Rules of public speeches. Receptions of preparing an oral public speech

Rules of public speeches. Receptions of preparing an oral public speech
Rules of public speeches. Receptions of preparing an oral public speech

The presentation in the public can become a serious test even for an experienced actor. In order for the public to be interested in the words of the speaker, he listened to curiosity and did not seek to wait for the end of speech, it is necessary to approach the preparation of performance with special care. Competently built public speech can bring pleasure and listeners, and speakers. In the world, various forms of constructing dialogs and monologues are known. Developed various information feeding techniques ,.

What types of public speeches are divided into

Important! To be interested in the public, the speaker must follow the rules for the preparation of text.

Rule 1. Carefully preparing accession. The spectacular principle interested in listeners is half of the success.

Rule 2. Presence of drama. Dry narration without a description of life situations, stories, humorous or tragic examples loses its attractiveness in the eyes of the listener. The emotionally illuminated theme of any kind of public speeches with added stories is able to arrange any public.

Rule 3. Summary. The famous saying reads: "brevity is a sister of talent." All thoughts within the outlined information should be presented concisely and thoughtfully. Text should not be too stretched.

Rule 4. Use of colloquial speech. Any speech should be like a dialogue between the speaker and the audience. We can not be overwhelmed by many unfamiliar terms and foreign phrases. The easier it will be the text, the greater interest will be seen in the eyes of the listeners.

Rule 5. We prepare the final. Completion of speech should be on the same impressive note as the beginning. Proper intonation and spectacular words will help the speech for a long time to stay in the minds of the audience.

It is customary to comply with a certain sequence of actions when preparing and submitting information to listeners. Technology includes 12 consecutive stages.

  • We put clear goals.
  • Determine the target audience.
  • Think about the style and content of the performance.
  • We choose the manner of behavior before the public.
  • We develop text.
  • Correct text in accordance with the rules and ethical regulations.
  • Create the structure of the performance with the help of different types of perception (visual, audio and other).
  • We prepare the place of saying speech.
  • Emotionally tune in to a successful event.
  • We speak.
  • We take criticism.
  • We analyze the behavior of listeners and the audience reaction.

Exercises for training

Public speaking is not an easy task. Many people do not know how to keep in front of the public, others feel at the sight of many eyes. Even if there is no experience with the public at all, and the upcoming event can be overcome, and it is discussed with training and exercises.

Exercise 1 . Spear. Thanks to such training, the voice will become more confident, it is clear and clearer. You need to perform such exercises every day.

Task 2. Loud expressive reading, with elements of the recovery. Such an exercise forms speech, teaches to properly state thoughts.

Task 3. Finding sense in things. You need to take any meaningless, at first glance, the thing, and for a short period of time, up to 5 minutes, explain its essence.

Task 4. Maintain dialogue. Any communication displays a speaker to a new level. Dialogues with other people help the speaker to work out techniques for the public.

Task 5. Develop imagination. Creating interesting pictures in the mind, the visualization of the past day is developing brain resources and makes it more eloquent.


- Not easy task. To effectively contact the audience, it is available to identify information and conquer the public attention for a long time, you need to constantly train and develop.

The competent presentation of the text, the compliance of information to this or that type of activity is impossible without a diligent work on themselves. Compliance with the adopted rules and technologies will bring success and recognition to the speaker.

The fear of public speeches and debates is a serious problem for a modern person, whether it is the leader of a large company or a private office worker. This difficulty will interfere with your career growth or business management with partners. Ownership will always bring only benefit and life comfort.

Basics of Mastery of Public Speech

Oratoric art or eloquence is, first of all, a public speech for the transfer of information to the listeners. In ancient times, ancient Greece was, because it was on the territory of this country that the largest number of scientific works on this discipline was written.

And in the middle of the last century, a new region of philology called neoritative was originated. This fact is associated with the flourishing of democracy in the Greek state. Daily public meetings and debates in everyday life and became the basis of the skill of public speaking as a social phenomenon.

The beginning of preparation for speech begins:

  • with the choice of the topic of performances;
  • from the individual qualities of the speaker itself;
  • preparation of a place to speak.

Many public people, preparing their performance, comply with several, which are very important for an interesting and bright speech:

  1. Bold and decisive greeting.
  2. Goodwill to listeners.
  3. Restaurant in clothing and in a conversational style, without excess emotionality.
  4. Availability of speech to understand the audience, without excessive complex terminology.
  5. Visual contact with the audience.
  6. Determined ending with his speech.

Mistakes of public speech

The skill of public speaking to the speaker comes with experience and with certain skills. But often you can hear the not interesting and incomprehensible speaker's speech. What is the cause of misunderstanding and alienation between the protruding and listeners? ATTENTION, Next, the most basic mistakes of public speech will be set out, because of which it is impossible to build their performance professionally.

If you work on your mistakes and try not to admit them, your professionalism will increase, and the number of grateful public will grow every day.

How to achieve skill in oratorical art

To achieve the skill of a public speech there are four fundamental principles. Oraator activity should be based on these rules:

  1. The goal is the beginning of the path to something worthy and great. Understanding for which you should own the skill of public speeches, and will be the desired goal for you.
  2. Practice is a large part of all the work and knowledge gained over the entire speeches. Oratoric art without regular practice it is impossible to master; The more you work, the more professional will be your speech before the big public.
  3. The criticism of oneself is the highest degree of self-development. It is this principle that will be the most objective judge for you.
  4. The expansion of the "Comfort Zone" is the ability to adjust any conditions and life situations.

Thanks to this four basic principles, performances will become bright, spectacular and memorable to the public.

Exercises for speakers

For greater understanding between the speaker and listeners, it is necessary for the development of oratory. They teach it easy to speak, without speech defects and unnecessary televitations, develop the skills of argumentation and discussion.

Speech classes

Exercise number 1. Proper breathing. It is necessary to start any conversation with the right and restored breathing. For anyone convenient for you, I make a slow breath through the nose, while in parallel expanding the abdominal cavity, then the chest and, in conclusion, is a clavical department. I exhale also in order: first from the keyword, chest and abdominal cavity. Exercise is familiar to those who are fond of yoga.

ATTENTION: For a good effect, it should be repeated 6-8 times.

Exercise number 2. Wow. Fill the light air and, with a slow exhale with tightly compressed lips, you need to try to tell a small quatrain. For this task will go small lung children's poems.

Exercise number 3. . It is necessary to slowly read any patron, saying each syllable, then you need to increase the pace. For a better effect, it would be good to record your pronunciation on the voice recorder, and then listen to it to correct errors.

Important: Perform these exercises is necessary daily, otherwise the acquired skills will quickly lose.

In addition to exercises on the technique of speech, there are many entertaining tasks on development.

Exercise "Discussion". In the course of this task, the participant develops the skills of the argument and creativity of the responses. For two speakers, the topic of the discussion is voiced, after which the first participant performs, 2 minutes, trying to disclose the specified theme. Then his opponent asks him questions to which he should quickly and constructively reply. Further, the word is provided with the second participant in the same principle. At the end of the exercise, the audience vote for each of the speakers and in the number of votes choose the winner.


To pronounce about the numerous public is a very responsible and complex task, but in life everything can happen, and you should always be ready to perform, whether before your subordinates or your daughter at the wedding. It must be remembered that how you will pronounce it, no less important than its meaning.

Sumy to master the skill of a public speech, you acquire many good and influential friends and acquaintances.

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Today we will look at the types of public speeches, discuss why fear of public speeches arises, as well as the rules of public speeches. Often, we have a question of a public speech and how to prepare it?

Do not avoid public speeches, ideas and, because it is an important part in any business, including.
The art of filing is to master the main stages and the rules of public speech.

Rules of public speech

Classifications of public speeches are a huge set. It is important to divide public speeches by their functions, i.e. We must first of all identify the idea of \u200b\u200byour public speaking.

Speech is like a small performance, which means each of them should have their own genre.

So, the types of public speeches in the goal: Protoconduble-etiquette, convincing, entertainment, informational. However, goals can be combined and then a public speech will be a mixed genre.

Types of public speeches

In the form in rhetoric there are the following types of public speeches: message, report, speech, lecture, conversation.
In achieving success, business communication skills, meetings, speeches to the audience and participation in negotiations, in infobusiness and especially in MLM, are needed and are very important.

It should be noted that it is important not only to make up your speech, but also to pay attention to such important components of a successful performance as a voice and facial expressions.

The development of skills how to react to the reaction of students, to own their body, is important for a successful performance and, of course, will lead to the result. So let's look at how to master the skills of public speeches.

And in order to be able to and unmistakably apply the skills of public speeches, it is important to practice and once again practiced, about it, Napoleon, who was considered an excellent speaker and whose oratoritarian speech, forced hundreds of thousands of people to risk life, and could negotiate whole nations.

This is his art of public speeches.

Fear of public speeches

Fear of public speeches or even the fear of public speeches is a normal human psyche reaction to a monologue that we need to pronounce before, most often, unfamiliar people.

Usually we communicate together, we see the reaction to your words and can adjust said. However, with repeated workouts, phobias disappear. When a person speech, a number of new features arise, which are not available with the usual dialogue.

At first, the speaker must be made to the end, without losing the attention and interest of the audience, to convey to the listeners the main idea and, of course, get the result, convince in their rightness, to attract buyers or partners to business.

The feeling of goods liability does not add optimism. There is still a feeling of some insecurity, as listeners will perceive my information whether I can react to the audience's response to get the result.

And only workouts, a planned and carefully prepared message will help in overcoming the fear of public speaking and lead to the result.

Rules of public speaking, public speech

The formation of a public speech will be laid out in steps (stages of a public speech). Compliance with uncomplicated rules will help you create a successful public speech.

Public Speech - Preparatory Stage of Public Speech

Preparatory - the first step and one of the most important stages. It is necessary to consider the time and the place of communication, decide on the objectives of communication. It is important to perfectly own information about which you plan to inform the public, not to doubt the information provided, oriented in your material.

No need to upload a message to several aspects, it is better to tell in detail about something one and mention that there are also important aspects of this topic that you report at the next meeting or with personal contact.

For example, today you are talking in detail about your company, about network marketing, about the business MLM through the Internet and only casually mention products.

Second Public Speech Stage

The second step is to establish a connection with the audience. Here it is necessary to determine the mood of the students, arrange people to themselves, i.e. Here is a contact with listeners. Do not hurry, calm down, exhale, do not fuss.

Aimed, chaotic movements distract from performances. Going to the listeners you can smile, so you show your positive attitude.

It is necessary to take a hall with a look, focus on several people from the hall and while trying to save this personal contact.

By this, you show your interest in the listeners. It is important that you are dressed, how to hold on, confidently and calmly your voice sounds.

Clothes should be fresh and ironed, mint untidy clothing testifies to disrespect for himself and others. Sit down modestly, but with taste, elegant, you do not need a lot of accessories, so that the listeners do not work out.

Don't forget to study the room for performing in advance, come there a little earlier when there are no people and you can imagine where it is better to get up, getting ready with the microphone, so as not to look ridiculous if you have problems with him, because during this time you have You can lose the thread of the message and, even worse, the attention of the hall.

The center of the hall, which is where to strive to settle down during the report, and if it is impossible, make your location to the center of attention to the audience using gestures and intonation.

Third step public speech

It is necessary to pronounce clearly perfect vowel, which has the greatest impact on speech intelligibility. Try to avoid grammatical errors, use a literary language so that the audience does not lose confidence in you.

Try not to use standard phrases and expressions. It would be good to work on your vocabulary stock, use more synonyms in your speech, and the performance will be more attractive and beautiful.

Fourth Step public speech

The fourth step is to preserve the attention of people from the audience. It is worth paying attention to verbal and non-verbal components of communication. Nempathy in gestures are unacceptable.

Gestures can be invited, denying, questionnaires, they may emphasize the nuances of the speech. Move hands above the waist, because Gestles below indicate uncertainty and confusion.

Use both hands. Try not to cross and do not compress your hands, the posture must be open. Periodically smile.

Schedule about unwanted aspects and louder about positive. A better sentences are perceived in which the main idea is clearly outlined without suitable revolutions.

The use of graphics and charts allows you not to load your speech with numbers that are poorly perceived by rumor. Avoid seeming more aware in the question discussed than the audience, so that the listeners seem to seem to be more stupid.

Be friendly, dilute your performance with bright comparisons or life cases. Change the posture when moving to the next part of the speech.

Fifth step public speech

The fifth step is to defend his belief if the listener has a different opinion on the issue under discussion. Hearing an objection, keep calm, do not rude, it is better to smile, so showing the confidence that you are saying.

Do not be distracted by disputes during the main report, for conviction you will have time after the main performance. We will talk about working with objections in one of the following articles.

Sixth step public speech

The sixth stage is the end of the performance. Here, the emphasis should be further continued to communicate, establishing longer contacts, motivation for cooperation.

In conclusion, the performance should clearly and loudly repeat the basic idea, for which it was your performance, be sure to look into the eyes of students, showing that you are satisfied with communication with them.

For example, specify when the next meeting will stay in more detail on those aspects that in this report have not been covered enough.

Now let's stop at the main aspects of oratory art, because the ownership of them creates the uniqueness of a particular performance.

Sequence, logical and important aspects of each message. At the beginning, we are talking about the most important, minor information is left for later when the attention of the audience is no longer so acute.

Do not allow repetitions, and if needed, make them accent with voice, so that the listeners understand that they are made specifically.

It would not be bad to come up with and use interesting, characteristic of the turns and gestures only to you, this is your charisma, listeners listen more and trust your information.

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Here are some logical laws of public speech

Each thought should have the same interpretation, and it does not matter from which side you appeal to it. Two truths should not be in the same speech. True is a judgment that has a good evidence base.

It is important to use the argument system, the principles of which we will tell in the next article. To not miss, subscribe to the blog.

Public speech requirements

Requirements for a public speech are concluded not only in the slim of its construction and the application of the laws of speech speech, but also the observance of ethics of speech speech and business communication.

The main rule of ethics of business communication is the division of business and personal life of a person, his personal properties. Proving its position can not be descended before the use of personal weaknesses of the opponent.

It is impossible to abuse the feelings of the audience, for example, do not use social and ethnic prejudices of the audience in the proof of their idea. Do not abuse in the evidence of your rightness by mentioning the failures of their opponents.

Public speaking. Courses and trainings

  • Free supercompte in public speeches and negotiations;
  • Training »Master of public speeches" ;
  • Training in record »Power of public speeches";
  • VideoTarning »7 Oratory lessons" ;
  • Public performance. Practice (coaching program);
  • Azamat Ushanov "Fearful public speech" .

Public speaking. Video about the basics of public speeches

Many are afraid, the fear of public speeches. Check out the video about the fear of public speeches and methods to combat this fear.

I prepared for you a selection of lessons of a well-known business coach and a ride of Radislava Gandapas, in which he shares the secrets of a public speech. Radislava Gandapas can learn public speech skills, speech speech.

Ancient Greeks, speech skills and the art of speech recognized as the highest art. And listening to the Radislava Gandapass, the best speaker among the business coaches of Russia, you are convinced that the ancient Greeks were right, the public speech of the Radislava is art.

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Involvement of the public and positive attitude

And, of course, do not forget with a public speech, give your energy, confidence, good mood and positive!

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From this article you will learn:

  • What are the rules of public speaking
  • What are the rules for the preparation of a public speech
  • What psychological techniques can be used in public speeches

Speech with a public speech is a stressful situation for any person. This is confirmed by the most brilliant speakers who spent hundreds of watches on stage. Why is it going on? Any public speech is the statement of your own thoughts and ideas. Successful or unsuccessful expression immediately affects the reputation of a person, in its assessment as an expert, a specialist. The rules of public speeches are usually quite universal. You can act in front of different groups of people - it can be ministers and bankers, students and schoolchildren, journalists, colleagues and even prisoners. But all of them, first of all, will be your listeners, and you need to know several rules that will help to fully structure and submit information, keep calm and keep the situation under your control.

Public Speech: Training Rules

Any presentation with public speech should be thoroughly prepared. The famous psychologist D. Carnegie has a whole book, which contains recommendations and rules for the preparation of a public speech. The main idea: "You need to know what you want to say and what they want to hear the listeners. Just based on this knowledge, you can convey the information correctly and convince to believe yourself. "

To begin with, let's analyze which types of performances:

  • Improvisation. This type of speeches does not need to be prepared, but requires very deep knowledge of material and theme. Orator in this case expresses theses on a given topic, responds to any questions from the hall easily and reasoned. It is only the experienced speakers and masters of their business. Such were Trotsky, Lenin and swords.
  • Speech in abstract. Preparation comes on each item, which is being worked out in advance. Also prescribe answers to possible questions that may arise during the performance.
  • Preparation of full text. Most often you can observe such a report from politicians. Sometimes their answers to the specified questions do not quite coincide, because they are not used to sparkling from pre-drawn text.

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  • Speech without using prompts. The prepared text is learned by heart, pronounced at rehearsals, but in this case the rules of public speeches do not provide for the opportunity to respond to additional questions.

A particularly valuable quality of the skill of the speaker is the opportunity to take into account the mood of the public and the ability to adapt to various changing circumstances.

Rules of public speeches: psychology

By the time of your public report, it is necessary to approach in excellent psychological and physical condition. Do not think about your fears, because in the end it is just a performance. O. Ernst wrote: "There is never once a single speaker fainted on the podium, even if his performance was indeed lower than any criticism."

The existing rules of performance with a public speech contain several important points:

  • Pay close attention not to your experiences, but on the content of your speech.
  • You should not talk to listeners absolutely all harvested material, leave a place for questions if they are provided. Yes, and the idea that you know much more than talking to this lecture, will significantly increase your self-confidence.
  • Do not prepare on the day of the speech, it is better to finish all the preparation on the eve of the evening.
  • Before the speech, you should not begin new things or to be included in the new, unusual activities for you. They will transfer all your attention and direction of thoughts.
  • Try to arrange a light lunch or breakfast, do not overeat before the responsible report.

If you still feel that the excitement does not leave you, the main thing is to understand what is the cause of your anxiety. Most often it is:

  • Lack of practical experience in such performances.
  • Features related to the peculiarities of your character: impactivity, restraint, excessive anxiety, uncertainty.
  • Doubt in the interest of listeners.
  • The fact of an unsuccessful performance in the past.
  • Strong emotions related to the excitement and experience of the stressful situation.

If your anxiety is mainly associated with the reaction of listeners, that is, the following rules of public speeches:

  • choose a spectator positively tuned to you and tell you looking at him / her eyes, as if you are alone in this room;
  • if you feel that the contact is installed, you can slightly navigate and translate a look at the neighbor and see him into my eyes;
  • try to maintain a friendly and open expression;
  • try to smile more often and then you will see how to convert the mood in the hall.

If your anxiety is associated with its own state, then carefully examine these rules of public speaking:

  • Train yourself before the public as often as possible, participate in public discussions, conversations, ask questions.
  • During this time you will find such an internal state that confidence in you and helps to feel successful. For each this feeling will be its own. Someone needs to feel "the joy of flight", to someone feel the most focused concentrated on its topic, and someone helps a slight excitement, which makes it slightly excited and joyful.
  • Think of what emotional response you want to get from the listeners, which promise comes from you the audience.
  • Before entering the scene necessarily "Disconnect". You can talk to someone from listeners or organizers or just walk around the room.

General rules performing a public speech:

  1. Ideal if you have the opportunity to rehearse in the room where the performance will occur. You can inspect the hall, to proper the output, say speech, to work out, gestures, voice volume, some important turning points of your speech.
  2. Before bedtime, imagine the entire course of your speech. How the event begins how the audience is going as you go on the stage, which is what you are looking for. Bring speech to the end and feel as wonderful you coped with it.
  3. A few hours before the release on the stage, in his imagination, pass through the plan of your report, consolidate the key moments of speech and feel the joy that will overfill you after a successful performance.

Rules of Successful Public Speech: Psychotechnics

One of the secrets of communication with the audience lies in a certain psychotechnic. You will definitely need to form an eye contact and show your interest in it.

When you go to the scene or the department, do not rush to immediately start your speech, take a pause, look around, look at the audience, smile if it is appropriate. By installing visual contact with the listeners, you welcome them and make it clear that you are here specifically for them. Therefore, it is important to observe it and during the performance.

Do not forget about the need to save visual contact, even if you come up with a scientific message, where the norm is frequent appeal to your records. Subconsciously man feels when attention is paid to him: the look can last just a second, but it makes it clear that something important and valuable for him occurs. Therefore, try not just to inspect the hall, but also to install the contact "eyes in the eye" with listeners.

When you are engaged in the psychotechnics of establishing contact with the audience, it is very important to understand that the most important is the emotional filling of your view. What is in it - location to the audience or indifferent indifference, courage or fear. In the eyes, all our emotions are read without difficulty, which means that listeners are usually unmistakably seen and feel what happens in your soul.

So, the main rules of performance with a public speech - look back, install visual contact with the public, concentrate your attention on the subject of your speech.

Remember, the first words of your report are the most important, it is at this point that the listeners define whether they will listen to you or continue to twist in the clouds. There are several techniques that will allow you to keep the attention of the audience.

  • Interesting fact. One of the most effective ways to attract the attention of any audience is to tell a curious fact that is directly related to the topic of the speech: "Do you know that ..." or "Did you think that ..."
  • Colorful presentation. The presentation helps to structure and regulate the performance. You can designate the basic theses or feedback rules on the slides. The rules of public speeches offer you so formulate this aspect: "I have fifteen minutes to tell about ...", "In the course of the speech, I would like to appeal to the following questions ...", if questions appear during the speech, you will be able to ask them end of the report. "
  • Questions. If in your format it is possible, then be sure to use this technique to attract attention. Questions are forced to unwittingly look for answers, even if they are not uttered out loud, so you will already listen carefully.
  • Joke, joke. It is important to maintain some intrigue and not immediately uncover the connection of the joke and the themes of the speech. But the connection must exist. Remember that the joke must be tolerant and attractive for the majority to create the desired mood.
  • Audience compliment. Consider a compliment as a sign of respect and recognition of the public. Correctly said compliment will cause a response grateful reaction from the listeners. Try not to replay and not exaggerate the weight of the compliment so that it is not perceived as a mock. Better, if the compliment is a brief, unequivocal, reflective reality. It can be expressed not only a personfully audience, but also to refer to their profession or company.

Receptions of attraction and retention of the audience

Skilled speakers to attract and hold the attention of the audience use some rules of performance with a public speech:

  • Contrast stimuli. This rule is to change the type of information signal. Most often you can change audio and video signals. Orator, for example, can make a long pause, slow down or accelerate the tempo of speech. Also, an example of a contrasting stimulus can be moved along the scene. At first, the speaker can stand motionless and in the process of the report to start moving around or vice versa.
  • Appeal to current issues. For each person in a certain period of life there are current, exciting topics. As a rule, in the group of people, big or small, these problems are identical or have a great similarity. Then, when accessing these exciting topics, you can attract the attention of the audience. In this method, the source of attention will be the significance of information.
  • Appeal to authoritative sources. Rules of public speeches for a long time contain the Council to contact authoritative sources. Quotes of great people, deep statements often apply many speeches in their technique. Success depends on several factors: the relevance, completeness of the statement, the authority of the source.
  • Address questions. With this type of question addresses those present in the hall. And even rhetorical questions increase the attention of the audience.
  • Humor. A good joke of the speaker always causes pleasant emotions from the listeners, draws attention to him, causes sympathy and interest. Often humor can remove the stress and prepare an audience for the perception of new information. And although most often humor attracts attention not to the topic of performances, but to the speaking age, it should be used correctly.

So our article about the rules of public speeches came to the end. We sincerely hope that you were able to find useful ideas in it for your business. It is possible that some thoughts have become a discovery for you, and something turned out to be just an interesting fact that expanded the understanding of the process of complex sales. Which of the presented moments did you want to apply in practice? How satisfied are your business? Analyze your answers to these questions, then our article will be able to leave a significant mark in your consciousness.

Remember that in case of any questions, doubts or even objections, you have the opportunity to write to us by mail. [Email Protected] Or take advantage of the feedback form on the official website. An experienced business coach Evgeny Kotov, the founder of the training company Practicum Group, will be happy to answer them, and it is possible to disputate with you, because truth is born in the dispute.

To new meetings!

The speaker must try to convince the audience in the justice of the statements put forward by him, leading undeniable arguments, arguing his statements. The argument is a logical argument that serves as the basis of evidence. The truth of the arguments is verified and proven by practice, therefore the argument is to bring such arguments in favor of this or that approval - convinces listeners in the truth of the provisions expressed by the speaker.

Arguments are different, the following types are considered in rhetoric:

I. Arguments to the merits of the case. Such arguments are the facts obtained as a result of observation, as well as documents, statistical and digital material, etc.

II. Arguments for a person, they are designed to influence the listeners emotionally and in oratoryracts are used at least arguments to the merits of the case. The arguments for a person are diverse, we call only some of them: 1) an argument to authority (in this case, the speaker refers to the opinion of prominent figures, scientists, writers whose position coincides with the position of the speaker); 2) the argument to the public (he tries to attract listeners to his side and to confront opponents, which happens often on rallies, in court); 3) an argument to personality (replacing the subject of the discussion, the speaker tries to set up an audience against opponents, exposing them in negative light); 4) the argument to vanity (praises of opponents in order to soften their confrontation); 5) Argument for pity (the desire to cause opponents a sense of pity, compassion and this is to incline them to their side).

As you can see, the arguments for a person are not always correct, so we will not recommend modern speakers to use them. The only exception is the argument to authority, often used in scientific reports, academic speeches. However, in this case, it should be borne in mind that not all statements of authoritative people can certainly recognize the true. Appealing to them, the speaker must be very careful.

Monologue and dialogue in public speeches

Depending on whether it says one speaker or in conversation (discussions) two (several persons) participate, we are talking about a monologue (speech of one) and dialogue (Greek. dialogos.- conversation between two or several persons). Known also the term polylogging (Greek. poly.- a lot), which is used if they want to emphasize that many persons participate in the conversation.

In rhetoric, the monologue is defined as a special form of oral speech, which is a detailed statement of one person, completed in a sense and composite attitude, where all language funds are subordinated to the expression of the main thought, the achievement of the main goal of the speaker. The monologue is characterized by unidirectionality, as the protruding appeals to the audience, says for her. All public speeches by nature monologues. They own: 1) Academic speech (university lecture, scientific report, review, scientific communication, research and popular lecture); 2) judicial speech (prosecutor's, lawyer); 3) Social-political speech (speeches of public figures at congresses, summits, conferences, meetings; parliamentary, rally and diplomatic speeches, political review and political comment); 4) Social-household speech (anniversary, welcome, feast, gravestone) and 5) Speech spiritual (official, church, sermon) 24.

All types of public speeches are distinguished by the specificity of the spectrum monologue. The speaker not only appeals to the listeners, he seems to talk with them. And they can mentally agree with a speaker or object to him. The speaker feels this reaction to the public and makes conclusions for itself. There is a similarity of the dialogue, only the second side at the same time does not pronounce loud of their replicas, but this does not prevent bilateral communication. All this gives reason to call a spectrum monologue with a special, addressed to listeners and designed for their lively reaction. In this sense, they talk about the dialogue of oratory speeches.

Genuinely dialogic there were always disputes, discussions, various conversations. Rhetoric offers such a classification: 1) a relaxed conversation with well friends, close people; 2) the first conversation when meeting; 3) business conversation, which is represented by different types: a) conversation of equal partners, b) boss conversation and subordinate; c) talk about the cooperation of two (several) representatives of different parties; 4) a feast conversation (varying degrees of official, often with the lead).

The typology of public speeches and conversations allows you to make a clear idea of \u200b\u200btheir content and predict the speech behavior of speakers. This is paying close attention to the rhetoric benefits to which we referred. We will also have to dwell on more important issues that make up the foundations of oratory skills.