5 informational issues about Babach. Facts about Baha

5 informational issues about Babach. Facts about Baha
5 informational issues about Babach. Facts about Baha

In school textbooks and special literature, you can find the thorough biographies of great composers, which provide detailed information about all the events of their lives. But sometimes insignificant cases remaining "behind the scenes" form a much more complete picture of the personalities of the musicians. Self funny stories From the life of famous composers - Beethoven, Baha, Schubert, Paganini, Gaidna, Mozart - Next in the review.

These stories sound anecdotal, it is difficult to say which of them really had a place in reality. But knowing what the character traits showed great composers in communicating with others, it can be assumed that they are reliable. So, everyone spoke about the failure and sullen character of Ludwig Van Beethoven. Uncompromising and categorical, he was even in handling close people. His younger brother Johann copied money, bought the estate and very much. Once he sent an elder brother a business card, proudly signed "Johann Van Beethoven. Landowner". The composer sent the card back, putting his signature on the back: "Ludwig Van Beethoven. Brainners ".

Once, one of the listeners affected by the virtuoso game of Johann Sebastian Baha, asked him: "You perform any music very at ease, you will not say how to learn so to play quickly?" Bach replied: "To play music, do not learn at all. In this, of course, there is nothing complicated. It is necessary only at the right time to click on the desired keys. " Bach was generally a famous joker. Sometimes he changed the poor school teacher, and in some stupid church asked permission to play on the church body. His music was so gorgeous and powerful that many parishioners squinted in fright, deciding that the church came to the church.

Franz Schubert lived in permanent need. His most large-scale earnings - 800 florines for the concert - just for just a few weeks: Schubert bought a piano (before the instrument had to rent), distributed debts - and the money was again ended. After the death of the composer, the inventory of all his property was fitted in 4 lines, only clothing and bed linen were mentioned there.

One day, late for a concert, Niccolo Paganini hired the cab driver and was very surprised when he instead of the usual fee called the amount ten times big. On the question of the reason for the driver answered: "You take 10 francs per ticket with everyone who comes to listen to how you play on one string." Paganini replied: "Well, I will pay for you 10 francs, but only if you take me to the theater on the same wheel."

Josef Haydn, conducted by the orchestra in London, knew that he often came to concerts on tradition, and not for the sake of love for the most music. Such connoisseurs of the beautiful at concerts often fell asleep. Haydn decided to take revenge on indifferent listeners: By fulfilling a new symphony, he turned on a deafening drum fight in those moments when the public calmed down and relaxed. Since then, this symphony is called "Symphony with strikes Litavr", or "Surprise".

Questions about creativity Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart answered with children's immediacy. Sometimes it was really explained by age: when he was 14 years old, after a speech, a teenager approached him and asked how to learn how to play. "It's not at all difficult, just with the help of notes write the melody you like. You just need to try, "replied Mozart. The interlocutor said that he is better to write poems. The composer suggested that it was even more difficult than writing music. "Stop doing that! It's quite easy, you just try, "the young man objected him, who, according to legend, was Goethe.

His habits and fad were both domestic composers:
On this day, March 21 (for the Julian calendar) of 1685, the great German composer Johann Sebastian Bach was born. The name of this musician is known to everyone, and everyone has heard something about him. What passes more time, the farther from us the image of a really existing person under the name of Johann Sebastian Bach. Legends, history, legends, the accuracy of which to refute or prove it is almost impossible.

We want to tell some of the most famous and interesting ones of them today.

1. Family Bakhov

From the XVII century in Germany, the joke was walking "Every Bach - a musician, every musician - Bach". Self of I. S. Bach had 20 children from two marriages. Survived only seven, but they also became musicians, continuing the family tradition.

2. History with lunar light

Johann has lost her parents early. Already at 10, he moved from his native Eisena to Ordruff to his brother, who began to teach his music. Johann studied quickly and possessed a strong way to knowledge. Brother had a locker in which the manuscripts of many works of the famous then composers were kept. But Johann was forbidden to view these notes. Whether the brother believed that Sebastian was still not an adult enough to understand this music, whether the reason was as notot - they were old and about themselves to crumble.

However, despite the ban, Johann still found a way to deceive brother. Thai, at night, Sebastian made his way into the room where the desired locker was standing, I took the notes and rewritten them during the moonlight. But the happiness of the musician came an end, when one day the brother found Johanna for the correspondence. He selected notes, leaving Sebastian in sorrow, comparable, according to the description of one of the first biographers, "with the bitterness that the navigator is experiencing, who was reported to the death of his vessel carrying overseas spices and sweets."

3. Best organist

Bach never missed the opportunity to listen to the game of the best musicians of his time. So, for example, Johann made a long journey only to hear the game of the famous Dietrich Buktehude. Only later I. Bach became a recognized virtuoso game on the "king of instruments", as V. Mozart spoke, - the body, - and then people already travel to hear his game.

4. Competitions in the Game on Clavesis

In those distant times between the musicians, it was customary to arrange competitions who are the best. Participated in this and Bach. But as soon as his rivals heard his game, then he left the city from the city, thereby recognizing their defeat and kneading the skill of the game I. Baha.

5. Capricichio for the departure of his beloved brother

When one of the brothers I. Baha went to serve the King Charles XII as a military musician, Johann composed the work called "Capricheo to depart the beloved brother." This is the only essay of I. Bach with software content specified by the hand of the musician.

And the life of the brother of the composer was interested in: he participated in the Poltava battle, and after the defeat of Charles XII went to Turkey, and then back to Sweden, where she graduated from the status of the court flutist.

6. Music surname

Bach had truly excellent surname. First, Bach (Bach) is literally translated from German as a "stream". This gave the reason to say L. Beethoven: "Nicht Bach, Sondern Meer Sollte Er Heißen (not a stream, and the sea should be a name for him)." Secondly, Bach's surname has a great equivalent. The fact is that the notes are indicated not only as pre-re-Mi-Fa-Sol-Si, but also letters: A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H.

7. Medicine from insomnia

One nobleman ordered I. Bahu to write such a work so that noble, listening to him, could fall asleep with a strong healthy sleep. I. S. Bach fulfilled the request and as a result, the famous Goldberg Variations appeared, which is more than an hour. It is worth noting that his appointment as a sleeping bag is fulfilling with success so far.

8. Bach and Handel. Two anniversaries, two musicians, two different lives ...

These two composers were born in one year, two kilometers from each other, but their fates were in different ways. I. S. Bach never went beyond the limits of Germany, and Genendel traveled all the cultural centers of Europe, settling in London. Bach was the Kantor of the Church of St. Foma in Leipzig, and Handel became the highest paid and famous composer of his time and was buried in Westminster Abbey.

But in one of their fate coincided: they are both darned by the end of their lives as a result of an unsuccessful operation that both at different times did the same Chocolatan J. Taylor.

And finally, three aphorism from I. Baha:

  1. To get enough sleep, you need to go around the same day when you need to get up.
  2. Play on the keys simply: you just need to know which keys when pressing.
  3. Once I. Baha asked how he had achieved such perfection in the game on the body and Clavesis, to which the musician answered: "I worked hard and stubbornly. Who will do also, he will achieve high skill in the game."

Johann Sebastian Bach, whose biography is still carefully studied, it includes, according to the New York Times newspaper, in the top 10 of the most interesting lives of composers.

In one row with his name, there are such names like Beethoven, Wagner, Schubert, Debussy, etc.

Let us even get to know this great musician to understand why his work became one of the pillars of classical music.

I. S. Bach - German composer and virtuoso

The name of the Bach comes to us in the head one of the first in the listing of great composers. Indeed, he was an outstanding, evidence of what more than 1,000 musical works remaining after his life serve.

But do not forget about the second Bach - musician. After all, both of them were real masters of their business.

In both hints, Bach honed his skills throughout his life. With the end of the vocal school, the training did not end. It continued throughout life.

Proof of professionalism, in addition to the preserved musical writings, is an impressive musician career: from the organist in the first position to the director of music.

The more surprising to realize that many contemporaries negatively perceived musical compositions of the composer. At the same time, the names of the musicians popular in those years are practically not survived to the present day. Only later Mozart and Beethoven enthusiastically responded about the work of the composer. Since the beginning of the 19th century, the work of a virtuoso musician began to be revived thanks to the promotion of Sheet, Mendelssohn and Shuman.

Now, no one has doubts about the skill and the huge talent of Johann Sebastian. Music Bach is a sample classical school. About the composer they write books and remove movies. Details of life are still subject to research and learning.

Brief biography Baha

The first mention of the birth of Bahkh appeared in the 16th century. Among them were many famous musicians. Therefore, the choice of the profession of a small johann was expected. By the 18th century, when the composer lived and worked, they knew about 5 generations of the musical family.

Father and mother

Father - Johann Ambrosius Bach was born in 1645 in Erfurt. He had a twin brother Johann Christof. Along with most representatives of their family, Johann Ambrosia worked as a court musician, music teacher.

Mother - Maria Elizabeth Lemmerhirt was born in 1644. She was also from Erfurt. Maria was a daughter of the city adviser, respected in the city of a man. The dowry left by him his daughter was solid, thanks to which she could live without married.

Parents of the future musician got married in 1668. The pair had eight children.

Johann Sebastian Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach) was born on March 31, 1685, becoming a junior child in the family. They lived then in the picturesque city of Eisenach with a population of about 6,000 people. The mother and father of Johann are Germans, because by nationality, the son is also a German.

When the little Johann turned 9 years old, Maria Elizabeth died. A year later, a few months after the registration of the second marriage, the father dies.


An orphaned 10-year-old boy took towards her older brother - Johann Christoph. He worked as a music teacher and church organist.

Johann Christoph tested the little Johann game with a key and organ. It is the last one that is considered a favorite tool of the composer.

About this period of life is known a little. The boy studied in the city school, which she graduated at 15 years old, although young people usually became its graduates for 2-3 years older. So it can be concluded that the student was given to the boy easily.

Often mentioned another fact from the biography. At night, the boy often rewrote notes of works of other musicians. Once, the elder brother discovered this and strictly forbade herself to do this.

Learning music

After graduating from school at the age of 15, the future composer entered the vocal school named after St. Michael, who was located in the city of Luneburg.

In these years, the biography of Baha - Composer begins. During training from 1700 to 1703, he writes the first organ music, gaining knowledge of modern composers.

In the same period, first travels through the cities of Germany. In the future, he will have this passion for traveling. And they were all committed for dating with the work of other composers.

After graduating from the vocal school, the young man could deal with the university, but the need to earn the livelihood forced to abandon this opportunity.


After graduating, I. S. Bach received the position of the musician at the court at the Duke of Ernst. He was only the performer, playing the violin. I did not start writing my musical compositions.

However, dissatisfied with work, after a few months he decides to change it and becomes the organist of the Church of St. Boniface in Arndadt. During these years, the composer created many works, mainly for the organ. That is, for the first time in the service, it was possible to be not only the performer, but also by the composer.

Bach received a high salary, but after 3 years, I decided to move because of tense relations with the authorities. Problems arose due to the fact that the musician was missing for a long time in connection with the trip to Lubeck. According to available information in this German city, he was released for 1 month, and he returned only after 4. In addition, the community expressed claims to the abilities to lead the choir. All this together combined the musician to change the work.

In 1707, the musician moves to Mülchusen, where he continues to work. In the church of St. Vistura he had a higher salary. Relations with the authorities have been successful. The city authority was pleased with the activities of the new employee.

Still in the year Bach again moved to Weimar. In this city, he received a prestigious position of the organizer of concerts. 9 years spent in Weimara became a fruitful period for a virtuoso, here he wrote dozens of works. For example, I composed "Toccatu and Fugu Re Minor" for the organ.

Personal life

Before moving to Weimar, in 1707, Bach entered into marriage with her Kousina Maria Barbara. For 13 years of chatting, they had seven children, of which three died in infancy.

After 13 years of marriage, his wife died, and the composer after 17 months married again. This time anna Magdalen Wilke became his wife.

She was a talented singer and subsequently sang in the choir, who led her husband. They had 13 children.

Two sons from the first marriage - Wilhelm Friedem and Karl Philipp Emmanuel became famous composers, continuing the musical dynasty.

Creative way

From 1717 he has been working at the Duke of Anhalt-Kotensky as a drop-messer. Over the next 6 years, numerous suite has been written. Also this period belongs to Bradenburg concerts. If generally evaluate the direction of the composer's creative activity, then it is worth noting that during this period he wrote mainly secular works.

In 1723, Bach becomes a kantor (that is, the organist and conductor of the choir), as well as a music teacher and Latin in the Church of St. Thoma. For this again moved to Leipzig. In the same year, the work of "John's Passion" was first fulfilled, thanks to which a high position was obtained.

The composer wrote both secular and spiritual music. He performed the classic spiritual works in a new way. There were "Coffee Cantata", Mass SI Minor and many other works.

If you briefly describe the creativity of the musical virtuoso, it is impossible to do without mentioning the Bach polyphony. This concept in music was known to him, but it was the times of the composer's life of the composer about the free-style polyphony.

In general, polyphony means multifolithing. In music at the same time, two equivalent voices sound, and not just a melody and accompaniment. Musician says that students-musicians are still being trained in his works.

Last years of life and death

The last 5 years of life virtuoso rapidly lost sight. To continue to compose, he had to dictate music.

There were problems with public opinion. Contemporaries Music Bach did not appreciate, considered obsolete. It was connected with the flourishing of classicism that began at that time.

In 1747, three years before death, the "Music" cycle was created. He was written after the composer visited Friedrich II courtyard, King Prussia. For him, this music was intended.

The last work of an outstanding musician - "Art of Fugue" - consisted of 14 fugues and 4 canons. But he did not have time to add it. For him after death, they made sons.

Several interesting moments from the life and creativity of the composer, musician and virtuoso:

  1. After studying the history of the family, 56 musicians discovered among the relatives of the virtuoso.
  2. The surname of the musician with German translates "Creek".
  3. Hearing once a work, the composer could repeat it without a mistake, which did repeatedly.
  4. For life, the musician moved eight times.
  5. Thanks to Bahu, in church choirs allowed to sing to women. His second wife became the first chore.
  6. I wrote more than 1000 works in a lifetime, so rightly considered the most "prolific" author.
  7. In recent years of life, the composer is almost blind, and the operations made on the eyes did not help.
  8. The grave of the composer remained without a tombstone.
  9. Until now, not all the facts of biography are known, some of them are not confirmed by documents. Therefore, the study of his life continues.
  10. The Museum has opened two museum dedicated to him. In 1907, the Museum was opened in Eisenach, and in 1985 in Leipzig. By the way, in the first museum there is a lifetime portrait of the musicians, performed by pastel, which for many years there was nothing known.

The most famous music works of Bach

All works of his authorship combined into a single list - the BWV directory. Each essay is assigned a number from 1 to 1127.

It is convenient to the catalog by the fact that all works are separated by the types of works, and not by the year of writing.

To count how many suits wrote Bach, just look at their numbering in the catalog. For example, the French suits are assigned the numbers from 812 to 817. So, 6 suits are written in the framework of this cycle. In total, you can count 21 suite and 15 pieces of Suit.

The most recognizable work is Scherzo Si-Minor from "Suite for Flute and String Orchestra No. 2", the name "joke". This melody was often used to call on mobile devices, but despite this, unfortunately, not everyone will be able to call her author.

Indeed, the names of many works of Bach are not on hearing, but their melodies will seem familiar to many. For example, "Brandenburg Concerts", "Goldberg Variations", "Toccata and Fugue Re Minor".

1. Young criminal
Baha's father died suddenly when Johann Sebastian was nine years old, and the boy was given to the upbringing of the eldest brother, the organists of the city of Ordruff - Johann Christof Bahu.
Christopa had a collection of works of the famous composers then: Frombersger, Pakhelbel, Bookshud. But this collection of 'fashionable' music is a senior brother stored in a ceremonial wardrobe so that Johann Sebastian did not charge and did not lose respect for generally accepted musical authorities.
However, at night, the young Bach managed to pick up and pull out a ton collection from behind the lattice ... He secretly rewritten it for himself, but all the difficulty was that it was impossible to get the candles and had to use only lunar light.
As many as six months, a ten-year-old Johann Sebastian rewrited notes at night, but, alas ... when heroic work was nearing completion, Johann Christoph found a younger brother at the crime scene and selected the original and original, and a copy ...
Mount Bach did not know the limits, he cried in tears:
- If so, I will write such music myself, I will write even better!
The brother laughed in response and said:
- Go to sleep, Boltun.
But Johann Sebastian did not throw words to the wind and fulfilled his children's promise ...

2. Mystery of three herds
Somehow young Bach went from Luneburg to Hamburg - listen to the game famous at the time of the organist and composer I.A. Rainkena. He was ordinary shkolyar, with a skinny wallet and a good appetite. In noisy and cheerful Hamburg, the money quickly ended in the return journey, Johann Sebastian was started, burdened with new musical impressions and pitiful handful of small coins.
Somewhere halfway between Hamburg and Lüneburg, the music of the hungry stomach has already drownlessly dried out creativity I.A. Rainkena. And then there was still a tavern on the road. And the smells from there were such appetizing, such dizzy. The celoded Bach was standing in front of this magnificent building and hopelessly moved a trifle. Money lacked even on the most modest lunch.
Suddenly the window opened and someone's hand left in a bunch of garbage several herring heads. The future genius, without dismissed, picked up his food fell on him and gathered to have a snack. Superior to the first herring head, he already represented how it shared from the second, and a little bit was not lost to the tooth. Golden Ducat was hidden in the herring! Amazed Bach quickly wrapped the second head - still golden! And the third head was as excellently stupid.
What did Johann Sebastian do? Syntly gave birth and immediately went to Hamburg - Listen I.A. Rainkena.
Well, where did the money in the herring heads come from, so no one else knows.

3. Well, I'm not at what ...
Contemporaries admired the unsurpassed Baha game on the organ. However, the enthusiastic reviews constantly hearing in his address, Bach consistently answered:
- My game does not deserve such sublime attention and praise, my lovers! After all, it is only necessary for me to fall with your fingers on the proper keys at a certain time - and then the tool plays himself ...

4. Harmony primarily!
In the knowledge of harmony with Bach, none of the mortals could compare. Perhaps why he absolutely not tolerated unresolved chords ... Scraps of the musical phrase tormented the hearing of the genius, and, according to the testimony of contemporaries, there was no more faithful means to bring him out of themselves. Once Bach entered some society, where a very mediocre lover was supported. Seeing the great composer, he was so confused that he jumped up, interrupted the game and, on his misconception, stopped at the dissmonating chord. With anyone healthy, without paying the slightest attention to the stripped performer, angry Bach rushed to the instrument ... The enraged lion, an attacker of the gladiator, and he would look like a sheep compared to Johann Sebastian. Not even cropped, he brought the damned chord to the proper Kadans. Sighed, corrected the wig and went to heart up with the owner.

5. And where is the opponent? ..
In 1717, the famous French organist Marshan arrived in Dresden. He spoke to his game to everyone, even a King-Kurfürst. According to all, Marshant resolutely eclipsed with all German performers. But Kurfürst said that in Weimara, the Bach organist lives, the art of which does not allow any rivalry.
Competition Marshan and Baha arranged Royal Dropsomeister Volumier. On the appointed day, in the Big Assembly, Marshan played a brilliant French Aria, accompanying a melody with numerous jewelry and brilliant variations. When Marshant took the last chord, the listeners broke out with loud applause. Following that, they asked to play Baha.
Johann Sebastian suddenly played the same Aria, which he had just performed Marshant. Moreover, despite the fact that he has just heard her for the first time in his life, Bach reimbursed all the variations, one after another, and played with the preservation of all the decorations of the French virtuoso, and then switched to variations of his own invention, much more elegant, difficult and brilliant ... When he finished and stood up due to the instrument, a deafening thunder was followed, who did not leave doubts who played better - French or German. However, it was decided that the musicians will comply again for a musical competition.
But in the appointed evening, Marshan did not appear. Later it turned out that the Frenchman went from the city in the morning, without even making farewell visits, that is, it was simply escaped ...

6. Healthy air Leipzig
Serving kantor in the church of St. Thomas, Bach received additional revenues from the execution of church requirements (weddings and funerals), which were not bad for parishioners. Once, when all citizens of the city have stayed in full health for a long time and did not want to die, and therefore, Bach's revenues became meager, the wife complained to him that soon they will have money in the house not only to chow, but also on bread ... Johann Sebastian spread his hands:
- My dear, the whole wine is a healthy eave of Leipzig, because of the dead little worms, and I, living, not to live for ...

7. Bach is angry
Despite all the limitless kindness and simpleness, the Bach sometimes was grumpy and hot-tempered. Once at the rehearsal, the second organist of the Church of St. Thomas, playing, made a small mistake ... Cornly, and not finding at hand something to run in an erashu-musician, Bach in irritation threw a wig and threw them in an organist.
- You need to get the boots, and not to play the organ! - Johann Sebastian shouted.

8. Prodigal Son and Music
It is not clear why, but Bach loved to fall asleep to the music.
In the evening, when he went to bed, three of his son alternately played him on Clavesis. Such mandatory classes were very annoyed by children, and the sweep sound for them was a melodic father's snoring. They noticed that he fastened the fastest to the game of Christian. Lucky! Quickly touching his father, he broke free.
Somehow there was a turn of Emmanuil. He could not tolerate these evening exercises and, as soon as he heard the long-awaited posting, instantly died from the harpsichord, stopping the game right on an unresolved chord. Already immersed-in the sweet dormant Bach instantly woke up. Dzonsense tied his hearing! The dissonance killed him sleep. At first he thought that the child went to survive and would soon return. Not there was something. Emmanuel did not return!
Bach grumbled for a warm bed for a long time, then a blanket was thrown with one jerk, in a pitch darkness, bumping into the furniture and stuffing the cones, it snuck up to the instrument and allowed the chord.
A minute later, the composer slept serene.

9. Joker
Bach loved to change his poor school teacher and in this form appearing in some stupid church. There he asked the church organist permission to play on the body. Having received this, the great organist sat down for the instrument and ... those present in the church were so amazed by the magnificence and power of his game that some, believing that an ordinary person could not play so beautifully, flew in fright ... They thought that they were looking at the church ... Disguised devil.

10. Dynasty
All Bahi were musicians, except for the 'founder' of the Fate Bach dynasty, who lived in the XVI century, which was a bull and kept the mill. However, the legend says that he played perfectly on some string instrument reminiscent of the guitar, and loved the music very much.
Father, Uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather, brothers, all numerous sons, grandchildren and great-grandfather Johanne Sebastian Bach were who a organist who is a church kantor, who is a dropmaster or a concertmaster in various cities of Germany ...
Bach himself at the end of life said:
- All my music belongs to God, and all my abilities are intended for him.

11. Bach and student
Once Johann Sebastian Bach, in the presence of his students, played one of his preludes. One of the students began to admire the game of Maestro, but Bach interrupted him:
"There is nothing surprising! You just need to know which keys and when to click, and everything else will make the organ. "

Johann Sebastian Bach is a German composer and the musician of the Baroque era, which collected the tradition and the most significant achievements of European musical art in his work, as well as enriched all this by the virtuoso use of counterpoint and a subtle sense of perfect harmony. Bach is the greatest classic, who left a huge heritage, which became the Gold Fund of World Culture. This is a musician-universal, in his work that covered almost all the well-known genres. By creating immortal masterpieces, he turned his compositions everybody into small works, combining them then in the form of an exclusive creation of exceptional beauty and expressiveness, which brightly reflected a diverse spiritual world of man.

A brief biography of Johanna Sebastian Bach and many interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

Brief biography Baha

Johann Sebastian Bach was born in the German town of Aizenakh in the fifth generation of the Musician family on March 21, 1685, it was necessary to note that the musical dynasties were quite common at the time in Germany, and talented parents sought to develop appropriate tanks in children. The father of the boy - Johann Ambrosius - was an organist in the church of Aisenach and the courthouse concertmaster. Obviously, it was he who gave the first lessons of the game on violin and clavesis Little son.

From the biography of Baha, we learn that at 10 years old the boy lost his parents, but he was not left without her head, because he was the eighth and the youngest in the family. The respected organist of Ordruf Johann Christophe Bakh, the older brother of Johanna Sebastian took care of the little orrote. Among other student, Johann Christoph trained and brother to play on the key, but the manuscript of modern composers strict teacher reliably hid under the castle, in order not to spoil the taste of young performers. However, the castle did not prevent little Bahu to get acquainted with the forbidden works.


At the 15th age, Bach entered the launch of church singers in the prestigious Luneburg school, which was at the temple of St. Mikhail, and at the same time, thanks to her excellent voice, young Bach was able to work a little in church church. In addition, in Lüneburg, the young man became acquainted with Georg Beech, a famous organist, communicating with whom he had an impact on the early creativity of the composer. And he was also repeatedly traveled to Hamburg to listen to the game of the largest representative of the German Organ School of A. Wainken. The same period includes the first works of the Bach for a key and organ. After the successful end of school, Johann Sebastian receives the right to enter the university, but due to the lack of funds, he did not have the opportunity to continue education.

Weimar and Arnstadt

Johann began his career in Weimar, where he was taken in the court chapel of the Duke of Johann Ernst Saxon as a violinist. However, it continued not long, as such work did not satisfy the creative gusts of the young musician. Bach in 1703, without thinking, agrees to move to Arnstadt, where he is in the temple of St. Boniface initially was offered the position of a caretaker of the body, and then the post of the organist. A decent salary, work only three days a week, a good upgraded tool configured by the latest system, all this created the conditions for expanding the creative possibilities of the musician not only as a performer, but also the composer.

During this period, he creates a large number of organ works, as well as Capriccio, Cantatians and Suites. Here, Johann becomes a present expert of bodies and brilliant virtuoso, the game of which caused unrestrained delight among the listeners. It was in Arnstadt that his gift of improvisation reveals, who really did not like the church leadership. Bach has always strived for perfection and did not miss the case to get acquainted with famous musicians, for example, with the organist Dietrich Buxtehude, which served in Lübeck. Having received a four-week vacation, Bach went to listen to a great musician, the game of which was so impressed by Johann, that he, forgetting his duties, lingered in Lübeck for four months. Upon returning to Arndhtadt, the indignant leadership arranged a degradation proceedings, after which he had to leave the city and look for a new job.


The next city, in the vitality of Baha was Mülhausen. Here in 1706, he won the competition for the place of the organist in the temple of St. Via. He was taken with a good salary, but also with a certain condition: the musical accompaniment of chorals should be strict, without any kind of "jewelry". The authorities of the city in the future were respected to a new organist: they approved a plan for the reconstruction of the church body, and also paid a good remuneration for the Festival Cantat Festival "Lord - My Tsar", which was devoted to the ceremony of entry into the position of new consul. Staying in Mülhausen in the life of the Bach was marked by a happy event: he married his beloved cousin Maria Barbara, who later presented him with seven children.


In 1708, the magnificent game of Mülhausen organist heard the Duke of Ernst Saxen-Weimar. Under the impression of the heard, a notable one immediately suggested Bahu the posts of the court musician and the city organist with a salary significantly exceeding the former. Johanna Sebastian began the Weimar period, which is characterized as one of the most fruitful composer in the creative life. At this time, it creates a large number of clay compositions and organs, among which the collection of choral preludes, "Passaclaus C-Moll", the famous " Toccata and Fuga D-Moll "," Fantasy and Fuga C-DUR "and many other greatest works. It should also be noted that this period also includes an essay of more than two dozen cantaths. Such an effectiveness in the composer's work of Baha was associated with the appointment of it in 1714 by Vice-Kappelmeister, whose duties included a regular monthly updating of church music.

At the same time, Johanna Sebastian contemporaries admired his performing art, and he constantly heard the replicas of admiration for his game. Glory about BAH, as a virtuoso musician quickly spread not only on Weimar, but also beyond. One day, the Dresden Royal Kelpasister invited him, will be filled with the forces with the French famous musician L. Marshan. However, the musical competition did not succeed, since the Frenchman, having heard the Bach game on the preliminary listening, secretly, without warning left Dresden. In 1717, the Weimar period in the life of Baha approached the end. Johann Sebastian dreamed of getting a seat of a drop-seater, but when this place was freed, the duke offered him to another, very young and inexperienced musician. Bach, considering this for an insult, asked for an immediate resignation and for it for four weeks he fell under arrest.


According to Baha's biography in 1717, he leaves Weimar to make a court chapel in Kötnie Köttensky's prince. In Koaten, Bahu had to write worldly music, because, as a result of reforms, the churches did not play music, except for the singing of Psalms. Here Bach took an exceptional position: as the court conductor paid him well, the prince turned with him as a friend, and the composer reproached for it with excellent writings. In Koaten, the musician had many students, and for their training, he was " Well tempted keire" These are 48 preludes and fugues that Baha glorified as a key music wizard. When the prince married, the young princess showed the hostility and to Bahu, and to his music. Johann Sebastian had to look for another job.


In Leipzig, where Bach moved in 1723, he reached the top of his career ladder: he was appointed by the Cantor in the Church of St. Thomas and music director of all churches of the city. Bach was engaged in training and training performers of church choirs, a selection of music, organizing and holding concerts in the main temples of the city. Having headed the music board from 1729, Bach began to arrange for 8 two-hour concerts of secular music a month in a coffee shop of a certain zimmerman adapted under the speech of the orchestra. Having received the appointment to the position of the court composer, Bach handed the leadership of the music board to his former student Karl Gerlah in 1737. In recent years, Bach often reworked his early works. In 1749 he finishes high mass Si-Minor, some parts of which were written 25 years ago. The composer died in 1750, working on the "art of the Fugue".

Interesting facts about Baha

  • Bach was a recognized organist in the authorities. He was invited to check and configure tools in various temples Weymar, where he lived for quite a long time. Every time hitting customers with amazing improvisations that he played to hear how the instrument in need of his work sounds.
  • Johann was boring during the service to fulfill monotonous choralas, and he without holding back creative impulse, imprompts in the established church music his small decorating variations, which caused great discontent of the authorities.
  • The more famous for its religious works, Bach succeeded in the composition of secular music, as evidenced by his "Coffee Cantata". Bach presented this full humor the work as a small comic opera. Initially called "Schweigt Stille, Plaoundert Nicht" ("Slotchni, stop chatting"), it describes the addiction of the lyrical hero to coffee, and it is not by chance that this Cantata was first fulfilled in the Leipzig Coffee Domice.
  • At 18, Bach very much wanted to get the place of the Organist in Lübeck, which at that time belonged to the famous Dirtychuchude. Another contender for this place was Genthend. The main condition for the occupation of this post was the marriage on one of the daughters of the bruston station, but so sacrificed neither Bach, nor Handel decided.
  • Johann Sebastian Bahu really liked to change the poor teacher and in such a way to visit small churches, where he asked for a local organist to play a little on the organ. Some parishioners, hearing an unusually perfect performance for them, frightened from service, thinking that the devil himself appeared in the temple in the form of a strange person.

  • Russian Messenger in Saxony Hermann von Kayserling asked Baha to write a work that he could quickly fall asleep a strong sleep. So "Goldberg Variations" appeared, for which the composer received a gold cube filled with a hundred Liudorov. These variations and this are one of the best "sleeping pills."
  • Johann Sebastian was known to contemporaries not only as an outstanding composer and a virtuoso performer, as well as a person with a very difficult character, intolerable to the mistakes of others. The case is known when the phageotist is publicly offended by Bach for imperfect performance, pounced on Johann. A real duel took place, since both were armed with daggers.
  • The fondant Bach numerology loved torsion numbers 14 and 41 into their musical works, because these numbers corresponded to the first letters of the composer. By the way, my last name Bach also loved to beat in writings: the music decryption of the word "bah" forms a drawing of the cross. This symbol is the most important for the Bach, considering non-random similar coincidences.

  • Thanks to Johann Sebastian Bahu in church choirs today not only men sing. The first woman who fell in the temple was the wife of the composer Anna Magdalena, who possesses an excellent voice.
  • In the mid-19th century, German musicians founded the first boach society, whose main task was the publication of the composer's works. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Society self-disgraced and fully the collected works of Baha published only in the second half of the twentieth century on the initiative of the Bakhakh Institute established in 1950. In the world, today there are two hundred and twenty-two Bahhovskogo societies, the Bakhakh orchestra and the Bahukhov.
  • Researchers of Baha's creativity put forward the assumption that the Great Maestro composed 11,200 works, although the heritage known to descendants includes only 1,200 compositions.
  • To date, there are more than fifty-thousand books and various publications about BAH in different languages, there were about seven thousand full biographies of the composer.
  • In 1950, V. Schmother was compiled a numbered catalog of the works of Baha (Bwv-Bach Werke Verzeichnis). This catalog was updated several times as the data on the authorship of certain works and, unlike the traditional chronological principles of classification of other well-known composers, this catalog was built on the thematic principle. Works under close numbers belong to one genre, and not at all written in the same years.
  • The works of Baha: "Brandenburg Concert No. 2", "Gavot in the form of Rondo" and "HTC" were recorded on the Golden Plante and in 1977 were launched from Earth attached to the Space Actuator "Voyager".

  • Everyone knows that Beethoven He suffered from the loss of hearing, but few people know that Bach on the slope of the years. Actually, an unsuccessful experience in front of the eyes performed by a surgeon-Charlatan John Taylor, and was the cause of the composer's death in 1750.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach was buried near the temple of St. Thomas. After some time, the road was laid through the cemetery territory and the grave was lost. At the end of the 19th century, during the reconstruction of the Church, the remains of the composer found and reburied. After World War II in 1949, the relics of Baha were transferred to the Church building. However, due to the fact that the grave changed the place several times, skeptics are doubted that the gorge is the dust of Johanna Sebastian.
  • To date, 150 postage brands dedicated to Johann Sebastian Bach, 90 of them published in Germany.
  • To Johann Sebastian Bahu - a great musical genius, with great reverence among the world, monuments are established in many countries, only in Germany there are 12 monuments. One of them is in the town of Dornheim not far from Arnstadt and is dedicated to the wedding of Johann Sebastian and Mary Barbara.

Family of Johanna Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian belonged to the largest German musical dynasty, whose pedigree is made to count out from Faith Baha, simple baker, but very loving music and perfectly performing folk melodies on his beloved tool - citre. This passion from the founder of the genus passed his descendants, many of them became professional musicians: composers, canthers, drop-seasters, as well as the most different instrumentalists. They settled not only in Germany, someone even went abroad. Within two hundred years of the musicians of Bakhov, there were so many that they began to call any person, whose occupation was associated with music. The most famous ancestors of Johanna Sebastian, the works of which reached us were: Johana, Heinrich, Johann Christoph, Johann Berginard, Johann Michael and Johann Nicalas. Johanna Sebastian's father - Johann Ambrosius Bach was also a musician and served as an organist in Aisenach, in the city where Babi was born.

Johann Sebastian himself was the father of a big family: twenty children were born from two wives. The first time he married his beloved cousin of Maria Barbara - the daughter of Johann Mikhael Baha in 1707. Maria gave birth to Johann Sebastian seven children, three of them died in infant age. Maria herself also lived not a long life, she died at the age of 36, leaving Bahu four juvenile children. Bach was very hard for the loss of his wife, but a year later fell in love with the young girl Anna Magdalena Vilken, from whom he met at the courtyard of the Duke of Angalt Ketensky and made her an offer. Despite the larger difference in the age of the girl agreed and obviously, that this marriage was very successful, since Anna Magdalena gave Bahu thirteen children. The girl coped perfectly with the farm, carefully referred to children, sincerely rejoiced her husband's successes and provided great help in his work, rewriting his scores. The Bach family was great, he had a lot of time to upbringing children, engaged in music and writing special exercises. In the evenings, the family very often satisfied the improvised concerts that delivered all the joy. Bach's children from nature had excellent data, but four of them had exceptional musical gifts - this is Johann Christoph Friedrich, Karl Philip Emanuel, Wilhelm Friedemne and Johann Christian. They also became composers and left their mark in the history of music, but none of them could beat the Father in writing or in the art of execution.

Creativity Johanna Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach was one of the most prolific composers, his heritage in the treasury of world musical culture numbers about 1,200 immortal masterpieces. In the works of Baha, there was one only inspirationor - this is the creator. Johann Sebastian dedicated him almost all his works and at the end of the parties always signed the letters that were an abbreviation of words: "In the name of Jesus", "Jesus help", "God of God." Cold for God - was the main goal in the life of the composer, and therefore his musical works have absorbed all the wisdom of "Holy Scripture". Bach was very faithful to his religious worldview and never changed him. According to the composer's reasoning, even the smallest tool play must point to the wisdom of the Creator.

Johann Sebastian Bach wrote his works in fact in all, except for the opera known at the time of the musical genres. In the written catalog of its writings: 247 works for the organ, 526 vocal works, 271 works for harpsichord, 19 solo works for various tools, 31 concerts and suite for orchestra, 24 duet for harpsichord with any other tool, 7 canons and others Works.

Musicians worldwide fulfill the music of Baha and with many of his works begin to get acquainted since childhood. For example, every small pianist studying in a music school necessarily has a play in his repertoire from « Notebook Anna Magdalena Bach » . Then the small preludes and fugues are being studied, further inquiry, and ultimately « Well tempted keire » But this is the highest school.

To the famous works of Johanne Sebastian also belong Passion in Matthei", Mass Si-Minor," Christmas Orator "," Passion for John "and, undoubtedly," Toccata and Fugue Re Minor" And Cantata "Lord is my king" and at this time sounds at the festive services in the temples in different parts of the world.

Despite the peripetia, Johann Sebastian Bach wrote a huge number of amazing writings. The case of the composer continued his famous sons, but none of them could surpass the Father in writing, or in the performance of music. The name of the author of passionate and clean, incredibly talented and unforgettable works is on top of the world of music, and his recognition as a great composer continues to this day.

Video: Watch a movie about Johanne Sebastian Baha