What is fadom. The meaning of the word "fand"

What is fadom. Meaning of the word
What is fadom. The meaning of the word "fand"

Why do people build fandomas? How much "live" fand? What are the most dense fans community? About this and not only read further.

Fandom, or Fandom, it sounds in English "Combining Fans". This community is informal, subcultural. People inside him connects the love of some particular film, cartoon, anime, the series, the musician, etc. Much less often under this word, they mean all the fan creativity, one way or another dedicated to the subject of his adoration.

Initially, this word meant not an informal community of fans, but lovers scientific fiction. In the eighties, nineties such groups were popular abroad, and in our country. Then the meaning of the word "fand" was wider. About it - hereinafter.

What is "fand"? This is also the original naming itself. Fans are suitable for this case with humor:

  • Tolkinists - admirers of the "Lord of the Rings" and others like him.
  • Potteromans - Harry Potter.
  • Huvian - Doctor Who.
  • Trekkers - "Star Route".
  • Armor - my. Little Pony.
  • Otaku - Anime and Manga, etc.

The big fand is sometimes branched on smaller - admirers of individual heroes, series, periods in the life of the idol. Fandom inhabitants usually creative people - they are very contemplative, they want to create something about their idols. In this world they have enemies - Haters. These characters usually hate the object of reverending fans and try to humiliate it in every way and insult in front of the fadom. Therefore, fierce verbal battles between them can often be seen in social networks.

How much released fandom

There are unofficial periodization of fandom life:

  • Flowering: When just came out a movie or started new season The series, the performer presented new album. Activity inside the community boils - discussion, creativity, enthusiasm.
  • The beginning of the end: there is no news from the culprit to create a fandome for a long time. Already all the verbal battles won, a bunch of fan art was created, fervor dust. Participants carefully begin to wade into active fandomas.
  • End: Dial the name in the search for the name of the fashionable group, loud filmmakers. You will definitely fall a community of fans, full of former yarn disputes, drawings, emotions. But already "frozen moss."

Fan fiction and fandom

What is fad, we figured out. But next to him, you can very often meet the concept of "fan fiction." This is the name of the amateur fan essay based on the beloved film, the series, Anime. If, for example, you do not like so much how "war and the world" ended, that you decided to take and write your own finals option - you wrote fan fiction. For the most part, by the way, the ficreters (creators of fan fiction) do not seek to earn money on their work. They write to the delight and other adepts of fandoms.

Fan fiction differ in the way they are created:

In accordance with the original:

  • contradictory source;
  • accordingly, closely related to it;
  • having contradictions with the characters of heroes;
  • including fictional characters, usually becoming assistants of the main characters;
  • including the character like the author, or its ideas about the perfect "I";
  • having a invented character who "designed" to fall in love with a hero or heroine and others.

Top fandoms

What is fad in particularly large size? These are groups dedicated to these heroes:

  1. One Diriction - English "Malchuk" pop rock band.
  2. Famous Harry Potter.
  3. My Little Pony is a children's animated series about fabulous horses.
  4. HomeStuck - web comic.
  5. BTS - Hip-Hop Group of Korea.
  6. Series "Sherlock".
  7. Rock band My Chemical Romance.
  8. The series "Doctor Who".
  9. Series "Game of Thrones".
  10. The trilogy "Lord of the Rings".
For example, in Russia the biggest fandoms are associated with fantastics. Initially, the word "Fandom" and marked the company of fans of fiction. Currently, this concept has expanded significantly. There are Fandoms "Harry Potter", "The Lord of the Rings", "Twilight Saga" ...

To become part of the fandome, it is not sufficiently superficially interested in its subject. It is very important to participate in the exchange of information, which is the meaning of the organization of such communities. Currently, information exchange takes place with the help of the Internet, but quite often and "offline" meetings of local clubs in interests occur, as well as large congresses and conferences, on which members of the fandoms can communicate live.

For fandoms of individual genres or directions, special narrow terms may exist. Fans of manga and anime are called Otaka, the names of the series "Star Path" or Star Track.

Harry Potter and other stories

In some cases, the word "Fandom" can be used to designate a set of fan works created on the basis of a certain source. The thing is that last years gaining popularity Writing "Fanfikov". This word is customary to designate texts that develop, continue or change known literary scenes. For example, among the "Harry Potter" fans there are many people who write short stories Or whole novels about the Magic School of Hogwarts and Favorite Characters. In these texts, the heroes can consist at all in those relationships as described by the author, key books of books can change, and indeed some particularly radical "fanfickers" stone on the stone do not leave from the original history. But it should be noted that short sketches are quite popular, describing for example the usual day of Hogwarts student.

For the first time organized groups Fiction admirers appeared in the early 1930s in America. Then they combined into postal associations. Members of such associations exchanged letters for an interesting topic. In 1934, the readers of the Wonder Stories magazine were united in a science fiction league, which over time turned into the first Fandom, in which many literary talents developed. Members of this first fandom were such fiction stars as Ray Bradbury, Aizek Azimov, Judith Merrill, Frederick Paul and others. The same circle included future publishers and researchers of fantastic books.


What is Fandom (Fandom)

Fandom (Fandom) - This is a term that is used to determine some kind of team of fans of the series, film, a series of books or comics, musical groups, sports or hobby.

What is Fandom - value, defining simple words.

Simple words, Fandom (Fandom) is Community fans of anything. As a rule, members of the Fandom feel interrelated their common interests, and Fandom may often be separate subculture. Only the most dedicated fans are included in the Fandom. This term is very closely connected both from fantasy and with science fiction.

Etymology of the term Fandom.

There is a delusion that the term "Fandom" arose during the general development of the Internet, but in fact, this word is older. According to Oxfordsky english dictionary, for the first time this word It was recorded in the dictionary in the 1903 year, and was used to describe lovers or sports fans. Throughout the twentieth century, the fandoms expanded, including in their ranks of people obsessed with specific musical groups, movies, movie stars, books and hobbies, such as building a model. Some people may well consist in several fandoms.

What do Fandom members do?

Fandom members are usually very interested in all the details of their object of interest. For example, the fans of the "Star Trek" universe, in the trifles are studying all the series of the show and disassemble all moments of films. They can accurately list by the names of all the characters of the starship crew and discusses the actions of these heroes. In addition to the original history, they are studying all additional materials associated with this universe, it can be various carved frames, unused scenarios, and so on.

With the development of the Internet, due to the rapid access to the materials and the exchange of information, the number of fandomes in the world has increased significantly. On the this moment There are thousands of different fandomes, among which are popular as:

  • FENDOM Lord of the rings;
  • FENDOM Harry Potter;
  • Feng of Star Wars;
  • Findom Naruto;
  • Findom supernatural.

Fandom, fandom (English Fandom, letters. Fanity) - informal (usually) subcultural community, whose participants are united in a single interest associated with works of art - addiction to a certain genre, film, book, TV series, etc.

Less often the same word determine the entire set of fan secondary creativity relating to a certain product or described in one or several works to an alternative world.


The term "Fandom" came to the Russian language from English. It is if this word meant "a group of people who are involved in science fiction", but gradually the meaning of the term has become more vague. As in the case of Western Fandoms, historically the first and largest Russian fandoms are associated with fantastics (heyday: 1980s - 1990s). Now the most numerous fandoms "Lord of the Rings", "Chronicles of Narnia", " Star Wars"," Harry Potter "," Twilight "," My Little Pony "," "and others.

There are special names for fans some individual genres and directions. For example, Otaku - amateurs of anime and manga; Trekkers - Lovers of the series " Star way"; Potteromans - lovers of books and films about Harry Potter; Tolkinists - lovers of creativity J. R. R. Tolkina, armor - lovers of the series My Little Pony and so on.

Not all fans of a certain work are members of the Fandom. The main meaning of the existence of the Fandom is communication with other fans. Now the exchange of information between members of the Fandom is carried out mainly through the Internet, although the classic forms are still relevant and classical forms - Local Clubs of Fiction Lovers (CLF), Fenzines (Amateur Publications) and Convments (Regional, National and International Congresses or Conferences, as a rule, Annual).

The word "Fandom" is sometimes used - usually when it comes to - not in the meaning of the "community of people interested in people", but in the meaning "the set of all the apocrifs created by these people, anecdotes and other creativity, secondary to a certain product." In this meaning it is used in expressions like "fan fiction on such a fandom."

There are also terms "fandomic image of a character", "Fandom myth". "Fandom (fan) image" - collective image The character, how will the authors of the majority of fan fiction depict, in some cases very different from the image of the same character in the original work ("canon"). "Fandom MIF" is a fact relating to the fictional world, not described in "Canon", but often mentioned in fan fiction.


The first well-known organized groups of fiction lovers appear in the early 1930s in the United States in the form of amateur postal associations, whose members exchanged letters and amateur publications on the topic of interest. SCIENCE CORRESPONDENCE CLUB, one of the activists of which was Raymond Palmer (the future editor of Amazing Stories magazine) was considered the most famous of these groups.

In 1934, Hugo GuernSebek invited the readers of his magazine "Wonder Stories" to unite in the Science Fiction League League. The organization was thought of simply as a group of magazine support, but it quickly turned the initial narrow frames and became the center of crystallization of the so-called first fandome.

Fandom became a medium in which the talents of the set developed famous science fiction writers: Members of the first fandom were Isaac Azimov, Ray Bradbury, Frederick Paul, Judith Merrill; Future publishers of books and comic Julius Schwartz, Donald A. Wallheim, enthusiasts and first fiction researchers Sam Moskovitz, Forrest J. Akkerman and others.

Since 1939, worldwide science fiction conversions are held (WorldCon).

Fandom in Russia

In the USSR, the first organized groups of fiction lovers appeared in the 1960s on the wave of Khrushchev "Thaw" and the first heyday patriotic fiction.

Perhaps the first product of domestic fiction, which gave rise to the creation of fan clubs in the USSR, became the Dilogy of George Martynov "Callisto" (1959) and "Kalliolen" (1960). After the release of these novels, the societies of their fans, who wrote fan fiction, created the museums of Callisto, was created, dozens began to create museums Callisto, and so on.

However, the truly mass movement of clubs of fiction lovers (CLF) has become only in the early 1980s. At the same time, on the initiative of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR and the Journal "Ural Pathfinder" in Sverdlovsk began to be held annual festivals Fiction "Aelita".

In 1984, at the peak of the fight against the KGB with public movements, some cliffs were closed or lost to support libraries, cultural houses or branches of the Company of the Knogolyubov, who previously provided them with premises for meetings. However, the Gorbachev Perestroika began soon brought clubs from under direct pressure of special services; The last (unsuccessful) attempt of local authorities to ban the Congress of the CLF was undertaken in 1987.

Fandom on the Internet

Currently, Fandoms are actively using the Internet for both information exchange and creating information archives on its topic. For this, forums, blogs, social networks, video hosts and other collectively editable sites are used. A common type of creativity is fanfikshn - writing stories about the universe and fandom characters. Other types of creativity are fan-video (creation of amateur videos on the topic of fandom with frames, combined with a common idea) and fanart (which may imply as creating original drawingsand the processing of ready-made materials for creating collages, avatars, desktop screensavers). The Internet is also used to organize various activities within the Fandom, for example role-playing games, and contests.

Fandom, fandom (English - fanship) - in wide sense: Community of people united by one interest.

Fandom in fanfichene - Fan fiction, which are written on a certain product. For example: fanfic on the Fandom "Harry Potter".

Fandom is indicated in Fanfi's header, so that the reader can understand what product is written fan fiction.

Also there is the term Fandom "Original". This means that fan fiction does not apply to any work, but is the original creativity of the author.

And now let's talk about goodies ;-)

Fandoms in fanfichene

The number of fandomes is steadily growing, which cannot but rejoice fanficcheng fans.
Fan fiction in different Fandoms can be found almost everywhere: on sites, blogs, in social networks, on the forums and so on.

Thus, any reader can find themselves to taste Wednesday to read the favorite works of ficraiters.

And the most popular Fandoms devote entire portals. At the moment, several fandomes have taken a leading position in Russia, you can read about this in the article "The most popular fandoms of Runet. Top 5. "

Let's go back a little back and again mention Fandom "Original".
As I said: "Original is a fan fiction, which does not apply to any work, but is the original creativity of the author."

Original developed quite a lot as Fandom, and now enjoys great popularity. And the authors of Originals are a step forward, on the way to their own independent stories :)

Many sites are devoted to some one fandom, or several.
But there are also sites on which you can find fan fiction on any Fandoms! Such archives of fan fiction are called multifandom or multifandom. And our site, including :)

Fandomov becomes larger, and fan fiction become high quality,
and this is definitely pleased!
I wish you all the best. To new meetings :-)