Love Onegin writes love. Essay on the topic of love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana in the novel Evgeny Onegin, Pushkin read free

Love Onegin writes love. Essay on the topic of love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana in the novel Evgeny Onegin, Pushkin read free

Evgeny Onegin is, you can say philosophical work, because it addresses a lot of "eternal" topics, including love. Love itself in the poem appears before readers in different appeals: it is the sincere and tender love of Tatiana, late passionate love of Onegin, Olga's windy love, fervent and romantic love Vladimir Lensky. Also, love in the poem is considered from mutual and from the position of unrequited feelings.

Tatiana is an image of pure and sincere love. She loved Onegin first and delicate love, dreaming about him, comparing himself with the heroines of her novels. Of course, the inexperienced in love affairs Tatiana was very idealized by Eugene. In his letter, she honestly opens his soul in front of him, entangling his destiny in his hands. She confesses to him that in his dreams represented her beloved exactly, he immediately recognized him at the first meeting, realizing that he was her fate. Tatiana was frank in his letter, she treated Eugene as his narrowed, ready to associate his whole life with him. Tatiana's love is clean and disinterested, she loved Eugene as she saw it for the first time, in many respects I idealizing it, because in fact she did not know him at all. Her love is tender, maiden, bright and sincere, but, unfortunately, Eugene did not respond to her feelings.

Evgeny himself was very sophisticated in love, he could no longer surprise him, although Tatiana's sincerity touched His heart. But Eugene honestly admits that he could not be good husbandthat he is not worthy of her. He knows himself well and understands that a quiet and obedient wife quickly will bother him that his lifestyle is not suitable for a family hearth, because Onegin is accustomed to entertainment and carefree. But at the same time, Onegin appreciated the sincerity of Tatiana, did not laugh at her feelings, but took them to them with due respect and understanding. Among the secular flirty ladies, he met such deep and decent girls like Tatiana. In a conversation with her, he tells her extremely honestly about himself and about his attitude to family life. Onegin admits that if he wanted to create a family, he would certainly chose Tanya, believing that she would best wifeBut as long as he did not want to bind himself to marriage.

Love still fell out and Onegin, but it was already late - Tatiana was married to the general. Did you like Tatyana Evgenia, whether it is the former modest and sincere girl? Unlikely. Onegin captured inaccessibility, the coldness and restraint of Tatiana, her greatness and indifference. "Than less woman We love, the easier we like her, "said Onegin himself. The same applies to men. Affordable and in love with Tatiana, "easy prey" was not needed by Onegin, but the woman's majestic and belonging to another man fascinated him. Tatyana demonstrates the wonderful features of nobility and loyalty in the poem. She is a faithful wife who cannot break the word given to her, can not betray her husband, even if she is not loved by her. "But I am completely given to another, I will be true to him," she says Onegin, not giving him a chance of a novel with her.

Sister Tanya, Olga, - a windy girl who is not capable of deep feelings. She is easily interested in men, which has proven Onegin in the name of Tatiana. He could easily turn her head and charm her, despite the fact that she was Lensky's bride. Also, after the death of Vladimir Olga, once again proves his windiness, because, for a short time, she will soon marry another. Olga's love is deceptive, superficial, is inconstant, it is not able to completely dissolve in his beloved man and devote himself to him.

More serious and ardent feelings experienced a young poet - Vladimir Lensky, all his Duma were associated with her girlfriend, he composed poems for her, defended her honor, wanted to tie his life with her. Lensky and dies, sacrificing himself, hoping to protect Olga from the seducer of Onegin. Love Vladimir Sacrificial, sincere, but too fervent and romantic. He loves Olga for her beauty, for her coquetty, in many ways Introducing it better than it really is. Olga just allows him to love himself, his courtship is pleasant to her, but there is no mental connection, because Olga did not even be able to feel that Vladimir is waiting for death. In front of the duel, he came to her, but she behaved as always, at ease and windy, not remembering the fact that she offended his feelings with her flirting with Onegin.

The relevance and scale of this work of Pushkin are amazing. In the image of its heroes, you can see the features of many modern people. Since the time of life, the poet essentially nothing has changed. All the same, ardent and romantic young men fall in love with windy beauties, who are "less like", and decent girls are fascinated by "Onegin". And the principle: "The smaller the woman we love, the easier we like her" - still works.

­ Love in the life of Onegin and Tatiana

The novel "Evgeny Onegin" was written by A. S. Pushkin in the first half of the 19th century. He tells about the history of the love of a young, tired of the secular attention of the nobleman and a simple provincial girl who also does not like to be in the center secular life, but prefers to spend time in nature, reading books, studying folk giving. The topic of love is key in the work. All heroes, one way or another, express their attitude towards this high feeling.

One of the main issues to which the writer is trying to give a response, does it know how to love Onegin? The main character from young years I got used to living in secular lies and hypocritical society. He himself understands that love is something else, and not that false, which he is found in Bals and secular receptions. However, not wanting to associate itself with serious obligations and promises, trying to stay away from this feeling. He just closes his heart and does not want love, because it is easier to live. Onegin is worthy education and education, rich inheritance and all the chances of a prosperous life, but he does not find love, and when it finds, it turns out too late.

What role is love in the life of Evgenia Onegin, Tatyana Larina and A.S. Pushkin?

The topic of love is one of the leading in Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". It is the ability to sincerely and lend to love the author "measures" human nature, the level of development of its heroes. Pushkin himself believed that love is the meaning of existence, only loving, a person can fully reveal all its capabilities, to know life to the end.

The main hero of the novel is the young noralian Evgeny Onegin. One of the main issues of the work - is it able to love Onegin? About this reader thinks throughout the novel.

It seems to me to answer this question, it is worth referring to the description of the upbringing and lifestyle of the hero. Onegin from the most young years was part of the Supreme Society of St. Petersburg. All that he could learn hero there is the art of lies and hypocrisy:

How soon he could hypocrite

Hide hope jealous

Default, make you believe

It seems gloomy, languish ...

The highest light of St. Petersburg completely unprecedented. It appreciates only the surface ability to make a pleasant impression. No one is going to look deeper. I think in such a society it is easy to shine to superficial people.

Permanent novels, intrigue, flirting are the main entertainment in this society. Naturally, Onegin was perfectly mastered the "art of passion gentle". But in this relationship there is not a drop of sincerity. Eugene quickly disappointed in life and his surroundings. He cooled around around. After some time, Onegin went to the village. Only a few days he was interested in a simple country life. But then the hero again became boring.

It was during such a "spiritual cold" Eugene Onegin and met Tatyana. The young girl instantly fell in love with the capital of France. She, unlike Onegin, was able to strongly and sincerely love, giving up this feeling all without a rest. Confirmation of this is the recognition that the first heroine wrote Onegin:

I know you are sent to me by God,

Before the coffin, you are my keeper ...

You in the dreams I was,

Invisible, you were already miles

But Onegin was confident that no one would be able to raise him for a long time. Onegin does not respond to the heroine of reciprocity, giving her a reward. Having survived this refusal, Tatiana, without love, marries another.

Onegin, after the murder of Lensky, he wandered for some time, he moved away from the Supreme Society, he was much changed. All the apparent gone left, only a deep, ambiguous personality remained. A few years later, Evgeny again meets with Tatiana. Now she married woman, sowing lioness. But we understand that the heroine still loves Onegin:

I love you (what to smear?),

But I'm given to another;

I will be the age of him true.

Yes, and the changed Hero is now able to love and suffer, but late - Tatiana refuses him, remaining true to his husband.

Thus, the heroes of Pushkin to the final of the works came true loving people. This is not surprising, because the author himself considers love to be the main sense in a person's life: "And life can give and lush color and sweet fruit" The ability to love is the main criterion in the assessment literary heroes And people for Pushkin.

The topic of love is traditional in Russian literature. Each writer and poet invests their personal, subjective experience in this topic. Therefore, in Russian literature you can find love, bringing great happiness, unrequited love, love suffering, love frustration, even love death. About true love, its cleansing and elevation this is speech In the novel in verses A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The hero of the work, "Saving without a goal, without work, up to twenty-six years," before the meeting with Tatiana Larina led the life, Skalic and not always worthy of. He did not think about happiness, about the meaning of his existence, he plays human destinies, sometimes Kalecha. Onegin does not accept responsibility for his acts that impact the thoughts and fate of the surrounding people. So dies Lensky, disappointed in his dreams of Tatiana, and nothing gives us the right to argue that these key characters of the novel were the only "cigarettes" under the heel of "Fashion Hard". However, we look at what happens next. Tatiana's sincere love touches Onegin, attracts attention. Tatiana in principle interests the main character, but he knows about himself, which is not able to love, is not capable of feeling. Onegin owns only the "science of the gentle passion", and in the case of Tatiana, these knowledge is not applicable. The heroine writes his beloved letter, because it was exactly that the girls from her belonging to her novels and were always heard with young people. Tatiana builds a model of life on books, and the image of Onegin she created in their imagination. In fact, the girl does not know who Yevgeny Onegin, she wants him to be the hero of her novel. She does not come to mind that maybe it's not good to confess the love young man, because in the books about this nothing is said. Onegin, appreciate Tatiana, her naivety and purity, even after receiving the letter he thinks primarily about himself, not about Tatiana. He reckoned with his nobility, by the fact that he did not take advantage of the inexperience of a young heroine. Evgeny presents a girl lesson, not understanding how cruel his words sound. It can be concluded that Evgeny Onegin on love is not capable of. In general, the hero does not know how to reckon with the feelings of other people. This quality is also manifested in love, and in friendship. True love Tatyana could not honest out the hero, and he committed a terrible act - killed a friend's duel. In principle, from the point of view of psychoanalysis, the death of Lensky is natural. Lensky and Onegin live in any of us. That is, Lensky personifies the dreaminess and naivety - the features of the child, and Onegin - calcality, maybe even cynicism, inconsistency - the features of an adult. And on a certain straight Our Onegin kills our Lensky, to, retreating from the charm of childhood, finally take responsibility and begin to be implemented as a person. The death of a friend becomes inevitable for Onegin. He is not trying to make up with Lensky, internally rejects the attempts of reconciliation and accepts a call to the barrier. Under the law of the duel of that time, the meaning of the fight was to test courage and resistance - so that with honor to survive under the pistol. Onegin violates this Code, he shoots, kills, and then in a letter to Tatiana declares: "Lensky's unfortunate victim." Victim of what? The vanity of the city hall, offended authority, pride? .. Pushkin is rather loyal to his main hero, but does not embellish his actions. However, oddly enough, the death of Lensky is the first step towards mental change in Onegin. Further, tired of the village boredom, depressed by the consciousness of the perfect murder, Onegin goes on the journey. Pushkin compares it with Baironovsky Childe Harold - Power romantic hero, secretly, gloomy, ominous charming and deadly bored. However, these epithets immediately receive their refutation. When Tatyana comes to the abandoned house of Onegin and begins to disassemble his books, she sees the mark on the fields, drawings, in her root changes to the hero. She questions: "Doesn't he parody?" No, he is a man of flesh and blood, a person who can kill, deliver suffering. She understands that his beloved image completely does not correspond to reality and that maybe reality and not quite worthy of her love. Love is destroyed, and it causes heroin strong suffering. She can't calm down, does not want to go to Moscow to the "Bride Fair", in fact, her own fate becomes indifferent. Her scattered lazy does not awaken to an open rebellion, and she makes his duty with dignity. "For the poor Tanya, everyone was equal, I got married ..." - She will later say Onegin. In marriage, she acquires everything that he dreamed of: from the wilderness of forest villages elite St. Petersburg, becomes a legislator hall, visits fashionable salons, arranges evenings. Nowhere in the text it is not said that Tatyana does not like her husband. In general, the fate of his favorite heroine A. S. Pushkin is successful. And what is Onegin? Looking through the light, and not having a goal that was not engaged in difficulty, it was not able to captivate anything, he turns out to be the will of fate in St. Petersburg and meets Tatiana there. But Tatiana completely transformed, the princess, the impregnable goddess of the "luxurious royal neva". And what happens? Seeing a friend of a person, or rather, his transformation, Onegin starts attempting to courtishment, then, without having encouraged, flows into the hardest Handra and stacked at home, pre-in a letter to Tatiana revealing his intentions and feelings. Pushkin is ironic over a romantic hero's mask: "Little crazy about the mind." But time is running, but there is no answer. "The days rushed, the winter was heated in the air. And he did not become a poet, did not die, did not go crazy, "that is, Pushkin, as a realist, makes the hero take responsibility for his words and acts. Tatiana refuses Onegin, rejects his love. The early draft of the novel gives to understand the doubtfulness of the feelings experienced by the hero, despite the penetrating, passionate message to Tatiana, who became the undisputed top of the Russian lyrics, is Pushkin, this is not Onegin. So who really change? Tatyana. Because it was she who loved and loves Onegin; Even making sure that his weak essence, discovering his flaws, she loves him in the same years. And changing. And we see these striking changes. Everything is simple, like all ingenious. In this, the main meaning and irony of the content of the novel of the Great Russian genius A. S. Pushkin.

In Pomane A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" in advance with DPUGI, not a lively place is paid to the topic, which is put in the title of this composition, namely the topic of disintegration and love.

It's all with the fact that in the continuous chapter of the AvtoP arbitrarily about Onegin - "Dpuzia and Dpumpkin are fed up." Why, who is to blame? Veneality, partly Onegin himself who chose his ideal individualism or even the egoism of the priests of bypass. In addition, you learned about several chapters, we find that in the office of Onegin, there was a bust of Hapoleon, and Pushkin will say: "We will read all zeros, and units - ourselves. We are all looking at the Hapoleons ...". Is it in some kind of not about Onegin? One of the ppichin, the fact that Onegin is tired of DPEUB - His Handpa. Why did she take possession of them, and the car, which is in the pocket of his dpug - no? They are both smart, honest, they both understand the shortcomings of society, but in Onegin there is no desire to act, the desire to change anything, the desire to go venepeco to this society. Inaction, nonesthelnia boring him (like bolsters, and secular society), but also does not want anything.

And with Lensky Onegin, it was at first at all because more in the defense, where he fell after the uncle, it was not to communicate with anyone. Pushkin calls them (Lensky and Onegin) "from doing nothing to do." It was so - both of them really had nothing to do - Onegin because of his boredom and Handpa, and Lensky because of his inexperience and naivety - he did not know of real lifeHe could not see her. And the AvtoP, and Onegin - they were a hundred Lensky - no wonder their infrared and humorous attitude towards his POMANTIC NATUP. Onegin, naturally, was much more experienced, led to his life - he was a mentor, a turnover.

Lyubov Lensky to Olga is also the fruit of his pomeantic. He's, he did not love Olga, he loved the conversion created by himself. Romantic conversion. And Olga ... an ordinary approximal bumbling, which will turn the car "Tired ... Izlessly." Hedpad Onegin, which was much wise and more experienced Lensky, said: "I would have won a disgust when I were like you, the poet ...". Why is Onegin so worried that he will not be able to love himself? He will introduce Tatiana, the very "renewable", and she pester him in love (it is necessary, however, notice that Tatyana is not in love with a completely perfect Onegin, and partly again in the conversion created on the basis of sentimentalist books). What is Onegin?

He is invented that "not created for bliss" is not really true. He is afraid to love to love, it is afraid to try to feel the feelings killed behind his pisses in the world. Yes, it is there, in secular society, He suggested to truly disagree and love. There are no concepts such as dish and love - they are replaced by a lie, slander, public opinion. Yes, thereby public opinion, which will destroy and Onegin, and Lensky!

Onegin and Lensky bought out due to one case, the one-sorted on the ball - Onegin twice pushed Olga to the dance. It would be that it would happen - a small revenge of Onegin, for the fact that Lensky had him to the ball, where all the eyes were going on, "Sawd", which Onegin hated. For Onegin it is just the game - but not for Lensky. His pounding, Poantic dreams were furious - for him it is treason (although it is at all, of course, and not a betrayal - no Olga, nor for Onegin). And the only way out of this position Lensky sees a duel.

At that moment, when Onegin received a challenge, why he could not dissolve Lensky from a duel, find out everything to explain everything? He prevented him a psyraized public opinion. Yes, it had weight and here in Defense. And it was for Onegin stronger his dressing. Lensky killed. It may be how it does not stand it, it was the best way out for him, he was unprepared for this life.

And here - "Love" Olga, she poured, novel, married the military and left him. Tatiana's disregard - no, she did not pouch Onegin, that, after what her feelings had become even more difficult, she had to "in Onegin she" should ... hate the killer of his BPATA. " Should, but can not. And after visiting the office of Onegin, it begins to get more and more to understand the true essence of Onegin - Onegin is revealed. Ho Tatyana can no longer fall over it. And, it can never be able to ever.

So, trying in the year, and Tatyana and Onegin re-apply again. But already in the displacement of the situation - in PetPug, in a secular society, Tatiana Married, Onegin performed from the stamp. And the warmth, taking Tatiana in the new capacity, as a secular lady, love in Onegin. Love for that which he well refused a few years ago. What drives them? Does he love to teach Tatiana, or just that it became now? He's, Tatiana has not changed - Onegin has changed. He was able to "update his soul." He could love. But too late. He's, Tatiana did not fall him, but she "DPHUD" and will be "a century he will be" ... Tatiana, Nesmotia, that she married not by love, can not have the life of her husband, a man who loving her, only the Padi His happiness.