And a hubarov portrait of a mila. Portrait of Mila V.Habarov Description of man appearance

And a hubarov portrait of a mila. Portrait of Mila V.Habarov Description of man appearance
And a hubarov portrait of a mila. Portrait of Mila V.Habarov Description of man appearance

Khabarov - Portrait of Mila, Grade 7

Essay 1 option

Draw a portrait is not just heavy, but also responsible occupation. Therefore, for artists drawing a portrait, a kind of challenge to their skill.

V. Khabarov in his picture "Portrait of Mila" is trying to transfer not only the appearance of a pretty teenager, but also its inner world. The picture is drawn in dark tones, but Mila itself is in bright.

So the artist shows that the girl is better than most of the same age: pupil and inquiring. A large chair is in the corner. This V. Khabarov transmits loneliness of Mila, which is due, most likely, with the fact that it prefers the world described in the books, real.

7th grade.

Essay 2 option

Valentin Khabarov is one of the best Russian portrait artists. He very skillfully passes the features of his models, thanks to which the viewer can guess their thoughts, understand their feelings and emotions.

Drawing his paintings by V. Khabarov pays a lot of attention and surrounding. Looking at the situation in which the artist places people, you can penetrate the spirit of the epoch, during which a portrait was written.

In the picture "Portrait of Mila" brave portrayed a girl who reads a book. It is hard for us to understand this, but if you give to look at the reproduction by our parents or grandparents, they will understand that the picture was written in the 70-80 years of the last century. They are familiar and wallpapers that are placed walls, and parquet, let not the highest quality, but attractive. From the furniture, we see fashionable at that time the chair, which the owners of the apartment was undoubtedly difficult to get. Behind the little girl lamp brain. Such can still be found in dachas, where they often take things that are not necessary in the city.

We have no longer found such a situation, but it can be seen in Soviet films that have already managed to become a classic of cinema. It is so beloved by adults "Moscow does not believe in tears", "Irony of Fate", "Afonya".

Mile, the main character of the painting, about 13-14 years. She is dressed in simple home clothing. On her legs, she has soft slippers - probably the floor is cold, and therefore she shoes them not to freeze. These are still skates that lie under the chair, they say that in the street Winter.

But this harsh time is not able to bring inconvenience to Mile. In the picture you can understand that it is cozy. She is not distracted by either blizzard outside the window, nor the sounds that come from other rooms, where their homework is busy with their affairs. Mila is passionate and focused, it can be seen, she came across a very interesting book.

Blond girl most likely loves to read. The chair stands in the corner so that no one can hurt him accidentally. Rear on the wall weighs the sconce, the light from which falls exactly on the book. All this creates the best conditions in order to sit in the winter evening with a book.

The face and pose of the girl expresses extreme guilt of the book. Her mouth is slightly awarded, probably she moves his lips and silently pronounces the words written in the book when reading.

I really like this picture. Looking at the clear face of the main character, unwittingly understand that in the evening you can spend time not only at a computer or TV. To harm that in our time no one reads with such a launch as Mila.

7th grade.

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For the first time, seeing the picture "Portrait of Mila", written in 1970, I was amazed how accurately and clearly reformed the image of a girl on the canvas.

This picture can be attributed to the merits of the well-known Soviet artist-portraitist Valentina Iosifovich Khabarova. In his collection of works, there are a lot of cloths with the image of people, but it was this painting that attracted me most.

This work is written quite recently, but for such a period of time a lot has changed, and now, to see a teenager for a book is quite difficult.

In the center of the picture, a girl of fourteen is drawn. She sits in a big, round armchair, blue and enthusiastically read into the meaning of the written book. Her excarti reading this book is visible in everything. She pressed his legs, placing completely in the chair. It seems that it does not pay attention to what is happening around.

Next to the chair casually lies with skates. Most likely, the girl was harassing from his sports training, dropped sportswear and immediately sat down for the pages of the beloved book.

Above the chair hangs a small lamp. It illuminates the room the best for reading the way. From his light, the room is filled with soft and calm tones.

Looking at the wallpaper of bed tones, it can be assumed that the main character of the picture is sitting in his, the maiden room.

With the help of the game of colors, the artist perfectly turned out to highlight the main details of the painting. The bright image of the girl, against the background of a dark blue chair, so harmonizes and balances the situation that, looking at the canvas, just want to enjoy the harmony, comfort and tranquility of that homely atmosphere.

Carefree, defenseless girl just spends time in his pleasure. It is not yet framed by adults, complex problems and just does what she most likes. IN AND. Khabarov truly talented artist. He created a magnificent masterpiece of art.

Khabarova "Portrait of Mila." Description Self-profile and details of the picture of the famous artist are made in random style.

About the artist

In 1944, the famous Soviet artist Valentin Iosifovich Khabarov was born in 1944. The works of the young artist were highly valued by his teachers, the young man graduated from the Ryazan Art School, and later in 1967, among the best graduates receive a diploma of the institute. V. I. Surikova.

The name of the artist is known not only in the territory of the former Union republics, but also far beyond. His works were exhibited in countries such as Germany, France, the United States.

The period of works of the master dedicated to writing an icons in the Church of his native city of childhood to Michurinsk is particularly interesting. Khabarov - Master of the portrait genre. Work brush wizard "Portrait of Mila" proves his talent. It is this work that brings him wide fame. The description of the painting V. I. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" will be devoted to this material.

Description of the painting in detail

In this essay, the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" Description detail manufactures key value. In the center of the picture we see a girl of years of eleven, enthusiastically reading a book. To judge this allows the posture of small readers and thrown on the floor skates, which, apparently, preferred an exciting story.

The book definitely completely took the attention of Mila. Fascinating events of the last books of the book run in front of the eyes of a cute girlfriend.

That is what is called and in the life of the main heroine. The girl is a real character. But it is known about her a little: her name is Mila Holdevich. When her family lived next door to the artist, who subsequently retained the name of the girl in the title of his work.

The author with tenderness and warmth depicted a girl by choosing bright tones, which, in turn, only emphasize her tenderness and beauty. Light blond hair, high blank forehead, half-open lips: all these parts are transmitted not only by the beauty of the heroine, but also show the viewer the character of the girl's character.

She sits in a chair, raising her legs, in home shoes. She is interested in sports: a blue sports suit and a couple of skates confirm this. She is inquisitive, it is interesting for her to learn a new one, which testifies to the developed mental abilities of the child.

The artist uses in his palette mostly two colors: blue and beige. The face and hair of the girls attract attention at the expense of light tones, emphasizing her fragility and insecurity.

Children's years distant 70s

What were they, these childhoods of the 70s? A specific idea allows to obtain an essay - a description of the painting V. Khabarova "Mila". It allows you to plunge into the past. Someone will remember how everything was before. And someone fantasy will help to imagine what the childhood of our older generation was.

Here is one example of those years. In those days, people took books in libraries. Many were fond of sports, for example, skating, which was the mandatory component of the childhood of the period.

The presence in writing in the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" Descriptions of the detailure or the heroine itself is, first of all, also the ability to see the story itself. An image of one mig life, that life, which was more than forty years ago, reflects the human values \u200b\u200bof the people of past years. How cute and touching to the depths of the soul, when you can see and feel with all my heart the history of the whole era.


Writing-description in the picture V. I. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" should be extremely positive. The impression that the viewer receives from viewing the picture, makes him return to his childhood, reminds how to take care and love children, to be their faithful assistants, patient teachers, careless parents, and most importantly - to stay always and in everything with a reliable friend.

In writing in the picture Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" Description of the girl, which personifies childhood in himself, will be interested in schoolchildren of today's days. It seems that to hear their opinion will be especially fascinating and interesting to people of the older generation, which were once children themselves.

When writing an essay, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • girl appearance;
  • posse, not too comfortable, but quite tolerant when reading a truly exciting book;
  • other hobbies of miles.

Be sure to describe the emotions that cause a picture. You can finish an essay by reference to the fact that the real artist knows how to see beauty in the simplest and everyday things. For example, in a neighbor girl, reading about secrets and adventures.

Somehow on Sunday, I went to my friend's ving to go to the movies together. Vova began to dress, and I looked into the room.

I saw Vorun sister Mile. She read a book by climbing his legs in a chair. Mila - an excellent man, she is a little younger than us. She has blond hair and a pale face. She is slender and low. Mila loves to read. And I also saw the skates under her chair and realized that she still loves to ride them and often goes to the rink.

Mila, hello! - I said.

But the girl did not respond. I called her louder:

Hey, Mila, did you fall asleep with a book, or what?

It seemed as if Mila had just woke up. She looked through me and as if I did not recognize me. But then she woke up and greeted.

What a book do you read? - I asked.

This is a "rider without a head" - a very interesting book. I was so fascinated that I did not notice how you entered. Did you read this work?

I said that there is no, and I advised Mila to read it, I even promised to give a book when reading.

Vova dressed, and we gathered to leave.

While Mila! - I shouted, but she no longer heard, because again plunged into reading.

We are accustomed to what artists are usually depicted on portraits of famous and famous people: aristocrats, politicians, scientists. But the picture "Portrait of Mila" Khabarova differs from our usual ideas. On it we see the most ordinary girl, a schoolgirl sitting in a chair with a book and readingly reading. This ordinary, household scene artist depicts very carefully and with love. He carefully describes his heroine.

The head of Mila slightly inclined the side, the eyes are covered, and all the expression of her face says that she is very passionate about reading. We see that she sits in a chair, pursing his legs and slightly bending the book. She has blond hair and a beautiful, right face. She is dressed in simple casual clothes. The chair is large, comfortable and cute as if he might in him. A deep blue color of the chair adds to the picture of comfort and peace. This color reminds us of a calm winter evening when the windows are thickened darkness and so wonderful to get a house with a book on the knees, read about adventures and secrets.

Next to the chair on the floor castened skates. Apparently, the girl just came from a walk and looked at the book, forgetting about the rest. A large round chair, the figure of Mila, her focused and attentive expression of the face - everything emphasizes that she is entirely immersed in the world of readable books, and everything that happens beyond it, it does not exist for it. It is a pity that the book is not visible on the book, but it is noticeable, what it is thick and battered, read it more than once with interest.

Figure Girls The artist highlights against the background of the environment with the help of lighter tones. He places it in the center of the painting for the audience to focus on a nail all their attention. The artist as if he wants to show us a nail, just as in ancient times portrait the kings and aristocrats. The girl in the portrait looks very natural and alive, she does not positive. It can be seen that the author just portrayed her for her favorite occupation. At the same time, the situation around the girl is also pretty simple - skates at the legs of the chair and the lamp on the side. Apparently, the artist specifically did almost nothing around Mila, so as not to distract attention from herself. There is nothing large and serious in the picture, but nevertheless it is very expressive and touching.

I liked the picture by the fact that it is warm and mentally depicted on it. You can wonder why the artist did not choose a more interesting and expressive topic for his work. But personally, at the time of writing an essay in the picture "Portrait of Mila", Khabarova became clear to one thing. In order to portray beauty, it is not necessary to look for it in something unusual. In an enthusiastic reading mile, sitting in a blue chair, there is nothing extraordinary. But anyone who saw this picture will not forget her for a long time.

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