The chefs advise the best show cooking. All culinary shows in Russia Presenters of food programs

The chefs advise the best show cooking. All culinary shows in Russia Presenters of food programs

At school, in labor lessons, they taught how to fry an omelet, set the table, the luckiest ones got it. At home, my mother showed tricks when cooking soup and even sometimes let her go to the oven, but here she is - a long-awaited independent life and a fateful one-on-one meeting with the stove. From which side to approach the meat and how many pieces to cut the chicken? Cookbooks and videos rush to the rescue, but talk shows are the most interesting.

Diners, Drive-ins and Dives

One of the richest chefs in the world, Guy Fier, has been traveling across America for ten years in search of original dishes from public catering, but not large network dishes that everyone is used to, but small ones that you can pass by and not notice. Traditional recipes for preparing meat, sandwiches with crab caught in the morning, methods of preparing a hundred kilograms of meat at a time, and other topics - the true spirit of America as the locals know it.

How to Cook Like Heston

British chef Heston Blumenthal is a bit gloomy in appearance, but extremely talented, as evidenced by his worldwide fame. He owns The Fat Duck, one of four UK establishments to have been awarded three Michelin stars. In the show, he fulfills the dreams of many housewives - showing how to cook complex dishes in a regular kitchen.

Hell's Kitchen

One of the most popular culinary programs adapted in many countries of the world. The host is a terrible and terrible, but truly brilliant Gordon Ramsay, the participants are professional chefs who pretend to be a chef in one of Ramsay's restaurants. The classic knockout game is fueled by the host's bold antics, intense team battles and, of course, a million helpful tips not only on cooking, but also on kitchen management.

The Naked Chef

The glorious, charming Jamie Oliver began hosting a food show when he was 23 - a great start for a young man with a taste for taste. And although now he no longer has one, but several programs, it is worth paying tribute to history and starting with the basics: from the products that are in every store.

My Kitchen Rules

Australian hobby chefs are trying to figure out whose cooking skills are the best. Teams, which are made up of two, first host the rest of the participants in the home kitchen and receive points for dinner, and then compete with them on new sites and in the rounds of elimination. The hosts - Australian Pete Evans and French Manu Fidel - try to treat the participants delicately and therefore make a very pleasant impression.

"America's Best Chef"

Another incredibly popular brainchild of the charismatic Gordon Ramsay, which resonated in the hearts of TV viewers and is filmed in a franchise in forty countries. The competition of amateur chefs (not only adults, but also children - this is especially touching) gets more complicated with each release. Participants sometimes intuitively have to understand sauces, meat and poultry, desserts, and a small oversight can decide the outcome of a battle.

French Food At Home

For those wishing to learn the secrets of the famous French cuisine, Lara Calder conducts master classes. You will learn how to cook soups, snacks, desserts, hot dishes and just be inspired by this wonderful girl.

Cake Boss

Bakery owner Buddy Valastro once came up with the idea to show the life of ordinary pastry chefs - difficult, interesting, informative. The audience liked the format, now Buddy creates a sweet work of art at the intersection of culinary and engineering in each issue.

"Food, I love you"

Domestic TV production can also be proud of their project. The show "Food, I love you" is not only about food, but also about travel. In each episode, the three hosts decide which of them will eat in an expensive restaurant, who will go to look for delicious food on the street, and who will have an evening of home cooking. And it is always a new country, culture and new dishes.

"Children's menu" (Bachha Party)

One of the few cooking shows in the world dedicated to. The presenter, the famous Indian chef Gurdip Kohli Poonj, teaches in each episode how to cook three dishes for children. This is a healthy and simple meal that is quick and easy to prepare. This is the only video in our selection in English, but the level is the easiest - no complicated words or recipes!

Many sites with recipes and tips are easy to find on the Internet, and thousands of cooking magazines and books are published monthly. But, as a rule, the latter lie on the shelves of supermarkets awaiting disposal. Modern society for the most part downplays the importance of cooking at home, but this is both relaxation, and an opportunity to develop a child, and a way to get closer to. In addition, no dish from any cafe can be compared with homemade food, pastries, cocktails.

The culinary arts are akin to magic. It’s like I’m sorcery, choosing ingredients, mixing them, chopping, brewing, infusing, seasoning with spices according to recipes from ancient cookbooks.

Joanne Harris, Chocolate

Everyone has moments when they are not in the mood for cooking at all. For several days in a row, you can eat fast food, and then suffer because of. In addition, you must admit that it is more pleasant to eat dishes when you know what ingredients they are prepared from.

Why we chose British shows

Did you know that English cuisine is one of the most unpretentious? Most of the recipes are laughably simple. The main difference of this cuisine is that from time immemorial, the emphasis is on the quality of products. You can buy eggs at the supermarket and fry eggs, or you can buy homemade ones at the market and do the same. Which option do you think would be more nutritious and delicious? Of course, the second one.

What can we say about the reputation of England itself. Signature humor, a worthy ruler, The Beatles, famous actors and writers ...

Actually, therefore, I would like to suggest that you take some cooking lessons from British chefs and hobbyists.

UK Cooking Shows

1. The Naked Chef

  • UK, 1999-2000.
  • Duration: 30 min.
  • IMDb: 7.4.

No, no, a naked chef will not flicker on the screens. :) It is named “Naked” because the host of the program sincerely and openly shares his skills in front of the audience, not hiding bad moments behind the scenes.

In the program, you will see the previously little-known young Jamie Oliver. Let's say right away: not all of his recipes are simple, but Jamie will convince you that you can spend no more than an hour cooking.

Thanks to Naked Chef, you can not only relax after a working day, watching the show with your loved ones. You will also love making delicious meals with a minimum of effort.

2. The Fabulous Baker Brothers

  • UK, 2012– ...
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • IMDb: 8.5.

An incredibly inspiring TV show. Its hosts, charismatic Tom and Henry Herbert, travel the most amazing towns and villages in Britain. They acquaint viewers not only with the specific features of the products of a given area, but also provide a short excursion into history. It's not even a cooking show, but a whole movie.

The peculiarity of the transfer is that the brothers arrange cooking competitions among themselves. The winning dish becomes the main dish of the chosen establishment.

Recall that the cuisine of England is extremely simple. And in the show "Brothers Bakers" this is clearly demonstrated. Even they will serve in such a way that the drool will flow.

3. "It's all food" (The F Word)

  • UK, 2005–2010.
  • Duration: 48 minutes
  • IMDb: 7.0.

Gordon Ramsay is a TV presenter of many projects, often focused on haute cuisine. But the program "It's All Food" is an exception to the rule. It demonstrates the benefits of healthy homemade food, and presents recipes that do not require a lot of effort and time.

The protagonist conducts his own investigations about the quality of the products sold. The results do not always satisfy the meticulous leader. Ramsay also accepts challenges from various celebrities and tries to cook their specialties in the same way as his rival. The guests choose the winner.

4. Rachel Allen's Easy Meals

  • UK, 2012–2013.
  • Duration: 23 minutes

The main character is from County Cork. Here she conducts her culinary show, captivating with the simplicity and freshness of recipes, brilliant ideas, as well as views of Ireland.

In just half an hour, Rachel will show you how to prepare healthy meals from the ingredients available to everyone, to decorate any table with them, including a festive one. The main principle is to cook with soul and inspiration, like the host herself. After all, if you cook food with poor energy, you can even get it.

5. The Great British Bake Off

  • UK, 2010– ...
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • IMDb: 8.6.

Paul Hollywood and Mary Barry appreciate amateur chefs trapped in the same tent. Competitions of bakers are held on a picturesque landscape, in a huge pavilion, equipped in accordance with all safety rules.

The subjects prepare incredible masterpieces: from the simplest to the unrealistically complex. If you are just starting to cook, take note of all the tips of the masters. If you managed to learn something, practice decorating and serving. After all, this is one of the most important criteria for assessing.

Inspired? Then let's go to the kitchen! After all, cooking at home is much more pleasant than it might seem at first.

Culinary magic has reached incredible heights: its brightest representatives work miracles. This is easy to see if you personally look at their work on television. Kitchen magicians in their programs carry so much useful knowledge and make so many culinary discoveries that housewives literally tremble in anticipation of the next episode.

"It's All Food" with Gordon Ramsay "

This television cooking show, barely hitting British television in 2005, immediately sparked a storm of enthusiasm among millions of women. The recognized maestro of cuisine in an easy and intelligible form explained how you can quickly and tasty prepare any dish. Each session in which Gordon Ramsay revealed his secrets was very exciting and informative. And, in his opinion, in order to cook tasty and healthy food, you do not need to exhaust yourself with the search for unknown ways. According to the Michelin star, every hostess is capable of performing miracles at home.

All events take place in his restaurant, where only professional chefs have gathered lately. And they prepare each new dish by the whole world under the close attention and participation of Gordon himself. By the way, Ramzi always surprises the audience for every television show. For example, he simply loves to raise sheep, calves in his own subsidiary farm, and then (let the hearts of vegetarians not tremble with pity!) Prepare various delicacies from the meat of these domestic animals. By the way, Ramsay is somewhat skeptical about vegetarianism and believes that its representatives are depriving themselves of many of the pleasures of life. The magician of world cuisine often arranges live culinary duels with celebrity guests. According to Gordon, there are no winners in these "battles": the main thing here is the birth of a new, unusual and tasty dish. For example, such as scallop tartare with crème fraîche and caviar, served in a chilled basil consommé. According to Gordon Ramsay, he draws all his culinary creativity from family lunches and dinners, when Tana's wife and children gather at the table.

"Kitchen without kitchen"

"Three in the same kitchen, including the impenetrable jungle" - this is how you can sometimes call the TV show "Kitchen without a kitchen", the main hosts and participants of which are three Americans who are famous for their culinary skills. Once Madison Cowan, Kane Raymond and Michael Psilakis got tired of putting on shows in ordinary restaurants, and they went to the wild, to visit the wild tribes, to show in practice their remarkable talents. The magicians of the kitchen set themselves the task, figuratively speaking, to cook porridge from an ax. Catching fish, preparing game, finding edible roots as a seasoning, finding water suitable for cooking - all these worries fell on the shoulders of cooks spoiled by civilization. And they did not flinch in front of difficulties, as millions of TV viewers, watching the work of famous chefs on the air, could be convinced. Of course, three famous culinary experts could not be like an ancient man who knew only one dish - meat fried over a fire. Therefore, from what the wild nature provides, Cowan, Raymond and Psilakis have acquired the most necessary and useful. Wild game stew with local herbs, a light snack from the fruit of the trees and other dishes were prepared in field conditions, in the open air. And I must say that famous culinary experts taught a lesson on how you can survive in the jungle, eating healthy and delicious food, without changing your civilized habits.

"Lunch in 30 minutes from Jamie"

30 Minutes from Jamie Lunch is one of the most beloved British TV shows. The witty and funny presenter - the world-renowned culinary master Jamie Oliver teaches viewers in each session how to save time and surprise household members with delicious and satisfying food. He, in his usual amusing manner, talks about many secrets of his kitchen, which we did not even know about before. According to the culinary genius, his wife Jules inspires him to creative exploits. He believes that if the woman he loves can handle the fantastic recipes of the royal chef, then any housewife can do it. Note that within half an hour, Jamie Oliver the chef will be able to make any dish, serving it perfectly and decorating it with herbs. By the way, since childhood, he has been growing vegetables and fruits on his own plot. And over the years, this activity has become the main tool for creative work in the kitchen. Note that lunch in 30 minutes under the supervision of Jamie himself is always quick and tasty. Moreover, the quality of each dish is excellent.

Bakery Brothers: A Taste of Britain

Bakery Brothers: A Taste of Britain is a culinary television show by the brothers Tom and Henry Herbert, which is immensely popular with millions of housewives. They are famous for their confectionery, which amaze not only with its extraordinary taste, but also with its magnificent view. The brothers know how to work in the kitchen, in front of the amazed spectators' eyes, real miracles. They were born in the southwest of England, where they have traditionally baked "greasy cake". This pastry is also called caramel cake, in the preparation of which lard is used. The impressions of a “tasty childhood” were so strong that Henry and Tom devoted their entire lives to the art of cooking. Each TV show with the participation of famous brothers is a real culinary discovery. For example, Henry, one of Britain's finest pastry chefs, can make a flourless cake using only sugar, chocolate, butter and eggs. Tom does not lag behind him, also able to surprise the most capricious gourmets with unusual croissants. And it should be noted that the spirit of improvisation always reigns in the television kitchen of the Herbert brothers. This atmosphere has a magical effect on housewives, who are soon preparing such baked goods that you will lick your fingers.

"My Kitchen Rules"

The appearance in the country of the kangaroo of this TV cooking show has caused a storm of delight among Australians. And the best chefs from every state were eager to get on the program "Rules for My Kitchen", where its hosts Pete Evans and Manu Findel fought for the best and original dishes. A quarter of a million dollars at stake in this unusual competition only spurred the participants in the competition. After all, each team wanted to leave the television kitchen with a victory and a solid material jackpot in their hands, adding more weight to themselves in the culinary world, and glorify their professional name. The judges also added fuel to the fire of the television duel in the kitchen. It seems that they nagged too much at its participants: either they didn’t like the appearance of some chef, the same irritated his manipulation of the table setting. In general, the requirements for the competitors were almost draconian. By the way, these conditions were often outraged by the audience, when suddenly, figuratively speaking, in the heat of the heat they removed their favorite team from the competition. However, everyone admitted (both the stern jury and the fans) that the winners of the culinary duel turned out to be a real miracle. Each prepared dish could be called a masterpiece of taste, as the faces of the tasters eloquently testified to.

"To be Serge Markovich"

Being Serge Markovich is a culinary TV show that women in particular admire. Housewives literally lose their hearts when this charming Serb appears in the kitchen on the air. Serge has an entertaining conversation with the spectators, during which he reveals the features of the future dish, conducts a kind of educational program on how to choose products for cooking dinner or lunch. Everything burns in the hands of this consummate master of the kitchen: housewives barely have time to follow his actions. The secrets of the Balkan culinary magician lie in the fact that he very creatively uses the experience of leading Russian and European chefs.

And at his show for spectators, Serge Markovich is always full of creative inspiration, work is in full swing here on preparing the next dish. And the feeling that you are right in the kitchen does not leave, inhaling the aroma of grilled meat or stew, cooked with soul and culinary skill.

"King of confectioners"

The King of Pastry Chefs is a creative show by Buddy Valastro, a true culinary magician. When he at the head of the family clan (mother, four older sisters and three brothers-in-law) gets down to business, the most skilled wizard takes off his hat in front of him. This exciting series in the TV kitchen will leave no one indifferent. For example, a huge cake depicting a hockey battle with chocolate figurines of players, or a car consisting of sweets, boggle our imagination. And even a little scary to taste any piece of this work of culinary art. According to Buddy Balastro, he has made more than a hundred thousand cakes in his entire life. And the magician of culinary baking has never been repeated: each product was special, made on the basis of creative thought, with a great desire to please people.