Contest from nature siberic. Scenario of the competition "Russian braid - maiden beauty

Contest from nature siberic.  Scenario of the competition
Contest from nature siberic. Scenario of the competition "Russian braid - maiden beauty


about the school competition

"Maiden braid - Russian beauty"

within the subject week of the aesthetic-labor cycle

I. Founders of the competition

Administration of MBOUTSO No. 25 of Tula

Teenage and youth club of the Proletarsky district of Tula

II. Goals and objectives of the competition

Identification and support of owners of long hair as a standard of Russian beauty;

Raising the younger generation in the spirit of respect for national culture and familiarizing young people with Russian folk traditions;

- assistance in personal improvement, disclosure of the creative potential of schoolchildren;

- education of aesthetic taste;

- promotion of healthy lifestyles;

Organization of leisure time for school students.

III. Competitors

Students of grades 5-6 of MBOU TsO № 25 are invited to participate in the competition. The hair of the participants must be natural. Participants mustknow Russian traditions, songs, sayings, etc.

IV. Place and time of the competition

The competition is held within the framework of the subject week of the aesthetic-labor cycle in 2016.

The venue is the assembly hall of MBOU TsO No. 25, Tula, st. Kalinina, 7.

V. Procedure for organizing and conducting

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application form to the school administration by April 20, 2016 (the application form is offered in Appendix No. 1).

The competition consists of 6 stages:

1. "And the braid has grown to the waist ..." - the participants of the competition present themselves on stage in a folk style, in any genre (song, poem, fairy tale, epic, dance); with elements of a traditional Russian costume, with a braided braid (2-3 minutes). Support group is allowed.

2. Defile "You, my braid, braid - the beauty of the whole city" - to demonstrate an original hairstyle, the basis of which is weaving (preparation time 10 min., Presentation 1-2 min.). The hairstyle must have a name. Support group is allowed.

3. Exhibition "It is not the needle that sews, but the hands" of hair jewelry made by the contestant.

4. "To the origins of folk wisdom" - a quiz on the knowledge of Russian folk traditions. Support group is allowed.

5. Demonstration of loose hair (participants give tips on hair care).

6. Rewarding. Participants go to the awards ceremony in their Russian folk (or stylized) outfits

Vi. Jury of the selection round of the competition

The jury is formed by the founders of the competition.

According to the results of the competitive program, the jury selects 3 finalists.

Each jury member evaluates the performance of the participant in the range from 1 to 5 points for each stage. The final mark of the performance of the participants of the competition is determined as the sum of the marks of all members of the jury.

Criteria for evaluation:

Hair length;

Well-groomed and neatness;

Disclosure of the national Russian flavor and national characteristics.

Knowledge of Russian folk traditions;

Originality, accuracy and independence of the execution of a decorative product - hair jewelry, knowledge of the features and techniques of making jewelry;

Grace, charm, emotionality, artistry, Creative skills.

Vii. Winner's reward ceremony

The awards ceremony will take place on March 10, 2016 immediately after the end of the competition.

Finalists are awarded with diplomas andaward ribbon, winner of the main prize "Russian beauty - long braid" - a diploma, crown and a gift.

The jury reserves the right to institute special diplomas.

Over one year old

September 1 on the Internet on the sitewww. konkurs. naturasiberica. ru a global competition is launched, which is designed to unite Russian women from all over the world with the help of the concept of "true Russian beauty".

The important mission of uniting Russians from all over the world with a sense of pride in their country was undertaken by the Russian brand of natural cosmetics based on medicinal herbs and plants of Siberia Natura Siberica. Today Natura Siberica products are widely represented not only throughout Russia, but also in more than 40 world markets, including brand boutiques in Japan, Hong Kong, Serbia, Denmark and Spain. By producing the highest quality skin care and decorative cosmetics, marked by the most prestigious European eco-certificates, the Russian brand Natura Siberica helps women around the world to preserve their natural beauty and attractiveness with the help of the healing powers of Russian nature.

From September 1, 2016, residents of any part of the world who have Russian citizenship or were born on the territory of Russia or the RSFSR, regardless of their age or nationality, will be able to take part in two stages of the global competition "Russian Braid" and compete for the main prize - an apartment in Moscow!

In the first stage, the participants will have to post a photo on the website of the competition and demonstrate that their image meets the criteria of true Russian beauty. An obligatory element of the image is hair, braided in a primordially Russian braid. In the second stage, the girls will need to record a video confessing their love for Russia. It can be a dance, a song, poems of his own composition or another form of declaration of love for the Motherland - the organizer welcomes a creative approach to completing assignments.

The face of the competition "Russian Braid" by Natura Siberica was a resident of Siberia Daria Gubanova - Russian Rapunzel, as she was dubbed by the international media (from the Daily Mail to the Huffington Post), which released more than one story about the Russian beauty. The owner of a natural braid with a length of more than 160 cm has been growing her hair for 13 years and, like no other, is a true embodiment of true Russian beauty that unites continents.

Here is what Daria herself says about Russian beauty: « True Russian beauty is, first of all, inner fulfillment. This is sincerity and sincerity, simplicity, good nature and strong character. And naturalness in everything. I am sure - appearance and soul are always inseparable. "

Daria will also be a member of the honorary star jury, which will award the grand prize to one of the ten finalists with the maximum number of user votes at Any Internet user with an account on social networks can vote for their favorite work. The second winner of the Russian Braid competition by Natura Siberica will receive a certificate for a free flight to Moscow from anywhere in the world, accommodation in a five-star hotel and a visit to the Fresh Spa by Natura Siberica for two. In addition, Natura Siberica has prepared many intermediate and incentive prizes for the winners in other nominations of the competition.

A global competition has started, which, using the concept of "true Russian beauty", will unite Russian women from all over the world.

Natura Siberica, a Russian brand of natural cosmetics based on medicinal herbs and plants of Siberia, has taken on the important mission of uniting Russians from all over the world with the help of beauty and a sense of pride in their country.

From September 1 to December 12, 2016, residents of any part of the world who have Russian citizenship or were born on the territory of Russia or the RSFSR, regardless of their age or nationality, will be able to take part in two stages of the global competition "Russian Braid" and compete for the main prize - an apartment in Moscow!

The idea of ​​the “Russian Spit” competition was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which established its own nomination - “The Choice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation”.

In the first stage, the participants should post their photo on the website and demonstrate that their image meets the criteria of true Russian beauty. An obligatory element of the image is hair, braided in a primordially Russian braid. In the second stage, the girls will need to record a video confessing their love for Russia. It can be a dance, a song, poems of his own composition or another form of declaration of love for the Motherland - the organizer welcomes a creative approach to completing assignments.

The works of the contestants will be evaluated both by ordinary users who can leave their vote for their favorite work on the competition website, and by a star jury, which included well-known public figures and representatives of show business: Tatyana Mikhalkova (President of the Russian Silhouette Charitable Foundation), Oksana Fedorova (TV presenter, Miss Universe 2002), Pelageya (singer), Arina Sharapova (TV presenter) and Mitya Fomin (musician).

Here is what the jury members of the Russian Braid competition say about true Russian beauty:

Tatyana Mikhalkova: “Russian beauty has been valued at all times - this is thick hair gathered in a braid, and patterns of traditional national crafts and costumes, and the famous jewelry of Russian imperial families. For many decades, the Russian style has been thundering on the world catwalks, it is considered something special and very attractive. For us, Russian women, it is very important to be able to appreciate, love and preserve this original beauty. "

Oksana Fedorova: “What is the beauty of Russian women? Probably in our genes, which have absorbed all the breadth and beauty of Russian nature; in Russian art, in literature, in poetry, which in their “clear bright mirror” reflected what the great Russian land gave birth to and nurtured ”.

Pelageya: “For me, true Russian beauty lies in the magic and originality of folk art. These are our true roots, those vibrations to which the most secret strings of the soul respond. When you get the opportunity to touch the ancient culture of your ancestors, you feel incredible, hitherto unknown urges. "

One of the jury members and at the same time the face of the "Russian Braid" competition was the Siberian Daria Gubanova - Russian Rapunzel, as she was dubbed by the international media (from the Daily Mail to the Huffington Post), which released more than one story about the Russian beauty. The owner of a natural braid with a length of more than 160 cm has been growing her hair for 13 years and, like no other, is a true embodiment of true Russian beauty that unites continents.

Natura Siberica has prepared many prizes for the winners of the competition in various nominations. So, the second prize is a certificate for a spa weekend in Moscow, which includes a free flight to Moscow from anywhere in the world, accommodation in a five-star hotel and a visit to the Fresh Spa by Natura Siberica for two. The third prize "Natura Siberica Inspiration" - a year's supply of natural cosmetics Natura Siberica. Also, every week the winner of the week will be awarded a gift set of Natura Siberica cosmetics.

Summing up the results of the first round of the competition is timed to coincide with the national holiday - National Unity Day, which is celebrated in Russia on November 4. The results of the final vote of the jury will be announced on December 12, the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.

Erica Jurk

Competition script in the preparatory group

« Russian braid - maiden beauty»

Musical director Yurk E. Kh.

Target: Introducing students to tradition Russian culture, heritage Russian people.


Formation of interest in Russian folk traditions;

Disclosure of the creative abilities of children;

Education of morality and respect for the history of their people.


Leading -

Baba Yaga -

Children enter the hall to the music

Lead1 « Russian braid - maiden beauty» .

Boys recite poetry

When I look from scenes in the hall,

I see it in the shaky twilight

And admiring eyes

And someone's kind smile.

March 8th every year

On this wonderful spring holiday,

I want to congratulate you

So mysterious and different.

Among worries, among smiles,

As mysterious as in the hall,

Among these kind eyes

I say life: "Thank you"

For every moment, for every hour.

Darling! Dear! Beloved!

You are a fair wind to the ship,

I would only be by your side.

I don't need anything else

Because I love you.

May all sorrows subside in the light of days,

May all women's dreams come true

I wish you always illuminate

Light road to life beauty!


Lead1: Hello dear guys, hello dear parents. Happy holiday, dear women. We are glad to welcome you in our hall and we would like to give you a good mood. Welcome to the program « Russian braid - maiden beauty» .

It's not a miracle to look at you,

Everyone is not averse to loving you,

Scarlet ribbon twists playfully

In your hair, black as night.

Host2: Since olden times scythe was the adornment of every girl, girl and the pride of every woman. The braid was lovingly looked after, the hair was washed, the hair was washed with lye, caressed with an infusion of herbs, from which they became silky and soft. Mom, combing her daughter's hair, sentenced:

Grow braid to the waist,

Don't drop a hair.

Grow braid to toe,

All hairs are in a row.

Lead1: And grew scythe: long, thick, beautiful.

Often a bright ribbon was woven into the braid.

Oh you, ribbon, my ribbon

You are a ribbon of bouquets,

Buketova, violet.

You are resurrected Russu braid,

Russu the braid of the red maiden.

Host2: And here, look, a round dance curls, curls with a long ribbon.


Lead1: Now, it's time to start our competition program« Russian braid - maiden beauty»

Baba Yaga appears with her daughter Yagus.

Baba Yaga. Of course, as always, about us forgot: about me and about my lovely daughter. You only remember us when you read fairy tales. Let's get out of here, Yagusenka. How they say: "An uninvited guest is worse than Leshy."

Yagusya: (does not want to leave) Look at the girls here! And how cute they are! I really want to play with them, Mom!

Lead1:. Do not be offended by us, Baba Yaga, we invite you to visit, but with one condition - do not be disgraceful here.

Baba Yaga: And when did we mess up, huh?

At this time, Yagusya makes faces and grabs the girls in the hall by the bows.

Lead1: Right now, for example.

Yagusya runs up to Baba Yaga.

Yagusya: Mom, look what toys I took from that girl!

Baba Yaga: Did you even guess to take toys from her without permission?

Yagusya: Yes! I said that if she didn’t give me the toy, I would bite her.

Baba Yaga: Well done! You're just smart!

Lead1: Well done? Yes, your girl does not know how to behave herself at all!

Baba Yaga: Come on, it will be for you, but she sings well with me. Come on, Yagusya, light it up in this village.

Yagusya sings.


Host2: Although you are not very polite, you sing great! Let's not stop and continue our musical performances!

Lead1: I agree with you in everything. But first, let's start our competition!

And so, participants are invited competition let's greet them

(the participants enter to the music competition for the hand with mom, each contestant bracelet with number... They make a circle around the hall and stop at the designated places (participants sit on chairs.) About every contestants dressing table on it m: hairbrush, mirror, ribbons, hairpins, bows, headbands, flowers)

Host2: Guys, now I will introduce you to the composition of the Jury, today we will be judged -

Lead1: well, now let's start our competition, and….

Baba Yaga: Wait! Don't start!

Host2: What's up Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga: We will also participate in competition!

Lead1: yes, please take your place.

Host2: And so, let's start, and the first round "Acquaintance"... In that competition mom and daughter introduce themselves. (name and motto)


Lead1: so we met, and we immediately cross to the second round.

Today we celebrate the girl's richest adornment - her braid.


Scarlet ribbon curls, braids girl's braid... So we are braiding our braids. The girls are helped by their mothers. The condition is parting in the middle.

Host2: Well, for now, our contestants weave a braid, we will tell you about the customs of different nations.

Every girl was famous for the scythe, the more scythe, the more beautiful damsel.

Tatar girls weaved two braids that flowed over a flexible waist. Kazakh women wore 4 pigtails: 2 in front, 2 in back. Turkmen women, Uzbek women - 16. All converged in one: tried to show their beauty, wealth of hair. After marriage, the braids of women of all nationalities were hidden in a bundle, in a scarf, in skullcaps. " The beauty of the mountains - stones, beauty of the head - hair". This proverb is used by different peoples of the East. Thick long hair is both an outfit and an adornment. It just seems that scythe boring primitive hairstyle.

« Scythe countless» - cleverly coiled from many strands. « Spikelet» also unusual and elegant. But most revered 3-strand braid... Why out of 3? The Trinity has long been associated with the concept of holiness. Three is a lucky family number, symbolizing mother, father and child, united into a single whole.

Lead1: here are our contestants... We ask the jury to evaluate whose braid is longer... Everything contests are evaluated on a 5-point system.

Host2: Baba Yaga, are you sure that Yagusi has her own scythe?

Baba Yaga: naturally! 2oo years raised!

Lead1: Oh, your Yagusa is 200 years old?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I still have it small.

Host2: Well, consider that we believed you.


Host2: And now a gift for mothers and grandmothers!

DANCE WITH SHARES (to the song "Wait a minute gorgeous» )


Host2: Now we have to evaluate the natural shine of healthy hair. It's no secret that some owners of long hair prefer to wear it loosely over their shoulders. There is a saying "Dunya dismissed her braids, and after her all the sailors"... While the girls are preparing help for the audience.

Lead1: Turns out:

Blondes' braids are the thickest, they consist of an average of 140 thousand hairs;

Brunettes have 20 thousand hairs less;

Brown-haired women have 109 thousand;

Redheads have 88 thousand.

During the day, hair grows faster than at night, in spring and summer it is more active than in winter and autumn;

Length limit 91 cm;

Hair grows 25 mm in a week;

The longest scythe in the world has grown from a man. The Indian monk Swama Pandarasana - oglu in 1942 boasted 8 meter curls.

Host2: Well, here are our girls, ready to show off their hair ... Oh Baba Yaga, what happened? Where is your long hair?

(Baba Yaga is ashamed and says guilty.)

Baba Yaga: Well, where, where…. in general it is…. Well, it wasn't real scythe... We wanted to win on your competition and take all the prizes... Here.

(at this time Yagusya leaves, dresses for the dance "Spinning")

Lead1: Dear Baba Yaga, cheating is not good. Any lie sooner or later becomes apparent. And prizes can be earned anyway by participating in competition.

Baba Yaga: Please forgive us ... (Looking for Yagusu) Oh, and where is Yagusya?


(Yagusya comes out)

Baba Yaga: Where were you? Naughty girl!

Yagusya: I learned dance.

Baba Yaga: what other dance? And where did you steal this outfit?

Yagusya: I didn't steal my aunt gave. (points to the music. Hands.) and taught me to dance. I will not cheat anymore. I want to be like these girls, good, obedient.

Baba Yaga: Here's the deal….




Round 3 is the most important. You need to create an original hairstyle from long hair.

Eternal question: how to become beautiful? They say that it takes have:

Elegant shoes;

Graceful outfit;

- beautiful hairstyle.

Lead1: And while the mothers are doing their hair, the boys will sing ditties for us.


Broaden the street wider, the guys and I are going

And funny ditties, oh, we will sing for you from the bottom of our hearts!

Women's holiday is the reason why we sing here.

Let us, men, congratulate you on Women's Day!

By a childish desire, we came to congratulate you

And boy's suffering, oh, they brought you today.

I'm a daring boy, I won't show you grief.

Any grief, oh, I will put everything on joy!

He said well, comrade, he said, he said so!

It would be better if you pulled the rope in physical education!

We begin to cook with dad - there is smoke and noise in the kitchen!

It is a pity that we did not finish culinary college with him!

All day I tried so hard - I didn't look at the girls.

I could hardly resist - I wanted to pull the braid!

They say that we are badass, you never believe!

In our group, the commanders, oh, there were always girls!

Host2:: In the old days, hair was often covered with a scarf. And they tied them in different ways.

In Russia for a long time

Headwear is worn.

The woman walks barefoot

But save me - simple-haired

Jewelry for women,

They wear them with skill.

See for yourself!

(Model show)

"Under the hat" Wrap a handkerchief over your face and tie it on your head. Twist the ends slightly in a spiral, wrap around the neck and tie.

"Kapor Horned Kichka" Fold the scarf in half diagonally and put it on the head "Tail" forward. Tie the ends of the scarf, and "tail" arrange in a large weak knot.

So women in the old days saved their heads from troubles and misfortunes.

"On shoulders" At gatherings and festivities, girls wore a scarf - like this, on their shoulders. It was considered beautiful and elegant.

"Over the kokoshnik" In the old days, a scarf was tied over the kokoshnik with two connected ends. It was believed that this is how girls escaped the evil eye of the people.

"Hood" Fold the large scarf diagonally and connect all ends.

Lead1: here our girls are ready to meet! Girls Beauties and their mothers! Please go in a circle, show your hairstyles and crafts that you made together at home.

(demonstration of hairstyles and crafts)

Host2: And while the jury is calculating the points, girls for mothers and grandmothers will perform a song.


"Mom sang a song Russian»

The moon swam over the river like a swan in the clear sky,

my mother, yes, at dawn, gave birth to me at dawn

and sang a song Russian over my head -

not a funny, not a sad song that became fate.

How many years have passed since my grandmother

She brought that song to my mother, apparently, in my heart.

How do you sing a song Russian over my head,

neither funny nor sad, - a song that became fate

I remember my mother sits quietly at the window and sings,

her daughter, pure blood, but to the song that she will fall asleep.

How do you sing a song Russian over my head,

Neither a funny nor a sad song, which has become destiny.

That song is about our groves, about the dear father's house,

Yes, about the poplar near the outskirts, but about the mother and father.

With that song the dawn swam pink, with the song that soul was warmer,

You make noise, my land is birch, with mother's song

Baba Yaga: (crying) What kind beautiful words, my mother sang a lullaby to me too. And I sing to Yagusi.

Lead1: which one? Sing it, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Tired toys are sleeping,

All the witches and huts are sleeping.

A mutant sleeps in a glass jar,

A skeleton sleeps in an iron bottle,

A rat is dozing on a snowdrift.

Ghost in the carriage

Cannibals after the feast….

Host2: Stop, Baba Yaga! They were kind of frightening. Let's continue our festive competition.

Lead1: Now the crucial moment has come - summing up competition and rewarding! The jury will give the floor.


Host2: So our competition and festive evening... Once again, we congratulate all girls and women on the holiday! GOODBYE!

From September 1 to December 12, 2016, Russian women (and their braids) can take to compete for the main prize - an apartment in Moscow

The competition, which consists of two stages, is open to residents of any part of the world who have Russian citizenship or were born on the territory of Russia or the RSFSR, regardless of their age or nationality.

In the first stage, the participants need to upload their photo on the website, demonstrating the compliance of the image with the criteria of true Russian beauty (an obligatory element of the image is hair, braided in a primordial Russian braid). In the second stage, you need to record a video with a declaration of love for Russia: the video can contain a dance, song, poems of your own composition or another form of declaration of love for the Motherland - the organizer welcomes a creative approach to completing tasks.

The works of the contestants will be judged by both ordinary users and a star jury, which included well-known public figures and representatives of show business: Tatyana Mikhalkova (President of the Russian Silhouette Charitable Foundation), Oksana Fedorova (TV presenter, Miss Universe 2002), Pelageya (singer), Arina Sharapova (TV presenter) and Mitya Fomin (musician).

The face of the contest "Russian Braid" by Natura Siberica is a resident of Siberia Daria Gubanova - Russian Rapunzel, as she was dubbed by the international media (from the Daily Mail to the Huffington Post), which released more than one story about the Russian beauty. The owner of a natural braid with a length of more than 160 cm has been growing her hair for 13 years and, like no other, is a true embodiment of true Russian beauty that unites continents.