Miracles in the Orthodox faith. Orthodox has no stigmatics

Miracles in the Orthodox faith. Orthodox has no stigmatics
Miracles in the Orthodox faith. Orthodox has no stigmatics

God does not create miracles so simple, for our curiosity, but creates wonders in great need for our salvation.

Miracles and signs have long been worshiped by the signs of the Divine Presence in the world and the fertile love of God to us. In religious and secular literature, art, stories are stored about this from deep antiquity to the present day. In modern life, there is also a miracle place, especially if it is well prepared by the human faith, hope, love and desire to see the fishery of God through a veil of worries and unrest of the Peace world.

Very often we treat the miracle, as something striking us is your inability, the shock of all the foundations of being. But there are situations that are perceived as a miracle only through our faith, only through the detection of the fishery of God in the most ordinary and everyday life ...

Priest Alexy Timakov

Sign of fratricide war

A person who told this story wished to remain unknown. Witnesses of this story - husband, wife, their children and their familiar who they reported.

My son came from Sergiev Posad, brought holy water from Lavra Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky. It was on Saturday on October 2, 1993, hours about seventeen days. The water was clean, as always. Wife saw her. The dishes with this water were set in the place where the window goes towards the "White House". Brotherhood began in the survey. And on Monday in the morning, even before the storming of the "White House", the wife discovered that the water became matte, whitish, published a bitter smell of needles, as at a funeral, and had a bitter taste. We all understood it unequivocally: this is the sign of civil war and death.

Moreover, in the opposite part of the house, where there was a water brought much earlier, from the same Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, this holy water has not changed.

Salvation from reactive projectile

In Moscow on September 22, 1994, on Thursday, there was an attack on the apartment of the famous Russian singer Zhanna Bichevskaya. They shot the window of her apartment from a grenade launcher. At this time, her guests had her friends Cossacks - Russian Orthodox people, "we talked, drank teas. The jet anti-tank thermal projectile hit the balcony brick wall. There was a strong explosion, from which even in the neighboring apartments were knocked out the glass and plaster was sprinkled.

We who came from television reporters Zhanna said that before this event she was in the church to confession and met the Holy Taine. The apartment is consecrated. On the walls hang icons. She baptized four years ago, consciously, convinced, and now most of his free time gives the ministry to God.

This explosion wanted to kill Orthodox Cossacks at one time and the Russian Orthodox singer.

Zhanna said that only the Orthodox faith helped her to stay alive, which God saved them. "There is no nation without God," she said.

How I quit smoking

I knew that smoking tobacco sin. Sin is called everything that is harmful to the soul and for the body. But I soothe my conscience because I only suffer from smoking, and I did not notice what poisoning the non-smoking.

And so I decided to quit smoking. I am young, the volitional man: everything that I want to do. It seems, if necessary, I can pass through the wall. And such a trifle, like this habit ... But I could not quit. There were not so many comrades smoking nearby, how much work, during which I smoked a pack, one and a half, chilling one cigarette from another. The work was creative turned out to be the sinful.

And so I decided again: I throw tomorrow. No, what to wait, throwing tonight. Decided and did. But again it did not work. I decided to make one last tightening for goodbye, and it turned out to be the penultimate, then the penultimate, etc.

How many times I tried! What just did not try to leave this bad habit of tobacco. I have them (recent cigarettes and even the last packs) Got. I threw them on the ground, I drove my feet (so that another infection was not going). Destroyed.

Announced out loud that I throw and please do not seduce. But - a little time passed - I again started to smoke. Where is my willpower? After all, it seemed that I could eat fried nails and be a devotee. He worked every night from twenty-three hours to seven in the morning. Volve lump of nerves, energy, strength ...

But I could not quit smoking. Strange! Good, whom I want, do not. And evil, whom I do not want to do. If I do something that I do not want, I don't already do something that lives in me.

And once, for the first time, I took the Bible for the first time in my life to fully read and flew to Riga (then it was not abroad) to visit to a friend. I was ashamed that all the classics knew the Bible, writers, artists, and I do not know.

A small miracle happened on the way. I flew with my close man. After takeoff, I began again for tobacco. Then I suddenly felt that one of the two left motors could break and stop. I told my companion about my guess, but he, without believing me, smiled and said:

- This is probably so it seems.

Yes, no, "I insisted," the motor does not work like that, noise is not.

But no breakdown was found. Only in a few minutes, the screw of the aircraft, indeed, became slower to rotate and stopped.

I did not know whether the prediction came true, or be afraid of trouble. The stewardess entered, all in blue, and announced a malfunction of one of the four engines, on the left wing. All passengers looked left. The stewardess calmed down:

- Our plane can fly and during the operation of two engines, it is not worth worrying.

This is not all reassured. But we flew, landed.

I lived in Riga for two days, reading only the Bible. Two days later I noticed that something strange was happening. I forgot something to do. What? I suddenly remembered: I quit smoking! I did not smoke two days and did not even remember an atom, I forgot to smoke: it was so incredible. Sin instantly stopped his tyranny. And I realized that it was impossible to desecrate the shrine, it is impossible to read the Bible and smoke.

Yes, the volitional man was frantic because of sin, but, by the grace of God, without any effort of Will became free, leaving his sin.

A letter of witness miracle created by the Lord on the prayers of the Blessed Matrona

It was in the fall of 1994. The military unit, where the son worked was disbanded, and the work of looking for himself. Now lose work - trouble. I was very worried, at night there was no rest. And I decided to go to Moscow at the grave of Blessed Matrona.

On her grave, becoming knees, I asked her to pray to me about me and about my family. Having lost, I was surprised that I did not feel cold, as if it was not on the cement-free plate, but on the warm floor. I took a sand from the grave, several candle flags.
With all this, I went home. Seals in the electric train, by the window. The passengers began to enter, but no one sat down to me. At first they went well, calmly searched. But the closer the time of sending, the faster they ran and hurried to take free spaces. I was surprised. Already opposite me, Granny was squeezed between two pretty full passengers, and no one sits down to me, but two places are free. What it is?

People almost flew to the car, and by the window of the bullet, but near me anyone. I have already begun to slowly look around, do not look around for me, as on the plague. On the last seconds, two women and a man entered the car and headed for free places to me.

The train went. One of the women was obviously sick. Scary loud, yellow. Another became to do with it: pulled out water, unbuttoned the gate of the sweatshirt. I soothe and snapped.

Began to approach "Pushkino" and suddenly a cry:

- Vera! Vera! She is dying! Vera!

People dug out from the places, I, too, and watch.
The patient trampled his head, all stretched out like a string. The eyes are widely disclosed and some kind of glass. Poptchitsa with water to her face splashes, someone is trying to give her some kind of medicine. I have a thought: now die, car, people, as bad.

I patched: "Matronushka, moths of the Lord for them, at least they would have reached." Sand nearby. I raped into a piece of paper and a bag quickly attached to her chest. The patient closed the silent eyes and crumpled.

Died? No, her eyes smarned her. I am: "Are you easier?" She slightly nodded his head. I am: "Keep your hand." She slowly raised her hand to his chest and pressed the kulek. Then he opened his eyes, smiled poorly and said, so simple: "I'll die soon, I have blood cancer."

I ask a fellow traveler:

- Are you Orthodox?

She is yes. I explained to her what was the sand. They happily accepted and said that they would be carefully related to him. They drove to the truth stop. While all this happened, the electric train was already suitable for this stop. They slowly got up and slowly went to the exit.

With the work of the Son, too, it turned out to be surprising. I went to the church of Nicholas, it was prayed for him. Took the blessing of the priest, go to one organization. It turned out that workers needed there, just such a specialty, like a son. So he is not a single day unemployed and was not.

Solntsev love Sergeevna, Sergiev Posad

The word officer

The pious mother had a son, the Guards officer. He led a rampant life. Mother could not turn him and only prayed to the Mother of God about the fear of his soul. Before his death, she took the word from him that he would fulfill her last will: "When you bury me, you will go to such a church and there they will attach to such a miraculous image of Our Lady."

How thunder struck him this request of the dying mother. With his then enhancing life, it seemed to be impossible for him to fulfill this request, as Faith went out in it, - went out, but not quite: he understood what blasphemia.

Mother died. Despite the depths of his fall and horror before the shrine, the Son did not consider it possible to break the word of the officer. And he forced himself to go to church.

How some storm flew on his soul. And the closer he approached the church, the harder it became to go. But the sense of duty prevailed, and he walked. Here, he is in the church. She sees the icon of the Mother of God to which he must attach. Pot performed on his face, and he cannot move from the spot.

With great effort, he takes a step forward and stops again. The distance in a few steps to the icon he passes within an hour. And when, finally, by collecting the remnants of forces, it is applied to the icon, immediately falls without feelings ...

But when he woke up, as if the paddy slept with his eyes: he became another person. He saw the depth of his fall and the whole bitterness, which he backed the heart of the mother. He completely changed his life, began to go to the church and he prayed for the forgiveness of his sins and about the rest of his mother's soul, whose prayers were saved by his soul.

Wonderful assistance to St. Nicholas and Holy Scaffolding

The story of the parishioner Nicholas, the participant of World War II

I managed to escape from German captivity. I made my way through the occupied Ukraine at night - and in the afternoon I was hiding somewhere. One day, drowned the night, I fell asleep in the morning in rye. Suddenly someone wakes me. I see an old man in a priestly robe. He says:

- What are you sleeping? Now the Germans will come here.

I was afraid and ask:

- Where to run me?

The priest says:

- Won, see shrub? - Run the speed there.

I turned to escape, but immediately she unwounds that I did not thank my Savior. Wrapped - and it is no longer more. I understood that the saint Nikolai himself was my Savior.
With all my mood, I went to run to the shrub. Before shrub, I see, the river flows, but not wide. I rushed into the water. Climbed onto the other side and hid in the bushes.

I look out of the bushes: go on rye Germans with a dog. The dog leads them right to the place where I slept. She concerned there and led the Germans to the river. Here I slowly began to go on the bushes further and further. The river hid my track from the dog, and I safely escaped the chase. After that, another soldier joined me, also fled from captivity. We made my way with him to our and hungry. Once we met on the road of two women dressed in monastic.

- Poor you, - Women told us, - as you wereted and probably hungry. Here you have a little loaf, - and stretched one of the women a piece, wrapped in a piece of paper.

I was horrified - and there was not a prosphora. Carefully kept her. She for me as the door to happily opened. We moved safely through the front line to their own. And all at first it went so well that I began to hope that I would let me go home for the first time.

Just happened so that one soldier asked me somehow my gymnaster. I gave him and forgot to take out my cherished prosfora from my pocket. Returns me a soldier gymnaster, yes says: "And you know, I ate what you had in my pocket" ...

Modern Catema
Reading for fallen in despondency
Maya Kucher

Death of sinner Luta

One man drove into a pilgrimage. This is his supervised neighbor, Sergeevna. She herself recently returned from pilgrimage, with healed leg. I went wrong, in the bobmev monastery. There were no special shrines in the bobrenev, there was only Fedorov's icon of the Mother of God. Icon is the most ordinary, written in Sofrino, but people have long ever rocked that the icon is miraculous. Sergeyevna, coming to the icon, did not know what to ask, somehow everything jumped out of his head, but suddenly came down, and she asked: "The Mother of God, so that my knee was going!" The lap of the knee completely passed, let go, Sergeevna began to walk like a girl. And, returning home, shared with a neighbor a miracle. The neighbor remembered how Sergeyevna Khromala was surprised and, although he did not believe, I also decided to go. I wonder after all.
It comes, and can't approach the icon. It does not allow him some power. He is already so, and both shape, and on the right, and on the left, and in front! Stop, and that's it. Closer than the meter can not come. And everyone is suitable: both children and women, and a guy some kind of trepidative, all. Only not he. And such anger took a man that he had been painted as a face. It goes to the monk that the candles sells, asks him, what's the matter. Maybe words what you need to know special. And the monk looked so much and says:
- Does not allow you to your Mother of God. Apparently for sins.
- For what other sins! - shouted a man.
And the monk him again through the spells - reconcile!
- Screaming in the temple of God is not supposed.
Guy, what can you do, silent. And the monk further rushes, too, went out already:
- Swim. Tomorrow morning there will be a service, in eight confession, come to confession. Have you been confessed before?
- Never.
- Well, that's time. Just remember everything is pretty.
I wanted a man to say that he had nothing to remember, but he spoke only. True, already when the church came out. And then how to run back, back, straight to the icon, I thought with a raid to take.
For meter - Baba! - Wall! And the LBU hit her a man hit, sort of like a tree, although there is no wall of the wall. Air one. Castled a man for the forehead and without looking at anyone - on the train! "So I icon. Dogs, not people. " That's what he thought while drove home. And at home, Sergeyevna, behind the fence in the garden, potatoes dig up and does not lame. The man thinks: come at the back and come. But Sergeyevna noticed him, he called, ran up to the hedge, whipped - like you, yes as an icon, but how grace. Well, the man stood, stood, I did not say words, turned around and went. All week he passed black. And I did not talk about anything. And a week died.
Sergeyevna, of course, could not stand it, went to the monastery to reveal, Well, it happened to her neighbor that the man even died. And in the monastery, they learned about the neighboring death, they got the heads - as a man hit the invisible wall, many saw. And the one, the smartest, in the spelled, that the candles sold, only shrugs shrug: "And what is surprising?"

From the life of young moms

Tonya flew. The future paratrooper, from the Military School, met on the disco. It was not going to marry, of course. And tone seventeen years old, on the prom danced with the tummy. Mom learned, delighted - it's good that he did not take an abortion, daughter, nothing, emissions. Suddenly, doctors say: "The fruit is sketching the umbilical cord, very unsuccessful, during childbirth." And they began to advise making Tona Cesarean. There is already a mother with doctors at the same time. And I don't want to cut the stomach tone, my still, a beautiful such tummy, and suddenly cut it with a knife!
Tonya says to doctors: "I'm afraid." And doctors tone: "kill the child." And silent squeezed. But then Mom advised - in the bebrew, after the district first turn right, the monastery, there is Fedorov Icon, it is necessary to pray to her, and everything will be fine. But the tonya is already on the ninth month, not today, tomorrow he will give birth, and no transport does not go to the bobrenev. It goes only to turn, further three kilometers on foot along the field. In the yard of winter, the end of November. But Mom took a hand for her hand, drove on the bus, and go ahead. The wind blows, slippery, but nothing, somehow tolerate.
In general, barely reached. Cast-iron wicket pushed - openly. They entered the territory, approach the church, and the church is closed. Tonya in tears. Mom was noticed in the monastery. It comes out of some stone building a monk and explains: we have a service only on Sundays, but put the candle to put - this is not refusing to anyone. And the church opens a huge key. Thinking as I went - immediately to the icon, although no one told her, what kind of icon, but she as a heart felt. Well, stood, crossed out, put a candle, and what to do next - it is not clear. Tone is still sad and scary very much. And yet to go back through the field. The monk that they opened the door, comes to her and says:
- I do not know what happened to you. But you just wait here or sit, pray, and everything will be fine.
Tonya sat on a shop, mom nearby, sat, rested a little, gone.
After two months, mom comes to the monastery, tells:
"Only we from the monastery that day came out, suddenly suddenly as shouting:" Mom, what happens to me! " I thought: contractions. "Tries the abdominal at the bottom?" - "No, Mom, no! Pull up. " And herself almost does not run. I'm behind her. Tonya, slippery, sinking, wait! Dailed to turn. Immediately drove the bus. Two days and the truth is the fight. Boy. Healthy, strong, 4 kg, doctors gathered from the whole department to look at a tonya and child, one even, like a professor, said: "For the first time in my medical practice!" Only came home from the hospital, the cadet comes from the Military School, a friend of something, unborn, from whom the child, and asks: "Don't you need dad?" We were confused. He again: "And the husband?" It turns out that he put her eyes on a thin one and would have come long ago, but his parents were strong. But he persuaded them after all and immediately came ran to us. The day before yesterday was signed.
Another month later the baby was brought to the monastery to baptize. Tonya was completely different, serious and very calm. In the christening, the boy never cried out, only quietly goule. Mom really wanted her daughter herself once again told, how and what was, but the sinner shy. Said only:
"Then, on the field, when we left the monastery, I was as if I picked up something, so I became easy. And I realized that there was nothing more to be afraid.


The father of Antipa received a blessing to a residence permit in the near desert, which was located five kilometers from the monastery. The climber in his worldly education, the father of Antipa turned the desert into a wonderful garden - which only flowers grew in his flowers, from the first spring days to a deep autumn. In the windy days, the fragrance from his garden came to monastic walls. Even in the cell, he arranged a small greenhouse, conducted a correspondence from the academy, received seeds in envelopes of new varieties, while staying in an unceasing prayer, always remaining joyful and vigorous. The brothers who visited him in privacy, invariably admired the fruits of his works, but the father of Antipa usually answered: "How would I blame the fragrance of the colors of the paradise." The one who came to him once one bitten Avva answered him: "For a short time to wait for you." After a few months, the father's father died. Late autumn stood, the first snow fell, and the Lord revealed the miracle. The day after the funeral of the Batyushki-gardener on his fresh grave sprouted and bloomed pansies. So they bloomed a few days, without fading any of the cold, nor from the wind, until the snow fell asleep them completely.

Not in vain

Nina Andreevna became believer in forty years. She left her beloved husband, and her heart appealed to God. She had three children, and she was very sorry for her. Like any mother, she really wanted life to be light and straight. So that God does not charge them from them for her and for paternal sins, which, as she read in one Orthodox book, accumulate and put pressure on many generations ahead. And in the fact that these sins are a lot, she did not doubt - her father and grandparents were godsides, and in the family of her husband there were generally poor and unrepaid.
And once from one deceased woman Nina Andreevna got the old and somewhat strange icon with the inscription "Tsar". There was a deaf for the Church time - the beginning of the 1980s, real, not the Sofrin icons written by paints on the tree were rare. And Nina Andreevna Icon was very happy.
On the icon was depicted saint with a spear in his hands, in the crimson of the royal porphyre - it means that it was the king, only it was not clear what, the name was written. Then Nina Andreevna showed a familiar priest icon. He read this strange word and explained to her that the Icon was written "UAR". Only in church-Slavyansky, so "y" looks like "C", and at the end it costs "EP". Nina Andreevna found the lives of this saint in the mines and learned that the martyr Waru prayed for unresolved relatives, and the living, and the deceased. So the genus of your who accumulated sins, at the request of the martyr, from all these heavy tons of disgrace is released. It was just what you need.
At the same father who helped her read the inscription, Nina Andreevna took a blessing - to read the martyr Waru Canon every day, passing his relatives, and along the line of her husband, and in his own. And so the whole great post. Everyday. Battyushka blessed her.
All day Nina Andreevna waited could not wait late in the late evening. And in the evening, having done everything and putting the children to sleep, lit the lamp before the Icon of Wara, opened a book with a canon and prayed. And after each song, the canon remembered all his and the man of native, living and dead, everyone who just remembered and knew whose names could find out from relatives.
She really liked praying. In the soul, after canon, joy was settled, the world was illuminated by light. It was not clear whether all their sins were released? Or not yet? Three weeks passed, the crossflower came, Nina Andreevna prayed. But more and more often thought: "Lord, but if I don't do it all this?"
And already on the fifth saddemice of the post, in the downtime, she suddenly woke up from a terrible cry. "Mum! Open the window!" - shouted her younger son, seven-year-old Vanya. Nina Andreevna ran into the nursery, opened the window, and Vanya sat on the bed and ter eyes.
"It smells very bad," he said much quieter.
- Did you dreamed something?
- It was as if not a dream, and the truth. I lay here on my bed, and suddenly won in that corner, "Vanya showed his hand," he appeared, in the purple crown, just not real, and from the glare of the world. He was quite small, height with his palm, but she walked right on me and said: "Be cursed that day when you learned the name of Christ. Be damn the day when you were baptized, "Vanya sighed. - But here, on the contrary, Martyr Oarh appeared, the same little, only the bright rays came from him, and he got into Togo, and the purple was wriggle and everyone wanted to dodge, but he could not - and suddenly burst!
Immediately, the room was separated by a terrible stench, from which Vanya woke up.
Mom kissed her son in his forehead, stroked her head, and the boy fell asleep hard, quietly painting in a dream.
All who met and knew, Nina Andrevna told about this amazing case and repeated each time: "You can never experience the Lord and ask him stupid questions, because no effort is in vain."

Spoiled wardrobe

One girl secretly prayed to God. When they went to bed, she pushed the books from the shelves of the bookcase, set the icons, lit up the lamp and began to read the rule and the psalrty. And once she was so fascinated by a prayer, which did not notice how the fire lamps became very high and began to burn the wardrobe. She blinked the flame, but it was too late - a black hole formed from the fire in the top panel of the cabinet.
The girl was horrified. What will parents say? And she began to pray that the hole so that the hole could somehow be miraculously, and the closet became like a new one. "I believe that the Lord can create it," the girl repeated. She stood on the prayer of an hour, and the other, closed and opened his eyes in the hope that the miracle happened, but the black circle did not disappear. In the sorrow, the girl went to bed.
She immediately looked at the shelf - the hole was on the spot. And it was impossible to hide it, even high books did not obscure it. The girl was waiting for the defeat. But her mother entered and did not notice anything. Dad entered and said nothing either. They looked straight on the closet and did not say anything! Only three years later, the girl's mom drew attention to the fact that the wardrobe was lying, by that time she herself began to go to church, and understood everything. And the cabinet still bought a new one, this one completely collapsed.

Father Paul and Agrippina
1. in distant edges

He lived - there was a girl a cargo. She grew in a pious merchant family, grew and thought: I grow big, I will become a nun. Soon she really grew, quite large, and entered the courses nurses in the Marfo Mariinsky Resident. There she was given a contract, and the pear began to care for the sick. She really liked it all. Once Elizaveta Fedorovna itself gave her a photo with a gift inscription for an angel's day. But then the Bolsheviks came, the Great Princess was killed, and her abode dispersed.
The pear began to go to Danilov Monastery and met there with one young hieromonach. His father was Paul. He was a strict life, he spoke with himself sternly, and it was close to the flesh, she could not stand sysyukani. She had a strong character, and she loved hard hand.
The Bolsheviks got to Danilov, Father Paul was arrested and sent in stage. He didn't know first that the girl goes behind him, his child, 28-year-old pear, goes to feed him and not give him to die. This is one old Squimon of Danilov Monastery, Father Simeon, blessed her to go after the father of Paul, and the Pope of Pope and Mom agreed. And here the carnaya rushed, with grief in half. In some cars, the prisoners were driving, and in other ordinary people. When the prisoners fall, no one knew, it was necessary to track. The pear looked into the window, listened, did not sleep. And always pop up at the right moment. But then it was necessary to wait for the next train and sit in it, again with the stage, and she persuaded every time, begged to take it, and it was planted into the adjacent carriage. Father Paul saw only from afar and not every time.
How suddenly in one of the prisons the ground was allowed a date. Seeing the girl, Paul's father did not even smile and moved his eyebrows.
- Who blessed?
"Father Simeon and Parents," answered the cargo. Only then the father softened a little.

2. The run of the sleigh

The cargo went behind Father Paul further. The last two hundred kilometers who remained to the place of reference, the city of Akmolinsk (now Astana), it was necessary to drive on the sleigh. In Sani sat down the criticism, father Paul and a convoy, the horse climbed, the carp for her. The horses were hard, full of Sani people, not so quickly she walked, and still a walking man was not enough. The pear ran. It was a sorry for criminons. They began to persuade the soldiers to let her in Sani, and those stopped the horse, suggested the girl to themselves. The pear ran up. "What, all two hundred miles will you run so much?" She replied: "I will". And she was planted in Sani.
They removed with the father of Pavel room in the city, in the middle of the room hanged the rope and divided the room with a sheet. Pavl's father served Liturgy, and he sang a little boy, and she also prepared food, she was engaged in the economy, washed. One day a drunk policeman, Kazakh, went to them and began to demand the money from the father Paul. But Father Paul was not money. Then the policeman shot in the bassushka focus. But did not hit. I got into the pear, because she managed to tan the father of Paul himself. The bullet hit her to her cheek, the wound was not terrible, but still had to go to the hospital. And again, Paul's father swore: "Is it possible? What are you doing?!"

3. Go another time

Once in the winter the water ended in the house. Puga took a bucket. Outside the window ran out a blizzard, to carry the full bucket was slippery and hard, and Father Paul said: "Bring Polvedra." But coming to the river, the pear thought: "Well, I will bring half anracy and I will go a second time? No, I'll bring it right away! " And brought complete. Father Paul is watching: the bucket is complete, did not obey the cargo! "Go back, half a seal to the river."

4. Without words

For more than twenty years, Father Paul conducted in references and camps. In 1955, he settled in the gate in the Tver region. In addition to the two clamics and Agrippines, Nikolaevna (of course, no longer a pear), no one knew where his house is. From the shutter Father Paul wrote letters to some priests and laity. The persecution retreated, but the life of the priests was still very hard. Father Paul helped them to go true, and they were waiting for him as meeting with the Lord God, because Batyushka knew the will of God. Only one person of letters he did not write - Agrippine Nikolaevna. "What to write, and so everything is clear, I love you and pray for you. And the rest will tell you your confessor, "the father of Pavel said so. And Agrippina Nikolaevna did not take offense. She believed that it was necessary. I lived without letters. All around said: "Yes, you saved his life!" She answered: "What to write about, and so everything is clear. The father loves me and pray for me. And the rest tells me my confessor. "

5. Save me from Agrippina!

Father Paul blessed 56-year-old Agrippin to marry a sick old man to care for him and not let him die without care. They were not crowned and, of course, were her husband and wife only on paper. Agrippina Nikolaevna cared for him to his very death.
And then he fell into the house to one elderly priest, very good and very famous, Agrippina Nikolaevna became his housekeeper and a spiritual daughter. Father Paul began to write a letter to this priest. And almost every letter consoled him and asked not to be angry with His Agrippine. Because Agrippine was impossible! Her inflexible character turned the other party. An old priest, experienced, wise, intelligent, could not get along with it. And Pavlu's father complained about her. But Father Paul answered: "This is the will of God, being patient, the will of God." And then tired of repeating the same thing and wrote - you can let go and do it, as lighter, but only ... to be with her the will of God.

6. Concent

Agrippina Nikolaevna died in a deep old woman, in 1992. 15 priests fought her, and could not decide who would suffer a coffin - wanted to everyone. The coffin was worn around the church, the temple of St. Nicholas in the Blacksmiths, sang and cried.

7. I saw that I wanted

All these were stories about Agrippin Nikolaevna, and I cannot write about Pavle's father. Scary.
For the past thirty years, he spent in the gate, but he saw what was happening thousands of kilometers from him, heard the conversations that they spoke in other cities, read the thoughts that a person never opened anyone. He wrote letters to those who chose, sometimes sent telegrams and there he retells these conversations, called the names of people who did not meet, sent to the addresses to the places where he was never. That is, I saw, and was, but somehow in my own way, it is not clear how, you can say "spirit", but this will not be clear. Often in letters were answers to the questions that he was just going to ask. All specific examples are from the field of science fiction.
Only one. During the operation of the Father of Vsevolod, Schiller Agrippina Nikolaevna just sat at the father of Paul away, father Paul trembled her tea and, by the way I asked her about the son of the Father of Vsevolod: "Why is Ivan Vsevolodovich all the time standing at the door to the operating room?" But then she unwound: "Oh yeah, you can't see this!" Everything, of course, it was. Ivan Vsevolodovich all the time, while he operated on his father, stood at the door to the operating room.
Father Paul died in November 1991 aged 98 years. No one knows where his grave and under what name he was buried. He seemed to visit the 20th century in the twentieth century from the times of Abraham and Isaac, when the Holy Spirit was breathing in the nostrils of the places, and they heard the voice of God as well as people hear the sounds of the radio and the noise of cars under the window.

What is a miracle? "The nature of the statutes in you, the virgin clean ..." - Soon in church chant on the holiday of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. That is, the navigation of the Virgin and her audit, when, after the end of her earthly life, he was taken with the body to heaven, - the phenomena of supernatural, winning the usual laws, the nature of the "Charters". And any divine miracle is overcoming ordinary physical laws.

But we know that the Lord Creator himself and the legislator of physical charters and in his power, if necessary, these laws will cancel.

Miracles are supernatural, divine interference in our lives.

Many wonders of the Savior are described in the Gospel. He turned water into wine, healed relaxed, ledging, deaf, blind from birth, resurrected the dead, walked around the waters, prophesied and sat down with several breads of thousands of people. His followers, students - the Holy Apostles - also made miracles (this is stated in the books of the New Testament). Many miracles are described in the lives of saints of devotees, in almost every life narrates about the wonderfulness. But the apostles and the saints committed wonders not by themselves, but by the power of God. Only the Creator of Laws can overcome, change these laws. Without me, you can not do anything (Ying 15, 5). But the Lord often gives their gratifying gifts to help people and the glorification of the name of God.

Miracles, signs, cases of fertile care were performed in the history of the Church constantly, they are committed in our time and will not cease to occur to the conclusion of the century, while there is a Church of Christ. But even at the time of his earthly life, and now the Lord does not make miracles too often. Otherwise there will be no place for the feat of our faith. Miracles, signs of power of God, are needed to strengthen faith, but there are never too much. In addition, a miracle must be earned, it is given by faith of asking.

But there are miracles in the life of the Orthodox Church, which occur constantly, for many centuries. They console us, strengthen and testify to the truth of our faith. This is a miracle of the gracious fire, the cloud convergence on Mount Favor on the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the Miracle of Holy Epiphany Water, a peacefulness from holy icons and relics.

And in general, isn't the whole life of the church there is one solid miracle? When the grace of God is constantly acting in the sacraments of church, when a miracle on earth occurs on Earth - the miracle is the implementation of bread and wine into the body and the blood of the Savior! Yes, and every Christian who has the experience of prayer and spiritual life, constantly feeling in his life the supernatural presence of God, his strong and strong hand of help.

Olga was born in a large peasant family in the village of Ilintsy, 30 kilometers west of Chernobyl. During the offensive of the German fascist troops in 1941, she remained alone with a blind mother. The heads supplied by the Germans covered it and said that she was one of her mother, for whom it is forced to look after. From pity for them, the Germans did not take it to Germany. And in fact, Olga had three more brothers and two sisters that everyone fought. One sister was a pilot, and one is a nurse.

In 1943, the Germans retreated, this time the attitude towards local residents turned out to be more cruel. Fascists digged in the courts in search of hiding people. Olga in fear ran into a small chelter with firewood near the house, pressed against the wall, crossed the shaking hands on his chest and prayed to all his heart: "Lord, if you are, save me, please. I will believe all my life in you. " The door opened, the fascist with a machine gun appeared in the opening. Looking at Olga, or rather, through her, he turned around without a single emotion and closed the door. Many in that village were shot or burned, everyone else took to Germany. From the whole village, only two were saved - Olga and another boy who went to the partisans. Olga soon came out of the Komsomol, and she became a deeply believer man for life.

Many years have passed, the son of Olga Sergey passed it to Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur, but for all these years Olga constantly retell his story and so I could not fully understand my mind, why the fascist, looking at her, immediately turned back.

So what is and how should we treat it? Does your life take care of our life, or do we observe only the cold set of circumstances? Do we need to talk about something supernatural generally when a modern person is looking for, above all, reasonable, rational justification?

We will try to be impartial. If you remove a miracle from the gospel, then nothing will remain from the gospel. A miracle is itself from the Virgin, the miracle fills the life of the Savior and repeatedly manifests itself in the affairs committed by him on earth. Water walking, healing in one word hopelessly patients, the resurrection of the dead, including the disintegration of the Divine Light on Mount Favor, the Resurrection on the third day after death, the Ascension and Surprise of the Holy Spirit, all these are milestones in the history of people's salvation by Jesus Christ, and these Milestones filled with Divine Miracle

A miracle in principle cannot be explained by science, no matter how much its toolkit has been improved.

The fact is that where God operates, there is always some miracle there. And a miracle is something that cannot be explained scientifically. And not only from the point of view of modern science, but in general it can never be explained from the positions of science. Because science, no matter how much the microscopes and telescopes have been improved, there is always a look of the earth, addressed to the earth and explaining everything from the positions of the earth, and the miracle submitted by God is a gracious gift, which is no one, from the world, exceeding our material creature world, And therefore, the miracle is not subject to earthly explanations.

Atheists hurry to deny wonders. "Once God is not," they argue, "that can not be miracles." And people who are accustomed to rely only on themselves, believe that God cannot interfere in our lives. So, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the greatest writer with an extremely tragic worldview, compiled from which everything miraculously eliminated, explained Christ's wonders only as ordinary natural situations. For example, the healing of the patient who has lying 38 years has a sheep bathing (see: Ying. 5: 1-9), he explained so that there was a weak man who, like others, superstitiously believed in the annual angel convergence into the water, but not Speaking the first to rush into the bath. This is how the lion lion writes: "" The patient is waiting for 20 years a miracle, and Jesus tells him: do not expect anything that you have, then it will be. Wake up. There is a strength to get up and go, and go. He tried, got up and went. The whole place taken for a miracle is an indication that miracles can not be and what is sick that person who is waiting for miracles that the biggest miracle is life itself. The same event is completely simple, it repeats indifferent among us. I know the lady, who lay for 20 years and climbed only when the morphine injection was made; After 20 years, the doctor who made her injection confessed that he was injected by water, and having learned this, the lady took his bed and went "( Tolstoy L. Connection and translation of four Gospels). But if everything was so simple and everyone would have risen, just wanted, then medicine would soon disappear. How many people in hospitals who wanted to quickly rise, do without operations and expensive medical products, but the disease is often the strongest person, rely naively to their strength.

Attempt to "natural" reading the Gospel at one time, and the philosopher Hegel: in his book "Life of Jesus" he portrayed Christ just as a great teacher, but eliminated everything wonderful as something invalid. As a result, the presence of God in the lives of people is eliminated with the crinking of miracles: God does not work, for him it is impossible, he is somewhere there, outside the universe, and maybe it is not at all. The Orthodox faith says: the Lord God is next to us, he sees and hears, he acts and helps when the help of waiting for nothing else.

This is what story happened to me close to me. They, while still students of the Moscow Spiritual Academy, went to the Arkhangelsk region. That was a missionary expedition, the participants of which talked with the locals about faith, answered questions, baptized those who were not yet baptized, made prayers (among the participants there were clergymen). The expedition plans included visiting the place of the ancient monastery of Rev. Cyril Chelmogorsk.

On the way to the ancient abode there was a big lake. On this side of the lake was located in the village, in whose temple was already 70 years old Liturgy was served. And now the priests after so many years of launching the temple committed worship, and then everyone decided to cross the monastery. The day was sunny, the sky is clear, but the locals for some other famous signs foreshadowed a storm. Nevertheless, our missionaries decided to go ahead, hiring four engine boats with drivers. At first everything was calm.

Alas, the observations of local residents turned out to be prophetic. It was raining, first small, then more, the sky in a matter of minutes has been tightened with gray cover. Then the waves rose and the boats began to overlook. They scattered apart from each other in different directions, had to already learn the water, and one of the participants in the expedition, a close to the author of these lines, thought that, apparently, would have to stay without the whole gear, a camera, shoes and sailing on their own. They fought the elements as they could. And here everyone saw the worst thing: the dark blue cloud was approaching ahead to the boats, the zipper was sparkled, the shower was approaching the gloomy wall, and the wind drove the powerful shaft of the waves right on the boats.

People on the shore watched the unfolded tragedy. And suddenly ... all four boats simultaneously disappeared

Not once fishermen died here from waves and thunderstorms. The current natural conditions did not spare detention on the lake. And it is necessary to present the chagrin of local residents who have seen bold, seemed a rapid step of our missionaries. Now, having seen this shower wall with fiery outbreaks, everyone prayed on boats, even unbeliever drivers. The wall approached the closer, now it is overwhelmed boats. Here at this point and incredible happened. People on the shore watched the unfolded tragedy, saw on the background of the dark clouds of four points - boats. And suddenly all four boats simultaneously disappeared from the species. By the way, this dark cloud reached the shore, the hurricane damaged trees and buildings. And what about our missionaries? They ourselves did not understand what happened: that's just that they prayed with all their hearts and saw a dark blue wall with lightning in front of them, as suddenly she was behind them! One recalled: as if she stepped over us, absolutely not overwhelming and no harm caused. So the Lord God, who, from the bottom of his heart, prayed to people, wonderfully delivered from the playing natural elements. At the place of the remains of the monastery, the missionaries were consecrated, and when they sailed back, the water was smooth as a mirror.

So what is a miracle?

God does not violate its own own establishments. Therefore, the miracle does not violate the laws of nature - it exceeds them

Sometimes you can hear that the miracle is a violation of the laws of nature. But after all, the laws of nature are such accurate and appropriate - there is also a miracle of God. And if anyone said that the laws of nature appeared by themselves, from chaos and emptiness, I would never have believed. Chaos occurs from chaos, and clear laws from the legislator. The laws of nature are established by God (and therefore they are also a miracle), and God does not violate their own establishments. Therefore, the miracle does not violate the laws of nature, and it, let's say, exceeds them.

The miracle is the special action of God, which goes beyond the daily flow of events. This is the action of God, which exceeds the creature limitations of the world. We give a comparison. If you take a piece of clay and provide it with the natural course of natural processes, then nothing will happen, this clay will except so much and crack. And if you give clay to a talented master, he will be able to cut out the vessel, a vase, a decorative subject, that is, it will make with clay what it would not be on the natural course of things. But after all, the talented master did not violate the laws of nature, he only actively influenced the material of his creativity. So the miracle is the active impact of God on our creature world, changing it as you like to God.

Here is an example. The plane consists of elements that all are in the nature around us, but by itself the aircraft from nature will never appear, for this you need a mind intervention, creative action. So, on all of us and the world around us, God, who is impulsed, will be created, he created this world and can return health, to save in a hopeless situation, to pacify the wrecks of cataclysms, just as a sensible master transforms drying clay.

In addition to the laws of our visible world, there are still the laws of the world of spiritual, exceeding our limited world. It is like two geometry: Euclidean and Lobachevsky. In the Euclidean geometry, if there is a straight and point in the same plane, then through this point you can spend only one straight, not intersecting with the first straight line. And in the geometry of Lobachevsky, through this point, at least two straight lines, not intersecting with the first straight line, can be carried out. Lobachevsky geometry operates with hyperbolic space, and it turns out to be in demand in cosmology. So more perfect science relies on laws that are not understood at the low-level level. God's miracle is the phenomenon of the laws of the higher world, we call it supernatural, it exceeds our limitations, and the laws of this world Lord in their mercy is sometimes here.

One very close man, Elena Alexandrovna Smirnova (she is a literary editor and prepared one of my books for the publication), told the following story - I want to bring it literally:

"This is what a miracle happened in our family. My mom was sick of Parkinson's disease for several years. This disease shook it to such an extent that she even jogged on the bed. She was already lying patient, and I cared for her. Before that, when I drove it into the temple, then in the subway literally everything got up when my mother, I was shaking, entered the car. Christmas of 1996 came, Mom had an attack with his heart. They called doctors who diagnosed the heart attack and microinsult, said that she had the most over a day two or three and so that we were preparing for this. I told my mother that you need to urgently call the priest so that she would have examined in his entire lives from the seven age. Although she also went to confession and communion, but every person can forget something. And she could forget something, because of what this disease was faced.

As we know, the Batyushki is always very busy on the days of the Christmas post, in the days of the Christmas and the next days. But still, when the Christmas service ended, I called the father. It was Father Vladimir Sakharov, then he still served in the temple of St. Nicholas in puffs. The father was warned that my mother dies and that we called him to fail exactly the dying. Despite employment, he came and sang my mom. Mom confessed to him for a long time before the cobbery, I sat in another room and heard her crying. It seemed to me that it was almost two hours later, as she was confessing: she told long and emotionally. Then the father came out and said that my mother was very purely confessed that it would be so confined to everyone before the death. After confession and cobbing, he was part of her, and we went together for the evening service, and my mother fell hard after the communion. The service was devoted to the Mother of God's Cathedral - this is the first service after Christmas, and we prayed tightly with the father. The people in the temple were little.

I could not break away from sleep, just heard my dying mom gets up and goes to open the door

I arrived home, my mother slept everything, I also approached her, everything was afraid, no matter how she died without me, and so I did not sleep all night. In the morning, I suddenly fell asleep, then I began to wake up the door, but I could not understand what the case was sitting in the chair and could not break away from sleep, just heard that my mother gets up and goes to open the door, and the point is that she did not get up long ago, I cared for her for lying. Then I heard someone's shouts and here finally woke up and rushed to the door. I saw that the doctor was standing in the doorway, which shouts: "Pelagia Ionna, what about you?" And her mother says: "What? And what should be with me? " "So you do not shake!" - a doctor says with surprise. And my mother answers her - she was so witty: "I'm not afraid of you. Why should I tremble, seeing you? " And here it came to us that mom stands completely straight, she does not tremble her hands, nor lips, no chin, she does not shake, that is, we stood a completely healthy person. We were scary amazed, the doctor began to ask what happened. The fact is that she was called from ambulance, they said that today my mother should die, and so she came. We realized that the miracle of God was accomplished that the Mother of God was settled and dismissed her son about salvation and the healing of my mother. Mom also lived until 2011, Parkinson's disease was absolutely preserved, and because it is known that this disease is inexpermined, it is possible to read about it in any encyclopedia, it creates a person to death, has not yet been found from her medicine. However, the conciliation, hot, sincere confession, the communion and prayers of loved ones saved a person from this deadly disease.

Many times they were then called on the conxylues of various doctors, professors, and every time my mother performed on these conservids as a confession of Christ, every time she began her story: "My daughter caused a father ..." Everything is terribly amazed, listening to this story, but first no one I didn't believe, tried to find out what medications it was treated, thought that the medicine was finally found, but it turned out that the last year she was given only very strong vitamins, that is, almost threw it, and he healed my mother only the Lord God. When she was bold, they thought she would die, although the prayers went about healing, but the Lord heard such a prayer. After that, my mother seeds a whole garden around our house, she brought bushes, trees, flowers, and now this garden serves as a reminder of her for all residents of our house and for the surrounding houses, and in fact this garden serves as a reminder of the miracle of God and Maybe about the Paradise Garden, in which we strive. "

For a person, the visible, tangible. After all, we are not only a soul, we live in the body, we are in the world of sensual, and a miracle is such an action of God, which becomes obvious and visible in the real world testimony of God's presence in the real world.

Every miracle is the special mercy of God, who confirms that God really cares about us and does not forget about us in our suffering. The miracle shows that the Lord God is not indifferent to us, he loves us, and he is also so close to us that not to contact him in suffering and the troubles are very naive and strange. Well, the execution of a request we entrust into the hands of God, because the heavenly father knows better than us that we are actually useful.

Miracles often happen in the world, but few know about it. Part of because they do not want to notice them, but from the fact that it is not accepted about such things, they are preserved for their heart.

Thorough woman

Svyatogorsk old man Haralampiy Kapsaliotis (Kapsaliotis - a resident of Kapsala. Kapsala - a place in Athos) In confirmation of his thoughts about the virtues of some Mijan, the following was told: "Once I was familiar with one monk from the Iversky Monastery. Father Gerasim was from low-immigory breathi. His mother is a female holy life, possessed the gift of inspireness. She said to her son: "Choot my, not sin, live with fear of God. When you grow up, you will be a monk on Athos, in the monastery of the goalkeeper. " When she has encouraged the icons, held in the hands of Rassed coals, who did not harm her. "

The Mother of God has driven deadly flu

A resident of Mealong Georgy Moraita says: "In 1918, deadly flu began to Millongi. Despite all the efforts of doctors, people have become infected with one after another and in a few days died of exhaustion. The terrible epidemic began. 25-30 people died daily to Millongi, the same thing happened in neighboring cities and villages. So, in Agrinio, 45-50 dead was mourned every day. When officials who managed the city, realized the number of victims and the scale of the spread of the epidemic, they contacted the bishop and sent a delegation to the monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Pruxiotissa". Asked Ihuman to send a miraculous icon of the Maundist to Maliongi (Prosiotiss - one of the most honor of the icons of the Most Holy Virgin in Greece) to stop the death of people.
Icon arrived first in Agrinio. Already in the first hours of her appearance in the city, no one else died, and already sick influenza - recovered. Initially, it was planned to leave the miraculous image in Agrinio for several days, but people who asked to urgently give them an icon to stop the death of their fellow villagers.
On November 1, 1918, the Icon of the railway arrived in Mesalongi, the inhabitants of this city were waiting for her all night in the town of Phenica. She caught a pouring rain, the doctors categorically insisted that no one walked to meet the miraculous image. There was a danger that the large accumulation of people would contribute to the spread of the epidemic. But simple believers trusted the Mother of God more and did not deceive in their expectations.
They met the icon, they carried it in the hands of Millongi, where they committed a procession through the streets of the city. As a result, not only no one has become infected, but already the sick recovered. From the moment the image of the Most Holy Virgin arrived in the city, no longer died of influenza.
In memory of the miracle and as a sign of their gratitude, people were collecting funds and presented a superbly fulfilled semots in the abode of Prusso. There was also a list from the miraculous image of the Virgin "Pruxiotissa", which is still kept in the church of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva.

Saint George saves the prisoner

Certificate George Cocidis from the city of Drama: "My father Anastasi Kokcidis was born in 1884 in the Pontic village of Yazlacia, located 35 kilometers from Amiso (SAMPSUNT). He had seven children.
In 1914, universal mobilization was announced in connection with the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war.
Father did not want to fight for the Turk against Russia and with his family went to the mountains. Until 1922, he remained in the partisan detachment of Captain Christ Abraamidis.
He did not have time to run to Greece, was caught by the Turkish authorities and was placed in a single camera. He was in constant fear. Once suddenly something flashed as lightning and heard some kind of noise. "Forward!" - It was the first words that the Father heard, waking up. Before him stood Georgy Victorious - the Holy, whom he especially honored.
Father saw that the way was open before him. So he came out of the camp. There was a complete silence around.
Father's fast step at dawn has reached inhabited. Oriented and was able to find his family.
Dad often told about his salvation and always emphasized that everything happened not in a dream, but in reality. "

Return from a different life

Certificate of Father S.: "It happened on May 29, 1962. I was then nine years old. I played in the courtyard with the guys, how suddenly one of them hit me very much.
I lost consciousness and saw my soul left the body and rushed somewhere in the dark. Suddenly a bright angel appeared. He took me on his hands and flew somewhere at high speed.
On our way I saw Nutaria, one after another, and the demons sitting there. But we flew them out the side at high speed.
We were stopped on the last mild, since I stole a handle from a classmate. Then the angel said: "I lead it to the Lord," and we continued our way. We have reached the place where very bright light will be spilled, so I could look only down, myself under my feet. Angel got up a bit alone and said: "Lord, this is completely small." Then I heard a very beautiful and kind voice that answered him: "He will serve me."
Immediately, the angel took me to his arms, and we flew down again at high speed. He took me to the hospital, where I saw my body lying on the bed. Angel did not say a word and flew away.
Then I came to myself and almost immediately forgot about this incident. But I remembered it in the smallest details in 1995, when I became a monk and was preparing for the adoption of Sana (thirty years after the events described). "

Power of the Cross

In 1994, one Afonov monk, visiting the ancient monastery of St. Dionysius Olympic, met there a reverendar grandmother, who helped pilgrims. She told him the following: "Here we have a lot of snakes. When I see some of them in the courtyard of the monastery, I autumn her with the congestion of him. Snake remains immobilized like a branch. I take her in my hands and throw out outside the monastery fence. Some tell me: "Are you stupid, what do you take a snake in the hands?" I answer it to them: "Why is the stupid? What is stronger: Snake or Cross of Christ, on which he was crucified, giving the world salvation? " When I put bread, mixing flour and water, we certainly autonounced their procession. The dough rises, and I have a bake of bread. "

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