3. Thus, an increase in the volume of the brain during the evolution took place in parallel from the African ancestors of the modern man and in the non-African populations of a man of his open. His population on the island of Java extinct only 30-50 thousand years ago and, quite likely, coexisted with modern people.

On the island of Flores in Indonesia, human-like creatures with a growing 1 m and with a brain volume of only 420 cm3 died out only 12 thousand years ago. They undoubtedly occurred from the non-African populations of a person's arms, but usually they are referring to a separate man. Floresian man (the remains found in 2004). A small body size characteristic of this species is typical for island animal island populations. Despite the small volume of the brain, the behavior of these ancient people was, apparently, quite complicated. They lived in caves, used fire for cooking, made rather complex stone tools (the era of the upper paleolyte). On the bones of the shelon (close to modern elephants, found in the parking lots of these ancient people, detected carved characters. The hunt for these wages demanded cooperation between several people.


Neanderthals ( Homo. nEANDERTHalensis) - the nursing group in relation to modern people. Judging by the fossil residues, Neanderthals existed in the period 230-28 thousand years ago. The average volume of their brain was about 1450 cm3 - a little more than the modern people. The Neanderthal Skull was lower and elongated compared to the Skull of a man reasonable. The forehead is low, the chin is weakly expressed, the middle part of the face was issued (this could be adaptation to low temperatures).

In general, Neanderthals were adapted to life in cold climates. The proportions of their bodies were similar to the proportions of cold-resistant races of modern people (chores with short limbs). The average growth of men was approximately 170 cm. The bones were thick and heavy, a powerful musculature was attached to them. Neanderthals made different types of guns and weapons, more complicated than a person straight. Neanderthals were beautiful hunters. These were the first people who buried their deads (the age of the most ancient famous burials - 100 thousand years old). Neanderthals survived in refugiums on the territory of Europe quite a long time after the arrival of a person is reasonable, but then extinct, probably not to withstand competition with him.

Some neanderthal bones contain DNA fragments suitable for sequencing. The genome of the Neanderthal, who deceased 38 thousand years ago was already deciphered. Analysis of this genome showed that the evolutionary ways of modern people and Neanderthal sought about 500 thousand years ago. This means that Neanderthals fell into Eurasia as a result of another resettlement of ancient people beyond Africa. This happened later than 1.8 million years ago (when a person has seen), but earlier than 80 thousand years ago (the time of expansion of a person is reasonable). Although Neanderthals were not our immediate ancestors, all people living outside Africa carry some number of genes peculiar to Neanderthals. Apparently, our ancestors occasionally broke with representatives of this species.

Completeness of classification

It would seem that no problems with the classification of the animal type, known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens (intelligent person), should not arise. It would seem that it's easier? It belongs to the chord (vertebral subtype), to the mammal class, the detachment of primates (humans). If more detail, then his family is hominids. So, the genus him is a man, the species is reasonable. But the question arises: how does it differ from others? At least from the same Neanderthals? Did you have extinct views of people so unreasonable? Is it possible to call Neanderthal far, but the direct ancestor of a person of our time? Or maybe these two species existed in parallel? Did they cross the joint offspring? Until the work on the study of the genome of these Mysterious Homo Sapiens NEANDERTHalensis, there will be no answer to this question.

Where did the look "reasonable man" appeared?

Most scientists believe that the overall ancestor of all people both modern and disappeared Neanderthals appeared in Africa. There in the Miocene era (this is approximately six or seven million years ago) a group of species separated from hominids, subsequently evolving to the genus Homo . First of all, the foundation of such a point of view was the discovery of the oldest remains of a person called Australoptecom. But soon other finds were discovered by the most ancient people - Sinantropra (in China) and Homo Heidelbergensis (in Europe). Were these varieties of the same kind?

Have they all the ancestors of modern people or dead-end branches of evolution development? One way or another, a man is a reasonable appeared later - forty or forty-five thousand years ago, in the time of Paleolithic. And the revolutionary honors from the homo sapiens from other hominids moving on the hind limbs was that he made the tools of labor. The ancestors of it, however, like some modern monkeys, only used the remedies.

Secrets of the generic tree

Another 50 years ago, the school was taught that the person was intelligible from Neanderthal. It was often represented in the image of a hairy semi-boring, with a beveled skull and a protruding jaw. And Homo Neandert Poles, in turn, evolved from Peteitrontrop. His Soviet science portrayed almost a monkey: on semi-bent legs, fully covered with wool. But if everything is more or less clear with this ancient ancestor, then the relationship of homo Sapiens Sapiens and Neanderthal is much more confusing. It turns out that both of these types have existed at the same time and even in some territories. Thus, the hypothesis of the origin of a person intelligent from Neanderthals requires additional evidence.

Does Homo Neanderthalensis belonged to the mind "reasonable man"?

A more careful study of the burials of this species has shown that the Neanderthals was completely well. In addition, these people had ai-graduated speech, the tools of labor (stone chisel), religious cults (including funeral), primitive art (decorations). However, a number of features distinguished him from a modern person. For example, the lack of chores, which makes it possible to judge that the speech of such people was not well developed. Finds are confirmed by the following facts: Neanderthals arose hundred and fifty thousand years ago and flourished to 35-30 thousand years before our era. That is, this happened at that time when it was already appeared and clearly took shaped the appearance of "Man Reasonable Sapirens". Fully disappeared "Neanderthals" only in the era of the last glaciation (Vurm). What was the cause of his death (after all, the change of climatic conditions was touched by Europe), it is difficult to say. Perhaps the legend of Cain and Avele has deeper roots?

Scientists argue that a modern person did not occur against modern human monkeys, for whom a narrow specialization is characterized (adaptation to a strictly defined lifestyle in tropical forests), and from extincting several million years ago of high-organized animals - dripitecs. The process of human evolution is very long, its main stages are represented in the scheme.

The main stages of anthropogenesis (the evolution of human ancestors)

According to the paleontological finds (fossil residues), about 30 million years ago, the ancient primates of parapiratios, who lived in open spaces and trees appeared on Earth. Their jaws and teeth were like the jaws and teeth of man-like monkeys. Parappiratios gave rise to modern gibbons and orangutans, as well as extinct branches of dripitecs. The latter in its development was divided into three lines: one of them led to a modern gorilla, the other to chimpanzees, and the third to the Australopitek, and from him - to the person. Rodality of Driopitec with a person is established on the basis of studying the structure of its jaws and teeth found in 1856 in France.

The most important stage on the path of transformation of monkey-like animals in the oldest people was the appearance of straightening. In connection with the climate change and the progress of forests, a transition came from wood to a terrestrial lifestyle; To better overlook the locality, where there were many enemies in the ancestors, they had to get up on the hind limbs. In the future, natural selection has developed and secured the strain, and, as a result, the hands were released from the functions of support and movement. So there were Australopitets - the genus, to which the hominids are related (family of people).


Australopitseki - Highly developed two-legged primates used objects of natural origin as a tool (consequently, Australopithecans can not be considered people). The bone residues of Australopites were first discovered in 1924 in South Africa. They were tall with chimpanzees and a mass of about 50 kg, the brain volume achieved 500 cm 3 - on this basis of Australopita stands closer to man than any of the fossil and modern monkeys.

The structure of the pelvic bones and the position of the head was similar to such a person, which indicates a straightened position of the body. They lived about 9 million years ago in the open steppes and fed on plant and animal food. The tools of their work were stones, bones, sticks, jaws without traces of artificial processing.

Man skillful

Not possessing a narrow specialization of the general structure, Australopitets began a more progressive form, called Homo Habilis - a skillful man. Bone residues were discovered in 1959 in Tanzania. Their age is determined by about 2 million years. The growth of this creature reached 150 cm. The volume of the brain was 100 cm 3 more than that of Australopites, the teeth of the human type, the phalange of the fingers like a person, flattened.

Although it combined signs like monkeys and a person, the transition of this creature to the manufacture of pebble guns (well-selected stone) indicates the appearance of labor activity. They could catch animals, throw stones and perform other actions. Heaps of bones, who, together with the fossil residues of a person skillful, testify that the meat has become a permanent part of their diet. These hominids used rude stone worms of labor.

Strong man

Homo Erectus - man strapping. The view from which the modern person believed happened. His age is 1.5 million years old. His jaws, teeth and abnormal arcs still remained massive, but the volume of the brain in some individuals was the same as a modern person.

Some bones of Homo Erectus are found in the caves, which makes it possible to assume its constant dwelling. In addition to the bones of animals and fairly well-isolated stone tools, in some caves, piles of charcoal and burnt bones were found, so, apparently, at that time Australopitets had already learned how to produce fire.

This stage of the evolution of the hominid coincides with the population of other cold regions from Africa. Withstand the cold winters, without working out complex behaviors or technical skills, it would be impossible. Scientists suggest that the Homo Erectus daughter brain was able to find social and technical solutions (fire, clothing, stock and joint living in the caves) problems associated with the need to survive in winter struran.

Thus, all fossil hominids, especially Australopitseki, are treated as human predecessors.

The evolution of the physical characteristics of the first people, including a modern person, covers three stages: ancient people, or archangets; ancient people, or Paleoanthop; modern people, or Neoantrips.


The first representative of Archantropov - Peteitroprop (Japanese man) - monkeys, straight. His bones found on about. Java (Indonesia) in 1891. Initially, its age was determined equal to 1 million years, but, according to a more accurate modern assessment, a little more than 400 thousand years. The height of Peteitront was about 170 cm, the scral box - 900 cm 3.

Single later there was a synanthrop (Chinese man). Numerous remnants were found in the period 1927 to 1963. In the cave near Beijing. This creature used the fire and made stone tools. The heidelberg man is also attributed to this group of the most ancient people.


Paleoanthropes - Neanderthals appeared to replace the archangelts. 250-100 thousand years ago they were widely resettled in Europe. Africa. Front and South Asia. Neanderthals made a variety of stone tools: handproof, scraper, pointers; We used fire, coarse clothing. The volume of their brain has grown 1400 cm 3.

The features of the structure of the lower jaw show that they had a swap. They lived with groups of 50-100 individuals and during the onset of glaciers used caves, which traveled wild animals from them.

Neoantrops and a reasonable person

Neanderthals replaced the people of modern type - Cryanonians - or Neoantrops. They appeared about 50 thousand years ago (bone residues were found in 1868 in France). Cryanonians form the only genus Homo Sapiens - a reasonable man. They were completely smoothed by monkey features, on the lower jaw there was a characteristic peer protrusion, pointing to their ability to a self-parting speech, and on the art of manufacturing a variety of guns from stone, bones and horns, Comanonians went far ahead compared to Neanderthals.

They tamed animals and began to master agriculture, which allowed to get rid of hunger and produce a variety of food. In contrast to the predecessors, the evolution of Cryanonians took place under the great influence of social factors (collective cohesion, mutual support, improvement of work, a higher level of thinking).

The emergence of Cryanonians is the final stage of the formation of a modern man. The first generic system came to replace the primitive human flock, which completed the formation of human society, the further progress of which began to be determined by socio-economic laws.

Human races

Nowadays, living humanity disintegrates on a number of groups called races.
Human races
- These are the historically established territorial communities of people who have the unity of origin and similarity of morphological signs, as well as hereditary physical signs: the structure of the face, body proportions, skin color, shape and hair color.

According to these features, modern humanity is divided into three main races: europoid, negroid and mongoloid. Each of them has its own morphological features, but all this is external, minor signs.

Features of the human essence, such as consciousness, labor activity, speech, the ability to learn and subordinate nature, are united in all races, which refutes the approval of racist ideologues about the "higher" nations and races.

Children of blacks, brought up with the Europeans, did not give way to the mind and giftedness. It is known that civilization centers 3-2 thousand years before our era were in Asia and Africa, and Europe at that time was in a state of barbarism. Consequently, the level of culture depends not on biological features, but from the socio-economic conditions in which peoples live.

Thus, the approval of the reactionary scientists about the superiority of some races and the inferiority of others is groundless and false scientific. They are created to justify the grip wars, robbery colonies with racial discrimination.

The person's races cannot be mixed with such social associations as the nationality and nation, which were not formed by the biological principle, and on the basis of the sustainability of the circulation, territory, economic and cultural life, which were found historically.

A man in the history of its development came out of subordination by biological laws of natural selection, its adaptation to life in different conditions occurs by active alterations. However, these conditions to some extent still have a certain impact on the human body.

The results of such an influence are visible on a number of examples: in the peculiarities of digestive processes in Olenevodov Zapolyaria, consuming a lot of meat, in residents of Southeast Asia, the food diet of which is mainly of rice; In the increased number of erythrocytes in the blood of the huts compared to the blood of the inhabitants of the plains; In the pigmentation of the skin of the inhabitants of the tropics, distinguishing them from the whiteness of the interchanges of Northern and so on.

After completing the formation of a modern person, the effect of natural selection did not stop completely. As a result of this, in a number of regions of the globe, a person has developed resistance to certain diseases. So, the Europeans, the king proceeds much easier than the peoples of Polynesia, who collided with this infection only after the colonization of their islands by immigrants from Europe.

In Central Asia, a group of blood is rare in Central Asia, but above the frequency of group V. It turned out that this is due to the epidemic of the plague that had a place in the past. All these facts prove that in human society there is a biological selection, on the basis of which human races, peoples, nation have been formed. But the ever-increasing independence of a person from the environment almost suspended a biological evolution.

Speech in this article will go about the ancestors and the nearest relatives of the modern person.

The topic is interesting and at that simple.


- Literal translation: "Wood monkeys"

The overall ancestor of the modern man and man-like monkeys. Delicate about 25 million years ago in Africa and Europe.

Outwardly, most likely, were similar to modern chimpanzees.

Driopiteki lived herds, mainly on the trees.

Because of the "woody" life of Driopites and his descendants, some feature can be noticed:

front limbs can rotate in all directions

Such a lifestyle played important for evolution:

there was a grateful function of the forelimm, that later led to the ability to manipulate objects

  • improved coordinationdeveloped binocular color vision, life in the herd gave rise to the emergence of the public and, in the end, to the appearance speech;
  • aboutblossom brain clearly more than the ancestors;

  • w. The teeth were thin layer enamelthat suggeststhat dripiteks fed vegetable food (fruits, berries).


-Translate from monkey to a person (or possibly relatives of the transitional form).

I lived about 5.5 million years ago.

The literal translation: "Southern Monkeys", named because the remains are found in South Africa.

Australopiteki is already more "thoughtful" monkeys.

They moved on the hind limbs, sniffing a little.

  • h Achali use primitive "tools of labor": stones, sticks, etc.

  • the brain volume was approximately 400-520 cm 3, which is three times less than the volume of the brain of modern man, but somewhat larger than the volume of the brain of modern major monkeys;
  • the growth was not high: 110 - 150cm, weight: 20 - 50 kg.
  • Australopitets were fed both vegetable and meat food (less often).

  • they knew how to hunt, using "tools of labor";
  • the duration of life was small: 18 - 20 years;

Skilled man (Homo Habilis)

- Perhaps the first representative of the kind of man

According to an alternative opinion, a skillful person is a representative of Australopites, as it looks very similar to them.

I lived about 2 million years ago.

Perhaps the descendant of one of the types of Australopites. Skill named because began to produce And consciously use the tools of labor. Pick up the raw material, for the manufacture of guns, than no animal can boast.

  • the volume of the brain, compared with Australoptec, has increased to about 600 cm 2, the facial part of the skin of the skull decreased, "lifting the place" for the brain part;
  • teeth are less than that of Australopites.
  • the man skillfully moved to Eurifagia (omnivo);
  • the feet, had a vault, became more adapted to walking on the hind limbs;
  • the brush has become more adapted to grabbing, the capture power increased;
  • lane has not yet been adapted for speech, but the brain department responsible for this function has already been developed.

Homo Erectus)

- Already exactly the representative of the kind of people.

Lived approximately 1 million - 300 thousand years ago.

Named as it is not difficult to guess, because of the "final transition" to straightening.

  • for him, "Human" qualities were already characterized: speech and abstract thinking;
  • The man stranded forward far ahead: His tools of labor became much more complicated, he mastered fire, some scientists suggest that he could even extract it alone;
  • Externally, the ehreteus was a little bit like a modern man, but still different from him: skull had thick walls, the forehead was low with massive supervised protrusions, large, heavy lower jaw, the chinen protrusion is weakly highlighted;
  • the sexual dimorphism was less pronounced than the Australopithecans, but still took place: the males were a little larger females.
  • the growth was 150 - 180. The volume of the brain: approximately 1100 cm 3.

Man stranded by the lifestyle of hunter-collector. We lived and hunted by groups - it helped in the development of speech and sociality. It is assumed that the person spedold was 300 thousand years ago with Neanderthal, however, the latest data of anthropology is rejected.

Petetecanthrop. (Translated: Monkey)

a variety of man spinning.

He dwells in Southeast Asia 500-700 thousand years ago, was first discovered on the island of Java.

Peteicantrop is not a pretext of a modern person, it can be called rather our cousin.


- Another kind of person spinning.

Used 600-400 thousand years ago somewhere in the territory of modern China.

Sinanthops have become one of the last most developed representatives of the species-coming person. Some scientists are considered as ancestors of a modern person.

Neanderthal, Neanderthal man

- kind of kind of man, previously considered the subspecies of a man of reasonable.

Updated in Europe and North Africa over 100 thousand years ago.

Neanderthal had to be not easy, they lived in the height of the glacial period, so no wonder that they learned to make housing and clothing. Neanderthals fed mainly with meat. Neanderthal is not a direct ancestor of a man reasonableAlthough it may have lived next to Cryanonians and could be freely cross with them, thus leaving his "genetic trail" in modern representatives of the genus. It is also assumed that there was a struggle between Cryanonians and Neanderthals, as a result of which the latter probably disappeared. Probably, Crohanyonians could hunt Neanderthals, and vice versa. Neanderthals were major muscular creatures, most insistently Cryanonian.

  • the brain volume of Neanderthals was 1200-1600 cm³..
  • height: about 1.5 meters;
  • the skull was stretched back (because of the big brain), but the forehead was low, cheekbones wide, the jaws are large, the chin, like an echetus, was weakly expressed;
  • visitantly spoke a surprise roller;
  • neanderthal has culture: the first religion (buried the fellows on special rites), a musical instrument;
  • medicine began to appear: Neanderthals could treat fractures.


- The first representative of the species is reasonable, lived about 40 thousand years ago.

  • cryanonians had a finally human appearance: a high straight forehead, the abrasion roller disappeared, a chiffer protrusion appeared;
  • cryanonians were higher (growth was about 180 cm) and less massive than Neanderthals;
  • brain volume: 1400-1900 cm 3
  • possessed a self-split speech, formed the first "present" human society;
  • cryanonians lived by generic communities of 100 people, creating the first settlements. Dores were built: chalashi from the skins, dugouts. Weaned clothes, tools of hunting: spears, sinks, harpuna, household items: knives, needles, scrapers. Engaged in agriculture. Hued collectively, using a revolutionary method: a corrugated hunt. Began to tame animals;
  • were highly developed in culturally: engaged in sharp painting, made sculptures from clay.

As well as Neanderthals, the burial rites developed, from which it can be concluded that those and others believed in the afterlife. According to official science,cryanonets - a direct ancestor of a modern man.

Nature was needed many million years to turn a monkey in a modern man - the crown of creation. We are the result of a long evolutionary process by which we have just briefly ran. Questions on this topic can get caught in GIA and EGE. And we looked at this topic, I hope you were interested.