How to make a home doll theater. Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the theater of Shadows and others - you have at home what kind of performance can be put at home

How to make a home doll theater. Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the theater of Shadows and others - you have at home what kind of performance can be put at home
How to make a home doll theater. Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the theater of Shadows and others - you have at home what kind of performance can be put at home

For most children, the home theater is a significant event, because it is more exciting than traditional games. You can play together funny scenes, acquaint the baby with a fairy tale and her heroes, to make an element of fantasy. Believe me, the child himself will not notice how to become the main participant and the director of the fairy tales.

Try everything with your tea and become a better friend and helper for him. Creating a home theater, you learn to make dolls together, sew suits, draw scenery, write a script, make a scene and, of course, show the play itself.

Home doll theater for the smallest

For the smallest, the puppet theater is perfect, as they are not yet ready to learn the roles and go on the stage in front of their parents or relatives. The puppet theater is very similar to the usual game with toys. For kids are familiar folk tales.

Do not forget to fantasize: enter new characters, add ridiculous episodes or alter the ending.

It is no less interesting to compose and play your own story. To begin with, it will be better if you play the performance yourself. And over time, the baby will turn on the game by choosing a favorite character. Puppet Theater can be bought, or create your own hands, solve you.

Separately, it is worth mentioning magnetic theaters as a wonderful way to develop shaped and creative thinking from preschoolers. Magnetic kits allow children of preschool age to independently create their own fairy tales and stories.

Costumes and scenery for home theater

Babies a little older can be moved from the puppet theater to "true" with roles, costumes and decorations.

  • When preparing costumes to move old dresses, flaps of fabrics, scarves.
  • For the grima, sacrifice the contents of your cosmetics, probably there there will be many unnecessary cosmetics.
  • Music - this is what helps to ride a fairy tale. To make the performance more fun and bright, you can choose musical accompaniment. Write down on the disk and turn on quietly music during the presentation.
  • Tension the rope and hang on it a large piece of canvas or curtains - that turned out to be shirma. You can decorate the screen carved with flowers, birds, stars or snowflakes, depending on your imagination and theme of the performance.
  • What is theater without scenery? Their training at home may take time. Decorations do so that they can be used in other performances. For example, trees can be painted green on one side, and on the other hand yellow to show autumn and summer. You can pull the thread and hang on it, cut from cardboard, sun and clouds. Create together with the crumb, invent together what else can be done.

The child will be happy to take part in the design of the scene. It does not matter if something is cut and painted inactively, it is important that the child did it with pleasure. Create with the baby, invent with him.

For myself, leave the role of a storyteller - there must be someone to keep a story: "I lived - there were grandfather da Baba ..." and manage the whole process: to follow the release of small artists, prompt words if someone collapses.

The main thing remember that children are not actors. They do not have enough patience to learn their role on the teeth, so do not try to achieve acting recoil and perfect coherence from them. So you can easily beat off interest in your exciting ventilation.

Do not comprehend the time for home productions - the result will cost that for the children it is a real holiday.

You can arrange a real holiday with a presentation. Hand theatrical tickets specifically drawn on this occasion, relatives, neighbors or relatives. Also, do not forget to arrange an intermission with sweets and drinks.

The benefits of home theater

Home Theater will help teach the child to keep a dialogue correctly, look for a way out of difficult situations, develop memory and independence of thinking, enrich the vocabulary. And children's memory will retain the vivid impressions of your fascinating joint time.

Theatrical games develop expressive speech and creative abilities in children. And although the passion for the home theater, as a rule, ends with childhood, communication skills, improvisation, fantasy, and most importantly - conversational skills remain. Any speeches frank the child and help to overcome shower.

Prepared Marianan Chornovil

New Year holidays are approaching, which means that in each family they begin to think about the entertainment program. An excellent way to organize leisure for children can be a home performance. If you have a big family and holidays, you usually meet the friendly company with children, then a small theater formulation will help not only captivate children, but also entertain adults. In addition, it is an excellent way to unwind the family. In addition to the entertainment function, such ideas contribute to the development of child memory and attention.

The homeplay requires some preliminary preparation, so it is necessary to think about it in advance how it will look, and what to represent your little action.

First you need to decide what your performance will be and how many people will take part in it. And only then, it will be possible to think over more detailed planning. So, first of all, you need to decide on the form of the performance. It can be a puppet representation or a performance where the roles will play the children themselves. Then select the material. And only then deal with the distribution of roles and organizational issues.

The easiest way to organize a home presentation is a puppet play. Sets of dolls are now sold in specialized stores. The most comfortable ones are gloves. If you fail to find a suitable set, the heroes can be sewn alone. Well, those who do not have talents in the area of \u200b\u200bneedlework, you can hide with drawn characters or, at worst, use ordinary children's toys.

In addition to dolls, you will need a screen and audio system. The easiest way to make shirms for a home performance is to put a couple of chairs and pull the blanket between them.
Material for performances is better to take simple. It is important that the performance lasts no more than half an hour: children's attention to keep longer you can hardly succeed. "Red Hood", "Cinderella", "Kolobok", "Koshkin House" - in a word, choose fairy tales with a small number of actors and words.
Decide who will execute the roles. You can attract exclusively parents to the spectrum. Then the kids will be only the audience. But it is better to distribute roles between children: your and your friends. Of course, with this approach, you will need more time, because with children will have to work out, but also benefits from such a performance will be more.

If you decide to entrust the roles of small assistants, then be sure to remember that the kids are difficult to teach large volumes of text. In this case, the role of the narrator is better to take on yourself. The rest of the actors distribute between the kids. Consider the fact that in such productions to children under 4-5 years old are difficult to participate. But since the kids are very important to be useful in general, then for them you can allocate small roles with simple text. Help "actors". Ask your friends to prepare at home, having learned the scenes with children, if you plan to attract them to the presentation. Immediately before the festive view, you will need to organize at least two rehearsals so that the kids knew, how and when they need to behave. You need to take care of music. Be sure to include baby songs and melodies in the presentation.

You can organize a spectacle and without dolls. In this case, the roles will fully play small actors. Of course, this option will require much greater training: it will be necessary to take care of costumes and scenery, allocate time for additional rehearsals, think about how to organize the scene. There is no help without help. If you and your friends have enough free time, you can go and this way. In this case, you will need to sew or buy suits, make decorations, choose props. Of course, we are not talking about some large-scale work, but although small hand drawn attributes must be present. Houses, Flowers Go Trees, Room Field - Use Primary Materials, and you will get scenery sufficient for a domestic performance.

The play needs to be chosen based on your features. If you have only time for the simplest preparations, then it is better to stop your choice on an imperious material: Russian folk tales are perfect for home performance. For example, "Teremok" - an easy idea for the formulation. Animal costumes are pretty easy to make houses: for a bunny make ears from an ordinary baby rim for hair, chanterelle - a sufficient fur tail and so on. From the scenery for this fairy tale, only teremok itself will be required. It can be drawn on cardboard paper. Text material fairy tales is very lightweight and will be subject to any child. In a word, preparation for the presentation will not require great efforts, and there will be many positive impressions.

Do not forget to prepare for the premiere. Free the space and arrange chairs for the audience. Solemnly declare the beginning of the performance. Do everything so that children have a feeling of complete immersion in the process. Remember that you are not just prepare an entertainment event, but also help the kids understand and feel ,.

Go to the preparation process with soul, fantasy and patience, and your troubles will surely be rewarded with a happy baby laughter.

Each of us, adults, at least once, participated in a self-playing performance - with friends at the cottage, in kindergarten or school. Many are some of the brightest memories of childhood and youth. Why not give the same magic sensations to their children? An expert on theatrical life Ticket operator tells how to introduce children to the theater and put a home play with your own hands.

Many parents dream of growing the connoisseur of theatrical productions and want children to have a good artistic taste, but do not know how to raise in the child if not love for art, then at least interest in Him. The easiest way to do it in a game form - for example, to arrange a family theater with a child. In the performances at first, you can only participate with the baby, inviting other relatives as the audience. As soon as it becomes clear that the young artist is not shy to perform in the public, the "troupe" and the "visual hall" can be expanded by including the closest neighbors, the child's friends in the yard or the kindergarten and their parents.

Home Theater is not only an excellent alternative to gadgets and something in bad weather, but also unconditional benefits for your personal relationship with the baby and its common development. Binding to the role, "Actor" will develop an imagination; Using the replicas, improve memory and speech, and helping you to make costumes, improves small motility. Joint work on an interesting task will allow the child to feel an important member of the team, and he will quickly learn to listen to others. In addition, creating a mini-theater at home, you introduce a family to theatrical art, and, visiting real performances, the child will understand what a big job is behind the presentation on the stage.

How to "throw a fishing rod"?

The sooner you voicate the baby, the idea with the theater, the better. If the child is still not more than three or four years old, with it you can put simple finger scenes, teach the rhymes and arrange the theater of the shadows. Interesting, puppet performances, "actors" in which may be beloved toysAnd shirma is an ironing board covered with sheets. Offering the baby such simple and fascinating leisure versions, you will prepare it to the future "big" performance for the public.

If a child is older, give him the idea of \u200b\u200ba family play as a new game and at the same time let them feel responsible for the preparation of the entire process. Tell me that he will be able to try himself not only as a director, but also become an actor, costume and makeup. Children love such situationally role-playing plots and agree with joy all reincarnations.

Start from visiting the theater

Be sure to visit this theater. Often we forget that you can walk with children not only in the circus and entertainment shows: now the theaters offer a lot of high-quality ideas for any age. These are bebi performances for kids who barely learned to walk, and puppet performances, and full-fledged theatrical productions. Select a view that your child will like (for example, a favorite fairy tale, whose heroes are close and understandable): You should not go to the performance, just because it is fashionable, the most expensive or close to home. After all, visiting the theater is always a holiday, adventure and first of all positive emotions.

If you regularly go to children's performances, and the child knows well what the theater is, you can choose to view the play that you would like to put at home. So you can find an excerpt for setting, to see what the actors have costumes to try at home to recreate the atmosphere of the performance.

If you are in the theater for the first time, it is necessary to tell the baby that such a theater is, as it is necessary to guide how the idea is arranged, who are actors such. Small children intertwine events on stage with real life, and for many of them, that actually actor on stage, and not a real Pinocchio, becomes a real revelation.

Preparation for home spectral

Having promised the baby a grand theatrical idea, do not cheat his expectations. To do this, think over all the stages of preparing the future performance and maximize the child in each of them.

Selection of plays. The first thing is to decide - the material for the production. It may be some kind of familiar child's play, the text of which he is already almost knowing, or absolutely new work for him. If you are more inclined to the second option, choose the plot, pushing out from the age and interests of your Chad. In any case, this should be something good, positive and with the element of the mystery, which a small actor wants to solve himself and tell the audience about it. If there are no suitable book on the adoption, take the beginning of a person already known to the child and invite him to come up with an alternative continuation.

Starring. If one child is involved in the formulation, then, of course, the main role will get to him, and how to be, if several children participate in the play? In order not to provoke a quarrel, distributing the roles at its discretion or at the request of small actors, offer them to pull the lot. Write on the leaflets the names of the heroes, fold into the bag or cap and give children to pull out.

Do not forget to tell little actors that the theater has a director, specialists in light and sound, make-up artists, costumes - many people who work together to make a memorable performance.

As a rule, all girls want to be beautiful princesses and good wizards, and boys are noble heroes, but negative characters are needed for interesting drama. Explain to children that the role of the villain deserves attention, and sometimes it is even more interesting to play it. To prove it, come up with this character some unusual suit, makeup, memorable phrases, special intonation and villainy laughter. To myself, bring yourself the role of a modest narrator, a moderator of the performance and souflar - in case young diving will begin to worry and in the most responsible moment will be forced words.

Quiet, there is a rehearsal! The number and duration of rehearsals before the performance directly depends on the complexity of the play and the number of cases involved. The main rule - spend all the "training" in the game form. Children are not professional actors, they are interested in the process, and not the accuracy of replicas. Do not scold them if they confuse something or forget - better think how to beat it. With enthusiasm listen to all their suggestions and try to maximize them in the performance so that the child felt the importance of his ideas.

Decoration, costumes, makeup. Decoration and costumes will be required for the performance, but do not hurry with purchases. The theater involves convention, so it is quite possible not to spend extra money and make everything from the remedies. The curtains or the door to another room can become excellent sofas, sofa and pillows on the floor - a comfortable visual hall, and an old fur coat - bearish skin extracted by a hunter. With costumes, too, everything is simple: probably on the mezzanine there are boxes with unnecessary things - give them a second life. Do not wisely and with makeup: For reincarnation, the existing cosmetics or inexpensive children's aquagrim are suitable for reincarnation.

Recent preparations. When the text is learned, the costumes are ready, and small actors are already burning from impatience to demonstrate the performance by the public, remind them that the spectators on the performance still need to be invited. To do this, offer them to draw poster and tickets - this will create the effect of the completion of all cooking. Distribute invitations, repeat the words, get ready for deafening success and rehearse the overall final bow.

Pluses of the home theater

We all come from childhood, and from how happy it will be from your child depends on what kind of person he will grow. Holding a home play with the baby, you not only become closer, but also introduce it to the theater atmosphere. By participating in such productions, the child becomes confidence, develops imagination, aesthetic taste and creative abilities. You can play with him excerpts from the plays, and then go to the theater and compare, as everything happens on a big stage. Trying yourself as an actor at the same time, he will more subtly perceive the acting game in the present theater and really love art. Didn't you dream about this?


Class! Be sure to organize and show the child a homely performance, it is so available that I think I will not have difficulty preparation. First, I want to reduce the child on a puppet play, I read about it on [link-1] Hedgehog, and after thinking a fairy tale, which I show at home. The upbringing of children, as I noticed, inspires moms to various experiments, and the main thing is the hidden talents.

Comment Article "Children's Theater with their own hands: Puppet theater, the theater of shadows and others - you have at home"

Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home. Expert on theatrical life Ticket operator Dolls and puppet theater? Where to buy rags. Dolls that put on hand? Previously, they were sold in the children's world and in ...

Please advise a very intirt children's play. Troy children are 3 years old, 6 and 9 years old. Performances for three years in Moscow. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship with ...

Homemade performances for children: how it is done. The home puppet theater is very simple, but it will give a lot for the development of children: they themselves can invent the scenario for the puppet theater, even in the course of the action ...

The puppet theater for children from 2- 10 years is in the top three leaders of the puppet theaters of Moscow. m. Taganskaya Start at 18-00 Beautiful and expressive dolls, talented dumbers and the most children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, Shadow Theater and others - you have at home.

Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home. Well, there is a puppet theater after some "flying ship")). Homemade puppet theater for preschooler: how interesting to organize the leisure of the child.

Advise a children's performance. Advise performances for girls 9-10 years. Well, at the end you have to try the real software performance of the 7th grade. Education of a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationship with classmates ...

Advise a children's performance. I want to reduce children in the theater, a conscience suffered, I don't do any children :) Advise that children show, what can I surprise? I have a boy 11 and 5. Do not be lazy to write to whom I remember.

Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home. The home theater is not only an excellent alternative to gadgets and something bad in bad necessarily organize and show the child a homely performance, just available ...

put a performance. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. A child from 7 to 10. Children in the country want to put a performance, but can not decide on the literary basis, so to speak. The company is multi-year, 8-13 years old, 3 girls and 5 boys, and everyone needs at least a small role.

Home spectacle. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. Child from 7 to 10. Education of a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional classes, hobbies.

See other discussions on the topic "Theater Shadows for Children to invite on": how to bring up theater. We invite children from 6 to 12 years. Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home. Well, there is a puppet theater after some ...

Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship with educators, disease and physical development of a child from 3 to 7 years. Performances for three years in Moscow. Holidays, rest.

Puppet show. - Sowing. Child from 1 to 3. Education of the child from year to three years: hardening and development, food and illness, regime advise about puppet performances. Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home.

The child watched all performances with interest, always to the end. Homemade puppet performances. Girls, request to all of you .. The teddy bear in the last of the thick paper cut the heroes performance "Guskenok", for children from 3 years old. From thick paper cut heroes, bottom ...

home puppet theater. Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting the kindergarten and relationship with educators, diseases and physical children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, Shadows Theater and others - you have at home.

Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home. Having promised the baby a grand theatrical idea, do not cheat his expectations. Homemade puppet theater for preschooler: how interesting to organize the leisure of the child.

Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting kindergarten and relationship with educators, diseases and tell me who went with children to Kuklachev - how long does the idea last, it's interesting for a child for 3.5 years and where you took tickets .

Scenarios of puppet performances. Maybe someone knows where to see. We need a script for a puppet play in the form of a game with the audience, something like questions-answers. The performance will be before the session of the children's film, the audience is about three to ten.

in the puppet theater, we did not go, but the ballet-pantomime had already watched twice, fascinably, without breaking off, the view was about half an hour to advise about puppet performances. Children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, the Theater of Shadows and others - you have at home.

puppet show. Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, food, day mode, visiting the kindergarten and relationship with educators, diseases and physical children's theater with their own hands: Puppet Theater, Shadows Theater and others - you have at home.

Cubes Zaitseva, Nikitina games, lacing - All these words are well acquainted by Mamam. Modern society was very fascinated early developing children. It seems that some new techniques appear each year, which immediately begin to apply caring mothers, and grandmothers are only bred by their hands, wondering how they could grow their children without all these smart methods.

But really there were no ways to develop kids? Of course there were! Moreover, some of them are very popular now. One of these methods - puppet show. It helps not only develop various skills in a child, but also allows adults to look into such a desired country of childhood.

How is the puppet theater useful for children?

Puppet view - An exciting, bright sight that allows spectators and participants to be transferred to a fabulous country. But besides the fact that such an event brings joy and pleasure, puppet Theater also helps:

1. Develop memory and imagination. Preparing for his role, the baby listens, remembers and repeats the words of his hero, which contributes to memory training. In the future, he will learn not only to memorize, but also invent and build its own proposals. And there, maybe, and thinks your own scenario.

2. Deterge the motility of the hands. Taking a doll in the hands, the child begins to feel it, trying to try on, which contributes to the development of small motility of the hands. And managing his hero, leading it in motion, the child learns to control their actions.

3. Understand what is good, and what is bad. The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint ... With the help of a fairy tale, you can not only entertain the child, but also explain to him what actions are good and what bad things.

4. Teach communication skills. In the process of the game, the baby communicates with other children and learns to cooperate with them - not to select toys, not shouting his words first.

5. To overcome shower. Entering the taste of the game The baby will be able to feel like a real little actor, speaking on his improvised stage, which will undoubtedly teach him and in further more confident.

6. Get the joy of communication with loved ones. The time spent with the parents is the most valuable for the child, and if this time passes so exciting - it is more interesting in triple.

How to organize a children's puppet theater at home

Deciding to organize a puppet presentation at home, you need to decide on the following things: where to play and what to play.

Venue for home theater dolls

The convenience of the puppet theater is that it can be played everywhere. Even if the apartment is quite small, you can always find a place where you can build with dolls. It may be:

- any flat surface - table, chair, floor. Such the theater is more suitable for very little children when the parent takes any toy and revives it with his own hands and words.

- Cardboard box. Taking such a box and cut out one of the walls, you can get a wonderful scene. And if you still do holes and hang cloth on a wire, then the real curtain will be.

- Ready puppet theater. Today in the store toys you can find a ready-made score for puppet ideas. And they come in different sizes: from the smallest placed on the table to the large, ranks.

Selection of heroes for theatrical presentation

Deciding with the venue, you need to "hire actors."

Selection of toys for puppet theater very large, it can be:

- Casual child toys. Favorite doll Masha, teddy bear and even a tractor - all this can be involved in a puppet representation. Well, if dolls will have several outfits that can be changed during the presentation.

- Screw materials. In magical fairy tales, everyone comes to life, and therefore their characters can be anything: twigs, bumps, leaves, chestnuts - the main thing, to show fantasy.It turns out such an eco-theater.

- Glove dolls. This is perhaps the most popular cast doll performance actors. I put on your hand such a glove, you can revive the frog, a bear and even a dragon. You can buy them in stores, but you can do it yourself - on the Internet you can find a lot of instructions for sewing such dolls.

- Finger dolls. Such dolls are designed for mini-theater. They are very comfortable for small fingers, even the smallest novice actors will not be labor in them.

- Dolls on chopsticks. Suitable for the upper theater when dumbers are hidden behind the screen. Such dolls are made, mostly with their own hands. To the base of paper or wood (and you can also take a finger doll) the wand is attached, with the help of which and manage the future character.

- Puppets. The most interesting and sophisticated dolls. Drechaya for the threads that are attached to the hands, legs and head of the doll, the doll leads it in motion. But to learn how to manage such a character, you need time and dexterity.Suitable for children from 4-5 years and adults.

Create your home doll theater is completely easy, you only need to show fantasy and imagination. And it is necessary to connect children to this fascinating case - making toys and scene, you can not only take time with interest, but also to teach the baby to creativity and independence. And so wonderful will then say: "Attention, curtain!"

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In this article we will talk about the home doll theater not in terms of entertainment of your own offspring, but about the promising idea of \u200b\u200bthe business.

If you are a creative person and think creatively, then this idea must come to taste. Moreover, today entertainment industry It goes from the population to the "Hurray", the people are ready to invest money in order to have fun.

Now it is fashionable to arrange funny celebrations, inviting animators to your home. Entertain a little birthday boy and his guests can also spiderman, and an inch, and chip with Dale. But two or three years of such "entertaints" - and the child will want something new. Yes, and age already in one perception of interesting leisurerather than games, contests and dances.

Although one thing, of course, does not interfere. So, the puppet theater at home as the idea of \u200b\u200ba business represents this. At the appointed hour of "X" in the house of the birthday room (this may be another celebration) arrives a mini-troupe, which will show the kids and their parents performance, let's say a fairy tale.

From businessmen - the presence of all the necessary equipment and talent, from the owners - ensuring an improvised theater hall (chairs, sofas, puffs) and discipline (necessarily to spend an educational conversation with an audience before the start!).

Equipment for the puppet theater at home

For this, rakes, pieces of dense cardboard and even sewer tubes, feeding with each other, which are sold in construction stores.

You must choose your own version of the "curtain", given the factors:

  • how fast he will be laid out
  • what style will look like (so that combined with various fairy tales)
  • how strong will be both convenient in work (so as not to rise in half to the most responsible minute).
  • the convenience of transportation (in order to enter the lift and in the car trunk).

So, unfolding shirma and curtain ready for it - excellent! The next paragraph will be "heroes" of all representations - dolls. This for a real puppet theater is sewed to order, master, puppeteers.

Of course, you can also order, although at first, there are no first profits, you can use and purchased dolls. On the Internet and in local stores you will find the hero is absolutely for any fairy tale.

You will also need to stock the rest of the inventory For representations: toy furniture, clothes for heroes, some objects for the performance (magic wand, for example).

Last, which is included in the list "Equipment" - this Musical accompaniment Your act. Whether it will only music or in advance the voices of dolls recorded at the puppet's houses - to solve you. Music center with speakers or laptop, which will be behind the "scenes" - here are the ideas, how to make a homely puppet theater.


It is indisputable that if you want to successfully develop a similar idea of \u200b\u200ba business, then an important point can be considered at least a little-old acting abilities with you or your assistants. If you will hire people from the outside, most of the profits will go to the side.

If you still decide to show such performances for money yourself, then perhaps your household can help you. For example, adolescents are perfectly coped with the role, if you rehearse a lot before that, and do not forget them to catch our own salary.

Fairy tales for home doll theater

On the Internet and books of the home library you will find easily mass scenarios for the puppet theater at home. We must choose from them to your taste, adapt to your conditions, distribute the roles and start rehearsing!

Here is an excellent resource where the most popular and adapted scenarios of fairy tales for representations are collected:

Experience has shown that two people may well play four characters at the same time. Another can turn on and disable music or play some sounds (knock, ringing, etc.). And even be a storyteller and a positive conference, speaking in front of the auditorium.


How to determine how much to take for the performance? find out rates for single animator services In our city, summarize the number of your people. So you can calculate the approximate cost of the "ticket".

Develop your business, create groups in social networks, advertise yourself to relatives and friends, speake free, for the sake of promotion. Ride with performances as volunteers in children's hospitals and orphans, give the kids joy! And the practice of good will be, and "Sarafan Radio" can work - thousands of people will know about you.

And yet: Only a truly passionate person will be able to succeed. Just for the sake of money, this business is not worth it - it is better to purchase the point on the market.

Finally, we will remind you how the theatrians say: the viewer will feel everything. The most strict judge is a person (no matter, adult or child), who came to you enjoy.