Victoria Dragunsky stories. Good books at all times: Denisnic stories

Victoria Dragunsky stories. Good books at all times: Denisnic stories

Once in the evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She, probably, was delayed at the institute, or in the store, or maybe for a long time standing at the bus stop. I do not know. Only all the parents of our yard have already come, and all the guys went with them at home and already, probably drank tea with bagels and cheese, and my mother was still not ... read ...

Once we did the lessons with the Michemale. We put notebooks in front of them and wrote off. And at that time, I told Mishke about Lemors that they had big eyes like glass saves, and that I saw a photo of Lemur, as he holds for a fountain pen, the little-small and a terribly cute. To read...

I have some fives in the table. Only on the thoruscript of the Four. Because of Kleaks. I don't know how to do! I always score blots from the feather. I am only the most tip of the pen in the ink in the ink, and the blots score all the same. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page purely clean, any-expensive watch - a real five. To read...

When the dad fell ill, the doctor came and said: read ...

Suddenly, our door opened, and Alenka shouted from the corridor ... Read ...

Boys and girls! - said Raisa Ivanovna. - You finished this quarter well. Congratulations. Now you can relax. On vacation we will arrange a matinee and carnival. Each of you can dress up in anyone, and for the best suit will be issued a bonus, so get ready. To read...

All 1st-grade boys "B" had pistols. We have conspited to always walk with weapons. And each of us in your pocket always lay a pretty gun and a stock of the piston tapes. And we really liked it, but it was not for long. And all because of the movie ... read ...

When I was six years old or six and a half, I absolutely did not know who I will finally be in this world. I really liked all people around and all work too. I then had a terrible confusion in my head, I was some kind of confused and could not really solve, for what I was taken. To read...

Last summer I was at the cottage at Uncle Volodya. He has a very beautiful house, similar to the station, but a little bit smaller. To read...

I have long already noticed that adults ask little very stupid questions. They seemed to be consumed. It turns out as if they all learned the same questions and ask them to all guys in a row. I am so accustomed to this case that I know how it all happens if I get acquainted with some adults. It will be so. To read...

We recently walked in the yard: Alenka, Bear and me. Suddenly a truck drove into the courtyard. And there is a Christmas tree on it. We ran for the car. Here it came up to the house management, stopped, and the chauffeur with our janitor began to unload the Christmas tree. They shouted to each other ... Read ...

This case was so. We had a lesson - work. Raisa Ivanovna said we make everybody by a tear-off calendar, who will figure out. I took the cardboard, saked her green paper, I cut through the closure in the middle, I attached a match box, and put a stack of white leaves on the box, adjusted, put down, crowded and wrote on the first leaf: "With the first May!" To read...

Another when I was small, I was presented with a tricycle. And I learned to ride it. Immediately sat down and went, not at all afraid, as if I went through bicycles all my life. To read...

When I went home from the pool, I had a very good mood. I liked all the trolleybuses that they are so transparent and everyone to see everyone who goes in them, and the ice creasers liked that they were fun, and liked that it was not hot on the street and a breeze to cool my wet head. To read...

That summer, when I did not go to school, we had a repair in the yard. Bricks and boards were lying everywhere, and in the middle of the courtyard there was a huge bunch of sand. And we played on this sand in the "defeat of the fascists near Moscow", or did the kulichs, or just so they played anything. To read...

When I was a preschooler, I was terribly foul. I absolutely could not listen about something pitiful. And if someone ate whom, or threw into the fire, or sharpened in the dungeon, "I immediately started crying. For example, the wolves eaten a goat, and the horns of the legs remained from him. To read...

Tomorrow the first of September, "Mom said. - And then autumn came, and you will come to the second class. Oh, how time flies! .. read ...

It turns out that while I hurt, it was very warm on the street and two or three days left for the spring of our vacation. When I came to school, everyone shouted ... read ...

Marya Petrovna often goes to drink tea. She is all so complete, the dress is stretched closely as a pillow on the pillow. In her ears, different earrings hang out. And she decreases with something dry and sweet. To read...

If you think so it's just some horror: I have never flown on airplanes. True, I almost flew a little bit, but it was not there. Foured. Right trouble. To read...

The stories of Viktor Dragunsky highlights the love of children, knowledge of their psychology, spiritual kindness. The prototype of the main character was the Son of the author, and the Father in these stories is the writer himself. Viktor Dragunsky wrote not only perky stories, most of whom probably happened to his Denis, but also a bit sad and instructive ("man with a blue face"). Good and bright impressions remain after reading each of these stories, many of which are shielded. Children and adults with pleasure reread them again and again.

© Dragunsky V. Yu., Heirs, 2014

© Dragunskaya KV, Preface, 2014

© Chizhikov V. A., Afterword, 2014

© Losin V. N., illustration, Noah., 2014

© AST Publishing House, 2015

* * *

About my dad

When I was small, I had dad. Victor Dragunsky. Famous children's writer. Only nobody believed me that he was my dad. And I screamed: "This is my dad, dad, dad !!!" And started fighting. Everyone thought he was my grandfather. Because he was not very young. I am a late child. Junior. I have two older brothers - Lena and Denis. They are smart, scientists and pretty bald. But all sorts of stories about dad know much more than me. But since they didn't become children's writers, and I, then write something about dad usually ask me.

My dad was born a long time ago. In 2013, on December 1, he would have been a hundred years. And not somewhere there he was born, but in New York. This is how it happened - his mother and dad were very young, got married and left the Belarusian city of Gomel to America, for happiness and wealth. About happiness - I do not know, but with wealth they did not happen at all. They fed solely with bananas, and in the house where they lived, hefty rats ran. And they returned back to Gomel, and after a while they moved to Moscow, to cover. There my dad was poorly studied at school, but I loved to read books. Then he worked at the factory, he studied at the actor and worked at the Satira theater, and also a clown in the circus and wore a red wig. Probably, so I have a hair - redhead. And in childhood I also wanted to become a clown.

Dear readers !!! I am often asked how my dad is doing, and ask me to ask him to write something more - more and more wise. I do not want to upset you, but my dad has long died when I was only six years old, that is, thirty years ago it turns out. Therefore, I remember quite a few cases about it.

One case is. My dad loved the dogs very much. He dreamed of getting a dog all the time, only my mother did not allow him, but finally, when I was about five and a half years old, a spaniel puppy called Toto appeared in our house. So wonderful. Eared, spotted and thick paws. He had to feed it six times a day, like a breast child, why Mom was a little angry ... And once my dad coming from somewhere or just sit at home, and there is something you want. We go to the kitchen and find a saucepan with a semolina, but with such a tasty (I generally tolerate the manna porridge), which is immediately eaten her. And then it turns out that this is a totoshina porridge, which Mom has been specifically welded in advance to mix with some vitamins, as prescribed puppies. Mom was offended, of course.

The disgrace is a children's writer, an adult, and ate porridge puppy.

It is said that in his youth my dad was terribly cheerful, all the time something invented something, around him there were always the most cool and witty people in Moscow, and we have always had noisy, having fun, haggles, holiday, feast and solid celebrities. This, unfortunately, I no longer remember - when I was born and grown slightly, my dad was hypertension, high pressure, and it was impossible to noise in the house. My girlfriends, who are now completely adult aunt, still remember that I had to walk on tiptoe, so as not to disturb my dad. Even I was somehow not very allowed to him so that I did not disturb him. But I still penetrated him, and we played - I was a frog, and dad - a respected and kind lion.

We also walked back to the street on Chekhov's street, there was such a bakery, with bagels and a dairy cocktail. We were still in a circus on the colored boulevard, sat at all closely, and when clown Yuri Nikulin saw my dad (and they worked together in the circus before the war), he was very happy, took the microphone from the Sprukhtamyser and especially for us sang "Song about Zaitsev" .

My dad collected bells, we have a whole collection at home, and now I continue to replenish it.

If you read "Denisian stories" carefully, then you understand what kind of sad. Not everything, of course, but some are just very. I will not call what. You re-read and feel. And then - verify. Here are some surprise, they say, how did it manage to penetrate the child to penetrate the child, talking from his face, right as if the child himself and told himself? .. And very simple - dad so all his life and remained a little boy. For sure! A person does not have time to grow up - life is too short. A person has time to just learn to eat, not stupid, walk, not falling, something to do there, smoke, lie, shoot from the machine, or on the contrary - to treat, teach ... All people are children. Well, in extreme cases, almost everything. Only they do not know about it.

I remember about dad I, of course, not much. But I can compose all sorts of stories - funny, strange and sad. This is from me.

And my son is very similar to my dad. Well, poured! In a house in a kareny row, where we live in Moscow, elderly pop artists live, who remember my dad young. And they are called the topic - "Dragoon Great". And we love dogs with the theme. Our dacha is full of dogs, and those who are not ours, just come to dine us. One day some striped dog came, we treated it with a cake, and she liked that she eaten and from the joy of the asshole with his mouth bought.

Ksenia Dragunskaya

"He is alive and glow ..."

Once in the evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She, probably, was delayed at the institute, or in the store, or maybe for a long time standing at the bus stop. I do not know. Only all the parents of our courtyard have already come, and all the guys went with them at home and already, probably drank tea with bagels and cheese, and my mother was still not ...

And now they began to heal in the windows of the lights, and the radio began to play, and dark clouds were moved in the sky - they were like bearded old people ...

And I wanted to eat, and my moms were not, and I thought that if I knew that my mother wants to eat and waiting for me somewhere on the edge of the world, I would instantly ran to her, and would not be late and not Forced her to sit on the sand and bored.

And at that time a bear came into the courtyard. He said:

- Great!

And I said:

- Great!

Bear sat with me and picked up a dump truck.

- Wow! Said Mishka. - Where did you get? And he himself picks up the sand? Not himself? And dumps himself? Yes? And handle? What is she? Can you spin it? Yes? BUT? Wow! Let me go home?

I said:

- No I will not give. Present. Dad gave before leaving.

Bear fell and moved away from me. The yard became even darker.

I looked at the gate, so as not to miss when my mother comes. But she did not go. It can be seen, I met a aunt rose, and they stand and talk and do not even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Here Mishka says:

- Do not you give a dump truck?

- Decay, bear.

Then Mishka says:

- I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for him!

I say:

- compared Barbados with a dump truck ...

- Well, do you want, I will give you a swimming circle?

I say:

- He burst with you.

- You stick it!

I even got angry:

- And to swim where? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

And the bear sneaked again. And then says:

- Well, it was not! Know my kindness! On the!

And he handed me a box of matches. I took her in hand.

"You're open it," said Bear, "then you see!"

I opened a box and first did not see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if somewhere far, a tiny star was burning away from me, and at the same time I myself kept her now in my hands.

"What is it, Teddy," I said in a whisper, "what is it?"

"This is a firefly," said Bear. - What is good? He is alive, do not think.

"Teddy bear," I said, "take my dump truck, do you want?" Forever Take, we are coming! And I give this asterisk, I'll take her home ...

And the bear grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, I looked at him, I looked and could not look at what he was green, as if in a fairy tale, and how he was close, on his palm, but shining, as if from afar ... and I could not smoothly breathe, and I heard my heart knocks, and a little bit in the nose, as if I wanted to cry.

And I sat for a long time, very long. And no one was around. And I forgot about everyone on white light.

But then Mom came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they began to drink tea with bagels and cheese, Mom asked:

- Well, how is your dump truck?

And I said:

- I, Mom, traded him.

Mom said:

- Interesting! And for what?

I answered:

- on firefly! So he lives in the box. Rogasy Light!

And the mother redeemed the light, and in the room it became dark, and we began to look at the pale green asterisk.

Then mom snapped light.

"Yes," she said, "this is magic!" But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing, like a dump truck, for this worm?

"I waited for you for so long," I said, "and I was so bored, and this firefly, he turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.

Mom looked at me closely and asked:

- And what exactly is it better?

I said:

- Yes, how do you not understand?! After all, he is alive! And glows! ..

Mystery becomes apparent

I heard mom told someone in the corridor:

- ... The secret always becomes clear.

And when she entered the room, I asked:

- What does this mean, Mom: "The secret becomes clear"?

"And that means that if anyone comes dishonestly, everyone will find out about him, and he will be ashamed, and he will punish him," Mom said. - Understood? .. Little sleep!

I cleaned my teeth, went to bed, but did not sleep, and all the time I thought: how does it turn out that the secret becomes clear? And I did not sleep for a long time, and when I woke up, it was morning, my dad was already at work, and my mother and I were alone. I again cleaned my teeth and began to have breakfast.

At first I ate an egg. It is still tolerant, because I have taken out one yolk, and the protein shrewed with the shell so that it was not visible. But then Mom brought a whole plate of manna porridge.

- Eat! - Mom said. - without any conversations!

I said:

- I can not see a manna porridge!

But Mom screamed:

- Look at whom you have become like! Wrong shrug! Eat. You must recover.

I said:

- I press her! ..

Then my mother sat down with me, hugged me behind my shoulders and asked gently:

- Want, let's go with you to the Kremlin?

Well, I would ... I do not know anything more beautiful than the Kremlin. I was there in the grain chamber and in the weapon, stood near the king gun and know where Ivan Grozny was sitting. And there is still a lot of interesting things. So I quickly answered my mother:

- Of course, I want to in the Kremlin! Even more!

Then mom smiled:

- Well, eat all porridge, and let's go. And I'll wash the dishes yet. Just remember - you have to eat everything to the bottom!

And Mom went to the kitchen.

And I stayed with the porridge alone. I drank her spoon. Then he sat down. I tried - well, it is impossible to eat! Then I thought that, maybe the sugar is missing? Springled sand, I tried ... Even worse. I do not like porridge, I say.

And she was also very thick. If it were liquid, then another thing, I would climbed and drank it. Here I took and fused in porridge boiling water. It was still a slippery, sticky and disgusting. The main thing is when I swallow, my throat itself shrinks and pushes this porridge back. Hornly offend! After all, I want to go to the Kremlin! And then I remembered that we have horseradish. With horseradish, it seems almost everything can be eaten! I took and poured into porridge all the jar, and when I tried a little, my breath immediately got his eyes and stopped, and I probably lost consciousness, because I took the plate, quickly ran to the window and splashed the porridge to the street. Then immediately returned and sat down at the table.

At that time, Mom entered. She looked at the plate and was delighted:

- Well, what Deniska, what a guy is well done! Ate all porridge to the bottom! Well, get up, dress, working people, go for a walk to the Kremlin! - And she kissed me.

At the same moment the door opened, and a policeman entered the room. He said:

- Hello! - And approached the window, and looked down. - And an intelligent person.

- What you need? - Mom asked strictly.

- How not to be ashamed! "The policeman even became at the Rack" Smirno. " - The state provides you with new accommodation, with all the amenities and, by the way, with a garbage chute, and you pour out the different muck behind the window!

- Do not slander. I do not pull out anything!

- Oh do not pour out?! - Militizer was glazedly laughed. And, opening the door to the corridor, shouted: - The victim!

And we entered some uncle.

I looked at him, I immediately realized that I would not go to the Kremlin.

On the head of this uncle was hat. And on the hat our porridge. She lay almost in the middle of the hat, in a sneaker, and a little bit around the edges, where the tape, and a little behind the collar, and on the shoulders, and on the left brummery. He entered, immediately began to stutter:

- The main thing, I go to be photographed ... And suddenly such a story ... porridge ... mm ... manna ... hot, by the way, through the hat and then ... burns ... how will I send my ... FF ... photo, when I'm all in Casha?!

The mother looked at me here, and her eyes became green, like a gooseberry, and this is the right sign that Mom was terribly angry.

"Sorry, please," she said quietly, "Let me clean you, go here!"

And they all went to the corridor.

And when mom returned, I was even scary to look at her. But I overcame myself, went to her and said:

- Yes, mom, you said yesterday correctly. The secret always becomes clear!

Mom looked into my eyes. She looked for a long time and then asked:

- Did you remember it for life?

And I replied:


When I was a preschooler, I was terribly foul. I absolutely could not listen about something pitiful. And if someone ate whom, or threw into the fire, or sharpened in the dungeon, "I immediately started crying. For example, the wolves eaten a goat, and the horns of the legs remained from him. I roar. Or Babarich put in the barrel of Queen and Tsarevich and threw this barrel into the sea. I again root. But how! Tears run from me with thick jets directly and even merge into whole puddles.

The main thing is when I listened to fairy tales, I already in advance, even before that very terrible place, it was tuned to cry. I was shrieking and broke my lips and the voice began to tremble, as if someone was shaking me for a collar. And Mom simply did not know what to do, because I always asked her to read me or told fairy tales, and I understood the terrible thing, as I immediately understood it and began to cut a fairy tale on the go. For some two to three seconds before the trouble happens, I was already taken by a trembling voice asking: "This place is missing!"

Mom, of course, missed, retells from the fifth to the tenth, and I listened further, but only a little bit, because in fairy tales every minute there happens something, and as soon as it became clear that there was some misfortune to happen again , I again started to scream and begging: "And it will miss!"

Mom again missed some kind of bloody crime, and I had a little calmed down. And so with excitements, stops and rapid abbreviations, my mom eventually traveled to a prosperous end.

Of course, I still thought that the fairy tales from all this became some not very interesting: first, very short, and secondly, there were almost no adventure in them. But but I could listen to them calmly, do not lean tears, and then still after such fairy tales you could sleep at night, and not roll with open eyes and fear until the morning. And so I really liked such abbreviated fairy tales. They were given so calm. How it's all the cool sweet tea. For example, there is such a fairy tale about a red hat. My mother and I have so much they planted so much that it became the most short fairy tale in the world and the most happy. Mom her here was said to:

"There was a red hat. Once she dried pies and went to spend her grandmother. And they began to live-knew and look important. "

And I was glad that they were all so good. But, unfortunately, it was not all. I especially experienced another fairy tale, about the hare. This is a short such fairytale, like readers, everyone in the world knows:

One, two, three, four, five,
A bunny went out,
Suddenly a hunter runs out ...

And here I had already started pinching in the nose and the lips traveled into different directions, the upper right, the lower left, and the fairy tale continued at that time ... The hunter, it will suddenly run away and ...

Right in the bunny shoots!

Here I had a heart straight. I could not understand how it turns out. Why does this ferocious hunter shoot right in the bunny? What did the bunny do it? What is he, the first began, or what? After all, not! After all, he did not go away? He just came out to walk! And this one is straight, without conversations:

Bang Bang!

From your heavy double bastards! And here the tears began to flow from me, as from the crane. Because the bunny wounded in the belly shouted:

Oh oh oh!

He shouted:

- Oh oh oh! Take goodbye! Goodbye, Run and Bunny! Goodbye, my cheerful, easy life! Goodbye, allay carrots and crisp! Farewell forever, my Polyanka, and flowers, and dew, and the whole forest, where the table and the house was ready for each bush!

I have revealed with my own eyes like a gray bunny falls under a thin birch and dying ... I fledged in three streams with flammable tears and spoiled the mood to all, because I had to calm down, and I only roared and roared ...

And once at night, when everyone went to bed, I lay for a long time on my folding bed and remembered the poor fellow bunny and everyone thought it would be good if it did not happen to him. As it would truly well, if only all this did not happen. And I thought about it for so long that suddenly imperceptibly related all this story:

One, two, three, four, five,
A bunny went out,
Suddenly a hunter runs out ...
Straight into the bunny ...
Do not shoot !!!
Do not face! NOT PAF!
Do not oh-oh!
My bunny is not dying !!!

Blimey! I even laughed! How everything turned out! It was the most real miracle. Do not face! NOT PAF! I put one thing only "not", and the hunter did not have protutopal in his lurking boys past the bunny. And he stayed to live! He will again play in the mornings on Rosyskaya Polyanka, will jump and jump and bother the paws in the old, drunk stump. Single funny, glorious drummer!

And I was lying in the dark and smiled and wanted to tell my mother about this miracle, but I was afraid to wake it up. And eventually fell asleep. And when I woke up, I already knew forever, that I will no longer roam in muddy places, because I can intervene at any moment in all these terrible injustices, I can intervene and turn everything in my own way, and everything will be fine. We just need to say on time: "Not a FIF, not Paf!"

That I love

I really like to lie down the stomach on my knee, lower my arms and legs, and so hang on the knee, like underwear on the fence. I also love to play checkers, chess and dominoes, just to win. If you do not win, then do not.

I love to listen like a beetle digs in a box. And I love on the day off in the morning to climb the dad into bed to talk to him about the dog: how we will live spacious, and buy a dog, and we will deal with it, and we will feed it, and what it will be funny and smart, and how She will steal sugar, and I will be behind it myself wipe the puddles, and she will walk behind me like a faithful dog.

I love also watching TV: I don't care, let even only one tables.

I love to breathe my mother's nose in the ear. Especially I love to sing and always sing very loudly.

Hornly love stories about red cavalrymen, and that they always won.

I love to stand in front of a mirror and grimace, as if I am a parsley from the puppet theater. Sprots I also love very much.

I love to read fairy tales about Kanchil. This is such a small, smart and mischievous lan. She has funny eyes, and small horns, and pink polished empty. When we live spacious, we will buy our Kancile, he will live in the bathroom. I also like to swim there, where finely, so that you can stay hands for the sandy bottom.

I love to wave a red checkbox on the demonstrations and blew up in "Reta-yield!"

I love calling on the phone.

I love to strict, saw, I know how to sculpt the heads of the ancient warriors and bison, and I blinded the muffuhar and the king gun. All this I love to give.

When I read, I love gnawing a tear or something else.

I love guests.

I still love tune, lizards and frogs. They are so deft. I wear them in your pockets. I love the dick lay on the table when I dine. I love when the grandmother shouts about the frog: "Remove this nasty!" - And runs away from the room.

I love to laugh ... Sometimes I don't want to laugh at all, but I make myself, I squeeze out of myself - you look, after five minutes, it really becomes funny.

When I have a good mood, I love to ride. Once Pope and I went to the zoo, and I grew around him outside, and he asked:

- What are you downloading?

And I said:

- I'll jump that you are my dad!

He understood!

I love to go to the zoo! There are wonderful elephants. And there is one elephant. When we live spacious, we will buy an elephant. I am put on him a garage.

I really love to stand behind the car when he snatch, and sniff gasoline.

I love to go to the cafe - there is ice cream and drink it with a gashed water. From her rolling in her nose and tears protrude in their eyes.

When I run along the corridor, I love myself with all my might.

I love horses, they have such beautiful and good faces.

First Publication: 1959

Since the first publication in 1959, Denisian stories read children in the entire then still a huge country. These stories are engaged in their simplicity and children's immediacy not only children, but also adults. Thanks to this, many series stories are fascinated, and the main hero of the stories - Denis Kostlift became the main character of several more films filmed not by the stories of Dragunsky.

The plot of the books "Deniskin Stories"

Viktor Dragunsky's stories about Denis Shift appeared not by chance. Just at the time of the release of the first stories, the son of Dragunsky - Denis was 9 years old, and the author was fascinated by his childhood on the example of his son. For him, he wrote most of the stories, and it was his son who was the main reviewer of all the work of the Denisian stories series.

In a series of stories later, the preschooler appeals to the collection of "Deniscory", and then the preschooler, and then the schoolboy of the younger classes - Deniska Kostliv with his friend of the Mishka Elephant. They live in Moscow in the 60s. Thanks to its vitality and living child interest, they constantly stick into different amusing and interesting stories. Deniska will throw off the manna porridge in the window to go with mom faster in the Kremlin. It will change in a circus in places with a boy and then flies with a clown under the circus dome, and then at all gives advice to Mom as it is to cope with household chores. And many more, and many interesting and funny stories.

But love Denisian stories read in many respects for their kindness and instructiveness. After all, all of them end well, and after each of these adventures, Deniska found a new rule for himself. All this is especially true in the current aggressive world, so it is not surprising that many parents are the stories of Dragunsky read for their children.

"Denisian stories" on the site top books

The presence of "Denisian stories" in the school program further raises interest in the works. Such an interest allowed the stories to take a worthy place in our ranking, as well as be presented among. And considering that interest in the work does not exist, we will not once again meet "Denisian stories" in our book ratings. You can get acquainted in more detail with the stories collected in the collection of "Denisnic Stories" below.

All "Denisian stories"

  1. Englishman Poll
  2. Watermelon Lane
  3. White amadins
  4. Main rivers
  5. Goose throat
  6. Where it is seen, where it is dying ...
  7. Twenty years under the bed
  8. Deniska is gathered
  9. Chimka and Anton
  10. Uncle Pavel Põlopnik
  11. Pets' corner
  12. Enchanted letter
  13. The smell of heaven and mahoreochki
  14. Healthy thought
  15. Green leopards
  16. And we!
  17. When I was a child
  18. Puss in Boots
  19. Red ball in blue sky
  20. Chicken bouillon
  21. Wall Motobiles
  22. My familiar bear
  23. On garden big movement
  24. We must have a sense of humor
  26. No worse than you, circus
  27. Independent Gorbushka
  28. Cannot change anything
  29. One drop kills a horse
  30. He is alive and shines ...
  31. First day
  32. Before bedtime
  33. Spyglass
  34. Fire in the flague, or the feat of the ice ...
  35. Dog Thief
  36. Sing wheels - tra-ta
  37. Adventure
  38. Professor of sour
  39. Workers crush stone
  40. Talking ham
  41. Tell me about Singapore
  42. Exactly 25 kilos
  43. Knights
  44. From top to bottom, painter!
  45. My sister Ksenia
  46. Blue Dagger
  47. Glory Ivan Kozlovsky
  48. Elephant and radio
  49. Slonich Lyalka
  50. Death Spy Gadyukina
  51. Battle of clean river
  52. Old navigat
  53. Mystery becomes apparent
  54. Quiet Ukrainian night ...
  55. Third place in the style of Butterfly
  56. Troika by behavior
  57. Amazing day
  58. Teacher.
  59. Fantômas
  60. Sly fashion
  61. Man with blue face
  62. Chiki-Bryk
  63. What Mishk loves
  64. That I love…
  65. ... and what I do not like!
  66. Hat grandmaster

Victor Dragunsky

Denisian stories

Part one

He is alive and glow

That I love

I really like to lie down the stomach on my knee, lower my arms and legs, and so hang on the knee, like underwear on the fence. I also love to play checkers, chess and dominoes, just to win. If you do not win, then do not.

I love to listen like a beetle digs in a box. And I love on the day off in the morning to climb the dad into bed to talk to him about the dog: how we will live spacious, and buy a dog, and we will deal with it, and we will feed it, and what it will be funny and smart, and how She will steal sugar, and I will be behind it myself wipe the puddles, and she will walk behind me like a faithful dog.

I love also watching TV: I don't care, let even only one tables.

I love to breathe my mother's nose in the ear. Especially I love to sing and always sing very loudly.

Hornly love stories about red cavalrymen, and that they always won.

I love to stand in front of a mirror and grimace, as if I am a parsley from the puppet theater. Sprots I also love very much.

I love to read fairy tales about Kanchil. This is such a small, smart and mischievous lan. She has funny eyes, and small horns, and pink polished empty. When we live spacious, we will buy our Kancile, he will live in the bathroom. I also like to swim there, where finely, so that you can stay hands for the sandy bottom.

I love to wave a red checkbox on the demonstrations and blew up in "Reta-yield!"

I love calling on the phone.

I love to strict, saw, I know how to sculpt the heads of the ancient warriors and bison, and I blinded the muffuhar and the king gun. All this I love to give.

When I read, I love to gnaw a tender or something else.

I love guests.

I still love tune, lizards and frogs. They are so deft. I wear them in your pockets. I love the dick lay on the table when I dine. I love when the grandmother shouts about the frog: "Remove this nasty!" - And runs away from the room.

I love to laugh. Sometimes I don't want to laugh at all, but I forcing myself, I squeeze out of myself - you look, in five minutes and really becomes funny.

When I have a good mood, I love to ride. Once Pope and I went to the zoo, and I grew around him outside, and he asked:

What do you download?

And I said:

I'll jump that you are my dad!

He understood!

I love to go to the zoo! There are wonderful elephants. And there is one elephant. When we live spacious, we will buy an elephant. I am put on him a garage.

I really love to stand behind the car when he snatch, and sniff gasoline.

I love to go to the cafe - there is ice cream and drink it with a gashed water. From her rolling in her nose and tears protrude in their eyes.

When I run along the corridor, I love myself with all my might.

I love horses, they have such beautiful and good faces.

I like a lot of things!

... and what I do not like!

What I do not like, so it is to treat teeth. As I will see a dental chair, I immediately want to escape on the edge of the world. I still do not like when guests come, get up on the chair and read poems.

I do not like when dad and mom go to the theater.

I can not tolerate the eggs, when they are shaking them in a glass, they will cover the bread there and force it.

I still do not like when mom goes to walk with me and suddenly meets aunt aunt!

They then talk only to each other, and I just don't know how to do.

I do not like to walk in a new costume - I'm in it as wooden.

When we play in red and whites, I do not like to be white. Then I go out of the game, and that's it! And when I am red, I do not like to capture. I still run away.

I do not like when I won.

I do not like when a birthday, play "Causta": I'm not small.

I do not like when the guys are set.

And I don't like it very much when I crush, in addition - to smear your finger with iodine.

I do not like that we have been closely and adults in the corridor every minute, go here, who and a frying pan who is with a kettle, and scream:

Children, do not turn under your feet! Caution, I have a hot pan!

And when I go to bed, I do not like, so that in the next room I sang a chorus:

Lily of the valley, valley ...

I do not like very much that on the radio the boys and girls speak old women! ..

"He is alive and glow ..."

Once in the evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She, probably, was delayed at the institute, or in the store, or maybe for a long time standing at the bus stop. I do not know. Only all the parents of our courtyard have already come, and all the guys went with them at home and already, probably drank tea with bagels and cheese, and my mother was still not ...

And now they began to heal in the windows of the lights, and the radio began to play, and dark clouds were moved in the sky - they were like bearded old people ...

And I wanted to eat, and my moms were not, and I thought that if I knew that my mother wants to eat and waiting for me somewhere on the edge of the world, I would instantly ran to her, and would not be late and not Forced her to sit on the sand and bored.

And at that time a bear came into the courtyard. He said:


And I said:


Bear sat with me and picked up a dump truck.

Wow! Said Mishka. - Where did you get? And he himself picks up the sand? Not himself? And dumps himself? Yes? And handle? What is she? Can you spin it? Yes? BUT? Wow! Let me go home?

I said:

No I will not give. Present. Dad gave before leaving.

Bear fell and moved away from me. The yard became even darker.

I looked at the gate, so as not to miss when my mother comes. But she did not go. It can be seen, I met a aunt rose, and they stand and talk and do not even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Here Mishka says:

Do you give dump truck?

Castle, bear.

Then Mishka says:

I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for him!

I say:

Compare Barbados with a dump truck ...

Well, do you want, I will give you a swimming circle?

I say:

You have a burst.

You stick it!

I even got angry:

And where to swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

03:44 10000
07:38 400
11:15 200
09:24 4600
05:03 3600
07:35 2000
08:34 4800
11:57 35000
05:28 30000
03:25 5000
02:16 20000
05:42 2800
05:26 3000
07:04 100
06:22 2200
04:37 4401
09:25 0
05:40 1400
04:29 2400
03:39 15000
08:26 1800
04:38 3200
09:16 2600
08:29 3400
05:08 3800
06:41 4000
03:54 600
11:41 1600
05:38 1200
04:16 25000
06:41 1000
06:02 800
02:46 4200

Denisian stories of Dragunsky with a slight movement of the thoughts of the author open the veil of the daily life of children, their joys and excitement. Communication with peers, relationships with parents, various incidents in life - this is what Viktor Dragunsky describes in his works. Funny stories with a sensitive vision of important trifles inherent to the author, occupy a special place in world literature. The writer is known for its ability to see everything good and remarkably to explain to children, which is really good, and what is bad. In the stories of the Dragunsky, each child will find similarities themselves, will receive answers to exciting questions and from the soul will laugh at the funny cases from the life of the guys.

Victor Dragunsky. Interesting biography details

Usually, with surprise, readers find out that Victor was born in New York. It so happened that his parents moved there in search of a better life, but they did not succeed in a new place. After just a year, the boy and his parents returned to his homeland - to the city of Gomel (Belarus).

The childhood of Viktor Dragunsky passed on the road. Stephipa drove him with himself on tour, where the child learned to parody people well and generally play in the public. At that moment, his creative future was already predetermined, however, like most children's writers, he did not immediately come to this lesson.

The Great Patriotic War imposed a mark on his fate. Thoughts, aspirations, paintings seen in the war, changed Victor forever. After the war, Dragunsky set forth the goal of creating his own theater, where every talented young actor could manifest himself. He succeeded. Blue bird - so was named the theater of the Victor parodii, in a few moments received recognition and glory. So happened to all, for what would not be taken by Draguns. Starting Deniscory stories read, you will definitely notice the notes of the author's subtle humor, which he attracted children in the theater and circus. The children were crazy about him!

It was this theater that became the starting point of his path, which led to the writer's creativity, who subsequently leaving Deniscory stories as a gift. Victor Dragunsky began to notice that during his speeches, a particularly good reaction was in children. Dragunsky even was lucky enough to work clown, won the love of small spectators.

In the late 50s, on the memoirs of friends, Viktor seemed that it was time to change something in life. He did not leave a feeling of approaching something new on the creative path. And once, being in his sad thoughts, Dragunsky wrote the first children's story, who became a real inverence for him. The first Deniscories of Dragunsky stories instantly became popular.

Denisian stories read so interesting because the author had a real talent easily and brightly describe household situations, mixed above them, and sometimes to reflect. Viktor Dragunsky could not predict that his works would enter the classics of children's literature, but the knowledge of children and the love of them did their job ...