List of Korean surnames for girls: beautiful female names and their meaning. Beautiful Korean names for boys

List of Korean surnames for girls: beautiful female names and their meaning. Beautiful Korean names for boys
List of Korean surnames for girls: beautiful female names and their meaning. Beautiful Korean names for boys

If you want to give your newborn baby some exotic name, then contact the Korean list will be the most correct decision. It sounds beautiful, sound and unusual. But if you are Korean by origin, you should more thoughtfully choose a name for your baby. Like all other peoples, not only its generic affiliation is encoded in the child name, but his fate. At least, the parents wish for him. In this article, we will give beautiful Korean names and describe their meanings so that you can make your choice.

Tests and namesakes

In all countries, it is much more common to meet a person with the same name than the same name. In Korea, the other way around. The whole country is not numbered and two hundred and ninety names. And the most common in general three: Kim, Lee and Pak. So meet the same name in Korea is not oddity, but regularity. At the same time, this person will not necessarily be your relative. Twenty million people only in the southern part of the country are five common surnames. But to meet a nurse among this people is quite difficult. Korean names are very numerous. And very often they do not know sex differentiation. That is, the same name can be worn as a man and a woman. But its own, the unique designation of a person is recorded by one or two hieroglyphs. Tollyamcha is added to them - a syllable, common for the entire generation of this family. Therefore, the names of the brothers, sisters and even cousins \u200b\u200bsound very similar.


Korean names are mostly two-sided, and the names, on the contrary, are very short. But since the name of the person and his generic belongings are recorded by hieroglyphs (on Hangle or on Hanche), then in Latin or cyrylic transcription they indicate them through a space and from the capital letter. But they should be pronounced. It is still how to write Rill or Ol heger. In the preparation of the designation of the Korean, the surname is at first, and then the name. If it happens that the first consists of more than one syllable, the second must be very short. For example, the Korean singer by surname Somun is named so. But usually two syllables of the individual name of the person are completing the short designation of the genus. If you are not Korean, but just want to give my son or daughter one of the names of this people, you can not know these subtleties. However, in the traditional system of values \u200b\u200bit is important to take into account all these nuances of the pedigree.

How in Korea come up with names

Since the list of surnames in this country before clogging is short, there has been a need for a huge number of individual names. It is necessary to somehow distinguish between several million kim or packs. Korean names were compiled in three directions. The first is fragrant and (most importantly) good combination with the surname. The second is a beautiful writing so that the hieroglyphs are organically looked. And the third direction is like other peoples - the meaning of the name. But this latter in traditional Korea did not give much importance. Mixed such hieroglyphs like a lake and cloud, Wang Ho was obtained. Recently, the borrowing of names from other languages \u200b\u200band cultures has been spreading in South Korea. But they are recorded as before the hieroglyphs: Khan on, yes, appearance.

We have already mentioned that in this country it is difficult to determine what kind of person is hidden behind his generic and individual name - a man he or a woman. But still, most often girls give names, the meaning of which reflects the qualities that parents would like to give their daughter. It is quite understandable. After all, and other peoples of daughters comes with roses, lilies, margaritis, etc. The Korean names of girls are also not devoid of such logic. Therefore, there is Lien (Lotos), Mei (Flower), Nguet (Moon), Hong (Rose), TU (Star). What mother does not want her daughter of female happiness? Therefore, there are such names like jung (love), kui (jewel), Jung (prosperous). At the same time, often girls wish courage (Jong), wisdom (Khun), courage (Dung), peace (Lan). A common names for girls and boys are such popular names: ha Skila (Heaven), and Ry (Beauty), Kip singing (joy), and Soy (dew, purity). From China, the fashion came to identify girls with precious stones or metals. An example of this can be Kim (gold), Beach (jade).

The son in the traditions of this people has always been a successor of the genus and a further guardian of his parents. Therefore, when he reigned, not only the beautiful sound of his name was taken into account, but also the meaning of the latter. Parents tried to "encode" their sons, give him the qualities they wanted to see in it. Wiens means the final (every business). No less popular name Dinh. So it is "Top". It is understood that Dinh will always reach the zenith of all their undertakings. Similar name for Jean Ho, which means "leader". In the families of military boys often, Jong Kuang are numbered - "bold soldiers". HE name is very popular - honorable parents. As girls make flowers, so boys - animal names. Popular name Ho-tiger. Repeat again: these monosyllast words Koreans are connected to others. So all new and unusual names are obtained.

Many peoples believe that the name can say a lot about a person. This is a kind of information code, which is the key to personality and fate. To call the boy is beautiful and unusual, you can refer to the list of Korean male names.

The history of the origin of Korean male names

Ancient, invalid Korean names for boys were popular many centuries ago. With the last time, in the process of mixing the races and the cultural influence of other peoples, they constantly changed. Currently, children are called names that have Manchurian, Mongolian, Chinese and even Japanese origin. Indicate their hieroglyphs that not only have to have a suitable value, but also look beautiful when writing.

Thanks to this, many original and beautiful Korean names have appeared. The names in this country are not distinguished by diversity, there are no more than three hundred. The most common is Kim, Pak and Tsoi. Therefore, to meet the same name for Korean is not surprising, which you can not say about the names by name.

On a note. There are hieroglyphs that are used both to create a name and when writing the surname.

For example, "tires" means "faith, trust" often occurs in the names of boys and girls. But many people of Asian origin wear the same name.

List of beautiful names for the boy

If the names of Koreans contain one syllable, then the names are often composed of two. Moreover, the components are written separately, each with a capital letter.

Representatives of this nation can be found such unusual adhesions for boys:

  • Bao Binch (defender, peacemaker);
  • Jean Ho (leader, heroic personality);
  • DUONG (noble and courageous);
  • Dung Kuan (brave warrior);
  • Jung (always prosperous);
  • Kim (gold);
  • Lan (peace-loving);
  • Meng Ho (courageous tiger);
  • NGOC (gem);
  • Thang (bright, radiant, clear);

In the advent of the baby, a peculiar message is encrypted, in a sense, a predicted feature of its character and further life. Since ancient times it was believed that a child called brave or courageous, such and will be in the future. Therefore, picking up a beautiful and unusual name for a boy need to study its meaning.

Rare male names of Korean origin

The Koreans have names that write to one word are less common than doubled. Often they are formed from two words, several modified for the convenience of pronunciation.

In a similar way, korean children, living away from their homeland, but those who want to preserve folk traditions.

Among these adapted names can be found as follows:

  • Amën;
  • Bodzhing;
  • Boking;
  • Messenger;
  • Gengis;
  • Guren;
  • Deming;
  • Dzhanii;
  • Zian;
  • Zangzhong;
  • Iongnian;
  • Ionglyang;
  • Kiang;
  • Longway;
  • Mingli;
  • Tengable;
  • Changming;
  • Chengley;
  • Chuenley;
  • Shanuan;
  • Yusheng;
  • Yating.

As a rule, the word reflecting the value of such names is encrypted in its first part. The second is added to prowness, it may simply be a set of combined sounds that do not make sense.

List of Korean male names with values

The blind child, Koreans most often use two hieroglyphs suitable in the semantic content and harmony with each other.

For the names of the sons choose:

  • Bao (defender);
  • Beach (jade);
  • Van (clouds);
  • Wine (completion);
  • Jung (love);
  • Gin (leader);
  • DINH (vertex);
  • DUONG (masculinity);
  • Yong (fearless);
  • Yung (welfare);
  • Kim (gold);
  • Kuang (purity);
  • Lan (world);
  • Monkut (crown, crown);
  • Min (shine, brightness);
  • Nguyen (source, beginning);
  • NGOK (jewel);
  • Sec (rock);
  • Tien (spirituality);
  • TU (star);
  • Tuan (radiant);
  • Tuan (rays of the sun);
  • Thai (friendly);
  • Hanuel (Heaven);
  • HUN (insight, wisdom);
  • Hung (courage);
  • Tires (loyalty and dedication);
  • Jong (courage).

On a note. The Koreans have no clear separation of names for men and female, only values \u200b\u200bof hieroglyphs are important.

For example, the boy will not call Hoa Lien (lotus flower) or Huong Nguhet (pink moon), and the name, which will include jung (love) or Yong (dew) can impart a child of any sex.

Most popular names and their meaning

In the name of the boy Koreans try to reflect the best male qualities, such as strength, courage and nobility. Therefore, the sons are blind, they choose suitable words.

Among the popular Korean names are found:

  • Wiens. Literally, this means "Completion", and meant that such a child will bring all sorts of undertaking to the victorious end.
  • DINH. This word is translated as a "vertex", and when the boy gives such a name, the parents "program" it to achieve life heights.
  • Gin. Such a name is similar to the value with the previous one and reflects the leadership qualities of the personality.
  • Yong. The word is translated as "courage", and it is often combined with "Kuan" (soldiers). Most often, so called boys born in families of warriors.
  • Hee. The name denotes "respectful", it is assumed that such a child will be respected to parents and others.

In addition, the Asian peoples are often assigned by boys names containing beast names. For example, the name of Jong Ho, meaning "brave tiger", is very common in Korea.

How to choose Korean name for a boy

Choosing, how to call a child, Koreans are guided by several rules that are observed strictly:

  1. The name is well combined with the surname.
  2. The hieroglyphs look beautifully in writing.
  3. Words that make up adoption, suit one to each other.

In addition, in the name of the child, the time of his birth is often reflected, the zodiac sign and other personal information. For example, a boy, which appeared to the light in the spring months, can impart using the word "Lin" (spring). And if the Son is born in the year of the Tiger, the name of this animal will be present in the name.

Adhering to the main rules of the child's adoption, you can come up with an original and very beautiful name for the boy. But at the same time, it is not necessary to get too fascinated by difficult words, to remember which will be difficult for the first time. No one person can like when the surrounding constantly forget or distort his name.

In modern society, parents often go from traditions to call the familiar names of girls. They increasingly prefer rare Korean names. Asian origin Korean names of girls sound melodious and have different meanings. A girl with this name will stand out among others, this is his originality.

The history of the origin of Korean women's names

The Chinese name usually means something, or symbolizes the reason for which it is given. Most often it is something associated with prosperity, it happens that Chinese names have a political subtext. In the second half of the 20th century, the names of two characters were popular. The female name contained a sign that is part of the name of the DPRK. As a result of this expression, the patriotism of Koreans rose. These names were more often met in the existence of the Republic of Korea babies in the first years. Some names are associated with the period of existence of three kingdoms. Over time, their writing and sound was interpreted under Chinese.

His imprint in the history of names played the dynasties of Korean-Mongolian origin. Modern names of Korean girls are given under the influence of the Western Tea, so they began to acquire similarity with the English pronunciation. Correys usually have names associated with prosperity, wealth and strong character. Women often receive names associated with the beauty of nature, translated they can sound like a fragrant flower or cloud. The name may be associated with anime characters. Purely Korean names are a combination of two characters, one of which is used very rarely.

In Korea, it is customary to call children so that their names are somehow related to each other. For example, if the family has two children, a boy and a girl, their names can have a symbolic meaning: the sun and the moon. If the name is not too consonant, the girls in the free state often take a kind of alias. Change the name in Korea is very difficult, almost impossible, so nicknames are often used. The names of the Asians are small, for this reason often encountered the same options for sound. Too many Chinese, and the names are not enough. Unfortunately, it increases confusion in everyday life, because Koreans are used to calling children according to the rules.

List of beautiful Korean names

A selection of beautiful Korean names of girls will allow to get acquainted with the most popular not only in Asian, but also Russian-speaking countries options:

  • Ha-Owy (Heaven) - the original Korean origin name, suits blue-eyed girls;
  • Isyl (purity) is suitable for calm and beautiful girls;
  • Gin-ho - a common option, sounds translated as a precious lake;
  • Jun - call the children born from a strong sensual relationship;
  • Tu - "Star", which was born like a blessed gift for parents.

In the east, the name is not only girls, but the boys play a special role, how parents will choose a child, then his future life will be.

Rare Women's names of Korean origin

Asian names themselves are considered rare, because few people decide to call their children. However, if we speak for the country of their origin, there are now being reborn the forgotten names, they already have a modern sound.

If you consider rare options, you can select the following names of the girls:

  • Bao - Defender;
  • Dung - brave;
  • Jung - forever thriving;
  • Küung Sunner, but proud;
  • Nung - velvet;
  • Thuang - (submissive) tamped;
  • HUONG - Pink as Sakura;
  • Tien - Magic, Fairy Spirit.

When choosing an attractive Korean names, it is important to take into account the last name, in a pair they should be in touching.

The most popular Korean names and their meaning

Choosing the Korean Name of the Korean Name today, loving parents must take into account not only its meaning, but also the date (number, year, time) of the child's birth. In Asian countries, however, as we believe that these data affect the fate of a person in adulthood. In compiling such names, the following Korean words (hieroglyphs) are often used:

  • Mi - in translation sounds like beauty;
  • Hwa - the meaning of the flower;
  • Chon - translates as sincerity.

In the meaning of beautiful Korean names, Chinese, Mongolian and purely national origin of the word can be used.

Popular names for girls and their meaning:

  • Kui (precious);
  • Lan (peaceful, calm);
  • Lien (lotus flower);
  • Hong (Rose);
  • Chow (pearls);
  • En (peace);
  • Kim (Golden);
  • NGUTS (Moon);
  • Tuan (bright);
  • Kanya (girl);
  • Lin (Spring);
  • Young (forever young);
  • OK (Jasper).

Often, Korean women's names reflect beauty, wisdom and sincerity. Names for girls can be associated with celestial luminaires, precious stones, natural phenomena and courage.

How to choose a name for a girl

To call a newborn daughter in the 21st century it became very difficult, because the fashion came to choose Eastern origin names. In their sound, they are diverse and strikingly unusual. Borrowed from foreign languages \u200b\u200bnames, more often we have been pronounced (abbreviated). As for Korean names, they are short and more often easy for pronunciation, memorization. A short name for the girl carries a deep meaning and sometimes dual and more value.

First of all, parents choose popular or original options. Regardless of the value and translation, the name will not be recognized as the Orthodox Church, so when baptism will need to give another one. It should be paid to the fact that the child will be with this name to live in adulthood. It should be normally perceived by society and be understandable. For example, if a woman with the Korean name will occupy an important position, how will subordinate to it?

Undoubtedly, over the years, the mentality is changing, and the fact that yesterday it seemed abnormal, perceived by other, the same thing happens with the names. Do not choose a name that may make it difficult for a child while studying and when issuing documents. Sometimes it is difficult to live with a borrowed temporary mode name. If you are guided by the selection of fashion, give the child the second name, then everything will be satisfied with the family.

Korean male names have a deep story. Their use changed throughout history. In antiquity, before the period of the three kingdoms, the original Korean names were used. Next, they were replaced with modern Chinese hieroglyphs. Over time, they were supplemented by the names of Manchus and Mongols, since their interpretation was very close to Koreans.

Since the Second World War, Japanese hieroglyphs were added to them. This is due to the fact that at that time various campaigns were carried out on the compound of the culture of Japan and Korea. Now the country is divided into two warring parts, but despite this male names in South and North Korea are the same.

How do you choose for a boy?

Unlike the same Chinese or Japanese, the list of Korean names to the ordinary short. When choosing a boyfriend, parents are guided by three parameters:

  • sound - the name must be harmful and combined well with the surname;
  • writing - hieroglyphs in the name must be harmoniously combined;
  • meaning of the name.

For Koreans, the son is a successor of the genus and guardian for parents in old age. Therefore, the name is picking up this, which will give the boy by the qualities that parents want to see in it. In the families of the military boys, they are numbered by the names associated with soldiers. Also very often, kids give names by animal names. The most popular of them is "Tiger".

Reference. Very often Koreans connect two unambiguous names. So the new unusual names are obtained, which comes with sons.

List of all beautiful in Russian and their meaning

Despite the fact that the list of Korean names is very meager, among them you can highlight a number of beautiful male names.

  • Bao - So "Protection". Often goes to victims for other people. Located to idealize people, it is strong.
  • Beach - Translated into Russian means "jade".
  • BINKH - "peace". Able to decisive actions. It has a strong, volitional character. Differs special resource.
  • Viene - "Completion". Sociable, well-developed logical thinking. Achieves goals.
  • Van - "Cloud". It distinguishes courage and independence. Shows leadership qualities. Determining, responsible, resourceful. He has a fast reaction.
  • Vinch - Translation of "Bay". It is distinguished by courage and independence from others, timely. As a child, he shows extreme curiosity.
  • DINH - "Top". Inclined to adventures. He is not afraid of difficulties. Loves through everything in the first place.
  • Gin - "Golden". Contact, sociable, curious baby. Easily makes new acquaintances that is why there is a lot of friends.
  • Jung - means "love" or "chaste". Not afraid of difficulties. Always and in all seeks to be ahead. She strives to earn public authority.
  • Duk - "a wish". It is easy to contact with people, sociable and cheerful, appreciate friendship. Decisions always on your own.
  • Dung. - "brave." Crazy and dear, tend to idealize people. In rare cases, has overestimated requirements for others.
  • DOUONG - "Moorious." It is characterized by insight, well-developed intuition, activity, ambition, justice and determination.
  • EN - Translated from the Korean "Peace".
  • Isul - "Rosa". It is easy to contact with other people. Sociable, active, socuble, good boy.
  • Yong - So "brave." Communicability, determination, courage, curiosity manifest themselves at the kid with the same name.
  • Jung - "Eternal" or "prosperous". Can bring a sacrifice for someone else's good. It is difficult for him to take an independent decision, depending on someone else's opinion.
  • Kuan - "Soldier". Differs reliability, causes confidence in others. Since childhood, uses authority.
  • Kim. - The meaning of the name "Golden". It has idealistic inclinations, attaching, in love. It seeks to achieve the goals.
  • Kui. - This name means "precious."
  • Kuen. - "Bird." Required to themselves and others, all means is achieved by the goals, purposeful and decisive.
  • LAN - Translation "Mirny". Sociable, cheerful, sociable boy. Easily makes new acquaintances and has many friends.
  • Len. - Lotos. All the forces seek the goals. It is distinguished by perseverance, purposefulness, stubbornness.
  • Lin - "beautiful". For the kid, it is not a problem to make new acquaintances. Since childhood, active, cheerful, sociable and open child.
  • Monkut - "Crown". Perseverance, pride, determination, the symptoms are accompanied by a boy with such a name. Reaches sharply to comments in your address.
  • Min. - Translated as "Molenia". The boy is endowed with creative abilities and talents. Loves to express themselves, active, never sits on the spot.
  • May - So "bright" or "flower". Sociable, friendly, peace-loving, open, sociable. Easily makes new acquaintances.
  • NGAI - Translated "Grass". Since childhood, shows signs of gifting. She strives to get new knowledge. It has creative abilities who are always looking for use.
  • NGOK - "Gemstone". They are distinguished by sociability, openness to everything new, cheerfulness, activity, kindness and ambition. Always come to help in need.
  • Nguen - "Start". Endowed with a deep inner world, peace-loving, always seeks to get new knowledge, kind and honest.
  • Nung - So "velvet". It characterizes courage and determination, resourcefulness, impulsiveness, leadership qualities.
  • Pakpao - "Paper snakes." He has a fast reaction, well-developed intuition and high intelligence. Good, fair, honest and open.
  • Puong - "Phoenix". Independent, proud, stubborn, fair, decisive. Does not assist from others.
  • Sanan - "Good word." It has a strong, volitional and punitive character that helps him achieve any goals.
  • Tien. - Means "Spirit." Good, hidden, calm, wound, can sacrifice for the good of the good man.
  • Three - Translation of the name "Oyster". It is distinguished by curiosity since childhood. Often becomes the leader of the team, thanks to its determination and responsibility.
  • T. - "Star". Active, movable, sociable and optimistic boy. Needs constant movement, does not like to sit still.
  • Tuang - "Bright". The child is endowed with creative abilities. Loves to be the center of attention. To seek to conquer public love and authority.
  • Tuan - "Ray". Wants to always be in the first place. He considers itself better than others. Self-confidence predominates, egoism, stubbornness.
  • Thai - "Friendly." It has its own determination, the speed of reaction, responsibility, reliability, purposefulness.
  • Thu - "fall". The boy is characteristic of courage and determination, courage and masculinity. Since childhood, excessive curiosity is extended.
  • Thuang - "Tocused". He has the need to dominate others. He likes to be the center of attention, considers itself better than others. Stubborn, selfish and mercantilene.
  • Hanuel - "Heavenly". Able to go for any sacrifices for the sake of a native or loved one. Hidden, compacted, closed. It is difficult to make new acquaintances.
  • Khun. - So "wise". Independent, brave, honest, responsible, resourceful, reliable.
  • Hung. - "brave." The baby is peculiar to a strong, punching character, increased demands in the surrounding. At the same time, he is very in love and quickly ties to people.
  • Hoa - "Flower". Reliable, responsible, honest, enjoys public authority. Always communicates to the end.
  • HUONG- "Pink". Secretive, uncommunicative, closed, compounded child. It is difficult for him to make new acquaintances. He loves homemade gatherings.
  • Juan.- "This God." He is able to sacrifice many for the sake of others. Good, outdoor, cheerful child. Loves nature.
  • Hong- "rose flower". Distinctive character trait - reliability. You can always rely on it. Fair, honest, kind.
  • Chow- interpreted as "pearls". The owner of the name is cheerful, optimistic, sociable and sociable. Always in motion.
  • Chi.- "Energetic." He considers itself better than others, always wants to be not the first place. Often takes part in conflicts. But also easily decide.
  • Tire- Translated as "Trust" or "Vera". Can bring a victim to achieve any goal. Alien happiness puts more than his own.
  • Jong- "Bravery." Reliability - the most important feature of such boys. Enjoy authority from others who seek to keep at any cost.

The correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character, aura and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are poetic interpretations, which means women's names, in reality the influence of the name for each girl individually.

Sometimes parents are trying to choose a name before birth, preventing the child to form. Attempts to use astrology are already not applicable, astrology and numerology of choosing the name of the elected all serious knowledge about the influence of the name on fate in the centuries.

Calendar branch, Holy People, without consulting a seerful, insurgent specialist do not have any real assistance in assessing the influence of names for the fate of the child.

Lists popular, happy, beautiful, melodic female names are essentially a generalization, and close eyes on individuality, energy, child soul.

Beautiful and modern Korean names must primarily approach the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who is not affected by your child's life.

A variety of statistic characteristics are positive features of the name, negative features of the name, the choice of profession by name, the influence of the name on the business, the influence of the name on health, the name psychology can be considered only in the context of the deep analysis of the nature, energy design, the task of living and the genus of a particular child.

Name compatibility topic (and not people's characters) is an absurd that internal mechanisms of the influence of the name on their carrier turns out of the interaction of different people. And annuls the whole psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Moves to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of the interaction of people.

Meaning of the name Does not give a full-fledged impact, it is only a small part of the influence. For example, the jung (love) does not mean that the girl will be happy in family life, and the carriers of other names are unhappy. The name can weaken health, block her heart center and she will not be able to give and take love. Another girl on the contrary will help solve the tasks of love or family, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third girl may not bring any effect at all that there is a name that is not. Etc. And all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics. And the same name. And the fate is different.

The most popular Korean names for girls is also a delusion. 95% of girls are called the names that are not facilitating fate. It is possible to navigate only on the congenital nature of the child, spiritual vision and the wisdom of a specialist. And experience, experience and once again experience in understanding - what is happening.

The mystery of the female nameAs a program of an unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in person, and not in the meaning value and characteristic name. And if this name destroys the child, then some kind of beautiful, minor with patronymic, an astrological accurate, benevolent it was not, it would still be harm, the destruction of character, complication of life and the weighting of fate.

Below is a list of Korean names. Try to choose a few you most suitable to your child. Then if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

List of women's Korean names alphabetically:

Beach - Nephritis
Bao - Protection
Binh - Mir

Wang - cloud
Wiens - Completion
Winx - Bay

Dung - Brave
DUK - Wish
Gin-ho - precious lake
Duong - courageous
Jung - Love, purposeful
Dinh - Top
Jung - Love

Isyul - Rosa

Yong - bold
Jung - Eternal, prosperous

Kui - precious
Kouen - Bird
Kuan - Soldier
Kui - precious
Cuang - clear, clean
Kanya - Girl
Kim - Golden
Kyung Song - Gentle and Proud

Lan - Mirnaya
Lin - Spring
Lien - Lotos.

Mei - flower
Min - bright
Monkut - Corona

NGA - grass
Nung - velvet
Nguyen - Beginning
NGOK - Gemstone
NGUTS - Moon
Nung - velvet

Pakpao - Paper Snakes
Puong - Phoenix

Sunan - Good Word

TU - Star
Thi - Poem
Tuet - White Snow
TCH - autumn
Three - Oyster
Thai - friendly
Thhan - Bright, clear
Tuan - Bright
Tuan - Loose
Thhan - Bright, clear
Thuang - Troychnaya
Tien - Fairy, Spirit

Hanuel - Heavenly
Khun - Muda
Xuan - Spring
Hyun - Muda
Hoa - flower
Hung - Brave
Hong - Rosa

Chi - Tree Branch
Chow - Pearls

Tire - trust

Jong - courage

Condeta is character. Character is adjusted including through thoughts. The most important idea is the name. The name lays out changes. Then the character changes fate and the future. Since all people are different, any generalizations ignoring personality personality are incorrect.

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