Karamzin N M Ilya Muromets summary. "Karamzin's literary position

Karamzin N M Ilya Muromets summary. "Karamzin's literary position

In the Razzolnen Central District Children's Library September 14, 2016 for students of "4-in" class MBOU "Razzolnenskaya School-Lyceum №1" / Class leader Tatyana Petrovna Chuikova / As part of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of N.M. Karamzin, within the framework of the year of Russian cinema, a literary journey on the fairy tale N.M. Karamzin: Bogatyr fairy tale "Ilya Muromets".

It is difficult to find such a person in Russia, which would never have heard about the glorious hero of the ancient city of Murom - Ilya Muromets. Most knows about it just what I remember since childhood from the epic and fairy tales.

Librarian Alla Konstantinovna Vasilenko and Anna Anatolyevna Savun told the guys about the epics, about Russian heroes, his exploits in front of the Russian land. I introduced the guys with an unfinished bogaty fairy tale N.M. Karamzin "Ilya Muromets".

Children with interest viewed the picture V.M. Vasnetsova "Bogatyri", showed their knowledge in the quiz and riddles on the text of the fairy tales "Ilya Muromets".

The event was fun and interesting. For readers the thematic regiment "Karamzin for all times" was organized.

The journey of watching the cartoon film "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale - Robber" was completed.

The writing

In the very movement of Western literature, with whom both Russian sentimentalism relate, we must distinguish between two trends, interrelated and at the same time opposite: the trend of the predocantness and the tendency of early realism. In general outlines, it can be said that Radishvsky revolutionary sentimentalism develops the realistic trends of this pan-European style.

Karamzinsky conservative sentimentalism develops romantic trends. However, the pathos of the national heroic of the past, the cult of popular nature and folk history, which make up the militant and progressive content of MacPherson and Klopshtock's progressant, remained alien to Karamzin. MacPherson created samples of the ancient Scots, their national heroes, images based on the Scottish folklore. The cropstoke wrote about the ancient Germans, remembering not only "Ossean", but also the German epic. And Karamzin wrote his poem "Ilya Muromets" on Ariosto and other works of the European and Russian Europeanized tradition, and not at all in the epics; His Ilya is a young knight, elegant, gentle, the second Rinald, has nothing to do with the "village" from the village of Karachar. When the question arose about the romantic recreation of the "flavor" of the person, he preferred to build romantic images surrounded by the Spanish Knight's tradition or Osianan legends than to turn to Russian folklore.

The main ideas of Western Advanced Sentimentalism were in the work of Karamzin to some narrowing, perhaps even depletion and at the same time. Perestroika in the spirit of the traditions of the Russian noble culture, traditions of Heraskov and followed by Muravyov or Neznogo Molec. From Western teachers, Karamzin is closer than other idyllic geener, who has a low and musical lyrics in prose was alien to political interests and in general ideological acute.

However, it is necessary to indicate a significant role of Karamzin in familiarizing Russian readers with Shakespeare. In the "letters of the Russian traveler" he gives the analysis of the Shakespeare tragedy; Even earlier, in 1787, he published the translation "Julia Caesar" Shakespeare, in the preface to which he wrote: "Until now, not one of the writings of the famous author, but was translated into our language; Incidentally, none of my co-owls who did not read Shakespeare in other languages \u200b\u200bcould not have enough concepts about him ... few of the writers were so deeply penetrated into human nature, like Shakespeare, few so well knew all the density of the spring, the innermost motivations, The characteristics of each passion, each temperament and every kind of life, like an amazing this painter. All the magnificent pictures of him directly imitate. "

Approximately the same Karamzin on Shakespeare in the poem "Poetry", which is also of the same time. The deformation is also characterized that the cult of nature of Western sentimentalists in Karamzin has suffered. Karamzin pulls into nature, whose beauty he can and appreciate, and depict, away from the storms of public life, in the peaceful village of the village, where the landowners are the fathers of their peasants, and the peasants are safely in the measure of their hardworking, humility and "virtue." "Rousseism" became for Karamzin not an incentive of the destruction of feudal structure, but by the method of justifying freedom from politics; It goes without saying that the relative realistic disorder of Western sentimentalists was strongly limited to Karamzin idealization of the existing world, the household realism of Western sentimentalists - an instrument of autopsy of the contradictions of life, was replaced by his rice-colored details observed through pink glasses.

The only genuine theme of the art of Karamzin is the inner world of a person, in all its "illegality", an individual accident, the motion of experiences, ranging from the sublime pathos to the troubles caused by household problems. "What is a person in favor of himself?" Said Karamzin.

Subjectivism becomes the law of his work. The theme of him is the personality of human - for him it is primarily in the subject of the person's personality. He considers it necessary to emphasize that the very problems of the psychology of creativity, the very essence of the literary work he understands in a new way. Rational norms, rules and samples for it can no longer determine the artistic structure; The work of art, in his understanding, reflects not the ideal scheme of the objective world, but the personal character of his individual creator. Muravyev also spoke that the truth was only the author's own thoughts.

IN Grade Murom, the village of Karacharov, lived two brothers. The larger brother had a wife of Tarovat, she was not great in growth, not her, and her son gave birth, Ilya called, and people - Ilya Muromers. Ilya Muromets did not go to his legs thirty-three years old, Sydded was sitting. In one roast summer, the parents went to the field to peasant, the grass to mow, and Ilyushenka carried out, put in the yard on the grass. He is sitting. Three Wanderers are suitable for him and say.

Feed alms.

And he says:

Go to the house and take what you want. I didn't go to thirty-three years old, Sydney was sitting out.

One and says.

Get up and go.

He got up.

What you want?

What is not sorry.

He burned the Chair of Zelen wine in a half bucket.

Drink yourself.

He did not say a word, he drank in one spirit.

I'll bring it yet.

He brings.

Drink yourself.

He drank everything in one spirit.

They ask him:

What kind of silhouette do you feel?

Such, kind people, that if there were a post one end in the sky, another end in the ground, drove, and the ring, I would have turned.

They were overloaded.

This is a lot of him. Look, bring more. Still brought. He drank in one spirit.

Now how?

I feel left in half.

Well, that's enough.

He from great joy went to spend them and says:

I choose the power of the Bogatyr, where is the horse now take?

Here on the way back the man will lead Strogach (two years a horse, it means) to sell, you buy, just do not trade, how much will ask, so much and give. Only filling it with three months by white-spring wheat, sending key water and let it on three dawn on silk grass, and then to the silk rope and skip through the iron tune there - to fly here. So you will be the horse. Bey to whom you want, there is no death on battle. Just do not beat with Svyatogor - hero.

Ilyushenka spent them far beyond the village. On the way back sees his father-mother peasant. They do not believe their eyes.

He asks:

Give me to eat.

I took a braid and began to flush it, did not have time to look back - the steppe lies. He speaks:

I zahmel.

Here you will have to rest. I woke up and went. Look, - the man goes, leads Strogach, he remembered.


Great, dear well done!

Do you have a plane?


Sell \u200b\u200bit to me.

How many?

Twenty rubles.

He gave, not a word said, took from the floors in the floor and led home.

He brought home, ruled him to the stable and poured Beloyar Wheat. So for three months I fed, I saw the key water, released on the silk grass to three dawn, brought it to the silk rope, the horse turns it - the courts through the iron tyne flew like a bird. Well, here is Him and Horse Bogatyr. So really happened.

Ilya Muromets fought with a nightling robber, and he [Ilya Muromets] won him. The horse under him was the hedgehog, like a bunch of a beast, his dispute. He rear hooves for the front eighteen miles dropping. He stood in Chernigov morning, and he had a dinner in Kiev-hail.

Once I drove-drifted on the road, it turned out, the road diverges into three sides and the stone is lying on this road, and on the stone inscription:

"Go to the left - you will be married, go to the right - you will be rich, you will go straight - you will be killed."

He thought:

It's still not to marry time, but I don't need to be rich. Nearby the Russian robbery Ilya Muromtsu is wealth to find, and under - to become him poor and orphans to save, defend, help everything. Give me, I will go, where death is not avoiding. After all, there is no death in the battle, not written.

And drove straight. He was driving, he drove on the wild steppe, ahead of the dense forest, drove along this dense forest. He was driving the forest from the morning to noon. I came to the glade, there is a huge oak in three clashes, they are sitting with thirty warriors under it, and they graze thirty horses in the glade. They saw Ilya Muromets and noise.

Why are you here, unsuitable muzhikovina? We are warriors of the kind of noble, and you, Manyukovina, in three versts see. Death to you!

Ilya Muromets imposed a Kaleni arrow on the bow, as he manifested in the oak, only the sins flew, the whole oak sprinkle. Bogatyrey broke, the oak paused. Ilya Muromets Konya drew and drove back and wrote on the stone:

"Who wrote: East - will be killed - not true, the path is free to passersby and pass."

Himself thinks:

Dai-ka will go where I will be rich! He was driving the day, he drove two, the third approach is approached, a high fence, at the gate of the cast-iron pillar, the cast-iron board and iron stick hangs on this post. I took Ilya Muromets and began to beat this board.

The gate opened, the old man comes out.

Go to the house, take what you want! I have storage rooms, cellars are breaking.

He thinks:

Money ash, clothes, too, and life and fame are honest all more expensive.

I went back and wrote on the stone:

"It is not true that you will be rich. Alien wealth is short-lived and fragile. "

Well, I will go on the third road, which is there for the beauty, maybe it's true, I get married.

It approaches, and there is a palace, the wooden, crystal windows, silver are covered with silver, the gold is loses.

It comes out beautiful girl and says: I

I accept, kind well done, as a beloved groom.

He took his hand right and led him to the dining room and was given to lunch honor.

Now time to relax.

Introduced into the bedroom.

Here, - says, - bed, lie down, rest.

He took, pressed his fist, she - Bulls. And there the pit is deep, so five. And there are thirty boys.

Hey guys, did you get married here?

Yes, they say - help, Ilya Muromets!

They immediately learned.

He removed the Arkan from the horse and threw it there and pulled them out, he brought everyone to one.

Well, says, go, walk on the will, and I'll talk to her.

I came down the bride, it's time to marry.

He brought into the forest, tied to the hair, pulled the tight onions. Purpose - did not hit.

And you know the witch!

He took a crawled arrow, shot in the tree.

She made such a terrible, nose crochet, two teeth. He crossed three times, she is bobbies.

He returned and wrote:

"Who wants to marry is not true, there is no bride here - fucked."

i went, drove on the wild steppe, dense forests, villages and cities and thinks;

I will go to watch the Siberian Bogatyr.

And I went to look to the Siberian Bogatyr. I was driving - I drove, drove up - a high mountain, like Ararat, just something black. He put the horse and climbed on foot, he walked with a screw, climbed, there was a tent, and in it Svyatogor - Bogatyr lies.

Is His Svyatogor - Bogatyr?

Live - well, thank you, three hundred years I live, lay, nobody hung me. I have bad sight. Raised, they shook her hands slightly.

Go down from the mountain, went-walked, see -Goba lies.

Eh, here is our death. Is yours or mine?

And the lid is dissolved. Ilya Muromets Vlez - he is spacious.

E, Ilya Muromets, early you. Well, come out, I will try.

Svyatogor - Bogatyr Vlez, just stretched out, the lid slammed. Ilya Muromets seven times crushed - the seven iron hoars rolled. Svyatogor - Bogatyr and says:

Ilya Muromets, come to me closer, I am on you, you will add to your strength.

Ilyushenka one step did, pulled the power and made three steps back.

And, it did not come up, and it would be such power, - the mother is not weak!

Ilya Muromets approached the coffin, bowed.

Well, sorry, Svyatogor - Bogatyr.

Bury me!

Ilya Muromets pulled a deep grave with a sword, a coffin of her coffin, threw him, said goodbye and went to Kiev. There he lived two hundred years. And died.

For the whole life, Ilya Muromets, many enemies of Russian land won, for which he and Slary was.

Frame from the film "Ilya Muromets" (1956)

Healing Ilya Muromets

In the city of Murom, Ilya, the Peasant Son, lives in the village of Karacharov. Thirty years he sits Sydney and cannot rise, because he does not own either hands nor legs. One day, when his parents leave and he remains alone, two glands stopped under the windows and ask Ilya to turn the gate to them and put into the house. He responds that he cannot get up, but they repeat their request. Then Ilya rises, killy implies, and they pour him a charm of honey drink. Ilya's heart warms up, and he depletely in itself. Ilya thanks Kalik, and they tell him that henceforth he, Ilya Muromets, will be great warriors and he does not face death in battle: he will fight with many mighty heroes and defeat them. But with Svyatogor, Kaliki does not advise Ilya to fight, because the Siberian Unitary Enterprise itself, the Earth itself is wearing - so he is Doroden and mighty. Shouldn't Ilya fight with Samson-hedge, because the head of the seven Hairs of Angelic. Kaliki also warned with Ilya, so that he did not enter into martial arts with the birth of Mikulov, because this genus loves his mother's mother, and with Wolge Seslavich, because Volga wins not by force, but cunning. Kaliki learn Ilya, how to get a boysk horse: you need to buy the first stallion hitting it, keep it for three months in a litter and feed with selected fast, then three nights in a row walking on dew, and when the stallion becomes jumping through high tunes, it can be ride.

Kaliki leave, and Ilya goes into the forest, to the clearing, which should be cleaned from the stump and corping, and copes with it alone. The next morning his parents go to the forest and discover that someone did all the work for them. At home, they see that their transfigure son, who could not climb from the place of thirty, walks on the hut. Ilya tells them about how he recovered. Ilya goes to the field, sees a sipped brown stallion, buys him and cares for him as he taught him. Three months later, Ilya sits on the horse, takes the blessing from his parents and goes into a clean field.

Ilya Muromets and nightingale-robber

Satisfied in Murom, Ilya goes into the way to catch Kiev to dinner. On the road, he frees Chernigov from the siege and one splits the whole enemy army. He refuses the proposal of the citizens to become in Chernigov Voevoda and asks to tell him the road to Kiev. Those are responsible for the rogue that this road overgrown the grass and no one has long been driving, because in black mud, near the river currants, not far from the glorious Levanidov Cross, sitting in the cheese of the Solovy-Robber, Odikmantev son, and his cry and poster Kills all living things in the district. But Bogatyr is not afraid of meeting with the villain. It approaches the smorodine river, and when the straw-robber begins to whistle in a nightingale and screaming in the animal, Ilya arrow knocks the robber with the right eye, fastens him to strive and goes on.

When he drives past the housing of the robber, his daughters ask her husbands to help out his father and kill the village-rustic. They grabs for Horthines, but the nightingale-robber convincesses them not to fight with the warmer, and invite to the house and generously to give, if only Ilya Muromets let him go. But the warrior does not pay attention to their backsaw and takes the captive in Kiev.

Prince Vladimir invites Ilya to dine and learn from him that the hero was driving a direct dear past Chernigov and the very places where the nightingale robber lives. The prince does not believe Bogatyry, until he shows him the captive and wounded robber. At the request of the prince, Ilya orders the villain to witness in the nightingale and nursing in the animal. From the shouting of the nightingale-robber, stuffing on teremes and die people. Then Ilya Muromets takes the robber in the field and cuts his head.

Ilya Muromets and Idolische

The inconspicuous army of the Tatars under the leadership of Idolishia is precipitated Kiev. Idolische is to the most prince Vladimir, and he knows that there is no one near the heroes nearby, frightens and invites him to himself on the feast. Ilya Muromets, who is at this time in Tsar Grad, learn about trouble and immediately goes to Kiev.

On the way, he meets the elder Pilgrim Ivan, takes his key and changing his clothes with him. Ivan in the dress of the hero goes on the feast to the prince Vladimir, and Ilya Muromets comes there as an elder. Idolische asks imaginary heroes, what is Ilya Muromets, whether he eats and drinks. Having learned from the elder that the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets eats and drinks quite a bit compared with the heroes of Tatar, Idolishche mocks Russian warriors. Ilya Muromets, disguised by a pilgrim, interferes with the conversation with mocking words about a voracious cow, which so much ate that he had burst into greed. Idoline grabs for the knife and throws it into the hero, but he catches him on the fly and cuts his head. Then it runs out into the courtyard, interrupts the key of all the Tatars in Kiev and relieves the prince of Prince Vladimir.

Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor

Ilya Muromets rides on the field, leaves for the holy mountains and sees a mighty hero, who sleeps, sitting on horse. Ilya is surprised that he sleeps on the go, and from the runway he hardly strikes him, but the heroes continue to sleep peacefully. Ilya seems that he is not a strong blow, he hits it again, is already stronger. But everything is not necessary. When Ilya has a heaven with the whole strength, he finally wakes up, grabs Ilya with one hand, puts himself in his pocket and takes with him two days. Finally, the Horse of the hero starts to stumble, and when the owner of Corios him for it, the horse answers that it is difficult for him to carry two hero.

Svyatogor is britched with Ilyona: they are changing with jacket crosses and become cross brothers from now. They go through the holy mountains and one day they see a wonderful miracle: worth a large white coffin. They start guessing for whom this coffin is intended. First, Ilya Muromets falls into it, but Svyatogor tells him that this coffin is not for him, and falls into him himself, and the named Cross Brother asks to close it with oak boards.

After some time, Svyatogor asks Ilya to remove the oak boards, which close the coffin, but, as Ilya is trying, he cannot even move them. Then Svyatogor understands that it's time for him to die, and begins to emanate foam. Before his death, Svyatogor says Ilya, so that he smelled this foam, and then none of the mighty boys will be compared with him according to power.

Ilya in a quarrel with Prince Vladimir

Vladimir Stolt Prince arranges a feast for princes, boyars and heroes, and the best of the heroes, Ilya Muromets, does not invite. Ilya is angry, takes his bow with arrows, knocks down gilded stuffs with churches and convenes a gol kabatskaya - collect gilded stuffs and carry in the zabak. Prince Vladimir sees that the whole city gol is going around the hero and together with Ilya they drink and walk. Fearing, no matter how bad, the prince is consulted with a boyars who can send Muromers for Ilya to invite him to the feast. They suggest the prince to send him to the name of his named Cross Brother, Dobryna Nikitich. He comes to Ilya, reminds him that they have had a part from the very beginning, so that he has a smaller brother to obey greasy, and more is smaller, and then calling him to the feast. Ilya is inferior to his cross brother, but he says that no one would not listen to anyone.

Together with Dobryna Nikitich Ilya comes to the princely feast. Prince Vladimir puts them on an honorable place and brings wine. After the treats, Ilya, turning to the prince, says that if the prince sent a good Nikitich to him, and someone else, he would not even listen to the sent, and would take an arrow and kill the prince with the princess. But this time the bogatyr forgives Prince Vladimir for the disadvantaged.

Ilya Muromets and Kalin King

Stolt Prince Vladimir is angry at Ilya Muromet and puts it for three years in a deep cellar. But the daughter of the prince does not approve of the decision of the Father: they secretly from him, she makes fake keys and through his trusted people, he gives a rich in the cold cellar of a rate food and warm things.

At this time, Kalin King is going to go to Kiev and threatens to ruin the city, burn churches and cut down the entire population along with Prince Vladimir and Apraquisy-korphica. Kalin King sends his messenger to Kiev with a diploma, which says that Prince Vladimir should clear all the streets of Strevetki, all the courtyards and alleys are princely and there is a complete barrel of crop drinks everywhere, so that there is something to roam the Tatar tack. Prince Vladimir writes to him in response to the guilty letter, in which she asks for Kalina-king for three years to clean the streets and plucking the hint drinks.

The specified term passes, and the Kalin king with a huge army deposits Kiev. The prince despair that there is no live Ilya Muromets and a certain defend the city from the enemy. But the princely daughter says the father that the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets is alive. The delightful prince produces heroes from the cellar, tells him about the trouble and asks to stand up for faith and Fatherland.

Ilya Muromets saddles the horse, puts on armor, takes the best weapon and goes into a clean field, where the innumerable Tatar ruffle is. Then Ilya Muromets goes in search of the Sacred Bogatius and finds them in the White Tractors. Twelve heroes invite him to dine with them. Ilya Muromets tells his crossed father, Samson Samoilovich that Kalin King threatens to seize Kiev, and asks him to help him, but he answers that neither he nor the rest of the warriors will help the prince of Vladimir, who will also feed many princes and boyars And they, Svyataruschny Bogati, have never seen anything good.

Ilya Muromets alone attacks the Tatar army and begins to trample the enemies by the horse. The horse does not tell him that one Ilele with the Tatars could not cope, and it says that the Tatars did in the field of deep subpopters and these subcords three: from the first and second horse will be able to remove the hedgehog, and from the third one himself will only get out of himself, and Ilya Murom is not to take out will be able to Bogatyr is angry at the horse, hits him with a rift and continues to fight with enemies, but everything happens as he said to him: From the third subpoint he cannot take the owner, and Ilya is captured.

Tatars shook his arms and legs and take into a tent to Kalina-king. He orders to smoke the hero and invites him to serve him, but heroes refuses. Ilya leaves the tent of Kalina-king, and when Tatars are trying to delay him, heroes grabs one of them, and, waving them as a bubble, passes through all the Tatar army. On a whistle, his faithful horse resorts to him. Ilya leaves onto a high mountain and from there shoots out of Luca in the direction of white tents so that Caleno Street removed the roof from the tent and made a scratch on his breast of his godfather, Samson Samoilovich he wakes up, guess that the arrow, which made his breast scratch, is Messenger from his gadget, Ilya, and orders heroes to saddle horses and go to the sootion of Kiev to help Ilya Muromtsu.

In a pure field, Ilya joins them, and they accelerate all the Tatar army. Kalina-king they capture, bring to the prince of Vladimir in Kiev, and he agrees not to execute the enemy, and take a rich tribute from him.

Ilya Muromets on a falcon-ship

By the couping sea twelve swims the falcon-ship, never approaching the shore. This ship is dively decorated: the nose and feed - in the form of a face of the animal, and she has two yahont instead of eyes, and instead of eyebrows - two sables. Three churches are placed on the ship, three monasters, three German trading, three sovereign Kabak, and there are three different people who do not know each other's language.

The owner of the ship is Ilya Muromets, and his faithful servant is Dobrynya, Nikitin Son. Turkish Pan, Saltan Saltanovich, notices a falcon-ship from the shore and orders his rows to swim to falcon-ship and take Ilya Muromsky captured, and Dobryny Nikitich kill. Ilya Muromets hears the words of Saltan Saltanovich, imposes a woven arrow on his tight onions and sentences her to fly to the boom right to the city, in a green garden, in a white shutter, for the Golden Table, where Saltan sits, and that she pierce the Saltan heart. He hears the words of Ilya Muromets, scared, refuses his insidious plan and will continue to be dealt with a mighty rich.

Ilya Muromets and Sokolnik

Not far from the city on the head of fifteen years old, thirty warriors under the post of Ilya Muromets live. Bogatyr rises at the dawn, takes a pylon pipe, looks in all directions and sees how an unknown warrior is approaching from the west side, drives up to the White Tutra, writes to a dip and transmits Ilya Muromets. And in that literacy, an unknown bogatyr wrote that he was going to the solar city of Kiev - the churches and sovereigns of Kabaki flasher burn, the icons in the water were drowning, the printed books in the mud to escape, the prince in the boiler to cook, and to pick up the princess. Ilya Muromets wakes up his squad and tells about an unknown defense and about his message. Together with his heroes, he thinks who to send a story to a stranger. Finally, he decides to send a good Nikitich.

Dobrynya catch up with an unknown in a clean field and trying to enter with him in a conversation. At first, the stranger does not draw any attention to the words of Dobryni, and then he turns a good one with a horse with a horse and tell him to go back to Ilya Muromtsu and ask him why he, Ilya, did not go after him.

Ashamed Dobrynya returns and tells what happened to him. Then Ilya himself sits on the horse to catch up with a stranger and to get better with him. He says to his warriors that they will not have time to cook, as he will return with a headlord's head.

Ilya is catching up with an unknown hero, and they come into a duel. When their sabers break, they are taken for the cloth, while they do not fall apart, then they are enough for the spears, and when the spears break into the hand-to-hand fight. So they are fighting the whole day, but none can hurt the other. Finally, Ilya is climbing the leg, and he falls. Sokolnik is going to stick the hero, but Ilya managed to lose the enemy with himself, he presses Sokolnik to the ground and, before staggering by his dagger, asks who he is such, what kind and tribe. He responds to Ilya that his mother is Zlatogorka, the removal of one-room removal. So Ilya finds out that Sokolnik is his native son.

Ilya asks the Son to bring his mother to Kiev, and promises that henceforth he will be the first warmer in his squad. However, Sokolnik takes the annoyance that the mother hidden from him whose son he is. He comes home and requires a response from her. The old woman is recognized in everything to his son, and he who accepted, kills her. After that, Sokolnik immediately rides a stamping to kill and Ilya Muromets. He enters the tent, where his father sleeps, takes a spear and hit him in the chest, but the spear falls into the golden native cross. Ilya wakes up, kills his son, tears his arms and legs to him and scatters the field for the extraction of wild beasts and birds.

Three trips Ilya Muromets

Ilya rides in the Latzy Road and sees the stone on which it is written that in front of him, Ilya, three roads: one to go - to be killed, on the other - to be married, on the third - to be rich.

Ilya's wealth is a lot, but to marry him, old, or something, so he decides to go along the road that threatens him with death, and meets a whole village of robbers. Those trying to rob the old man, but Ilya scares from the horse and over only the hat accelerates the robbers, and then returns to the stone and corrects the inscription on it. He writes that he, Ilya, does not threaten death in battle.

He went on another road, stopped in the Bogatyr fortress, went to church and sees that there are twelve beautiful girls from dinner, and with them the queen. She invites him to his turn to treat. Satisfied, Ilya asks the beauty to take him into the crowding, but when he sees a bed, he is suspicious in the soul. He hits the beauty of the wall, the bed turns over, and under it - a deep cellar. Kingana there and fails. Then Ilya goes to the courtyard, finds the door of the cellar, dodged with sand and firewood, and produces forty kings on the equity and forty Tsarevich. And when the beauty of the queen leaves from the cellar, Ilya cuts her head, cuts her body and spreads pieces on the field to eat wild beasts and birds.

After that, Ilya returns to the stone and regulates the inscription on it. It goes the bogatyr on the third road, which promises him wealth, and sees: stands on the road, a robust cross from gold and silver. Ilya takes this cross, takes back to Kiev and builds the Cathedral Church. After that, Ilya petrifies, and its non-reinforced relics are stored in Kiev.


Karamzin master of small forms. His only his poem "Ilya Muromets", which he called in the subtitle "Bogatyr fairy tale," remained unfinished. The experience of Karamzin cannot be considered successful. The peasant son Ilya Muromets turned into a gallant, sophisticated knight. And yet, the appeal of the poet to folk creativity, the intention of creating on its basis the national fabulous epic is very indicative. Karamzin's poem was next to the "Bova" Radishchev and was one of the predecessors of Ruslan and Lyudmila Pushkin. Karamzin could borrow and the image of the Wizard of the Black Sea, immersed the beauty in a deep widdle sleep. From Karamzin, the manner of the narrative, replete with lyric retreats of literary and personal character.

The repulsion of Karamzin from classic poetry was reflected in the artistic peculiarity of his works. He sought to free them from shye classic forms and closer to a relaxed speech. Karamzin did not write any nor Satire. The epistle, ballad, song, lyrical meditation became favorite genres. The overwhelming number of his poems does not have a stanza or written by four-oh. Rhymes, as a rule, is not ordered, which gives the author's speech is a relaxed character. This is especially characteristic of friendly messages I. I. Dmitriev, A. A. Plescheyev. In many cases, Karamzin appeals to the troubled verse for which he told the "Travel" and Radishchev. So both his ballads are written, the poem "Autumn", "Cemetery", "Song" in the story "Borngolm Island", many anacontic poems. Without abandoning four-stranded yamba, Karamzin, along with him, often uses four-stranded choree, which the poet considered a more national form than Yamb. So, to the poem "Ilya Muromets", written by four-colored choree with a dactilic clause, the author did the following note: "In reason, I will say that it is completely Russian. Almost all of our old songs are described by such verses. " Of course, this statement is erroneously, but it reflects the desire of a writer to bring Russian poetry with its national sources.

Creativity Karamzina played a big role in the further development of the Russian literary language. Creating a "new syllable", Karamzin is repelled from the "three hundred" Lomonosov, from his od and commendable speeches. The reform of the literary language conducted by Lomonosov answered the tasks of the transition period from the ancient to the new literature, when it was still premature completely abandon the use of church salvations. However, the three "calm" proposed by Lomonosov was resting not to a living speaking speech, but on the ingenious idea of \u200b\u200bthe theorist writer. Karamzin decided to bring the literary language to the conversational language. Therefore, one of his main goals was the further liberation of literature from church salvations. In the preface to the second book of Almanach "Aonids", he wrote: "One thunder of words just stuns and never comes to the heart."

The second feature of the "new syllable" was to simplify the syntactic structures. Karamzin abandoned the length periods. In the "Pantheon of Russian Writers" he strongly stated: "Prose Lomonosov cannot serve as a model for us: long periods are tedious, the location of words is not always in appearance with the current thoughts." Unlike Lomonosov, Karamzin sought to write short, easily prominent proposals. For example, we give an excerpt from the story "Poor Lisa": "Erast was until the end of the life of his unhappy. Upon learning of the fate of Lysina, he could not comfort himself and read himself a murderer. I got acquainted with him a year before his death. He himself told me his story and led me to a lysine grave. "Now, maybe they have already been reconciled!"

The third merit of Karamzin was to enrich the Russian language near successful neologisms, which are firmly entered into the main vocabulary. "Karamzin," Belinsky wrote, "the Russian literature introduced into the sphere of new ideas, and the transformation of the language was already a necessary consequence of this case."

Language reform of Karamzin had its own vulnerable parties. These first include a sharply negative attitude towards popular idioms, to vocabulary associated with the life of a simple people. The writer was focused on the sophisticated, the aristocratic tastes of the educated readers of the time belonging to the highest society, which were offended by the "low" details of the peasant life.

Karamzin belongs to the number of writers who had a strong and prolonged impact on the development of Russian literature, his story, especially "poor Lisa", caused a lot of imitation: "Rostov Lake" and "Beautiful Tatyana, who lives at the sole of Sparrow Mountains" V. V. Izmailov, "History of Poor Marya" N. P. Milonova, "Poor Masha" A. E. Izmailov, "Sophia" and "Inna" G. P. Kamenev and a number of others. Karamzin and his students created a steady type of sentimental story, peculiar and unique, as a romantic and "natural" story. The "letters of the Russian traveler" also called as extensive literature. Here and the "Journey into the midday Russia" V. V. Izmailov, and "Letters from London" P. I. Makarova, and "Journey to Malorossee" P. I. Shalikova, and a number of other works.

But the value of Karamzin's creativity is beyond the scope of sentimentalism, beyond the boundaries of the XVIII century, since it had a strong influence on the literature of the first three decades of the XIX century.