F list what he wrote. Leaf, Ferrenz - brief biography

F list what he wrote. Leaf, Ferrenz - brief biography
F list what he wrote. Leaf, Ferrenz - brief biography

The musician who reached the tops of worldly glory - and became a monk ... Hungarian, weakly knew Hungarian language - and who became a symbol of Hungarian music ... The life of the leaf of the leaf as if woven from the contradictions - that it was impossible to answer his passionate nature.

The first teacher of music for Ferenz Leaf was his father - an official in the administration of Prince Estergazi. He took care of the start of his performing career: from the 9 year older, the "small miracle musician" conquers his own knowledge of noble listeners ... But the father understands that he cannot give a lot of talented son - and the boy is lucky to Vienna, where Ferenz not only causes delight The public, but also studies the piano game from K. Cherni, theories - at A. Salieri.

His first works of F. Sheet created in adolescence. There was among them and Opera - "Don Sancho, or Love Castle" - but not this genre defined the creative appearance of the composer. In the foreground, piano music has always been for him - very often software. The composer seems to "grab" and fix the piano in the sound all the wealth of the world in which he lives - be it literature (Sonata-fantasy "After reading Dante"), painting ("engagement" in the picture of Rafael), Nature ("Spring" ).

But called F. Sheet exclusively by a pianist composer - like F. Chopin - still it is impossible: his symphonic creativity is not inferior to the piano. To a certain extent, this is due to its performing style. This pianist, who - according to the testimony of contemporaries - could have broken three pianos for one concert, as if it was closely as part of his instrument: the piano sounded from him, as an orchestra, it was not by chance that he created piano transcriptions of symphony works and fragments from the opera. The symphony of his creativity is also to the program, often philosophical ("preludes", "Faust Symphony", "from the cradle to the grave"). Elements of passion, manifested here not to a lesser extent, than in the piano game, the boundaries of the semon-syphonic cycle sweeps, a new genre is born - a symphonic poem.

As a true son of the romanticism, F. Sheet has experienced a deep reverence towards national roots: 19 "Hungarian Rhapsodies", Hungarian National Melodies for Piano, Piano Cycle "Hungarian Historical Portraits", Symphonic Poem "Hungary" ...

Ferren's life of the leaf could be the plot of the adventure novel. It was all: Glory, meetings with other geniuses - Berlioz, J. Sand, Romantic Love, who has become a challenge to society, the confrontation of Fili Relief, genuine tragedies - for example, the early death of the Son and daughter ... And finally - the adoption of spiritual sanitary in 54 of the year. However, neither this circumstance nor life adversity prevented their creativity - neither composer, nor the performers. Ferenz Shest gave his last concert in 1886 - 12 days before death.

Music seasons

The sheet became the greatest pianist of the XIX century. His era was a flourishing of concert pianism, the leaf was in the forefront of this process, having infinite technical capabilities. Until now, his virtuosity remains a guide for modern pianists, and the works are the vertices of piano virtuosity. The active concert activity as a whole was completed in 1848, after which the sheet was rare.

As a composer sheet made a lot of discoveries in the field of harmony, melodes, forms. Created new instrumental genres (rapeseed, symphonic poem). Formed the structure of a single-cyclic form, which was scheduled for Shuman and Chopin, but was not developed so bold.

The sheet actively promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe synthesis of arts (a like-minded person in this was Wagner). He said that the time of "pure arts" was over (this thesis is put forward to the 1850s.). If Wagner saw this synthesis in connection of music and words, then for the sheet it is more connected with painting, architecture, although the literature played a big role. Hence such an abundance of software works: "Observation" (by the picture of Raphael), "Thinker" (Roden sculpture) and many others. In the future, the ideas of art synthesis were widely used, up to the present day.

The sheet believed by art, which can affect the huge masses of people, to fight evil. With this, his educational activities are connected.

Veced pedagogical activity. Pianists come to Weimar from all over Europe. In his house, where there was a hall, gave them open lessons, and never took money for it. Among others, it was visited by Borodin and Ziloti.

Conducting leaf activity took up in Weimara. There he put Opera (including Wagner), performed symphonies.

Among the literary works are the book about Chopin, the book on the music of Hungarian Gypsies, as well as many articles on topical and global issues.

Ferrenz Sheet was born on October 22, 1811 in Hungary, in the village of Doboryan (Austrian name Riding) (Komitat Shopron). Comitat - area.

Best days


Father Franz Leaf, Adam Sheet (1776-1826) served by Prince Estergazi "supervisor for the livestock of sheep." It was an honorary and responsible position, since the herd of sheep was the main wealth of Estergazy family. Princes encouraged art. Up to 14 years old Adam played a cello in the orchestra of Prince, led by Josef Haydn. After the end of the Catholic gymnasium in the pressurgy (now Bratislava), Adam Shest did a novice to the Franciscan Order, but two years later decided to leave it. For life, he retained friendship with one of Franciscans, that, as some researchers suggest, inspired him to call his son Franz, and the leaf itself, also supporting connections with Franciscans, in the late years of life entered the Order. Adam Sheck composed, devoting his works of Esterhazi. In 1805, he achieved his appointment to Eisenstadt, where the residence of the princes was located. There in 1805-1809 in the work free time he continued to play the orchestra, having the opportunity to work with many people who came there with musicians, including Kerubini and Beethoven. In 1809, Adam was sent to Riding. A portrait of Beethoven's portrait of Beethoven hung in his house, who was a cumier of his son.

The mother of Franz Leaf, the neborn Anna Lager (1788-1866), was born in Krems (Austria). Osapotev at 9 years old was forced to move to Vienna, where she worked the maid, and in 20 years she moved to Mattersburg to his brother. In 1810 Adam Sheet, having arrived in Mattersburg to visit the Father, met her, and in January 1811 they got married.

In October 1811, the Son was born, which became their only child. The name given during baptism was recorded in Latin as Franciscus, and Franz was pronounced in German. It is often used by the Hungarian name Ferenz, although the leaf itself, weakly owning Hungarian, never used it.


The participation of the father in the musical formation of the Son was exceptional. Adam leaf early began to teach the son of music, gave him lessons. In the church, the boy was taught singing, and the local organist is a game on the organ. After three-year classes, Ferenz at the age of eight years first made a public concert. Father drove it to the houses of noble nobles, where the boy played on the piano, and managed to cause a benevolent attitude among them. Understanding that the son needs a serious school, his father is lucky to Vienna.

From 1821, the leaf was engaged in the Vienna playing the piano at Karl Cherni, who agreed to teach the boy free. Great teacher did not like the boy, since it was weak physically. School of mobile gave sheet versatility of his piano art. The theory of the leaf was engaged in Antonio Salieri. Speaking at concerts, the sheet made a sensation among the Viennese public. During one of them, Beethoven after the brilliant improvisation of Franz in the cadence of one of his concerts kissed him. The leaf about it recalled all his life.


After the vein, the sheet goes to Paris (in 1823). The goal was the Paris Conservatory, but the sheet did not take there, as they took only the French. However, the father decided to stay in Paris, despite the complex financial situation. Because of this, I had to constantly organize performances. So at an early age, the professional activity of the sheet begins. Engaged with a sheet of teachers from the same Paris Conservatory (among them there were such outstanding musicians as Ferdinando Piere and Antonin Reich), but no one else taught him a piano game. Mobile was the last piano teacher.

During this period, the sheet begins to compose - basically, the repertoire for his speeches is etudes. At the age of 14 began opera "Don Suncho, or Love Castle", which was even put in Grand-Opera (in 1825).

In 1827, Adam Sheet died. Ferenz hard worried this event, about 3 years was in an depressed state. In addition, he was annoyed by his role "soldiers", dicks in secular salons. Because of these reasons for several years, the sheet turns off from the life of Paris, his necrologist was even published. The mystical mood increases, and noticeable in a sheet.

In the light of the sheet appeared only in 1830. This is the year of the July revolution. Sheet fascinated a stormy life around him, appeals to justice. There is an idea of \u200b\u200b"revolutionary symphony", in which revolutionary songs should have been used. The sheet returned to active activity, concert with success. Clears the circle of musicians close to him: Berlioz (created at this time "fantastic symphony"), Paganini (who arrived in Paris in 1831). The game of the genius violinist prompted the sheet to achieve even greater perfection. For a while he refused to concert, worked hard on technology and shifted the Paganini Caprises for Piano, published under the name of six sketches. It was the first and extremely brilliant experience in the piano arrangement, which later brought to such a high degree. On a sheet as a virtuoso also had a huge influence of Chopin (who treated skeptical to the sheet, did not have time to see the heyday after 1848 and seeing only a virtuoso). Among the familiar sheets are also writers Duma, Hugo, Mussse, Georges Sand.

Around 1835, articles are published on the social position of artists in France, about Shuman and others. At the same time, the leaf began and pedagogical activities that never left.

At the beginning of the 30s. The leaf meets the Countess Marie D'Agu, the girlfriend Georges Sand. She was fond of contemporary art. The countess had some literary abilities and printed under the pseudonym Henri style. The work of Georges Sand was for her standard. Countess D'Agu and Sheet were in a state of romantic love. In 1835, the Countess left her husband and broke all ties with his circle. Together with the sheet, she leaves to Switzerland - so the next period of the leaf life begins.

"Years of wanderings"

From 1835 to 1848, the next period of the life of the sheet lasts, for which the name of the "Westerns" was entrenched (by the name of the Pieces Collection).

In Switzerland, Leaf and Marie D'Agu lived in Geneva and at times in some picturesque village. The sheet makes the first sketches of the play for the collection "Album of the Traveler", which later became the "years of wanderings" (Fr. "Années de Pèlerinage"), teaches at the Geneva Conservatory, sometimes goes to Paris with concerts. However, Paris is already passionate about the other virtuoso - Talberg, and the sheet does not have the most popular. At this time, the sheet is already beginning to give their concerts educational themes - playing symphonies (in a binding for piano) and concerts of Beethoven, paraphrase on topics from operas and others. Together with D'Agu Shesta writes an article "On the role of art and position of the artist in modern society "(see above). In Geneva, the sheet did not fall from active European life. Friends came to him from Paris, including Georges Sand.

In 1837, already having one child, Leaf and D'Agu go to Italy. Here they visit Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence - Centers of Art and Culture. From Italy, the sheet wrote essays about the local musical life, which was sent to Paris to publish. For them, a letter genre was elected. The addressee most of the letters - Georges Sand, which answered the sheet also essays in the magazine.

In Italy, a solo concert was played by a solo concert for the first time in history, without the participation of other musicians. It was a bold and bold decision, which finally made converse speeches from the salon.

By the same time, fantasies and paraphrase on topics from the opera (including from the "Lucia" of Donizetti), transfers to the pastoral symphony of Beethoven and many works of Berlioza. Daving a few concerts in Paris and Vienna, the sheet returns to Italy (1839), where she ends with the arrangement of Beethoven's symphony on the piano.

The leaf has long dreamed of going to Hungary, but his girlfriend Marie D'Agu was against this trip. At the same time, a large flood occurred in Hungary, and the leaf, possessing already vastly popular and glory, considered to help its duty to compatriots. Thus, the gap happened to D'Agu, and he left one in Hungary.

Austria and Hungary met the leaf triumphantly. In Vienna, after one of the concerts, Talberg came up with him, his longtime competitor, recognizing the superiority of the sheet. In Hungary, the sheet has become an expressive of patriotic lifting of the nation. The noblemen came to his concerts in national costumes, gave him her gifts. Funds from concerts leaf translated in favor of injured from flooding.

Between 1842 and 1848 The sheet traveled several times in Europe, including Russia, Spain, Portugal, was in Turkey. It was the peak of his concert activity. In Russia, the sheet was in 1842 and 1848. In St. Petersburg, the leaf listened to the outstanding figures of Russian music - Stasov, Serov, Glinka. At the same time, Stasov and Serov recalled their shock from his game, but did not like the sheet, he put the filter above.

Sheet was interested in Russian music. He highly appreciated the music "Ruslana and Lyudmila", made the piano transcription of Marsham Chernomor, and kept correspondence with composers of the "mighty coup". In subsequent years, connections with Russia were not interrupted, in particular, the sheet issued a collection of selected passages from the Russian operas.

At the same time, the peak of the educational activity of the sheet reaches. In their concert programs, it includes many piano works of classics (Beethoven, Bach), their own arrangements of the symphony of Beethoven and Berlioz, Schubert's songs, organs of the Bach. At the initiative of the sheet in 1845, celebrations were organized in honor of Beethoven in Bonn, he also made a missing amount to establish the monument in the same place to the brilliant composer.

However, after a while, the sheet is disappointed in its educational activities. He realized that she did not reach the goal, and the inhabitant was more pleasant to listen to the Patrick from the fashionable opera than Sonatu Beethoven. The active concert activity of the sheet is terminated.

At this time, the sheet meets Carolina Wittgenstein, the wife of the Russian General. In 1847, they decided to connect, but Carolina was married, and, moreover, Easto professed Catholicism. Therefore, it was necessary to seek a divorce and a new wedding, which should have been allowed to resolve the Russian emperor and Pope.


In 1848, the Sheet and Carolina are justified in Weimara. This choice was due to the fact that the sheet was given the right to lead the musical life of the city, besides, Weimar was a residence of the Duchess - the sisters of Emperor Nikolai I. Apparently, the leaf hoped through it to influence the emperor in the divorce.

The sheet began for the Opera House, updated the repertoire. Obviously, after disappointment in concert activity, he decided to postpone the educational focus on the action of the director. Therefore, the operas of glitch, Mozart, Beethoven, as well as contemporaries - Shumannika ("Genoveva"), Wagner ("Lorangery") appear in the repertoire. The symphony programs were performed by the works of Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Berliosis, as well as their own. However, in this area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet waited for failure. The public was unhappy with the repertoire of the theater, the troupe and the musicians complained.

The main outcome of the Weimar period is the tense composer work of the sheet. He puts his sketches in order, finishes and processes many of his writings. "Traveler's album" after a great job became "years of wanderings." Here piano concerts appear here, Rhapsodia (which used melodies recorded in Hungary), Sonata SO Minor, etudes, romances, first symphonic poems.

Young musicians from all over the world come to Lest to List to get lessons from him.

Together with the Carolina Sheet writes articles, essays. Begins a book about Chopin.

By this time refers to the rapprochement of the sheet with Wagner on the basis of common ideas. At the beginning of the 50s. A union of German musicians are created, the so-called Weimarians, as opposed to the Leipcigs (which belonged to Schuman, Mendelssohn, Brahms, who confessed more academic views than Wagner and Leaf). Often, fierce conflicts arose in print between these groups.

In the late 50s, the hopes for wedding with Carolina finally melts, in addition, the sheet was disappointed with the misunderstanding of his musical activity in Weimara. At the same time, the son of a leaf is dying. Again, as after the death of the Father, mystical and religious feelings are intensified in the sheet. Together with Carolina, they decide to go to Rome to pour sins.

Late years

In the early 60s, leaf and Caroline move in Rome, but live in different homes. She insisted that the sheet became a monk, and in 1865 he takes a small tower and the title of Abbot. The creative interests of the sheet are now preferably in the field of church music: this is the Oratorium "Holy Elizabeth", "Christ", four Psalms, Requiem and Hungarian Coronation Mass (it. Kronungsmesse). In addition, the third volume of "years of wanderings" appears, saturated with philosophical motives. In Rome, the sheet played, but extremely rare.

In 1866, the sheet goes to Weimar, the so-called second Weimar period begins. He lived in a modest house of his former gardener. As before, young musicians come to him - among them Grieg, Borodin, Ziloti.

In 1875, the activity of the sheet focuses mainly in Hungary (in Pest), where he was elected president of the newly founded high school of music. The sheet teaches, writes "Forgotten Waltsy" and new rapeseed for piano, the cycle "Hungarian historical portraits" (about the figures of the Hungarian liberation movement).

The daughter of the Kozim Sheet at that time became Wagner's wife (their son is the famous conductor Siegfried Wagner). After the death of Wagner, she continued to organize the Wagner festivals in Bayreit. At one of the festivals in 1886, the sheet was cold, soon the cold has passed into inflammation of the lungs. Health began to worsen, bothered his heart. Because of the edema of the legs, he moved only with extreme help


All Operations of Sheet 647: Of these, 63 for the orchestra, about 300 Arrangements for Piano. In all, what wrote a sheet, visible originality, the desire for new paths, the wealth of fantasy, courage and novelty of the receptions, a peculiar view of art. His instrumental compositions represent a wonderful step forward in musical architectonics. 14 symphonic poems, "Faust" and "Divina Comedia" symphony, piano concerts represent the richest new material for a researcher of the musical form. From the musical and literary works of the sheet, brochures about Chopin are issued (translated into Russian P. A. Zinoviev, in 1887), about Benvenuto Chelinka Berlioz, Schubert, articles in "Neue Zeitschrift Für Musik" and a large essay about Hungarian music ("Des Bohémiens et de Leur Musique en Hongrie").

Date of birth: October 22, 1811
Place of birth: Doboryan (Riding)
Country: Austria
Date of death: July 31, 1886

Ferenz (Franz) Sheet (Venge. Liszt Ferenc, it. Franz Liszt) - composer, pianist, teacher, publicist, conductor, one of the largest representatives of musical romanticism.

Ferenz Sheet was born on October 22, 1811 in Hungary, in the town of Dobenjan (Austrian name Riding). He was the only child in the family. The name given during baptism was recorded in Latin as Franciscus, and Franz was pronounced in German. It is often used by the Hungarian name Ferenz, although the leaf itself, weakly owning Hungarian, never used it.

The participation of the father in the musical formation of the Son was exceptional. Adam leaf early began to teach the son of music, gave him lessons. In the church, the boy was taught singing, and the local organist is a game on the organ. After three-year practices, Ferenz at the age of eight years took part in a public concert. Understanding that the son needs a serious school, his father is lucky to Vienna.

From 1821, the list was engaged in the Vienna playing the piano at Karl Cherni. School of Charles Cherni gave a sheet versatility of his piano art. The theory of the leaf was engaged in Antonio Salieri.

After the vein, the sheet goes to Paris (1823). The goal was the Paris Conservatory, but the sheet did not take there, as they took only the French. However, the father decided to stay in Paris, despite the complex material situation, because of which he had to constantly organize performances. So at an early age, the professional activity of the sheet begins. Engaged with a sheet of teachers from the same Paris Conservatory (among them there were such outstanding musicians as Ferdinando Piere and Antonin Reich), but no one else taught him a piano game. Mobile was the last piano teacher.

During this period, the sheet begins to compose - basically, the repertoire for his speeches is etudes. At the age of 14 began opera "Don Sancho, or Love Castle", which was even put in Grand-Opera (1825).

In 1827, Adam Sheet died. Ferenz hard worried this event, about 3 years was in an depressed state. In the light of the sheet appeared only in 1830. This is the year of the July revolution. Sheet fascinated stormy life around him. There is an idea of \u200b\u200b"revolutionary symphony", in which revolutionary songs should have been used. The sheet returned to active activity, concert with success. There is a circle of musicians close to him: Berlioz, Paganini. The game of the genius violinist prompted the sheet to achieve even greater perfection. For a while he refused to concert, worked hard on technology and shifted the Paganini Caprises for Piano, published under the name of six sketches. On the sheet as a virtuous influence of Chopin also had a vast. Among the familiar sheets are also writers Duma, Hugo, Mussse, Georges Sand.

In 1835, articles are published on the social position of artists in France, about Shuman, etc. At the same time, the leaf began and pedagogical activities that never left.

At the beginning of the 30s. The sheet meets the Countess Marie D'Agu, the girlfriend Georges Sand, who was fond of contemporary art, had some literary abilities and printed under the pseudonym Henri style. Countess D'Agu and Sheet were in a state of romantic love. In 1835, the Countess left her husband and went to Switzerland with a sheet - so the next period of the leaf life begins (1835 - 1848), followed by the name "years of wanderings" (by the name of the Pieces Collection).

In Switzerland, Leaf and Marie D'Agu lived in Geneva and at times in some picturesque village. The sheet makes the first sketches of the plays for the collection "Album of the Traveler", which later became a collection of "years of wanderings", teaches in the Geneva Conservatory, goes to Paris with concerts. At this time, the sheet is already beginning to give their concerts educational themes - playing symphonies (in his arrangement for piano) and concerts of Beethoven. Together with D'Agu Sheet writes an article "On the role of art and position of the artist in modern society."

In 1837, already having one child, Leaf and D'Agu go to Italy. Here they visit Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence - Centers of Art and Culture. From Italy, the sheet wrote essays about the local musical life, which was sent to Paris to publish. In Italy, the sheet for the first time in history played a solo concert, without the participation of other musicians, it finally made converse speeches from the salon. By the same time there are fantasies and paraphrase on topics from the operas (including from the "Lucia" of Donizetti), translating the pastoral symphony of Beethoven and many works of Berlioz. Daving a few concerts in Paris and Vienna, the sheet returns to Italy (1839), where it ends with the arrangement of the Beethoven symphony on the piano.

The leaf has long dreamed of going to Hungary, but his girlfriend Marie D'Agu was against this trip. At the same time, a large flood happened in Hungary, and the sheet considered to help with compatriots. Thus, the gap happened to D'Agu, and he left one in Hungary.

Austria and Hungary met the leaf triumphantly. In Hungary, the sheet has become an expressive of patriotic lifting of the nation. Funds from concerts leaf translated in favor of injured from flooding.

Between 1842 and 1848 The sheet traveled several times with the concerts of the whole Europe, including Russia, Spain, Portugal, was in Turkey. Sheet was interested in Russian music, he published a collection of selected passages from the Russian operas.

At the same time, the sheet is actively engaged in educational activities. In their concert programs, it includes many piano works of classics (Beethoven, Bach), their own arrangements of the symphony of Beethoven and Berlioz, Schubert's songs, organs of the Bach. At the initiative of a sheet in 1845, celebrations were organized in honor of Beethoven in Bonn, he also made the amount for the installation of the monument to the brilliant composer.

At this time, the sheet meets Carolina Wittgenstein, the wife of the Russian General. In 1847, they decided to create a family, but Carolina was married, she was a Catholic. Therefore, it was necessary to seek a divorce and a new wedding, which should have been allowed to resolve the Russian emperor and Pope. In 1848, the Sheet and Carolina are justified in Weimara. This choice was due to the fact that the sheets were given the right to lead the musical life of the city. The sheet began for the Opera House, updated the repertoire, the operas of the glitch, Mozart, Beethoven, as well as contemporaries - Shumann ("Genovev"), Wagner ("Loejngrin") in the repertoire. The symphony programs were performed by the works of Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Berliosis, as well as their own. The main outcome of the Weimar period is the tense composer work of the sheet. He puts his sketches in order, finishes and processes many of his writings. "Traveler's album" after a great work became the "year of wanderings." Here are piano concerts, rapeseed (which used Hungarian melodies), Sonata C Minor, etudes, romances, first symphonic poems.
Young musicians from all over the world come to Lest to List to get lessons from him.

Together with the Carolina Sheet writes articles, essays. Begins a book about Chopin. At the beginning of the 50s. The Union of German Musicians is created, the so-called "Weimarians", as opposed to the "Leipcigs", which belonged to Schuman, Mendelssohn, Brahms, who confessed more academic views than Wagner and Leaf. Often, fierce disputes arose in print between these groups.

In the late 50s, the hopes for wedding with Carolina finally melts, in addition, the sheet was disappointed with the misunderstanding of his musical activity in Weimara. At the same time, the son of a leaf is dying. Again, as after the death of the Father, mystical and religious feelings are intensified in the sheet. Together with Carolina, they decide to go to Rome.

In the early 60s, leaf and Caroline move in Rome, but live in different homes. She insists that the sheet becomes a monk, and in 1865 he takes a small tague and the title of Abbot. The creative interests of the sheet are now preferably in the field of church music: this is the Orator of Saint Elizabeth, "Christ", four Psalms, Requiem and Hungarian Coronation Mass (Him. Kronungsmesse). In addition, the third volume of the "year of wanderings" appears, saturated with philosophical motives. With concerts in Rome, the sheet was extremely rare.

In 1866, the leaf rides in Weimar, he lives in a modest house of his former gardener. As before, young musicians come to him - among them Grieg, Borodin, Ziloti.

In 1875, the activity of the sheet focuses mainly in Hungary (in Pest), where he was elected president of the newly founded high school of music. Sheet teaches, writes "Forgotten Waltsy" and new rapeseed for piano, cycle "Hungarian historical portraits".

At one of the festivals in 1886, the sheet was cold, soon the cold has passed into inflammation of the lungs. Health began to worsen him, bothered the heart, because of the edema of the legs, he moved only with extreme help.

All writings of sheets 647: Of these, 63 for the orchestra, about 300 piano arrangements, 14 symphonic poems, Faust Symphony and Divina Comedia, Piano Concerts. From the musical and literary works of the sheet, brochures are issued about Chopin, about Benvenuto Chelinka Berlioz, Schubert, a large essay about Hungarian music.

In addition, Ferenc Sheet is known for its Hungarian rapesees (the creation time is 1851-1886), which are among the most vibrant and original artworks. Sheet used folklore sources that have formed the basis of Hungarian Rhapsodies. It should be noted that the genre of instrumental rapesee is the invention of the sheet. Rapeseeds were created in the following years: No. 1 - 1851, No. 2 - 1847, No. 3 - 15 - 1853, No. 16 - 1882, No. 17 - 19 - 1885

Music genius of Hungary, Ferrenz leaf, is known for its multifaceted and bright personality. Amazing talents of this enthusiast manifested itself not only in creating works, but also expressed in other forms. A talented pianist, a musical critic and conductor, he actively participated in social activities, and his desire for novelty, freshness and vitality made qualitative changes to the musical art of that period.

Ferrenz leaf was born 1811 in the family of an amateur musician. From the young age he loved the people's Hungarian and Gypsy songs that had a great influence on the development of his talent and put a mark on creativity. The first lessons of music leaf received from his father and at 9 years old he is already in several cities of Hungary.

To continue to learn music, Ferenz in 1820 goes with his father to Vienna, where private lessons takes. At 11 years, the sheet wrote the first work - "Variations for the Waltz diabelli." Unsuccessful receipt to the Paris Conservatory in 1823 (he was not accepted because of foreign origin) did not break the young genius, and he continued private training. And soon she conquered Paris and London with his virtuoso performances. During this time, Ferenz Shest wrote a lot of piano plays and one serious opera piece.

In 1827, his father died, and the leaf continued to self-study and toured a lot. The formation of his worldview and ethical beliefs had the influence of revolutionary events of the 1930s, which were displayed in some of its symphony. Ferrenz leaf communicated with many celebrities, which also influenced their art on the formation of his artistic ideals. So, acquaintance with Hugo, Chopin, Berlioz and Paganini, these outstanding personalities, forced the sheet to sharpen and train his skills.

Ferenz, in addition to wrote many articles about people of art and their lives in society. In addition, he taught at the Conservatory and traveled a lot with his concerts in Europe. He also visited Russia, where he met Glinka and other musical figures.

In the period from 1848 to 1861. His life gets another direction. Ferrenz leaf marries, leaves a career of the pianist-virtuoso and begins to conduct in the Weimar theater. He fights for new art, new genres and sound. Completes and modests its early work, and also creates new ones that are even more perfect. The list also writes books on the study of Hungarian music, conducts free pedagogical activities and supports young musicians.

In 1858, he leaves the theater and moves to Rome, where he takes San Abbot and writes bright spiritual works. However, remaining a secular person, the sheet cannot completely devote himself to the church. And in 1869, Ferenz returns to Weimar. Continuing active and active life, he creates a conservatory in Budapest, which is the leader and teacher. Continues to write and give concerts gradually.

Here is such a farnz leaf! Its biography is extremely interesting and saturated, and the activity of this person has significantly affected the development of world musical culture.


Ferrenz (Franz) Sheet (Weng. Liszt Ferenc, it. Franz Liszt.; October 22, 1811, Riding, Austrian Empire - July 31, 1886, Bayreuth, Germany) - Austro-Hungarian composer, pianist, teacher, conductor, publicist, one of the largest representatives of musical romanticism.

1. Characteristic

The sheet became the greatest pianist of the XIX century. His era was a flourishing of concert pianism, the leaf was in the forefront of this process, having infinite technical capabilities. Until now, his virtuosity remains a guide for modern pianists, and the works are the vertices of piano virtuosity.

In 1843, the leaf was made with the tenor Giovanni Batista Rubini touring a tour tour in Holland and Germany.

The active concert activity as a whole was completed in 1848 (the last concert was given in Elisavetgrad), after which the sheet was rare.

As a composer sheet made a lot of discoveries in the field of harmony, melodes, forms and textures. Created new instrumental genres (rapeseed, symphonic poem). Formed the structure of a single-cyclic form, which was scheduled for Shuman and Chopin, but was not developed so bold. The sheet actively promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe synthesis of arts (a like-minded person in this was Wagner). He said that the time of "pure arts" was over (this thesis is put forward to the 1850s.). If Wagner saw this synthesis in connection of music and words, then for the sheet it is more connected with painting, architecture, although the literature played a big role. Hence such an abundance of software works: "Out of Raphael)," Thinker "(Sculpture of Michelangelo on the tombstone of Lorenzo Medici) and many others. In the future, the ideas of art synthesis were widely used, up to the present day.

The sheet believed by art, which can affect the huge masses of people, to fight evil. With this, his educational activities are connected.

Sheet led pedagogical activity. Pianists come to Weimar from all over Europe. In his house, where there was a hall, gave them open lessons, and never took money for it. Among others, Borodin, Ziloti and Albert visited him.

Conducting leaf activity took up in Weimara. There he put Opera (including Wagner), performed symphonies.

Among the literary works are the book about Chopin, the book about the music of Hungarian Gypsies, as well as many articles on topical and global issues.

2. Biography

Ferenz Sheet was born on October 22, 1811 in Hungary, in the town of Doboryan (Austrian name Riding), Komitat (region) Shopron.

2.1. Parents

Father Franz Leaf, Adam Sheet (1776-1826) served by Prince Esterhazi, "supervisor for the livestock of sheep." It was an honorary and responsible position, as the herd of sheep was the main wealth of Esterhazi family. Princes encouraged art. Up to 14 years old Adam played a cello in the orchestra of Prince, led by Josef Haydn. After the end of the Catholic gymnasium in the pressurgy (now Bratislava), Adam Shest did a novice to the Franciscan Order, but two years later decided to leave it. They say, he has retained friendship with one of Franciscans, which, as some researchers suggest, inspired him to call his son Franz, and the leaf itself, also supporting connections with Franciscans, in the late years of life entered the Order. Adam Sheck composed, devoting his works of Esterhazi. In 1805, he achieved his appointment to Eisenstadt, where the residence of the princes was located. There in 1805-1809 in the work free time he continued to play the orchestra, having the opportunity to work with many people who came there with musicians, including Kerubini and Beethoven. In 1809, Adam was sent to Riding. A portrait of Beethoven's portrait of Beethoven hung in his house, who was a cumier of his son.

The mother of Franz Leaf, the neborn Anna Lager (1788-1866), was born in Krems (Austria). Osapotev at 9 years old was forced to move to Vienna, where she worked the maid, and in 20 years she moved to Mattersburg to his brother. In 1810 Adam Sheet, having arrived in Mattersburg to visit the Father, met her, and in January 1811 they got married.

In October 1811, the Son was born, which became their only child. The name given during baptism was recorded in Latin as Franciscus, and Franz was pronounced in German. It is often used by the Hungarian name Ferenz, although the leaf itself, weakly owning Hungarian, never used it.

The participation of the father in the musical formation of the Son was exceptional. Adam leaf early began to teach the son of music, gave him lessons. In the church, the boy was taught singing, and the local organist is a game on the organ. After three-year classes, Ferenz at the age of eight years first made a public concert. Father drove it to the houses of noble nobles, where the boy played on the piano, and managed to cause a benevolent attitude among them. Understanding that the son needs a serious school, his father is lucky to Vienna.

From 1821, the leaf was engaged in the Vienna playing the piano at Karl Cherni, who agreed to teach the boy free. Great teacher did not like the boy, since it was weak physically. School of mobile gave sheet versatility of his piano art. The theory of the leaf was engaged in Antonio Salieri. Speaking at concerts, the sheet made a sensation among the Viennese public. During one of them, Beethoven after the brilliant improvisation of Ferens in the cadence of one of his concerts kissed him. The leaf about it recalled all his life.

2.2. Paris

After the vein, the sheet goes to Paris (in 1823). The goal was the Paris Conservatory, but the sheet did not take there, as they took only the French. However, the father decided to stay in Paris, despite the complex financial situation. Because of this, I had to constantly organize performances. So at an early age, the professional activity of the sheet begins. Engaged with a sheet of teachers from the same Paris Conservatory (among them there were such outstanding musicians as Ferdinando Piere and Antonin Reich), but no one else taught him a piano game. Mobile was the last piano teacher.

During this period, the sheet begins to compose - basically, the repertoire for his speeches is etudes. At the age of 14 began opera "Don Suncho, or Love Castle", which was even put in Grand-Opera (in 1825).

In 1827, Adam Sheet died. Ferenz hard worried this event, about 3 years was in an depressed state. In addition, he was annoyed by his role "soldiers", dicks in secular salons. Because of these reasons for several years, the sheet turns off from the life of Paris, his necrologist was even published. The mystical mood increases, and noticeable in a sheet.

In the light of the sheet appeared only in 1830. This is the year of the July revolution. Sheet fascinated a stormy life around him, appeals to justice. There is an idea of \u200b\u200b"revolutionary symphony", in which revolutionary songs should have been used. The sheet returned to active activity, concert with success. Clears the circle of musicians close to him: Berlioz (created at this time "fantastic symphony"), Paganini (who arrived in Paris in 1831). The game of the genius violinist prompted the sheet to achieve even greater perfection. For a while he refused to concert, worked hard on technology and shifted the Paganini Caprises for Piano, published under the name of six sketches. It was the first and extremely brilliant experience in the piano arrangement, which subsequently brought to such a high degree. On a sheet as a virtuoso also had a huge influence of Chopin (who treated skeptical to the sheet, did not have time to see the heyday after 1848 and seeing only a virtuoso). Among the familiar sheets are also writers Duma, Hugo, Mussse, Georges Sand.

Around 1835, articles are published on the social position of artists in France, about Shuman and others. At the same time, the leaf began and pedagogical activities that never left.

At the beginning of the 30s. The leaf meets the Countess Marie D'Agu, the girlfriend Georges Sand. She was fond of contemporary art. The countess had some literary abilities and printed under the pseudonym Daniel Stern. The work of Georges Sand was for her standard. Countess D'Agu and Sheet were in a state of romantic love. In 1835, the Countess left her husband and broke all ties with his circle. Together with the sheet, she leaves to Switzerland - so the next period of the leaf life begins.

2.3. "Years of wanderings"

From 1835 to 1848, the next period of the lifestyle lasts, behind which the name of the "Western years" was entrenched (by the name of the Pieces Collection).

In Switzerland, Leaf and Marie D'Agu lived in Geneva and at times in some picturesque village. The sheet makes the first sketches of the plays for the collection "Traveler's album", which later became the "year of wanderings" (FR. "Années de Pèlerinage"), teaches at the Geneva Conservatory, sometimes goes to Paris with concerts. However, Paris is already passionate about the other virtuoso - Talberg, and the sheet does not have the most popular. At this time, the sheet is already beginning to give their concerts educational themes - playing symphonies (in his arrangement for piano) and concerts of Beethoven, paraphrase on topics from operas, and others. Together with D'Agu sheet writes an article "On the role of art and position of the artist in modern society "(see above). In Geneva, the sheet did not fall from active European life. Friends came to him from Paris, including Georges Sand.

In 1837, already having one child, Leaf and D'Agu go to Italy. Here they visit Rome, Naples, Venice, Florence - Centers of Art and Culture. From Italy, the sheet wrote essays about the local musical life, which was sent to Paris to publish. For them, a letter genre was elected. The addressee most of the letters - Georges Sand, which answered the sheet also essays in the magazine.

In Italy, a solo concert was played by a solo concert for the first time in history, without the participation of other musicians. It was a bold and bold decision, which finally made converse speeches from the salon.

By the same time, fantasies and paraphrase on topics from the opera (including from the "Lucia" of Donizetti), transfers to the pastoral symphony of Beethoven and many works of Berlioza. Daving a few concerts in Paris and Vienna, the sheet returns to Italy (1839), where she ends with the arrangement of Beethoven's symphony on the piano.

The leaf has long dreamed of going to Hungary, but his girlfriend Marie D'Agu was against this trip. At the same time, a large flood occurred in Hungary, and the leaf, possessing already vastly popular and glory, considered to help its duty to compatriots. Thus, the gap happened to D'Agu, and he left one in Hungary.

Austria and Hungary met the leaf triumphantly. In Vienna, after one of the concerts, Talberg came up with him, his longtime competitor, recognizing the superiority of the sheet. In Hungary, the sheet has become an expressive of patriotic lifting of the nation. The noblemen came to his concerts in national costumes, gave him her gifts. Funds from concerts leaf translated in favor of injured from flooding.

Between 1842 and 1848 The sheet traveled several times in Europe, including Russia, Spain, Portugal, was in Turkey. It was the peak of his concert activity. In Russia, the sheet was in 1842 and 1848. In St. Petersburg, the leaf listened to the outstanding figures of Russian music - V. Stasov, A. N. Serov, M. I. Glinka. At the same time, Stasov and Serov recalled their shock from his game, but did not like the sheet, he put the filter above.

Sheet was interested in Russian music. He highly appreciated the music "Ruslana and Lyudmila", made the piano transcription of Marsham Chernomor, and kept correspondence with composers of the "mighty coup". In subsequent years, connections with Russia were not interrupted, in particular, the sheet issued a collection of selected passages from the Russian operas.

At the same time, the peak of the educational activity of the sheet reaches. In their concert programs, it includes many piano works of classics (Beethoven, Bach), their own arrangements of the symphony of Beethoven and Berlioz, Schubert's songs, organs of the Bach. At the initiative of the sheet in 1845, celebrations were organized in honor of Beethoven in Bonn, he also made a missing amount to establish the monument in the same place to the brilliant composer.

However, after a while, the sheet is disappointed in its educational activities. He realized that she did not reach the goal, and the inhabitant was more pleasant to listen to the Patrick from the fashionable opera than Sonatu Beethoven. The active concert activity of the sheet is terminated.

At this time, the sheet meets Carolina Wittgenstein, the wife of the Russian General. In 1847, they decided to connect, but Carolina was married, and, moreover, Easto professed Catholicism. Therefore, it was necessary to seek a divorce and a new wedding, which should have been allowed to resolve the Russian emperor and Pope.

2.4. Weimar

In 1848, the Sheet and Carolina are justified in Weimara. This choice was due to the fact that the sheet was given the right to lead the musical life of the city, besides, Weimar was a residence of the Duchess - the sisters of Emperor Nikolai I. Apparently, the leaf hoped through it to influence the emperor in the divorce. The sheet began for the Opera House, updated the repertoire. Obviously, after disappointment in concert activity, he decided to postpone the educational focus on the action of the director. Therefore, the operas of glitch, Mozart, as well as contemporaries - Shuman ("Genoveva"), Wagner ("Lorangery") appear in the repertoire. The symphony programs were performed by the works of Bach, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Berliosis, as well as their own. However, in this area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet waited for failure. The public was unhappy with the repertoire of the theater, the troupe and the musicians complained.

The main outcome of the Weimar period is the tense composer work of the sheet. He puts his sketches in order, finishes and processes many of his writings. "Traveler's album" after a great job became "years of wanderings." The piano concerts appear here, Rhapsodia (which used melodies recorded in Hungary), Sonata SO Minor, etudes, romances, the first symphonic poems. In Weimar, young musicians come from all over the world to get lessons.

Together with the Carolina Sheet writes articles, essays. Begins a book about Chopin. By this time refers to the rapprochement of the sheet with Wagner on the basis of common ideas. At the beginning of the 50s. A union of German musicians are created, the so-called Weimarians, as opposed to the Leipcigs (which belonged to Schuman, Mendelssohn, Brahms, who confessed more academic views than Wagner and Leaf). Often, fierce conflicts arose in print between these groups.

In the late 50s, the hopes for wedding with Carolina finally melts, in addition, the sheet was disappointed with the misunderstanding of his musical activity in Weimara. At the same time, the son of a leaf is dying. Again, as after the death of the Father, mystical and religious feelings are intensified in the sheet. Together with Carolina, they decide to go to Rome to pour sins.

2.5. Late years

In the early 60s, leaf and Caroline move in Rome, but live in different homes. She insisted that the sheet became a monk, and in 1865 he takes a small tower and the title of Abbot. The creative interests of the sheet are now preferably in the field of church music: this is the Oratorio of "Holy Elizabeth", "Christ", four Psalms, Requiem and Hungarian coronation mass (Him. Kronungsmesse.). In addition, the third volume of "years of wanderings" appears, saturated with philosophical motives. In Rome, the sheet played, but extremely rare.

In 1866, the sheet goes to Weimar, the so-called second Weimar period begins. He lived in a modest house of his former gardener. As before, young musicians come to him - among them Grieg, Borodin, Ziloti.

In 1875, the activity of the sheet focuses mainly in Hungary (in Pest), where he was elected president of the newly founded high school of music. Sheet teaches, among his students - Emil von Sauer, Alexander Zyloti, Eugene D'Albert, Moritz Rosenthal, Ignat Friedman and many others. He writes "Forgotten Walts" and new rapeseed for piano, the cycle "Hungarian historical portraits" (about the figures of the Hungarian liberation movement).

The daughter of the Kozim Sheet at that time became Wagner's wife (their son is the famous conductor Siegfried Wagner). After the death of Wagner, she continued to organize Wagner festivals in Bayreuth. At one of the festivals in 1886, the sheet was cold, soon the cold has passed into inflammation of the lungs. Health began to worsen, bothered his heart. Because of the edema of the legs, he moved only with extreme help.

3. Interesting facts

    In 1842, Ferenz Sheet at 24 hours was expelled from St. Petersburg. In addition, the Politsmester told him the highest will: the sheet should not more come to the capital of Russia never.

    The sheet was performed in a music society in Bayreuth his new product. It was an extremely complex composition written in a rapid pace. The sheet played it with his inherent virtuosity and finished the game for enthusiastic applause. The smaller sheet politely bowed to the public and proudly said:

Only two pianist in Europe can do this work - I and Hans background Buloves! Then the young Georges Bizet attended this evening came to the piano, sat down and with no less virtuosity performed just a heard work without notes, in memory. - Bravo! - exclaimed an embarrassed sheet. "But, my young buddy, you shouldn't strain your memory so much, here's notes to you. Don't matter, now on notes, I played the work of the maestro. "Congratulations," leaf hand held him. - Now you are the third in Europe!

4. Work

All Operations of Sheet 647: Of these, 63 for the orchestra, about 300 Arrangements for Piano. In all, what wrote a sheet, visible originality, the desire for new paths, the wealth of fantasy, courage and novelty of the receptions, a peculiar view of art. His instrumental compositions represent a wonderful step forward in musical architectonics. 13 symphonic poems, "Faust" and "Divina Comedia" symphony, piano concerts represent the richest new material for the researcher of the musical form. From the musical and literary works of the sheet, brochures about Chopin are issued (translated into Russian P. A. Zinoviev, in 1887), about Benvenuto Chelinka Berlioz, Schubert, articles in "Neue Zeitschrift Für Musik" and a large essay about Hungarian music ("Des Bohémiens et de Leur Musique en Hongrie").

In addition, Ferenz leaf is known for its Hungarian rapeseeds (the creation time is 1851-1886), which are among the most vibrant and original artworks. Sheet used folklore sources (mainly Gypsy motives), which have formed the basis of Hungarian Rhapsodies. It should be noted that the genre of instrumental rapesee is the invention of the sheet. Rapeseeds were created in the following years: No. 1 - around 1851, No. 2-1847, No. 3-15 - circa 1853, No. 16 - 1882, No. 17-19-1885.


    Leaf F. "Conditioning Letter"

    Christern, "F. Liszt Nach Seinem Leben Und Wirken Aus Authentischen Berichten DargeSchent »(LPC.)

    Schuberth, "Franz Liszt's Biographie" (LPC., 1871); Heymann, "L'Abbé Liszt" (P., 1871)

    P. A. Trifonov, "Franz Leaf" (St. Petersburg, 1887)

    Janka Wohl, "François Liszt", in "Revue International" (1886), L. Ramann, "Franz Liszt, Als Künstler und Mensch" (LPC., 1880)

    K. Pohl, "Franz Liszt. Studien Und Erinnerungen »(LPC.)

    Gaal D. Sh. Sheet. - M. "Young Guard", 1977. - 319 p. - (Zhzl; Vol. 572). - 100,000 copies.

    Ferrenz leaf and problems of art synthesis: Sat. Scientific Labor / Sost. G. I. Ganzburg. Under the general ed. T. B. Verkina. - Kharkov: Ra - Karavella, 2002. - 336 p. ISBN 966-7012-17-4

    DEMKO MIROSLAV: Franz Liszt Compositeur Slovaque, L'AGE D'Homme, Suisse, 2003.

When writing this article, the material from the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron was used (1890-1907).