"Asya" I. Turgenev

"Asya" I. Turgenev

In his works, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev often affects the theme of love. But almost always she has a sad end. His story "Asya" is no exception. In this beautiful and at the same time sad work, he raises the question of true happiness. "Asya" tells not only love, but also raises moral problems.

The story "Asya" I. S. Turgenev began to write after annual inaction. The idea came unexpectedly when the writer in 1857 was in Germany. Driving past ruins, in Zinitska, Ivan Sergeevich saw a small house nearby. On the first floor, Turgenev noticed an old woman, and on the second young girl. The writer with interest began to invent, who they are and why live in this house. The accuracy of this fact prove the letters of the writer and the work chronology left it.

Interesting facts will be told about the creation of "Asi":

  1. Poor well-being writer. Although he wrote the story with inspiration, but soreness and weakness were given to themselves. He graduated from Turgenev his work in November 1857, and 1858 she was published in the magazine "Contemporary".
  2. Autobiographical character of the story. The true prototype of Asi is unknown. In addition to the version of the image of the girl from Zinitsk, there is an opinion that the main character is similar to the fate with the extramarital daughter of Turgenev, Polina. There is also a theory that the writer could take his sister as a prototype, Barbar. But it is important to note that if the truth is the prototype Asi is the daughter of Turgenev, their characters are very different. Polina was not endowed with love for high, and the main heroine of the story had a subtle feeling of beautiful and unshakable love for nature.

Genre and direction

The genre of the work of "Asya" I. S. Turgenev is a story. Although the writer initially conceived him as a story. A distinctive feature of the story is that it is more in volume, there are several heroes in it, there are many events and actions, but in a fairly short period of time. The names of such books most often speaking and are associated with the main character.

I. S. Turgenev worked in the direction of realism. Its works brightly depicts the surrounding reality and describes the inner world of heroes with the help of psychologism techniques. However, in the story "Asya" there are features of romanticism. This can be seen by the main heroine, which is a typical "Turgenev girl." The writer put on her especially romantic traits. This is displayed not only in appearance, but also in its character. She admires readers with its purity and sincerity.


For each work, the role of the composition is extremely important. For example, in order to transfer an accurate picture of what is happening. Thanks to special compositional techniques, the reader is pleasant and interesting to read the book, as the text is built into a single whole.

The composition of the story "Asya" is very concisely built.

  1. I exposure. Memories of N. N. About his youth and life in Germany.
  2. II-VIII tie. Acquaintance with the Gagina and his sister Asay. Rapid by N. N. with them. History of childhood ASI. First serious conversation N. N. with heroine. The heroine is no longer afraid of him and begins to trust.
  3. X-XV Development of actions. Rapid of Asi and N. N. Experiences of the girl and the recognition of the Gagina about the love of the narrator. Note from ASI.
  4. XVI -XXI Culmination of action and instantaneous junction. Date N. N. with Asay, which ended with parting. Unexpected departure of heroes from the city.
  5. XXII epilogue. Meditation N. N. About life and happiness. Sorry about the missed moment.


N. N. narrator is divided by memories of the past days of his carefree youth. He traveled abroad and obscured by people. Without goal and duties. The main events of the story are unfolding in the German town of Z., on the banks of the Rhine River. The place was secluded, as His soul required. The heart of N. N. was broken by a young widow, which traded the narrator on the lieutenant.

The location of the city in which the narrator settled was beautiful.

One day N. N. hit the commercial, where students were entertained. There, he accidentally heard the conversation of two Russians and I met the lacquer with them. It turned out to be a Gagina family. Senior brother and younger sister Asya, Seventeen years old. After a short conversation, they invited the narrative to visit themselves, in a lonely house, which was outside the city, where they were given milk, berries and bread. When the pale evening came, and the moon rose, N. N. went on the boat home and felt himself truly happy.

The next day, Gagin came to his house and woke out the knock of the stick, after which they drank coffee and talked about what everyone worries. N. N. told about unfortunate love, and his interlocutor began to start painting too late and was afraid of not realizing himself in creativity. Every day the narrator is increasingly tied to the gagina and his sister. Asya behaved strangely and always in different ways. That she is tense, then cheerful and careless as a child. N. N. often looks close to the girl's behavior, but also to her appearance. In his opinion, she had the most volatile face of all that he saw. It was pale, then the grin was hiding in it.

Once after dinner, Gagin accompanied N. N. to the boat so that he went home. On the way, they made a hook to the house of the elderly lady, where Asya was located. The girl threw N. N. Hranium branch and offered him to imagine that she was the lady of his heart. Thoughts of the narrator began to be confused. It began to overcome melancholy in his homeland. He was thinking about Ace before bedtime, calling her in his head with a capricious girl. N. N. was sure that she was not a sister Gagina. Two weeks in a row, he visited them and watched the behavior of the heroine with interest. N. N. understood that the girl attracts him, even when she was angry. In one of the evenings, he heard the conversation of Asi and her brother. Sitting in a gazebo, the girl confessed in eternal love Gagina. With bitterness on the heart of N. N. went home. He found that he was brazenly deceived, and they are not relatives at all, and lovers.

A few days N. N. spent alone with nature. He did not want to see Gagina and Ase. Walking in the mountains, considered the clouds and talked to the locals who met him along the way.

At the end of the third day, returning home, N. N. discovered a note. In her, Gagin asked him to come. What was the surprise of N. N., when he learned the whole truth. Gagin told that she met Asia when she was about nine years old. She was his father's daughter and maid. Later, the girl became a orphan, and he took her to him. After N. N. learned the whole truth, it became easy to face. To some extent, he understood asya, her anxiety and children's naivety. His soul attracted him. After a conversation with Gagina, N. N. went from Asei to walk. The first time she was not afraid to tell something and asking. N. N. Begins to notice with him that he is not up to her stories. He admires Asya, and she dreams of having wings grown. After they went home and danced Waltz until the evening. When N. N. was driving home, there were tears from happiness in his eyes. He did not want to think, he loved or not. He was just good.

The next day, after another conversation with Asei, N. N. realized that his girl loves him. She looked excited. He spoke about death and asked strange questions. One day, walking around the city, he met the boy who handed him a note from Asi. The girl wanted to see him immediately, at four o'clock at the chapel. Time was only twelve, and he went to his room. Suddenly, an agitated Gagin came to him. He said that at night, Asi had a heat and fever. She admitted to his brother about her in love with N. N. and wishes to leave the city. The narrator was puzzled and told the Gagina about the note that received from Asi. He realized that he would not marry a seventeen-year-old girl, and you need to immediately end. Having left for the appointed place, N. N. again met the boy who had previously transferred a note from Asi. He said that the girl changed the meeting place and waited for him in the house of Frau Luisi, after a half hour. It was no need to return home, and N. N. went to wait to the small garden, where the glass of beer drank. When it was time, he headed to the house of the old woman and slightly knocked on the door. Frau Louise spent it on the third floor, where Asya was already sitting. Turning to her named after the patronymic, N. N. saw her tremble. He became sorry for him, and he was confused. Then he pulled Asya to himself, and her head fell on his chest. But suddenly N. N. remembered the gagina and their conversation. He began to blame Asya that she told about his feelings of his brother, and because of this, they need to immediately stop relations. The girl silently listened to him, but, without preparing, fell on his knees and cried bitterly. N. N. was frightened and understood what mistake he made. But she jumped up and ran away. He headed for the house of gagina, but ASI was not there. Stone through the streets, N. N. searched for her, but unsuccessfully. He felt repentance and regret because he did not say Asse, how much he loves her and does not want to lose. Returning again to their home, Gagin said that the heroine was found, but she already goes to sleep. N. N. decided that tomorrow would certainly admit to her. He was even ready to marry her. But his plans were not destined to come true. At six o'clock in the morning, Asya and Gagin left the city.

N. N. felt unbearable grief and anger on himself. He decided by anything to find Asya and never go to life anymore. When he went home to collect things and set off after the gagna, he was distracted by Frau Lisa, who gave him a note from Asi. It was written in it that he needed to say only one word, and then everything would be different. When N. N. got to the city of Cologne, he found out the further direction of the gagina and drove after them to London, but further searches were unsuccessful.

N. N. never seen Asya, not knowing if she was alive. Soon he was coming and exiled everything to the rock of fate. But only the heroine awakened in it strong and bright emotions.

Main characters and their characteristics

  • Anna Gagina (Asya) - the main heroine of the same story. Asi description is given by the author: it is a dark-colored girl with short hair black. She was seventeen years old and, because of the age, she was not fully developed, but had a special gracefulness in the movements. At the same time, Asya never sat down. She constantly moved, sfed something and laughed loudly. In ASI's behavior, it was difficult not to notice children's antics, sometimes they were even indecent. Throughout the work, Turgenev reveals its image gradually. First, Asya seems to us wonderful and alienated, but later we will know her fate. The young girl does not know how to be in society at all, after all, she grew surrounded by peasants. She shists her origin. There are no restrictions for it, she does not know what a lie is. Moral qualities of the heroine: honesty, openness, strength of the Spirit and the ability to love. It is due to the fact that Asya is endowed with these qualities, she rushes into the outer of love with his head. But because of the indecision N. N., the girl could not find true happiness. The attitude of Turgenev to Ace is trembling and gentle. Reading the work, notice, with what love he describes it. The writer endowed it extremely positive qualities.
  • Gagin - Brother Asi. Young man with a cap on her head and in a wide jacket. So when meeting, describes Turgenev his hero. Gagin possessed a happy face, big eyes and curly hair. During the work, we learn that Gagin is a sufficiently secured nobleman. He does not depend on anyone. During one of the conversations with N. N., Gagin says that he is engaged in painting and plans to devote his future to this. Turgenev endowed it a calm and balanced character. It can be said that Gagin is a mediocre Russian man, his image is a traditional type of amateur in all spheres of life.
  • N. N.- The one, thanks to whom readers get acquainted with Turgenev Acea. The narrator tells about his past days when he was twenty-five years old. Carefree and young, he traveled abroad. This is a person who loves to be in the crowd and watch people, persons, their laughter and conversations. It calmed it. N. N. was not for those who think about life, and indeed about tomorrow. At the time of the last date, it behaves alienated and vinit only asya in all problems, and it gives the finish with the image of N. N. Couffery and the indecision of the character of the hero lead to a tragic interchange.


  • The main topic of the story - love. However, as in many works of Turgenev. Love for Ivan Sergeyevich is not a simple feeling. In his opinion, it is an element that plays the fate of people. Asya could not find mutual and true all-consuming love. Her happiness with N. N. became doomed to the inability. It is worth noting that the worldview of Turgenev on the "dryness of feelings" in the story was formed under the influence of the German philosopher. Thus, a clean and beautiful feeling remains only with the memories for the heroes of the story. The topic of love performed by the writer is inextricably linked with the tragedy of attraction of two hearts.
  • Nature. I. S. Turgenev as a real artist describes nature in his works. Feeling admiration for the author before her powerful force. Also the landscape carries in itself and emotional load. In order to create a romantic and relaxed atmosphere, Turgenev specially placed her heroes in a quiet town of Germany. A detailed description of nature and experiences of heroes makes admire the skill of the writer.
  • Theme Roca. Rock in the story "Asya" is a fate that is mercilessly separated by N. N. with Asei. But still, there would be no predestination, if he were not afraid to show his feelings on time. The separation took place exclusively by his fault. But it seems that N. N. Not fully realized. In an epilogue, he says that, maybe it's all for the better, and fate rightly ordered their lives. According to N. N., most likely, their marriage would be unhappy. And besides, he was still young, and his future was not worried.


  1. Motive of Russia. At the beginning of the work, when N. N. did not think about anything and went home, he was amazed by the smell rare for Germany. Next to the road, he saw a trough bed. The smell was familiar with him and reminded his homeland. Suddenly, for him, he pierced the longing of native land. There was a desire to return back to go to Russian expanses again and enjoy these air. N. N. began to ask himself, why he was here and why. After that, even Asya began to remind him of a completely Russian girl, and this feeling strengthened the desire of the hero to her. In this passage, personal experiences of I. S. Turgenev are concluded. Though he lived abroad, the longing of his homeland still won the writer.
  2. Tragedy Asi. It is primarily in its origin. The girl does not know how to behave in society and shy in communicating with unfamiliar people. Although the main tragedy is still the fact that Asya allowed herself to love the one who could not give her to those feelings that she deserves. Young, sincere and proud girl could not suppress trepidate love and affection. The ASI tragedy is related to the theme of an extra person in the works of Turgenev. N. N. was carefree and not targeted young men. Because of the fear, to become happy, he made the unfortunate main heroine.

The problems of the work is quite multifaceted, therefore, in addition to the above problems, Turgenev asks the reader and other, equally important problematic issues.

  • For example, describing the fate of Asi, the writer raises the problem of extramarital connections. He draws the attention of readers to the fact that it is abnormally, and the child suffers most of all. Such unions are not ready to accept, so it is not necessary to condemn children for non-recognition and alienation.
  • With the same and connected the problem of transitional age. In essence, Asya is still a teenager, she is only seventeen years old, and her behavior for N. N. is not always clear. Turgenev shows that she is completely even a young man and is not formed as a person, so she accepted enough ordinary and stupid man for her ideal.
  • The problem of cowardice and moral choice Also brightly reflected in the story. The main character was mistaken because of fear of committing a decisive effect, he also was afraid of the reaction of society to his marriage with an illegitimate girl. It is too dependent on the view from the part of the generally accepted canons, and even love could not be released from social slavery.

Main idea

The story of the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is quite simple because he is more important to portray the inner world of his heroes than their actions. Psychologist of the book is much more important. Depicting the characters, the writer reflected above that thirst for what forms them. Therefore, the meaning of the work can be expressed by the phrase: "Happiness has no tomorrow." N. N. lived in anticipation of him, unconsciously looking for him on travels, but, facing him face to face, lost forever, having improperly that I would have time to return it tomorrow. But the essence of happiness in the flow and fragility - it is only worth missing it, it will disappear forever, and no "tomorrow" will not be.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bTurgenev is indisputable, but still in its rightness once again convinces the tragedy of the first love, which is often accompanied by unless illusions and dramatic turns. The writer clearly shows how the cowardice and fear of N. N. Before his own feelings, everything was destroyed, as a young girl was mistaken in him, but could not convince his heart in this.

What does it take?

Turgenev makes readers think about the fact that such love is still. He does not want to show this feeling only through the prism of something beautiful. It is more important for him to depict although harsh, but the reality of life. Love can cure a person and give him the most beautiful emotions, but sometimes he does not find his strength to fight for her. It is easy to lose, but it is impossible to return ... But not everything is so sad. It is important to understand that I thank the fact that Asya learned the feeling of sincere love, she became much stronger and wiser. After all, everything in our life is a lesson.

The story "Asya" teaches not to be afraid to be happy. No need to silent what is really important to say. N. N. N. narrator So I could not confess to Asse that he loves her. About this offense he sang all his life, keeping her beautiful image in his heart. Thanks to the young Ace, which does not know how to feel half, N. N. understands the main truth. There is only a moment, because "happiness has no tomorrow." This is the main conclusion from the read.

Moral tale is also very instructive. Each of us, at least once in his life, regretted the wrong act or about the Word, which was told from anger or fatigue. But the words said ago do not turn, so people must be responsible to approach what they say.

Artistic details

The role of landscape. To disclose the mental state, the heroes of Turgenev uses a landscape, which in the story becomes the "scenery of the soul". He always plays a certain role. That is romantic, then psychological. Also, the landscape performs different functions in the text. It can only be a background, or acquire a symbolic value, create the image of the hero. Each detail of the landscape in Turgenev even breathes in its own way. For example, in the first chapter, when N. N. recalls his love with a young widow, his feelings are not so sincere. While the city described by Turgenev is filled with liveliness. Thus, the reader notes how a thin writer compares him with the "love" N. N. A man enjoys a taller longing, although his soul was already comforted and bloomed, like the blooming scenery of the story. Or the seventh chapter, where the narrator is in an depressed state due to the heard conversation Acy and Gagin. N. N. finds calm in the beauty of nature.

Music. With the help of music, the writer reveals such parties to their heroes, which were still hidden before. Reading a story, a person may not immediately pay attention to its significance. For the first time we "hear" music when N. N. meets Asia and her brother. The next important point is the mention of the Lanner Waltz in the second chapter, which is an important detail of the story. His sounds N. N. heard when he returned home. Later under the same Waltz, he spinled with Asia in dance. In this episode, we see how again Turgenev reveals the girl in a new way. She walked perfectly. This moment is significant, since we notice that N. N. is not indifferent to the heroine. The author does not just use the sounds of the Waltz for the second time. It appears precisely in a significant, turning point for lovers. At the end of the story, music subsides and no longer appears.

Psychologist and peculiarity

The artistic peculiarity of the work is that Turgenev proceeds to the so-called new stage of its creativity. The study of personality with psychological techniques is achieved by realism. Also, Turgenev masterfully applies a literary reception, thanks to which he focuses on readers on the fact that N. N. memories are connected exclusively with the past, showing that he could not find anything more and more important in his life than love relationships with Asya.

In his story, the writer applies the principle of "secret psychologist". This is the actual invented method of Ivan Sergeyevich, since he believed that the writer should also be a psychologist. Turgenev portrayed completely different personalities on psychological type: Melancholic N. N. and Choleric Asya. If we learn the temperature of the heroine through the observations of N. N. for its behavior, the narrator himself reveals through monologues-reasoning. With their help, the writer reveals his personality and experience.


Simple, but at the same time, such a deep and heartfelt product received both positive and negative feedback.

It is worth paying attention to the article Chernyshevsky, who did not share the views of the writer, "Russian man on Rendez-Vous. Reflections on reading the story "Asya". In her, he immediately declares that it is not interested in the artistic advantages of the work. He criticized the hero N. N., considering him almost a villain. Chernyshevsky writes that the narrator is a portrait of the Russian intelligentsia, which is mutilated by deprivation of civil rights. But considering the image of the main character of the story, he notes that even criticism carries exclusively bright feelings. This is due to the poetic image of Asi, who impressed Chernyshevsky.

It is important to note that the Turgenev himself in a letter to L. N. Tolstoy recognized that I agree with all the reviews and would be surprised if I liked his creation:

I know you are unhappy with my last story; And you are not alone, many of my good buddies do not praise her; I am convinced that all of you are right;

The creation of the story "Asya" was an important stage in creativity. He wrote her in spiritual disorder. Nevertheless, the editorial office of the contemporary magazine, in which the story was printed, with delight appreciated the new product of the writer. But N. A. Nekrasova had a remark about the scene of the last date N. N. and Asi:

The hero unexpectedly showed unnecessary rudeness of nature, which is not waiting for him, breaking out overgrowns: they would need to soften and manage, I wanted, but did not dare.

Despite all the comments, Turgenev's friends did not remain aside and expressed their opinion. Although L. N. Tolstoy did not like "Asya", he celebrated the artistic advantages of the story and re-read it.

With delight, I appreciated the story even literary critic D. I. Pisarev - a nihilist and a very radical journalist, who burned with revolutionary fervor. He impressed him the character of the heroine, and he believed that she was "cute, fresh, free child of nature."

2 hours - Paired lessons

Purpose: Help students to open the originality, the musicality and emotionality of Turgenev prose, its deep psychologist and lyricity, show the author's skills in creating characters characteristics, the transfer of feelings, experiences, doubt of heroes.

  • Educational - Formation of an objective assessment of the work based on the analysis of artistic text, skills to compare and compare, draw conclusions.
  • Developing - Improving the skills of analyzing the artwork; Repetition of theoretical concepts: genre, artificial means, composition, plot, means of creating an image, psychologism, the lyricity of the work; Development of comparison and comparison skills, classification, the ability to allocate the main thing.
  • Educational - raising an attentive reader, love for the native language and literature, the formation of the reader taste, interest in reading the works of Turgenev.

Equipment: Text Tale I.S. Turgenev "Asya", musical accompaniment (P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. June", Beethoven "To Eliza", "Moonlight Sonata"), audio magnetophone, multimedia projector.

During the classes

I. Orgmant.

Registration of records in student notebooks and on the board:

I.S. Turgenev "Asya".

History of the Gagina family. Psychologist of the story.

N.N. - The main character of the story. Searches for the ASEE of your own way in life.

Teacher: Of course, these records cannot be called theme lesson. Why?

Students: these are the questions that we have to answer. This is a lesson plan. These are the main directions of work in the lesson.

Teacher: Offer your topic options.

Possible options proposed by students (written on the board):

The history of first love.

History Asi and N.N.

Beautiful moments.

Memories of first love.

Teacher: Let's leave the topic open and try to formulate it later.

II. Immersion in the atmosphere of the story.

Purpose: Create an emotional lyrical mood to perceive the lead of students. Analysis of lyric retreats (landscape sketches). GL I, II, IV, X.

1. Listen to musical fragments. What episodes are they associated with what episodes?

(Students listen to five fragments of musical works: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. June", Beethoven "To Elise", "Lunar Sonata", Chopin or other lyrical classic works (see music application). You can offer students themselves to call authors and works, as many of them learn in a music school and are familiar with the work of these authors.)

What fragments can be illustrated by these musical fragments? (Students will name landscape sketches. "To the Elise" is usually associated with the scene from the IX chapter, when Asya and Gagin are dancing Waltz. Tchaikovsky's music, according to students, well helps to understand the experiences of heroes in the scene of explanations in GL.XVI must be remembered that this is perception Subjectively, so the teacher does not have the right to impose the right to impose. The main thing is that the schoolchildren felt the musicality of the story, especially since the heroes constantly accompanies music.)

  • Read the city, Rhine, Ruins, Gagina Houses with musical accompaniment. Did the impressions changed from the read?
  • Why is the action of the story going on in Germany? What is the role of a landscape? (Romantic landscape corresponds to the mental state of the hero. The influence of German romantic poets.)
  • What landscape precedes the appearance of gagic? When was the first acquaintance with Asei? (Night, Moon, Waltz Melody) Why? (Something special should happen)
  • What is the role of landscape sketching in the IV chapter (smell of cannabis)? (Russia. Sadness in his homeland. Nostalgia.) Why did the thoughts about Ace? (Not like that. Special. And I don't understand Russia's mind, the Arshin does not measure ... "- there were such associations - asya, too," Arched Community does not measure. ")

III. "What a chameleon is this girl!"

Purpose: characteristic of the image of the main character; Answer questions: Why did this story remember the storytellor? What is connected with Ase?

  • Let us turn to Chapter V. again thoughts about Russia and about Ace. What associations cause these lines? (A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin": Tatiana, Russian soul …)
  • Do Turgenev chance compares Asya with Tatyana Larina? (Ch. IX - I liked her soul; - And I would like to be Tatiana.)
  • Name the traits of similarities. ("Like Lan Forest, Female" Tatiana, Asya dike; read French novels, "Russian soul", love for nature, the first confessed in love, "Your!", Demanding, naturalness of behavior, sincerity, dramatic dissection of the relationship of the main characters)
  • List "oddities" ASI. (using multimedia projector (presentation) reproduce 1 and 2 columns of the table)
  • Maybe, asya just flirting? After all, N.N. she likes? (No, it is not in her character. Him N.N. then says: "If she had flirtary, she would not have left.")
  • GL.VIII. Tell the story of the Gagina family. (Asya - daughter of the peasantry and barrina. Until 8 years, he was brought up by his mother in rigor. He was introduced by his father in society. No longer a peasant, but the lady will never become a duality of the situation.)
  • Why did the gagina go abroad?
  • What are the true causes of "oddities" asi? (Fill 3 columns of the table in the notebook and projection on the screen. See the application - presentation)

IV. Composition and plot story.

Purpose: help understand students, as the features of building a story help to reveal the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe author and reveal the characters of the characters and their relationship.

Let's follow how the events unfold in the story. Do the plot and composition match the work?

In the notebooks of students and the screen should appear such a table:

Ring composition

  • Why did the author chose an annular composition? (25-year-old N.N. could not fully realize what was happening. All estimates in the story gives 45-year-old N.N. Love for Ace - a great memory. There was no more such in his life.)
  • What is the element of the plot? (Junction) That is, the plot of the story ended with culmination. Why? (Ch. XX. "Happiness is not tomorrow; he does not have yesterday; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future; he has a present - and that's no day - and the moment.")

At this stage, some students can express assumption about the topic of the lesson.

V. Main Hero Tale - N.N.

Purpose: understand the reasons, prevented by N.N. Admit as ace in love.

  • If asya \u003d Tatyana (in many ways), then N.N. \u003d Evgeny Ogin? (No. The difference is obvious. Onegin is a mature person who has formed a person. N.N. Very young, he is still not tempted in love or in "secularity".)
  • Who is he - the main character of the story? (Table in notebooks and on the screen)

Answer the last question of the storyteller: (Ch. XXII) What remains from me, from those blissful and disturbing days, from those winged hopes and aspirations? (Light memories. "Happiness has no tomorrow ..." XX ch.)

Name the topic of the lesson.

Vi. Reflection.

Purpose: Save that special atmosphere that Turgenev is created in the story. The feeling of first love is beautiful. It is already familiar with some nine-graders. Love liked. They are sincerely upset by the fact that the happiness "was so possible", but ...

Task: Select Leitmotive Tale. (The guys stopped at the "Days of the Year" P.I. Tchaikovsky. Appendix 2)

VII. Bibliography:

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Chinkdilova O.V. The story of your literature (literary journey through the river of time). Tutorial for the 9th grade. In 2 books. KN.2. - M.: Balam, 2004.
  2. Eremin O.A. Purchasing planning for literature, 8 CL.: Methodical manual for textbook-hosteltatology "Literature. 8 CL: studies. - Readings for general education. in 2 hours / Avt.-Cost. V.Ya. Korovina et al. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. - M.: Publishing House "Exam", 2003.
  3. Kireev R.T. Great deaths: Turgenev, Dostoevsky, block, Bulgakov. - M.: Globus, Publishing House of NC ENAS, 2004.
  4. Lebedev Yu.V. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev: KN.DLL student Art. media classes. shk. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
  5. Russian literature: 9 cl.: Workshop: studies. Value for general formation. Institutions / Avt.-Cost. T.F. Kurdyumova et al. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999.
  6. Slinko A.A. Russian literature of the XIX century (I.S. Turgenev, A.N. Ostrovsky, N.A. Nekrasov, N.G. Chernyshevsky): a book for a teacher. - Voronezh: "Native speech", 1995.
  7. Turgenev I.S. Favorites: in 2 tons 2: noble nest: novel; Fathers and children: novel; Tale / Sost., Comment. M. Soshev. - M.: Terra, 1997.

The story "Asya" was published in 1858 in the magazine "Contemporary". Turgenev wrote a story in the fall of 1857, while he was located in Germany and lived in Zinzig. This fact was reflected in the text: "... twenty years ago I lived in a German small town 3. On the left bank of the Rhine." Thus, the basis for the description of the thoughts and feelings of the hero, the creation of portraits, a landscape, household details lay down fresh impressions, modern characters and furnishings. And although the story is the memories of the character of the narrator, the events in it are shown and as distant in time, and as modern, occurring now. Such a literary acceptance allows, on the one hand, to directly convey the history of the hero and heroine meeting and on the other - to look at it from the standpoint of another time, to comprehend.

It is of particular importance that the basis of the plot "Asi" was the fact of the biography of the writer: Turgenev experienced because of the fate of his extramarital daughter Polina. She was largely a prototype of the main character of the story. However, the personal story received a generalization from the writer, that is, Asya, on the one hand, the image is individual, represents a specific personality, and on the other - the image is a typical, representing a girl of a certain fate and psychology.

Hero story is a young Russian nobleman, without a special purpose traveling in Europe. He is clever, educated, beautiful, rich and disappointed. His meeting with his brother and sister gagina takes place at the time of the Hero's life when he only chooses the case to be engaged. However, the hero does not know himself: he must make an act, make an important choice to show his will, character. Therefore, the meeting with Asei was the test of the vitality of the hero, his mental maturity. This reflected public problems of the story, since the hero of the story is a hero of time, and its ability to declare act is especially important in the era of change in Russia.

The story was delighted with readers, critics and writers. So, N.A. Nekrasov wrote that "Asya" - "pure gold of poetry", critics responded about her as the most perfect work of Turgenev. Writer and critic N.G. Chernyshevsky dedicated to the news of the article "Russian man onrendez - Vous. ", In which, noting the artistic advantages of the work, focused on the social characteristics of the identity of the hero. But, despite various interpretations, the story "Asya" is a wonderful story about an amazing girl and love.

Plot, love conflict, author's idea

The story "Asya" can be called the story of love, because it consistently reflects all the stages of the emergence of this feeling. This story tells himself a hero who was twenty years old, but still deeply worried his meeting with the most romantic and unusual girl. For a complete and fine description of love, Turgenev resorts to the artist of Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin. For example, at the beginning of the story to a meeting with the Acea, the hero in love with the young woman and sad because of her impermanence. Recall that in the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" Romeo to a meeting with Juliet was also loved, but seeing her, instantly forgets about the previous feeling. So the character of the narrator in Ace ceases to think about his lady of the heart, as soon as Asya meets: "... suddenly it came to me that during the evening I never remembered my cruel beauty ..." Turgenev, following Shakespeare shows how real feeling displaces a shallow in love.

The development of relations between heroes can be traced on phrases noting the stages of these relations. So, at the end of the first day of dating from Asay, the hero notes: "I felt happy ... But why was I happy? I did not want anything, I didn't think about anything ... I was happy. " Already on the second day, thoughts about the girl did not give him to fall asleep: "... I thought about this capricious girl with a stretched laugh ..." On the third evening, he is angry with Asya and begins to jealously, suspecting that she is not a sister Gagina: "What a chameleon is this girl! "And, thinking a little, I added:" But still she is not his sister. " Next, there is a resentment for the brother and sister of gagina, and the care of them for three days, and the return, after which everything explained and the hero experienced a tide of feelings and hopes: "... I had a thirst for happiness." It was the culmination of the relationship of Asi and Mr. N., there was a doubt about her, the hero's indecision, a mistake, and, finally, a sad interchange is parting.

The story has a ring composition: the story of failed love is framed by aimless, the sluggish life of the character of the narrator. He says that he says about himself to a meeting with Ase: "... I lived without regard, I did what I wanted, flourished in one word. I did not come to mind that a person is not a plant ... "After the loss of Asi, the hero, it would seem, at first it would not be sad, but then confessed:" ... feeling excited in me assey, then burning, gentle, deep feeling , no longer happened.<...> Condemned on the loneliness of a mustache Bobylem, I live boring years. " The main content of the story is a brief moment of the Hero's life, a bright feeling that promises full, saturated life, flashed and limited to the hero of the opportunity.

Thus, the author wants to convey to the reader the thought that the most important thing for a person is to be sincere and bold. A man draws vitality in love for nature, to another person. The hero understood too late that love is life and it exists now and always: "Tomorrow I will be happy! Happiness has no tomorrow; He has no yesterday; It does not remember the past, does not think about the future; He has a real - and that is not a day, but a moment. "

Images of major heroes

The main character of the story, whose name she is named, is the extramarital daughter of the post nobleman-landowner and the maid-peasant. The origin of Asi is the main social characteristics of her image - influenced the character of the girl, her behavior, the inner world, dreams, thoughts, fears, that is, for everything that is personality. However, it cannot be said that the origin was determined by the character of ASI. Quality underlying this character is honesty, credulity, the ability to love, impurity - only brighter appear on this background. That is why Asya is depicted first a mysterious girl, and then from the story of the gagina we learn its story.

In the first chapters, the lead Hero, having acquainted with his brother and sister Gagina, wonders, seeing like a change in Asya: That she marches with a long branch on the shoulder on the road, then chinno sews, then playful and cheerful, then thoughtfully and sad. The girl seems to not know who she is, as if he wants to understand himself. She needs his place in the world, and she seeks to love and trust a person who chose. The unusualness of nature and the fate of Asi is underlined by comparison with the heroines Goethe - Gretchen and Dorothea, with Tatiana from Roman Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", with the legendary Loreley.

Portrait of Asi is expressive: light, slender, but flexible and clever, with mysterious light black eyes, with black curls, married, like a boy, - it fully corresponds to the image of a movable and restless girl created by the author. The words of Asi, expressing the essence of her character, are also remarkable: "Founding and cowardice are the fierce vices." These words reflect the personal conflict of ASI, which is based on the feeling of the inferiority of their personality in the surrounding her noble world. This situation acquires special sharpness in the changing Russian society of the 1850s.

Senior Brother Asi is kind, smart, noble man. This is the type of idle Russian Barina, who lives without a special purpose, without passion. Gagin - an amateur artist, he is good and delicately feels nature, beauty, but he lacks patience, he cannot work, completely surrender to painting, and therefore, as the narrator noted, none of his paintings was finished, but "the drawing seemed Careless and incorrect. " This item characterizes the gagina and as a person who is all starting to do the passionately, but then quickly getting tired, and his will weaken. It is possible, so he cannot help the passionate, doubt ACE.

Mr. N., Hero-narrator Tale, - a person who has many positive qualities: he is delicate, benevolent, a bit. He has a poetic nature, he is very observable, a lot argues and gives a lot of assessments around. Asya loved him in no coincidence, adopting a person who could understand and protect her in life. But the hero has some uncertainty, uncertainty, timidity. Here's how Turgenev describes the incomprehensible fright, who mastered the hero at the time of the highest lift of the feelings - the beginning of love: "... I suddenly felt a secret concern about the heart ... Raised my eyes to the sky - but there was no peace in the sky ... and anxiety Grew in me the most. " And of course, inappropriate and inexplicable His reproaches of Ace at the time of their first and last love dates. The author in this scene shows how weakness and indecision destroy confidence and love, condemning a person to a dreary existence.

Almost each of the famous Russian classics in their work turned to such a literary genre as a story, its main characteristics are the average volume between the novel and the story, one unfolded phaance line, a small number of characters. The famous writer-prosair of the XIX century Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev more than once throughout his literary activity addressed this genre.

One of his most well-known works written in the genre of love lyrics is the story "Asya", which is also often referred to as an Elegy genre of literature. Here readers find not only beautiful scenery sketches and a subtle, poetic description of feelings, and some of the lyrical motives are smoothly moving into scenery. Later in the life of the writer, the story was translated and published in many European countries and enjoyed the large polarity of readers both in Russia and abroad.

History of writing

The story "Asya" Turgenev began writing in July 1857 in Germany, in the city of Zinzheg-on-Rain, and the events described in the books occur. Having finished the book in November of the same year (writing the story was slightly delayed due to the author's disease and his overwork), Turgenev refers to the editorial board of the Russian magazine "Contemporary", in which it has long been waiting and published in early 1858.

According to the very recognition of the Turgenev itself, a fleet picture that seen in Germany was inspired: an elderly woman looks out of the window on the first floor, and a silhouette of a young girl is seen in the window of the second floor. The writer, thinking over what he saw, comes up with a possible fate for these people and so creates the story "Asya".

According to many literary critics, this story wore a personal character for the author, since it was based on some events that took place in the real life of Turgenev, and the images of the main characters have an explicit connection, both with the author himself and with its closest environment (prototype For Assi, the fate of his illegitimate daughter Polina Bruer or his pivot sister V. N. N.N., also born out of marriage, Mr. N.N., from whose person is conducted by the story in Ace has character traits and similar fate with the author himself) .

Analysis of the work

Development of plot

A description of the events that occurred in the story is conducted on behalf of N.N., whose name the author leaves the unknown. The narrator recalls his youth and his stay in Germany, where on the banks of the Rhine, he meets his compatriot from Russia Gagina and his sister Anna, which he takes towards and calls Asha. A young girl with its eccentricity of actions that constantly changing the temper and an amazing attractive appearance produces on N.N. A great impression, and he wants to know about it as much as possible.

Gagin tells him the difficult fate of Asi: She is his illegitimate sophisticated sister, born from the connection of his father with the maid. After the death of her mother, his father took the thirteen-year-old asya to himself and raised, as he likes the ladies from a good society. Gagin after the death of his father, becomes her guardian, first gives it to the boarding house, then they leave to live abroad. Now N. N., knowing the obscure social status of the girl who was born from the mother-serf and the father-landowner, understands what caused the nervous voltage of Asi and her a little eccentric behavior. He becomes deeply sorry for the unfortunate asya, and he begins to experience gentle feelings for the girl.

Asya, like Pushkinskaya Tatiana, writes a letter to Mr. N. N. with a request for a date, he, insecure in his feelings, hesitates and gives a promise to the gagina, not to accept the love of his sister, because he is afraid of marrying her. The date of Asi and the narrator passes Svabno, Mr. N.N. It reproaches her that she admitted his feelings to his brother and now they can not be together. Asya in confusion runs away, N.N. Realizes what really loves the girl and wants to return it, but does not find it. The next day, having come to the Gagina's house with a solid intention to ask the hands of the girl, he learns that Gagin and Asya left the city, he tries to find them, but all his efforts are vain. N.N. N.N. never in his life I do not meet the asya and her brother, and at the end of my life path, he realizes that although he had other hobbies, he really loved the Asya and he still keeps the dried flower, which she once gave him.

main characters

The main heroine of the story of Anna, which brother calls Ashei, a young girl with an unusual attractive appearance (a subtle boyfig figure, short curly hair, wide-open eyes in the crossing of long and fluffy eyelashes), direct and noble character, distinguished by a fermented temperament and difficult, tragic fate. Born from the extramarital communication of the maid and landlord, and a brought up by his mother in rigor and obedience, after her death, she could not get used to his new role of Baryn for a long time. She perfectly understands his false position, so it does not know how to behave in society, everyone is sighing and shy, and at the same time, proudly wants no one to pay attention to its origin. Early remaining alone without parental attention and granted to himself, Asya, not over the years, it is early to think about the vital contradictions, its surrounding.

The main character of the story, like other women's images in the works of Turgenev, distinguishes the amazing purity of the soul, morality, sincerity and openness of feelings, thrust for strong feelings and experiences, the desire to perform feats and great acts for the benefit of people. It is on the pages of this story and there is such a common character for all the character of the Turgenev Baryshnya and the Turgenev sense of Love, which for the author is akin to the revolution, invading heroes, checking their feelings for persistence and ability to survive in difficult life conditions.

Mr. N.N.

The main male character and narrator storytellor, Mr. N.N., has features of a new literary type, which Turgenev came to the change of "extra people". This hero completely absent is typical for the "extra person" conflict with the outside world. He is an absolutely calm and prosperous man with balanced and harmonious self-organization, it is easy to give in vivid impressions and feelings, all his experiences are simple and natural, without falsehood and pretend. In love experiences, this hero is committed to mental equilibrium, which would be intertwined with their aesthetic completeness.

After meeting, his love becomes more intense and controversial, at the last moment the hero cannot completely surrender to feelings, because they are overshadowed by the disclosure of the mystery of feelings. Later, he cannot immediately tell the brother Asi, which is ready to marry her, because it does not want to break his feeling overwhelming his feeling of happiness, as well as afraid of future change and responsibility, which he will have to take someone else's life. All this leads to a tragic junction, after his betrayal, he loses asya forever and it's too late to correct the mistakes made by him. He lost his love, rejected the future and the very life that could be, and pays for it throughout its deprived joy and love of existence.

Features of composite construction

The genre of this work refers to an elegic story, the basis of which is a description of love experiences and melancholic reasoning about the meaning of life, regretful of unfulfilled dreams and sadness about the future. The work is based on a beautiful love story that ended the tragic separation. The composition of the story is built by classical sample: the plot of the plot is a meeting with the family of gagina, the development of the plot - the rapprochement of the main characters, the emergence of love, culmination - the conversation of the gagina with N.N. On the feelings of Asi, the junction - a date from Asei, the explanation of the main characters, the Gagina family leaves Germany, Epilogue - Mr. N.N. Reflects on the past, regretting unfulfilled love. The highlight of this work is the use of Turgenene ancient literary reception of the plot framing, when a story is introduced into the story and the motivation of his actions is given. Thus, the reader receives a "story story" designed to strengthen the meaning of the story told.

In his critical article, "Russian man on Randevo" Chernyshevsky dramatically condemns the indecision and petty timid egoism of Mr. N.N., the image of which is slightly softened by the author in the epilogue of the work. Chernyshevsky, on the contrary, without choosing expressions, disrespects the act of Mr. N.N. and puts his sentence the same as he. The story "Asya", thanks to the depth of its content, became a real pearl in the literary heritage of the great Russian writer Ivan Turgenev. The great writer as no one has managed to transfer his philosophical reflections and meditation about the fate of people, about the moment in the life of every person, when his actions and words can forever change it for the better or worse.

In 1857, the light saw a touching, lyrical and wonderful work of Turgenev "Asya". Public reviews about this story surpassed all expectations. "Asya" conquered the hearts of millions of readers around the world and was transferred to many major European languages.

What is the secret of the attractiveness and popularity of this sad and uncomfortable love story? Let's find out.

In this article, we will have a concise analysis of the work, a compressed characteristic of its heroes and a short retelling. "Asya" Turgenev will necessarily hobble and with their delicate sentimental sensuality and infertility, simple chastity. She will encourage you to look at the world in a new way, will teach you to value sincerity and purity.

So, meet - conquered millions of Hearts "Asya" Turgenev! Quotes and excerpts from the negotiations mentioned in this article will provide you with the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful syllable and style of the writer, and beautiful illustrations filed below will help for a long time to capture the images of the main characters and their characteristic features.

History of creation

Once, during a trip to Germany, Ivan Sergeevich became a random observer of the fleeting painting: a genous elderly woman peered out of the window of the first floor of a small stone house. After some moment, a pretty young girl appeared in the window above the floor above. What was the fate of these women? And what could bring them in the same house? Fantasy writer about this and displays lyrical "Asya" Turgenev. An analysis of the story says that the author of penetratively, with a subtle psychologist was able to transfer the atmosphere of the German town and friendship of two different, but very cute women.


It is said that the prototype of a foul and sensual asi was his own illegitimate daughter of the writer - Polina Brewer. The prototype of the main character could be a single-bred sister of Turgenev - Varvara Zhitov. Both girls deeply experiencing their dubious position, and could not find themselves in an aristocratic society.

What did you want to convey to your reader Turgenev? "Asya" (the analysis of the work is presented in the article) definitely answers this question. But before proceeding with a detailed story, let's not remember the plot.

Start sad story

Brief retelling "Asi" Turgenev should be started with the description of the main character, on behalf of the story of events.

Anonymous Mr. N. N., anonymous Mr. N. N. He, recalling youth, restores the events of his tour of Europe and acquaintance with unusual compatriots in memory.

He meets the gagina - a young man and a young girl, brother and sister, who travel together. Men quickly come closer to each other, often spend time together for conversations and entertainment.

The main characters "Asi" Turgenev are experiencing a genuine feelings of friendship and sympathy. Over time, Mr. N. N. begins to pay attention to the sister of his comrade.

main character

Asya - the girl is special and unusual. She is very read and knows how to draw beautifully, it fits fine and has an exacerbid sense of justice.

ASI is a changeable character and crazy nature, sometimes it happens desperate and reckless. On the other hand, the girl of the race and impressionable, good and gentle, clean and natural.

Possessing such an amazing and unusual character, she attracts the attention of the main character and makes him look for the causes of her strange behavior. His feelings for her truly contradictory: he simultaneously condemns the girl and admires her.

Watching the brother and sister, the main character begins to suspect that in reality they are not so. What kind of relationships are connected? Are they lovers who are shamelessly playing the feelings of their familiar?

To answer these questions, you need to know the story of the life of the main character. This is the main topic of "Asi" Turgenev.

History Asi.

Asya is not a simple young lady. She is the daughter of a wealthy Barin, the father of the gagina, and the poor serf. The ambiguous position, lack of upbringing and personal sorrows impose a certain imprint on behavior and manners of the main heroine. She can not be deftly, to lead a conversation in a light, cannot confidently own its feelings and emotions.

What attractive asya Turgenev attracted? Reviews about her narrator testify that the main flaws of the girl are its main virtues. Asya is not similar to secular coquettes, hypocritical and mindless young lady. It is endowed with imagination, passionism, liveliness and immediacy, which makes it charming and desirable in the eyes of the main hero.

Brother and sister

There are difficult and peculiar relations between Asia and her brother. Gagin, aware of his duty regarding the younger sister, is experiencing love and pity for it at the same time. He draws her down and at the same time sincerely, arrogantly and at the same time predominantly. And she ... she is tied to him genuinely and passionately, afraid to upset or stain him.

"No, I don't want to love anyone except you, no, no, I am
I want to love - and forever, "she brother's brother opens emotionally.

Unhappy love

Communication with Mr. N. N. awakens in the heart of a young and inexperienced girl a storm of new and non-native feelings for her. She, misunderstanding himself and the suffering of their sensations, behaves strange and changeable, but these are not ordinary whims. The behavior of ASI reflects her inner struggle and confusion, her desire will like and charm.

Without knowing how to hide your feelings and not even realizing what it is necessary to do, the girl opens the soul to his brother and beloved. In this children's naive act, the whole - innocent and gusty asya Turgenev revealed. The main characters cannot appreciate its frankness and temperament.

Gagin calls sister crazy and crushes that "she destroyed himself, without fail." However, he still celebrates the sublime and noble feelings of Asi, as well as its purity and sincerity.

The main hero, on the contrary, cannot appreciate the rare and excellent qualities of a girl who loves him and who he loves himself. "Marry a seventeen-year-old girl, with her temper, as it is possible!" - Mr. N. N. D. yes, he cannot go in advance with secular rules, can not marry illegitimate, can not fight for his love. And even when Gagin straight and sadly asks a friend about whether he is going to marry his sister, he avoids a direct response and silent.

What finishes your story "Asya" Turgenev? The reviews and reviews of the work indicate that the elected epilogue is very realistic and successful.

the end

The main character, realizing that they do not like it and do not understand, it is decided to leave his first love forever. It is not imposed, does not suit scenes. She simply leaves, carrying a broken heart and disappointing pain.

This manifests itself the strong side of the character of the girl - it is determined and inexperienced in what he considers the right, its pride and wisdom are decent imitation.

What did Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev wanted to show by his work? "Asya" (the content and plot of the story are briefly described above) teaches readers to ensure that it is important to fight for their happiness, to appreciate sincerity and innocence and not to go on the majority opinion.

Modern Reviews

What makes the impression on modern readers pure and straightforward asya Turgenev? Reviews about this story continue to remain enthusiastic and positive.

Despite the fact that much of the work is not fully understood by the heart and the mind of the current readers, still the story of Asi prompts to think about true feelings and relationships.

Many people like the depth of feelings and fullness of emotions, transmitted by Turgenev in the book. The author wrote exactly and brightly, without unnecessary blurred phrases and reasoning. It affects the heart not by pathos or erotica, not sarcasm or cruelty (as it can be accepted in modern literature). No, Ivan Sergeevich describes on the pages of his story quiet and simple feelings, gentle and noble gusts, which are in the hidden corners of the human soul kindness, dignity and generosity.

We really hope that this article will encourage you in the library of Tomik "Asi" and plunge into the gentle and romantic world of Turgenev, the world, where mutual understanding and morality, compassion and prudence reigns. And, of course, love.