Greek muses. Description and attributes

Greek muses. Description and attributes
Greek muses. Description and attributes

In the ancient Greek mythology of the daughter of God Zeus and Titanides, Monsina, the goddess of memory (according to another version - harmony), living on Parnassa Goddess - nine sisters born in Piery and wearing the name "Olympic"; Patrone of science, poetry and arts. Mentioned in Iliad and Odyssey. Their names are: Callieopa, Klio, Eutterp, Erato, Terraticor, Waist, Polygimony and Urania.

The Hesiod calls the names of all nine music, but their spheres of influence were distributed only in the Roman era, when each of the music has become a patronage of a certain type of art or science: Calliopa - Epic poetry, Klio - History, Eutterp - Music, Terraticor - Lyric Poetry and Dance, Erato - anthem, Melpomen - tragedy, waist - comedy, polgimnia - pantomime, uranium - astronomy. (However, the spheres of influence of the music have repeatedly varied.) The patron saint of the music was considered Apollo, as shown in the picture of Raphael "Parnas".

Each muse had his attribute - a symbolic subject that she talks about with which principle it is connected. So, Callieopa, Musa of Epic Poetry, was depicted with a shrouded plate and style - a wand for Scripture. This muse caused a sense of sacrifice in a person, encouraged him to overcome the fear of fate, inspired warriors on the feats. Klio - Musa history, its attributes - a scroll of parchment or a screen (board with letters). Klio reminds of what a person can achieve, helps to find its purpose. Melpomen - Muza tragedy, in her hands a tragic mask, and at the waist, music comedy, - comic. Melpomen and waist personify the theater of life, life experience. Polygimnia - Muse of sacred hymns, faith facing music. Polygimnia is modesty and prayer, appeal to all the most expensive and sacred, its attribute - Lira. Terraticor, dance muse, opens to people harmony between the external and inner, soul and body. She was depicted either with the lyrock or dancing. Muse of astronomy and the starry sky of uranium keeps the celestial sphere in his hands and personifies the principle of knowledge, sacred thrust to everything high and beautiful, to the sky and stars. The attribute of Eutters - Flute, this is a muse music, suggested by nature itself, giving people cleansing. And finally, the museum of love and love lyrics of Erato - in the hands of the Lira or Pleps. Erato is connected with the principle of great love, giving wings.

According to PAsania, the first to commemorate the muses and brought them the victims in Helikon, there were not poets and singers, but the terrible giants of aloads - from and effial. They introduced the cult of muses and gave them names, believing that the muses are only three: Melta ("Experience"), MEMA ("Memory") and Aoyda ("Song"). Over time, Piere arrived from Macedonia (by whose name Mountain was named), he set the number of music (nine) and gave them names. The poet Mimner claimed that the older muses are daughters of uranium and gay, and the younger - daughters of Zeus.

About the chtonic past MUZ also testifies to the offspring that the muses, being the daughters of the Gay Earth, gave birth to Zeus, and from Apollo. From Zeus and Callopa, according to another version, Coribant were born from the waist and Apollo. Children of zoomorphic zevca-Korshun and waist were Sicilian blinds. From marriage Melpomen and the river god of Aheloy, sirens are born - mixantropic monstrous creatures, attracting travelers and devouring them with their singing. Archaic muses were called "stormy", "frantic" (from Greek Thoyrides, one root with Latin Furia)As Gesichi reports this, that is, the muses somehow come closer to Eriniami.

Music was called by the feeders of Dionysus and his companions of his wanderings, like Menadam. Music and Menada are sometimes put in one row (for example, Tsar Likurg was punished by Dionysis for the persecution of Music and Menad). The Helicon inscriptions are compared to Terraticor and Dionysis Bromine, it is inherent in the gift of inspiration and ivy, he is the ability to fascinate and flute. Orpheus, who mounted Mystery of Dionysus, the son of Callopa and Eager (or Apollo). Singer Lin is the son of Callopa (or Urania) and Amphimar, the son of Poseidon, the turbulent and ecstatic muses headed Dionysus Musaget - "Music Driver". Dionysus Melpomen was honored in Ajarhn, he, like Apollon, led the dances. Muse cruel and severely punish everyone who dares to compete with them. They blinded and deprived the gift of singing and playing the kifare of the Famiride.

Olympic music of classical mythology - daughters of Zeus, they live on Helicon, having sinking all generations of gods - gay, krona, ocean, night, helios, zeus himself and his offspring, that is, they associate the past and present. They led the past, present and future, it was believed that they possess the gift of prediction. They are the patroness of singers and musicians, give them their gift. They are instructed and comforted people relate to them as a whole benevolently and affectionately, give them a convincing word, give people the art of power over the human soul; They challenge the laws and the good morals of the gods. Classic muses are inseparable from ordering and harmony of the Olympic world. At the same time, they do not tolerate rivalry. So, they were deprived of sight and took away the musical gift from Kifeda Tamiris, who dared to cause them to the contest.

Just like the rest of the gods, Muses had their temples, which were called Museyoni. From this word and there was a modern designation of buildings, where collections of works of art or other monuments of past times are exhibited for the search.

Waist, Faliya (Greek. Θαλία, θαλεία from θάλλλω - color, grow) - in the Greek mythology Muse Comedy and Easy Poetry, daughter Zeus and Monsina. Depicted with a comic mask in the hands and wreath of ivy on the head. Coribant was born from the waist and Apollo. According to the diodorus, he received a name from prosperity (Tallein) for many years glorified in poetic works.

Zeus, turning into Korshun, took the waist in his wife. From the fear of the jealousy of the GEZ MUSA disappeared into the depths of the earth, where demonic creatures were born - blinds (in this myth, she is referred to as Nymph Etna.

Nattier, Jean-Marc - Thalia - 1739.Pavlovsk

Musa comedy. It gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the side to in the end to laugh at your mistakes, because the comedy is a school of life, and we, playing our roles, we can learn positive lessons that gradually lead us to the hidden deep spiritual essence. Waist is an opportunity to know the price of a comedy and smile.

Loc Benson Thalia.

Today I saw the waist, Musy comedy ... Her face was insieved by the barely noticeable smile, and for a moment it seemed to me that she was laughing at me, over all of us, over our life and our concerns, such an alien subtle soulful muse.
Breakdown by household turmoil, I tried to drive a vision. I wanted to erase this elegant laughing image, as I decided that now time is not for fun and comedies, but for the sorrows and drama. But my desire soon disappeared, because the muse, among other things, possessed the ability to suggest. Then I looked at her and realized that if we "will not dramatize" events, our own existence will make it similar to comedy, because everything that happens will see us "from the side" and, in the end, will cause an ironic smile of compassion to everything So what we have to face every day.

Eustache Le Sueur (1616-1655) .Clio, EUTERPE ET THALIE.1640-1645.

I remembered my childhood when it seemed to me that I had to play the role of good heroine from morning to the evening and follow my words and actions, because they all see in an exaggerated form from the scene on which I play. I thought that all this view would be an end to one day when the long-awaited curtain drops, and I can also close my eyes behind heavy scenes, and fall asleep, and not on stage. Yes, life is a great comedy. And we can not even boast that they freely choose roles and can change them.

A quick impartial look at the story convinces us that the majority of its most important events happened with the good tolika of indifference. No matter how important on the historical scene is managed by invisible threads, which, according to a good wild or, contrary to it, drive an action towards climax. At the time of my muse, these threads were called "fate", and people dedicated a lot beat over the knowledge of the mechanism of their action ...

Musa -Thalia

Yes, life is comedy. And with all of us, like the waist, there is a grotesque mask, which is laughing, neither shoes, but depending on how we look at it, I am depicting joy, then sadness. We all hide under this mask, and it, instead of expressing our mental state, carefully hides it so that no one - and even we ourselves - could not know what's going on with us in fact. We all play a great performance, trying to atone for good knowledge of roles and meals the lack of inner self-confidence in ourselves and the maturity, which we never managed to achieve.


But the comedy, which the waist patronizes does not cause laughter and does not allow it to forget. She is not a way to get away from responsibility and not even a way to have fun. The comedy is a school of life and all of us without exception, playing their roles, should extract positive lessons from here, which will gradually lead us from the play for materialistic masks to hidden deep spiritual essence, which puts the scenes in the theaters of life.

Thalia Pushkin.

Brogi, Carlo (1850-1925) - n. 8318 - Roma - Vaticano - Museo Pio Clementino - Talia, Musa Della Concordia, Trovata A Tivoli.

We have to "look at yourself from the side" as on the spectacle, in the end to laugh at our mistakes and regret our innumerable delusions, so that the ironic and squeamy grimaces of discontent appear on our persons, which will be the right sign that we Recovered themselves in this representation. And then we will comprehend the price of the comedy and smile.

Bratislava SND Talia Susosie.

Then we know that on the stage, and in the auditorium, first of all, you need to be good actors and good spectators, good people who are aware of their actual position and ready to improve it, giving the game on the stage all the best than we are endowed. The waist with laughter puts us ... in her hand she has a mask ... She managed to remove her and show us his true face in all his harmonious beauty. She left the game to the theater and invites us to do the same, following her by the sloping paths of internal self-improvement with a sad smile on the face and tears of joy in their eyes.

Delia Stainberg Gusman

Tahlia (Muse der Lustspieldichtung-1844) -musenrondell Sanssouci Steffen Heilfort.

Talia-Summer Garden-Saint Petersburg.

Many pictures are clicable.

Musa comedy. It gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the side to in the end to laugh at your mistakes, because the comedy is a school of life, and we, playing our roles, we can learn positive lessons that gradually lead us to the hidden deep spiritual essence. Waist is an opportunity to know the price of a comedy and smile.

Today I saw ...

Today I saw the waist, Musy comedy ... Her face was insieved by the barely noticeable smile, and for a moment it seemed to me that she was laughing at me, over all of us, over our life and our concerns, such an alien subtle soulful muse.
Breakdown by household turmoil, I tried to drive a vision. I wanted to erase this elegant laughing image, as I decided that now time is not for fun and comedies, but for the sorrows and drama. But my desire soon disappeared, because the muse, among other things, possessed the ability to suggest. Then I looked at her and realized that if we "will not dramatize" events, our own existence will make it similar to comedy, because everything that happens will see us "from the side" and, in the end, will cause an ironic smile of compassion to everything So what we have to face every day.
I remembered my childhood when it seemed to me that I had to play the role of good heroine from morning to the evening and follow my words and actions, because they all see in an exaggerated form from the scene on which I play. I thought that all this view would be an end to one day when the long-awaited curtain drops, and I can also close my eyes behind heavy scenes, and fall asleep, and not on stage. Yes, life is a great comedy. And we can not even boast that they freely choose roles and can change them. A quick impartial look at the story convinces us that the majority of its most important events happened with the good tolika of indifference. No matter how important on the historical scene is managed by invisible threads, which, according to a good wild or, contrary to it, drive an action towards climax. At the time of my muse, these threads were called "fate", and people dedicated a lot beat over the knowledge of the mechanism of their action ...
Yes, life is comedy. And with all of us, like the waist, there is a grotesque mask, which is laughing, neither shoes, but depending on how we look at it, I am depicting joy, then sadness. We all hide under this mask, and it, instead of expressing our mental state, carefully hides it so that no one - and even we ourselves - could not know what's going on with us in fact. We all play a great performance, trying to atone for good knowledge of roles and meals the lack of inner self-confidence in ourselves and the maturity, which we never managed to achieve.
But the comedy, which the waist patronizes does not cause laughter and does not allow it to forget. She is not a way to get away from responsibility and not even a way to have fun. The comedy is a school of life and all of us without exception, playing their roles, should extract positive lessons from here, which will gradually lead us from the play for materialistic masks to hidden deep spiritual essence, which puts the scenes in the theaters of life.
We have to "look at yourself from the side" as on the spectacle, in the end to laugh at our mistakes and regret our innumerable delusions, so that the ironic and squeamy grimaces of discontent appear on our persons, which will be the right sign that we Recovered themselves in this representation. And then we will comprehend the price of the comedy and smile. Then we know that on the stage, and in the auditorium, first of all, you need to be good actors and good spectators, good people who are aware of their actual position and ready to improve it, giving the game on the stage all the best than we are endowed. The waist with laughter puts us ... in her hand she has a mask ... She managed to remove her and show us his true face in all his harmonious beauty. She left the game to the theater and invites us to do the same, following her by the sloping paths of internal self-improvement with a sad smile on the face and tears of joy in their eyes.

How can I write wrong kiguzo?
Beautiful, clever, fast, folding -
Torzal poetry I muse ...
And it fenced pretty.

Akaki Schweik, "Potted Muse"

Not once, and not two, you probably had to hear such phrases like "Muza visited me", "Musa tragedy", "no inspiration." Who are such muses and how are they related to creativity and inspiration?

The concept of "muse" takes roots in ancient Greek mythology and literally means "thinking". Nine sisters, patrons of science and art, called Aonides, Piered, Parnasides. They had many more names that would not say anything to the average man, so we will not stop on them.

All 9 Muses of ancient Greece - the daughter of Zeus Thunder, and each of them has its own unique ability. Most often, 9 Muses of ancient Greece are depicted in the guise of young beautiful women. These ladies had a prophetic gift and wondered to people of the creative warehouse of the mind, in every way encouraging and helping artists, artists, poets, sculptors. However, the grief is a talented writer if he hits his muse. A capricious lady can leave it without his patronage and deprive inspiration. The ancient Greeks inspiration appreciated and not to refuse "overboard," the special temples called the Museyons were erected. From Museion and takes the roots of the modern word "Museum". The patron of the music itself was God Apollo.

Let's see more in more detail who were these 9 muses of ancient Greece and what arts enjoyed their attention.

Callieopa - Muse of Epic Poetry

From the ancient Greek "Calliopa" translates as "having a wonderful voice." This is the eldest of the sisters. She is a muse eloquence and heroic ballad. Beauty Calopa encourages a person to overcome his egoism and fear of fate, she awakens a sense of sacrifice.

On the head of Kallopa, the golden crown is the fact that it is the main among other music, thanks to his talent to attach a person to the first steps towards his liberation.

Calliopa Artists are depicted with a waxing plate or a scroll and a stylist with a storm in the hands, which looked like a bronze rod with a pointed end, used to apply letters on a skip, covered with wax. The opposite end of the style was made flat to wipe written.

Muse Klio - Patron History

The name Klio occurred from "Glory", ancient Greek "Cleoz". Clio, giving glory, reminded that a person can achieve in life helped him find his true purpose. Attributes Klio was a scroll of parchment or a screen. Sometimes its attributes complement the sundial, since the muse is designed for time in time.

Muz Melpomen - Musa tragedy

The museum of the tragedy genre was described as a woman, on the head of which the bandage, grape or ivy wreath. Greek Muz Melpomen is a "melody, pleasing listeners." Melpomen is armed with a sword or a pan. Her weapon symbolizes the inevitability of the Divine Cara. Also, its attributes include a tragic mask.

The marine creatures of the sirens appeared from Melpomen, sinking a lot of ships, making the navigaters on the reefs and rocks by their divine singing.

Muza Waist - Muse Comedy

Milaska Talia (Falia, according to other options), artists depicted a young girl with a rod in his hand, a comic mask, a wreath of ivy on his head, and sometimes - in "shaggy" clothes. Muse received a name from prosperity (Tallain), glorified in poetic works for many centuries.

Waist was his wife Zeus. Thunderstroke kidnapped Muse, turning around in Korshun. Fearing anger of ger, the waist disappeared in the earth's depths.

Polygymnia Muse - Muse of Solemn Hymns

In Greek mythology, Polygimnia "answered" for solemn hymns. The name it comes from the phrase "creating many praises" of fame to those who were immortalized in the eyelids. Poets that compose hymns are under the auspices of polhymia. According to the ancient Greek legends, poligimnia is more than a phenomenal memory, it keeps in it all ever written hymns, songs and ritual dances in which people glorified the Gods of Olympians. It is believed that Polygimnia was the inventive of the Lyra.

The patroness of the hymns is often portrayed in a pensive pose with a scroll in her hands. It also helps people in the study of rhetoric and oratory, which becomes the instrument of truth in the hands of a skillful broadcaster.

Polygimnia makes it possible to realize the sacrament of the word as a real force with which you can revive and kill, inspire and hurt.

Muz Passathor - Muse dance

Terraticor - elegant dance muse. Terraticor received her name from pleasure (Terpein) of the audience by the good by art. Terraticor is considered a patronage of dances and choral singing. Artists depict elegant lady as a young woman. Sometimes she takes a dancer's posture, but more often sitting and plays on the lyre with an indispensable smile on his face. This muse is associated with Dionysus, attributing it to her attribute ivy, in addition to its own lyric and plector.

Muse of Uranium - Muse of Astronomy

Uranium - wise muse astronomy. The attributes of this muse were the Heavenly Globe and Circle. According to one of the versions, the Muse of Astronomy is the mother of Gimenta. She received his own name from the desire for the sky (Uranes) those who comprehend the art of astronomy.

Urania is a living contemplative force, she calls for a person to leave the external chaos, in which he is, and to go to the contemplation of the majestic and peaceful stroke of the heavenly bodies and stars that the essence of the reflection of the fate of the world. Uranania personifies the power of knowledge and craving for the mysterious and uncharted, high and beautiful, to the starry sky.

Muse of lyrical poetry EVTERPA

Merry Muse EVTERP, whose name is literally translated as "enjoying", received a name from pleasure (Terpein) listeners who rated the benefit of knowledge and education. Musy of lyric music and poetry is most often depicted with a flute or lyruge in their hands.

Romantic Erato - Muse of Love Poetry

The name of Erato is derived from the name of the ancient Greek God of Love Erota. Erato was named after the ability to be desirable, beloved. This muse patronizes lyrics and poets who write about high feelings. On his images, Erato appears with Kifar. It is often resorted to her symbolism in the literature, including her and Vergil with Apolony, Rhodes.

Romantic Muse has a gift to breathe love to the whole universe. She skillfully transforms the life of physical reality into beauty and harmony.

How to attract muse?

So, with the ancient Greek muses, we met, and everyone chose, who to invite to her tea in the evening with a cookie. But let's find out what the muses are interested in?

People are creative, as you know, can not live without your favorite classes. In this, their sweat and their small modest joy. Someone writes pictures or novels, someone draws a graffiti balloon on the walls and fences, someone embroiders with a cross or design. However, the ability to perform their work can sometimes find himself little - you need some creative impulse, push, inspiration. To create even a small masterpiece, you need a soul, and not just a monotonous, machine work.

Alas, Muse - Madmoiselle Capricious and windy. Neither one person is sitting in the morning to night. She does not express desire to come to call. So sits as a result of the poor in the poet whole day with a notebook or that today is more likely, an open Word and hypnotizes the eyes of redneed tired eyes one-sole line. And everything will not be glued! He and so, and Edak will look, and there will be a third mug of tea, and everything is not going to him, it does not carry that spiritual spark, so necessary in order to hurt the strings of someone else's soul.

Stubborn lady! There are already thinking about, and not to master the profession of Shaman - well, suddenly the dances with the tambourine help not only programmers and other computerists? What does this mound, the puffy, need?

Learn in children! Have you ever thought about why the children are so admired by seeing a beautiful butterfly, an unusual form of a cloud, a funny lured sparrow on a bold fence? Remember yourself at a young age! Alas, the older we become, the less time you manage to find a minute in order to notice something amazing in our daily life.

After all, no one thinks and does not appreciate those little joys that surround each of us. So one who has never experienced choking, is not able to appreciate how beautiful it is fresh air. Or a gardener, constantly digging and digging in his garden, only shrugs on the blissful expression of people who came to the picnic of the inhabitants of megacities after a long dull winter.

Pay attention to the little things, leave at home your misantropy and sarcasm, spread in yourself romance, crack him to sleep with lethargic sleep - let him work on you too. Have you been filled with happiness and pleasure? Wait, Muse has already flown to you!

Musa loves to treat something tasty. Treat you both, but do not overlapping it - the murzed muse is sparkling, and your lazy will be happy to come out with her in collusion, and together they break all the creative gusts.

But you can ullow your moise - walking with it on exhibitions and expositions. Let this idleness be ashamed - because your work is not yet there, right?

At the notes of an amateur "Creative Disorder" in the workplace. It's not a question, we are not talking about the pedantic wiping of dust in the morning and in the evening. And you can deliver a cup with coffee, and a phintifluidos which, pleasing eye, the muse will also approve. But the mountains of dirty plates, not a fastened bed or pile of trash on the table, the inspirationant will not attract. "Creative mess" is possible, but do not turn into a pig.

With all his whims, Muse is not a mercantile fif. It does not need an expensive cabinet, nor Parker pen, nor the laptop of the last model. First of all, she appreciates the comfort, in which there is everything to create a masterpiece.

If you need space for your loved business, organize it! Yes, and just make some surfacing of furniture it is useful. And it's funny to watch how the homemade habit is enveloped by a wardrobe, or rather, then an empty place where he used to stand. Nothing, 21 days - and they will no longer do it.

Have time to rest? And now, on the principle of Baron Münhhausen, you have a feat on a schedule! The order in the house, life and head assured, now we catch a muse, sit nearby - and go ahead, to the stars!

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    9 Music Ancient Greece. Who to call to visit?

    How can I write wrong kiguzo? Beautiful, clever, quickly, folding - tormented poetry, I murus ... and sank her pretty. Akaki Schweik, "Pottered Muse" more than once and not two of you, probably, you had to hear such phrases like "Muza visited me", "Muza tragedy", "no inspiration." Who are such muses and how are they related to creativity and inspiration? Concept ...

Very often in our life there are such phrases as: "visited Muse", "Muse of Poetry" and many others, in which the word Muse is mentioned. However, what does it mean? This concept comes from ancient mythology. Greek muses are nine sisters, patrons of art and sciences. They are the daughters of Zeus himself and each of them has its own unique divine capabilities. Let's look at them in more detail.

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So, as mentioned earlier, Muses are daughters of Zeus and Titanides mnemosina, which is the goddess of memory. The very word of muses (muses) comes from the Greek word "thinking". Muses were usually depicted in the form of young and beautiful women. They had a prophetic gift and favorably belonged to creative people: poets, artists, artists, encouraging in every way and helping them in their activities. However, the special guidance of muses could deprive a person of inspiration. So that this did not happen, the ancient Greeks built special temples in honor of the music, which were called Museyon. It is from this word that happened the word "museum". The patron of the music itself was God Apollo. Let's now look at each of the music.

Muse Callieopa - Muse of epic poetry

The name of this muse from Greek can be translated as "having a wonderful voice." According to Diodorus, this name arose at the moment when the "beautiful word" was uttered (Calen OPA). She is the eldest daughter of Zeus and Monsina.

Callieopa is the mother of Orpheus, a muse of heroic poetry and eloquence. It causes a sense of sacrifice, prompting a person to overcome his egoism and fear of fate. Calliopo is wearing a gold crown on his brow - a sign that she is dominated by other muses, thanks to its ability to attach a person to the first steps on the way of his liberation. Callopa was depicted with a waxed plate or a scroll and a stylist chopstick - a stall, which was a bronze rod, the pointed end of which was used to apply text on the table, covered with wax. The opposite end was placed flat to erase written.

Muse Klio - Patron History

The accompanying attributes of this muse are a scroll of parchment or a screen - a board with letters. Klio reminds of what a person can achieve, helps to find its purpose.

According to the diodorus, the name happened from the word "Cleos" - "Glory". Etymology named is "giving glory." From Peter Greek Muse Klio had the Son of Giakinf. Love for the fee was inspired by Aphrodite for the condemnation of her love for Adonis.

Muz Melpomen - Musa tragedy

In Greek mythology, Melpomen is considered the Museum of the tragedy genre. The name, by diodorus, means "melody, pleasing listeners." An anthropomorphic image - was described as a woman with a bandage, a grape or ivy wreath on the head. It always has a permanent attribute in the form of a tragic mask, a sword or a cloth. The weapon bears the symbolism of the inevitability of divine punishment.

Melpomen is a mother of Siren - marine creatures, personified a deceptive, but charming sea surface, under which sharp cliffs or melons are hidden. From the mother of the Muses of Sirens inherited the divine voice, which was lifted by the navigators.

Muza Waist - Muse Comedy

Waist or another version of Faliya - in the Greek Mythology Muse Comedy and Easy Poetry, daughter Zeus and Monsina. Depicted with a comic mask in the hands and wreath of ivy on the head.

Coribants were born from the waist and Apollo - the mythical predecessors of the priests Kibeli or Rii in Frigia, in a wild enthusiasm, with music and dances that sent the ministry of the Great Mother of Gods. According to the diodorus, he received a name from prosperity (Tallein) for many years glorified in poetic works.

Zeus, turning into Korshun, took the waist in his wife. From the fear of the jealousy of Muz's ger disappeared in the depths of the earth, where demonic creatures were born - blinds (in this myth, she is referred to as Nymph Etné).

Polygymnia Muse - Muse of Solemn Hymns

Polygimnia - in the Greek mythology Muse of solemn hymns. According to the diodorus, he received a name from the creation by many praises (Dia Polle Chemnesseos) of those who, whose name did it immertece the glory poetry. She patronizes poets - anthem writers. It is believed that she keeps all the hymns, songs and ritual dances, who are famous for the Olympic gods, is also considered that she invented LIRA.

Polhygenia is often depicted with a scroll in hand, in a thoughtful pose. Polygymnia is patronized in the study of rhetoric and oratory, which turns the speaker in the truth tool. It personifies the strength of speech and makes a human speech language. Polhygenia helps to know the sacrament of the word as real power, with which you can inspire and revive, but at the same time hurt and kill. This strength of speech is inspiring on the way to truth.

Muz Passathor - Muse dance

Terraticor - muse dance. According to the diodorus, he received a name from pleasure (Terpein) of the audience being in the art of good. Her name among music calls Tsets. It is considered a patronage of dances and choral singing. Depicted in the form of a young woman, with a smile on her face Sometimes in the pose of a dancer, more often sitting and playing on the lyre.

Characteristic attributes: wreath on the head; In one hand she kept Liru, and in another plectr. This muse is associated with Dionysis, attributing to her the attribute of this God - ivy (what the inscription on the Helicon dedicated to Terraticor says.

Muse of Uranium - Muse of Astronomy

Uranium - Muse Astronomy. Uranium attributes were: Heavenly Globe and Circle. According to the diodorus, received a name from aspiration to the sky (uranas) those who have comprehended her art. According to one of the versions of uranium is the mother of Gimenta.

Urania personifies the power of contemplation, she calls to leave us an external chaos, in which there is a person and immersed in the contemplation of the majestic stars, which is a reflection of fate. This is the power of knowledge, the force that pulls towards the mysterious, pulls to the high and beautiful - to the sky and the stars.

Muse EVTERP - Muse of Lyric Poetry

EVTERP (Dr. Greek. Υ̓ὐτέρπη "enjoyable") - In Greek mythology, one of the nine Muses, daughters of Zeus and Titanides Monsina, Musa of lyrical poetry and music. Depicted with the lyure or flute in the hands.

Mother of resa from the river god of Strimeon. According to the etymology of Diodorus, he received a name from pleasure (Terpene) listeners who receive beneficial benefits. Her name among the music calls Czets.

Muse Erato - Muza love poetry

Erato is a museum of lyrical and love poetry. Her name is derived on behalf of the God of Love Erota. By diodorus - the name received in honor of the ability to be "eppember" (desirable for love and passion).

Born as a result of the Union of Monsina and Zeus. From Mala Erato gave birth to Cleophem. Attribute Music - Kiifara. This divine heroine of Greek mythology is often mentioned in the testes of Ellin.

In addition, the symbolism associated with the image of the Greek Music Erato, resorts in their works of Virgil and Apollonium Rhodes. She knows how to breathe in the soul of the love for all of his living art to transform everything into the beauty hiding outside the physical.

According to Wikipedia