Manor and household Nostride in the poem Dead souls of Gogol Essay. Writing: Description of the manor as a means of a landlord characteristics in the "Dead Souls" N.V

Manor and household Nostride in the poem Dead souls of Gogol Essay. Writing: Description of the manor as a means of a landlord characteristics in
Manor and household Nostride in the poem Dead souls of Gogol Essay. Writing: Description of the manor as a means of a landlord characteristics in the "Dead Souls" N.V

To work on its main work - the poem "Dead Souls" - N.V. Gogol began in 1835 and did not stop her until the death. He put in front of him the task - to show the backward relief and serfdom of Russia with all its vices and shortcuts. A large role in this was played by masterks created by the author of the image of representatives of the nobility, which made the main social class in the country. Description of the village of Manilov, Boxes, Sobeshevich, Nozdrev, Plushhina makes it possible to understand how different, but at the same time are typical, the people who were the main support of power were poor. This is despite the fact that each of the presented landowners considered himself the best among the rest.

The role of interior

Five heads of the first volume dedicated to the landowners, Gogol builds on one principle. He characterizes each owner through the description of his appearance, to behave with the guest - Chichikov - and relatives. The author talks about how life has been arranged in the estate, which manifests itself through attitudes towards peasants, all over the estate and their own home. As a result, there is a generalized picture of how "the best" representatives of serfs in the first half of the XIX century lived.

The first is a description of the village of Manilov - very cute and benevolent, at first glance, landlord.

Long road

Not a very pleasant impression leaves the way to the estate. When meeting in the city of the landowner, inviting Chichikov to visit, noted that he lives the versts in fifteen from here. However, they traveled all sixteen and even more, and the road seemed not to end. Two people who met a man pointed out that there would be a turn through the mile, and there is Manilovka. But this little was like truth, and Chichikov did the conclusion for himself that the owner, as it was often found, in a conversation cut the distance have. Perhaps in order to lure - remember the name of the landowner.

Finally, the estate seemed ahead.

Unusual location

The first two-story Lord's house rushed into the eyes, which was built on the elevation - "on Yura", as the author indicates. It is from him to begin a description of the village of Manilov in the "Dead Souls" poem.

It seemed that the alone standing house was blown away from all sides, which only happened in these places. The slope of the hill on which the building stood, covered trimmed turf.

The ridiculous location of the house supplemented flower beds with bushes and lilacs, broken in English style. Nearby grew segments of birch - no more than five or six - and there was a gazebo with funny for these places the name "Church of the Second Reflections". A small pond, which, however, was not an uncommon in the estates of landowners who were fond of English style.

Lightness and impracticality is such a first impression from the landlord's economy.

Description of the village of Manilov

"Dead Souls" continues the story of a series of poorly, gray peasant lips counted them at least two hundred. They were located along and across the foot of the hill and consisted of some logs. Between the sleeves, the guest did not see a tree, nor the other greenery, which did a village and not at all attractive. In the distance, such a boring temporary description of the village of Manilov.

"Dead Souls" contain a subjective assessment of chikchikov seen. Manilova did everything seemed to him with some gray and incomprehensible, even "the day was not the clear, not that gloomy." Only two swearing women who pulled wrapped in a pond with crayfish and roach, and a rooster with encouraged wings, screamed in all the throat, somewhat revived the picture that appeared.

Meeting with the owner

The description of the village of Manilov from the "Dead Souls" will be incomplete without familiarizing with the owner himself. He stood on the porch and, having learned the guest, immediately broke up in the most cheerful smile. At the first meeting in the city of Manila, Chichikova struck in his appearance, there was a lot of sugar. Now the first impression only intensified.

In fact, the landowner first appeared man very kind and enjoyable, but after a minute, this impression was completely changed, and now I have already arisen: "Damn it knows what!". Further behavior of Manilov, overly incorrecting and built at the desire to please, fully confirms. The owner has concerned with the guest, as if they were buddies of a whole century. Then he invited to the house, in every way trying to show respect for him by the fact that he did not want to enter the door before Chichikova.

Interior decor

Description of the village of Manilov from the poem "Dead Souls" causes a feeling of absurdity in everything, including the decoration of the Lord. Let's start with the fact that a couple of chairs were located near the road and even elegant furniture, which had not enough fabrics in due time. And for several years, the owner warned the guest every time that they were not yet ready. In the other room of furniture was not at all for the eighth year - from the moment of marriage Manilov. In the same way as dinner on the table could have a luxurious bronze candlestick, made in an antique style, and some "disabled" from copper, everything in Sale. But none of the home

The host's office also looked ridiculous. He was, again, incomprehensible gray-blue color - something similar to the fact that the author has already mentioned, giving a general description of the village of Manilov at the beginning of the chapter. On the table of the year, two lay a book with a bookmark on the same page - no one has never read it. But across the room was laid out tobacco, and rows of slides laid out of ash remained in the tube appeared on the windowsill. In general, to dream and smoke - it was the main and moreover favorite landowner classes, absolutely not interested in their possessions.

Familiarity with family

Manilov's wife is like him. Eight years of living together changed the relationship between the spouses: they all also treated each other with a piece of apple or interrupted classes to capture a kiss. Manilova received a good upbringing, learning everything that was necessary for a happy spelling in French, playing the piano and embroider a beads of some unusual cover to make a surprise husband. And it's like that in the kitchen was preparing bad, there were no stock in the storerooms, the Klyuk was stolen a lot, and the servants were increasingly slept. The pride of spouses were their sons, called strange and promising in the future to show great abilities.

Description of the village of Manilova: the position of the peasants

Of all the above, one conclusion is already suggested: everything in the estate went somehow so, as a man, and without any intervention of the owner. This idea is confirmed when Chichikov starts a conversation about the peasants. It turns out that manilov does not even represent how much his shower has died lately. Can not answer and his cradle. He only notes that a lot, with which the landowner immediately agrees. However, the word "much" is not surprised by the reader: Description of the village of Manilov and those conditions in which it lived, they make it clear that for the estate, in which the landowner does not care at all about the peasants, it is common.

As a result, the unavailable image of the chief hero of chapter is evapored. A mismanive dreamer did not occur to go to the fields, find out what people depend on him need, or at least simply recalculate how many of them. Moreover, the author adds that the man could easily be deceived by Manilov. He asked to allegedly earn money, but he himself was calmly drunk, and before that no one was doing anyone. In addition, all the servants, including the clerk and the key, were unclean in hand, which was not disturbed by Manilov, nor his spouse.


The description of the village of Manilov quotes is completed: "There is a genus of people ... None neither either in the city of Bogdan in the village of Selifan ... they should join and Manilov." Thus, from which, at first glance, there is no harm to anyone. He loves everyone - even the most sewed fraudster he has an excellent man. Sometimes it dreams of how to arrange benches for peasants, but these "projects" are very far from reality and will never be embodied in practice. Hence the general understanding of "Manilovshchina" as a social phenomenon is a tendency to pseudophilosophy, the lack of any benefit from existence. And with this, degradation begins, and then the collapse of the human person, what Gogol draws, giving a description of the village of Manilov.

"Dead Souls", therefore, become a sentence of society, in which the best representatives of the local nobility are similar to Manilov. After all, the rest will be even worse.

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The image of Manilov's landlord, compared to the majority of the landowners described by Gogol, creates the most favorable and positive impression, although it is not so difficult to find negative features, however, compared to the negative parties of other landowners, it looks the smallest of evil.

Appearance and age Manilov

The accurate age of Manilov is not listed in the story, but it is known that he was not an old man. The reader's acquaintance with Manilov, it is likely to fall for the heyday of his strength. The hair was his bright, and the eyes are blue. Manilov often smiled, sometimes at such extent that his eyes were hiding and not visible at all. He also had a habit of pushing.

His clothes were traditional and did not stand out anything, as, in fact, manilov himself in the context of society.

Characteristic personality

Manilov is a nice man. It does not have such a quick-tempered and unbalanced character, as most of the landowners described by Gogol.

His benevolence and good nature placed to themselves and create trusting relationships. At first glance, such a state of affairs seems very profitable, but in fact, it also plays with a Manilanner's joke, turning it into a boring person.

The absence of zadra and a clear position on this or that matter makes it impossible to communicate with him. Manilov was guided and kind. Usually, he smoked the phone, giving tribute to his habit of still army years. He did not do the management at all - he was lazy to do it. Manilov often built plans for the restoration and development of their farm and the improvement of the house, but these plans have always remained the Gresses and never went to the plane of real life. It was all the same laziness of the landowner.

Dear readers! We offer to familiarize yourself with the poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls"

Manilova is very sad for the fact that he has not received proper education. He does not know how to say it, but it is very competent and carefully writes - Chichikov was surprised, seeing his records - they did not need to rewrite, because it was written everything clearly, calligraphic and without mistakes.

Family Manilov

If in other respects Manilas can give Mahu, then in relation to the family and its relationship with the family he is an example for imitation. Its family consists of his wife and two sons, somehow you can attractive to these people. In the story, Gogol pays a significant role to him, but, apparently, he was perceived by Manilov as a family member.

Wife Manilov was called Lisa, she was already eight years old married woman. The husband was very kind to her. In their relations prevailed tenderness and love. It was not a game of public - they really experienced tender feelings to each other.

Lisa was a beautiful and well-educated woman, but she absolutely did not deal with the affairs of the house. It did not have an objective reason, except for the laziness and her personal reluctance to delve into the essence of cases. Households, in particular, the husband did not consider it a terrible and calmly treated such a situation.

The senior son Manilov was called the femistocleus. He was a good boy of 8 years. According to Manilov himself, the boy was distinguished by an unprecedented milk and mind for his age. The name of the youngest son was no less unusual - alkid. The youngest son was six. As for the younger Son, the head of the family believes that it is inferior in developing his brother, but, in general, the review of him was also apparent.

Manile Manilla and Village

Manilov has a huge potential to become rich and successful. At his disposal, the pond, the forest, the village of 200 houses, but the landlord laziness prevents him from fully developing his economy. It is more correct to say that Manilan is not doing the management of the economy. The main affairs is headed by the manager, Manilov was very successfully returned and lives measured. Even episodic intervention in the course of the process does not cause him interest.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the poem Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Dead Souls"

He is undoubtedly agreed with his governing about the need for certain works or actions, but it does it so lazy and vaguely that it is sometimes difficult to determine its true attitude to the subject of discussion.

On the territory of the estate, several clubs located on the English manner and gazebo are noticeably allocated. Flowers, as practically, everyone in the estate Manilov is in launching - neither the owner nor the hostess pay them due attention.

Since Manilaov loves to indulge in dreams and reflections, then the gazebo becomes an important element in his life. He can often be there for a long time, indulging in fantasies and building mental plans.

Attitude towards peasants

The peasants Manilov never suffer from the attacks of his landowner, the matter here is not only in the calm moral manilov, but also in his laziness. He never delves his peasants into the affairs, because he does not have interest in this matter. At first glance, such an attitude should have favorably influence the relationship in the projection of the presenter-serf, but this medal has its own unsightly side. The indifference of Manilov is manifested in complete indifference to the life of serfs. It is in no way trying to improve their working conditions or life.

By the way, he does not even know the number of his fortress, as it does not lead to them. Some attempts to keep records were undertaken by Manilov - he considered the peasants of a male floor, but soon there was a confusion and in the end, everything was abandoned. Also Manilov does not keep an account with their "dead souls". Manilaov gives Chichikov's her dead souls and even takes the costs of their design.

House and Cabinet Manilova

Everything in Manilov's estate has a dual position. The house and, in particular, the office did not exception from the rules. Here, as anywhere, the impermanence of the landowner and his family members is better.

First of all, this is associated with comparison of non-separated. In the house of Manilov, you can see good things, so, for example, the sofa at the landlord was covered with a good cloth, but the rest of the furniture was in the launch and was crushed cheap and already the order of the fabric. In some furniture rooms, they lacked at all and they stood empty. Chichikova was unpleasant surprised when during dinner on the table there were a very decent lamp and a very unsightly simple look, like a disabled person of his colleague. However, this fact only noticed the guest - the rest took it as proper.

Cabinet Manilova is not much different from the rest. At first glance, it was a completely cute room, the walls of which were painted in gray-blue tones, but when Chichikov began to carefully consider the Cabinet atmosphere, it could notice that even the most in the manilov office was tobacco. Tobacco was definitely everywhere - a handheld on the table, he generously retrolled all the documents that were in the office. Also in the office Manilov lay a book - the tab in it was at the very beginning - the page on the fourteenth, but this did not mean that Manilov recently took up her reading. This book in this position calmly lay for the second year.

Thus, Gogol in the story "Dead Souls" depicted a completely pleasant man, Manilov's landowner, which, with all its shortcomings, is noticeably positively stand out against the background of the whole society. He has the full potential to become an exemplary person in all respects, but the laziness that the landowner is unable to overcome, becomes a serious obstacle.

Manilov as a type of "Living Dead Man"

The overall view of literary critics about the "dead souls" (and, both critics of modern and those who lived in the times of Gogol): There is a huge problem of understanding this work. On the one hand, this text is certainly possible to read literally: as such a detective story about Russia. But on the other hand, this is a narrative, and, reading attentively, the reader regularly asks the question - and whose souls are here dead - corpses or alive?

Belinsky at one time noted: "Dead souls will love not every reader, and even fewer people will understand the true meaning of this work:
The poem of Gogol can only enjoy those who are available to the thought and artistic performance of the creation, who is important to the content, and not the plot.<…> "Dead souls" are not disclosed quite from the first reading even for people thinking ...

And the critic was absolutely right. We adhere to the opinion that the writer called the writer in this essay in this essay, which, nevertheless, managed to die even during his lifetime. Doubtful achievement, however!

Therefore, if this novel-poem still can not be perceived by a classic fairy tale, where the heroes live, love, marry, die, the question arises: and what did Gogol hid under the symbolic types of written characters? Here is another real fact: the writer itself illustrated the manuscript "dead souls". And in these figures, much attention was paid to the appearance of heroes. This suggests that Gogol intended to present the whole image of the society of the Russian Empire, putting the entire inconceivable scale in the size of the romance "box." By the way, about the box. And the landowner, and the Manilansk interested us - all these types, which we may still meet on the street. Let's look at Manilov under the microscope of the Literary Researcher.

And what is it this manil ... is actually?

When the novel-poem just went out of the press, he got into the field of view not only of individual readers, but also critics. So, S. Shevyrev's work really liked it, so the critic gave a positive assessment by Gogol's creation. The same criticism belongs to the remark about Manilov:
We guess that, besides properties, they are now visible, there must be more, good features<…> So, for example, Manilan, with all their empty dreams, should be a very kind person, gracious and kind lord with their people and honest in everyday life ...

But E. Smirnova shows a curious look at this novel. According to Criticism, the motive of the inherent in the Russian culture of hectares is hidden here. However, this is also dead. Why? Let's figure it out. Starting from the first lines, this motive makes itself felt. The author writes about the present time as if this period, "when the warriors are already being displayed in Russia." And in the last chapter, too, there is the same motive (or even a leitmotif?): "Is it not to be herself ...". This topic is considered a positive pole of a novel, which, in some sense, balastives the negative pole of the work. Bogatyri is a living principle that is warm, creative, present. And this beginning is opposed by the "dead souls": chikima, manilov, dogs, boxes, plush shoes ... Each character is an example of a certain doner. For example, our manilahs seem to be hospitable, and perhaps less unpleasant than other heroes, but this is a dreamer, torn away from life, devoid of activities, creativity. Manilov is emptiness. Gogol hints at the fact that in the Russian Empire, the world as it would be broken into two parts: the world is true, living, active, and the world of stagnation, dead, cold, empty world. And, unfortunately, the second world flashes and survives the first.

Image of Manilov in criticism

But back for a few more minutes to Belinsky. The criticism belongs to a deep analysis of Gogol Roman-poem - "An explanation for an explanation about the poem Gogol" Dead Souls "." We also give quotes that clearly make it clear why Manilov is not just another character from the literature, but a type that has world-historical significance:

We put that Byron in comparison with Gogol - Nothing, and Chichikov, Manilov and Selifana have more world-historical importance than the titanic, colossal personalities of the British poet ...

... Epos Walter Scott concludes "the content of a common life", while Gogol has this "common life" is only as a hint, like the rear thought caused by the perfect lack of universal in the lifestyle<…> What is the common life in chikchikhi, Selifan, Manilov, Plushy, Self, and in the whole honest compartment, the attention of the reader in the "dead souls" occupying their vulgarity?

Konstantin Aksakov again proves that in Manilov has its own side of life: Yes, who doubted this, as well as in the fact that in the pig, which, sulking into the manure in the courtyard, ate the chicken in the courtyard (p. 88) Is there a side of life? She eats and drinks - it became, lives: So it is possible to think that it does not live by Manilov, who not only eats and drinks, but also smokes tobacco, and not only smokes tobacco, but also fantasies ...

All these manilov and those like them are fun only in the book; In fact, get rid of God to meet with them - and not to meet with them, because they are pretty in reality, therefore, they are representatives of it ...

Thus, Manilov appears as a kind of man of emptiness in literature, reflecting the void people in life. The hero has nothing: there are no thoughts, feelings, in the end, there is no life itself. Life is a balance of contemplation and actions, but Manilov, the transole occurs only one way - towards empty contemplation: these are books that never get drunk and never read, plans that will never come true. Manilov - a lover to dream. On the one hand, this is not a sin, however, the dreams of the hero are full of nonsense. It can be said that this character is devoid of form: amorphous, vague, indefinite. And most importantly: in Manilov, do not see a vitality, that very, which gives any existence meaning.

That is what Gogol says:

Of course, you can see that there are many other activities in the house, except for prolonged kisses. Why, for example, stupid and easily prepare in the kitchen? Why is pretty empty in the storeroom? Why the thief is the keystitch? Why are unclean and drunkard servants? Why is the whole parano sleeps with a thoroughly and hangs everything else? ..

Manilov and his family are a big satire on the rates of education, which made an empty pillow from a person - but a beautiful, elegant, decorating the sofa of the manor. We mean that such people do not differ much from furniture. Manilov are pleasant and beautiful, but these features do not leave traces.

Externally manilas is rich, but spiritually - okor, since the hero has no aspirations, plans, there is no progress in self-development and self-improvement. The brightness of the decor and the atmosphere of Manilov's house only emphasizes the faceless and gray nature of the owner. Manilov's dreams completely tear off the hero from life, so now "Manilov" can be called a man - a chatter, a dreamer, a wise sweet speaker, giving away from the responsibility and difficulty of life in a more convenient reality.

Among the characters of the Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" of Chichikov occupies a special place. Being central (from the point of view of the plot and composition) of the poem's figure, this hero until the last chapter of the first volume remains for all the mystery - not only for officials of the city NN but also for the reader. The past of the hero is unknown (his biography is not given at the beginning of the story, but only in the eleventh chapter), as well as the goals, his stay in the city of Nn are unknown. In addition, the author deprives Pavel Ivanovich identity, memorable traits, his own "face." Against the background of bright, extremely individualized landowners, the figure Chichikova looks colorless, uncertain, elusive. The lack of an individual began to be detected in the speech behavior of the hero - without having his own "face", he does not have his own "voice."

It is the chance of chance and colorlessness that chikchiku is reincarnated to be unrecognizable when the "interests of the case" require this. An excellent psychologist and a brilliant simulator, he knows how to make a magical artistry to be able to his interlocutor. In any situation, he says that he would like to hear from him, which can arrange in his favor.

With Manilov Pavel Ivanovich Krynovno-kind, highly ("... I am not a law of law") and flattering. With a box, he is a patronizing-gentle and patriarchal-diveward ("On all the will of God, Mother ..."), but keeps her free, "not ceremony." Instead of flowery phrases, there are now distinguished, and sometimes coarse expressions, and sometimes rude expressions ("The Egg Case is not worthwhile", "yes the abnormalities and the necks").

Communication with brazen and unceremonious nostril for Chichikov Flour, because Pavel Ivanovich does not tolerate the "familiar circulation" ("... unless there is a person ... too high title"). However, he does not think to interrupt his dialogue with the landlord: he is rich, and therefore ahead of the prospect of a profitable transaction. Following its tested method, chikchiki seems to be likened by Nozdrev. He addresses him on "You", takes the familiar manners and Hamsky top from him.

It is much easier to find a common language with Koschikov's Schemevich - after all, both unites the zealous ministry "Kopeyka". Even Plushhina, which has long lost contact with the outside world and forgotten elementary norms of courtesy, was able to position Pavel Ivanovich to him. For this, the Chichot's landowner plays the role of impractical and generous nerd - "Motika", ready to pay a random acquaintance from the need to pay plastic for dead peasants.

Who is chicchik? What is he for a person? Among the many fantastic versions about Chichikov, nominated by officials of the city of Nn. The version of the Antichrist deserves special attention. The Antichrist of the New Testament "Revelation" precedes the onset of a terrible court, appears at the end of times. Why exactly Chichikov becomes Gogol with the sign of the "recent times", the symbol of the upcoming catastrophe?

From the point of view of Gogol, evil, personified in Chichikov ("Passion for the acquisition"), there is the main evil of modernity. Evil ordinary and insignificant worse than literary-majestic evil shows Gogol. Gogol wants to understand the psychological nature of a new phenomenon. This is the biography of Chichikova, explaining the genesis depicted in the poem of character. Dull, sad childhood Hero - without comrades, without dreams, without parental love - a lot predetermined in the further fate of the hero. He digested the parental instruction deeply ("... Take care and copy kopeck"), Pavlusha Chichikov develops energy, will and perseverance, with whom it rushes to his only goal in the life -, wealth. Initially, his actions are naive and straightforward: Pavlusha Rabiva pleases the teacher and becomes his favorite. Having matured, chischik manipulates people with much greater art, the software and the results of his effort are now more significant. Having promised to marry the daughter of your boss, Chichikov extracts themselves the place of the boot. Service at customs, Pavel Ivanovich convinces the authorities in its integrity, and then caresses the huge state of a major party of smuggling goods. The biography of Gogol's "acquirer" was marked by a strange pattern: Chichikov's brilliant victories are turned around with zero. The process of enrichment turns into something self-concrete, self-sufficient - because it is always a process without a result.

At the same time, Chichikov's biography makes you remember the sinners who overcame their sinfulness and subsequently became sainted devotees. It was assumed that in the following volumes of the poem there will be awakening the soul of the hero and his spiritual resurrection. The author said that the vices of time, not accidentally so condensed and strengthened in Chichikov - the resurrection of the "time hero" should be the beginning of the resurrection of the whole society.

"Dead souls" of cities and villages.

In Russian literature, travel theme, the topic of the road is found very often. You can call such works as the "dead souls" of Gogol or the "Hero of Our Time" Lermontov. This motive was often used as a plot forming. However, sometimes he is in itself one of the central topics, the purpose of which is to describe Russia's life during a certain period of time. A vivid example of this is the poem "Dead Souls" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. In this work, for Gogol, one of the main tasks was as a complete image of Russia's life. Considering what a huge layer of the Company is shown by Gogol in the first volume, despite his plan, volumes should have been three, Gogol was really close to fulfilling his intention and show all the lives of Russia in full. The author focused on the depiction of noble life. Moreover, in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author in the first volume, all the worst parties of noble life were to be shown, the life of the provincial city of Nn and such colorful figures of landowners, like Manilan, Box, Nozdrev, Sobekhevich and Plushkin. In general, in the "dead souls", Gogol uses the plot scheme of the "Plutovsky Roman", which arose in Western Europe in the Renaissance Epoch. This scene scheme is formed by the journey of the main character - a plut, during which sins of ordinary people are revealed. Using this scheme, Gogol filled it with a new meaning.

The poem begins with the description of the provincial city. It should be noted that the image of Gogol included the image of the entire provincial Russia on the example of a separate city. Therefore, the author constantly mentions the typicalness of this city and his life. The story about the city begins with the description of the hotel in which Chichiki drove. The room where he settled, was "famous kind, for the hotel was also a famous kind, that is, just like hotels in the provincial cities, where for two rubles per day passing the deceased room with cockroaches, looking like prunes, of all The corners and the door in the nearby room, always forced by the chest, where the neighbor, silent and calm person, is satisfied, but an extremely curious, interested in knowing all the details of passing ". This is followed by a description of the city itself, which "did not inferdate other provincial cities in any way: the yellow paint was very ball in stone houses and modestly dark gray on wooden. The houses were one, two and a half years old, with eternal mezzanine, very beautiful, according to the provincial architects. " Then Gogol, with his own humor, describes many other details inherent in the provincial city. Following this, Gogol describes strong cities that form a hierarchical staircase, at the beginning of which the governor stands, which was "like chikchiku or a thick, nor finely". Such a parallel with chikchikov looks not very flattering for the head of the city. Then Gogol lists all fathers of the city: Vice-Governor, Prosecutor, Chairman of the Chamber, Politzmeister, etc. They had so much that it was "somewhat difficult to mention all the strengths of this world."

The most fully urban society is shown on the governor's ball. Here are all the layers of the noble society. However, the main two, according to Gogol, is "thin" and "thick or the same as chikhiki, that is, not so that too thick, but w and not thin." Moreover, "Tolstoy can better deprive their things on this light than thin." And the fact that the volume of the body is shown by the author as the main criterion of well-being, makes the image of the nobility landed. Especially this impression is enhanced after the description of the Gogol of the conversations of the "thick" about the horse plant, about good dogs, "regarding the investigation produced by the Kazan Chamber", "about the billiard game." However, there were conversations about the virtue, which speaks rather about the hypocrisy of society, given especially what the chichotists speak, "even with tears in the eyes." And the fact that the Society of "Tolstoy" has a sins, it turns out later when a rumor was held around the city, as if Chikimov came to the city with a check. This caused a big stir, and the prosecutor even died of excitement, although he is a person responsible for maintaining the law in the city. But, of course, the main place in the first volume of the poem "Dead Souls" is a description of landlords. It should be noted here that the description of the life of the landowners is closely connected with the main theme of the work - an image of the cloak of the human soul. And the five landowners shown by Gogol are bright examples of such cloak. Moreover, they are presented in the order of descending by them of living, human qualities.

The first of the landowners depicted by Gogol was manif. The story of it begins with the description of his estate. "The house of the Lord standing alone on Jura, that is, on an elevation, open to all winds, how just he wants to surfaches ..." Next is a description of the village: "At the sole of this elevation, and the part of the Skat itself, they dawn along and across the sulfur-in-law. .. "In the whole appearance of the estate and villages, some kind of ill-imbenced, messy, as, in fact, in the interior of the Lord's house are visible. Life in Manilovka, as it were, it would be stopped, and the book in the owner's office, "the bookmark on the fourteenth page, which he has already read for two years already has been testified. The owner itself fully corresponds to the situation in the manor. Especially Gogol emphasizes that from Manilov "will not wait for any living or even an arrogant word ..." His soul is as if he sleeps, but he is at the initial stage of the soul, he did not turn into a scoundrel.

Then the box is shown, "one of those mother-in-law, small landlords, which are crying for crop, losses and keep their heads a few days, and meanwhile they type the mean money in the motley bags placed on the drawers of the chest." The whole "spiritual world" box focused on the farm. She lives in it both in portable, and literally, since the garden begins immediately at the landlord. It is so focused on the farm, that switching to something else is very difficult for her. Gogol even calls her "Dubinogol". The next one, with whom the chichikov is found, was the nostrils. Hogol gives him an unequivocal characteristic, picking it up to people, "having stability to nourge the neighbor, sometimes at all without any reason." His reaction to the Offer Chichikova is interesting. He, not at all embarrassed by the unusual proposal of Chichikov, tried to receive benefits.

The fourth landowner was a companion, whom Gogol compares with a bear. This comparison occurs both due to external similarity and due to the symbolic meaning, which invests in this name Gogol. Such a comparison corresponds to the Gogol characteristic of the Sobevich - "fist". And all in his estate corresponds to him: and the peasant horses built on the century, and the master's buildings constructed from centuries-old trees. And in fact, "every item, each chair seemed to say:" And I, too, Sobehevich! " or "and I am also very similar to the Schemevich!" To the proposal Chichikov, he reacted in a business, starting to bargain, which even surprised Chichikov.

Sobesevich is an example of almost complete spiritual impoverishment. "It seemed that there was no soul in this body, or she had it, but not at all where it follows, but as at the immortal wrap, somewhere around the corner and closed such a thick shell that everything that neither grumbled at the bottom Her, did not make a resolutely no shock on the surface. "

Talking about Manilov, Box, Nostrotee and Sobevich, Gogol describes typical images, which does not emphasize. The image of Plushhina is not typical, but it was needed by Gogol, to show, to what extent can the cloister of the soul, he had to be the result of this process. Plushkin is a living corpse, without spiritual world, soul. Only once "On this wooden face suddenly slipped some kind of warm beam, it was not a feeling, but some pale reflection of feelings, a phenomenon similar to the unexpected appearance on the surface of the water of the drowning", but "the appearance was last." And "Plushkin's face after instantly sliding his feeling on him was still insensitive and dashed."

The people in the first volume of the "dead souls" are represented mainly by Selifan and parsley and several episodic heroes, which are also, like nobles, do not correspond to the ideal of Gogol. Although in general the image of the people is shown in the author's departures as something lighter and wise.

An essay on the topic "The landowners and their estates in the poem N.V.Gogol" Dead Souls "

Performed: Nazimova Tamara Vasilyevna

Explaining the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "dead souls", N.V. Hogol wrote that the images of the poem - "no portraits from insignificant people, on the contrary, the features of those who consider themselves the best others are collected. The central place in the first volume occupy five "portrait" chapters, which are built on the same plan and show how different types of serfs were on the soil of serfdom and as serfdom in the 20s-30s of the 19th century, due to the growth of capitalist forces, led to Preventive class for economic decline. The author gives these chapters in a definite order. The mismanive and wasteful landowner Manilov replaces the petty and overwhelming the box, a non-worn moth and a lifespan of the Nostrove - nice and calculating companionship. Completes this gallery of Plushkin's landowners - the soul, which brought to his estate and peasants to full poverty and ruin. Gogol with great expressiveness gives a picture of the decline of the landlord. From a celebrating dreamer who lives in the world of his dreams, Manilov to the "Dubnogolovaya" box, from her to the reckless Shulera, walk and the Nostrouse, then to the grip of a companion and further - to the loss of the human appearance to the fist - "Spherical on Humanity" - Pushkina leads us Gogol, showing an increasing moral drop and decomposition of representatives of the landlord world. Depicting the landowners and their estates, the writer repeats the same techniques: a description of the village, the Lord's house, the appearance of the landowner. Next, there is a story about how they reacted to the proposal Chichikov for the sale of dead souls are certain people. Then the Chichikov's attitude is depicted to each of the landowners and the scene of the sale of dead shower appears. Such a coincidence is not accidental. The monotonous closed circle of receptions allowed the author to expose the headache, the backwardness of the provincial life, the closedness and the limited landowners, emphasize the stagnation and dying. The first one who visited Chichikov was Manilov. "In the opinion he was a man prominently; The features of his face were not devoid of pleasantness, but in this friend, it seemed to be overwhelmed by Sugara; In the receptions and turns, it was something embarrassing locations and acquaintances. He smiled tempting, was Belokur, with blue eyes. " Previously, he served in the army, where he was considered a modest, delicate and educated officer. " Living in the estate, he "sometimes comes to the city ... To see for educated people." Against the background of the inhabitants of the city and the places, he seems to be "a very consistent and courteous landlord," which lies some kind of imprint of the "semisimal" medium. However, revealing the inner appearance of Manilov, his character, talking about its attitude towards the economy and the hotel, describing the reception by Manile Chichikov, Gogol shows a complete emptiness and a worthlessness of this landowner. The writer emphasizes a well-witted manilov, meaningless dreaminess. Manilov had no living interests. He did not do the farm, having handing over his cuzzle, was deprived of a shopping center, he knew his peasants badly, everything came into decay, but Manilaov dreamed of underground progress, about the stone bridge through the pond, which Baba moved Vbod, and with trade shops on both parties his. He did not even know if he died his peasants since the last revision. Instead of a shady garden, usually surrounding the Barsky House, Manilov "Only five - six birch ..." with liquid vertices. "The House of the Lord standing alone on the Jura ... Open all the winds ..." On the mountain subtracts "two or three flower beds were scattered with the bushes of Lilac and Yellow Acacia; ... a gazebo with a flat green dome, wooden blue columns and the inscription" Lention Temple " , lower pond, covered with greens ... "And finally," sulfur logs "of men. Manilov has more than two hundred peasant rally. For all this, the owner itself is overlooked - the Russian landowner, nobleman Manilov. Besome, ineptly, the house was unsuccessful, with a claim to the European fashion, but devoid of elementary taste. The sad kind of Manilovsky estate complements the landscape sketch: the darkening "boring-bluish color of a pine forest" and a completely indefinite day: "Not that clear, not that gloomy, and some light gray color." Just, empty, monotonous. Gogol exhaustively revealed that such Manilovka could not lure a little. In the house of Manilova, the same mantle and unreasonableness reigned. Some rooms were without furniture, two chairs in the owner's office were covered with chores. His life manifers spends on idleness. He moved away from all difficulty, does not even read anything: two years in his office lies the book, laid down on the same fourteenth page. His idle Barin asks for groundless dreams and meaningless projects, such as the construction of an underground stroke, a stone bridge over the pond. Instead of a real feeling - Manilova "Pleasant Smile", instead of thought - some incoherent, stupid reasoning, instead of activity - empty dreams. His spouse and wife Manilov. The farm for her is a low occupation, life is devoted to Susyukani, Meshchansky surprices, languid long kisses. "Manilova is so well brought up," Gogol notices ulcer. Step by step, Gogol inexorably denounces the vulgarity of the Manilov family, Irony constantly replaces satire: "On the table, the Russian soup, but from the pure heart," the children are alkyd and the femistocleus, named the names of the ancient Greek commander as a sign of parents.

During a conversation about the sale of dead souls, it turned out that many peasants had already died. At first, Manilov could not understand what the essence of the Chichikovskaya Vainya. "He felt that he needed to do something, to propose a question, and what a question - the hell knows him." Manilov exhibits "care of further species of Russia", but it is an empty phrase: where to him to Russia, if in its own economy can not go into order. Chikchiku is easily able to convince a friend in the legality of the transaction, and Manilan, as a landowner, impractical, ineptly, gives Chichikov's dead souls and takes the costs of registration of the bundice. Manilan is tearfully complacent, he has no live thoughts and real feelings. He himself "Dead Soul" and is doomed to death as well as the entire autoclative-serf system of Russia. Manilov are harmful and socially dangerous. What consequences for the economic development of the country can be expected from Manilovsky economic management!

The landowner is a box, lives closed in his estate, as in a box, and its home adverity gradually develops into a scopidomism. Limitations and stupidity are completed by the character of the "DUBNICOLOGOLOGICAL" landowners belonging to the distrust of the whole new in life. Gogol emphasizes her stupidity, ignorance, superstition, indicates that its behavior is guided by a carriage, passion for profit.Unlike Manilov, the box is very excitement and knows how to keep the farm. The author describes the landowner: "The Woman of the Older Years, in some Sleeping Cepeci, is rushing, with a flannel on the neck, one of those Mothers, small landlords who are crying for crumbs, losses ... And meanwhile, dial the money maker in the mothers Pouchs ... "The box knows the price of" penny ", so it is so afraid to be made in a transaction with chikchikov. She refers to the fact that he wants to wait for the merchants and find prices. Gogol at the same time draws our attention to the fact that this landowner herself leads the farm, and the peasant huts in her village "showed the content of the inhabitants", there are "spacious gardens with cabbage, onions, potatoes, swollen and other economic vegetables," there are "apple And other fruit trees. " The magnifier of the box is depicted by the author of almost absurd: among the many of the necessary and useful items, each of which lies in its place, there are rods that "no longer needed." "DUBINOGOLOGICAL" box - the embodiment of those traditions, which have developed in the gravity minor landowners leading the natural economy. She is a representative of the outgoing, dying Russia, and there is no life in it, since it is not facing the future, but in the past.
But the problems of money and the management of the economy do not care the landowner Nozdrev, to which the chikhiki falls after visiting the estate of the box. Nozdrev belongs to the number of people who are always welcoming, Cutles, the people are prominent. " His life is filled with card games, meaningless spending money. It does noticeably play cards, always ready to go "Wherever, even on the edge of the world, enter what the company you want, change everything that neither is that everything you want." All this does not lead the nosed to enrichment, but, on the contrary, ruins it. It is energetic, active and deft. It is not surprising that Chichikov's proposal to sell him dead souls immediately found a living response from Nozdrev. Adventurer and liar, this landower decided to hold Chichikov. Only miracle saves the main character from physical violence. The manor and the miserable position of the serfs, of which the nozzles disappears everything that may help better understand its character.He completely launched his farm. In excellent condition, he has only one dog.Nozdrev showed empty stalls, where they were also good horses ... Barina's office "There was no marked traces of what happens in the cabinets, that is, books or paper; Only a saber and two guns hung. " The author gives him the merit of the mouth of Chichikov: "Nozzles man - rubbish!". He muttered everything, threw the estate and settled at the fair in the game house. Stressing the vitality of the nozzles in Russian reality, Gogol exclaims: "Nozdrov will not yet withdraw from the world."
In sober, in contrast to the nostride, everything is all distinguished by good quality and durability, even the well "deprived in strong oak." But this does not make a good impression against the background of the ugly and ridiculous buildings and the settings of the house of this landowner. Yes, and he does not make a favorable impression. Sobekevich seemed chikchiku "very similar to the middle size of the bear." Describing the appearance of this landowner, Gogol ironically notes that nature is shortly wisely over his face: "I had enough for an ax once - the nose came out, I was enough to another - the eyes came out, the eyes were filled with a big drill and, not uncomfortable; She launched, affirming: "Lives!" Creating the image of this landowner, the author often uses the reception of hyperbolization - this is the brutal appetite of the companion, and tasteless portraits of commander with thick legs and "unheard of mustes", decorated his office, and "Cell, from which loosely looked a dark color with white spectacles, very similar Also on the companion. "

Sobehevich is an ardent serf, which will never miss his benefit, even if it comes to the dead peasants. During the bargaining with chikchikov, its greed, the desire for profit. By lumbering the price, "in stu rubles" for a dead soul, he eventually agrees to "two seconds", just to miss the opportunity to get money for such an unusual product. "Fist, fist!" - thought about the Koschikov's companion, leaving his estate.

Manov landowners, box, Nozdrev and Sobesevich are described by Gogol with irony and sarcasm. In the creation of the image of Plushin, the author uses grotesque. When the chisters first saw this landowner, he accepted him for the key. The protagonist thought that if I met Plushkina on Palateti, "then" ... would give him a copper gross. " But later, we learn that this landowner is rich - he has more than a thousand souls of peasants. Storerooms, barns and drying were full of all kinds of good. However, all this good spoiled, turned into a duch. Gogol shows the immeasurable greed of plush. In his house, such huge reserves were accumulated, which would be enough for several lives. The passion for the accumulation is unrecognizable Plushkin; He sails only for the sake of storage ... longing is imbued with the description of the village and the estate of this owner. The windows in the spa were without glasses, some were shut-up with a cloth or zipoon. The Barsky house is similar to the huge grave crypt where the man is buried alive. Only a buoy-growing garden reminds of life, beauty, sharply opposed ugly life of the landowner. The peasants walked hunger, and they "mruh, like flies" (for three years 80 shower), are tens of running in the run. He himself lives the injignment, dresses as beggar. According to the Nature of Gogol, Plushkin turned into some kind of "rush at humanity." In the era of the growth of cash relations, the Plushkin farming is conducted in the old manner, based on the bargaining work, the owner collects products and things.

The meaningless thirst for the storage of Plushkin is brought to the absurdity. Row the peasants, gripping them with unbearable work. Plushkin copied, and everything he collected, rot, everything turned into "pure manure." Such a landowner as Plushkin cannot be supporting the state, moving its economy and culture forward. The writer is sorely exclaimed: "And to such insignificance, petty things, the man could converge! Could change so much! And it looks like the truth? Everything is like the truth, everything can be with a person. "

Gogol put each landowner with specific features. Nor a hero, then a unique person. But at the same time, the heroes retain generic, social signs: a low cultural level, the lack of intellectual queries, the desire for enrichment, cruelty in handling of serfdom, immorality. These moral freaks, as Gogol shows, are generated by serfdom and reveal the essence of serfdom based on the oppression and operation of the peasantry.

The work of Gogol was stunned by the ruling circles of Russia and landowners. Ideal defenders of serfdom proven that the nobility is the best part of the population of Russia, true patriots, state support. Gogol dispelled this myth.

Gogol provides a description of Manilov's estate at the beginning of the second chapter, having previously told about how chikchiki wanders in search of Manilovka. The name of the estate - Manilovka, which the author alternates with Zamanilovka hints at what hitting the landowner, he will be disappointed, deceived.

Manor through the eyes of a guest.

As it turned out, the owner slightly embellished the story about the location of his estate, it was much further than it was said. At the entrance to the village of Chichikov, a large stone house, which is located on the elevation, flower beds with lilac on the English manner. "Decorate" the picture of two women, which roam the water and catch the network from the Lord's pond and crayfish, while swearing and foul language. The guest is surprised that in the village there is practically no vegetation (nor a tree, nor busta), but only wooden huts. Before the madness, the hospitable owner meets the guest right at the porch with a sweet smile and the same speeches.

House and furnishings

Even before the moment he got into the house to Manilov, he notices the object that brightly characterizes the name of the owner is a green gazebo with the inscription "Temple of a secluded reflection." "Temple" Zaros, a little dilapidated, but is the pride of the owner, emphasizing how he thinks his subtle soulful warehouse. The pond is also a detail that characterizes the owner - he started him by fashion trend, there is no practical benefit in it. Such ponds, according to the remark of the author, are not uncommon in the estates of that time. Everything like everyone else is the hidden motto Manilov.

The only difference from the generally accepted order at the Manil family was that they were drowning in dreams and fun, they would not be able to arrange their life properly. The necessary furniture was not purchased, reasoning that it was time to order it continued for years. The furniture in the living room was beautiful, but several chairs were covered with Helight, waited for years when they remember them and completed the work began. The incompleteness was noticeable in the entire interior. The situation said that the owners have a very good income, but absolutely not adapted to life, not practical, and most likely, lazy. Beautiful expensive objects in the house adjacent to cheaper unsightly (the author leads an example of a delightful "antique candlestick" and "copper fearless disabled" - they both decorated the table behind the meal, and it did not confuse the owners). This approach is not talking about high taste, but that Manilov is too thin and elevated to pay attention to household trivia.


Quite ironically describes the author of the Cabinet Manilov. It should be mentioned by the fact that the landowner did not manage the estate (everything went out by itself), did not write, did not have papers and documents. In fact, the presence of the office is the tribute to the same motto "everything is like everyone else."

Like everything in the house, the interior of the cabinet was "not deprived of his friend." The walls were painted with some blue color resembling the sulfur, there were four chairs and a chair. It was in him the master forced to sit down. Perhaps this is the only case when the landowner needed a cabinet for working moments. During the rest of the time he was sitting there in thought, almost continuously smoking the handset. This was told that the tobacco was laid out at different places of the room, and the coils of the smoking tube were laid out on the windows of the smoking tube. It emphasized that the owner spends a lot of time here in pleasant reflections.