Why say "listen" aroma? Perfume listen or sniff? Why are the spirits listen, and not sniff? Frequent questions Password for Nuit Etoilee - "Wyoming", American staff with nature of unreal beauty.

Why say
Why say "listen" aroma? Perfume listen or sniff? Why are the spirits listen, and not sniff? Frequent questions Password for Nuit Etoilee - "Wyoming", American staff with nature of unreal beauty.

Perfume composition does not publish a sound. This is normal?

Since the Roman poet and philosopher, Many theories about the nature of the smell were proposed. All of them can be divided into two groups: contact and wave. Biochemist, perfume critic and author of the publication "Perfume Guide" Luka Turin - one of the main supporters of the wave theory. According to it, the fragrance is determined by the frequencies of oscillations of interatomic bonds in molecules perceived by the sentences. But neither she nor any other of serious theories offers to compare the smell with sound. Nevertheless, the identification of the flavor with music is common practice, and perception of perfumery is equal to listening. Why?

The main reason is an insufficient dictionary for describing smells, minor - romanticization of perfume art. In the perfumery lexicon, the terms "notes" and "Accord" were firmly substantiated. For the first time they were proposed by English perfume and chemist George Wilson Septimus Pessa in the middle of the XIX century. In his book "The Art of Perfumery" (1857), he cites the compliance of the perfume ingredients known to it and sound gamut notes. It is enough to have elementary knowledge in music to understand: the work of Pieres looks at least, controversial. The modern supporters of the "hearings" of the spirits lead the following logical (as it seems to them) chain: the aroma, like music, consists of notes, they merge into chords, and even the workplace of the perfume is called the body that he creates his "melody". It may seem to be a beautiful comparison, but has nothing to do with reality. We know five major feelings: vision (sensitive body - eyes), rumor (ears), smell (nose), touch (skin) and taste (language). Smells are perceived by an olfactory apparatus consisting of an olfactory epithelium in the upper nasal sink, a peculous nerve, terminal nerve and an added olfactory bulb in the front brain, and is interpreted by a limbic brain system. Not a word about ears. In addition, the smell is a set of many chemical compounds that are not able to issue sounds. The identification of smell with music, as well as with visual images, tactile and taste, is the result of the synesthetic perception, individual in each particular case. And, as already mentioned, describing his own impressions of the smell, we resort to the help of dictionaries from other perception systems, because the olfactory dictionary is extremely scudy.

What are you doing with the smell, if you do not listen? An obvious answer to this question will be "felt", "feel", "perceive". These are neutral words, but they are most suitable for the proceeding process of smell. No one prohibits and cannot prohibit describe flavors and smells by any associations and epithets, but the use of the word "listen" in this context is a rough logical error. Journalists and consultants in perfume shops are its main distributors. The only question on this topic, to which we still have no answer - how the word "sniff" is worse than the word "listen"? In English, the smell process corresponds to the word "Smell" (sniff, smell), in rare cases "Feel" (feel) and never - "Hear". What negative connotations the word "sniff" has in Russian, which, being the only true, determining the process of smell, was it ousted by another inappropriate to him in meaning and logic to the verb?

Have a question? Set it in the comments belowand we will answer in Libraries Aromo.

Why say "listen" aroma? You probably noticed that in perfume shops, consultants usually offer customers not to smell, but listen to one or another fragrance. "Strange," you thought. "Nevertheless know that the smells of a person catches your nose, not ears. Then why they say that the flavors are listening, and not sniffing? Where did this strange terminology come from? " Well, let's understand. Why say "listen" aroma, and not "sniff"? Of course, "Listen to Aroma" is an expression figurative. You do not need to bring the bottle of perfume to the ear to hear something there. And, nevertheless, where did it come from? It's all about the associativity of our thinking. For example, we often spend parallels between the smell and taste. Describing the taste of marching wine, we most likely say about his stunning bouquet. And many aromatic plants are associated with us with a certain taste, since we often use them as seasonings. Some scientists also tried to draw an analogy between color and smell. They assumed that the seven major spectrum colors could correspond to seven musical notes. Scientists managed to spend semantic parallels between the smell and sound. A great contribution to this area was made by the English Piess, who first introduced the concept of a harmonious and disharmonious combination of odors and placed the main aromatic extracts into sound rows. Since then, in a perfume matter, the question of listening to smells or sniffed them with themselves. And the perfumers themselves began to create their own aromatic masterpieces on the principle of musical work: from notes and chords. In almost all modern spirits there are 3 chords: - upper chord or upper notes; - medium chord or heart notes; - and lower chord or basic notes. Together they form a fragrance, which, like a musical symphony, is not static (frozen) sound, but plays, develops in time. Now you understand why they say that the flavor you need to listen? Agree, in this context, the word "sniff" sounds already somehow strange. However, there are small but the flavors are listening, but the spirits still sniff some consultants in the stores so fond of what they offer to clients instead of aroma to listen to perfume. What, strictly speaking, wrong. Since the source of the smell (in this case, the aromatic fluid, perfume bottle or flavored blotter) we still sniff. But the fragrance itself is already listening. This linguistic subtlety displays the phrase "sniffy<духи>, hear how smells<какой аромат>" Catch the difference? In general, of course, it doesn't matter how you say - sniff the perfume or listen to them - people your informational promise will understand. But something tells us that it is correct to speak correctly first for you. And how to correct you now know

The first rule of the buyer of any perfume store: Never sniff perfumes from the vial or sprayer. If a probe was given to you - apply a drop of fragrant water on the wrist or on a paper strip. Wait a couple of minutes until the alcohols are weathered. On the third-fifth minute you can already feel the first notes of the fragrance. An hour later, he will reveal in full force, after three or four hours you can feel his last line.

You can use a handkerchief as a probe. Apply the flavor of the spirits on it and put in your pocket. Drive so a couple of days to understand whether the smell of rejection or allergies causes. Please note that the perception of odors is influenced by the features of your skin, your age and health, weather, mood and many other factors. Buy spirits only when make sure that it is your smell.

Where to apply perfume?

Behind the ears
On the ankles
on the fold of the elbow
in the area of \u200b\u200bpaha
In the center of the chest
on the back surface of the knee

It is advisable to apply perfume to those places in which it is forgiven. Before using spirits, do not use other aromatic products, such as a shower gel with a strong smell, aroma and oils. Neglecting this advice, you mix a few and get a completely unexpected combination.

Tips for masters:
Spear change during the day (for example, light daytime on classic evening smells) contributes to improving well-being and mood. The effect of the shift of the flavors is comparable by force with an hour of meditation or visiting the gym. Extra calories does not burn, but cheerfulness charges and will give an increased tone.
The smell applied to clean, just washed and dried hair perfectly absorbed and keeps all day. However, the holders of dry hair, this method is not recommended, because the alcohol leads to even greater dehydration of the hairproof. For oily hair, this method of applying perfume is ideal, especially since the oily skin holds the fragrance longer.
The skin with an extended pore reacts poorly to alcohol, so do not use the spirits immediately after the shower, wait until the skin is dry.
Synthetic clothing is poorly absorbed by the smell, and cotton, wool, fur, leather - on the contrary. Tarnish dripping perfumes on marks clothes so as not to leave unnecessary spots.

Why is some perfumes seem to be unstable?

Aroma, which is perfectly matched, after an hour ceases to feel. At the same time, his train unobtrusively envelops other people around you. The smell that you feel all the time throughout the day is definitely not yours, try to get rid of it as soon as possible and replace something new. Choosing perfume, focus on your sensations and current situation. Do not forget to follow our advice and be charming.

- Just about difficult, with humor about serious, modestly about great. The answer to the popular question "sniff or listen to perfume" in the article:

Chapter first.Russian language and his understanding is individually:

Russian language is very rich and moving, no matter how you say.
"Sniff" or "listen" - say how convenient to you personally.
And "listen", and "sniff", and "feel" perfume - all the words are permitted.
No one can forbid you to make your own comfortable choice.

In the Moscow Museum of Perfumes and in all other museums of perfumery of the world, as well as in all perfume workshopsperfume listen.
We never insist that you have to use this word and we always treat with gratitude for understanding
to the fact that you respect our choice.
And this is why museums, perfumers, musicians and many others choose the word "listen".

Chapter Second.Human nature. Olifactor hearing:

The olfactory (olfactory) memory of man belongs to one of the long-term types of memory.
Receives a person's olfactory memory for birth, as well as all other types of long and short memory.
Olfactor memory is the most powerful and most reliable memory of a person.
With this, any doubt agree all who was already on the tastings of the Moscow Museum of Perfumery,
those whose soul turned out from meeting with his past.

Olfactor hearing (olfactory hearing, olfactory memory) Just as the rumor musical (hearing memory) develops well.
For example, a child was given to the perfume to the perfumer, just as well as they are given to training in a music school.
Unfortunately, there are no children's perfume schools in the world, where children would be given to study as much as in school music.
Develop an olfactory memory, as well as a musical hearing, best from early childhood.
That is why old perfume art in most cases - dynasty, and ingenious perfumers in the world is extremely small,
like ingenious composers, poets, musicians.

Develop the ear, listen, distinguish between and hear odors, including perfume, maybe everyone.
Of course, it is better than a person who has passed training.
Everything is exactly the same as with the development of musical hearing or with the development of taste receptors.
As a result, someone hears in life and understands the music better, and someone less.

Someone gourmet, someone indifferent to the inflicts of taste.

The same with the development of olfactor hearing (olfactory memory).

We are all different, and this is all charm.
As theaters are created not only for professionals and museums are available to everyone.
If you are modest and consider that badly hear smells or "do not distinguish" smells, then we assure you: it is not.


The human nose is much more sensitive than "written on the Internet."
Human nose hears odors much better than it distinguishes the shades of the human eye!
In the human eye, three receptors work simply and allow you to see up to 10 million shades.
Meanwhile, the nose has as many as 400 olfactory receptors!
Take the risk to count the desired number and you will be surprised that the average person can distinguish at least one trillion odors.
Do not be surprised.
The scientific work of the Movard Hughes Medical Institute and the University of Rockefeller was published in the SCIENCE magazine.

Chapter fourth. Piefumuger notebook:

In 1877 a nGLI perfume George William Septimus Piesse published a job
in which compared the volatility of natural flavors and frequencies of sound oscillations,
believing that the lower the frequency, the lower the sound and the longer it acts on the ear.
Accordingly, less than the volatility of the substance, the quieter its aroma, but it acts longer on the sense of smell.
Conversely, the sounds with a high frequency give a short, but intense sound, the same shorter sounds and powerful, ringing smell.

Here's what a note perfumeful grades looks like, a notebook of the Piez Septymus notebook
Any musician will read it easily,therefore, the musicians also always speak about the spirits of "listening" and "hear".
And you knew that any musical work can be shifted into perfume, and vice versa?
As in any art, in perfume art, the reference is also made from one type of art to another.
Septimus Pieiss said: "As an artist mixes his paints, and the perfumer must mix his aromas."

Chapter Fifth. The nature of perfume art:

Perfumes are created on the instrument called perfume org a n.
Orgue à Parfums - If you call the tool in French.
Exactly behind the perfume organ, perfumer from notes writes, make up, collects and playing his fragrantmelodies, gamma, chords.

Perfumer creates its own, nothing comparable perfume melody

sophisticated works are perfume

easy popular melodies are perfume compositions

"I am a writer, my novels without words; I am a composer, my music without sounds. I am perfumer," - Paul Vacher (Paul Your), Great Perfume,
the author of the legendary spirits, including the Miss Dior Aroma for the House of Christian Dior.

In the photo: perfume organ French perfume Isabelle Doyen:

Isabel Duayen - Perfumer, who ended in 1982 by the International Institute of Perfumery, Cosmetics and Aromatic Substances ISIPCA, formerly Assistant, Annice Gutthet and who later became a teacher of the daughter Gutthal, Camilla.
Today Isabelle and Camilla together create fragrances for the Annick Goutal brand.

Chapter Six. Perfume ethics and etiquette. Art of Living. ART DE VIVRE:

Ironic French perfumers say:"When a person has nothing to say about spirits, he is trying to decompose them on the notes."

Perfume formula, work of perfume art, belongs exclusively to its author - perfume.

Exactly until he personally decides to publish / sell / transfer his formula to another person

Completely indecent to ask the perfume about the compositions of his formulas, and it is still indecent to argue about other people's formulas.

Right and much more useful to listen, enjoy, hear and try to understand,

Isabelle Duayen tells:"Before sitting on the writing of a new fragrance, I go to the bookstore.
Then I take a notebook with secret formulas and writing one single word on a clean page: "Password".
Password, which will determine the main direction of work on the aroma, will cause the necessary associations.
Password for Nuit Etoilee - "Wyoming", American state with nature of unreal beauty.
Rocky Mountains, Great Plains, Rivers, Forests - All this should immediately imagine those who breathe the fragrance of spirits. "
We do not know museums that perfumers would transfer their formulas, and the Moscow Museum of Perfumes is no exception.
Museums never showed tactlessness, did not climb into the "Forbidden Bush" and did not apply to any author / right holder of formulas with
to have revealed their secret notebooks.
- QUOD LICET JOVI, NON LICET BOVI (LAT) - that the Jupiter is permitted, the bull is not allowed.

Museums of perfumery and without formulas always have something to tell about the spirits.

Perfume in museums are represented only in those borders and gradations in which the author / perfume house / fashion house presented them to the general public.

You can create your own secret formulas in, including in cognitive master classes for some

with the help of professional perfumes.

In our perfume tastings, we will never force you to look for in the sounds of brilliant spirits some separate note.

We will not make you applaudate individual notes and chords,

we invite you, all without exception, to a concert of classical perfume music to listen to the great perfume works.

Russian has more than a thousand-year history. Some expressions that we, without thinking, we use in everyday life, may seem illogical or even strange in the primary consideration. A foreigner studying Russian is difficult to explain why fly sits on the wall, and the vase on the table is worth it. It is also not easy to remember, say: put on a coat or dress, hear smell or feel. Well, the phrase "yes no, incorrect" and has become a classic example of Russian logic at all. In this article, we are talking about how to say correctly: "The smell is heard or feel."

Not only east, but also the language is a delicate matter

The task is quite complicated. It is clearly explained how to say: "The smell is heard or feel", not every linguist can. Often to interpret the difficulties of Russian, you need to contact the dictionaries, reference books and even the material of other languages. In particular, many are asked as a question, as according to the rules of Russian - "Smells hear or feel"?

Each people have a certain picture of the world, which in one or another manner is reflected in the system of characters. But the system itself has internal laws and its own logic. Not only we make a language, but he and it.

To understand what the difference between the expressions "hear smell or feel", it is not necessary to immediately contact the dictionaries. It is easy to see that the verb "hearing" means more physical ability to perceive sounds, and the verb "feel" reflects the mental state.

We perceive the outside world comprehensively, because our senses interact with each other. So, in painting there are cold and warm shades, in music - heavy melodies, etc. Because sometimes we are figuratively saying that hearing the smell, understanding the process of perception of a fragrance.

Words, like people, may not approach each other

The term "valence" by many families since school bench. So in chemistry call the ability of the molecule to contact the other molecule. But the language, despite the abundance of phrases and words, with the form of having no logic, is actually a wisely organized system of signs.

In linguistics, valence calls the possibility of one lexeme to be combined with other words. For example, we say the "thin road", "thin path", but "thin man." Semantically the word "thin" is better combined with non-inanimate objects or parts of the body, but they do not speak about people as a whole. In the famous story, A. Chekhov, one of the friends was named subtin, and not thin, because this character, unlike his "fat" buddy, has lost its individuality and honor, turned into a slavery.

Chekhov used the epithet "thin" on purpose, to give the narrative of greater emotionality. But we sometimes make random mistakes, because in addition to the norms of the literary language, there is a conversational speech, which often goes beyond the norm. Therefore, to understand how to say, "I hear the smell or feel", you need to turn to the sensible dictionary and the dictionary of the words of the Russian language. Well, about the logic of building these phrases was mentioned above.

What they say dictionaries

In the first half of the twentieth century There were absolutely equally forms - "hearing the smell" and "feel the smell". This can be checked according to the dictionary D.S. Ushakov.

However, from the middle of the twentieth century. The language system has changed somewhat and now the only correct overhangivers are the combination of "feel the smell". It is in this form that this expression is represented in the dictionary of the spirit of words published in 1983 by the Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. At the moment it is one of the most authoritative editions of this kind.

Meanwhile, in the "live" speech ...

Linguists are made by fixation, description and justification of the literary norm. However, since 1983 passed almost 30 years, and the language has changed somewhat, because it is constantly and tirelessly developing. The perfumery industry is improved with the improvement of people's living standards, new types of spirits appear, specialized stores are opening and so on.

As a result, we now see that the expression "hear the smell" finally did not come out of use, and the perfumers moved to the region, they do not think about whether you need to hear the smell or feel. After all, the spirits are a kind of body music, a special language of sentiment and desires.

Thus, if you do not know, hear or feel the smell of perfume, you can easily use both these phrases in conversational speech. In domestic communication it will not be an error. True, in official documents, if any, the normalized combination should be used. If we are talking about an unpleasant smell, then in any case you need to use the verb "feel".

With what other verbs are combined with the word "smell"

In addition to the word "feel" with the leks "Aroma", the "smell" are combined by the following verbs:

  • absorb;
  • be in love;
  • have;
  • out
  • don't tolerate
  • do not tolerate.

The smell itself can somewhere / somewhere to commemorate or penetrate, and also remind of something, like or not to like.

How to translate the expression "feel the smell" into other languages

Interestingly, in European languages \u200b\u200bwith the word "smell" is also most often used by the verb "Feel": FR. "SENTIR", English. "Feel". True, here it is followed here that if the British do not think about hearing the smell or feel, there are other subtleties in their language. Recall at least the famous song Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit". After all, "Smell" - it literally means "sniff", perceive on the smell. How would you transfer to the name? It is impossible, isn't it?

In Ukrainian, there are the same options for combinations as in Russian. Against the background of the normalized expression "Vіdchuvati smell" in conversational speech and journalism, you can meet the phrase "challenged the smell" (literally "to hear the smell").

Perhaps the trend towards the perception of perfume fragrances as music is peculiar to many Slavic peoples.

Thus, a unambiguous answer to the question of how correctly: the smell is hears or feel, does not exist. The official norm is the second option, but also the first to admit in spoken and professional speech.