The fastest birds in the world are the speed of the flight and records. Which bird flies faster

The fastest birds in the world are the speed of the flight and records. Which bird flies faster
The fastest birds in the world are the speed of the flight and records. Which bird flies faster

Birds are a special type of warm-blooded animals, characterized by body covered with feathers and, as a rule, the front limbs in the form of wings. This feature allows birds to move in various environments: fly, run on the ground, swim, developing speeds, unbearable to many other animal species.

The fastest of waterfowl penguin birds on the surface of the water floats slowly, like a duck. But with underwater swimming, it develops a speed of 36 km / h, swinging the last wings and lowering and immediately emerging from the water to inhale air. The world champion in swimming among people swims 6 times slower than penguin, and the fastest combat ships are able to develop the speed of 47 knots (87 km / h), ahead of penguins only 2.4 times.

The top of the fastest birds in flight speed - movement:

  • Falcon Sapsan - 322 km / h
  • Berkut - 300 km / h
  • Eglugged strife - 170 km / h
  • Frigates 153 km / h
  • Shorth goose 142 km / h
  • Middle Crochal 129 km / h
  • Ostrich - 70 km / h, record 92 km / h
  • Penguin swims like a duck, and under water 36 km / h

In those regions of the Earth, where the high speed of movement on it is a vital necessity (Africa, Australia, East Asia), inhabit ostriches to 2.5 m and body weight up to 0.15 tons, the powerful limbs of which allow you to move with steps to 5 m with Speed \u200b\u200b70 km / h. The famous Kenya Naa Ngeti, running 1000 m in 2 minutes. 11.96 seconds, in the competition with an ostrich would be lagging behind it for 1 min. 20 sec.

The most impressive records of birds put in air flights. In this type of moving the champion in the picing flight is the Sapsan Falcon, which lives at all other than Antarctica, the continents of the Earth. Not every car can be compared with a sapsan, developing a speed of 90 m / s., I.e. 322 km / h. From the living beings to compete with it can only black haircuts, 2 times more slowly flying in the piquetting flight, but the outpacing falcon in horizontal flight.

Predatory bird golden eagleliving in the mountains and forests of 4 continents (Asia, Europe, North America and Europe) is considered the most dangerous of the family of hawk. Berkut is hunting not only on birds, hares and rodents, but also on horned cattle (calves, roe deer, deer and sheep), despite the fact that its length does not exceed 0.95 m, and the weight is 6.5 kg. The wingspan of the wings of the Berkut reaches 2.2 m, the speed of the picking flight is 300 km / h, which is comparable to the fastest Sapsan falcon. Since ancient times, Berkut, as an excellent hunter, uses human reverence.

Very interesting video about eagles!

Egloan Streach It dwells in the wrappers of forest trees of Asia, including the southern part of Siberia and the Far East. Its diet with small sizes and weight of their own body (length up to 0.2 m, weight up to 0.14 kg) components of insects. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a high speed of the picking flight, the speed of the horizontal flight is more important for it, which constitutes the largest speed of all birds in the world of 170 km / h with a wing to 0.55 m.

All 5 species of birds frigate Inhabit the tropics and subtropics in areas with water bodies, over which they spend a long time in soaring flight, looking out for their prey. The main objects of the frigate hunt are volatile fish and fish extracted by other water birds, which are selected frigates. Such a method of hunting is available to frigates, due to their physical data: a large body up to 1.14 m long, weighing up to 1.6 kg Spot of narrow wings to 2.44 m and high flight speed of 153 km / h, which occupies 4- E place in the world, and at the speed of the horizontal flight - the second.

Large size Shorth A long time to 1.15 m and weighing up to 10 kg is spread on the shores of the reservoirs of the south of the sugar desert. Its diet is quite diverse and includes plant food (coastal and water), insects (termites, beetles, caterpillars) and small fish. Such food is required to meet the needs of a large bird, it is necessary to collect it from an extensive area, for the departure of which a shorttite goose is equipped with wings of a blank up to 2 m and develops the flight speed 142 km / h, slightly lagging behind the frigate for this indicator.

Waterfowl medium Crochalhaving small sizes (length up to 0.62 m, weight up to 1.4 kg), dwells on thick grass coated seaside shores of North Asia, Europe and America. The medium chrochal is powered by aquatic plants, insects, worms, crustaceans, amphibians, but its main food is a small fish, for catching which it is able to dive 0.5 minutes to a depth of 30 m. Mining of small food also requires the ability to quickly move, with swing Wings up to 0.86 m Medium Crochal Develops a flight speed of 129 km / h, closer to this indicator Five of the forthcoming birds in the world of birds.

High picking specola Sapsan Developed due to its hunting technique: Planning is high in the sky for the detection of the victim, diving to it at the maximum speed to apply a powerful impact with the limbs pressed to the body. Such a blow of the falcon is able to cut off the victim's head, for example, ducks or dove, despite the fact that its size is comparable with the size of the croron.

Despite the greater life expectancy, the preservation of the ability to multiply and the light adaptability to any environment of living from hot tropics to Arctic cold, Sapsan, as a result of the use of pesticides and other substances polluting the atmosphere, turned into a rare bird listed in the Red Book. In the eastern states of the United States and in many countries in Europe, the Sapsans disappeared, in the Western US states, their population decreased by 90%. The environmental programs used since the 1970s allowed the gradual to restore the falcon population. In the Russian Federation, it reached 3 thousand pairs, a nursery was created in the Galich Mountain Reserve. In the US, the Sapsans multiply in nests in skyscrapers and cathedrals. In Canada and Germany, enclosures are arranged for growing young people. In England, the Royal Society for the Protection of Sapsans and other birds is functioning.

Sapsan among Sokolov is a large bird with a length of 0.5 m, the wings by the wing to 1.2 m, the female weight up to 1.5 kg, the male is 2 times less. As an active predator, Sapsan has solid muscles, wide breasts, sharp claws, big eyes and a gray-shaped beak with teeth to snack the neck of the victim.

The group of Family Family with Sapsan includes Greetchean, Pooban, Laggar, Falca Mexican and Mediterranean, the evolutionary discrepancy between them began millions of years ago. When crossing in Capsana's enclosures with other representatives of this group, offspring acquires the quality of both parents. For example, the descendent of Sapsana and Mediterranean Falcon acquires the endurance of the Mediterranean coolant and the Hunting instinct of Sapsana.

The scientific name of the Sapsana in European languages \u200b\u200bis derived from the Latin word Falco (dried gray) and Peregrinus (wandering) - Falco Peregrinus or Peregrine Falcon (English) ,. Faucon Pèlerin (French), Falco Pellegrino (Italian), Wanderfalke (German), Pilgrimsfalk (Swedish). The Russian name "Sapsan" presumably occurred from Kalmyk (real falcon).

Sapsan habitats are most often not allowed for a person (rocks of the shores of water bodies and mountains, cliffs of mountain rivers, moss swamps), less often on the roofs of urban churches and high-rise buildings. Sapsans are more likely to winter in a permanent place of habitat or near it, but in the conditions of the Arctic climate, they are able to fly to very long distances. Sapsana is carefully guarded its territory, displacing even the healing eagles and man from it. The nests are located near the reservoirs, in the crevices of the rocks, on the bog shots, in the hollows of trees, sometimes capture nests on trees, pigs, corners, cores and other predatory birds, in cities on bell tower, flue pipes, hollow-rise cornices. The female puts eggs at the end of April or early May, the eggs and female are based, and the male for more than a month. After the birth of chicks, the male produces food, and the female heats off the offspring. At 1.5 months of age, chicks begin to fly.

In the diet of Sapsana food, birds are included, small mammals, insects and amphibians (sparrows, pigeons, ducks, starlats, bats, hares, squirrels, gopters). The sacrifice of the Sapsan raises high to the site of the nesting.

Since ancient times in Mongolia, China, in the Middle East, a person used Sapsans for falconry. The Egyptian god of the Sun was portrayed in the form of a disk with a falcon wings or a man with a nightingale head. In Europe, the Falcon began to be used for hunting only in the III century. Elite of society. Starting from the Middle Ages to the XIX century, the coronation of the English kings was accompanied by a donation of the pair of Sapsans. In Russia, a falcon hunt was made by the popular Khazara nomads. Later, the image of Sapsana appeared in the center of the coat of arms of the Bashkir city of Kumertau, the Russian cities of Sokol and Suzdal. Sapsan symbols are widely used by many countries: in the name of a motorcycle, a fighter aircraft and a spacecraft in Japan, the name of Siemens's high-speed electric train, an image on the memorable coin of the state of the USA Idaho.

Sapsan, as an absolute champion in the speed of the divestyle, attracts the attention of a person throughout its history.

Birds ─ This is warm-blooded eggplant vertebrates. All their body is covered with feathers, and the front limbs of the overwhelming majority are converted into wings. About 11 thousand species of birds live in the world, they inhabit all ecosystems of the globe, including Antarctica. Different species are very different among themselves in appearance, sizes and chants. For example, the smallest bird in the world ─ Hummingbirds, it weighs only one and a half grams and the only one of all the feathers can fly back, the biggest bird in the world is an African Ostrich, he has grown with a person and weighs up to 160 kg, the greasy bird on the planet ─ Falcon which is able to see the mouse from a height of 3.5 km. And which of the birds is the fastest? This will tell the article.


It is not a very large bird, according to its size, it is comparable to an ordinary ravene, an active predator belongs to the family of falcony. Sapsana can be found throughout the land, except Antarctica. This falcon has a contrastful color of the plumage: the head and the upper part of the body of the black color, the lower part of the back and the wings ─ gray, and the abdomen ─ is whitish.

Sapsan basically hunts on small birds ─ pigeons, starling, ducks, less often its prey becomes small mammals. This is just during the hunting falcon and develops a record speed in the animal world ─ 325 km / h or 90 m / s! No animal can move with such speed, so the Sapsan is not only the fastest bird in the world, but also the fastest living creature in general. He hunts very peculiar: plans in the sky, looking out for prey; defending himself a sacrifice, at an angle of 90 ° rapidly dive down, accelerating in vertical flight to maximum speed; Having achieved the victim, the Sapsan on a tangent strikes it with his paws, the production of mining immediately dies. The blow of strong falcon claws on such supercineness is so strong that even a major game often flies his head. Sapsans ─ very faithful birds. They create couples for life. Nests most often on the tops of steep slopes, in one season, 3-5 chicks are removed.

Another fastest bird on the planet ─ Berkut from the family of hawk. This is a large and strong bird, its body length reaches 95 cm, wings scope ─ 200-240 cm. They have a hook-shaped beak, long and wide wings, malicious eyes, powerful paws with very strong claws. The color of the Berkut is dark brown with golden marks on the back of the head and neck. A characteristic feature of the Berkut is the presence of a surveillance fold, which gives the bird formidable "frowny" appearance.

This is the most ruthless and rapid predator in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Its victims are not only hares, partridges, field mice and gophers, but sheep, calves, roe, and even young deer. Having loosening the prey, the Berkut feat in the sky for a long time, and noticing prey, he rapidly "falls" for a sacrifice at a speed of 300-320 km / h! Michit even faster Ferrari!

A small bird, the length of which rarely reaches 35 cm, and the weight does not exceed 250 grams, belongs to the Falcony family. Her habitat area is very wide ─ almost the entire continent of Eurasia and part of North Africa. Prefers rare light forests with an open panorama.

Head and backs of nonsense dark gray, breast and belly ─ white with numerous gray peins, cheeks and throats ─ pure white, from beak down black stripes, which resemble a mustache, paws "dressed in pants" of red-colored. Wings and tail below white, with wide black stripes on top.

Cheglock also claims to "the fastest bird in the world", as during a hunting on large flying insects and small birds accelerates to 250 km / h.

Fourth place in the ranking of the fastest birds in the world of birds occupy. In total there are about 80 species of these feathered, but they are very similar among themselves in appearance and lifestyle. String ─ This is a small bird weighing 70-140 grams, is common everywhere, its feathers are painted in black, dark gray or dark brown color with a metallic tint. It has acute beaks, weak paws, straight or wilted tail and long curved wings. In appearance, the strife is very similar to the swallow. In one hour he is able to overcome 160-170 km. In the horizontal flight there is no other bird, even the sapsan, will not overtake the string.

Interestingly, this fast flying bird spends most of his life in flight. The haircuts eat, bathe, mate and even sleep in the air! Particularly unusually ridge asleep: he wrapped in the sky, waking up every 5 seconds to make the wings. Sometimes the haircut in a dream, the wind refers far from the nesting site, but at dawn, finally waking up, he quickly finds the way home.

Pernaya these will settle almost everywhere: in the mountains, and in the forest, and in the steppe, and in the desert, and in the city. They nest and bring chicks in Europe and Central and North Asia, but winter is sent to India and Africa.

In the fifth place of high-speed birds there is a serogol albatross. This is a big sea bird that is resettled on isolated islands near Antarctica. She spends most of the time in the open ocean far from the coastline. They feed on squid, fish, cephalopod, crustaceans, minors and a kille. For the extraction of Albatros can dive to the depth of seven meters. It is also able to fly to very long distances, while developing a speed of 150 km / h, which gives them the right to be called one and fastest birds on Earth.

These feathers possess a very interesting feature: they can accumulate fat in the upper stomach compartment. The bird feeds them his chicks, quenches his own hunger during long flights and spits them into enemies.

We continue to find out which birds are the fastest.

The fifth place together with the albatridge serogol and the frigate ─ another fast flying bird. It dwells in the tropics and subtropics, is a close relative of Pelicans and Baklanov.

This feathered creation looks very interesting: as a very important, but clumsy duck with a thigh-red-red bright-red bright color, shown back his head covered with black rings. She has a long, beak beak, narrow, narrow, knocked wings, long twisted tail, short harsh legs. Although the frigate goes badly and does not know how to swim, but it flies just in excellent, easily overcoming 150 km per hour and being almost the fastest flying in the world.

A distinctive feature of this feathered creation is its slope: it can take someone else's nest, having tried the owners, to take prey from other birds, even kidnap the chick from the nest of the neighbors.

A large bird that simultaneously resembles a goose, and duck. It dwells in Africa, it grows only near the reservoirs. In length, her body reaches 1 meter, weighs more than 6 kg. The birds of the bird are high and strong, pointed wings are big, so the shore goose is perfectly running, deftly floats and flies well. In flight with him, in general, few people can compare because it is able to develop speed up to 140 km / h, so many scientists say that he is the fastest bird on Earth.

Feed the first creation of water and coastal plants, insects, petty fish.

Shortse geese ─ Birds are not family. They create a couple only for 1 season, while the challenge of the male is reduced only to fertilization of females, all other tasks ─ construction of the nest, the surgery of eggs, care for the chicks ─ is going to goose.

This bird is the fastest duck in the world, no other duck will catch it up, because the medium chrochal flies at a speed of 130 km / h. Like other representatives of this family, Crochal floats well and slows perfectly, can be under water up to minute. Interestingly, chicks begin to swim in the first hours of life; Immediately after they descend, the mother leads them to the water.

It is distributed in North America and the Northern and Central Part of Eurasia. Mounts only near the flow rivers and lakes, feed on insects, worms, petty fish, thaws and frogs.

The eighth place of the rating (serogol and frigate albatross shared the fifth) of the fifth) of the fastest on Earth the birds again takes the duck ─ noddes. This opener can be found almost throughout Europe, in Central and Central Asia. Compared to other types of ducks, it is rather large, has a weight of 1.5 kg or more, the body length is more than half a meter. The color is bright, elegant: redhead head, bright red beak, black glasses around the eyes, light brown cheeks and neck, black breast, white belly, gray wings with a light stripe. Sensitives rods near small water bodies with fresh water, feeds on green vegetable food. This elegant duck is very mobile. She runs well, swims, dives and flies perfectly, developing speed in the air to 115 km / h.

Again the family duck! But this is a sea duck, which settles on the cold coasts of North America, Europe and Eastern Siberia. This is a very large sea duck, which weighs 3 kg, in length its body grows up to 70-80 cm. On the shore, it is very clumsy and cargo, so almost 2/3 of life spends in water near the coast, it goes to the land just for breeding. Little flies low above the water, but very quickly: per hour overcomes up to 80-90 km. Gaga installed a record: she dives deeper than all birds on the planet, reaching a depth of 50 meters under water. It feeds on mollusks and races.

Gaga is known for its incredibly light and very warm down. It is collected in nests and used for insulation of polar shots, climbers and astronauts. The Gagachi Pooh has a special structure and more valuable any other.

On the last, 10th place of the rating "The fastest bird in the world," is a Drozd-Rubberbon. This small bird with a careless plumage is found throughout Europe, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in North Africa. Prefers to settle 40-50 couples colonies. Love parks, forest edges, meadows. It is powered by vegetable food and small insects. He loves to fall in a rowan one, from where his name.

Drozd-Rubbinnik ─ Agranny bird: It runs well, jumps and quickly flies, developing speed up to 70 km / h.

Interestingly, this species is defended, shelling the enemy with his litter, which glues the special enzyme feathers of other birds, making it serious harm. Therefore, other feathers try not to approach the colony of the rowers. If a person wages in possession of a Drozda, he will also be fired.

That's all! Now you know what the fastest birds inhabit our planet.

What bird flies faster than everyone?

  1. The bird of happiness of tomorrow is flying faster. And still haircut.
  2. Falcon Sapsan.
    The rate diving on the extraction of sapsan can be from 200 to 322 km / h
  3. Falcon-Sapsan has no rivals in flight speed: this is the fastest bird in the world. It has been established that, picking, at a short distance, it develops speed up to 270 and even up to 320 kilometers per hour. When Sapsan rushes into a pursuit of prey, he can fly horizontally at a speed of 50100 kilometers per hour. Sapsana is also called Sapps Pilgrim, but this amazing predator deserves such a name only in the north of Europe, from where he migrates: in the fall, almost all birds, young and adults, fly away and spend the winter in the west of the continent or even further to the south. In other regions, only young birds fly from place to place, adults lead almost a settling lifestyle.
    Like other, very fast birds, the Sapsan has a chunky figure. Rushing forward on strong wings, he impressed exceptional power. The victims of the Sapsan are birds, which he grabs on the fly: Pigeons, Skvorts, Khokhlah Chibisa, Chucks, Hochotushki, Black Drozda, Singing Drozda, Coyki, Lark, Finch. When looking at below, the wings of an adult sapsan are shown a pointed form. Dark transverse strips crossed the breast and belly. In young Sapsans, these parts of the body are quenched with extended stains with longitudinal orientation.
    One of the most indicative phases of the wedding dance during the formation of a marriage couple: the male on the summer throws the sacrifice of the female, which turns over to grab it with claws.
    Adults continue to feed young people for some time after she crashes out of the nests.
    Sokol-Sapsana length - 38-50 cm. Wingspan: 83-113 cm. Weight: 5801000. Duration of maternity sites: about 30 days. Distribution: Europe, Asia. Africa, Australia, America.
    Often the predator overtakes his sacrifice at the end of the throw by several hundred meters or even a kilometer. The blow of his wings about the body of the victim produces noise that can be heard at a considerable distance. Sometimes Sapsan hits the victim with its claws from below. Sapsans are building their nests on the rocks, in the mountains, on the edge of the plateau or by the sea. In the north of Europe, it happens in the old nests left by other birds of prey on trees. In some European countries, there are very few Sapsans for many reasons. Their person is pursued, namely: poachers take eggs and chicks to supply falcon hunting lovers; In addition, in the habitats of Sapsans, the animals on which they hunt, seeds treated with pesticides, and insects smeared by the same pesticides. Feeding by such animals, the Sapsans get slow poisoning of the body.
  4. sapsan
  5. This issue has long been occupied by scientists. However, it is not easy to answer him, because the competitions, followed by judges with stopwalls, do not conduct birds. Therefore, it is possible to judge bird speed only by indirect data: if you manage to damage the time for which the bird will fly, the length of which is known.

    Yes, and all the questions remain: did the bird developed the maximum speed or flew, which is called, does not rush? It is not surprising that the numbers that operate scientists will notice. Nevertheless, there is already a certain scale of bird velocities, with which it is curious to meet.

    The speed of the crows, for example, from 35 to 45 kilometers per hour. Heron 55 65 kilometers per hour. The same speed can be developed and pheasant. Sparrows can accelerate to 80 kilometers, approximately the same speed and from the Skvortsov. The smallest of the kolmill birds, it turns out, is distinguished by an exceptional flareness of up to 95 kilometers. But even faster European haircuts they can rush at a speed of up to 110 kilometers.

    However, falcon is considered to be a record holder from record holders, the speed of which is 120 kilometers in an hour, and at the time of peering on extraction twice. It can be surprised, but wild ducks and geese are becoming very fast in the police, not very turning on Earth. So the boy Niels Holhegerson from the famous fairy tale of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlf flew on St. Hus Martine at speeds up to 115 kilometers per hour.

  6. This is Sapsan !!!
    a bird of prey from a falcon family, common on all continents, except Antarctica. The size of gray rawn, is highlighted by the TMN, the aspid-gray plumage of the back, the pight of the bright belly and the chimped top of the head, as well as the chrk mustache. Depending on the size and features of the color, about 17 subspecies of this bird are distinguished.

    This is the fastest bird (and in general an animal) in the world according to experts, in the attack, it is able to develop speed over 322 km / h, or 90 m / s. 23. Speech, however, is about picking flight. In the horizontal - inferior in speed. During the hunt, Sapsan sits on a additive or plans in the sky; Having found prey, he raises over the victim and almost at right angles rapidly dive down (bets), on tangentially struck her folded and pressed to the body of his paws. The blow of the rear finger claws is so strong that a rather large game can even fly the head. four

    The object of hunting of this falcon is predominantly medium-sized birds, such as pigeons, starlats, ducks and other water and columptive species, less often small mammals. Sexual maturity comes at the age of two, couples are saved throughout life. 3 nests on rocky cliffs, the vertices of the Urals, less often on the bumps of moss marsh or stone buildings of roofs and ledges of high-rise buildings, bell tower, bridges, etc. 56

    Over the entire observation of the Sapsana was considered a rare bird. After the end of the Second World War, their already, a small number began to significantly reduce, largely due to the economic use of DDT and other pesticides, negatively acting on the embryonic development of offspring. Only in the 1970s, thanks to the ban on the use of this Yadochymikat, as well as the introduction of environmental programs, the bird population in many parts of the world began to slowly recover. 7 Sapsan is incorporated into the Red Book of Russia as a small appearance (II category), as well as annex I to the CITES Convention, which prohibits trade in these birds in the WFM world. five

  7. Hummingbirds fly faster than all famous birds
    During the fall, the hummingbirds move at a speed of about 27 m / s. That is, over each second, they fly the distance of about 400 lengths of their body.
    Thus, these birds develop the greatest speed in the world regarding the length of their body.
    The former record holder was considered a Sapsan, which moves at a speed of 70 meters per second (undoubtedly faster than Anna's hummingbirds). However, if the hummingbird flies in a second 385 of its bodies, then the Sapsan is only 200.
    Among other things, the Hummingbird is experiencing a colossal overload equal to about 10 g (acceleration of ten times higher than on the surface of the Earth). For comparison: fighter pilots rarely withstand more than 7 g, with such overloads, they temporarily lose sight due to low blood from the head.
  8. blue Bird Good luck

His high speeds are trying to demonstrate not only creatures living on land, but also those who are able to rise high in the sky. After all, there is exactly as well as on Earth there is a constant struggle for life. And here as they say - you have to try to really try to get out of this struggle.

The speed of animals living on land completely depends on the structure of the skeleton and the strength of the limbs. The speed of the feathery, which hill high in the sky, depends a little bit from other important factors. Here the speed of envy is not only from the structure of the skeleton and from the strength of the wings, but also from a special ability to use all this. About the fastest birds and our conversation will go.

1st place. Sokol-Sapsan

Sokol-Sapsan (Lat. Falco Peregrinus.) - This predatory bird size with a conventional gray crows, but this does not prevent it from being the most rapid among all feathered. Falcon hunts in the air: Before attacking the extraction of Falcon rises highly up, gaining the necessary height, and only then the "stone" drops down. In such a fall, the predator develops the speed of up to 100 m / second, which is 350 km / h.

2nd place. Black Strizh.

Black strife (lat. APUS APUS.) - The main opponent of Sokol-Sapsana in high-speed flight, as well as one of his victims. However, the falcon strongly loses haircut in horizontal flight, which allows the second to escape from his enemy. Although black haircuts and a small bird (the scope of its wings - 40-46 cm), but it easily develops speed up to 150, or even 180 km / h.

These birds live their lives in the air, there they spend all 24 hours, and black hairs live just over three years. These birds still manage to sleep in flight: rising to height from 2 to 3 thousand meters, they circle there on a spiral, waking up every 5 seconds to make the next wings.

3rd place. Serogol albatros

SEROGOLL ALBATROS (LAT. Thalassarche Chrysostoma.) - Sea bird, which has the biggest scope of the wings - 3.5 m! Naturally, the albatross cannot perform such dizzying peak as a falcon-sapsan, but it can fly at a speed of up to 130 km / h, which is capable of maintaining for 8 hours.

In addition, he can sleep at an altitude of about 2-3 kilometers, circling almost in one place. Thanks to its unique high-speed qualities, the serogol albatross is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

4th place. Gaga.

Gaga (lat. Somateria.) - View of large seabirds. Gaga horizontal flight can develop speed up to 100 km / h. Although it is not as fast as Albatross, however, has excellent swimmer qualities: with the help of his wings, Gaga can dive to a depth of 20 meters, where she catches fish, crustaceans, various invertebrates and mollusks. It almost does not go to the land of the gaga.

5th place. Dove

Pigeons are beautiful flyers who have incredible memory. Thanks to this quality, postal pigeons were used at all times to send correspondence. Especially during the Second World War. Mail Pigeon Flight rate - 85-100 km / h. May be in flight about 16 hours - without rest! In many countries, monuments put postage pigeons.

6th place. Starling

Skvorts (Lat. Sturnus vulgaris) - A small bird, which not only sings well, but also flies perfectly, developing flight speed up to 70 km / h. Skzorets can overcome hundreds of kilometers during annual seasonal migration. It should be noted that the starlings are capable of flying in high speed into the hole of their "home" and at the same time it is completely not injured.

7th place. Drozd-Rubernik

Drozd-Rubbinnik (Lat. Turdus Pilaris.) - differs from the rest of his fellow way of life. He likes to settle in small armor and park areas - not to meet this bird in dense forests. The name of this bird itself, speaks of his extraordinary love for Ryabin. Despite the fact that he is a little larger than the star, but he has a smaller speed - about 70 km / h.

8th place. Swallows

Swallows are very often confused with the haircuts, however, the swallows have wider wings and a more pronounced "plug" of the tail. In addition, the swallows lose the cuts in speed. Speed \u200b\u200bat least coastal, even a rustic swallow of about 65 km / h. But the swallows are much maneuverable haircuts, they can easily and not only at high speed, but also in almost place, turn around 360 degrees.

9th place. Ordinary emptore

Ordinary emptore (lat. Falco tinnunculus.) - Painting bird, long-ranking Sapsana. Huft on small rodents, attacking them from above. Develops speed up to 60-65 km / h. Easily alternate slow and rapid flight, preferring a soft gliding in the air.

10th place. Chizh.

Chizh (lat. Carduelis Spinus.) - a small songbird, which is almost not descended to the ground, preferring to sit on the branches of the trees. In the air, Chiz is able to develop a speed of up to 60 km / h.

Nine thousand eight hundred - precisely so many types of feathers are scientists today. And which of them are the fastest, strong and big? Let's try to figure it out together ...

Who flies above all?

Record for the highest flight set Influenza Ryuppel. This bird is so desperate that somehow even faced with an airplane at an altitude of 11274 m. So hardening, because there is high in the sky, the real colder reigns!

Who is withstanding the highest acceleration?

Absolute record holder in this "industry" - Red-haired woodpecker. When he knocks the beak on a tree, its jagged elegant head withstands overload up to 10 g.

And who is the most talkative?

Gray parrot vocabulary ( jacob) - 800 words. Try to teach so to talk your pet! It is Jaco and possesses the title "The most conversation bird."

Who lives all the longest?

Live 80 Years, although in captivity, is not a joke. Establish such a record managed to a large jolly cool cacada. He is the biggest older from all feathered.

Who flies faster?

This majestic bird in flight can develop speed up to 200 km per hour or more. - This is the name of the fastest bird in the world.

What kind of bird is best sees?

Record for better vision belongs also sapsana. It Easily sees chicken even from an 8th kilometer distance. And from what distance can you do it?

What is the biggest bird?

You probably have already guessed that all the world's weight records are hit ostrich. The growth of adult ostrich is about 2.75 m, and the weight is almost 470 kg.

Who runs up faster?

And again distinguished ostrich. The speed of this bird on land can reach 72 km per hour.

Who has the largest eyes among land animals?

Guess? It's again well familiar to us ostrich. As many as 5 cm - the eyes of this giant can grow to such sizes in diameter.

Who dives deeper than everyone?

Diving record holder in depth - imperial Penguin. He managed to plunge into the water to the depth of 540.

For 30 years of his life polar colt Flies 2.4 million km. Only one end of the bird migrates up to 40,000 km away.

What is the biggest bird?

On the role of the world's largest birds, like no one bee Hummingbird. This handsome man is so small that its weight does not exceed 1.6 g, and growth is 5.7 cm.

What a flying bird is the hardest?

Incredible drop weighing 18-19 kg Quietly swept into the sky. It is she who holds the weight record that can be raised into the sky on its own wings.

Who has the greatest scope of wings?

Record holder in the size of wings scholars called warenting Albatros. The scope of the wings of this bird reaches 3, 6 m.

The fastest swimmer

Papuan Penguin Can't swim at speeds up to 36 km per hour. Try to catch up with this luxurious handsome, swimming in the icy water Antarctica!