Parsley hero Russian fairy tales. Pereshkin Theater: Description, History, Repertoire and Interesting Facts

Parsley hero Russian fairy tales. Pereshkin Theater: Description, History, Repertoire and Interesting Facts
Parsley hero Russian fairy tales. Pereshkin Theater: Description, History, Repertoire and Interesting Facts

The origin of the doll

The origin of this doll, which appeared in Russia in the second half of the XIX century, is not significantly clarified. Although parsley in Russia is known since the XVII century. Russian puppeteers used puppets (the theater of dolls on threads) and parsley (glove dolls). Until the XIX century, the preference was given to Parsushka, by the end of the century - puppets, since the parsley joined with their shabbers.

The appearance of parsley is not Russian: he has exaggeratedly large hands and head, hypertrophied features, it itself (carved from wood) is processed by a special vegetable liquid, which looks more dark; Large almond-shaped eyes and a huge nose with a hubber, absolutely white eyeballs and a dark rainbow shell, due to what parsley eyes seem black. The appearance of Parsley was inherited from Italian Pulchinell. Many mistakenly believe that parsley's widely opened mouth is a smile, but it is not so; Being negative Character, Parsley constantly stretches his lips in Oscala. He has four fingers on his hands (a possible symbol of the fact that Parsley is not a person, but a certain character from another world).

A typical misconception is to read Parsley as the extreme ancient and original Russian hero, it is based on its archetypic character traits, which originated in the depths human representations About Me. Petrushka is a younger relative of much older: Italian Pulchinell, French Polysinel, English Pancha, Turkish Karaghoes, German Gansursta and Casperle, Spanish Don Cristobal and others - despite the fact that they are all theatrical dolls-Marions and are controlled by threads. The only analogue of parsley on driving techniques - Ginol-glove doll, appeared in Lyon in early XIX. century.

Famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky, characterizing the image of parsley, wrote the following: "... A figure was created ... known to all peoples ... .. This is an invincible hero of the folk puppet comedy, he wins all and all: the police, Popov, even Chort and Death, It remains immortal. In rough and naive labor people I embodied myself and my faith in what in the end - it was he who will overcome everything and everyone. "

Description of theater

The shirma of the parsley consisted of three frames bonded by brackets and tightened by the Citz. She was put straight to the ground and hid a puppeteer. Charmanka collected spectators, and behind the screening actor through the peeper (whistle) began to communicate with the public. Later, with a laugh and reprise, he ran out himself, in a red cap and with a long nose. The floresman sometimes became a partner of parsley: because of the meal was not always intelligible, and he repeated the phrase parsley, led the dialogue. The comedy with parsley was played at fairs and in Balagans.

In Russia, "drove" parsley only men. To make a voice more loud and squeaky (it was necessary for hearing in fairness, as well as for the particular characterity of the character), they used a special peeper inserted into the larynx. Peterushki should have been "piercing" and very fast.

Image of doll

Before mid XIX. A century in Russia, Parsley has not yet had its current name. Most often it was then called "Ivan Ratyutu" or "Ivan Ratatuy" (which gives the French roots of the dolls). There is a version of the origin of the nickname parsley from ukrainian words "Portoye" (save). The current name came to Petrushka after the appearance among the numerous household scenes miniatures "Parsley and the city", in which, during numerous attacks, Parsushka speaks: "You and the pashport is not!", To which Parsley is proudly replied: "There is! By pashport, I pier Ivanovich Vociusov! "

From some memories and diaries of the 1840s it follows that Parsley was called Peter Ivanovich Vinegar. The famous Russian puppeteer Sergei Sodetsov, called Petrushki Peter Petrovich Vinechov (the story "Four Brothers") or Vanka Ratato.


There were basic stories: treatment of parsley, training soldier service, a scene with the bride, buying a horse and testing it. The plots were transferred from the actor to the actor, from mouth to mouth. None of the character of the Russian theater was not popular with parsley.

According to a common, but unproved version, the plays with the participation of parsley was even in the repertoire of the crochets and consisted of humorous scenes and dialogues. Each scene portrayed a parsley fight with one character or another character (the contractions were carried out with the help of fists, sticks, etc.).

Usually the idea began with the following plot: Parsley decides to buy a horse, the musician calls the Gypsies-Baryshnik. Parsley inspects the horse for a long time and is trading with Gypsy for a long time. Then Parsushka is bored bargaining, and instead of money, he has long beats the gypsies on his back, after which he flew. Parsley is trying to sit on the horse, she drops it under the laughter of the audience. It could continue until the people are digging. Finally, the horse runs away, leaving the parsley underlying. Doctor comes and asks Parsley about his diseases. It turns out that the whole hurts. A fight takes place between Dr. and Parsushka, at the end of which parsley hits the enemy with a baton on his head. "What a doctor you are," parsley shouted, "if you ask where it hurts?" Why did you study? He must know where it hurts! " The quarter appears. - "Why did you kill the doctor?" He responds: "Then, that he knows his science badly." After interrogation, the parsley hits a bubbin quarterly on his head and kills him. Suggest a lying dog. Parsley unsuccessfully asks for help from the audience and the musician, after which he flung with a dog, promising to feed it with cat meat. The dog grabs him behind the nose and dismounts, and Parsley shouts: - "Oh, my head with a cap and a tassel!" Music is silent, which means the end of the presentation.

If the audience liked the audience, they did not let the actors, applauded, threw money, demanding continuation. Then played a little scene "Petrushkin Wedding". Petrushka lead the bride, he examined it as inspecting horseparts. He likes the bride, he does not want to wait for the wedding and begins to ask her to "sacrifice himself." From the scene, where the bride "sacrifice by himself", women left and taught children with them. According to some information, another scene enjoyed a great success in which a spiritual person was present. It did not get into any of the recorded texts, most likely, she was removed censorship. There were scenes in which Parsley did not participate. These were dancing and juggling with balls and sticks.

Petrushka won all opponents, except for one - death. In the last, final scene, death took a parsley with me. However, since Parsley was used in a boalant theater, it is natural that the view was shown repeatedly and in different places. Thus, Parsley, "Died" for one circle of spectators, "resurrected" for another. This gives a reason for researchers to carry out parallels between the parsley; and many different pagan gov, infinitely oyval and resurrected.

This is what the Parsushka Alexander Benois recalls:

"In fact, the first ideas that I am played were Petersley's performances.

I remember in any case parsley in the country, when we still lived in gentle houses. Already published a shrill screech, laughter and some words - all this pronounced Petrushechik Through a special typewriter, which he put herself for his cheek (the same sound manages to reproduce, if you undermine your finger with both nostrils). Quietly spreads, the "musician" puts his scarmer on folding goats, bells, the monstering sounds produced by it, tune in a special and very ugly little man. He has a huge nose, and on the head a pointed hat with a red riding. He is an extraordinarily movable and whiskey, his handles are tiny, but he squeabulates very expressively, he crushed his own thin legs through the screen of Shirma. Immediately parsley dies with a shaman with stupid and bold questions ...

Parsley cares for terribly ugly aculina Petrovna, he makes her an offer, she agrees and both commit the birth of a wedding walk, tightly holding a hand. But it is an opponent - this is brave preoccupied city, and Akulin apparently gives him preference. Parsley in rage beats a guardian of order, for which he gets into soldiers. But the soldier's doctrine and discipline are not given to him, he continues to infuse and, about horror, kills his Untera. There is an unexpected intermedia. Neither of course, two, in bright suits of smashed, black acraises. Everyone in the hands of a stick, which they deftly throw up, throw each other and, finally, is ringing with each other on wooden tanks. Intermedia ended. Again on Shirma parsley. He became even twirling, even more moving, he enters into bold compilation with a sharperman, squealing, giggles, but immediately comes a rocky junction. Suddenly, next to the parsley appears assembled in the shaggy lounge. Petrushka it is extremely interested. Hensoor he asks the musician what it is, the musician responds: "These are lamb." Petrushka delighted, strokes the "scientist, the ureaged" lamb and sits on it with riding. "Barashek" persogently makes two tricks two, three rounds on board Shirma, but then unexpectedly drops it, straightens and, oh horror, it's not lamb at all, and Chort himself. Horned, all overgrown with black hair, with a hooked nose and a long red tongue sticking out of a toothpaste. Chort Bods Parsley and ruthlessly Treplet him, so the handles and legs dangle in all directions, and then drag it into hell. Once again, the three miserable body of parsley takes off from some subsoil high, highly, and then only his death scream is heard and "terrible" silence comes ... "

The life of the artist. Memories. Volume 2. Alexander Benoit

In the XX century

At the beginning of the 20th century, the "comedy about Parsushka" begins to collapse. Petrushes began to appear on children's holidays and new Year's Christmas treeThe text of the scenes changed, losing its sharpness. Parsley stopped killing. He swung the baton and accelerate his enemies. He spoke politely, and "wedding" modified, turning into a dance with the bride. The coarse common speech disappeared, and together with her and the individuality of the hooligan-Balaguore, on which the old and young fled.


  • O. Tsekhnizzer. History of the People's Puppet Theater in Asia and Europe
  • Parsley. Street Theater.. [M., 1918]
  • Simonovich-Efimova N. Ya. Scrapbooks of parsley. M. - L., 1925
  • Goldovsky B. P. Dolls. Encyclopedia. - M.: Time, 2004
  • Smirnova N. I. Soviet theater. Dolls 1918-1932. M., 1963.



  • Parsley is not a simple toy. Peter Petrovich Uksusov //

see also

  • Pedrillo is one of the probable prototypes of parsley character.
  • Parsley (Theater)

The history of this doll is rooted at the beginning of the XVII century. Although she has a lot of previews in the people's theaters of Italy, France, Germany, Turkey. Parsley Theater enjoyed great popularity, first ordinary peopleAnd then from more secured segments of the population.

History of theater

People's Theater Parsley is one of the oldest in Russia. It is precisely established that he existed in the very beginning of XVII century in Russia. Confirmation of this fact can be found in the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, where the puppeteer is depicted on the fresco, which raises the curtain.

This is also evidenced by entries in the travel diary of the scientist, diplomat and traveler Adam Olaury (Elshleger), which was reprinted repeatedly. He was in Russia twice: in 1633-1634 - as Secretary of the German Embassy, \u200b\u200bin 1635-1639 - as a scientific researcher.

Olyaria described in detail the puppet theater of Parsley, complementing his story with an illustration, later made by the engraver at the request of the author. Character and type puppet representationsHe portrayed Adam Olaaria, suggests that these speeches were the prototype of the Petersley Theater of the XIX century.

Description of theater

Parshushk Theater was a screen that consisted of frames bonded by special brackets, tightened with a tissue, most often with a sense. This design was attached around the body of the puppeteer. After her raised her head, a kind of scene was formed, on which ideas took place.

In the 14th century, Husarar or Hoodoo, who supported dialogues with a doll and spectators participated in the performance of the Perester dolls in the XVII century. The musician called the audience to speak and collected a fee at his end.

Only a man could be a puppeteer of parsley in Russia. When he "drove" a doll and voiced her, the actor put himself into the larynx whistle (Pirch). This made the voice of the character by ringing and loud, which was necessary on fair speeches, where a large number of people were present. At the same time, due to the meal, it was not always legible, in such cases an accompaniator came to the aid, which he explained to the viewer.

History of doll

Parsley is a glove doll that the puppeteer puts on hand and controls it with the help of fingers. This character is dressed in a red shirt, canvas pants and a pointed cap with a tassel at the end. In the dictionary V. I. Daly Parsley positioned as a bohala doll, fun, russian jester, stale in red caftane and cap.

His appearance is not at all Slavic, although he was the main character of Russian people's Theater. Parsley. The dolls have highly enlarged hands and head that was cut out of wood treated with a special composition for its dimming.

Parsley has hypertrophied face features, huge almond eyes with eyeballs of white and black iris. Large, long nose with a hubber and widely opened mouth, which some take a smile, but in fact it is an evil grin. Petrushka received his appearance from the Pulchinell doll, the Italian comedic character.

Origin of name

As this doll received the name parsley, it is unknown. There is a version that the famous comedic character is named due to her thesis, Pietro Mirro (Pedrillo or Petrha-Faros). It was a dowry jeep of the Russian queen Anna John. In confirmation of this version, texts and lubric images are told (funny sheets,) identical to the scenes of Parsushk theater.

There is also a hypothesis that Parsley's name received from famous doll-players who lived at the beginning of the XVIII century, this is Peter Ivanov and Peter Yakubovsky. It is possible that the doll was called in honor of one of these fun, the submission of which were most popular at the time.

It is believed that Parsley was called because of the similarity of his profile and a ringing, shouting voice with a rooster. In support of this version, it says that in Russia Rooshov called Petya, Petrusha.

Own name puppet Character He received in the "Petrovsky Century" when Emperor Peter I, one of the expressions, not a pen, and he signed his rescripts to the bubino, and he drove into his free time and fondered under the name of Parsushki Mikhailov in the "All-Easy Councils."

Scenarios of speeches

There were several scenarios at the parsley theater. The main stories are the purchase of a horse and a trip on it, a soldier's training, a wedding preparation, a scene with gendarme or quarterly, with a dog or death. Almost every scene showed a fight parsley with another character in which he invariably won.

Usually the performance began with the fact that Parsley wants to buy a horse, and the accompanist calls the seller-Roma. The main character Long inspects the horse, and then begins a long bargaining with Roma, as a result of which, for trying to deceive, beating the last stick on the back.

After that, Parsley sits on a horse, but she drops him and runs away. He stays lying on Earth, waiting for a doctor who appears later. A conflict also occurs with the doctor, and everything ends with a fight using a bang. Later goes to a gendarme or quarterly, in which Parsley also wins them with a stick. And he ended with all his meetings with a dog or with death, after which he died.

The popularity of the heroes of the parsley theater

All heroes who participated in the presentation periodically changed. The unchanged was only parsley, who was also called Peter Petrovich Samovarov, Vanka Ratatouje or Peter Ivanovich bites. The comedy with his participation was very popular and widespread in Russia. Love simple people The main character of the speeches was explained in different ways. Some argued that the reason was to the topical of satire, while others talked about the availability, simplicity and clearness of the speeches.

In the monthly magazine "Diary of the Writer" in 1876, F. M. Dostoevsky wrote a story on the theme of Puppet Theater Parsushki. In it, he describes the idea that occurred in the St. Petersburg House of Artists. Fathers and their children stood a crowd and watched the invariably people's ComedyAnd in reality, this speech was the most fun on all this holiday. The author is asked: why are you so funny because of parsley, so fun when you look at him? Why are everyone rejoices - and old men, and children?

Relatives Parsushki

Some historians believe that parsley has so-called relatives in the theater doll world of other countries. This, for example, Pulchinell - a character, considered the progenitor of parsley, as it appeared in the XVI century. In France, it is Polyinistille - the Hero of the People's Theater, Gorbong, a cheerful gown and a mockery. In England, this is a punch, which is described as a hunchback with a pointed hook nose and in the cap. He is a Plut, Drachun, merry and a walk.

In Turkey, the Pereshki Theater was a shadow theater, the main character of which was a doll named Karagaz (in Turkish - Chernobius). He also possessed a cheerful, sisterhood. Often in scenes of ideas were discontent with the people of the existing authority.

In Germany, the fellow Parsley was a kashperlah doll (Casper), who also participated in comic productions at fairs and festivities. Casper in character warehouse was a simple cheerful balalague, jogging on topical topics.

Parsley Theater in the XIX century

After a while, this character ceased to exist only as street artist. The puppeteers and accompaniators begin to invite the gentlemen to the houses, where the scenes in which Parsley participates, lose their sharpness and topicality. He stops killing and bold its partners in the scene, but only scolds and drives them.

IN late XVIII - The beginning of the XIX century in the Theater changes occur. To replace such musical instruments, like a hussley and beep, a violin and a shaman come. The latter is particularly widespread. In essence, she was the first mechanical musical instrument and accounted for tempering. She did not require special skills of the game and therefore gradually displaced the hussli, violin and beep.

Also in the XIX century, the device is changing and the device itself, now it is two frenses, on which the coarse tissue is stretched, most often, crash, having blue colour. Because of this design, the puppeteer and showed his performance.

From Ostroslov - to the hero of children's holidays

Parsley's speech is changing with a common one acceptable for the Lord's houses, and the Pedrushnik is no longer a street, and the salon actor. The scene itself is decorated with beautiful magnificent drapets, and participating in the presentation dress in satin clothes with a brilliant Mishur, which makes the performance of the parade, solemn.

Parsley from the evil isroslov with scab-cutting jokes turns into a kind of funny character of children's holidays and matinees. Moreover, after a while, he is reborn from the glove doll into the puppet, like his foreign relatives of Pulchinell, Polyinistille, Panch and Karagez. Increasingly, you can meet exactly parsley puppets, and not glove doll.

Parsley in the twentieth century

IN soviet time Appears new character - Comrade Petrushka, while he comes from the stage and turns into a hero of the stories and literary Pieces. Now there is no one old parsley theater in which much was permissible. In the twentieth century, the frivolism of the storyline is lost, the events unfolding in plays and stories are aimed at agitation for compliance with hygiene, mastering the diploma and the collection of secondary raw materials.

On the initial parsley, only his tendency to accusibility remains. He points out, reveals and betrays the condemnation of drunks and loafers, extracts the readers elementary norms of decency and decent behavior in society.

The appearance of the doll also undergoes transformation. So, a red shirt, which parsley was previously dressed, turns into a gymnaster or a spray, and instead of a pointed cap, a cap, budenovka or cap appears on his head. Even his long nose with a porridge is shortened and becomes initially drunken, and in the future and at all the most ordinary.

Petrushka in modern times

The history of Parsushk Theater in our time is studied by scientists and theaters. And today this character did not heal himself. For example, Parsley became the hero of the ballet of the same name, which is often identified with a kind of emblem of Russian ballet seasons.

He was a real key figure for the creativity of the composer I. F. Stravinsky, who wrote excellent music to the ballet, for the founder of the classical Russian ballet school M. M. Fokina, who created this production, as well as for the dancer of V. Nizhinsky, who performed the main parties In this ballet.

Parsley remained in the image of an irreconcilable fighter with the injustice and negative characteristics of a person. Having ridiculed all this, he tries to change it for the better.

Parsley doll based on modern household form.

Doll for glove theater with their own hands. Master class with step-by-step photos

YUMASHEVA Antonina Mikhailovna, educator MBDOU kindergarten №5 of the general army of the city of Razzelovo, Tambov region.
Description: Master class is designed for children of senior to school age, children of younger school age, educators DOU, as well as home lovers with the children, will be useful to those who love crafts with their own hands from sound material, household forms, those who want to give a second life to serve.
Purpose: Crafts, gift, doll for the puppet theater with your own hands, souvenir.
Purpose: Creating an original doll for theater with your own hands based on modern household packaging materials.
1. To know with the history of the parsley doll;
2. To see artistic image in ordinary forms;
3. The use of a doll for the theater made with your own hands.
1. Recommend the careful attitude to Russian traditions and historically established respect for the Russian people to the theater;
2. Revision respect for your own work;
3. Recompute the defeat, the ability to bring started to the end.
1. to develop the development of imagination, fantasy and creative start;
2. Ride manual skill, small motor Hands and fingers, Eyemer.
Safety equipment for children of senior pre-school and younger school age when working with scissors:
1. Conslude order in the workplace, do not lay the scissors with paper and other materials.
2. The time of work is attentive, not distracted and not distract others.
3. During work, you are on the right rings to yourself.
4. Non-scissors in non-working condition should be closed.
5. The slave of scissors should be sharply made.
6. Signs need to be transmitted only by rings forward with closer blades.
7. Do not hold the scissors ends up.
8. When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the direction of cutting and the fingers of the left hand that support the material.
9. Do not cut on the go, rotate, tilted in the direction of the floor.
10. Signs need to work only sitting at the table.
11. Sign every time after work is removed in your place.
Safety equipment for children of senior pre-school and younger school age when working with needles, pins:
1. The needle on the magnet and the needleer on the table on the right, an acute end of himself.
2. Purchase of stitching objects with an acute end of themselves.
3. When working with a needle to use a thimble, a magnet.
4. Do not pump needles and pins in clothing or random items.
5. Slit needle should give the teacher,
6. Do not take needles, threads, buttons and other items in your mouth.
7. Very much that in the needle there was always a thread with a knotted knot at the end.
8. Each time after the work, these items are removed on their place.

Materials for performing doll by older children preschool age Alone using plasticine:
1. Form - container from under a kinder-surprise with carved adult hole for the finger on one side.
2. Faculty plasticine yellow color.
3. Slave plasticine white, black, pink, orange.
4. Mobile tissue shirt 11x16 cm.
5. Ready cap from cardboard.
Additional materials and tools to the master - class for making doll by children of younger school age, adults from fabric and yarn:
6.Form is a container from under a kinder-surprise with carved adult hole for the finger on one side.
7.Read yellow color.
8. Canya for shirt.
9. Calp for the cap.
10. Canya for the substrate - a circle equal to the diameter of the Kinder-surprise container
12. Migal with a thread on the magnet.
13. Sign.
14. Professional paper.

The history of the birth of parsley, the people himself said his mouth!

Surprisingly, Parsley is not an original Russian puppet theater character. His primitives can be found in different countriesoh. In Italy, it is Pulchinell, in Germany -Kasper, or Ganswut, in France - Polyinistille, in England - Mr. Punch, and in Turkey - Karaghoes, in Hungary - Vityaz Laszlo, in India - Vinthak. All of them are theatrical dolls - puppets and are controlled by the threads. The only analogue of parsley on the driving technique is a Ginol-glove doll, which appeared in Lyon at the beginning of the XIX century. Traditionally parsley is a glove doll.
Famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky, characterizing the image of parsley, wrote the following: "... A figure was created ... known to all peoples ... This is an invincible hero of the folk puppet comedy, he wins everyone and everything: the police, Popov, even hell and death, remains immortal. In the rough and naive form of work, the labor people embodied himself and his faith in the fact that, in the end - it is he who will overcome everything and all "
Clothes near ParsleySo ingenic: red cap with a tassel, the same red shore, cloak and cold pants.
Yes, and the appearance of the doll It is impossible to name Slavic. It is not Russian: he has exaggerated big hands and head, hypertrophied features, it itself is carved out of wood and processed by a special vegetable liquid, which looks dark. Large almond-shaped eyes and a huge nose with a hubber, absolutely white eyeballs and a dark rainbow shell, due to what parsley eyes seem black. The appearance of Parsley was inherited from Italian Pulchinell. Many mistakenly believe that the widely opened mouth is a smile of parsley, but it is not so; Being a negative character, Parsley constantly stretches his lips in Oscala. He has four fingers on his hands (a possible symbol of the fact that Parsley is not a person, but a certain character from another world).
Parsley like folklore character, indispensable participant of street representations. "Led" it could only men ("Petrushes"). The voice of the doll acquired with the help of a special device - "Mainic", or "Speaker". Parsley has and full name - Peter Ivanovich Uksusov. He was also called "Samovarov" or "Vanka Ratato". Cutting statements, vulgar jokes, witty replicas - everything came down parsley from the hands, because he doll, and what to take from her? His mouth was told by the people, criticizing and showing discontent with power or clergy. Stories about the adventures of parsley quite a lot. There were basic stories: treatment of parsley, training soldier service, a scene with the bride, buying a horse and testing it. The plots were transferred from the actor to the actor, from mouth to mouth. None of the character of the Russian theater was not popular with parsley.

W. puppet Petrushki there is real prototype. Such is considered to be a beloved jester of Empress Anna Johnna Pietro-world Pedrillo. He was the son of an Italian sculptor, and to Russia, the government came to the courtyard as a musician. The wit helped him get closer to the surround of the empress, and then become a court jeaut. He had a lot of nicknames: "Adamka", "Antonio", finally, Parsley. The last name and fixed in all puppet boals.
Over time Parsley It stopped being only a street artist. It is increasingly invited to lord's houseswhere our hero loses its sharpness. He no longer kills, but only accelerates his enemies. His it is a question of being common, because as a "parshese" now does not stand street, but a cabin actor. The scene is decorated with lush drapes, and the participants themselves are changed into the atlas and brilliant tinsel, which turns the representation in the parade, theatrical one. Parsley becomes a member of children's matinees, thereby turning into a children's character.
Hello kids
Girls and boys!
I'm in a beautiful cap,
With a rattling in hand.
I - merry toy,
And my name is me ... Parsley.

In Soviet timesthe doll comes from the scene, becomes the hero of literary plays. Now Parsley, agitates for sanitary hygiene, or participates in the charge of the subtle. The only thing that remains from the former parsley is accusatory.
To reanimate the image of Petrushkihe took Samuel Marshak. In 1922, a puppet comedy "Petrushka" appears in his collection of plays, and after five years there is a play "Parsley-foreigner". Although Marshak finally secured the image of parsley as children, but it restored the tradition of dolls in ridiculous stories.
Ballet "Parsley" Sometimes it is identified with the emblem of Russian seasons, and for its creators he became a certain historical milestone. Probably in the ballet "Parsley" tragic image The dolls revealed to the fullest. The plot resembles past adventures of street parsley. In the ballet for the first time there is a line of the dependence of parsley from its creator, the magician. The doll rises against him. Parsley no longer appeals for help to the public, but reborn as avenger. Resurrected, he threatens a fist a focuscript and makes a mocking cry.
The eternal loser parsley, as always, will defend its rights and prove that in the chest a pathetic doll, a nondeshuar jester beats the human heart.
Ways to control glove doll parsley.
The index finger is in the head of the doll, large and medium - in the sleeves of the costume, the little finger and the nameless are thrown into the palm.

An image of a doll, which is less thanks the movement of the actor's hand, than the previous one, since the ring finger is flexing into the palm of the palm.

And so, we start our master - class on the manufacture of parsley dolls
1. For the manufacture of dolls in a container form from under Kinder-surprise (hereinafter), you need to make a hole for indicative finger. The hole must make adults for security purposes. The hole is small, the shape smooth and the knife can slip!
The hole must be cleaned with the emery skirt from the burr.
And so the shape with a hole for the finger is ready. The fabric shirt, a cardboard cap - made pre-children on manual work, stitched the shirt and glued the cap on patterns, you can start!

2. A piece of yellow plasticine split in half and one part, warm up, rolling into the plate is future hair dolls. The remaining part of the children are used for Cheka and at their discretion. Rock two white balls and two blacks are the eyes of the doll. For the noses, you can connect two colors - orange and yellow to bring closer form. Mouth make red plasticies.
The advantages of a large use of plasticine in the doll are that all the details are connected without difficulty and the weight created helps manipulate the child with a doll.
She behaves perfectly even in dance.

3. Everything is ready for the cutting of the head of the doll, you can connect everything, as shown in the figure, on which I connected all the execution steps using the slide in Microsoft Office, the steps are not complex, and together are perceived better for a quick and successful connection of parts.

4. The shirt is traditionally red, but here it is not red, in the future, dolls differ in the master class.

5. And here Parsley is ready!

Next, I suggest making a parsley doll with yarn hair,
Such a doll is more attractive, durable and simple in storage, it can be used for games, as leading on the guns and matinees.
1. We take yarn for the hair and wrap the substrate, connect the same yarn, cut down the direction of the arrows, as shown in the figure I made in the drawing editor. It turns out the hair with cheek.

2. The figure shows how to cut and sew a shirt and a cap. The circle substrate will be required for fastening hair and cap on the form.

3. We take a shape with a cut hole on one side and glue the circle on the other side. This circle will allow us to sew hair and cap.
It is desirable to glue a circle into the color of the hair, here I used the contrast only for the best demonstration.

4. We put ready-made hair on the circle, put it, so that the cheeky was on the front of the doll, putting the hair, sew along the entire length of the circle circumference.

5. And here is our prime, mischievous parsley, ready! You can play with him!

Today there is not a single person who would have a glove doll into the wonder. In modern, this principle makes almost all the characters setting: bears and monkeys, cows and people. However, the description of the parsley doll is often blurred and incomplete.

Traditional glove doll

The main thing distinctive feature This type of theatrical characters is the fact that the toy is put on hand, like a glove. The role of the neck performs one hand either paw - big. The middle finger falls the task to portray the second hand or paw, and the Unnamed and the little finger simply pressed against the palm.

However, the description of the parsley dolls in some productions is changed. Some puppetes prefer the option when his character "employs" all four limbs.

Parsley, who manage several people

There are productions where large characters participate. Here it is not suitable for a trivial description of the parsley doll, because they are no longer put on hand. In order to bring such a character in motion, not one, but a few people. Someone puts the head of the doll on the hand, and someone gets the role of hands. And even sometimes someone is the third of the character's feet. Indeed, this is not all the famous traditional glovety parsley doll.

Although, if you imagine a giant person with enormous crumbs ... and his fingers should be the size of an ordinary person! But in fairy tales every way. Maybe so they are also called parsley? Or because all the same roots of their origin also go back to glove dolls? Read this description Perester's dolls, which are managed by several people, can also be concluded: they are made according to the same methods as traditional "glove" artists. That's just the patterns for them need to increase many times.

History Petrushki.

Dolls that put on hand appeared in Russia later than in other countries. And the "pioneer" was a fegated character in a cap with a tassel, dressed in red shirt and wide canvas pants. Flower, stuck and the jester immediately loved to representatives of the people. And the Russian people decided that Parsley is the real peasant from their own tribal-kind.

But historians-art historians believe that the first Polyutinelel, Naplenetan Pulchinell, Englishman Panch, Turk Karagone, Germans Casperle and Hanswast, Spaniard Don Cristobal and some others appeared. True, all these characters are similar to our parsley only face, outfit and habits. After all, they were controlled by threads. Our parsley was not initially a puppet.

But that appeared in Lyon at the beginning of the nineteenth century Ginol was more close to him. According to manufacturing technology and management, only he approached the "brothers" to our parsley. But the Russian people persistently consider this character by a leaving from the environment of our people, not wanting to share this right with anyone else.

To date, all dolls that are put on hand are called parsley or gloves. Children love to watch performances with their participation. And at home to play with such a toy that can hugging and feeling such a living and warm, is also very nice.

Master class on the manufacture of parsley dolls

For the master it is very important to get not only the theory, but also practical advice. Therefore, it is published here for the one who is interested to know how to make a parsley - a doll put on hand.

Stage will be the manufacture of the head. There are several ways:

  • You can use your head from the old toy.
  • You can make it from the papier-mâché, salabing paper shreds out of plasticine pattern. As a template, it will come and the shell from the egg, from which the contents blows through the small hole. Nose, cheeks and other bulges can be caught with plasticine.
  • Beautifully looking at the head of animals associated from crochet yarn.
  • You can sew the head of the future "prima" of the puppet self-made theater from the tissue.
  • Polymer clay - Excellent material for the Creator Cook.
  • For a doll depicting a person, the option of making a head from with a synthetic filler is suitable.

2. The second step should be sewn or tied out of yarn outfit for doll. Before you start, you need to make the pattern of the product. To do this, the palm is put with floatful fingers and put the labels near the first phalange of the middle (points A and b), index (in and g) and the large (d and e) fingers on both sides. The letters near the points are set clockwise.

Then concave arcs connect points B and B, G and D. from points A and E spend lines down, sometimes with the extension - for the outfit "Clash". Symmetrical dots near the phalange connect straight. This option assumes the presence of a "brushes" of the character, which lure in the form of miniature mittens, is stuffed with fillers and sewed to extreme terminas, designed for the hands of the doll.

If the robe for an animal is lifted, then instead of direct use arched arcs.

The outfit is stitched by folding the front side inside, then turning. The head is fixed to the middle crop.

Ready parsley doll can be used to play in theatrical formulation, And you can just use as a toy for children.

Galina Morozova

Abstract comprehensive class on the topic« Cheerful parsley»

Amounted to and spent: Morozova Galina Viktorovna

Location classes: MDOU Kindergarten Combined View №25 "Teremok" Cities Volzhsk Republic Mari El

Thing: Fine activity in children's garden - Artistic designing in Origami, Decorative drawing.

Children's age: Preparatory group of kindergarten - 6 - 7 years.

Algorithm of duration time classes:

1 occupation - 40 minutes.

Organizational moment - 2 minutes.

Presentation « Parsley different countries» - 3 minutes.

Didactic game "Pick up the patch" - 3 minutes.

Viewing a Play Plaintment Map « Petrushki» The origami method is 2 minutes.

Fingering gymnastics "Cap" - 1 minute.

Folding crafts - Toys Parsley - 10 minutes.

Physical Minute « Merry Petrushki» - 2 minutes.

Decorative suit decoration Parsley - 15 minutes.

Analysis of work - 2 minutes.

Materials K. lesson:

Didactic material: Computer TSO Technologies multimedia presentation on the topic « Petrushki different countries and peoples " - 12 slides, reoperative map of phased folding toys Petrushki.

Handout: Didactic game "Pick up the patch", Square sheets of paper 15x15 or 20x20, blanks cut from paper - Pink palms and wigs - brown, redhead, black, yellow, cartons for origami works, pencil glue, markers, scissors.

Methods and techniques used on classes:

Information-receptive method,

Verbal method

Visual method

Practical method

Game method.

IN occupation included: organizing time, artistic word, mystery, presentation « Parsley different countries» , didactic game, fingering game, physical Minute, analysis of children's work, a surprise moment.

purpose: To introduce children with Russian theater gloves toy Petrushka, enrich children's knowledge, acquaintance with petrushkami different countries and peoples.


Educational tasks:

Learning to fold a new handicap in the Origami technique, folding the square in different areasUsing when working familiar basic forms - a triangle and a kite, clearly performing the instructions of the teacher;

Fasten the skills of decorative decoration of the finished craft with a variety of patterns and mari national ornaments, use a combination of bright, colorful colors to create expressive image Toys.

Developing tasks:

Develop constructive thinking, Eyemer, fantasy, imagination.

Educational tasks:

Educating accuracy, the desire to help Tuvor.


Nouns: Parsley, scrooching, jester, theater, doll, glove dolls, clothes, patterns.

Adjectives: beautiful, mischievous, funny, happy, elegant, multicolored, motley, decorative, vegetable.

Verbs: Playing, velith, joking, mixed, acts.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales, games in a variety of the theater, learning of teasers, patter, proverbs.


That crude wife, always cheerful.

Laughter - what the Volynka poured, played and threw it.

Vesel Like the onset larks.

I am glad, like a buckle on my beep.

The burst as a broken.

Gaying mysteries:

He is with a bubber in his hand,

In blue - red cap.

It merry toy,

And his name is ... Parsley

I start the presentation, spectators for surprise,

Loudly you call me, rattle thunder,

I happy, naughty, who will tell someone ... Parsley

He hits the laurels loudly

For the holiday of all calls.

Merry toy, our good friend ... Parsley

We waited a long holiday, everyone thought, wondered,

Who would be visited by, small kids cheer ... Petrushku

Rides a guy in a red hat on a silver horse,

Golden boat rings, it looks in everything

Weaving waves, the horse dances under it ... Parsley

In him puppet show Play, there is a buffet for children.

But only in the hall there is no need, neither chocolate nor candies. Puppet show

Conversation "Who are people fun» - Crochets, jesters, petrushki

Encyclopedic information Obo object: Parsley is a dollwhich is put on hand, he is the hero of the Russian Puppet Theater. Motherland Parsley - Russia. Puppet Theater is one of the most beloved spectacles of children, it attracts its brightness, painfulness, dynamics. The most common look of the puppet theater is the theater petrushk Or just a puppet theater. Parsleyby whose name is called dolls, boastful, unleash veselchak, with a long nose, with a baton in hands, bold and cheerful Zabiwho does not mind fighting. He threatens a stick, goes away, mocking everyone, poking the face and jumps. He is dressed in a red shirt, on his head a bright cap with bubboards and tassels. His loud cry once was overlooking the courtyards, fairs and squares. Today Petrushka You can meet on the stage of the puppet theater. Scene in the theater poleshek serves Shirma. Cookies hidden behind the screen are controlled by dolls and speak for them. Theatre parsley has its own story, 300 years before the October Revolution petrushechniki They walked around the cities and villages, a piercing voice was collected near the screen of the crowd of the people, inviting them to see their unpaid performance. Repertoire theater petrushk did not differ diversity, in different options The same comedy was shown about how Perestushki took into soldiersHow he pretended to the sick, as he bought a horse from Gypsy and how he married. But in the main text, the puppeteers inserted replicas and small intermediates on topical topics, sharply and barely ridiculed local authorities, the royal government, the police and the clergy. Simple techniques of theater petrushk, Live, expressive game of small actors, uncomplicated scenes, imbued with folk humor, all together presented a cheerful, close and understandable spectacle. The dolls knew how to mix and steal people, to sympathize with the sorrows of people, to rejoice at their luck. Theatre petrushk I bought big success and soon became a favorite folk hig me outwithout which no fair has passed, no holiday.

Theatrical puppets dolls

Clown and horse lived a long theater and museum life. They were made in the last century by unknown talented masters and together with other dolls of the theater Petrushki"Speakers" on the folk festivities in Moscow. In the early 1920s, the Puppet Theater was acquired by a toy museum. Today it is the most valuable exhibits. Each doll in the theater Petrushki - Characteristic traditional image. Parsley - One of the characters of Russian folk puppet representations. For several centuries Parsley, in a red cap, in a red shirt, remained the favorite hero of Russian people. The plot of the performance was always the same, but over time, new heroes appeared in the presentation, new jokes, new jokes. Presentation plot is simple. On a scene of several dolls: horse, Parsley and Gypsy.

In total, the puppeteers were more than twenty scenes, and in each certainly played Parsley - He is Peter Ivanovich Uksusov, he is Peter Petrovich, Samovarov, Vanya, Vanka Ratatouje, Vanka Ru-Tyu-Tu, Ivan Ivanovich Luyaka - "Nickname Dolls of the Balagan, Russian Shuttle, Fuckers, A Pooks in Red Kaftan and in the Red Cap; name Petrushka Also the entire jetty, puppet vertel " (V. Dal)

Usually the idea began with the fact that, because of the screen, laughter or a song was heard and appeared Parsley In the Schutsk Comzolchik and in a high cap with a tassel. He waved his hands, bowed in all directions, pierced himself, beat him in a copper plate, danced, Balagenl with the public. In some scenes Parsley I met with the bride Matrea Ivanovna, in others he studied the soldier's case, fought with a feature or death, under the approving gomon crowd kided the battlefish or barin. Mandatory companion Parsley was a horse. "Not a horse, but divo: runs - tremble, and falls, never stand. According to the wind, the drivers without a clamp drive in two whips, flies like an arrow and not liberate. It will run to the mountain - pay, and from the mountain runs - jumps, and will stronger in the mud, so from there it is already visa himself. Cancelled horse! " - For such reincarnations, the master of theatrical skate has adapted. The toy is moving, her legs are carefully cut. These live running legs with black hoofs are freely suspended with the torso on the wires, correspond to the slightest movement of the figure. Their movement is varied in the game. In the deft hands of the puppeteer, the horse with threads are transformed. She - flies with Likhim Rider Petrushka, it dances, calling by the bells and having flown around the tail, it sits down or falls, it's angry, throwing the saddle, then slowly woves, the charter cheer public. Horse decorative, beautiful. White in gray apples, decorated with an elegant poporna with a golden fringe, steeply with protruding leather ears, it is close in the image rank with folk fabulous horses.

Structure occupation


Everything is in place, everything is in order,

Is everything right?

All lies look carefully?

Well, let's go in order I'm a riddle

Who will find a quick response

The first and theme classes will name.

Mystery: The outfit is a motley, sharp cap,

Jokes laughter welcome all!

It - merry toy, and call him ...

Children: Parsley.

Because of the screen appears glove doll Parsley

(All actions and text for Petrushku says PedagogueBy changing the intonation of your voice).

Parsley: Hello kids,

Curish girls, trigger boys.

I Parsley Meschak - it knowsAnything!

I will play with you and help help!

Not one I came to you, and my friends brought with me.

Parsley from different countries.

Want to meet with us?

Answers children

Parsley: In past years, wandering puppeteers, who gave presentations at fairs, bazaars and in the courtyards were wandering around the cities and villages. I have a lot of friends in different countries, they all of different nationalities, Everyone has its own name and his beautiful outfit.

Do you want to meet them?

Answers children

Parsley: Let's get acquainted?

I Parsley - Hero of the Russian People's Theater. Russia is my homeland.

Pedagogue: Guys, see what Parsley! In a red shirt, a cap with his bubrels and tassels. He threatens with a stick to all lazy people, lie, see all the masters and are always ready to pop up for people of honest and hardworking. Loud Petrushkin Creek"E - Gay!" Previously he was heard in the courtyards, in fairs and squares. Today Parsley moved to the scene of the puppet theater.

Like you like cheerful hero?

Answers children

Children via the projector show a computer multimedia presentation « Petrushki different countries and peoples ", teacher comments the slides for the toy - Petrushka

Text Slides:

Parsley: "Polyinistille appeared first to light. He lives in France. He seven hundred years! "

And then born - Ginol. He was loved by him that even in the city of Lyon there was a monument. He is completely young - he is two hundred years old.

Cachepar, he is more than three hundred years old. But today he takes part in many performances of the Czechoslovak puppet theater.

Pulchinell was born in sunny Italy. He loves the joke and good song. He is always in a mask.

Caspel from Germany, he was many years old, it could be found in fairs and squares, and now on the stage of the theater.

The Hero of Folk Puppet Representations Palvan - Kochased, acts in Iran and other countries of the East.

British Panch, Chitter, Razjila, Break, laughs a lot.

Brave Vityaz Laslo lives in Hungary, he is ready to enter the truth and justice at any moment.

And in the Mari Republic I have a young friend Parsley. Margarita Fadeev Margarita and Anatoly Smirnov wrote a big book "Adventures Parsley and his friends» .

The teacher demonstrates to children a book.

In this book Parsley still very youngbut already very brave - real Hero. fairy tales. Published the book was in 1961 and immediately liked young readersIn this year, she has a golden anniversary of 50 years old as she wrote and published.

1 Slide Presentation « Petrushki different countries and peoples "

2 slide 3 slide 4 slide 5 slide 6 slide 7 slide 8 slide 9 slide 10 slide 11 Slide 12 Slide


Guys, did you like my friends?

Many me "Relatives" in different countries?

And you noticed what are different and beautiful Petrushek costumes, Multicolored?

Answers children

Parsley: - Spinning, showing his costume, oh, oh, yes, I have trouble, while I am jumping here and played, somewhere my suits, help you friends, find a patch for my outfit, and I see how you can make beautiful Patterns.

Didactic game is held "Pick up the patch"

Purpose of the game: Develop visual perception, attention, logical thinking, memory, imagination.

Material: Cards of A-4 size with six sectors, in each sector, your drawing in which there is a space of a space in the form of a geometric shape, geometric shapes with patterns.

Stroke Game: On the tables before each child lies a card, children must decompose the missing figures "Loskutka" in the card selecting them in shape, color and pattern, if you properly insert geometric shape Which is decorated with a suitable pattern in the card, the patterns coincide with the main one, and the right ornament is obtained.

Didactic game "Pick up the patch"

Children perform a task

Parsley: What are you masters? The famously made up all patterns. For such work, the remuneration is required, and I always have new ideas ready. I will teach you toy - Petrushka adding.

Want to learn?

Answers children

Parsley: Then look at the open card, as it should be done.

What, you can make such Petrushk, Do you have a skillful knob or so-so?

Pedagogue: Skillful, skillful, which are more skillful. Now we will show you with your skillful fingers about your cap.

Fingering game "Cap"

She sews a cap - hands above head "Caps"

Yes, not by - Kolpakovsky - the hands are lowered at the bottom.

It is necessary to throw a cap - rotation of the brushes from himself and to himself.

Yes, to translate - rotation of the brushes from myself and to yourself.

Parsley: interesting game You know, and now friends for work.

The teacher shows a reference card and comments on the children of consistent folding toys.

Production sequence Petrushki

1. Moving the base form "kite", I will shine a square diagonally, we get a triangle figure, we will shift it and both the sides will shine to the middle.

2. To invert the workpiece on the opposite direction, and will shift both sides to the center.

3. The resulting triangles will develop upwards, and it will take off the prepared billet back in the middle of the resulting triangles.

4. Cut the triangle, and seem to the sharp angle, the future cap into the cut triangle.

5. At the bottom of the sharp angle will cover the center - these are future boots petrushki.

6. We glue a round head, a wig and hands.

When work is ready, stuck harvested palms from paper and wigs.

Parsley: We ourselves all merry and merry all around, And what are you sitting, quickly together we get up to play with you we will start.

Physical Minute « Merry Petrushki»

we merry Petrushki,

We play loud too.

Everything in your hands with a slant and legs.

Inflation cheeks, jumping on socks.

And even each other, we will show the languages.

Throw the ears, the Cap on the Makushka,

Hands to the nose to bring and bounce to the ceiling.

Wider mouth open "BUT", Rozers will be constructed.

How I say "Three", All with Grimaso Zamri - Children read the poem and beat him, performing all the movements indicated in it.

Parsley reminds children about their beautiful outfit

Parsley: Guys, you have not forgotten what beautiful costumes we have, motley, bright pants of two halves of different colors, one can be with a floral pattern, another in striped, a cell, and what kind of elegant, the cap on the head you need to paint in one color. You really try to decorate the costume with different patterns, oh almost forgot and on your face we always smile, we veselchakiAnd our eyes are sparkers, and we have a cap with a tassel.

The teacher exhibits the elements of decorative patterns on the blackboard.

Children apart suits Petrushkam.

Pedagogue: Invites children to collect all the toys of the figure figures Petrushk together and conducts analysis classes Using a game exercise "Find your own Petrushka» , asks, for what signs, the children recognized their petrushk.

And what is special from yours PetrushkiHow did you find out?

If anyone makes it difficult to describe your toy the teacher helps his: yours Petrushki most - painted outfit, multi-colored shirt, a motley cap, striped pants, naughty won like cunning seamless happy He has a beautiful smile, colorful, amazing.

Parsley: Children, you are well done what wonderful friends appeared with me and in your kindergarten, I like yours Petrushki.

Children and teacher: Thank you Parsley, you are so merry all overwhelmed us and got, I taught an interesting toy toy, more often come to visit us, we are always happy to you.

Parsley: Thank you and you guys, and now you all close your eyes and I will stroke on the head of that whose Parsley I liked the most, just a church not to spy.

Parsley He strokes all children on the head.

And now open all the eyes, the occupation is completed, for goodbye I give you a delicious candy, which is called « Parsley» .