Woman's highest hollywood stars. The highest Russian stars

Woman's highest hollywood stars. The highest Russian stars
Woman's highest hollywood stars. The highest Russian stars

17.12.2018 |

In Russian cinema there are many actors and actresses high height. The parameters that in childhood sometimes delivered to them problems helped to achieve certain success on the set and become famous personalities.

Dmitry Dyuzhev: 195 cm

Dmitry Dyuzhev

High growth during the years of youth adds attractiveness, which was harmoniously combined with his good-natured temper. According to the memories of the actor, it allowed him to get the role of space in the cult series of "Brigade", where he was noticeably towered over the low Sergey Bezrukov.

Ivan Urgant: 195 cm

Ivan Urgant

One of the highest actors is pleased with its growth and is always ready to joke on this topic. Once he refused filming in the film "Gardemarines", stating that his high growth and non-standard appearance is unlikely to fit into the parameters of the historical picture.

Victor Loginov: 195 cm

Victor Loginov

Victor retained warm memories of childhood and youth, which passed in Yekaterinburg. High growth never delivered to him inconvenience, and after years, he was even perpetuated: in hometown The actor set a monument to a height of 220 cm Gene Bukin - the Hero of Loginov for the comedy TV series.

Evgeny Sidichain: 192 cm

Evgeny Sidikhin

Remembering youth, the actor certainly speaks about clamshells and a small communal for 20 meters, where Sidichene family lived. He barely placed in a standard bed, so he often did not pour out and dreamed of a comfortable bed.

Maxim Averin: 192 cm

Maxim Averin

Already 6-year-old Maxim appeared on the movie screen, fulfilling his first role. He was noticeably above the peers, but this did not prevent the development of his acting career. Averin often plays the main roles and looks great in the frame.

Stanislav Madznikov: 192 cm

Stanislav Madznikov

Stanislav sincerely satisfied with his growth. According to the recognition of the Drawnov, his difficulties are pursued only in everyday life: to drive a small car is very difficult due to growth, so you have to choose large cars.

Grigory Antipenko: 191 cm

Grigory Antipenko

Beautiful features and charm give a charm to a high actor, which is very popular with female representatives. It is not surprising that his heroes are often romance with a languid look.

Oleg Maslennikov: 190 cm

Oleg Maslennikov

FROM early years The future actor was engaged different species Sports. First, water polo, then martial arts. In the youth of Maslennikov became the best basketball player at school, however sports career Preferred work on the set.

Stanislav Sadalsky: 190 cm

Stanislav Sadalsky

From the very childhood, the actor was headed above the other boys, but he always knew how to properly present himself. The actor's piggy bank is more than a hundred roles in the theater and cinema, each of which is distinguished by real skill.

Denis Kosyakov: 190 cm

Denis Kosyakov

List of high actors men complement former captain KVN team Denis Kosyakov. Young actor Frequently invited to the main roles in the movies, and in 2016 he became producer of the comedy series.

Alexey Makarov: 190 cm

Alexey Makarov

Makarova consider one of the most attractive actorsacting on courageous and romantic heroes. Alexey has excellent proportions and tries to keep the body in a sporty form.

Alexey Kortnev: 190 cm

Alexey Kortnev

Kortnev grew by B. sports familyTherefore, since childhood he was fond of mountaineering and volleyball, in the past there was a champion in the game of the ball. However, he chose Alexey creative career and perfectly succeeded in movies and in music.

Egor Beroev: 189 cm

Egor Beroev

Olesya Zheleznyak: 180 cm

Olesya Zhelenyak

The actress was headed above all classmates, but thanks to good feeling Humor superfluous "height" did not create her complexes. In the future, an unusual appearance helped Oles to get the main roles in comedy paintings and become a successful actress.

Olga Cabo: 180 cm

Olga Cabo

Famous actress Olga Cabo - an example of the fact that high women are in demand on theatrical scene And in cinema. FROM young years The girl played in the theater, where most often she was offered only the main roles, thanks to a bright appearance.

Maria Shukshina: 180 cm

Maria Shukshina

One of the most beautiful actresses was catastrophically unhappy with his appearance in school years. Over time, Maria has learned to love himself and fully focused on his career.

Svetlana Khodchenkova: 180 cm

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The family of actresses lived in poverty, which Svetlana was very shy. She worked as a janitor and a cleaner to help his mother who brought her up her. A model school helped to overcome the insecurity, and the career actresses perfectly secured this result. .

Ravzhana Kurkova: 179 cm

Lyudmila Chursina: 177 cm

Lyudmila Chursina

According to the actress, in childhood she looked more like a boy - was the highest in class and constantly loomed. However, soon turned into a slim beauty, without having troubled theatrical school And he devoted her life to art.

Yulia Menshova: 177 cm

Julia Maizhova

From the early years, Menshova acted in public, and her attractive appearance always caused audience and sympathy. He dreamed of becoming a journalist, but the will of the chance fell at the Faculty of School-Studio MCAT. Today, the game in the theater she combines with work on television.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: 176 cm

Tatyana Vasilyeva

The actress recalls that in childhood he dreamed of growth in 162 cm and worried about appearance, which differs significantly from others. Fortunately, the children's complex did not prevent it from becoming a deserved artist of the country.

Julia Vysotskaya: 174 cm

Julia Vysotskaya

The actress and TV presenter possesses an attractive appearance, but always monitors his figure. Vysotsky tries adheres to proper nutritionSo that the weight matches its growth parameters.

"Extra" centimeters do not interfere with high growth actors in their creative career. The main thing is to correctly take advantage of the advantage provided by nature, and then in the frame of the viewer will see an inimitable image in the execution of this Wizard.

Photo: Instagram, Ruskino.ru, WomanHit.ru

They could only pay attention to their growth, but life ordered that these people are also famous. Womanhit found out, helps the growth of their career or only interferes.

Maria Sharapova
1 meter 88 centimeters

Growth that is also suitable for model business, allows Mary to implement yourself in different areas. Of course, her sporting achievements are difficult to overshable, but it is the appearance that has made a tennis player and a star of advertising, and a girl with a podium. With the height of 188 centimeters, Maria weighs no more than 60 kilograms. At the same time, Sharapova also sweet tooth. The only thing that the famous Russian woman restricts itself is in choosing shoes. "IN ordinary life I very rarely wear stiletto shoes. I am so very high, "- admitted somehow Masha.

Ekaterina Varnava
1 meter 81 centimeter

Participant Comedy Woman. initially saw himself a star ballroom dancing. But in the training session, she damaged his back, and with dance career I had to say goodbye. But a television career took place, and you need to admit that for a girl of such growth, a sense of humor is useful quality. According to rumors, it started with jokes. Once, during the dinner, Khrustalev said that "You understood, finally, what do I get to you?" What Katya replied: "You are slightly small to get drunk." But Dmitry was not confused: "And not such high seized!" - Parissed colleague. And although in the end, Katya and Dmitry broke up, many believe that it was a very beautiful couple.

Alexander Astafiev

Olesya Zhelenyak
1 meter 80 centimeters

Already at school, Olesya Zheleznyak was the highest girl in the classroom, so it was often sitting on the last desk with duders and hooligans. "But in girlfriends walked first beauties. I successfully signed their charms, "Olesya jokes. By the end of the school, the growth of Zheleznyak amounted to 180 centimeters, and such unusual data was not taking advantage of sin. Acting talent in combination with non-standard appearance and high growth allowed Oles to play in many comedy films. The appearance of the actress attracted her future husband - actor Spartak Subchenko. "Olesya seemed to be a creature with another planet, the alien - I did not understand her appearance, no character," the artist once admitted.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Dmitry Guberniev
2 meters

With such an increase, the mass of Dmitry is 104 kilograms, which, of course, makes his sporting comments very weighty. At one time, the provinces did not at all basketball, as fans, and academic rowing. In domestic life, the high growth of Dmitry does not interfere. But not always helps in professional. At one time, the TV host was forced to get into T-80 Tank, when he made a program about tank biathlon. "True, I had to sit bent into three deaths! But I drove 20 kilometers! ", - remembers the commentator.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Philip Kirkorov
2 meters 2 centimeters

"Two meters of beauty" - the artist sometimes jokes. Some time ago, I had a rumor about Philip, as if Pop Stars suffers from the disease, because of which he could not dwell. But since then, Philip has not grown on a centimeter, which, probably, grieved gossip. The selection of clothing for a person is above two meters can turn into a long procedure, but Philip does not complain. On the contrary, trying to get rid of huge number of things. At some point, Philip decided to sell designer things, many of whom he never put on. The demand for things, however, turned out to be small, which is not surprising: all the same, the clothing of Philip is not only exotic, but also explicitly for increased.

Lilia Charlovskaya

Nikolai Valuev
2 meters 13 centimeters

Fans of Nicholas are not in vain awarded him with such nicknames as the Russian giant and Kolya-Sledge. Nikolai from those who hardly ever get to merge with the crowd. But the problems at the athlete, actor and deputies are also rather big. For example, the size of the shoes in Nikolai is the 51st. And it means that everything is from classic shoes to slippers - he has to sew to order. It is not easy to nikolay and move around the world. It is possible that the aircraft in the business class salons will be able to accommodate it, but the beds in hotels are far from always designed for people of such growth. Valuev's wife barely pulls out her husband to the shoulder. At the same time, Galina claims that every centimeter of their chosen one loves.

The fact that for a man, the subject of pride, for a woman may well become death. Or at least a reason for chagrin. For example, growth. High men are called handsome, and women - versilles and dfts, and these are still the most innocuous nicknames. Of course, with the advent of fashion at high models, the girl whose growth knocks outside the average, can find a place on the podium. But in life, she will still feel, to put it mildly, uncomfortable.

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova - meter 87 centimeters

The highest of all modern stars It is Russian tennis player - up to two meters she lacks only 13 centimeters. Maria acknowledges that growth gives her certain inconveniences. And if the amazed exclamations of people encountered with her for the first time: "Wow, what you are high!", She has already got used to the purchase of clothes all the time problems arise. The hardest Mary find jeans of the desired size, it turns out that there are simply not sew on the legs of such a length. But Sharapova is not worried about this, on the contrary, he likes to emphasize his height of high heels.

Bridget Nielsen

Bridget Nielsen - meter 85 centimeters

But Bridget Nielsen, or, as it is also called, "Red Sonya", who has a question of clothing is not so acute (it seems that most Time beauty with appetizing forms prefers to do without it), is experiencing certain difficulties in choosing men. More precisely, it finds them easily (48-year-old Bridget was married five times), but all her spouses looked next to her, to put it mildly, forgery. And this man - such, for example, as Sylvester Stallone, is difficult to accept this fact. But Bridget, calling his former husbands Webakov, it seemed to finally manage to find a man of his dreams - with the Italian Mattia Dessi, who is under the age of sixteen years old, they live soul into the soul. Another reason for pride is the fact of enhancing her name in the Guinness Book of Records - Bridget got there as the highest performer of the leading role.

Uma Thurman

Mind Tourman - Meter 83 centimeters

Favorite actress Quentin Tarantino, contrary to general conviction, not the highest among stars, her growth is a meter of 83 centimeters, and the length of the legs is a meter of 8 centimeters. Interestingly, before its current growth - more precisely, up to 180 centimeters - he grown at twelve years, which did not contribute to his popularity among classmates, a friendly teasian girl. Now that the Turman reached the transcendental fighter, many of them most likely regret it, but nothing can do anything. The mind is still superior to the growth of those who are near. Thus, at last year's film festival in Cannes, the actress even was measured with Robert De Niro, and it turned out that it is above famous actor For a whole head.

Brook Shields

Brooke Shields - Meter 83 centimeters

The beauty of Brooke Shields, the growth of which is equal to the meter 83 centimeters, also not every partner is suitable - most of the modern men look at the lady with such a lady. So you have to go actress on ... specially dried to her testers in the sand, as it was on the set of the film "Blue Laguna", not to look above the artist's leading role. Unlike many ladies complexing about growth, Brooke considers him its dignity. "How much I remember," she franks out with journalists, "it was always high. And I am proud of it - you see, I have something to celebrate, because it is my long legs Led me to Broadway! "

Eva Hergigova - meter 83 centimeters

Czech top model and actress - also a rather big girl. And since it is with an increase in the meter of 83 centimeters weighs only 60 kilograms, it seems even higher than it really is. Add hair stors that just loves to wear Eve, and you will understand that she is quite pleased with her growth. Although meter 83 plus heels - a lot even for the top model.

Sigurney Wuver

Sigurney Weaver - Meter 82 centimeters

Another victim of the acceleration is the star of the film "Aliens", the actress Sigurnie Weaver, who, like a turman, has already reached its current growth during twelve years. But, unlike his more fortunate colleague, Waiter in creative plan, because of his impressive size, they suffered a hub. Also in student years It was difficult for her to choose the partner suitable for an increase in the partner, and which she debuted in the episode in the film "Annie Hall", did not invite her to her subsequent paintings - apparently, next to such - an outstanding - woman, a little Allen felt uncomfortable.

The actress admits that due to its growth, he lost some very good roles, but does not dramatize the situation. Especially since she was very lucky in his personal life - at Sigurn beautiful husbandwith whom they live together for more than thirty years.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita Milyavskaya - meter 81 centimeter

Previously, the audience seemed that high growth was due to a deception of sight - near Alexander TsKalo visually "stretch" was easy. But it turns out that the singer is not a snot in itself - its growth is 181 centimeter. And the problem for lolita he becomes only when she picks up excess weight - She immediately begins to seem very big! Therefore, the Milavskaya all life is fighting with the kilograms giving her any kilograms, but to death, but for now - with varying success. But pleases what the weight has not yet managed to win full and unconditional victory.

Claudia Schiffer

Claudia Schiffer - Meter 80 centimeters

The growth of supermodels - especially compared to the ladies, which was mentioned above - not so high, only 180 centimeters. On the podium, the growth served Claudia to good service - she was able to become one of the first in his profession. But in life, Schiffer has to be not easy: in secular parties, it rises above the rest of the guests - both over men and women - like Eiffel Tower over Paris. Not so long ago, the media was long discussed how Claudia looked funny next to the diet TIZ background, the growth of which is only 160 centimeters.

Katya Saddy

Katya Saddy - meter 80 centimeters

On the secular events This scandalous teled will be seen from afar: first, its growth is 180 centimeters, secondly, on the screen she likes to appear in extravagant hats and shoes on 12-centimeter heels (incredibly, but the fact: in life there is no one, nor the other wears ). Therefore, Katya may feel confident even next to Vitaly and Vladimir Klitschko. It would be stupid not to use such an outstanding growth in direct appointment, therefore, from thirteen years, precipitated worked as a model, but even then dreamed of a TV presenter career, and years later, her desire was fulfilled. Regarding the growth never worried, rather, on the contrary. "So it's more convenient for me to look at all down", "Jokya admits Katya in an interview.

Cindy Crawford.

Cindy Crawford - meter 77 centimeters

Below Schiffer for three centimeters, which, however, did not prevent it from becoming no less famous. However, it seems that the world-famous top model also complexed in due time because of its high growth and reconciled with him only over the years. "With age, she says in an interview," comes confidence in herself, and you can feel comfortable in your own body. "

Tatyana Vasilyeva

Tatyana Vasilyeva - meter 76 centimeters

Ten of the highest stars Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, which for the growth and some external incompleteness, Other Tatyana, Egorova, the author of the book "Andrei Mironov and I" gave an offensive nickname "Galosha". However, Tatyana went along the path of his heroine from the film "The most charming and attractive" - \u200b\u200bbecame "a woman with Charm, who herself put on himself" - and was able to turn his shortcomings in dignity. Who will allow yourself to say that this elegant woman is too high growth?

Taisiya Kondratieva

Who said that a girl having a height of 180 with a plus, ordered career actresses? The times passed when there were neat, full-rigid diva in fashion, with steep hips and a narrow waist. I change to a confident act of actresses, with a model, as they say, growth. So: Ten the highest and famous beauty cinema.

1 Mind Tourman

The first place in the nomination "Growth-Fame" right occupies. Height 184 cm. The mind was born in a secured American family. Long as a helper, an ugly girl suffered in childhood because of his appearance. But contrary to everything, ONA decided to become great actress. Persistence and talent could not but bring their fruits. And in 1988, the mind was filmed in the film "Dangerous connections", which brought her great popularity. And the film " Pulp Fiction", Quentin's director Tarantino" ended "for the actress Oscar, and worldwide glory. Today, Turman's mind is a recognized beauty, incredible talented actress, as well as a mother of three children.

2 Nicole Kidman

The second place in the nomination is awarded Actress Nicole Kidman, height is 180 cm. Many years ago, Blond Beauty flew to the States from Australia. Like many long-grade girls Nicole, all childhood has suffered in the school of mockery. And his own parents even declared her that she was stupid to dream about the career of the actress. "You just think, because you will not be able to find suitable partner! You will be higher for half a head! "They discouraged their awkward daughter. However, Nicole, despite the warnings, became the actress. And which! One of the most beautiful actresses of modernity. And ... the highest. By the way, her growth did not prevent her in love with Tom Cruise - Actor with high ratesbut rather low growth. It is said that after the divorce with him, Nicole happily stated that she would finally be able to walk on high heels again.

3 Brooke Shields

Actress Brook Shields, height 183 cm. Takes 3rd place in our ranking "Blue Laguna" film, with the participation of young Brook Shields I remember many precisely thanks to the image created by it. Nymph girl, captivating and sensual, despite the young age. Nature generously gave a girl. In addition to the wonderful face, she also had an impressive growth. In the "Blue Lagnah", for example, she had to walk on the grocers specially dilated for her to seem below his partner, Christopher Atkins.

4 Sigurney Weaver

In 1979, the science fiction thriller "Singles" came to the screens. The main role in it was played by American, Sigurnie Weaver. Woman astronaut, scientist, in excellent physical form. The whole movie she bravely saved the world from the aliens. The intense struggle did not allow a second to tear away from the screen. Sigurney showed the wonders of the ownership of her body, not forgetting at the same time to support the image of a scientist, and just women, women with an increase of 183 cm.

5 Bridget Nelson

The actress and the Bridget Nelson model (185 cm) was born in a small Danish town. Having done the path from the top model to the actress, she in 1985 acquainted with a popular one then by the Sylvester Stall. Later, in the same year it becomes his wife and removed in the next, 4th film, "Rocky." Two years later, the marriage broke up, and Bridget itself left his head into the world of music. She released a few solo albums And starred in several films.

6 Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts brought an unforgettable image of expressing, and 178 cm of grace and charm. In childhood, she dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. After school, he studied at the University of Georgia, but did not finish him, and went to NY, enter the school of actorship.

7 Charlize Theron

Actress Charlize Theron, 177 cm. Long-legged beauty from South Africa I became known to us after the premiere of the film "Diavol" film. Despite the difficult childhood (the father of the future actress drank himself, and when the girl was 15 years old, her mother shot his father's swelling father, right in front of his daughter) Charlize did not climb himself, and had already won the models in the contest. A few years later, Mom bought a daughter a plane ticket to Los Angeles. One way. She believed in her daughter, and knew that her strong girl would be under the power to conquer Hollywood.

8 Liv Tyler

Liv Tyler, 177 cm. Liv daughter famous rock Singer Stephen Tyler - Leader of the Aerosmith Group. The film "Armaggedon", where the actress starred with Bruce Wilias and Ben Affleck, brought her the first glory. On the brunette with porcelain leather and heavenly blue eyes, directories and producers of the whole world were noted. Liv confesses that he loves to wear shoes on heels. Even though she jokes that in them my height is almost three meters!

9 Rebecca Romain

American, Dutch origin. Many descendants of the Vikings have impressive sizes. And Rebecca did not exception. As a child, she had a nickname "Merry Blondi giant." For a cheerful temper, and of course high growth. Among her roles are the most famous for her work in the Sicwell "People-X". As well as the main role in the film " Femme fatale", Directed by Brian de Palma.

10 Rachel Nichols

180 cm. American actress and model. According to her own words, she was not pretty in high school. Having grenadier growth, and disproportionately long legs and hands, he began to start dancing, and soon from naughty clutch increased beautiful swan. Graceful and plastic. The first fame brought the yield of the thriller "Parking". The whole film on it is only short dressThus, the audience had time to estimate all the advantages of the Rachel figure.

Well, just 10 successful and beautiful actresses who did not prevent the growing heights at all. Setting the goal, you can make a similar list for the smallest actresses, or even actors. And it will be another proof that only hard work and motivation lead us to the tops. And the length of the legs is the secondary value.

The highest actors. Ben Aflek, Dwayin Douglas Johnson, Robert Malelet

It is said that the size does not matter. But in today's article we will talk about people who are not only due to their talent, but also high growth became famous worldwide.

The highest domestic and foreign actors

Dwayin Douglas Johnson. 1.96 m.

Dwayin Douglas Johnson. 1.96 m.

American actor, Born on May 2, 1972 in Heivard. M. the legs of the fans know this man under the pseudonym "rock". This is not surprising, because its growth is 1 meter 96 centimeters. At 44, Johnson is actively engaged in sports and filmed in the cinema. Magaze became popular due to multiple parts of the Furious film. In 2002, playing main role In the film "Tsar of Scorpions", The rock received the biggest fee - 5.5 million dollars. Now the shooting of the premiere of the film "Travel 3: From Earth on the Moon" film, in which the hero takes part.

Ben Affleck. 1.92 m.

Ben Affleck. 1.92 m.

American actor Ben Affleck appeared on August 15, 1972, this year celebrities will be 45 years old. Was born in american state California, the city of Berkeley. The growth of Ben is 1.92, while it is perfectly complicated. The most famous filmmakers - "In someone else's row" 2002, "Umnitsa Will Hunting" 1997, "Survive Christmas" 2004, "The disappeared" 2014 year.

Now high actor Works on the filming of the future world premiere "Batman", "League of Justice" 1st and 2nd parts. Actively engaged in a filmmakers, and also showed himself in good light as a producer. Now lives in America.

Tim Robbins. 1.96 m.

Tim Robbins. 1.96 m.

58 Summer American actor Tim Robbins was born in California, West Cup in 1958. Your birthday actor celebrates on October 16. Tim's growth is not a little bit of 1.96 meters.

Its popularity has come from the moment he starred in the film "Darham Bull". Also known for roles in the film - "Escape from Shawshank", "Mysterious River", "War of the Worlds" and others. Soon the actor fans will be able to see the filmmaker "Marjori Praim", in which Tim starred. Robbins is an official US citizen and actively continues to film.

Robert Malelet. 2.1 m.

Robert Malelet. 2.1 m.

47 Summer Actor Robert Malelet today is one of the highest male show business, its growth is 2.1 meters. Born in Ste-Marie de Kent, New Brunswick, Canada.

Until 2005, the giant was known for its achievements in the wrestling show. But in 2006, Robert starred in the film "300 Spartans". From that moment on, his acting began to develop. "Sherlock Holmes", "The tool of death: the city of bones" is not all the filmters in which the star Giant starred. Canadian I. hollywood actor.

Tyler Perry. 1.96 m.

Tyler Perry. 1.96 m.

American actor, director and playwright appeared on September 13, 1969. Now he is 49 years old and he actively continues to participate in cinema shoots. Place of Birth - New Orleans. The actor is very high - 196 cm.

Almost all films involving Tyler are his own braid. That is, he not only played to the cinema, but also became his director, producer or screenwriter. "Halloween Madei" 2016, "Ninja Turtles 2", "Club of Lonely Mom", etc. Today, a man is actively developing a focus acting, directing and production activities.

Jeff Goldblum. 1.94 m.

Jeff Goldblum. 1.94 m.

In his 64 years, the famous Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum continues to be filmed in various world filmmakers. Jeff's growth is 1 meter 94 centimeters. Born in the United States in one small town of Pennsylvania 10/22/1952. MEGA became popular at the expense of roles in the films "Park of the Jurassic period", "Muha" and "Independence Day".

Vince Von. 1.96 m.

Vince Von. 1.96 m.

Vince Von - 46 Summer actor born in the United States in Minneapolis in 1972. Your birthday American actor celebrates March 28th. Wine growth is equal to 1 meter 96 centimeters.

In addition to acting, it is produced by producing and writing scenarios. He starred in many films, but one of the most memorable was the "old hardening", "hidden threat", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and a successive film of the past year was the film "For conscience reasons". Works and lives in America.

John Corbett. 1.96.

John Corbett. 1.96.

American actor with an increase in 1 meter 96 centimeters was born on May 9, 1961. Born in the United States in the city of Wiling, located in West Virginia. Today, the actor together with his wife's fashion model lives in Santa Barbara.

The first television success of John Steel Shooting in the TV series "Sex in the Big City". Although before that, he starred in many films. The last work was shot in the film "Fan". Today, the tall star of Hollywood continues to develop its acting skills.

Liam Nison. 1.93 M.

Liam Nison. 1.93 M.

Place of birth 64 Summer actor Liam Nison is a city of Ballimon, which is located in the UK. Date of birth - June 7, 1952. Liam, a High Growth Male - 1 meter 93 centimeters. Today, the actor lives in one of the states of New York Milbruk. From the beginning of his acting activities managed to play more than 100 filmmakers. The most successful filmmakers were films "Man Darkness", "Schindler List", "Star Wars. Episode I: hidden threat "and" Kinsey ".

Donald Sutherland. 1.93 m.

Donald Sutherland. 1.93 m.

81-year-old Canadian actor and producer, who, despite his impressive age, continues to film. The actor in St. John is born in the distance in 1935. His birthday celebrates July 17th. Self last works All parts of the "hungry games", as well as "abandoned" and "Treasure Island". Starred in many television series. Donald's growth is one meter 93 centimeters.

Jason Sigel. 1.93 m.

Jason Sigel. 1.93 m.

Jason Sigel celebrates his birthday on January 18, today the actor and musician 37 years old. Born in Los Angeles of 1980. American actor quite high growth (1 meter 93 cm). Magazine became popular because of filming in films: "Nasty I", "very bad teacher" and "Sex on friendship". Today, Hollywood's star lives in New York and actively continues to film and exercise.

Alexander Scarsgord. 1.94 m.

Alexander Scarsgord. 1.93 m.

Sorry-old Swedish actor Alexander Scarsgord was born in Stockholm on August 25, 1976. Celebrity growth is 1 meter 94 centimetersbut not only growth became it business card. Star glory and worldwide fame brought films: "You have been stuck your bed", "kill loved ones" and "Tarzan. Legend".

Now the actor is actively filming in the films "Silent" and "big and small lies", which should be the main premieres of 2017. Alexander enters B.

Gustaf Scarsgord. 1.93 m.

Gustaf Scarsgord. 1.93 m.

The young Swedish film actor Gustaf Scarsgord appeared in the capital of Sweden Stockholm on November 12, 1980. On the this moment Celebrities turned 36 years old, and his growth is 1.93 meters, he is below his older brother Alexander Skarsgorda just 1 cm.

Gustav is known for us for the role of flocks in the famous TV series Vikings, the shooting of which continues until now. Basically removed in short tapes. Although there are full-length work, such as: "not undress", "details", "evil", etc. Lives in Stockholm.

Sasha Baron Cohen. 1.91 m.

45-year-old British comedy actor, born on October 13, 1971 in the UK in Hammersmith. MEGA became popular due to filming in films: "Ali-Ji in Parliament", "Brath: cultural studies America in favor of the glorious state of Kazakhstan "and" Bruno ". Lives in England, although actively removed in american films. Star growth is 1.91 meters.

Ivan Urgant. 1.96 m.

Ivan Urgant. 1.96 m.

Domestic actor Ivan Urganta 38 years old. More famous as famous russian TV host and showman. Celebrity growth is 1 meter 96 centimeters. Now lives in Moscow, although himself comes from St. Petersburg. Of the most popular movies in which the actor was filmed: all parts of the film "Christmas Trees" and "Sultious Moscow-Russia".

Dmitry Dyuzhev. 1.95 m.

Dmitry Dyuzhev. 1.95 m.

Russian actor of the serials and cinema, which is 38 years old today. Despite the Vicol a rich filmmobile experience, the popularity of the role of space in the television series "Brigade" brought. The growth of the popular domestic actor theater and cinema is 1.95 meters. Place of residence - Moscow.

Maxim Averin. 1.92 m.

Maxim Averin. 1.92 m.

41-year-old Maxim Averin is a famous Russian actor, TV presenter and director. It became especially popular after the filming of the series "Ceremakha" where the captain was played. Today is high russian actor actively continues to film. Its growth is 1 meter 92 centimeters.