How to quickly learn to play guitar: practical advice. Is it difficult to learn to play guitar? Tips and recommendations for beginner guitarists

How to quickly learn to play guitar: practical advice. Is it difficult to learn to play guitar? Tips and recommendations for beginner guitarists
How to quickly learn to play guitar: practical advice. Is it difficult to learn to play guitar? Tips and recommendations for beginner guitarists

greetings to all guitarists, different textures and level of preparation. In this article, I am probably already in the 3rd or 4th time I raise important topics of independent training and, above all for newcomers (taking into account the fact that you have already acquired), and it will not be superfluous and more experienced.
From the most banal and funny, to an important and necessary, simple words. Total 10 useful recommendations!

1. Learn to listen to the sounds.

The musical rumor begins to develop with simple things, namely from the training of hearing organs - ears. So that they are not only clapping, but also knew how to distinguish all the subtleties heard. And the best coach is our daily life.
Start listening to the sounds in the circle of yourself and allocate some kind of certain ones from several sounding at the same time.

For example, among the noisy street of the city highlight the sound of someone else's mobile call, a cry of birds, whistle wheels of the car, wind noise, etc. Try to understand what sounds are the most loud or ringing at the moment. It is even easier and more interesting: try to find the difference between the sound of the personal message from the sound of the coming card, etc. In your VKontakte account.
These simple workouts will help you in the future in the future, and in particular guitar settings.

2. Proper hand setting is the key to success.

I know that newcomers are almost always taken to play everything in a row, going away - not by paying special attention. At this stage, the future self-assessment of the guitarist is formed, because the quality of your game will depend on this.
It is how to learn to write in the 1st grade. After all, then, being in the 10th, you will already be "everything is clear."
Do not be lazy and give yourself a loved one (beloved) due attention!

3. Do not overvolt!

8. Knowledge of music letters - a tangible plus!

9. Learn to play and sing under the guitar with friends!

After grueling training on the guitar, sitting at home in front of the computer, it can be sad even a computer. And what to say to myself ... And after the next fatigue of the fingers of the hands, a desire to throw all these classes of guitar may appear and ...

First, it is not necessary to despair! Remember your friends, of whom will surely find a wishing to take or even better - sing with you. But the ability to play and

Tutorial Guitar Game

Tutorial playing guitar for beginners

Well, dear readers, so we approached directly to the beginning of your learning to the game on the six-string guitar.

Now you already know the guitar story, its device and the name of all components (I hope). The tool is purchased and configured.

Let's just immediately agree on some things.

  • I made this site to help novice guitarists acquire the initial game skills and, perhaps, to open something new to lovers.
  • I myself am quite fascinated by the art of playing the guitar, and believe me, in the learning process allowed a lot of errors.
    So try carefully to relate to guitar lessonsI suggest you. There is no uniform word in my course.
    Brevity and understanding even a child - this is the meaning of this tutorial Guitar Game.
  • Everything I will tell about, I did not come up with me. This is only my understanding of the essence of what is happening and the result of the translation of incomprehensible textbooks and tutorials, which I read a considerable amount.
  • Articles I write myself, so if you want to use my material in yourself, then my link to my guitar lessons obligatory. I will also do it.
  • Do not jump from the lesson in the lesson. I understand that the desire is great, but you will not achieve anything. Be patient, and after a few days we will teem the first work.
  • In order for learning a guitar game fully, you will need to devote to him at least 1-2 hours a day.
  • Do not hurry!!! - Here is the main mistake I allowed. As soon as we part part of the work, I want to lose it at the speed of light so that the fire on the neck go. I beg you, do not come to this, although, probably, it is inevitable, such is human nature;)
  • At the beginning of the classes, knead the brushes of the hands, squeezing them into the fist to strengthen the blood flow. Before the game of serious plays, you give a little time to gammam and simple works.
  • For successful training, you can use special guitar programs that can be downloaded in the section of the same name.

Well, in principle, and that's it. The rest you learn in the process of reading my tutorial. Some lessons will be accompanied by video, for the best understanding of the material. Press the reference of the first guitar lesson and go ahead!

The most burning question of people who want to play a guitar is "where to start?" And "How to quickly learn to play the guitar", and it is advisable without leaving the house, and inscribed in the most minimal student budget. And it's not strange, but with our portal of training and self-development even it becomes real, so today we begin a new cycle of articles on how to quickly learn to play the guitar at home.

And so first probably, it is logical to assume that it is possible to play a guitar only if the tool itself is. Well, everything is not very difficult here.

Where to take a guitar beginner?

The tool (in this case is a guitar), a novice musician can either buy, or lend from the not established musicians, who are very much to your happiness, and misfortune. If this is the last option, then everything is just that they gave, on that and play.

If your choice fell on the store, then you can lose the gift of speech from the quantity and diversity of different guitars. Basically, there are classic, acoustic and electric guitars (meaning 6 string guitars), and of course 12 string, 7-string. On the classification and variety of guitars in more detail in another article.

What guitar is suitable for a novice?

In general, you can quickly learn how to play on any guitar, but most convenient for beginners and beginner of course a classic guitar. First, because of the strings. Nylon strings are put on the classics, and on the other two is used metal, which will add you even more indelible impressions in the form of sore pillows of fingers. From nylon fingers will also be sick, but not so much.

The metal strings have increased tension, and never put metal strings to the classics, from this guitar will simply break with time. On the guitars with metal, at least there is a metal rod in the jiff and iron slices.

And in any case, with the growth of your level, you buy yourself a new guitar, more appropriate to your more professional preferences. And this old guitar is suitable for a novice and allowing you to learn how to play guitar. Your first chords will remain to travel singing by the fire, or you will throw it into the fire at all and you will dance on coals.

Does expensive guitar for learning

Now we will define the price range. At the beginning of the guitar learning, there is no point in buying an expensive, hardening guitar, sufficiently cheap classics. The benefit is a huge number of firms specializing in the student instruments of the low price category.

Required accessories for novice guitarist

At the same time, acquire other necessary accessories for a beginner guitarist, it may be a tuner if there is a desire, or you can download from the Internet to a computer, or the application to your mobile device.

The tuner is a magic thing that helps people customize the guitar without special stresses of auditory and mental apparatus, which just fits a newcomer little understanding in the guitar setting.

The guitar will often be upset and need to be ready for this, like pioneers, or who you like. New guitars will be upset every 30 minutes, or even more often, but over time it will pass.

You can purchase a left foot stand for the right landing, but this is later.

The choice seems to have figured out.

Basics of the structure of the guitar for beginners

Outside, the guitar does not differ much, consider this the structure of a classic guitar. In the figure, everything is remarkably visible, only on the stand there is a lower threshold, and the resonator hole in some circles is called "socket".

Also, guitar strings are numbered definitely, from the thinnest to the tolstoy itself. Down up. The internal structure of the guitar is not fundamentally and we will consider it in a separate article.

With how to play and even how to sit is not so easy, it is necessary to learn even before learn to play guitar strings. It is reasonable to assume what the difference is like sitting, the main Lupie on the strings of dai-louder.

In fact, it is possible, but my duty is to tell, and your either accept, or send me on all directions, and do wrong, but my guilt will not be in this.

The bottom line is that there is a classic landing that brings your body into an optimal position in which the muscles are not overwhelmed with a long game, here it is:

The back is straight, the leg on the hill is sitting, without clinging to 2/3 of the chair. To make the right hand setting, this landing is optimal and does not require too much attention.

But in principle, you can sit, just putting the guitar on the right leg, the main thing in such a landing, also smoothly keep your back and proper handling, and everything will be wonderful.

Hand designation for playing guitar

For the convenience of recording when learning, a guitar game has a certain designation of the fingers. Try to remember them.

Also for the convenience of the game to each finger right hand, it matches its string. As shown in Figure: P-6,5,4; I-3; M-2; A-1; E-in classical version is not used, but some works imply use. When playing only on one string, the right hand plays alternately with fingers IIM.

Hand set for wishing to learn to play guitar

In order for your fingers to do not hurt, you could really do and learn how to play a guitar quickly, and when developing skills you could increase the speed of the game, there is a correct hand setting.

Staging the right hand of a guitarist:

To properly put your right hand, spend an imaginary line vertically up from the stand, before the shell, at the intersection, put your hand to the elbow.

Pleave your fingers on the strings, for example: P-6; I-3; M-2; A-1. An index and thumb should form "cross" (as shown in the figure).Thumb ahead of everyone else.

What makes the right hand?

How the right hand extracts the sound is called "Rhythmic pattern of right hand". I I will alternately record which strings pull. To begin with, take two simple drawings:

1. Bass, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3. Look like it should look and sound on video.

2. Bass, 321 (strings jerk simultaneously).

When playing bass is played alternately.

Staging the left hand of a guitarist:

When you just start pushing the strings with your left hand, you will have to hurt the pillow of your fingers. This is normal over time the pain will pass when you do not disobey the skin.

And as one of my familiar guitarist said "Stimulation of the pillows of fingers contributes to the development of the brain". I do not know the truth or not, but it's nice to think that you also smarter.

When laying a left hand, a thumb on the middle of the griff (in width). The hand is rounded, as if you have a little ball in it. Fingers are put as close as possible to the lade thresholds, but not flat, but as needles.

Exercise for quick learning playing guitar:

To work out the clamping force and the correctness of the hands of the hands when learning the game of the guitar perform exercise "Caterpillar".

I will not describe, everything is visible on the video if questions arise, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Important moment.

In my experience at the initial stage it takes a very little time just 20 minutes, but there is an important chip. The main thing is to do it every day.

And then I will start yelling on me, but where I will find so much time, yes every day. Just let's honestly, any person will have 20 minutes a day, because some spend more on food more, and how much we spend on the benefits of our excellent information age? Therefore, I think that 20 minutes still expect.

AND it is advisable to avoid such things like I sit today, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, with this form you lose all useful and remembered in two holidays. The fact is that this is an ordinary muscle memory, like boxers, dancers, fighters. It needs to be trained constantly, but it is difficult only at the beginning, so what was stuck with patience, zeal and went further.

Recording guitar chords for beginners

I think everyone, heard a little about chords. Accord - a combination of several sounds that form a pleasant consonance. Without guitar chords, you will not be able to quickly learn to play the guitar, so consider the graphical way to record chords for beginners.

Chords are written on tables, in which there are usually 6 horizontal lines of denoting strings, and from 3 and more vertical lines denoting the lade bellows. The strings are numbered from top to bottom.

We will examine on the example of the chord em:

The points are put there where we clamp the strings, the Lada number is written above the first column, from which they put the chord. Lada number is written by Roman numbers. How do you see the strings are not numbered.

The easiest song by 2 chord for beginner guitarists

To begin with, take a simple song on two chords for the most novice guitarists. In the texts of songs with chords, chords are written above the places where the transition from one chord to another is carried out.

Sergey Matveenko - Crochet - Song for everyone

This song, friends, is not difficult to learn:

Under the guitar you can sing, without a guitar you can.

Even if the bear has come to your ear:

This song can be singing, without having a hearing!

La-a la-la-la


La-a la-la-la


The song is played by the second learned pattern (bass, three together). In brackets is written, with what bass play chord.

Here is an example of the easiest song for two chords for beginners, it's all the first song versions, want to play all, try yourself, it will be your homework about the execution of which I also ask to unsubscribe in the comments:

Well, on this we finish our first lesson about the basics of how you can quickly learn how to play guitar at home, if you have any questions unsubscribe in the comments, and we are waiting for you in the next article from which you will find out

Instructions for thosewho dreams learn to play friends favorite songs

This article is written for you. If you want to learn to play a guitar, but do not know how to approach and do it quickly and with minimal efforts.

P / S. If the articles are boring, then it is better to learn from interactive video courses:

* Video Course:

I will help you see The situation is a little from the side, dispel the myths about learning, and convince you to do. Thanks to this, you have the opportunity to understand that "the features are not so terrible as they draw," to avoid many newcomers mistakes and learn how to play quickly and with joy.

So forward and with the song!

I want to say That first of all, I am an ordinary guy who loves travel and creativity in all its manifestations.

By formation, I. - Mathematics, by profession at the moment - the system administrator. He was an instructor of mountain skiing, and also a programmer, a storekeeper, an engineer and did not do.

Guitar is a wonderful tool which I started to master about 15 years ago absolutely myself. And I can say with confidence that every day playing on her I constantly find something new. She - like any creativity, soothes and configures your mental mood to the desired way. There will always be the best friend to you, if, of course, do not get friends with her.

Many people think What to learn to play guitar is very difficult. I have a hurry to calm you - not as much as you imagine. Having experience in learning many friends and acquaintances, I can say that knowing what difficulties you will come across, learn how to play - much easier. And if each lesson is tied to one or two simple songs - and the incentive appears, and pleasure from work.

Your 8 difficulties on the guitar learning

Let's analyze 8 basic difficulties with which you may encounter. Guitar is a tool that reacts very sensitively to your mood and therefore it is necessary to know the enemy in the face.

1. The view is that "Learn to play - very difficult"
"Really!", - You think. The guitar is a grave work, and skill is being studied for years of training and exhaustive classes. At the same time, it is necessary to be perfected, patient, and still finish preferably a music school or at least possess good literacy.

You have no other. You begin to ask about this people who play as you like and find out that each of them plays a guitar for no less than two or three years.

And here we think, is it worth the game of the candle? Is I ready so much to puff for this guitar? Yes, there is also no time. And "then" turns into "Never."

2.Theless belief sounds like "I have no tendency to music"
Leaning to music are key. And so it seems to be a long-standing dream of playing the guitar and I want everything and everything .. But always when you start singing - the surroundings are crying and ask you not to spoil music.

You have never played any musical instrument and have no idea what notes, chords or tablatures. You look like someone mastering the guitar for months, and you don't even know how to approach it.

And what as a result? You have a clear opinion that you are not given, it is not for you.

3.There - when you say that "You can learn on any guitar"
You firmly decided to learn how to play the guitar. Old dream. Yes, and grandfather guitar on the closet somewhere lying. True, the string there is not enough there, but I will add anything.

In general, you take it in hand, and try to extract any sounds. But something is disgusting, and really the grandfaths could clap these strings? This is no finance. Really.

You try to play this guitar again and again. Due to the fact that you are hard to pinch strings - compete the wrong position of the fingers, housing, hands. After such classes, not to learn further, but even thinking about the guitar do not want. I personally had it.

4.ought the opinion that "Start better from a classic guitar"
The classic guitar is the basis of the foundation. And you repeatedly say different Dear guitar teachers that only so you can learn how to play and become a cool guitarist, and you want it too!

That is, first play three months of gamma, etudes, arpeggio, etc. Have you not scared the words yet? Next - to study classic works on notes. All this must be accompanied by the study of music literacy, intervals, and other musical terms unknown to you.

It is briefly to you, a classic approach to learning in a music school or a tutor. Hearing it - you again remember the misconception of the misconception that "not quite musical" that it is all very difficult and not for you.

5. You are trying to play something, but "At first, everything hurts and uncomfortable"
Let you decide to master the guitar on our own, stubbornly engaged, bought a tutorial and begin to fiercely study the first chords.

But first everything is terribly uncomfortable: after ten minutes of workouts, the pads of the fingers begin to hurt, on the joints of the fingers, the hands are striking, the hands of the hands are tired, from a long and uncomfortable position spin and neck.

In such a state, creative attitude and initial desire fuses in front of the eyes and next time, coming to the guitar you will remember it. So with each time, learning from pleasant more and more turns into torture.

6. Take, you play, but "Sounds uzhzhsya!"
When you look at the speeches of cool guitarists, and do not understand why, repeating the need for a note in a note and playing everything, as it is written, the composition sounds cool, and you have so much that you want to warm up and spit.

You start thinking that you should probably train more and more often or buy a better guitar, but for some reason something is not something. There rubs, there is unclean, there is a nefple. Persistence usually grabs short, and the desire to play disappears.

7. Establishness - "It does not work simultaneously sing and play"
And it seems to learn chords, and I can play, and sing separately - too. But take and sing under the guitar - it does not work. That fight or bust is knocked down. It does not work under the battle.

This, by the way, is not such a simple task - learn to sing Under the guitar. You thought - everything is simple, but no. Another underwater stone and an obstacle on the way, wheezing the desire to learn further.

8.The most disappointing - "No one is listening to me."
And of course the main problem. That for which you sweated so much and tried. We learned a couple of songs. And this is a convenient case - you can play in front of the public, friends, familiar or not very people and combat them out the game.

But at half a song, you are surprised to notice that the expected effect does not happen. Moreover, the listeners talk, turn away, go and put it mildly are not delighted with your game.

A couple of such speeches is enough to beat off the desire to play before anyone further, especially if you clearly hint to give the guitar to someone who is listening to more.

8 Main mistakes. Look carefully - is it not about you?

Consider now the errors that prevent you.

1. Putting a difficult path
You unsuccessfully tried to play someone, someone said that you have no abilities or told how much it studied and how difficult it is - the result - I won't want anything to start anything.

If you have a familiar teacher or you read that you need to know the notes - yes, you need. As a result, you begin to find tutorials instead of taking the guitar to learn directly to the fat - songs and execution.

The desire from the heap of influe quickly disappears. Head becomes a baked bunch of information you can't apply. But it depends on what you put the goal .. Become a pro - yes. The knowledge of notes and music. Literacy is far from leaving. But in the case when you just need to play songs - it is optional.

2. "Antimuzical" stereotypes
Again - the opinion and intimidation of those around the talents and the absence of skills to singing. You were told in childhood "not porty music." Write when you sang - as a result - you do not want to learn the guitar because of the stereotypes that "this is not yours."

Often, one newbies stop at the stage - I will play, but not sing, because there is no voice either a hearing. Others try to sing under your nose, but only in front of the mirror or. But most often - before studying does not reach, because of this "Lymiskality brand".

3. Laziness to take a suitable guitar
When the newcomer takes the guitar with steel strings thicker 10-ki - it is unlikely that he will be nice to learn. To clap strings on such guitars, it is necessary to have enough practice, strength and technique of fingers. In addition, if this is the old "grandfather" guitar (as it was), then rather played on it - not newcomers, but those who have already had the experience of performing to the company.

Of course there are exceptions when the guitar is quite suitable, but most often newcomers learn "at least on what." It is incorrect - the guitar should be approached for a beginner, the size of the resonator, the thickness and type of string, the distance from the strings to the grind, etc.

If this is neglected - attempts to learn will be heavy, the technique of the game will most likely be improper. The desire to play - will also disappear with each occupation.

4. "He studied for a long time - it means I also need"
You look at a friend who graduated from a music school or to a tutor from whom something begins to get acquired and begin to go to him for himself. A couple of years play gamma and classic works, and songs know two times and turned around. I personally had an example of a friend of the completed music. School for 5 years, which then went to me to learn elementary battle and chords. As a result, you will spend a bunch of time and money learning gamma and classic works when your goal was much closer - just shine with a couple of songs in front of friends.

5. Patience and forces - not enough
The first workouts are the machinations of the fingers. The problem called "confused fingers in strings" is a matter of training. The pillows of the fingers hurt due to the fact that the skin on them is initially soft. The brush gets tired, because it is not used to loads or you are too straining your brush. The same thing happens with the back, when you are sitting for a long time crooked, or the neck when you constantly look at the guitar.

The next stage - you memorize the wrong position of the hands or body, and as a result do not develop. As soon as you need to play more than 15 minutes - your fingers begin to root, touch the brush, etc. It was so that it was when the position of the hands was incorrectly memorized. As a result of the desire to play, it became less and more, and most of them disappears.

6. Newcomer-maximalist, newcomer-perfectionist
There may be several reasons. The first is technical: unsuitable strings, guitar, weak preparation. Newbies that are constantly dissatisfied with how they play called "perfectionists." Good of course to work out "to shine", but if you learn one work for a couple of months .. It is unlikely that excitement will be supported at the proper level. You will rather take the guitar "because you need," and not "because I want."

The second type of beginners is maximalists. They try to study unforgiven metallic when real without false can not play "Afghanistan" for three chords or chastushki. It will sound disgusting, because for a complex composition you need a certain level. Many even it seems that everything seems to sound good. But the listener is the best evaluation criterion and often it is the listeners who are bought off the newcomer to play, crying during his "grief". The question arises: "Why do I need a guitar if I teach what I want, and no one is listening?"

7. I want everything immediately
Once it is excellent, it turns out to play three chords and move the motive of the song of the studio - it means everything should get together. It was not there. Most often singing and playing at the same time immediately does not work. Newbies often try to play in too fast pace, hurry and want to connect everything at once. " If you hurry and not be patient, it turns out that when you sing, you forget about the Boy and the hand begins to play what he wants. And on the contrary, when we play - forget the words and do not fall into the rhythm. The result - we cannot learn the song - the desire to play further disappears.

8. Speech without preparation
Infected songs, a game on an upset guitar - these are the main reasons when you do not listen. In general, not to listen to you may be due to any of the reasons when you came out to perform and not prepared quite well. The public - the people of course different and many will listen to you just that of respect.

But the majority listens exactly when it feels that you yourself like your game. On personal experience I can say how many guys trying to play the company played themselves for themselves, because or words were absent, or sang too quietly, or the guitar was upset, or was obviously afraid to sing.

In the first pair of "such speeches", their excitement was still enough, but then the desire disappeared and they played mostly for themselves, otherwise they didn't play any more, giving the guitar to the hands more experienced.

8 ways to solve these difficulties

1. Forget about myths
In order to play 5-10 favorite songs under the guitar - enough one or two months of training. For several years not need.

Also - I hurry to calm you. To play on the guitar - no need to know notes. And the musical rumor, which, what do you think you do not have - in fact, everyone has! It is necessary to simply train it. And the voice develops during training!

We do not put a challenge to compete with Steve, though, of course, there is nothing impossible. Do you think all guitarists own good literacy ??? On personal experience - from all my students - such was one who came after the music school)

2. You brazenly deceived!
You told you that you do not have musical abilities ?? And you certainly believed! On the personal experience - you brazenly deceived!

I have repeatedly witnessed how people, at first glance, "not falling" or in the rhythm in the notes, in a month or two workouts well sang and played friends. Music can be developed in each of us.

And with a guitar - it develops twice as fast! You have an additional stimulus - play in front of the audience! Believe me - the guitar creates miracles in the development of musical abilities.

3. Pick up the guitar for training
Buy your guitar. If there is no possibility - lend from friends. Learn to play one guitar. It will save you a lot of time and effort and pay off in training.

Personally, I recommend the beginners to take a guitar with a small resonator, steel strings, which for learning after purchase replaced with nylon or steel thickness 10 and thinner. Be sure to take a friend of a guitarist who will try to play. Rate the sound that you will like.

5. Patience and work
Everyone has its own position, how to keep the guitar and of course the main thing is to be comfortable, but There are general moments that cannot be neglected. The fingers hurt - the first two months of training - this is normal, so do not give me as crazy and make a breather.

I recommend practicing half an hour in the morning and half an hour and hour in the evening. The first two weeks are engaged in a day. To soften the pads of the fingers, they are also advised for 5 minutes to lower your fingers into warm water, but I personally never did it, because if we are men, we can suffer.

If your strings are 10 and thicker - change to thinner. Sit smoothly and do not lean over the guitar, looking at the vulture. Clearing will fly not only hand, but also the neck. Do not locate the right hand forward and do not grab the neck with a big finger of your left hand.

6. Play simple compositions
If you are all right with a guitar, i.e. Normal strings and a normal guitar, what I wrote above, then work out the technique. Learn as much simple songs as possible, maximum with three-six chords. At the same time, constantly watch the position of the hands, so that the right hand is not strained much. For this, it must be in the right position, that is, lying down the bottom on the guitar case, and not hang. Try at all make a minimum effort.

When you feel confidence, try to diversify a pair of chords by adding or removing one note in the chord. Try to play another fight. And most importantly - do not bring yourself to a spicy for hours studying complex compositions. What is currently learning, alternate with what have already learned. If there is no such thing yet - play a grasshopper in the grass "- but correctly and follow the technique.

7. Turn on the metronome
Download the metronome program (eg metronome), run and try to play your favorite song at a slow pace. Who does not know, the metronome counts the rhythm you specified. First without
words, simple accompaniment, but most importantly in rhythm.

The hand should play a fight on the machine. Try to sing under the metronome without a guitar. When you feel good to feel the rhythm and without difficulty "to ride" words and guitar on the rhythm, the quality of your game is noticeably improved. It really works. Gradually increase rhythm.

When you feel that you can play without a metronome, try to play simultaneously with the original song entry. True, it works only if you studied a song in the original tonality, but we will also consider this question. In general, if difficulties arise - the metronome to help you.

8. Play in front of the mirror
Be sure to configure the guitar using a portable tuner or a tuner program (eg Guitar Tuner). The game on an upset guitar - beats off the desire to listen to you even if everything is fine with the performance. The next advice is sitting in front of the mirror and play looking at yourself. At the beginning, it may not be easy, especially if you are accustomed to watching the guitar ridge and go through the resonator, singing something under my nose.

Remember - when you play in the public - you must be open, and look at the audience in the face, as if you tell the interesting story to the best friends who listen to you with passion. And for this such things in the song, like a fight, chords and natural words should be learned to automatism. Only then can you focus on the pleasure of the speech. A configured guitar, the song learned to automatism and the pleasure of execution - the key to which you listened.

What can you do right now to learn to play your favorite songs faster?

1. Take a notepad and handle
Right now take notebook and redraw the appliqué of the three main chords AM, DM, E. Make yourself your personal crib in the game that has every novice guitarist. Almost all army songs and not only are based on these chords. Make it easy!

2. Best inspiration - take and play!
Sit right now and try to play the main chords. Turn on the metronome on a slow pace. Hold the strings with your left hand, according to the written applicatures, and right - calmly spend your thumb on them from top to bottom.

Play under. Metronome first one chord, then another. It is so newcomers and teach their first songs on three chords and you have it!

3. Right now tell yourself that music is yours!
Those who told you the opposite don't even guess what talents you hide
in itself. Do you like to kill songs when you hear them on the radio ??? Perfectly! This is already enough to take the guitar in the hands and play it alive.

You can not even imagine how much positive will give you her performance under the guitar before the public. So - forward! No barriers!

4. Communicate with other guitarists

Right now games Tommy Emmanuel And imagine how you with the same excitement play before the public. Sit with a guitar in front of the mirror and make you like you like yourself.

Right now, call a familiar guitarist, assign a meeting and ask your questions. Ask a question on any guitar forum for newbies, ask others how they started their training.

5. Learn on video tutorials of verified musicians!

* Video Course: Fast guitar learning

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Today learn to play the guitar forces is absolutely any person. To do this, you will not need a large investment of cash, no incredible musical talent. Fortunately, on the Internet there are plenty of useful lessons on this topic in free access, and a lack of musical hearing can compensate for special programs for a PC or even a smartphone capable of customize the guitar for you. But why is it still worth starting training?

How to learn to play guitar - buy guitar and choose strings

Guitars are divided into acoustic and electric guitars. If at first it is easier to learn, and there is an acoustics much cheaper, then the second more universal with a soft sound recovery, but require additional equipment, it is much more expensive, and the sound is reproduced only through the columns. As for the shape of the tool - it is not so important as otherwise, how personally it will be convenient for you to keep such a guitar in your hands.

Next, go to the selection of strings. If you stopped on acoustics, then you should know that the highest quality and loud sound is achieved when playing steel strings. But this is not what the beginners need, since the pains of untrained fingers and even corns will be provided with you. Your goal is the practice of guitar technology, and not the test of your hands on endurance. Therefore, nylon strings will be the best option for you. The strings on the default electric guitar are much softer and gentle.

The main disadvantages of nylon strings:

  • less ringing and expressed sound;
  • the more frequent need for adjustment, especially at first.

How to learn to play the guitar - setting up your guitar

Perhaps many beginners initially can scare the need to set up their own guitar. After all, the exact calibration on the sound of the first string is the skill, which is far from everyone. Yes, and it does not need it today, when the price of a normal guitar tuner begins from 500 rubles and higher. In addition, there are a number of very good customization programs that work both on the smartphone and on your computer, and absolutely free.

A more professional way that is not attached to any electronic gadgets or the Internet will be the adjustment of the guitar on the charter. If you learn to independently seek the perfect sound of the first string, then it will be much easier:

  • the second string, played by 5 Lada, makes a sound similar to the first open;
  • we play the third string on 4 Lada, and it sounds the same as the second;
  • the fourth string, played by 5 Lada, is compared with the third;
  • the fifth string is also played on 5 Lada and compare the sound with the fourth open;
  • the last, sixth string is clamped by 5 Lada - the sound is obtained similar to the fifth.

How to learn to play guitar - the first practical lessons

Finally, it is time for practice. Training options There are mass:

  • the newcomer can try to appeal to tutorials (usually such literature is painted quite in detail, but it is necessary to have progressive and attentiveness to work with a book);
  • free video lessons (the method is very popular, but many things can be covered very superficially);
  • paid video course (prepared, as a rule, experienced teachers and teachers with a much greater scrupulousness than free lessons, extremely concise and consistent);
  • work with a tutor (the best option, who does not mind to spend money on their training, because for you personally takes the experienced musician teacher).

What exactly to learn in the learning process:

  • Try to put a few simple chords shown in the illustration below. After that, the same quickly rearrange them. Spend your hand on strings - make sure that the sound of each chord is clean and pleasant, and therefore you do everything right.
  • Play your first chords by putting them on a guitar battle. Fight is one of the most simple ways of sound recovery from the guitar. The simplest battles are the "four" and "six", both clean and variations with the "sublush".
  • It is enough to rehearse chords and battle, you can already start practicing some simple songs.
  • No less pleasant guitar sounds when the game is busting. Relapping its main varieties, you will develop your right hand fingers and you can play a number of no less wonderful songs.
  • Now that you have already a decent luggage of practical skills, it's time to consolidate the skills of the theory of a note letter, which will better allow you to understand the device of the lands on your guitar and the principle of sound recovery from it.
  • It remains to learn the most difficult from the technical point of view of chords - "Barre", which will require certain flexibility of fingers and amplifies. But with them your song repertoire is incredibly transformed.
  • Continue persistently train, honing guitar technique: gamma, sorting, chords. Try learning more songs you like, read their analysis and, finally, play yourself.

A live game on a guitar can become a decoration of any cultural recreation, because your efforts and works will in no way be spent in vain. Not to mention the fact that today to learn the game of guitar is the question of more than your desire and purposefulness, since this does not require investments of not large funds, nor congenital talent of the musician. The most important thing is to clearly understand why you learn the playing guitar, and that it will give you.