We learn to guess on maps step by step with interpretation. Rules of card divination

We learn to guess on maps step by step with interpretation. Rules of card divination
We learn to guess on maps step by step with interpretation. Rules of card divination

The nine worms are traditionally considered a card of lovers. It can be worn with me as a talisman attracting love or strengthening relationships.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you soon with playing cards.

How to learn to guess on playing cards

Maps - the most affordable way to join the world of magic. It is not necessary to run into a special store for Tarot, a fair deck with kings, ladies, dozens. How to learn to guess on playing cards? First of all, it should be purchased - only a new deck is suitable for communication with fate, never used in the game or folding solitaires.

Learn and remember the meanings

To memorize all the cards of all cards is quite difficult, it will require practices and time. Beginners can be briefly recorded on separate sheets of paper Values \u200b\u200bfrom the sixters to the ace - it will turn out four "crib" with which it will be convenient to be checked during the scenario.

Take, for example, six. Their general value is a trip, road. What will it mean with amendment to the suit? Bubnovaya card will warn about possible additional expenses while traveling, the worm will predict a successful finale. Peak - hinting at the futility of hopes. The root - will make it clear that for the sake of achieving a goal will have something to come and so much.

Main principle: from simple to complex

Importance is not only the meaning of specific cards, much more will tell their combination. But also to interpret such a detailed alignment for only an experienced specialist. Do not immediately take for something big, to begin with, it is better to restrict ourselves to the answer to one or two questions.

Clearly formulate the problem that requires the Council of Fate. Pull out one card and see what it means. If she needs additions, you can take at random from the deck two more - most importantly, do not try to somehow "figure out", and tune and configure it, everything should be intuitive.

The deck has already got used to the new owner and began to reveal the secrets? You can complicate the task, analyzing the problem according to the principle: where it all started, in what state is today and the way it will end in the future. It follows from

On the maps! Familiar? Words that meet your own desires? Well, to foresee the future and predict the events - the occupation is fascinating and truly exciting. To learn to guess, do not cause the spirits of past centuries. In our time, the teaching of fortification takes place in special academies and schools, such as the school of divination from the Service "Coliseo" and the same name of the divoridation Academy.

Once in such an educational institution, you can not be afraid of the bobbies and a navigation for bad behavior. Yes, and you yourself hardly want to miss anything from those who have said by teachers, since all learning disciplines read experts in the field of divination and people with unusual extrasensory abilities. It is from them that you will hear how to learn to guess at ordinary playing cards or a special deck of tarot cards.

You will be surprised, but learning to fortunate on the playing cards is not free of charge at all myth and not the fiction of advertising agents. By selecting an educational institution, call the phones specified in the contacts and find out if this school is dialing free listeners. Several classes at which most listeners comprehends the secrets of communication with the unknown world of prediction, will allow you to decide on the choice and decide whether to continue to learn to guess or simply change the school.

For those who decided on the choice whether he wants to learn to guess, and where it will be better, the usual weekdays of students' students will begin. With educational couples, new knowledge and overcoming themselves. Classes will raise current issues: how to learn how to guess on maps, how to become a professional professional and how to interpret the predictions most accurately. Lectures and practical classes are compiled by a simple, understandable language and are available to understand everyone. In the course of training, the school of divination on the maps will identify the most talented students who can count on an invitation as teachers or to offer work.

In addition to pleasant bonuses, it was especially distinguished, students will receive an incomparable sense of attachment to the secrecy of being and stem, as unusual abilities wake up. The primitives of psychic are in every person, but only under the guidance of sensitive managers and within the framework of special programs, you can develop them and deepen. Including, studying fortune telling on the maps. Training for free in our school is not a hoax, come and see for this personally. For students on a paid basis, a system of discounts has been developed.

You are waiting for an attentive relationship of the teaching staff, a competently compiled curriculum, a large number of handouts and a flow of knowledge with which to cope. Turn knowledge into powerful weapons against accidents and unpleasant surprises. Open for yourself the future and open its riddles and secrets easily. Acquire for the world of favorites. We are wondering how simple deck of cards gives answers to all questions.
We learn to guess on the maps with "Colosseo"!

I have repeatedly had to hear requests and even managed to get a letter where the same phrase sounded: "I want to learn to guess on the maps."

Today is January 12 and on the night of January 13-14, we are waiting for the most right fortune telling.. On this night, you can guess not only on the maps. But we will deal with them, they are always at hand, they do not require any additional actions and investments. So...

1. Let's start with the situation. I think everyone guess that when you fortunate there should be no noise and unnecessary people. Only you and fortune teller, you can come with a girlfriend, but with the closest.

2. But today we wonder on our own. Therefore, before starting, undressing the deck of cards in the hands and hold them, passing our energy and mentally sanging for what you want to know from them.

3. Dragged a deck and throwing three cards to the table to choose the object, about whom you want to know everything.

How to choose and what kind of cards is suitable for a particular person?

King peak- He is not chosen at all, this card denotes a noble, treated or military man.

King cross - Dark man.

King Bubn - Brown hair color.

King worm - Light, blond.

Kings are chosen by hair color. In different fortune telling, the choice can occur otherwise. We will focus on the usual.

How to find out what a lady I am in the maps

Lady peak- also has a general meaning - this is evil, a woman who is feared. But in combinations with other maps, changes its purpose.

Lady Cross - You can choose in color hair - dark, it is possible by age - a woman after 35 years.

Lady Bubnova - Young girl, unmarried.

Lady worm - Married woman under 35 years old.

4. Choose, for example, the king of the bubnoy.

Then drag the cards again and slide the deck. The shift part put under the bottom of the whole deck. And now we start to lay out.

Now we need to explore the alignment of the cards and the value of ordinary playing cards.


King put on the middle. Paragraph 4 performed.

Get out of any place a deck card and legs under the king - here, what is under his heart. The Most Treasurer.

Then two cards (get out of the deck alternately) put on the king, closing it.

In scheme salt map You can see everything in short form.

Then hang a deck and start to get from any place of the card and lay out around the king.

The value of the raclada of playing cards.

The order is this:

two cards over the king - this is what is in the head, what a person thinks about;

two cards under the king - this is what is happening now is in the legs;

two cards left - past;

two cards on the right - the future;

then 2 put in the upper left and lower corners - it all applies to the past;

then 2 lakes in the upper and lower right angles - this is the future, explains.

We have a small number of cards. We put them on the heart, on the king in such a session: one on the king, three, and so, until the deck is over.

Maps on the heart are first closed from us. In the picture I showed them disclosed.

In addition, there are other raclades of cards: easier and faster, I will present them later. But I love just such a rocket, here you are guessing in detail and for a long time.

The continuation of the lesson on fortunate on the playing cards a year later. Thanks to everyone who waited. :)

We look at the combination of cards, below I gave links to all variants of card values. You can at first glance to determine the following: a lot of small cards of black suit are bad, discord, trouble and emptiness in life. If just minor cards are up to dozens and red, and black, then nothing happens in life - all the bustles fuss and catching the wind. The largest cards show that there are important events in life or will occur.

They read the future for the cards and the present, we collect them in one deck and again Tusu. Then arbitrarily reach their decks on one card and lay out on 6 parts. From the first to the fifth, we put 3 cards, in the last hand - one card. See this alignment in the picture.

Maps lie down one - in a handful of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Then we return and again add to each handset on one card, except for the last one. In the pile "than everything will end" only one card.

We reveal in turns of the three cards and see what fell. References to the values \u200b\u200bof the cards when you fortunely, see below.

Image of opened cards.

We look again the meaning of what is happening, first peeping into the crib, and eventually you will begin to feel all that the cards want to open you. It happens that nothing can be seen. This may mean a specific emptiness in life. Transfer the session to a later date.

Then we collect these cards and throw off the pair, by the way, so do after each stage. There remains an arbitrary number of cards. This is what remained.

Spread them on the table with each other, and for more detailed interpretation, each will cover two additional. We take them out of the reassembly deck from other cards from any place.

Important note. I did not write everywhere that after you were decomposed, discovered for viewing and expanded the values \u200b\u200bof the cards, you need to collect them in a bunch and throw out pair cards. For example, two battles, two kings, two six and so on. Thoughtful cards need to be connected with inconsistencies in despondency cards.

Confused? If something is incomprehensible, write in the comments - I will try to describe in detail the process of divination on simple maps. And a big request to lovers everywhere inserting their links: do not do it, please!)

Service "Declusion on playing cards online" Available.

A person has long been interested in gadania. The simplest, affordable and widespread way of divination is in which the character of a person can be determined along the lines on the palm and learn its fate. No less popular when the drawing frozen on the cup can be seen the nearest events and events of the future. But still many people do not know what can be guessing on ordinary playing cards. But it was on them that the future of the fortunelock began to predict, when to get a good deck of cards for it was hard. Today you will learn how to independently learn to guess on ordinary playing cards from a deck in 36 pieces.

Is it possible to learn to guess on the playing cards yourself

Can. And the fortune telling may be for love, for money, for the fulfillment of desire, for the future, to the success of any enterprise or on everything at once.

The main thing in this process is to comply with all the rules that we will talk about below. There are many ways to divine. Permanent practice will allow you to correctly interpret the value of the defold. But remember, there are restrictions.

How to guess

In order to learn how to properly guess on the playing cards, it is necessary to comply with all the rules, since the success of the process will fully depend on their observance.

Having understood with the rules, we will teach you to guess on playing cards. We offer simple ways to divine with interpretation.

How to quickly pay out on ordinary maps

If you need to quickly find out the answer to your question, you can use a simple way of divination for four aces.

  • From the deck, select four aces and put them in front of you.
  • Choose one ace and make a desire for it.
  • Drag a deck and remove your left hand.
  • Under each Ace, alternately, put cards from the deck until they are running out.
  • Now take the deck in which the ace is on which you made a desire.

If you have five identical with your ace of texts (including ace), the desire will certainly come true.

How to guess on playing cards for the future

One of the popular fortune telling is fortune-telling for the future. Ask yourself a question that is waiting for you in the future.

  1. Drag a deck and decompose by four approximately equal parts.
  2. From each, select one map and place in front of yourself.
  3. Find the value of the scenario.
  • All Bubnova - foreshadow victory in all matters.
  • Hearts - Happy marriage, harmonious relationship.
  • All trephies - The probability of enhancing the service is possible or an unexpected gift.
  • Peak Alsate trouble and disappointment.

Other combination:

  • Trefts in combination with a peak lady Do not promise anything good.
  • Sixer peak with treph - To an unsuccessful road.
  • Sixer Peak with Bubnova Nine - The probability of long-road and profit.
  • Chervoy lady and dozen - Meeting with an old familiar or relative.
  • Ten tambourine and worm nine - fast and simple option for receiving income.
  • King with worm seven - The started projects will be completed successfully.
  • Bubnovy nine with a worm currency - Beware of long journeys.
  • Curlets Tref combined with seven peak Warns about the goats of enemies and ill-wishers.

How to guess on playing cards on your loved one

If you are interested in what a beloved person thinks about, we offer an easy way to divine, with whom even a child will cope.

  • Think about the sweetheart, drag the deck and remove the little finger to your left hand.
  • Take the top card without turning, put in front of you.
  • Redue the deck again and remove to yourself.
  • Put another card next to the previous one.
  • Thus, lay out six pieces.
  • Over and decrypt the alignment.

What does each card say

  1. First Shows what the beloved is thinking about.
  2. Second - What is his heart occupied.
  3. Third Tell about the upcoming events in the life of the lover.
  4. Fourth - reveals his dreams and desires.
  5. Fifth - fears of loved.
  6. Six will tell you what kind of relationship is now.

The value of cards

  • Six - To the road, the Cherva and Bubne - the ambulance.
  • Sedder Chervel and Bubne - Meetings, and Semyon Tref is a business meeting. Seed peak to tears and sadness.
  • Eight - Dating and talk.
  • Nine TRF or Cherva Speaks about sincere and passionate love. Nine peak falls to ambulance. And the bubnic nine promises the love of unmarried woman.
  • Ten Says about the dreams, and they are not destined to come true if the tent is peak. Bubnova - Dreams will come true, and the top ten treph falls to financial profit.
  • Valet Symbolizes problems and troubles, difficulties and care.
  • Lady Always mean a close woman, it may be a mother, a girlfriend or the nearest relative. But if you have fallen Queen of Spades- Strong enemy.
  • King of red masta Means a man, father or friend. King Peak is an official, and Tref is a higher man.
  • Ace Pick It falls to unpleasant news, and the bublin - to pleasant news.
  • Important work or task symbolizes trephic King. King worm - a place of residence of a young man.

How to guess on playing cards for love

If you are alone and you are interested in the question when you meet your love, make an alleged year.

  1. Take a worm lady that will symbolize you and put it in the center.
  2. Drag a deck and spread around twelve cards, without turning (the first one is the month to which you are guessing).
  3. See what is waiting for you throughout the year.
  • Valet - Non-serious relationships, empty workers, flirting.
  • King - Adult man.
  • Ace - Fan with serious intentions.
  • Ace Cherva - Meeting with a future husband.

If none of the options fell, you can repeat the fortune telling after a while.

Video about how to learn to guess on the maps

We offer you a video tutorial on predictions on a deck of 36 cards. See simple situation on the development of the situationWhat events will occur in the sphere you are interested in, as well as a detailed interpretation of the resulting defold.

How to guess the desire on playing cards

If you are interested, how will your further life Or success in affairs, you can take advantage of the next fortune. Hold a deck in your hands, make a desire. Now drag the deck and get one card. This is your answer. Extinguish its value.

Do not ask the same question twice.

  • Map with a reader means an affirmative answer.
  • Negative response foreshadows odd digit.
  • Red Valet. Means that the fulfillment of desire you need to make maximum effort.
  • Black Valet He says that there will be no interference that will prevent the exercise of desire.
  • Red Dama - The woman will help in the performance of desire.
  • Black Dama - The woman will prevent you in the implementation of plans.
  • Red king - The desire will help a senior man or higher leadership.
  • Black king - You will hurt a man, and the desire will not fulfill.
  • Red Ace This means that all doors are open to the implementation of the intended occurrence.
  • Black Ace - The desire will not fulfill under any circumstances.

In this way, you can our own to guess at home and get an accurate answer. Tell our readers about your ways of divination, did your predictions come true?

How to learn to guess?

A person always wants to know his future. The fortune telling was an important element of all the ancient beliefs and religions. And although today the Church does not welcome the appeal to the magicians and fortune tellakam, interest in this art does not fuss.

There are many techniques and practices that allow you to restrict the secret of the future. What exactly to take advantage of, you need to decide yourself, and rather, what you pull, the topics you need to do. Our section will answer questions you are interested in regarding different fortifications and may help you decide.

One of the most unusual ways to find out the future is fortune-telling on the coffee grounds. You can learn more about this from our article. This is an old ritual, which lasts at least an hour. The fortune telling from the moment of falling asleep coffee to the Turk, and each detail of the ritual matters. It looks more like a rite of ceremonial magic, so it's not necessary to resort too often to him - fate does not like when it is too often asked.

The most common way of divination is fortune-telling on the maps. Probably, each girl tried to decompose cards at least once and express them, but not everyone did it.

Where to start, starting fortunate on maps

First of all, you need to choose a deck: it should be a new deck, which has not yet used, very good if the master does it alone. There are several deck of cards: the usual deck on 36 or 52 cards, tarot, Gypsy deck, Lenorman cards, etteles - you need to give preference to which you have a soul. They say that cards themselves choose their owner, so you must feel what you pull.

Before you begin to guess, you need to speak a deck so that the cards speak the truth. To do this, put a deck of cards into a linen bag, pour a little salt from the new pack and say: "Solitz-sister, you are salted, you are strong, cleaning and champions, will tell my cards to say the truth, and the prostrok, tomorrow and deceive Motovo Nevol yes evil thorns. My word is firm! True! True! True! "

Leave the bag in the eastern corner of the room for six days. After that, on the seventh day, shook the table with black cloth and burn the candle. Before the candle, put a deck of cards and leave the candle to the end. After that, the cards are ready for fortune. Space with salt, go where people do not go.

Before you fortunate the card, you need to take into my hands and listen to your feelings, the deck will tell you when you can start. Cards can not be given to someone else, and you can't play them.

How to learn to guess and correctly interpret

Immediately, I would like to note that the art of fortune telling on the maps requires a zeal and attentive attitude to the details. There is a lot of strength to the divination process, so even all known values \u200b\u200bor miniments can sometimes be interpreted in different ways. Our article will tell you about some ways to divine on ordinary maps.

It is worth noting that the values \u200b\u200bof the cards may vary depending on the method of divination. But there are several common values:

  • Kings and ladies most often denote people. Moreover, age depends on suites - peaks and trephies mean mature or older people, worms and tambourines - young.
  • Small cards "6", "7", "8" - minor circumstances: road, troubles, tears, conversations, etc.
  • 9.10, currencies - events, and pleasant or not, depends on the scenario.
  • Aces usually mean the place: home, state institution, etc.

This interpretation can be used for Gypsy deck, ethta or ordinary cards. In the maps Lenorman, there is its own interpretation of each card. For example, TUZ TREP in a Lenormman's deck has the name "Ring" and predicts marriage.

Tarot's cards came to us from Egypt. Tarot deck consists of 72 cards and is divided into the upper and lower arcanes. The upper arcanes are the cards of force and in the interpretation they determine the main essence of the scenario. The lower arcanes reveal the details, that is, they will tell why, where, and who will help or prevent you with you in your plans.

Divination by hand - Chiromantia

The chirromants say that our future is predicted over and written on the lines of our hands. Learning to guess the hand is quite difficult, and to learn this art, you need to be very careful and pay attention to the smallest detail.

The first thing you need to pay attention is your hands. The shape of the palms, the length of the fingers, the knuckles, the shape of the nails will tell you what is the person in front of you. But the lines themselves are talking about the fate of man. Moreover, it should be remembered that the current state of affairs can be found in the working hand (for the right-hander - right, for left-handed - left), the second hand indicates the future. Our article will tell you more detail about the values \u200b\u200bof the lines in your hands.

It is not necessary to despair, if it is immediately difficult to read something, only a stubborn and painstaking work, you can learn to predict the future. In addition, you need to read special literature and even outline your observations. For example, few people know that people who have extrasensory abilities, the lines in the hands are folded into triangles, especially it is clearly visible if you fold the hands of the bucket. That is how psychics determine children with magical abilities.