Laughter - joke - fun. Proverbs and sayings about the laughter and humor crazy and infectious laughter

Laughter - joke - fun. Proverbs and sayings about the laughter and humor crazy and infectious laughter
Laughter - joke - fun. Proverbs and sayings about the laughter and humor crazy and infectious laughter

Laughter is the only test of serious, and the seriousness is funny. Suspicious is an object that does not tolerate ridicule, and the joke, which does not withstand the test of seriousness.

Serious collapses laugh, laughter is serious.

Surprisingly, like this priests-pre-readers, looking at each other, can still stay from laughter.
Cicero Mark Tullya

There is nothing more stupid stupid laughter.
Katull Guy Valery

Who interferes, laughing, telling the truth?

People face their laugh with laughing, and crying crying.
Horace (Quint Horace Flycc)

Under weeping the heir often hid a cheerful laughter.
Publishing Sir

It is difficult to believe, meanwhile women take lessons even laughter and here are also trying to be pretty! Open your mouth with a laugh is needed moderately: two sneakers and the lower lip should be visible on the cheeks - a little bit of restructuring the bottom of the upper teeth ... Laughter should be, if you can put it, easy and something feminine for the ear! There are women, loosely mouth with an unlimited laugh. Others, laughing, shake; You can think that they cry. Third laughter has some kind of hoarse, disgusting. When they laugh, you think this is a nasty donkey roar from the millstone.

It is better to give a reason to laughter than to ridicule.
Petronia Arbitrator Guy.

From laughter not far to ridicule.

In frequent laughter we know the fool.
Unknown author

Complain about an unpleasant thing - it is to double evil; Laughing her is to destroy it.
Confucius (Coon Tzu)

And with a laugh, sometimes the heart hurts, and the end of joy is sorrow.
Old Testament. Proverbs Solomon

Do not mock a person who is in soul soul.
Old Testament. Syrah

It is better to write laughing than with tears, for laughter is a special character of a person.
Francois Rabla

Laughter is the essence of man.
Francois Rabla

You can buy people, but do not displacing and not raise them on laughter, for the gossip, mixing many, is still bad if she digs a pit at least one person.
Miguel de Cervantes Saovenova

We will laugh, without waiting for a minute, when you feel happy, - otherwise we risk die, never shy.
Jean de Labryuer

Laugh at smart people is the privilege of fools; They are the same in the world as the jesters at the courtyard: no one takes an example with them.
Jean de Labryuer

What can be ridiculous than the spectacle riding the streets of a catatball?
Jonathan Swift

He who laughs and simultaneously mixes, is doubly rudder.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shertsbury

If you believe our philosophers, a person differs from other living creatures to laugh.
Joseph Addison

A person differs from all other creatures to laugh.
Joseph Addison

All fools do not wait to ride someone.
Alexander Pop

Fresh and loud laughter is a sign of nonsense and bad education.

If ever I wonder, no one will never see me laughing.
Philip Dormer Stenkhop Chesterfield

I am not going to laugh at people who encounter me, believing that they are, if they want, they can laugh at me.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

What happened ridiculous, can not be dangerous.

It is impossible to hate a person over which you can laugh.
Samuel Johnson

Do you laugh - bad? And is it impossible to laugh, keeping full seriousness? .. Laughter better retains us the mind than annoyance and chagrins.
Gothhold Efraim Lessing

If, in the opinion of our opinion, in the treats laid, or something in the house we did not like it - not to mock the ones on the side.
Adolf von Kongege

Ridicule, that is, moral indignation must be combined
With the constancy of an exalted feeling.
Jean Pol.

A person can not be incorrectly bad if he laughed at least once from the soul.
Thomas Carlery

There is no power more destructive than the ability to represent people in a funny form.
Thomas Babington Macaula

I relate to funny, when I imagine him in a funny way ...
Karl Marx

Laughter is often the great mediator in the action of the truth from lies.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Nothing is no longer afraid of a man as laughter ... afraid of laughter, a person will keep from what I would have had any power.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

A bad sign when they cease to understand the irony, allegory, joke.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

If you want to consider a person and find out his soul, then you don't understand how he is silent, or as he says, or how he cries, or how he worries the noble ideas, but look at him better when he laughs. Well laughs man - it means a good person.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Humor is a sharpness of a deep feeling.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The smile is always good, for it opens a simple inner world of man.
Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov

Where there is no bile and laughter, there is no hope for the update. Where there are no sarcasm, there is no real love for humanity.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Continue laughing easier than finish laughter.
Goat rods

With a laugh, horror is inconsistent.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Funny afraid - the truth does not love.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

The sense of humor is a great thing. Walking in life without a sense of humor as ridiculous, how to go in a wagon without springs.
Henry Ward Becher

The mockery is always a superficial creature.
Honore de Balzac

Loose corrected morals.
Honore de Balzac

Laughter is the goard of the mind, smile - the greeliness of the heart.
Gonkur Brothers

Laughter is a physiognomy of the mind.
Gonkur Brothers

Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter from a human face.
Viktor Marie Hugo

To put in a funny light that it is not subject to ridiculous, - in some sense, it is like to pay good for evil.
Joseph Juber.

Who laughs over evil in any manifestations, not a completely healthy moral feeling.
Joseph Juber.

Smeasing people of smart is the natural privilege of fools.
Alfons Lamartin

When you laugh at people, they are not angry with them. Humor teaches tolerance, and humorist - when with a smile, and when and with a sigh - will soon shrugged, than condemning.
William Somerset Maem.

Sometimes you close your eyes to truth, good and beauty, because they give little food to the feeling of funny.
William Somerset Maem.

Laughter is a good beginning for friendship, and a laugh is good to finish it.
Oscar Wilde

You can laugh at anything, but not ever. We are joking about the mortal bed, but not at the mortal bed. Life is always serious, but it is always serious - it is impossible.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Learn the laws of life - it means to experience a number of humiliations - it's how to study skating. The only way out is to laugh at yourself along with the seva.
George Bernard Show

I don't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide for a long time.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

The sense of humor is a sense of contrast.
Khalil Jebrran Jebrran.

Laugh to tears - advice to optimists and pessimists.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Nothing climbs people as good, harmless laughter. And in the convergence of people - the main task of art.
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

To laugh at yourself - do not be afraid, self-criticism is also needed how to wash.
Maksim Gorky

Good laughter is a faithful sign of spiritual health.
Maksim Gorky

Adults you become on the day when for the first time really laughed at yourself!
Ethel Barrymore

I believe that laughter's power and tears will be able to become an antidote from hatred and fear.
Charles Spencer Chaplin

To teach the use of laughter's weapons - one of the finest and most complex things in the formation of moral views, beliefs, tastes.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The ability to laugh correctly - a team of moral health of the team and personality. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Before laughing at people, you need to learn to love them with all my heart.
Jules Renar

Laugh is invulnerable, because he laughs over himself.
Jules Renar

Who mocks others, it is afraid of mocking others.
Ryunca Akutagawa

From animals, only hyena is able to make sounds, closely resembling our laughter.
Elias Koltyti

Double laughter at all times exposed civilization. Cinema and radio are no longer required to issue themselves for art.
Theodore Adorno

We are silent and laugh at a person not because it is ridiculous, but because we need to have fun, laugh.
Lev Shestov

From funny to the great, too, only one step.
Lev Shestov

Everything is allowed. When he cries, he is not believed, and even blood is considered cranberry juice.
Lion Karsavin

When we laugh at children's absurdity, our laughter only covers the shame tested at the sight of the state to which we reduce life when it exits it from nothing.
Georges Batay

Laughter also matures.
Georges Batay

Laughter teaches: wisely evading death elements, we are only trying to save life; Then how to enter the area from which wisdom tells us to escape, we live life.
Georges Batay

The happiest laugh laughs a child.
Georges Batay

A man who laughs more funny than his victim. For sacrifice, not only victims are needed, but those who are sacrificed.
Georges Batay

The executioners are rarely laughing, and they don't have anything like everyone else.
Accommodation Delose

Of all animals, only a person is able to laugh.

Laughter is the most refined way to show your teeth to the enemy.
Werner Finink

Laughter is solely or almost exclusively caused by what denotes or indicates something obscene without obscene.
Mark Tully Cicero

Brene, live together with a laugh, less dangerous, but nonsense is more dangerous.

There is nothing more mysterious than laughter in someone else's language.
William Golding

Middle age - when you start to smile, over the earlier it was laughing.

Nothing detects the lack of a sense of humor as laughter.
Oliver Hassenemp

Laughter is silent when echo does not respond.
Julien de Falkenare.

I did not have time to open your book, as I went from laughter. Something I will certainly open it.
Gracho Marx

Laughter - disinfecting agent.
Maurice Shapelin.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
Victor Borzh

Who laughs, he forgives everything.
Vasily Zhukovsky

You can not truly love a person with whom you never laugh.
Agnes Repter

With whom you can laugh together, you can work together.
Robert Orbene

Laughter for no reason - a sign of excellent mood.
Mikhail Genin

Even if there is no reason for laughter, laughing on credit.

I think, therefore, laugh.
John Polos.

Man is the only animal that can laugh, although he has the least reasons for this.

Laughter is infectious, as well as sowing.
Heinrich Heine

It seems, Pavlovsky conditioned reflex does exist. Every time, the laughter recorded on the TV is distributed, the viewer involuntarily yawns.
Robert Orbene

Frenchman - Merry, Russian - mocking; The Frenchman rises, because he laughs, Russian laughs, because it rises.
Vasily Zhukovsky

Half of people laughs above another half, and both are stupid.
Baltasar Grasian

  • You wake up over others, we pay on yourself.
  • After laughing there are tears.
  • There are smiles worse tears.
  • Over the old, do not last - you hire yourself.
  • Do not laugh, peas, no better beans: they will smack - and the burst itself.
  • Do not laugh, kvass, no better than us.
  • A pot over the boiler laughs, and both blacks.
  • Do not last someone else's trouble: Own on the ridge.
  • You will not be laughing.
  • Laugh to cry brings.
  • Do not last, peas, above the beans, you will be under your feet.
  • Who is riddled, that leaking.
  • Other laughing rates.
  • Do not last brother, someone else's sister: his own in the girls.
  • From the Great to Funny One Step.
  • One ridiculous, and the other came to the heart.
  • Laughter through tears.
  • Wreshorka swallowed.
  • Chicken on laughter.
  • Funny fool that nose on the side.
  • Laugh over yourself.
  • I went to fun, spend your belly from laughter.
  • Laughter is not a sin, row is pleasant for everyone.
  • Who laughs a lot, there is easier living.
  • Laughter for no reason, sign fool.
  • I would laugh at the fool, I do not have my own.
  • In vain laughing, I can't cry.
  • Laughs the one who laughs last.
  • And laughter and sin.
  • Such a joke that is terribly.
  • The soldier laughs - the enemy will have to cry.
  • Cheerful laughter - health.
  • Funny fool that mouth on the side.
  • It happens laughter through tears.
  • Other laughter, as in sin: breaks out, and man will be offended.
  • Not any - do not last, and others do not bother.
  • Laughter strength brother.
  • Laugh laughter, but the matter is.
  • Laughter laugh, and jokes to the side.
  • We will not live a laugh.
  • What you get lazy, then your own.
  • Good laughter is not sin; With a laugh and trouble in Polwy live.
  • Who is mixed by the world, the whole world is worth.
  • Laughter is a native brother of power. (Belor)
  • Then you laugh when the soul will be happy. (Mord)
  • Who is easy to heart, the whole world laughs. (Ukr)
  • Who is cheerful, he always laughs. (Mord)
  • Over fallen not laugh. (Tuvin)
  • Do not laugh at those who fall first. (Abkhaz, Adyg, Cabard)

Proverbs about laughter

Proverbs and sayings about the balanchers, jokes, laughter

Humor makes life more fun. Jokes, laughter, smiles are joying the house, in the soul. With them and health is better, and things are easier. Proverbs and sayings are told about it. At the same time, they teach to distinguish the fun state of the soul and a cheerful, rampant lifestyle, a good joke and the one that can offend. Good holiday with laughter and jokes. No wonder the proverbs say that laughter prolongs life.

  1. And the case was - and the goat of the wolf eaten.
  2. Without pumping for no hour.
  3. Bezheless crate rogue, a cake for her sinus, she looked at the sinus, peeping blindly, pulled out, the guard shouted with a mute, fearlessly fled.
  4. Whether at home, but do not forget that you are visiting.
  5. Was a mare - the clamp was not; The claw got - the mares did not.
  6. In people lived - the light was seen, the ax shoved on the leg, the axes were rejected.
  7. In the vegetable vegetable garden, and in Kiev, uncle. I love you for that that Wednesday is a holiday.
  8. In a joke, it is said, and seriously intended.
  9. You laughter, and we have no half amell.
  10. You can't buy a cheerful lav.
  11. Fun case is not a hindrance.
  12. Fun - from misfortunes.
  13. The winds blowed - the cap was blocked, the caftan was removed, the mittens themselves slept.
  14. Saw in a dream Kisel, so there was no spoon; Less sleeping with a spoon - did not see the jelly.
  15. Voron flew, the dog was sitting on the tail.
  16. Here it is why she did not shoot: it was not charged.
  17. Here you are Cukish: what do you want, that and buy.
  18. Anyway: What is eighteen, that without two twenty.
  19. Every joke is dissolved: the cat is fun, and the mouse is on trouble.
  20. It is said that the chickens do, and the cows eggs are carrying.
  21. Hol Mudra, Gol Schitra, went to fiction: stockings of the new, heels goals, saming barefoot.
  22. Thunder thunder, but not from clouds, but from the dung heap.
  23. Breasts, the tongue is not shoulder.
  24. The lip is not a fool, tongue is not a blade: knows that bitterly, which is sweet.
  25. Let's go to visit each other: first you will call me, and then I will come to you.
  26. Let's be friends: I'm for you, then you me to yourself.
  27. Clear thing that the matter is dark.
  28. Day by night - Ahi shorter.
  29. Good joke friendship is not ruins.
  30. Good, in someten the bucket: hoops under the bench, and the riveting in the oven it will not flow.
  31. More expensive ruble do not joke.
  32. I went for anything, brought anything.
  33. If it were not for Kaba and not, the general would have been long ago.
  34. There is a fur coat, and stitched, but the wolf is sewn.
  35. I drove not going and "well" is not lucky.
  36. Wait for cancer on the grief whistles.
  37. For bread-salt, every joke is good.
  38. Footing a bunch with a kvass, a prostrochus with milk.
  39. Great, Kuma! - on the market was. - Al do you deaf? - Yes, I bought a rooster. - Goodbye, Kuma! - Five Altyn gave.
  40. We know you, not the first time, you were with us, the boots disappeared at that time, we did not think about you, only after you there was no one.
  41. And the wolf cavity, and not laughing.
  42. And we do not lapties scraper.
  43. And it happens that the sheep wolf eats.
  44. Ivan, zoomy my feller! - What are you? - Yes, you hang, a hunk in your hands. - Well, put in the header! - Do not climb.
  45. Ivan, tell me my horse "TPRU"! - And what? - The lips frozen.
  46. From the flea to the top, and from the match the ax.
  47. From the Osin drawn thirty-three holling came out.
  48. Other laughing rates.
  49. Kaba is not cauba, then the mushrooms grew in the mouth.
  50. No matter how the dog is referred to, and the tail behind.
  51. Like neither tosses, one of the other in short.
  52. What's your name? - The name is called, and they are duck.
  53. The goat disappeared: there was eight - nine it became.
  54. Cumshot - Goulai boldly.
  55. The cow roars, the bear is roaring, and whoever he does whom, the devil himself will not discern.
  56. The cow was dumbed: the ass was drilled, and in front of the schi cooked.
  57. The egg shakes, and the crow began to have learned.
  58. Who sat down on a nail, not to the joke.
  59. Who ate the cake? - Not me! - And who else? - To me.
  60. Who knows how to have fun, that grief is afraid.
  61. Who jokes joking, he twists his whores.
  62. Laziness, take the door - burn! - Sgoru, and not reversal!
  63. People praise - not capture, people are hulad - do not shovel; Winds believe - do not dispel; The sun is dried - won't argue; Rains urine - not twist.
  64. Bear dog is not an indoor; Pig in the garden is not a gardener, and wolf lambs are not a shepherd; Bad Judge, who is stupidly deaf.
  65. Medwell caught! - Arrange here! - Does not go! - So go myself! - Yes, it does not allow!
  66. Missing the case with idleness, spending eyelids with fun.
  67. We urine, we droin, then began to dry. We dried, we dried, rushed into the water.
  68. On a fly with an ax, on a mosquito with a mist.
  69. On Moroz Street, and in his pocket money is melted.
  70. Do not bargain.
  71. The attack is afraid of smiles.
  72. Do not care on the bed, and you can sleep on the floor.
  73. Do not be afraid of the dog - the owner on the tie.
  74. Not for what, what other than the other one.
  75. Not to joking fish, if the crochet under the gills is enough.
  76. I did not bought a woman with a cap - let the ears frown.
  77. Do not laugh, peas, no better beans.
  78. Do not laugh, kvass, no better than us!
  79. Do not fall, Friday, overhead Thursday, wait for your series.
  80. Not so that so, and not very very much.
  81. Not ridiculous that the yard entered, it is ridiculous that it's nourishing from the courtyard.
  82. Do not joke with fire - you will burn.
  83. Do not joke with such a joke, who is in any word a bit.
  84. None, neither boiled, and even that burned.
  85. One leg is shod, the other is swollen, and if the third was, I don't know how to go.
  86. One feather a hundred broom, and others do not count.
  87. He does not say something: the Word pops up that forks, and silent.
  88. Bad is a joke that ends the quarrel.
  89. Muffle yourself over yourself: you will laugh in healthy.
  90. Wait for a fur coat, and do not catch it, at least let's say that it was hug away.
  91. He fell a finger into the sky - in the middle.
  92. Come to visit me when I'm not at home.
  93. Roger than not clothes, yes there is still a calm.
  94. Sit on what you stand.
  95. He knocked down, sculpted - that's the wheel! Selo yes went - ah, good! Loved back: some needles lie.
  96. Weddings without jokes and no booms.
  97. Skalozubs are not lobs.
  98. Laughter through tears.
  99. Laughter is not sin.
  100. You will not be laughing.
  101. Laughter, and the case - the case.
  102. Dog, what are you lazy? - I scare wolves. - Dog that the tail was pressed? - Wolves fear.
  103. The front is sea, behind - grief, right - moss, left - "Oh".
  104. Stop - shake, go - do not stumble, say - do not stick, vria - do not sneak.
  105. So do not oh, rejoy again.
  106. It's funny to you, and I got to the heart.
  107. Nevertheless, there is no way.
  108. Tit, go thigh! - Pubjuno hurts. - Tit, go soup dry! - Where is my big spoon?
  109. He does not disappear who relies on God.
  110. You are silent, and I will succeed.
  111. Fool and jokes stupid.
  112. Who has nothing, and we have as much.
  113. The gloomy fun is bored, merry and boredom has fun.
  114. He has feathers in a lining, Satan in a patch.
  115. It is so pleased, but not as you like.
  116. Smile joke helps, mood raises.
  117. The mind says: It's time to go from the courtyard, and Hop says: Wait to beat, but together home.
  118. I will do the case to do, I'll be able to do it.
  119. Quality to joke - I'll be able to stop.
  120. I'll be able to joke - I will be able to drupt.
  121. The cleaner, like pop semen: Books sold, bought cards, climbed into the Ovin, but plays one.
  122. Skullochie joke - people hang people.
  123. Umnitsa, clever! All the street knows about it, the rooster and chicken, the cat Ermosha and I am a little.
  124. FEDUL, what lips poured? - Yes, Kaftan burned. - Can I clean up? - Yes, there are no needles. - Does the hole are great? - Yes, one gate remained.
  125. I wanted to sit on two stools, and found himself on the floor.
  126. What do you carry? - hay. - Which hay, it's firewood! - And if you see, so what are you asking?
  127. What should we build a house: let's draw - we will live.
  128. What are you doing? - Nothing. - What about you? - Yes, I help him.
  129. You can be cautious, but you can get into trouble.
  130. Judge, do not bother.
  131. Wear jealous, and people are not mudy.
  132. The joke warms a man.
  133. Joke joke, and the matter is.
  134. The joke is a minute, and charges for an hour.
  135. Jokes love over the foma, so love and above yourself.
  136. A joke is good neighbor will not polish, but a tongue on a joke, like a razor, turns.
  137. Joke joke - all cheer.
  138. I'm not me, and the horse is not mine, and I am not a cab driver. - Russian proverbs and sayings

Proverbs about laughter

You will not be laughing.

Where sin, there and laughter.

Other laughing rates.

It's funny to you, and I got to the heart.

Hurry up - rush people.

Stupid to say - people to mix.

Fool and crying with a laugh rushing.

Laughter is not sin.

Although it dislike, yes laugh.

Laughter - the best medicine.

Oath is a smart scary, and stupid is funny.

To whom passion is to attack, to whom the luxury fun.

Even a thin mockery bites.

Not everyone laughs who scalit's teeth.

Mulge laughter, and great sin.

Fast Pospekh - people on laughter.

You laughter, and we and the floor laughing is not.

Where laugh there and cry.

Continue laughing easier than finish laughter.

Laughter, and the case - the case.

Not funny - the wife of a husband beats, and it is funny that the husband is crying.

About laugh

Laughter for no reason - a sign of fools.

Laughter and tear personifies.

Without bread - death, without salt - laughter.

I cries my eyes, and my heart laughs.

And laughter and sin.

Sin is not laughter when death comes.

You will not be laughing.

People of Tyn Yes, and he is laughing da fun.

People of the tyne yes, and we are laughing and fun.

I would be glad to cry, yes laughter overcome.

One fun, another not to laughter.

Do not laugh, peas: no better beans.

Where sin, there and laughter.

Well laughs the one who laughs last.

Laughter - not smoke, eyes do not eat.

And the wolf cavity, but not laugh.

Do not laugh, horseradish, not sweetering radish.

Single snipples, and the matter is.

Although it dislike, yes laugh.

From the fool and crying with a laughter rushing.

Hurry up - rush people.

Mulge laughter, and great sin.

Laughter - the best medicine.

We cry, nor laughing (i.e. grief).

To whom passion, to whom there is a laughter.

Do not last over old, and you will be old.

Above the friend was laughing at his own way.

The right ears laugh, and the guilty and the language is sad.

The joy of laughter is a native brother of power.

Not funny - that my husband has a husband, otherwise it's funny that the husband is crying.

This is a chicken laughter. Chickens laugh.

On a fun hour and death is not terrible.

Age of the absenteeism, do not smile.

Have fun, yes red dies.

Poverty is not a sin, but the invoice is not laughter.

It is ridiculous that in the abdomen of here.

The heart is having fun, and the face blooms.

Every joke has a bit of truth.

Laugh to cry brings.

They brought on sin, and left on laughter.

With a fool laughter takes, and grief here.

Embanks are good, yes what they will be pubes.

I cried not to pay, but do not blame laugh.

Everyone with laughter rolled. With laughter do not burst.

I would joke the features with demons, water with Lesus.

Under the power of trouble with laughs, and nememo - with tears.

And the fool is not every joke to face.

Grandfather dies, and Baba laughter.

Laughter is an integral part of our life when we laugh, we truly live. We offer you a selection of positive status about humor, laughter and smile. Let them raise the mood to you and your friends! Read the statements and aphorisms about laughter, and most importantly, do not forget to smile and give a smile to the world!

They say that laughter prolongs life. How do not twist, and in this aphorism there is a share of truth. To date, there is even a science of treatment with a laugh, based by Norman Casins. It all started with the fact that Kazins heard a deadly diagnosis from doctors. Since then, he began to close regularly in his room and watch comedy. That was the case, a miracle happened - he recovered. This once again proves that laughter is better than a medicine, not only from problems, bad mood, but also about the ailments themselves.

Unlike laughter, a smile can be a lucava. To laugh, a crumble of the soul, much more difficult, but to smile easier than simple. Do not dear, give the surrounding only a sincere smile, such that the child can give. After all, children's laughter and smile are the most sincere and good-natured. Learn to overcome all the difficulties with a smile and enjoy life as children do.

The child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, happily surprising, sympathizing, wanting good, if you failed to call him a wise and good smile, he will laugh viciously, his laughter will be a mockery.

Laughter is an integral part of childhood.

Laughter is a good beginning for friendship, and laugh is good to finish it.

Laugh with friends, not above them, and your friendship will be eternal.

Laughter for no reason - a sign of an unfinished higher education.

People with ended education always have a reason for laughter - the size of their salary ...)

Humor is the truth in safe doses.

Doses are safe until the black humor begins ...

Who often dies from laughter, longer lives.

When we laugh to death, we extend our lives.

Humor and laughter - along with love - the main components of a healthy life.

Want to be healthy? Never release laughter from your life!

Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter from a human face.

If you wanted warmth, then it's time to smile.

Do not lose sense of humor. Humor for a person is the same as the aroma for roses.

A person who has a sense of humor will be able to get out beautifully from any situation.

Quotes of great men

Good laughter is sunlight in the house (William Teckerei).

Without laughter, the house will be overcast even on the most sunny day.

In the house where you laugh, happiness comes (Japanese proverb).

Give each other smile, raise more often and open the doors of happiness!

While we laugh - everything is fine with us (Sol Bello).

Man lives as long as he laughs.

Double coming to kindness
And so that someone does not hurt
When you laugh loudly,
Cleaway through the wall of the heart to see (E. Evtushenko).

Never laugh at what a person experiences pain.

Laugh with others, not over others (Elbert Green Hubbard).

Laughter exists in order to raise the mood, and do not make fun of someone.

Laughter - the shortest distance between two people (Viktor Boj).

Want to get closer - smile to each other!

The one who never laughs itself, misses many excellent cases to laugh (Sarah Duncan).

Sometimes own actions can be a great reason for laughter.

Laughter for no reason - sign fool (Belarusian proverb).

Fools, as happy, mean, we will laugh!

Laughter - the strongest weapon in the victory over anger (Grigory Naziazine).

When a person overwhelms anger, you just need to laugh it.

Crazy and infectious laugh

Laughter is infectious, as well as sowing.

It is better to get laugh than influenza!

Some people have such a contagious laughter that when they laugh, you laugh and you, not even knowing what we are talking about ...

Laughter without understanding the essence is a great time)

It happens that not to laughter here,
And in front of the ears without mood
Moment jumpers, laughter splashes sweep,
Then take it and, not embarrassed, they like it.

Let everyone have more reasons for laughter!

The most infectious laugh is the chef!

Especially when he gives salary ...)

Excessive look, infectious laughter!
The figure is slim (pah, ugh, ugh, so as not to smooth!)
And let the modesty decorate only those
Who more has nothing to embello!

The contagious laughter attracts more of all sorts of decorations!

The infectious laughter has a health effect on painful sadness.

Want to feel like a doctor - inhibition of people with their laugh and heal them from sadness ...)

About laughter and smile

All the joy of life fits in a smile of a child!

The smile of a child is the most precious diamond!

Life is a smile even when tears run on the cheek ...

And if the cheeks flow tears from laughter, then you live in paradise.

The smile is worthless, but it is expensive ...

Appreciate those who give you their smile.

Smile - when on the sky clouds.
Smile - when in the soul of bad weather.
Smile ... And immediately get better.

Smile, and everything will be like in a song: "From a smile will become all silent ...")))

Let's smile more often
So that the mouth was straight to the ears.
And laugh can be poured
Like three-year-old kids.

Learn to enjoy life in children ...)

In the world of NE, there is nothing genuine, with the exception of a children's smile.

Children's smile is the most sincere, which may be.

Laughter without a reason - a sign that you or an idiot, or a pretty girl.

And why did you forget about normal guys?)

Watch for a laugh of a small child, he is so natural, he goes out of his depth, it seems as if joyful bells sound from the heart itself.

Children's laughter is the real life!

Let laughter and smile become your companions for every day. Squate quotes and aphorisms about laughter and forward to a meeting for new discoveries!

Proverbs and sayings about laughter and humor

There is a losseling by snacks, and the matter is.

Embanks are good, yes, what are the mixes.

Well joked, the people pounded.

Good laugh at dry shore.

Judge, do not bother.

Wear jealous, yes behind the spacious spaces.

The jester in friendship is unreliable.

Judge, yes look around.

You can be cautious, but you can get into trouble.

I joked, and I got out.

He joked Martyn, and fell under the tune.

Wasting the line with your brother.

Joking over the other - love joke and over yourself.

The joke to the good will not bring.

The joke is not done for harm and not for shame.

The joke in the sinus does not climb.

The joke warms a man.

Joke like salt: it is necessary to joke carefully.

The joke is a minute, and charges for an hour.

Joke joke, and the matter is.

Joke-minute, and the case is an hour.

Jokes aside.

Jokes are joking, and people are not mudy.

Joke joke, all cheering.

No joke in friendship do not believe.

Shutt do not believe.

This is a church on laughter. Chickens wake up.

This laugh before tears.

Boyar joke is glad, but he does not go to a row.

We live joking, and the Pomrem is really.

For a joke, do not be angry and no offense is not going.

I started a joke - lost fox fur coat.

And the fool is not every joke to face.

Other laughing rates.

Laugh the Boca was supervised.

Do not fool, and so is not a smart.

Not before good cheated.

Do not laugh, brother, someone else's sister: his own girls.

Bad joke - Balamautka.

The last laugh is better than the first.

Laughter is the same vitamin.

Laughter - strength brother.

Laughter laugh, and jokes to the side.

You will not be laughing.

On a fun hour and death is not terrible. Children's laugh

A century will wish, as if you live.

Have fun, yes red dies.

You can't buy a cheerful lav.

I want to live a cheerful, I can't die!

Fun better wealth.

Everyone with laughter rolled.

Every joke is dissolved: the cat is fun, in the mouse for trouble.

Where sin, there and laughter.

I cries my eyes, and my heart laughs.

There is nothing to live fun.

For bread-salt, every joke is good.

For a joke, do not be angry, and no offense is not going.

And the wolf cavity, but not laugh.

And people come out with a question. Do not drive, you will get out.

Children's laugh

And laughter and grief. And laughter and sin.

Fool and crying with a laugh rushing.

To whom passion is to attack, to whom the luxury fun.

Who in joy lives, the turn of Nemet.

Who is cheerful, and who and the nose hung.

Who people are having fun, the whole world costs.

Who does not like (not understand) jokes, do not joke.

Who is riddled, that leaking.

Mulge laughter, and great sin.

Missing the case with idleness, spending time with fun.

Missing the case with idleness: you will not go crazy.

Above the friend was laughing at his own way.

Over whom you will get up, he pays over to you.

Do not last a friend without outriving the century.

Do not laugh, peas: no better beans. Do not laugh, water: young herself.

Children's laugh

Do not last over old, and you will be old.

Do not laugh, horseradish, not sweetering radish.

Not ridiculous - the wife of a husband beats, and it's funny that the husband is crying not to joke: from the club will fall out, kill.

Do not joke with a jerk: sticks and probe.

No better than fun, to whom heart joy.

There is no better joke like a sather.

From joy, the head extended, the spirit is silent.

Put the soul (i.e., rejoice, honest).

Crying and laughter - brothers.

Bad joke Balamautka.

Children's laugh

Surrounding (under the power) trouble with laughs, and nememoch (no power) trouble with tears.

The last laugh is better than the first.

Hurry up - rush people.

I would be glad to cry, yes laughter overcome.

Joy is not eternal, sadness is not infinite.

The heart is having fun, and the face blooms.

A tearless tears will develop, and the lady with a laugh will take away.

Laughter - Pushka: Punked, played, and I threw.

Laughter causes laughter, and sadness breeds sadness

Laugh to cry brings.

Laughter - the best medicine.

Laughter laugh, and a joke on (c) side.

Laughter prolongs life.

Laughing thirty years at the gate stands, and will take it. Children's laugh

You will not be laughing.

Single snipples, and the matter is.

With laughter do not burst. No better than fun, to whom heart joy.

People will laugh, and we will laugh.

Where birds are found, there is water; where the laugh is heard, people live

Who has a ruble cry, and I have a penny jumps.

At mocking teeth of Bella.

He and hand laughs I'm laughs.

Quality to joke, mind and stop.

Clell to joke, mind and mischievous.

Skullochie joke - people hang people.

The right ears laugh, and the guilty and the language is sad.

Well laughs the one who laughs last.

Children's laugh

Although it dislike, yes laugh.

What you will get up, we will work.

Knead jokes, and rye buy (and rye take care).

Joking over the other (others), love joke and over yourself.

Jad joke, and buy bread (and duty of pay).

Jad joke, yes no muta.

You love a joke over the foma, so love and above yourself.

Joke to jump, we smash people.

Joke joke, all cheering.

This is a chicken laughter. Chickens laugh.

This joke (not) is in fox fur coat (the joke in the fur coat: heat, it is beneficial to the joker; not in the fur coat: goal, rude, unpleasant).

There is nothing to live fun.

Joy is not eternal, sadness is not infinite.

God and crying is in joy draws (implementing).

Missing the case with idleness, spending time with fun.

Missing the case with idleness: you will not go crazy.

The joke in the sinus does not climb.

For a joke, do not be angry, and no offense is not going.

To sharpen balls, sharpening bales, benchings.

For bread-salt, every joke is good.

Joke to jump, we smash people.

Joke joke, all cheering.

Skullochie joke - people hang people.

Who people are having fun, the whole world costs.

Joker Deadman: Jold yes and died.

Joker Dead: Pomer on Tuesday, and on Wednesday I got up my horse stole.

There is no better joke like a sather.

And people come out with a question. Do not drive, you will get out.

Joking people honey drink. I joked, joked, and I got out.

Jokes walk in the fur coats. Joke something.

Boyar joke is glad, but he does not go to a row.

The jester is not a jester, but a good dumping.

The jester is striped, feeding, pea, reprint.

Without pumping for no hour. Our intestinal row is.

Cat mice are buried. The cat woken up, Lisa has suffered.

This is a chicken laughter. Chickens laugh.

The heart is having fun, and the face blooms.

From joy, the head extended, the spirit is silent.

The lands do not hear the land (unwinding; from joy).

Put the soul (i.e., rejoice, honest).

Take a laugh. Laugh the Boca was supervised.

Everyone with laughter rolled. With laughter do not burst.

At mocking teeth of Bella.

A tearless tears will develop, and the lady with a laugh will take away.

No better than fun, to whom heart joy.

Fun better wealth. You can't buy a cheerful lav.

Walking fun, as a soldier according to the charter in Frunte.

Have fun, yes red dies.

He is like a red egg. He and his hand laughs and leg laughs.

Dance, soul, without Cantush, look for a pan without a Zafana.

And the stove and the shop dance. Go, hut, go, Torny!

The cab driver, what you take to the soot up?

Who has a ruble cry, and I have a penny jumps.

On a fun hour and death is not terrible.

Quality to joke, mind and stop.

Excellent pursuit (joke) is not suitable for fun.

Justice, the ink in the face did not join the face (until you are angry).

Above the friend is jealous until the paint does not enter the face.

More (more expensive) Ruble do not joke.

The joke in good will not introduce (it will not bring good).

In jokes, the truth does not happen. In jokes, the truth of HCI in what the laughter lives, in that sin.

On the bass (on the lasa) you will leave nearby.

You never know. Wasting the line with your brother.

I would joke the features with demons, water with Lesus.

With a sharp (feature), do not joke: it will take it.

Leshel will joke - I will not let home; Water joke - drowns.

I joked for a house: the horse in the doorway dragged (broke).

The fool and the house will burn, so the fire is glad.

Bad joke Balamautka. Well joked, the people pounded.

Nevertheless, there is no way.

Nevertheless, they do not give in hand.

However, they do not play, from what dying.

Do not joke with a feature: burst out of the baton, kill.

Cat toys, but the mouse of the tears.

Every joke is dissolved: the cat is fun, in the mouse for trouble.

Yagananova joke (gun) Basins his own.

Sports, yes whisked. Sports, having fun, yes to the pit and fell.

I started a joke: lost fox fur coat.

Made a joke: removed the fur coat with the barbaro.

And the fool is not every joke to face.

Not to the place sad, not to good cheerful.

Do not fool, and so is not a smart.

From the fool and laughing weeping rushing.

Clell to joke, mind and mischievous.

The guy is you funny (funny), will you be living?

Do not last a friend without outriving the century.

Embanks are good, yes what they will be pubes.

Over whom you will get up, he pays over to you.

People will laugh, and we will laugh.

What you will get up, we will work.

The last laugh is better than the first.

He joked Martyn, yes hid (fell) under the tune.

Do not last, brother, someone else's sister: his own in the girls.

Do not laugh at your nose: it's not a nose (runny nose. Pskov province).

Do not laugh, peas: no better beans.

Surrounding (under the power) trouble with laughs, and nememoch (no power) trouble with tears.

There is no laughter (not to laughter).

It is better to dwell in the house of the righteous, rather than in the house of the joy of lawless.

Who in joy lives, the turn of Nemet.

I want to live a cheerful, I can't die!

Beautiful (husband) on sin, and bad on laughter.

Spend the stomachs, tummy; burst, turn, fall into laughter; Mix, to do with a laugh, staying for the sides.

Full your teeth to rinse. And the wolf cavity, but not laughing.

Hohchchi, if the teeth are good (do not hurt the teeth).

Laugh to laugh: they still did not grow up on the teeth.

Not before good cheated. This laugh before tears.

Laugh thirty years at the gate stands, and will take it.

You will not be laughing. Laughter - Pushka: Punked, played, and I threw.

Laugh to cry brings. And laughter suggests.

Other laughing rates.

He joked Martyn, and fell under the tune.

Who is cheerful, and who and the nose hung.

It's funny to you, and I got to the heart (and he is nauseous).

It is ridiculous that in the abdomen of here.

Behind the fun hide hides on the heels.

Neither sorrow without joy, no joy without sorrow.

And laughter and grief. And laughter and sin.

With a fool laughter takes, and grief here.

I'm playing game, but the matter is. Single snipples, and the matter is.

Beer beer, the matter is, and the joke is in someone else's village.

Laughter laugh, and a joke on (c) side.

Jokes aside. Joke joke, and the matter is.

Knead jokes, and rye buy (and rye take care).

The jester in friendship is incorrect (unreliable).

Shutt do not believe. No joke in friendship do not believe.

Do not joke with a jerk: sticks and probe.

Good laugh at dry shore.

The joke is not a loaf.

Nibbled (nibble) nuts are not for mockery.

This joke (not) is in fox fur coat (the joke in the fur coat: heat, it is beneficial to the joker; not in the fur coat: goal, rude, unpleasant).

Jokes are joking, and people are not mudy.

Jad joke, yes no muta.

Jokes to joke - people torture. Good jokes, Balamaunt.

He jokes jokes, his whore twists.

Judge, yes look around. Wear jealous, yes behind the spacious spaces.

Jad joke, and buy bread (and duty of pay).

In an age-old joke, no one will become.

Another and a century to surround, smoothly joke to joke.

We live joking, and the Pomrem is really.

Do not laugh, water: young herself.

Do not laugh, peas, above us (above the beans): you will be under your feet (or: they smack, burst).

Joking over the other (other), love jokes and over yourself.

You love a joke over the foma, so love and above yourself.

Who does not like (not understand) jokes, do not joke.

Well, the jug is full of joke (Lisa said, hitting his head into him).

Fully joking, said the wolf cappon, let go of the paw.

Raise whom on the teeth. Get someone on your teeth.

Also ridiculous, yes I went.

Insert people were smart, but now more fun.

Now, the people hurt the ridiculous: and they will not be given to sit.

Who is riddled, that leaking.