Demien Hearst diamond skull. Damien Herst created a new diamond skull

Demien Hearst diamond skull. Damien Herst created a new diamond skull
Demien Hearst diamond skull. Damien Herst created a new diamond skull
One of the most expensive and most scandalous artists Damien Herst, as reported by RIA Novosti, made another skull inlaid diamonds. This time - a newborn baby ...

Damien Hirst (Damien Hirst), one of the most successful and expensive artists of modernity, inlated the skull of a newborn baby with eight thousand white and pink diamonds and called this work "God for" (for Heaven "s Sake).

In 2007, Hearst, whose death is the central theme of all creativity, has already presented to the public one diamond skull - the truth, an adult person. The work, named "For the love of the Lord" (for the Love of God) and decorated with 8601 diamond, was estimated at $ 100 million. At the moment it belongs to the consortium of investors, where Herst himself includes, its manager Frank Danch and Ukrainian patron Viktor Pinchuk. London's limits Diamond Skull first left last December: before that, no museum of the world could cover the cost of his insurance. In particular, due to this, tours of this work of Hirst in the Hermitage were broken.

The premiere of the skull "God for the sake" will take place on January 18 in Hong Kong, in the Asian branch of the gallery of Larry Gagosyan. The cost of insurance, as well as the cost of materials, while keeping secret. It is only known that the precious stones are provided by suppliers of the British Royal Court, Jewelers Bentley & Skinner, and Skull was part of the Kunstkamera bought the XIX century collection.

Hearst argues that the idea of \u200b\u200bincrusting the human skull came to him under the influence of the art of ancient aztecs.

"For me, this is a way to reconcile the opposition of death. When you look at the skull, you think this is a symbol of the end, but if the end is so beautiful, he inspires hope. And diamonds are perfection, clarity, wealth, sex, death and immortality. They They symbolize eternity, but they have a dark side, "says the artist.

Sorocady-year-old Briton Hearst made an incredible career on death. His most famous series is called "Natural History" (Natural History) - these are a variety of living creatures in formalin. The most famous shark (1992) with a label "The Physical Impossibility of Death In The Mind of Someone Living) was famous, subsequently sold for 12 million dollars. True, from formaldehyde, the artist promised to refuse further, saying That dead animals no longer shock people, and the best way to shake the public is to take up the brush.

Neon skull, skull from cocaine, crystal, diamond, skulls from parts of a typewriter and bicycle - in a word, welcome to our collection of the most prominent works of art dedicated to the turtles.

Skull is a symbol of death, the tensions of being. For many centuries, as well as the mysterious and dark, he attracts people, the horror and reverence in their minds and hearts. Many figures of contemporary art have been highlighted by this radical theme.

The famous work of art that could not slip out from under our gaze. Hirst called him "for the love of the Lord" (for the love of god), hinting on one of the books of the New Testament. The paper uses more than 8,600 diamonds, as well as a huge diamond. The skull was sold for $ 100 million.

Neon, Crypton, mercury, glass is the recipe for creating such impressive works of the art of the American artist. Franklin sends the audience to the depths of human nature, causing thinking about how the mind and body can form a single whole. Especially bright these thoughts are illustrated in the full work of the artist (human skeletons).

Scary, but at the same time fascinating work. The deer skull was supplemented with parts from an ordinary bike - as you can see, the needles fit perfectly into the image.

Mark Magher in collaboration with Ilana Spector is often involved in various charitable events. So this work has become part of the project "Part", organized by the company producing parts for bicycles. The remedied funds were listed in charitable organizations in Africa.

No welding or glue is one of the key features of Jeremy's works. "I collect old vintage typewriters, mainly in a non-working condition. For this, I often come on sales, look at flea markets and antique shops. Many cars bring me friends," - tells Mayer on his site. "When parsing writing machines, I never use tools - I'm afraid to damage anything," adds an artist.

Dutch artist Diddo created, perhaps, the most ambiguous skull in the world. It was made of cocaine in the literal sense of the word, and the highest quality. For this, "Street Coke" was cleaned in a special laboratory. A 20 months left for work.

Diddo himself puts a deep meaning in his works. That's what he writes about the "cocaine skull": "We lived in fear and needs. Then we have become" people ", trying to improve themselves. We learned to control the environment, but fear remained. Our inner beast is still on freedom".

Lauren has a whole series of works with animal turtles. Specifically, this was created under the impression of the "Jungle Amazon and the Day of the Dead" (Holiday in Central America, dedicated to the memory of the dead). In January of this year, an exhibition with this exhibit took place in London.

More than 27,000 small multi-colored pieces were used in this work, each of which was "glued" manually. The whole process took 310 hours. Bikeker refers to the subconscious, brain work, "colorfulness" of thoughts and ideas.

The resource contains many handmade skulls. Most of them are real works of art - or at least a gorgeous addition of the interior. Skullis makes only skulls, and only from crystal and precious stones. The company is an absolute leader in his niche.

The German artist creates radical, frightening sculptures, which, however, are not tired of admiring. The first work is called "God of the grove". It uses gilded brass and marble as the main materials.

Sandt complements the theme of beauty and death by another series of works. This time, the gilded accurate copy of the human skull of the 18th century is clamped in the "vice" of an unusual adaptation.

In their works, the Danish artist reveals the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tranquency of our life. Death is always near. Whatever we do, wherever they live, no matter how much, the "foundation" is always the same. All items in the presented works were found or purchased in various places and only seem to be uniform. The final stage for Mikkelsen is always the coating of a "miniature" layer of silver or gold.

The surname of the artist is not better reflecting his main passion. Sometimes bright, sometimes gloomy, his work is always with a silent of mysticism and the afterlife. Jim visited many countries and on all continents. In his works, rites, rituals and religious traditions of the peoples of Africa, Australia, America, Oceania are mixed with the bizarre and original way.

Those who share the tastes of Jim Skulla, be sure to buy a couple of funny items on the "cranial" topics - for example, or.

That's all love, gentlemen ... Sculpture "For the love of the Lord"

Sculpture "For Love Lord", 2007.

Diamond skull is the most expensive work of art now living artists.

Sculpture made by the famous British artist Damien Hearst of 2 kg of platinum - slightly reduced copy of the skull of a 35-year-old Europeans XVIII century. Diamond cells (all of them 8601) are cut out with a laser, the jaw is made of platinum, and real teeth are inserted. Warning skull pink diamond weighing 52.4 carats. The work cost British artist, famous for his scandalous installations using animal corpses in formalin, £ 14 million.

Hirst argued that the name of the sculpture is inspired by the words of the mother when she appealed to him with the question: for the Love of God, What are you going to do next? ("For God's sake, what are you doing now?"). For the Love of God is a literal quote from the first message of John.

In 2007, the skull was put in the White Cube gallery, and in the same year it was sold for $ 100 million (£ 50 million pounds). The Bloomberg and the Washington Post newspaper wrote that Damien Hirst himself was in the investor group, as well as the Ukrainian billionaire Victor Pinchuk. The representative of the WHITE Cube gallery did not comment on rumors, but reported that buyers intend to subsequently resell the job of Hirst.

The author of this truly barbaric beauty is the first provocateur of British contemporary art Damien Hearst.
One of the leading figures of British contemporary art Damien Heurs was born on June 7, 1965 in Bristol, grew up in Leeds. His father left his family when Demiena was twelve years old, he was a mechanic and seller of cars, the mother worked in the consulting office. Despite the obviously asocial lifestyle, Hearst attended an art college in Leeds, and later studied art at the university in London.
For the first time, Damien Herste spoke in 1988, as the young expression exposition called Freeze.
His first personal exhibition was held in 1991 in London, and soon two more exhibitions took place - at the Institute of Contemporary Art and in Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery in Paris.

Damien Hearst is one of the most expensive and outrageous of the currently living artists. His work is a challenge to society, shock, delight and disgust, for which collectors lay out millions of dollars. The central theme in the works of Hearst is death. His paintings, "drawn" the dense layer of flies, butterflies and other representatives of the fauna, received wide fame. Singovaya work of Hirst "Physical Impossibility of Death in Consciousness of the Living": Tiger shark in aquarium with formaldehyde.
The creator of the masterpieces of contemporary art revealed the world an art object called for the Love of God ("From Love to God") - Skull 35-year-old Europeans who lived between 1720 and 1810.
The skull is decorated with 8601 diamond with a total weight of 1106.18 carats and worth 14 million pounds sterling, and a large pink diamond is banging in the center of the "composition". He walked around a crested about twenty million dollars. Experts have already called this exhibit the most expensive works of contemporary art.

According to the artist, all diamonds belong to the so-called Sonflict-Free Diamonds group, i.e., during their production and processing, child labor was not used, the slave strength and other forms of violence and infringement of human rights were used. So, all this is a highly humane magnificence attacks the skull with a platinum frame.
To begin with, Damien took the skull of the 18th century, nearly one of the central diamonds can be seen, then a platinum skull's cast was made, in which cells were made for diamonds. The diamonds were neatly inserted into the cells and fastened, while the teeth were pulled out from the original skull and washed them, as a sign of gratitude, the skull presented platinum teeth. At this time, the lower jaw was made, the pink diamond occupies his honorable place

Ukrainian businessman Pinchuk looks like a British artist Hirst creates one of his works in the center of contemporary art

British artist Damien Hirst poses near one of his works in Kiev. (© konstantin chernichkin / Reuters / Reuters)

Damien Hirst (Damien Hirst), still knows how to make the audience. Mankind was just just bored with the existence of a platinum skull, covered with diamonds, worth $ 100 million, and Hearst already makes a new social opinion and public taste. He creates another similar skull, but not an adult person, but a child.

In recent years, the name of Demien Hirst in recent years has become a brand with a cost comparable to the price of a controlling stake in a large transnational corporation. Everything, for nothing that this creator would attract, will be sold for fabulous money, if it is a carcass of a dead cow or rap-bluished style.
And, with each new job, heated by the attention of the public and billionaire collectors, Hearst is becoming increasingly provocative, rapid and tough. So creativity brings more money.
Here, most importantly, do not keep yourself within. And, if people are "burly" a very ambiguous jewelry in the form of a platinum skull, and someone even gave it a hundred million dollars on him, then it is possible to continue to operate this topic, but already at the new level.

So Demien Hearst and created a new product - another precious skull, but this time already children's. Anthropologists say that a child who could belong to this platinum skull, swept over eight thousand white and pink diamonds, would be about two weeks from the genus. And this is a very controversial creative step even for Harst.
And, despite the fact that this work called "For Heaven's Sake" ("For the sake of God") was not yet officially represented in public, all sorts of public organizations, who believe that her author has encroached the Holy - Her author of all sorts of public organizations For children. However, maybe this stream of negative is also a pre-prepared marketing campaign aimed at the promotion of the new work of Herest. After all, the more loud criticism, the more expensive its works will be sold.
Well, for the mass contemplation, this precious children's skull will first be put up at the end of this month in the Gagosian Gallery exhibition hall in Hong Kong.

At the mention of the scandalous British in memory, art objects, causing horror and delight at the same time. Dismeterable and wicked animals, human skulls, picturesque works with cemetery motifs attracted public attention in the early 90s of the last century.

The theme of death always passes the red thread through the work of Damien Hirst. So, a dead shark, filled in formaldehyde, scares and repels the viewer who understands that a non-living body retains a recognizable appearance. People interpret the rejection object through the prism of who he was once. Despite the conceptual ideas, all the artist's exhibitions are accompanied by scandals.

Symbol of death

The human skull has always been a symbol of Tlen and Death. As all mysterious and frightening, he attracted the attention of creative people and inspired horror in the heart of the audience. There are quite a few artists, sculptors, writers who devoted their creations to this topic.

A diamond skull, whose photo causes admiration and fear, is the fascinating work of Damien Hirst. The revealing idea of \u200b\u200bthe tranquency of our life, the author worships death, presents it in different hypostasses and earns on this good money.

The most discussed artist of modernity, excluding the world with his masterpieces, as if making a challenge, trying to explore the nature of death and demonstrating the victory of his life over her.

The most expensive work of art

A diamond skull, known as the sake of the sake of the sake of the most expensive work of the art of the Healthy Author. The master who built Platinum Moulas White and Pink Diamonds in 2007, he cost $ 20 million. As Herst himself said, famous for the creative approach to work, his The work does not have a clear meaning, and the viewer in its own way interprets the value.

However, the master who adores provocations always focuses on a thin balance between life and death. The viewer looks at a diamond skull associated with a delented, and understands that this is the end. But death, which is so beautiful, inspires him and hope. Precious stones having the dark side are associated with a luxurious life, as well as eternity.

How was the diamond skull created?

As a basis, I took the Kunstkamer Skull of the European Skull, who lived in the XVIII century, and made his cast, in which, with the help of a laser, made small cells for precious stones. The brilliant provocatetor, arguing that an unusual idea came to his head under the influence of the art of Aztecs, covered the work of platinum.

Diamonds are provided by famous jewelers that are suppliers of the Royal Court of England. Faceted diamonds are neatly inserted into miniature holes and are firmly fixed. The most expensive stone (pink diamond weighing more than 52 karat) is located in the forehead of the skull, from which all the teeth were taken, and platinum were installed instead.

Who is the owners of a precious masterpiece?

It is known that the buyer of the work of art, called the critics of the real blessing, was a group of anonymous investors, which acquired a diamond skull for one hundred million dollars. This is a record price for the masterpiece of the modern artist. Hearst claims that he was paid in cash, so he cannot provide evidence of the transaction. Later, journalists found out an amazing fact: the author and his manager F. Danafi himself turned out to be among the investors.

And soon the new information about the owner of the diamond skull appeared. It turned out to be the Ukrainian magnate V. Pinchuk, which is interested in contemporary art, however, his representatives did not confirm this fact, but did not refute.

Opportunity to get acquainted with frightening creation

A diamond skull (a photo of an unusual work took over all the media) exhibited in Amsterdam and Florence, and in 2012 it was demonstrated in the London Gallery. The author himself admitted that he was happy, because the Hall Tate Modern is a wonderful place to get acquainted closer with the work that causes a variety of emotions.

The fact is that no museum of the world could afford to put an expensive exhibit, because to cover the cost of insurance, which keeps in the secret, state institutions are unable. The work could appear in the Hermitage, however, due to the financial issue, the tour was broken.

New masterpiece who is looking for his owner

It is curious that Hurst, who makes a career on the topic of death, did not calm down on the achieved and presented a new shocking work, called "God for". At the end of 2010, the master of provocations cast another diamond skull of a newborn baby, which he took from the collection of pathologies of the human body.

The cost of work inlaid white and is not called, but art historians evaluate it in 200 million pounds. If someone wishes to acquire this sculpture, it is she who in the world of modern art.