How to make a panoramic photo. Step-by-step instruction! Just, easy, fast

How to make a panoramic photo. Step-by-step instruction! Just, easy, fast

By the quality of photos-save smartphones, the cameras catch up with might and main. Today's level of development makes it possible to make the pictures worthy of quality. Having a small photo studio in his pocket, many think about creating panoramas. After all, there are so many beautiful places that do not fit into one small snapshot. However, there is no experience in creating panoramic photos, as a result, it turns out a gluing from the unspoken pictures, which is ashamed to show. But it's never late to learn, so we will give you a couple of tips.

Software component

Found a beautiful view, but do not know what to do panorama? Do not be caustically. What in Android, that IOS has standard tools to create panoramic pictures. Do not know where they are? Just go to the camera app on your device and find the appropriate icon. Do not like the standard application? Then there are alternatives.




Like the previous one, the program is easy to use, but a slightly distinguished image of the image creation algorithm. You do not remove certain scenes in turn, and simply rotate the device in a circle, after clicking the shutter button. The advantage is the presence of some filters for processing the photo and the ability to enable the flash. Sharing on social networks is also present.


360 Panorama.


An extremely interesting solution for creating panoramas. The program is designed for lazy. You do not even have to take a picture. Just put the iPhone on a flat solid surface and run Cycloramic. Due to the vibromotor, the phone will turn themselves. You will also remain watch the result.

If you decide what program to use, do not hurry right into battle. The presence of good technique does not make your pictures of masterpieces. The presence of driver's license does not make you a rider. Bit in the trunk does not make you athlete. With a photo as well. Having bought a mirror chamber for unreal money, you do not become a photographer. Before starting your long way to create panoramas, check out our advice.

Watch for light

Plus panoramas and their minus. When creating a panorama, you have to remove the wide area in front of you. Light in this area can fall unevenly. Then one part of your panorama will be very bright, and in the other you will not discern anything in the dark. Be sure to consider it. Try to find a place with the same light balance. If you are indoors, do not forget to follow the shadows. You must be at a point from which approximately an approximately equal amount of shaded and bright objects.

Keep track of movement

Panorama is usually done in lively places and this is a certain difficulty. If people are moving in the area you take, then when gluing the final image, the picture can disappear. The presence of wind is also worth considering. You can't arrange you that one half of the tree is tilted in one direction, and the second one? This is somehow displayed on the finished picture, which will spoil its quality. Try to wait windless weather if possible.

Keep the phone more confident.

It does not matter how good the stabilization is in your phone, if you are incredibly shaking hands. Shaking the phone at the time of shooting will definitely affect the picture. You either lubricate it or it will turn out of above or below. In general, you've been waiting for such a result. Try to keep the phone smooth and not shake it. If it does not work, then find some smooth and solid surface and install the phone on it.

Learn to move slow

If you do not have a tripod or area where to install a smartphone, then you will have to turn yourself. It is necessary to do it slowly and patiently. No need to make sharp turns. Santimeter for centimeter turn around its axis. And most importantly - try to stay at one point in which you started shooting.

Now you are ready

Now, having some luggage knowledge, you can safely make the creation of panoramas. Be bolder. The more you try, the better you will have to get. Moreover, modern smartphones are small photo laboratory in your pocket. A little effort and you will not believe your successes. Just do not forget about our advice and everything will turn out.

Post for those who want to make themselves to do.
Professionals are often used by Adobe Photoshop with a bunch of corresponding plug-ins, but the price of this software for the pocket is except specialized firms. Therefore, I will tell you how to do the same without any costs, with the help of free software (SPO, FREEWARE). For example, so:

(in the photo Lake Tair, Mariy El)

This panorama is made with the help of Imagic 4.0 Free Browser, which is free, but demanded a lot of unsuccessful attempts and subsequent handmade. Since then, several years have passed, and I am now forced to bring more thanks to Microsoft "With a magnificent gift, providing an amazing quality of gluing panoramas, for example:

Or even so, just three photos:

But is there enough functionality?
And it depends on what task.

For example, let's see a special type of panorama - mini-planet (spherical panorama in the polar projection), like demyanof :

In addition to the photoshop mentioned, such projections can do PTGUI and some other (paid) programs.
UPD: True, a free Android program has already appeared, which will delight the owners of smartphones!

For conventional panoramas of the functionality of free software, it is quite enough. Only everything fails to do in one place - you have to use a number of individual programs. Everything is quite simple, and completely free and for free! So, let's go.

1) We take a bunch of consecutive frames with a ceiling of 20-30% on each side (if lazily, then better vertical - to grab more in height; if not lazy, then in several rows); You can not worry about accuracy, you can safely take off my hands.
But there are important features of shooting:

More than despite it to shoot with manual settings, the same for all pictures, otherwise the panoramic software will not be able to perfectly align the brightness. Unfortunately, the owners of phones and simple soaps are deprived of such an opportunity, so further I will tell you what can be done in the process of processing a photo;

It is necessary to twist the camera not around itself, but around the so-called intodal point (which is inside the lens), otherwise there are no close objects on neighboring frames due to parallax, and the software, if you can even glue such pictures, will give a lot of defects when gluing.

It's amazing that he did something at all, because on the right photographs are defective reversals, and on the left - almost complete darkness.
But the result can be improved by simply making the left image alpha correction. Then, when gluing panorama, a fairly flat background is obtained:

The sky, unfortunately, is strongly cross. But, if we have only two pictures, you can not do anything - because the right picture is irreversibly spoiled (information about color is lost - it turned out purely white).
You can correct the situation in two ways:

For professionals: after all, try to "save" source pictures. Unfortunately, for JPG, when you recruit nothing can not be done. But when shooting in RAW format, there is a stock into several stages for those brightness values \u200b\u200bthat when converting a format in JPG is displayed as white and black;

For all others: use more frames with possible large overlapping. Then the panoramic software will be able to understand and make much better:

Both panoramas are made of the same source shots, only the upper - last year's version of Microsoft Ice, and the bottom is fresh. It can be seen that the old could not use all photos, and the new not only was able, but much more correctly calculated the correction of the brightness of each used image.

The final result (last year's version, after the preliminary manual alignment of the brightness of several photos) turned out to be this one (the laziness was like align the brightness of the left, so the sky still remains the wrong color and brightness gradient):

There is also a clear problem of non-professional cameras (and especially phones) - uneven brightness in the center of the frame and the edges.
As a result, there are noticeable dimming at the panorama in the area of \u200b\u200bframes of frames.
This problem is likely to be eliminated when processing the source frames with special filters in the same photoshop, but I have not met such an opportunity in free software ...

Finally, you can move the horizon line that the program picked up automatically:

Here it is impossible to give ready-made recipes, everyone works in the best of its possession of a graphic editor and artistic taste.

In the left shot, you see that after the correction (deformation of the selected area or copying from another snapshot) at the boundary of the region there were inconsistencies in the sky background density. Such defects seems to me more convenient (and high-quality) to correct the retouching in Faststone Image Viewer (see below). And in the simplest cases it will be enough to correct all such defects.

Unfortunately, the arbitrary deformation of individual areas of Faststone Image Viewer does not know how to do, so a dent on the horizon line (right snapshot) has to be corrected in GIMP.

5) Open the obtained panorama in Faststone Image Viewer and retouch the possible artifacts of panoramic software, and this way fill empty fields (within reasonable limits, of course). The same can be done in a graphic editor, but it is here that I really like the retouching tool!

First, we perform cloning (select a "stamp") to fully fill empty areas, then we switch to the retouching mode and pass through the clone and original boundary. This method is superbly working with clouds! You can repeat retouching as much as possible, from different source points - and so you can draw completely unlike clouds.
Also, this method works well with grass, earth or asphalt (for example, it is easy to remove the cigarette cigarette or continue the road in the circumcised gluing places.
But with the waves on the water - no longer very, because the waves move and between neighboring frames are conjugated with difficulty (the panoramic software sometimes even distorts the picture, finding a similar wave at all in that place).

6) download free

Most often, the shooting panorama is most relevant when the details in the foreground are not so important. Then you can safely remove the panorama and even additional equipment will not need. Of course, you have to do some preparatory work.

Steho /

1. Choose the correct shooting point.

Successfully glue multiple images can prevent parallax - change the visible position of the object relative to the remote background depending on your position. That this does not happen, you should make sure that there are no objects in the foreground. For the same reason, you should not shoot on a large focal length. Change the focal length in the shooting process, naturally, is also not worth it.

2. Remove the panoramas into mad weather

First, the wind will shift objects in the frame, which will make it impossible to glue images. Secondly, he can shift the camera, which will lead to a blurred image. Perhaps only one frame will be spoiled, but because of him you can not make the entire panorama. Therefore, do not waste time in vain when the weather is windy.

3. Sunrise and sunset - not the best conditions for shooting panorama

At such a time, the level of illumination changes too quickly. Of course, you can try to make all the shots of the panoramic picture in the fast pace. But it is very likely that it will not give high-quality pictures.

4. Panoramic snapshot - for special situations

Do not shoot panoramic everything. If the view is not noteworthy, it will not save it a non-standard format. Considering that the creation of high-quality panoramic photography requires a solid approach, it is better to first appreciate whether it is worth it.

5. Do also usual photos

In case, if something goes wrong, do not forget to make not only a panoramic picture, but also the usual one. So you insight yourself from full disappointment, if the panoramic photo you will not like it. And do not forget that the panoramic snapshot does not have to be long. You can shoot vertically or glue snapshots into several lines.



It may seem that relieving panoramas - too troublesome idling. But with experience, when difficulties will have less importance, you can evaluate the advantages of this type of shooting: some advantages in building a frame composition, the ability to print in a large format or creating from one panorama of a series of images of a regular format that can look very bright. Once again briefly about what will be the key to a good panoramic picture:

  • lack of objects in the foreground;
  • the focal length is not too large and does not change;
  • cute weather, and time of day - not dawn and not a sunset;
  • really incorrect.

You decide whether to spend additional funds for special equipment for shooting panoramas. In any case, these tips will help you get the basic skills to create a panoramic picture - even if an inexpensive camera or smartphone.

How to make a panorama - sooner or later this question is asked every photographing lover. So I was visited by this question when I decided to take a photo of some memorable place to then place it on the wall in my apartment. Having behind the back of the decent experience of amateur photography, I challenged through the Internet spaces in search of information about what and how to do to get the result and that this result was not ashamed to show the guests of your home. In this article, I will share my experience and tell a couple of secrets about how it is better to shoot and how to set up a camera to get pictures, which, then without much effort, you can merge into panorama.

Before shooting, the panorama is worth making sure that your camera has:

If the functions listed above are available for your camera, you need to decide on the frame for the frame and find a place where you can implement the frame of your dreams. Once on the spot, make the settings of your camera to shoot a panorama in accordance with the instructions below:

  1. Install the camera on the tripod and set it down regarding the horizon in terms of the tripod, in the absence of a tripod, proceed to the following item;
  2. To select optimal shutter speed and diaphragm values, go to the aperture priority mode. Put the value f / 8-11, focus on the central panorama object and take a picture. In the photo viewing mode, you need to see what ISO and excerpt values \u200b\u200b(in addition to the manual diaphragms you have installed) installed the camera;
  3. Set the shooting mode switch to the manual settings position (letter M in the camera settings) and set the shutter speed and the diaphragms obtained in the previous paragraph;
  4. Set the white balance settings in the mode of the most suitable environment (sunny, clouds, etc.). It must be done in order to take several frames for panoramas Photos did not differ from each other on the balance of colors due to different exposures on different frames;
  5. Disable autofocus;
  6. Disable the image stabilization function;
  7. Focus on the point of the corresponding distance for your camera, make a pair of test photos and evaluate the result. If necessary, make an adjustment in the settings;
  8. start shooting.

Quality? This question will help you to answer the general recommendations listed below.

  1. For shooting panorama Preference should be given to average and long-focus lenses, this is if we talk about "fixes" or if you take off with a lens having a variable focal length, then when shooting panorama It is necessary to change the focal length of the lens to the distance corresponding to 50 mm and above. These measures will make high-quality photos that are maximally adapted to create a panorama based on them as in most cases will have minimal geometric distortion and minimal distortion;
  2. Exclude foreground getting into the panorama frame
  3. Do not change the focal length and shooting parameters during the shooting process, as long as the whole series panorama pictures It will not be filmed.
  4. For Panorama With good resolution, the camera is better to arrange in a vertical position in relation to the horizon.
  5. Personnel overlapping (Vangest) should be made from one quarter frame and higher (up to 30 - 40%). In the future, this will make it possible to more accurately combine the received photos of each other.
  6. If shooting is conducted without a tripod, then long exposures should be avoided, which will lead to lubricating frames. Try to the horizon in the pictures strictly in one place.
  7. Selecting the focus point according to the distance will make a photo with the maximum.
  8. Photograph quickly has not changed lighting, shadow, weather, etc.

That's all, you managed to correctly screen photos for panoramas and you know How to make a panoramaIt remains only to combine the received frames for panorama in a single picture. This can be done both in manual, and automatically, but I will tell about it in the next article.

For the first shooting of the panorama print and use my cheat sheet to shoot a panorama.

Below, for convenience I brought a short description of How to make a panorama. To do not forget at the required moment how to make a panoramaPrint the cheat sheet and use it.

How to make panorama - crib

By the quality of photos-save smartphones, the cameras catch up with might and main. Today's level of development makes it possible to make the pictures worthy of quality. Having a small photo studio in his pocket, many think about creating panoramas. After all, there are so many beautiful places that do not fit into one small snapshot. However, there is no experience in creating panoramic photos, as a result, it turns out a gluing from the unspoken pictures, which is ashamed to show. But it's never late to learn, so we will give you a couple of tips.

Software component

Found a beautiful view, but do not know what to do panorama? Do not be caustically. What in Android, that IOS has standard tools to create panoramic pictures. Do not know where they are? Just go to the camera app on your device and find the appropriate icon. Do not like the standard application? Then there are alternatives.




Like the previous one, the program is easy to use, but a slightly distinguished image of the image creation algorithm. You do not remove certain scenes in turn, and simply rotate the device in a circle, after clicking the shutter button. The advantage is the presence of some filters for processing the photo and the ability to enable the flash. Sharing on social networks is also present.


360 Panorama.


An extremely interesting solution for creating panoramas. The program is designed for lazy. You do not even have to take a picture. Just put the iPhone on a flat solid surface and run Cycloramic. Due to the vibromotor, the phone will turn themselves. You will also remain watch the result.

If you decide what program to use, do not hurry right into battle. The presence of good technique does not make your pictures of masterpieces. The presence of driver's license does not make you a rider. Bit in the trunk does not make you athlete. With a photo as well. Having bought a mirror chamber for unreal money, you do not become a photographer. Before starting your long way to create panoramas, check out our advice.

Watch for light

Plus panoramas and their minus. When creating a panorama, you have to remove the wide area in front of you. Light in this area can fall unevenly. Then one part of your panorama will be very bright, and in the other you will not discern anything in the dark. Be sure to consider it. Try to find a place with the same light balance. If you are indoors, do not forget to follow the shadows. You must be at a point from which approximately an approximately equal amount of shaded and bright objects.

Keep track of movement

Panorama is usually done in lively places and this is a certain difficulty. If people are moving in the area you take, then when gluing the final image, the picture can disappear. The presence of wind is also worth considering. You can't arrange you that one half of the tree is tilted in one direction, and the second one? This is somehow displayed on the finished picture, which will spoil its quality. Try to wait windless weather if possible.

Keep the phone more confident.

It does not matter how good the stabilization is in your phone, if you are incredibly shaking hands. Shaking the phone at the time of shooting will definitely affect the picture. You either lubricate it or it will turn out of above or below. In general, you've been waiting for such a result. Try to keep the phone smooth and not shake it. If it does not work, then find some smooth and solid surface and install the phone on it.

Learn to move slow

If you do not have a tripod or area where to install a smartphone, then you will have to turn yourself. It is necessary to do it slowly and patiently. No need to make sharp turns. Santimeter for centimeter turn around its axis. And most importantly - try to stay at one point in which you started shooting.

Now you are ready

Now, having some luggage knowledge, you can safely make the creation of panoramas. Be bolder. The more you try, the better you will have to get. Moreover, modern smartphones are small photo laboratory in your pocket. A little effort and you will not believe your successes. Just do not forget about our advice and everything will turn out.

1 in the priority mode of the diaphragm, set the value F / 8-11, focus on the central object of the panorama and take the picture. Remember the values \u200b\u200bof the received photo.
2 Switch the settings mode to the "M" position set the shutter speed and the diaphragms obtained in the previous paragraph.
3 Select the preset white balance (sunny, cloudy, etc.).
4 Turn off the autofocus image to image.
5 Manually focus on the central point panoramas or at the point of the corresponding hyperfocal lens distance.