Fairy tale "Pink" - on a new way. What character pulled the fourth on the Russian fairy tale eponymous? Dage from fairy tales

Fairy tale
Fairy tale "Pink" - on a new way. What character pulled the fourth on the Russian fairy tale eponymous? Dage from fairy tales

It is not bad if the role of the whole problem of the mouse was given to the head or culprit of the celebration. Seven player characters are tales Pink. The presenter distributes roles. The game is suitable for children, and for an adult company. Replicas of heroes can be chosen - which are more like. Or come up with your own.

Be careful!
1st player will be repka.When the presenter says the word "repka", the player must say "Both" or "Both, that's what I ..."

2nd player will grandfather.When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say "I would kill" or "I would kill e-May"

The 3rd player will be grandmother.When the presenter says the word "grandmother", the player must say "Oh oh" or « Where are my 17 years old? "

4th player will be granddaughter. When the presenter says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready" or "Not ready I"

5th player will be Bug. When the presenter says the word "bug", the player must say "GAV-GAV" or "Well, damn, give, dog work"

6th player will be cat.. When the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow-meow" or "Remove the dog from the site! Allergy I have on her wool! I do not work without Valerian! "

7th player will be mouse.When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pi-Pi" or "All about Kay, kiss you Komar!"

The game begins, the presenter tells a fairy tale, and the players voiced it.

Leading: Dear viewers! A fairy tale on a new way to see if you do not want?

Familiar to surprise, but with some additions ... In one, well, very rural, terrain is very far from fame, there was a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: And put grandfather repka.
(Emerges repka)
Pink: Both on! Here I am what!
Leading:Our repka rose has grown up!
(emerges from the curtain repka)
Repka: Both, here I am what!
Leading: Began to pull grandfather.
Grandfather: (Hanging because of the curtain) would kill, e-May!
Repka: Both, here I am what!
Leading:called grandfather grandmother.
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Grandma (Small over the curtain): Where are my 17 years old?!
Leading:a grandmother came ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years old?
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Repka: Both, here I am what!
Leading: Tent, pull - can't pull out. Calls grandmother ...

Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Granddaughter!
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: Sponges did not indulge? The granddaughter came ...
Granddaughter: I'm not ready!
Leading: took the grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Dage: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both, here I am what!
Leading: pull, pull - can't pull out ... my granddaughter calls ...
Granddaughter: Not ready me!
Leading: Bug!
Bug: Well, you damn, give, dog work!
Leading: Taught a bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn, give, dog work ...
Leading: He took up his granddaughter ...
Granddaughter:: Not ready i ...
Leading: Granddaughter for grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma for a grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka for repok ...
Pink: Both, here I am what!
Leading: pull-pull - you can't stretch ... I took a bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn, give, dog work!
Leading: : Cat!
Cat: Remove the dog from the site! Allergy I have on her wool! I do not work without Valerian!
Leading: Cat came running and how to cling to the bug ...
Leading: : Bug boiled ...
Bug: (squeal) Well, you, damn, give, dog work!
Leading: took the granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: Not ready I ...
Leading: Granddaughter - for the grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma - for the grandfather ...
Grandfather: I would kill, e-May!
Leading: Dedka - for a repka ...
Repka: Both on!
Leading: : Tent, pull, can't pull out. Unexpectedly, a mouse appears with a wide course of the barn ...
Mouse: All Okay, forget you Komar?
Leading: By the need came out and did it under the cat.
Cat: Discover the dog. Allergic for my wool, without Valerian - I do not work!
Leading: How to eaveste from the perturbation ... Mouse ... Mouse: All Okay, kiss you a mosser?
Leading: Grabbed the cat, cat ...
Cat: Remove the dog, I'm allergic to his wool, I do not work without Valerian!
Leading: Cat again clung to the bug ...
Bug: Well, you, damn, give, dog work!
Leading: The bug grabbed his granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: Not ready i ...
Leading: Granddaughter flies on a grandmother ...
Grandma: Where are my 17 years?
Leading: Grandma breakdown Dage ...
Grandfather: E-May would kill!
Leading: Here and the mouse got angry, pushed the people, firmly grabbed and got the root of the root! Yes, you see, for all the signs, this is not a simple mouse!
Mouse: All Okay, forget you Komar?
Pink: Both, here I am what ...
(Repka pops up and falls. Wiping tears, Ripka has a cap of the floor.)

It is possible as a punishment to those who have come down, come up with a fine, for example, bouncing 5 times (for children) or drink a glass (for adults).

Fairy Tale "Repka - 2" - on a new way

The second tale is more complicated by the fact that in addition to words, each actor needs to make the corresponding movements. Therefore, before the fairy tale, right in front of the audience, it is possible to prophete.

Roles and their description:
Repka - With each of her mention, raises his hands over the head of the ring and says: "Both on".
Grandfather - rubs hands and says: "So-so".
Grandma - waves santa fist and says: "I would kill".
Granddaughter - Deeps in the hands of the sides and languid voice says: "I'm ready".
Bug - turns the tail - "WOF WOF".
Cat - language licks itself - "Pshche-meow".
Mouse - hides their ears, closing them with palms - "Pi-pi-rod".
The sun "It's standing on a chair and looks, as the story moves on the other side of the" scene ".

Similarly, you can play fairy tales "Teremok", "Kolobok" etc.

If there is a desire - you can make a mask. Print on the color printer and cut, increasing the picture to the desired size - depending on whom we need masks (for children or adults).

Today on our calendars 11.11.2017, in the article you can find out the right answer to the Quiz Club Quiz. Quiz is called "Attention, question!". Every day the club Multi.Ru gives 10 bonuses in a cognitive quiz about the meaning of words. New day - a new question - new bonuses. We answer the questions of this daily quiz to refresh our knowledge or open something interesting.

Hello, dear site readers Sprint-answer. Traditionally, the right answer to the quiz question is highlighted in bold and blue in the list of response options proposed by the Quiz organizers. Today in the quiz we will go into the plot of the famous children's fairy tale about repka. This is how the question sounds in the original.

What character pulled the fourth on the Russian fairy tale eponymous?


Put the grandfather Republic and says:
- Grow, grow, repka, sweet! Grow, grow, repka, strong!
Rose Sweet Rust, strong, big-predict.
I went to grandfather to tear: pulls, pulls, can't stretch.
Called grandfather grandmother.

Grandma for grandfather
Dedka for Rack -

I called grandmother granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother
Grandma for grandfather
Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.
I called the granddaughter of the bug.

Bug for granddaughter
Granddaughter for grandmother
Grandma for grandfather
Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.
Cook a bug cat.

Cat for a bug
Bug for granddaughter
Granddaughter for grandmother
Grandma for grandfather
Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.
Call a cat mouse.

Cat mouse,
Cat for a bug
Bug for granddaughter
Granddaughter for grandmother
Grandma for grandfather
Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pull - and stretched out a repka.

IN folk Russian fairy tales People live side by side with homemade and wild animals. In difficult work, in the field, on the hunt or in a dangerous adventure, yard or forest residents always come to a person to help.

In the fantastic "Rack" simple life story! But with beautiful pictures and large font read it interesting and informative. If the kids will ask parents, what is repa? They will be able to talk in detail and fascinating about this widespread plant.

Repka is such a root plant that grows in the ground as carrot. It is round, juicy and sweet, look like a cabbage, and radish and radish. In the villages, people sat down in the garden and waited for a rich harvest. Store in the basement so that in winter it raises with delicious summer vegetables.

In a children's fairy tale, the story begins - put the grandfather of the reputation, and a big rose rose-precious. And what happened next you can learn from the book, if you ask mom or grandmother to read a fairy tale for the night.

In the children's literature, many interesting heroes, but from the history about "repka" all the characters are known and very popular. Recall who participates there:

Grandfather - Economic peasant, he puts and grow rich harvest, dreams of fabulous and large vegetables;

Grandma - in everything under the grandfather, the first came running to help when it was necessary to drag a huge turnip;

Granddaughter - Little girl who helps old people in the household, she came to the face to her grandfather and grandmother;

Dog bug - the courtyard, she and on the hunt, and in the garden will always come to the rescue;

Cat - A permanent resident in the house and on the street, if necessary, then in the case it will be useful.

Mouse - Although the pests of vegetable gardens, but in trouble there will be a last participant in the long row of the grandfathers.

Tale for kids Cheerful and easy for perception. The text is short and quickly remembered, on the basis of these stories you can arrange a domestic performance, or play a scene at school and in kindergarten.

Benefit for children in Russian fairy tales

For the completeness of perception under history there pictureswho are folded in the film. Additionally, you can listen to the audio version, it helps to develop imagination and represent a cartoon in your head.

The narrative passes with repeated phrases. From the heroes, the chain is gradually built and similar statements appear in the text: "The bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for Rust." Trucks are obtained that help develop clear speech and good memory. Parents can work out with children and teach them to quickly catch repetitive fragments from the fairy tale.

In addition to the narrative bright illustrations And artwork from Palen and Fedoskino. They reflect the peasant life and help to vide the actions and characters from the book. Children, looking at the drawings, will be able to get acquainted with Russian lacquer miniature and folk crafts of Msters and Holoi.

The book is intended for family reading. If the kids have not yet learned to read, parents or older children will be able to tell the fairy tale with heroes, what is friendship and mutual work, and how they help in difficult situations.

Folk tales are something unique and distinctive. If you want to touch the culture of a native people, then be sure to read the works of folk creativity. Everyone in our country in childhood he listened to Russian fairy tales, and on their examples absorbed Russian culture and the concepts of good and evil, about how to flow in life. Fairy tales are actually a thicket of wisdom, even if they are, at first glance, simple and simple as "repka".

Tale "Pink"

A fairy tale "Rust" in Russia can tell anyone. And it is not surprising, because among the Russian fairy tales, it stands out for its simplicity and brevity - it takes only a few lines.

Russian fairy tale "Repka" - a fairy tale for children from the very early age. Its simple meaning will be understood even to the kids. This is one of the reasons that the children remember her well. However, if you consider in more detail, it becomes clear that the wisdom in it is contained not only for children.

What is the fairy tale "Repka"

In the Fairy Tale "Repka" we are talking about an old man who decided to plant a rep. When she was ripe, it turned out that she had grown very large. In fact, this is joy, however, the old man himself could not pull it alone. He had to call for the rescue of the whole family, first the grandmother, then his granddaughter, a dog bug, a cat, and only when the mouse came running, the family still managed to pull it out.

Note that there are a lot of options in folk creativity. For example, in one of the versions, the mouse did not call the reproit. The family was tired, trying to pull the vegetable, and went to sleep. The next morning it turned out that the mouse was resorted at night and ate all the rep.

The fairy tale is cyclical, because in her every time the order of harvest participants from the very beginning is primarily primarily.

When the Fairy Tale "Roka" was published for the first time

The tale of "Rust" for centuries told only orally. When for the first time a tale of "Rust" was published, then she immediately entered the collection of Russian folk fairy tales. The first publication saw the light in 1863, and it was recorded not only by all the well-known characters, but also the legs that also came to the rescue. What did the story stories mean under their feet - it is not clear to the end.

Self-book "Rack" first saw the light in 1910, and since then it is often published as a small book for children. After the publication of the Fairy Tazzle "Roka" it became clear that it takes quite a few space on paper, so many pictures are attached to this fairy tale.

The Fairy Tale of "Roka" is the original Russian, but there were several publications and abroad, including in France and in Israel.

Different fairy tale options

To date, you can find many different fairy tale options: some funny, some sad, and sometimes serious. It used to existed only 5 of its options, among which one is the original, created by the people himself. When for the first time a tale of "Rack" was published, she was recorded in the Arkhangelsk province. Also widely known options written by A.N. Tolstoy, and V.I. Dalem. Despite the fact that the fairy tale was recorded by different people, the meaning was not changed, only the style of presentation changed.

Also at different times, created their own options on the topic "Rusta" A.P. Chekhov, S. Marshak, K. Bulychev and other famous Russian writers.

It should be noted that the fairy tale inspired not only to create different options for presentation, but also a whole ballet, the creator of which D. Harms became the creator.

The meaning of the fairy tale

The folk tale "Rust" carries a much deeper meaning than just a harvest. The main sense is to show the strength of the family. Man one cannot do everything, he needs helpers, and in this case the family will always come to revenue. Especially since reaping the fruits of labor later, they will be all together. If you do everything together, it will be a lot, and even the smallest contribution to the common cause can sometimes solve its outcome. This simple, at first glance, the truth for some reason is often forgotten in life.

But even this is not the whole point. It becomes more understandable if you consider the historical conditions of the tale recording time. So, it was done even before the arrival of Soviet power, during the rule of the emperor. In those years, the villages existed a strong peasant community that performed work together. In this regard, a grandfather can be represented as one of the members of the community, which decided to do the whole thing one. I am commendable, of course, but only without other members who are represented by the grandmother, granddaughter and animals, he did not happen anything, and could not come out. In the community, even from the smallest and sickly cock, there is a good if he applies efforts and tries to do at least something.


Oddly enough, even the most simple fairy tale can inspire artists, such as "repka". When for the first time a tale of "Republic" was published, she did not yet contain pictures in himself, which is not surprising, because then it was a collection of stories for adults. However, later, a new breath gained a tale of "Rack". The pictures for the first time created Elizabeth Merkulovna Bem, they were published in 1881. More precisely, it was not pictures, but silhouettes. In the first editions of "Rack" was 8 sheets of silhouettes, and only one page with the text of the Fairy Tale "Repka". The pictures later cut and began to produce all the fairy tale on one sheet. From silhouettes E.M. Bem refused only in 1946. Thus, for more than half a century, the fairy tale was produced only with the same pictures.

Today, drawings to the fairy tale almost every book create new, so that children and parents have a choice. When the Cartoons began to shoot in the country, tapes on a folk tale were removed.

Texts tales Repka We are known five: the shittometha folk, in the processing of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy, strange Afanasyevsky, a simple teacher of the Ushinsky and the rich version of Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya.

All five texts of the tales of repka we bring here:

Surely, various retellings and fairy tale treatments can be found a great set, because the fairy tale has long been something like a song, it is known by heart and remember since childhood. The fairy tale has a lot of continuations and parodies.

And yet the fairy tale is repka, despite its ease and even lightness (children are differently difficult to perceive), hid in themselves a huge and continued truth - joint labor and efforts can roll the mountains, and family and friendship are the greatest value.

Fairy Tale Repka (Original)

Put grandfather repka.

Rain big rectuant.

I went to grandfather to tear:

pulls, pulls, can't pull it out!

I called grandfather grandmother:

grandma for grandfather

dedka for Rack -

I called granddaughter's granddaughter:

granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandfather

dedka for Rack -

tent-pulled, can't pull out!

I called the granddaughter of the bug:

Bug for granddaughter

granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandfather

dedka for Rack -

tent-pulled, can't pull out!

Cat back cat:

cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandfather

dedka for Rack -

tent-pulled, can't pull out!

Call a cat mouse:

cat mouse,

cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandfather

dedka for Rack -

tent-pulled, - stretched out the repka!

Fairy Tale Rack in the processing of A. N. Tolstoy

Put the grandfather Republic and says:

- Grow, grow, repka, sweet! Grow, grow, repka, strong!

Rose Sweet Rust, strong, big-predict.

I went to grandfather to tear: pulls, pulls, can't stretch.

Called grandfather grandmother.

Grandma for grandfather

Dedka for Rack -

I called grandmother granddaughter.

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

I called the granddaughter of the bug.

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Cook a bug cat.

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pulled, can't pull out.

Call a cat mouse.

Cat mouse,

Cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

Grandma for grandfather

Dedka for Rack -

Tent-pull - and stretched out a repka.

Fairy Tale Repkah in processing A. N. Afanasyev

Sadka Sadka Sadka; I went to rip up, captured for the repkah: pulls, pulls, can't pull it out! Convened grandfather grandmother; Grandma behind the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull-pull, can't pull out! Granddaughter came; Grandmother's granddaughter, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for repka, pull-pull, can't stretch! Bitch came; A bitch behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull-pull, can't stretch! Leg came (?). Foot for a bitch, a bitch behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for the repka, pull-pull, can't pull out!

Came a friend's leg; a friend's foot leg, leg behind a bitch, a bitch behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repkah, pull-pull, can't stretch! (and so on to the fifth leg). Fifth came. Five feet for four, four legs for three, three legs for two, two legs behind the leg, leg behind the knuckle, bitch behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull-pull: stretched out the repank!

Fairy Tale River in the processing K. D. Ushinsky

Santa Republic was planted - a big rose rose, predicted.

He became his grandfather from the ground to drag: pulls, pulls, can't pull out.

I called my grandfather to help the grandmother.

Grandma behind the grandfather, Dage for the Republic: pull-pull, can't pull out.

I called grandmother granddaughter. Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for Rack: pull-pull, can't pull out.

Click granddaughter bug. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for the Republic: pull-pull, can't pull out.

Course clikled cat. Cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for a grandfather, Dedka for a repka: pull-pull, can't pull out.

Cat clikled mouse.

The mouse for the cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for repanking pull-pull - pulled out a repkah!

Fairy Tale Rack in processing V. I. Dalya

There were an old man with an old woman, yes the third granddaughter; Spring came, the snow stool; So the old woman says: It's time to dig a garden; It is time to be time, said the old man, sank the intercession and went to the garden.

He dug him, digging him, he went through the land in a lump and pushed the ridge to Divo; Praised the old woman of the ridge and sowed the turnip. She climbed the turnip, growing and green and kudryava, the tops are growing on the ground, and the yellow turnip is poured under the ground, the yellow turnip is pouring up, rushing out of the earth. "Eki turnip!" - Say neighbors, looking through the woven! And grandfather with a grandmother and granddaughter rejoice yes, they say: "It will be for us that the oven falls and soar!"

Here came the Uspensky post that the mistress is called, I wanted a grandfather to eat Perekinki repka, went to the garden, captured the turnip for the tops, and well, to pull; pulls, pulls, can't stretch; shouted old woman, the old woman came, grabbed his grandfather and well pull; Tent pulled together, stretching repkah can not; The granddaughter came, grabbed her grandmother, and threesome pull; One repka pulls pull, and they can not pull out.

He came running a poery of the bug, clinging to his granddaughter, and all the sorry pulls pulling, and they can't pull the repka!

The old man washed, the old woman coughed, the granddaughter cries, bug barking; A neighbor came running, grabbed the tail behind the tail, a bug behind his granddaughter, granddaughter for her grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for repka, pull pulled, and can't pull it out! They dragged, dragged, yes, how to break the tops, so everyone flew over: grandfather on her grandmother, grandmother on his granddaughter, granddaughter on the bug, bug on the neighbor, and the neighbor on the ground. Grandma ah! Grandfather's hands, granddaughter cries, bug gets, the neighbor rubs up, and repka, as if nothing had happened, sits in the ground!

The neighbor was scratched and he says: Eh grandfather, a beard has grown and he did not carry a beard; Let's get a snoot from the ground! Here and the old man was guessed with the old woman, grabbed over the intercession and well, turn the turnip; Out, reversed, taped, and the turnip is such that neither one pot does not climb; How to be? The old woman took it planted her in the pan, baked, and eaten it with a neighbor confirmation, and the skin bug was given. That's the fairy tale all, it is impossible to tell.