Nobel Bunin Prize for what. Nobel Prize

Nobel Bunin Prize for what. Nobel Prize
Nobel Bunin Prize for what. Nobel Prize

First russian writerwho received the Nobel Prize, - Bunin. For what work did he get it? All lovers are wondering this issue domestic literature. It is worth noting that in the formulation of the Nobel Committee, as a rule, does not appear the name of a certain novel or a collection of stories, the award is given in aggregate for all creativity. But still determine what product produced the greatest impression On the jury, possibly.

Writer Bunin

I received the Nobel Bunin Prize. For what a work, we will tell in this article. I will still stop at Prosaik's biography.

The writer was born in Voronezh in 1870. He left the impoverished noble family. Therefore, I was forced to start early independent lifeTo make money. He became a journalist, worked in newspapers, moved a lot in Russia.

The first publication of the writer was the poem "Above the Moghal S. Ya. Nadsson", which was printed in 1887. Four years later, in Orel, Bunin produces his first compilation.

Recognition to the Writer comes at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1903 he was awarded to the Pushkin Prize, so they noted his book "Listopad" and translating "songs about Guyavate".

Creativity writer

During Civil War Bunin left the country. In 1920, he emigrated to France. It was in emigration that created his most significant prosaic works. First of all, these are novels and stories.

It is especially to highlight his stories " Antonovskaya apples"," Sukhodol "," Mr. from San Francisco "," Light Dyhanye ", Collection of Story" Dark alleys", Roman" Life Arsenyev ", diary records" Therapy Days ".

Bunin died in 1953. He was buried at the famous Paris Cemetery of St. Geneva-de-Bois. He was 83 years old.

Nobel Prize

For the first time at the beginning of the 20s, Bunin was nominated for the Nobel Prize. For what a work he got it, we will still figure it out. In the meantime, we note an important figure that stood at the sources of the Nobel "Russian project". This is the Russian writer Mark Aldanov, who celebrated in one of the questionnaires, that the most influential domestic writers in emigration are Bunin, Merezhkovsky and Kuprin. He offered them to put forward together, thus lifting the prestige of Russian literature in general.

With such a proposal, he turned to the French classics, he agreed to support Bunin, but he made a categorically against the candidacy of Merezhkovsky. Moreover, Rollan acknowledged that if they evaluate all Russian writers of that time, he would include in this list and Maxim Gorky.

As a result, the next Trinity was sent to the Committee - Bunin, Balmont and Gorky. For each of the candidates, questions arose, as a result, the victory in 1923 won the Irish poet William Yets.

Despite the failure, Russian emigrant writers did not leave attempts to nominate the Bunin on the Nobel Prize. The same Aldanov in 1930 led negotiations about this with the classic german literature Thomas Mann. Mann admitted that it makes it difficult to make a choice between Bunin and also noted that if the list of candidates will be German, he will give his voice to him.

Award award

As a result, Ivan Bunin Nobel Prize received in 1933. There were 27 names in the list of nominees. Including Maxim Gorky, Frenchman Paul Valerie, Spaniard José Ortega-I-Gasset, Czech Carl Chapek.

The first news learned by his wife Vera Muromtsev. She wrote in his memories that they brought a telegram from the Swedish translator in their villa, in which the Nationality of Bunin was specified. Proser answered - "Russian Exile". In the afternoon, her husband and wife went to the cinema. Right during the session, Leonid Zurov, who asked the writer urgently return home. Muromtseva herself took the call from Stockholm. The connection was very bad, but she could disassemble the main words - "Your husband is in literature." A journalist and photographers arrived at Bunin. One of their friends recalled that the family was experiencing material difficulties at that time, so the riotins could not even pay for the work of couriers who constantly bringing congratulatory telegrams.

What is awarded a prize for?

Responding to the question of what Bunin received the Nobel Prize, you should contact the original source. This official text in it is noted that the award is awarded the writer for strict skill, with the help of which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose.

Such a decision of the Nobel Committee has caused ambiguous estimates. If Rachmaninov sincerely congratulated the writer, then Tsvetaeva discovered that Gorky or Merezhkovsky deserved this award more Bunin.

At the same time, everyone began to wonder what kind of work Bunin received the Nobel Prize. Among all his diversity of creativity, most of the majority have stopped at the novel "The Life of Arsenyev".

The premium presentation took place in December 1933 in Stockholm. In his Nobel speech, the writer noted that the premium was first awarded a writer in exile. The medal and diploma Bunin got from the hands of Swedish king Gustav V. Also he was honored at 715 thousand Swiss francs. Part of this money he listed in need. Bunin confessed that in the first days after receiving the award received about two thousand letters from people who were in a difficult life and financial situation. As a result, he distributed about 120 thousand francs.

Main Roman Bunina.

Answering the question about what kind of work the Bunin Nobel Prize was awarded, the majority are inclined to his novel "Life Arsenyev". This work is written in five books. Basically in 1929. At the same time, individual chapters were published back in 1927 in the newspaper "Russia", which was printed in France. Separate publication Roman came out in 1930.

After the presentation of Ivan the Bunin of the Nobel Prize, the majority decided that this recognition is primarily due to this novel.

Creating a novel

Writing this novel Bunin began in Grass in 1927. Galina Kuznetsova, who helped him work on drafts, remembers that he literally killed over this text. Repeatedly rewrote each chapter, polishing everything to perfection.

The novel was a lot of autobiographical. For example, arguing about the episode in which the protagonist, being a teenager, falls in love with the girl named Ansh, the writer began to remember his neighbor Sasha Rolling, because of which in youth years did not sleep about a month.

The fourth part of the novel was completed in the summer of 1929. Publishers Bunin were ready to print a work even in an unfinished form, so highly they appreciated it. But Bunin did not agree. Working above the fifth final part was hard. Bunin wrote for 12 hours in a row. He was completely immersed in memories and, according to Kuznetsova, at these moments looked like yoga or hermit.

Plot Romana

Bunin - first of all, for the novel "Life Arsenyev". The story is conducted on behalf of Alexey Arsenyev, who recalls his childhood and youth.

Arsenyev was born in a small Kamenka farm, which was located in the middle lane of Russia. Its first memories are associated with the endless snowfields and the smell of summer grass. He had older brothers and sisters.

Over time, the boy appears at the Baskakov Teacher. He prepares Alexey to enter the gymnasium. But Baskakov does not show much diligence, taking the boy to write and read, he considers his mission performed. Instead of cooking Arsenyev to exams, he tells him about his life, reads about Don Quixote and Robinson Cruzo.

But still talented Alexey enters the gymnasium without any problems. Study is given to him easily, which cannot be said about moving to another city and life away from the family. He wanders around the city alone, begins to write poems.

The arrest of Brother George, who joined the disgusts, becomes a big shock for him. It is sent out of the capital for three years to the estate in Baturino, where all Arsenyev moved to the time. There also arrives and Alexey, still throwing the gymnasium.

Creative success

First creative success The young Arsenyev comes at the age of 15. His poems appear in newspapers. After the difficult segment of his life begins, which Alexey himself characterizes as years of wandering and homelessness.

He leaves to wake throughout the country. Lives in Kharkov, Crimea, Kiev, Kursk. Everywhere not for a long time, delayed only in Orel. The editorial office of the local newspaper "Voice" Arsenyev meets the face and receives a proposal for long-term cooperation along with the advance.

Lika conquers Arsenyev. The girl is interested in the theater, playing on musical instruments. True, her father immediately warns young manthat she has a variable character. But the first of them joint winter passes serene.

Then everything comes the separation, which Alexey is experiencing very hard. His again pulls to wander. He moves to Petersburg, then to Vitebsk, Smolensk. Deciding to return to the eagle, sends a telegram to Lika, she meets him on the platform.

Idyll love

Between lovers again comes idyll. They are leaving in a small town in Malorus. Arsenyev receives an increasing place, but he has to go on business trips often. But he is constantly meeting with interesting people. The main character She constantly needs love, but at the same time seeks to preserve independence and freedom.

Over time, the girl begins to feel that Arsenyev is gradually moving away from her. Then she leaves him a note on farewell and disappears from his life. A few first days after her departure, a young man is between life and death, ready to impose on his hands. Does not go out of the house, throws work. All attempts to find faces are unsuccessful. Her father reports that his daughter setting up for someone to talk about her location.

In the oppressed state of Arsenyev returns to the native to Baturino. He waits all winter from the face at least some Westa, and in the spring he learns that she died of lung inflammation. Her last Will There was a request as long as possible not to inform Arsenyev about her death.

Roman value

For what work Ivan Bunin Nobel Prize received, now obvious. Roman "Life Arsenyev" Many people call the souls of the hero and poet, who acutely perceived the world around him. Increased sensitivity To life - one of the main distinctive features Main character.

At the same time, literary criticism noted that in the novel, it is possible to trace not only the process of growing the hero, but also the formation of the author. Speaking of the main thing female character - Lick, critics noted in it not so much a woman who had an impact on Arsenyev, how much his muse.

Now, when it is known, for which the Bunin was given by the Nobel Prize, it is worth reading this novel by everyone who has not done this yet.

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953) - Russian poet and writer, his work applies to the Silver Century of Russian Art, in 1933 he received the Nobel Prize in literature.


Ivan Alekseevich was born on October 23, 1870 in the city of Voronezh, where, on the street, the noble family shot housing in German estate. The Bunin family belonged to a noble landlord, among their ancestors, the poets of Vasily Zhukovsky and Anna Bunin. By the time Ivan, the family reached.

Father, Bunin Alexey Nikolaevich, served in his youth officer, then became a landowner, but for a short time Dried the estate. Mother, Bunina Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, belonged to Chubarov's genus. There were already two senior boy in the family: Julius (13 years old) and Eugene (12 years old).

Bunins moved to Voronezh for three cities before the birth of Ivan to give the formation of senior sons. Julius had an extremely amazing ability in languages \u200b\u200band mathematics, he studied very well. Evgenia Study did not interest at all, because of his boyish age he liked to chase pigeons through the streets, he threw the gymnasium, but in the future he became a gifted artist.

But about the younger Ivan Mama Lyudmila Alexandrovna said that he was special, from the very birth differed from older children, "No one has such a soul, like Vanechka."

In 1874, the family moved from the city to the village. It was an Oryol province, and on the farm of the boty of Yeletsky County Bunin removed the estate. By this time, the eldest son Julius graduated from the gold medal of the gymnasium and the fall was going to go to Moscow to enter the university to the Mathematics Faculty.

According to Writer Ivan Alekseevich, all his children's memories are a man's huts, their inhabitants and endless fields. Mother and yard often sang him folk songs And tales told fairy tales. Entry days from morning to evening Vanya spent with the peasant children on the closest villages, he was friends with many, pass along with them a cattle, went to the night. He liked to eat with them radish and black bread, and burglar coarse cucumbers. As he wrote later in his work "Life of Arsenyev", "herself is not realizing himself, for such a meal of the soul attached to the Earth."

Already at an early age it became noticeable that Vanya perceives life and the world Artistically. He loved people and beasts to show facial expressions and gestures, and also heard a good teller on the village. At the age of eight years, Bunin wrote his first verse.


Up to 11 years, Vanya brought up at home, and then he was given to Yelets Gymnasium. Immediately the boy began to learn well, the items were made to him easily, especially literature. If he liked the poem (even very large to a whole page), he could remember him from the first reading. It was very fond of books, as he himself said, "I read that I got" and continued to write poems, imitating my favorite poets ─ Pushkin and Lermontov.

But then the training went to the decline, and in the third grade of the boy left for the second year. As a result, he did not graduate from the gymnasium, after the winter holidays in 1886 announced his parents that educational institution Do not want to return. Further education Brother was engaged in Julius, at that moment Candidate of Moscow University. Still the main passion of Vanya remained literature, he reread all the domestic and foreign classicAlready then it became clear that his life would further dedicate to creativity.

The first creative steps

At seventeen age, the poet poems were no longer youthful, but serious, and Bunin made his debut in the press.

In 1889, he moved to the city of Eagle, where she settled in the local edition of the Oryol Bulletin to work as a corrector's posts. Ivan Alekseevich hardly needed while literary works Not yet brought good earningsbut waiting for help he was nowhere. Father broke out completely, sold the estate, lost her estates and moved to live to his native sister In the heater. Mother Ivan Alekseevich with his younger sister Masha went to relatives to Vasilyevskoye.

In 1891, the first poetic collection Ivan Alekseevich under the name "poem".

In 1892, Bunin with civilian wife Barbaro Paschenko moved to Poltava, here in the provincial Zemskaya council on the statistics of his older brother Julius worked. He helped to get a job Ivan Alekseevich and his civilian spouse. In 1894, Bunin began typing his works in the Poltava provincial statement newspaper. And the land ordered his essays about bread and herbal crops, about the fight against pest insects.

Literary way

Being in Poltava, the poet began to cooperate with the newspaper "Kievanin". In addition to poems, Bunin began writing a lot of prose, which was increasingly printed in quite popular publications:

Corifera literary critics Pay attention to the work of the young poet and the prose. One of them responded very well about the story of "Tanka" (at first he was called the "rustic sketch") and said that "a big writer will get out of the author."

In 1893-1894 there was a period of a special love of Bunin in Tolstoy, he traveled in Sumy County, where he communicated with the sectarians, in his views close to the Tolstsov, visited the colonies of the Tolstov near Poltava and even went to Moscow to meet the writer himself, which produced Ivan Alekseevich is an indelible impression.

In the spring-summer period of 1894, a long journey of the Bunin in Ukraine was held, he sailed on a steamer "Seagull" on the Dnieper. The poet in the literal sense of the word was in love with the steppe and villages of Malorussessia, she craved with the people, listened to their melodic songs. He visited the grave of the poet Taras Shevchenko, whose creativity was very loved. Subsequently, Bunin was engaged in the translation of the works of Kobzar.

In 1895, after parting with Barbarbina, Bunin went from Poltava to Moscow, then to St. Petersburg. There he soon entered the literary environment where the first in the fall in the hall of the loan society took place public speaking Writer. On the literary evening With great success, he read the story "On the Edge of Light".

In 1898, Bunin moved to Odessa, where he married Anna Tsakney. In the same year, his second poetic compilation "under open sky».

In 1899, Ivan Alekseevich traveled to Yalta, where his acquaintance with Chekhov and Gorky occurred. Subsequently, Bunin had been repeatedly in Crimea repeatedly, he had a long time and became "his man" for them. Anton Pavlovich praised the works of Bunin and was able to see the future of the great writer in it.

In Moscow, Bunin became a regular participant in literary circles, where he read his works.

In 1907, Ivan Alekseevich traveled eastern countriesShe visited Egypt, Syria, Palestine. Returning to Russia, he released a collection of stories "The Shadow of Birds", where she shared his impressions from a long journey.

In 1909, Bunin received a second participant Pushkin Prize for his creativity and was elected to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the discharge of elegant literature.

Revolution and emigration

Revolution Bunin did not accept. When the Bolsheviks occupied Moscow, he left his wife in Odessa and lived there for two years, while the Red Army did not come there.

At the beginning of 1920, the spouses emigrated on the ship "Sparta" from Odessa first to Constantinople, and from there to France. In this country, all the further life of the writer was held, the Bunins settled in the south of France near Nice.

Bunin passionately hated the Bolsheviks, all this was reflected in his diary called "The Okayan Days", which he led many years. He called the "Bolshevism of the lowest, despotic, evil and false activity in the history of mankind."

He was very soused by Russia, he wanted to his homeland, he called his entire lives in emigration to the existence on the nodal station.

In 1933, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. 120 thousand francs from the received monetary remuneration he spent on the aid of immigrants and writers.

During World War II, Bunin and his wife were hidden on his removable Villa Jews, for which in 2015 the writer was posthumously nominated for the award and the title of the righteousness of the world.

Personal life

The first love happened at Ivan Alekseevich pretty at an early age. He was 19 years old when he met Barbara Paschenko, the employee of the Ollovsky Bulletin newspaper, where he worked at that time and poet himself. Varvara Vladimirovna was more experienced and older Bunin, from the intelligent family (she is the daughter of the famous Yeetsky doctor), also worked for the posts of the corrector, as well as Ivan.

Her parents were categorically against such a passion for her daughter, did not want her to marry a poet's beggar. Barbara was afraid to disobey them, so when Bunin offered her to get married, she refused to be married, but they began to live together with a civil marriage. Relationships them could be called "from the extreme to extreme" - then passionate love, then painful quarrels.

Later it turned out that Varvara was incorrect to Ivan Alekseevich. Living with him, she secretly met with a rich landowner by Bibikov Arsenya, for which he was married. And this is despite the fact that the father of Barbara, in the end, gave his blessing to his daughter's marriage with Bunin. The poet suffered and was disappointed, his youth tragic love Found the reflection in the novel "Life of Arsenyev". But still, relations with Barbara Paschenko remained in the soul of the poet with pleasant memories: "First love is great happiness, even if it is undivided".

In 1896, a bunin with Anna Tsakney occurred. Stunningly beautiful, artistic and rich woman greek origin, Men pinched her attention and admired her. Her father is a rich Odessa Nikolai Petrovich Tsakney was a revolutionary population.

In the fall of 1898, Bunin and Tsakni got married, in a year they had a son, but in 1905 the kid died. The spouses lived together very little, in 1900 they diverged, stopped understanding each other, the views on life were different, an alienation occurred. And again, Bunin experienced it painfully, in the letter brother he said that he did not know if he could continue to live.

Soothing came to the Writer only in 1906 in the face of Vera Nikolaevna Muromseva, with which he met in Moscow.

Her father was a member of the Moscow City Government, and Uncle presided over the First State Duma. Vera had noble origin, grew up in an intelligent professorial family. At first glance, it seemed a bit cold and always calm, but it was this woman that could become a confluent and caring wife and be with him until the end of his days.

In 1953 in Paris, Ivan Alekseevich died in a dream on the night of November 7-18, Roman L. N. Tolstoy "Sunday" was lying next to the body. Buried Bunin on the French Cemetery of St. Geneva de Boua.

Bunin Ivan Alekseevich (1870-1953) - Russian writer, poet. The first of the Russian writers became the laureate of the Nobel Prize (1933). Part of life spent in emigration.

Life and art

Ivan Bunin appeared on October 22, 1870 in the impoverished family noble rhodation In Voronezh, where the family was from soon moved to the Oryol province. The formation of the Bunin in the local helican gymnasium lasted only 4 years and was discontinued due to the inability of the family to pay for their studies. Ivan's education took on his older brother Julius Bunin, who received university education.

Regular appearance of poems and prose young Ivana Bunin in periodical started from 16 years. Under the wing of an older brother, he worked in Kharkov and Orel by the corrector, editor, journalist in local print publishers. After an unsuccessful civil marriage with Barbara Paschenko, Bunin leaves for St. Petersburg and follows to Moscow.


In Moscow, Bunin enters the circle of famous writers of its time: L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, V. Bryusov, M. Gorky. The first recognition comes to a novice author after the publication of the story "Antonovskiy apples" (1900).

In 1901, for the published collection of poems "Listopad" and the translation of the poem "Song of Guyavate" G. Longfello Ivan Bunin was awarded Pushkin Prize from the Russian Academy of Sciences. The second time the Pushkin Prize was awarded the Bunin in 1909 along with the title of Honorary Academician of Elegant Literature. Poems Bunin, who were in line with the classical Russian poetry Pushkin, Tyutchev, Feta, are characterized by special sensuality and role of epithets.

As a translator Bunin addressed the writings of Shakespeare, Byrone, Petrarki, Heine. The writer perfectly owned English, independently studied Polish.

Together with the third wife, Vera Muromseva, the official marriage with which was concluded only in 1922 after the divorce with the second wife of Anna Tsakney, Bunin travels a lot. From 1907 to 1914, a couple visited the countries of the East, Egypt, Ceylon Island, Turkey, Romania, Italy.

Since 1905, after the suppression of the first Russian revolution, the topic of historical fate of Russia appears in the prose of Bunin, which was reflected in the story "Village". The narrative of the non-identity life of the Russian village was a bold and innovative step in Russian literature. At the same time in the stories of Bunin (" Easy breath", Klasha) form women's images with passions hidden in them.

In 1915-1916, Bunin's stories come out, including Mr. San Francisco, which finds the reason for the doomed fate of modern civilization.


The revolutionary events of 1917 were caught by Bunins in Moscow. Ivan Bunin belonged to the revolution as the collapse of the country. This look disclosed in his diary records 1918-1920 - Legted the basis of the book "The Okayan Days".

In 1918, the Bunins leave for Odessa, from there to the Balkans and Paris. In Emigration, Bunin spent the second half of his life, dreaming to return to his homeland, but without fulfilling his desire. In 1946, to issue a decree soviet citizenship subject Russian Empire Bunin caught fire with desire to return to Russia, but criticism soviet power The same year in the address of Akhmatova and Zoshchenko made him abandon this idea.

One of the first significant essays completed abroad became autobiographical Roman "LIFE ARSENEVA" (1930), dedicated to the world of Russian nobility. For him in 1933, Ivan Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize, becoming the first Russian writer, awarded such a honor. Significant money amountReceived by Bunin as a premium, in its most part was distributed to them in need.

During the years of emigration central theme The creativity of Bunin becomes the theme of love and passion. She found an expression in the writings "Mitina Love" (1925), " Sunstroke"(1927), in the famous cycle" Dark Alleys ", which was published in 1943 in New York.

In the late 1920s, Bunin writes a number small story - "Elephant", "Petuhi" and others, in which his literary language is hosted, seeking the most concisely express the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition.

In the period 1927-42. Together with Bunin, Galina Kuznetsova lived, a young girl that Bunin represented by his student and receiving daughter. With the writer she was associated love relationshipThat the writer himself and his wife faith worried quite painfully. Subsequently, both women left their memories of Bunin.

The years of World War II BUNNY was worried about Paris's suburb and carefully followed the events in the Russian Front. Numerous proposals from the Nazis entering him as famous writer, he invariably rejected.

At the end of his life, Bunin did not publish anything because of long and severe illness. The last essays - "memories" (1950) and the book "About Chekhov", which was not completed and published after the death of the author in 1955.

Ivan Bunin died on November 8, 1953. Extensive necrologists of the memory of the Russian writer posted all European and soviet newspapers. He was buried in the Russian cemetery near Paris.

Publications of the section Literature

"Russia lived in him, he was - Russia"

On October 22, 1870, the writer and the poet Ivan Bunin was born. The last pre-revolutionary Russian classic and the first Russian nobel laureate According to the literature, the independence of judgments and on the member of expression Georgy Adamovich "people saw through, unmistakably guessed that they would prefer to hide."

About Ivan Bunin

"I was born on October 10, 1870(All dates in the quote are indicated by the old style. - Approx.) in Voronezh. Childhood and early youth spent in the village, to write and printed early. Pretty soon paid attention to me and criticism. Then my books were then marked by the highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the Pushkin Prize. However, I did not have the fame of fame or less wide, for it did not belong to any literary school. In addition, I turned a little in the literary environment, a lot of live in the village, I traveled a lot in Russia and outside Russia: in Italy, in Turkey, in Greece, in Palestine, in Egypt, in Algeria, in Tunisia, in the tropics.

My popularity began with the time when I printed my "village". It was the beginning of a number of my works, sharply drawn a Russian soul, her bright and dark, often tragic foundations. In Russian criticism and among the Russian intelligentsia, where, due to ignorance of the people or political considerations, the people almost always idealized, my "merciless" works of my products caused passionate hostile responses. During these years, I felt like every day my literary forces were increasingly stronger. But the war broke out, and then the revolution. I was not from those who were she caught the surprise for whom her sizes and atrocities were surprising, but still reality surpassed all my expectations: in which the Russian revolution was soon turned into, no one would not understand, she did not see it. It was a spectacle to be a solid horror for anyone who did not lose the image and similarity of God, and from Russia, after the seizure of Lenin's power, the hundreds of thousands of people who had the slightest opportunity to escape were fled. I left Moscow on May 21, 1918, I lived in the south of Russia, moving from hand to the hands of White and Red, and on January 26, 1920, having sought the cup of unspecified sincere sufferers, emigrated to the Balkans first, then in France. In France, I lived at first in Paris, since the summer of 1923 moved to the seaside Alps, returning to Paris only for some winter months.

In 1933 he received the Nobel Prize. In the emigration, I wrote ten new books. "

Posted about myself Ivan Bunin in "Autobiographical Notes".

When Bunin arrived in Stockholm to receive the Nobel Prize, it turned out that all the passers-by know him in the face: the writer photos were published in every newspaper, in shop windows, on the screen of cinema. Having envy the great Russian writer, the Swedes looked around, and Ivan Alekseevich pulled a barish cap and grumbled: "What? Perfect tenor success.

"For the first time since the establishment of the Nobel Prize, you awarded it to the exile. For who am I? The exile, which enjoyed by the hospitality of France, in relation to which I, too, forever preserve appreciation. Gentlemen Academy members, let me leaving me personally and my works aside, tell you how beautiful your gesture is in itself. The world should exist the areas of complete independence. Undoubtedly, there are representatives of all the opinions, all sorts of philosophical and religious beliefs. But there is something unshakable, all of us unites: freedom of thought and conscience, what we are obliged to civilization. For the writer, this freedom is necessary especially - she is dogmat, axiom for him.

From the speech of Bunin at the presentation of the Nobel Prize

However, his feeling of the motherland and the Russian language was huge and he jested him throughout his life. "Russia, our Russian nature we charged with them, and wherever we are, we can not feel it", "said Ivan Alekseevich about himself and about the millions of the same forced emigrants who left the fatherland in the dashing revolutionary years.

"Bunin did not have to live in Russia to write about her: Russia lived in him, he was - Russia."

Secretary of the writer Andrei Sadykh

In 1936, Bunin went on a trip to Germany. In Lindau, he first faced fascist orders: he was arrested, subjected to unceremonious and humiliating search. In October 1939, Bunin settled in GPasse at the Villa "Jeannet", where he lived the whole war. Here he wrote his "Dark Alleys." However, when Germans did not print anything, although he lived in a large lady and hunger. The conquerors treated with hatred, sincerely rejoiced victories of Soviet and allied troops. In 1945, he forever moved from the Grass to Paris. Recent years I have a lot.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died in a dream on the night of November 7-18, 1953 in Paris. He was buried at the Cemetery of St. Geneviev de Boua.

"I was too late I was born. I would be born before, there would be no written memories. I would not have to survive ... 1905, then the first world War, Following it, the 17th year and its continuation, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler ... How not to envy our plants Noah! Just one flood fell to his share ... "

I.A. Bunin. Memories. Paris. 1950.

"Start reading the rioon - whether" Dark Alleys "," Light Breath "," Bowl of Life "," Clean Monday"," Antonovskiy apples "," Mitina Love "," Life of Arsenyev ", and you will immediately take possession of you, the unique Buninskaya Russia is enraged with all its adorable signs: old churches, monasteries, bell ringing, rustic passages that ruined by "disgusting nests", with her rich colorful language, promscakes, additives, who will not find Chekhov or Turgenev. But this is not all: no one is so convincing so psychologically accurately and at the same time unlikely did not describe the main sense of man - love. Bunin was endowed with a completely special property: the inquiry of observation. With amazing accuracy he could draw psychological picture Anyone visible man, give a brilliant description of the phenomena of nature, change of moods and changes in the lives of people, plants and animals. It can be said that he wrote on the basis of a tearful view, sensitive hearing and acute sense of smell. And nothing eluded him. His memory of the wanderer (he loved to travel!) Dipped everything: people, conversations, speech, painting, noise, smells "- wrote in his article "Invitation to Bunin" Literary critic Zinaida Partis.

Bunin in quotes

"God gives any of us with the life of one or another talent and imposes a sacred debt on us to not shut it into the ground. Why, why? We do not know that. But we need to know that everything in this incomprehensible for us will certainly have to have some meaning, some highly intention, aimed to ensure that everything in this world "was good", and that the diligent performance of this God's intention is Always our merit in front of him, and therefore and joy, and pride ... "

Bernar story (1952)

"Yes, in year a year, day after day, you are waiting for only one, - a happy love meeting, you live, in essence, only hope for this meeting - and everything is in vain ..."

Story "In Paris", Collection "Dark Alleys" (1943)

"And he felt such pain and such an unnecessaryness of his whole life Without her, that he was covered by horror, despair. "
"The number without it seemed some very different than it was with her. He was still full of her - and empty. It was strange! She also smelled of her good English cologne, still standing on a tray of her no hard cup, and she was no longer ... and the heart of the lieutenant suddenly sank such a tenderness that the lieutenant hurried to smoke and went back and forth on the room several times. "

Story "Sunflow" (1925)

"Life is undoubtedly love, kindness, and a decrease in love, kindness is always a decrease in life, there is already death."

Story "Blind" (1924)

October 21, 2014, 14:47

Portrait of Ivan Bunin. Leonard Turzhansky. 1905 year

♦ Born Ivan Alekseevich Bunin in the ancient noble family in the city of Voronezh, where he lived the first few years his life. Later, the family moved to the estate of the lake (now Lipetsk region). At the age of 11, he entered the heletic county gymnasium, but at the age of 16 was forced to stop learning. The cause of this was the ruin of the family. Wine whom, by the way, was the excessive transit of his father, who managed to leave without a penny and herself, and his spouse. As a result, Bunin continued his education on his own, however, the elder brother Julius, who graduated from the university with brilliance, passed the entire gymnasium course with Vanya. They were engaged in languages, psychology, philosophy, public and natural sciences. It was Julia that had a great influence on the formation of tastes and the views of the Bunin. He read a lot, studied foreign languages And at an early age showed the talents of the writer. Nevertheless, he was forced for several years to work out the corrector in the "Oryol Gazette" to feed the family.

♦ a lot of time Ivan and his sister Masha in childhood spent with shepherds who taught them there are different herbs. But one day they almost paid their lives. One of the shepherd offered to try the whites. Nanny, having learned about this, with difficulty sent children with pair milk than and saved their lives.

♦ At the age of 17, Ivan Alekseevich wrote the first poems in which he made up the work of Lermontov and Pushkin. They say that Pushkin was generally for the riunin idol

♦ Anton Pavlovich Chekhov played a big role in the life and career of Bunin. When they met, Chekhov was already a writer and managed to direct the creative dust of Bunin on the right track. They conducted a long-term correspondence and thanks to Chekhov, Bunin was able to meet and join the world creative personalities - Writers, artists, musicians.

♦ Bunin did not leave the world of the heir. In 1900, Bunin and Tsakney had their first and only son, who, unfortunately, died at the 5th age of meningitis.

♦ The favorite occupation of the Bunin in his youth and until recent years was - on the back of the head, legs and hand - to determine the face and the entire appearance of a person.

♦ Ivan Bunin collected a collection of pharmaceutical bottles and boxes, which filled several suitcases to the edges.

♦ It is known that Bunin refused to sit at the table, if he turned out to be thirteenth in a row.

♦ Ivan Alekseevich confessed: "Do you have unloved letters? So I can't tolerate the letter "f". And I almost gone by Philip. "

♦ Bunin has always been in good physical form, possessed good plastic: was an excellent rider, at parties danced "Solo", shifting friends in amazement.

♦ Ivan Alekseevich had a rich mimic and an outstanding acting talent. Stanislavsky called him in art Theater. And he offered him the role of Hamlet.

♦ The Bunin's house always reigned strict routine. He often sick, sometimes Mnimo, but everything obeyed his moods.

Interesting fact From the life of Bunin is the fact that he lived most of his life in Russia. Regarding the October Revolution, Bunin wrote the following: "The spectacle was solid horror for anyone who did not lose the image and the similarity of God ...". This event made him emigrate to Paris. There Bunin led an active social and political lifeHe spoke with lectures, collaborated with Russian political organizations. It was in Paris that were written such outstanding workslike: "Life Arsenyev", "Mitina Love", "Sunflow" and others. In the post-war years, Bunin is more friendly Soviet UnionBut it cannot be reconciled with the authorities of the Bolsheviks and as a result remains in emigration.

♦ must admit that in pre-revolutionary Russia Bunin received the widespread recognition of both critics and readers. He occupies a strong place on the writer Olympus and may well indulge in what all his life dreamed of - traveling. Writer, throughout his life, traveled many countries in Europe and Asia.

♦ In the second world war, Bunin refused any contacts with the Nazis - moved in 1939 in the Grass (this is the seaside Alps), where he actually spent the entire war. In 1945, he returned to Paris with his family, although he often said that he wanted to return to his homeland, but, despite the fact that after the war, such as the USSR government was allowed to return, the writer never returned.

♦ B. last years Bunin's life hurt a lot, but continued to actively work and engage in creativity. He died in a dream from 7 to 8 November 1953 in Paris, where he was buried. The last entry in the diary I. Bunin says: "It is still striking before the tetanus! After some, very small time I will not be - and things and fates of all will be unknown to me! "

♦ Ivan Alekseevich Bunin became the first emigrant writers who began to be printed in the USSR (already in the 50s). Although some of his works, such as the Diary "The Cast Day", came out only after restructuring.

Nobel Prize

♦ For the first time at the Nobel Prize, Bunin was put forward in 1922 (his candidacy was put up by Romen Rolland), but in 1923 the Irish poet Yaits received a prize. In the following years, Russian emigrant writers repeatedly renewed their troubles about the nomination of the Bunin on the Prize, which was awarded to him in 1933.

♦ In the official report of the Nobel Committee, it was indicated: "The decision of the Swedish Academy of November 10, 1933, the Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Ivan Bunin for a strict artistic talent, with which he recreated in the literary prose a typical Russian character." In his speech, at the premium award, the representative of the Swedish Academy of Per Halstorm, having highly appreciated the poetic gift of Bunin, especially stopped at his ability to be extremely expressive and accurately describe real life. In response, Bunin noted the courage of the Swedish Academy, who had honored an emigrant writer. It is worth saying that during the presentation of the premiums for 1933, the Academy Hall was decorated, against the rules, only by Swedish flags - because of Ivan Bunin - "stateless persons". As the writer himself believed, he received a prize for the "Life of Arsenyev", his best work. World Glory He fell on him suddenly, as unexpectedly he felt himself an international celebrity. Pictures of the writer were in every newspaper, in the windows bookstores. Even the random passers-by, envying the Russian writer, looked around at him, were pulled out. Somewhat confused from this fuss, the bunin grumbled: "As the famous tenor meet ...". The award of the Nobel Prize has become a huge event for the writer. Recognition came, and with it material security. A significant amount from the received money remuneration Bunin regreed the needy. For this, a special commission on the distribution of funds was even created. Subsequently, Bunin recalled that after receiving the award, it came about 2000 letters with requests for help, responding to which he distributed about 120000 francs.

♦ did not pay their attention to this award in the Bolshevik Russia. November 29, 1933 in " Literary newspaper"A note appeared "I.Bunin - Nobel laureate": " latest messages, the Nobel Prize in Literature for 1933 was awarded to the White Guard Emigrant I. Bunin. The White Guard Olympus nominated and in every possible way defended the candidacy of the Mature Wolf of the counterrevolution of the Bunin, whose creativity was particularly recently saturated with the motives of death, decay, the doomes in the situation of the catastrophic global crisis, it was obvious to the court of Swedish academic elders. "

And Bunin himself loved to remember the episode, which happened during the writer's visit to Merezhkovsky immediately after the award of the Bunin of the Nobel Prize. The artist broke into the room H., and, without noticing the Bunin, exclaimed in full voice: "Locked! Shame! Shame! Nobel Prize Bunin Dali!"After that, he saw the Bunin and, without changing the expressions of the face, cried out: "Ivan Alekseevich! Dear! Congratulations, I congratulate you on all my heart! Happy for you, for all of us! For Russia! Forgive me, I did not have time to come to witness ..."

Bunin and his women

♦ Bunin was a man fervently and passionate. Working in the newspaper, he met with Barbarus Pashchenko ("I struck me, to the great misfortune, long love"how later I wrote a bunin), with which he began stormy Roman. True, before the wedding, the case did not reach - the parents of the girl did not want to issue her for a poor writer. Therefore, young people lived unbelievable. Relationships that Ivan Bunin considered happy, collapsed when Barbar threw him and married Bibicov's arsion, a writer's friend. In the work of the poet, the theme of loneliness and betrayal is firmly fixed - 20 years later, he will write:

I wanted to shout in plain:

"Thrust, I cried with you!"

But for the woman of the past there is no:

Fruit - and became her someone else's.

Well! Fireplace flooding, I will drink ...

It would be nice to buy a dog.

After the treason, Barvan Bunin returned to Russia. Here they were waiting for meetings and acquaintances with many writers: Chekhov, Bryusov, Sologub, Balmont. In 1898 two occur at once important events: The writer marries Grechanka Anna Tsakny (The daughter of the famous populist revolutionary), and also comes out the collection of his poems "under the open sky".

You, like stars, clean and beautiful ...

The joy of life in everything I catch -

In the Star Sky, in colors, in flavors ...

But I love you more than you.

Only with you one I am happy

And no one will replace you:

You know me and love me,

And one you understand - for what!

However, this marriage was not durable: after a year and a half, the spouses divorced.

In 1906, Bunin met with Vera Nikolaevna Muromseva - The faithful companion of the writer to the end of life. Together the couple travels around the world. Vera Nikolaevna did not stop repeating until the end of his days, which seeing Ivan Alekseevich, who was always called at home, fell in love with him at a glance. The wife brought the comfort to his unsettled life, surrounded the most tender care. And since the 1920th, when Bunin and Vera Nikolaevna sailed from Constantinople, their long-lasting emigration began in Paris and in the south of France in the town of Graas near Cannes. Bunin felt heavy material difficulties, or rather, his wife was experiencing, who took household matters into their hands and sometimes complained that he had no ink for her husband. Scarce fees from publications in emigrant magazines barely enough for more than modest life. By the way, having received the Nobel Prize, Bunin first bought his wife new shoes, because she could no longer look at what a favorite woman was shoved and dressed.

However, on this love stories Bunin also do not end. I will stop in more detail on his 4th great loveGalina Kuznetsova . Next, a solid quote from the article. In the yard of 1926. Bunins have been living in Graas at the Villa "Belvedere" for several years. Ivan Alekseevich Nagal Swimmer, daily walks to the sea and makes big revealing swims. His spouse "Water Procedures" does not like and does not make up the company. On the beach to the Bunin fits his friend and presents a young girl Galina Kuznetsov, feeding hopes of the poetess. How it happened more than once with Bunin, he instantly felt a sharp attraction to a new acquaintance. Although at that moment could hardly imagine what place she would take in his future life. Both were remembered later that he immediately asked if she was married. It turned out that yes, and resting here with her husband. Now Ivan Alekseevich spent all days with Galina. Bunin and Kuznetsova

A few days later, Galina had a sharp explanation with her husband, meaning the actual gap, and he went to Paris. In what condition was Vera Nikolaevna, it is not difficult to guess. "She went crazy and complained to everyone acquaintances to grant Ivan Alekseevich," Poezesza Odoevtsheva writes. - But then I.A. He managed to convince her that he had only Platonic relations with Galina. She believed, and believed until death ... ". Kuznetsova and Bunin with his wife

Vera Nikolaevna did not actually pretended: she believed because she wanted to believe. The compelling of his genius, she did not close the thoughts to themselves, which would have forced to take serious decisions, for example, leave the writer. It ended in that Galina was invited to settle at the riunins and become a member of their family. " Galina Kuznetsova (worth), Ivan and Vera Bunin. 1933

Participants of this triangle decided not to record for the history of intimate details of the threesome. What and how it happened at the Villa "Belvedere" - it remains only to guess, and also to deduct in minor comments of guests at home. According to individual evidence, the atmosphere in the house with external decency was sometimes very red.

In Stockholm for the Nobel Prize, together with the faith of Nikolaevna Bunin, accompanied Galina. On the way back, she was cold, and decided that she was better to stay in Dresden for a while, in the house of an old friend Bunin - Philosopher Fyodor Stene, who often celebrated in Grass. When a week later Kuznetsova returned to the Writer's villa, something unpreveloped changed. Ivan Alekseevich found that Galina began to spend much less time with him, and more and more often he found her for long letters to sister Stene Magde. In the end, Galina has screamed the invitation to Magda to visit Graas, and Magda arrived for Magga. Bunin fucked over the "girlfriends": Galina and Magda almost did not partitioned, together went down to the table, they walked together, together they retired in their "Svetlock", allocated at their request by faith Nikolaevna. All this lasted until Bunin suddenly hesitated, as well as everyone around true relations Galina and Magda. And then he was terribly disgusting, gadko and hard. Not only is the favorite woman changed him, but to change with another woman - this anti-sest-child situation just pissed the riot. They figured out the relationship with Kuznetsova, not embarrassed by neither completely confused faith of Nikolaevna, nor the arrogant-calm Magda. The very reaction of the wife of the writer on what happened in her house itself is wonderful. At first, Vera Nikolaevna sighed with relief - well, finally this ended this threesome life, and Galina Kuznetsov will leave the hospitable Bunin house. But seeing how her adorable husband suffers, she rushed to persuade Galina to stay so that Bunin was not worried. However, neither Galina was going to change anything in relationships with Magda, nor Bunin could no longer endure the fiction magoric "aduilter" in his eyes. Galina left the house and heart of the writer, leaving a mental wound in it, however, far from the first.

Nevertheless, no novels (and Galina Kuznetsov, of course, was not the only wiping of the writer) did not change the relationship of the Bunin to his wife, without which he did not imagine his life. This is how the friend of the family G.Aadamovich said about this: "... For her endless loyalty he was infinitely grateful and appreciated her over all measures ... Ivan Alekseevich in everyday communication was not a man lung and it himself, of course, was aware. But the deeper he felt everything as his wife was obliged. I think that if in his presence, someone faith Nikolaevna burst or offended, he would have killed this person with his own passion - not only as his enemy, but also as a slander, as a moral uroda, not able to distinguish good from evil, light From darkness. "